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About Traditional Hispanic Food
Hispanic American: "Heritage" is defined as the customs and traditions that are handed down from
generation to generation of families and society. A person with Latino heritage is a descendant of a
family from Mexico, Central America, or South America. Peeps who are Hispanic are from a
country where Spanish is spoken. Let's check out some of their traditions. Hispanic Food Hispanic
foods have many different characteristics, but one of the main things that make it distinctive is that
it tends to be spicy! Here are some traditional Hispanic dishes: * Moles: Pronounced Mo–lay, the
name of this dish comes from the Aztec word for "mixture." Mole Poblano de Guajolote, is a
mixture of dried chiles, nuts, seeds, vegetables, spices more content...
Some of the most popular Hispanic dishes that are prepared during Cinco de Mayo are carnitas,
barbocoa, moles and menudo. Identification Traditional Hispanic food can be identified by the
appearance of the tortillas and the thick, rich enchilada sauces that can be green, brown or red
and resemble a thick gravy. Rice and refried beans typically are served inside of the tortillas or on
the side, and this dish can be referred to as an enchilada or as a chimichanga if it is deep fried on
the outside. Melted cheese over the top of the dish is also a good indication of Hispanic food.
Function The function of Hispanic food is to fulfill the traditional ways of growing, eating and
serving Hispanic food. Hispanic food is high in carbohydrates, making it a filling meal because of
the beans and cheese that are served along with it. The combination of the beans and cheese with
the spicy seasonings and salsa give the food added flavor and traditional Hispanic flair. Hispanic
food can be made into meals for large groups of people and large families quickly, cheaply and
easily. Most Hispanic food keeps for a long time and does not spoil if stored in a cool, dry location.
Reference:–hispanic–food.html CUBA : Cuban
Cuisine Cuban cuisine has been influenced by Spanish, French, African, Arabic, Chinese, and
Portuguese cultures. Traditional Cuban cooking is primarily peasant cuisine that has little concern
with measurements, order
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Vietnamese Food Essay
Vietnamese cuisine can be very diverse due its geography and climate. There is no accurate average
temperature for the whole country. The Vietnamese national culture emerged from a concrete living
environment: a tropical country with many rivers and the confluence of great cultures (Vietnam
Country). Vietnam is a long, narrow country in Southeast of Asia that borders south China, east of
Laos and Cambodia. Vietnam is practically the size of Italy and Japan put together; and is divided
into three regions: north, central, and south. Vietnam has variety types of food for every occasion,
from an everyday meal to New Year's festivities food. The flavor of the Vietnamese food varies from
sweet, sour, salty, and spicy. However, rice, more content...
This fish sauce is also commonly used a dipping sauce as ketchup is in America. The dipping fish
sauce would be diluted with other ingredients like: boiled water, sugar, a little vinegar, lime, and
some peppers. Another way nouc mam can be used it to balance out some of their delicious
cuisine; some say that nouc mam is their secret recipe. Pho is the most popular dish among the
Vietnamese society. What is pho? Well Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup, but there are two type
of common pho and that is Pho Bo (beef noodle soup) and Pho Ga(chicken soup). Pho Bo is beef
broth and that is made by the stewing of a cow bones in a large pot for quite some time. Pho Ga is
very similar to Pho Bo. Instead of beef broth is made of chicken broth and that is made from
stewing chicken. The noodle itself is made from varieties of rice. However, the ingredients and
toppings may vary a slight bit in the North and the South. And that is topped with numerous herbs
like: lime, bean sprout, mint leaves, basil green onions, and several other vegetables or fruit. This
dish is absolutely refreshing and warming for the soul. With the brutal cold, pho was home of the
North. Pho is normally eaten for breakfast, but many of people eat at lunch, or even dinner. The
spiciest food is Central Vietnam. Here, everything consists of abundant spices like chili pepper and
color food. The food here is hotter and spicier. Spring rolls and Bun Bo Hue are commonly eaten. A
spring roll contains fresh meat or
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Family Food Traditions
Family Food Traditions Eating brings people closer together everyday, and for everyone, there
are important memories that have been created because of food. Whether it's a formal dinner, or
an informal picnic, there will always be special bonds between people because food was
involved. We need to have traditions with food because they form and strengthen the bonds
between us. There are holidays in every culture where the food is the focal point. For example,
the most important tradition involving food in the U.S. is Thanksgiving. According to a 2015
poll, 95% of people in the U.S. spend Thanksgiving with their families."Thanksgiving by the
Numbers." Fox Business, Fox Business, 23 Nov. 2016. This is because people in the U.S. grew
up making memories with their families, and they want to make more memories with their
children. These traditions are important to people because they make them nostalgic, so it's
necessary for people to take a break and spend time with their families. To relate the topic of
nostalgia with food to my life, I recall a cherished memory I have about making enchiladas with
my grandma when I was nine. My mom's father is hispanic, but her mother is not, so she learned
how to make hispanic food just for him. I have always admired this, because she learned how to do
this just to make my grandpa happy. She made us many hispanic dishes, but my favorite is still her
enchiladas. I still remember the smell of the chicken and beef that my grandma had prepared
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Food Culture Essay
Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us, it keep us alive
and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined as any substance that can be
metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel
hungry, they eat. However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher
standard on choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate
factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be divided into two
main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values) and external factors
(geographical, religion, social, economic and political). more content...
Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them warm. In the
northern part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern part of China. This is
because eating spicy food will keep people warm. In costal region, there is more seafood than the
inland region. The reason is because it is easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the
inland region. Japan is an island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in
Japan. Some locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate
advantage in growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine. Religion is another
external factors influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion,
different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion
such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism
do not recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that
we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are
vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People
who believe in a religion will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit.
Some religions do not have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat.
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The Importance Of Food Culture
Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at their food
culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we are. From a young child to
an adult most people have developed their food culture by trial and error or simply by their
preference. Food culture is different for every ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves.
Araceli is someone important to me and hands down her food culture is very different from my
own. Nicaraguan food is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know
about her food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is based
off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and rice. Although that is
partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and holiday dinners. During these events
we usually have tamales which is a popular dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of
course. Food around this time is special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take
hours to prepare and usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very
popular, and most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the
only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis' culture, although the dishes are familiar the
preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for holidays and special events, but
they are called "Nacatamal." Nacatamals have the
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Korean Food
1. Synopsis
There are many kinds of Korean food in the world. The purpose of this report is that introduces
Korean cuisine, the history and current tendency of Korean food. This information is derived from
the writer's experience, reference books and on the Internet website.
2. Table of contents 1.Synopsis1 2.Table of contents2 3.Introduction3 4.Procedure:3 4.1What is
Korean cuisine?3 4.2History of Korean cuisine3
4.2.1Late in the Neolithic age3
4.2.2Three Kingdoms period ~ Goryeo dynasty (668 AD ~ 1392 AD)3
4.2.3Joseon dynasty (1392 AD ~ 1897 AD)3
4.2.420th century ~ Current period4 5Foodstuff4 5.1Beef4
5.1.1Bulgogi (Grilled Marinated Beef)4
5.1.2Galbi (Grilled Beef Short Ribs)5 more content...
Bulgogi is traditionally grilled (Grilled Marinated Beef, n.d.).
5.1.2Galbi (Grilled Beef Short Ribs)
Galbi is made from beef short ribs. The ribs are marinated in a sauce made from Asian pear juice,
rice wine, soy sauce, garlic, sesame seed oil and sugar. The meat is often cut in thin slices across the
bones. This makes eating the galbi with chopsticks or with fingers easier ("Grilled Beef", n.d.).
Pork is the most consumed meat in Korea. It is cheaper than other meats. Pork should be got well
done because it has a parasite. There are two well known Korean pork dishes that are 'Daeji bulgogi'
and 'Daeji galbi'.
5.2.1Daeji Bulgogi (Spicy Marinated Pork)
Daeji Bulgogi is made from thin sliced pork loin. The meat is marinated with a mixture of soy
sauce, sesame oil, garlic, sugar, ginger roots, rice wine and 'Kochujang' which is Korean chilli
pepper paste. It is marinated for 30–60 minutes to bring out the depth and intensity of flavours
(Spicy Marinated Pork, n.d.).
5.2.2Daeji Galbi (Grilled Pork Ribs)
Daeji galbi is much close to barbecue and the ribs are crisply grilled to perfection with its
tenderloins and bones still attached.
Chicken is cooked by many recipes such as fry, roast and boil. There are two spicy Korean chicken
dishes which are 'Dakdoritang' and 'Dakgalbi'.
5.3.1Dakdoritang (Spicy Braised Chicken with Potatoes)
Chicken pieces are simmered in a base soup where the meat tends to fall off the
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Why are traditional foods important?
Due to the fast food culture people have forgotten/don't know what the traditional food in their
country is. Cooking at home has reduced and people prefer going out to eat or order in.
For me, traditional food brings out a sense of comfort and belonging. It brings family and friends
together and helps us reconnect with one another. The recipes that have been passed on by my
families offer a chance to say thank you for the contribution that someone has made. It helps in
creating lasting memories for our families and families.
India is a country of rich culture where people of more than one religious culture lives together.
When I hear the word mango, it takes me back to my childhood. It was the waiting more
Its smell is its most distinguishing feature, the colour of the pulp resembling saffron, the spice it is
named after. The skin is greener than most other mangoes. Kesar mangoes are used primarily to
make aamras in Gujarat.
Totapuri –
These mangoes are the easiest to identify, due to the shape with the tip looking like a parrot's beak.
The flesh is not sweet like the other mango varieties but is great for salads or with a tempering of
salt and chillies because of its tangy taste and chewy texture.'
The above mentioned mangoes are a few mangoes that can be used raw in salads, chopped into
desserts, pureed into beverages like smoothies and mango lassi and even pickled into the
quintessential aam ka achaar or shredded mango murabba. Mango mousse, mango cheesecake,
mango flan are all Western innovations which became possible when India started exporting mango
pulp to America in tins. Chefs combine mango with grilled salmon and braised chicken as well.
'With its perfect combination of sweet and sour, mango complements the rich taste of creamy
cheeses, balances the heat of smoky dishes, and intensifies the flavours of other tropical fruits. This
versatile fruit pairs well with apple, berries, caramel, citrus, coconut, melon, vanilla, and
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The versatility of food and various recipes provides millions of different tastes for everyone to try
and enjoy. The duality of food can be presented as the embodiment of tradition and as an avenue of
modernity. While specific dishes may use the same or similar ingredients, based on how the food is
presented can reveal how the dish is embodied. Food can be represented as an embodiment of
tradition, whether it is referring to dishes which have been passed down through generations, or
whether it is a key dish consumed by a civilization or within a culture. A common and familiar
traditional food can be a passed down recipe for homemade chicken noodle soup, which is often
prepared by the family's mother or grandmother. This dish is often eaten when sick, as the warm
and hearty soup can easily warm up the cold. In Korea, an example of a traditional dish would be
nurungi, or scorched rice. This simple dish can be eaten as a crispy snack, steeped in hot water, or
boiled in water to make porridge. This traditional dish is considered as a remedy to soothe
indigestion or an upset stomach.
Although traditional dishes are classified as different from one culture to another, these dishes can
convey similar messages to the consumer, as feelings and emotions of familiarity, comfort, and
warmness. In the Japanese obento boxes, it is "Intended to ease a child's discomfiture and to allow a
child's mother to manufacture something of herself and the home to accompany the child as she/he
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Native American Food Culture Essay
There is an evident difference in a variety of cultures and traditions throughout the world. According
to Dr. Lucy Long, food culture "refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well as the networks
and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. It encompasses
the concepts of foodways, cuisine, and food system and includes the fundamental understandings a
group has about food, historical and current conditions shaping that group's relationship to food, and
the ways in which the group uses food to express identity, community, values, status, power, artistry,
and creativity." (Dr. Lucy Long, Four cultures and foods related to heath and
obesity that are very different are the Chinese, more content...
The main factor of not being able to consume more fruits regularly is the cost, availability, and the
quality of the products. The rates of obesity and overweight individuals has increased and become
more common amidst Native Americans. Along with overweight and obesity issues among Native
Americans, is a high prevalence of eating disorders among adolescent Native Americans. A major
concern that often coincides or results from obesity is type 2 Diabetes. Part of the cause for higher
rates of type 2 Diabetes is the overconsumption of non indigenous proteins such as beef and
chicken along with consuming less native foods. Native Americans are two to four times more
likely to develop type 2 Diabetes than the general United States population and Alaskan natives and
American Indians have the highest rates of type 2 Diabetes than any other ethnic or racial group in
the United States. As a result of the high prevalence of obesity and type 2 Diabetes among Native
Americans, death rates are three times as high for the Native American population. The ending issue
that results from type 2 Diabetes and obesity, is cardiovascular
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Personal Narrative: Food Traditions
When my brothers and I were younger, noodles and cottage cheese were a staple food for us. My
mom says that they're a classic in every Jewish household, but she might remember it that way
because cottage cheese is another food group for my Bubbie. There's no telling how much my mom
and her siblings must have ate it. But it started a family food tradition, one that my mother put a
healthy twist on, as usual: one day, she served the dish with chunks of avocado.
I remember my twin brother, Jordan, bringing the bowl right in front of his face and chowing down
on the new variation of the dish, unfazed for once to try this new thing.
"What's that green stuff?" I asked my mom as she piled some noodles onto my dad's plate. I tried a
piece of the mysterious substance, skewering it on my fork, and recoiling at the creamy, earthy taste.
It was too fatty, strangely nutty, and most of all, too green.
"It' more content...
We were in Mexico, after all. Could the local fare be that bad?
The truth is, no. But it wasn't the meal of a lifetime, either. The highlight of the meal was the
guacamole, the dish that completely changed my perspective on avocados and started my
long–standing love affair with the fruit.
When the waiter brought the complimentary dip to our brightly decorated table, I was skeptical at
first, not knowing what it was.
"Come on, try some," my dad beckoned. "We might be filling up on it if the rest of the food is bad,"
I rolled my eyes. "That's what you told us last night, only with the breadsticks at La Cucina,"
"Look, all we've been eating on this trip is chicken and pasta, exactly what we have at home almost
every night. Don't you want to try something new and authentic?"
"Fine," I sighed, dipping a tortilla chip in the
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Benefits Of Traditional Food Products
While the country scores high marks from the World Bank Doing Business Report in enforcing
contracts, it ranks poorly in providing attractive conditions to start a business and protecting
investors. When talking about functional food products it is noticed that they are much less
common in China than in Western Europe and North America and the Chinese organic market is
still in its infancy. However, although still timid, organic and functional foods are starting to be
present in supermarkets and other caterings in China. Growing increasingly distrustful of local food
sources, many people are turning to organics and/or imported food items, which are perceived to be
safer. Lesser trends have also developed, including urban farming and dining out less frequently due
to recent food scares.
Despite there being opportunity in China, we still don't recommend Eurochoice to enter the Chinese
market at the moment for a few reasons.
First of all, there is already a huge variety of different goods on the market. Secondly, local people
prefer traditional medicine to the healthy import foods, and in the end, Chinese economy is unstable
right now, and it is risky for an unknown company to launch a new product for a specific segment of
But if the company is ready to take a risk, we have a few recommendations for launching and
branding nutrition products in China.
First of all, as our research shows, if it is necessary, the company might be prepared to alter the
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Indian Food
Indian Food
The traditional food of India has been widely appreciated for its fabulous use of herbs and spices.
Indian cuisine is known for its large assortment of dishes. The cooking style varies from region to
region. India is quite famous for its diverse multi cuisine available in a large number of restaurants
and hotel resorts, which is reminiscent of unity in diversity. The staple food in India includes wheat,
rice and pulses with chana (Bengal Gram) being the most important one. To know more about the
Indian traditional food, read on.
Indian cuisine is characterized by the use of various spices, herbs and other vegetables, and
sometimes fruits grown in India and also for the widespread practice of vegetarianism in Indian more content...
The bhaaji is served in the plate on the right hand side while the chutney, koshimbir are served
from left going up the periphery of the circular plate. The papad, bhaji are served below the
koshimbir with the rice and poli served at the bottom of the circle closed to the diner's hand. The
puran is served at the top in the inner concentric circle. The amti, rassa is served in separate bowls
placed on right hand side of the diner. Water is placed on the left hand side. It is considered ill
mannered to use left hand while eating
Gujarati Food
The traditional Gujarati food is primarily vegetarian and has a high nutritional value. The typical
Gujarati thali consists of varied kinds of lip smacking dishes. Gujarati cuisine has so much to
offer and each dish has an absolutely different cooking style. Some of the dishes are stir fry, while
others are boiled. Gujarati food is more often served on a silver platter. Gujaratis use a combination
of different spices and flavors to cook their meals and this is what makes their food truly exotic.
The traditional Gujarati thali mostly encompasses rotli, dal or kadhi, sabzi also known as shaak
and rice. People in Gujarat eat one or the other type of curry along with rice and roti in almost every
meal Gujarati dishes usually have a very subtle taste that makes it truly distinct from other Indian
cuisines. Lot of emphasis is laid on maintaining hygiene while cooking. Most of the Gujarati
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Mexican Culture And Traditional Food Habits
The United States has become such a culturally rich country in the last century. (STATS ON HOW
DIVERSE THE US HAS BECOME). Mexicans make up 14.5% of the total U.S population. (Ohio
State University)The reason I choose Mexican ethnicity is because it's the largest minority group
there is in the United States, yet I don't know much about their culture.
Traditional food habits In the culture, there is a big influence in their food that goes back centuries
their indigenous Indian background. The core foods that are present in Mexican culture are corn and
corn products. Every region in Mexico has a specialty that that region is known for. The food
preparation in the Mexican culture uses many different spices. Mexican cuisine can many times
be very spicy. There are 90 varieties of chilies that vary from very spicy to mild, which are
traditionally incorporated into many recipes including desserts. Many dishes are rich in tomatoes
sauces and it 's very common to have a lot of food fried.(Ohio reports) Customarily Mexicans have
four to five meals a day but when living in the United States have changed to 3 meals a day. Every
meal has carbohydrate, many times corn tortillas, a protein that may come from an animal source
as well as beans, and lastly fat. The fat that many times is used can come from the fat that is used
to fry or that is used in the cooking. The economic income has a big impact on the way a family
plans their meals. A higher income family will have
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Reflection About Food And Culture
There are many types of food in the world and each food represents many elements, such as:
meaning; uniqueness; special ingredients; etc. People usually create the food for celebrating things
and so people make food as a symbol full of meaning and hopes. Each culture uses origin ingredients
that would make food become unique. It also gives different intercultural food. Food also represents
the culture in which food was created. So it is important to appreciate the traditional food as a form
of appreciation towards the world cultural heritage.
However, we as the young generation is currently facing globalisation where we get to taste other
countries food or dish. Most of us, making a first impression about how is the traditional food
taste or how it was made. people still compare between two foods based on its taste. In some case,
many people as a guest house sometimes reject traditional food that is provided by owner because
it looks bad or it tastes bad. Indirectly, we despise their culture. We as humans often confess that we
are persons who being upheld the other cultures, whether it be from Indonesia itself or from outside more content...
In this year, the theme is "Food and Culture." I intend to register for selection. Personally, I have
many insights about culture, especially Indonesia culture, which I also learned about it. Based on
my experience, I joined javanese traditional dance course at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) for
five years (2009–2014). There, I learned not just about dance, but also about the clothes; food;
manners; and traditional ceremonies. Also, I met many friends from different cultural dance courses.
We shared many things about our origin culture. From there, my knowledge about cultures in
Indonesia became plentiful and complex. Each culture has many aspects that interrelated and
inseparable, and that's what creates the uniqueness of its
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My Favorite Experience Of Eating Food
As a foodie, eating foods is my favorite thing and I also find my speciality in eating, that is tasting
food and know the condiment in every dishes. When I was a child, I usually go to kitchen to see
adults cooking. My intention is not to learn how to cook, but to know where the dishes that I felt
very delicious from out of curiosity. As time passed, I knew the recipe of every dishes that I like
gradually and learned how to improve it taste. I born at a country that have many delicious foods
and the cuisine like to use many kinds of condiments. Through the process of knowing the recipe of
cuisine, I also learned many condiments and their use. I didn't know I can have the skill that I can
know what condiments put in dishes until I was in middle school. Once a time, I taste a food that
cooked by an aunt, then I asked her if this dish used some sugar and Thirteen Spice (a spice that
produced at China) and cooked by olive oil rather than sesame oil. The aunt is very surprised that
I got the whole right condiments. She praised me a lot and said I had this skill that other people
don't have. After that, I begin to notice my gustation and form a habit that Before I eat each dish, I
have to try and guess what kind of seasoning is in it. Until now, I still keep this habit.
The process of tasting is happy for me, I enjoy the feeling that food melt in my mouse and the
flavour disperse gradually. But it also exists some problems, I have the keen taste sense and smell
over the average,
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My Family Traditions
My family has a lot of different traditions, but one stands out more than the others. The holiday I am
talking about is Christmas. My family has always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. We start
the celebration by going to our church's Christmas Eve service. During this service, we sing
Christmas songs and watch a video of the first Christmas. After the service, all my family goes to my
grandparents' house to open presents and have supper. The meal is different than most Christmas
meals. All of my family members bring an appetizer instead of bringing a main dish. One of my
cousins is Haitian and one of uncles is Italian, so we have a lot of different cultures represented.
My favorite is my uncle's meatballs. Once we eat we have two different places to sit. One is
called the kids' room and the other is the adult room. You are supposed to sit at the kids' table if
you are not married. Once we have finished eating we all head to the living room to open presents.
Before we open presents, one of my younger cousins reads a Christmas poem. A different cousin
reads the story every year.
When it is finally time to open presents, we always open them one person at a time and always go
from youngest to oldest. We go one at a time because my grandma likes to see what everyone got.
Once everyone has opened their presents, my grandma tries to recruit some people to play bingo.
She likes being the person who calls out the numbers because that's what her mom always did. We
have been doing all of these things for as long as I can remember. My dad says they have been
doing things this way for the last 40 years. My grandma is the main person that has been carrying on
these traditions.
I would say my grandmother is the glue to our family so everyone follows her lead. I think that
my other family members are so used to doing these things that they will continue to do them in
the future. I would say I am a participant in this tradition. I am one of the younger grandchildren,
so I do not say much or try to change anything. If I did offer a new idea, I do think my grandma
would consider it. My whole family takes part in this tradition. I have six aunts and uncles and
twelve cousins, so my family is pretty big. Everyone
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Essay about The Culture of African Cuisine
The forest not only hides man's enemies but it's full of man's medicine, healing power and food.
~African Proverb.
Africa is a continent that is rich and diverse in terms of culture and traditions. The continent is also
considered to be the agricultural hub in the world. Due to this, most of African culture is ultimately
intertwined with the foodstuffs that the land has to offer. In general, most of the inhabitants of Africa
live within the rural areas and rely on subsistent farming to meet their day to day food needs. Fast
food restaurants and supermarkets where processed and packaged food is sold are usually frowned
upon and considered a waste of money and resources (AIG, 2011).
African foods more content...
Beans, cassava, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes and sweet potatoes thus were introduced to Africa as a
direct cause of the European exploring of the American continent. Asian seasonings like pepper,
cinnamon, clove, curry and nutmeg were introduced as well. More often than not, the ingredients
used to prepare an African dish are fresh, very cheap and easily used to make a quick meal.
Common vegetables include kale, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, avocados and
other leafy greens, while beef and goat meat are the common meats served in an African meal.
Fish, chicken, and mutton are also available but are more expensive (AIG, 2011). Meat is often
used merely as one of a number of flavorings, rather than as a main ingredient in cooking. Tropical
fruits such as mangoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, papaws, and pears are cheap, plentiful and
popular among the people of Africa, because they are not available all year round and are dictated
by seasons. Other ingredients used in typical dishes include rice, corn meal or maize, wheat and
millet flour.
Yams, plantains, green bananas and cassava are the essential staples in Africa. These vegetables
are grown and used all over the continent, either on their own or combined with others. Cassava is
an important source of dietary carbohydrates in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, with
its roots providing food for over 500 million
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traditional and modern food systems
Development Policy Review, 2006, 24 (1): 31–49
Traditional vs. Modern Food Systems?
Insights from Vegetable Supply Chains to
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
Jean–Joseph Cadilhon, Paule Moustier, Nigel D. Poole, Phan
Thi Giac Tam and Andrew P. Fearneв€
This article describes the development of vegetable marketing in Ho Chi
Minh City (Vietnam), where modern distribution outlets are competing fiercely with traditional
traders for wholesale and retail customers. Data from interviews with supply chain stakeholders and
a survey of vegetable wholesalers have been used to compare the performance of modern and
traditional chains, and the findings reveal the chains as segmented in their product focus, the modern
sector focusing more content...
Section 3 details the methodology and the performance indicators chosen. Section 4 presents the
structure of the fresh vegetable marketing system in HCM City and the relative market share of
competing vegetable distribution channels. Section 5 compares the performance of traditional and
modern supply chains, and the final section discusses the implications of the research findings for
development policy.
Literature review
2.1 The rise of supermarkets in developing country food marketing systems Food marketing
research in developing countries has shifted in recent years from a bias towards the export function
in favour of research into local markets and the increasing market share of modern distribution
outlets (Balsevich et al., 2003). Indeed, supermarkets are becoming dominant outlets for local fresh
produce compared with export markets (Neven and Reardon, 2004; Reardon and BerdeguГ©,
2002). Furthermore, supermarkets in developing countries engage in relationship marketing and set
up dedicated supply chains with secondary wholesalers or farmers, as opposed to relying on
traditional adversarial relationships in spot markets. This emphasis on slim margins and high quality
has created new opportunities as well as new challenges for farmers and other fresh produce
suppliers (Cacho, 2003). The supermarket focus on quality is particularly noticeable to consumers in
country contexts where official quality standards are low, not
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Chinese Cuisine
Chinese Cuisine – The Food of China
China's food is very unique and traditional. Grains are the main food in China. Rice is the favorite
grain among the people in the South. In the north, people prefer wheat, which they make in to
bread and noodles. Corn millet, and sorghum are also eaten. Vegetables, especially cabbage and
Tofu rank second in Chinese diet. Roasted sweet potatoes are a popular snack eaten by the
Chinese. Pork and poultry are the favorite meats in China. The people also like eggs, fish, fruit, and
shellfish. Chop Suey originated in China. Chop sticks and soup spoons are served as the only
utensils at a Chinese meal. Tea is the traditional Chinese beverage. Ice–cream has gained popularity
in China. more content...
Food in China is mostly stir–fried rapidly in oil at a very high temperature. Fujian Cuisine is famous
for delicately cooked fish and crabs for soups and for flavorings such as soy–sauce.
Breakfast in China may be rice porridge, chicken noodle soup, or deep fried pastries that taste like
donuts. In China the people's favorite lunch time foods include eggrolls, and dumplings filled with
meat or shrimp. A typical Chinese dinner includes vegetables with bits of meat or seafood, soup, and
rice and noodles.
A Chinese cuisine has definite rules for the appropriate combining of the ingredients into dishes, and
dishes in to an appropriate meal. A typical home meal for no special purpose might include boiled
rice, soup, steamed fish, and stir–fried pork with vegitables. Each dish is in a separate category. 1.
The cooking method 2. Appearance 3. Texture. Main ingredients are all different. Asian individual
dishes, flavors, textures and ingredients should complement and harmonize each other, rather than
being the same. Food must strike attention in good cuisine cooking. Chef Martin Yan is the best of
Asian Chefs. He has his own TV show called "Yan Can
Cook" which now airs in 70 countries for the past 19 years. He recently took a trip to Boston to
have a cooking duel with a French chef named Jacky Robert. In Boston Yan turned similar sets of
ingredients into
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  • 1. About Traditional Hispanic Food Hispanic American: "Heritage" is defined as the customs and traditions that are handed down from generation to generation of families and society. A person with Latino heritage is a descendant of a family from Mexico, Central America, or South America. Peeps who are Hispanic are from a country where Spanish is spoken. Let's check out some of their traditions. Hispanic Food Hispanic foods have many different characteristics, but one of the main things that make it distinctive is that it tends to be spicy! Here are some traditional Hispanic dishes: * Moles: Pronounced Mo–lay, the name of this dish comes from the Aztec word for "mixture." Mole Poblano de Guajolote, is a mixture of dried chiles, nuts, seeds, vegetables, spices more content... Some of the most popular Hispanic dishes that are prepared during Cinco de Mayo are carnitas, barbocoa, moles and menudo. Identification Traditional Hispanic food can be identified by the appearance of the tortillas and the thick, rich enchilada sauces that can be green, brown or red and resemble a thick gravy. Rice and refried beans typically are served inside of the tortillas or on the side, and this dish can be referred to as an enchilada or as a chimichanga if it is deep fried on the outside. Melted cheese over the top of the dish is also a good indication of Hispanic food. Function The function of Hispanic food is to fulfill the traditional ways of growing, eating and serving Hispanic food. Hispanic food is high in carbohydrates, making it a filling meal because of the beans and cheese that are served along with it. The combination of the beans and cheese with the spicy seasonings and salsa give the food added flavor and traditional Hispanic flair. Hispanic food can be made into meals for large groups of people and large families quickly, cheaply and easily. Most Hispanic food keeps for a long time and does not spoil if stored in a cool, dry location. Reference:–hispanic–food.html CUBA : Cuban Cuisine Cuban cuisine has been influenced by Spanish, French, African, Arabic, Chinese, and Portuguese cultures. Traditional Cuban cooking is primarily peasant cuisine that has little concern with measurements, order Get more content on
  • 2. Vietnamese Food Essay Vietnamese cuisine can be very diverse due its geography and climate. There is no accurate average temperature for the whole country. The Vietnamese national culture emerged from a concrete living environment: a tropical country with many rivers and the confluence of great cultures (Vietnam Country). Vietnam is a long, narrow country in Southeast of Asia that borders south China, east of Laos and Cambodia. Vietnam is practically the size of Italy and Japan put together; and is divided into three regions: north, central, and south. Vietnam has variety types of food for every occasion, from an everyday meal to New Year's festivities food. The flavor of the Vietnamese food varies from sweet, sour, salty, and spicy. However, rice, more content... This fish sauce is also commonly used a dipping sauce as ketchup is in America. The dipping fish sauce would be diluted with other ingredients like: boiled water, sugar, a little vinegar, lime, and some peppers. Another way nouc mam can be used it to balance out some of their delicious cuisine; some say that nouc mam is their secret recipe. Pho is the most popular dish among the Vietnamese society. What is pho? Well Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup, but there are two type of common pho and that is Pho Bo (beef noodle soup) and Pho Ga(chicken soup). Pho Bo is beef broth and that is made by the stewing of a cow bones in a large pot for quite some time. Pho Ga is very similar to Pho Bo. Instead of beef broth is made of chicken broth and that is made from stewing chicken. The noodle itself is made from varieties of rice. However, the ingredients and toppings may vary a slight bit in the North and the South. And that is topped with numerous herbs like: lime, bean sprout, mint leaves, basil green onions, and several other vegetables or fruit. This dish is absolutely refreshing and warming for the soul. With the brutal cold, pho was home of the North. Pho is normally eaten for breakfast, but many of people eat at lunch, or even dinner. The spiciest food is Central Vietnam. Here, everything consists of abundant spices like chili pepper and color food. The food here is hotter and spicier. Spring rolls and Bun Bo Hue are commonly eaten. A spring roll contains fresh meat or Get more content on
  • 3. Family Food Traditions Family Food Traditions Eating brings people closer together everyday, and for everyone, there are important memories that have been created because of food. Whether it's a formal dinner, or an informal picnic, there will always be special bonds between people because food was involved. We need to have traditions with food because they form and strengthen the bonds between us. There are holidays in every culture where the food is the focal point. For example, the most important tradition involving food in the U.S. is Thanksgiving. According to a 2015 poll, 95% of people in the U.S. spend Thanksgiving with their families."Thanksgiving by the Numbers." Fox Business, Fox Business, 23 Nov. 2016. This is because people in the U.S. grew up making memories with their families, and they want to make more memories with their children. These traditions are important to people because they make them nostalgic, so it's necessary for people to take a break and spend time with their families. To relate the topic of nostalgia with food to my life, I recall a cherished memory I have about making enchiladas with my grandma when I was nine. My mom's father is hispanic, but her mother is not, so she learned how to make hispanic food just for him. I have always admired this, because she learned how to do this just to make my grandpa happy. She made us many hispanic dishes, but my favorite is still her enchiladas. I still remember the smell of the chicken and beef that my grandma had prepared Get more content on
  • 4. Food Culture Essay Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us, it keep us alive and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined as any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel hungry, they eat. However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher standard on choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be divided into two main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values) and external factors (geographical, religion, social, economic and political). more content... Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them warm. In the northern part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern part of China. This is because eating spicy food will keep people warm. In costal region, there is more seafood than the inland region. The reason is because it is easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the inland region. Japan is an island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in Japan. Some locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate advantage in growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine. Religion is another external factors influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat. Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance Of Food Culture Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at their food culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we are. From a young child to an adult most people have developed their food culture by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food culture is different for every ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone important to me and hands down her food culture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is based off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a popular dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis' culture, although the dishes are familiar the preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for holidays and special events, but they are called "Nacatamal." Nacatamals have the Get more content on
  • 6. Korean Food 1. Synopsis There are many kinds of Korean food in the world. The purpose of this report is that introduces Korean cuisine, the history and current tendency of Korean food. This information is derived from the writer's experience, reference books and on the Internet website. 2. Table of contents 1.Synopsis1 2.Table of contents2 3.Introduction3 4.Procedure:3 4.1What is Korean cuisine?3 4.2History of Korean cuisine3 4.2.1Late in the Neolithic age3 4.2.2Three Kingdoms period ~ Goryeo dynasty (668 AD ~ 1392 AD)3 4.2.3Joseon dynasty (1392 AD ~ 1897 AD)3 4.2.420th century ~ Current period4 5Foodstuff4 5.1Beef4 5.1.1Bulgogi (Grilled Marinated Beef)4 5.1.2Galbi (Grilled Beef Short Ribs)5 more content... Bulgogi is traditionally grilled (Grilled Marinated Beef, n.d.). 5.1.2Galbi (Grilled Beef Short Ribs) Galbi is made from beef short ribs. The ribs are marinated in a sauce made from Asian pear juice, rice wine, soy sauce, garlic, sesame seed oil and sugar. The meat is often cut in thin slices across the bones. This makes eating the galbi with chopsticks or with fingers easier ("Grilled Beef", n.d.). 5.2Pork Pork is the most consumed meat in Korea. It is cheaper than other meats. Pork should be got well done because it has a parasite. There are two well known Korean pork dishes that are 'Daeji bulgogi' and 'Daeji galbi'. 5.2.1Daeji Bulgogi (Spicy Marinated Pork) Daeji Bulgogi is made from thin sliced pork loin. The meat is marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, sugar, ginger roots, rice wine and 'Kochujang' which is Korean chilli pepper paste. It is marinated for 30–60 minutes to bring out the depth and intensity of flavours (Spicy Marinated Pork, n.d.). 5.2.2Daeji Galbi (Grilled Pork Ribs) Daeji galbi is much close to barbecue and the ribs are crisply grilled to perfection with its tenderloins and bones still attached.
  • 7. 5.3Chicken Chicken is cooked by many recipes such as fry, roast and boil. There are two spicy Korean chicken dishes which are 'Dakdoritang' and 'Dakgalbi'. 5.3.1Dakdoritang (Spicy Braised Chicken with Potatoes) Chicken pieces are simmered in a base soup where the meat tends to fall off the Get more content on
  • 8. Why are traditional foods important? Due to the fast food culture people have forgotten/don't know what the traditional food in their country is. Cooking at home has reduced and people prefer going out to eat or order in. For me, traditional food brings out a sense of comfort and belonging. It brings family and friends together and helps us reconnect with one another. The recipes that have been passed on by my families offer a chance to say thank you for the contribution that someone has made. It helps in creating lasting memories for our families and families. India is a country of rich culture where people of more than one religious culture lives together. When I hear the word mango, it takes me back to my childhood. It was the waiting more content... Its smell is its most distinguishing feature, the colour of the pulp resembling saffron, the spice it is named after. The skin is greener than most other mangoes. Kesar mangoes are used primarily to make aamras in Gujarat. Totapuri – These mangoes are the easiest to identify, due to the shape with the tip looking like a parrot's beak. The flesh is not sweet like the other mango varieties but is great for salads or with a tempering of salt and chillies because of its tangy taste and chewy texture.' The above mentioned mangoes are a few mangoes that can be used raw in salads, chopped into desserts, pureed into beverages like smoothies and mango lassi and even pickled into the quintessential aam ka achaar or shredded mango murabba. Mango mousse, mango cheesecake, mango flan are all Western innovations which became possible when India started exporting mango pulp to America in tins. Chefs combine mango with grilled salmon and braised chicken as well. 'With its perfect combination of sweet and sour, mango complements the rich taste of creamy cheeses, balances the heat of smoky dishes, and intensifies the flavours of other tropical fruits. This versatile fruit pairs well with apple, berries, caramel, citrus, coconut, melon, vanilla, and Get more content on
  • 9. The versatility of food and various recipes provides millions of different tastes for everyone to try and enjoy. The duality of food can be presented as the embodiment of tradition and as an avenue of modernity. While specific dishes may use the same or similar ingredients, based on how the food is presented can reveal how the dish is embodied. Food can be represented as an embodiment of tradition, whether it is referring to dishes which have been passed down through generations, or whether it is a key dish consumed by a civilization or within a culture. A common and familiar traditional food can be a passed down recipe for homemade chicken noodle soup, which is often prepared by the family's mother or grandmother. This dish is often eaten when sick, as the warm and hearty soup can easily warm up the cold. In Korea, an example of a traditional dish would be nurungi, or scorched rice. This simple dish can be eaten as a crispy snack, steeped in hot water, or boiled in water to make porridge. This traditional dish is considered as a remedy to soothe indigestion or an upset stomach. Although traditional dishes are classified as different from one culture to another, these dishes can convey similar messages to the consumer, as feelings and emotions of familiarity, comfort, and warmness. In the Japanese obento boxes, it is "Intended to ease a child's discomfiture and to allow a child's mother to manufacture something of herself and the home to accompany the child as she/he Get more content on
  • 10. Native American Food Culture Essay There is an evident difference in a variety of cultures and traditions throughout the world. According to Dr. Lucy Long, food culture "refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well as the networks and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. It encompasses the concepts of foodways, cuisine, and food system and includes the fundamental understandings a group has about food, historical and current conditions shaping that group's relationship to food, and the ways in which the group uses food to express identity, community, values, status, power, artistry, and creativity." (Dr. Lucy Long, Four cultures and foods related to heath and obesity that are very different are the Chinese, more content... The main factor of not being able to consume more fruits regularly is the cost, availability, and the quality of the products. The rates of obesity and overweight individuals has increased and become more common amidst Native Americans. Along with overweight and obesity issues among Native Americans, is a high prevalence of eating disorders among adolescent Native Americans. A major concern that often coincides or results from obesity is type 2 Diabetes. Part of the cause for higher rates of type 2 Diabetes is the overconsumption of non indigenous proteins such as beef and chicken along with consuming less native foods. Native Americans are two to four times more likely to develop type 2 Diabetes than the general United States population and Alaskan natives and American Indians have the highest rates of type 2 Diabetes than any other ethnic or racial group in the United States. As a result of the high prevalence of obesity and type 2 Diabetes among Native Americans, death rates are three times as high for the Native American population. The ending issue that results from type 2 Diabetes and obesity, is cardiovascular Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Narrative: Food Traditions Guacamole When my brothers and I were younger, noodles and cottage cheese were a staple food for us. My mom says that they're a classic in every Jewish household, but she might remember it that way because cottage cheese is another food group for my Bubbie. There's no telling how much my mom and her siblings must have ate it. But it started a family food tradition, one that my mother put a healthy twist on, as usual: one day, she served the dish with chunks of avocado. I remember my twin brother, Jordan, bringing the bowl right in front of his face and chowing down on the new variation of the dish, unfazed for once to try this new thing. "What's that green stuff?" I asked my mom as she piled some noodles onto my dad's plate. I tried a piece of the mysterious substance, skewering it on my fork, and recoiling at the creamy, earthy taste. It was too fatty, strangely nutty, and most of all, too green. "It' more content... We were in Mexico, after all. Could the local fare be that bad? The truth is, no. But it wasn't the meal of a lifetime, either. The highlight of the meal was the guacamole, the dish that completely changed my perspective on avocados and started my long–standing love affair with the fruit. When the waiter brought the complimentary dip to our brightly decorated table, I was skeptical at first, not knowing what it was. "Come on, try some," my dad beckoned. "We might be filling up on it if the rest of the food is bad," I rolled my eyes. "That's what you told us last night, only with the breadsticks at La Cucina," "Look, all we've been eating on this trip is chicken and pasta, exactly what we have at home almost every night. Don't you want to try something new and authentic?" "Fine," I sighed, dipping a tortilla chip in the Get more content on
  • 12. Benefits Of Traditional Food Products While the country scores high marks from the World Bank Doing Business Report in enforcing contracts, it ranks poorly in providing attractive conditions to start a business and protecting investors. When talking about functional food products it is noticed that they are much less common in China than in Western Europe and North America and the Chinese organic market is still in its infancy. However, although still timid, organic and functional foods are starting to be present in supermarkets and other caterings in China. Growing increasingly distrustful of local food sources, many people are turning to organics and/or imported food items, which are perceived to be safer. Lesser trends have also developed, including urban farming and dining out less frequently due to recent food scares. Despite there being opportunity in China, we still don't recommend Eurochoice to enter the Chinese market at the moment for a few reasons. First of all, there is already a huge variety of different goods on the market. Secondly, local people prefer traditional medicine to the healthy import foods, and in the end, Chinese economy is unstable right now, and it is risky for an unknown company to launch a new product for a specific segment of consumers. But if the company is ready to take a risk, we have a few recommendations for launching and branding nutrition products in China. First of all, as our research shows, if it is necessary, the company might be prepared to alter the products Get more content on
  • 13. Indian Food Indian Food The traditional food of India has been widely appreciated for its fabulous use of herbs and spices. Indian cuisine is known for its large assortment of dishes. The cooking style varies from region to region. India is quite famous for its diverse multi cuisine available in a large number of restaurants and hotel resorts, which is reminiscent of unity in diversity. The staple food in India includes wheat, rice and pulses with chana (Bengal Gram) being the most important one. To know more about the Indian traditional food, read on. Indian cuisine is characterized by the use of various spices, herbs and other vegetables, and sometimes fruits grown in India and also for the widespread practice of vegetarianism in Indian more content... The bhaaji is served in the plate on the right hand side while the chutney, koshimbir are served from left going up the periphery of the circular plate. The papad, bhaji are served below the koshimbir with the rice and poli served at the bottom of the circle closed to the diner's hand. The puran is served at the top in the inner concentric circle. The amti, rassa is served in separate bowls placed on right hand side of the diner. Water is placed on the left hand side. It is considered ill mannered to use left hand while eating Gujarati Food The traditional Gujarati food is primarily vegetarian and has a high nutritional value. The typical Gujarati thali consists of varied kinds of lip smacking dishes. Gujarati cuisine has so much to offer and each dish has an absolutely different cooking style. Some of the dishes are stir fry, while others are boiled. Gujarati food is more often served on a silver platter. Gujaratis use a combination of different spices and flavors to cook their meals and this is what makes their food truly exotic. The traditional Gujarati thali mostly encompasses rotli, dal or kadhi, sabzi also known as shaak and rice. People in Gujarat eat one or the other type of curry along with rice and roti in almost every meal Gujarati dishes usually have a very subtle taste that makes it truly distinct from other Indian cuisines. Lot of emphasis is laid on maintaining hygiene while cooking. Most of the Gujarati Get more content on
  • 14. Mexican Culture And Traditional Food Habits Introduction The United States has become such a culturally rich country in the last century. (STATS ON HOW DIVERSE THE US HAS BECOME). Mexicans make up 14.5% of the total U.S population. (Ohio State University)The reason I choose Mexican ethnicity is because it's the largest minority group there is in the United States, yet I don't know much about their culture. Traditional food habits In the culture, there is a big influence in their food that goes back centuries their indigenous Indian background. The core foods that are present in Mexican culture are corn and corn products. Every region in Mexico has a specialty that that region is known for. The food preparation in the Mexican culture uses many different spices. Mexican cuisine can many times be very spicy. There are 90 varieties of chilies that vary from very spicy to mild, which are traditionally incorporated into many recipes including desserts. Many dishes are rich in tomatoes sauces and it 's very common to have a lot of food fried.(Ohio reports) Customarily Mexicans have four to five meals a day but when living in the United States have changed to 3 meals a day. Every meal has carbohydrate, many times corn tortillas, a protein that may come from an animal source as well as beans, and lastly fat. The fat that many times is used can come from the fat that is used to fry or that is used in the cooking. The economic income has a big impact on the way a family plans their meals. A higher income family will have Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection About Food And Culture There are many types of food in the world and each food represents many elements, such as: meaning; uniqueness; special ingredients; etc. People usually create the food for celebrating things and so people make food as a symbol full of meaning and hopes. Each culture uses origin ingredients that would make food become unique. It also gives different intercultural food. Food also represents the culture in which food was created. So it is important to appreciate the traditional food as a form of appreciation towards the world cultural heritage. However, we as the young generation is currently facing globalisation where we get to taste other countries food or dish. Most of us, making a first impression about how is the traditional food taste or how it was made. people still compare between two foods based on its taste. In some case, many people as a guest house sometimes reject traditional food that is provided by owner because it looks bad or it tastes bad. Indirectly, we despise their culture. We as humans often confess that we are persons who being upheld the other cultures, whether it be from Indonesia itself or from outside more content... In this year, the theme is "Food and Culture." I intend to register for selection. Personally, I have many insights about culture, especially Indonesia culture, which I also learned about it. Based on my experience, I joined javanese traditional dance course at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) for five years (2009–2014). There, I learned not just about dance, but also about the clothes; food; manners; and traditional ceremonies. Also, I met many friends from different cultural dance courses. We shared many things about our origin culture. From there, my knowledge about cultures in Indonesia became plentiful and complex. Each culture has many aspects that interrelated and inseparable, and that's what creates the uniqueness of its Get more content on
  • 16. My Favorite Experience Of Eating Food As a foodie, eating foods is my favorite thing and I also find my speciality in eating, that is tasting food and know the condiment in every dishes. When I was a child, I usually go to kitchen to see adults cooking. My intention is not to learn how to cook, but to know where the dishes that I felt very delicious from out of curiosity. As time passed, I knew the recipe of every dishes that I like gradually and learned how to improve it taste. I born at a country that have many delicious foods and the cuisine like to use many kinds of condiments. Through the process of knowing the recipe of cuisine, I also learned many condiments and their use. I didn't know I can have the skill that I can know what condiments put in dishes until I was in middle school. Once a time, I taste a food that cooked by an aunt, then I asked her if this dish used some sugar and Thirteen Spice (a spice that produced at China) and cooked by olive oil rather than sesame oil. The aunt is very surprised that I got the whole right condiments. She praised me a lot and said I had this skill that other people don't have. After that, I begin to notice my gustation and form a habit that Before I eat each dish, I have to try and guess what kind of seasoning is in it. Until now, I still keep this habit. The process of tasting is happy for me, I enjoy the feeling that food melt in my mouse and the flavour disperse gradually. But it also exists some problems, I have the keen taste sense and smell over the average, Get more content on
  • 17. My Family Traditions My family has a lot of different traditions, but one stands out more than the others. The holiday I am talking about is Christmas. My family has always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. We start the celebration by going to our church's Christmas Eve service. During this service, we sing Christmas songs and watch a video of the first Christmas. After the service, all my family goes to my grandparents' house to open presents and have supper. The meal is different than most Christmas meals. All of my family members bring an appetizer instead of bringing a main dish. One of my cousins is Haitian and one of uncles is Italian, so we have a lot of different cultures represented. My favorite is my uncle's meatballs. Once we eat we have two different places to sit. One is called the kids' room and the other is the adult room. You are supposed to sit at the kids' table if you are not married. Once we have finished eating we all head to the living room to open presents. Before we open presents, one of my younger cousins reads a Christmas poem. A different cousin reads the story every year. When it is finally time to open presents, we always open them one person at a time and always go from youngest to oldest. We go one at a time because my grandma likes to see what everyone got. Once everyone has opened their presents, my grandma tries to recruit some people to play bingo. She likes being the person who calls out the numbers because that's what her mom always did. We have been doing all of these things for as long as I can remember. My dad says they have been doing things this way for the last 40 years. My grandma is the main person that has been carrying on these traditions. I would say my grandmother is the glue to our family so everyone follows her lead. I think that my other family members are so used to doing these things that they will continue to do them in the future. I would say I am a participant in this tradition. I am one of the younger grandchildren, so I do not say much or try to change anything. If I did offer a new idea, I do think my grandma would consider it. My whole family takes part in this tradition. I have six aunts and uncles and twelve cousins, so my family is pretty big. Everyone Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about The Culture of African Cuisine The forest not only hides man's enemies but it's full of man's medicine, healing power and food. ~African Proverb. Africa is a continent that is rich and diverse in terms of culture and traditions. The continent is also considered to be the agricultural hub in the world. Due to this, most of African culture is ultimately intertwined with the foodstuffs that the land has to offer. In general, most of the inhabitants of Africa live within the rural areas and rely on subsistent farming to meet their day to day food needs. Fast food restaurants and supermarkets where processed and packaged food is sold are usually frowned upon and considered a waste of money and resources (AIG, 2011). CHARACTERISTICS OF AFRICAN FOOD African foods more content... Beans, cassava, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes and sweet potatoes thus were introduced to Africa as a direct cause of the European exploring of the American continent. Asian seasonings like pepper, cinnamon, clove, curry and nutmeg were introduced as well. More often than not, the ingredients used to prepare an African dish are fresh, very cheap and easily used to make a quick meal. Common vegetables include kale, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, avocados and other leafy greens, while beef and goat meat are the common meats served in an African meal. Fish, chicken, and mutton are also available but are more expensive (AIG, 2011). Meat is often used merely as one of a number of flavorings, rather than as a main ingredient in cooking. Tropical fruits such as mangoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, papaws, and pears are cheap, plentiful and popular among the people of Africa, because they are not available all year round and are dictated by seasons. Other ingredients used in typical dishes include rice, corn meal or maize, wheat and millet flour. Yams, plantains, green bananas and cassava are the essential staples in Africa. These vegetables are grown and used all over the continent, either on their own or combined with others. Cassava is an important source of dietary carbohydrates in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, with its roots providing food for over 500 million Get more content on
  • 19. traditional and modern food systems Development Policy Review, 2006, 24 (1): 31–49 Traditional vs. Modern Food Systems? Insights from Vegetable Supply Chains to Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Jean–Joseph Cadilhon, Paule Moustier, Nigel D. Poole, Phan Thi Giac Tam and Andrew P. Fearneв€ — This article describes the development of vegetable marketing in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), where modern distribution outlets are competing fiercely with traditional traders for wholesale and retail customers. Data from interviews with supply chain stakeholders and a survey of vegetable wholesalers have been used to compare the performance of modern and traditional chains, and the findings reveal the chains as segmented in their product focus, the modern sector focusing more content... Section 3 details the methodology and the performance indicators chosen. Section 4 presents the structure of the fresh vegetable marketing system in HCM City and the relative market share of competing vegetable distribution channels. Section 5 compares the performance of traditional and modern supply chains, and the final section discusses the implications of the research findings for development policy. 2 Literature review 2.1 The rise of supermarkets in developing country food marketing systems Food marketing research in developing countries has shifted in recent years from a bias towards the export function in favour of research into local markets and the increasing market share of modern distribution outlets (Balsevich et al., 2003). Indeed, supermarkets are becoming dominant outlets for local fresh produce compared with export markets (Neven and Reardon, 2004; Reardon and BerdeguГ©, 2002). Furthermore, supermarkets in developing countries engage in relationship marketing and set up dedicated supply chains with secondary wholesalers or farmers, as opposed to relying on traditional adversarial relationships in spot markets. This emphasis on slim margins and high quality has created new opportunities as well as new challenges for farmers and other fresh produce suppliers (Cacho, 2003). The supermarket focus on quality is particularly noticeable to consumers in country contexts where official quality standards are low, not Get more content on
  • 20. Chinese Cuisine Chinese Cuisine – The Food of China China's food is very unique and traditional. Grains are the main food in China. Rice is the favorite grain among the people in the South. In the north, people prefer wheat, which they make in to bread and noodles. Corn millet, and sorghum are also eaten. Vegetables, especially cabbage and Tofu rank second in Chinese diet. Roasted sweet potatoes are a popular snack eaten by the Chinese. Pork and poultry are the favorite meats in China. The people also like eggs, fish, fruit, and shellfish. Chop Suey originated in China. Chop sticks and soup spoons are served as the only utensils at a Chinese meal. Tea is the traditional Chinese beverage. Ice–cream has gained popularity in China. more content... Food in China is mostly stir–fried rapidly in oil at a very high temperature. Fujian Cuisine is famous for delicately cooked fish and crabs for soups and for flavorings such as soy–sauce. Breakfast in China may be rice porridge, chicken noodle soup, or deep fried pastries that taste like donuts. In China the people's favorite lunch time foods include eggrolls, and dumplings filled with meat or shrimp. A typical Chinese dinner includes vegetables with bits of meat or seafood, soup, and rice and noodles. A Chinese cuisine has definite rules for the appropriate combining of the ingredients into dishes, and dishes in to an appropriate meal. A typical home meal for no special purpose might include boiled rice, soup, steamed fish, and stir–fried pork with vegitables. Each dish is in a separate category. 1. The cooking method 2. Appearance 3. Texture. Main ingredients are all different. Asian individual dishes, flavors, textures and ingredients should complement and harmonize each other, rather than being the same. Food must strike attention in good cuisine cooking. Chef Martin Yan is the best of Asian Chefs. He has his own TV show called "Yan Can Cook" which now airs in 70 countries for the past 19 years. He recently took a trip to Boston to have a cooking duel with a French chef named Jacky Robert. In Boston Yan turned similar sets of ingredients into Get more content on