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Indian Ethos – An Overview
Indian Ethos – An Overview
 Meaning
 Features
 Need
 History
 Relevance
 Principles practiced by Indian Companies
 Requisites
 Elements
 Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices
 “Ethos” is a Greek Word which means “Character”. It
also can be defined as the set of beliefs of
community of a region. Hence Indian Ethos is a set
of Indian beliefs that guides the individual.
 The simple meaning of ‘Ethos’ is, the guiding
principles of a person, group or of an organization.
 ‘Ethos’ is a set of beliefs, ideas, etc., about social
behavior and relationship of a person or group.
 Indian ethos can be regarded as “ethos of the
 It is mainly the philosophy of managing as well
as governing the self and the society.
 It focuses upon discipline and wisdom as
expressed in the holy books and ancient
scriptures like Vedas, Gita, Upanishads,
Mahabharata, Quran and Bible.
 Indian ethos serves ideas of honesty, integrity
and morality.
• - Swami Vivekananda
Divinity of all souls.
 Human existence as the ultimate truth of life
 The human soul should be given the utmost importance
Equilibrium or Balance
 Refers to stability
 Perfect stability between desire and lack of
desire, religious and secular thoughts,
materialistic and spiritual world etc.
Balance between Personal and Professional Life
 IE believes that the world is good for those who
are good themselves. For this reason, a person
should manage and maintain a perfect work-life
Pure or Cosmic Consciousness
IE focuses on the belief that every individual has a
divine element which belongs to the pure or
This encourages values like co-operation, mutual
trust, universal brotherhood and common welfare
Significance to Character
IE considers the character to be more important than
It is the ultimate wealth and power
Work is Worship
IE believes in the philosophy of “work is worship”
It considers all work as valuable and respectable
Duty and responsibility
IE does not focuses on rights and privileges.
It is mainly interested in individuals’
responsibilities and duties
Knowledge of the creator.
Knowledge of the creation.
Excellence at work
IE believes that quality can be maintained by ensuring
excellence in the workplace
Possible with the help of self-development and self-
Whole-Man Approach
The ideas of Puranas, Upnishads and Gita are
reflected in IE
Indian thought believes in this idea which
consists of knowledge of cosmos, creation and
interrelationship between materialistic and
spiritual life.
 According to Swami Vivekananda, “Indian ethos
serves ideas of honesty, integrity and morality”.
Indian ethoses basically are based on our social
structure, culture and religions.
 Moreover, our Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas,
Bhagwad Gita and Ramayana have also
contributed to create and develop the holistic
and value added aspects in the Indian Ethos.
History …
 Bhagwad Gita focuses on doing our provided
duty. We should use our judgment and conduct
our duties with highest attention. Gita tell us
that, we should do our jobs without thinking of
the reward in return. That means, perform our
work diligently for the organization and results
will follow.
Purpose of Indian Ethos
1. Developing Proper Management.
 Helps in establishing a proper system of management at the
 Management system which is formed on the age-old principles of
discipline and wisdom can help in running an organization
2. Ensuring All-round Development.
 Helps in ensuring overall growth, development and prosperity of
the organization
 Can help in increasing profitability, marketability and
productivity of the organization
3. Art of working sincerely.
 Believes in the philosophy that if an individual is working
sincerely for nature, society or organization, then he/she will be
surely blessed with prosperity, peace and happiness.
4. Increasing Human Productivity.
 Considers the capabilities of the humans to be more importance
than capabilities of the organization.
Relevance of Indian Ethos
 Maintaining Holistic Universe
 All minds and materials are considered to be deeply
 Sacrifice and love are considered to be the only
ways to lead a purposeful life
 Aims at living a meaningful life and making the best
of it.
 Elucidating(Explaining) Motivation
 Describe the idea of motivation in a holistic manner
 Considers motivation as an integral element of all
 General Welfare
 Which means that human should not only
consider their interest but also the interests of
Relevance of Indian Ethos
 Unique Work Culture
 The concept of work can be regarded as sadhana
or worship; and dharma and karma are
considered to be the same.
 Dharma refers to performing the duty and no
specific religion as such. Therefore , ‘karma’ is
required to achieve ‘dharma’.
 Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means law or
judgment. Karma is the sum of all of a person's
actions through all of his lives, past and
present. These actions are considered in relation to
that person's dharma, and whether or not that
person fulfilled the duties dictated by his dharma.
Evenness of Mind
 It can be achieve through the IE. According to this
philosophy, the means and ends hold the same
Relevance of Indian Ethos
 Self Development
 Those managers who believe in self
development and hold an integrated
personality can effectively manage the
enterprise through collaboration and
 A holistic attitude in this regard can be
adopted by developing a higher
consciousness which will help in bringing
forth the divinity in humans.
 It also helps in ensuring excellent and
perfect results at the workplace.
 Only the holistic outlook helps in attaining
Relevance of Indian Ethos
 Promotes Concentration
 The mind can be controlled by means
preached by Vedanta.
 This results in increasing the levels of
productivity, efficiency and concentrations in
 It has nothing to do with renouncement.
 The Gita rightly reflects this philosophy. As
per it, “you have to be a man of action, so
do not run away from your action or Karma
but the same should be done according to
your Dharma”.
 Also, an individual must try to avoid the
Relevance of Indian Ethos
 Establishing Value System
 Most of the social vices have emerged due
to our deteriorating value system.
 Conventional values have taken a back seat
in this technology oriented modern world of
competition and globalisation.
 Therefore, there is an immediate need to re
adopt the ancient sanatan system of
cooperation, integrity, honesty, harmony,
non-violence and truth.
 The philosophy of ‘sarva-dharm-sambhav’
which involves a secular ethos need to be
Needs/Requisites of Indian Ethos
1. Holistic Management Attitude
2. Humanising the Organization
3. Interiorising Management
4. Self-Introspection
5. Brain-Stilling
6. Stepping-Back
7. Self Dynamiting Meditation
8. Role of Intuition
1. Holistic Management Attitude
 An attitude of holistic management
which is driven by values should be
adopted by every organisation.
 It believes in generating profits by
offering services and satisfying the
stakeholders; workers, society,
customers or suppliers.
 Hence it is vital to fulfil the social
responsibility towards all the
2. Humanising the Organization
 It revolve around three aspects, viz.
Inter-personal relations, man-machine
equation and inner management.
 Inter-personal relations – i.e. Among
individuals and People.
 Man-machine equation – i.e. Relation
between man and
machine/equipment, where man is
the prime concern.
 Inner management – that ensures
mental and spiritual growth.
3. Interiorising Management
 It refers to managing the self or
management through
 Only through the proper
integration and management of
body, mind heart and intellect; the
internal conflicts in the humans
can be resolved.
 Its ultimate aim to know oneself
first before knowing others.
4. Self Introspection
 It starts with studying and
analysing the self, followed by
criticism o identify conflicts and
 It is possible only through
examining the feelings, emotions,
passions and thoughts of self.
5. Brain Stilling
 The mind should be in the state of
absolute stability and silence while
making rational decisions.
 One of the most effective ways to
resolve problems is brain-stilling or
meditative silence.
 The problems which are difficult to
be tackled through reasoning can
be handled by this process.
6. Stepping Back
 It is important to step back and
think for a while before speaking,
doing or deciding anything.
 This helps in mastering and
gaining control over situation.
7. Self-Dynamising Meditation
 The act of turning lower
consciousness into higher
 It is also known as transforming
 Meditation renders a situation of
silence and calm mind where one is
able to attain a level of higher
consciousness that directs their
intuitions to handle a number of
problems of life.
 This methodology is known as
8. Role of Intuition
 A state where one is able to attain
certainty or direct knowledge without
any logical explanation.
 It refers to immediate cognition of
inner-self and when fully developed ,
it helps an individual in taking prompt
and efficient decisions.
 Such skill helps in tackling the
inconsistent and haphazard situations
with confidence.
 Faith is a preliminary condition
required for developing and realising
intuitive power.
Elements of Indian Ethos
1) Emphasis on Permanence
2) Quest for Perfection
3) Joy in doing duty
Emphasis on Permanence
 Practically everything goes through a change in
the real world, be it environments, situations,
concepts or fashions.
 However, there are some things in life which
never change; these are the virtues of beauty,
truth and doing well.
 In 1990s and 2000s era the principle of honesty
is the best policy has gained more importance.
 In today’s era ‘corporate governance’ is used to
define the operational term for the integrity.
 Transparency and Accountability are two
elements of corporate governance.
 Basic element of IE such as Integrity and Truth
plays important role even in today’s modern
business world.
Quest for Perfection
 Perfection emanates out of perfection.
Achieving perfection eventually leads to the
 When taking about TQM, it is important to
keep in mind that quality of products and
services cannot be ensured without ensuring
quality in all organizational functions.
 In today’s world of management it is difficult
to ignore the value of excellence..
 Hence, excellence plays a vital role in India
and as well as in the global scenarion.
Joy in doing duty
 Deming has rightly remarked quality as the
pride; it refers to the pride which an artisan
enjoys by making his/her craftwork.
 Excellence is bound to achieved when an
individual derives enjoyment from his/her
 It comes out of happiness and paves the way
for success.
 Such a concept is acknowledged not only in
India but all over the world.
Elements of Indian Ethos
 Ego sublimation.
 Sacrificing spirit.
 Team achievement.
 Spiritual attainment.
 Self-control.
 Concept of Duties.
 Yielding rather than Dominating.
 Respect & Search for Truth.
Principles practiced by Indian companies:
1. Honesty - the quality of being honest, someone or
something that is truthful, trustworthy or genuine
2. Transparency - Transparency, in a business or
governance context, is honesty and openness.
3. Accountability and Responsibility - Accountability is
the obligation to explain, justify, and take
responsibility for one's actions.
4. Equal treatment - The principle of equal treatment
establishes that all people – and in the context of the
workplace, all workers – have the right to receive the
same treatment and not to be discriminated against
on the basis of criteria such as age, disability,
nationality, race and religion.
5. Harmony - a state of agreement or of peaceful
existence together. Agreement in feeling, action, ideas,
interests, etc.; peaceable or friendly relations.
Principles practiced by Indian companies:
6. Fairness - treating people equally or according to
the law, rules, etc.
7. Integrity - the quality of being honest and having
strong moral principles, the state of being united
or undivided
8. Dignity of Work - The dignity of labour is the
philosophy that all types of jobs are respected
equally, and no occupation is considered superior
and none of the jobs should be discriminated on
any basis. Regardless of whether one's occupation
involves physical work or mental labour, it is held
that the job deserves respect. Social reformers
such as Basava and his contemporary Sharanas,
as well as Mahatma Gandhi, were prominent
advocates of the dignity of labour.
Principles practiced by Indian companies:
9. Holistic Approach - A holistic approach
means to provide support that looks at the
whole person, not just their mental health
needs. The support should also consider their
physical, emotional, social and spiritual
wellbeing. A holistic approach focuses on a
person's wellness and not just their illness or
condition. An example of holistic is health
care that focuses on the health of the entire
body and mind and not just parts of the body.
10. Co-operation - working together with
somebody else to achieve something, help that
you give by doing what somebody asks you to
Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice
 Creates Strong Relation: Indian ethos puts a lot
of emphasis on human values and the development
of human beings. Therefore an organization which
subscribes to Indian ethos will have a people-
centric approach.
 Such organizations would maintain relationships
with their employees as well as external
stakeholders like vendors, suppliers, etc.
 This improves the brand image of the organizations
and also augments their communication objective
in the positive direction.
Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice
 Inward Considerations: The Indian ethos looks
at individuals. It believes that entire world can be
good once individuals are good.
 An ethical and unique organization can be
established by adopting the above principle.
 The productivity of such an organization will
definitely be high.
 Avoids Unethical Aspects: The Indian ethos has
its roots in holy texts like the Gita, Upanishads, and
Vedas, etc.
 These texts and scriptures abhor all practices that
are based on unethical means.
Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice
 Balanced Values: The Indian ethos strives to
strike a balance between materialism and
 It places equal importance on both.
 Improves Performance: The IE leads to an increase
in the performance of the corporate. This is because
it teaches that the individual benefit should be
ignored for the greater good of the society and
 The emphasis is always on sustainability and long
term benefits instead of instant and short-term
Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice
 Develops Self Reliability: Indian ethos gives
much importance to the internal resources
rather than external resources.
 It, therefore, tends to make the organization
more self reliant as it makes the best use of its
available resources.
 The performance of the business also improves
as it makes the best utilization of its existing
 The decision making is also not influenced by
the external factors.
Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice
 Helps in Problem Solving: Indian ethos
makes the organization more capable of
managing environmental change and making
the best use of available challenges and
opportunities .
 Improves Quality: Self-development and self-
motivation along with TQM, resulting in the
development of the business.
Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice
 Planning.
 Recruitment & Selection.
 Healthy Relations.
 Responsibility & Accountability.
 Training & Development.
 Performance Appraisal.
 Workers Participation in Management.
 Grievance Redressal - Grievance or, Employee Grievance is a
formal complaint raised by an employee against a fellow
employee or manager, or even against the employer.
Employees usually file grievances for workplace harassment,
discrimination, nepotism, concerns regarding team
management or regarding terms of the employment.
 Promotes Harmonious work culture - A good and
harmonious working environment is one where all workers
are treated with dignity and respect, and where no worker is
subjected to harassment by conduct that is related to
religious belief or political opinion.
Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices
 Organizations following, Indian ethos consider
humanity as supreme. This provides a strong bond with
internal as well as external customers, resulting in
improved performance.
 Indian ethos focuses on, if a person is good, then the
whole world is good. Any organization which follows
the above ethical thought automatically gets converted
into an ethical organization, with less conflicts and
 Indian ethos impacts the performance of business while
sacrificing individual desires.
Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices
 Self-motivation and self-development helps a lot in the
development of business and its quality. Indian ethos
helps in problem solving and develops self-reliability.
 The process of management involves four aspects;
maximum utilization of resources, leading with
efficiency, materializing the organizational goals
towards effectiveness and value addition to the world
through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
 All these aspects are possible only in a healthy
environment. Ethics and ethical behavior are the main
ingredients of healthy management.
Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices
 Our ancient wisdom literature in the Vedas,
Vedanta, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata
Bhagawad Gita or the Arthashastra are a storehouse
of comprehensive and powerful philosophy to be
applied in all ages for the benefit of mankind.
 Since Indian Philosophy extols unity amidst all
diversities, belief in tolerance, quest for freedom,
we can become better performers by imbibing
knowledge from these scriptures on the art of
Ethics Vs Ethos
Basis of
Ethics Ethos
Origin Shastras are the
originator of Ethics
Ethos Originate from culture
Nature These are universal in
terms of nature
These pertain to specific
Function It decides what is paap,
punya, Swarga, narak,
good conduct or bad
Explains the ingredients of a
cultured outlook
Examples Truth, attitudes towards
violence, charity, mankind
Beliefs like adoring children
and respecting elders,
• Ethics is concerned with what is right and what is wrong in everyday
life especially with reference to moral values.
• Ethos is used to describe the distinct thoughts and opinions of the
community which can also includes ethics.
 Sublimation is one way that the ego reduces the anxiety
that can be created by unacceptable urges or feelings.
Sublimation works by channeling negative and
unacceptable impulses into behaviors that are positive and
socially acceptable.
 Ego the (good) opinion that you have of yourself
 The real meaning of sacrifice in life is the “peace during
 It means when we going to die then we have no incomplete
wish or other queries. At that time we should be happy
about our journey of life.
 Yielding - to stop refusing to do something or to obey
 The idea refers to the observation that one's true beauty is
found in the things we do for others throughout our lives.
 Quest a long search for something that is difficult to find

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Unit 1 - Indian Ethos – An Overview.pptx

  • 1. UNIT- I Indian Ethos – An Overview
  • 2. Indian Ethos – An Overview  Meaning  Features  Need  History  Relevance  Principles practiced by Indian Companies  Requisites  Elements  Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices
  • 3. Meaning  “Ethos” is a Greek Word which means “Character”. It also can be defined as the set of beliefs of community of a region. Hence Indian Ethos is a set of Indian beliefs that guides the individual.  The simple meaning of ‘Ethos’ is, the guiding principles of a person, group or of an organization.  ‘Ethos’ is a set of beliefs, ideas, etc., about social behavior and relationship of a person or group.
  • 4. Meaning  Indian ethos can be regarded as “ethos of the nation”.  It is mainly the philosophy of managing as well as governing the self and the society.  It focuses upon discipline and wisdom as expressed in the holy books and ancient scriptures like Vedas, Gita, Upanishads, Mahabharata, Quran and Bible.
  • 5. Meaning  Indian ethos serves ideas of honesty, integrity and morality. • - Swami Vivekananda
  • 6. Features Divinity of all souls.  Human existence as the ultimate truth of life  The human soul should be given the utmost importance Equilibrium or Balance  Refers to stability  Perfect stability between desire and lack of desire, religious and secular thoughts, materialistic and spiritual world etc. Balance between Personal and Professional Life  IE believes that the world is good for those who are good themselves. For this reason, a person should manage and maintain a perfect work-life balance.
  • 7. Features Pure or Cosmic Consciousness IE focuses on the belief that every individual has a divine element which belongs to the pure or consciousness This encourages values like co-operation, mutual trust, universal brotherhood and common welfare Significance to Character IE considers the character to be more important than knowledge. It is the ultimate wealth and power Work is Worship IE believes in the philosophy of “work is worship” It considers all work as valuable and respectable
  • 8. Features Duty and responsibility IE does not focuses on rights and privileges. It is mainly interested in individuals’ responsibilities and duties Knowledge Knowledge of the creator. Knowledge of the creation. Excellence at work IE believes that quality can be maintained by ensuring excellence in the workplace Possible with the help of self-development and self- motivation
  • 9. Features Whole-Man Approach The ideas of Puranas, Upnishads and Gita are reflected in IE Indian thought believes in this idea which consists of knowledge of cosmos, creation and interrelationship between materialistic and spiritual life.
  • 10. History  According to Swami Vivekananda, “Indian ethos serves ideas of honesty, integrity and morality”. Indian ethoses basically are based on our social structure, culture and religions.  Moreover, our Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Bhagwad Gita and Ramayana have also contributed to create and develop the holistic and value added aspects in the Indian Ethos.
  • 11. History …  Bhagwad Gita focuses on doing our provided duty. We should use our judgment and conduct our duties with highest attention. Gita tell us that, we should do our jobs without thinking of the reward in return. That means, perform our work diligently for the organization and results will follow.
  • 12. Purpose of Indian Ethos 1. Developing Proper Management.  Helps in establishing a proper system of management at the workplace.  Management system which is formed on the age-old principles of discipline and wisdom can help in running an organization smoothly. 2. Ensuring All-round Development.  Helps in ensuring overall growth, development and prosperity of the organization  Can help in increasing profitability, marketability and productivity of the organization 3. Art of working sincerely.  Believes in the philosophy that if an individual is working sincerely for nature, society or organization, then he/she will be surely blessed with prosperity, peace and happiness. 4. Increasing Human Productivity.  Considers the capabilities of the humans to be more importance than capabilities of the organization.
  • 13. Relevance of Indian Ethos  Maintaining Holistic Universe  All minds and materials are considered to be deeply interconnected.  Sacrifice and love are considered to be the only ways to lead a purposeful life  Aims at living a meaningful life and making the best of it.  Elucidating(Explaining) Motivation  Describe the idea of motivation in a holistic manner  Considers motivation as an integral element of all beings.  General Welfare  Which means that human should not only consider their interest but also the interests of
  • 14. Relevance of Indian Ethos  Unique Work Culture  The concept of work can be regarded as sadhana or worship; and dharma and karma are considered to be the same.  Dharma refers to performing the duty and no specific religion as such. Therefore , ‘karma’ is required to achieve ‘dharma’.  Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means law or judgment. Karma is the sum of all of a person's actions through all of his lives, past and present. These actions are considered in relation to that person's dharma, and whether or not that person fulfilled the duties dictated by his dharma. Evenness of Mind  It can be achieve through the IE. According to this philosophy, the means and ends hold the same importance.
  • 15. Relevance of Indian Ethos  Self Development  Those managers who believe in self development and hold an integrated personality can effectively manage the enterprise through collaboration and teamwork.  A holistic attitude in this regard can be adopted by developing a higher consciousness which will help in bringing forth the divinity in humans.  It also helps in ensuring excellent and perfect results at the workplace.  Only the holistic outlook helps in attaining
  • 16. Relevance of Indian Ethos  Promotes Concentration  The mind can be controlled by means preached by Vedanta.  This results in increasing the levels of productivity, efficiency and concentrations in individuals.  It has nothing to do with renouncement.  The Gita rightly reflects this philosophy. As per it, “you have to be a man of action, so do not run away from your action or Karma but the same should be done according to your Dharma”.  Also, an individual must try to avoid the
  • 17. Relevance of Indian Ethos  Establishing Value System  Most of the social vices have emerged due to our deteriorating value system.  Conventional values have taken a back seat in this technology oriented modern world of competition and globalisation.  Therefore, there is an immediate need to re adopt the ancient sanatan system of cooperation, integrity, honesty, harmony, non-violence and truth.  The philosophy of ‘sarva-dharm-sambhav’ which involves a secular ethos need to be promoted.
  • 18. Needs/Requisites of Indian Ethos 1. Holistic Management Attitude 2. Humanising the Organization 3. Interiorising Management 4. Self-Introspection 5. Brain-Stilling 6. Stepping-Back 7. Self Dynamiting Meditation 8. Role of Intuition
  • 19. 1. Holistic Management Attitude  An attitude of holistic management which is driven by values should be adopted by every organisation.  It believes in generating profits by offering services and satisfying the stakeholders; workers, society, customers or suppliers.  Hence it is vital to fulfil the social responsibility towards all the stakeholders.
  • 20. 2. Humanising the Organization  It revolve around three aspects, viz. Inter-personal relations, man-machine equation and inner management.  Inter-personal relations – i.e. Among individuals and People.  Man-machine equation – i.e. Relation between man and machine/equipment, where man is the prime concern.  Inner management – that ensures mental and spiritual growth.
  • 21. 3. Interiorising Management  It refers to managing the self or management through consciousness.  Only through the proper integration and management of body, mind heart and intellect; the internal conflicts in the humans can be resolved.  Its ultimate aim to know oneself first before knowing others.
  • 22. 4. Self Introspection  It starts with studying and analysing the self, followed by criticism o identify conflicts and disharmonies.  It is possible only through examining the feelings, emotions, passions and thoughts of self.
  • 23. 5. Brain Stilling  The mind should be in the state of absolute stability and silence while making rational decisions.  One of the most effective ways to resolve problems is brain-stilling or meditative silence.  The problems which are difficult to be tackled through reasoning can be handled by this process.
  • 24. 6. Stepping Back  It is important to step back and think for a while before speaking, doing or deciding anything.  This helps in mastering and gaining control over situation.
  • 25. 7. Self-Dynamising Meditation  The act of turning lower consciousness into higher consciousness.  It is also known as transforming meditation.  Meditation renders a situation of silence and calm mind where one is able to attain a level of higher consciousness that directs their intuitions to handle a number of problems of life.  This methodology is known as
  • 26. 8. Role of Intuition  A state where one is able to attain certainty or direct knowledge without any logical explanation.  It refers to immediate cognition of inner-self and when fully developed , it helps an individual in taking prompt and efficient decisions.  Such skill helps in tackling the inconsistent and haphazard situations with confidence.  Faith is a preliminary condition required for developing and realising intuitive power.
  • 27. Elements of Indian Ethos 1) Emphasis on Permanence 2) Quest for Perfection 3) Joy in doing duty
  • 28. Emphasis on Permanence  Practically everything goes through a change in the real world, be it environments, situations, concepts or fashions.  However, there are some things in life which never change; these are the virtues of beauty, truth and doing well.  In 1990s and 2000s era the principle of honesty is the best policy has gained more importance.  In today’s era ‘corporate governance’ is used to define the operational term for the integrity.  Transparency and Accountability are two elements of corporate governance.  Basic element of IE such as Integrity and Truth plays important role even in today’s modern business world.
  • 29. Quest for Perfection  Perfection emanates out of perfection. Achieving perfection eventually leads to the quality.  When taking about TQM, it is important to keep in mind that quality of products and services cannot be ensured without ensuring quality in all organizational functions.  In today’s world of management it is difficult to ignore the value of excellence..  Hence, excellence plays a vital role in India and as well as in the global scenarion.
  • 30. Joy in doing duty  Deming has rightly remarked quality as the pride; it refers to the pride which an artisan enjoys by making his/her craftwork.  Excellence is bound to achieved when an individual derives enjoyment from his/her work.  It comes out of happiness and paves the way for success.  Such a concept is acknowledged not only in India but all over the world.
  • 31. Elements of Indian Ethos  Ego sublimation.  Sacrificing spirit.  Team achievement.  Spiritual attainment.  Self-control.  Concept of Duties.  Yielding rather than Dominating.  Respect & Search for Truth.
  • 32. Principles practiced by Indian companies: 1. Honesty - the quality of being honest, someone or something that is truthful, trustworthy or genuine 2. Transparency - Transparency, in a business or governance context, is honesty and openness. 3. Accountability and Responsibility - Accountability is the obligation to explain, justify, and take responsibility for one's actions. 4. Equal treatment - The principle of equal treatment establishes that all people – and in the context of the workplace, all workers – have the right to receive the same treatment and not to be discriminated against on the basis of criteria such as age, disability, nationality, race and religion. 5. Harmony - a state of agreement or of peaceful existence together. Agreement in feeling, action, ideas, interests, etc.; peaceable or friendly relations.
  • 33. Principles practiced by Indian companies: 6. Fairness - treating people equally or according to the law, rules, etc. 7. Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, the state of being united or undivided 8. Dignity of Work - The dignity of labour is the philosophy that all types of jobs are respected equally, and no occupation is considered superior and none of the jobs should be discriminated on any basis. Regardless of whether one's occupation involves physical work or mental labour, it is held that the job deserves respect. Social reformers such as Basava and his contemporary Sharanas, as well as Mahatma Gandhi, were prominent advocates of the dignity of labour.
  • 34. Principles practiced by Indian companies: 9. Holistic Approach - A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support should also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. A holistic approach focuses on a person's wellness and not just their illness or condition. An example of holistic is health care that focuses on the health of the entire body and mind and not just parts of the body. 10. Co-operation - working together with somebody else to achieve something, help that you give by doing what somebody asks you to do.
  • 35. Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice  Creates Strong Relation: Indian ethos puts a lot of emphasis on human values and the development of human beings. Therefore an organization which subscribes to Indian ethos will have a people- centric approach.  Such organizations would maintain relationships with their employees as well as external stakeholders like vendors, suppliers, etc.  This improves the brand image of the organizations and also augments their communication objective in the positive direction.
  • 36. Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice  Inward Considerations: The Indian ethos looks at individuals. It believes that entire world can be good once individuals are good.  An ethical and unique organization can be established by adopting the above principle.  The productivity of such an organization will definitely be high.  Avoids Unethical Aspects: The Indian ethos has its roots in holy texts like the Gita, Upanishads, and Vedas, etc.  These texts and scriptures abhor all practices that are based on unethical means.
  • 37. Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice  Balanced Values: The Indian ethos strives to strike a balance between materialism and spirituality.  It places equal importance on both.  Improves Performance: The IE leads to an increase in the performance of the corporate. This is because it teaches that the individual benefit should be ignored for the greater good of the society and mankind.  The emphasis is always on sustainability and long term benefits instead of instant and short-term gains.
  • 38. Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice  Develops Self Reliability: Indian ethos gives much importance to the internal resources rather than external resources.  It, therefore, tends to make the organization more self reliant as it makes the best use of its available resources.  The performance of the business also improves as it makes the best utilization of its existing resources.  The decision making is also not influenced by the external factors.
  • 39. Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice  Helps in Problem Solving: Indian ethos makes the organization more capable of managing environmental change and making the best use of available challenges and opportunities .  Improves Quality: Self-development and self- motivation along with TQM, resulting in the development of the business.
  • 40. Role of Indian Ethos in Management Practice  Planning.  Recruitment & Selection.  Healthy Relations.  Responsibility & Accountability.  Training & Development.  Performance Appraisal.  Workers Participation in Management.  Grievance Redressal - Grievance or, Employee Grievance is a formal complaint raised by an employee against a fellow employee or manager, or even against the employer. Employees usually file grievances for workplace harassment, discrimination, nepotism, concerns regarding team management or regarding terms of the employment.  Promotes Harmonious work culture - A good and harmonious working environment is one where all workers are treated with dignity and respect, and where no worker is subjected to harassment by conduct that is related to religious belief or political opinion.
  • 41. Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices  Organizations following, Indian ethos consider humanity as supreme. This provides a strong bond with internal as well as external customers, resulting in improved performance.  Indian ethos focuses on, if a person is good, then the whole world is good. Any organization which follows the above ethical thought automatically gets converted into an ethical organization, with less conflicts and hindrances.  Indian ethos impacts the performance of business while sacrificing individual desires.
  • 42. Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices  Self-motivation and self-development helps a lot in the development of business and its quality. Indian ethos helps in problem solving and develops self-reliability.  The process of management involves four aspects; maximum utilization of resources, leading with efficiency, materializing the organizational goals towards effectiveness and value addition to the world through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).  All these aspects are possible only in a healthy environment. Ethics and ethical behavior are the main ingredients of healthy management.
  • 43. Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices  Our ancient wisdom literature in the Vedas, Vedanta, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata Bhagawad Gita or the Arthashastra are a storehouse of comprehensive and powerful philosophy to be applied in all ages for the benefit of mankind.  Since Indian Philosophy extols unity amidst all diversities, belief in tolerance, quest for freedom, we can become better performers by imbibing knowledge from these scriptures on the art of management.
  • 44. Ethics Vs Ethos Basis of Difference Ethics Ethos Origin Shastras are the originator of Ethics Ethos Originate from culture Nature These are universal in terms of nature These pertain to specific culture Function It decides what is paap, punya, Swarga, narak, good conduct or bad conduct Explains the ingredients of a cultured outlook Examples Truth, attitudes towards violence, charity, mankind Beliefs like adoring children and respecting elders, • Ethics is concerned with what is right and what is wrong in everyday life especially with reference to moral values. • Ethos is used to describe the distinct thoughts and opinions of the community which can also includes ethics.
  • 45. Terminology  Sublimation is one way that the ego reduces the anxiety that can be created by unacceptable urges or feelings. Sublimation works by channeling negative and unacceptable impulses into behaviors that are positive and socially acceptable.  Ego the (good) opinion that you have of yourself  The real meaning of sacrifice in life is the “peace during dying”.  It means when we going to die then we have no incomplete wish or other queries. At that time we should be happy about our journey of life.  Yielding - to stop refusing to do something or to obey somebody  The idea refers to the observation that one's true beauty is found in the things we do for others throughout our lives.  Quest a long search for something that is difficult to find