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For as long as one can remember the people of the Caribbean have been using
herbal teas as Remedies for most ailments.It has never been documented how
many have benefited from it’s use but these have certainly aided many a
recipient. Hence the compilation of the Top 15 Herbal Remedies Found in the
#12 NONI
Drinking zebapique with a twisted face
There used to be a bottle in bars amid the White Oak and Black Label bottles that
contained zebapique leaves soaked in Puncheon rum, the ultimate cure. I had
seen Barmen ceremoniously fetch the bottle on numerous occasions, pour some
of its contents into a glass, and then offer it to someone who was sick, usually
with a cold or fever.
Without fail, the drinker would have shot the dark rum-looking beverage
while sporting a contorted expression akin to that of someone forced to chew
on noni fruit flesh.
Zebapique flowers and plants
Zebapique (also written "zebapeek," "zebapik," or "zebapip") is a short plant of
the Asteraceae family that grows to a height of between one and two meters. Its
leaves and stems color the skin yellow, and at the tips of its branches, it bears
clusters of yellow flowers.
Zebapique leaves are either boiled in water and then left to cool before
consumption, or they are soaked in rum. To eliminate the bitter flavor, add
a little salt to the tongue afterward.
Skin rash, cold/cough, fever, pain and parasites
The leaves are crushed and applied to the affected areas for several skin
Zebapique is used to treat pain, fever, and the common cold/cough throughout
the Caribbean and Latin America. For a few days, till the ailment subsides, it is
The leaves contain sesquiterpene lactones, which Clement et al. (2015) report in
"An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in Trinidad" as being effective
against the parasite that causes malaria. These also prevent the development of
some parasites that spread infection, like Leishmania mexicana.
They can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and for fungus infections.
Human filarial worms can be killed by the ethanol extract from the leaves, and
it can also hasten wound healing.
Additionally, Bullard-Roberts (2016) highlighted in the paper "Medicinal Plants
of Trinidad and Tobago: Selection of Antidiabetic Remedies" that zebapique is
used to reduce blood sugar levels.
This is made possible by the bitter flavor, which is present in other plants like
caraille and stimulates the synthesis of insulin. Bullard-Roberts points out that
regular use of these bitter treatments for diabetes
may be risky unless used sparingly because "bitter phytochemicals can be
deadly." Additionally, there is little information on how zebapique affects
expectant and nursing mothers.
Many people still turn to nature for healing even when traditional bush medicine
is losing favor since it can be more affordable, accessible, and has few
unfavorable side effects. However, it is important to conduct research and
consult a health expert before beginning a course of natural therapies, especially
if medicine is also being taken. For instance, taking zebapique and taking
diabetes medicine together can cause hypoglycemia.
The leaf of life is a popular herbal cure in the Caribbean for treating common
illnesses like the flu, the common cold, chest colds, high blood pressure,
headaches, fever, bronchitis, edema, and persistent coughing.
In India, tubers are used as a side dish.
It is administered to treat colds, asthma, and coughs.
It is employed to combat dysentery.
High blood pressure is treated using the plant root.
Additionally, it is employed to stop any form of cardiac issue.
It is employed to reduce fever.
Constipation can be treated using the powder.
Boils, wounds, sores, and cuts can all be treated with wonder of the world paste.
Wonder of the World's extract is used. For the treatment of roundworms, an
extract from Wonder of the World is employed (clotrimazol).
Treatment for antipyretic action involves using the plant's extract.
This liquid can be used as an eardrop to relieve ear ache. It's an all-natural
treatment for ear ache. Teething issues are treated using Wonder of the
World paste combined with honey. It is used to treat diabetics because of its
anti-diabetic properties.
This plant's root has shown promise in the treatment of hepatitis and is thought
to preserve the liver.
It is diuretic, as proven. It therefore treats problematic urinating. It aids in bladder
cleaning and removes poisonous poisons from the intestines.
The plant is included in the blend due to its antioxidant properties.
It is one of the natural treatments for piles (Hemorrhoids).
This plant's root has shown promise in the treatment of hepatitis and is
thought to preserve the liver. Stomach aches are treated with the leaf juice.
The extract is employed in curing gray hair and nourishing hair.
Utilizing the leaves can treat digestive disorders.
This plant's extract has anti-inflammatory properties that lessen inflammation.
Jaundice can be treated using Wonder of the World's fresh juice.
It might aid in managing weight. We haven't come across any reputable
research that supports this claim. The plant does, however, offer some
qualities that could aid in weight loss. For instance, the plant's capabilities
for intestinal cleaning.
Making tea for asthma, shortness of breath, strengthening the immune system,
and cleaning the intestines of harmful germs. To one pint of boiling water, add
five stemmed leaves, either fresh or dried. For 5 to 10 minutes, steep. Pour
through a strainer and enjoy plain or with a dash of honey. 3 dosages are made.
Three times a day, drink this tea.
Warm the leaves, mash them until smooth, and then apply them to the wound as
a treatment. This herb will hasten recovery and lessen scarring.
Warm three leaves, then juice them for a chest cold. 2 to 3 tablespoons of leaf
juice should result from this. Put a dash of sea salt in. For however long is
required, take one tablespoon three times per day.
To lower blood pressure, the leaves are eaten raw with onions.
Warm up 13 fresh leaves over a fire to make a cough remedy for colds, coughs,
and chest congestion. The leaves will become juicy if you rub them between
your palms. Juice should be squeezed into a small pot. At least 6 to 8
tablespoons of juice should be produced. To the pot, add 3 limes' worth of juice
2 ounces of honey. Simmer for 5-7 minutes over a low heat. Remove from the
flame, then let it cool. Maintain in a bottle.
For two weeks, consume one tablespoon every three hours. If necessary, skip one
week and repeat.
Poultice for skin ulcers, sprains, and insect stings: Make a poultice from 7 fresh
leaves. To the affected region, evenly distribute the poultice. As often as
required, apply a fresh poultice twice daily, in the morning and at night.
Heat the leaves and apply to the pile area, or juice the leaves and apply the
juice to the pile, to cure hemorrhoids (piles).
Use of Wonder of the World leaves along with nopal and Euphorbia
hypericifolia can aid in the treatment of gonorrhea.
Vaginal problems: Make a paste of rhizome powder and water, then apply it
twice daily to the affected area.
The juice is typically successful in treating bladder issues. Make 40–60 ml of
its decoction and add 2 grams of honey to it if you have issues with male
urine. Consume this twice a day.
Boils can be treated by slightly warming the leaves and pounding them till
smooth. Bind to the impacted areas.
Give 3 to 6 grams of the wonder of the world leaf juice mixed with cumin seeds
and ghee. Use it twice each day.
Crush Wonder of the World leaves and apply them to the eye circle if you have
eye pain.
Wonder of the World is frequently used to treat gray hair and nourish hair,
however this hasn't been studied in a controlled environment yet. Many
people assert that using the plant's leaf extracts can prevent the growth of
gray hair as well as possibly support a healthy scalp. Although many individuals
think the extracts are helpful for caring for hair, it is still unclear how they
actually operate.
Use 40–50 cc of Wonder of the World juice mixed with pure honey to treat
gallstones. Use each morning and night.
It is customarily advised to consume fresh leaf juice twice daily for fifteen days
to help kidney stones pass naturally. This medication is frequently coupled with
other herbal remedies with a reputation for treating kidney stones.
Wonder of the World can be used in a number of ways, including: 1.
2. Take as tea
3. Applying a poultice to wounds can reduce pain, hasten healing, and
guard against infection. 4. Apply heated leaves to the affected region.
5. To use topically, make a paste from the leaves and a small amount of water or
Wonder of the World Dosage: It is advised to take 5 to 15 mL of leaf extract for
the majority of treatments. However, a dosage of up to 30 to 40 mL can be
necessary for more serious conditions. You can consume the extract by
combining it with water or honey. Some individuals choose making tea with
dried leaves instead of fresh ones.
Side Effects, Safety, Dangers, and Warnings for Wonder of the World;
The use of the Leaf of Life was reported to have no negative effects in the
majority of experiments. But big doses of the leaf juice have been
demonstrated to have negative consequences including drunkenness, so it
might not be the best for chronic illnesses (like frequent or long-lasting kidney
Wonder of the world is not advised to be consumed while expecting.
One of the
healthiest veggies in the food world is karela. Antioxidants, vitamins, and
minerals abound in it. It can be consumed raw, pickled, or as juice. Regular
eating of bitter gourd has various advantages.
Karela, or bitter gourd, has few calories. A bitter gourd contains roughly 19
calories per 100 grams. In 100 grams of karela, there are about 3.5 grams of
carbohydrates, 2.4 grams of fiber, but only 150 mg of fat and 930 mg of protein.
In addition, it contains a lot of water—87 grams.
Vitamin C and A are abundant in karela. Karela also contains minerals including
potassium, folate, zinc, and iron.
suitable for diabetics
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A substance found in bitter gourds possesses properties similar to insulin. In fact,
the terms "Karela" and "diabetes" are frequently combined! Both type I and type
II diabetes see a decrease in blood glucose levels as a result. The effectiveness of
drinking a glass of karela juice is so great that people with diabetes must take less
medication overall. In actuality, it can aid in the control of gestational diabetes.
What is pregnancy-related diabetes? Pregnant women who did not have diabetes
before to becoming pregnant are the ones who typically get this kind of diabetes.
The Diet for Gestational Diabetes can most definitely include bitter gourd.
suitable for diabetics
Good for the Skin and Hair
Karela is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, which are good for the skin. It
reduces ageing and fights acne and skin blemishes. It is useful in treating various
infections like ringworm, and itching. Karela juice adds luster to the hair and fights
dandruff, hair loss, and split-ends.
liver purifier
Bitter gourd detoxifies and is good for the liver. It increases liver enzymes and
helps prevent hangovers by lowering alcohol deposits in the liver. Karela
consumption is also beneficial for the intestines and bladder.
Suitable for Digestion
Karela is rich in fiber and promotes better bowel movements. Constipation is
relieved, and the stomach is calmed.
Enhanced Cardiac Health
Bitter melon lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and lowers the chance of having a
heart attack. The fiber also aids in clearing clogged arteries.
fights cancer
Karela increases resistance and guards against allergies and infections. But the
fact that it combats cancer is by far its greatest advantage. It inhibits the growth
of cancer cells and prevents the development of tumors. Regular ingestion of
bitter gourd greatly lowers the risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
Weight Control
Karela helps people lose weight since it is high in fiber and low in calories.
Adipose cells, which are responsible for storing fat in the body, are prevented
from forming and expanding. It enhances metabolism, and the antioxidants aid in
the body's detoxification, which reduces fat.
Heals Injuries
Karela possesses outstanding healing abilities. It regulates blood flow and blood
coagulation, which aids in faster wound healing and a decrease in infections.
Blood Cleanser
Due to its strong antioxidant content, karela is able to treat a variety of conditions
that are caused by tainted blood. Regular ingestion of bitter gourd helps with
cancer, hair, and skin issues. Additionally, it aids in enhancing blood circulation.
Boosts Body Efficacy
After consistently taking karela, the body's vigor and energy levels noticeably
increase. Even better, it lessens insomnia and improves with sleep quality.
helps the eyes
Vitamin A is abundant in karela, which also prevents cataracts and improves
vision. Even dark circles are lightened. Read our article on the top 10 foods for
healthy eyes.
Consume karela in moderation to prevent diarrhea and stomach pain. Karela
shouldn't be consumed by pregnant women either because it causes uterine
Some Safety Measures
Avoid eating red karela seeds, especially if you have kids, as it might cause
stomach ache and loose motions.
Diabetics should consume them in moderation as excessive consumption might
significantly drop blood sugar levels in those who are already on diabetes
When pregnant, stay away from eating karela (particularly the seeds), as it may
be dangerous.
The plant known as lemon grass, often referred to as fever grass in Jamaica,
is native to most tropical regions and grows wild there. It is well known to
offer many different health advantages.
The plant provides a good source of vitamins A, B, and C, potassium,
magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, folate, and iron, among other
critical vitamins and minerals.
As its name implies, fever grass is fantastic for adults as well as children and
is believed to reduce the symptoms of a fever.
Since many individuals find drinking a hot cup of tea to be calming, fever
grass is a terrific way to quiet your mind. Additionally, fever grass tea is
believed to have additional anxiety-relieving effects.
Additionally, it is renowned for its capacity to lower cholesterol levels.
Consuming fever grass extracts appears to lower cholesterol in mice,
according to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical
Technology & Research. The reaction is dose-dependent, the report says.
This suggests that consuming more fever grass may further reduce
Additionally, fever grass has some anti-infection properties. Thrush, a fungal
infection that frequently affects persons with compromised immune
systems, such as those with HIV, can be less frequent thanks to the herb. The
older people in Jamaica have long known about the pain-relieving properties
of fever grass tea. In many Jamaican families, the tea has traditionally been
used as a painkiller.
The stalks can be used and chewed by certain people to maintain oral
hygiene and promote tooth health. A study verifying these results was
published in the Food Chemistry journal. Fever grass herbal extracts were
among the most effective inhibitors of bacterial growth in lab samples,
according to the scientists' analysis of 12 plants. They made use of germs
like Streptococcus sanguinis, which can lead to dental caries.
It has been suggested that consuming fever grass tea infusions every day
for 30 days will raise the body's hemoglobin concentration, packed cell
volume, and red blood cell count.
The tea has a reputation for preventing bloating. Fever grass tea has
diuretic properties, which means they encourage the kidneys to produce
more urine.
Additionally, the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial essential oil and leaves are
used in traditional medicine to reduce spasms and stimulate perspiration.
Additionally, the plant extract is utilized to treat a variety of skin disorders,
arthritis pain, and digestive problems.
The tea is also quite effective in treating digestive issues because it relaxes
the muscles in the stomach and intestines, which reduces cramping and
breaks up wind.
Athlete's foot, ringworm, lice, and scabies can all be successfully treated
with the plant's essential oil, which also works well as a wound wash.
Therefore, if someone suggests you drink fever grass tea the next time,
heed their counsel and stay true to your botanical roots.
suggests that curcumin, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral,
and antibacterial effects, may be able to enhance immune function.
Curcumin also functions as an immunological modulator, regulating immune cell
activity against cancer, according to research.
reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems
Because curcumin functions as both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory,
numerous studies have demonstrated that it has advantageous heart health
Curcumin may help thin the blood, lower cholesterol, and stop arteries from
narrowing, according to research from a reputable source. This may provide a
layer of defense against various cardiovascular issues. Additionally, it might lessen
the impact of many heart injury.
Curcumin's anti-cancer effect is one of the most clinically proven medicinal
Curcumin is believed to lessen the possibility of damage to bodily cells due to its
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which lowers the possibility of cell
mutations and cancer.
Curcumin also possesses anti-tumor effects, which inhibit the development of
tumors and the spread of dangerous cells, according to a number of studies.
The terms "curcumin" and "cancer" are used in more than 2,000
published articles, according to a 2014 medical analysis by Trusted
Curcumin as a complementary cancer treatment to chemotherapy and radiation
therapy is now being researched by researchers.
aids in irritable bowel syndrome management (IBS)
Traditional remedies have long employed curcumin as a therapy for a variety of
digestive ailments. Research According to Trusted Source, the anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant qualities of the spice can help regulate gut flora.
To ascertain the effect of curcumin in cases of IBS and other intestinal
inflammatory disorders, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, more
research is nonetheless required.
Alzheimer's disease prevention and treatment
Studies show that curcumin may help reduce the risk of a number of neurological
According to experts, these disorders associated cellular damage, inflammation,
and amyloid deposits, or plaques, are lessened by the antioxidant and anti
inflammatory effects of this substance.
Additionally, some of the age-associated protein alterations that scientists have
linked to may be slowed down or prevented by curcumin.
prevents liver damage, treats liver disorders, and prevents gallstones
The ability of curcumin to prevent liver damage has been demonstrated by
numerous studies.
Curcumin may have advantages for the liver and gallbladder, including boosting
bile output and shielding liver cells from bile-related toxins.
aids in managing and preventing diabetes
For thousands of years, turmeric has been used in traditional medicine to
treat diabetes.
It has been demonstrated in numerous research using both human and
animal models that taking more curcumin may help prevent diabetes.
assists in weight loss
Meta-analysis from 2019
According to a Reliable Source, taking turmeric can considerably reduce body
mass index in persons with metabolic diseases.
Pure turmeric powder, dry turmeric that has been grated or ground, or both can
be used to make turmeric tea.
There is a suggestion that the curcumin in fermented turmeric preparations,
which are frequently sold as tea goods, has better biological availability or
1 cup of milk or water
Turmeric, 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
10 grams of honey
Black pepper, half a teaspoon
Get milk or water to a rolling boil.
To the boiling liquid, add the additional ingredients.
For 10 to 15 minutes, steep.
Following the completion of these stages, the tea may be strained into a
container and allowed to cool before consumption.
Since ancient
times, people have utilized ginger in both cooking and healing. It is still a
well-liked home cure for sickness, stomach pain, and other medical conditions.
The most common uses for ginger are in cooking and herbal tea. Some people
also use ginger pills for their alleged health benefits.
The Zingiber officinale plant produces ginger root, which has been utilized in
Chinese and Indian medicine for thousands of years.
dependable source
Ginger may aid with digestion and alleviate nausea and vomiting, according to
Trusted Source. Ginger root contains antioxidants and other elements that may
prevent or treat conditions like arthritis, inflammation, and different infections.
Additionally, ginger may lower the chance of developing diabetes, cancer, and
other illnesses.
. The impact of ginger on intestinal gas formation during digestion has been
examined in a number of research. According to this research, ginger's enzymes
can help break up and evacuate this gas, relieving any discomfort.
Additionally, studies suggest that ginger may promote gastrointestinal motility,
which could alleviate or prevent constipation.
Additionally, ginger seems to have positive impacts.
dependable source on the pancreatic lipase enzyme, which facilitates small
intestine digestion.
According to studies, ginger can aid with morning sickness and nausea after
cancer therapy.
According to a 2016 review, the odor-producing substances gingerols and
shogaols can stop nausea and vomiting in their tracks. Nevertheless, depending
on the type of ginger, the concentrations of various substances can change. The
highest amounts of gingerol, according to the researchers, were found in dried
ginger, followed by fresh ginger and powdered ginger tea.
Five of the seven research examined found ginger to have positive effects, while
two did not. The review's authors hypothesize that variations in the forms and
applications of ginger may be to blame for the inconsistent outcomes.
Further human research was also demanded in order to fully comprehend how
ginger affects nausea and
Although ginger is a great source of antioxidants, it does not contain any protein
or other essential elements. Research Because of this, ginger has been shown by
Trusted Source to lessen a variety of oxidative stress.
When the body accumulates too many free radicals, it can experience oxidative
stress. Toxic molecules called free radicals are created by various processes,
including metabolism.
Free radicals can damage cells when they accumulate in the body, which can
result in diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, heart attacks, persistent
inflammation, and cancer. Antioxidants in food can aid the body in eliminating
free radicals.
According to a 2015 assessment by Trusted Source, ginger may be useful in
treating some gastrointestinal cancers, including colorectal, gastric, pancreatic,
and liver cancers.
Sage is a common aromatic herb that is also referred to as common sage or
garden sage. Sage tea is a beverage produced by steeping hot water with sage.
Sage, a member of the mint family, is a native of Asia Minor and the
Mediterranean area. Its leaves have been used medicinally for a very long time.
Additionally, it is frequently used as a fragrance in soaps and other cosmetics as
well as a spice in food. To aid with things like oral health and brain function,
among other potential benefits, people still drink sage tea today.
Sage is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that combine to offer
a range of health advantages. Sage tea can: Improve Oral Health
Antibacterial properties in sage help fight the types of bacteria that result in
plaque accumulation and other oral health problems. Studies reveal that drinking
sage tea has a similar effect to using mouthwashes that contain sage extract in
reducing bacteria. Sage tea's anti-inflammatory qualities can also aid in reducing
any inflammation in your mouth and throat.
Enhance Cognitive Performance
Numerous research demonstrate how sage extract can enhance skills like critical
thinking and problem solving, even though the possibility that sage tea can assist
cognitive function has not yet been shown. In one trial, sage extract was
administered for 16 weeks to participants with mild to moderate Alzheimer's
disease. The outcomes demonstrated enhanced cognitive measures and
decreased agitation.
Many people drink sage tea to reduce some menopause symptoms brought on by
the loss of estrogen. These signs consist of:
• Sweating
• Hot flashes
• Angina pectoris (chest pain)
• Sleep problems
In one study, menopausal women who experienced at least 5 hot flashes a
day were treated with fresh sage leaves for 8 weeks. The sage preparation
showed clinical value in treating hot flashes.
Sage contains numerous health-promoting nutrients, including the
following vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants:
• Vitamin K
• Magnesium
• Zinc
• Iron
• Copper
• Volatile oils
• Flavonoids
• Phenolic acids
The nutritional content of a cup of sage tea made with 1 teaspoon of ground sage
is similar.
Serving Sizes
The length of time the leaves are steeped determines how much sage is
incorporated into the tea. You should limit your use of sage tea to 3 to 6 cups
per day in order to avoid any health hazards.
Sage is safe in little amounts in foods like tea and other beverages.
But thujone, a substance found in sage, can lead to seizures and other negative
effects. Sage tea may not be healthy to consume in high doses or for an
extended period of time due to cases of seizures linked to sage use, although
additional research is required to validate this health concern.
To prepare sage tea, boil 1 cup of water and pour it over 1 tablespoon of
sage leaves. Leave the leaves to steep until you have reached your desired
strength (around 5 to 8 minutes), and then strain them out. You can
prepare sage tea with ground sage, but be extra careful when filtering to
avoid a gritty texture. Once the infusion has cooled enough to safely drink,
you can sip it up and reap the concoction's many health benefits.
To spruce up your sage tea, you can add any of the following ingredients:
• Sugar
• Honey
• Lemon juice or zest
• Cinnamon
Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa), a woody vine that is endemic to the Amazon
rainforest and other parts of South and Central America, gets its name from the
shape of its horns, which resemble hooks. For ages, South Americans have
utilized the bark and root to treat a variety of illnesses, such as fevers,
stomach ulcers, inflammation, arthritis, and dysentery. Additionally, it served
as a method of birth control.
Studies in test tubes suggest that cat's claw may work as a diuretic, activate the
immune system, and aid in relaxing smooth muscles, including those in the
intestines (helping the body eliminate excess water)
Additionally, cat's claw possesses antioxidant characteristics that aid the body in
getting rid of free radicals, which harm cells. Free radicals are thought by
scientists to play a role in a variety of health issues, such as cancer and heart
disease. Free radicals can be combated by antioxidants, which may also help
lessen or even stop some of the harm they cause.
Cat's claw may kill tumor and cancer cells in test tubes, according to some early
Cat's claw has been used traditionally to treat osteoarthritis, but few scientific
research have examined its safety and efficacy (OA). According to one study,
there aren't many negative side effects and it might even aid with knee OA pain
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may benefit from cat's claw treatment because it may assist to reduce
inflammation. In a limited study of individuals with RA who were previously on sulfasalazine or
hydroxychloroquine, cat's claw was found to be more effective at reducing painful, swollen joints than a
placebo (dummy pill). However, despite the possibility that cat's claw can lessen inflammation, there is
no proof that it can prevent worsening joint injury. In order to prevent joint damage, conventional drugs
should be used to treat RA.
Numerous other conditions, such as HIV, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE or lupus), endometriosis, kidney issues, bladder cancer, and Alzheimer's disease are
being examined in relation to cat's claw. Before scientists can determine whether
it is beneficial, more research is required.
A thorny vine that can reach a height of 100 feet is known as cat's claw. The
Amazon rainforest and other tropical regions of South and Central America
are where it grows the most. The majority of cat claw marketed in the US
came from Peru.
The curving, claw-like thorns that develop on the stem of cat's claw gave
the plant its name. The portions of the cat's claw utilized in medicine
include the root and bark.
Many different plant compounds, including tannins and sterols that help
reduce inflammation and quinovic acid glycosides that help fight viruses,
can be found in cat's claw.
The root and bark of the cat's claw vine are used to make cat's claw
preparations. Depending on what time of year the plant was collected, the
effectiveness of the root and bark may vary.
You can brew tea by crushing the bark of the cat's claw vine. There are also
standardized liquid or capsule root and bark extracts available, with 3%
alkaloids and 15% phenols.
A tried-and-true method for boosting the body and healing disease is the usage
of herbs. Herbs, however, can cause adverse reactions and combine with other
herbs, dietary supplements, and pharmaceuticals. For these reasons, you
should use herbs cautiously and under a doctor's supervision.
Although cat's claw seems to have few negative effects, there are not enough
cat's claw scientific research to establish its safety. When taking cat's claw, some
people have experienced nauseousness, diarrhea, and vertigo. With sustained
use of the herb, the moderate diarrhea or loose stools usually go away.
Cat's claw should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing because it
may result in miscarriage. Because cat's claw may affect the immune system,
anyone with autoimmune illnesses, skin grafts, tuberculosis, or those getting
organ transplants shouldn't use it unless specifically advised to do so by their
Without first consulting your doctor, you shouldn't use cat's claw if you are
currently taking any of the medications listed below.
Immune system-suppressing medications: Theoretically, cat's claw shouldn't be
taken with drugs that suppress the immune system because they may boost the
immune system. These include cyclosporine and other drugs recommended for
autoimmune diseases or after organ transplants.
Medication for thinning the blood In particular, if you also use blood thinners
like aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), or clopidogrel, cat's claw may increase
your risk of bleeding (Plavix).
Cat's claw may function as a diuretic, assisting the body in flushing out extra fluid.
You may be at danger if you also use diuretics, which accomplish the same goal.
Medication for blood pressure: Cat's claw may reduce blood pressure. Taking
cat's claw may result in your blood pressure being too low if you take
medicine for high blood pressure.
Other drugs: Some drugs that the liver processes may be affected by cat's claw.
Before taking cat's claw, consult your doctor if you take any drugs.
Low levels of vitamin C, which reduces inflammation, folate, which makes red
blood cells, and calcium, which safeguards bones and teeth, are all present in
Bachelor's Button flowers. The blossoms are traditionally used as an
anti-inflammatory in teas and other mixes as well as natural medications.
Bachelor Buttons are available in a wide range of colors, including this dazzling
blue, white, pink, and purple. They give our teas a great flash of color, so we
use them frequently. Since they are typically flavorless, adding color to our tea
blends doesn't change how they taste. They are quite simple to cultivate! They
are not only lovely, but they also have a variety of culinary and therapeutic
When used fresh in salads, they give the dish a wonderful splash of color. The
petals look beautiful on cakes, cupcakes, and other dessert dishes whether they
are fresh or dried. Add them to the sugar used to rim drinks. They are ideal for
adding color to mixes of loose-leaf tea; what about a unique coffee blend?
High calcium, absorbic acid, folate, and mineral salt bachelor buttons are
available. They are also very high in antioxidants, tannins, and
anti-inflammatory compounds.
They are beneficial to use in a mouth rinse because of their anti-inflammatory
properties, and they also aid with bleeding and sore gums. Additionally, they aid
the digestive tract in treating constipation and stomach ulcers. Bachelor buttons
also aid with liver cleansing and UTI infections.
The plant's flowering portion is the most widely used component. The leaves
and stem are also helpful. The fluid in the flower's stem can be used as a mouthwash and to
stop bleeding. In contrast to arnica, the inside of the stem can be used as a poultice for aching and
tight muscles and even to stop bleeding from open wounds.
. There are numerous types of this plant, which is native to South America. The
varieties have foliage that is yellow, red, and green. The stem and leaves are
eaten as vegetables.
This is typically eaten as a side dish by Chinese and Japanese people. The people
of Africa eat this as a leafy vegetable. This plant is sometimes regarded as a
synonym for the other species Amaranthus gangeticus. The plant blooms from
July to September, and the leaves grow in the month of April. Although the
flowers are often monoecious, the same plant can produce flowers of both sexes.
By itself and the wind, it is pollinated. The plant reproduces on its own. It prefers
well-drained soil but can thrive in light, medium, and heavy soil. It struggles to
thrive in the shadows.
• This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals.
• Vitamin A is found considerably in this plant and also Vitamin B1 and C in fair
• Leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.
• The seed which measures 1 mm in diameter can be cooked and eaten. • It is very
difficult to crush the seeds in the mouth and so it passes through the excreta
• The seed contains saponins and to destroy this chemical the food should be cooked
Vitamin C, an antioxidant known to strengthen the immune system, is
abundant in soursop. Your immune system is strengthened by the vitamin,
which enhances its capacity to fight against viruses. Additionally, it
encourages the breakdown of free radicals, which can shield your skin and
cells from oxidative harm from the environment.
The fruit known as soursop is known by a variety of names and is a native of the
warm, tropical areas of the Americas. Annona muricata is its scientific name,
although it is also known as guanabana, paw-paw, sirsak, and graviola.
The Annonaceae family, usually referred to as the custard apple family, includes
soursop. The huge, oval-shaped fruits are produced on trees. The whitish, fibrous
flesh is encased in a green, spine-adorned exoskeleton. they develop into
Traditional medicine has employed soursop for a variety of diseases and
conditions due to its diverse applications. It has a rich nutritional profile and
offers a number of health advantages.
One entire soursop fruit provides almost 83% of the fiber you should have
each day, an essential component for the health of your digestive system.
Fiber encourages regularity and guards against digestive problems like
Soursop may be useful in assisting in the battle against and prevention of cancer,
while the majority of research is limited to test-tube trials. According to one
study, a soursop extract can shrink breast cancer tumors and eradicate cancerous
cells. According to a second study, an extract can prevent the growth of leukemia
By scavenging free radicals, antioxidants lessen the harm oxidative stress does
to your cells. Inflammation is one of the negative consequences of oxidative
stress. Therefore, the antioxidants in soursop might aid in lowering
inflammatory responses in the body.
Controls blood pressure
Heart disease and heart attacks are major problems that can be brought on by
high blood pressure. Consuming too much sodium might raise blood pressure.
Potassium aids in the elimination of salt from your system and reduces tension
in blood vessel walls, both of which can lower blood pressure. One entire
soursop fruit provides between one-third to one-half of your daily required
potassium intake.
The sour fruit may have antimicrobial properties. According to one study, a
variety of bacteria, including those that cause cavities and gum disease, may be
killed by an extract. Another study discovered that soursop extracts may be
effective against Staphylococcus germs and cholera. Although these
investigations were conducted in test tubes, the outcomes are encouraging and
more investigation is required.
Soursop has certain possible risks in addition to its many health advantages.
According to studies, the fruit and tea brewed from the leaves may resemble
Parkinson's disease symptoms. Additionally, studies suggest that it can interfere
with diabetic or high blood pressure drugs. The fruit's components may enhance
the effects of such drugs, resulting in hazardous dips in your blood pressure
Soursop seeds should also not be consumed. They contain hazardous
substances and might have negative side effects. Before eating the fruit,
make sure to take them out.
#12 NONI
A tropical beverage called noni juice is made from the Morinda citrifolia
tree's fruit.
In Southeast Asia, particularly in Polynesia, this tree and its fruit are
found near lava flows.
Yellow, lumpy noni (pronounced NO-nee) is a fruit about the size of a
mango. It has a strong flavor that has been likened to smelly cheese
and is highly bitter.
Noni has been utilized in traditional folk medicine by Polynesian people
for more than 2,000 years. It is frequently used to treat conditions like
arthritis, discomfort, infections, and constipation
The majority of noni consumed today is in juice blends. The juice
contains strong antioxidants and may offer a number of health
Everything you need to know about noni juice, including its nutrients
and potential health advantages, is detailed in this article.
The amount of nutrients in noni juice varies greatly.
In one study, the nutritional composition of 177 different brands of
noni juice was examined.
This is due to the fact that noni juice is frequently blended with other
fruit liquids or sugars to cover up its unpleasant taste and odor.
The most generally used brand on the market is Tahitian Noni Juice,
which is made by Morinda, Inc. Studies have also extensively used this
product. 89% of the ingredients are noni fruit, and 11% are
concentrated grape and blueberry juices (3).
3.5 ounces (100 ml) of Tahitian noni juice has the following nutrients:
calorie count: 47
11 grams of carbs
Less than 1 gram of protein
less than 1 gram of fat
8 grams sugar
17% of the RDI for biotin
6% of the RDI for folate
4% of the RDI for magnesium
3% of the RDI for potassium
3% of the RDI for calcium.
3% of the RDI for vitamin E
Noni juice is primarily composed of carbohydrates, like most fruit
juices. Vitamin C, which is vital for healthy skin and the immune system,
is abundant in it.
Additionally, it's a fantastic source of biotin and folate, two B vitamins
that have a variety of vital functions in the body, including assisting
with the transformation of food into energy .
Different brands of noni juice have different nutritional profiles. Noni
juice is a fantastic source of vitamin C, biotin, and folate in general.
Juice from noni is renowned for having a lot of antioxidants.
Antioxidants shield cells from the harm that free radicals do to cells. To
sustain optimum health, your body needs a balanced ratio of
antioxidants to free radicals.
Researchers believe that noni juice's robust antioxidant qualities may
be responsible for some of the potential health advantages (7Trusted
Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).
Beta carotene, iridoids, and vitamins C and E are the primary
antioxidants found in noni juice.
Iridoids in particular show considerable antioxidant activity in test-tube
tests, but additional research is required to prove their effects on
However, studies show that eating a diet high in antioxidants, like those
in noni juice, may reduce your chance of developing chronic diseases
like heart disease and diabetes.
The cellular damage caused by cigarette smoking in particular may be
lessened by noni juice.
Smoke from tobacco produces a significant amount of harmful free
radicals. Excessive levels can harm cells and result in oxidative
Numerous diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, are
linked to oxidative stress. Consuming meals high in antioxidants,
according to studies, may lessen oxidative stress.
Heavy users of tobacco were given 4 ounces (118 ml) of noni juice daily
in one trial. They saw a 30% drop in two common free radicals after a
month compared to their baseline values.
Cancer has also been linked to tobacco smoking. Some chemicals in
cigarette smoke may bind to bodily cells and cause the formation of
Noni juice may lower concentrations of certain cancer-causing
substances. According to two clinical studies, consuming 4 ounces (118
ml) of noni juice every day for a month cut tobacco smokers' levels of
cancer-causing chemicals by roughly 45%.
Noni juice should not be used as a substitute for quitting smoking
because it does not completely offset the harmful health effects of
By reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol, noni juice may
benefit heart health.
Although your body needs cholesterol for many vital processes, some
forms in excess may raise your risk of heart disease and chronic
According to one study, consuming up to 6.4 ounces (188 ml) of noni
juice daily for one month dramatically decreased levels of total
cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and the inflammatory blood marker
C-reactive protein.
The study's participants were heavy smokers; hence the findings cannot
be applied to the broader population. Antioxidants included in noni
juice may lower excessive cholesterol levels brought on by tobacco use,
according to researchers.
Non-smokers in a different, 30-day research received 2 ounces (59 ml)
of noni juice twice daily. Participants didn't encounter any major
changes in cholesterol levels
These results suggest that the cholesterol-lowering effect of noni juice may only
apply to heavy cigarette smokers.
That said, more research on noni juice and cholesterol is needed.
Noni juice might increase stamina. In reality, Pacific Islanders thought
that eating noni fruit during lengthy fishing excursions and cruises
improved the body.
A few research demonstrate the benefits of drinking noni juice while
working out.
One 3-week research, for instance, provided long-distance runners 3.4
ounces (100 ml) of noni juice twice day, or a placebo. The average time
to fatigue increased by 21% in the noni juice group, indicating
enhanced endurance (26).
Similar results have been reported by several human and animal
studies on the use of noni juice to reduce fatigue and increase
The pain-relieving properties of noni fruit have been employed in
traditional folk medicine for over 2,000 years. This benefit is now
backed by some research.
In one month's worth of research, for instance, participants with
degenerative arthritis of the spine drank 0.5 ounces (15 ml) of noni
juice twice daily. The noni juice group had much reduced pain scores,
with 60% of patients reporting complete alleviation from neck pain
People with osteoarthritis consumed 3 ounces (89 ml) of noni juice
daily in a related trial. They noticed a notable reduction in the
frequency and intensity of their arthritic pain after 90 days, along with
an improvement in their quality of life (29).
Pain from arthritis is frequently linked to elevated inflammation and
oxidative stress. Therefore, noni juice could offer organic pain relief by
reducing inflammation and combatting free radicals
Noni juice might improve immunological function.
It contains a lot of vitamin C, just like several other fruit juices. For
instance, Tahitian Noni Juice contains roughly 33% of the RDI for this
vitamin in just 3.5 ounces (100 ml).
By shielding your cells from environmental pollutants and free radical
damage, vitamin C boosts your immune system.
Beta carotene is one of many other antioxidants found in noni juice
that may also strengthen the immune system.
Healthy individuals who drank 11 ounces (330 ml) of noni juice daily
had higher immune cell activity and reduced levels of oxidative stress,
according to a short, 8-week study.
Southeast Asian fruit is used to make noni juice.
It is very high in vitamin C and may provide anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant benefits, including pain reduction, enhanced immunological
function, and increased capacity for physical activity. However, more
study is required.
Remember that commercial versions may include a lot of sugar and are
sometimes blended with other juices.
It's also crucial to keep in mind that, despite offering certain benefits to
smokers, noni juice shouldn't be used as a substitute for quitting or as a
preventative step for diseases caused by tobacco use.
Noni juice is probably safe overall. If you use any prescription drugs or
have kidney issues, you might want to consult your doctor
Although it grows in southern India, Latin America, and the Caribbean,
the plant is native to tropical Africa. I won't be shocked if you've never
heard of chandelier bush because of its restricted range.
Does chandelier benefit you?
A few research have looked into the advantages of shandilay.
It was discovered that leaf extracts were both antibacterial and anti
Candida. In fact, a 2015 study demonstrated that lighting might harm
microorganisms' membranes, effectively killing them.
The antibacterial properties of chandelier were confirmed in a 2019
antioxidant and antibacterial
According to the study, the herb is used in traditional medicine to treat
respiratory issues like coughs, the flu, and asthma. Additionally, it is
used to treat malaria, womb prolapse, rheumatism, headaches,
wounds, and fever. study, which linked them to the flavonoids in the
leaf extracts.
The advantages of chandeliers that have been scientifically verified as
well as their conventional uses were covered in a 2016 study. The
established advantages demonstrated that the plant is likely,
antioxidant and antibacterial
anti-anxiety, calming, pain-relieving, and wound-healing
According to the study, the herb is used in traditional medicine to treat
respiratory issues like coughs, the flu, and asthma. Additionally, it is
used to treat malaria, womb prolapse, rheumatism, headaches,
wounds, and fever.
Chandelier leaves can be prepared in two different
ways. Shandilay Tea First things first, prepare some tea.
Three or four leaves should be broken up, then pour boiling water to
them. Ten to fifteen minutes of steeping should be given before
filtering, sweetening, and serving. Fair warning: without a sweetener,
the tea tastes awful.
You can also soak a few leaves for an additional five minutes after
brewing them for five.
The leaves of the chandelier shrub can also be crushed and squeezed to
obtain the juice. Here, I would advise utilizing more than ten leaves.
You can use a mortar and pestle, a small blender, or your hands to
crush the leaves.
You might receive one or two teaspoons of liquid. Add a dash of salt
and a few drops of lemon juice to this. Lemon juice enhances the flavor.
But it's still awful. But it does function!
The plant can go as tall as 2 feet (61 cm), and it has slender branches covered in
leaves. Because its seed pods, which blossom into tiny green flowers, grow
beneath the leaves, it is known as "seed-under-leaf."
The entire plant is utilized to create chanca piedra supplements, including
the leaves, stems, and flowers.
Chanca piedra is said to be effective as a supplement for a number of
illnesses affecting the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.
It is said to include phytochemicals, or plant components, that can improve
inflammation, boost urine flow, and destroy harmful germs and viruses.
There isn't much proof that it works, though.
Chanca piedra can be purchased as teas, liquid extracts, tablets, capsules, or
Chanca piedra is most well-known for its potential as a kidney stone
treatment, hence the moniker "stone buster."
As an alkaline substance, the plant may help avoid acidic kidney stones. It's a
less expensive, over-the counter substitute for potassium citrate, a substance
used as an alkalizing agent to avoid kidney stones that are made of acids. You
might urinate more as a result.
About two-thirds of participants in a study with 56 kidney stone sufferers who
consumed 4.5 grams of chanca piedra daily saw a reduction in the size and
number of their kidney stones.
Additionally, additional small human trials have found that ingesting chanca
piedra has some benefits.
In test-tube trials, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach
ulcers, can be killed by chanca piedra extract. However, this does not
necessarily mean that an oral supplement will work to treat stomach ulcers in
Active phytochemicals, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, lignans, polyphenols,
tannins, coumarins, and saponins are present in Phyllanthus niruri (Seed Under
A particular ingredient in Seed Under Leaf called niruside has been found to block
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, making it a possible anti-HIV agent. Ellagic acid, a
different substance also present, has the ability to inhibit aldose reductase,
making it effective for diabetes. While geraniin has anti-allergy and ACE inhibitory
effects, other elements including rutin and quercetin have analgesic and anti
inflammatory properties.
Studies have demonstrated the antioxidant, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective,
anti-HIV, anti-hepatits B, anti-urolithiatic, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogenic, and
lipid-lowering properties of Seed Under Leaf extract.
Diuretics flush salt and water from the body. They can aid in the treatment of
various illnesses, including high blood pressure.
As a diuretic, Seed Under Leaf is used by certain herbalists.
In a study published in 2018Trusted Source, scientists discovered that Seed Under
Leaf has a diuretic impact on rats, increasing salt excretion in the urine. If the
plant has this impact on people, further study will be necessary to validate it.
Four Phyllanthus species were tested against the herpes simplex virus in cell
cultures in a 2013 study Although Seed Under Leaf was the species that was least
effective, it did seem to be able to fight off the infection.
Other research suggests that Seed Under Leaf may aid in the treatment of
other illnesses, including hepatitis B and HIV Studies also show that it aids in
the treatment of Ulcers and Diabetes
There is a solid
reason why the moringa tree is frequently referred to as the "wonder
tree." The therapeutic qualities of the tree extend to its leaves, fruit,
sap, oil, roots, bark, seeds, pod, and flowers. There are numerous uses
for the tree's byproducts. It is additionally called the "drumstick tree."
The nutritional value of the moringa leaves is so high that it surpasses
that of carrots, oranges, and even milk. Given their versatility and
ability to be incorporated into the diet in numerous ways, the leaves
are used in Indian cuisine in a variety of ways. The most popular ways
to eat them are as vegetables for stir-fries and as an addition to juices.
The moringa leaves have no negative effects when taken in their
natural state.
Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, riboflavin, B3, niacin, B6, and folate are abundant
in moringa leaves. They are also abundant in zinc, phosphorus, calcium,
iron, magnesium, and iron.
One cup of moringa leaves contains 2 grams of protein, 8% of the
recommended daily allowance of magnesium, 19% of the
recommended daily allowance of vitamin B6, 1% of the recommended
daily allowance of iron, and 1% of the recommended daily allowance of
riboflavin (9 per cent of the RDA).
Highly Amino Acid-Rich
Amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, are abundant in
moringa leaves. They include 18 different types of amino acids, each of
which contributes significantly to our wellbeing.
Individuals who have persistently high blood sugar levels eventually
acquire diabetes. In consequence, diabetes can harm the body's organs
and create heart issues. It is advisable to maintain healthy blood sugar
levels in order to prevent this. Given that isothiocyanates are present in
moringa leaves, they are an ideal source for that since they help to
balance blood sugar levels.
Reducing Cholesterol
Moringa leaves, in addition to oats, flaxseeds, and almonds, are a
dependable treatment for high cholesterol. The main cause of heart
disease is cholesterol, and consuming moringa leaves has been found
to significantly reduce excessive cholesterol levels. These levels can be
brought down, reducing the risk of heart disease.
Moringa leaves provide many advantages for people with tuberculosis
since they lessen the side effects of anti-tubercular medications. The
leaves hasten the regeneration of liver cells. The leaves contain a lot of
polyphenols, which can both prevent and possibly even reverse liver
oxidative damage. They raise the liver's protein levels.
Only when the liver enzymes are normal can the liver work normally,
which is where the blood is detoxified, fat is broken down, and
nutrients are absorbed. These liver enzymes are stabilized by moringa
Contamination with arsenic is a problem that is prevalent over much of
the world. Our bodies have been exposed to arsenic through a variety
of foods, most notably rice.
This element can cause cancer and heart disease when exposed to it
over an extended period of time. Research on lab animals has
demonstrated the effectiveness of moringa leaves in reducing the
damaging effects of arsenic.
Benefits the Stomach
The leaves of the moringa plant can help with stomach issues. Add
moringa leaves to your diet if you struggle with constipation, bloating,
gas, gastritis, or ulcerative colitis.
The leaves' antibacterial and antibiotic characteristics make them an
excellent treatment for digestive ailments. Even the leaves' high B
vitamin content aids in enhancing digestion.
There is a lot of calcium and phosphorus in moringa leaves. For healthy
bones, you need both of these components. Because moringa leaves
are anti-inflammatory, they aid in the treatment of arthritis and may
even repair broken bones.
Additionally, Moringa oleifera prevents osteoporosis and maintains
healthy bones and teeth.
Antiseptic and effective against many bacterial infections are moringa
leaves. As they shorten the clotting period, they are even helpful for
wound healing and aid in the speedy healing of burns, minor cuts,
and bruises.
Moringa leaves were used to enhance lactation in nursing women in
conventional Ayurvedic treatment. The health of the mother and the
unborn child is greatly improved by consuming moringa leaves because
they are a rich source of protein, vital vitamins, and necessary
The body burns more fat when moringa leaves are consumed. They
reduce body weight without lowering energy levels. The person
continues to feel nourished and upbeat as a result. They increase
metabolism and lessen food cravings. Moreover, they reduce
Suitable for Skin and Hair
Moringa leaves enhance the health and appearance of skin and hair
since they are packed with antioxidants and minerals. They make the
skin softer and the hair shinier. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants
that lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. They
contain around 30 antioxidants. Not only that, but using a paste made
from moringa leaves to the scalp and hair might lessen dandruff and
give dull, lifeless hair some bounce. The leaves also make the hair follicles
stronger. They benefit skin that is prone to acne as well. This is why many cosmetics
contain moringa leaves. They add a glow and improve the skin's tone because of their
medicinal and cleansing qualities.
Moringa leaves enhance the health and appearance of skin and hair since they are
packed with antioxidants and minerals. They make the skin more soft and the hair more
shiny. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants that lessen the appearance of wrinkles and
fine lines on the skin. They contain around 30 antioxidants. Not only that, but using a
paste made from moringa leaves to the scalp and hair might lessen dandruff and give
dull, lifeless hair some bounce. The leaves also make the hair follicles stronger. They
benefit skin that is prone to acne as well. This is why many cosmetics contain moringa
leaves. They add a glow and improve the skin's tone because of their medicinal and
cleansing qualities.
The use of moringa leaves has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of
neurological illnesses. They act as neuro-enhancers and promote brain health. The
abundance of vitamins E and C prevents neuronal deterioration and enhances cognitive
performance. Eat moringa leaves frequently if you experience migraines or recurrent
headaches. As they maintain the production of neurotransmitters including serotonin,
dopamine, and noradrenaline, which are crucial for memory, mood, and stimulus
response, these leaves also serve as mood stabilizers.
Beneficial for Detoxification
Natural detoxifiers and cleaners, moringa leaves help the body. This keeps
the body healthy and boosts immunity to several infections. They also
boost the body's energy levels.
The nutritional punch of moringa leaves is strong, and they are also
anti-inflammatory. They are a new type of "superfood" because of their
antioxidant and cellular health preserving qualities. They reduce sugar
levels and the development of inflammatory enzymes. Include these
frequently in your diet to get their numerous health benefits.

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  • 1. PREFACE For as long as one can remember the people of the Caribbean have been using herbal teas as Remedies for most ailments.It has never been documented how many have benefited from it’s use but these have certainly aided many a recipient. Hence the compilation of the Top 15 Herbal Remedies Found in the Caribbean. TABLE OF CONTENTS, #1 ZEBAPIQUE #2 WONDER OF THE WORLD #3 CARALLIE (KARELA) #4 FEVER GRASS (FRESS LEMONGRASS) #5 TUMERIC #6 GINGER #7 BLACK SAGE #8 CAT CLAW #9 BACHELOR BUTTONS #10 JOSEPH COAT #11 SOURSOP #12 NONI #13 CHANDELIER (SHANDILAY) #14 SEED UNDER LEAF #15 MORINGA #1 ZEBAPIQUE Drinking zebapique with a twisted face There used to be a bottle in bars amid the White Oak and Black Label bottles that contained zebapique leaves soaked in Puncheon rum, the ultimate cure. I had seen Barmen ceremoniously fetch the bottle on numerous occasions, pour some of its contents into a glass, and then offer it to someone who was sick, usually
  • 2. with a cold or fever. Without fail, the drinker would have shot the dark rum-looking beverage while sporting a contorted expression akin to that of someone forced to chew on noni fruit flesh. Zebapique flowers and plants Zebapique (also written "zebapeek," "zebapik," or "zebapip") is a short plant of the Asteraceae family that grows to a height of between one and two meters. Its leaves and stems color the skin yellow, and at the tips of its branches, it bears clusters of yellow flowers. Zebapique leaves are either boiled in water and then left to cool before consumption, or they are soaked in rum. To eliminate the bitter flavor, add a little salt to the tongue afterward. Skin rash, cold/cough, fever, pain and parasites The leaves are crushed and applied to the affected areas for several skin conditions. Zebapique is used to treat pain, fever, and the common cold/cough throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. For a few days, till the ailment subsides, it is consumed. The leaves contain sesquiterpene lactones, which Clement et al. (2015) report in "An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in Trinidad" as being effective against the parasite that causes malaria. These also prevent the development of some parasites that spread infection, like Leishmania mexicana. They can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and for fungus infections. Human filarial worms can be killed by the ethanol extract from the leaves, and it can also hasten wound healing. Additionally, Bullard-Roberts (2016) highlighted in the paper "Medicinal Plants of Trinidad and Tobago: Selection of Antidiabetic Remedies" that zebapique is used to reduce blood sugar levels. This is made possible by the bitter flavor, which is present in other plants like caraille and stimulates the synthesis of insulin. Bullard-Roberts points out that
  • 3. regular use of these bitter treatments for diabetes may be risky unless used sparingly because "bitter phytochemicals can be deadly." Additionally, there is little information on how zebapique affects expectant and nursing mothers. Many people still turn to nature for healing even when traditional bush medicine is losing favor since it can be more affordable, accessible, and has few unfavorable side effects. However, it is important to conduct research and consult a health expert before beginning a course of natural therapies, especially if medicine is also being taken. For instance, taking zebapique and taking diabetes medicine together can cause hypoglycemia. #2 WONDER OF THE WORLD The leaf of life is a popular herbal cure in the Caribbean for treating common illnesses like the flu, the common cold, chest colds, high blood pressure, headaches, fever, bronchitis, edema, and persistent coughing. In India, tubers are used as a side dish. It is administered to treat colds, asthma, and coughs. It is employed to combat dysentery. High blood pressure is treated using the plant root.
  • 4. Additionally, it is employed to stop any form of cardiac issue. It is employed to reduce fever. Constipation can be treated using the powder. Boils, wounds, sores, and cuts can all be treated with wonder of the world paste. Wonder of the World's extract is used. For the treatment of roundworms, an extract from Wonder of the World is employed (clotrimazol). Treatment for antipyretic action involves using the plant's extract. This liquid can be used as an eardrop to relieve ear ache. It's an all-natural treatment for ear ache. Teething issues are treated using Wonder of the World paste combined with honey. It is used to treat diabetics because of its anti-diabetic properties. This plant's root has shown promise in the treatment of hepatitis and is thought to preserve the liver. It is diuretic, as proven. It therefore treats problematic urinating. It aids in bladder cleaning and removes poisonous poisons from the intestines. The plant is included in the blend due to its antioxidant properties. It is one of the natural treatments for piles (Hemorrhoids). This plant's root has shown promise in the treatment of hepatitis and is thought to preserve the liver. Stomach aches are treated with the leaf juice. The extract is employed in curing gray hair and nourishing hair. Utilizing the leaves can treat digestive disorders. This plant's extract has anti-inflammatory properties that lessen inflammation. Jaundice can be treated using Wonder of the World's fresh juice. It might aid in managing weight. We haven't come across any reputable research that supports this claim. The plant does, however, offer some
  • 5. qualities that could aid in weight loss. For instance, the plant's capabilities for intestinal cleaning. Making tea for asthma, shortness of breath, strengthening the immune system, and cleaning the intestines of harmful germs. To one pint of boiling water, add five stemmed leaves, either fresh or dried. For 5 to 10 minutes, steep. Pour through a strainer and enjoy plain or with a dash of honey. 3 dosages are made. Three times a day, drink this tea. Warm the leaves, mash them until smooth, and then apply them to the wound as a treatment. This herb will hasten recovery and lessen scarring. Warm three leaves, then juice them for a chest cold. 2 to 3 tablespoons of leaf juice should result from this. Put a dash of sea salt in. For however long is required, take one tablespoon three times per day. To lower blood pressure, the leaves are eaten raw with onions. Warm up 13 fresh leaves over a fire to make a cough remedy for colds, coughs, and chest congestion. The leaves will become juicy if you rub them between your palms. Juice should be squeezed into a small pot. At least 6 to 8 tablespoons of juice should be produced. To the pot, add 3 limes' worth of juice and 2 ounces of honey. Simmer for 5-7 minutes over a low heat. Remove from the flame, then let it cool. Maintain in a bottle. For two weeks, consume one tablespoon every three hours. If necessary, skip one week and repeat. Poultice for skin ulcers, sprains, and insect stings: Make a poultice from 7 fresh leaves. To the affected region, evenly distribute the poultice. As often as required, apply a fresh poultice twice daily, in the morning and at night. Heat the leaves and apply to the pile area, or juice the leaves and apply the juice to the pile, to cure hemorrhoids (piles). Use of Wonder of the World leaves along with nopal and Euphorbia hypericifolia can aid in the treatment of gonorrhea. Vaginal problems: Make a paste of rhizome powder and water, then apply it
  • 6. twice daily to the affected area. The juice is typically successful in treating bladder issues. Make 40–60 ml of its decoction and add 2 grams of honey to it if you have issues with male urine. Consume this twice a day. Boils can be treated by slightly warming the leaves and pounding them till smooth. Bind to the impacted areas. Give 3 to 6 grams of the wonder of the world leaf juice mixed with cumin seeds and ghee. Use it twice each day. Crush Wonder of the World leaves and apply them to the eye circle if you have eye pain. Wonder of the World is frequently used to treat gray hair and nourish hair, however this hasn't been studied in a controlled environment yet. Many people assert that using the plant's leaf extracts can prevent the growth of gray hair as well as possibly support a healthy scalp. Although many individuals think the extracts are helpful for caring for hair, it is still unclear how they actually operate. Use 40–50 cc of Wonder of the World juice mixed with pure honey to treat gallstones. Use each morning and night. It is customarily advised to consume fresh leaf juice twice daily for fifteen days to help kidney stones pass naturally. This medication is frequently coupled with other herbal remedies with a reputation for treating kidney stones. Wonder of the World can be used in a number of ways, including: 1. 2. Take as tea 3. Applying a poultice to wounds can reduce pain, hasten healing, and guard against infection. 4. Apply heated leaves to the affected region. 5. To use topically, make a paste from the leaves and a small amount of water or honey. Wonder of the World Dosage: It is advised to take 5 to 15 mL of leaf extract for the majority of treatments. However, a dosage of up to 30 to 40 mL can be
  • 7. necessary for more serious conditions. You can consume the extract by combining it with water or honey. Some individuals choose making tea with dried leaves instead of fresh ones. Side Effects, Safety, Dangers, and Warnings for Wonder of the World; The use of the Leaf of Life was reported to have no negative effects in the majority of experiments. But big doses of the leaf juice have been demonstrated to have negative consequences including drunkenness, so it might not be the best for chronic illnesses (like frequent or long-lasting kidney stones). Wonder of the world is not advised to be consumed while expecting. #3 CARALLIE (KARELA) One of the healthiest veggies in the food world is karela. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals abound in it. It can be consumed raw, pickled, or as juice. Regular eating of bitter gourd has various advantages. Karela, or bitter gourd, has few calories. A bitter gourd contains roughly 19 calories per 100 grams. In 100 grams of karela, there are about 3.5 grams of carbohydrates, 2.4 grams of fiber, but only 150 mg of fat and 930 mg of protein.
  • 8. In addition, it contains a lot of water—87 grams. Vitamin C and A are abundant in karela. Karela also contains minerals including potassium, folate, zinc, and iron. suitable for diabetics Add Headings (Format > Paragraph styles) and they will appear in your table of contents. A substance found in bitter gourds possesses properties similar to insulin. In fact, the terms "Karela" and "diabetes" are frequently combined! Both type I and type II diabetes see a decrease in blood glucose levels as a result. The effectiveness of drinking a glass of karela juice is so great that people with diabetes must take less medication overall. In actuality, it can aid in the control of gestational diabetes. What is pregnancy-related diabetes? Pregnant women who did not have diabetes before to becoming pregnant are the ones who typically get this kind of diabetes. The Diet for Gestational Diabetes can most definitely include bitter gourd. suitable for diabetics Good for the Skin and Hair Karela is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, which are good for the skin. It reduces ageing and fights acne and skin blemishes. It is useful in treating various infections like ringworm, and itching. Karela juice adds luster to the hair and fights dandruff, hair loss, and split-ends. liver purifier Bitter gourd detoxifies and is good for the liver. It increases liver enzymes and helps prevent hangovers by lowering alcohol deposits in the liver. Karela consumption is also beneficial for the intestines and bladder. Suitable for Digestion Karela is rich in fiber and promotes better bowel movements. Constipation is relieved, and the stomach is calmed.
  • 9. Enhanced Cardiac Health Bitter melon lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and lowers the chance of having a heart attack. The fiber also aids in clearing clogged arteries. fights cancer Karela increases resistance and guards against allergies and infections. But the fact that it combats cancer is by far its greatest advantage. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells and prevents the development of tumors. Regular ingestion of bitter gourd greatly lowers the risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Weight Control Karela helps people lose weight since it is high in fiber and low in calories. Adipose cells, which are responsible for storing fat in the body, are prevented from forming and expanding. It enhances metabolism, and the antioxidants aid in the body's detoxification, which reduces fat. Heals Injuries Karela possesses outstanding healing abilities. It regulates blood flow and blood coagulation, which aids in faster wound healing and a decrease in infections. Blood Cleanser Due to its strong antioxidant content, karela is able to treat a variety of conditions that are caused by tainted blood. Regular ingestion of bitter gourd helps with cancer, hair, and skin issues. Additionally, it aids in enhancing blood circulation. Boosts Body Efficacy After consistently taking karela, the body's vigor and energy levels noticeably increase. Even better, it lessens insomnia and improves with sleep quality. helps the eyes Vitamin A is abundant in karela, which also prevents cataracts and improves vision. Even dark circles are lightened. Read our article on the top 10 foods for healthy eyes. Consume karela in moderation to prevent diarrhea and stomach pain. Karela
  • 10. shouldn't be consumed by pregnant women either because it causes uterine contractions. Some Safety Measures Avoid eating red karela seeds, especially if you have kids, as it might cause stomach ache and loose motions. Diabetics should consume them in moderation as excessive consumption might significantly drop blood sugar levels in those who are already on diabetes medications. When pregnant, stay away from eating karela (particularly the seeds), as it may be dangerous. #4 FEVER GRASS (FRESS LEMONGRASS) The plant known as lemon grass, often referred to as fever grass in Jamaica, is native to most tropical regions and grows wild there. It is well known to offer many different health advantages. The plant provides a good source of vitamins A, B, and C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, folate, and iron, among other
  • 11. critical vitamins and minerals. As its name implies, fever grass is fantastic for adults as well as children and is believed to reduce the symptoms of a fever. Since many individuals find drinking a hot cup of tea to be calming, fever grass is a terrific way to quiet your mind. Additionally, fever grass tea is believed to have additional anxiety-relieving effects. Additionally, it is renowned for its capacity to lower cholesterol levels. Consuming fever grass extracts appears to lower cholesterol in mice, according to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. The reaction is dose-dependent, the report says. This suggests that consuming more fever grass may further reduce cholesterol. Additionally, fever grass has some anti-infection properties. Thrush, a fungal infection that frequently affects persons with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV, can be less frequent thanks to the herb. The older people in Jamaica have long known about the pain-relieving properties of fever grass tea. In many Jamaican families, the tea has traditionally been used as a painkiller. The stalks can be used and chewed by certain people to maintain oral hygiene and promote tooth health. A study verifying these results was published in the Food Chemistry journal. Fever grass herbal extracts were among the most effective inhibitors of bacterial growth in lab samples, according to the scientists' analysis of 12 plants. They made use of germs like Streptococcus sanguinis, which can lead to dental caries. It has been suggested that consuming fever grass tea infusions every day for 30 days will raise the body's hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count. The tea has a reputation for preventing bloating. Fever grass tea has diuretic properties, which means they encourage the kidneys to produce more urine. Additionally, the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial essential oil and leaves are used in traditional medicine to reduce spasms and stimulate perspiration.
  • 12. Additionally, the plant extract is utilized to treat a variety of skin disorders, arthritis pain, and digestive problems. The tea is also quite effective in treating digestive issues because it relaxes the muscles in the stomach and intestines, which reduces cramping and breaks up wind. Athlete's foot, ringworm, lice, and scabies can all be successfully treated with the plant's essential oil, which also works well as a wound wash. Therefore, if someone suggests you drink fever grass tea the next time, heed their counsel and stay true to your botanical roots. #5 TUMERIC Research suggests that curcumin, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial effects, may be able to enhance immune function. Curcumin also functions as an immunological modulator, regulating immune cell activity against cancer, according to research. reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems Because curcumin functions as both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory, numerous studies have demonstrated that it has advantageous heart health
  • 13. qualities. Research Curcumin may help thin the blood, lower cholesterol, and stop arteries from narrowing, according to research from a reputable source. This may provide a layer of defense against various cardiovascular issues. Additionally, it might lessen the impact of many heart injury. Curcumin's anti-cancer effect is one of the most clinically proven medicinal characteristics. Curcumin is believed to lessen the possibility of damage to bodily cells due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which lowers the possibility of cell mutations and cancer. Curcumin also possesses anti-tumor effects, which inhibit the development of tumors and the spread of dangerous cells, according to a number of studies. The terms "curcumin" and "cancer" are used in more than 2,000 published articles, according to a 2014 medical analysis by Trusted Source. Curcumin as a complementary cancer treatment to chemotherapy and radiation therapy is now being researched by researchers. aids in irritable bowel syndrome management (IBS) Traditional remedies have long employed curcumin as a therapy for a variety of digestive ailments. Research According to Trusted Source, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of the spice can help regulate gut flora. To ascertain the effect of curcumin in cases of IBS and other intestinal inflammatory disorders, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, more research is nonetheless required. Alzheimer's disease prevention and treatment Studies show that curcumin may help reduce the risk of a number of neurological diseases. According to experts, these disorders associated cellular damage, inflammation,
  • 14. and amyloid deposits, or plaques, are lessened by the antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects of this substance. Additionally, some of the age-associated protein alterations that scientists have linked to may be slowed down or prevented by curcumin. prevents liver damage, treats liver disorders, and prevents gallstones The ability of curcumin to prevent liver damage has been demonstrated by numerous studies. Curcumin may have advantages for the liver and gallbladder, including boosting bile output and shielding liver cells from bile-related toxins. aids in managing and preventing diabetes For thousands of years, turmeric has been used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes. It has been demonstrated in numerous research using both human and animal models that taking more curcumin may help prevent diabetes. assists in weight loss Meta-analysis from 2019 According to a Reliable Source, taking turmeric can considerably reduce body mass index in persons with metabolic diseases. Pure turmeric powder, dry turmeric that has been grated or ground, or both can be used to make turmeric tea. There is a suggestion that the curcumin in fermented turmeric preparations, which are frequently sold as tea goods, has better biological availability or absorbability. Ingredients 1 cup of milk or water Turmeric, 1 teaspoon Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
  • 15. 10 grams of honey Black pepper, half a teaspoon Directions Get milk or water to a rolling boil. To the boiling liquid, add the additional ingredients. For 10 to 15 minutes, steep. Following the completion of these stages, the tea may be strained into a container and allowed to cool before consumption. #6 GINGER Since ancient times, people have utilized ginger in both cooking and healing. It is still a well-liked home cure for sickness, stomach pain, and other medical conditions. The most common uses for ginger are in cooking and herbal tea. Some people also use ginger pills for their alleged health benefits. The Zingiber officinale plant produces ginger root, which has been utilized in Chinese and Indian medicine for thousands of years. dependable source
  • 16. Ginger may aid with digestion and alleviate nausea and vomiting, according to Trusted Source. Ginger root contains antioxidants and other elements that may prevent or treat conditions like arthritis, inflammation, and different infections. Additionally, ginger may lower the chance of developing diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses. . The impact of ginger on intestinal gas formation during digestion has been examined in a number of research. According to this research, ginger's enzymes can help break up and evacuate this gas, relieving any discomfort. Additionally, studies suggest that ginger may promote gastrointestinal motility, which could alleviate or prevent constipation. Additionally, ginger seems to have positive impacts. dependable source on the pancreatic lipase enzyme, which facilitates small intestine digestion. According to studies, ginger can aid with morning sickness and nausea after cancer therapy. According to a 2016 review, the odor-producing substances gingerols and shogaols can stop nausea and vomiting in their tracks. Nevertheless, depending on the type of ginger, the concentrations of various substances can change. The highest amounts of gingerol, according to the researchers, were found in dried ginger, followed by fresh ginger and powdered ginger tea. Five of the seven research examined found ginger to have positive effects, while two did not. The review's authors hypothesize that variations in the forms and applications of ginger may be to blame for the inconsistent outcomes. Further human research was also demanded in order to fully comprehend how ginger affects nausea and Although ginger is a great source of antioxidants, it does not contain any protein or other essential elements. Research Because of this, ginger has been shown by Trusted Source to lessen a variety of oxidative stress. When the body accumulates too many free radicals, it can experience oxidative stress. Toxic molecules called free radicals are created by various processes,
  • 17. including metabolism. Free radicals can damage cells when they accumulate in the body, which can result in diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, heart attacks, persistent inflammation, and cancer. Antioxidants in food can aid the body in eliminating free radicals. According to a 2015 assessment by Trusted Source, ginger may be useful in treating some gastrointestinal cancers, including colorectal, gastric, pancreatic, and liver cancers. #7 BLACK SAGE Sage is a common aromatic herb that is also referred to as common sage or garden sage. Sage tea is a beverage produced by steeping hot water with sage. Sage, a member of the mint family, is a native of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean area. Its leaves have been used medicinally for a very long time. Additionally, it is frequently used as a fragrance in soaps and other cosmetics as well as a spice in food. To aid with things like oral health and brain function, among other potential benefits, people still drink sage tea today. Sage is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that combine to offer a range of health advantages. Sage tea can: Improve Oral Health Antibacterial properties in sage help fight the types of bacteria that result in plaque accumulation and other oral health problems. Studies reveal that drinking sage tea has a similar effect to using mouthwashes that contain sage extract in reducing bacteria. Sage tea's anti-inflammatory qualities can also aid in reducing any inflammation in your mouth and throat.
  • 18. Enhance Cognitive Performance Numerous research demonstrate how sage extract can enhance skills like critical thinking and problem solving, even though the possibility that sage tea can assist cognitive function has not yet been shown. In one trial, sage extract was administered for 16 weeks to participants with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The outcomes demonstrated enhanced cognitive measures and decreased agitation. Many people drink sage tea to reduce some menopause symptoms brought on by the loss of estrogen. These signs consist of: • Sweating • Hot flashes • Angina pectoris (chest pain) • Sleep problems In one study, menopausal women who experienced at least 5 hot flashes a day were treated with fresh sage leaves for 8 weeks. The sage preparation showed clinical value in treating hot flashes. Nutrition Sage contains numerous health-promoting nutrients, including the following vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants: • Vitamin K • Magnesium • Zinc • Iron • Copper • Volatile oils
  • 19. • Flavonoids • Phenolic acids The nutritional content of a cup of sage tea made with 1 teaspoon of ground sage is similar. Serving Sizes The length of time the leaves are steeped determines how much sage is incorporated into the tea. You should limit your use of sage tea to 3 to 6 cups per day in order to avoid any health hazards. Sage is safe in little amounts in foods like tea and other beverages. But thujone, a substance found in sage, can lead to seizures and other negative effects. Sage tea may not be healthy to consume in high doses or for an extended period of time due to cases of seizures linked to sage use, although additional research is required to validate this health concern. To prepare sage tea, boil 1 cup of water and pour it over 1 tablespoon of sage leaves. Leave the leaves to steep until you have reached your desired strength (around 5 to 8 minutes), and then strain them out. You can prepare sage tea with ground sage, but be extra careful when filtering to avoid a gritty texture. Once the infusion has cooled enough to safely drink, you can sip it up and reap the concoction's many health benefits. To spruce up your sage tea, you can add any of the following ingredients: • Sugar • Honey • Lemon juice or zest • Cinnamon #8 CAT CLAW
  • 20. Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa), a woody vine that is endemic to the Amazon rainforest and other parts of South and Central America, gets its name from the shape of its horns, which resemble hooks. For ages, South Americans have utilized the bark and root to treat a variety of illnesses, such as fevers, stomach ulcers, inflammation, arthritis, and dysentery. Additionally, it served as a method of birth control. Studies in test tubes suggest that cat's claw may work as a diuretic, activate the immune system, and aid in relaxing smooth muscles, including those in the intestines (helping the body eliminate excess water) Additionally, cat's claw possesses antioxidant characteristics that aid the body in getting rid of free radicals, which harm cells. Free radicals are thought by scientists to play a role in a variety of health issues, such as cancer and heart disease. Free radicals can be combated by antioxidants, which may also help lessen or even stop some of the harm they cause. Cat's claw may kill tumor and cancer cells in test tubes, according to some early research. Cat's claw has been used traditionally to treat osteoarthritis, but few scientific research have examined its safety and efficacy (OA). According to one study, there aren't many negative side effects and it might even aid with knee OA pain
  • 21. relief. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may benefit from cat's claw treatment because it may assist to reduce inflammation. In a limited study of individuals with RA who were previously on sulfasalazine or hydroxychloroquine, cat's claw was found to be more effective at reducing painful, swollen joints than a placebo (dummy pill). However, despite the possibility that cat's claw can lessen inflammation, there is no proof that it can prevent worsening joint injury. In order to prevent joint damage, conventional drugs should be used to treat RA. Numerous other conditions, such as HIV, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), endometriosis, kidney issues, bladder cancer, and Alzheimer's disease are being examined in relation to cat's claw. Before scientists can determine whether it is beneficial, more research is required. A thorny vine that can reach a height of 100 feet is known as cat's claw. The Amazon rainforest and other tropical regions of South and Central America are where it grows the most. The majority of cat claw marketed in the US came from Peru. The curving, claw-like thorns that develop on the stem of cat's claw gave the plant its name. The portions of the cat's claw utilized in medicine include the root and bark. Many different plant compounds, including tannins and sterols that help reduce inflammation and quinovic acid glycosides that help fight viruses, can be found in cat's claw. The root and bark of the cat's claw vine are used to make cat's claw preparations. Depending on what time of year the plant was collected, the effectiveness of the root and bark may vary. You can brew tea by crushing the bark of the cat's claw vine. There are also standardized liquid or capsule root and bark extracts available, with 3% alkaloids and 15% phenols. A tried-and-true method for boosting the body and healing disease is the usage of herbs. Herbs, however, can cause adverse reactions and combine with other herbs, dietary supplements, and pharmaceuticals. For these reasons, you should use herbs cautiously and under a doctor's supervision. Although cat's claw seems to have few negative effects, there are not enough
  • 22. cat's claw scientific research to establish its safety. When taking cat's claw, some people have experienced nauseousness, diarrhea, and vertigo. With sustained use of the herb, the moderate diarrhea or loose stools usually go away. Cat's claw should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing because it may result in miscarriage. Because cat's claw may affect the immune system, anyone with autoimmune illnesses, skin grafts, tuberculosis, or those getting organ transplants shouldn't use it unless specifically advised to do so by their doctor Without first consulting your doctor, you shouldn't use cat's claw if you are currently taking any of the medications listed below. Immune system-suppressing medications: Theoretically, cat's claw shouldn't be taken with drugs that suppress the immune system because they may boost the immune system. These include cyclosporine and other drugs recommended for autoimmune diseases or after organ transplants. Medication for thinning the blood In particular, if you also use blood thinners like aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), or clopidogrel, cat's claw may increase your risk of bleeding (Plavix). Cat's claw may function as a diuretic, assisting the body in flushing out extra fluid. You may be at danger if you also use diuretics, which accomplish the same goal. Medication for blood pressure: Cat's claw may reduce blood pressure. Taking cat's claw may result in your blood pressure being too low if you take medicine for high blood pressure. Other drugs: Some drugs that the liver processes may be affected by cat's claw. Before taking cat's claw, consult your doctor if you take any drugs. #9 BACHELOR BUTTONS
  • 23. Low levels of vitamin C, which reduces inflammation, folate, which makes red blood cells, and calcium, which safeguards bones and teeth, are all present in Bachelor's Button flowers. The blossoms are traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory in teas and other mixes as well as natural medications. Bachelor Buttons are available in a wide range of colors, including this dazzling blue, white, pink, and purple. They give our teas a great flash of color, so we use them frequently. Since they are typically flavorless, adding color to our tea blends doesn't change how they taste. They are quite simple to cultivate! They are not only lovely, but they also have a variety of culinary and therapeutic purposes. When used fresh in salads, they give the dish a wonderful splash of color. The petals look beautiful on cakes, cupcakes, and other dessert dishes whether they are fresh or dried. Add them to the sugar used to rim drinks. They are ideal for adding color to mixes of loose-leaf tea; what about a unique coffee blend? High calcium, absorbic acid, folate, and mineral salt bachelor buttons are available. They are also very high in antioxidants, tannins, and anti-inflammatory compounds. They are beneficial to use in a mouth rinse because of their anti-inflammatory
  • 24. properties, and they also aid with bleeding and sore gums. Additionally, they aid the digestive tract in treating constipation and stomach ulcers. Bachelor buttons also aid with liver cleansing and UTI infections. The plant's flowering portion is the most widely used component. The leaves and stem are also helpful. The fluid in the flower's stem can be used as a mouthwash and to stop bleeding. In contrast to arnica, the inside of the stem can be used as a poultice for aching and tight muscles and even to stop bleeding from open wounds. . #10 JOSEPH COAT . There are numerous types of this plant, which is native to South America. The varieties have foliage that is yellow, red, and green. The stem and leaves are eaten as vegetables. This is typically eaten as a side dish by Chinese and Japanese people. The people
  • 25. of Africa eat this as a leafy vegetable. This plant is sometimes regarded as a synonym for the other species Amaranthus gangeticus. The plant blooms from July to September, and the leaves grow in the month of April. Although the flowers are often monoecious, the same plant can produce flowers of both sexes. By itself and the wind, it is pollinated. The plant reproduces on its own. It prefers well-drained soil but can thrive in light, medium, and heavy soil. It struggles to thrive in the shadows. • This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals. • Vitamin A is found considerably in this plant and also Vitamin B1 and C in fair amounts. • Leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. • The seed which measures 1 mm in diameter can be cooked and eaten. • It is very difficult to crush the seeds in the mouth and so it passes through the excreta undigested. • The seed contains saponins and to destroy this chemical the food should be cooked well. #11 SOURSOP Vitamin C, an antioxidant known to strengthen the immune system, is abundant in soursop. Your immune system is strengthened by the vitamin,
  • 26. which enhances its capacity to fight against viruses. Additionally, it encourages the breakdown of free radicals, which can shield your skin and cells from oxidative harm from the environment. The fruit known as soursop is known by a variety of names and is a native of the warm, tropical areas of the Americas. Annona muricata is its scientific name, although it is also known as guanabana, paw-paw, sirsak, and graviola. The Annonaceae family, usually referred to as the custard apple family, includes soursop. The huge, oval-shaped fruits are produced on trees. The whitish, fibrous flesh is encased in a green, spine-adorned exoskeleton. they develop into Traditional medicine has employed soursop for a variety of diseases and conditions due to its diverse applications. It has a rich nutritional profile and offers a number of health advantages. One entire soursop fruit provides almost 83% of the fiber you should have each day, an essential component for the health of your digestive system. Fiber encourages regularity and guards against digestive problems like constipation. Soursop may be useful in assisting in the battle against and prevention of cancer, while the majority of research is limited to test-tube trials. According to one study, a soursop extract can shrink breast cancer tumors and eradicate cancerous cells. According to a second study, an extract can prevent the growth of leukemia cells. By scavenging free radicals, antioxidants lessen the harm oxidative stress does to your cells. Inflammation is one of the negative consequences of oxidative stress. Therefore, the antioxidants in soursop might aid in lowering inflammatory responses in the body. Controls blood pressure Heart disease and heart attacks are major problems that can be brought on by high blood pressure. Consuming too much sodium might raise blood pressure. Potassium aids in the elimination of salt from your system and reduces tension in blood vessel walls, both of which can lower blood pressure. One entire soursop fruit provides between one-third to one-half of your daily required
  • 27. potassium intake. The sour fruit may have antimicrobial properties. According to one study, a variety of bacteria, including those that cause cavities and gum disease, may be killed by an extract. Another study discovered that soursop extracts may be effective against Staphylococcus germs and cholera. Although these investigations were conducted in test tubes, the outcomes are encouraging and more investigation is required. Soursop has certain possible risks in addition to its many health advantages. According to studies, the fruit and tea brewed from the leaves may resemble Parkinson's disease symptoms. Additionally, studies suggest that it can interfere with diabetic or high blood pressure drugs. The fruit's components may enhance the effects of such drugs, resulting in hazardous dips in your blood pressure Soursop seeds should also not be consumed. They contain hazardous substances and might have negative side effects. Before eating the fruit, make sure to take them out. #12 NONI A tropical beverage called noni juice is made from the Morinda citrifolia
  • 28. tree's fruit. In Southeast Asia, particularly in Polynesia, this tree and its fruit are found near lava flows. Yellow, lumpy noni (pronounced NO-nee) is a fruit about the size of a mango. It has a strong flavor that has been likened to smelly cheese and is highly bitter. Noni has been utilized in traditional folk medicine by Polynesian people for more than 2,000 years. It is frequently used to treat conditions like arthritis, discomfort, infections, and constipation The majority of noni consumed today is in juice blends. The juice contains strong antioxidants and may offer a number of health advantages. Everything you need to know about noni juice, including its nutrients and potential health advantages, is detailed in this article. The amount of nutrients in noni juice varies greatly. In one study, the nutritional composition of 177 different brands of noni juice was examined. This is due to the fact that noni juice is frequently blended with other fruit liquids or sugars to cover up its unpleasant taste and odor. The most generally used brand on the market is Tahitian Noni Juice, which is made by Morinda, Inc. Studies have also extensively used this product. 89% of the ingredients are noni fruit, and 11% are concentrated grape and blueberry juices (3). 3.5 ounces (100 ml) of Tahitian noni juice has the following nutrients: calorie count: 47
  • 29. 11 grams of carbs Less than 1 gram of protein less than 1 gram of fat 8 grams sugar 17% of the RDI for biotin 6% of the RDI for folate 4% of the RDI for magnesium 3% of the RDI for potassium 3% of the RDI for calcium. 3% of the RDI for vitamin E Noni juice is primarily composed of carbohydrates, like most fruit juices. Vitamin C, which is vital for healthy skin and the immune system, is abundant in it. Additionally, it's a fantastic source of biotin and folate, two B vitamins that have a variety of vital functions in the body, including assisting with the transformation of food into energy . SUMMARY Different brands of noni juice have different nutritional profiles. Noni juice is a fantastic source of vitamin C, biotin, and folate in general. Juice from noni is renowned for having a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants shield cells from the harm that free radicals do to cells. To sustain optimum health, your body needs a balanced ratio of antioxidants to free radicals. Researchers believe that noni juice's robust antioxidant qualities may
  • 30. be responsible for some of the potential health advantages (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source). Beta carotene, iridoids, and vitamins C and E are the primary antioxidants found in noni juice. Iridoids in particular show considerable antioxidant activity in test-tube tests, but additional research is required to prove their effects on people. However, studies show that eating a diet high in antioxidants, like those in noni juice, may reduce your chance of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. The cellular damage caused by cigarette smoking in particular may be lessened by noni juice. Smoke from tobacco produces a significant amount of harmful free radicals. Excessive levels can harm cells and result in oxidative stress. Numerous diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, are linked to oxidative stress. Consuming meals high in antioxidants, according to studies, may lessen oxidative stress. Heavy users of tobacco were given 4 ounces (118 ml) of noni juice daily in one trial. They saw a 30% drop in two common free radicals after a month compared to their baseline values. Cancer has also been linked to tobacco smoking. Some chemicals in cigarette smoke may bind to bodily cells and cause the formation of tumors. Noni juice may lower concentrations of certain cancer-causing substances. According to two clinical studies, consuming 4 ounces (118
  • 31. ml) of noni juice every day for a month cut tobacco smokers' levels of cancer-causing chemicals by roughly 45%. Noni juice should not be used as a substitute for quitting smoking because it does not completely offset the harmful health effects of smoking. By reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol, noni juice may benefit heart health. Although your body needs cholesterol for many vital processes, some forms in excess may raise your risk of heart disease and chronic inflammation. According to one study, consuming up to 6.4 ounces (188 ml) of noni juice daily for one month dramatically decreased levels of total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and the inflammatory blood marker C-reactive protein. The study's participants were heavy smokers; hence the findings cannot be applied to the broader population. Antioxidants included in noni juice may lower excessive cholesterol levels brought on by tobacco use, according to researchers. Non-smokers in a different, 30-day research received 2 ounces (59 ml) of noni juice twice daily. Participants didn't encounter any major changes in cholesterol levels These results suggest that the cholesterol-lowering effect of noni juice may only apply to heavy cigarette smokers. That said, more research on noni juice and cholesterol is needed. Noni juice might increase stamina. In reality, Pacific Islanders thought that eating noni fruit during lengthy fishing excursions and cruises
  • 32. improved the body. A few research demonstrate the benefits of drinking noni juice while working out. One 3-week research, for instance, provided long-distance runners 3.4 ounces (100 ml) of noni juice twice day, or a placebo. The average time to fatigue increased by 21% in the noni juice group, indicating enhanced endurance (26). Similar results have been reported by several human and animal studies on the use of noni juice to reduce fatigue and increase endurance. The pain-relieving properties of noni fruit have been employed in traditional folk medicine for over 2,000 years. This benefit is now backed by some research. In one month's worth of research, for instance, participants with degenerative arthritis of the spine drank 0.5 ounces (15 ml) of noni juice twice daily. The noni juice group had much reduced pain scores, with 60% of patients reporting complete alleviation from neck pain (28). People with osteoarthritis consumed 3 ounces (89 ml) of noni juice daily in a related trial. They noticed a notable reduction in the frequency and intensity of their arthritic pain after 90 days, along with an improvement in their quality of life (29). Pain from arthritis is frequently linked to elevated inflammation and oxidative stress. Therefore, noni juice could offer organic pain relief by reducing inflammation and combatting free radicals Noni juice might improve immunological function. It contains a lot of vitamin C, just like several other fruit juices. For
  • 33. instance, Tahitian Noni Juice contains roughly 33% of the RDI for this vitamin in just 3.5 ounces (100 ml). By shielding your cells from environmental pollutants and free radical damage, vitamin C boosts your immune system. Beta carotene is one of many other antioxidants found in noni juice that may also strengthen the immune system. Healthy individuals who drank 11 ounces (330 ml) of noni juice daily had higher immune cell activity and reduced levels of oxidative stress, according to a short, 8-week study. Southeast Asian fruit is used to make noni juice. It is very high in vitamin C and may provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, including pain reduction, enhanced immunological function, and increased capacity for physical activity. However, more study is required. Remember that commercial versions may include a lot of sugar and are sometimes blended with other juices. It's also crucial to keep in mind that, despite offering certain benefits to smokers, noni juice shouldn't be used as a substitute for quitting or as a preventative step for diseases caused by tobacco use. Noni juice is probably safe overall. If you use any prescription drugs or have kidney issues, you might want to consult your doctor beforehand. #13 CHANDELIER (SHANDILAY) Although it grows in southern India, Latin America, and the Caribbean,
  • 34. the plant is native to tropical Africa. I won't be shocked if you've never heard of chandelier bush because of its restricted range. Does chandelier benefit you? A few research have looked into the advantages of shandilay. It was discovered that leaf extracts were both antibacterial and anti Candida. In fact, a 2015 study demonstrated that lighting might harm microorganisms' membranes, effectively killing them. The antibacterial properties of chandelier were confirmed in a 2019 antioxidant and antibacterial a According to the study, the herb is used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory issues like coughs, the flu, and asthma. Additionally, it is used to treat malaria, womb prolapse, rheumatism, headaches, wounds, and fever. study, which linked them to the flavonoids in the leaf extracts. The advantages of chandeliers that have been scientifically verified as well as their conventional uses were covered in a 2016 study. The established advantages demonstrated that the plant is likely, antioxidant and antibacterial anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory,anti-diabetic anti-anxiety, calming, pain-relieving, and wound-healing According to the study, the herb is used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory issues like coughs, the flu, and asthma. Additionally, it is used to treat malaria, womb prolapse, rheumatism, headaches, wounds, and fever. Chandelier leaves can be prepared in two different
  • 35. ways. Shandilay Tea First things first, prepare some tea. Three or four leaves should be broken up, then pour boiling water to them. Ten to fifteen minutes of steeping should be given before filtering, sweetening, and serving. Fair warning: without a sweetener, the tea tastes awful. You can also soak a few leaves for an additional five minutes after brewing them for five. Juice The leaves of the chandelier shrub can also be crushed and squeezed to obtain the juice. Here, I would advise utilizing more than ten leaves. You can use a mortar and pestle, a small blender, or your hands to crush the leaves. You might receive one or two teaspoons of liquid. Add a dash of salt and a few drops of lemon juice to this. Lemon juice enhances the flavor. But it's still awful. But it does function! #14 SEED UNDER LEAF
  • 36. The plant can go as tall as 2 feet (61 cm), and it has slender branches covered in leaves. Because its seed pods, which blossom into tiny green flowers, grow beneath the leaves, it is known as "seed-under-leaf." The entire plant is utilized to create chanca piedra supplements, including the leaves, stems, and flowers. Chanca piedra is said to be effective as a supplement for a number of illnesses affecting the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. It is said to include phytochemicals, or plant components, that can improve inflammation, boost urine flow, and destroy harmful germs and viruses. There isn't much proof that it works, though. Chanca piedra can be purchased as teas, liquid extracts, tablets, capsules, or powder. Chanca piedra is most well-known for its potential as a kidney stone treatment, hence the moniker "stone buster." As an alkaline substance, the plant may help avoid acidic kidney stones. It's a less expensive, over-the counter substitute for potassium citrate, a substance used as an alkalizing agent to avoid kidney stones that are made of acids. You might urinate more as a result.
  • 37. About two-thirds of participants in a study with 56 kidney stone sufferers who consumed 4.5 grams of chanca piedra daily saw a reduction in the size and number of their kidney stones. Additionally, additional small human trials have found that ingesting chanca piedra has some benefits. In test-tube trials, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers, can be killed by chanca piedra extract. However, this does not necessarily mean that an oral supplement will work to treat stomach ulcers in people. Active phytochemicals, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, lignans, polyphenols, tannins, coumarins, and saponins are present in Phyllanthus niruri (Seed Under Leaf). A particular ingredient in Seed Under Leaf called niruside has been found to block HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, making it a possible anti-HIV agent. Ellagic acid, a different substance also present, has the ability to inhibit aldose reductase, making it effective for diabetes. While geraniin has anti-allergy and ACE inhibitory effects, other elements including rutin and quercetin have analgesic and anti inflammatory properties. Studies have demonstrated the antioxidant, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-HIV, anti-hepatits B, anti-urolithiatic, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogenic, and lipid-lowering properties of Seed Under Leaf extract. Diuretics flush salt and water from the body. They can aid in the treatment of various illnesses, including high blood pressure. As a diuretic, Seed Under Leaf is used by certain herbalists. In a study published in 2018Trusted Source, scientists discovered that Seed Under Leaf has a diuretic impact on rats, increasing salt excretion in the urine. If the plant has this impact on people, further study will be necessary to validate it. Four Phyllanthus species were tested against the herpes simplex virus in cell cultures in a 2013 study Although Seed Under Leaf was the species that was least effective, it did seem to be able to fight off the infection.
  • 38. Other research suggests that Seed Under Leaf may aid in the treatment of other illnesses, including hepatitis B and HIV Studies also show that it aids in the treatment of Ulcers and Diabetes #15 MORINGA There is a solid reason why the moringa tree is frequently referred to as the "wonder tree." The therapeutic qualities of the tree extend to its leaves, fruit, sap, oil, roots, bark, seeds, pod, and flowers. There are numerous uses for the tree's byproducts. It is additionally called the "drumstick tree." The nutritional value of the moringa leaves is so high that it surpasses that of carrots, oranges, and even milk. Given their versatility and ability to be incorporated into the diet in numerous ways, the leaves are used in Indian cuisine in a variety of ways. The most popular ways to eat them are as vegetables for stir-fries and as an addition to juices. The moringa leaves have no negative effects when taken in their natural state. Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, riboflavin, B3, niacin, B6, and folate are abundant in moringa leaves. They are also abundant in zinc, phosphorus, calcium,
  • 39. iron, magnesium, and iron. One cup of moringa leaves contains 2 grams of protein, 8% of the recommended daily allowance of magnesium, 19% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B6, 1% of the recommended daily allowance of iron, and 1% of the recommended daily allowance of riboflavin (9 per cent of the RDA). Highly Amino Acid-Rich Amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, are abundant in moringa leaves. They include 18 different types of amino acids, each of which contributes significantly to our wellbeing. Individuals who have persistently high blood sugar levels eventually acquire diabetes. In consequence, diabetes can harm the body's organs and create heart issues. It is advisable to maintain healthy blood sugar levels in order to prevent this. Given that isothiocyanates are present in moringa leaves, they are an ideal source for that since they help to balance blood sugar levels. Reducing Cholesterol Moringa leaves, in addition to oats, flaxseeds, and almonds, are a dependable treatment for high cholesterol. The main cause of heart disease is cholesterol, and consuming moringa leaves has been found to significantly reduce excessive cholesterol levels. These levels can be brought down, reducing the risk of heart disease. Moringa leaves provide many advantages for people with tuberculosis since they lessen the side effects of anti-tubercular medications. The leaves hasten the regeneration of liver cells. The leaves contain a lot of polyphenols, which can both prevent and possibly even reverse liver oxidative damage. They raise the liver's protein levels.
  • 40. Only when the liver enzymes are normal can the liver work normally, which is where the blood is detoxified, fat is broken down, and nutrients are absorbed. These liver enzymes are stabilized by moringa leaves. Contamination with arsenic is a problem that is prevalent over much of the world. Our bodies have been exposed to arsenic through a variety of foods, most notably rice. This element can cause cancer and heart disease when exposed to it over an extended period of time. Research on lab animals has demonstrated the effectiveness of moringa leaves in reducing the damaging effects of arsenic. Benefits the Stomach The leaves of the moringa plant can help with stomach issues. Add moringa leaves to your diet if you struggle with constipation, bloating, gas, gastritis, or ulcerative colitis. The leaves' antibacterial and antibiotic characteristics make them an excellent treatment for digestive ailments. Even the leaves' high B vitamin content aids in enhancing digestion. There is a lot of calcium and phosphorus in moringa leaves. For healthy bones, you need both of these components. Because moringa leaves are anti-inflammatory, they aid in the treatment of arthritis and may even repair broken bones. Additionally, Moringa oleifera prevents osteoporosis and maintains healthy bones and teeth. Antiseptic and effective against many bacterial infections are moringa leaves. As they shorten the clotting period, they are even helpful for wound healing and aid in the speedy healing of burns, minor cuts,
  • 41. and bruises. Moringa leaves were used to enhance lactation in nursing women in conventional Ayurvedic treatment. The health of the mother and the unborn child is greatly improved by consuming moringa leaves because they are a rich source of protein, vital vitamins, and necessary elements. The body burns more fat when moringa leaves are consumed. They reduce body weight without lowering energy levels. The person continues to feel nourished and upbeat as a result. They increase metabolism and lessen food cravings. Moreover, they reduce cholesterol. Suitable for Skin and Hair Moringa leaves enhance the health and appearance of skin and hair since they are packed with antioxidants and minerals. They make the skin softer and the hair shinier. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants that lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. They contain around 30 antioxidants. Not only that, but using a paste made from moringa leaves to the scalp and hair might lessen dandruff and give dull, lifeless hair some bounce. The leaves also make the hair follicles stronger. They benefit skin that is prone to acne as well. This is why many cosmetics contain moringa leaves. They add a glow and improve the skin's tone because of their medicinal and cleansing qualities. Moringa leaves enhance the health and appearance of skin and hair since they are packed with antioxidants and minerals. They make the skin more soft and the hair more shiny. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants that lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. They contain around 30 antioxidants. Not only that, but using a paste made from moringa leaves to the scalp and hair might lessen dandruff and give dull, lifeless hair some bounce. The leaves also make the hair follicles stronger. They benefit skin that is prone to acne as well. This is why many cosmetics contain moringa leaves. They add a glow and improve the skin's tone because of their medicinal and cleansing qualities.
  • 42. The use of moringa leaves has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of neurological illnesses. They act as neuro-enhancers and promote brain health. The abundance of vitamins E and C prevents neuronal deterioration and enhances cognitive performance. Eat moringa leaves frequently if you experience migraines or recurrent headaches. As they maintain the production of neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, which are crucial for memory, mood, and stimulus response, these leaves also serve as mood stabilizers. Beneficial for Detoxification Natural detoxifiers and cleaners, moringa leaves help the body. This keeps the body healthy and boosts immunity to several infections. They also boost the body's energy levels. The nutritional punch of moringa leaves is strong, and they are also anti-inflammatory. They are a new type of "superfood" because of their antioxidant and cellular health preserving qualities. They reduce sugar levels and the development of inflammatory enzymes. Include these frequently in your diet to get their numerous health benefits.