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Leadership Theories Essay
Leadership History Tatiana M. Castaneda Vasquez Regent University
When power no longer guarantees the success, leadership becomes essential. In search of understand
the secret behind outstanding leadership, history has created and revealed leadership theories, starting
with Great Man approach, the identification of Trait and Characteristics, and later shifting to
Behavior Theory, fomenting Contingency and Influence Models, concluding with Emerging
Leadership. When environmental and societal changes occurred, the approaches were modified as
scholar attempt of interpreting society and the impact that leaders have in history.
Historical more content...
LEADERSHIP HISTORY Contingency Theories (CT)
CT interpret effective leadership as affected by situational variables, including the followers, work
environment and tasks, and the external environment (Daft, 2005, p.111). CT includes Fiedler's
proposal of predominance and interaction between relationship or taskoriented leadership styles, as
well as Hersey and Blanchard's focus on the characteristics of followers as producing favorable or
unfavorable results, followed by the path–goal theory, Vroom Jago model, and
substitutes–for–leadership approaches. If the leader understands how to properly interrelate with
situational variables, the possibilities for success would be maximized. Influence Theories Leaders
are challenged to persuade followers effectively integrating power and influence. Followers should
be motivated, shaped and guided through Charismatic Leadership, "influence based...on the qualities
and personality of the leader." (Daft, 2005, p.24). Bolman and Terrence (1991) identify four Leader
worldviews that influence this approach: Structural, Human Resources, Political and Symbolic
perspectives. The balanced perspective of leaders is directly related to Leadership vision to produce
the best outcomes. (Daft, 2005). Relational Theories (RL) Motivation, empowerment, and strategic
communication are crucial to the generation of success conditions. RL lead teams into
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Essay on Virtue Ethics
Virtue, when I hear that word I think of value and morality and only good people can be virtuous.
When I hear the word ethics I think of good versus evil, wrong and right. Now when the two are put
together you get virtue ethics. You may wonder what can virtue ethics possibly mean. It's just two
words put together to form some type of fancy theory. Well this paper will discussvirtue ethics and
the philosophy behind it.
Virtue ethics is a theory that focuses on character development and what virtues one should obtain
to be who they are supposed to be, as oppose to actions. An example of virtue ethics would be
someone who is patient, kind, loving, generous, temperance, courage and flourishing as oppose to a
person who lies, cheats, more content...
Moral relativism explains a point that when it comes to morals, right or wrong, people have their
own opinion. Not everyone will think something is bad and not everyone will think something is
good. The difference between moral relativism and virtue ethics is that actions do not matter. It is
the type of person you are on the inside. Who you are on the inside will help you make righteous
decisions, regardless of the circumstances. "An ethics focused on virtue encourages us to develop
the good traits and get rid of the bad ones (Mackinnon)."
Virtue ethics was written by a Greek philosopher names Aristotle. Aristotle believed that every
human's goal was happiness. Some philosophers argued that happiness only came from following
a set of rules, while Aristotle argued that the best way to have happiness is to cultivate a virtuous
character. The two kinds of virtues he recognized were moral virtue and intellectual virtue. The
virtue that should be focused on to develop a virtuous character is moral virtue. According to
Aristotle, while we are born with a capacity to be virtuous, being virtuous is like a skill that we
need to learn and practice to be good at. The key element to being virtuous is being able to find the
mean or right amount of our various emotions, dispositions, and actions. Aristotle wrote: "Anybody
can become angry– that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at
the right time and for
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The art of writing is a complex and difficult process. Proper writing requires careful planning,
revision, and proofreading. Throughout the past semester, the quality of my writing has evolved
significantly. At first, I struggled with the separation of different types of paragraphs, and I found
writing them laborious. Constant practice, however, has eliminated many of my original difficulties,
and helped to inspire confidence in my skills. As a collegiate writer, my strength lies in my clear
understanding of the fundamentals of writing, while my primary weakness is proofreading my own
work. During the transition from a high school writer to a collegiate writer, my strength at
understanding the basic principles more content...
Finding an introductory paragraph that hooks the reader can be troublesome, but throughout the
course, I have spent considerable time developing that technique. The body of my arguments
each exhibit strong support for the thesis. In addition, my conclusions summarize the papers
without restating unnecessary information. Overall, my comprehension of the basic format of an
argument has proved to be a valuable asset. The weakest portion of my writing is my lack of good
proofreading. All papers require a significant amount of proofreading not only for grammatical
errors, but also for structural problems. Proofreading my own work is difficult. Many times, I
wrongly assume that the reader is able to understand my thoughts, while the various points of my
argument are actually not expressed clearly. In some instances, I fail to catch obvious errors, such
as sentence fragments or contractions, which I should be able to eliminate easily from my
writing. Proofreading my own work has consistently been the most difficult part of my writing
process, and I continue to struggle with catching all of the errors in my papers. Analyzing my
strengths and weaknesses as a writer is extremely important. Despite the fact that I understand the
structure of a good argument, I still miss obvious errors in my papers because I lack the skills
necessary to properly proofread my own work. In the future, I plan on spending a large portion of
my time
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Types And Forms Of Communication Essay
Communications skills are fundamental to any person's life because naturally, man is a social being
and people spend most of their time communicating in different forms such as; oral, non–verbal,
written and interpersonal. Most successful people are those who are good at interacting with other
people in different situations. The ability to skilfully interact with people is grounded in a person's
unwavering skills in the different forms of communication. Therefore, it is important for students to
appreciate should and develop good communication skills.
Types and Forms of Communication
Having appreciated the importance of communication in different contexts, it is imperative to
understand the different forms or categories of communication, in which people engage in. This is
because these different forms of communication demand unique sets of skills or tactics.
Oral Communication: this involves exchange of messages or information using spoken words and is
commonly referred to as communication by word of mouth. This occurs in different interaction set
ups such as meetings, talks, discussions, presentations, interviews, speeches and so on.
Written Communication: this form of communication entails the creation of a 'hard copy' of the
message or simply written messages or words in the form of business letters, reports, research
papers, articles, note taking etc.
Non–Verbal Communication: this is the wordless form of communication which takes the form
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Types of Intelligence Essay examples
Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and
ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think
rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to
the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some
intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential
intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this
type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death,
and other realities. more content...
Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than
being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think
in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the
ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the
natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was
necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of
intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical
/mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone
whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability
to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the
psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I
define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical
intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical
intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other
structured environments. Practical
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers
try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being
taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new
technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of
different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know
that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to
show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who
took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of
items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact
Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by
behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing
scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare
and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively
specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these
studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and
Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and
demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and
account for students' individual scores?
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Luxor Cosmetics Essay
"Case Analysis of Luxor Cosmetic"
Date: March 25th, 2013
Week–4 assignment
MSAA 609: Cost Management
Executive Summary
An effective business strategy and budgeting is very essential in a manufacturing industry. A
company without a proper business strategy and master budgeting plan would usually faces
tremendous challenges and losses during its business operations. The importance of company's
business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these
items has clearly presented in this case study. ("Wiley," 2013)
Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and
cosmetic more content...
For instance, from schedule A: inventory movement expressed in WSP in exhibit 1, shows that
Luxor's inventory increases every year, except its inventory on creams. (Hopkins, 2009)
Nail Polish
Ending inventory at 12/31/2007
Ending inventory at 12/31/2008
Ending inventory at 12/31/2009
Ending inventory at 12/31/2010
The detail full version of this table is presented in appendix 1 in page number 8 (Hopkins, 2009).
The company's creams inventory remains constant because it does not follow a trend in
innovation and changes so often as the other products. The surplus in inventory is a big
disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of
storage. For all these reasons their cash flow is less in comparison with previous years causing that
Luxor Cosmetics keeps increasing their bank loans, creating more debt, making it harder to pay out
as 2011. In this particular situation the company could have either decrease its budgeted sales
(productions) or increase its actual sales by improving more effective marketing strategy and
research and development of its products in the markets. This way their inventory would decrease
and their cash flow would increase. (Hopkins, 2009)
Further, through effective marketing strategy Luxor
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Non Verbal Communication Essay
There are types of communication that we use in our daily life, which are: verbal and non–verbal
communication. The way you react to those communications is effective too. Both of these types of
communication can be very effective when you communicate with someone or people. Effective
communication also depends on who we are talking and whether we agree with what they are saying.
Effective communication can solve this friendship breakdown. Non–verbal communication with you
friend could be: eye contact, body language (positive and negative), posture, , facial expressions and
head movements. Non–verbal communication can be misinterpreted.
Self concept is the way you see yourself and feel. This allows you to see how similar
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Private self is the person you believe yourself to be in an honest reflection and you don't reveal all
of this to another person. Public self is the way you want to appear to people. We try to have
multiple identities based on the people we are interacting with. Strategic identity management is
when you make a conscious effort to play a role. Face to face impression (non–verbal) is linked to
strategic identity management. Unintentional identity management is when you unconsciously play
a role in a situation like this friendship breakdown situation. Integrity identity management is finding
out how true you are to yourself when you are playing a role. This can cause moral and ethical
issues and conflict with your core values.
Good listening skills can strengthen your relationship with them. We can have poor listening skills
if the message we receive is overloaded. Having a hearing problems, cultural differences, media
influences (we want to see more than we hear), psychological and physical noise that can distract
what we trying to listen. In this friendship breakdown situation you need to examine whether you
listened to your friend effectively. Good listening skills are:
When you focus on the speaker's non verbal communication like observing, body language, posture
and facial expressions
Avoid any
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Over the past few months, I have learned several different writing techniques. While all of the
different types of papers were difficult to write, I believe that my writing skills have improved. In
fact, I did not understand all of the assignments, but I did try to do my best on all of them. While I
should have used more transitional words in between sentences and paragraphs, I feel that I learned
a great deal. It is true that I have not had very much writing experience and the writing process is
difficult for me. Sometimes, I do admit, it takes days to complete one assignment, but it will be
worth it when I am a proficient writer.
For example, the research paper was one of the most difficult assignments that I have ever written. I more content...
I did not introduce the person effectively. For example, when quoting someone, one should write
something such: as Balko points out that, he is upset with insurance companies (Balko). This
example is in my own words and is an example of a paraphrase. I quoted people and then would not
write what I thought about the quote afterwards. When doing this in an essay, the teacher has no
way of knowing what the student is trying to convey. A proper quote should start with an
introduction. After the introduction, you have to say what the person has said, followed by what
you think about what they said. After doing this, a student should cite the author by using
parentheses. I did not know that a writer was supposed to do this. My first paper was very inadequate.
Additionally, I also cited sources and then forgot where I got the information. However, the use of
citing information and research was also one of my debilitating points. Nevertheless, I believe after
the reminders, corrections, and proofreading that needed pointing out to me, helped me improve in
this area.
Research in the library labs were very helpful and informative in spotting web sites that were
biased and did not have creditable information. Many people make web sites that are not credible
and it is always good to select scholarly sources when writing research papers for school. When one
researches a subject, you should always keep good records. I am a disorganized person, and lose
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Experience Of Writing
Writing, it has it's good, and it's bad. Regardless of who you are however, you have had an
experience with it. College, High School, Middle School, etc. We all have written something at
some point in our lives. Personally I haven't been exposed to massive amounts of writing outside
of school although, I do enjoy writing songs. There's many different types from Novels, Poetry,
Music, all the way to texting. Most people I feel enjoy writing and as do I. I enjoy writing for a few
reasons,One. It allows me to relieve stress or anything on my mind and keep sane. I have a
journal to keep track of days for later memories and I add to it every day. I have a few experiences
worth sharing as well. One of my first experiences seriously writing is when, I was in Highschool,
and had to write a speech. I spent four days writing this speech. Although it wasn't what you would
call outstandingly fun. The speech was for my graduation on the last day of school BSEP. BSEP
was a project all seniors had to complete and pass to graduate. I have been out of school for two
years since that more content...
I began writing songs about a year ago. The drive really came out of nowhere I wasn't in a very
good place emotionally. Since I was feeling kind of down I began to write songs mostly R&B and
as well as Hip Hop. Writing these however doesn't require much punctuation. I write a lot of
songs, and I have compiled about 30 total in the past year. I get a lot of good feedback from the
people who have heard them but I am very skittish about singing in front of people. I mostly do it
for self satisfaction in my own head it helps me relax. I'm also building a skill that might one day
turn out to become something
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the
basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things
like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers,
documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I
predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with
no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic
and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I
need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or
have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge
to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays,
and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in
my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to
do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex
education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will
have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I
can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am
talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that
other nurses will not
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My Writing Essay
My Writing
In the past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others
having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and
how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a
becoming a more prosperous writer.
What I Really Learned in English 100
Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he
said that if I go one mile to meet him, he will go two miles to meet me, which seems more that fair.
As an assignment I am told that I have to write what I learned in English 100 and how that it
prepared me for English 200. Well sincehonesty is the best way more content...
Having taken many writing classes I have learned many things about writing. I enjoy writing and
can often write many pages about things that I am interested in. I know that I have more learning to
do about writing, and hopefully in the next couple weeks my knowledge of writing will have
expanded and my writing will have improved.
My Experience With Writing Arguments
I am unaware of any writing arguments. The only thing I can really think of is writing a research
paper with the intent to change people's minds on a certain subject. I remember researching for
weeks in the library, looking through magazine after magazine. I had searched for enough
information to write a ten–page paper. The writing process of the paper took several weeks but
when I had finished, all the hard work was worth the effort. I learned many things from that course
such as that you need to search for all the information you can because it is better to have too much
information than not enough. Also that course taught me many things about making references to
the authors of the articles I used for my paper. I remember writing out note card after note card and
keeping all the necessary information about each book or magazine. That course taught me to
become a better writer and to respect how much detail really goes into a research paper like I had
written. Other than that, I have not really had much experience in
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Types of Friends Essay
There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people
to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do
you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of
friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with
positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are
the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend
to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of
seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content...
They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform
better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our
performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust
and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in
the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at
school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition.
We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the
thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to
measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed.
Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in
everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any
other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks
on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know
that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is
so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get
the best scores
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Who Are You As A Writer? Essay
When presented with the question, "who are you as a writer?", I was speechless at first. But after
thinking about it, I realized who I am as a writer has been influenced by so many different
sponsors throughout my life and there was not a short, concrete answer. Brandt mentions that
"literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make it possible for a
person to become literate and shape the way the person actually acquires literacy." (Brandt 43)
My attitude towards writing has been influenced by teachers, both negatively and positively, by
my mother, and by academic assignments over the years. My answer to the question can only be
answered by a narrative of my writing life. I have convinced myself that I am a terrible writer,
and when presented with a writing assignment, I get anxious instantly. I see writing as a burden
and a huge obstacle that gets placed in my life. Academic writing is not fun, but something I
value due to the fact that we are a grade driven society. When writing, I write to the guidelines in
order to receive points for the requested criteria. The reason being, I gave up on expressing my
own ideas because I had been shut down by so many teachers throughout my education. I tried to
write down what came to my mind and put my own twist on things, but that was not the "right"
way to write papers. In order to make both my teachers and my grades happy, I wrote what they
wanted to hear, and even then I was not to the level they
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Reflective Essay: The Writing Process
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – – – Maya Angelou, I Know
Why the Caged Bird Sings Throughout the semester I have had to write a number of essays
using a variety of techniques. Before college, I would write assuming that the only reader, or
audience, would be my teacher. Composition helped me realize the many steps that are involved
in the writing process from free writing to making a final copy. In order to create a good paper you
need organize your ideas. Also, I realize what needs to be in a essay and what doesn't. I have
improved in my writing but organization has been my problem, and even though I've made a
progress. I still believe I have not more content...
I think it was a fun assignment to do because we got to advertise a product and give the details
that we used. Using persuasive techniques has made a changed in my writing because you can say
something you said before and transfer it to your writing. One of the techniques I am going to
use through out college is talking to different types of audiences. Also, I am going to let others
try to help me out with my writing so I can become a better writer. Sure enough, I still need the
help from others for me to be able to succeed in English 1302. All the assignments we did were
helpful for me to succeed in other courses because I have improved in my writing since we used
different kinds of techniques. If we had more time I would like more of the assignments of using
different audiences because that's one of my weakness. If I had to retake this course with you
again, I would like more of the rhetoric because that exercise was my favorite. This skills are not
only going make me succeed in college but also for life. This course has shown me that I am
capable of writing in a variety of manners and it has shown me that I am not as strong in some
areas as I am in others. This class introduced me to a variety of writing techniques, some worked
and some did not. However, the experience and work with each skill was very
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Figurative Language Essays
Figurative Language and Imagery
ENG 340 Creative Writing
Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative
language. Figurative language is the use of language to describe something by comparing it to
something else. It serves many linguistic purposes. It allows people to express abstract thoughts. It
creates tone and communicates emotional content. The ability to use figurative language in writing
can make a poem or story more enjoyable for the reader. Figurative language is taking words
beyond their literal meaning and can come in many different forms, all to create a vivid picture of
the written word. There are many ways to incorporate figurative language into writing, some of more content...
In the line "Loose girdle of soft rain", from "My Grandmother's Love Letters", the rain is
compared to a loose belt, which is a clear example of Personification and much easier to
understand. Creating imagery for the reader helps to entertain, provoke thought or help the
reader escape to another reality. Sometimes it can even be silly such as the repetition of the same
initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words. This usage of figurative language is
called Alliteration and includes tongue twisters such as "She sells seashells by the seashore".
Many writers will use words that describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound made by an
object to create imagery within the writing. This is called Onomatopoeia, and although it is a big
word that is hard to pronounce, it is the use of small words such as snap, crackle, pop, buzz and
creaked that help bring a story or poem to life. Another form of imagery that is used quite often is
Hyperbole. This is the use of statements that are so dramatic and exaggerated that a person would
not believe the statement is true. "I was so hungry that not only did I eat my dinner, I ate the plate
and silverware too." A synecdoche is a form of imagery that substitutes a whole object with one
aspect of that object. It may also be used to
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The Different Types of Media Essay
The Different Types of Media
I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially
individuals. There is an enormous variety of media including; television, newspapers, radio,
magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it
becomes to escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements.
Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most
over–exposed types of media there is. This is because advertisements appear in every single type of
other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise',
or more content...
From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for
all ages and makes it hard for people not to get infected by this contagious disease. Some people
might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain
of useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful
documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in something and to learn about a passion
or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind.
Even soaps have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too
scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in Coronation Street about an
emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean
they aren't in a abusive relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions,
murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people about everyday
things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed.
Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the
younger generation with popular radio stations, like Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is
known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your
mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The
truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in
the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can
explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses.
Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before
taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and
unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I
struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to
the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class
that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the
whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for
navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I
have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in
English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
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Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay
As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an
essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be
successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully
developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on
incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back
to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy
sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these
challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face more content...
I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and
explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved
upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with
incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis
statement. This struggle is based on last years' experience with writing essays. This struggle can
be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my
sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability
to increase and help me become a more successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal
entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my
written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my
English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over
my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the
paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies
would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies that help them to overcome or improve upon
their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a
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My Writing Experience
Reading and writing has always created a sense of understanding for me in my art. Reading in the
literal sense is a way that we understand text or symbols in our minds which in turn create meaning.
Writing also in a literal sense is our way of communicating our knowledge and emotions to others
through symbols in text. The human experience for all people includes communication and through
reading and writing this experience is created. From the beginning of this course, my only prior
experience with reading and writing were high school level course over literature and reading. I had
an average level of rhetoric,reading,writing and language overall however, understanding the
significance of these subjects was never put forth in such a way until I took this course. I discovered
through this course that reading is a combination of not only our "visual information" but also our
"nonvisual information". My comprehension of reading has evolved from more
I feel that organization is both a strength and a weakness in my writing. Free writing is something
that helped me gain a better sense of my ideas and through this I was able to create more structured
ideas. However, the formation of a structurally sound essay that contains writing that flows was
extremely difficult for myself. Fluidity was a challenge throughout my time in this course, but is
was also something that created a better voice in my writing. The understanding of reading and
writing in this course was extremely meaningful for me and made a huge impact on my writing
overall. Writing motivates me and inspires me in my own work to create stories and share with
others what I feel is memorable and should be shared. Although it may never be something perfect,
writing is something I wish to continue improving on and creating in order to share with
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What Makes Good Writing? Essay
This for me was a very hard question to answer due to the fact that its an opinion, and there are
very many types of writing. Different structures, ideas, metaphors, and concepts. You have to
remember to ask, whether the writing in itself is good in my point of view or not, has to answer to
my specific guidelines which in your case might not be the same. The first and foremost of the many
guidelines is how the author set's up the introductory sentence or better yet, the hook. If the author
for example, is writing a cook–book, his first sentence should be appealing to the sense of taste. For
example, If you are writing on how to bake a chocolate cake, you can sound appealing by saying, it
will almost feel like you added a hint of more content...
Obviously the reader wont stay keyed in if you aren't, but I'm talking about making sense in a way
where the reader can relate to you. Give an example of a situation that most people go through in
everyday life. The main idea that authors need to keep with them is the power of the authors words
relays only upon the reader.
Another huge element in good writing is production. You can be interesting, you can sound great,
but if your story is just not headed anywhere the reader will eventually lose focus and move on.
Even if you have many details surrounding your story, try to focus in on the ones that play key
roles. A lot of readers talk about how something happened more then why. I like to hear the reasons
for why rather then for how because if you already know the climax of the story you really wouldn't
wanna track your steps back, though informing the reader why can actually spice things up.
The biggest factor that plays in good writing in my opinion is how much emotion the writer puts into
his or her work. Honestly, a good reader will be able to tell how much effort was put into a
writing from the first couple of sentences. If the reader gets a sense of the writing trying to force
words into a sentence or trying to stretch out a page you will lose your reader right then and there.
If you honestly believe in what you are writing and have interest in the subject matter the reader
will be able to read between the lines and actually have a feeling of being there,
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My School Experience Reading And Writing
Throughout my school experience reading and writing was always a struggle for me. I did not
like to read because I could not remember anything I read, and I did not like to write because what
I wrote was unorganized. Reading also can help improve writing, but when I was younger, I was
stubborn and not aware of that. I had no confidence and thought I was never going to achieve
good grades in an English class. So I let my grades slip and with that I decided to not go to college
after high school. A few years out of high school, I took courses and a course in English. In the
course I learned a great deal and realized, finally, that it was my low confidence level that was
affecting me negatively. Then, starting this class, years later, going through all the modules, it was
interesting to see how wrong I have been writing in the past and that there are easy outlines that can
help with organizing a paper. The writing process is there to help guide people along so the writing
will flow easier throughout an essay. With an abundance of hard work, reading essays and novels,
going through the e–learning modules, and the help of my teacher and classmates, I have gained the
self–assurance I needed to write well and understand the writing process. In the narrative essay I
had assigned I really struggled finding an appropriate thesis, as well as, figuring out the difference
between a narrative essay and reflective essay. I was getting the two types of essays mixed up. My
narrative essay
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Essay on Phobias
Fear is a normal and an important human reaction to something dangerous, it keeps one out of
danger, because fear is disliked and one tries ones best to avoid the object or situation of fear. It
causes physical changes known as fight–or–flight reaction, which causes blood pressure to increase
and the heart rate to speed up to pump blood to the large muscles used to run away, to balance this
the human body has sweat glands which produce perspiration to cool the body.
Usually young people experience more fear than adults do (Metcalf).
When one has a fear of something, one normally does not spend much time thinking about it, and it
only affects one when one is forced to confront it. Just about everyone is afraid of something,
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However, phobia can even cause people to risk their health. For example, the fear of dentists can
leave people suffering from it willing to risk the health of their teeth in order to avoid having to go
through an exam or procedure ( MacKay). When one knows about an upcoming confrontation, it
can be the reason why one can not sleep or finds it hard to focus on important tasks. Due the change
in daily routine, this unrealistic fear can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about
everyday life, brought on by and object, event or situation. But even animals have anxieties and
phobias just as every human being (www.phobia– A phobia is an irrational fear, one knows
that the object or situation, one is scared off, can not hurt one, but one is still afraid. A reason for
this is that the human mind can not distinguish what is real and imaginary. When one has
uncontrollable anxiety attacks, he loses rational judgement, leading to complicated problems.
However, anyone can develop a phobia, men and women, teens and young adults, and elderly lady
or a one–year–old boy (MacKay). Thereby it is not completely clear, what the causes for phobia
are. Phobia is often caused by something scary that happened earlier in somebody's life, but not
every one develop phobias after special experiences. An explanation for this could be that for some
people certain parts of the brain and specific neural pathways are associated with phobias. It is
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  • 1. Leadership Theories Essay LEADERSHIP HISTORY 1 Leadership History Tatiana M. Castaneda Vasquez Regent University LEADERSHIP HISTORY Abstract 2 When power no longer guarantees the success, leadership becomes essential. In search of understand the secret behind outstanding leadership, history has created and revealed leadership theories, starting with Great Man approach, the identification of Trait and Characteristics, and later shifting to Behavior Theory, fomenting Contingency and Influence Models, concluding with Emerging Leadership. When environmental and societal changes occurred, the approaches were modified as scholar attempt of interpreting society and the impact that leaders have in history. LEADERSHIP HISTORY 3 Historical more content... LEADERSHIP HISTORY Contingency Theories (CT) 5 CT interpret effective leadership as affected by situational variables, including the followers, work environment and tasks, and the external environment (Daft, 2005, p.111). CT includes Fiedler's proposal of predominance and interaction between relationship or taskoriented leadership styles, as well as Hersey and Blanchard's focus on the characteristics of followers as producing favorable or unfavorable results, followed by the path–goal theory, Vroom Jago model, and substitutes–for–leadership approaches. If the leader understands how to properly interrelate with situational variables, the possibilities for success would be maximized. Influence Theories Leaders are challenged to persuade followers effectively integrating power and influence. Followers should be motivated, shaped and guided through Charismatic Leadership, "influence based...on the qualities and personality of the leader." (Daft, 2005, p.24). Bolman and Terrence (1991) identify four Leader worldviews that influence this approach: Structural, Human Resources, Political and Symbolic perspectives. The balanced perspective of leaders is directly related to Leadership vision to produce the best outcomes. (Daft, 2005). Relational Theories (RL) Motivation, empowerment, and strategic communication are crucial to the generation of success conditions. RL lead teams into
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  • 3. Essay on Virtue Ethics Virtue, when I hear that word I think of value and morality and only good people can be virtuous. When I hear the word ethics I think of good versus evil, wrong and right. Now when the two are put together you get virtue ethics. You may wonder what can virtue ethics possibly mean. It's just two words put together to form some type of fancy theory. Well this paper will discussvirtue ethics and the philosophy behind it. Virtue ethics is a theory that focuses on character development and what virtues one should obtain to be who they are supposed to be, as oppose to actions. An example of virtue ethics would be someone who is patient, kind, loving, generous, temperance, courage and flourishing as oppose to a person who lies, cheats, more content... Moral relativism explains a point that when it comes to morals, right or wrong, people have their own opinion. Not everyone will think something is bad and not everyone will think something is good. The difference between moral relativism and virtue ethics is that actions do not matter. It is the type of person you are on the inside. Who you are on the inside will help you make righteous decisions, regardless of the circumstances. "An ethics focused on virtue encourages us to develop the good traits and get rid of the bad ones (Mackinnon)." Virtue ethics was written by a Greek philosopher names Aristotle. Aristotle believed that every human's goal was happiness. Some philosophers argued that happiness only came from following a set of rules, while Aristotle argued that the best way to have happiness is to cultivate a virtuous character. The two kinds of virtues he recognized were moral virtue and intellectual virtue. The virtue that should be focused on to develop a virtuous character is moral virtue. According to Aristotle, while we are born with a capacity to be virtuous, being virtuous is like a skill that we need to learn and practice to be good at. The key element to being virtuous is being able to find the mean or right amount of our various emotions, dispositions, and actions. Aristotle wrote: "Anybody can become angry– that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for Get more content on
  • 4. The art of writing is a complex and difficult process. Proper writing requires careful planning, revision, and proofreading. Throughout the past semester, the quality of my writing has evolved significantly. At first, I struggled with the separation of different types of paragraphs, and I found writing them laborious. Constant practice, however, has eliminated many of my original difficulties, and helped to inspire confidence in my skills. As a collegiate writer, my strength lies in my clear understanding of the fundamentals of writing, while my primary weakness is proofreading my own work. During the transition from a high school writer to a collegiate writer, my strength at understanding the basic principles more content... Finding an introductory paragraph that hooks the reader can be troublesome, but throughout the course, I have spent considerable time developing that technique. The body of my arguments each exhibit strong support for the thesis. In addition, my conclusions summarize the papers without restating unnecessary information. Overall, my comprehension of the basic format of an argument has proved to be a valuable asset. The weakest portion of my writing is my lack of good proofreading. All papers require a significant amount of proofreading not only for grammatical errors, but also for structural problems. Proofreading my own work is difficult. Many times, I wrongly assume that the reader is able to understand my thoughts, while the various points of my argument are actually not expressed clearly. In some instances, I fail to catch obvious errors, such as sentence fragments or contractions, which I should be able to eliminate easily from my writing. Proofreading my own work has consistently been the most difficult part of my writing process, and I continue to struggle with catching all of the errors in my papers. Analyzing my strengths and weaknesses as a writer is extremely important. Despite the fact that I understand the structure of a good argument, I still miss obvious errors in my papers because I lack the skills necessary to properly proofread my own work. In the future, I plan on spending a large portion of my time Get more content on
  • 5. Types And Forms Of Communication Essay Introduction Overview Communications skills are fundamental to any person's life because naturally, man is a social being and people spend most of their time communicating in different forms such as; oral, non–verbal, written and interpersonal. Most successful people are those who are good at interacting with other people in different situations. The ability to skilfully interact with people is grounded in a person's unwavering skills in the different forms of communication. Therefore, it is important for students to appreciate should and develop good communication skills. Types and Forms of Communication Having appreciated the importance of communication in different contexts, it is imperative to understand the different forms or categories of communication, in which people engage in. This is because these different forms of communication demand unique sets of skills or tactics. Oral Communication: this involves exchange of messages or information using spoken words and is commonly referred to as communication by word of mouth. This occurs in different interaction set ups such as meetings, talks, discussions, presentations, interviews, speeches and so on. Written Communication: this form of communication entails the creation of a 'hard copy' of the message or simply written messages or words in the form of business letters, reports, research papers, articles, note taking etc. Non–Verbal Communication: this is the wordless form of communication which takes the form Get more content on
  • 6. Types of Intelligence Essay examples Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death, and other realities. more content... Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical /mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other structured environments. Practical Get more content on
  • 7. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 8. Luxor Cosmetics Essay "Case Analysis of Luxor Cosmetic" REGIS UNIVERSITY Date: March 25th, 2013 Week–4 assignment MSAA 609: Cost Management Executive Summary An effective business strategy and budgeting is very essential in a manufacturing industry. A company without a proper business strategy and master budgeting plan would usually faces tremendous challenges and losses during its business operations. The importance of company's business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these items has clearly presented in this case study. ("Wiley," 2013) Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and cosmetic more content... For instance, from schedule A: inventory movement expressed in WSP in exhibit 1, shows that Luxor's inventory increases every year, except its inventory on creams. (Hopkins, 2009) Lipstick Nail Polish Creams Ending inventory at 12/31/2007 9.5 9.5 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2008 11.5 11.5 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2009 13.5 14 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2010 15 14.4 9.7 The detail full version of this table is presented in appendix 1 in page number 8 (Hopkins, 2009). The company's creams inventory remains constant because it does not follow a trend in
  • 9. innovation and changes so often as the other products. The surplus in inventory is a big disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of storage. For all these reasons their cash flow is less in comparison with previous years causing that Luxor Cosmetics keeps increasing their bank loans, creating more debt, making it harder to pay out as 2011. In this particular situation the company could have either decrease its budgeted sales (productions) or increase its actual sales by improving more effective marketing strategy and research and development of its products in the markets. This way their inventory would decrease and their cash flow would increase. (Hopkins, 2009) Further, through effective marketing strategy Luxor Get more content on
  • 10. Non Verbal Communication Essay Communication There are types of communication that we use in our daily life, which are: verbal and non–verbal communication. The way you react to those communications is effective too. Both of these types of communication can be very effective when you communicate with someone or people. Effective communication also depends on who we are talking and whether we agree with what they are saying. Effective communication can solve this friendship breakdown. Non–verbal communication with you friend could be: eye contact, body language (positive and negative), posture, , facial expressions and head movements. Non–verbal communication can be misinterpreted. Self concept is the way you see yourself and feel. This allows you to see how similar more content... Private self is the person you believe yourself to be in an honest reflection and you don't reveal all of this to another person. Public self is the way you want to appear to people. We try to have multiple identities based on the people we are interacting with. Strategic identity management is when you make a conscious effort to play a role. Face to face impression (non–verbal) is linked to strategic identity management. Unintentional identity management is when you unconsciously play a role in a situation like this friendship breakdown situation. Integrity identity management is finding out how true you are to yourself when you are playing a role. This can cause moral and ethical issues and conflict with your core values. Listening Good listening skills can strengthen your relationship with them. We can have poor listening skills if the message we receive is overloaded. Having a hearing problems, cultural differences, media influences (we want to see more than we hear), psychological and physical noise that can distract what we trying to listen. In this friendship breakdown situation you need to examine whether you listened to your friend effectively. Good listening skills are: When you focus on the speaker's non verbal communication like observing, body language, posture and facial expressions Avoid any Get more content on
  • 11. Over the past few months, I have learned several different writing techniques. While all of the different types of papers were difficult to write, I believe that my writing skills have improved. In fact, I did not understand all of the assignments, but I did try to do my best on all of them. While I should have used more transitional words in between sentences and paragraphs, I feel that I learned a great deal. It is true that I have not had very much writing experience and the writing process is difficult for me. Sometimes, I do admit, it takes days to complete one assignment, but it will be worth it when I am a proficient writer. For example, the research paper was one of the most difficult assignments that I have ever written. I more content... I did not introduce the person effectively. For example, when quoting someone, one should write something such: as Balko points out that, he is upset with insurance companies (Balko). This example is in my own words and is an example of a paraphrase. I quoted people and then would not write what I thought about the quote afterwards. When doing this in an essay, the teacher has no way of knowing what the student is trying to convey. A proper quote should start with an introduction. After the introduction, you have to say what the person has said, followed by what you think about what they said. After doing this, a student should cite the author by using parentheses. I did not know that a writer was supposed to do this. My first paper was very inadequate. Additionally, I also cited sources and then forgot where I got the information. However, the use of citing information and research was also one of my debilitating points. Nevertheless, I believe after the reminders, corrections, and proofreading that needed pointing out to me, helped me improve in this area. Research in the library labs were very helpful and informative in spotting web sites that were biased and did not have creditable information. Many people make web sites that are not credible and it is always good to select scholarly sources when writing research papers for school. When one researches a subject, you should always keep good records. I am a disorganized person, and lose Get more content on
  • 12. Experience Of Writing Writing, it has it's good, and it's bad. Regardless of who you are however, you have had an experience with it. College, High School, Middle School, etc. We all have written something at some point in our lives. Personally I haven't been exposed to massive amounts of writing outside of school although, I do enjoy writing songs. There's many different types from Novels, Poetry, Music, all the way to texting. Most people I feel enjoy writing and as do I. I enjoy writing for a few reasons,One. It allows me to relieve stress or anything on my mind and keep sane. I have a journal to keep track of days for later memories and I add to it every day. I have a few experiences worth sharing as well. One of my first experiences seriously writing is when, I was in Highschool, and had to write a speech. I spent four days writing this speech. Although it wasn't what you would call outstandingly fun. The speech was for my graduation on the last day of school BSEP. BSEP was a project all seniors had to complete and pass to graduate. I have been out of school for two years since that more content... I began writing songs about a year ago. The drive really came out of nowhere I wasn't in a very good place emotionally. Since I was feeling kind of down I began to write songs mostly R&B and as well as Hip Hop. Writing these however doesn't require much punctuation. I write a lot of songs, and I have compiled about 30 total in the past year. I get a lot of good feedback from the people who have heard them but I am very skittish about singing in front of people. I mostly do it for self satisfaction in my own head it helps me relax. I'm also building a skill that might one day turn out to become something Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 14. My Writing Essay My Writing In the past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a becoming a more prosperous writer. What I Really Learned in English 100 Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he said that if I go one mile to meet him, he will go two miles to meet me, which seems more that fair. As an assignment I am told that I have to write what I learned in English 100 and how that it prepared me for English 200. Well sincehonesty is the best way more content... Having taken many writing classes I have learned many things about writing. I enjoy writing and can often write many pages about things that I am interested in. I know that I have more learning to do about writing, and hopefully in the next couple weeks my knowledge of writing will have expanded and my writing will have improved. My Experience With Writing Arguments I am unaware of any writing arguments. The only thing I can really think of is writing a research paper with the intent to change people's minds on a certain subject. I remember researching for weeks in the library, looking through magazine after magazine. I had searched for enough information to write a ten–page paper. The writing process of the paper took several weeks but when I had finished, all the hard work was worth the effort. I learned many things from that course such as that you need to search for all the information you can because it is better to have too much information than not enough. Also that course taught me many things about making references to the authors of the articles I used for my paper. I remember writing out note card after note card and keeping all the necessary information about each book or magazine. That course taught me to become a better writer and to respect how much detail really goes into a research paper like I had written. Other than that, I have not really had much experience in Get more content on
  • 15. Types of Friends Essay There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content... They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition. We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed. Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get the best scores Get more content on
  • 16. Who Are You As A Writer? Essay When presented with the question, "who are you as a writer?", I was speechless at first. But after thinking about it, I realized who I am as a writer has been influenced by so many different sponsors throughout my life and there was not a short, concrete answer. Brandt mentions that "literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make it possible for a person to become literate and shape the way the person actually acquires literacy." (Brandt 43) My attitude towards writing has been influenced by teachers, both negatively and positively, by my mother, and by academic assignments over the years. My answer to the question can only be answered by a narrative of my writing life. I have convinced myself that I am a terrible writer, and when presented with a writing assignment, I get anxious instantly. I see writing as a burden and a huge obstacle that gets placed in my life. Academic writing is not fun, but something I value due to the fact that we are a grade driven society. When writing, I write to the guidelines in order to receive points for the requested criteria. The reason being, I gave up on expressing my own ideas because I had been shut down by so many teachers throughout my education. I tried to write down what came to my mind and put my own twist on things, but that was not the "right" way to write papers. In order to make both my teachers and my grades happy, I wrote what they wanted to hear, and even then I was not to the level they Get more content on
  • 17. Reflective Essay: The Writing Process "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – – – Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Throughout the semester I have had to write a number of essays using a variety of techniques. Before college, I would write assuming that the only reader, or audience, would be my teacher. Composition helped me realize the many steps that are involved in the writing process from free writing to making a final copy. In order to create a good paper you need organize your ideas. Also, I realize what needs to be in a essay and what doesn't. I have improved in my writing but organization has been my problem, and even though I've made a progress. I still believe I have not more content... I think it was a fun assignment to do because we got to advertise a product and give the details that we used. Using persuasive techniques has made a changed in my writing because you can say something you said before and transfer it to your writing. One of the techniques I am going to use through out college is talking to different types of audiences. Also, I am going to let others try to help me out with my writing so I can become a better writer. Sure enough, I still need the help from others for me to be able to succeed in English 1302. All the assignments we did were helpful for me to succeed in other courses because I have improved in my writing since we used different kinds of techniques. If we had more time I would like more of the assignments of using different audiences because that's one of my weakness. If I had to retake this course with you again, I would like more of the rhetoric because that exercise was my favorite. This skills are not only going make me succeed in college but also for life. This course has shown me that I am capable of writing in a variety of manners and it has shown me that I am not as strong in some areas as I am in others. This class introduced me to a variety of writing techniques, some worked and some did not. However, the experience and work with each skill was very Get more content on
  • 18. Figurative Language Essays Figurative Language and Imagery ENG 340 Creative Writing Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language. Figurative language is the use of language to describe something by comparing it to something else. It serves many linguistic purposes. It allows people to express abstract thoughts. It creates tone and communicates emotional content. The ability to use figurative language in writing can make a poem or story more enjoyable for the reader. Figurative language is taking words beyond their literal meaning and can come in many different forms, all to create a vivid picture of the written word. There are many ways to incorporate figurative language into writing, some of more content... In the line "Loose girdle of soft rain", from "My Grandmother's Love Letters", the rain is compared to a loose belt, which is a clear example of Personification and much easier to understand. Creating imagery for the reader helps to entertain, provoke thought or help the reader escape to another reality. Sometimes it can even be silly such as the repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words. This usage of figurative language is called Alliteration and includes tongue twisters such as "She sells seashells by the seashore". Many writers will use words that describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound made by an object to create imagery within the writing. This is called Onomatopoeia, and although it is a big word that is hard to pronounce, it is the use of small words such as snap, crackle, pop, buzz and creaked that help bring a story or poem to life. Another form of imagery that is used quite often is Hyperbole. This is the use of statements that are so dramatic and exaggerated that a person would not believe the statement is true. "I was so hungry that not only did I eat my dinner, I ate the plate and silverware too." A synecdoche is a form of imagery that substitutes a whole object with one aspect of that object. It may also be used to Get more content on
  • 19. The Different Types of Media Essay The Different Types of Media I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially individuals. There is an enormous variety of media including; television, newspapers, radio, magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it becomes to escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements. Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most over–exposed types of media there is. This is because advertisements appear in every single type of other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise', or more content... From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for all ages and makes it hard for people not to get infected by this contagious disease. Some people might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain of useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in something and to learn about a passion or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind. Even soaps have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in Coronation Street about an emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean they aren't in a abusive relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions, murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people about everyday things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed. Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the younger generation with popular radio stations, like Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection On My English 101 Experience Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the Get more content on
  • 21. Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face more content... I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis statement. This struggle is based on last years' experience with writing essays. This struggle can be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability to increase and help me become a more successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies that help them to overcome or improve upon their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a Get more content on
  • 22. My Writing Experience Reading and writing has always created a sense of understanding for me in my art. Reading in the literal sense is a way that we understand text or symbols in our minds which in turn create meaning. Writing also in a literal sense is our way of communicating our knowledge and emotions to others through symbols in text. The human experience for all people includes communication and through reading and writing this experience is created. From the beginning of this course, my only prior experience with reading and writing were high school level course over literature and reading. I had an average level of rhetoric,reading,writing and language overall however, understanding the significance of these subjects was never put forth in such a way until I took this course. I discovered through this course that reading is a combination of not only our "visual information" but also our "nonvisual information". My comprehension of reading has evolved from more content... I feel that organization is both a strength and a weakness in my writing. Free writing is something that helped me gain a better sense of my ideas and through this I was able to create more structured ideas. However, the formation of a structurally sound essay that contains writing that flows was extremely difficult for myself. Fluidity was a challenge throughout my time in this course, but is was also something that created a better voice in my writing. The understanding of reading and writing in this course was extremely meaningful for me and made a huge impact on my writing overall. Writing motivates me and inspires me in my own work to create stories and share with others what I feel is memorable and should be shared. Although it may never be something perfect, writing is something I wish to continue improving on and creating in order to share with Get more content on
  • 23. What Makes Good Writing? Essay This for me was a very hard question to answer due to the fact that its an opinion, and there are very many types of writing. Different structures, ideas, metaphors, and concepts. You have to remember to ask, whether the writing in itself is good in my point of view or not, has to answer to my specific guidelines which in your case might not be the same. The first and foremost of the many guidelines is how the author set's up the introductory sentence or better yet, the hook. If the author for example, is writing a cook–book, his first sentence should be appealing to the sense of taste. For example, If you are writing on how to bake a chocolate cake, you can sound appealing by saying, it will almost feel like you added a hint of more content... Obviously the reader wont stay keyed in if you aren't, but I'm talking about making sense in a way where the reader can relate to you. Give an example of a situation that most people go through in everyday life. The main idea that authors need to keep with them is the power of the authors words relays only upon the reader. Another huge element in good writing is production. You can be interesting, you can sound great, but if your story is just not headed anywhere the reader will eventually lose focus and move on. Even if you have many details surrounding your story, try to focus in on the ones that play key roles. A lot of readers talk about how something happened more then why. I like to hear the reasons for why rather then for how because if you already know the climax of the story you really wouldn't wanna track your steps back, though informing the reader why can actually spice things up. The biggest factor that plays in good writing in my opinion is how much emotion the writer puts into his or her work. Honestly, a good reader will be able to tell how much effort was put into a writing from the first couple of sentences. If the reader gets a sense of the writing trying to force words into a sentence or trying to stretch out a page you will lose your reader right then and there. If you honestly believe in what you are writing and have interest in the subject matter the reader will be able to read between the lines and actually have a feeling of being there, Get more content on
  • 24. My School Experience Reading And Writing Throughout my school experience reading and writing was always a struggle for me. I did not like to read because I could not remember anything I read, and I did not like to write because what I wrote was unorganized. Reading also can help improve writing, but when I was younger, I was stubborn and not aware of that. I had no confidence and thought I was never going to achieve good grades in an English class. So I let my grades slip and with that I decided to not go to college after high school. A few years out of high school, I took courses and a course in English. In the course I learned a great deal and realized, finally, that it was my low confidence level that was affecting me negatively. Then, starting this class, years later, going through all the modules, it was interesting to see how wrong I have been writing in the past and that there are easy outlines that can help with organizing a paper. The writing process is there to help guide people along so the writing will flow easier throughout an essay. With an abundance of hard work, reading essays and novels, going through the e–learning modules, and the help of my teacher and classmates, I have gained the self–assurance I needed to write well and understand the writing process. In the narrative essay I had assigned I really struggled finding an appropriate thesis, as well as, figuring out the difference between a narrative essay and reflective essay. I was getting the two types of essays mixed up. My narrative essay Get more content on
  • 25. Essay on Phobias Phobias Fear is a normal and an important human reaction to something dangerous, it keeps one out of danger, because fear is disliked and one tries ones best to avoid the object or situation of fear. It causes physical changes known as fight–or–flight reaction, which causes blood pressure to increase and the heart rate to speed up to pump blood to the large muscles used to run away, to balance this the human body has sweat glands which produce perspiration to cool the body. Usually young people experience more fear than adults do (Metcalf). When one has a fear of something, one normally does not spend much time thinking about it, and it only affects one when one is forced to confront it. Just about everyone is afraid of something, more content... However, phobia can even cause people to risk their health. For example, the fear of dentists can leave people suffering from it willing to risk the health of their teeth in order to avoid having to go through an exam or procedure ( MacKay). When one knows about an upcoming confrontation, it can be the reason why one can not sleep or finds it hard to focus on important tasks. Due the change in daily routine, this unrealistic fear can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, brought on by and object, event or situation. But even animals have anxieties and phobias just as every human being (www.phobia– A phobia is an irrational fear, one knows that the object or situation, one is scared off, can not hurt one, but one is still afraid. A reason for this is that the human mind can not distinguish what is real and imaginary. When one has uncontrollable anxiety attacks, he loses rational judgement, leading to complicated problems. However, anyone can develop a phobia, men and women, teens and young adults, and elderly lady or a one–year–old boy (MacKay). Thereby it is not completely clear, what the causes for phobia are. Phobia is often caused by something scary that happened earlier in somebody's life, but not every one develop phobias after special experiences. An explanation for this could be that for some people certain parts of the brain and specific neural pathways are associated with phobias. It is Get more content on