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Types of Personality Essay
Personality is something that is related to the characteristic pattern, thought, feelings and behaviour
of a person (Cherry, 2014). There are many theories that have been stated in order to describe
personality (Cherry, 2014). Everyone has his/her own unique personality. Different person has a
different personality and each kind of personality has its own advantages and weaknesses. Everyone
should appreciate his/her own personality, and also others personality too. It is important to
understand other people so that everyone can easily get along together. However, based on Littauer
(1983), everyone has to understand herself/himself first, before understanding others. Everyone
should know what type of personality that he/she has. more content...
They also use a lot of time in planning during working since they always have high standards in
completing tasks. According to Littauer (1983), there are two main problems of perfect melancholy
which are easily depressed and have low self–esteem. Littauer (1983), also suggested a few ways in
order to overcome these problems. First, to avoid from being depressed, a perfect melancholy
should not look for trouble and second is do not get hurt so easily.
The next type of personality is popular sanguine. A popular sanguine is usually a fun person. They
are talkative and cheerful person. They also easily get along with other people. Usually, a popular
sanguine is a warm person. They love to hug, kiss and stroke their friends and family. They are
good on stage and they make an excellent greeter, host and receptionist due to their attractive
personality. The person with this kind of personality is usually an emotional and demonstrative
person. They are optimistic and enthusiastic over everything. They also get excited easily on
something that is brought to them. They are also curious about everything. They usually want to
know every single thing that happened around them. They are also a helpful person and always
volunteer to do something because they usually seek for popularity. They also creative like the
perfect melancholy. However, a popular sanguine creativeness is more colourful and more fun as
compared to the creativeness of the perfect melancholy. They also can
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Types of Intelligence Essay examples
Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and
ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think
rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to
the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some
intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential
intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this
type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death,
and other realities. more content...
Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than
being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think
in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the
ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the
natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was
necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of
intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical
/mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone
whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability
to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the
psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I
define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical
intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical
intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other
structured environments. Practical
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Types And Forms Of Communication Essay
Communications skills are fundamental to any person's life because naturally, man is a social being
and people spend most of their time communicating in different forms such as; oral, non–verbal,
written and interpersonal. Most successful people are those who are good at interacting with other
people in different situations. The ability to skilfully interact with people is grounded in a person's
unwavering skills in the different forms of communication. Therefore, it is important for students to
appreciate should and develop good communication skills.
Types and Forms of Communication
Having appreciated the importance of communication in different contexts, it is imperative to
understand the different forms or categories of communication, in which people engage in. This is
because these different forms of communication demand unique sets of skills or tactics.
Oral Communication: this involves exchange of messages or information using spoken words and is
commonly referred to as communication by word of mouth. This occurs in different interaction set
ups such as meetings, talks, discussions, presentations, interviews, speeches and so on.
Written Communication: this form of communication entails the creation of a 'hard copy' of the
message or simply written messages or words in the form of business letters, reports, research
papers, articles, note taking etc.
Non–Verbal Communication: this is the wordless form of communication which takes the form
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Essay about networks
Improving Network Performance
Nowadays, it seems that everyone has a computer and is discovering that communication
technologies are necessary. E–mail, Internet, and file transferring has become a part of the modern
world. Networks allow people to connect their computers together and to share resources. They allow
people to communicate and interact with each other. The days of the lone PC are diminishing.
At the same time, computers are getting faster than ever. The most powerful PC five years ago
couldn't be sold for half of its original price today. This poses some problems to the consumer.New
technologies can't be driven by older technology. As innovations continue to be invented, the
computer of yesterday is fast outpaced by more content...
Modems, a popular communications device, typically have throughput rates from 9600 baud (See
Glossary) to 28800 baud. Modems use an RS232 or serial port connection.
One solution to this transmission speed is the parallel or Centronics port. This port transmits eight
bits at a time instead of one with a serial port, which is how they got their names. Because it sends
eight bits at a time, a parallel port can achieve transfer rates of up to 40,000 bits or 5000 characters
a second (Seyer 64). Parallel ports are commonly used to connect to printers and external storage
The main problem with modems and parallel ports is that only two computers can be connected at
one time. Networks were invented to solve this. They allowed a group of computers to
communicate and to share resources such as hard disk space and printers. Different types of
networks have different throughput rates, but all are higher than either serial or parallel ports. The
type of network used at Banks High School is an Ethernet network with software from Novell. This
network has the capability of supporting transfer rates up to ten megabits per second (Bennett 1).
Although this seems like a lot, remember that all of the computers on the network are using this
connection at the same time and each computer has to share with every other computer. There are a
few ways to speed up a slow Ethernet network, however. Splitting the responsibility from one server
to many is one way, and using more than one
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Reflection In English 101
Whitney Bailey
Professor Johnson
English 101
October 19, 2016 Reflection Paper
It's hard to believe that it's already time for Midterms in my English 101 class. The adventure has
been a lot easier than I at first anticipated. In any case, I am happy that I am taking the class and
learning from it. In the beginning it appeared somewhat hard however I was resolved to compel my
way through this class regardless of what difficulties I needed to persevere.
On the first day of my English 101 class I was apprehensive, I had no clue what's in store from the
class. As I discovered what the class would have been similar to, I let myself know I was going to
attempt to get an B or higher toward the end of the semester and put all the exertion I had into each
paper I kept in touch with, I was not going to set this class aside for later and linger like I use to do.
A standout amongst the most more content...
I have an unmistakable view in my head of what I am going to compose and what structures I have
to utilize. Things have ended up less difficult now since I don't need to experience the battle of how
things are done or on the chance that I don't understand how I should do what I am expected to do.
These aptitudes may empower me to enjoy additionally composing and not need to stress over
having a written assignment.
This course has helped me with many chances to figure out how to properly write papers. Prior to
this class, I had little experience with how to build a legitimate paper. It has taken experience, and
getting normal evaluations, to show me how to precisely write. Despite the fact that this course
required different papers to be turned in, I am appreciative to have possessed the capacity to gain
from my oversights and develop as a writer. I have constantly cherished written work, however now
I am ready to improve my writing as the semester
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Essay on Types Of Research
Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter
everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is
defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the
situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well
as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able
to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry,
investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the
difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content...
Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This
research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems.
One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty
spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's
profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while
conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance,
increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization
(Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related
outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the
hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell
addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization
in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data
collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996).
In the White Page Series, researcher Burke
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Essay about Types of Assessment Test
Types of Assessment Tests
1) Develop a chart (matrix) of 1000в€’1,250 words that compares and contrasts the different types of
assessments, the characteristics of each, and for what situations each is best suited. It should address
the following:
a) How is each type of assessment scored?
b) Discuss the value and limitations of each test in determining knowledge and skill standards.
c) Analyze each instrument for reliability and validity.
2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
3) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3.
Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how
it is scored, then its limitations and then more content...
These can also be highly informal and done in a large group setting. If introducing a new topic,
start by just asking some real easy questions regarding the topic and then write them down on a
large piece of paper. This gives the students a visual aide and allows the teacher to have bases of
what information the kids know and what still needs to be addressed. Students on most occasions
tend to truly like this assessment because it gives them a chance to speak and be heard. Some
students on the other hand do not actually like it unless they are in a one on one setting with a teacher.
Oral Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability in terms of internal
consistency, test and re–test reliability and alternative form reliability. Its content must also have the
necessary validity to be a valid assessment instrument, must be predictive and concurrent.
Woodcock Johnson Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Revised. It has good high level tasks for
specific drill down areas and strong norms including pediatrics /grade level equivalents but is not
normed for ABI or other disease categories.
Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Third Edition It's comprehensive battery is strong
and well normed. Client can pick and choose the subtests. Limitations: This is an expensive test to
administer and it is cumbersome to get full picture of client in one hour with this tool.
Scores in Oral Fluency
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Who Are You As A Writer? Essay
When presented with the question, "who are you as a writer?", I was speechless at first. But after
thinking about it, I realized who I am as a writer has been influenced by so many different
sponsors throughout my life and there was not a short, concrete answer. Brandt mentions that
"literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make it possible for a
person to become literate and shape the way the person actually acquires literacy." (Brandt 43)
My attitude towards writing has been influenced by teachers, both negatively and positively, by
my mother, and by academic assignments over the years. My answer to the question can only be
answered by a narrative of my writing life. I have convinced myself that I am a terrible writer,
and when presented with a writing assignment, I get anxious instantly. I see writing as a burden
and a huge obstacle that gets placed in my life. Academic writing is not fun, but something I
value due to the fact that we are a grade driven society. When writing, I write to the guidelines in
order to receive points for the requested criteria. The reason being, I gave up on expressing my
own ideas because I had been shut down by so many teachers throughout my education. I tried to
write down what came to my mind and put my own twist on things, but that was not the "right"
way to write papers. In order to make both my teachers and my grades happy, I wrote what they
wanted to hear, and even then I was not to the level they
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Temperament And How Is It Formed?
Temperaments What is temperaments and how is it formed? Temperament is the way a person or in
this matter a child or infant would behave or react to an event or their environment (Cook & Cook,
2014). A temperament is formed by nature and nurture, all thought an infant is born with an "innate
tendency" the temperament will form as the infant parents reinforce this temperament (Cook &
Cook, 2014). Some infants are born more sociable, and others might be shy and even afraid of most
things (Cook & Cook, 2014). Everyone needs to feel accepted, and children are not far behind, is
important they feel accepted even if their temperament "isn't easy to handle" or just a breeze
temperament (Zerotothree, 2010). A child's temperament and personality can be a something they
have inherited from the infants' parents, but the environment where the infant grows is just as
important as the genetics (Cook & more content...
A child that has an easy temperament is usually positive, smiles frequently and very easy, can
overcome new situations easily and adapt to the new changes, most of all will have a set schedule
for eating, sleeping and other activities (Cook & Cook, 2014). A difficult temperament is the
opposite of an easy temperament. The child is usually negative and will become frustrated very
easily, any new situations will become a problem, and shows no pattern when it comes to basic
things like eating and sleeping (Cook & Cook, 2014). In another hand, a child that has a
slow–to–warm–up temperament can sometimes have a negative behavior to new things but if
exposure is persistent a better or positive response can be developed (Cook & Cook, 2014). The
better side of a child that has a slow–to–warm–up temperament is that they have "less emotional
reactions" and would actually do better with scheduled times for eating and sleeping (Cook & Cook,
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Constructing Essay Test
An essay test permits direct assessment of the attainment of numerous goals and objectives. An essay
test demands less construction time per fixed unit of student time but a significant increase in labor
in time and scoring.
>EXTENDED RESPONSE ESSAY ITEM– is one that allows for an in–depth sampling of a
student's knowledge, thinking processes, and problem solving behavior related to a specific topic.
>RESTRICTED RESPONSE ESSAY ITEM– is one where the examinee is required to provide
limited response based on a specified criterion for answering the question.
>Essay questions are designed to more content...
*Determine in advance how much weight will be accorded each of the various elements expected in
a complete answer.
*Without knowledge of student's names, score each question for all students.
*Require all students to answer all questions on the test.
*Write questions about materials immediately relevant to the subject.
*Study past questions to determine how students performed.
*Make gross judgments of the relative excellence of answers as a first step in grading.
*Word a question as simple as possible in order to make the tasks clear.
*Do not judge papers on basis of external factors unless they have clearly stipulated.
*Do not make generalized estimate of an entire paper's worth.
*Do not construct a test consisting of only one question.
HOLISTIC SCORING In this type of scoring , a total score is assigned to each essay question based
on the teacher's general impression or over all assessment.
ANALYTIC SCORING In this type of scoring, the essay is scored in terms of components.
*Decide what factors constitute a good answer before administering an essay question.
*Explain these factors in the test items.
*Read answers to a single essay question before reading other questions.
*Reread essay answers a second time after initial
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The Different Types of Memory Essay
The Different Types of Memory
Memory is one of the most puzzling parts of the brain. How can our brain store more information
and thoughts than an encyclopedia and weigh less then three pounds? The brain gives us the ability
to act on our own. To think, say, and do things we want to do all occur because of our brain. The
brain controls our movement, our thoughts, and our memory. Memory, the process of storing and
retrieving information in the brain, consists of three main types, short–term, long–term, and ancestral
all which can be comparred between genders.
Memory is the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain. It has three main functions:
recording, storing, and recalling. One records information in more content...
After dialing, the number is lost. Short–term memory is memory that is "in use," and does not get
transferred to long–term and later stored unless the person wants it to be and makes it happen.
"Without short–term memory, our actions would be slowed down with traffic jams of information
just roaming around" (Fancher 51). For this reason, short–term memory is important to a way of life.
The one recall that short–term memory has is immediate recall. This is the ability to repeat a short
series of words, pictures, sounds, etc. after hearing or seeing them. "Immediate recall is
remembering for only a short time and the information retrieved is never permanently recorded"
(Pinker 115). Sensory memory is another type of short–term memory which information enters and
leaves immediately. Sensory memory is only seconds of memory.
Inoformation enters and leaves immediatly. An example is sight. Once an object is sight, it is
considered Sensory memory, once leaves, it leaves the memory. Short–term Memory is still being
studied by many psychologist and more and more is learned about it each day.
Like Short–term memory, another type of memory is Long–term memory.
Long–term memory is located in the medial temporal lobe and the mid–brain. It is memory traces
that have been transferred from short–term and is permanently recorded. Long–term memory has
two ways of recording, with and without depth of processing. (Lapp 14).
Depth of processing is the
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The Different Types of Media Essay
The Different Types of Media
I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially
individuals. There is an enormous variety of media including; television, newspapers, radio,
magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it
becomes to escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements.
Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most
over–exposed types of media there is. This is because advertisements appear in every single type of
other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise',
or more content...
From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for
all ages and makes it hard for people not to get infected by this contagious disease. Some people
might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain
of useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful
documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in something and to learn about a passion
or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind.
Even soaps have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too
scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in Coronation Street about an
emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean
they aren't in a abusive relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions,
murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people about everyday
things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed.
Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the
younger generation with popular radio stations, like Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is
known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages
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What Kind Of Student I Am
I have an idea about what kind of student I am. Over the years, I have realized that when I'm not
interested or I feel like I'm not learning/understanding the material, I unconsciously withdraw. I'm
already not a studier so paying attention 100 percent is crucial to my grade. I am very
hardworking and can apply myself to fullest, the problem is I need to learn to apply myself even
more when I'm in need of help, instead of retracting. Unfortunately, sometimes I am also a
procrastinator, but it depends on what and how much the work it is. I can say that I am a very
organized student/person. I color code my notes, make lists, and even set up timers to split my time
accordingly. I am very interested to take some assessments to learn more about myself, and possibly
make some changes. The first assessment I took was the Study Skills Assessment. For Time
Management I got a 14 out of 32. I was a little surprised because I do think I manage my time well.
Although I do get distracted easily with technology and I don't prioritize very efficiently, which
makes sense on why I would score low. For Concentration/Memory I scored a 20 out of 32, which I
think is accurate. I got a fair score, but it could be better. In the Note–Taking section I got a 27 out of
32. I wasn't shocked at all, I usually like taking notes and I've realized which strategies work for me
and which don't. For Test Strategies I received a 23 out of 32. I was a little taken aback, I thought I
would've scored lower.
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Types of Friends Essay
There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people
to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do
you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of
friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with
positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are
the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend
to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of
seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content...
They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform
better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our
performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust
and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in
the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at
school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition.
We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the
thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to
measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed.
Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in
everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any
other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks
on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know
that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is
so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get
the best scores
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Essay About My English Class
I can remember seeing that I had to take an English class my first semester of college. I was
already overwhelmed with starting college, and having to write college essays made me get even
more nervous. I sat down with my mom and decided to look at the English classes available, and I
finally decided that I had to take an evening class to make it work in my schedule. The first day of
English came and now looking back it was not as bad as I thought. It made me a better writer and be
where I am today. It may have taken me some time to get where I am today, but at least I am on
the right track. English Composition helped me realize that I am my own author and have strengths
that I did not realize I had. When I first started college I did not know what to expect with an
English class. I liked writing about topics that interested me, but high school did not allow me to do
that. I took American History and we would have to more content...
I learned many techniques from my professor. He helped me realize that it is okay to have your
own opinion as long as you back it up. He showed me that I am an author when I did not think I
was. He also told us to read our essays out loud when we proofread, and I always did this
technique before submitting all my essays. I can remember having to write my first essay and I
was scared, because I felt like I had to get a good grade. I started thinking about what tools I could
use to help me, and I decided to go to The Learning Center to help with my essay. When I went
there they would make edits to my essay and then explain what I should change. The tutor noticed I
used multiple choppy sentences and commas in spots there should not be. Sometimes I would even
go twice to make sure I did not miss any minor mistakes. Going there helped me feel more confident
as a writer and I learned from my mistakes. I had many helpful techniques from multiple people that
shaped me into the writer I am
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Ever wondered how many ways there is to write an essay? What type of writing is needed to use
for certain things? Writing is used today and sense way back in history for everything.
Writing is used to remember things, for scripts like movies, to inform, even to plan things. Essays
can be written in Persuasive, Expository, Analytical, and Argumentative. To start out Persuasive is an
essay where you try to convince the reader or listener to adopt your position on an issue or point of
view. Here your rationale, your argument, is most important. You are presenting an opinion and
trying to persuade readers, you want to win readers over to your point of view. In this type of writing
a key point will be maintaining the reader's interest and more content...
In this type of essay the early on passage is utilized to tell the pursuer what content or messages
you will be talking about. Each abstract work raises no less than one noteworthy issue. In your
presentation you will likewise characterize the thought or issue of the content that you wish to look
at in your examination.It is vital that you contract the center of your essay. Be all around sorted
out. Arrangement what you need to compose before you begin. It is a smart thought to know
precisely what your decision will be before you begin to compose. When you know where you are
going, you have a tendency to arrive in a very much sorted out route with coherent movement.
Argumentative Essay is the kind of exposition where you demonstrate that your supposition,
hypothesis or speculation around an issue is right or more honest than those of others. To put it
plainly, it is fundamentally the same to the persuasive essay, but the distinction is that you are
contending for your assessment instead of others, as opposed to specifically attempting to induce
somebody to receive your perspective. Research your topic so your evidence is convincing. This
argument essay should be very detailed and convincing in pros and
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Causal Academic Critique And Argument Research
This semester, I learnt many writing skills and tried different type of essays. I wrote three type of
essay, Formal Academic Critique, Causal Analysis and Argument Research. We started with
practicing the technique to summarize and paraphrase the article. Then we did research practice
based on "Stand on your Ground". Through this practice, I learnt how to narrow down my topic, by
combing the main topic, viewpoint and focus aera. This skill is very useful, as it is easier to structure
essay in this way.
I did not know any critique analyze skills before I finish this critique essay. I criticized "The Sexual
Misery of the Arab World" written by Kamel Daoud. Through the critique essaywriting process, I
learnt many new knowledge that helped me to complete my essay. First, I learnt the difference
between summary and critique. Such as a successful summary restated resources in my own words;
present only the main, or important details; maintain a neutral and objective stance. A successful
critique moves beyond summary; assess or analyze what author want to present; should offer
interpretations and judgments about what I read; give evidence to support my evaluation. Second,
summary and critique do have something in common, such as both of them should be written in
present tense, stated title, author's full name and formatted in MLA more content...
I analyzed the effects of music downloading on the music industry. I learnt how to cite sources in
APA styles. Before this, MLA styles is the only citation I know. I learnt that I should indicates the
cause and effect pattern and the clear topic in this type essay's thesis statement. I learnt that I can
structure a cause and effect essay in two ways: Chronological order and emphatic order.
Chronological order discusses the causes and effects in the order that they occur. Emphatic order
reserves the strongest or most significant cause and/or effect until the
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There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in
many different categories. I believe there are three types of parents today: the Consultants, the
Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of
parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect
my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is a loving and logical parent that provides
guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength
and rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self
and be responsible. They share personal more content...
They protect the child from natural consequences and use guilt as a teacher. The Drill Sergeant
Parents is commanding and direct the lives of their children. They provide messages of low
personal worth and resistance, and make many demands and have many expectations about
responsibility. The Drill Sergeant Parents tell the child how he/she should handle responsibility;
how he/she should feel, and provides absolutes such as, "This is the decision you should make!"
They demand that jobs or responsibilities be done now and will issue orders or threats such as,
"You get that room cleaned up or else..." The Drill Sergeant Parents take over ownership of the
problem using threats and orders to solve the problem and uses lots of harsh words and very few
actions. They use punishment such as pain and humiliation to serve as the teacher. I do not
believe I fall into just one of these three categories. My Mom was more of a Helicopter Parent, so
I knew I did not want to be the same way with my children. My Dad was more of a Drill Sergeant
Parent and I have met many Drill Sergeant Parents and seen how that type of parenting affects the
children later in life. I have known very few Consultant Parents, so I am not completely familiar
with the effect that type of parenting can have on a child. I chose not to fall into just one category
of parenting because I agree with some portions of each category and I disagree with some portions
as well. As
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Type Of Essay

  • 1. Types of Personality Essay Personality is something that is related to the characteristic pattern, thought, feelings and behaviour of a person (Cherry, 2014). There are many theories that have been stated in order to describe personality (Cherry, 2014). Everyone has his/her own unique personality. Different person has a different personality and each kind of personality has its own advantages and weaknesses. Everyone should appreciate his/her own personality, and also others personality too. It is important to understand other people so that everyone can easily get along together. However, based on Littauer (1983), everyone has to understand herself/himself first, before understanding others. Everyone should know what type of personality that he/she has. more content... They also use a lot of time in planning during working since they always have high standards in completing tasks. According to Littauer (1983), there are two main problems of perfect melancholy which are easily depressed and have low self–esteem. Littauer (1983), also suggested a few ways in order to overcome these problems. First, to avoid from being depressed, a perfect melancholy should not look for trouble and second is do not get hurt so easily. The next type of personality is popular sanguine. A popular sanguine is usually a fun person. They are talkative and cheerful person. They also easily get along with other people. Usually, a popular sanguine is a warm person. They love to hug, kiss and stroke their friends and family. They are good on stage and they make an excellent greeter, host and receptionist due to their attractive personality. The person with this kind of personality is usually an emotional and demonstrative person. They are optimistic and enthusiastic over everything. They also get excited easily on something that is brought to them. They are also curious about everything. They usually want to know every single thing that happened around them. They are also a helpful person and always volunteer to do something because they usually seek for popularity. They also creative like the perfect melancholy. However, a popular sanguine creativeness is more colourful and more fun as compared to the creativeness of the perfect melancholy. They also can Get more content on
  • 2. Types of Intelligence Essay examples Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death, and other realities. more content... Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical /mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other structured environments. Practical Get more content on
  • 3. Types And Forms Of Communication Essay Introduction Overview Communications skills are fundamental to any person's life because naturally, man is a social being and people spend most of their time communicating in different forms such as; oral, non–verbal, written and interpersonal. Most successful people are those who are good at interacting with other people in different situations. The ability to skilfully interact with people is grounded in a person's unwavering skills in the different forms of communication. Therefore, it is important for students to appreciate should and develop good communication skills. Types and Forms of Communication Having appreciated the importance of communication in different contexts, it is imperative to understand the different forms or categories of communication, in which people engage in. This is because these different forms of communication demand unique sets of skills or tactics. Oral Communication: this involves exchange of messages or information using spoken words and is commonly referred to as communication by word of mouth. This occurs in different interaction set ups such as meetings, talks, discussions, presentations, interviews, speeches and so on. Written Communication: this form of communication entails the creation of a 'hard copy' of the message or simply written messages or words in the form of business letters, reports, research papers, articles, note taking etc. Non–Verbal Communication: this is the wordless form of communication which takes the form Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about networks Improving Network Performance Nowadays, it seems that everyone has a computer and is discovering that communication technologies are necessary. E–mail, Internet, and file transferring has become a part of the modern world. Networks allow people to connect their computers together and to share resources. They allow people to communicate and interact with each other. The days of the lone PC are diminishing. At the same time, computers are getting faster than ever. The most powerful PC five years ago couldn't be sold for half of its original price today. This poses some problems to the consumer.New technologies can't be driven by older technology. As innovations continue to be invented, the computer of yesterday is fast outpaced by more content... Modems, a popular communications device, typically have throughput rates from 9600 baud (See Glossary) to 28800 baud. Modems use an RS232 or serial port connection. One solution to this transmission speed is the parallel or Centronics port. This port transmits eight bits at a time instead of one with a serial port, which is how they got their names. Because it sends eight bits at a time, a parallel port can achieve transfer rates of up to 40,000 bits or 5000 characters a second (Seyer 64). Parallel ports are commonly used to connect to printers and external storage devices. The main problem with modems and parallel ports is that only two computers can be connected at one time. Networks were invented to solve this. They allowed a group of computers to communicate and to share resources such as hard disk space and printers. Different types of networks have different throughput rates, but all are higher than either serial or parallel ports. The type of network used at Banks High School is an Ethernet network with software from Novell. This network has the capability of supporting transfer rates up to ten megabits per second (Bennett 1). Although this seems like a lot, remember that all of the computers on the network are using this connection at the same time and each computer has to share with every other computer. There are a few ways to speed up a slow Ethernet network, however. Splitting the responsibility from one server to many is one way, and using more than one Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection In English 101 Whitney Bailey Professor Johnson English 101 October 19, 2016 Reflection Paper It's hard to believe that it's already time for Midterms in my English 101 class. The adventure has been a lot easier than I at first anticipated. In any case, I am happy that I am taking the class and learning from it. In the beginning it appeared somewhat hard however I was resolved to compel my way through this class regardless of what difficulties I needed to persevere. On the first day of my English 101 class I was apprehensive, I had no clue what's in store from the class. As I discovered what the class would have been similar to, I let myself know I was going to attempt to get an B or higher toward the end of the semester and put all the exertion I had into each paper I kept in touch with, I was not going to set this class aside for later and linger like I use to do. A standout amongst the most more content... I have an unmistakable view in my head of what I am going to compose and what structures I have to utilize. Things have ended up less difficult now since I don't need to experience the battle of how things are done or on the chance that I don't understand how I should do what I am expected to do. These aptitudes may empower me to enjoy additionally composing and not need to stress over having a written assignment. This course has helped me with many chances to figure out how to properly write papers. Prior to this class, I had little experience with how to build a legitimate paper. It has taken experience, and getting normal evaluations, to show me how to precisely write. Despite the fact that this course required different papers to be turned in, I am appreciative to have possessed the capacity to gain from my oversights and develop as a writer. I have constantly cherished written work, however now I am ready to improve my writing as the semester Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Types Of Research Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry, investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content... Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems. One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance, increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization (Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996). In the White Page Series, researcher Burke Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Types of Assessment Test Types of Assessment Tests 1) Develop a chart (matrix) of 1000в€’1,250 words that compares and contrasts the different types of assessments, the characteristics of each, and for what situations each is best suited. It should address the following: a) How is each type of assessment scored? b) Discuss the value and limitations of each test in determining knowledge and skill standards. c) Analyze each instrument for reliability and validity. 2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. 3) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3. Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how it is scored, then its limitations and then more content... These can also be highly informal and done in a large group setting. If introducing a new topic, start by just asking some real easy questions regarding the topic and then write them down on a large piece of paper. This gives the students a visual aide and allows the teacher to have bases of what information the kids know and what still needs to be addressed. Students on most occasions tend to truly like this assessment because it gives them a chance to speak and be heard. Some students on the other hand do not actually like it unless they are in a one on one setting with a teacher. Oral Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability in terms of internal consistency, test and re–test reliability and alternative form reliability. Its content must also have the necessary validity to be a valid assessment instrument, must be predictive and concurrent. Woodcock Johnson Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Revised. It has good high level tasks for specific drill down areas and strong norms including pediatrics /grade level equivalents but is not normed for ABI or other disease categories. Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Third Edition It's comprehensive battery is strong and well normed. Client can pick and choose the subtests. Limitations: This is an expensive test to administer and it is cumbersome to get full picture of client in one hour with this tool. Scores in Oral Fluency Get more content on
  • 8. Who Are You As A Writer? Essay When presented with the question, "who are you as a writer?", I was speechless at first. But after thinking about it, I realized who I am as a writer has been influenced by so many different sponsors throughout my life and there was not a short, concrete answer. Brandt mentions that "literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make it possible for a person to become literate and shape the way the person actually acquires literacy." (Brandt 43) My attitude towards writing has been influenced by teachers, both negatively and positively, by my mother, and by academic assignments over the years. My answer to the question can only be answered by a narrative of my writing life. I have convinced myself that I am a terrible writer, and when presented with a writing assignment, I get anxious instantly. I see writing as a burden and a huge obstacle that gets placed in my life. Academic writing is not fun, but something I value due to the fact that we are a grade driven society. When writing, I write to the guidelines in order to receive points for the requested criteria. The reason being, I gave up on expressing my own ideas because I had been shut down by so many teachers throughout my education. I tried to write down what came to my mind and put my own twist on things, but that was not the "right" way to write papers. In order to make both my teachers and my grades happy, I wrote what they wanted to hear, and even then I was not to the level they Get more content on
  • 9. Temperament And How Is It Formed? Temperaments What is temperaments and how is it formed? Temperament is the way a person or in this matter a child or infant would behave or react to an event or their environment (Cook & Cook, 2014). A temperament is formed by nature and nurture, all thought an infant is born with an "innate tendency" the temperament will form as the infant parents reinforce this temperament (Cook & Cook, 2014). Some infants are born more sociable, and others might be shy and even afraid of most things (Cook & Cook, 2014). Everyone needs to feel accepted, and children are not far behind, is important they feel accepted even if their temperament "isn't easy to handle" or just a breeze temperament (Zerotothree, 2010). A child's temperament and personality can be a something they have inherited from the infants' parents, but the environment where the infant grows is just as important as the genetics (Cook & more content... A child that has an easy temperament is usually positive, smiles frequently and very easy, can overcome new situations easily and adapt to the new changes, most of all will have a set schedule for eating, sleeping and other activities (Cook & Cook, 2014). A difficult temperament is the opposite of an easy temperament. The child is usually negative and will become frustrated very easily, any new situations will become a problem, and shows no pattern when it comes to basic things like eating and sleeping (Cook & Cook, 2014). In another hand, a child that has a slow–to–warm–up temperament can sometimes have a negative behavior to new things but if exposure is persistent a better or positive response can be developed (Cook & Cook, 2014). The better side of a child that has a slow–to–warm–up temperament is that they have "less emotional reactions" and would actually do better with scheduled times for eating and sleeping (Cook & Cook, Get more content on
  • 10. Constructing Essay Test CONSTRUCTING and SCORING ESSAY TESTS* An essay test permits direct assessment of the attainment of numerous goals and objectives. An essay test demands less construction time per fixed unit of student time but a significant increase in labor in time and scoring. GENERAL TYPES OF ESSAYITEMS* >EXTENDED RESPONSE ESSAY ITEM– is one that allows for an in–depth sampling of a student's knowledge, thinking processes, and problem solving behavior related to a specific topic. >RESTRICTED RESPONSE ESSAY ITEM– is one where the examinee is required to provide limited response based on a specified criterion for answering the question. LEARNING OUTCOMES MEASURED EFFECTIVELY WITH ESSAY ITEMS* >Essay questions are designed to more content... *Determine in advance how much weight will be accorded each of the various elements expected in a complete answer. *Without knowledge of student's names, score each question for all students. *Require all students to answer all questions on the test. *Write questions about materials immediately relevant to the subject. *Study past questions to determine how students performed. *Make gross judgments of the relative excellence of answers as a first step in grading. *Word a question as simple as possible in order to make the tasks clear. *Do not judge papers on basis of external factors unless they have clearly stipulated. *Do not make generalized estimate of an entire paper's worth. *Do not construct a test consisting of only one question. SCORING ESSAY TEST* HOLISTIC SCORING In this type of scoring , a total score is assigned to each essay question based on the teacher's general impression or over all assessment. ANALYTIC SCORING In this type of scoring, the essay is scored in terms of components. GUIDELINES CONSIDERED BY TEACHERS* *Decide what factors constitute a good answer before administering an essay question.
  • 11. *Explain these factors in the test items. *Read answers to a single essay question before reading other questions. *Reread essay answers a second time after initial Get more content on
  • 12. The Different Types of Memory Essay The Different Types of Memory Memory is one of the most puzzling parts of the brain. How can our brain store more information and thoughts than an encyclopedia and weigh less then three pounds? The brain gives us the ability to act on our own. To think, say, and do things we want to do all occur because of our brain. The brain controls our movement, our thoughts, and our memory. Memory, the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain, consists of three main types, short–term, long–term, and ancestral all which can be comparred between genders. Memory is the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain. It has three main functions: recording, storing, and recalling. One records information in more content... After dialing, the number is lost. Short–term memory is memory that is "in use," and does not get transferred to long–term and later stored unless the person wants it to be and makes it happen. "Without short–term memory, our actions would be slowed down with traffic jams of information just roaming around" (Fancher 51). For this reason, short–term memory is important to a way of life. The one recall that short–term memory has is immediate recall. This is the ability to repeat a short series of words, pictures, sounds, etc. after hearing or seeing them. "Immediate recall is remembering for only a short time and the information retrieved is never permanently recorded" (Pinker 115). Sensory memory is another type of short–term memory which information enters and leaves immediately. Sensory memory is only seconds of memory. Inoformation enters and leaves immediatly. An example is sight. Once an object is sight, it is considered Sensory memory, once leaves, it leaves the memory. Short–term Memory is still being studied by many psychologist and more and more is learned about it each day. Like Short–term memory, another type of memory is Long–term memory. Long–term memory is located in the medial temporal lobe and the mid–brain. It is memory traces that have been transferred from short–term and is permanently recorded. Long–term memory has two ways of recording, with and without depth of processing. (Lapp 14). Depth of processing is the Get more content on
  • 13. The Different Types of Media Essay The Different Types of Media I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially individuals. There is an enormous variety of media including; television, newspapers, radio, magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it becomes to escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements. Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most over–exposed types of media there is. This is because advertisements appear in every single type of other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise', or more content... From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for all ages and makes it hard for people not to get infected by this contagious disease. Some people might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain of useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in something and to learn about a passion or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind. Even soaps have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in Coronation Street about an emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean they aren't in a abusive relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions, murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people about everyday things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed. Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the younger generation with popular radio stations, like Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages Get more content on
  • 14. What Kind Of Student I Am I have an idea about what kind of student I am. Over the years, I have realized that when I'm not interested or I feel like I'm not learning/understanding the material, I unconsciously withdraw. I'm already not a studier so paying attention 100 percent is crucial to my grade. I am very hardworking and can apply myself to fullest, the problem is I need to learn to apply myself even more when I'm in need of help, instead of retracting. Unfortunately, sometimes I am also a procrastinator, but it depends on what and how much the work it is. I can say that I am a very organized student/person. I color code my notes, make lists, and even set up timers to split my time accordingly. I am very interested to take some assessments to learn more about myself, and possibly make some changes. The first assessment I took was the Study Skills Assessment. For Time Management I got a 14 out of 32. I was a little surprised because I do think I manage my time well. Although I do get distracted easily with technology and I don't prioritize very efficiently, which makes sense on why I would score low. For Concentration/Memory I scored a 20 out of 32, which I think is accurate. I got a fair score, but it could be better. In the Note–Taking section I got a 27 out of 32. I wasn't shocked at all, I usually like taking notes and I've realized which strategies work for me and which don't. For Test Strategies I received a 23 out of 32. I was a little taken aback, I thought I would've scored lower. Get more content on
  • 15. Types of Friends Essay There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content... They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition. We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed. Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get the best scores Get more content on
  • 16. Essay About My English Class I can remember seeing that I had to take an English class my first semester of college. I was already overwhelmed with starting college, and having to write college essays made me get even more nervous. I sat down with my mom and decided to look at the English classes available, and I finally decided that I had to take an evening class to make it work in my schedule. The first day of English came and now looking back it was not as bad as I thought. It made me a better writer and be where I am today. It may have taken me some time to get where I am today, but at least I am on the right track. English Composition helped me realize that I am my own author and have strengths that I did not realize I had. When I first started college I did not know what to expect with an English class. I liked writing about topics that interested me, but high school did not allow me to do that. I took American History and we would have to more content... I learned many techniques from my professor. He helped me realize that it is okay to have your own opinion as long as you back it up. He showed me that I am an author when I did not think I was. He also told us to read our essays out loud when we proofread, and I always did this technique before submitting all my essays. I can remember having to write my first essay and I was scared, because I felt like I had to get a good grade. I started thinking about what tools I could use to help me, and I decided to go to The Learning Center to help with my essay. When I went there they would make edits to my essay and then explain what I should change. The tutor noticed I used multiple choppy sentences and commas in spots there should not be. Sometimes I would even go twice to make sure I did not miss any minor mistakes. Going there helped me feel more confident as a writer and I learned from my mistakes. I had many helpful techniques from multiple people that shaped me into the writer I am Get more content on
  • 17. Ever wondered how many ways there is to write an essay? What type of writing is needed to use for certain things? Writing is used today and sense way back in history for everything. Writing is used to remember things, for scripts like movies, to inform, even to plan things. Essays can be written in Persuasive, Expository, Analytical, and Argumentative. To start out Persuasive is an essay where you try to convince the reader or listener to adopt your position on an issue or point of view. Here your rationale, your argument, is most important. You are presenting an opinion and trying to persuade readers, you want to win readers over to your point of view. In this type of writing a key point will be maintaining the reader's interest and more content... In this type of essay the early on passage is utilized to tell the pursuer what content or messages you will be talking about. Each abstract work raises no less than one noteworthy issue. In your presentation you will likewise characterize the thought or issue of the content that you wish to look at in your examination.It is vital that you contract the center of your essay. Be all around sorted out. Arrangement what you need to compose before you begin. It is a smart thought to know precisely what your decision will be before you begin to compose. When you know where you are going, you have a tendency to arrive in a very much sorted out route with coherent movement. Argumentative Essay is the kind of exposition where you demonstrate that your supposition, hypothesis or speculation around an issue is right or more honest than those of others. To put it plainly, it is fundamentally the same to the persuasive essay, but the distinction is that you are contending for your assessment instead of others, as opposed to specifically attempting to induce somebody to receive your perspective. Research your topic so your evidence is convincing. This argument essay should be very detailed and convincing in pros and Get more content on
  • 18. Causal Academic Critique And Argument Research This semester, I learnt many writing skills and tried different type of essays. I wrote three type of essay, Formal Academic Critique, Causal Analysis and Argument Research. We started with practicing the technique to summarize and paraphrase the article. Then we did research practice based on "Stand on your Ground". Through this practice, I learnt how to narrow down my topic, by combing the main topic, viewpoint and focus aera. This skill is very useful, as it is easier to structure essay in this way. I did not know any critique analyze skills before I finish this critique essay. I criticized "The Sexual Misery of the Arab World" written by Kamel Daoud. Through the critique essaywriting process, I learnt many new knowledge that helped me to complete my essay. First, I learnt the difference between summary and critique. Such as a successful summary restated resources in my own words; present only the main, or important details; maintain a neutral and objective stance. A successful critique moves beyond summary; assess or analyze what author want to present; should offer interpretations and judgments about what I read; give evidence to support my evaluation. Second, summary and critique do have something in common, such as both of them should be written in present tense, stated title, author's full name and formatted in MLA more content... I analyzed the effects of music downloading on the music industry. I learnt how to cite sources in APA styles. Before this, MLA styles is the only citation I know. I learnt that I should indicates the cause and effect pattern and the clear topic in this type essay's thesis statement. I learnt that I can structure a cause and effect essay in two ways: Chronological order and emphatic order. Chronological order discusses the causes and effects in the order that they occur. Emphatic order reserves the strongest or most significant cause and/or effect until the Get more content on
  • 19. There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in many different categories. I believe there are three types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength and rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self and be responsible. They share personal more content... They protect the child from natural consequences and use guilt as a teacher. The Drill Sergeant Parents is commanding and direct the lives of their children. They provide messages of low personal worth and resistance, and make many demands and have many expectations about responsibility. The Drill Sergeant Parents tell the child how he/she should handle responsibility; how he/she should feel, and provides absolutes such as, "This is the decision you should make!" They demand that jobs or responsibilities be done now and will issue orders or threats such as, "You get that room cleaned up or else..." The Drill Sergeant Parents take over ownership of the problem using threats and orders to solve the problem and uses lots of harsh words and very few actions. They use punishment such as pain and humiliation to serve as the teacher. I do not believe I fall into just one of these three categories. My Mom was more of a Helicopter Parent, so I knew I did not want to be the same way with my children. My Dad was more of a Drill Sergeant Parent and I have met many Drill Sergeant Parents and seen how that type of parenting affects the children later in life. I have known very few Consultant Parents, so I am not completely familiar with the effect that type of parenting can have on a child. I chose not to fall into just one category of parenting because I agree with some portions of each category and I disagree with some portions as well. As Get more content on