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What I Have Learned Essay
What I Have Learned
When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in
this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe
that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to
also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I
could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted
I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being
called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never
thought more content...
I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for
everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel
that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on
any test I take.
The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to
learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value
of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I
took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My
attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted.
In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating
me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning
new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning. I never thought that
I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually
yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is
teaching me something new. I think I feel this way because I am maturing and I now view learning
differently than I did
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Studying Abroad Essay
Studying Abroad
The phrase study abroad means a persons intent to gain knowledge outside of the confines of their
country. Studying abroad is an effective way to fulfill requirements for your college degree and
travel the world while experiencing new cultures at the same time There are many various aspects of
studying abroad. You must be prepared: It is fun and exciting, but you must be cautious of the
Many students choose to study abroad because of the potential benefits. Some students want to learn
a second language and believe that it would be worth while and more interesting for them to learn it
in the native country. Some students choose to study abroad to learn about cultures first hand rather more content...
These will inform you of regulations for entry and other important information, including the location
of the United States embassy in that country (Studying Abroad, 2001).
When traveling, outside of the United States, you will need a passport. You might also need
visas depending on the country you are visiting. You may also want to think about investing in
insurance for the goods you are bringing with you. This will help you if something is lost, stolen
or ruined. (General Information, 2004). You will need to bring enough money to cover the
expenses you plan to occur, and extra in case of an emergency. It is a good idea to get travelers
checks instead of risking losing your money or having it stolen. You will possibly have to exchange
these for the type of denomination used in the country you are visiting. It is imperative that you get
the vaccinations recommended for the country you are visiting, to avoid sickness and possible death.
What can I learn from studying abroad?
Students who have studied abroad have reported learning and developing many things. Of which
included bilingual skills, gaining knowledge of the country they visited, its people, culture, and
heritage. They also said they gained knowledge of the countries society, economy, politics and its
role in the world (Dolby, 2004). They also reported acquiring skills like
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Cohort Study Essay
The question under study is, whether blood pressure drugs can ward off diabetes by taking them at
night? The cause–effect relationship, in this case, includes shifting one's medication from daytime to
nighttime use. According to Los Angeles Times reporter Melissa Healy, it's crucial to note that
some of the causes of diabetes include the waist circumference and whether one had chronic kidney
disease. In this case, the exposure used was special exposure cohort reason being the exposure was
not unique but relatively rare. On the other hand, the outcome used was retrospective cohort studies
or, in other words, historical as it contained subjects in present form. In addition to these, there were
records to ascertain the truth of this more content...
To be precise, the subjects or people under study were 1,029, and they were selected randomly. The
time frame was six years thus very ideal in observing the outcome of the experiment. In this case
scenario, the study design used was Cohort study as it involved follow–up studies. Apart from these,
a group of individuals were observed together for the same period. The key results were that those
who took the medication in the morning were more probable in developing type 2 diabetes by
comparing them with those that took their medication at night. Some of the criteria for causation
include the type of food one consumes. Another criterion for causation is a person's weight and
also genetic where diabetes affects people of the same lineage thus passed from one generation to
another. Lastly, as reported by Melissa Healy in her article, some other criteria for causation of
diabetes is taking blood pressure drugs in the morning as compared to taking them at night.
REFERENCE: Melissa Healy. (2015). "Los Angeles Times: Taking blood pressure drugs at night
wards off diabetes, study finds." Retrieved from
/la–sci–sn–blood–pressure–night–diabetes–20150923–story.html [Accessed on
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Study Plan Essay
I am applying to Seoul National University to continue the development of my critical learning
skills and to broaden my knowledge base. I feel I am now ready to complete a degree, and
understand what is required to function successfully in our environment. I realize that to advance
from the world of undergraduate college curriculum to that of an atmosphere of higher education in
graduate training, takes much of a prospective graduate student??s time and effort.
Throughout my life, I have worked towards one goal which is to become a doctor. Medicine offers
the opportunity for me to integrate different scopes of science while trying to improve human life.
Medicine has intrigued me throughout all my life because it??s a never more content...
I have taken stock of myself, considering my skills, experiences, and goals. I have looked to family
and friends, some of whom are doctors, for advice. Because of this self–examination, I have decided
to pursue a career in health care. The process has been difficult at times but always illuminating.
Throughout it all, I have never lost confidence – the confidence that I will actively absorb all
available medical knowledge, forge friendships with fellow students, and emerge from my training
as a skilful and caring physician.
I know that the road that I take to become a doctor is going to be very challenging; however I feel
that my past has prepared me for taking on the challenge. As a student, I am an active participant in
my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades
and learn in college. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs,
sports, and extracurricular activities, I will become a well–rounded student. I have been working
hard for the last 7 years, operating as an independent, responsible adult. In that time I have
constantly learnt from my life experiences and developed skills in both learning and life
management. I am a very motivated person with goal setting, time management and prior skills that
help me achieve what I aim to do.
What motivates me to pursue university education abroad? Well, the last couple of years have been
a long bumpy ride for me, however, the First
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Methodology of Research Essay examples
Methodology of Research
The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a
structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the
questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of
all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and
hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need
for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If
the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more
and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content...
Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to
obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions,
whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer
amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of
my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have
received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant
tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I
have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease.
Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the
effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define
what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a
mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the
household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By
asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower
and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I
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International Students Essay example
Differences between American Students and International Students Most young people believe that
studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and
learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because
International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot
handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very
unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to
learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more
expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study more content...
They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent
essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any
problem participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of
saying something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any
language to study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most
university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money
in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students
because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is
responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very
difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited
since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to
find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is
not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from
Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to
have his own money. He went to
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Study Skills Essay
The reason that most people High School don't have good study skills is because they were not
taught proper study habits in Elementary School, where this should be taught.
To achieve good grades in high school a person must be disciplined in their study habits. Once a
person reaches high school these habits must be ingrained into the personality of the young person
so that they are second nature or it is to late.
Part of the Elementary school teaching there must be a course that teaches children as young as
grade 1 or 2 how to do homework. This has to include how to break down a project into
manageable pieces so that a child will know how to meet deadlines for major projects
more content...
5. Here are 6points to keep in mind when taking notes.
a. No one can write everything down so don't try.
b. Concentrate on the main ideas, content and information.
c. Try short hand for word – remember no one has to be able to read these notes but you so come up
with short spelling for words that you will be able to read later.
d. Listen to the teacher then summarize in your own words
e. Take notes I point form not full sentences more like an outline form.
f. Underline main topics
6. If you have trouble taking notes bring a tape recorder to class then you can play the recording
back and take notes later when you are at home and it is quiet. Then you will be able to stop the
recorder and take our notes without feeling rushed.
7. After Class is over. Take a few minutes to go over your notes and refresh in your mind what
points you need more clarification on and get it before you forget.
8. Underline or highlight the main topics and points.
9. Make sure you know why you were attending the lecture and what the assignment is to complete it
with the notes.
Keeping these note taking skills in mind, it will help anyone achieve better
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International Study Essay
Studying Abroad
College life is full of exciting and challenging opportunities. One of the most anticipated programs
for incoming freshmen is studying abroad for a summer, a semester, or an entire year. This is a
way to meet new people, experience new places, and break away from the daily routine of college
living. Some of the exotic destinations for study include Australia, Italy, the British Isles, France, and
Germany. The University of Dayton encourages all students to consider what the study abroad
program has to offer.
The program offers a wide variety of opportunities to each and every individual. Students will not
only take courses while they are in a foreign country, but they will also have more
Despite any misconceptions, the study abroad program will cost only slightly more than a
semester would while being on campus at UD. The fees to participate in the program include
housing, program activities, meals, and tuition (quoted in UD Study Abroad pamphlet). However,
some fees are not included, such as airfare, books, and transportation. It is highly recommended
that students always plan accordingly for their spending money. Students may request additional
financial aid while in the study abroad program; they just have to consult their financial aid
advisor. In addition to financial aid, there are a number of scholarship programs that are available
and they are designed to support the study abroad program. For example, the Maureen Hanson '77
Fund, the ISSAP Scholarship Fund, and Cordell W. Hull International Fellows Fund, just to name a
few, are all readily available to give assistance with the financial part of studying abroad (quoted in
UD Study Abroad pamphlet).
Year after year, students who participate in this wonderful program are willing to share their great
experiences, and they will recommend it without any hesitation. One such student is Junior, Matthew
McCue. Matthew traveled to Australia with the study abroad program, and while he was there, he
climbed a mountain in the Australian Outback, scuba dove in the Great Barrier Reef, and
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Study Essay

  • 1. What I Have Learned Essay What I Have Learned When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted anymore. I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never thought more content... I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on any test I take. The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted. In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning. I never thought that I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is teaching me something new. I think I feel this way because I am maturing and I now view learning differently than I did Get more content on
  • 2. Studying Abroad Essay Studying Abroad The phrase study abroad means a persons intent to gain knowledge outside of the confines of their country. Studying abroad is an effective way to fulfill requirements for your college degree and travel the world while experiencing new cultures at the same time There are many various aspects of studying abroad. You must be prepared: It is fun and exciting, but you must be cautious of the dangers. Many students choose to study abroad because of the potential benefits. Some students want to learn a second language and believe that it would be worth while and more interesting for them to learn it in the native country. Some students choose to study abroad to learn about cultures first hand rather more content... These will inform you of regulations for entry and other important information, including the location of the United States embassy in that country (Studying Abroad, 2001). When traveling, outside of the United States, you will need a passport. You might also need visas depending on the country you are visiting. You may also want to think about investing in insurance for the goods you are bringing with you. This will help you if something is lost, stolen or ruined. (General Information, 2004). You will need to bring enough money to cover the expenses you plan to occur, and extra in case of an emergency. It is a good idea to get travelers checks instead of risking losing your money or having it stolen. You will possibly have to exchange these for the type of denomination used in the country you are visiting. It is imperative that you get the vaccinations recommended for the country you are visiting, to avoid sickness and possible death. What can I learn from studying abroad? Students who have studied abroad have reported learning and developing many things. Of which included bilingual skills, gaining knowledge of the country they visited, its people, culture, and heritage. They also said they gained knowledge of the countries society, economy, politics and its role in the world (Dolby, 2004). They also reported acquiring skills like Get more content on
  • 3. Cohort Study Essay The question under study is, whether blood pressure drugs can ward off diabetes by taking them at night? The cause–effect relationship, in this case, includes shifting one's medication from daytime to nighttime use. According to Los Angeles Times reporter Melissa Healy, it's crucial to note that some of the causes of diabetes include the waist circumference and whether one had chronic kidney disease. In this case, the exposure used was special exposure cohort reason being the exposure was not unique but relatively rare. On the other hand, the outcome used was retrospective cohort studies or, in other words, historical as it contained subjects in present form. In addition to these, there were records to ascertain the truth of this more content... To be precise, the subjects or people under study were 1,029, and they were selected randomly. The time frame was six years thus very ideal in observing the outcome of the experiment. In this case scenario, the study design used was Cohort study as it involved follow–up studies. Apart from these, a group of individuals were observed together for the same period. The key results were that those who took the medication in the morning were more probable in developing type 2 diabetes by comparing them with those that took their medication at night. Some of the criteria for causation include the type of food one consumes. Another criterion for causation is a person's weight and also genetic where diabetes affects people of the same lineage thus passed from one generation to another. Lastly, as reported by Melissa Healy in her article, some other criteria for causation of diabetes is taking blood pressure drugs in the morning as compared to taking them at night. REFERENCE: Melissa Healy. (2015). "Los Angeles Times: Taking blood pressure drugs at night wards off diabetes, study finds." Retrieved from /la–sci–sn–blood–pressure–night–diabetes–20150923–story.html [Accessed on Get more content on
  • 4. Study Plan Essay I am applying to Seoul National University to continue the development of my critical learning skills and to broaden my knowledge base. I feel I am now ready to complete a degree, and understand what is required to function successfully in our environment. I realize that to advance from the world of undergraduate college curriculum to that of an atmosphere of higher education in graduate training, takes much of a prospective graduate student??s time and effort. Throughout my life, I have worked towards one goal which is to become a doctor. Medicine offers the opportunity for me to integrate different scopes of science while trying to improve human life. Medicine has intrigued me throughout all my life because it??s a never more content... I have taken stock of myself, considering my skills, experiences, and goals. I have looked to family and friends, some of whom are doctors, for advice. Because of this self–examination, I have decided to pursue a career in health care. The process has been difficult at times but always illuminating. Throughout it all, I have never lost confidence – the confidence that I will actively absorb all available medical knowledge, forge friendships with fellow students, and emerge from my training as a skilful and caring physician. I know that the road that I take to become a doctor is going to be very challenging; however I feel that my past has prepared me for taking on the challenge. As a student, I am an active participant in my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades and learn in college. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities, I will become a well–rounded student. I have been working hard for the last 7 years, operating as an independent, responsible adult. In that time I have constantly learnt from my life experiences and developed skills in both learning and life management. I am a very motivated person with goal setting, time management and prior skills that help me achieve what I aim to do. What motivates me to pursue university education abroad? Well, the last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, however, the First Get more content on
  • 5. Methodology of Research Essay examples Methodology of Research The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content... Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions, whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease. Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
  • 6. home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I Get more content on
  • 7. International Students Essay example Differences between American Students and International Students Most young people believe that studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study more content... They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any problem participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of saying something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any language to study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to have his own money. He went to Get more content on
  • 8. Study Skills Essay STUDY SKILL SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN ELMENTARY SCHOOL The reason that most people High School don't have good study skills is because they were not taught proper study habits in Elementary School, where this should be taught. To achieve good grades in high school a person must be disciplined in their study habits. Once a person reaches high school these habits must be ingrained into the personality of the young person so that they are second nature or it is to late. Part of the Elementary school teaching there must be a course that teaches children as young as grade 1 or 2 how to do homework. This has to include how to break down a project into manageable pieces so that a child will know how to meet deadlines for major projects more content... 5. Here are 6points to keep in mind when taking notes. a. No one can write everything down so don't try. b. Concentrate on the main ideas, content and information. c. Try short hand for word – remember no one has to be able to read these notes but you so come up with short spelling for words that you will be able to read later. d. Listen to the teacher then summarize in your own words e. Take notes I point form not full sentences more like an outline form. f. Underline main topics 6. If you have trouble taking notes bring a tape recorder to class then you can play the recording back and take notes later when you are at home and it is quiet. Then you will be able to stop the recorder and take our notes without feeling rushed. 7. After Class is over. Take a few minutes to go over your notes and refresh in your mind what points you need more clarification on and get it before you forget. 8. Underline or highlight the main topics and points. 9. Make sure you know why you were attending the lecture and what the assignment is to complete it with the notes.
  • 9. Keeping these note taking skills in mind, it will help anyone achieve better Get more content on
  • 10. International Study Essay Studying Abroad College life is full of exciting and challenging opportunities. One of the most anticipated programs for incoming freshmen is studying abroad for a summer, a semester, or an entire year. This is a way to meet new people, experience new places, and break away from the daily routine of college living. Some of the exotic destinations for study include Australia, Italy, the British Isles, France, and Germany. The University of Dayton encourages all students to consider what the study abroad program has to offer. The program offers a wide variety of opportunities to each and every individual. Students will not only take courses while they are in a foreign country, but they will also have more content... Despite any misconceptions, the study abroad program will cost only slightly more than a semester would while being on campus at UD. The fees to participate in the program include housing, program activities, meals, and tuition (quoted in UD Study Abroad pamphlet). However, some fees are not included, such as airfare, books, and transportation. It is highly recommended that students always plan accordingly for their spending money. Students may request additional financial aid while in the study abroad program; they just have to consult their financial aid advisor. In addition to financial aid, there are a number of scholarship programs that are available and they are designed to support the study abroad program. For example, the Maureen Hanson '77 Fund, the ISSAP Scholarship Fund, and Cordell W. Hull International Fellows Fund, just to name a few, are all readily available to give assistance with the financial part of studying abroad (quoted in UD Study Abroad pamphlet). Year after year, students who participate in this wonderful program are willing to share their great experiences, and they will recommend it without any hesitation. One such student is Junior, Matthew McCue. Matthew traveled to Australia with the study abroad program, and while he was there, he climbed a mountain in the Australian Outback, scuba dove in the Great Barrier Reef, and Get more content on