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Tourism and Hospitality Business
| Destination and Sector Report – Spain | An insight into Spain as a tourism destination: Will it be
one of the most sought after destinations in the near future? – An analysis and feasibility study | |
Raaghav Murugappan | Due Date – 18/11/2012 | ID Number – 000001185 Course – Hospitality and
Tourism Business Course Code – BUSS101 Lecturer – Mr. Christopher Simon Dutt | Table of
Contents Executive Summary ii 1. History of Hospitality and Tourism Sectors in Spain iii 2. Travel
and Tourism Sector – The 4 A's of Tourism iv 2.1 Accommodation in Spain v 2.2 Attractions in
Spain v 2.3 Accessibility in Spain vi 2.4 Amenities in Spain vii 3. The Restaurant Sector in Spain vii
4. Hotels in Spain viii 5. Clubs and MICE ... Show more content on ...
There are different types of lodgings to cater to the different tourist groups. These range from youth
hostels to boutique hotels and high–end hotels, with numerous options in between as well. The most
sought after lodgings among these are the 'Paradors', which are usually hotels run by the government
and some of which are at the higher end of the spectrum when it comes down to pricing. These
'Paradors' are usually located in heritage sites or historic buildings and give visitors an authentic feel
during their stay. Most of these are fairly reasonable in terms of pricing taking into account the high
quality amenities and facilities that they have to offer. Some of these 'Paradors' also have a
restaurant that serves regional and traditional cuisine and delicacies. There are about 90 of these
'Paradors' in Spain and together they offer a total of more than 10000 rooms. Apart from these,
Spain also offers campsites, tourist apartments for those who want to stay for a longer duration of
time, guest houses, accommodation in rural areas such as country houses and also distinctive
accommodation facilities which have an element of tradition associated with them and these are
mostly found in the rural areas and are refurbished buildings. Examples of such accommodations are
the 'Pazos' in Galicia which
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Did Jacques-Louis David Painted Napoleon Bonaparte
The first time Jacques–Louis David painted Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798, he was transfixed.
Bonaparte sat for a three hour session for David but he was never able to come back to finish the
bust David had planned (Hanley). Bonaparte left with an unfinished portrait but gained a major
supporter for his reign. David was so captivated by the future emperor that he was even quoted in
calling Napoleon his hero. "At last my friends, this is a man to whom one would have raised altars
in antiquity; yes, my friends ... Bonaparte is my hero!" (Hanley). David had painted under two other
political regimes and had finally felt he had found the solution to all of France's problems. David
was influenced by Bonaparte while he was finishing The Intervention of the Sabine Women ... Show
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It looks almost as if the horse could rear too much back and topple over with Bonaparte on its back
but the viewer isn't concerned because Napoleon is not concerned. There is a feeling as though the
wind would not allow that to happen. With Napoleon's red cloak blowing in the strong wind, it is
like a godly force is thrusting him forward. Napoleon is also pointing onward in the image but also
pointing up to the sky. Napoleon looks holy and utterly confident. On the left side of the painting,
Jacques–Louis David wrote in Hannibal and Karolus Magnus, Latin for Charles the Great, also
known as Charlemagne on the rocks by Bonaparte's horses hooves (Lacaille). The men were two
great leaders who had crossed the alps before Napoleon. David wrote Bonaparte's name higher and
bolder than the other two to suggest a sense of superiority. "David seems to suggest that this man,
whose achievements will be celebrated for centuries to come, can do just about anything" (Pollitt).
One year after the painting was finished, Napoleon Bonaparte was elected consul for life, and just
two years later, he was proclaimed emperor of France in
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Iwc1 Literature, Arts and Humanities Essay
IWC1 Test
1.02 Module Pre–Test
Question 1: Multiple Choice
The historical revival of Classical culture began during the: a) Middle Ages b) Renaissance c)
Baroque Era d) Romantic Era
Feedback: The correct answer is b. The historical revival of Classical culture began during the
Question 2: Multiple Choice
Which of the following was a key feature of ancient Chinese humanism? a) An emphasis on
theoretical philosophy. b) A subordination of intellectual life to religious faith. c) An elevation of
intellectual life over religious faith. d) An establishment of a monastic upper class.
Feedback: The correct answer is c. Chinese humanism elevated intellectual life over religious faith.
Question 3: Multiple ... Show more content on ...
Question 3: Multiple Choice
Which of the following American poets helped establish "jazz poetry"? a) Robert Frost b) Rita Dove
c) Maya Angelou d) Langston Hughes
Feedback: The correct answer is d. Langston Hughes helped establish "jazz poetry."
Question 4: Multiple Choice
Which of the following is a primary color? a) yellow b) green c) orange d) purple
Feedback: The correct answer is a. Yellow is a primary color.
Question 5: Multiple Choice
A watercolor painting to which an opaque white has been added is called a ________________. a)
fresco b) tempera c) gouache d) acrylic
Feedback: The correct answer is c. A gouache is a watercolor painting to which an opaque white has
been added.
Question 6: Multiple Choice
Which of the following artistic disciplines fostered Pictorialism? a) Painting b) Printmaking c)
Photography d) Landscape
Feedback: The correct answer is c. Photography fostered Pictoralism, a movement which used soft
focus, special filters and other effects to attempt to match painting and printmaking.
Question 7: Multiple Choice
What is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms, etc) on either side of a central axis? a)
Balance b) Symmetry c) Asymmetry d) Focal area
Feedback: The correct answer is b. Symmetry is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms,
etc) on either side of a (usually imaginary) straight–lined central axis.
Question 8: Multiple Choice
What is a type of kinetic
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Muslim Spain (711-1492)
Over a thousand years ago, Europe experienced one of its greatest periods of cultural
enlightenment.Islam in Spain has had a fundamental presence in the culture and history of the
nation. The religion was present inmodern Spanish soil from 711 until 1492 under the rule of the
Arabs and Moors of al–Andalus.Islamic Spain was a multi–cultural mix of the people of three great
monotheistic religions: Muslims,Christians, and Jews.For more than three centuries in Medieval
Spain, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together and prospered in a thriving multicultural
civilization. Here, remarkable individuals of different faiths made lasting contributions in such areas
as poetry, art, architecture, music, dining etiquette, science, agriculture, ... Show more content on ...
Tariq ibn Ziyad crossed the Straight of 'Gibraltar' at first with the sole intention of avenging king
Roderic for the crime he committed. However, because of the weakness of the kingdom due to civil
war, Tariq opted to continue his occupation of Roderic's entire empire. Another theory for the
occupation by the Arab Muslims of Spain is that because of their persecution, the Jews called upon
their contacts in North Africa, who in turn encouraged the able Arabs to capture Spain. This allowed
the Almoravids and the Almohads to establish themselves in Spain.Nevertheless, without a doubt,
the Jews supported and welcomed Muslims in Spain because they were great beneficiaries under
Muslim rule. Rule The majority of the Army as well as commander Tariq himself were not Arab but
Islamic Berbers, and in timeIslamic migrants from places as diverse as North Africa to Yemen and
Syria came to live in the Iberian peninsula.The Islamic rulers called the Iberian peninsula "Al–
Andalus", which some say means "Paradise." That was the rootfor the name of the present–day
region of Andalusia, the southernmost region of Spain. For a time, the area that is today Spain and
Portugal was one of the great Muslim civilizations, reaching its summitwith the Umayyad Caliphate
in the 10th century.Muslim Spain was not a single period, but a succession of different rules.
Muslim Spain had the following chronological phases: The Emirate
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Catal Hyuk
CHAPTER ONE: Before History IDENTITIES: Complex Society Paleolithic Venus Figurines
Metallurgy Social Class/Social Structure Lucy Neolithic Lascaux Cave Paintings Neolithic
Revolution Agricultural Revolution MAP: Olduvai Gorge Neander Valley Catal Huyluk Lascaux
CHAPTER TWO: Early Societies in SW Asia and Indo–European Migrations IDENTITIES: The
Epic of Gilgamesh Sargon of Akkad Hammurabi's Codes/Laws Stele Assyrians Economic
Specialization Stratified Patriarchal Society Elite, Commoner, Dependent, Slave Cuneiform Moses
Polytheism Cross–Cultural Interaction Cross–Cultural Exchange Semitic City–state Hammurabi
Indo–Europeans ... Show more content on ...
Augustine Constantine Visigoths Huns 476 ce Bishop of Rome CHAPTER 12: Cross–Cultural
Exchange on the Silk Road IDENTITIES: Monsoon Winds Taklamakan Desrt Missionaries
Epidemics Expatriate Merchants Bubonic Plague Bishop of Rome 476 ce Nestorians
Syncretic/syncretism Small Pox St. Augustine Manicheaism MAP: Kush Himalaya Mountains
Taklamakan Desert Taxila Persian Gulf Arabia Tyre Red Sea South China Sea Ceylon Bactria
Chang'an Hindu Kush Mountains Madagascar Kashgar Caspian Sea Palmyra Antioch Arabian Sea
Damasacus Guandzhou Pondicherry Samarkand Sumatra Java Parthia CHAPTER 13: The
Commonwealth of Byzantium IDENTITIES: Byzantine Commonwealth Caesaropapism Corpus
iuris civilis "Greek Fire" Schism Saint Cyril and Methodius Sasanids Hagia Sophia Theme System
Iconoclasm Fourth Crusade MAPS: Balkan Peninsula Egypt Constantinople Alexandria Kiev
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Conte Poem Analysis Essay
Lenae Gomez
ENG 110.3
Professor Unger
February 11, 2013
Au Contraire In "Conte" by Marilyn Hacker, Cinderella shows the reader a glimpse of her life after
the childhood tale ends, a less happier ending than the original story implies. She feels trapped in a
constant state of misery and boredom in the royal palace. Without life experience guiding her,
Cinderella is in a dilemma caused by her ignorance of the potential consequences of her actions.
With the use of irony, structure, and diction, "Conte" shows how innocence and naïveté result in
regrettable mistakes that create life experience. The poem deviates from the basic fairy tale through
the use of ironic predicaments. Cinderella makes a bold statement from the beginning: ... Show
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The poem is in free verse with no meter and consists of twenty–eight lines in one big stanza. The
poem has all the elements of a letter with the most conclusive evidence being at the end of the
poem: "Yours, C" (28). A letter is a personal form of writing and gives the reader an inside
perspective into Cinderella's palace life. Most of the sentences are declarative sentences, making the
exceptions more obvious in the poem. One of the exceptions is found on lines 17 and 18, where the
sentence ends in an exclamation point: "Why not throw it all up, live on the coast / and fish, no, no,
impossible with wives!" The exclamation point emphasizes the idea that she feels trapped in her
situation as a wife. She wants to find a way out of her misery. On lines 20 and 21 there is a question
mark on each line: "or cut my hair, teach (what?) little girls / and live at home with you?" Cinderella
reiterates that her options are limited because of her minimal experience in the world. "Conte" uses a
couple parentheses within mid–sentence. Cinderella uses the parentheses to convey deeper
explanation of her thoughts. For example, Cinderella writes, "Ladies / ignore me, or tell me all their
petty secrets / (petty because they can't attend meetings) / about this man or that" (4–7). She does
not censor her meaning of petty. Her true feelings show in the letter and validate the rough situation
that Cinderella is stuck in. At the end, Cinderella asks her
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Maxon Breaking America Essay
Despite Aspen breaking America's heart before the selection, things get worse much worse for her,
she gets selected. " I whipped my head back around, and there is it was. The picture of me just after
I found out Aspen was saving up to marry me, I looked radiant, hopeful, beautiful. I looked like I
was in love, And some idiot thought that love was for Prince Maxon."(Cass,2012,56) Honestly ,
America couldn't even imagine being in the same room as Prince Maxon , or even being the next
daughter of Illea. Also Apsen was considering to marry America and he was the one who told her to
enter. What teenage girl wouldn't be confused and terrified? Especially since it's a competition for a
crown and love she doesn't want to be a part of. America has her many bold opinions about the
Selection. On the day of coming to the castle America made a bold choice by ... Show more content
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During the whole story, it talks about how the girls in the Selection face suspense because they aren't
sure what will happen next , or who Maxon is leaning towards. After the girls made a conclusion on
where they stand in the Selection, it impacts another suspenseful moment. Who will get kicked out
next? In the perspective of a reader reading this book this is seen as a cause and effect situation . For
example, for every girl that is eliminated from the Selection must have done something to provoke
Prince Maxon. That leads to the remaining of the girls and on pins and needles so they won't be next
ones eliminated. To introduce the characters, Kiera Cass shows that the readers could know more
about each character without having them fully introduced. For instance, a good example would be
how people can easily tell the personality of Celeste because of what America and the other girls
have said behind her back. But truly the author was giving more information about the personalities
the different girls have in a silent but directed
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Not a lot went on during the Spanish Renaissance but if...
Not a lot went on during the Spanish Renaissance but if something happened it would probably
would have had something to do with theater. The Spanish Renaissance was also known as the
golden–age or in other words a time of great happiness. Spanish Renaissance is defined by very few
historical events, theater, and the play La Vida Es Sueño. During the Spanish Renaissance "Madrid
was a relatively sleepy, provincial town perched high on a central plain of Spain in 1561"
("Renaissance"). In 1561 Madrid became the center of the royal government ("Renaissance"). After
Madrid became the center of government it also became the home of the most vigorous theater life
by 1600 ("theater"). Spain was slowly improving piece by piece. Although it ... Show more content
on ...
The average Madrid Theater could hold about 2,000 people until 1620 when an enormous
auditorium about a third of the theater in London gave Madrid about 130,000 inhabitants
("Renaissance"). The plays would start at different times according to season. In the summer they
started at 4p.m. and in the winter they showed around 2p.m. due to limited sunlight ("Renaissance").
A popular theater was the Corral de la Cruz (Brockett 200). Sacramental plays aimed to teach the
tenets of Counter– Reformation Catholicism and secular drama was undergoing a dramatic
expansion during the Golden–Age ("Theater"). By the 1650's the payment for the major playwrights
had increased to about 800 reals (Brockett 198). Some of the popular actors included Damien Arias
de Penafiel, Cosme Perez, and Jusepa Vaca (Brockett 199). The Spanish Renaissance was also
defined by many plays and play writes. One of the major play writes is Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
He was born on January 17, 1600 in Madrid (Pedro). He was born into minor nobility of Madrid and
received an early education from the Jesuits ("Theater"). Calderón intended to become a lawyer, but
he eventually turned to writing play while serving the constable of Castile in his 20's ("Theater").
Some of Pedros major works are El Medico de su Honra, La Vida es Sueño, El Alcalde de Zalamea,
and La Hija del Aire (Pedro). Calderón also wrote operas and plays with religious and mythological
themes (Pedro). The majority
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I Never Knew What 9 / 11 Essay
I never knew what 9/11 was up until the middle of the first semester of my 6th grade year. A teacher
of mine, whom I no longer remember the subject he taught, briefly mentioned the attack on the
World Trade Center's twin towers by a pair of hijacked passenger airplanes. In the page we were on
of our textbook, I saw a still frame image taken from a video that captured the North Tower standing
perfectly fine seconds before it is slammed by Flight 11 that Tuesday morning. Unlike most people
that have seen a mainstream picture of the second tower being hit, this was my first visual
interpretation of the attacks; however, I would only put this in the back of my head as I left that
classroom, probably excited to go home and do something entertaining like using my legos to build
Over the course of the following years though, my interest in architecture grew as my family and I
lived abroad in Spain. While there some was unique European architecture I found interesting there,
such as the Eiffel Tower in France or the Royal Palace in Madrid, I still looked into American
architecture, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean; and where does one have to look for the finest
examples of it? Well, New York City for the most part.
New York City inhabits hundreds and hundreds of tall structures, but the tallest of them all back in
the day between the 30s and 80s were four: The Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and
lastly the twin towers of the World Trade Center.
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Essay On Las Meninas
Las Meninas is an old painting that Diego Velazquez made long time ago. It talk about the king's
family and maids. Las Meninas is one of the most important paintings made in the nineteenth
century. It was made using oil and canvas.
Diego Velazquez is a well–known Spanish painter born in June 6, 1599 in Seville, Spain. He was
only thirteen years old when he started drawing. He got married Juana, Pacheco's daughter 'a person
he worked with for five years' the couple had two daughters. He lived his whole life in Madrid. He
went to Italy to learn art in 1629. Then He was hired by Spain's king 'Philip IV' at age of 25 and he
became the king's favorite painter. In 1650s the king offered Velazquez the main room in his palace,
it was in the palace museum. It was offered to him to use it as his main studio where he get his
paintings done, in this studio Velazquez painted Las Meninas. He has between 110 and 120 known
canvas. Philip used to have his own chain in the studio and often sit and watch Velazquez at his
work. After a couple of years '1660AD' Diego Velazquez died. During the last couple of years, he
only painted few works after Las Meninas.
Las Meninas is 3.18 meters high and 2.76 meters wide. It was created in Spain, Madrid 1657AD, ...
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He seems to be looking to the left of his canvas as if he is looking at the model he's drawing. It
makes us wonder 'is he looking at us?', or 'where is he focusing'. What makes it look stranger, is that
Infanta is looking to same thing. So when we look deeper to the drawing we start wondering 'what is
the point of the painting? Is it to show Infanta and her maids of honor or there is a hidden idea
behind it that only the painter knows about it? We see next that the couple are reflected in the back
mirror, so they are standing in the place where everyone is looking and they are reflected in the
mirror at the same
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Rastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis
Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University
Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objective of excellence
in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland
Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi
Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi São Paulo Shanghai Taipei
Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in
certain other countries Copyright © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The ... Show more content
on ...
I grew up in Jamaica at a time when Rastas were still regarded as useless, lazy, half–insane, ganja–
smoking illiterates who were of no value to society. Teachers, students, office workers, and anyone
of social importance could not grow locks, and families would go into mourning when their sons
would start sprouting them. I heard the term "black heart man" used again and again as a means of
expressing fear or ridicule of the Rastafarian. And this was in the early 1970s–after Bob Marley's
emergence as an international viii FOREWORD star, after Selassie's arrival in Jamaica, and after
so much had been written about the importance of Rastafarianism. The problem was that Rasta was
counter to the strong Christian structure that dominated and continues to dominate Jamaican life and
was seen first as heretical and misguided before its powerful social and political ideas were fully
appreciated. Most important, however, was the Rastafarian insistence that Africa was the promised
land and that Jamaicans should look to Africa for their model of value rather than to Europe, which
was seen as foolish and a painful reminder of slavery and oppression. Rasta was an offense to those
who wanted to deny the African part of their heritage. And the truth is also that in Jamaica at that
time the privileging of lighter–skinned people was
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The Tragedy Of Tristan
The days passed slowly, each day becoming more and more unbearable. My body still felt weak,
and my ankle refused to heal, as did my heart. The wound that Tristan had left was worse than any
physical pain I could possibly imagine. I wasn't blaming myself anymore, though. Instead, I felt a
deep anger. I didn't understand how Tristan could throw away everything that we had. I finally had
everything I could ever want. A supportive man would have been thrilled, and might have offered
his assistance, but Tristan was selfish and insecure. I didn't need him. Except for the small fact that I
did need him.
I didn't think that anything could fill the vast void, until Louis invited me to that ball.
After the invitation to my very first ball, the ... Show more content on ...
It wasn't healing like the doctor said it would, and I still couldn't walk.
"How will I get downstairs? I can't go anywhere with this ankle." I was disappointed, cursing myself
for getting excited.
"That won't be any trouble. I'll carry you down."
I was startled when Louis put his arms around me and lifted my body out of the bed. I hadn't left its
embrace for a week, and being away from it was refreshing.
Louis' strong arms barely wavered as we bounced down the hallway. It felt nice to be held by him.
He was warm, and despite his strength, very comforting. The pace he walked at soothed me, and I
started to feel a little tired, but I tried to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to miss this amazing
opportunity. I was going to make my own dress!
I had seen many fabrics in my life. I used to go to the fabric shop and pick out things to make new
dresses with. The fabrics in the shop were dull, and some smelled as if they'd been worn for years
and never washed. I couldn't afford to buy the brighter colors, but I would stare at them, wishing for
even a touch of the delicate fabric.
I thought I had seen some of the world's most amazing fabrics, and when I entered the workshop, I
learned how wrong I really was.
I was surrounded by magnificent colors and textures, each fighting for my attention. I looked over to
a roll of baby blue satin, and then
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Dissecting Las Meninas
Dissecting Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez
Diego Velazquez was a master painter in the Golden Age of Spain. He combined his paintings with
sensitivity to the life he observed around him with a palette of light, color, and richness. His famous
painting Las Meninas, captured audiences thought out the ages. This painting has a lot of symbolism
and history about what was going on at the time the painting was complete.
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez was born in Seville in 1599; during this time, Seville was the
largest and riches city in Spain with the most open and cosmopolitan atmosphere in the Spanish
empire. Velazquez began his training as an artist at 10 in the workshop of Francisco Herrera the
Elder. The young Velazquez worked hard and learned a ... Show more content on ...
Velazquez moved his family and him into the palace, in his own workshop that Philip serviced.
Velazquez served the king for many years on his court, but in his last years he created his
masterpiece Las Meninas.
The Painting was executed in 1656 in Madrid and is universally known as Velazquez's masterpiece;
it was originally named El Cuadro de la Familia (The Royal Family) in 1666 but changed to Las
Meninas (The Maids of Honor) in the 19th century. The painting is 318 x 276 cm, painted on canvas
with oil paint and is on display at the Museo Nacional del Prado. The painting of the young princess
gave him the opportunity of expressing the delicate balance between the graces of a child with the
streak of melancholy. The scene takes place in Velazquez studio; in the left corner Diego Velazquez
stands back with his palate and brush in his hands, hanging around his belt in the Palace
Chamberlain's key, and he is dressed in Knights of Santiago red cross tunic. Over the years
Velazquez had spent in the court, he always wanted to be awarded a noble title. He wanted to be a
member of the Knights of Santiago, but the order was closed off to painters and families that
performed manual work. He sued for
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Summer Olymoics
2012 Summer Olympics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "2012
Olympics" redirects here. For the Winter Youth Olympics, see 2012 Winter Youth Olympics. For the
Paralympic Games, see 2012 Summer Paralympics. "London 2012" redirects here. For the video
game, see London 2012 (video game). Games of the XXX Olympiad | This is the clear version of
the official logo. There are four official base colours, and another version for the 2012 Summer
Paralympics. For more details, see section "Logo" below. | Host city | London, United Kingdom |
Motto | Inspire a Generation | Nations participating | 204 | Athletes participating | 10,820 | Events |
302 in 26 sports | Opening ceremony | 27 July | ... Show more content on ...
The Paris bid suffered two setbacks during the IOC inspection visit: a number of strikes and
demonstrations coinciding with the visits, and a report that a key member of the bid team, Guy Drut,
would face charges over alleged corrupt party political finances.[25] Lord Coe – the head of the
London 2012 bid Throughout the process, Paris was widely seen as the favourite, particularly as this
was its third bid in recent years.
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Spain Research Papers
Overview Spain is rich in its geography, climate and culture, Spain offers something for all ages
from its vast history to its limitless culture. Spain has a plentiful background in its artwork,
containing all historical settings and many other features. Spain is located near the southwestern
shore of Europe which makes it an ideal environment with all geographic features such as
mountains, valley and a coastline.
Spain has been known for it's lively music and dancing such as the Flamenco, a popular type of
dance that has been going on for hundreds of years in the Spanish tradition. Spanish dance has
always been popular over the years as Spain is an example of a country where the art of dance has
been developed extensively. One could ... Show more content on ...
In between each city is filled with beautiful nature and scenery that you can't miss out on. Picos de
Europas National Park is one of the many places you can go. Its diverse topography tall peaks,
canyons, a permanent presence of snow, and the beautiful rivers and lakes of the region provide very
scenic views of an amazing landscape.
History With all the nature and how this country is set up comes history. One of the most historical
landmarks in Spain is the Royal Palace of Madrid, this one of a kind building was built in 1755 for
Charles III, it has over 2,000 rooms and is open for the public to see to this day. One of the main
tourist attraction is the La Sagrada Familia, attracting millions of annual visitors, it is both ethereal
and very unique in design. This place was built by Antoni Gaudi, a famous architect who died not
finishing the place, to this day it is still a work in progress. Because Spain is located near the Iberian
Peninsula, Spain has been home to many cultural and historical ideas. From the Greeks, Romans to
the medieval ages, the government has brought back many traditions, monuments and museums
allowing them to study the past and understand their perspective on
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Fairnelli Characteristics Of The Baroque Period
When thinking about the Baroque period, people tend to only associate it with instrumentalists and
composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, George Fredrich Handel and Antonio Vivaldi. However,
in addition to such instrumentalist and composers, there are some great vocalists who represent the
Baroque period but are not widely recognized today. Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola Broschi,
who is better know by his stage name, Farinelli, is an Italian vocalist of the 18th century and one of
the remarkable singers in the history of music. According to Charles Burney, an English music
historian, Fairnelli "set off with such brilliancy and rapidity of execution that it was difficult for the
violins of those days to keep pace with him... [he] could ... Show more content on ...
While Fairnelli was still a student, his father died unexpectedly at the age of 36, which led his
family in great poverty. In order to maintain economic security and to become the greatest singer of
all time, Fairnelli decided to castrate. As a result, Farinelli was able to keep his powerful male voice
that allowed him to sing any range of voice parts in opera, including high–pitched soprano parts.
Shortly after Farinelli's first few public performances, he became popular in many cities as a young
talented singer. In addition to singing, Farinelli was a harpsichordist and a composer. He composed
several cantatas and arias, including the famous piece, Ossequiosissimo ringraziamento, which he
also wrote the lyrics. Therefore, even though Farinelli focused on his vocal the most, he was a gifted
musician in all parts.
Just like most of the talented musicians who begin their careers at young age, Farinelli participated
in several professional stages when he was still only a teenager. At the age of fifteen, Farinelli made
his debut in Popora's Serenata, Angelica e Medoro, with two other professional Italian soprano
singers, Marianna Bulgarelli and Domerico Gizzi at the Royal chapel of Naples. Furthermore, at the
age of seventeen, he sang in Rome in Porpora's Flavio Anicio Olibrio. Farinelli was beloved by the
audiences for his pure and powerful voice with full of musical
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Within the Context of 1474-1598 to What Extent Did...
Spain's perceived "Golden Age" is a broad classification unconfined to a specific era. The Golden
Age has long been affiliated with the growth of a uniquely Spanish identity that arose with the
flourishing of arts, architecture and literature expanding notably in the years of Phillip II, and
flourishing in the 17th century – the same century traditionalist historians identify as the decline of
Spain. To consider the golden age of Spain on a purely art and literature basis however misses the
point, the Golden Age in all contexts appeared from the development of the Spanish Empire. On the
European stage Spain appeared at the height of its "Golden Age" during the reign of Phillip II, Spain
was the centre piece of the world's greatest power ... Show more content on ...
Some Historians consider Isabella's decision to pass the crown to the Hapsburgs rather than Aragon
as evidence of Isabella's disunity. Lockyer claims; "she showed how little she appreciated the
concept of Spanish unity" . This theory is supported by Historian Lotherington and Kamen, the latter
who comments "the achievement of a united Spain was never an objective of the Catholic Kings"
However this is too simplistic a view; because Isabella knew that the Castilian nobles would not
accommodate for an Aragonese king, and the crown must rest upon the spouse of Aragon and
Castile if unification was to be a realistic goal. Elliot suggests this when he speaks of a "Spanish
inheritance" when referring to the Burgundian inheritance and Rady explains "Ferdinand held such
influence in Castile this kingdom also might have been wrenched away from the new heir (Charles)"
. Likewise J.Jones identifies "national unification" as a key policy of the Catholic Kings. It was
therefore not "entirely by accident" that Spain was united under the same realm but the death of the
Catholic Kings Portuguese dynastic ties that meant the Hapsburg dynasty and not the Portuguese
dynasty was united under the Spanish crown, which as Isabella had predicted caused friction
amongst Cisneros and Castilian nobles who resented Ferdinand fruitless attempts to produce an
alternative Spanish heir. Failing to promote his more desirable Spanish grandson; Ferdinand to the
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The Theory of Absolutism Essay
The Theory of Absolutism Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign power or
ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. But
what did sovereignty mean? Late sixteenth century political theorists believed that sovereign power
consisted of the authority to make laws, tax, administer justice, control the state's administrative
system, and determine foreign policy. These powers made a ruler sovereign. One of the chief
theorists of divine–right monarchy in the seventeenth century was the French theologian and court
preacher Bishop Jacques Bossuet (1627–1704), who expressed his ideas in a book entitled Politics
Drawn from the Very Words of Holy ... Show more content on ...
... The day after Cardinal Mazarin's death, Louis XIV, at the age of twenty three, expressed his
deterrnination to be a real king and the sole ruler of France: Up to this moment I have been pleased
to entrust the gov emment of my affairs to the late Cardinal. It is now time that I govem them
myself. You [secretaries and ministers of state] will assist me with your counsels when I ask for
them. I request and order you to seal no orders except by my com mand, . . . I order you not to sign
anything, not even a passport . . . without my command; to render account to me personally each
day and to favor no one. His mother, who was well aware of Louis's proclivity for fun and games
and getting into the beds of the maids in the royal palace, laughed aloud at these words. But Louis
was quite serious. Louis proved willing to pay the price of being a strong ruler . He established a
consci entious routine from which he seldom deviated, but he did not look upon his duties as
drudgery since he judged his royal profession to be "grand, noble, and delightful." Eager for glory,
Louis created a grand and majestic spec tacle at the court of Versailles (see Daily Life at the Court of
Versailles later in the chapter). Consequently, Louis and his court came to set the standard for monar
chies and aristocracies all over Europe. Less than fifty years after his death, the great French writer
Voltaire used the title "Age of Louis XIV" to describe his history of Europe
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Essay On Las Meninas
Las Meninas is an old painting that Diego Velazquez made long time ago. It talk about the king's
family and maids. Las Meninas is one of the most important paintings made in the nineteenth
century. It was made using oil and canvas.
Diego Velazquez is a well–known Spanish painter born in June 6, 1599 in Seville, Spain. He was
only thirteen years old when he started drawing. He got married Juana, Pacheco's daughter 'a person
he worked with for five years' the couple had two daughters. He lived his whole life in Madrid. He
went to Italy to learn art in 1629. Then He was hired by Spain's king 'Philip IV' at age of 25 and he
became the king's favorite painter. In 1650s the king offered Velazquez the main room in his palace,
it was in the palace museum. It was offered to him to use it as his main studio where he get his
paintings done, in this studio Velazquez painted Las Meninas. He has between 110 and 120 known
canvas. Philip used to have his own chain in the studio and often sit and watch Velazquez at his
work. After a couple of years '1660AD' Diego Velazquez died. During the last couple of years, he
only painted few works after Las Meninas.
Las Meninas is 3.18 meters high and 2.76 meters wide. It was created in Spain, Madrid 1657AD, ...
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He seems to be looking to the left of his canvas as if he is looking at the model he's drawing. It
makes us wonder 'is he looking at us?', or 'where is he focusing'. What makes it look stranger, is that
Infanta is looking to same thing. So when we look deeper to the drawing we start wondering 'what is
the point of the painting? Is it to show Infanta and her maids of honor or there is a hidden idea
behind it that only the painter knows about it? We see next that the couple are reflected in the back
mirror, so they are standing in the place where everyone is looking and they are reflected in the
mirror at the same
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Understanding the Artwork of Domenikos Theotokopoulos
View of Toledo Like many historical artists, it is impossible to understand the artwork of
Domenikos Theotokopoulus without understanding his historical context. Theotokopoulus received
the nickname El Greco, which means the Greek, during his lifetime, and this nickname reveals a
significant detail about his identity as a man, as well as his identity as an artist. This was because his
nationality played an important role in his artwork, so that his nationality could almost be described
as synonymous with his work during that time. "The Mediterranean world of the sixteenth century–
the world of El Greco– was a world in which three civilisations coexisted, interacted and clashed:
the Latin West; the Greek Orthodox East; and the civilization of Islam. As a Cretan, and hence a
subject of Venice, Domenikos Theotokopoulos, known as El Greco (1541–1614), belonged both to
the Greek East and to Latin Christendom. He and his generation lived much of their lives in the
shadow of the confrontation between Christendom and Islam." View of Toledo, which is El Greco's
only pure landscape, is a wonderful example of this cultural clash that highlighted El Greco's
artistry, and it provides a stark example of this confrontation between cultures, as it features a
dramatic difference between the earth and the sky in the landscape of Toledo, Spain. El Greco was
born in the Greek island of Crete. Although he engaged in other forms of art, El Greco was best
known as a painter, particularly a
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Essay On Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya is one of the most remarkable artists of the eighteenth century. Born in the village of
Fuendetodos in Spain, Goya grew up to become an inspirational painter after pursuing his studies in
art. Goya began working for the Spanish royal court and created several works that were a criticism
to the political and social problems of the contemporary era. He won several commissions from the
royal court after establishing his esteem as a portrait artist. During the period of enlightenment, the
artistic works of Goya were prominent throughout Spain. Goya introduced royal workshops, which
spanned over four monarchies. He painted several cartoons and haunting scenes for the royal
palaces. Goya's tapestries glorify the leisure activities of the young, rich and poor. His etchings are a
resemblance of the royal elite class. Most of Goya's paintings capture the sensitivity of artistic
techniques through brushstrokes. Some of Goya's artistic works introduce to the audience, a world
of ghosts, witches and other creatures, which invade the mind and include nightmarish visions.
Goya's famous ... Show more content on ...
The painting was a true indication of the actions, which took place when one of the fiercest fights at
Hotel de Ville. Although the painting is not a depiction of the Partisan revolution, it was visually
striking by capturing the excitement of the event. The painting was a potent symbol of the struggle
for liberty. Painted in the backdrop of cannon smoke, the personification of the painting is a
combination of both real and ideal. In Liberty Leading the People, the woman wears a red cap on
her head, which symbolizes freedom. The red cap was a symbol of the first French revolution, which
was an emblem of freed slaves. The bare breasted woman holds a tricolor in one hand and a musket
in the other, and appears as half goddess and half
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College Admissions Essay: Traveling To Spain
College is a time for new opportunities, memorable experiences, and a time to explore things you've
never encountered before. As a young adult, I realize the importance of studying abroad and how it
will help me grow as a person. What could be better than traveling to Spain for ten days and
learning a new culture, history, and a new perspective of how the business world is outside of
America? I have never been out of the country and traveling to Spain has always been one of my
dreams. Spain holds a significant history, a worldly culture, and spectacular food. Hearing all about
the beauty of the Seville Cathedral with the gothic architect which holds such a significant amount
of history and I cannot wait to experience that first hand. Being able to witness one of the biggest
traditions in Spain, bullfighting, will be fascinating and breathtaking, but not something that is
understood without experiencing it in person. Barcelona is a great city but we cannot forget Madrid.
The Royal palace or how they would say Palacio Real, I want to observe, take in, the beauty of this
historic palace and all of the history in which it holds. ... Show more content on ...
I am ready to travel to a new country, experience a new way of living, open my horizons, and grow
as a human being. It is time for me to step out of my comfort zone and become more independent.
Spain's energetic culture will allow me to view life differently and have a new appreciation for
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One Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World...
E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH–C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the
Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula
Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora
Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and
Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made:
Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John
McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The
Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A ... Show more
content on ...
The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little
significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there
were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of
Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid–1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global
recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling
case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a
predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and
political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the
processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the
late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were
in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the causes and
consequences of the Great War that began in 1914. That conflict determined the contours of the
twentieth century in myriad ways. On the one hand, the war set in motion transformative processes
that were clearly major departures from those that defined the nineteenth–century world order. On
the other, it perversely unleashed forces
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I 'm For An Early Night
The two of them played into the fading light and returned to Ángelita's inn. The cold and the
awkward conversation with the man dressed as a beggar had made them feel as tired as a pair of
work horses at dusk. 'I'm for an early night,' said Carolina. 'I could sleep, too, but I have to attend
that meeting. And I need to be as sharp as a razor.' 'Let's just have a quiet snooze. You'll be brighter
after a nap.' The two of them made their way to Carolina's room, cuddled up to each other, fully
clothed, and fell asleep. They were awoken by the neighing sound of a horse outside the inn. 'Time I
went downstairs to this meeting. I wonder what time it is,' said Antonio. 'I'm sure it's past eight. I
vaguely remember hearing the cathedral ... Show more content on ...
Fearing trouble if he did not respond as told, Antonio took his violin from its case and struck up the
tune of 'To Amirillis'. This was no random choice. He hoped the tune would smoke out the man
dressed as a beggar, if he were there, and sure enough... 'Thought you said you didn't know it!'
shouted a disembodied voice from somewhere near the middle of the crowd, most of whom were on
their feet. The source gradually made his way to the front, pushing his way past about a dozen or so
others as he did so. Antonio hardly recognised him. The beggar had said as much. Gone were the
pantaloons tied with string, the chest exposing open shirt, the battered hat and bare feet. Now he was
dressed in a new, brown tricorne, a long black coat over black leather boots and a white shirt,
decorated by a smart, black silk tie. He'd trimmed his ragged beard to a neat point and shaped his
moustache to a rakish, symmetrical upward curve on each side of his face. Antonio could smell the
musky perfume on his subtle umber wig which almost matched his darker, brown hair. 'No. It's just
the words we don't know. We know the tune well!' smiled Antonio, wondering what the man's
reaction would be and still unsure as to what his exact position could be in this confusion of
masculine sweat and untidiness. His demeanour and countenance gave him an air of superiority over
these other apparently inferior individuals. 'I'm so glad you could attend
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Malaga Research Paper
Malaga is a gorgeous city located in southern Spain's. It's known as the best Mediterranean
destination to discover. in addition, Malaga has a rich history to know about it is almost 3000 years
old is the perfect cultural destination and you can enter to the monuments and museums for free it
has more than 20 museums, most popular one is the Picasso museum.
Malaga has many famous festivals and public holidays all over the year and the famous one is called
Feria takes place in the middle of august. Also, Malaga known by its beautiful beaches such as the
Malagueta beach and you can find different kind of food like the great seafood straight out of the
Mediterranean, pork meat, the local fruit and vegetables all this sort of food are the most famous
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San Velazquez 's Las Meninas
Kim 1
Diego Velázquez 's Las Meninas
Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez is depicted as a group portrait of Spanish King Philip IV (8 April
1605 – 17 September 1665) at the Habsburg court. The painting well demonstrates Velázquez 's
painting techniques that can be recognized by dramatic mood, rich color and extreme contrast
between light and dark. It is absolutely extraordinary and implies influences Velázquez has had,
especially Flemish Baroque realism. Velázquez had a deeper ambition in his mind when creating this
masterpiece. He wanted to earn the title that can ensure him a high position in society. So, Velázquez
had this desire for an aristocratic title better than any other single court positions he could get.
Diego Velázquez was born in ... Show more content on ...
Greatest Works of Art of Western Civilization. New York: Artisan, 1997., 226
. Velázquez used refined techniques and composition so effectively to create this masterpiece
describing the presence of the royal family. To create such a high–class art, he emphasized his
techniques and ability by reflecting reality in the painting. A clear and description of the royal court,
Las Meninas is a masterpiece that demonstrates both Velázquez 's skill as a painter and the
complexities of human intellectualism. The figures are painted near life–sized to show many things;
overwhelming realism, complexities, and symbolism.
The painting is oil on canvas completed in 1656. At first, the painting was called El Cuadro de la
Familia in seventeenth–century the Royal Palace at Madrid Martin, John Rupert. Baroque. New
York: Harper & Row, 1977., 337
. The main focal point is Infanta Margarita Maria, the royal princess who stares the audience from
the middle of the painting. Around her are two of the Queen 's maids of honor, Dona Maria
Augustina on the left and Dona Isabel de Velasco on the right. There are two older people behind the
princess, Dona Marcela de Ulloa and Guarda Damas. There is also Velázquez himself standing back
of the easel. He indicates his privilege by putting himself in the painting. All these people in the
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Manchester United F.C
MANCHESTER UNITED F.C. Manchester United | | Full name | Manchester United Football Club |
Nickname(s) | The Red Devils[1] | Founded | 1878, as Newton Heath LYR F.C. | Ground | Old
Trafford (Capacity: 75,811[2]) | Owner | Glazer family | Co–chairmen | Joel and Avram Glazer |
Manager | Sir Alex Ferguson | League | Premier League | 2010–11 | Premier League, 1st | Website |
Club home page | | Home colours | Away colours | Third colours | | Current season | Manchester
United Football Club is an English professional football club, based in Old Trafford, Greater
Manchester, that plays in thePremier League. Founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in
1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in ... Show more content on
Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo–yo club, achieving its all–time lowest
position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the death of the club 's principal
benefactor, J. H. Davies, in October 1927, the club 's finances deteriorated to the extent that
Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson, who, in
December 1931, invested £2,000 and assumed control of the club.[19] In the 1938–39 season, the
last year of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First Division.[19]
Busby years (1945–1969) Main article: History of Manchester United F.C. (1945–1969) The Busby
Babes in Denmark in 1955 In October 1945, the impending resumption of football led to the
managerial appointment of Matt Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team
selection, player transfers and training sessions.[20] Busby led the team to second–place league
finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948. In 1952, the club won the First
Division, its first league title for 41 years.[21] With an average age of 22, the media labelled the
back–to–back title winning side of 1956 "the Busby
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How Did Patrons Influence Art
George Felstiner
Professor Walter Meyer
October 19, 2017
The Influence of Patrons in Art
Throughout art history, works of art were commissioned for specific purposes through the patronage
system. Patrons, such as wealthy merchants, dukes, princes, churches, and guilds, had a strong voice
in shaping artwork. Artists learned to yield to the preferences of their patrons if they wanted to
succeed. This formed a service contract between artist and patron. Some patrons maintained a
dominant voice in expressing their tastes, whereas other patrons allowed for more freedom of
expression and independent thought. From the early Renaissance period in 15th–century Northern
Europe to the Baroque period in 17th–century Spain and the Realist period ... Show more content on ...
He painted the family portrait called The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit for his close friend
Edward Darley Boit. This accounts for its casual and relaxed style. Four girls are depicted in the
small drawing room of their Paris home surrounded by large objects such as Japanese vases, a red
screen, and a fringed rug. The large scale of the objects emphasizes the smaller scale of the young
girls. They are arranged informally around the room, suggesting their comfortableness with both
their surroundings and with Sargent. In the center, the youngest girl is sitting on the rug, holding her
doll, with her legs spread out in front of her. Through her gaze directly at the viewer, she is open and
trusting to having her portrait painted. On the right, the slightly older ten–year–old girl stands with
her arms behind her back, in a more stiff and serious pose. Her eyes are averted to the left, so she is
not looking directly at the viewer. She is more aware of the importance of having her portrait
painted than her younger sister, so she gives her best attempt at a formal pose. In the back, the two
older teenage sisters are not as eager to participate in the portrait painting. The girl on the left leans
on the large vase and does not even face the viewer. The girl on the right faces the viewer in a stiff
awkward pose, typical of bored adolescents. Through these four girls, Sargent captures the gradation
of young innocence through portraiture. The casual positioning of the sisters creates a sense of the
momentary and spontaneous that would not be present if the figures had been highly
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The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia Essay
Greek mythology is an ancient collection of myths and tales that incorporate gods, goddesses, and
mythological creatures and heroes. Embedded within these fictitious narratives are morals which
teach a lesson. These teachings are considered applicable in life and can be used on a daily basis.
For example, the story of Iphigenia is discerned as a heroic tale in which the selflessness of a young
girl is put to the test in order to pardon her father's wrongful actions. Iphigenia's father,
Agamemnon, had angered the goddess Artemis and in order to placate her, he would have to
sacrifice his own daughter. Without Iphigenia's willing sacrifice, Artemis would make Agamemnon's
troops unable to set sail to fight Troy and defend their honor. In the painting, The Sacrifice of
Iphigenia, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo uses the tragic sacrifice of Iphigenia to portray that selflessness
is ... Show more content on ...
The scene represented in the painting displays Iphigenia upon an altar with a surrounding crowd.
The people around her look somewhat shocked and disappointed. Tiepolo incorporated the
expressions upon their faces to show that a great injustice is about to occur. This creates a mood in
which subsumes shame and sorrow. Iphigenia's father is seen covering his face at the very right of
the painting. Agamemnon is perceived as cowardly for betraying his daughter as well as not even
attempting to save her. Iphigenia is somewhat hurt by this as her expression exhibits pain and fear.
The scene in the painting took place right before Iphigenia's sacrifice was about to transpire. The
painting displays a visual image of this scene and creates suspense and anticipation. People from
around the palace all joined to view Iphigenia's sacrifice, for they thought it was honorable and
brave. Although her death was heartbreaking, it was also seen as
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Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well-known painter...
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well–known painter during the 17th century, was born in
Seville in 1599 (Brown 1). He was the eldest of the seven children, and the son of Silva and
Jerónima Velazquez (Brown 1). Both of his parents claimed to be descendants of lesser nobility, a
claim that Velázquez will later benefit from (Brown 1). During his time, painting was considered a
craft, which is work done with hands rather than the mind, meaning it was unworthy of a nobleman
(Carr 26). Velázquez was sent to Franciso Pacheco, a well–known painter in Seville, as an
apprentice (Carr 26). Under Pacheco's teachings, Velázquez began to use everyday life as his
subjects, which at the time was something new; he painted tavern and kitchen scenes ... Show more
content on ...
All of these fascinating qualities of Velázquez's paintings later influence Goya, Mazo, Juan Carreño,
and many more. Las Meninas, which means the maids of honor, is considered to be Velázquez's
masterpiece within has last few years (Harris 170). Most of the information we know today, come
form Palomino, who is the Court Painter to Phillip IV's successor, Chalres II (Harris 170). Palomino
even knew all of the people being portrayed except for one, and even gave the date when the
painting was completed, 1656 (Harris 170). The center of the piece is focused on the Infanta
Margarita, the five–year–old princess, who is surrounded by her two meninas, maids of honour. The
menina standing on the Infanta's left side, handing her a vessel of water while doing a curtsey is
named María Aguestina Sarmineto (Carr 47). The menina standing on her right look as if she is
about to bend down to whisper something to the princess or about to do a curtsy is named Isabel de
Velasco (Carr 47). In the bottom right corner of the painting are two dwarfs, Maribarbola and
Nicolas Pertusato (Carr 47). Nicolas appears to be awakening the mastiff (Carr 47). Palomino said
that when the mastiff was being painted it had stayed motionless (Harris 170). Standing behind them
is Marcela Ulloa, who is the attendant to the ladies in waiting, and a male escort who is not named
(Carr 47). In the doorway of the painting stands the Queen's Palace Marshal, also known as the
Queens Chamberlain,
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Las Meninas: The Maids Of Honor
Abdelsattar Shaban Gafar,
Las Meninas
"Las Meninas" meaning The Maids of Honor, is a 1656 Baroque masterpiece by the leading artist of
the Spanish Golden Age; Diego Velazquez. Las Meninas is a 318 cm × 276 cm (125.2 in × 108.7 in)
oil on canvas painting. The painting is located at the Museo del Prado in Madrid. Las Meninas is a
work of art that left a lot of viewers in perplex, questioning themselves about illusion and reality,
due to its complexity and paradoxical composition. It would leave a conflict between the viewers
and the human figures depicted throughout the painting. Because of those convolutions, the painting
is considered one of the most enigmatic, yet analyzed work of art in Western paintings.
Moving onward we can ... Show more content on ...
And the indication of their actual or metaphorical presence is the mirror's reflection. Brown
interpretation of the Monarchs was that they actually existed in the space and the depiction in the
mirror is their reflection. This theory was somewhat weak, in which for the Monarchs to be reflected
in the mirror that way they should be standing in front of the mirror only a few feet away, yet we do
not see them anywhere in the painting. Foucault though, provided a different approach to the
Monarchs than Brown. In which he interpreted that the depiction of the Monarchs is not a depiction
of their actual presence, rather an illustration of their entrance. Foucault suggested that the onlookers
of the painting are the "invisible spectators" and that the mirror is "cutting through" objects and
figures in the room, instead of illustrating an actual reflection of physical entities. Foucault's
clarification of the mirror notes to the concept of "The Metaphorical Mirror", in which it does not
represent real space, just a subliminal literary way to present the Monarchs. Some disagreed with
Foucault's philosophy, claiming that it was incomplete and weather the Monarchs are realistically or
metaphorically depicted can differ from one person to another depending on their point of
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Las Meninas Essay
Las Meninas (after cleaning), 10 ft. 7 in. × 9 ft. ½ in. (3.23 × 2.76 m), in Museo del Prado, Madrid–
Spain is an oil on canvas which is done by the main Baroque artist in the seventeenth century,
counter–reformation, Diego Velázquez(1599–1660). This work is not just greeting for the artist's
genius as a painter, but at the same time is about the very specialty of painting. This Velázquez's
unqualified masterpiece is monumental which is painted on 1656. The complex works and
composition raise questions about reality and illusion, however, this drawing has been one of the
most widely analyzed works in western painting.
To begin with, the setting is a vast room in the palace of King Philip Quaternary and Queen
Mariana, parents of the five–years–old infant Margharita, who is the focus of the picture. She is
presented by her housemaid (Meninas) and accompanied by a dog, a midget, and a dwarf. The
precise costumes of the Spanish court are painted in such a way, to the point that the brushstrokes
highlight the texture and the composition. Below the legendary pictures on the back wall, depicting
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They appear to be placed outside the picture space, although some people have thought that there
image is a reflection from the painting the artist is shown working on. The questions rise, does their
picture imply that they are really standing in front of their daughter, or that they are the subjects of
Velázquez's canvas?
The mirror in Las Meninas may be purposefully vague, which would not be conflicting with
Baroque taste. The status of painting is another issue to which Velázquez almost certainly classify in
Las Meninas. It was not viewed as a liberal art in Spain, as it was in Italy, but instead was
considered as a handicraft. It is likely that by setting himself in royal company, Velázquez was
arguing for raising the status of painting and that of the
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How Did Spain Shape The Modern World
The history of Spain is one of the most captivating in the world and Spanish history along with its
culture has helped to shape the modern world into what it is today. To date Spain occupies the
preponderance of the Iberian Peninsula which is situated in the southwestern corner of Europe and
includes seventeen (17) sovereign regions with diverse geography and cultures. The capital city
Madrid there situates the Royal Palace and Prado museum as well as housing works by famous
European masters. Segovia – one of the autonomous regions has a medieval castle known as the
Alcázar and an intact Roman aqueduct. Another autonomous community is Catalonia the capital,
Barcelona, which is one of Spain's second most populous municipalities, with a population of 1.6
million. The Travel Desk states, that Barcelona is not only defined by 'Antoni Gaudí's capricious
modernist ... Show more content on ...
In 1469, there was the royal marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile united
those two kingdoms, which eventually led to the creation of Spain. The last Muslim stronghold fell
in the year 1492 from this moment onward; Spain's history reached a period of economic and
political profligacy which was accompanied by both international and civilian wars. According to a
blog posted by Jose Martiniez, "the 19th century would mark an important part of Spanish history
with the loss of important Spanish territories and the collapse of the Spanish Empire." According to , the independence attained by Spanish territories in the "Americas, Cuba, Puerto
Rico and the Philippines, significantly shaped the world and modern Spanish history". Although
Spain is a relatively small territory located in southwestern Europe, the history of Spain is of
grandeur and is strikingly different from that of the rest of the
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A Comparison Of The Queen From The Cheese And The Worms '?
The Queen from The Uncommon Reader and Menocchio from The Cheese and the Worms lived
hundreds of years apart, however they exhibit a variety of similarities in their endeavors in reading.
Both the Queen and Menocchio were reintroduced to the world of reading by a "guide" at a later age
in life and their newfound passions lead to general disapproval from their surroundings for failing to
fulfill their appropriate roles as a public figure and obedient slave, respectably. This disapproval
ultimately leads to the demise of both characters with Menocchio being burned at the stake and the
Queen abdicating – essentially ceasing to exist in her primary role, and metaphorically passing on.
The Queen from the Uncommon reader was intelligent and well read, "but liking books was
something she left to other people." The overall apathy in life stemmed from the belief, that reading
as a hobby involved preferences, and "preferences had to be avoided; preferences excluded people."
Her introduction to the traveling library and Norman Seakins sets her on a lifelong journey of
reading. After hiring Norman as her "amanuensis", the Queen quickly became attached to the
"comforting pile of books she had got used to finding on her bedside table" and began exploring the
literary world through the eyes of Norman with just some deviation of his proposed readings.
Similarly, Menocchio's reading choices and habits were not cultivated by his own mind, but rather a
collective effort of his social
... Get more on ...
Napoleon Crossing the Alps at Saint Bernard Pass, 1800
11/8/13 Napoleon Crossing the Alps at Saint Bernard Pass, 1800 The painting of Napoleon Crossing
the Alps at Saint Bernard Pass is truly a magnificent and unique work of art for its time. It is an oil
painting on canvas which was painted by JacquesLouis David. The work was first started in October
of 1800 and completed just four months later in January of 18011. However, there were a total of
five different versions of the painting created, with the last version being completed in 1805. All five
versions are located at several different locations throughout Europe. The work was painted at the
Château de Malmaison, which at the time was a government building just outside of Paris, France.
The painting is approximately 8'6" in height and ... Show more content on ...
After all, Napoleon was so pleased with it that he requested several other versions to be made. The
painting does a great job of representing France's new found power after the French Revolution and
establishes a sense of authority and honor for the French people. I find the extensive detail and
quality of the painting simply impressive. It is definitely a painting I would recommend other people
see and read about.
Works Cited Page
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Jane Seymour, Queen of England and King Fernando
Title: Jane Seymour, Queen of England on January 29 1536, Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII's wife
had a miscarriage at Hampton Court Palace and four months later was sentenced to death on the
charge of unfaithfulness. the day before, the king became engaged to Jane Seymour. she had come to
court in 1530 and served her two predecessors as lady–inwaiting. she died in October 1537 while
giving birth to the heir of the throne. she was the only wife of the king that was buried together with
Henry at Windsor castle. Hans Holbein had made a career for himself and had lived in London since
1532 and was appointed court painter to the English Monarch in 1536, the year of the royal
wedding. the one tone background of the painting is a concession to the interests of the court
portrait. holbein convinced the court that such portraits with a flatness to it gives them a formal
character. in the piece, Jane Seymour's jewelry, her garment, and her slightly pale features are
focussed in a even light and presented in every detail– a very old–fashioned technique that had
superseded by full tone chiaroscuro not only in Italian paintings. however this is very same
technique that creates the necessary distance form the viewer is what Holbein intended. title: portrait
of the King Fernando the seventh by Artist:Francisco de Goya y Lucientes Medium: oil on wood
panel Period: 1814 The eldest surviving son of Charles VI King of Spain, Ferdinand was born in the
vast palace of El
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Tourism and Hospitality Business | Destination and Sector Report – Spain | An insight into Spain as a tourism destination: Will it be one of the most sought after destinations in the near future? – An analysis and feasibility study | | Raaghav Murugappan | Due Date – 18/11/2012 | ID Number – 000001185 Course – Hospitality and Tourism Business Course Code – BUSS101 Lecturer – Mr. Christopher Simon Dutt | Table of Contents Executive Summary ii 1. History of Hospitality and Tourism Sectors in Spain iii 2. Travel and Tourism Sector – The 4 A's of Tourism iv 2.1 Accommodation in Spain v 2.2 Attractions in Spain v 2.3 Accessibility in Spain vi 2.4 Amenities in Spain vii 3. The Restaurant Sector in Spain vii 4. Hotels in Spain viii 5. Clubs and MICE ... Show more content on ... There are different types of lodgings to cater to the different tourist groups. These range from youth hostels to boutique hotels and high–end hotels, with numerous options in between as well. The most sought after lodgings among these are the 'Paradors', which are usually hotels run by the government and some of which are at the higher end of the spectrum when it comes down to pricing. These 'Paradors' are usually located in heritage sites or historic buildings and give visitors an authentic feel during their stay. Most of these are fairly reasonable in terms of pricing taking into account the high quality amenities and facilities that they have to offer. Some of these 'Paradors' also have a restaurant that serves regional and traditional cuisine and delicacies. There are about 90 of these 'Paradors' in Spain and together they offer a total of more than 10000 rooms. Apart from these, Spain also offers campsites, tourist apartments for those who want to stay for a longer duration of time, guest houses, accommodation in rural areas such as country houses and also distinctive accommodation facilities which have an element of tradition associated with them and these are mostly found in the rural areas and are refurbished buildings. Examples of such accommodations are the 'Pazos' in Galicia which ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Did Jacques-Louis David Painted Napoleon Bonaparte The first time Jacques–Louis David painted Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798, he was transfixed. Bonaparte sat for a three hour session for David but he was never able to come back to finish the bust David had planned (Hanley). Bonaparte left with an unfinished portrait but gained a major supporter for his reign. David was so captivated by the future emperor that he was even quoted in calling Napoleon his hero. "At last my friends, this is a man to whom one would have raised altars in antiquity; yes, my friends ... Bonaparte is my hero!" (Hanley). David had painted under two other political regimes and had finally felt he had found the solution to all of France's problems. David was influenced by Bonaparte while he was finishing The Intervention of the Sabine Women ... Show more content on ... It looks almost as if the horse could rear too much back and topple over with Bonaparte on its back but the viewer isn't concerned because Napoleon is not concerned. There is a feeling as though the wind would not allow that to happen. With Napoleon's red cloak blowing in the strong wind, it is like a godly force is thrusting him forward. Napoleon is also pointing onward in the image but also pointing up to the sky. Napoleon looks holy and utterly confident. On the left side of the painting, Jacques–Louis David wrote in Hannibal and Karolus Magnus, Latin for Charles the Great, also known as Charlemagne on the rocks by Bonaparte's horses hooves (Lacaille). The men were two great leaders who had crossed the alps before Napoleon. David wrote Bonaparte's name higher and bolder than the other two to suggest a sense of superiority. "David seems to suggest that this man, whose achievements will be celebrated for centuries to come, can do just about anything" (Pollitt). One year after the painting was finished, Napoleon Bonaparte was elected consul for life, and just two years later, he was proclaimed emperor of France in ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Iwc1 Literature, Arts and Humanities Essay IWC1 Test 1.02 Module Pre–Test Question 1: Multiple Choice The historical revival of Classical culture began during the: a) Middle Ages b) Renaissance c) Baroque Era d) Romantic Era Feedback: The correct answer is b. The historical revival of Classical culture began during the Renaissance. Question 2: Multiple Choice Which of the following was a key feature of ancient Chinese humanism? a) An emphasis on theoretical philosophy. b) A subordination of intellectual life to religious faith. c) An elevation of intellectual life over religious faith. d) An establishment of a monastic upper class. Feedback: The correct answer is c. Chinese humanism elevated intellectual life over religious faith. Question 3: Multiple ... Show more content on ... Question 3: Multiple Choice Which of the following American poets helped establish "jazz poetry"? a) Robert Frost b) Rita Dove c) Maya Angelou d) Langston Hughes Feedback: The correct answer is d. Langston Hughes helped establish "jazz poetry." Question 4: Multiple Choice Which of the following is a primary color? a) yellow b) green c) orange d) purple Feedback: The correct answer is a. Yellow is a primary color. Question 5: Multiple Choice A watercolor painting to which an opaque white has been added is called a ________________. a) fresco b) tempera c) gouache d) acrylic Feedback: The correct answer is c. A gouache is a watercolor painting to which an opaque white has been added. Question 6: Multiple Choice Which of the following artistic disciplines fostered Pictorialism? a) Painting b) Printmaking c) Photography d) Landscape Feedback: The correct answer is c. Photography fostered Pictoralism, a movement which used soft focus, special filters and other effects to attempt to match painting and printmaking. Question 7: Multiple Choice What is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms, etc) on either side of a central axis? a) Balance b) Symmetry c) Asymmetry d) Focal area Feedback: The correct answer is b. Symmetry is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms,
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  • 8. Muslim Spain (711-1492) Over a thousand years ago, Europe experienced one of its greatest periods of cultural enlightenment.Islam in Spain has had a fundamental presence in the culture and history of the nation. The religion was present inmodern Spanish soil from 711 until 1492 under the rule of the Arabs and Moors of al–Andalus.Islamic Spain was a multi–cultural mix of the people of three great monotheistic religions: Muslims,Christians, and Jews.For more than three centuries in Medieval Spain, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together and prospered in a thriving multicultural civilization. Here, remarkable individuals of different faiths made lasting contributions in such areas as poetry, art, architecture, music, dining etiquette, science, agriculture, ... Show more content on ... Tariq ibn Ziyad crossed the Straight of 'Gibraltar' at first with the sole intention of avenging king Roderic for the crime he committed. However, because of the weakness of the kingdom due to civil war, Tariq opted to continue his occupation of Roderic's entire empire. Another theory for the occupation by the Arab Muslims of Spain is that because of their persecution, the Jews called upon their contacts in North Africa, who in turn encouraged the able Arabs to capture Spain. This allowed the Almoravids and the Almohads to establish themselves in Spain.Nevertheless, without a doubt, the Jews supported and welcomed Muslims in Spain because they were great beneficiaries under Muslim rule. Rule The majority of the Army as well as commander Tariq himself were not Arab but Islamic Berbers, and in timeIslamic migrants from places as diverse as North Africa to Yemen and Syria came to live in the Iberian peninsula.The Islamic rulers called the Iberian peninsula "Al– Andalus", which some say means "Paradise." That was the rootfor the name of the present–day region of Andalusia, the southernmost region of Spain. For a time, the area that is today Spain and Portugal was one of the great Muslim civilizations, reaching its summitwith the Umayyad Caliphate in the 10th century.Muslim Spain was not a single period, but a succession of different rules. Muslim Spain had the following chronological phases: The Emirate ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Catal Hyuk CHAPTER ONE: Before History IDENTITIES: Complex Society Paleolithic Venus Figurines Metallurgy Social Class/Social Structure Lucy Neolithic Lascaux Cave Paintings Neolithic Revolution Agricultural Revolution MAP: Olduvai Gorge Neander Valley Catal Huyluk Lascaux CHAPTER TWO: Early Societies in SW Asia and Indo–European Migrations IDENTITIES: The Epic of Gilgamesh Sargon of Akkad Hammurabi's Codes/Laws Stele Assyrians Economic Specialization Stratified Patriarchal Society Elite, Commoner, Dependent, Slave Cuneiform Moses Polytheism Cross–Cultural Interaction Cross–Cultural Exchange Semitic City–state Hammurabi Indo–Europeans ... Show more content on ... Augustine Constantine Visigoths Huns 476 ce Bishop of Rome CHAPTER 12: Cross–Cultural Exchange on the Silk Road IDENTITIES: Monsoon Winds Taklamakan Desrt Missionaries Epidemics Expatriate Merchants Bubonic Plague Bishop of Rome 476 ce Nestorians Syncretic/syncretism Small Pox St. Augustine Manicheaism MAP: Kush Himalaya Mountains Taklamakan Desert Taxila Persian Gulf Arabia Tyre Red Sea South China Sea Ceylon Bactria Chang'an Hindu Kush Mountains Madagascar Kashgar Caspian Sea Palmyra Antioch Arabian Sea Damasacus Guandzhou Pondicherry Samarkand Sumatra Java Parthia CHAPTER 13: The Commonwealth of Byzantium IDENTITIES: Byzantine Commonwealth Caesaropapism Corpus iuris civilis "Greek Fire" Schism Saint Cyril and Methodius Sasanids Hagia Sophia Theme System Iconoclasm Fourth Crusade MAPS: Balkan Peninsula Egypt Constantinople Alexandria Kiev Mediterranean ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Conte Poem Analysis Essay Lenae Gomez ENG 110.3 Professor Unger February 11, 2013 Au Contraire In "Conte" by Marilyn Hacker, Cinderella shows the reader a glimpse of her life after the childhood tale ends, a less happier ending than the original story implies. She feels trapped in a constant state of misery and boredom in the royal palace. Without life experience guiding her, Cinderella is in a dilemma caused by her ignorance of the potential consequences of her actions. With the use of irony, structure, and diction, "Conte" shows how innocence and naïveté result in regrettable mistakes that create life experience. The poem deviates from the basic fairy tale through the use of ironic predicaments. Cinderella makes a bold statement from the beginning: ... Show more content on ... The poem is in free verse with no meter and consists of twenty–eight lines in one big stanza. The poem has all the elements of a letter with the most conclusive evidence being at the end of the poem: "Yours, C" (28). A letter is a personal form of writing and gives the reader an inside perspective into Cinderella's palace life. Most of the sentences are declarative sentences, making the exceptions more obvious in the poem. One of the exceptions is found on lines 17 and 18, where the sentence ends in an exclamation point: "Why not throw it all up, live on the coast / and fish, no, no, impossible with wives!" The exclamation point emphasizes the idea that she feels trapped in her situation as a wife. She wants to find a way out of her misery. On lines 20 and 21 there is a question mark on each line: "or cut my hair, teach (what?) little girls / and live at home with you?" Cinderella reiterates that her options are limited because of her minimal experience in the world. "Conte" uses a couple parentheses within mid–sentence. Cinderella uses the parentheses to convey deeper explanation of her thoughts. For example, Cinderella writes, "Ladies / ignore me, or tell me all their petty secrets / (petty because they can't attend meetings) / about this man or that" (4–7). She does not censor her meaning of petty. Her true feelings show in the letter and validate the rough situation that Cinderella is stuck in. At the end, Cinderella asks her ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Maxon Breaking America Essay Despite Aspen breaking America's heart before the selection, things get worse much worse for her, she gets selected. " I whipped my head back around, and there is it was. The picture of me just after I found out Aspen was saving up to marry me, I looked radiant, hopeful, beautiful. I looked like I was in love, And some idiot thought that love was for Prince Maxon."(Cass,2012,56) Honestly , America couldn't even imagine being in the same room as Prince Maxon , or even being the next daughter of Illea. Also Apsen was considering to marry America and he was the one who told her to enter. What teenage girl wouldn't be confused and terrified? Especially since it's a competition for a crown and love she doesn't want to be a part of. America has her many bold opinions about the Selection. On the day of coming to the castle America made a bold choice by ... Show more content on ... During the whole story, it talks about how the girls in the Selection face suspense because they aren't sure what will happen next , or who Maxon is leaning towards. After the girls made a conclusion on where they stand in the Selection, it impacts another suspenseful moment. Who will get kicked out next? In the perspective of a reader reading this book this is seen as a cause and effect situation . For example, for every girl that is eliminated from the Selection must have done something to provoke Prince Maxon. That leads to the remaining of the girls and on pins and needles so they won't be next ones eliminated. To introduce the characters, Kiera Cass shows that the readers could know more about each character without having them fully introduced. For instance, a good example would be how people can easily tell the personality of Celeste because of what America and the other girls have said behind her back. But truly the author was giving more information about the personalities the different girls have in a silent but directed ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Not a lot went on during the Spanish Renaissance but if... Not a lot went on during the Spanish Renaissance but if something happened it would probably would have had something to do with theater. The Spanish Renaissance was also known as the golden–age or in other words a time of great happiness. Spanish Renaissance is defined by very few historical events, theater, and the play La Vida Es Sueño. During the Spanish Renaissance "Madrid was a relatively sleepy, provincial town perched high on a central plain of Spain in 1561" ("Renaissance"). In 1561 Madrid became the center of the royal government ("Renaissance"). After Madrid became the center of government it also became the home of the most vigorous theater life by 1600 ("theater"). Spain was slowly improving piece by piece. Although it ... Show more content on ... The average Madrid Theater could hold about 2,000 people until 1620 when an enormous auditorium about a third of the theater in London gave Madrid about 130,000 inhabitants ("Renaissance"). The plays would start at different times according to season. In the summer they started at 4p.m. and in the winter they showed around 2p.m. due to limited sunlight ("Renaissance"). A popular theater was the Corral de la Cruz (Brockett 200). Sacramental plays aimed to teach the tenets of Counter– Reformation Catholicism and secular drama was undergoing a dramatic expansion during the Golden–Age ("Theater"). By the 1650's the payment for the major playwrights had increased to about 800 reals (Brockett 198). Some of the popular actors included Damien Arias de Penafiel, Cosme Perez, and Jusepa Vaca (Brockett 199). The Spanish Renaissance was also defined by many plays and play writes. One of the major play writes is Pedro Calderón de la Barca. He was born on January 17, 1600 in Madrid (Pedro). He was born into minor nobility of Madrid and received an early education from the Jesuits ("Theater"). Calderón intended to become a lawyer, but he eventually turned to writing play while serving the constable of Castile in his 20's ("Theater"). Some of Pedros major works are El Medico de su Honra, La Vida es Sueño, El Alcalde de Zalamea, and La Hija del Aire (Pedro). Calderón also wrote operas and plays with religious and mythological themes (Pedro). The majority ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. I Never Knew What 9 / 11 Essay I never knew what 9/11 was up until the middle of the first semester of my 6th grade year. A teacher of mine, whom I no longer remember the subject he taught, briefly mentioned the attack on the World Trade Center's twin towers by a pair of hijacked passenger airplanes. In the page we were on of our textbook, I saw a still frame image taken from a video that captured the North Tower standing perfectly fine seconds before it is slammed by Flight 11 that Tuesday morning. Unlike most people that have seen a mainstream picture of the second tower being hit, this was my first visual interpretation of the attacks; however, I would only put this in the back of my head as I left that classroom, probably excited to go home and do something entertaining like using my legos to build something. Over the course of the following years though, my interest in architecture grew as my family and I lived abroad in Spain. While there some was unique European architecture I found interesting there, such as the Eiffel Tower in France or the Royal Palace in Madrid, I still looked into American architecture, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean; and where does one have to look for the finest examples of it? Well, New York City for the most part. New York City inhabits hundreds and hundreds of tall structures, but the tallest of them all back in the day between the 30s and 80s were four: The Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and lastly the twin towers of the World Trade Center. ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Essay On Las Meninas Las Meninas is an old painting that Diego Velazquez made long time ago. It talk about the king's family and maids. Las Meninas is one of the most important paintings made in the nineteenth century. It was made using oil and canvas. Diego Velazquez is a well–known Spanish painter born in June 6, 1599 in Seville, Spain. He was only thirteen years old when he started drawing. He got married Juana, Pacheco's daughter 'a person he worked with for five years' the couple had two daughters. He lived his whole life in Madrid. He went to Italy to learn art in 1629. Then He was hired by Spain's king 'Philip IV' at age of 25 and he became the king's favorite painter. In 1650s the king offered Velazquez the main room in his palace, it was in the palace museum. It was offered to him to use it as his main studio where he get his paintings done, in this studio Velazquez painted Las Meninas. He has between 110 and 120 known canvas. Philip used to have his own chain in the studio and often sit and watch Velazquez at his work. After a couple of years '1660AD' Diego Velazquez died. During the last couple of years, he only painted few works after Las Meninas. Las Meninas is 3.18 meters high and 2.76 meters wide. It was created in Spain, Madrid 1657AD, ... Show more content on ... He seems to be looking to the left of his canvas as if he is looking at the model he's drawing. It makes us wonder 'is he looking at us?', or 'where is he focusing'. What makes it look stranger, is that Infanta is looking to same thing. So when we look deeper to the drawing we start wondering 'what is the point of the painting? Is it to show Infanta and her maids of honor or there is a hidden idea behind it that only the painter knows about it? We see next that the couple are reflected in the back mirror, so they are standing in the place where everyone is looking and they are reflected in the mirror at the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Rastafarian Rastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi São Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The ... Show more content on ... I grew up in Jamaica at a time when Rastas were still regarded as useless, lazy, half–insane, ganja– smoking illiterates who were of no value to society. Teachers, students, office workers, and anyone of social importance could not grow locks, and families would go into mourning when their sons would start sprouting them. I heard the term "black heart man" used again and again as a means of expressing fear or ridicule of the Rastafarian. And this was in the early 1970s–after Bob Marley's emergence as an international viii FOREWORD star, after Selassie's arrival in Jamaica, and after so much had been written about the importance of Rastafarianism. The problem was that Rasta was counter to the strong Christian structure that dominated and continues to dominate Jamaican life and was seen first as heretical and misguided before its powerful social and political ideas were fully appreciated. Most important, however, was the Rastafarian insistence that Africa was the promised land and that Jamaicans should look to Africa for their model of value rather than to Europe, which was seen as foolish and a painful reminder of slavery and oppression. Rasta was an offense to those who wanted to deny the African part of their heritage. And the truth is also that in Jamaica at that time the privileging of lighter–skinned people was ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. The Tragedy Of Tristan The days passed slowly, each day becoming more and more unbearable. My body still felt weak, and my ankle refused to heal, as did my heart. The wound that Tristan had left was worse than any physical pain I could possibly imagine. I wasn't blaming myself anymore, though. Instead, I felt a deep anger. I didn't understand how Tristan could throw away everything that we had. I finally had everything I could ever want. A supportive man would have been thrilled, and might have offered his assistance, but Tristan was selfish and insecure. I didn't need him. Except for the small fact that I did need him. I didn't think that anything could fill the vast void, until Louis invited me to that ball. After the invitation to my very first ball, the ... Show more content on ... It wasn't healing like the doctor said it would, and I still couldn't walk. "How will I get downstairs? I can't go anywhere with this ankle." I was disappointed, cursing myself for getting excited. "That won't be any trouble. I'll carry you down." I was startled when Louis put his arms around me and lifted my body out of the bed. I hadn't left its embrace for a week, and being away from it was refreshing. Louis' strong arms barely wavered as we bounced down the hallway. It felt nice to be held by him. He was warm, and despite his strength, very comforting. The pace he walked at soothed me, and I started to feel a little tired, but I tried to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to miss this amazing opportunity. I was going to make my own dress! I had seen many fabrics in my life. I used to go to the fabric shop and pick out things to make new dresses with. The fabrics in the shop were dull, and some smelled as if they'd been worn for years and never washed. I couldn't afford to buy the brighter colors, but I would stare at them, wishing for even a touch of the delicate fabric. I thought I had seen some of the world's most amazing fabrics, and when I entered the workshop, I learned how wrong I really was. I was surrounded by magnificent colors and textures, each fighting for my attention. I looked over to a roll of baby blue satin, and then ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Dissecting Las Meninas Dissecting Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez Diego Velazquez was a master painter in the Golden Age of Spain. He combined his paintings with sensitivity to the life he observed around him with a palette of light, color, and richness. His famous painting Las Meninas, captured audiences thought out the ages. This painting has a lot of symbolism and history about what was going on at the time the painting was complete. Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez was born in Seville in 1599; during this time, Seville was the largest and riches city in Spain with the most open and cosmopolitan atmosphere in the Spanish empire. Velazquez began his training as an artist at 10 in the workshop of Francisco Herrera the Elder. The young Velazquez worked hard and learned a ... Show more content on ... Velazquez moved his family and him into the palace, in his own workshop that Philip serviced. Velazquez served the king for many years on his court, but in his last years he created his masterpiece Las Meninas. The Painting was executed in 1656 in Madrid and is universally known as Velazquez's masterpiece; it was originally named El Cuadro de la Familia (The Royal Family) in 1666 but changed to Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor) in the 19th century. The painting is 318 x 276 cm, painted on canvas with oil paint and is on display at the Museo Nacional del Prado. The painting of the young princess gave him the opportunity of expressing the delicate balance between the graces of a child with the streak of melancholy. The scene takes place in Velazquez studio; in the left corner Diego Velazquez stands back with his palate and brush in his hands, hanging around his belt in the Palace Chamberlain's key, and he is dressed in Knights of Santiago red cross tunic. Over the years Velazquez had spent in the court, he always wanted to be awarded a noble title. He wanted to be a member of the Knights of Santiago, but the order was closed off to painters and families that performed manual work. He sued for ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Summer Olymoics 2012 Summer Olympics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "2012 Olympics" redirects here. For the Winter Youth Olympics, see 2012 Winter Youth Olympics. For the Paralympic Games, see 2012 Summer Paralympics. "London 2012" redirects here. For the video game, see London 2012 (video game). Games of the XXX Olympiad | This is the clear version of the official logo. There are four official base colours, and another version for the 2012 Summer Paralympics. For more details, see section "Logo" below. | Host city | London, United Kingdom | Motto | Inspire a Generation | Nations participating | 204 | Athletes participating | 10,820 | Events | 302 in 26 sports | Opening ceremony | 27 July | ... Show more content on ... The Paris bid suffered two setbacks during the IOC inspection visit: a number of strikes and demonstrations coinciding with the visits, and a report that a key member of the bid team, Guy Drut, would face charges over alleged corrupt party political finances.[25] Lord Coe – the head of the London 2012 bid Throughout the process, Paris was widely seen as the favourite, particularly as this was its third bid in recent years. ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Spain Research Papers Overview Spain is rich in its geography, climate and culture, Spain offers something for all ages from its vast history to its limitless culture. Spain has a plentiful background in its artwork, containing all historical settings and many other features. Spain is located near the southwestern shore of Europe which makes it an ideal environment with all geographic features such as mountains, valley and a coastline. Art Spain has been known for it's lively music and dancing such as the Flamenco, a popular type of dance that has been going on for hundreds of years in the Spanish tradition. Spanish dance has always been popular over the years as Spain is an example of a country where the art of dance has been developed extensively. One could ... Show more content on ... In between each city is filled with beautiful nature and scenery that you can't miss out on. Picos de Europas National Park is one of the many places you can go. Its diverse topography tall peaks, canyons, a permanent presence of snow, and the beautiful rivers and lakes of the region provide very scenic views of an amazing landscape. History With all the nature and how this country is set up comes history. One of the most historical landmarks in Spain is the Royal Palace of Madrid, this one of a kind building was built in 1755 for Charles III, it has over 2,000 rooms and is open for the public to see to this day. One of the main tourist attraction is the La Sagrada Familia, attracting millions of annual visitors, it is both ethereal and very unique in design. This place was built by Antoni Gaudi, a famous architect who died not finishing the place, to this day it is still a work in progress. Because Spain is located near the Iberian Peninsula, Spain has been home to many cultural and historical ideas. From the Greeks, Romans to the medieval ages, the government has brought back many traditions, monuments and museums allowing them to study the past and understand their perspective on ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Fairnelli Characteristics Of The Baroque Period When thinking about the Baroque period, people tend to only associate it with instrumentalists and composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, George Fredrich Handel and Antonio Vivaldi. However, in addition to such instrumentalist and composers, there are some great vocalists who represent the Baroque period but are not widely recognized today. Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola Broschi, who is better know by his stage name, Farinelli, is an Italian vocalist of the 18th century and one of the remarkable singers in the history of music. According to Charles Burney, an English music historian, Fairnelli "set off with such brilliancy and rapidity of execution that it was difficult for the violins of those days to keep pace with him... [he] could ... Show more content on ... While Fairnelli was still a student, his father died unexpectedly at the age of 36, which led his family in great poverty. In order to maintain economic security and to become the greatest singer of all time, Fairnelli decided to castrate. As a result, Farinelli was able to keep his powerful male voice that allowed him to sing any range of voice parts in opera, including high–pitched soprano parts. Shortly after Farinelli's first few public performances, he became popular in many cities as a young talented singer. In addition to singing, Farinelli was a harpsichordist and a composer. He composed several cantatas and arias, including the famous piece, Ossequiosissimo ringraziamento, which he also wrote the lyrics. Therefore, even though Farinelli focused on his vocal the most, he was a gifted musician in all parts. Just like most of the talented musicians who begin their careers at young age, Farinelli participated in several professional stages when he was still only a teenager. At the age of fifteen, Farinelli made his debut in Popora's Serenata, Angelica e Medoro, with two other professional Italian soprano singers, Marianna Bulgarelli and Domerico Gizzi at the Royal chapel of Naples. Furthermore, at the age of seventeen, he sang in Rome in Porpora's Flavio Anicio Olibrio. Farinelli was beloved by the audiences for his pure and powerful voice with full of musical ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Within the Context of 1474-1598 to What Extent Did... Spain's perceived "Golden Age" is a broad classification unconfined to a specific era. The Golden Age has long been affiliated with the growth of a uniquely Spanish identity that arose with the flourishing of arts, architecture and literature expanding notably in the years of Phillip II, and flourishing in the 17th century – the same century traditionalist historians identify as the decline of Spain. To consider the golden age of Spain on a purely art and literature basis however misses the point, the Golden Age in all contexts appeared from the development of the Spanish Empire. On the European stage Spain appeared at the height of its "Golden Age" during the reign of Phillip II, Spain was the centre piece of the world's greatest power ... Show more content on ... Some Historians consider Isabella's decision to pass the crown to the Hapsburgs rather than Aragon as evidence of Isabella's disunity. Lockyer claims; "she showed how little she appreciated the concept of Spanish unity" . This theory is supported by Historian Lotherington and Kamen, the latter who comments "the achievement of a united Spain was never an objective of the Catholic Kings" However this is too simplistic a view; because Isabella knew that the Castilian nobles would not accommodate for an Aragonese king, and the crown must rest upon the spouse of Aragon and Castile if unification was to be a realistic goal. Elliot suggests this when he speaks of a "Spanish inheritance" when referring to the Burgundian inheritance and Rady explains "Ferdinand held such influence in Castile this kingdom also might have been wrenched away from the new heir (Charles)" . Likewise J.Jones identifies "national unification" as a key policy of the Catholic Kings. It was therefore not "entirely by accident" that Spain was united under the same realm but the death of the Catholic Kings Portuguese dynastic ties that meant the Hapsburg dynasty and not the Portuguese dynasty was united under the Spanish crown, which as Isabella had predicted caused friction amongst Cisneros and Castilian nobles who resented Ferdinand fruitless attempts to produce an alternative Spanish heir. Failing to promote his more desirable Spanish grandson; Ferdinand to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Theory of Absolutism Essay The Theory of Absolutism Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. But what did sovereignty mean? Late sixteenth century political theorists believed that sovereign power consisted of the authority to make laws, tax, administer justice, control the state's administrative system, and determine foreign policy. These powers made a ruler sovereign. One of the chief theorists of divine–right monarchy in the seventeenth century was the French theologian and court preacher Bishop Jacques Bossuet (1627–1704), who expressed his ideas in a book entitled Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy ... Show more content on ... ... The day after Cardinal Mazarin's death, Louis XIV, at the age of twenty three, expressed his deterrnination to be a real king and the sole ruler of France: Up to this moment I have been pleased to entrust the gov emment of my affairs to the late Cardinal. It is now time that I govem them myself. You [secretaries and ministers of state] will assist me with your counsels when I ask for them. I request and order you to seal no orders except by my com mand, . . . I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport . . . without my command; to render account to me personally each day and to favor no one. His mother, who was well aware of Louis's proclivity for fun and games and getting into the beds of the maids in the royal palace, laughed aloud at these words. But Louis was quite serious. Louis proved willing to pay the price of being a strong ruler . He established a consci entious routine from which he seldom deviated, but he did not look upon his duties as drudgery since he judged his royal profession to be "grand, noble, and delightful." Eager for glory, Louis created a grand and majestic spec tacle at the court of Versailles (see Daily Life at the Court of Versailles later in the chapter). Consequently, Louis and his court came to set the standard for monar chies and aristocracies all over Europe. Less than fifty years after his death, the great French writer Voltaire used the title "Age of Louis XIV" to describe his history of Europe ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Essay On Las Meninas Las Meninas is an old painting that Diego Velazquez made long time ago. It talk about the king's family and maids. Las Meninas is one of the most important paintings made in the nineteenth century. It was made using oil and canvas. Diego Velazquez is a well–known Spanish painter born in June 6, 1599 in Seville, Spain. He was only thirteen years old when he started drawing. He got married Juana, Pacheco's daughter 'a person he worked with for five years' the couple had two daughters. He lived his whole life in Madrid. He went to Italy to learn art in 1629. Then He was hired by Spain's king 'Philip IV' at age of 25 and he became the king's favorite painter. In 1650s the king offered Velazquez the main room in his palace, it was in the palace museum. It was offered to him to use it as his main studio where he get his paintings done, in this studio Velazquez painted Las Meninas. He has between 110 and 120 known canvas. Philip used to have his own chain in the studio and often sit and watch Velazquez at his work. After a couple of years '1660AD' Diego Velazquez died. During the last couple of years, he only painted few works after Las Meninas. Las Meninas is 3.18 meters high and 2.76 meters wide. It was created in Spain, Madrid 1657AD, ... Show more content on ... He seems to be looking to the left of his canvas as if he is looking at the model he's drawing. It makes us wonder 'is he looking at us?', or 'where is he focusing'. What makes it look stranger, is that Infanta is looking to same thing. So when we look deeper to the drawing we start wondering 'what is the point of the painting? Is it to show Infanta and her maids of honor or there is a hidden idea behind it that only the painter knows about it? We see next that the couple are reflected in the back mirror, so they are standing in the place where everyone is looking and they are reflected in the mirror at the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Understanding the Artwork of Domenikos Theotokopoulos View of Toledo Like many historical artists, it is impossible to understand the artwork of Domenikos Theotokopoulus without understanding his historical context. Theotokopoulus received the nickname El Greco, which means the Greek, during his lifetime, and this nickname reveals a significant detail about his identity as a man, as well as his identity as an artist. This was because his nationality played an important role in his artwork, so that his nationality could almost be described as synonymous with his work during that time. "The Mediterranean world of the sixteenth century– the world of El Greco– was a world in which three civilisations coexisted, interacted and clashed: the Latin West; the Greek Orthodox East; and the civilization of Islam. As a Cretan, and hence a subject of Venice, Domenikos Theotokopoulos, known as El Greco (1541–1614), belonged both to the Greek East and to Latin Christendom. He and his generation lived much of their lives in the shadow of the confrontation between Christendom and Islam." View of Toledo, which is El Greco's only pure landscape, is a wonderful example of this cultural clash that highlighted El Greco's artistry, and it provides a stark example of this confrontation between cultures, as it features a dramatic difference between the earth and the sky in the landscape of Toledo, Spain. El Greco was born in the Greek island of Crete. Although he engaged in other forms of art, El Greco was best known as a painter, particularly a ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Essay On Francisco Goya Francisco Goya is one of the most remarkable artists of the eighteenth century. Born in the village of Fuendetodos in Spain, Goya grew up to become an inspirational painter after pursuing his studies in art. Goya began working for the Spanish royal court and created several works that were a criticism to the political and social problems of the contemporary era. He won several commissions from the royal court after establishing his esteem as a portrait artist. During the period of enlightenment, the artistic works of Goya were prominent throughout Spain. Goya introduced royal workshops, which spanned over four monarchies. He painted several cartoons and haunting scenes for the royal palaces. Goya's tapestries glorify the leisure activities of the young, rich and poor. His etchings are a resemblance of the royal elite class. Most of Goya's paintings capture the sensitivity of artistic techniques through brushstrokes. Some of Goya's artistic works introduce to the audience, a world of ghosts, witches and other creatures, which invade the mind and include nightmarish visions. Goya's famous ... Show more content on ... The painting was a true indication of the actions, which took place when one of the fiercest fights at Hotel de Ville. Although the painting is not a depiction of the Partisan revolution, it was visually striking by capturing the excitement of the event. The painting was a potent symbol of the struggle for liberty. Painted in the backdrop of cannon smoke, the personification of the painting is a combination of both real and ideal. In Liberty Leading the People, the woman wears a red cap on her head, which symbolizes freedom. The red cap was a symbol of the first French revolution, which was an emblem of freed slaves. The bare breasted woman holds a tricolor in one hand and a musket in the other, and appears as half goddess and half ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. College Admissions Essay: Traveling To Spain College is a time for new opportunities, memorable experiences, and a time to explore things you've never encountered before. As a young adult, I realize the importance of studying abroad and how it will help me grow as a person. What could be better than traveling to Spain for ten days and learning a new culture, history, and a new perspective of how the business world is outside of America? I have never been out of the country and traveling to Spain has always been one of my dreams. Spain holds a significant history, a worldly culture, and spectacular food. Hearing all about the beauty of the Seville Cathedral with the gothic architect which holds such a significant amount of history and I cannot wait to experience that first hand. Being able to witness one of the biggest traditions in Spain, bullfighting, will be fascinating and breathtaking, but not something that is understood without experiencing it in person. Barcelona is a great city but we cannot forget Madrid. The Royal palace or how they would say Palacio Real, I want to observe, take in, the beauty of this historic palace and all of the history in which it holds. ... Show more content on ... I am ready to travel to a new country, experience a new way of living, open my horizons, and grow as a human being. It is time for me to step out of my comfort zone and become more independent. Spain's energetic culture will allow me to view life differently and have a new appreciation for ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. One Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World... E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH–C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A ... Show more content on ... The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid–1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the causes and consequences of the Great War that began in 1914. That conflict determined the contours of the twentieth century in myriad ways. On the one hand, the war set in motion transformative processes that were clearly major departures from those that defined the nineteenth–century world order. On the other, it perversely unleashed forces ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. I 'm For An Early Night The two of them played into the fading light and returned to Ángelita's inn. The cold and the awkward conversation with the man dressed as a beggar had made them feel as tired as a pair of work horses at dusk. 'I'm for an early night,' said Carolina. 'I could sleep, too, but I have to attend that meeting. And I need to be as sharp as a razor.' 'Let's just have a quiet snooze. You'll be brighter after a nap.' The two of them made their way to Carolina's room, cuddled up to each other, fully clothed, and fell asleep. They were awoken by the neighing sound of a horse outside the inn. 'Time I went downstairs to this meeting. I wonder what time it is,' said Antonio. 'I'm sure it's past eight. I vaguely remember hearing the cathedral ... Show more content on ... Fearing trouble if he did not respond as told, Antonio took his violin from its case and struck up the tune of 'To Amirillis'. This was no random choice. He hoped the tune would smoke out the man dressed as a beggar, if he were there, and sure enough... 'Thought you said you didn't know it!' shouted a disembodied voice from somewhere near the middle of the crowd, most of whom were on their feet. The source gradually made his way to the front, pushing his way past about a dozen or so others as he did so. Antonio hardly recognised him. The beggar had said as much. Gone were the pantaloons tied with string, the chest exposing open shirt, the battered hat and bare feet. Now he was dressed in a new, brown tricorne, a long black coat over black leather boots and a white shirt, decorated by a smart, black silk tie. He'd trimmed his ragged beard to a neat point and shaped his moustache to a rakish, symmetrical upward curve on each side of his face. Antonio could smell the musky perfume on his subtle umber wig which almost matched his darker, brown hair. 'No. It's just the words we don't know. We know the tune well!' smiled Antonio, wondering what the man's reaction would be and still unsure as to what his exact position could be in this confusion of masculine sweat and untidiness. His demeanour and countenance gave him an air of superiority over these other apparently inferior individuals. 'I'm so glad you could attend ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Malaga Research Paper Malaga is a gorgeous city located in southern Spain's. It's known as the best Mediterranean destination to discover. in addition, Malaga has a rich history to know about it is almost 3000 years old is the perfect cultural destination and you can enter to the monuments and museums for free it has more than 20 museums, most popular one is the Picasso museum. Malaga has many famous festivals and public holidays all over the year and the famous one is called Feria takes place in the middle of august. Also, Malaga known by its beautiful beaches such as the Malagueta beach and you can find different kind of food like the great seafood straight out of the Mediterranean, pork meat, the local fruit and vegetables all this sort of food are the most famous ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. San Velazquez 's Las Meninas Kim 1 Diego Velázquez 's Las Meninas Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez is depicted as a group portrait of Spanish King Philip IV (8 April 1605 – 17 September 1665) at the Habsburg court. The painting well demonstrates Velázquez 's painting techniques that can be recognized by dramatic mood, rich color and extreme contrast between light and dark. It is absolutely extraordinary and implies influences Velázquez has had, especially Flemish Baroque realism. Velázquez had a deeper ambition in his mind when creating this masterpiece. He wanted to earn the title that can ensure him a high position in society. So, Velázquez had this desire for an aristocratic title better than any other single court positions he could get. Diego Velázquez was born in ... Show more content on ... Greatest Works of Art of Western Civilization. New York: Artisan, 1997., 226 . Velázquez used refined techniques and composition so effectively to create this masterpiece describing the presence of the royal family. To create such a high–class art, he emphasized his techniques and ability by reflecting reality in the painting. A clear and description of the royal court, Las Meninas is a masterpiece that demonstrates both Velázquez 's skill as a painter and the complexities of human intellectualism. The figures are painted near life–sized to show many things; overwhelming realism, complexities, and symbolism. The painting is oil on canvas completed in 1656. At first, the painting was called El Cuadro de la Familia in seventeenth–century the Royal Palace at Madrid Martin, John Rupert. Baroque. New York: Harper & Row, 1977., 337 . The main focal point is Infanta Margarita Maria, the royal princess who stares the audience from the middle of the painting. Around her are two of the Queen 's maids of honor, Dona Maria Augustina on the left and Dona Isabel de Velasco on the right. There are two older people behind the princess, Dona Marcela de Ulloa and Guarda Damas. There is also Velázquez himself standing back of the easel. He indicates his privilege by putting himself in the painting. All these people in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Manchester United F.C MANCHESTER UNITED F.C. Manchester United | | Full name | Manchester United Football Club | Nickname(s) | The Red Devils[1] | Founded | 1878, as Newton Heath LYR F.C. | Ground | Old Trafford (Capacity: 75,811[2]) | Owner | Glazer family | Co–chairmen | Joel and Avram Glazer | Manager | Sir Alex Ferguson | League | Premier League | 2010–11 | Premier League, 1st | Website | Club home page | | Home colours | Away colours | Third colours | | Current season | Manchester United Football Club is an English professional football club, based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, that plays in thePremier League. Founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in ... Show more content on ... Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo–yo club, achieving its all–time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the death of the club 's principal benefactor, J. H. Davies, in October 1927, the club 's finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson, who, in December 1931, invested £2,000 and assumed control of the club.[19] In the 1938–39 season, the last year of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First Division.[19] Busby years (1945–1969) Main article: History of Manchester United F.C. (1945–1969) The Busby Babes in Denmark in 1955 In October 1945, the impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection, player transfers and training sessions.[20] Busby led the team to second–place league finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948. In 1952, the club won the First Division, its first league title for 41 years.[21] With an average age of 22, the media labelled the back–to–back title winning side of 1956 "the Busby ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. How Did Patrons Influence Art George Felstiner Professor Walter Meyer AHIS 2 October 19, 2017 The Influence of Patrons in Art Throughout art history, works of art were commissioned for specific purposes through the patronage system. Patrons, such as wealthy merchants, dukes, princes, churches, and guilds, had a strong voice in shaping artwork. Artists learned to yield to the preferences of their patrons if they wanted to succeed. This formed a service contract between artist and patron. Some patrons maintained a dominant voice in expressing their tastes, whereas other patrons allowed for more freedom of expression and independent thought. From the early Renaissance period in 15th–century Northern Europe to the Baroque period in 17th–century Spain and the Realist period ... Show more content on ... He painted the family portrait called The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit for his close friend Edward Darley Boit. This accounts for its casual and relaxed style. Four girls are depicted in the small drawing room of their Paris home surrounded by large objects such as Japanese vases, a red screen, and a fringed rug. The large scale of the objects emphasizes the smaller scale of the young girls. They are arranged informally around the room, suggesting their comfortableness with both their surroundings and with Sargent. In the center, the youngest girl is sitting on the rug, holding her doll, with her legs spread out in front of her. Through her gaze directly at the viewer, she is open and trusting to having her portrait painted. On the right, the slightly older ten–year–old girl stands with her arms behind her back, in a more stiff and serious pose. Her eyes are averted to the left, so she is not looking directly at the viewer. She is more aware of the importance of having her portrait painted than her younger sister, so she gives her best attempt at a formal pose. In the back, the two older teenage sisters are not as eager to participate in the portrait painting. The girl on the left leans on the large vase and does not even face the viewer. The girl on the right faces the viewer in a stiff awkward pose, typical of bored adolescents. Through these four girls, Sargent captures the gradation of young innocence through portraiture. The casual positioning of the sisters creates a sense of the momentary and spontaneous that would not be present if the figures had been highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia Essay Greek mythology is an ancient collection of myths and tales that incorporate gods, goddesses, and mythological creatures and heroes. Embedded within these fictitious narratives are morals which teach a lesson. These teachings are considered applicable in life and can be used on a daily basis. For example, the story of Iphigenia is discerned as a heroic tale in which the selflessness of a young girl is put to the test in order to pardon her father's wrongful actions. Iphigenia's father, Agamemnon, had angered the goddess Artemis and in order to placate her, he would have to sacrifice his own daughter. Without Iphigenia's willing sacrifice, Artemis would make Agamemnon's troops unable to set sail to fight Troy and defend their honor. In the painting, The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo uses the tragic sacrifice of Iphigenia to portray that selflessness is ... Show more content on ... The scene represented in the painting displays Iphigenia upon an altar with a surrounding crowd. The people around her look somewhat shocked and disappointed. Tiepolo incorporated the expressions upon their faces to show that a great injustice is about to occur. This creates a mood in which subsumes shame and sorrow. Iphigenia's father is seen covering his face at the very right of the painting. Agamemnon is perceived as cowardly for betraying his daughter as well as not even attempting to save her. Iphigenia is somewhat hurt by this as her expression exhibits pain and fear. The scene in the painting took place right before Iphigenia's sacrifice was about to transpire. The painting displays a visual image of this scene and creates suspense and anticipation. People from around the palace all joined to view Iphigenia's sacrifice, for they thought it was honorable and brave. Although her death was heartbreaking, it was also seen as ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well-known painter... Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well–known painter during the 17th century, was born in Seville in 1599 (Brown 1). He was the eldest of the seven children, and the son of Silva and Jerónima Velazquez (Brown 1). Both of his parents claimed to be descendants of lesser nobility, a claim that Velázquez will later benefit from (Brown 1). During his time, painting was considered a craft, which is work done with hands rather than the mind, meaning it was unworthy of a nobleman (Carr 26). Velázquez was sent to Franciso Pacheco, a well–known painter in Seville, as an apprentice (Carr 26). Under Pacheco's teachings, Velázquez began to use everyday life as his subjects, which at the time was something new; he painted tavern and kitchen scenes ... Show more content on ... All of these fascinating qualities of Velázquez's paintings later influence Goya, Mazo, Juan Carreño, and many more. Las Meninas, which means the maids of honor, is considered to be Velázquez's masterpiece within has last few years (Harris 170). Most of the information we know today, come form Palomino, who is the Court Painter to Phillip IV's successor, Chalres II (Harris 170). Palomino even knew all of the people being portrayed except for one, and even gave the date when the painting was completed, 1656 (Harris 170). The center of the piece is focused on the Infanta Margarita, the five–year–old princess, who is surrounded by her two meninas, maids of honour. The menina standing on the Infanta's left side, handing her a vessel of water while doing a curtsey is named María Aguestina Sarmineto (Carr 47). The menina standing on her right look as if she is about to bend down to whisper something to the princess or about to do a curtsy is named Isabel de Velasco (Carr 47). In the bottom right corner of the painting are two dwarfs, Maribarbola and Nicolas Pertusato (Carr 47). Nicolas appears to be awakening the mastiff (Carr 47). Palomino said that when the mastiff was being painted it had stayed motionless (Harris 170). Standing behind them is Marcela Ulloa, who is the attendant to the ladies in waiting, and a male escort who is not named (Carr 47). In the doorway of the painting stands the Queen's Palace Marshal, also known as the Queens Chamberlain, ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Las Meninas: The Maids Of Honor Abdelsattar Shaban Gafar, U14111498. Las Meninas "Las Meninas" meaning The Maids of Honor, is a 1656 Baroque masterpiece by the leading artist of the Spanish Golden Age; Diego Velazquez. Las Meninas is a 318 cm × 276 cm (125.2 in × 108.7 in) oil on canvas painting. The painting is located at the Museo del Prado in Madrid. Las Meninas is a work of art that left a lot of viewers in perplex, questioning themselves about illusion and reality, due to its complexity and paradoxical composition. It would leave a conflict between the viewers and the human figures depicted throughout the painting. Because of those convolutions, the painting is considered one of the most enigmatic, yet analyzed work of art in Western paintings. Moving onward we can ... Show more content on ... And the indication of their actual or metaphorical presence is the mirror's reflection. Brown interpretation of the Monarchs was that they actually existed in the space and the depiction in the mirror is their reflection. This theory was somewhat weak, in which for the Monarchs to be reflected in the mirror that way they should be standing in front of the mirror only a few feet away, yet we do not see them anywhere in the painting. Foucault though, provided a different approach to the Monarchs than Brown. In which he interpreted that the depiction of the Monarchs is not a depiction of their actual presence, rather an illustration of their entrance. Foucault suggested that the onlookers of the painting are the "invisible spectators" and that the mirror is "cutting through" objects and figures in the room, instead of illustrating an actual reflection of physical entities. Foucault's clarification of the mirror notes to the concept of "The Metaphorical Mirror", in which it does not represent real space, just a subliminal literary way to present the Monarchs. Some disagreed with Foucault's philosophy, claiming that it was incomplete and weather the Monarchs are realistically or metaphorically depicted can differ from one person to another depending on their point of ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Las Meninas Essay Las Meninas (after cleaning), 10 ft. 7 in. × 9 ft. ½ in. (3.23 × 2.76 m), in Museo del Prado, Madrid– Spain is an oil on canvas which is done by the main Baroque artist in the seventeenth century, counter–reformation, Diego Velázquez(1599–1660). This work is not just greeting for the artist's genius as a painter, but at the same time is about the very specialty of painting. This Velázquez's unqualified masterpiece is monumental which is painted on 1656. The complex works and composition raise questions about reality and illusion, however, this drawing has been one of the most widely analyzed works in western painting. To begin with, the setting is a vast room in the palace of King Philip Quaternary and Queen Mariana, parents of the five–years–old infant Margharita, who is the focus of the picture. She is presented by her housemaid (Meninas) and accompanied by a dog, a midget, and a dwarf. The precise costumes of the Spanish court are painted in such a way, to the point that the brushstrokes highlight the texture and the composition. Below the legendary pictures on the back wall, depicting ... Show more content on ... They appear to be placed outside the picture space, although some people have thought that there image is a reflection from the painting the artist is shown working on. The questions rise, does their picture imply that they are really standing in front of their daughter, or that they are the subjects of Velázquez's canvas? The mirror in Las Meninas may be purposefully vague, which would not be conflicting with Baroque taste. The status of painting is another issue to which Velázquez almost certainly classify in Las Meninas. It was not viewed as a liberal art in Spain, as it was in Italy, but instead was considered as a handicraft. It is likely that by setting himself in royal company, Velázquez was arguing for raising the status of painting and that of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. How Did Spain Shape The Modern World The history of Spain is one of the most captivating in the world and Spanish history along with its culture has helped to shape the modern world into what it is today. To date Spain occupies the preponderance of the Iberian Peninsula which is situated in the southwestern corner of Europe and includes seventeen (17) sovereign regions with diverse geography and cultures. The capital city Madrid there situates the Royal Palace and Prado museum as well as housing works by famous European masters. Segovia – one of the autonomous regions has a medieval castle known as the Alcázar and an intact Roman aqueduct. Another autonomous community is Catalonia the capital, Barcelona, which is one of Spain's second most populous municipalities, with a population of 1.6 million. The Travel Desk states, that Barcelona is not only defined by 'Antoni Gaudí's capricious modernist ... Show more content on ... In 1469, there was the royal marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile united those two kingdoms, which eventually led to the creation of Spain. The last Muslim stronghold fell in the year 1492 from this moment onward; Spain's history reached a period of economic and political profligacy which was accompanied by both international and civilian wars. According to a blog posted by Jose Martiniez, "the 19th century would mark an important part of Spanish history with the loss of important Spanish territories and the collapse of the Spanish Empire." According to , the independence attained by Spanish territories in the "Americas, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines, significantly shaped the world and modern Spanish history". Although Spain is a relatively small territory located in southwestern Europe, the history of Spain is of grandeur and is strikingly different from that of the rest of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. A Comparison Of The Queen From The Cheese And The Worms '? The Queen from The Uncommon Reader and Menocchio from The Cheese and the Worms lived hundreds of years apart, however they exhibit a variety of similarities in their endeavors in reading. Both the Queen and Menocchio were reintroduced to the world of reading by a "guide" at a later age in life and their newfound passions lead to general disapproval from their surroundings for failing to fulfill their appropriate roles as a public figure and obedient slave, respectably. This disapproval ultimately leads to the demise of both characters with Menocchio being burned at the stake and the Queen abdicating – essentially ceasing to exist in her primary role, and metaphorically passing on. The Queen from the Uncommon reader was intelligent and well read, "but liking books was something she left to other people." The overall apathy in life stemmed from the belief, that reading as a hobby involved preferences, and "preferences had to be avoided; preferences excluded people." Her introduction to the traveling library and Norman Seakins sets her on a lifelong journey of reading. After hiring Norman as her "amanuensis", the Queen quickly became attached to the "comforting pile of books she had got used to finding on her bedside table" and began exploring the literary world through the eyes of Norman with just some deviation of his proposed readings. Similarly, Menocchio's reading choices and habits were not cultivated by his own mind, but rather a collective effort of his social ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Napoleon Crossing the Alps at Saint Bernard Pass, 1800 11/8/13 Napoleon Crossing the Alps at Saint Bernard Pass, 1800 The painting of Napoleon Crossing the Alps at Saint Bernard Pass is truly a magnificent and unique work of art for its time. It is an oil painting on canvas which was painted by JacquesLouis David. The work was first started in October of 1800 and completed just four months later in January of 18011. However, there were a total of five different versions of the painting created, with the last version being completed in 1805. All five versions are located at several different locations throughout Europe. The work was painted at the Château de Malmaison, which at the time was a government building just outside of Paris, France. The painting is approximately 8'6" in height and ... Show more content on ... After all, Napoleon was so pleased with it that he requested several other versions to be made. The painting does a great job of representing France's new found power after the French Revolution and establishes a sense of authority and honor for the French people. I find the extensive detail and quality of the painting simply impressive. It is definitely a painting I would recommend other people see and read about. 3 Works Cited Page 1)–crossing–the–alps 2)–napoleon–crossing–the–alps.html 3) ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Jane Seymour, Queen of England and King Fernando Title: Jane Seymour, Queen of England on January 29 1536, Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII's wife had a miscarriage at Hampton Court Palace and four months later was sentenced to death on the charge of unfaithfulness. the day before, the king became engaged to Jane Seymour. she had come to court in 1530 and served her two predecessors as lady–inwaiting. she died in October 1537 while giving birth to the heir of the throne. she was the only wife of the king that was buried together with Henry at Windsor castle. Hans Holbein had made a career for himself and had lived in London since 1532 and was appointed court painter to the English Monarch in 1536, the year of the royal wedding. the one tone background of the painting is a concession to the interests of the court portrait. holbein convinced the court that such portraits with a flatness to it gives them a formal character. in the piece, Jane Seymour's jewelry, her garment, and her slightly pale features are focussed in a even light and presented in every detail– a very old–fashioned technique that had superseded by full tone chiaroscuro not only in Italian paintings. however this is very same technique that creates the necessary distance form the viewer is what Holbein intended. title: portrait of the King Fernando the seventh by Artist:Francisco de Goya y Lucientes Medium: oil on wood panel Period: 1814 The eldest surviving son of Charles VI King of Spain, Ferdinand was born in the vast palace of El ... Get more on ...