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Dept. d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria, 
Facultat de Física (UB) 
U David Oriola Santandreu 
Ph.D. advisor: Jaume Casademunt 
Cell cover, 141 (2), 2010
Intracellular transport
Intracellular transport 
Intracellular transport 
Organelle transport
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, 
Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
Intracellular transport 
at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized 
in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing 
Organelle transport 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons 
because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. 
Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in 
length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types 
of neurons, require efficient communication between 
their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps 
axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, 
lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded 
proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. 
Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal 
transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission 
and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic 
signals or stress insults1. 
Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged 
as a common factor in several neurodegenerative 
disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge 
about axonal transport defects that are associated 
with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms 
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized 
in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such 
as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks 
along which various cargoes can be transported by various 
motor proteins. 
The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules 
in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, 
exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and 
directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, 
exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 
73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in 
an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) 
at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, 
such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional 
switches, and other vesicular structures such as 
autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only 
pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction 
(that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. 
Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
Neurofilaments are 
components of the neuronal 
cytoskeleton. They are 
intermediate filaments with a 
diameter of 10 nm and are 
composed of three subunits: 
the neurofilament light, 
medium and heavy chains. 
Axonal transport deficits and 
neurodegenerative diseases 
Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien2 
1Centre de Recherche de 
l’Institut du Cerveau et de la 
Moelle épinière, 
UMR7225, Université Pierre 
et Marie Curie, 
Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 
47–83 boulevard de 
l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, 
Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
Intracellular transport 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized 
or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing 
Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind 
cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is 
becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. 
Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with 
specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
which membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
"-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules 
in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively, whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
Kinesin and dynein superfamily 
proteins move along 
microtubules, and myosin 
superfamily proteins move 
along actin filaments by ATP 
*Department of Cell Biology 
and Anatomy,Graduate 
School ofMedicine, 
University of Tokyo, 
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, 
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. 
‡Okinaka Memorial 
Institute for Medical 
Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, 
Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, 
Correspondence to N.H. 
e-mail: hirokawa@ 
Published online 
15 February 2005 
©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! 
VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 
neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules 
proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively,whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
R E V I E W S 
Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
Organelle transport 
Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons 
because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. 
Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in 
length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types 
of neurons, require efficient communication between 
their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps 
axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, 
lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded 
proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. 
Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal 
transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission 
and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic 
signals or stress insults1. 
Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged 
as a common factor in several neurodegenerative 
disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge 
about axonal transport defects that are associated 
with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms 
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized 
in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such 
as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks 
along which various cargoes can be transported by various 
motor proteins. 
The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules 
in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, 
exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and 
directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, 
exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 
73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in 
an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) 
at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, 
such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional 
switches, and other vesicular structures such as 
autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only 
pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction 
(that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. 
Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
Neurofilaments are 
components of the neuronal 
cytoskeleton. They are 
intermediate filaments with a 
diameter of 10 nm and are 
composed of three subunits: 
the neurofilament light, 
medium and heavy chains. 
Axonal transport deficits and 
neurodegenerative diseases 
Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien2 
1Centre de Recherche de 
l’Institut du Cerveau et de la 
Moelle épinière, 
UMR7225, Université Pierre 
et Marie Curie, 
Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 
47–83 boulevard de 
l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, 
Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
Intracellular transport 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized 
or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing 
Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind 
cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is 
becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. 
Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with 
specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
which membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
"-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules 
in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively, whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
Kinesin and dynein superfamily 
proteins move along 
microtubules, and myosin 
superfamily proteins move 
along actin filaments by ATP 
*Department of Cell Biology 
and Anatomy,Graduate 
School ofMedicine, 
University of Tokyo, 
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, 
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. 
‡Okinaka Memorial 
Institute for Medical 
Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, 
Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, 
Correspondence to N.H. 
e-mail: hirokawa@ 
Published online 
15 February 2005 
©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! 
VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 
neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules 
proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively,whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
R E V I E W S 
Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
Organelle transport 
Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons 
because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. 
Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in 
length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types 
of neurons, require efficient communication between 
their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps 
axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, 
lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded 
proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. 
Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal 
transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission 
and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic 
signals or stress insults1. 
Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged 
as a common factor in several neurodegenerative 
disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge 
about axonal transport defects that are associated 
with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms 
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized 
in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such 
as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks 
along which various cargoes can be transported by various 
motor proteins. 
The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules 
in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, 
exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and 
directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, 
exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 
73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in 
an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) 
at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, 
such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional 
switches, and other vesicular structures such as 
autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only 
pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction 
(that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. 
Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
Neurofilaments are 
components of the neuronal 
cytoskeleton. They are 
intermediate filaments with a 
diameter of 10 nm and are 
composed of three subunits: 
the neurofilament light, 
medium and heavy chains. 
Axonal transport deficits and 
neurodegenerative diseases 
Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien2 
1Centre de Recherche de 
l’Institut du Cerveau et de la 
Moelle épinière, 
UMR7225, Université Pierre 
et Marie Curie, 
Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 
47–83 boulevard de 
l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, 
Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
Intracellular transport 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized 
or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing 
Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind 
cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is 
becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. 
Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with 
specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
which membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
"-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules 
in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively, whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
Kinesin and dynein superfamily 
proteins move along 
microtubules, and myosin 
superfamily proteins move 
along actin filaments by ATP 
*Department of Cell Biology 
and Anatomy,Graduate 
School ofMedicine, 
University of Tokyo, 
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, 
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. 
‡Okinaka Memorial 
Institute for Medical 
Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, 
Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, 
Correspondence to N.H. 
e-mail: hirokawa@ 
Published online 
15 February 2005 
©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! 
VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 
neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules 
proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively,whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
R E V I E W S 
Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
Organelle transport 
Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons 
because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. 
Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in 
length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types 
of neurons, require efficient communication between 
their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps 
axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, 
lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded 
proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. 
Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal 
transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission 
and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic 
signals or stress insults1. 
Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged 
as a common factor in several neurodegenerative 
disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge 
about axonal transport defects that are associated 
with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms 
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized 
in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such 
as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks 
along which various cargoes can be transported by various 
motor proteins. 
The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules 
in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, 
exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and 
directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, 
exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 
73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in 
an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) 
at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, 
such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional 
switches, and other vesicular structures such as 
autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only 
pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction 
(that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. 
Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
Neurofilaments are 
components of the neuronal 
cytoskeleton. They are 
intermediate filaments with a 
diameter of 10 nm and are 
composed of three subunits: 
the neurofilament light, 
medium and heavy chains. 
Axonal transport deficits and 
neurodegenerative diseases 
Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien2 
1Centre de Recherche de 
l’Institut du Cerveau et de la 
Moelle épinière, 
UMR7225, Université Pierre 
et Marie Curie, 
Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 
47–83 boulevard de 
l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved 
two-headed kinesin 
one-headed kinesin
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, 
Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
Intracellular transport 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized 
or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing 
Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind 
cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is 
becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. 
Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with 
specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
which membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
"-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules 
in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively, whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
Kinesin and dynein superfamily 
proteins move along 
microtubules, and myosin 
superfamily proteins move 
along actin filaments by ATP 
*Department of Cell Biology 
and Anatomy,Graduate 
School ofMedicine, 
University of Tokyo, 
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, 
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. 
‡Okinaka Memorial 
Institute for Medical 
Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, 
Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, 
Correspondence to N.H. 
e-mail: hirokawa@ 
Published online 
15 February 2005 
©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! 
VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 
neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 
comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering 
dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins 
are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are 
synthesized in the cell body and transported along the 
membranous organelles or protein complexes1. 
dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell 
but several specific mRNAs are transported into 
dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). 
the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a 
longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along 
membranous organelles and macromolecular 
complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, 
cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and 
tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic 
polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, 
growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and 
dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing 
from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules 
proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization 
of microtubules also differs between axons and 
dendrites (BOX 2). 
MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families 
move along microtubules. Many kinesin 
superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus 
microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and 
participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting 
molecules from the cell body to axons and 
dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the 
axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried 
out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are 
minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. 
Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been 
studied from several viewpoints, including which 
sequences of selectively transported proteins function as 
selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism 
is one of selective transport or selective retention 
(whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons 
and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis 
from the inappropriate destination).However, many 
seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as 
targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting 
sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the 
underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport 
and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the 
cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are 
transported selectively,whereas others are transported 
nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, 
selective transport and recognition is an important 
endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments 
that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with 
particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. 
R E V I E W S 
Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 
Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ 
Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. 
Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific 
mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily 
Organelle transport 
Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons 
because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. 
Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in 
length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types 
of neurons, require efficient communication between 
their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps 
axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, 
lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded 
proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. 
Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal 
transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission 
and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic 
signals or stress insults1. 
Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged 
as a common factor in several neurodegenerative 
disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge 
about axonal transport defects that are associated 
with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms 
that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. 
Before doing so, we outline the various components and 
mechanisms that control such transport. 
Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. 
They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and 
are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, 
which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization 
at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized 
in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing 
minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell 
body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which 
"-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 
are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such 
as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks 
along which various cargoes can be transported by various 
motor proteins. 
The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules 
in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, 
exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and 
directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, 
exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 
73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in 
an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) 
at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, 
such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional 
switches, and other vesicular structures such as 
autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only 
pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction 
(that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. 
Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo 
depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As 
neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate 
when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament 
structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that 
curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components 
is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in 
the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes 
is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. 
For convenience, axonal transport can be divided 
into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is 
responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles 
(vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, 
which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins 
(including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal 
Neurofilaments are 
components of the neuronal 
cytoskeleton. They are 
intermediate filaments with a 
diameter of 10 nm and are 
composed of three subunits: 
the neurofilament light, 
medium and heavy chains. 
Axonal transport deficits and 
neurodegenerative diseases 
Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien2 
1Centre de Recherche de 
l’Institut du Cerveau et de la 
Moelle épinière, 
UMR7225, Université Pierre 
et Marie Curie, 
Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 
47–83 boulevard de 
l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
2Centre de Recherche du 
Centre Hospitalier 
Universitaire de Québec, 
Department of Psychiatry 
and Neuroscience, 
Laval University, 
2705 Boulevard Laurier, 
Quebec, Quebec City, 
G1V4G2, Canada. 
Correspondence to J.-P.J.! 
e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ 
Published online 30 January 
NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved 
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one-headed kinesin 
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Traffic in life

  • 1. Traffic in life Dept. d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria, Facultat de Física (UB) U David Oriola Santandreu B Ph.D. advisor: Jaume Casademunt UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Cell cover, 141 (2), 2010
  • 3. Intracellular transport Soma Axon Synaptic terminal
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  • 5. that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 Intracellular transport Soma Axon at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing Synaptic terminal Organelle transport minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types of neurons, require efficient communication between their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic signals or stress insults1. Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged as a common factor in several neurodegenerative disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge about axonal transport defects that are associated with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks along which various cargoes can be transported by various motor proteins. The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional switches, and other vesicular structures such as autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction (that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal Neurofilaments Neurofilaments are components of the neuronal cytoskeleton. They are intermediate filaments with a diameter of 10 nm and are composed of three subunits: the neurofilament light, medium and heavy chains. Axonal transport deficits and neurodegenerative diseases Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien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entre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, INSERM UMR_S975, CNRS UMR7225, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47–83 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 !"#$"%& NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
  • 6. MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 Intracellular transport MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing Proteins of the kinesin superfamily participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ "#$%&'(%)!)*+%&'(,--.-'&)%&'+$/0&%)1$)2.+3'4,+%'-)20&)+,.&0+'-)40&/506,+,$1$7)2.+(%10+)'+3)$.&818'-9 :'+;)/&0%,1+$)'&,)$,-,(%18,-;)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0),1%5,&)'<0+$)0&)3,+3&1%,$9)*+)'331%10+7)$04,)$/,(121( 4=>"$)'&,)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0)3,+3&1%,$)20&)-0('-)%&'+$-'%10+9)?&0%,1+$)02)%5,)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-; minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 1(1/'%,)1+)$,-,(%18,)%&'+$/0&%)#;).$1+6)'3'/%0&)0&)$('220-31+6)/&0%,1+$)%0)&,(06+1A,)'+3)#1+3 60,$9)B5,)40-,(.-'&)(04/0+,+%$)02)=>"C%&'+$/0&%1+6)6&'+.-,$)5'8,)#,,+)13,+%121,37)'+3)1%)1$ 041+6)(-,'&)50D)('&60,$)'&,)31&,(%,3)%0)'<0+$)'+3)3,+3&1%,$)#;)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-;)/&0%,1+$9 E,&,)D,)31$(.$$)%5,)40-,(.-'&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)31&,(%10+'-)'<0+'-)'+3)3,+3&1%1()%&'+$/0&%)D1%5 A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 121(),4/5'$1$)0+)%5,)&0-,)02)40%0&)/&0%,1+$)'+3)%5,1&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)('&60)&,(06+1%10+9 comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along which membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and "-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively, whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. MOLECULAR MOTOR SUPERFAMILIES Kinesin and dynein superfamily proteins move along microtubules, and myosin superfamily proteins move along actin filaments by ATP hydrolysis. *Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,Graduate School ofMedicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. ‡Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, Japan. Correspondence to N.H. e-mail: hirokawa@ doi:10.1038/nrn1624 Published online 15 February 2005 NATURE REVIEWS | NEUROSCIENCE ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION | 1 ©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the membranous organelles or protein complexes1. dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively,whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. R E V I E W S Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily Soma Axon Synaptic terminal Organelle transport Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types of neurons, require efficient communication between their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic signals or stress insults1. Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged as a common factor in several neurodegenerative disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge about axonal transport defects that are associated with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks along which various cargoes can be transported by various motor proteins. The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional switches, and other vesicular structures such as autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction (that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal Neurofilaments Neurofilaments are components of the neuronal cytoskeleton. They are intermediate filaments with a diameter of 10 nm and are composed of three subunits: the neurofilament light, medium and heavy chains. Axonal transport deficits and neurodegenerative diseases Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien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entre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, INSERM UMR_S975, CNRS UMR7225, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47–83 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 !"#$"%& NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
  • 7. MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 Intracellular transport MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing Proteins of the kinesin superfamily participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ "#$%&'(%)!)*+%&'(,--.-'&)%&'+$/0&%)1$)2.+3'4,+%'-)20&)+,.&0+'-)40&/506,+,$1$7)2.+(%10+)'+3)$.&818'-9 :'+;)/&0%,1+$)'&,)$,-,(%18,-;)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0),1%5,&)'<0+$)0&)3,+3&1%,$9)*+)'331%10+7)$04,)$/,(121( 4=>"$)'&,)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0)3,+3&1%,$)20&)-0('-)%&'+$-'%10+9)?&0%,1+$)02)%5,)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-; minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 1(1/'%,)1+)$,-,(%18,)%&'+$/0&%)#;).$1+6)'3'/%0&)0&)$('220-31+6)/&0%,1+$)%0)&,(06+1A,)'+3)#1+3 60,$9)B5,)40-,(.-'&)(04/0+,+%$)02)=>"C%&'+$/0&%1+6)6&'+.-,$)5'8,)#,,+)13,+%121,37)'+3)1%)1$ 041+6)(-,'&)50D)('&60,$)'&,)31&,(%,3)%0)'<0+$)'+3)3,+3&1%,$)#;)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-;)/&0%,1+$9 E,&,)D,)31$(.$$)%5,)40-,(.-'&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)31&,(%10+'-)'<0+'-)'+3)3,+3&1%1()%&'+$/0&%)D1%5 A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 121(),4/5'$1$)0+)%5,)&0-,)02)40%0&)/&0%,1+$)'+3)%5,1&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)('&60)&,(06+1%10+9 comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along which membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and "-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively, whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. MOLECULAR MOTOR SUPERFAMILIES Kinesin and dynein superfamily proteins move along microtubules, and myosin superfamily proteins move along actin filaments by ATP hydrolysis. *Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,Graduate School ofMedicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. ‡Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, Japan. Correspondence to N.H. e-mail: hirokawa@ doi:10.1038/nrn1624 Published online 15 February 2005 NATURE REVIEWS | NEUROSCIENCE ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION | 1 ©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the membranous organelles or protein complexes1. dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively,whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. R E V I E W S Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily Soma Axon Synaptic terminal Organelle transport Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types of neurons, require efficient communication between their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic signals or stress insults1. Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged as a common factor in several neurodegenerative disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge about axonal transport defects that are associated with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks along which various cargoes can be transported by various motor proteins. The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional switches, and other vesicular structures such as autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction (that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal Neurofilaments Neurofilaments are components of the neuronal cytoskeleton. They are intermediate filaments with a diameter of 10 nm and are composed of three subunits: the neurofilament light, medium and heavy chains. Axonal transport deficits and neurodegenerative diseases Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien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entre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, INSERM UMR_S975, CNRS UMR7225, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47–83 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 !"#$"%& NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
  • 8. MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 Intracellular transport MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing Proteins of the kinesin superfamily participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ "#$%&'(%)!)*+%&'(,--.-'&)%&'+$/0&%)1$)2.+3'4,+%'-)20&)+,.&0+'-)40&/506,+,$1$7)2.+(%10+)'+3)$.&818'-9 :'+;)/&0%,1+$)'&,)$,-,(%18,-;)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0),1%5,&)'<0+$)0&)3,+3&1%,$9)*+)'331%10+7)$04,)$/,(121( 4=>"$)'&,)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0)3,+3&1%,$)20&)-0('-)%&'+$-'%10+9)?&0%,1+$)02)%5,)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-; minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 1(1/'%,)1+)$,-,(%18,)%&'+$/0&%)#;).$1+6)'3'/%0&)0&)$('220-31+6)/&0%,1+$)%0)&,(06+1A,)'+3)#1+3 60,$9)B5,)40-,(.-'&)(04/0+,+%$)02)=>"C%&'+$/0&%1+6)6&'+.-,$)5'8,)#,,+)13,+%121,37)'+3)1%)1$ 041+6)(-,'&)50D)('&60,$)'&,)31&,(%,3)%0)'<0+$)'+3)3,+3&1%,$)#;)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-;)/&0%,1+$9 E,&,)D,)31$(.$$)%5,)40-,(.-'&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)31&,(%10+'-)'<0+'-)'+3)3,+3&1%1()%&'+$/0&%)D1%5 A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 121(),4/5'$1$)0+)%5,)&0-,)02)40%0&)/&0%,1+$)'+3)%5,1&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)('&60)&,(06+1%10+9 comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along which membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and "-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively, whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. MOLECULAR MOTOR SUPERFAMILIES Kinesin and dynein superfamily proteins move along microtubules, and myosin superfamily proteins move along actin filaments by ATP hydrolysis. *Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,Graduate School ofMedicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. ‡Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, Japan. Correspondence to N.H. e-mail: hirokawa@ doi:10.1038/nrn1624 Published online 15 February 2005 NATURE REVIEWS | NEUROSCIENCE ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION | 1 ©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the membranous organelles or protein complexes1. dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively,whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. R E V I E W S Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily Soma Axon Synaptic terminal Organelle transport Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types of neurons, require efficient communication between their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic signals or stress insults1. Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged as a common factor in several neurodegenerative disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge about axonal transport defects that are associated with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks along which various cargoes can be transported by various motor proteins. The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional switches, and other vesicular structures such as autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction (that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal Neurofilaments Neurofilaments are components of the neuronal cytoskeleton. They are intermediate filaments with a diameter of 10 nm and are composed of three subunits: the neurofilament light, medium and heavy chains. Axonal transport deficits and neurodegenerative diseases Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien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entre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, INSERM UMR_S975, CNRS UMR7225, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47–83 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 !"#$"%& NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved two-headed kinesin one-headed kinesin
  • 9. MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Universitaire de Québec, !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the They have a tubular structure (25 nm in are composed of many !- and "-tubulin which undergo continuous polymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) body, whereas their faster growing plus "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 Intracellular transport MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively at the centrosome1. transported Microtubules to either axons are polar-ized or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported in axons (but to dendrites not in dendrites): for local their translation. slower growing Proteins of the kinesin superfamily participate in selective transport by using adaptor or scaffolding proteins to recognize and bind cargoes. The molecular components of RNA-transporting granules have been identified, and it is becoming clear how cargoes are directed to axons and dendrites by kinesin superfamily proteins. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of directional axonal and dendritic transport with specific emphasis on the role of motor proteins and their mechanisms of cargo recognition. Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ "#$%&'(%)!)*+%&'(,--.-'&)%&'+$/0&%)1$)2.+3'4,+%'-)20&)+,.&0+'-)40&/506,+,$1$7)2.+(%10+)'+3)$.&818'-9 :'+;)/&0%,1+$)'&,)$,-,(%18,-;)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0),1%5,&)'<0+$)0&)3,+3&1%,$9)*+)'331%10+7)$04,)$/,(121( 4=>"$)'&,)%&'+$/0&%,3)%0)3,+3&1%,$)20&)-0('-)%&'+$-'%10+9)?&0%,1+$)02)%5,)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-; minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They 1(1/'%,)1+)$,-,(%18,)%&'+$/0&%)#;).$1+6)'3'/%0&)0&)$('220-31+6)/&0%,1+$)%0)&,(06+1A,)'+3)#1+3 60,$9)B5,)40-,(.-'&)(04/0+,+%$)02)=>"C%&'+$/0&%1+6)6&'+.-,$)5'8,)#,,+)13,+%121,37)'+3)1%)1$ 041+6)(-,'&)50D)('&60,$)'&,)31&,(%,3)%0)'<0+$)'+3)3,+3&1%,$)#;)@1+,$1+)$./,&2'41-;)/&0%,1+$9 E,&,)D,)31$(.$$)%5,)40-,(.-'&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)31&,(%10+'-)'<0+'-)'+3)3,+3&1%1()%&'+$/0&%)D1%5 A neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron 121(),4/5'$1$)0+)%5,)&0-,)02)40%0&)/&0%,1+$)'+3)%5,1&)4,(5'+1$4$)02)('&60)&,(06+1%10+9 comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins that are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the axon in membranous organelles or protein complexes1. Most dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell body, but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). In the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along which membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, hollow cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and "-tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, slow-growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and distal dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing away from the cell body7,8. However, the microtubules in proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus end of microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively, whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour.This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. MOLECULAR MOTOR SUPERFAMILIES Kinesin and dynein superfamily proteins move along microtubules, and myosin superfamily proteins move along actin filaments by ATP hydrolysis. *Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,Graduate School ofMedicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. ‡Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research,Toranomon 2-2-2, Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8470, Japan. Correspondence to N.H. e-mail: hirokawa@ doi:10.1038/nrn1624 Published online 15 February 2005 NATURE REVIEWS | NEUROSCIENCE ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION | 1 ©!!""#!Nature Publishing Group! VOLUME 6 ! MARCH 2005 ! 201 neuron has a highly polarized structure. A typical neu-ron comprises a cell body, several short, thick, tapering dendrites and one long, thin axon.Most of the proteins are needed in the axon and synaptic terminals are synthesized in the cell body and transported along the membranous organelles or protein complexes1. dendritic proteins are also transported from the cell but several specific mRNAs are transported into dendrites to support local protein synthesis2 (BOX 1). the axon and dendrites,microtubules run in a longitudinal orientation3,4, and serve as rails along membranous organelles and macromolecular complexes can be transported5.A microtubule is a long, cylinder that is made of a polymer of !- and tubulins and has a diameter of 25 nm. It has intrinsic polarity,with a fast-growing ‘plus end’ and an opposite, growing ‘minus end’6.Microtubules in axons and dendrites are unipolar,with the plus end pointing from the cell body7,8. However,the microtubules proximal dendrites are of mixed polarity8. The orga-nization of microtubules also differs between axons and dendrites (BOX 2). MOLECULAR MOTORS of the kinesin and dynein super-families move along microtubules. Many kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) move towards the plus microtubules (‘plus-end-directed motors’) and participate in ANTEROGRADE TRANSPORT, selectively trans-porting molecules from the cell body to axons and dendrites. By contrast, RETROGRADE TRANSPORT, from the axonal or dendritic terminals to the cell body, is car-ried out mostly by cytoplasmic dyneins, which are minus-end-directed motors5,9–12. Selective transport to axons and dendrites has been studied from several viewpoints, including which sequences of selectively transported proteins function as selective targeting signals, and whether the basic mecha-nism is one of selective transport or selective retention (whereby cargoes would be transported to both axons and dendrites, and selectively eliminated by endocytosis from the inappropriate destination).However, many seemingly unrelated sequences have been identified as targeting signals, and the identification of the targeting sequences of specific proteins has not always clarified the underlying sorting mechanisms. Both selective transport and selective retention seem to occur, depending on the cargoes involved, but it is not clear how some cargoes are transported selectively,whereas others are transported nonselectively.Understanding the mechanisms of sort-ing, selective transport and recognition is an important endeavour. This review focuses on recent developments that relate to the mechanisms of selective transport,with particular emphasis on the role of KIFs. R E V I E W S Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrn1624 MOLECULAR MOTORS AND MECHANISMS OF DIRECTIONAL TRANSPORT IN NEURONS Nobutaka Hirokawa* and Reiko Takemura‡ Abstract | Intracellular transport is fundamental for neuronal morphogenesis, function and survival. Many proteins are selectively transported to either axons or dendrites. In addition, some specific mRNAs are transported to dendrites for local translation. Proteins of the kinesin superfamily Soma Axon Synaptic terminal Organelle transport Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons because of the extreme polarity and size of these cells. Indeed, despite having axons of more than 1 metre in length, human spinal motor neurons, like other types of neurons, require efficient communication between their cell body and axon tip. Axonal transport keeps axons and nerve terminals supplied with proteins, lipids and mitochondria, and clears recycled or mis-folded proteins to avoid the build-up of toxic aggre-gates1. Apart from its role in neuronal metabolism, axonal transport is crucial for intracellular neural transmission and allows the neuron to respond effectively to trophic signals or stress insults1. Impairment of axonal transport has recently emerged as a common factor in several neurodegenerative disorders1. Here, we review the current state of knowl-edge about axonal transport defects that are associated with such disorders, with a specific focus on the mecha-nisms that can affect microtubule-based axonal transport. Before doing so, we outline the various components and mechanisms that control such transport. !"#$%&'(')*+(,-*./,0%1,)/&$,1-2%$& Microtubules are the main component of the cytoskeleton. They have a tubular structure (25 nm in diameter) and are composed of many !- and "-tubulin heterodimers, which undergo continuous polymerization and depo-lymerization at the centrosome1. Microtubules are polar-ized in axons (but not in dendrites): their slower growing minus end (at which !-tubulin is exposed) faces the cell body, whereas their faster growing plus end (at which "-tubulin is exposed) points towards the axon tips. They are stabilized by microtubule-associated proteins such as tau. Microtubules in the axon essentially form tracks along which various cargoes can be transported by various motor proteins. The various cargoes that are transported along micro-tubules in axons (TABLE!1) move in a saltatory fashion, exhibiting periods of rapid movements, pauses and directional switches. Filamentous cargoes, such as neuro-filaments, exhibit long periods of rest (spending on aver-age 73% of the time pausing) and movements mainly in an anterograde direction (that is, towards the cell body) at 0.23 #m per second2,3. By contrast, vesicular cargoes, such as lysosomes, show frequent pausing and direc-tional switches, and other vesicular structures such as autophagosomes exhibit persistent movements (they only pause 12% of the time) in a mainly retrograde direction (that is, away from the cell body) at 0.46 #m per second4. Thus, the average transport velocity of a particular cargo depends on the time that the cargo spends pausing. As neurofilament proteins move at a faster transport rate when axons are devoid of pre-existing neurofilament structures in!vivo, one of the key determinants that curbs the axonal transport of cytoskeleton components is the density of the stationary cytoskeletal network in the axons5. The transport of mitochondria and lysosomes is also dependent on cytoskeletal organization6. For convenience, axonal transport can be divided into two categories: fast axonal transport, which is responsible for moving membrane-bound organelles (vesicles and mitochondria), and slow axonal trans-port, which drives the movement of cytoplasmic pro-teins (including various enzymes) and cytoskeletal Neurofilaments Neurofilaments are components of the neuronal cytoskeleton. They are intermediate filaments with a diameter of 10 nm and are composed of three subunits: the neurofilament light, medium and heavy chains. Axonal transport deficits and neurodegenerative diseases Stéphanie Millecamps1 and Jean-Pierre Julien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entre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, INSERM UMR_S975, CNRS UMR7225, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47–83 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 !"#$"%& NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 France. 2Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Quebec, Quebec City, G1V4G2, Canada. Correspondence to J.-P.J.! e-mail: jean-pierre.julien@ doi:10.1038/nrn3380 Published online 30 January 2013 NATURE REVIEWS | !"#$%&'("!'") VOLUME 14 | MARCH 2013 | 343 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved two-headed kinesin one-headed kinesin How do kinesins behave in front of obstacles?
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