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Photoshoot Plan
Photoshoot Plan
Photos for TeensRule
With my first
magazine, I
decided to go
colours that
would enhance
the quality of
the magazine,
along with the
helpfulness of
props that
would identify
the public that
my first
magazine would
relate to the
Photos for RockStars
Before I edited my
images, my originals
had the school logo.
The nest slide
presents how I
altered the
I achieved this
through the use of the
‘Stamp Tool’ which
helped me blend the
logo with the rest of
the image.
Photos for RockStars: Edited
In Photoshop, I edited
the logo out of my
models hoodie, this
give the clothing more
of a simplistic
appearance. Which is
what I am aiming for
with my first
My interview has been inspired by the magazine Billboard. I would like to create an interview in the various different ways, such as different questions and answers. The use of including an interview in my magazine, will attract the
public readers to it because, of the revealing background information about the artist. As well as bring out the understanding of what an interview is like and what kind of replies I would get.
Q1. Hi Theodore, how is your day going?
Hello Patrice, oh and you can call me Theo and my day is going great, a little crazy and chaotic, but all is going great. How are you?
Q2. I’m doing great thanks for asking. So, in relation to our next months issue, I heard that you will be on tour for two weeks. Shall we talk about it?
Sure, I would love to talk about my upcoming tour. I cannot believe that I’m starting in two days, then it’s off travelling around the world to different countries and enjoying the concerts. Mostly the late night shows with all the bright
lights and loud music. I really enjoy going on tour, I mean besides the long plane and bus journeys, it’s really worth it cause I love making my fans happy. It’s always a fun time to travel.
Q3. Oh, well your really excited then. With this upcoming tour, what are you most excited for?
(Pauses and thinks) The one thing I’m really excited for is that I get to see all my fans on stage, and at the meet and greet after the show. I really love all the hugs and kisses. I receive even small gifts I get from all the cute little
ones. I absolutely adore meeting my fans, cause it feels like they are part of my family, as well as being just a face in the crowd. Whenever I go on tour, I am always excited to see all the new faces and sometimes recognise a few.
But yeah, I am always excited to see my ‘Theodore Squad’ (laughs). It just makes my day as well as everyone else's.
Q4. That’s so cute (Theo blushes). And when you go on tour. What are your most needed essentials?
Well, that’s a difficult one but, my most likely needed essentials are, to always have a small pillow, cause, you know, ya boy Theo always has to be comfy (laughs). But really, I do need a pillow, some snacks and water of course
because I gotta keep yourself hydrated. And whenever I go on tour it is just like non-stop rehearsals and interviews; but to be honest I love interviews more than rehearsals and that’s why I need my energy and nutrients… Also,
my phone is my most needed essential. I always have a few minutes before I go onstage and after the show, before I go on the bus or head off to an interview; I manage to send a text my close friends, my girlfriend or a family
member, and see how they are doing. For me it’s also a must to listen to some jammin’ tunes… Oh and I almost forgot, if I don’t have a blanket with me, I must have a jacket to keep myself warm and comfy throughout my tour.
Q5. Wow, that’s a lot of items (Theo smiles in embarrassment). Ok, well then, since you sometimes travel by bus or plane, what is the most needed item?
Oh that one is easy, as addictive as this may sound and many may agree with me, I must have my phone on me, because, no matter how my day is going, I will always have enough time to text or call my family and friends; chat
on the updates on the latest family news along with my own updates on where I am on tour, where I will be going, and if I got them a few gifts. My phone is my most needed essential, besides listening to tunes and scrolling
through Facebook and twitter, I do have a little spare time to listen to an audiobook while planning my next music piece.
Q6. That’s really sweet Theo. (Theo smiles) So when you travel, what do you really miss when you go on tour?
Every time I go on tour to a new country and onstage to see all my fans; after the concert I really miss their smiling faces and sometimes hear the out of tune singing voices (chuckles)..… but, the saddest thing about going on tour
is that it feels like I only have a limited amount of time with them, then leave the next day or the day after; it can vary sometimes depending on how busy my schedule is, but (sighs) it’s a shame that I probably might not see many
of them for a very long time. (pauses)
Q7. I see, but to lighten the mood a little. (Theo smiles) I have heard that many other celebrities bring a surprise guest to appear on stage at a few of their concerts. Will you be bringing any surprise celebrities?
I am really tempted to tell you guys who I’m bringing to appear on stage at my concert in California, but I’m trying not to give any spoilers but, I might be bringing a few people to appear on stage, maybe on this upcoming tour I
might have someone appear.
Q8. Ooo I can’t wait. And you’ve been to many countries over the past few years correct? (Theo nods in agreement). So, what is your favourite country you have visited?
Oh.... that’s a tough one but, my absolute favourite country would have to be Paris, cause of course the city of love (blushes). It is always an amazing tour of exploring the most popular landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower. But I also
like to get myself a little croissant here and there (laughs). But when it comes to the late night shows, the crowd goes wild and I do remember on one of my tours two years ago, I could hear most of my lyrics being sung in French.
Q9. (Laughs) Well that is actually kind of adorable. (Theo smiles) And every time you go on a new tour, what is it that you would likely change about it if you could?
I would really like to change how long I get to stay in that country for. Cause I only get a limited amount of time, a maximum of one and a half days. But mainly, I would like to extend the time by a few days, cause it would be nice
to explore and meet new people, or run into familiar faces.
Q10. Do you ever get any worries when you go on tour?
In my opinion, I worried fifty percent of the time. And to be honest, on stage I’m afraid that I would fall, and probably rip my pants or break my mic. (Gives an embarrassed expression) But when traveling or before I set of, I check
the news and I sometimes see car accidents or an update on bad weather, and I’m afraid that I may encounter an accident and start to panic a little.
Q11. I understand. But do you have any plans for when you finish your tours?
(Smiles) My main plan is, to get as much sleep as possible (laughs) but also try and spend as much time with my friends and family after being away with them for quite some time.
Okay, thank you for your time and I hope that we see each other again in the future.
Alright, and thank you Patrice for your questions. I absolutely loved answering them and I hope to you see you in the future as well.
To see the full video interview, go to our website or download the app at:
Interview - Draft for DPS
Magazine Flat Plan - TeensRule
1 2 3 4 5
Contents List
Text -
New Next
Month Issue
Text Text
6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
20 21
22 23
23 24
25 26
27 28 29
Artist Q&A
Artist Q&A
Artist Q&A Album
Magazine Flat Plan - RockStars
1 2 3 4 5
Contents List
New Issue
Next Month
Text Text
Best selling
Text -
6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
Tour Info
20 21
22 23
23 24
25 26
27 28 29
Artist Q&A
Artist Q&A
Production Process of ‘RockStars’
1. Open up Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 and go to; ‘File, New, International Paper, A4, RGB Colour and OK
2. Before I began editing and creating my magazine front cover, I needed to create a border in which I will be able to position my Main
Image, Masthead, Cover Lines etc. I achieved this by pressing ‘Cmd R’, which then presented the ruler border, by clicking and dragging on
the ruler I was able to align my border for my magazine front cover. After template and borders have been created, I wanted my background
to have a gradient effect. Therefore, with the use of the ‘Gradient Tool’, by pressing ‘G’ and holding shift, I dragged my mouse from the top of
my template to the base while holding down shift. This helped me create a straight line, which resulted in the gradient effect of black and
In the next stage of this LO. I must represent my step by step guide as to how I created my magazine front cover.
Each step will be accompanied with a screenshot as to reveal the appearance of the stages of my production.
Production Process of ‘RockStars’
1. After taking multiple images of my model, I chose my final image and opened it on a separate template. Selecting the quick selection
tool, I selected the main image leaving a small gap around the candle flame (which is what I wanted to keep in colour) and went to;
‘Image, Adjustments, Black and White.
2. I deselected my image and again with the ‘Quick Selection tool’ I selection the entire image of my model and copied (Cmd C) and
pasted it onto my background (Cmd V) onto a new layer name ‘MAIN IMAGE’. Along the ‘Move tool’ (M), I moved my image and placed it
in the centre of my magazine template.
Image - Adjustment - Black
and White
Quick Selection
Main Image Layer
Move Tool
Production Process of ‘RockStars’
1. The next stage in creating my magazine front cover was inserting my magazine masthead/ brand name: ‘RockStars’. However, I
wanted my masthead to present my chosen music genre of ‘Rock’. Therefore, with the helpful website ‘’ I was able to search
and experiment with different font styles that would relate very well to my magazine front cover. After experimenting with a variety of
different font styles, I finally chose the font style ‘The Blacklist’ which in my opinion presented the rock vibe.
2. When I inserted my masthead, I wanted to present the inspiration that I gained from my two inspiration magazines: ‘KERRANG’ and
‘RESPECT’, therefore, I decided to place my main image in front of the masthead, by: Going into layer and dragging the ‘Main Image’
layer and placed it below my ‘Masthead’ layer. The final results depict the inspiration that I gained to the magazine ‘RESPECT’
3. With my ‘Masthead’ layer, I double clicked on the layer and edited the; ‘Texture, Inner/ Outer Glow, Inner and Outer Shadow’ etc. Until
I came with the outcome that I wanted on my front cover.
Text Tool
Move Tool
Masthead Layer
Layer Effects
Production Process of ‘RockStars’
1. Next, with a simpler font style, I created a new layer; which I labelled ‘STRAPLINE’ and after getting inspired from other magazine
straplines, I decided to create my known strapline that would be simplistic but out there.
2. I decided that with my ‘ANCHORAGE TEXT’ layer, I wanted to include an eye- catching title that would draw the public to the front cover.
3. However, with my ‘COVERLINE’ layers I experimented with the different coloured text, by staying within my colour scheme of; Black, White,
Grey and Red. Therefore I created five different cover lines, each containing a maximum of two font colours and having the same font style.
Text Tool
Text Layers
Production Process of ‘RockStars’
1. I also decided to include a ‘PUFF PROMOTION’ in which I got inspired from the magazine ‘KERRANG’, with the indication of “WIN” and this
would therefore attract the public eye, as I tried to follow the layout of my magazine.
2. Finally, I added a barcode accompanied with; social media icons, web address, issue date and price. I also added an additional white box,
which enhanced the visibility and quality of the magazine front cover further.
3. After following my hand drawn draft and graphic layout, I managed to achieve the final result of my magazine front cover. As the borders
were a very useful way of helping me. I presse Cmd. H to hide the borders. This then presented me with a clear and clean end result, and
because of this, the alignment of my content was straight and organised.
Puff Promotion
Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP ONE
1. By starting with the same ‘International Paper’ layout, I was able to create the dps canvas by doubling the canvas size.
2. After creating the canvas size, I then create a rough border of the magazine dps, by pressing ‘Ctrl R’ - the ruler tool, in which I was
able to create a successful border around my magazine and then with the ‘Rectangular Marquee tool’ and with the ‘Subtract from
selection’ I drew the outline and with the ‘Paintbrush tool’ I then paint the selected area.
3. Once I completed that I pressed ‘Ctrl H’ which hides the blue ruler outline, which I was therefore able to see the neat border.
Paint Brush
Move Tool
Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP TWO
1. With my chosen font and font size of roughly 100 I created my ‘Headline’ for my magazine dps, in which I wanted to relate to
my interview draft
2. After creating my headline, I pressed ‘Ctrl A’ to select the entire sentence and adjust the font size and the change the font
colour to make it stand out.
Text Tool
Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP THREE
1. The main key for me was that I wanted to indicate the magazine brand of my dps, therefore in the empty space of my dps, I
decided to include the masthead for (which I copied the layer from my magazine front cover)
Text Tool
Production Process of ‘RockStars’
1. As I wanted and planned to make the ‘Pull Quote’ stand out/ enhance the other features, I created a backsplash for my
quote/ anchorage text.
2. I selected the rectangular shape tool and drews a box, which I then created a gradient with the ‘Gradient tool’, I wanted the
gradient to resemble the colour scheme, therefore I went for the colours of red and black.
3. After creating my backsplash box, I then inserted my text, as shown in the top right screenshot, I chose the colour yellow as
this will be enhanced by the gradient backsplash.
Text Tool
Rectangular Marquee Tool
Rectangle Tool
Paint Bucket Tool/
Gradient Tool
Anchorage Text
Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP FIVE
1. With my two chosen main images, I opened them both and with the quick selection tool, I selecting the main image of my
model and pressed ‘Ctrl C’ to copy my selection them ‘Ctrl V’ to paste my selection onto my dps.
2. To adjust the size of my main image, I selected the layer then; ‘Edit, Free Transform, Scale, and by holding down Shift, I
was able to adjust my main image to fit the perimeters of the dps.
3. I also did the same to my second main image, as shown in the top right screenshot.
Main Image 1
Main Image 2Move Tool
Text Tool
Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP SIX
1. As shown in the following screenshots, I align each form of text to have the same
width from each other, as each paragraph resembled a new layer.
2. However with the text on the right, I had to change the format and also align each
paragraph to be equal from the text on the left.
3. Each layer of text contained the same font style of ‘Arial’ and the same text size of
roughly between ‘9 and 12’
4. As presented in the last screenshot on the left, I decided to add a quote from the artist,
which is indicated in bright blue, I also did this with the same font size and font style.
5. After I completed my dps, I pressed ‘Ctrl H’ to hide to blue ruler outline, which then
helped me see the final resulted
6. I finally saved the finished product as a ‘PSD’ (Photoshop Format) and as a JPEG
format (flatten image of all the layer)
7. As shown on the left, this is the final product of my DPS for my second chosen
magazine ‘RockStars’
Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step One
1. With the use of Adobe Photoshop 2015.5 I created a new format with the selection of ‘International Paper’
2. Before I began creating my advertisement, I had to create limited boundary/ border round my magazine. By pressing ‘Ctrl/ Cmd R’ this
then created a ruler scale, and with my mouse I then placed the light blue lines around my magazine to create the border.
3. By selecting the ‘Gradient Tool’ on the left-hand side toolbar, I selected the black to white gradient effect.
4. To create the effect (as shown above) I started off the template and dragged down by holding ‘Shift’ (which keeps the line straight) until
I reached about half a centimeter from the bottom and this then created the final result as shown above.
Ruler Scale
Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Two
1. With the form of including a headline, as this magazine advertisement advertises men’s fashion. I went to the site; and
downloaded a font style that would suit this advertisement really well; in which in this case I chose the font;
2. On the left-hand side toolbar, I selected the ‘Text Tool’ and typed the heading; ‘The Latest Fashion Trend in Europe’ in the form of a
bold white text.
3. By selecting the ‘Move Tool’ on the toolbar, and usefulness of the arrow keys on my keyboard, I was able to accurate position my
headline to be placed in the center.
Text tool
Move tool
Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Three
1. I then used to ‘Text Tool’ again to create my magazine website address.
2. I selected my sentence by pressing ‘Ctrl/ Cmd A’ (which selected the entire sentence) and changed the font style and font size; which
would presented and indicated by the green arrow.
Text tool
Changing font
style and size
Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Four
1. I opened my image on a seperate file and use the ‘Quick Selection Tool’ to select my image and copied it over (‘Ctrl/Cmd C, Ctrl/Cmd
V) and using the ‘Move Tool’ and my keyboard arrow keys positioned my image slightly off center.
2. Then I copied the ‘YSL’ Logo off the internet and altered it in Photoshop, by double clicking the layer and adding enhance effect to the
logo; In which I used a Drop Shadow effect.
3. I then positioned the logo just behind my main image to create a more 3D impact on the magazine; similar to my magazine front cover.
Move Tool
Quick Selection
Tool/ Magic Wand
Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Five
1. Finally, the inspiration gained from a magazine of inspiration that I found, I
decided to include a piece of additional information, with the usefulness of the
‘Text Tool’ and the ‘Move Tool’ type up the “Company Address” with the same
font style and size.
2. The final product shown above is what I ended up with fro my magazine back
page advertisement.
Production Process
Date of
Managing the
Editorial and Budgetary
Content Acquisition
The first thing to do
is to set up the date
of publication; the
issue date of the
magazine when it is
released to the
public. Once the
date is established,
you are now
operating with a
schedule. A
schedule that is the
plan as to how you
are going to go
about the production
process and when
of the process will
An extremely important step
that should not be taken for
granted, especially when it
comes to the production of
the magazine. If the
magazine wants to be
produced successfully, then
the schedule must properly
be managed. The schedule
must be made in such as
way that there are
provisions for the certain
mishaps that may occur.
When these mishaps occur,
you can always meet the
deadline. This is the reason
as to why a proper
management of the
schedule is very vital.
The next step in the production
of a magazine is the editorial
decision. These involve the the
magazine’s editorial team
assembling and deciding on
the topics that will be covered in
the next issue. The editorial
team is about talks about the
various contents that make up
the magazine. After deciding
which article ideas/topics, new
stories, illustrations and
photographs, the team then
make the budgetary decisions,
but looking at how much
money is available and how
much money will be spent
towards the production of the
The content acquisition process is
arguably the most important step, this is
because without content, there would
simply be no magazine in the first place.
There are two major ways that content
can be gathered. The first is through in-
house staff writers (work inside the
industry, eg. research) and the second is
through external writer (news reporters)
that are commissioned to write on the
topics that are specialist in nature. At this
stage, it is the artwork graphics which
are also worked on. The artwork is also
defined as illustrations and pictures that
undergo this process and then placed in
the magazine. In simpler ways,
Graphics are the images/pictures that
are designed with a computer program.
Production Process (continued)
Sub-editing Page Layout Proofreading Distribution
Sub-editing focuses on one
major priority, Quality Control.
If the media organisation is
large enough, to contain a sub-
editor, then this person is going
to be responsible for this job; if
there is no sub-editor, then the
editor does this job. This step
involves the following;
● Checking the accuracy of
all the facts in the article
● Making sure that words are
properly spelled
● Grammar and
Punctuation is used
● All articles follow the
● Working on the page
In big publications, there is a
special team that is
responsible for the page
layout; this team is known as
the Layout staff. Their job is
to typeset and layout the
various pages that come
together to make a
In the performing of this task,
the team uses a powerful
Desktop Publishing
Program (DPP/DTP) such as
InDesign or Pagemaker. It is
at this stage that Adverts
from advertisers are placed
into the content.
After the page layout is
complete, the next stage is to
The editorial department will
print out a hardcopy of the
magazine for the sole purpose
of reading through the
magazine to find and correct
any mistakes.
It is easier to proofread a
hardcopy than to proofread a
soft copy
Any mistakes that are spotted
is quickly corrected on the
DTP file. The editorial team
keeps proofreading, until a
member of the team is
satisfied that all the mistakes
have been corrected.
The final stage of the entire
process. With the printing
company having finished with
the continuous printing of the
magazines, they are then
packaged neatly and sent to a
warehouse, for international
transport and storage. After
the magazines have been
stored in the warehouse for a
short amount of time, the
copies are then taken out of
the warehouse and distributed
to the public, via the post or in
a shop.
Production Plan
Week 1: 05/02/2018 - 11/02/2018
Day of
What must
me done:
With the starting
date of production,
before work,
printing and selling
has begun;
Planning as four
week production
process of the
magazine as well
as planning on
daily/weekly budget
on the production.
With the usefulness
of planning
organising teams
on the different
stages of producing
the magazine, may
make things easier
and meet the
Planning, on
managing the a
weekly budget as
how much to
spend during the
production and
also informing the
teams what what
to complete by
following a daily
schedule, this
would therefore
result in a
organised plan
without the means
to rush the
Management of
sticking to the
schedule as this
would help the
production of the
magazine as well
as the different
what to do and
what to complete
within a certain
timeline. And
occasional check
of the schedule on
what to fix if a
problem may
After the meeting
on the
specification on
the workspace,
the production of
the magazine
Journalists and
photographers will
be interviewed
and hired to
research and to
stories on popular
artists and bands
manufacturing of
the front and back
cover begins.
Readers team
discuss interviews
with the
journalists; the
department check
the photos: This
may only continue
if any research for
information has
been found and is
useful the printing
Journalist may
need the weekend
and gather info.
End of the day Wednesday
End of the day Friday Afternoon Monday Morning N/A N/A
Production Plan
Week 2: 12/02/2018 - 18/02/2018
Day of
What must
me done:
After research has
been gained from
the photographers
and the journalists;
In-house staff
writers will begin
typing up the
information of the
interviews, updates,
Q&As etc. Also,
external writers will
doing research on
the latest news and
updates in relation
to the music
Graphics will
begin on the
colour scheme
coordination of the
magazine as
insisted by the
The graphics
department, plan
and discuss on
the location and
placement of the
colours and
Editorial and
Budgeting team,
meet and discuss
on how much
money they have
gained or lost
during the
process; as well
as alter the
schedule if need
Final discussion
on the final
decision and
make changes,
also check on
what goes into the
department check
on the layout and
colours scheme of
the magazines’
images, topics,
stories and
illustrations of the
Editorial team will
discuss changes
to the placement
and the colour
scheme is need
Management will
have a quick
meeting on the
discussion of next
week schedule
and discuss on
what priorities
may need to be
completed by the
end of each day.
Also printing
production of the
magazine will
Tuesday Morning Thursday
End of the day End of the day Friday Afternoon N/A N/A
Production Plan
Week 3: 19/02/2018 - 25/03/2018
Day of
What must
me done:
Sub-editorial team
will focus on the
proofreading of the
magazine as such;
- Checking the
accuracy of the
articles, stories and
- Grammar and
Punctuation will be
checked and
- Making sure that
the each magazine
follows the house-
- Every magazine
must follow the
assigned page
Layout staff will
check and asses
the page layout of
each magazine,
making sure it is
the same will
every issue.
A meeting on the
layout will occur in
the afternoon and
give feedback on
what needs to
improve and be
receives the
improves and
restarts the writing
process. In house-
staff writers as
well as External
writers rewrite/
adjust the
given from the
Layout staff;
improve on the
information they
were given and
and tech enhance
the images to
appear appealing.
Proofreading on
the information,
and when the
proofreaders are
satisfied with the
- Layout staff
adjust the layout
of the magazine
- Tech department
send images to
the layout staff
- Graphics
department adjust
the placement and
the colour
meet and discuss
on what must be
completed by the
end of next week,
also management
of next week
schedule is
Prospects of the
magazine are
checked and
printing of the
magazine starts.
Tuesday Morning Wednesday
End of the day Friday Morning End of the day N/A N/A
Production Plan
Week 4: 26/02/2018 - 04/03/2018
Day of
What must
me done:
Sub-editing team
assess the
magazine and give
final improvements
of the magazine
such as;
- Layout
-Colour Scheme
Page layout team
also adjust the
magazine from the
given feedback.
Proofreading of
the magazine is
made and tested
with a hardcover
or paperback copy
and is assessed
on the layout of
the front cover,
with the colour
scheme, main
image(s) and
layout of the
features, eg. cover
lines and pull
Final check of the
magazine from the
department and is
sent to the
department to be
assessed and
checked fully with
each issue.
Planning on the
distribution of the
discussion of how
many copies will
be sent and
discuss on which
locations the
magazines should
be sent to.
Packaging and
storage of the
magazine is
prepared by the
department and is
stored ready for
The final stage of
the printing
company having
finished printing
the magazines.
They packaged
neatly and sent to
a warehouse, for
transport and
storage. After the
magazines have
been stored, the
copies are then
taken out of the
warehouse and
distributed to the
public, via the post
or in a shop.
Tuesday Morning Wednesday
End of the day Friday Afternoon End of the day N/A N/A
Issue Date: 07/07/2018
Why did I choose this Issue date? What could affect the issue date? Why would this date be appropriate for
my target audience?
Why would this magazine be suitable for
this issue date?
-For my first magazine, I decided to go
for the issue date of a week or two into
the summer holidays. I choose this date
because my target audience, may or
may not be quite active; this would
therefore allow me to release my
magazine to the public that would
interest them to view my magazine, in
the locations of a widely populated
areas. The issue date of the summer
break may increase the number of
issues released and bought; therefore
this may help the company with their
increase in profit that would benefit the
production process of the magazine.
-Along with my second magazine, I also
decided to choose the issue date of
during the summer holidays because,
this is when most of the population will
be on vacation, and by selling a new
product to the public may allow them a
chance to review the music magazine.
-As my first magazine is aimed at the
young target audience of the ages 14-
29, the date of release a few weeks into
the summer holidays, would be suitable
for those who would like to be
entertained and also have an interest in
the release of a new magazine would
anchor the public to view my first
magazine. By having my magazine
released to the public on this date was
because, of the content contained within
my magazine would be interesting and
also anchor the public to my magazine,
as such the content would relate quite
well to the theme of summer; due to the
bright colours involved and the images
include might also relate to the mood of
-As for my second magazine, my target
audience for this magazine is aimed at
the slightly older generation of the male
public with the age range of 16-22,
factors that may affect the date of
release could be the effectiveness of the
number of copies launched and sold.
-With a young target audience, this may
interest the viewer to read my
magazine, because, of the genre: hip-
hop; the young target audience may be
attracted to the magazine, with the
likelihood of the content, containing
information that would entertain those
who may be interested in music.
As of the release of summer vacation,
this issue date would be appropriate for
my target audience because, teenagers
would have the chance to gain
inspiration, or to be entertained by the
musical genre.
-In comparison to my first magazine,
this issue release date would also be
suitable for the older male public as of
the summer vacation season, this may
allow them to have the entertainment of
a music magazine with content that
relates to the spectacle of the ‘Rock’
-My target audience, which is normally
based on the young generation of
today’s population, is mostly likely to be
interested along the musical aspect of
information, in relation to the musical
industry of hip-hop and pop music; in
relations to the use of bold and bright
colours, this magazine would be
suitable for a launch date of a few
weeks into summer vacation, the young
public would be anchored into the
magazine as well as its content.
-With the theme of black and white, the
slightly older generation is most likely to
be anchored into a magazine that would
have a release date of a few weeks into
the summer holidays. By having a
release date that is the same as my first
magazine, this could provide the public
with a variety of choice between the two
Advertising Revenue
Display Production Amount Total = £43,145,000 Display Amount Total = £29,570,000
Full Page (FH) Photoshoot
£3,025 (x2000) =
£6,050,000+£3,000 =
£6,053,000 Full Page £5,005 (x2000) £10,010,000
Full Page (ROP) Photoshoot
£2,750 (x2000) =
£5,500,000+£3,000 =
£5,503,000 DPS £ 9,510 (x2000) £19,020,000
Half Page Supplied Images
£1,512 (x2000) =
£3,024,000+£2,000 =
£3,026,000 Half Page £2,725 (x2000) £5,450,000
IBC/OBC Supplied Images
£3,575 (x2000) =
£7,150,000+£2,000 =
Display Amount Total = £29,030,000
DPS (FH) Photoshoot
£5,478 (x2000) =
£10,956,000+£3,000 =
£10,959,000 Full Page £5,005 (x2000) £10,010,000
DPS (ROP) Supplied Images
£5,225 (x2000) =
£10,450,000+£2,000 =
£10,452,000 DPS £ 9,510 (x2000) £19,020,000
The table shown below is a presentation of the breakdown of what the production and is possible the
distribution of my magazine; as such, what my magazine contains, the pricing of how much the production of
this feature will cost, the amount need for this feature and the total cost of how much the company must pay in
order to achieve the full completion of the magazine. With the use of the ‘Advertising Rates’ table, as indicated
on the right, this allowed me with the advantage and usefulness of how the production and key features a
magazine company needs, in order to achieve the production and distribution of selling a magazine.
Staff and Cost (Maximum of 30 employees)
Quantity Job Salary Range Bonus Total Payment
x2 Publisher £23,523 - £52,026 £1,500 £23,862 - £56,242
x2 Editor and Layout £17,968 - £40,000 £3,000 £18,053 - £39,732
x5 Journalist £15,611 - £40,183 £496 - £6,183 £15,571 - £40,376
x3 Photographer £13,503 - £34,411 £0.00 - £12,064 £13,902 - £47,715
x4 Marketing £22,861 - £50,116 £245 - £7,840 £22,529 - £53,339
x2 Design and Graphics £16,013 - £30,181 £201 - £2,986 £15,798 - £32,056
x3 Quality Control
£15,688 - £33,835 £100.00 - £3,000 £15,514 - £33,549
x5 Writer £15,670 - £34,783 £2,866 £15,341 - £38,349
x1 Finance Budget
£23,791 - £64,669 £692 - £10,018 £24,201 - £71,595
x3 Proper Management
£23,934 - £43,489 £0.00 - £5,062 £24,100 - £45,357
Publisher -
Editor and Layout-
Journalist -
Photographer -
Marketing -
Design and Graphics -
Quality Control -
Writer -
Finance Budget Management -
Proper Management -
Printing Quotes and Cost
As each magazine will cost £20.35 to print and produce, this may affect the costing
price of the printing 2000 copies of my magazine every month.
Overall, this may have an impact on the profit and loss that the company have
benefit from this, or may have a problem with. Along with no additional properties
added to the magazine, such as: what the ‘Refinery Cover’ will look like.
With the reasonable pricing of printing each magazine individually, this could affect
the profit gained from selling the magazine every month.
In addition, having my magazine produced and delivered within a suitable time and
within the UK will be beneficial with the monthly issue date for the magazine.
Each magazine
will cost a
Total of £20.35
By selling a total of
2000 copies of the magazine
The Total price will cost
With the price of producing and printing 2000 copies every month, this may affect
profitable money gained that the money loss. From each magazine costing £20.35 to
print and having to produce 2000 copies will result in the expensive price shown
above of £1,832.63 with the additional cost of the delivery. However, the company
have a slight advantage of the having the magazines produced and delivered in the
UK; similar to the production of each magazine individually.
With the reasonable pricing of £1,800.00 + is due to the features that will included
into each magazine; for instance, the glossy property cover and the matt contents,
with the additional coated art paper would help with the distribution of the magazine.
Profit and Loss Breakdown
Background Advertising Marketing Equipment Cost
My magazine will have a
buying cost of £3.50 and
therefore with this
affordable price would
increase profit in the
distribution of copies sold.
As for a magazine costing a
reasonable price, the
advantage of selling
roughly 2000 copies of my
magazine monthly,the
result in having 1500
copies sold, will result in
500 copies loss of not
being distributed.
Furthermore, as presented
in the ‘Pricing’ column, the
printing quotes and the cost
of the magazine will cost a
price of £20.35 each, which
will result in the
achievement of buying and
distributing 2000 copies of
the magazine will result in
the total cost of £1,832.63.
Each magazine that would
be sold in ideal locations
that would be suitable for
the magazine will cost
£3.50 to buy, which will
result in the profit of £7,000
I plan to distribute my
magazine in popular
locations, for instance;
WHSmith and local
supermarkets such as
‘Tesco’ and ‘Sainsbury’s’
Along with the distribution of
my magazine being sold in
local areas, I plan to sell my
magazine in the mail, as well
as download from the
magazine international
Due to this, the magazine
would increase in profit as of
the £3.50 pricing. Although
advertising my magazine
would be a challenge the use
of distributing my magazine
in popular locations and other
branches that could increase
the profit of the magazine,
this would result in the
beneficial indication of the
magazine and help the
company and the production
of the magazine itself.
Therefore, the total overall
cost of advertising the
magazine will equal a total of
With a helpful magazine
production company, the
advantage of Marketing the
magazine would also increase
the profit and the distribution
of the amount of magazines
being sold each month every
year. However with only 2000
copies of the magazine being
produced and distributed; the
Marketing and Finance
member will have the
advantage of indicating the
magazine in a variety of
different locations; online and
in store.
Along with the usefulness of
an organised magazine
production team; having a
‘Marketing and Finance’ team
and team leader, will allow the
magazine to have a positive
outcome profit of creating
awareness and social
interaction to boost the profit
and sales of the magazine.
Finally, the distribution of the
magazine would include the
retail costs of where I could
sell my magazine and
increase the profit gained.
By planning and
contributing the price of
the production of the
magazine, this would
result in the amount and
pricing plan of how much
the production of the
magazine will cost and
the result of the
distribution will cost.
● Along with the payment weekly salary
of the staff,
● Costing price of the production of the
● Costing of how much each magazine
● The standard delivery of 2000 copies
The pricing of the production company of
producing the magazine will result in the the
advantage of profiting from the magazine,
however the loss of affording how the
magazine will be produced and distributed.
Along with the additional production of the
magazine and the costing of the printing
quotes and cost, the magazine company
would loss profit, due to the high pricing of
printing 2000 magazines, and printing each
magazine individually.
Along with the pricing of the equipment cost,
the profitable loss will have an effect on the
overall loss that the magazine company will
gain and will lose in the span of one year.
As shown in the next slide, the overall
breakdown of the how much the company will
profit from and what the company will lose
money from.
Overall Profit and Loss
Staff and Cost Advertising
Printing Quotes
and Cost
Marketing Magazine
(Selling the
Number of
Magazines Sold
Advertising Subscription
0 +
£1,680.00 +
£1,799.70 +
£4,470.00 +
£504.00 +
£279.00 +
£3,599.70 +
£1,019.50 +
£1,468.15 +
£301.20 +
£239.70 +
£524.75 +
£1,979.94 +
£23,523 +
£17,968 +
£15,611 +
£13,503 +
£22,861 +
£16,013 +
£15,688 +
£15,670 +
£23,791 +
£230,650 +
£172,400 +
£1,832.63 +
2000 copies made
and sold x £3.50
each x 12 months
2000 each
£43,145,000 +
£29,570,000 +
25 magazines
each costing
= £188,562 = £548,200 = £1,852.98 = £84,000 = £7,000 = £101,745,000 = £87.50
Total Loss = 2,475,951.54 Total Profit = £101,836,078.50
Target Audience
In relation to my proposal, I plan to aim my magazine towards the younger demographic audience, as
the content and interests would relate more towards them.
With this young demographic audience I aim to project my magazine towards the male and female
audience age of between 15 and 24; I decided on this large age range because, my content would
specifically relate to their likes and interests.
As previously stated in my proposals, I have briefly explained each audience theorist: Hartley, Katz and
Maslow, and explained each specific focal point as to how this would relate to my magazine best.
From the specific topic of Age, Gender, Stereotypes and Socio-economic needs, I wanted my magazine
to portray content and images that would best suit my magazine and the aimed audience readers.
Location Recce
Location Recce
Final Products
About ABC
ABC delivers the certification and the data and content within the magazine meets industry standards. It
verifies all the data within the magazine, to make sure that it is correct and valid at the time of print, It
also protects any advertisers using the magazine.
“Members of ABC = nothing in the magazine may be reproduced in the whole or part without the
written permission of the publishers” / in this case
Legal and Ethical Issues
In relation to my magazine, I plan to have my magazine validated by the company ABC and making
sure that my magazine content stick within good industry standards; as well as the digital processing is
appropriate for my magazine audience and the media industry before, producing, printing and shipping
IPSO - Independent Press Standards Organisation
Initial Assessment
I the company is unable to deal with the complaint with they will explain why the are unable to forward the
concerns and copy the complaint to send a letter to their public application. All the complainants will be notified
that their complaint will be handled.
Referral to the Publication
In the normal circumstances, the IPSO, will handle with the concerns, unless it has not been resolved within the
next 28 days.
IPSO will seek a mediate satisfactory outcome, if the complaint is appropriate, IPSO potentially require the
➔ the publication of a correction, clarification or apology
➔ the publication of a letter or article by a complainant
➔ a private letter of apology
➔ amendments to an online article or removal of material
➔ assurances about future publication or conduct.
Adjudication by the Complaints Committee
If the complaint remains unresolved, the known ‘Complaint Committee’ will determine whether it has breached
the ‘Editors Code’. Then they will take account, the information which has been from both sides of the complaint,
and will publish its decision setting out whether the Editors’ Code has been Breached.
All of the IPSO’s decisions are published by the Rulings section of their website, although with special
circumstances, for example, a Court Order. If the public has any concerns about publication of a decision, they will
be given the opportunity to raise them before the CC (Complaints Committee) and consider a complaint.. The
company is well satisfied that the complaint has a legal right but be anonymous. In the consideration of the
requests of the decisions must be anonymised, the Committee takes into account;
● If the subject includes information that is private/ sensitive - cause distress, embarrassment or harm.
● Whether inclusion of the complainant’s name in a decision could lead to significant harm.
● Inclusion of the complainant’s name in the decision could represent a specific threat towards their security
If the complaint has been the subject of a decision in relation to the investigation, any request for e review must be
written within the space of a 14 day period and whether if it considers the process of a substantial flaw.
Individuals with Disabilities
The company will make reasonable adjustments that would justify the their ordinary procedures in order to suits
their, requirements/ needs. The IPSO must ensure that the complaint process is “transparent” as well as effective.
If they are unable to meets the request to the complainant fully, the company will explain why this action cannot
follow through completely.
Unacceptable behaviour caused by the complainants
In a few cases the company can undergo some distressing circumstances that will/ may need significant
assistance. Although in small cases, the complainants seek to interact will the company's staff in a inappropriate
way. The company upholds Regulations that can be clear on the rejection without further consideration.
IPSO (continued)
ASA - The Advertising Standards Authority
The UK’s independent advertising regulator where the ASA makes sure ads
across UK media stick to the advertising rules; called the ‘Advertising Codes’. The
Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) is the sister organisation of the ASA and is
responsible for writing the Advertising Codes.
The company is quite passionate with the responsibility of advertising for people and
society; by which the ASA’s goal is to make ads in the UK a responsible ad for
By taking action against concerns from other businesses and ban ads that may be
harmful or offensive, and as well as responding to complaints ASA respond to ads
and make sure they follow the rules.
Editors Code of Practice (continued)
1. Accuracy
Must not publish inaccurately that may mislead the informational message, along with the appropriate use
of images and headlines. As such of an insignificant accuracy, it must be easily and quickly corrected.
1. Privacy
The company wants everyone to have the respect for their own private life. As considering an individual’s
reasonable exception for them to have their own privacy.
1. Harassment
As of journalists, there are no needs for the use of intimidation or pursuit to any means necessary of
harassment. There must not be any persistence of questioning/telephoning or photography of individuals
when they are asked to desist. Editors must also ensure that the principles are continuously observed and
asked to leave or to be no longer followed.
1. Intrusion into grief
In some cases involving grief, all approaches must be made with sympathy and publication handling
sensitively. However, these must not restrict the right of reporting legal procedures.
1. Reporting Suicide
In the case that it may lead to something like this,to prevent the simulative act, this should be taken with
care and avoid the release of excessive detail.
Editors Code of Practice (continued)
1. Children
Young children must not be approached or photograph at school without the permission of the school
authorities. Under the age of 16, the must not be interviewed on any issues that may involve themselves or
any other child - unless the custodial parent gives consent.
1. Children in Sex Cases
In any press that may involve a child, and also sexual offense against the child
The child, nor the adult must not be identified
Care must be taken into consideration if the report implies the relationship between the accused and the
1. Victim Sexual Assault
There need be no publishing of any materials in relation to leading into the identification of a victim of an
sexual assault; only if there is a adequate of justification and they are legally free to do so.
1. Discrimination
Avoiding prejudicial reference towards the individuals; race, colour, ethnicity, gender or mental illness or
1. Financial Journalism
There must be no buying or selling of either direct or nominees or agents that shares securities about which
they intend to write in the near future.
Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t
print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists.
Copyright changed in 1998 allowing writers and photographers their own rights of photocopy
version and reproduction in book.
As I will become a member of the ABC company, I will ensure that my magazine will have
copyright and prevent advertisement illegally because, by being a part of the ABC, my content
will only be produced with the use of written permission, in such a case of Copyright ©
Therefore, with my magazine, I want my magazine to have a ‘Standing Plan’ which would
prevent any consumers to any other companies to copy my magazine and use/ sell the
magazine as their own product. In addition, the company: ABC will help deliver my magazine
to make sure that the content meets industrial standards and the verification of the data given
and prevent advertisers from using my magazine. Finally, with my magazine, I aim to deliver a
advantage of copyright with each magazine that is produced and sold, along with the content
and the images industry approved and licensed with the copyright logo.
Copyright ©
To conclude this Unit, I have done previous research through the units that I have research and
studied and have come to the realisation that the planning of a magazine consists of a lot of
breakdown processes throughout the production stage of the magazine; and therefore with my
magazine the research and planning concludes the analysis of creating my magazine.
Throughout each unit that I have researched and completed the overall outcome was to relate to
the aim of the Unit; in this case: “UK Media Publishing”.
The many key stages within this LO, for instance, Calendar Events, ASA and IPSO and Copyright
are examples of the key features needed to understand the planning and producing of a
magazine as well as other additional key topics such as; Risk Assessment and Profit and Loss,
as these are needed to understand the budgeting costs to provide the company and create and

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Unit 15 - LO4 Pitch Script
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Unit 35: LO4
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Unit 35: LO1
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Unit 15: LO1
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Unit 30: LO3

  • 1.
  • 6. Photos for TeensRule With my first magazine, I decided to go for complimentary colours that would enhance the quality of the magazine, along with the helpfulness of props that would identify the public that my first magazine would relate to the musical industry.
  • 7. Photos for RockStars Before I edited my images, my originals had the school logo. The nest slide presents how I altered the appearance. I achieved this through the use of the ‘Stamp Tool’ which helped me blend the logo with the rest of the image.
  • 8. Photos for RockStars: Edited In Photoshop, I edited the logo out of my models hoodie, this give the clothing more of a simplistic appearance. Which is what I am aiming for with my first magazine.
  • 9. My interview has been inspired by the magazine Billboard. I would like to create an interview in the various different ways, such as different questions and answers. The use of including an interview in my magazine, will attract the public readers to it because, of the revealing background information about the artist. As well as bring out the understanding of what an interview is like and what kind of replies I would get. Q1. Hi Theodore, how is your day going? Hello Patrice, oh and you can call me Theo and my day is going great, a little crazy and chaotic, but all is going great. How are you? Q2. I’m doing great thanks for asking. So, in relation to our next months issue, I heard that you will be on tour for two weeks. Shall we talk about it? Sure, I would love to talk about my upcoming tour. I cannot believe that I’m starting in two days, then it’s off travelling around the world to different countries and enjoying the concerts. Mostly the late night shows with all the bright lights and loud music. I really enjoy going on tour, I mean besides the long plane and bus journeys, it’s really worth it cause I love making my fans happy. It’s always a fun time to travel. Q3. Oh, well your really excited then. With this upcoming tour, what are you most excited for? (Pauses and thinks) The one thing I’m really excited for is that I get to see all my fans on stage, and at the meet and greet after the show. I really love all the hugs and kisses. I receive even small gifts I get from all the cute little ones. I absolutely adore meeting my fans, cause it feels like they are part of my family, as well as being just a face in the crowd. Whenever I go on tour, I am always excited to see all the new faces and sometimes recognise a few. But yeah, I am always excited to see my ‘Theodore Squad’ (laughs). It just makes my day as well as everyone else's. Q4. That’s so cute (Theo blushes). And when you go on tour. What are your most needed essentials? Well, that’s a difficult one but, my most likely needed essentials are, to always have a small pillow, cause, you know, ya boy Theo always has to be comfy (laughs). But really, I do need a pillow, some snacks and water of course because I gotta keep yourself hydrated. And whenever I go on tour it is just like non-stop rehearsals and interviews; but to be honest I love interviews more than rehearsals and that’s why I need my energy and nutrients… Also, my phone is my most needed essential. I always have a few minutes before I go onstage and after the show, before I go on the bus or head off to an interview; I manage to send a text my close friends, my girlfriend or a family member, and see how they are doing. For me it’s also a must to listen to some jammin’ tunes… Oh and I almost forgot, if I don’t have a blanket with me, I must have a jacket to keep myself warm and comfy throughout my tour. Q5. Wow, that’s a lot of items (Theo smiles in embarrassment). Ok, well then, since you sometimes travel by bus or plane, what is the most needed item? Oh that one is easy, as addictive as this may sound and many may agree with me, I must have my phone on me, because, no matter how my day is going, I will always have enough time to text or call my family and friends; chat on the updates on the latest family news along with my own updates on where I am on tour, where I will be going, and if I got them a few gifts. My phone is my most needed essential, besides listening to tunes and scrolling through Facebook and twitter, I do have a little spare time to listen to an audiobook while planning my next music piece. Q6. That’s really sweet Theo. (Theo smiles) So when you travel, what do you really miss when you go on tour? Every time I go on tour to a new country and onstage to see all my fans; after the concert I really miss their smiling faces and sometimes hear the out of tune singing voices (chuckles)..… but, the saddest thing about going on tour is that it feels like I only have a limited amount of time with them, then leave the next day or the day after; it can vary sometimes depending on how busy my schedule is, but (sighs) it’s a shame that I probably might not see many of them for a very long time. (pauses) Q7. I see, but to lighten the mood a little. (Theo smiles) I have heard that many other celebrities bring a surprise guest to appear on stage at a few of their concerts. Will you be bringing any surprise celebrities? I am really tempted to tell you guys who I’m bringing to appear on stage at my concert in California, but I’m trying not to give any spoilers but, I might be bringing a few people to appear on stage, maybe on this upcoming tour I might have someone appear. Q8. Ooo I can’t wait. And you’ve been to many countries over the past few years correct? (Theo nods in agreement). So, what is your favourite country you have visited? Oh.... that’s a tough one but, my absolute favourite country would have to be Paris, cause of course the city of love (blushes). It is always an amazing tour of exploring the most popular landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower. But I also like to get myself a little croissant here and there (laughs). But when it comes to the late night shows, the crowd goes wild and I do remember on one of my tours two years ago, I could hear most of my lyrics being sung in French. Q9. (Laughs) Well that is actually kind of adorable. (Theo smiles) And every time you go on a new tour, what is it that you would likely change about it if you could? I would really like to change how long I get to stay in that country for. Cause I only get a limited amount of time, a maximum of one and a half days. But mainly, I would like to extend the time by a few days, cause it would be nice to explore and meet new people, or run into familiar faces. Q10. Do you ever get any worries when you go on tour? In my opinion, I worried fifty percent of the time. And to be honest, on stage I’m afraid that I would fall, and probably rip my pants or break my mic. (Gives an embarrassed expression) But when traveling or before I set of, I check the news and I sometimes see car accidents or an update on bad weather, and I’m afraid that I may encounter an accident and start to panic a little. Q11. I understand. But do you have any plans for when you finish your tours? (Smiles) My main plan is, to get as much sleep as possible (laughs) but also try and spend as much time with my friends and family after being away with them for quite some time. Okay, thank you for your time and I hope that we see each other again in the future. Alright, and thank you Patrice for your questions. I absolutely loved answering them and I hope to you see you in the future as well. To see the full video interview, go to our website or download the app at: Interview - Draft for DPS
  • 10. Magazine Flat Plan - TeensRule 1 2 3 4 5 Contents Contents List Editor’s Notes Editors Details Advert Text - Interview New Next Month Issue Headline Text Text Headline Text Album Reviews Headline Text Album Reviews Competition CompetitionText Headline Artist Interview/ quick Q&A Advert Advert Headline 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Headline 20 21 Advert 22 23 23 24 Headline 25 26 Headline 27 28 29 Tex t Text Text Artist Interview Artist Q&A Artist Q&A Artist Q&A Album Reviews
  • 11. Text Magazine Flat Plan - RockStars 1 2 3 4 5 Contents Contents List Editor’s Notes Editors Details Competition Text New Issue Next Month Headline Article Article Headline Text Text Questionnair e Questionnaire Headline Single Album Reviews Album Reviews Competition Best selling Album Updates Headline Text - Interview Headline 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tour Info 20 21 Article 22 23 23 24 Headline 25 26 Headline 27 28 29 T e xt Text Artist Interview Artist Q&A Background Information Artist Q&A Article Article
  • 12. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP ONE 1. Open up Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 and go to; ‘File, New, International Paper, A4, RGB Colour and OK 2. Before I began editing and creating my magazine front cover, I needed to create a border in which I will be able to position my Main Image, Masthead, Cover Lines etc. I achieved this by pressing ‘Cmd R’, which then presented the ruler border, by clicking and dragging on the ruler I was able to align my border for my magazine front cover. After template and borders have been created, I wanted my background to have a gradient effect. Therefore, with the use of the ‘Gradient Tool’, by pressing ‘G’ and holding shift, I dragged my mouse from the top of my template to the base while holding down shift. This helped me create a straight line, which resulted in the gradient effect of black and white. In the next stage of this LO. I must represent my step by step guide as to how I created my magazine front cover. Each step will be accompanied with a screenshot as to reveal the appearance of the stages of my production.
  • 13. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP TWO 1. After taking multiple images of my model, I chose my final image and opened it on a separate template. Selecting the quick selection tool, I selected the main image leaving a small gap around the candle flame (which is what I wanted to keep in colour) and went to; ‘Image, Adjustments, Black and White. 2. I deselected my image and again with the ‘Quick Selection tool’ I selection the entire image of my model and copied (Cmd C) and pasted it onto my background (Cmd V) onto a new layer name ‘MAIN IMAGE’. Along the ‘Move tool’ (M), I moved my image and placed it in the centre of my magazine template. Image - Adjustment - Black and White Quick Selection Tool Main Image Layer Move Tool
  • 14. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP THREE 1. The next stage in creating my magazine front cover was inserting my magazine masthead/ brand name: ‘RockStars’. However, I wanted my masthead to present my chosen music genre of ‘Rock’. Therefore, with the helpful website ‘’ I was able to search and experiment with different font styles that would relate very well to my magazine front cover. After experimenting with a variety of different font styles, I finally chose the font style ‘The Blacklist’ which in my opinion presented the rock vibe. 2. When I inserted my masthead, I wanted to present the inspiration that I gained from my two inspiration magazines: ‘KERRANG’ and ‘RESPECT’, therefore, I decided to place my main image in front of the masthead, by: Going into layer and dragging the ‘Main Image’ layer and placed it below my ‘Masthead’ layer. The final results depict the inspiration that I gained to the magazine ‘RESPECT’ 3. With my ‘Masthead’ layer, I double clicked on the layer and edited the; ‘Texture, Inner/ Outer Glow, Inner and Outer Shadow’ etc. Until I came with the outcome that I wanted on my front cover. Text Tool Move Tool Masthead Layer Layer Effects
  • 15. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP FOUR 1. Next, with a simpler font style, I created a new layer; which I labelled ‘STRAPLINE’ and after getting inspired from other magazine straplines, I decided to create my known strapline that would be simplistic but out there. 2. I decided that with my ‘ANCHORAGE TEXT’ layer, I wanted to include an eye- catching title that would draw the public to the front cover. 3. However, with my ‘COVERLINE’ layers I experimented with the different coloured text, by staying within my colour scheme of; Black, White, Grey and Red. Therefore I created five different cover lines, each containing a maximum of two font colours and having the same font style. Text Tool Text Layers
  • 16. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP FIVE 1. I also decided to include a ‘PUFF PROMOTION’ in which I got inspired from the magazine ‘KERRANG’, with the indication of “WIN” and this would therefore attract the public eye, as I tried to follow the layout of my magazine. 2. Finally, I added a barcode accompanied with; social media icons, web address, issue date and price. I also added an additional white box, which enhanced the visibility and quality of the magazine front cover further. 3. After following my hand drawn draft and graphic layout, I managed to achieve the final result of my magazine front cover. As the borders were a very useful way of helping me. I presse Cmd. H to hide the borders. This then presented me with a clear and clean end result, and because of this, the alignment of my content was straight and organised. Puff Promotion
  • 17. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP ONE 1. By starting with the same ‘International Paper’ layout, I was able to create the dps canvas by doubling the canvas size. 2. After creating the canvas size, I then create a rough border of the magazine dps, by pressing ‘Ctrl R’ - the ruler tool, in which I was able to create a successful border around my magazine and then with the ‘Rectangular Marquee tool’ and with the ‘Subtract from selection’ I drew the outline and with the ‘Paintbrush tool’ I then paint the selected area. 3. Once I completed that I pressed ‘Ctrl H’ which hides the blue ruler outline, which I was therefore able to see the neat border. Rectangle Selection Tool Paint Brush Tool Move Tool
  • 18. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP TWO 1. With my chosen font and font size of roughly 100 I created my ‘Headline’ for my magazine dps, in which I wanted to relate to my interview draft 2. After creating my headline, I pressed ‘Ctrl A’ to select the entire sentence and adjust the font size and the change the font colour to make it stand out. Text Tool Headline
  • 19. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP THREE 1. The main key for me was that I wanted to indicate the magazine brand of my dps, therefore in the empty space of my dps, I decided to include the masthead for (which I copied the layer from my magazine front cover) Text Tool Masthead
  • 20. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP FOUR 1. As I wanted and planned to make the ‘Pull Quote’ stand out/ enhance the other features, I created a backsplash for my quote/ anchorage text. 2. I selected the rectangular shape tool and drews a box, which I then created a gradient with the ‘Gradient tool’, I wanted the gradient to resemble the colour scheme, therefore I went for the colours of red and black. 3. After creating my backsplash box, I then inserted my text, as shown in the top right screenshot, I chose the colour yellow as this will be enhanced by the gradient backsplash. Text Tool Rectangular Marquee Tool Rectangle Tool Paint Bucket Tool/ Gradient Tool Anchorage Text
  • 21. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP FIVE 1. With my two chosen main images, I opened them both and with the quick selection tool, I selecting the main image of my model and pressed ‘Ctrl C’ to copy my selection them ‘Ctrl V’ to paste my selection onto my dps. 2. To adjust the size of my main image, I selected the layer then; ‘Edit, Free Transform, Scale, and by holding down Shift, I was able to adjust my main image to fit the perimeters of the dps. 3. I also did the same to my second main image, as shown in the top right screenshot. Main Image 1 Main Image 2Move Tool Text Tool
  • 22. Production Process of ‘RockStars’ Magazine STEP SIX 1. As shown in the following screenshots, I align each form of text to have the same width from each other, as each paragraph resembled a new layer. 2. However with the text on the right, I had to change the format and also align each paragraph to be equal from the text on the left. 3. Each layer of text contained the same font style of ‘Arial’ and the same text size of roughly between ‘9 and 12’ 4. As presented in the last screenshot on the left, I decided to add a quote from the artist, which is indicated in bright blue, I also did this with the same font size and font style. 5. After I completed my dps, I pressed ‘Ctrl H’ to hide to blue ruler outline, which then helped me see the final resulted 6. I finally saved the finished product as a ‘PSD’ (Photoshop Format) and as a JPEG format (flatten image of all the layer) 7. As shown on the left, this is the final product of my DPS for my second chosen magazine ‘RockStars’
  • 23. Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step One 1. With the use of Adobe Photoshop 2015.5 I created a new format with the selection of ‘International Paper’ 2. Before I began creating my advertisement, I had to create limited boundary/ border round my magazine. By pressing ‘Ctrl/ Cmd R’ this then created a ruler scale, and with my mouse I then placed the light blue lines around my magazine to create the border. 3. By selecting the ‘Gradient Tool’ on the left-hand side toolbar, I selected the black to white gradient effect. 4. To create the effect (as shown above) I started off the template and dragged down by holding ‘Shift’ (which keeps the line straight) until I reached about half a centimeter from the bottom and this then created the final result as shown above. Gradient Tool Ruler Scale
  • 24. Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Two 1. With the form of including a headline, as this magazine advertisement advertises men’s fashion. I went to the site; and downloaded a font style that would suit this advertisement really well; in which in this case I chose the font; 2. On the left-hand side toolbar, I selected the ‘Text Tool’ and typed the heading; ‘The Latest Fashion Trend in Europe’ in the form of a bold white text. 3. By selecting the ‘Move Tool’ on the toolbar, and usefulness of the arrow keys on my keyboard, I was able to accurate position my headline to be placed in the center. Text tool Move tool
  • 25. Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Three 1. I then used to ‘Text Tool’ again to create my magazine website address. 2. I selected my sentence by pressing ‘Ctrl/ Cmd A’ (which selected the entire sentence) and changed the font style and font size; which would presented and indicated by the green arrow. Text tool Changing font style and size
  • 26. Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Four 1. I opened my image on a seperate file and use the ‘Quick Selection Tool’ to select my image and copied it over (‘Ctrl/Cmd C, Ctrl/Cmd V) and using the ‘Move Tool’ and my keyboard arrow keys positioned my image slightly off center. 2. Then I copied the ‘YSL’ Logo off the internet and altered it in Photoshop, by double clicking the layer and adding enhance effect to the logo; In which I used a Drop Shadow effect. 3. I then positioned the logo just behind my main image to create a more 3D impact on the magazine; similar to my magazine front cover. Move Tool Quick Selection Tool/ Magic Wand Tool
  • 27. Backpage Advertisement - Step by Step - Step Five 1. Finally, the inspiration gained from a magazine of inspiration that I found, I decided to include a piece of additional information, with the usefulness of the ‘Text Tool’ and the ‘Move Tool’ type up the “Company Address” with the same font style and size. 2. The final product shown above is what I ended up with fro my magazine back page advertisement.
  • 28. Production Process Date of Publication Managing the Schedule Editorial and Budgetary Decision Content Acquisition The first thing to do is to set up the date of publication; the issue date of the magazine when it is released to the public. Once the date is established, you are now operating with a schedule. A schedule that is the plan as to how you are going to go about the production process and when of the process will occur. An extremely important step that should not be taken for granted, especially when it comes to the production of the magazine. If the magazine wants to be produced successfully, then the schedule must properly be managed. The schedule must be made in such as way that there are provisions for the certain mishaps that may occur. When these mishaps occur, you can always meet the deadline. This is the reason as to why a proper management of the schedule is very vital. The next step in the production of a magazine is the editorial decision. These involve the the magazine’s editorial team assembling and deciding on the topics that will be covered in the next issue. The editorial team is about talks about the various contents that make up the magazine. After deciding which article ideas/topics, new stories, illustrations and photographs, the team then make the budgetary decisions, but looking at how much money is available and how much money will be spent towards the production of the magazine. The content acquisition process is arguably the most important step, this is because without content, there would simply be no magazine in the first place. There are two major ways that content can be gathered. The first is through in- house staff writers (work inside the industry, eg. research) and the second is through external writer (news reporters) that are commissioned to write on the topics that are specialist in nature. At this stage, it is the artwork graphics which are also worked on. The artwork is also defined as illustrations and pictures that undergo this process and then placed in the magazine. In simpler ways, Graphics are the images/pictures that are designed with a computer program.
  • 29. Production Process (continued) Sub-editing Page Layout Proofreading Distribution Sub-editing focuses on one major priority, Quality Control. If the media organisation is large enough, to contain a sub- editor, then this person is going to be responsible for this job; if there is no sub-editor, then the editor does this job. This step involves the following; ● Checking the accuracy of all the facts in the article ● Making sure that words are properly spelled ● Grammar and Punctuation is used correctly ● All articles follow the house-style ● Working on the page layout In big publications, there is a special team that is responsible for the page layout; this team is known as the Layout staff. Their job is to typeset and layout the various pages that come together to make a magazine. In the performing of this task, the team uses a powerful Desktop Publishing Program (DPP/DTP) such as InDesign or Pagemaker. It is at this stage that Adverts from advertisers are placed into the content. After the page layout is complete, the next stage is to proofread. The editorial department will print out a hardcopy of the magazine for the sole purpose of reading through the magazine to find and correct any mistakes. It is easier to proofread a hardcopy than to proofread a soft copy Any mistakes that are spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file. The editorial team keeps proofreading, until a member of the team is satisfied that all the mistakes have been corrected. The final stage of the entire process. With the printing company having finished with the continuous printing of the magazines, they are then packaged neatly and sent to a warehouse, for international transport and storage. After the magazines have been stored in the warehouse for a short amount of time, the copies are then taken out of the warehouse and distributed to the public, via the post or in a shop. process/
  • 30. Production Plan Week 1: 05/02/2018 - 11/02/2018 Day of Production Monday 05/02/2018 Tuesday 06/02/2018 Wednesday 07/02/2018 Thursday 08/03/2018 Friday 09/02/2018 Saturday 10/02/2018 Sunday 11/02/2018 What must me done: With the starting date of production, before work, printing and selling has begun; Planning as four week production process of the magazine as well as planning on daily/weekly budget on the production. With the usefulness of planning organising teams on the different stages of producing the magazine, may make things easier and meet the deadline Planning, on managing the a weekly budget as how much to spend during the production and also informing the teams what what to complete by following a daily schedule, this would therefore result in a organised plan without the means to rush the workload. Management of sticking to the schedule as this would help the production of the magazine as well as the different teams understanding what to do and what to complete within a certain timeline. And occasional check of the schedule on what to fix if a problem may occur. After the meeting on the specification on the workspace, the production of the magazine beginnings. Journalists and photographers will be interviewed and hired to research and to background stories on popular artists and bands through interviews. Paper manufacturing of the front and back cover begins. Readers team discuss interviews with the journalists; the technology department check the photos: This may only continue if any research for information has been found and is useful the printing production. Journalist may need the weekend and gather info. N/A N/A Complete by: End of the day Wednesday Afternoon End of the day Friday Afternoon Monday Morning N/A N/A
  • 31. Production Plan Week 2: 12/02/2018 - 18/02/2018 Day of Production Monday 12/02/2018 Tuesday 13/02/2018 Wednesday 14/02/2018 Thursday 15/03/2018 Friday 16/03/2018 Saturday 17/03/2018 Sunday 18/03/2018 What must me done: After research has been gained from the photographers and the journalists; In-house staff writers will begin typing up the information of the interviews, updates, Q&As etc. Also, external writers will doing research on the latest news and updates in relation to the music industry. Graphics will begin on the colour scheme coordination of the magazine as insisted by the Management department. The graphics department, plan and discuss on the location and placement of the colours and images. Editorial and Budgeting team, meet and discuss on how much money they have gained or lost during the production process; as well as alter the schedule if need be. Final discussion on the final decision and make changes, also check on what goes into the magazine. Editorial department check on the layout and colours scheme of the magazines’ images, topics, stories and illustrations of the magazine. Editorial team will discuss changes to the placement and the colour scheme is need be. Management will have a quick meeting on the discussion of next week schedule and discuss on what priorities may need to be completed by the end of each day. Also printing production of the magazine will begin. N/A N/A Complete by: Tuesday Morning Thursday Morning End of the day End of the day Friday Afternoon N/A N/A
  • 32. Production Plan Week 3: 19/02/2018 - 25/03/2018 Day of Production Monday 19/02/2018 Tuesday 20/02/2018 Wednesday 21/02/2018 Thursday 22/03/2018 Friday 23/03/2018 Saturday 24/03/2018 Sunday 25/03/2018 What must me done: Sub-editorial team will focus on the proofreading of the magazine as such; - Checking the accuracy of the articles, stories and illustrations - Grammar and Punctuation will be checked and assessed. - Making sure that the each magazine follows the house- style - Every magazine must follow the assigned page layout Layout staff will check and asses the page layout of each magazine, making sure it is the same will every issue. A meeting on the layout will occur in the afternoon and give feedback on what needs to improve and be redone. Editorial department receives the improves and restarts the writing process. In house- staff writers as well as External writers rewrite/ adjust the improvements given from the Layout staff; Journalists improve on the information they were given and and tech enhance the images to appear appealing. Proofreading on the information, and when the proofreaders are satisfied with the corrections; - Layout staff adjust the layout of the magazine - Tech department send images to the layout staff - Graphics department adjust the placement and the colour scheme. Management meet and discuss on what must be completed by the end of next week, also management of next week schedule is produce. Prospects of the magazine are checked and printing of the magazine starts. N/A N/A Complete by: Tuesday Morning Wednesday Afternoon End of the day Friday Morning End of the day N/A N/A
  • 33. Production Plan Week 4: 26/02/2018 - 04/03/2018 Day of Production Monday 26/02/2018 Tuesday 27/02/2018 Wednesday 28/02/2018 Thursday 01/03/2018 Friday 02/03/2018 Saturday 03/03/2018 Sunday 04/03/2018 What must me done: Sub-editing team assess the magazine and give final improvements of the magazine such as; - Layout -Grammar -Punctuation -Colour Scheme -House-style Page layout team also adjust the magazine from the given feedback. Proofreading of the magazine is made and tested with a hardcover or paperback copy and is assessed on the layout of the front cover, with the colour scheme, main image(s) and layout of the features, eg. cover lines and pull quote. Final check of the magazine from the sub-editing department and is sent to the proofreading department to be assessed and checked fully with each issue. Planning on the distribution of the magazine; discussion of how many copies will be sent and discuss on which locations the magazines should be sent to. Packaging and storage of the magazine is prepared by the packaging department and is stored ready for department. The final stage of the printing company having finished printing the magazines. They packaged neatly and sent to a warehouse, for international transport and storage. After the magazines have been stored, the copies are then taken out of the warehouse and distributed to the public, via the post or in a shop. N/A N/A Complete by: Tuesday Morning Wednesday Morning End of the day Friday Afternoon End of the day N/A N/A
  • 34. Issue Date: 07/07/2018 Why? Why did I choose this Issue date? What could affect the issue date? Why would this date be appropriate for my target audience? Why would this magazine be suitable for this issue date? -For my first magazine, I decided to go for the issue date of a week or two into the summer holidays. I choose this date because my target audience, may or may not be quite active; this would therefore allow me to release my magazine to the public that would interest them to view my magazine, in the locations of a widely populated areas. The issue date of the summer break may increase the number of issues released and bought; therefore this may help the company with their increase in profit that would benefit the production process of the magazine. -Along with my second magazine, I also decided to choose the issue date of during the summer holidays because, this is when most of the population will be on vacation, and by selling a new product to the public may allow them a chance to review the music magazine. -As my first magazine is aimed at the young target audience of the ages 14- 29, the date of release a few weeks into the summer holidays, would be suitable for those who would like to be entertained and also have an interest in the release of a new magazine would anchor the public to view my first magazine. By having my magazine released to the public on this date was because, of the content contained within my magazine would be interesting and also anchor the public to my magazine, as such the content would relate quite well to the theme of summer; due to the bright colours involved and the images include might also relate to the mood of summer. -As for my second magazine, my target audience for this magazine is aimed at the slightly older generation of the male public with the age range of 16-22, factors that may affect the date of release could be the effectiveness of the number of copies launched and sold. -With a young target audience, this may interest the viewer to read my magazine, because, of the genre: hip- hop; the young target audience may be attracted to the magazine, with the likelihood of the content, containing information that would entertain those who may be interested in music. As of the release of summer vacation, this issue date would be appropriate for my target audience because, teenagers would have the chance to gain inspiration, or to be entertained by the musical genre. -In comparison to my first magazine, this issue release date would also be suitable for the older male public as of the summer vacation season, this may allow them to have the entertainment of a music magazine with content that relates to the spectacle of the ‘Rock’ genre. -My target audience, which is normally based on the young generation of today’s population, is mostly likely to be interested along the musical aspect of information, in relation to the musical industry of hip-hop and pop music; in relations to the use of bold and bright colours, this magazine would be suitable for a launch date of a few weeks into summer vacation, the young public would be anchored into the magazine as well as its content. -With the theme of black and white, the slightly older generation is most likely to be anchored into a magazine that would have a release date of a few weeks into the summer holidays. By having a release date that is the same as my first magazine, this could provide the public with a variety of choice between the two magazines.
  • 35. Advertising Revenue Display Production Amount Total = £43,145,000 Display Amount Total = £29,570,000 Full Page (FH) Photoshoot £3,000 £3,025 (x2000) = £6,050,000 £6,050,000+£3,000 = £6,053,000 Full Page £5,005 (x2000) £10,010,000 Full Page (ROP) Photoshoot £3,000 £2,750 (x2000) = £5,500,000 £5,500,000+£3,000 = £5,503,000 DPS £ 9,510 (x2000) £19,020,000 Half Page Supplied Images £2,000 £1,512 (x2000) = £3,024,000 £3,024,000+£2,000 = £3,026,000 Half Page £2,725 (x2000) £5,450,000 IBC/OBC Supplied Images £2,000 £3,575 (x2000) = £7,150,000 £7,150,000+£2,000 = £7,152,000 Display Amount Total = £29,030,000 DPS (FH) Photoshoot £3,000 £5,478 (x2000) = £10,956,000 £10,956,000+£3,000 = £10,959,000 Full Page £5,005 (x2000) £10,010,000 DPS (ROP) Supplied Images £2,000 £5,225 (x2000) = £10,450,000 £10,450,000+£2,000 = £10,452,000 DPS £ 9,510 (x2000) £19,020,000 The table shown below is a presentation of the breakdown of what the production and is possible the distribution of my magazine; as such, what my magazine contains, the pricing of how much the production of this feature will cost, the amount need for this feature and the total cost of how much the company must pay in order to achieve the full completion of the magazine. With the use of the ‘Advertising Rates’ table, as indicated on the right, this allowed me with the advantage and usefulness of how the production and key features a magazine company needs, in order to achieve the production and distribution of selling a magazine.
  • 36. Staff and Cost (Maximum of 30 employees) Quantity Job Salary Range Bonus Total Payment x2 Publisher £23,523 - £52,026 £1,500 £23,862 - £56,242 x2 Editor and Layout £17,968 - £40,000 £3,000 £18,053 - £39,732 x5 Journalist £15,611 - £40,183 £496 - £6,183 £15,571 - £40,376 x3 Photographer £13,503 - £34,411 £0.00 - £12,064 £13,902 - £47,715 x4 Marketing £22,861 - £50,116 £245 - £7,840 £22,529 - £53,339 x2 Design and Graphics £16,013 - £30,181 £201 - £2,986 £15,798 - £32,056 x3 Quality Control (Director) £15,688 - £33,835 £100.00 - £3,000 £15,514 - £33,549 x5 Writer £15,670 - £34,783 £2,866 £15,341 - £38,349 x1 Finance Budget Management £23,791 - £64,669 £692 - £10,018 £24,201 - £71,595 x3 Proper Management (Schedule) £23,934 - £43,489 £0.00 - £5,062 £24,100 - £45,357 Publisher - Publishing_Manager/Salary Editor and Layout- Editor%2C_Magazine/Salary Journalist - ournalist/Salary Photographer - Photographer/Salary Marketing - Marketing_Manager/Salary Design and Graphics - Graphic_Designer/Salary Quality Control - Quality_Assurance_(QA)_%2f_Quality_Contr ol_(QC)_Inspector/Salary Writer - Writer/Salary Finance Budget Management - Business_Analyst%2c_Finance%2fBanking/S alary Proper Management - Management_Accountant/Salary
  • 37. Printing Quotes and Cost As each magazine will cost £20.35 to print and produce, this may affect the costing price of the printing 2000 copies of my magazine every month. Overall, this may have an impact on the profit and loss that the company have benefit from this, or may have a problem with. Along with no additional properties added to the magazine, such as: what the ‘Refinery Cover’ will look like. With the reasonable pricing of printing each magazine individually, this could affect the profit gained from selling the magazine every month. In addition, having my magazine produced and delivered within a suitable time and within the UK will be beneficial with the monthly issue date for the magazine. Each magazine will cost a Total of £20.35 By selling a total of 2000 copies of the magazine The Total price will cost £1,832.63 With the price of producing and printing 2000 copies every month, this may affect profitable money gained that the money loss. From each magazine costing £20.35 to print and having to produce 2000 copies will result in the expensive price shown above of £1,832.63 with the additional cost of the delivery. However, the company have a slight advantage of the having the magazines produced and delivered in the UK; similar to the production of each magazine individually. With the reasonable pricing of £1,800.00 + is due to the features that will included into each magazine; for instance, the glossy property cover and the matt contents, with the additional coated art paper would help with the distribution of the magazine.
  • 38. Profit and Loss Breakdown Background Advertising Marketing Equipment Cost My magazine will have a buying cost of £3.50 and therefore with this affordable price would increase profit in the distribution of copies sold. As for a magazine costing a reasonable price, the advantage of selling roughly 2000 copies of my magazine monthly,the result in having 1500 copies sold, will result in 500 copies loss of not being distributed. Furthermore, as presented in the ‘Pricing’ column, the printing quotes and the cost of the magazine will cost a price of £20.35 each, which will result in the achievement of buying and distributing 2000 copies of the magazine will result in the total cost of £1,832.63. Each magazine that would be sold in ideal locations that would be suitable for the magazine will cost £3.50 to buy, which will result in the profit of £7,000 I plan to distribute my magazine in popular locations, for instance; WHSmith and local supermarkets such as ‘Tesco’ and ‘Sainsbury’s’ Along with the distribution of my magazine being sold in local areas, I plan to sell my magazine in the mail, as well as download from the magazine international website. Due to this, the magazine would increase in profit as of the £3.50 pricing. Although advertising my magazine would be a challenge the use of distributing my magazine in popular locations and other branches that could increase the profit of the magazine, this would result in the beneficial indication of the magazine and help the company and the production of the magazine itself. Therefore, the total overall cost of advertising the magazine will equal a total of £230,683. With a helpful magazine production company, the advantage of Marketing the magazine would also increase the profit and the distribution of the amount of magazines being sold each month every year. However with only 2000 copies of the magazine being produced and distributed; the Marketing and Finance member will have the advantage of indicating the magazine in a variety of different locations; online and in store. Along with the usefulness of an organised magazine production team; having a ‘Marketing and Finance’ team and team leader, will allow the magazine to have a positive outcome profit of creating awareness and social interaction to boost the profit and sales of the magazine. Finally, the distribution of the magazine would include the retail costs of where I could sell my magazine and increase the profit gained. By planning and contributing the price of the production of the magazine, this would result in the amount and pricing plan of how much the production of the magazine will cost and the result of the distribution will cost. Pricing ● Along with the payment weekly salary of the staff, ● Costing price of the production of the magazine ● Costing of how much each magazine costs ● The standard delivery of 2000 copies The pricing of the production company of producing the magazine will result in the the advantage of profiting from the magazine, however the loss of affording how the magazine will be produced and distributed. Along with the additional production of the magazine and the costing of the printing quotes and cost, the magazine company would loss profit, due to the high pricing of printing 2000 magazines, and printing each magazine individually. Along with the pricing of the equipment cost, the profitable loss will have an effect on the overall loss that the magazine company will gain and will lose in the span of one year. As shown in the next slide, the overall breakdown of the how much the company will profit from and what the company will lose money from.
  • 39. Overall Profit and Loss Equipment Cost Staff and Cost Advertising Revenue Printing Quotes and Cost Marketing Magazine (Selling the Magazine) Number of Magazines Sold Advertising Subscription Sale £1,904,000.0 0 + £1,680.00 + £1,799.70 + £4,470.00 + £504.00 + £279.00 + £3,599.70 + £1,019.50 + £1,468.15 + £301.20 + £239.70 + £524.75 + £1,979.94 + £3,844.36 £23,523 + £17,968 + £15,611 + £13,503 + £22,861 + £16,013 + £15,688 + £15,670 + £23,791 + £23,934 £230,650 + £172,400 + £145,150 £1,832.63 + £20.35 2000 copies made and sold x £3.50 each x 12 months 2000 each £3.50 £43,145,000 + £29,570,000 + £29,030,000 25 magazines each costing £3.50 = £1,925,710.0 0 = £188,562 = £548,200 = £1,852.98 = £84,000 = £7,000 = £101,745,000 = £87.50 Total Loss = 2,475,951.54 Total Profit = £101,836,078.50
  • 40. Target Audience In relation to my proposal, I plan to aim my magazine towards the younger demographic audience, as the content and interests would relate more towards them. With this young demographic audience I aim to project my magazine towards the male and female audience age of between 15 and 24; I decided on this large age range because, my content would specifically relate to their likes and interests. As previously stated in my proposals, I have briefly explained each audience theorist: Hartley, Katz and Maslow, and explained each specific focal point as to how this would relate to my magazine best. From the specific topic of Age, Gender, Stereotypes and Socio-economic needs, I wanted my magazine to portray content and images that would best suit my magazine and the aimed audience readers.
  • 44. About ABC ABC delivers the certification and the data and content within the magazine meets industry standards. It verifies all the data within the magazine, to make sure that it is correct and valid at the time of print, It also protects any advertisers using the magazine. “Members of ABC = nothing in the magazine may be reproduced in the whole or part without the written permission of the publishers” / in this case Legal and Ethical Issues In relation to my magazine, I plan to have my magazine validated by the company ABC and making sure that my magazine content stick within good industry standards; as well as the digital processing is appropriate for my magazine audience and the media industry before, producing, printing and shipping internationally.
  • 45. IPSO - Independent Press Standards Organisation Initial Assessment I the company is unable to deal with the complaint with they will explain why the are unable to forward the concerns and copy the complaint to send a letter to their public application. All the complainants will be notified that their complaint will be handled. Referral to the Publication In the normal circumstances, the IPSO, will handle with the concerns, unless it has not been resolved within the next 28 days. Investigation IPSO will seek a mediate satisfactory outcome, if the complaint is appropriate, IPSO potentially require the following: ➔ the publication of a correction, clarification or apology ➔ the publication of a letter or article by a complainant ➔ a private letter of apology ➔ amendments to an online article or removal of material ➔ assurances about future publication or conduct. Adjudication by the Complaints Committee If the complaint remains unresolved, the known ‘Complaint Committee’ will determine whether it has breached the ‘Editors Code’. Then they will take account, the information which has been from both sides of the complaint, and will publish its decision setting out whether the Editors’ Code has been Breached.
  • 46. Anonymity All of the IPSO’s decisions are published by the Rulings section of their website, although with special circumstances, for example, a Court Order. If the public has any concerns about publication of a decision, they will be given the opportunity to raise them before the CC (Complaints Committee) and consider a complaint.. The company is well satisfied that the complaint has a legal right but be anonymous. In the consideration of the requests of the decisions must be anonymised, the Committee takes into account; ● If the subject includes information that is private/ sensitive - cause distress, embarrassment or harm. ● Whether inclusion of the complainant’s name in a decision could lead to significant harm. ● Inclusion of the complainant’s name in the decision could represent a specific threat towards their security Review If the complaint has been the subject of a decision in relation to the investigation, any request for e review must be written within the space of a 14 day period and whether if it considers the process of a substantial flaw. Individuals with Disabilities The company will make reasonable adjustments that would justify the their ordinary procedures in order to suits their, requirements/ needs. The IPSO must ensure that the complaint process is “transparent” as well as effective. If they are unable to meets the request to the complainant fully, the company will explain why this action cannot follow through completely. Unacceptable behaviour caused by the complainants In a few cases the company can undergo some distressing circumstances that will/ may need significant assistance. Although in small cases, the complainants seek to interact will the company's staff in a inappropriate way. The company upholds Regulations that can be clear on the rejection without further consideration. IPSO (continued)
  • 47. ASA - The Advertising Standards Authority The UK’s independent advertising regulator where the ASA makes sure ads across UK media stick to the advertising rules; called the ‘Advertising Codes’. The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) is the sister organisation of the ASA and is responsible for writing the Advertising Codes. The company is quite passionate with the responsibility of advertising for people and society; by which the ASA’s goal is to make ads in the UK a responsible ad for advertisers. By taking action against concerns from other businesses and ban ads that may be harmful or offensive, and as well as responding to complaints ASA respond to ads and make sure they follow the rules.
  • 48. Editors Code of Practice (continued) 1. Accuracy Must not publish inaccurately that may mislead the informational message, along with the appropriate use of images and headlines. As such of an insignificant accuracy, it must be easily and quickly corrected. 1. Privacy The company wants everyone to have the respect for their own private life. As considering an individual’s reasonable exception for them to have their own privacy. 1. Harassment As of journalists, there are no needs for the use of intimidation or pursuit to any means necessary of harassment. There must not be any persistence of questioning/telephoning or photography of individuals when they are asked to desist. Editors must also ensure that the principles are continuously observed and asked to leave or to be no longer followed. 1. Intrusion into grief In some cases involving grief, all approaches must be made with sympathy and publication handling sensitively. However, these must not restrict the right of reporting legal procedures. 1. Reporting Suicide In the case that it may lead to something like this,to prevent the simulative act, this should be taken with care and avoid the release of excessive detail.
  • 49. Editors Code of Practice (continued) 1. Children Young children must not be approached or photograph at school without the permission of the school authorities. Under the age of 16, the must not be interviewed on any issues that may involve themselves or any other child - unless the custodial parent gives consent. 1. Children in Sex Cases In any press that may involve a child, and also sexual offense against the child The child, nor the adult must not be identified Care must be taken into consideration if the report implies the relationship between the accused and the child. 1. Victim Sexual Assault There need be no publishing of any materials in relation to leading into the identification of a victim of an sexual assault; only if there is a adequate of justification and they are legally free to do so. 1. Discrimination Avoiding prejudicial reference towards the individuals; race, colour, ethnicity, gender or mental illness or disability. 1. Financial Journalism There must be no buying or selling of either direct or nominees or agents that shares securities about which they intend to write in the near future.
  • 50. Definition: Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists. Copyright changed in 1998 allowing writers and photographers their own rights of photocopy version and reproduction in book. RockStars As I will become a member of the ABC company, I will ensure that my magazine will have copyright and prevent advertisement illegally because, by being a part of the ABC, my content will only be produced with the use of written permission, in such a case of Copyright © Therefore, with my magazine, I want my magazine to have a ‘Standing Plan’ which would prevent any consumers to any other companies to copy my magazine and use/ sell the magazine as their own product. In addition, the company: ABC will help deliver my magazine to make sure that the content meets industrial standards and the verification of the data given and prevent advertisers from using my magazine. Finally, with my magazine, I aim to deliver a advantage of copyright with each magazine that is produced and sold, along with the content and the images industry approved and licensed with the copyright logo. Copyright ©
  • 51. Conclusion To conclude this Unit, I have done previous research through the units that I have research and studied and have come to the realisation that the planning of a magazine consists of a lot of breakdown processes throughout the production stage of the magazine; and therefore with my magazine the research and planning concludes the analysis of creating my magazine. Throughout each unit that I have researched and completed the overall outcome was to relate to the aim of the Unit; in this case: “UK Media Publishing”. The many key stages within this LO, for instance, Calendar Events, ASA and IPSO and Copyright are examples of the key features needed to understand the planning and producing of a magazine as well as other additional key topics such as; Risk Assessment and Profit and Loss, as these are needed to understand the budgeting costs to provide the company and create and magazine.