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I used survey monkey to create a survey which I then showed on my social medias to try get a varied response. The age range of the survey was 14 – 24 so I believe I got a big chunck
of my target audience. Of this survey I had a 52% to 48% split of men and women. I have lerant through this survey that 18 percent watch movies every day and that 63 percent
watch movies twice a week. This is quite a lot when you think about it and I believe this is because 100 percent of them said they stream movies. They say they stream movies of
disney and my main competitor Netflix. Infact only one of my responces said they didnt stream of netflix. Furthermore, 47 percent said before covid they regulary watched movies at
the cinema; 61 percent said that when they see a movie in the cinema it is with friends which corratles with research done by independent cinrma office which I will talk about in
detail below. But assentiallly what it says is that the youth is where cinemas make the most money so a comedy for this age group where teens will show up in groups will see a great
proffit. To add to that in my survey I asked for their faviorte genres and comedy was in their top genres 50 percent of the time; but when asked everyone said they enjoyed comedy.
This is why ive chosent to make a teen comedy as it’s a genre every teen enjoys. My last question was whether they liked when a films plot was relateable; 91% said yes which is why
my films plot will be something relatable.
My film
My film is about a young man name ben who sleeps in late for college. He abbrutly awakes and rushes out the door as we follow him on his over-the-top adventure too college. This
film is a teen comedy and its priamry target audience is 12–18-year-old men and women. The secondary target audience is an older audience who appreciate teen comedies of the
past like Ferris Buller and Superbad. I am going for a younger target audience so the social grade will be between e and C2. The psychographics will be that which typically enjoy
comedies so: strugglers, succeeders, mainstreamers and explorers.
According to the BFI in 2014 31% of UK cinema audiences were men ages 15 – 24, then in another report by the BFI this same age group became 28%. I believe this is due to
streaming; this audince is still consuming the same ammount of films however they are just streaming them from my competitors netflix and Disney plus. 28% of the cinema goers
being in my target audience is still great and according to the same report by the BFI in 2014 for 22 jump street 68% of their audience was 15 – 24 and the inbetweeners 2 had 49% of
their audiences 15 – 24. Both 22 jump street and the imbetweeners are teen comedys which is the same asd my movie. Another great figure in this report is that audiences don’t get
split on gender in comedies. My film is primarily targeted towards men but so was inbetweeners 2 however for that movie 53% were men and 47% were women.
Furthermore, Independent cinema office wrote "Films for the younger age groups are important for local cinemas and may attract sell-out audiences". This is evidance showing that
these types of films are great for the film industry as it helps cinemas distribuite and make profits. So overall I believe that I have found the right audience to make the best profit; my
film is a for ages 12-18 which is the best preforming age group in uk cinemas and a comedy which is the best preforming genre in that age group.
Most teen comedy’s these days appeal to the female teen audience. Netflix would be my competitor as they produce the most content for teenagers. The
teen comedies these days are meant to be progressive often feature female leads with lgbt side characters. The target audience will be for this film mainly
female teens. The intended interpretation would be that these three people in the poster are in a love triangle as they are literally standing in a triangle.
Most of the audience will interpret this however some may think that this film is targeted at just white peoples there’s not a diverse cast.
This poster is from 2010 and has the same target audience I have. Male teens. This poster has just a male on the poster and
came about a time where superhero movies were up and coming. This film was meant to be an alternative superhero film
meant for older teens. The poster uses the colour red to show the audience that it's not your normal superhero movie, this
film is going to violent is what it is telling the audience and that’s something which will atract a male audience. The intent of
this poster that it’s a film about a teen who becomes a superhero and that the film is a comedy. However, some people may
believe the film is lacking a strong female lead; strange that they didn’t put the female who is in the movie on the poster.
Maybe they thought that putting a female on the poster may convey that the film isn’t mainly for men, maybe they thought
people would assume it’s a rom com.
This is teen comedy that came out last year. It has two female leads so the target audience will be teenaged women. However, it
doesn’t use bright colors and the expressions of the women are serious so we can assume, unlike most teen comedies these
days, that it’s not a rom com. This could attract a male audience too. This posters intent is to show a teen comedy with female
leads about serious topics. Most audience will think this too, but some may wonder why there’s a lack of diversity on the poster.
Teen movie posters of the past 10 years
What Ive learnt
Ive learnt that to make a sucseesful teen comedy poster I must show the main protaganist using direct mode of adress to draw the audience in. I must use the
facial expression of my protaganist to express the genre of film too. Another thing is to use colour correctly; I don’t want to misslead the audience into thinking
my film is gonna be bloddy and action packed by having a bright red background or anything. Ill want to use more pastal or white calming colours to let the
audience know the film isn't too serious and will just be a fun time.
My main competitor is Netflix as according to the independent in the UK 16 – 24 spend more time watching Netflix an any other streaming service; I agree with is as in my survey only one person said
they didn’t have netflix. Netflix also make a lot of teen comedy's whether it's as a show or as a movie; movies like the Kissing booth 1 and 2, tall girl, dude, the last summer, after, reality high. These
are all Netflix produced teen movies. But however, what does all this teen contet have in commom? Its all targetted towards a female audience. They are all rom com movies which wouldn’t really
appeal to a male audience. And you have to remember that this platform is the one most used by all teens. Acording to an article by comparitech Netflix has the largest subscriber count out off any
subscription service. Also this graph shows how much netflix has been streamed overall this past year due to covid.
So overall I know my main cometitor is Netflix. From my priamry and secondary research I know that netlflix is used heavily by my target audience. However. ive learnt from looking at the
content netflix produces theres a gap in the market for a teen comedy which is tarfgted towards males which is what my film aims to do. My film will be a teen action hybrid which is targeted
maily towards men which will be refreshing and attract a male audience.
This chart is upsetting to see as my competiors have had an even bigger rise in
popularity then they did they already were. Furthermore, due to covid a lot of
big films are being put on streaming services. This could lead in the death or at
least downfall of the cinema as films after covid may still release digitally. This
wouldn’t be greate for my film as its marketed towards the teenages who like
going to the cinema for social gathering. On the otherhand I believe that my
film would still be sucsessful in cinema as going to the movies is a social event
and I know from my focus group that’s what people like about going to the
cinema. It's not about just the film it's about going out to the cinema for the
Idea generator and focus group
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I was going to use this font if I was using the title 9:00, however since the title was changed, I will not use this
I conducted a small focus group of people who are in my target audience and showed a them a few titles for a movie without revealing the plot. I asked them what they believed the plot
would be based on the titles of the movie. "9:00" was the first title I showed them as it’s the first title I thought of for the film. However, the majorgity of people said it sounded like an
action movie which is understabable. The next title I showed them was "run boy run".
I chose red as it’s a color that stands out from the white. I was thinking about using cyan, but it didn’t professional. In one draft of
my poster, I used black for the title, but audience feedback said it looked as if the title wasn’t memorable because of the color.
Therefore, I've chosen red
Click to add text
The response to run boy run was better as they believed it sounded more like a comedy. Im going to choose this title now because its what the foucs group believed was better.
However, I then asked whether itll be better if it was shorter. So, I asked what genres "run" sounded like and I got a mix of commedy and action. This is a good response as the film is a
comedy however it is shot like an action film so it’s a hybrid.
So, for the title "run" I needed a difrent font so I desided
to use this font called speedy you can tell by this font the
film is not going to be serious. The shading in the
characters show the audience its going to be a fun time.
The focus group agreed this font suited the comedy genre
and the title which is why ive decided to choose this one
in my final design.
However I did make a mistake using this title and font.
Later I reliased in an edit that the red text and title makes
it look more like a horror film than a comedy. So I used
the name Late in the final version of my movie. This title
was receved well by my focus group and I like it as it gives
a hint at the plot. Furthermore I changed to have a
multicoloured title to show that this film is light hearted
and for everyone.
Click to add text
This is my tagline; when shown to my
focus group they said they could tell it
was a sarcastic tagline which is good
since sarcastic taglines is a comeon
convention for the comedy genre.
Production log
1) I wanted to make my poster look like
the Ferris Buller poster since this movie
is an inspiration for my movie.
2) I went to the studio and took a lot of
photos of Ben and this was the best one.
I then put it on a white background.
3) I put the headline, tagline
and title with the main cat
members name and put the
date for the release. This
originally was my final draft
but I and audience feedback
said it looked amateur. I
used a digital font for the title
of the movie because the
alarm clock is a vital prop.
4) I decided to create a
billing block for my poster.
I also changed the color of
the title to red since it
stands out better.
5) This is my final poster
design. I changed the
format of the Ferris
poster. I have the actors
name across the top
instead of a headline. I
also added a tagline
under the title in the
same color but a different
During my planning ive used the 9:00 title
as I wasn’t sure what the title should be
Production log
1) I took this photo then
put it on a white
3) i put the headline, tagline
and title with the main cast
member. This was orginialy
my final design but my focus
group said it didn’t look
professinal and I agree
2) Firstly I decided to
create a billing block for
my poster. I did this so it
looked more
4) This is my final poster
design. I changed the
format of the Ferris
poster. I have the actors
name across the top
instead of a headline. I
also added a tagline. I
then had to change the
colours to make sure
there was cohesion
across all my posters
which I explain the next
poster design.
During production I had to change the
actor who plays Ben due to covid, so I
had to start my design again
This first idea is meant to resemble the Ferris
Buller poster. This poster shows the lead
character who's a male so instantly it might
appeal to the male teen audience; furthermore
he's smiling which is intended to convey to the
audience that this is a light hearted movie. Also
it will help the poster appeal to the fans of that
movie and it'll covey that this film is of that
The intended effect is to show that the film is of
the comedy genre and I think most people will
think this from the fact he's smiling. However,
some of the audience may be think that the fil is
cash grabbing and trying to imitate Ferris Buller
without actually being its own thing. However,
in the second design I counter this potential
critisum by showing the vibrant colours it shows
this film is made for today's audiences and is
more of a insperation not a ripn off.
Although I like the first poster with ben, I
couldn’t use in in other photoshoots, so I had to
recast. I couldn’t have a stand in as my posters
won't have cohesion across, so I had to make
my new final design.
1) I started with a with a
blank canvas and then I fond a
photo of someone running and
used the quick selection tool
too grab the figure of the
person and then painted them
black to get the silhouette. I'm
only using a silhouette because
I cant go out to take photos so
this is just a draft.
2) I then added the title of
the movie. Again I used
red and the digital font.
This is to create cohesion
across all posters. This is
important to make sure
the audience recognize
these as the same
3) I added the
same tagline as
last time. Again, in
the same color
and font. I added
the actor's name
and a billing block
This is a draft poster for my
movie. In the real poster I
will have Ben instead of a
silhouette and ill have a
park background.
This poster is meant to
show the movie in the
middle of the action; this
will interest the audience. In
the actual photo I
would want ben smiling as I
want to show the audience
that it’s a comedy. That is
the intended reading. Some
of the audience may
however mistake the genre
if they haven't seen other
ads for the movie. They may
think that him running
makes it look like a
motivational sports movie
which isn't the intended
4) I then took the
photos in real life. I
also changed the title
and font as explained
on the idea genorater
slide. I then added the
title, tagline, billing
block and actors
names like I did on my
Overall, I was happy with this
poster orginalally. However, when I asked
my focus group, they said it was
confusing as the title in the context of
the red font and man running makes it
look like a horror film. I
completeluy understand this and I do
honestly see why they made this
confusion. So, what im going to do, to
avoid having to do another
photoshoot that would in real life cost
money and time im going to change the
colours to make it look more like a
comedy. However, to create cohesion
across my posters im going to change the
colours of the text in all my posters.
I like this final design as it uses colours to show the genre of film that it is. It appeals to a teen audience and makes them
question why he's running. Whys he running? Whats he late for? Also, theres a male as the protaganist which will attact a
male audience. Furthermore the poster is composed with the title in the right side and the actor on the left which is usuing
the rule of thirds as the audience's eyes will be drawn to the actors name and then to the actor in the frame.
3) I finally added the billing block
This poster like my last is just
showing what I want the poster
too look like but I will use Ben to
model for it and ill use the park for
my background instead of a white
1) I started with a
with a blank canvas
again Again since
I cant go out
to shoot photos I use
d the quick selection
tool and paint tool
to create
a silhouette
2) I added the title
again in the same
font and color. Also
added the tagline
and actors name
4) I then went out
and took photos. I
then added the
billing block,
actors' names, titel
and tagline like how
I did it in my plan
I like this for my final poster as it shows the charatcer in the road exahusted which gives a hint at the film being a
comedy as characters being unfit is a common convention of the genre. I have tried to appel to a audience of 12-18 by
using a bright colour pallet and showing the protaganist to be a teen.
Copy Right
Its imortant in media to not tread on someones copy right; if I used someones image in these posters I would have to approch the owner of the image and ask for
permition. However, in my final design I didn’t use their photos however I will previde links to the images source as if I had used their images in the final draft.
Mid adult man running Stock Photo - Alamy
As you can see here, I took the oringal
phoptoo, flipped it and turned it into a
Unit 15 04 finished (1)

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Schematic Diagram MSI MS-7309 - REV 1.0 PDF .pdf
Schematic Diagram MSI MS-7309 - REV 1.0 PDF .pdfSchematic Diagram MSI MS-7309 - REV 1.0 PDF .pdf
Schematic Diagram MSI MS-7309 - REV 1.0 PDF .pdf

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  • 2. I used survey monkey to create a survey which I then showed on my social medias to try get a varied response. The age range of the survey was 14 – 24 so I believe I got a big chunck of my target audience. Of this survey I had a 52% to 48% split of men and women. I have lerant through this survey that 18 percent watch movies every day and that 63 percent watch movies twice a week. This is quite a lot when you think about it and I believe this is because 100 percent of them said they stream movies. They say they stream movies of disney and my main competitor Netflix. Infact only one of my responces said they didnt stream of netflix. Furthermore, 47 percent said before covid they regulary watched movies at the cinema; 61 percent said that when they see a movie in the cinema it is with friends which corratles with research done by independent cinrma office which I will talk about in detail below. But assentiallly what it says is that the youth is where cinemas make the most money so a comedy for this age group where teens will show up in groups will see a great proffit. To add to that in my survey I asked for their faviorte genres and comedy was in their top genres 50 percent of the time; but when asked everyone said they enjoyed comedy. This is why ive chosent to make a teen comedy as it’s a genre every teen enjoys. My last question was whether they liked when a films plot was relateable; 91% said yes which is why my films plot will be something relatable. My film My film is about a young man name ben who sleeps in late for college. He abbrutly awakes and rushes out the door as we follow him on his over-the-top adventure too college. This film is a teen comedy and its priamry target audience is 12–18-year-old men and women. The secondary target audience is an older audience who appreciate teen comedies of the past like Ferris Buller and Superbad. I am going for a younger target audience so the social grade will be between e and C2. The psychographics will be that which typically enjoy comedies so: strugglers, succeeders, mainstreamers and explorers. According to the BFI in 2014 31% of UK cinema audiences were men ages 15 – 24, then in another report by the BFI this same age group became 28%. I believe this is due to streaming; this audince is still consuming the same ammount of films however they are just streaming them from my competitors netflix and Disney plus. 28% of the cinema goers being in my target audience is still great and according to the same report by the BFI in 2014 for 22 jump street 68% of their audience was 15 – 24 and the inbetweeners 2 had 49% of their audiences 15 – 24. Both 22 jump street and the imbetweeners are teen comedys which is the same asd my movie. Another great figure in this report is that audiences don’t get split on gender in comedies. My film is primarily targeted towards men but so was inbetweeners 2 however for that movie 53% were men and 47% were women. Furthermore, Independent cinema office wrote "Films for the younger age groups are important for local cinemas and may attract sell-out audiences". This is evidance showing that these types of films are great for the film industry as it helps cinemas distribuite and make profits. So overall I believe that I have found the right audience to make the best profit; my film is a for ages 12-18 which is the best preforming age group in uk cinemas and a comedy which is the best preforming genre in that age group. Research
  • 3. Most teen comedy’s these days appeal to the female teen audience. Netflix would be my competitor as they produce the most content for teenagers. The teen comedies these days are meant to be progressive often feature female leads with lgbt side characters. The target audience will be for this film mainly female teens. The intended interpretation would be that these three people in the poster are in a love triangle as they are literally standing in a triangle. Most of the audience will interpret this however some may think that this film is targeted at just white peoples there’s not a diverse cast. This poster is from 2010 and has the same target audience I have. Male teens. This poster has just a male on the poster and came about a time where superhero movies were up and coming. This film was meant to be an alternative superhero film meant for older teens. The poster uses the colour red to show the audience that it's not your normal superhero movie, this film is going to violent is what it is telling the audience and that’s something which will atract a male audience. The intent of this poster that it’s a film about a teen who becomes a superhero and that the film is a comedy. However, some people may believe the film is lacking a strong female lead; strange that they didn’t put the female who is in the movie on the poster. Maybe they thought that putting a female on the poster may convey that the film isn’t mainly for men, maybe they thought people would assume it’s a rom com. This is teen comedy that came out last year. It has two female leads so the target audience will be teenaged women. However, it doesn’t use bright colors and the expressions of the women are serious so we can assume, unlike most teen comedies these days, that it’s not a rom com. This could attract a male audience too. This posters intent is to show a teen comedy with female leads about serious topics. Most audience will think this too, but some may wonder why there’s a lack of diversity on the poster. Teen movie posters of the past 10 years What Ive learnt Ive learnt that to make a sucseesful teen comedy poster I must show the main protaganist using direct mode of adress to draw the audience in. I must use the facial expression of my protaganist to express the genre of film too. Another thing is to use colour correctly; I don’t want to misslead the audience into thinking my film is gonna be bloddy and action packed by having a bright red background or anything. Ill want to use more pastal or white calming colours to let the audience know the film isn't too serious and will just be a fun time.
  • 4. My main competitor is Netflix as according to the independent in the UK 16 – 24 spend more time watching Netflix an any other streaming service; I agree with is as in my survey only one person said they didn’t have netflix. Netflix also make a lot of teen comedy's whether it's as a show or as a movie; movies like the Kissing booth 1 and 2, tall girl, dude, the last summer, after, reality high. These are all Netflix produced teen movies. But however, what does all this teen contet have in commom? Its all targetted towards a female audience. They are all rom com movies which wouldn’t really appeal to a male audience. And you have to remember that this platform is the one most used by all teens. Acording to an article by comparitech Netflix has the largest subscriber count out off any subscription service. Also this graph shows how much netflix has been streamed overall this past year due to covid. Competitors So overall I know my main cometitor is Netflix. From my priamry and secondary research I know that netlflix is used heavily by my target audience. However. ive learnt from looking at the content netflix produces theres a gap in the market for a teen comedy which is tarfgted towards males which is what my film aims to do. My film will be a teen action hybrid which is targeted maily towards men which will be refreshing and attract a male audience. This chart is upsetting to see as my competiors have had an even bigger rise in popularity then they did they already were. Furthermore, due to covid a lot of big films are being put on streaming services. This could lead in the death or at least downfall of the cinema as films after covid may still release digitally. This wouldn’t be greate for my film as its marketed towards the teenages who like going to the cinema for social gathering. On the otherhand I believe that my film would still be sucsessful in cinema as going to the movies is a social event and I know from my focus group that’s what people like about going to the cinema. It's not about just the film it's about going out to the cinema for the day
  • 5. Idea generator and focus group Click to add text I was going to use this font if I was using the title 9:00, however since the title was changed, I will not use this font I conducted a small focus group of people who are in my target audience and showed a them a few titles for a movie without revealing the plot. I asked them what they believed the plot would be based on the titles of the movie. "9:00" was the first title I showed them as it’s the first title I thought of for the film. However, the majorgity of people said it sounded like an action movie which is understabable. The next title I showed them was "run boy run". I chose red as it’s a color that stands out from the white. I was thinking about using cyan, but it didn’t professional. In one draft of my poster, I used black for the title, but audience feedback said it looked as if the title wasn’t memorable because of the color. Therefore, I've chosen red Click to add text The response to run boy run was better as they believed it sounded more like a comedy. Im going to choose this title now because its what the foucs group believed was better. However, I then asked whether itll be better if it was shorter. So, I asked what genres "run" sounded like and I got a mix of commedy and action. This is a good response as the film is a comedy however it is shot like an action film so it’s a hybrid. So, for the title "run" I needed a difrent font so I desided to use this font called speedy you can tell by this font the film is not going to be serious. The shading in the characters show the audience its going to be a fun time. The focus group agreed this font suited the comedy genre and the title which is why ive decided to choose this one in my final design. However I did make a mistake using this title and font. Later I reliased in an edit that the red text and title makes it look more like a horror film than a comedy. So I used the name Late in the final version of my movie. This title was receved well by my focus group and I like it as it gives a hint at the plot. Furthermore I changed to have a multicoloured title to show that this film is light hearted and for everyone. Click to add text This is my tagline; when shown to my focus group they said they could tell it was a sarcastic tagline which is good since sarcastic taglines is a comeon convention for the comedy genre.
  • 6. Production log 1) I wanted to make my poster look like the Ferris Buller poster since this movie is an inspiration for my movie. 2) I went to the studio and took a lot of photos of Ben and this was the best one. I then put it on a white background. 3) I put the headline, tagline and title with the main cat members name and put the date for the release. This originally was my final draft but I and audience feedback said it looked amateur. I used a digital font for the title of the movie because the alarm clock is a vital prop. 4) I decided to create a billing block for my poster. I also changed the color of the title to red since it stands out better. 5) This is my final poster design. I changed the format of the Ferris poster. I have the actors name across the top instead of a headline. I also added a tagline under the title in the same color but a different font. During my planning ive used the 9:00 title as I wasn’t sure what the title should be yet
  • 7. Production log 1) I took this photo then put it on a white background 3) i put the headline, tagline and title with the main cast member. This was orginialy my final design but my focus group said it didn’t look professinal and I agree 2) Firstly I decided to create a billing block for my poster. I did this so it looked more professinoal 4) This is my final poster design. I changed the format of the Ferris poster. I have the actors name across the top instead of a headline. I also added a tagline. I then had to change the colours to make sure there was cohesion across all my posters which I explain the next poster design. During production I had to change the actor who plays Ben due to covid, so I had to start my design again
  • 8. This first idea is meant to resemble the Ferris Buller poster. This poster shows the lead character who's a male so instantly it might appeal to the male teen audience; furthermore he's smiling which is intended to convey to the audience that this is a light hearted movie. Also it will help the poster appeal to the fans of that movie and it'll covey that this film is of that genre. The intended effect is to show that the film is of the comedy genre and I think most people will think this from the fact he's smiling. However, some of the audience may be think that the fil is cash grabbing and trying to imitate Ferris Buller without actually being its own thing. However, in the second design I counter this potential critisum by showing the vibrant colours it shows this film is made for today's audiences and is more of a insperation not a ripn off. Although I like the first poster with ben, I couldn’t use in in other photoshoots, so I had to recast. I couldn’t have a stand in as my posters won't have cohesion across, so I had to make my new final design.
  • 9. 1) I started with a with a blank canvas and then I fond a photo of someone running and used the quick selection tool too grab the figure of the person and then painted them black to get the silhouette. I'm only using a silhouette because I cant go out to take photos so this is just a draft. 2) I then added the title of the movie. Again I used red and the digital font. This is to create cohesion across all posters. This is important to make sure the audience recognize these as the same product. 3) I added the same tagline as last time. Again, in the same color and font. I added the actor's name and a billing block This is a draft poster for my movie. In the real poster I will have Ben instead of a silhouette and ill have a park background. This poster is meant to show the movie in the middle of the action; this will interest the audience. In the actual photo I would want ben smiling as I want to show the audience that it’s a comedy. That is the intended reading. Some of the audience may however mistake the genre if they haven't seen other ads for the movie. They may think that him running makes it look like a motivational sports movie which isn't the intended effect. 4) I then took the photos in real life. I also changed the title and font as explained on the idea genorater slide. I then added the title, tagline, billing block and actors names like I did on my plan Overall, I was happy with this poster orginalally. However, when I asked my focus group, they said it was confusing as the title in the context of the red font and man running makes it look like a horror film. I completeluy understand this and I do honestly see why they made this confusion. So, what im going to do, to avoid having to do another photoshoot that would in real life cost money and time im going to change the colours to make it look more like a comedy. However, to create cohesion across my posters im going to change the colours of the text in all my posters.
  • 10. I like this final design as it uses colours to show the genre of film that it is. It appeals to a teen audience and makes them question why he's running. Whys he running? Whats he late for? Also, theres a male as the protaganist which will attact a male audience. Furthermore the poster is composed with the title in the right side and the actor on the left which is usuing the rule of thirds as the audience's eyes will be drawn to the actors name and then to the actor in the frame.
  • 11. 3) I finally added the billing block This poster like my last is just showing what I want the poster too look like but I will use Ben to model for it and ill use the park for my background instead of a white background. 1) I started with a with a blank canvas again Again since I cant go out to shoot photos I use d the quick selection tool and paint tool to create a silhouette 2) I added the title again in the same font and color. Also added the tagline and actors name 4) I then went out and took photos. I then added the billing block, actors' names, titel and tagline like how I did it in my plan
  • 12. I like this for my final poster as it shows the charatcer in the road exahusted which gives a hint at the film being a comedy as characters being unfit is a common convention of the genre. I have tried to appel to a audience of 12-18 by using a bright colour pallet and showing the protaganist to be a teen.
  • 13. Copy Right Its imortant in media to not tread on someones copy right; if I used someones image in these posters I would have to approch the owner of the image and ask for permition. However, in my final design I didn’t use their photos however I will previde links to the images source as if I had used their images in the final draft. Mid adult man running Stock Photo - Alamy As you can see here, I took the oringal phoptoo, flipped it and turned it into a sillohute