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Module 2 – Harmony in the Human Being
Universal Human Values – Understanding
harmony and Ethical Human Conduct
B.I.E.T, Davanagere
Module 2 – Harmony in the Human Being (6 lectures)
Lecture 7: Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the Self and the Body
Lecture 8: Distinguishing between the Needs of the Self and the Body
Lecture 9: The Body as an Instrument of the Self
Lecture 10: Understanding Harmony in the Self
Lecture 11: Harmony of the Self with the Body
Lecture 12: Programme to ensure self-regulation and Health
Lecture 7
Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of
the Self and the Body
Lecture 8
Distinguishing between the Needs of the Self and
the Body
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Activity Desire, Thought,
Eating, Walking…
In Time Continuous Temporary
Response Knowing, Assuming*,
Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
Need of the Self = Continuous happiness = Need of consciousness
= Activities of consciousness
Fulfilled by = Right Understanding and Right Feeling in the Self
(can not be fulfilled by material)
(The need of consciousness is fulfilled by activities of consciousness)
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Need of the Body = Physical facility* = Material in nature
Fulfilled by = Physio-chemical things = Material in nature
(The need of material is fulfilled by material)
*physical facility is required for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the Body
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Gross Misunderstanding
Human Being Self (I)
= Body
Need Respect
= Physical Facility
(Eg. Food, Clothes)
= Unlimited
Accumulation of Physical
Facility – Unlimited!
Feeling of
I don’t have
Effort for
by any
Accumulation =
Check if you
are caught up
In this loop
Lecture 9
The Body as an Instrument of the Self
Lecture 10
Understanding Harmony in the Self
Consciousness INFO
I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous
Physical facility is required for
nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony
at all levels of being (from self to
entire existence) is my program of
action for continuous happiness
Production, protection and right
utilization of physical facility is a
part of my program
I am the:
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer)
I use the body as an instrument
for fulfillment my program
I am the Seer
“Seer” means the one that sees / understands
e.g. If you are given something in your hand and you conclude that it is a pen, it is not your eyes
that concluded this. It is you that concluded this. The Self sees via the eyes – the eyes don‟t
see themselves
Like that all the 5 senses are just the instrument that enable the Self to see something outside
Just like you see outside, you can also see „within‟, without using the body for sensation
e.g. You can „see‟ that you are feeling happy, getting angry...
Thus, the Self „sees‟ or understands, sometimes with the help of the body, sometimes without
the help of body
The Body is used as an instrument
I am the Doer
“Doer” means the one that does, who takes decision to do
I am the one who decides. I decide what to do, what not to do...
I may or may not use the body to do – what I think of is my decision. I do that thinking within
myself (there is no role of the body in this)
If required, the body is used to express my decision
The Body is used as an instrument
I am the Enjoyer (Experiencer)
“Enjoyer” means the one that experiences happiness / unhappiness
I am the one that feels enthused or depressed. I am the one that feels angry or
I am the enjoyer, the experiencer
The Body is used as an instrument
Consciousness INFO
I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous
Physical facility is required for
nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony
at all levels of being (from self to
entire existence) is my program of
action for continuous happiness
Production, protection and right
utilization of physical facility is a
part of my program
I am the:
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer)
I use the body as an instrument
for fulfillment of my program
The Body is
an instrument of the Self
The Self is
central to human existence
Preconditioning, Sensation and Natural Acceptance
Preconditioning: Assuming without knowing. Depends on something or someone outside,
keeps changing. Not sure if it leads to harmony or if it leads to contradiction
Sensation: Happiness from favourable sensation of Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell through
Happiness from indulgence
tasty-necessary  tasty-unnecessary  tasteless-unnecessary  intolerable
Natural Acceptance: Purpose or what to be, what to do as a human being. Leads to harmony
(happiness) within, continuity is desirable, possible
For Relationship
For Harmony
For Co-existence
[for mutual fulfillment, complimentarity, not for opposition]
[for mutual enrichment, not for exploitation- being in harmony within, and harmony
[for co-existence, not for conflict]
Content of Imagination in the Self
D = Continuous Happiness & Prosperity
D1 D2 D3 …..Dn
T11, T12 ….T1n T21, T22,…T2n T31, T32,..T3n Tn1, Tn2,..Tnn
E111, E112,.. E1n E21, E22,.. E2n
Natural Acceptance
D1 D2 D3 …Dn
T11, T12,….T1n T21, T22, …T2 n T31, T32,…T3n Tn1, Tn2,…Tnn
E111, E112,.. E1n E21, E22,.. E2n
Natural Acceptance
Or is it like this?
D = ?
D1.. Dn = Consumption,
profit, name, fame…
sensual pleasure …
Is it like this?
State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised
If the imagination is random and disorganised
It indicates a state of confusion
Many of these imaginations may be
contrary to each other and contrary to the natural acceptance
This contradiction in desires, in thoughts, in expectations, this contradiction between desires and
thoughts, this contradiction between desire-thought-expectation and the natural acceptance,
all these contradictions result in unhappiness
If we observe carefully, we realize that we have accumulated a lot of desires, which are resulting
in numerous thoughts and expectations
Harmony in the Self is realised when there are no contradictions in the imagination
and all imagination is in accordance with natural acceptance
State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised
at You Are
Force / Power Activity
1. Na
3 Ac
2. IN
3. Desire Imaging
4. Thought Analysing CO
5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting
Preconditioning 1
Some Details
The Self
elf 2.
S e
Body Behaviour
Rest of Nature
Deluded Self: Imagination on basis of Sensation & Preconditioning
Power Dynamic Activity State Activity
verification on
the basis of
1. Authentication Realization B1 Natural
3 Acceptance
ond itioning 1 Determination Understanding
3. Desire Imaging Contemplation
4. Thought Analysing Comparing B2 Unguided Senses,
Health, Profit
5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Unguided
Pure Self: Imagination on basis of Realisation, Understanding & Contemplation
Power Dynamic Activity State Activity
1. Authentication Realization Co-existence
2. Determination Understanding Harmony in Nature
3. Desire Imaging Contemplation Participation in Larger
Order, Relationship
4. Thought Analysing Comparing Co-existence, Harmony,
Justice Guided Senses,
Health, Profit
5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Goal, Value
Guided Sensation
Rest of Nature
in larger Order
Sanskar =
Acceptances derived out of ∑ [ Desire + Thought + Expectation ]
from all time
Presently, it is likely to be a mixture of:
 Understanding of the human reality, of the universal, invariant existential laws / principles
 Conclusions drawn from life events / experiences, which may or may not be in line with the existential
laws / principles
“What I Am” is largely our sanskar
Our perspective is a part of our sanskar
Our tendencies, habits, likes-dislikes are also a part of our sanskar
Realisation of Co-existence & it’s expression – Universal Human Order
Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity
Universal Human Order
Fulfillment of Human Goal
Undivided Human Society EXPRESSION
Lecture 11
Harmony of the Self with the Body
Lecture 12
Program to ensure self-regulation and Health
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Activity Desire, Thought,
Eating, Walking…
In Time Continuous Temporary
Response Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
Consciousness Material
Consciousness INFORM
ION Material
Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility
Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time
Self is central to human existence Body is
an instrument of the Self
Consciousness Material
Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility
Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time
Self-regulation (संयम)
Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for
Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of
the Body
Body is
an instrument of the Self
Self is central to human existence
Consciousness Material
Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility
Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time
Self-regulation (संयम) Health
Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for
Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of
the Body
1. Body acts according to I
2. Parts of the body are in
harmony (in order)
Physical Facility is required to fulfill the responsibility of the Self toward the Body
Self is central to human(teoxkiseteepnctheeBody in good he
ltohd)y is
– for nurturing, protection and right utilisaatinoninosftrtuhmee
fthe Self
The required physical facility can be identified
Consciousness Material
Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility
Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time
Self-regulation (संयम) Health
1. Body acts according to I
2. Parts of the body are in
harmony (in order)
Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for
Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of
the Body
Food… Clothes, Shelter... Instruments…
Body is
Self is central to human existence
The required physical facility can be recognised
along with the required quantity
The quantity of food… required for nurturing the body –
Clothes, shelter… for protection of the body – is it limited or unlimited?
Instruments, equipments… for right utilisation of the body – is it limited or unlimited?
Prosperity – The feeling of having / producing more than required Physical Facility
2 1
1 – Identification of required physical facility (including the required quantity) – with right
2 – Ensuring availability/ production of more than required physical facility – with right skills
A prosperous person thinks of right utilisation, nurturing the other
“ deprived “ “ “ accumulation, exploiting “ “
In a previous session, we had seen that we can observe two categories of human beings
1. Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived
2. Having physical facility, unhappy deprived
While we want to be –
Having physical facility, happy prosperous
This is possible only with
a. the right identification of required physical facility and
b. availability / production of more than required physical facility
Now we can see that if the identification of required physical facility is
missing, then one can only shift between category 1 & category 2
Gross Misunderstanding 1 – Human Being = Body
Human Being Self (I)
= Body
Need Respect
= Physical Facility
(Eg. Food, Clothes)
= Unlimited
Accumulation of Physical
Facility – Unlimited!
Feeling of
I don’t have
Effort for
by any
Accumulation =
Check if you
are caught up
In this loop
Human Being
Self (I) Co-exis
tence Body
rRo “kjhj
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Feeling of Self-regulation Health
Feeling of responsibility
toward the body – for
Nurturing, Protection and
Right Utilization of the Body
1. The Body acts according
to the Self
2. Parts of the body are in
harmony (in order)
Feeling of Self-regulation  Program for it  Health in the Body
The Body is an orderly system (a harmony). It has definite conduct.
The cells in the body work together, in harmony with each other, participate in the larger order to
form tissues, organs and organ systems…
I (Self) have to ensure the continuity of that harmony (at least not disturb it).
If I have a feeling of responsibility toward the body, I do what is required for fulfilling that
This will ensure health in the Body
(A) For Staying Healthy
1 Intake and Routine (Lifestyle)
2 Labour and Exercise
3 Postures for regulating internal & external body organs and
Regulated Breathing
4 Medicine and Treatment
(B) For bringing
body back to
harmony from
(C) Dependence on
drug / machine to
perform a body
1a. Intake includes air, water, sunlight, food (food is nutritious, digestible & tasty and
waste is excretable), all intake through our senses (sound, sight, smell etc)
1b. Rising time, sleeping time, eating time…
2a. Outcome of labour is production of physical facility
2b. No physical facility is produced by exercise
Intake includes not just food but also water, air, sunlight… in fact, all that we take in through our
sense organs – i.e. everything we hear, smell, touch, taste or see
 Intake of food – In order to lead to health in the body, food should be
Nurturing for the Body (awareness in Self of food choices we make)
Digestible by the Body (awareness in Self of how much to eat – sensation of fullness)
Compatible with Body type, etc. and
Waste is excretable by the body (rich in fibre)
 Intake of water - right amount and at the right time
 Intake of fresh air
 Intake of (morning) sunlight
For keeping the body healthy, we also need to be aware of all intake through our sense organs and the
feelings and thoughts we generate in us as a result (especially while eating).
e.g. what we are seeing (watching TV/ playing games on the mobile while eating, etc.) and
what we are hearing/being a part of (e.g. arguments with others), etc.
The Daily Circadian Rhythm
- Body responds to the day-night cycle
(sunlight/darkness with earth’s rotation on its axis)
(Understanding this helps in setting up a harmonious daily routine)
The Monthly Lunar Rhythm
- Body responds to the lunar cycle
e.g. menstrual cycle in women
The Annual Seasonal Rhythm
- Body response to the various seasons in a year – the solar cycle (earth’s revolutions around sun)
- Availability of complementary plants in various seasons
(Understanding this helps in deciding appropriate seasonal intake, necessary protection of the Body and
setting up a harmonious seasonal routine)
The Lifecycle Body Rhythm
- Childhood – Period of growth/formation (Predominance of Kapha)
- Youth
- Old age
- Period of maintenance
- Period of degeneration
(Predominance of Pitta)
(Predominance of Vata)
(Understanding this helps in deciding a harmonious lifestyle for each stage of life)
6 AM
10 AM
2 PM
Cleansing time
Dinner time
6 PM
10 PM
Bed time
Wake-up time
(~1½ hrs beforesunrise)
Waste Removal
(Detoxification through Kidneys…)
2 AM
Regeneration and Repair
12 Midnight
Deep Sleep
Lunch time
12 Noon
Maximum Agni
(Digestive Fire)
(Pitta) time
(Pitta) time
(Kapha) time
(Kapha) time
(Vata) time
(Vata) time
Daily Routine – in Harmony with Nature (Circadian Rhythm)
Ensure adequate movement of the Body +
production of physical facility
– Sweeping and swabbing your room / house /
– Kitchen gardening
– Cycling to your college and back…
Ensure adequate movement of the Body
– Jogging outdoors
– Weight training in a gym
– Exercise cycling in a gym
– Recreational cycling outdoors
Labour Exercise
Postures for regulating internal and external
body organs
Example: Yoga
Regulated Breathing
Example: Pranayam
Postures Breathing
For bringing body back to harmony from
temporary disharmony
– Home remedies
– Integrated systems of medicine
Using a drug / machine to perform a body
function (dependence)
– Insulin
– Dialysis
– Ventilator
Medicine Treatment

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  • 1. Module 2 – Harmony in the Human Being UHV-II: Universal Human Values – Understanding harmony and Ethical Human Conduct 21UHV49 SUPREETH SHARATHRAJ R M DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG. B.I.E.T, Davanagere
  • 2. 2 Module 2 – Harmony in the Human Being (6 lectures) Lecture 7: Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the Self and the Body Lecture 8: Distinguishing between the Needs of the Self and the Body Lecture 9: The Body as an Instrument of the Self Lecture 10: Understanding Harmony in the Self Lecture 11: Harmony of the Self with the Body Lecture 12: Programme to ensure self-regulation and Health
  • 3. Lecture 7 Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the Self and the Body Lecture 8 Distinguishing between the Needs of the Self and the Body
  • 4.
  • 5. Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things Activity Desire, Thought, Expectation… Eating, Walking… In Time Continuous Temporary Response Knowing, Assuming*, Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
  • 6. 17
  • 7. Need of the Self = Continuous happiness = Need of consciousness = Activities of consciousness Fulfilled by = Right Understanding and Right Feeling in the Self (can not be fulfilled by material) (The need of consciousness is fulfilled by activities of consciousness) Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things Consciousness 18
  • 8. Need of the Body = Physical facility* = Material in nature Fulfilled by = Physio-chemical things = Material in nature (The need of material is fulfilled by material) *physical facility is required for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the Body Material 19 Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things
  • 9. Gross Misunderstanding Human Being Self (I) = Body Need Respect = Physical Facility (Eg. Food, Clothes) Continuous = Unlimited Accumulation of Physical Facility – Unlimited! Deprivation Feeling of Deprivation I don’t have enough! Effort for Physical Facility by any means? Accumulation = unlimited? Check if you are caught up In this loop Loop 20
  • 10. Lecture 9 The Body as an Instrument of the Self Lecture 10 Understanding Harmony in the Self
  • 11.
  • 12. Consciousness INFO I Se RMA nstructi nsation TION on Material I am My body is I want to live My body is used as an instrument I want to live with continuous happiness Physical facility is required for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body To understand and to live in harmony at all levels of being (from self to entire existence) is my program of action for continuous happiness Production, protection and right utilization of physical facility is a part of my program I am the: Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) I use the body as an instrument for fulfillment my program
  • 13. I am the Seer “Seer” means the one that sees / understands e.g. If you are given something in your hand and you conclude that it is a pen, it is not your eyes that concluded this. It is you that concluded this. The Self sees via the eyes – the eyes don‟t see themselves Like that all the 5 senses are just the instrument that enable the Self to see something outside Just like you see outside, you can also see „within‟, without using the body for sensation e.g. You can „see‟ that you are feeling happy, getting angry... Thus, the Self „sees‟ or understands, sometimes with the help of the body, sometimes without the help of body The Body is used as an instrument 9
  • 14. I am the Doer “Doer” means the one that does, who takes decision to do I am the one who decides. I decide what to do, what not to do... I may or may not use the body to do – what I think of is my decision. I do that thinking within myself (there is no role of the body in this) If required, the body is used to express my decision The Body is used as an instrument 10
  • 15. I am the Enjoyer (Experiencer) 11 “Enjoyer” means the one that experiences happiness / unhappiness I am the one that feels enthused or depressed. I am the one that feels angry or delighted... I am the enjoyer, the experiencer The Body is used as an instrument
  • 16. Consciousness INFO I Se RMA nstructi nsation TION on Material I am My body is I want to live My body is used as an instrument I want to live with continuous happiness Physical facility is required for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body To understand and to live in harmony at all levels of being (from self to entire existence) is my program of action for continuous happiness Production, protection and right utilization of physical facility is a part of my program I am the: Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) I use the body as an instrument for fulfillment of my program The Body is an instrument of the Self The Self is central to human existence
  • 17. Preconditioning, Sensation and Natural Acceptance Preconditioning: Assuming without knowing. Depends on something or someone outside, keeps changing. Not sure if it leads to harmony or if it leads to contradiction Sensation: Happiness from favourable sensation of Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell through body Happiness from indulgence tasty-necessary  tasty-unnecessary  tasteless-unnecessary  intolerable Natural Acceptance: Purpose or what to be, what to do as a human being. Leads to harmony (happiness) within, continuity is desirable, possible For Relationship For Harmony with For Co-existence [for mutual fulfillment, complimentarity, not for opposition] [for mutual enrichment, not for exploitation- being in harmony within, and harmony outside] [for co-existence, not for conflict] 19
  • 18. Content of Imagination in the Self D = Continuous Happiness & Prosperity D1 D2 D3 …..Dn T11, T12 ….T1n T21, T22,…T2n T31, T32,..T3n Tn1, Tn2,..Tnn E111, E112,.. E1n E21, E22,.. E2n Natural Acceptance D1 D2 D3 …Dn T11, T12,….T1n T21, T22, …T2 n T31, T32,…T3n Tn1, Tn2,…Tnn E111, E112,.. E1n E21, E22,.. E2n Preconditioning 20 Sensation Natural Acceptance Or is it like this? D = ? D1.. Dn = Consumption, profit, name, fame… sensual pleasure … knowledge,… Is it like this?
  • 19. State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised If the imagination is random and disorganised It indicates a state of confusion Many of these imaginations may be contrary to each other and contrary to the natural acceptance This contradiction in desires, in thoughts, in expectations, this contradiction between desires and thoughts, this contradiction between desire-thought-expectation and the natural acceptance, all these contradictions result in unhappiness If we observe carefully, we realize that we have accumulated a lot of desires, which are resulting in numerous thoughts and expectations Harmony in the Self is realised when there are no contradictions in the imagination and all imagination is in accordance with natural acceptance 21
  • 20. State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised Work tural ceptance TENTION MPETENCE at You Are Sensation 2 Force / Power Activity 1. Na 3 Ac 2. IN 3. Desire Imaging 4. Thought Analysing CO Wh 5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting Preconditioning 1 Information Body Behaviour 22
  • 22. elf 2. S e S a Body Behaviour Human Work Rest of Nature Other Sensation 2 Prec Deluded Self: Imagination on basis of Sensation & Preconditioning Self Power Dynamic Activity State Activity verification on the basis of 1. Authentication Realization B1 Natural 3 Acceptance ond itioning 1 Determination Understanding 3. Desire Imaging Contemplation 4. Thought Analysing Comparing B2 Unguided Senses, Health, Profit 5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Unguided Sensation 28
  • 23. Pure Self: Imagination on basis of Realisation, Understanding & Contemplation Power Dynamic Activity State Activity 1. Authentication Realization Co-existence 2. Determination Understanding Harmony in Nature 3. Desire Imaging Contemplation Participation in Larger Order, Relationship 4. Thought Analysing Comparing Co-existence, Harmony, Justice Guided Senses, Health, Profit 5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Goal, Value Guided Sensation Self Body Behaviour Human Work Rest of Nature Other Participation in larger Order B1 B2 Space 29
  • 24. Sanskar Sanskar = Acceptances derived out of ∑ [ Desire + Thought + Expectation ] from all time Presently, it is likely to be a mixture of:  Understanding of the human reality, of the universal, invariant existential laws / principles  Conclusions drawn from life events / experiences, which may or may not be in line with the existential laws / principles “What I Am” is largely our sanskar Our perspective is a part of our sanskar Our tendencies, habits, likes-dislikes are also a part of our sanskar 30
  • 25. Realisation of Co-existence & it’s expression – Universal Human Order Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity ) Universal Human Order Fulfillment of Human Goal Human Tradition Undivided Human Society EXPRESSION 32 REALISATION WITHIN OUTSIDE
  • 26. Lecture 11 Harmony of the Self with the Body Lecture 12 Program to ensure self-regulation and Health
  • 27.
  • 28. Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things Activity Desire, Thought, Expectation… Eating, Walking… In Time Continuous Temporary Response Knowing, Assuming, Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling Consciousness Material
  • 29. Consciousness INFORM Ins Sen A tructi sation T on ION Material Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time Self is central to human existence Body is an instrument of the Self
  • 30. Consciousness Material Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time Self-regulation (संयम) Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of the Body INFORMATION Instruction Sensation Body is an instrument of the Self Self is central to human existence
  • 31. Consciousness Material Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time Self-regulation (संयम) Health Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of the Body 1. Body acts according to I 2. Parts of the body are in harmony (in order) INFORMATION Instruction Sensation Physical Facility is required to fulfill the responsibility of the Self toward the Body Self is central to human(teoxkiseteepnctheeBody in good he a B ltohd)y is – for nurturing, protection and right utilisaatinoninosftrtuhmee b n o t d o y fthe Self The required physical facility can be identified
  • 32. Consciousness Material Needs: Happiness, Prosperity  Continuity Physical Facility Needs & activities are continuous in time Temporary in time Self-regulation (संयम) Health 1. Body acts according to I 2. Parts of the body are in harmony (in order) Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of the Body Food… Clothes, Shelter... Instruments… INFORMATION Instruction Sensation Body is Self is central to human existence The required physical facility can be recognised along with the required quantity The quantity of food… required for nurturing the body – ai nsi i n tl s i m t r i u t e m d e o n r t u o n f l i t m h i e t e S d ? e l f Clothes, shelter… for protection of the body – is it limited or unlimited? Instruments, equipments… for right utilisation of the body – is it limited or unlimited?
  • 33. Prosperity Prosperity – The feeling of having / producing more than required Physical Facility 2 1 1 – Identification of required physical facility (including the required quantity) – with right understanding 2 – Ensuring availability/ production of more than required physical facility – with right skills A prosperous person thinks of right utilisation, nurturing the other “ deprived “ “ “ accumulation, exploiting “ “ 14
  • 34. In a previous session, we had seen that we can observe two categories of human beings 1. Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived 2. Having physical facility, unhappy deprived While we want to be – Having physical facility, happy prosperous This is possible only with a. the right identification of required physical facility and b. availability / production of more than required physical facility 15 Now we can see that if the identification of required physical facility is missing, then one can only shift between category 1 & category 2
  • 35. Gross Misunderstanding 1 – Human Being = Body Human Being Self (I) = Body Need Respect = Physical Facility (Eg. Food, Clothes) Continuous = Unlimited Accumulation of Physical Facility – Unlimited! Deprivation Feeling of Deprivation I don’t have enough! Effort for Physical Facility by any means? Accumulation = unlimited? Check if you are caught up In this loop Loop
  • 36. Human Being E k k u o Self (I) Co-exis eSa tence Body rRo “kjhj Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things Feeling of Self-regulation Health Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of the Body 1. The Body acts according to the Self 2. Parts of the body are in harmony (in order) 23
  • 37. Feeling of Self-regulation  Program for it  Health in the Body The Body is an orderly system (a harmony). It has definite conduct. The cells in the body work together, in harmony with each other, participate in the larger order to form tissues, organs and organ systems… I (Self) have to ensure the continuity of that harmony (at least not disturb it). If I have a feeling of responsibility toward the body, I do what is required for fulfilling that responsibility. This will ensure health in the Body 24
  • 38. Program 25 (A) For Staying Healthy 1 Intake and Routine (Lifestyle) 2 Labour and Exercise 3 Postures for regulating internal & external body organs and Regulated Breathing 4 Medicine and Treatment (B) For bringing body back to harmony from temporary disharmony (C) Dependence on drug / machine to perform a body function 1a. Intake includes air, water, sunlight, food (food is nutritious, digestible & tasty and waste is excretable), all intake through our senses (sound, sight, smell etc) 1b. Rising time, sleeping time, eating time… 2a. Outcome of labour is production of physical facility 2b. No physical facility is produced by exercise
  • 39. Intake Intake includes not just food but also water, air, sunlight… in fact, all that we take in through our sense organs – i.e. everything we hear, smell, touch, taste or see  Intake of food – In order to lead to health in the body, food should be Nurturing for the Body (awareness in Self of food choices we make) Digestible by the Body (awareness in Self of how much to eat – sensation of fullness) Tasty Compatible with Body type, etc. and Waste is excretable by the body (rich in fibre)  Intake of water - right amount and at the right time  Intake of fresh air  Intake of (morning) sunlight For keeping the body healthy, we also need to be aware of all intake through our sense organs and the feelings and thoughts we generate in us as a result (especially while eating). e.g. what we are seeing (watching TV/ playing games on the mobile while eating, etc.) and what we are hearing/being a part of (e.g. arguments with others), etc. 26
  • 40. Routine The Daily Circadian Rhythm - Body responds to the day-night cycle (sunlight/darkness with earth’s rotation on its axis) (Understanding this helps in setting up a harmonious daily routine) The Monthly Lunar Rhythm - Body responds to the lunar cycle e.g. menstrual cycle in women The Annual Seasonal Rhythm - Body response to the various seasons in a year – the solar cycle (earth’s revolutions around sun) - Availability of complementary plants in various seasons (Understanding this helps in deciding appropriate seasonal intake, necessary protection of the Body and setting up a harmonious seasonal routine) The Lifecycle Body Rhythm - Childhood – Period of growth/formation (Predominance of Kapha) - Youth - Old age - Period of maintenance - Period of degeneration (Predominance of Pitta) (Predominance of Vata) (Understanding this helps in deciding a harmonious lifestyle for each stage of life) 27
  • 41. 6 AM 10 AM 2 PM Cleansing time Dinner time 6 PM 10 PM Bed time Wake-up time (~1½ hrs beforesunrise) Absorptionand Assimilation Waste Removal (Detoxification through Kidneys…) 2 AM Regeneration and Repair (LiverActivation…) 12 Midnight Deep Sleep Breakfasttime Lunch time 12 Noon Maximum Agni (Digestive Fire) Fire–Water (Pitta) time 28 Fire–Water (Pitta) time Earth–Water (Kapha) time Earth–Water (Kapha) time Air–Space (Vata) time Air–Space (Vata) time Daily Routine – in Harmony with Nature (Circadian Rhythm)
  • 42. Ensure adequate movement of the Body + production of physical facility Examples: – Sweeping and swabbing your room / house / hostel – Kitchen gardening – Cycling to your college and back… 34 Ensure adequate movement of the Body Examples: – Jogging outdoors – Weight training in a gym – Exercise cycling in a gym – Recreational cycling outdoors Labour Exercise
  • 43. Postures for regulating internal and external body organs 35 Example: Yoga Regulated Breathing Example: Pranayam Postures Breathing
  • 44. For bringing body back to harmony from temporary disharmony 36 Examples: – Home remedies – Integrated systems of medicine Using a drug / machine to perform a body function (dependence) Examples: – Insulin – Dialysis – Ventilator Medicine Treatment