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Botanical Name: Rosmarinus
 Common Name : Rosemary
 Family : Labiatae
 Origin: Southern Europe
 Height: 18 in (45 cm)
 Most sources interpret the
Latin name as rosmarinus
“dew of the sea”
 Stem Rosemary is an
evergreen, shrubby herb that
grows to a height of 1 to 2 m,
with a unique aromatic odour
and a camphoraceous
undertone. The erect stems
are divided into numerous
long, slender branches that
have ash-coloured and scaly
 Flower The flowers are small
and pale blue to deep blue.
Much of the volatile essential
oils reside in their calyces.
 Leaves The branches bear
opposite, leathery thick
leaves which are lustrous,
linear, dark green above and
downy white below.
Essential Part
 Parts used: Stems, leaves and
flowers. The oil of rosemary,
distilled from the flowering
tops, as directed in the British
pharmacopoeia, is superior to
the oil that is obtained from
only the stem and leaves.
Nearly all the commercial oil
is distilled from the stem and
leaves of the plant before it is
in flower, which then smells
more of camphor.
Climatic Requirement
 Light: Bright light with at least 6 hours of direct sun
per day. Turn your rosemary plant every couple days for
even growth because it will tend to grow toward the
light source. If you use fluorescent light, keep the light
6 in (15 cm) above the plant and leave it on for 14 hours
a day.
Climatic Requirement
 Water: Water thoroughly then allow top 2 in (5 cm) of
the soil to dry out between waterings. Be careful not to
overwater because this herb likes to stay on the dry
side. Soggy soil will cause the leaves to turn brown and
drop off. Planting rosemary in a terra cotta pot will
help keep it dry and prevent root rot.
Climatic Requirement
 Humidity: Average room humidity. Indoor air can get
extra dry with the furnace on. Provide humidity in the
winter by putting the herb pot on a humidity tray.
Climatic Requirement
 Temperature: Warm in spring and summer 65-
80°F/18-27°C. In fall and winter, cool 45-70°F/7-21°C.
 Soil: Use a potting mix that drains well, such as cactus
mix. Or, use 2 parts all-purpose potting mix with 1 part
sharp sand or perlite.
 Fertilizer: Feed monthly with a balanced liquid
fertilizer diluted by half.
Climatic Requirement
 Rosemary is propagated by means of seeds, cuttings,
layering or division of roots. 6 Seeds germinate very slowly.
As there is always a problem of crosspollination, growing
true-to-type plants from seed is not a good practice unless
controlled properly.
 Cuttings from actively growing stem tips are a good way to
propagate new plants efficiently. Cuttings of 10 to 15 cm
length are taken. The bottom two thirds are stripped from
leaves. The cutting is inserted in a proper growing medium,
half to two thirds of the length. Rooting hormones will
assist in root formation within 2 to 4 weeks. A mist bed
with a heated floor will give the best results.
 Rosemary does not grow well in waterlogged or high
clay soils. If the clay percentage of the soil is too high,
application of gravel stone with a diameter of 1 to 2,5
cm can be made that can be worked into the soil
before planting. This will assist in aeration of the roots.
Other practices of incorporation of good compost will
also be beneficial.
 Slope Rosemary needs full sun. Rows should be
orientated east west on the land if possible, and on
sloped land planted on the warmer slopes facing north
and west.
 Planting density/spacing Field spacing has to be done
according to farming method applied. Seedbeds with a
width of 1,2 m and row space of 40 to 50 cm are found
effective with mechanised cutting.
Planting date
 The cuttings can be prepared in the greenhouse and be
transplanted to the field in spring to midsummer.
 When establishing rosemary, irrigation is needed until
the cuttings have developed well, i.e. when they have
established roots and are growing actively. Do not
allow the plants to dry out completely and do not
overirrigate. Mature plants can cope with dryland
conditions if rainfall is exceeding 500 mm per year.
 A basal fertiliser application containing nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium and sulphur should be applied
annually, according to the soil analysis results.
Rosemary responds well to additional applications of
nitrogen usually made after each harvest to promote
new shoot growth during the growing season. Do not
give excess nitrogen because the quality of the
essential oil may be affected as this reduces flowering,
fragrance and flavour. An analysis of organic compost
will assist to provide correct application rates.
 Hand-weeding and hoeing are very important as
weeds affect the yield and quality of oil. Generally, 2 to
3 weedings are necessary during the year. Inter-row
cultivation can be done by a tractor-drawn cultivator
or hand hoe. Care should be taken not to damage roots
as rosemary is very sensitive to this and it could cause
parts of the plant to die back. Effective plant density
and canopy will eliminate weeds
 Rosemary is vulnerable to spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies
and thrips. Careful monitoring and crop rotation as well as
applying insecticidal soap with lightweight horticultural oil will
assist in keeping the foliage free of pests. 6 Whiteflies have
piercing/sucking mouthparts which they use to suck sap from
the leaves of plants. They also excrete large quantities of
honeydew which serves as a growth medium for sooty mould. 6
Spider mites feed preferentially on the lower stem, and then
move on to feed on the upper section of the plant and on leaves.
Leaves may later turn yellow and drop. Silk webbing may be
present when infestation is heavy. 6 Mealybug females feed on
plant sap. They attach themselves to the plant and secrete a
powdery, white, waxy layer used for protection while they suck
the plant juices. 6 Thrips feed on leaves with their piercing and
sucking mouthparts and damage the plants, causing browning
and leaf drop. They can also be vectors of other diseases.
 6 Fungal problems may arise when the plants are over
 Powdery mildew and root rot occur in wet soil.
Disease control guidelines
 Follow a disease management programme.
 Regular scouting of the crop is needed.
 Early detection and management of disease can
prevent major problems.
 Correct identification of diseases is required.
 Maturity and methods Fields of rosemary are usually harvested once
or twice a year, depending on the geographical area and whether the
harvest is for plant material or essential oil. A first cutting can be
obtained in the seeding year, however it is usually delayed until 18
months after seeding. More often harvesting is done by farmers with
mechanical harvesting. The plants are then yielding more material
from frequent regrowth.
 Essential oil
 To obtain essential oil of the highest quality, plants should be in bloom
and only the flowering tops should be harvested for distillation. With
mechanical harvesting it is better to cut frequently because yields are
higher from rapid regrowth.
 Dried rosemary The crop is cut frequently before flowering
commences, as the dried product contains only leaves
Fresh rosemary
 For the fresh market, the herb is cut frequently at a young stage as young, fresh
shoots are used in culinary preparations. Woody stems will lower the price.
Fresh rosemary is harvested early in the morning and kept cooled at 5 °C before
packaging for the market. With a temperature of 5 °C, a minimum shelflife of 2
to 3 weeks can be expected. After temperature, prevention of excess moisture
loss is the second most important post-harvest factor affecting the quality and
shelf-life of herbs.
 Rosemary essential oil should be stored in a cool, dry
area until it is used. Once opened, refrigeration and
tightly closing the cap will prolong its shelf-life. It
should be kept in dark, airtight glass bottles and not
exposed to heat or heavy metals.
 Rosemary acts on the hair follicles by stimulating
growth and acts against dandruff. It is used in
preparations for acne and dermatitis. Rosemary is also
one of the ingredients used in the preparation of eau
de cologne. It is added to liniments as a fragrant
 Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain as
it clears the mind and aids the memory. It is an
external stimulant and a relaxant for nervousness,
muscle spasms, headaches, migraines, neuralgia,
mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion. The antiseptic
action of rosemary oil is especially suitable for
intestinal infections and diarrhoea, and it also eases
colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders and
Rosemary herb bread.
 Rosemary is used in food products
and nonalcoholic beverages. Fresh and
dried rosemary leaves, whole or
ground, are used as seasonings for
soups, stews, sausages, meat, fish, and
poultry. The hydrolat is bottled and
sold as a refreshing dri
 Fresh or dried leaves are used in
traditional Italian cuisine. They have a
bitter, astringent taste and a
characteristic aroma which
complements many cooked
foods. Herbal tea can be made from
the leaves. When roasted with meats
or vegetables, the leaves impart
a mustard-like aroma with an
additional fragrance of charred wood
compatible with barbecued foods.
 It is used as an ingredient in soaps, creams, candles,
deodorants, hair tonics, and shampoos. It is also used
in many household cleaners and air fresheners. It is a
major constituent of some organic pesticides. The
antibacterial and antioxidant activity of rosemary is
used to extend the keeping quality of fats and meat.
Essential oil
 Many people love the intense aroma of rosemary
essential oil and use it on the skin topically (minimal
amount required) or as a powerful inhalant. (BE
AWARE however if you are pregnant to avoid the use
of rosemary essential oil, due to it’s strong stimulant
 Rosemary is used as a groundcover and garden plant. It
can be planted as hedge. It is a good source of nectar
for bees. The plant is used as an insect repellent.
1. Sharpens The Mind:
 This oil is a great mental stimulant that boosts focus,
concentration, memory and mental awareness. Being
an excellent brain and nerve tonic, it is often used by
students during exams to improve concentration and
memory. It is also a mood enhancer (2) and hence, is a
good remedy for tension, anxiety, fatigue, depression
and forgetfulness. Inhaling this oil rests your tired
brain and can ward off lethargy, while stimulating and
improving productivity.
2. Treatment Of Alzheimer’s Disease:
 Studies have proved that rosemary essential oil is
beneficial for people with Alzheimer’s disease (3). This
is because it helps in enhancing the cognitive function.
Thus, this oil is being considered as an alternative
treatment for slowing down the onset of Alzheimer’s
disease because of this connection between boosted
neural activity and the essential oil.
3.Boosts The Immune System:
 Rosemary essential oil stimulates the activity of
antioxidants which are powerful weapons for fighting
infection and disease. The massage and inhalation of
rosemary essential oil decreases the cortisol levels.
This helps in scavenging the free radical activity in
your body. This oil is often used or inhaled in
aromatherapy sessions to increase the strength of the
immune system (4). It also helps combat diseases
caused by free radicals such as cancer and heart
4.The scent of rosemary oil has proven to be effective in
relieving throat congestion
 4.The scent of rosemary oil has proven to be effective
in relieving throat congestion and hence, it is used in
the treatment of allergies, colds, sore throats and flu. It
can treat respiratory infections, thanks to its antiseptic
qualities. Being an antispasmodic, it is used in the
treatment of bronchialasthma
5. Relieves Pain:
 The healing quality of rosemary oil is useful in treating
headaches, muscle pains, rheumatism and arthritis.
Massaging the affected area with this oil can relieve pain
from sprains and joint aches due to its anti-inflammatory
properties . It also helps in stimulating blood circulation,
thus relieving pain and aiding in the coagulation of wounds
for faster healing. When used as massage oil or diluted in
the bath, it can relieve aches, cramps, pains and spasms,
stiff neck, rheumatism and arthritis. Its strong diuretic
properties help in removing acids and wastes like uric acids
which increase inflammation, thus passing out the pain
through urine.
6. Dental Health:
 Rosemary oil has astringent and antibacterial
properties. This makes it effective for the treatment of
dental conditions like bad breath, plaque build-up,
cavities and gingivitis . Being a disinfectant, it is often
used as a mouthwash for keeping your gums and teeth
7.Benefits of Rosemary Oil For Skin:
 The astringent properties of rosemary essential oil
make it beneficial for skin care. It contains a wide array
of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins and
antioxidants. Thus, this oil is effective for all skin types
and is used as an ingredient in skin care cleansers,
soaps, face masks, toners and creams.
8. Rejuvenates Skin:
 Massaging your skin with rosemary essential oil
rehydrates and tones your skin . It removes wrinkles
and bags on the skin, thus keeping it taut and healthy.
Its cell regeneration properties are effective in treating
visible skin conditions and replacing the damaged
tissue, thus reducing the appearance of scars and
9.Prevents Cancers -
 9.Rosemary has been reported to
have a major role in cancer risk
reduction. An Australian study found
that rosemary extract, containing
carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid,
and rosmarinic acid, could suppress
the development of tumors in several
organs including the colon, breast,
liver, stomach, as well as melanoma
and leukemia cells. The anticancer
properties were found to arise through
the molecular changes in the
multiple-stage process of cancer
10. Fights Infections
 - A number of studies found rosemary oil to have
antimicrobial properties. Rosemary oil could inhibit
food borne pathogens such as Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria
monocytogenes,Bacillus cereus, Escherichia
coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, yeast (Candida
albicans), and fungus (Aspergillus niger).
11. Treats Gastric and Intestinal Problems -
The rosmarinic acid
 in rosemary relaxes the muscles
in trachea and intestine,
stimulates bile production, and
protects the liver. In folk
medicine it is used as an
antispasmodic in renal colic.
Researchers from the Al-Fateh
University of Medical Sciences,
Libya, suggest that rosmarinic
acid also has the therapeutic
potential in treatment or
prevention of peptic ulcer and
liver toxicity.
12. Stimulates Hair Growth
 - One of the traditional uses of
rosemary oil is to promote hair
growth, though there is not much
scientific evidence to prove this.
However, a recent study on lab mouse
showed that topical administration of
rosemary leaf extract (RO-ext,
2mg/day/mouse) improved hair re-
growth in mice that experienced hair
re-growth interruption induced by
testosterone treatment, suggesting an
anti-androgenic activity mechanism of
rosemary extract. The study published
in the journal Phytotherapy Research
concluded that rosemary extract is a
promising crude drug for hair growth
13. Relieves Stress and Treats Inflammation
 - Free radicals (also called Reactive
Oxygen Species) that cause oxidative
stress are directly associated with
inflammation, aging, and
carcinogenesis. The body possesses
various anti-oxidative systems and
saliva is one such system. In one study
on rosemary benefits, Japanese
researchers found that smelling of
lavender and rosemary essential oils in
aromatherapy increased the
production of saliva and reduced the
stress hormone cortisol levels
14. Prevent brain aging
 - Kyoto University researchers in Japan revealed
that rosemary may significantly help prevent
brain aging.
15. All round energizing stimulant AND relaxant
 Rosemary is an all-round stimulant known for it’s
uplifting, energizing qualities. It supports blood
circulation, improves digestion, encourages healthy
hair growth and the immune system. As if this weren’t
enough, it also imparts the rather welcomed ability to
calm and gently soothe at the same time as energizing.
16.Muscle and joint pain
 Applied topically (to the skin), rosemary oil is
sometimes used to treat muscle pain and arthritis and
improve circulation. It is approved by the German
Commission E for these purposes. However, there is no
scientific evidence that it works.
17. Rosemary Lowers Cortisol
 A study was conducted out of Meikai University,
School of Dentistry in Japan that interestingly
evaluated how 5 minutes of lavender and rosemary
aromatherapy affected the salivary cortisol levels (the
“stress” hormone) of 22 healthy volunteers.
 Upon observing that both essential oils enhance free
radical scavenging activity, they also discovered that
both greatly reduced cortisol levels, which protects the
body from chronic disease due to oxidative stress.
18. Weight loss.
 Researchers are exploring the potential of spices to
boost metabolism, promote satiety, aid weight
management and enhance the overall quality of a diet.
The capsaicin in peppers are believed to have
metabolic boosting properties. In addition, if the food
you eat is flavorful and satisfying, there is a good
chance you will eat less and consume fewer calories,
19. Room freshener.
 Chemical air fresheners are actually quite harmful to
human health. For a natural healthy life, make your
own pot pourri with rosemary. Naturally sun-dry a
handful of rosemary leaves until all the moisture is
gone. Add a bit of eucalyptus oil and voila, you have
some aromatic rosemary to spice up your bedroom. In
fact you can make a pot-pourri with dried rose petals
and jasmine to come up with your very own custom
scents. You can also enjoy the great benefits of
rosemary as a room freshener by stuffing this
combination into a little bag to hang by your bedside
to sniff into when you are having trouble sleeping.
Rosemary for memory   Rapid rural appraisal  A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad khan

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Rosemary for memory Rapid rural appraisal A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad khan

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis  Common Name : Rosemary  Family : Labiatae  Origin: Southern Europe  Height: 18 in (45 cm)  Most sources interpret the Latin name as rosmarinus “dew of the sea”
  • 5. Stem Stem  Stem Rosemary is an evergreen, shrubby herb that grows to a height of 1 to 2 m, with a unique aromatic odour and a camphoraceous undertone. The erect stems are divided into numerous long, slender branches that have ash-coloured and scaly bark.
  • 6. Flower  Flower The flowers are small and pale blue to deep blue. Much of the volatile essential oils reside in their calyces.
  • 7. Leaves Leaves  Leaves The branches bear opposite, leathery thick leaves which are lustrous, linear, dark green above and downy white below.
  • 8. Essential Part  Parts used: Stems, leaves and flowers. The oil of rosemary, distilled from the flowering tops, as directed in the British pharmacopoeia, is superior to the oil that is obtained from only the stem and leaves. Nearly all the commercial oil is distilled from the stem and leaves of the plant before it is in flower, which then smells more of camphor.
  • 9.
  • 10. Climatic Requirement  Light: Bright light with at least 6 hours of direct sun per day. Turn your rosemary plant every couple days for even growth because it will tend to grow toward the light source. If you use fluorescent light, keep the light 6 in (15 cm) above the plant and leave it on for 14 hours a day.
  • 11. Climatic Requirement  Water: Water thoroughly then allow top 2 in (5 cm) of the soil to dry out between waterings. Be careful not to overwater because this herb likes to stay on the dry side. Soggy soil will cause the leaves to turn brown and drop off. Planting rosemary in a terra cotta pot will help keep it dry and prevent root rot.
  • 12. Climatic Requirement  Humidity: Average room humidity. Indoor air can get extra dry with the furnace on. Provide humidity in the winter by putting the herb pot on a humidity tray.
  • 13. Climatic Requirement  Temperature: Warm in spring and summer 65- 80°F/18-27°C. In fall and winter, cool 45-70°F/7-21°C.  Soil: Use a potting mix that drains well, such as cactus mix. Or, use 2 parts all-purpose potting mix with 1 part sharp sand or perlite.  Fertilizer: Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.
  • 14. Climatic Requirement  Rosemary is propagated by means of seeds, cuttings, layering or division of roots. 6 Seeds germinate very slowly. As there is always a problem of crosspollination, growing true-to-type plants from seed is not a good practice unless controlled properly.  Cuttings from actively growing stem tips are a good way to propagate new plants efficiently. Cuttings of 10 to 15 cm length are taken. The bottom two thirds are stripped from leaves. The cutting is inserted in a proper growing medium, half to two thirds of the length. Rooting hormones will assist in root formation within 2 to 4 weeks. A mist bed with a heated floor will give the best results.
  • 15. SOIL PREPARATION  Rosemary does not grow well in waterlogged or high clay soils. If the clay percentage of the soil is too high, application of gravel stone with a diameter of 1 to 2,5 cm can be made that can be worked into the soil before planting. This will assist in aeration of the roots. Other practices of incorporation of good compost will also be beneficial.
  • 16. PLANTING  Slope Rosemary needs full sun. Rows should be orientated east west on the land if possible, and on sloped land planted on the warmer slopes facing north and west.  Planting density/spacing Field spacing has to be done according to farming method applied. Seedbeds with a width of 1,2 m and row space of 40 to 50 cm are found effective with mechanised cutting.
  • 17. Planting date  The cuttings can be prepared in the greenhouse and be transplanted to the field in spring to midsummer.
  • 18. IRRIGATION  When establishing rosemary, irrigation is needed until the cuttings have developed well, i.e. when they have established roots and are growing actively. Do not allow the plants to dry out completely and do not overirrigate. Mature plants can cope with dryland conditions if rainfall is exceeding 500 mm per year.
  • 19. FERTILIZATION  A basal fertiliser application containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur should be applied annually, according to the soil analysis results. Rosemary responds well to additional applications of nitrogen usually made after each harvest to promote new shoot growth during the growing season. Do not give excess nitrogen because the quality of the essential oil may be affected as this reduces flowering, fragrance and flavour. An analysis of organic compost will assist to provide correct application rates.
  • 20. WEED CONTROL  Hand-weeding and hoeing are very important as weeds affect the yield and quality of oil. Generally, 2 to 3 weedings are necessary during the year. Inter-row cultivation can be done by a tractor-drawn cultivator or hand hoe. Care should be taken not to damage roots as rosemary is very sensitive to this and it could cause parts of the plant to die back. Effective plant density and canopy will eliminate weeds
  • 21. PEST CONTROL  Rosemary is vulnerable to spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies and thrips. Careful monitoring and crop rotation as well as applying insecticidal soap with lightweight horticultural oil will assist in keeping the foliage free of pests. 6 Whiteflies have piercing/sucking mouthparts which they use to suck sap from the leaves of plants. They also excrete large quantities of honeydew which serves as a growth medium for sooty mould. 6 Spider mites feed preferentially on the lower stem, and then move on to feed on the upper section of the plant and on leaves. Leaves may later turn yellow and drop. Silk webbing may be present when infestation is heavy. 6 Mealybug females feed on plant sap. They attach themselves to the plant and secrete a powdery, white, waxy layer used for protection while they suck the plant juices. 6 Thrips feed on leaves with their piercing and sucking mouthparts and damage the plants, causing browning and leaf drop. They can also be vectors of other diseases.
  • 22. DISEASE CONTROL  6 Fungal problems may arise when the plants are over irrigated.  Powdery mildew and root rot occur in wet soil. Disease control guidelines  Follow a disease management programme.  Regular scouting of the crop is needed.  Early detection and management of disease can prevent major problems.  Correct identification of diseases is required.
  • 23. HARVESTING  Maturity and methods Fields of rosemary are usually harvested once or twice a year, depending on the geographical area and whether the harvest is for plant material or essential oil. A first cutting can be obtained in the seeding year, however it is usually delayed until 18 months after seeding. More often harvesting is done by farmers with mechanical harvesting. The plants are then yielding more material from frequent regrowth.
  • 24.  Essential oil  To obtain essential oil of the highest quality, plants should be in bloom and only the flowering tops should be harvested for distillation. With mechanical harvesting it is better to cut frequently because yields are higher from rapid regrowth.  Dried rosemary The crop is cut frequently before flowering commences, as the dried product contains only leaves
  • 25. Fresh rosemary  For the fresh market, the herb is cut frequently at a young stage as young, fresh shoots are used in culinary preparations. Woody stems will lower the price. Fresh rosemary is harvested early in the morning and kept cooled at 5 °C before packaging for the market. With a temperature of 5 °C, a minimum shelflife of 2 to 3 weeks can be expected. After temperature, prevention of excess moisture loss is the second most important post-harvest factor affecting the quality and shelf-life of herbs.
  • 26. STORAGE  Rosemary essential oil should be stored in a cool, dry area until it is used. Once opened, refrigeration and tightly closing the cap will prolong its shelf-life. It should be kept in dark, airtight glass bottles and not exposed to heat or heavy metals.
  • 27. Uses COSMETIC  Rosemary acts on the hair follicles by stimulating growth and acts against dandruff. It is used in preparations for acne and dermatitis. Rosemary is also one of the ingredients used in the preparation of eau de cologne. It is added to liniments as a fragrant stimulant.
  • 28. PHARMACEUTICAL AND THERAPEUTIC  Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain as it clears the mind and aids the memory. It is an external stimulant and a relaxant for nervousness, muscle spasms, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion. The antiseptic action of rosemary oil is especially suitable for intestinal infections and diarrhoea, and it also eases colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders and jaundice
  • 29. FOOD AND FLAVOURING Rosemary herb bread.  Rosemary is used in food products and nonalcoholic beverages. Fresh and dried rosemary leaves, whole or ground, are used as seasonings for soups, stews, sausages, meat, fish, and poultry. The hydrolat is bottled and sold as a refreshing dri  Fresh or dried leaves are used in traditional Italian cuisine. They have a bitter, astringent taste and a characteristic aroma which complements many cooked foods. Herbal tea can be made from the leaves. When roasted with meats or vegetables, the leaves impart a mustard-like aroma with an additional fragrance of charred wood compatible with barbecued foods.
  • 30. INDUSTRIAL  It is used as an ingredient in soaps, creams, candles, deodorants, hair tonics, and shampoos. It is also used in many household cleaners and air fresheners. It is a major constituent of some organic pesticides. The antibacterial and antioxidant activity of rosemary is used to extend the keeping quality of fats and meat.
  • 31. Essential oil  Many people love the intense aroma of rosemary essential oil and use it on the skin topically (minimal amount required) or as a powerful inhalant. (BE AWARE however if you are pregnant to avoid the use of rosemary essential oil, due to it’s strong stimulant properties).
  • 32. OTHER  Rosemary is used as a groundcover and garden plant. It can be planted as hedge. It is a good source of nectar for bees. The plant is used as an insect repellent.
  • 33. Benefits 1. Sharpens The Mind:  This oil is a great mental stimulant that boosts focus, concentration, memory and mental awareness. Being an excellent brain and nerve tonic, it is often used by students during exams to improve concentration and memory. It is also a mood enhancer (2) and hence, is a good remedy for tension, anxiety, fatigue, depression and forgetfulness. Inhaling this oil rests your tired brain and can ward off lethargy, while stimulating and improving productivity.
  • 34. 2. Treatment Of Alzheimer’s Disease:  Studies have proved that rosemary essential oil is beneficial for people with Alzheimer’s disease (3). This is because it helps in enhancing the cognitive function. Thus, this oil is being considered as an alternative treatment for slowing down the onset of Alzheimer’s disease because of this connection between boosted neural activity and the essential oil.
  • 35. 3.Boosts The Immune System:  Rosemary essential oil stimulates the activity of antioxidants which are powerful weapons for fighting infection and disease. The massage and inhalation of rosemary essential oil decreases the cortisol levels. This helps in scavenging the free radical activity in your body. This oil is often used or inhaled in aromatherapy sessions to increase the strength of the immune system (4). It also helps combat diseases caused by free radicals such as cancer and heart disease.
  • 36. 4.The scent of rosemary oil has proven to be effective in relieving throat congestion  4.The scent of rosemary oil has proven to be effective in relieving throat congestion and hence, it is used in the treatment of allergies, colds, sore throats and flu. It can treat respiratory infections, thanks to its antiseptic qualities. Being an antispasmodic, it is used in the treatment of bronchialasthma
  • 37. 5. Relieves Pain:  The healing quality of rosemary oil is useful in treating headaches, muscle pains, rheumatism and arthritis. Massaging the affected area with this oil can relieve pain from sprains and joint aches due to its anti-inflammatory properties . It also helps in stimulating blood circulation, thus relieving pain and aiding in the coagulation of wounds for faster healing. When used as massage oil or diluted in the bath, it can relieve aches, cramps, pains and spasms, stiff neck, rheumatism and arthritis. Its strong diuretic properties help in removing acids and wastes like uric acids which increase inflammation, thus passing out the pain through urine.
  • 38. 6. Dental Health:  Rosemary oil has astringent and antibacterial properties. This makes it effective for the treatment of dental conditions like bad breath, plaque build-up, cavities and gingivitis . Being a disinfectant, it is often used as a mouthwash for keeping your gums and teeth healthy.
  • 39. 7.Benefits of Rosemary Oil For Skin:  The astringent properties of rosemary essential oil make it beneficial for skin care. It contains a wide array of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, this oil is effective for all skin types and is used as an ingredient in skin care cleansers, soaps, face masks, toners and creams.
  • 40. 8. Rejuvenates Skin:  Massaging your skin with rosemary essential oil rehydrates and tones your skin . It removes wrinkles and bags on the skin, thus keeping it taut and healthy. Its cell regeneration properties are effective in treating visible skin conditions and replacing the damaged tissue, thus reducing the appearance of scars and spots.
  • 41. 9.Prevents Cancers -  9.Rosemary has been reported to have a major role in cancer risk reduction. An Australian study found that rosemary extract, containing carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid, could suppress the development of tumors in several organs including the colon, breast, liver, stomach, as well as melanoma and leukemia cells. The anticancer properties were found to arise through the molecular changes in the multiple-stage process of cancer development.
  • 42. 10. Fights Infections  - A number of studies found rosemary oil to have antimicrobial properties. Rosemary oil could inhibit food borne pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes,Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, yeast (Candida albicans), and fungus (Aspergillus niger).
  • 43. 11. Treats Gastric and Intestinal Problems - The rosmarinic acid  in rosemary relaxes the muscles in trachea and intestine, stimulates bile production, and protects the liver. In folk medicine it is used as an antispasmodic in renal colic. Researchers from the Al-Fateh University of Medical Sciences, Libya, suggest that rosmarinic acid also has the therapeutic potential in treatment or prevention of peptic ulcer and liver toxicity.
  • 44. 12. Stimulates Hair Growth  - One of the traditional uses of rosemary oil is to promote hair growth, though there is not much scientific evidence to prove this. However, a recent study on lab mouse showed that topical administration of rosemary leaf extract (RO-ext, 2mg/day/mouse) improved hair re- growth in mice that experienced hair re-growth interruption induced by testosterone treatment, suggesting an anti-androgenic activity mechanism of rosemary extract. The study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research concluded that rosemary extract is a promising crude drug for hair growth
  • 45. 13. Relieves Stress and Treats Inflammation  - Free radicals (also called Reactive Oxygen Species) that cause oxidative stress are directly associated with inflammation, aging, and carcinogenesis. The body possesses various anti-oxidative systems and saliva is one such system. In one study on rosemary benefits, Japanese researchers found that smelling of lavender and rosemary essential oils in aromatherapy increased the production of saliva and reduced the stress hormone cortisol levels significantly
  • 46. 14. Prevent brain aging  - Kyoto University researchers in Japan revealed that rosemary may significantly help prevent brain aging.
  • 47. 15. All round energizing stimulant AND relaxant  Rosemary is an all-round stimulant known for it’s uplifting, energizing qualities. It supports blood circulation, improves digestion, encourages healthy hair growth and the immune system. As if this weren’t enough, it also imparts the rather welcomed ability to calm and gently soothe at the same time as energizing.
  • 48. 16.Muscle and joint pain  Applied topically (to the skin), rosemary oil is sometimes used to treat muscle pain and arthritis and improve circulation. It is approved by the German Commission E for these purposes. However, there is no scientific evidence that it works.
  • 49. 17. Rosemary Lowers Cortisol  A study was conducted out of Meikai University, School of Dentistry in Japan that interestingly evaluated how 5 minutes of lavender and rosemary aromatherapy affected the salivary cortisol levels (the “stress” hormone) of 22 healthy volunteers.  Upon observing that both essential oils enhance free radical scavenging activity, they also discovered that both greatly reduced cortisol levels, which protects the body from chronic disease due to oxidative stress.
  • 50. 18. Weight loss.  Researchers are exploring the potential of spices to boost metabolism, promote satiety, aid weight management and enhance the overall quality of a diet. The capsaicin in peppers are believed to have metabolic boosting properties. In addition, if the food you eat is flavorful and satisfying, there is a good chance you will eat less and consume fewer calories, too.
  • 51. 19. Room freshener.  Chemical air fresheners are actually quite harmful to human health. For a natural healthy life, make your own pot pourri with rosemary. Naturally sun-dry a handful of rosemary leaves until all the moisture is gone. Add a bit of eucalyptus oil and voila, you have some aromatic rosemary to spice up your bedroom. In fact you can make a pot-pourri with dried rose petals and jasmine to come up with your very own custom scents. You can also enjoy the great benefits of rosemary as a room freshener by stuffing this combination into a little bag to hang by your bedside to sniff into when you are having trouble sleeping.