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Top Dangerous Facts of E-Cigarette:
Risk Factors, Treatments.
In the early 1930s, health practitioners were wary of the effects of tobacco. Wherein
1944 the American Cancer Society began issuing warnings to smokers. Researchers
began to investigate the long-term health implications of smoking; although it would be
some time before a definitive link was proved. In 1952, Reader's Digest published a
landmark article about the dangers of smoking; titled "Cancer by Carton." This widely
read piece of journalism once again changed the direction of the tobacco industry.
To keep customers from purchasing their products, tobacco industry veterans began
their decades of efforts to move smoking out of the public health sector and into
medicine. Crazy Men fans will be familiar with the advertising industry's efforts to hide
negative scientific evidence from the public. Sadly, these episodes were based on actual
The clever advertising strategy involves alignment with physicians, reinforcing the
notion that smoking was a healthy habit. Physicians regularly appeared in
advertisements, and some doctors bribed them with free compartments, even
prescribed cigarette smoking for certain illnesses. Smoking was not unnatural for
weight control and relaxation, even for pregnant women.
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Ultimately, the documented health risks caught up with the tobacco industry, but did
not fill the pockets of distributors and farmers before decades of profits. In 1964, the US
Surgeon General released damaging findings from the first government-approved study
of cigarette smoking. The report has clearly linked smoking to certain cancers and many
other health disorders, effectively removing the issue from advertisers' hands and back
into the public health sector. The report marked nearly fifty years of regulation of the
tobacco industry, beginning with labeling laws and restrictions on advertising. Despite
frequent public awareness campaigns, industry competitors can still market cigarettes,
but only under government scrutiny.
CDC Reports Worst Estimations
Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than
18.1% of adults, or 42.1 million people, are frequent smokers. Every day more than
3,200 under-age smokers come to light for the first time. And, arguably worse, estimates
suggest that every day 2,100 youth and young adults who smoke occasionally become
daily smokers.
Tobacco companies grow in multibillion-dollar advertising campaigns, with sales of
approximately 300 billion cigarettes per year in the US alone. Fortunately, increased
public awareness in the US has led to widespread restrictions on smoking in public
places, and the release of a wealth of options and assistance for smokers.
Health Hazard
Adverse health effects from tobacco use are well documented. According to the US
Surgeon General, ten times more Americans died prematurely from smoking cigarettes
than in all the wars fought in American history. Smoking can damage every organ in the
human body, and it can directly lead to death from heart disease, cancer, or stroke.
Cancer is a distant and most common diagnosis; The us Smoking can account for 90% of
lung cancer deaths.
Chronic diseases such as obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, diabetes, and
autoimmune disorders. These are also conclusively tied to smoking. Women are at
particular risk and may experience difficulties with conception or pregnancy.
One third of all cancer deaths in the US are related to smoking. Although this habit is
most often associated with lung cancer. Consumption of tobacco can cause cancer
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anywhere in the human body. The 2014 report by the US Surgeon General, The Health
Concept of Smoking of 50 Years of Progress, identified smoking as a direct cause of liver
and colorectal cancer. Evidence suggests a causal link between breast and prostate
cancer, but it has not yet been conclusively proven. However, it is established that
smokers increase the risk of dying from any cancer; compared to their non-smoking
neighbors. Quitting smoking improves the survival of any cancer patient. According to
research by the National Cancer Institute, quitting smoking until the age of 30 reduces
the overall chance of smoking deaths by 90%. The rate is 50% for those who quit at the
age of about 50.
Heart Disease
Stroke and coronary heart disease, both of which can result from smoking, are the
leading causes of death in the United States. Cigarette smokers are likely to develop
heart disease at some point in life. Smoking damages blood vessels by thinning their
walls, which can result in narrower passages that obstruct blood flow to the heart. Over
time, it can cause blood pressure, clot formation and damage to the heart muscle.
Peripheral arteries can also be affected, and the likelihood of aortic aneurysm increases
in smokers. Finally, smokers experience heart attacks and strokes at much higher rates
than non-smokers.
Pulmonary Disease
Because cigarette smoke goes directly into the lungs, tobacco has an immediate negative
effect on the respiratory system. Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients in addition to
nicotine, many of which are toxic. These poisons not only displace oxygen but also
impair the lungs' ability to remove harmful particles. Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), which manifests in shortness of breath, restricted airflow and sputum
production, affects 20% of all smokers and 50% of lifelong smokers. Victims of COPD
almost always suffer from emphysema and bronchitis, described below:
Causes emphysema the small air sac is tasked to deteriorate with oxygen. Once these
sacs lose their elasticity; the expansion and contraction necessary for optimal lung
function is compromised.
Chronic bronchitis occurs; when narrow ducts in the lining of the lungs, called bronchia.
These are inflamed with irritation and damage. Over time, breathing becomes restricted
as bronchia loses its ability to transport oxygen.
The American Lung Association reports that COPD and other chronic lung diseases
make up 73% of smoking-related diseases in the United States. Some of these other
diseases are associated with smoking including pneumonia, asthma, and tuberculosis.
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Reproductive Effect
Although it was not studied as early as other known consequences of smoking. It is now
understood that smoking poses a particular; threat to pregnant women and fetuses.
From conception during delivery, there is a risk throughout the reproductive cycle
when a woman smokes. Cigarette smokers have more difficulty conceiving a baby, and
are more likely to have a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy or uterine rupture.
Pregnant women who smoke should also consider the effects on their infants; as
anything that circulates in the pregnant mother's bloodstream is also transported to the
womb with nicotine. People exposed to toxins in cigarettes tamper with the oxygen
supply and are at risk of complications:
 Increased Heart Rate
 Miscarriage or fetal death
 Birth defect
 respiratory illness
 Premature and / or low birth weight
 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
 Autoimmune disorder and other chronic disease
Recently, smoking has been connected to disorders of the autoimmune system. When
this system malfunctions, the body accidentally attacks healthy tissue as if it were an
alien invader. Serious and chronic diseases can occur, such as Crohn's disease, lupus and
rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking leads the likelihood of these diagnoses and also put
against treatment efficacy. Many other serious health conditions have been linked to
smoking; either as a contributing cause or as a factor that makes treatment more
difficult. Other health problems related to smoking include diabetes, cataract and other
vision problems, osteoporosis, and dental problems.
Perfect Tips “How To Quit Smoking”
Quitting smoking can be extremely challenging, but the benefits are immediate and
profound; Lung capacity increases, blood pressure decreases and the likelihood of a
heart attack or stroke increases within the first year. The American Cancer Society
provides deadlines for health milestones that individuals can look forward to once they
Time Smoke Free: 1 Hour
Benefits: Decline in heart rate and blood pressure
Time Smoke Free: 12 Hours
Benefits: Carbon monoxide levels return to normal in your blood
Time smoking free: 2 weeks to 3 months
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Benefits: Improves circulation and increases lung function
Time smoking free: 1 to 9 months
Benefits: Reduction in cough and shortness of breath; Cilia (short hair-like structures
that excrete mucus from the lungs) begin to regain normal function, reducing the risk of
Time Smoke Free: 1 Year
Benefits: Extreme risk of coronary heart disease is half of a habitual smoker
Time smoking free: 2 years
Benefits: Stroke risk may fall for a non-smoker
Time Smoking Free: 5 years
Benefits: The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder is cut in half;
The risk of cervical cancer falls on a non-smoker
Time Smoking Free: 10 years
Benefits: The risk of dying from lung cancer is about half of that of a person who is still
smoking; Reduces risk of laryngeal and pancreas cancer
Time Smoking Free: 15 years
Benefits: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker.
Socially, an improvised smoker can expect better breath and body odor, greater ability
to exercise, and meaningful savings. According to, the US average for a pack of
cigarettes is $ 5.51, which means that the average annual expense of a pack-a-smoker
sits at $ 2,011; But this is just the surface cost. The total economic cost of a packet is $
18.05, a cost that is devoted to smoking by combining government and consumer
expenses. Another way, is money that could be used elsewhere if smoking were not a
drag on public health. Total annual economic cost for a pack-a-day smoker: $ 6,588.
In 2013, adding another financial perspective, The New York Times reported that
smokers cost an additional $ 5,816 compared to nonsokokers. These costs are the sum
of health care expenses, smoking breaks and absence from work; On an average,
smokers miss two-and-a-half workdays a year, which are nirankaris.
In the long run, the benefits of quitting smoking increase, as the body protects itself
from the harm caused by smoking. The damaged veins regrow, the bronchial passages
relax, and circulation improves. After ten years or more, pre-smokers enjoy the same
odds of good health as those who never smoke.
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Related Should you know e-cigarettes lead to depression and poor heart-condition
Approx. 70% Want To Quit
Cigarettes contain not only nicotine, an intoxicating substance, but other chemicals that
increase the risk of smokers. While conventional wisdom is clear that smoking is bad for
one's health, quitting an established habit is usually not easy. In fact, a multibillion-
dollar industry has evolved to meet this need. Approximately 70% of current American
smokers want to quit, and these smokers are willing to hire hard-earned cash to quit
When it comes to quitting smoking, the success rate is subjective. They are determined
at different levels depending on which one is asked. Some people use success in terms of
reducing, while others determine success based on how long a person smokes.
According to, four to seven percent of smokers quit completely without
using cessid aids or other treatments.
The website also reported that about 25% of smokers used the drug to end their habit
of being able to remain "smoke-free" for the past few months. says that those
who participate in counseling, or who try to improve their chances of stopping, receive
another form of emotional support.
Why Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved several products
that aid in smoking cessation. As with any medicine, these aids take time to be effective.
Most require 12 weeks of use, although nicotine nasal spray can be used for up to six
The most common of these termination aids are nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
They are designed to help you quit cigarettes by allowing you to control or gradually
reduce the amount of nicotine entering your system. Although it is possible to use more
than one NRT at a time, it is important to understand the dose and potential side effects
of each product before combining them. We have compiled information on dosage and
side effects for popular closure aids. Prior to any of the chases listed below, be sure to
contact your doctor to discuss your options.
Nicotine gum (nicorate)
over the counter
Dose: 2 mg (<25 cigarettes / day); 4 mg (> 25 cigarettes / day)
Possible side effects: sore throat, hiccups, pruritus, jaw pain
Sudden cravings and withdrawal symptoms curve
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Lasts for a short period of time; Does not kill cravings completely; It would have to be
chewed a certain way to work; May stick to dental work; Chewing or eating or drinking
gum will not be effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating or drinking anything
other than water before use:
Niktoin Patch (Nicoderm CQ)
over the counter
Dose: 7mg / day; 14 mg / day; 21 mg / day
Possible side effects: shoulder and arm pain, pruritus, erythema, vivid dreams, skin
lasts 24 hours
No way of regulating sudden urges or cravings; Change the patch every day; Applying
patches to the same area of skin for two consecutive days can cause irritation
Nasal Spray (Nicotrol NS)
The prescription
Dose: 10mg / mL (1 spray = 0.5 mg); 1 dose = 2 sprays (1 spray per nostril)
Possible side effects: nasal irritation, sneezing, cough, torsion, headache
Pros: Control sudden urges or cravings; Rapid absorption into the bloodstream; User
controls the dose
Cons: Used repeatedly throughout the day to control urges; More risk of spray
Nicotine inhaler (nicotrol)
The prescription
Dosage: 4 mg
Possible side effects: mouth and throat irritation, cough
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Pros: Control sudden urges or cravings; The user controls how much nicotine they add
to their body through an inhaler puff; Benefit from the sensation of hand to mouth
movement which is often a part of cigarette addiction
Cons: Used repeatedly throughout the day to control urges; Can not eat or drink while
using or it will not be as effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating or drinking
anything other than water before use
Nicotine loss
over the counter
Dose: 2mg If a person smoked 1 cigarette before more than 30 minutes; after waking up.
4mg if a person smokes 1 cigarette less than 30 minutes, after waking up.
Possible side effects: mouth irritation, nausea, hiccups, heartburn
Pros: Control sudden urges or cravings
Cons: Curves but does not eliminate cravings; Can not eat or drink while using or it will
not be as effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating; or drinking anything other than
water before use
Curves but does not eliminate cravings; Can not eat or drink while using or it will not be
as effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating; or drinking anything other than water
before use
The prescription
Dose: 1 150 mg tablet / day for 3 days; Increase to 300 mg / day; 1 150 mg tablet twice
a day at 8-hour intervals; Treatment lasts 7–12 weeks
Possible side effects: anxiety, dry mouth, irregular heartbeat, restlessness, shortness of
breath, sleepiness
Pros: Tablet is easy to use
Cons: Start the prescription a week before you leave; Pills should be taken at the same
time every day
The prescription
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Week One:
 Day 1-3: 1 white pill every day, in the morning;
 Day 4-7: 2 white pills every day morning and evening
2-12 a week: 2 blue pills, morning and evening
Possible side effects: nausea, behavioral changes, hostility, agitation, depressed mood,
suicidal thoughts or actions
Pros: Tablet is easy to use
Cons: Serious mental health problems are known to stem from this termination aid.
Sources: Mayo Clinic, American Pharmacist, and Chantix
Prescription termination aids, such as Zayban and Chantix, are designed to inhibit the
pleasure receptors in the brain that have been affected by nicotine. In additional words,
they make smoking less anticipated. Neither of these prescriptions contains nicotine,
and people often use fast-acting NRTs at the same time to prevent withdrawal
Although both Zyban and Chantix have been approved by the FDA, it is important to be
cautious when taking these drugs. Both can affect mood and cause extreme changes in
behavior and thoughts of suicide. If you choose the prescription route to quit smoking,
keep your doctor aware of all the changes you experience.
Must Read: Most Dangerous Facts About Smoking
Quite E-Cigarette Quickly
Although still awaiting FDA approval, electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are growing
in popularity among those attempting to quit smoking. E-cigarettes give users a craving
for nicotine and physical sensations. While allegedly reducing the amount of chemicals,
and smoke regularly found in cigarettes. The side effects of e-cigarettes are not extreme;
such as prescription NRTs nor are they acting as slow; as other nicotine replacements.
That being said, e-cigarettes remain uncontrolled; The perceived benefits and risks of e-
cigarettes would require years of scientific investigation before anything more than
claims. With that understanding, smokers who think for e-cigarettes as a solution to
their smoking should recognize their bitter experimental and uncertain status as told by
N.R.T.s. Below, we explore the status of e-cigarettes and pending government efforts to
further regulate the product.
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How it works
E-cigarettes provide for the delivery of pure nicotine without deliberately added
chemicals and carcinogens. Nicotine in liquid form is contained in a small cylinder;
which also houses a heating device. The cylinder is connected to a battery that; when
triggered by inhalation of air, activates the heating device. In a second partition, a drop
of liquid nicotine is vaporized by heat and taken directly to the lungs. This hot gas not
only carries the nicotine released, from the brain, but also "kills the throat", a sensation
in the back of the throat when smoking a cigarette. For some users, strangulation is an
essential part of smoking, and some nicotine is not distributed by other forms of intake.
Possible risks and negative effects
While e-cigarettes have attracted the attention of the FDA, they have not yet been
officially regulated, as we noted above. Year 2014 the agency offered, with the Family
Smoking and Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, that e-cigarette manufacturers only
disclose each ingredients and market products by FDA approval. However, it has not yet
been added to the existing law. Health concerns expressed by governmental entities
include the fact that there has been no long-term study of the effects on e-cigarette
users, nor of synthetic nicotine vapor directly in lung tissue, nor of propylene glycol. It is
also used in effect. the product.
E-cigarette critics are also concerned with some secondary risks that offset the
convenience of these devices. Although e-cigarettes seem to help ease the habit of
smokers, usually by a gradual decrease in the amount of nicotine in each cartridge, it
also appears to attract new customers who have never smoked. not done. Chocolate,
strawberry, bubble gum, and cherry are common vapor flavors for sale, and specialty
stores are known to sell over a hundred distinct flavors. This huge variety of flavors
available is attracting many users and not always as a replacement for a tobacco
product. The risk of creating a new problem while solving an old problem is a major
cause of FDA questions about whether to approve the use of e-cigarettes.
Nicotine cartridges are potentially dangerous in themselves. Medical experts agree that
nicotine, apart from its addictive properties, is not an inherently bad substance.
However, synthetic nicotine in its concentrated liquid form is highly toxic and a
different matter. Minimal accidental exposure to liquid nicotine can be fatal, and
drinking as little as one teaspoon can kill a child; One tablespoon can kill at least one big
Vital Risk
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The risk does not end with liquid ending, either; Hospitalization has been reported due
to bare skin contact. Finally, added flavoring to the liquid and lack of industry regulation
on packaging appeals to small jars of nicotine to make "juices" that are attractive and
accessible to children. In recent years, the CDC has reported a dramatic increase in calls
to poison control centers about liquid nicotine.
Because users do not inhale tar and other additives found in cigarettes, some people
may find that e-cigarettes are healthy. While it is true that they do not carry the same
cancer risk as tobacco cigarettes, it is not known whether e-cigarettes are long-term
safe. For example, researchers have confirmed that synthetic nicotine still impairs lung
function, increases heart rate and constricts blood vessels.
Many smokers use tobacco as well as e-cigarettes, rather than a replacement, and there
are concerns that these users may actually be exposed to more nicotine than e-
cigarettes. Although New York and Chicago have banned the public use of e-cigarettes,
most areas of the country are allowed to fill water indoors. Instead of leading smokers
away from cigarettes, such practices may actually attract new users to e-cigarettes.
Future of Regulation
The FDA is currently reviewing existing data and conducting its own research, and
industry manufacturers hope that e-cigarettes may soon be regulated by the
government. This opens the door to taxation of the product, which has the dual effect of
providing a new income stream to the tax bodies while raising the price of the product.
However, by economic implication, regulating the manufacture and distribution of e-
cigarettes may benefit the market. For example, FDA approval may be accompanied by:
Ban on sale to buyers under 18
Quality control on nicotine dose delivery (tests have shown that the average amount of
nicotine in e-cigarettes may be significantly different from the amount indicated on the
1. Requirements listing major known hazards and risk factors on packaging
2. Limited ability to advertise, similar to regulations imposed on tobacco industry
3. Restrictions on the sale of free samples or vending machines
4. Limitations on the number of delicious flavors on offer
5. Online sales are restricted
Meanwhile, in the grand tradition of capitalism, e-cigarette manufacturers are
scrambling to rake in profits in an unregulated market. It is currently estimated that US
e-cigarette revenue will be $ 1.7 billion in 2014. The regulation would follow a mixed
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bag of regulations for manufacturers and distributors, but would theoretically be a safer
consumer experience.
Additional Resources
After decades of denial by veterans in the tobacco and advertising industries, the
American public is now aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking, particularly in
relation to cancer and heart disease. While there are still many smokers in America,
most of them expect to quit the habit. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to
quitting cold-turkey, and most of them are approved by the FDA.
Smoking cessation aids Created by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The site
contains information about nicotine replacement therapy; such as patches, gum, nasal
spray, lozenge or inhalers.
Chantix: As mentioned above, Chantix is a prescription-based drug that blocks
nicotine receptor cells in the brain and reduces craving as you quit smoking. Read in
Zyban: Also mentioned, this anti-depressant, available with a prescription, has been
proven to reduce cravings and help users stop smoking. Read in Details
Hypnosis: Thousands of Americans have successfully accepted hypnosis in their efforts
to quit smoking. WebMD outlines the commonly employed variations as to the validity
and treatment of the method.
Freedom from smoking: This program, presented by the American Lung Association, is
an 8-session group clinic that can be brought to any group or organization. Personal
online support is also available.
Quitplan: This service caters to those who want to quit with a two-week price of
nicotine patches, gum, or loinges; Participants also receive personal support via email
and text messaging, as well as a guide to make suggestions on how to manage craving.
Read in Details
Be an Ex: This 3-phase plan designed by the Mayo Clinic targets all smokers who want
to improve, and includes specific information about pregnant smokers and alternative
Smoking cessation support device
TheRealCost: This no-nonsense site can break the negative impact on your life.
Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | This government-run site provides smokers with resources to quit in
ways that feel sensible and remarkable.
How to quit: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides tips from links to
reformed smokers; and other government resources designed to help them quit.
Quit-Net: A staple in the global of smoking cessation; the site produces a variety of
resources for smokers, including a downloadable guide to quitting. A community forum
for fellow smokers, and games and blogs are; when the urge becomes distracted.
Freedom from smoking: This resource is sponsored from the American Lung
Association, and is designed to help busy adults quit smoking.

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  • 1. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Top Dangerous Facts of E-Cigarette: Risk Factors, Treatments. In the early 1930s, health practitioners were wary of the effects of tobacco. Wherein 1944 the American Cancer Society began issuing warnings to smokers. Researchers began to investigate the long-term health implications of smoking; although it would be some time before a definitive link was proved. In 1952, Reader's Digest published a landmark article about the dangers of smoking; titled "Cancer by Carton." This widely read piece of journalism once again changed the direction of the tobacco industry. To keep customers from purchasing their products, tobacco industry veterans began their decades of efforts to move smoking out of the public health sector and into medicine. Crazy Men fans will be familiar with the advertising industry's efforts to hide negative scientific evidence from the public. Sadly, these episodes were based on actual events. The clever advertising strategy involves alignment with physicians, reinforcing the notion that smoking was a healthy habit. Physicians regularly appeared in advertisements, and some doctors bribed them with free compartments, even prescribed cigarette smoking for certain illnesses. Smoking was not unnatural for weight control and relaxation, even for pregnant women.
  • 2. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Ultimately, the documented health risks caught up with the tobacco industry, but did not fill the pockets of distributors and farmers before decades of profits. In 1964, the US Surgeon General released damaging findings from the first government-approved study of cigarette smoking. The report has clearly linked smoking to certain cancers and many other health disorders, effectively removing the issue from advertisers' hands and back into the public health sector. The report marked nearly fifty years of regulation of the tobacco industry, beginning with labeling laws and restrictions on advertising. Despite frequent public awareness campaigns, industry competitors can still market cigarettes, but only under government scrutiny. CDC Reports Worst Estimations Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 18.1% of adults, or 42.1 million people, are frequent smokers. Every day more than 3,200 under-age smokers come to light for the first time. And, arguably worse, estimates suggest that every day 2,100 youth and young adults who smoke occasionally become daily smokers. Tobacco companies grow in multibillion-dollar advertising campaigns, with sales of approximately 300 billion cigarettes per year in the US alone. Fortunately, increased public awareness in the US has led to widespread restrictions on smoking in public places, and the release of a wealth of options and assistance for smokers. Health Hazard Adverse health effects from tobacco use are well documented. According to the US Surgeon General, ten times more Americans died prematurely from smoking cigarettes than in all the wars fought in American history. Smoking can damage every organ in the human body, and it can directly lead to death from heart disease, cancer, or stroke. Cancer is a distant and most common diagnosis; The us Smoking can account for 90% of lung cancer deaths. Chronic diseases such as obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. These are also conclusively tied to smoking. Women are at particular risk and may experience difficulties with conception or pregnancy. Cancer One third of all cancer deaths in the US are related to smoking. Although this habit is most often associated with lung cancer. Consumption of tobacco can cause cancer
  • 3. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | anywhere in the human body. The 2014 report by the US Surgeon General, The Health Concept of Smoking of 50 Years of Progress, identified smoking as a direct cause of liver and colorectal cancer. Evidence suggests a causal link between breast and prostate cancer, but it has not yet been conclusively proven. However, it is established that smokers increase the risk of dying from any cancer; compared to their non-smoking neighbors. Quitting smoking improves the survival of any cancer patient. According to research by the National Cancer Institute, quitting smoking until the age of 30 reduces the overall chance of smoking deaths by 90%. The rate is 50% for those who quit at the age of about 50. Heart Disease Stroke and coronary heart disease, both of which can result from smoking, are the leading causes of death in the United States. Cigarette smokers are likely to develop heart disease at some point in life. Smoking damages blood vessels by thinning their walls, which can result in narrower passages that obstruct blood flow to the heart. Over time, it can cause blood pressure, clot formation and damage to the heart muscle. Peripheral arteries can also be affected, and the likelihood of aortic aneurysm increases in smokers. Finally, smokers experience heart attacks and strokes at much higher rates than non-smokers. Pulmonary Disease Because cigarette smoke goes directly into the lungs, tobacco has an immediate negative effect on the respiratory system. Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients in addition to nicotine, many of which are toxic. These poisons not only displace oxygen but also impair the lungs' ability to remove harmful particles. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which manifests in shortness of breath, restricted airflow and sputum production, affects 20% of all smokers and 50% of lifelong smokers. Victims of COPD almost always suffer from emphysema and bronchitis, described below: Causes emphysema the small air sac is tasked to deteriorate with oxygen. Once these sacs lose their elasticity; the expansion and contraction necessary for optimal lung function is compromised. Chronic bronchitis occurs; when narrow ducts in the lining of the lungs, called bronchia. These are inflamed with irritation and damage. Over time, breathing becomes restricted as bronchia loses its ability to transport oxygen. The American Lung Association reports that COPD and other chronic lung diseases make up 73% of smoking-related diseases in the United States. Some of these other diseases are associated with smoking including pneumonia, asthma, and tuberculosis.
  • 4. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Reproductive Effect Although it was not studied as early as other known consequences of smoking. It is now understood that smoking poses a particular; threat to pregnant women and fetuses. From conception during delivery, there is a risk throughout the reproductive cycle when a woman smokes. Cigarette smokers have more difficulty conceiving a baby, and are more likely to have a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy or uterine rupture. Pregnant women who smoke should also consider the effects on their infants; as anything that circulates in the pregnant mother's bloodstream is also transported to the womb with nicotine. People exposed to toxins in cigarettes tamper with the oxygen supply and are at risk of complications:  Increased Heart Rate  Miscarriage or fetal death  Birth defect  respiratory illness  Premature and / or low birth weight  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)  Autoimmune disorder and other chronic disease Recently, smoking has been connected to disorders of the autoimmune system. When this system malfunctions, the body accidentally attacks healthy tissue as if it were an alien invader. Serious and chronic diseases can occur, such as Crohn's disease, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking leads the likelihood of these diagnoses and also put against treatment efficacy. Many other serious health conditions have been linked to smoking; either as a contributing cause or as a factor that makes treatment more difficult. Other health problems related to smoking include diabetes, cataract and other vision problems, osteoporosis, and dental problems. Perfect Tips “How To Quit Smoking” Quitting smoking can be extremely challenging, but the benefits are immediate and profound; Lung capacity increases, blood pressure decreases and the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke increases within the first year. The American Cancer Society provides deadlines for health milestones that individuals can look forward to once they leave: Time Smoke Free: 1 Hour Benefits: Decline in heart rate and blood pressure Time Smoke Free: 12 Hours Benefits: Carbon monoxide levels return to normal in your blood Time smoking free: 2 weeks to 3 months
  • 5. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Benefits: Improves circulation and increases lung function Time smoking free: 1 to 9 months Benefits: Reduction in cough and shortness of breath; Cilia (short hair-like structures that excrete mucus from the lungs) begin to regain normal function, reducing the risk of infection Time Smoke Free: 1 Year Benefits: Extreme risk of coronary heart disease is half of a habitual smoker Time smoking free: 2 years Benefits: Stroke risk may fall for a non-smoker Time Smoking Free: 5 years Benefits: The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder is cut in half; The risk of cervical cancer falls on a non-smoker Time Smoking Free: 10 years Benefits: The risk of dying from lung cancer is about half of that of a person who is still smoking; Reduces risk of laryngeal and pancreas cancer Time Smoking Free: 15 years Benefits: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker. Socially, an improvised smoker can expect better breath and body odor, greater ability to exercise, and meaningful savings. According to, the US average for a pack of cigarettes is $ 5.51, which means that the average annual expense of a pack-a-smoker sits at $ 2,011; But this is just the surface cost. The total economic cost of a packet is $ 18.05, a cost that is devoted to smoking by combining government and consumer expenses. Another way, is money that could be used elsewhere if smoking were not a drag on public health. Total annual economic cost for a pack-a-day smoker: $ 6,588. In 2013, adding another financial perspective, The New York Times reported that smokers cost an additional $ 5,816 compared to nonsokokers. These costs are the sum of health care expenses, smoking breaks and absence from work; On an average, smokers miss two-and-a-half workdays a year, which are nirankaris. In the long run, the benefits of quitting smoking increase, as the body protects itself from the harm caused by smoking. The damaged veins regrow, the bronchial passages relax, and circulation improves. After ten years or more, pre-smokers enjoy the same odds of good health as those who never smoke.
  • 6. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Related Should you know e-cigarettes lead to depression and poor heart-condition Approx. 70% Want To Quit Cigarettes contain not only nicotine, an intoxicating substance, but other chemicals that increase the risk of smokers. While conventional wisdom is clear that smoking is bad for one's health, quitting an established habit is usually not easy. In fact, a multibillion- dollar industry has evolved to meet this need. Approximately 70% of current American smokers want to quit, and these smokers are willing to hire hard-earned cash to quit smoking. When it comes to quitting smoking, the success rate is subjective. They are determined at different levels depending on which one is asked. Some people use success in terms of reducing, while others determine success based on how long a person smokes. According to, four to seven percent of smokers quit completely without using cessid aids or other treatments. The website also reported that about 25% of smokers used the drug to end their habit of being able to remain "smoke-free" for the past few months. says that those who participate in counseling, or who try to improve their chances of stopping, receive another form of emotional support. Why Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved several products that aid in smoking cessation. As with any medicine, these aids take time to be effective. Most require 12 weeks of use, although nicotine nasal spray can be used for up to six months. The most common of these termination aids are nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). They are designed to help you quit cigarettes by allowing you to control or gradually reduce the amount of nicotine entering your system. Although it is possible to use more than one NRT at a time, it is important to understand the dose and potential side effects of each product before combining them. We have compiled information on dosage and side effects for popular closure aids. Prior to any of the chases listed below, be sure to contact your doctor to discuss your options. Nicotine gum (nicorate) over the counter Dose: 2 mg (<25 cigarettes / day); 4 mg (> 25 cigarettes / day) Possible side effects: sore throat, hiccups, pruritus, jaw pain Pros: Sudden cravings and withdrawal symptoms curve
  • 7. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Cons: Lasts for a short period of time; Does not kill cravings completely; It would have to be chewed a certain way to work; May stick to dental work; Chewing or eating or drinking gum will not be effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating or drinking anything other than water before use: Niktoin Patch (Nicoderm CQ) over the counter Dose: 7mg / day; 14 mg / day; 21 mg / day Possible side effects: shoulder and arm pain, pruritus, erythema, vivid dreams, skin irritation Pros: lasts 24 hours Cons: No way of regulating sudden urges or cravings; Change the patch every day; Applying patches to the same area of skin for two consecutive days can cause irritation Nasal Spray (Nicotrol NS) The prescription Dose: 10mg / mL (1 spray = 0.5 mg); 1 dose = 2 sprays (1 spray per nostril) Possible side effects: nasal irritation, sneezing, cough, torsion, headache Pros: Control sudden urges or cravings; Rapid absorption into the bloodstream; User controls the dose Cons: Used repeatedly throughout the day to control urges; More risk of spray dependence Nicotine inhaler (nicotrol) The prescription Dosage: 4 mg Possible side effects: mouth and throat irritation, cough
  • 8. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Pros: Control sudden urges or cravings; The user controls how much nicotine they add to their body through an inhaler puff; Benefit from the sensation of hand to mouth movement which is often a part of cigarette addiction Cons: Used repeatedly throughout the day to control urges; Can not eat or drink while using or it will not be as effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating or drinking anything other than water before use Nicotine loss over the counter Dose: 2mg If a person smoked 1 cigarette before more than 30 minutes; after waking up. 4mg if a person smokes 1 cigarette less than 30 minutes, after waking up. Possible side effects: mouth irritation, nausea, hiccups, heartburn Pros: Control sudden urges or cravings Cons: Curves but does not eliminate cravings; Can not eat or drink while using or it will not be as effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating; or drinking anything other than water before use Curves but does not eliminate cravings; Can not eat or drink while using or it will not be as effective; Wait at least 15 minutes after eating; or drinking anything other than water before use Zyban The prescription Dose: 1 150 mg tablet / day for 3 days; Increase to 300 mg / day; 1 150 mg tablet twice a day at 8-hour intervals; Treatment lasts 7–12 weeks Possible side effects: anxiety, dry mouth, irregular heartbeat, restlessness, shortness of breath, sleepiness Pros: Tablet is easy to use Cons: Start the prescription a week before you leave; Pills should be taken at the same time every day Chantix The prescription Dosage:
  • 9. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | Week One:  Day 1-3: 1 white pill every day, in the morning;  Day 4-7: 2 white pills every day morning and evening 2-12 a week: 2 blue pills, morning and evening Possible side effects: nausea, behavioral changes, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions Pros: Tablet is easy to use Cons: Serious mental health problems are known to stem from this termination aid. Sources: Mayo Clinic, American Pharmacist, and Chantix Prescription termination aids, such as Zayban and Chantix, are designed to inhibit the pleasure receptors in the brain that have been affected by nicotine. In additional words, they make smoking less anticipated. Neither of these prescriptions contains nicotine, and people often use fast-acting NRTs at the same time to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Although both Zyban and Chantix have been approved by the FDA, it is important to be cautious when taking these drugs. Both can affect mood and cause extreme changes in behavior and thoughts of suicide. If you choose the prescription route to quit smoking, keep your doctor aware of all the changes you experience. Must Read: Most Dangerous Facts About Smoking Quite E-Cigarette Quickly Although still awaiting FDA approval, electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are growing in popularity among those attempting to quit smoking. E-cigarettes give users a craving for nicotine and physical sensations. While allegedly reducing the amount of chemicals, and smoke regularly found in cigarettes. The side effects of e-cigarettes are not extreme; such as prescription NRTs nor are they acting as slow; as other nicotine replacements. That being said, e-cigarettes remain uncontrolled; The perceived benefits and risks of e- cigarettes would require years of scientific investigation before anything more than claims. With that understanding, smokers who think for e-cigarettes as a solution to their smoking should recognize their bitter experimental and uncertain status as told by N.R.T.s. Below, we explore the status of e-cigarettes and pending government efforts to further regulate the product.
  • 10. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | How it works E-cigarettes provide for the delivery of pure nicotine without deliberately added chemicals and carcinogens. Nicotine in liquid form is contained in a small cylinder; which also houses a heating device. The cylinder is connected to a battery that; when triggered by inhalation of air, activates the heating device. In a second partition, a drop of liquid nicotine is vaporized by heat and taken directly to the lungs. This hot gas not only carries the nicotine released, from the brain, but also "kills the throat", a sensation in the back of the throat when smoking a cigarette. For some users, strangulation is an essential part of smoking, and some nicotine is not distributed by other forms of intake. Possible risks and negative effects While e-cigarettes have attracted the attention of the FDA, they have not yet been officially regulated, as we noted above. Year 2014 the agency offered, with the Family Smoking and Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, that e-cigarette manufacturers only disclose each ingredients and market products by FDA approval. However, it has not yet been added to the existing law. Health concerns expressed by governmental entities include the fact that there has been no long-term study of the effects on e-cigarette users, nor of synthetic nicotine vapor directly in lung tissue, nor of propylene glycol. It is also used in effect. the product. E-cigarette critics are also concerned with some secondary risks that offset the convenience of these devices. Although e-cigarettes seem to help ease the habit of smokers, usually by a gradual decrease in the amount of nicotine in each cartridge, it also appears to attract new customers who have never smoked. not done. Chocolate, strawberry, bubble gum, and cherry are common vapor flavors for sale, and specialty stores are known to sell over a hundred distinct flavors. This huge variety of flavors available is attracting many users and not always as a replacement for a tobacco product. The risk of creating a new problem while solving an old problem is a major cause of FDA questions about whether to approve the use of e-cigarettes. Nicotine cartridges are potentially dangerous in themselves. Medical experts agree that nicotine, apart from its addictive properties, is not an inherently bad substance. However, synthetic nicotine in its concentrated liquid form is highly toxic and a different matter. Minimal accidental exposure to liquid nicotine can be fatal, and drinking as little as one teaspoon can kill a child; One tablespoon can kill at least one big man. Vital Risk
  • 11. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | The risk does not end with liquid ending, either; Hospitalization has been reported due to bare skin contact. Finally, added flavoring to the liquid and lack of industry regulation on packaging appeals to small jars of nicotine to make "juices" that are attractive and accessible to children. In recent years, the CDC has reported a dramatic increase in calls to poison control centers about liquid nicotine. Because users do not inhale tar and other additives found in cigarettes, some people may find that e-cigarettes are healthy. While it is true that they do not carry the same cancer risk as tobacco cigarettes, it is not known whether e-cigarettes are long-term safe. For example, researchers have confirmed that synthetic nicotine still impairs lung function, increases heart rate and constricts blood vessels. Many smokers use tobacco as well as e-cigarettes, rather than a replacement, and there are concerns that these users may actually be exposed to more nicotine than e- cigarettes. Although New York and Chicago have banned the public use of e-cigarettes, most areas of the country are allowed to fill water indoors. Instead of leading smokers away from cigarettes, such practices may actually attract new users to e-cigarettes. Future of Regulation The FDA is currently reviewing existing data and conducting its own research, and industry manufacturers hope that e-cigarettes may soon be regulated by the government. This opens the door to taxation of the product, which has the dual effect of providing a new income stream to the tax bodies while raising the price of the product. However, by economic implication, regulating the manufacture and distribution of e- cigarettes may benefit the market. For example, FDA approval may be accompanied by: Ban on sale to buyers under 18 Quality control on nicotine dose delivery (tests have shown that the average amount of nicotine in e-cigarettes may be significantly different from the amount indicated on the packaging). 1. Requirements listing major known hazards and risk factors on packaging 2. Limited ability to advertise, similar to regulations imposed on tobacco industry 3. Restrictions on the sale of free samples or vending machines 4. Limitations on the number of delicious flavors on offer 5. Online sales are restricted Meanwhile, in the grand tradition of capitalism, e-cigarette manufacturers are scrambling to rake in profits in an unregulated market. It is currently estimated that US e-cigarette revenue will be $ 1.7 billion in 2014. The regulation would follow a mixed
  • 12. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | bag of regulations for manufacturers and distributors, but would theoretically be a safer consumer experience. Additional Resources After decades of denial by veterans in the tobacco and advertising industries, the American public is now aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking, particularly in relation to cancer and heart disease. While there are still many smokers in America, most of them expect to quit the habit. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to quitting cold-turkey, and most of them are approved by the FDA. Smoking cessation aids Created by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The site contains information about nicotine replacement therapy; such as patches, gum, nasal spray, lozenge or inhalers. Chantix: As mentioned above, Chantix is a prescription-based drug that blocks nicotine receptor cells in the brain and reduces craving as you quit smoking. Read in Details Zyban: Also mentioned, this anti-depressant, available with a prescription, has been proven to reduce cravings and help users stop smoking. Read in Details Hypnosis: Thousands of Americans have successfully accepted hypnosis in their efforts to quit smoking. WebMD outlines the commonly employed variations as to the validity and treatment of the method. Freedom from smoking: This program, presented by the American Lung Association, is an 8-session group clinic that can be brought to any group or organization. Personal online support is also available. Quitplan: This service caters to those who want to quit with a two-week price of nicotine patches, gum, or loinges; Participants also receive personal support via email and text messaging, as well as a guide to make suggestions on how to manage craving. Read in Details Be an Ex: This 3-phase plan designed by the Mayo Clinic targets all smokers who want to improve, and includes specific information about pregnant smokers and alternative medicine. Smoking cessation support device TheRealCost: This no-nonsense site can break the negative impact on your life.
  • 13. Article Produced by: Root India Healthcare Limited Read new updates at | This government-run site provides smokers with resources to quit in ways that feel sensible and remarkable. How to quit: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides tips from links to reformed smokers; and other government resources designed to help them quit. Quit-Net: A staple in the global of smoking cessation; the site produces a variety of resources for smokers, including a downloadable guide to quitting. A community forum for fellow smokers, and games and blogs are; when the urge becomes distracted. Freedom from smoking: This resource is sponsored from the American Lung Association, and is designed to help busy adults quit smoking.