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Neutral treatment for diarrhea

Diarrhea with vomiting: is a potentially dangerous condition that can be triggered
by food allergies, bacteria, viruses, spoiled food, environmental toxins, metabolic
disturbances or antibiotic treatments. Diarrhea may be thin, watery and foul smelling
and accompanied by cramping, abdominal pain. The illness may also be accompanied
by vomiting and a feeling of being bloated. A fever may also be present. Typically,
the body loses a great deal of fluid with diarrhea, often resulting in tremendous thirst.
Home remedies begin with a special diet that includes plenty of liquids, such as
mineral water and teas made from antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medicinal
plants. Warm abdominal compresses can also help. However, if the diarrhea is
bloody, if abdominal pain is severe, if the diarrhea lasts longer than 3 days or if fever
increases sharply, a serious infection may be at work and a physician should be
.consulted immediately

Purging Toxins
Diarrhea and vomiting are self help mechanisms your body uses to remove substances
that cause illness from the intestines and stomach. In some cases, you must let the
illness run its course so that toxins can be completely eliminated. It is never wise to
.stop diarrhea by taking constipating remedies

?What you can do
You should not eat anything for the first three days, to spare the intestines further
work and irritation. However, be sure to drink plenty of liquids, at least four times the
usual amount, so you don't get dehydrated. Try weak black tea or other therapeutic
teas. After three days, you may eat toast, crackers, rice or vegetable broth. You can
.also apply warm abdominal compresses or take acidophilus supplements

Garlic as a preventive food
Because of its high sulfur content, garlic helps to regulate digestive activity and kill
germs. Try taking garlic capsules, or use liberal amounts of fresh garlic in your
.cooking as a preventive measure. Avoid garlic if you don't digest onions well

Apple vinegar for intestinal function
Apple vinegar contains large amounts of potassium, pectin and beta carotene. These
gently help restore destroyed intestinal flora so intestinal function can return to
normal. Drink a glass of noncarbonated mineral water with 2 teaspoons of apple
vinegar three times a day until the problem eases. A damp, hot compress soaked with
…apple vinegar soothes pain; apply it to the abdomen for two hours twice daily

Soothing flaxseed pouch
A flaxseed pack relaxes gastrointestinal cramping and discomfort due to
inflammation. Fill a fabric pouch big enough to cover the lower abdomen with raw
flaxseed or rice and stitch closed. Hang the pouch over a pot of boiling water to heat it
with the steam for about 30 mins, or heat it in a microwave. Place the pouch (as hot as
you can stand) on your abdomen. Cover with a towel and a wool blanket and leave in
.place for about one hour
Foods for health
Try a mineral rich broth when you're ill with diarrhea. Simmer chard, collard greens,
kale or other dark green, leafy vegetables for 1 hr. with a little vinegar. Strain off the
.broth and drink

Therapeutic Teas

Illnesses accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting weaken the body because they cause
a great loss of minerals and fluids. Therapeutic teas can help restore proper
.gastrointestinal activity and resupply the body with fluids

For diarrhea in adults

tbsp. alfalfa leaves 4
tbsp. oat straw 3
tbsp. shredded licorice root 3
tbsp. raspberry or blackberry leaves 3
tbsp. thyme 2

For children

oz. marsh mallow leaves 1
oz. shredded licorice root 1
oz. blackberry leaves 1

Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 tbsp. of the herb mixture. Steep and strain. Have the
.child drink up to 3 cups a day

Vacation tips
Vacationing in tropical regions poses great risks for travelers: it can be hard to avoid
the germ infected foods that cause diarrhea and vomiting. Here are some tips for
.preventing this illness
.Avoid tap water. Drink only boiled water, coffee and tea, or bottled water
.Use noncarbonated mineral water to brush your teeth instead of tap water
.Give up ice cream, and stay away from cold drinks cooled with ice cubes
Do not eat raw vegetables, especially salad greens, which are usually washed in tap
water. To be safe, stick to cooked vegetables and to raw fruits that you peel
    Do not use herbs to treat diarrhea without talking to your health care provider first,
 and always talk to your doctor before treating diarrhea in an infant. If your diarrhea is
caused by certain types of infections, herbal treatments could make it worse. The most
  common herbal remedies for diarrhea are described below. They can be used as teas
unless otherwise noted. Make teas with 1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered
  5 - 10 minutes for leaf or flowers, and 10 - 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 - 4 cups per

Astringent herbs
 Astringent herbs, such as blackberry leaf (Rubus fruticosus) or raspberry leaf (Rubus
       idaeus), help "dry up" the mucous membranes in the intestine. Make a tea with 1
                                         .heaping tsp. per cup. Drink a ½ cup per hour
   Carob powder (Ceratonia siliqua), which is rich in fiber, may be taken at the rate of
         1.5 g per 2.2 pounds or 1 kg of body weight. Dissolve powder into a hydrating
                                                              .solution such as Pedialyte
    Extract of bilberry (Vaccinum myrtillus) also has astringent properties (4 g, spread
  .(over several doses). Do not take bilberry if you take anticoagulants (blood thinners
 Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatorium) is a traditional remedy for diarrhea. Usual dosage
     is 3 g (about 1/2 tsp.) per day. Agrimony can have a blood thinning effect and can
  lower blood pressure; speak with your physician if you are dealing with these health

Inflammation reducers
    Quercetin (250 - 500 mg 2 - 4 times per day), a plant based flavonoid, may help to
                                                                    .reduce inflammation
    Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is usually taken as a tea. Dissolve 3 - 4 g powder
               .(about 3 tsp.) in 1 cup hot water, strain and cool. Drink 3 times per day
Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) can be taken as cold-water tea. Soak 2 tbs. root
                        .in 1 quart of water overnight. Strain. Drink throughout the day
Slippery elm powder (Ulmus fulva) or marshmallow root powder (Althaea officinalis)
  can be soothing to the intestines. Use 1 oz. powder to 1 quart of water. Make a paste
   with the powder and a small amount of water. Gradually add in the rest of the water
                    .and then simmer down to 1 pint. Take 1 tsp. every 30 - 60 minutes

Infection fighters
Plants containing berberine may help treat infectious diarrhea. These include barberry
  (Berberis vulgaris) 250 - 500 mg 3 times per day; goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
250 - 500 mg 3 times per day; and Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium ), 250 - 500 mg
           .3 times per day. Do not take berberine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

Bulk forming agent
     Psyllium, a soluble fiber that comes from the husks of the seeds of a plant called
Plantago ovata, may help treat diarrhea. It is a bulk forming agent that soaks up water
                                                      .in the colon, helping to firm stool

                Common names:           Guava, goiaba, guayaba, djamboe, djambu, goavier, gouyave,
                goyave, goyavier, perala, bayawas, dipajaya jambu, petokal, tokal, guave,
                guavenbaum, guayave, banjiro, goiabeiro, guayabo, guyaba, goeajaaba, guave,
                 goejaba, kuawa, abas, jambu batu, bayabas, pichi, posh, enandi
                Part Used: Fruit, leaf, bark
                Family: Myrtaceae
                Genus: Psidium
                Species: guajava
Main Actions      Other Actions                                    Standard Dosage
*stops diarrhea               *depresses CNS                       Leaves
*kills bacteria               *lowers blood pressure
*kills fungi                  *reduces blood sugar                 *Decoction: 1 cup 1-3
*kills yeast                  *constricts blood vessels            times daily
*kills amebas                 *promotes menstruation
*relieves pain
*fights free radicals
*reduces spasms
*supports heart

                Called guayaba in Spanish-speaking countries and goiaba in Brazil, guava is a
                common shade tree or shrub in door-yard gardens in the tropics. It provides shade
                while the guava fruits are eaten fresh and made into drinks, ice cream, and preserves.
                In the richness of the Amazon, guava fruits often grow well beyond the size of tennis
                balls on well-branched trees or shrubs reaching up to 20 m high. Cultivated varieties
                average about 10 meters in height and produce lemon-sized fruits. The tree is easily
                identified by its distinctive thin, smooth, copper-colored bark that flakes off, showing
                .a greenish layer beneath
                Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is
                widely grown in the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the
                tropics of the world. Guava has spread widely throughout the tropics because it
                thrives in a variety of soils, propagates easily, and bears fruit relatively quickly. The
fruits contain numerous seeds that can produce a mature fruit-bearing plant within
four years. In the Amazon rainforest guava fruits are much enjoyed by birds and
monkeys, which disperse guava seeds in their droppings and cause spontaneous
.clumps of guava trees to grow throughout the rainforest

Guava may have been domesticated in Peru several thousand years ago; Peruvian
archaeological sites have revealed guava seeds found stored with beans, corn, squash,
and other cultivated plants. Guava fruit is still enjoyed as a sweet treat by indigenous
peoples throughout the rainforest, and the leaves and bark of the guava tree have a
 .long history of medicinal uses that are still employed today

The Tikuna Indians decoct the leaves or bark of guava as a cure for diarrhea. In fact,
an infusion or decoction made from the leaves and/or bark has been used by many
tribes for diarrhea and dysentery throughout the Amazon, and Indians also employ it
for sore throats, vomiting, stomach upsets, for vertigo, and to regulate menstrual
periods. Tender leaves are chewed for bleeding gums and bad breath, and it is said to
prevent hangovers (if chewed before drinking). Indians throughout the Amazon gargle
a leaf decoction for mouth sores, bleeding gums, or use it as a douche for vaginal
discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls after childbirth. A decoction of the
bark and/or leaves or a flower infusion is used topically for wounds, ulcers and skin
sores. Flowers are also mashed and applied to painful eye conditions such as sun
.strain, conjunctivitis or eye injuries

Centuries ago, European adventurers, traders, and missionaries in the Amazon Basin
took the much enjoyed and tasty fruits to Africa, Asia, India, and the Pacific tropical
regions, so that it is now cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world.
Commercially the fruit is consumed fresh or used in the making of jams, jellies, paste
or hardened jam, and juice. Guava leaves are in the Dutch Pharmacopoeia for the
treatment of diarrhea, and the leaves are still used for diarrhea in Latin America,
Central and West Africa, and Southeast Asia. In Peruvian herbal medicine systems
today the plant is employed for diarrhea, gastroenteritis, intestinal worms, gastric
disorders, vomiting, coughs, vaginal discharges, menstrual pain and hemorrhages, and
edema. In Brazil guava is considered an astringent drying agent and diuretic and is
used for the same conditions as in Peru. A decoction is also recommended as a gargle
for sore throats, laryngitis and swelling of the mouth, and used externally for skin
.ulcers, and vaginal irritation and discharges


Guava is rich in tannins, phenols, triterpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins,
carotenoids, lectins, vitamins, fiber and fatty acids. Guava fruit is higher in vitamin C
than citrus (80 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of fruit) and contains appreciable amounts of
vitamin A as well. Guava fruits are also a good source of pectin - a dietary fiber. The
leaves of guava are rich in flavonoids, in particular, quercetin. Much of guava's
therapeutic activity is attributed to these flavonoids. The flavonoids have
demonstrated antibacterial activity. Quercetin is thought to contribute to the anti-
diarrhea effect of guava; it is able to relax intestinal smooth muscle and inhibit bowel
contractions. In addition, other flavonoids and triterpenes in guava leaves show
antispasmodic activity. Guava also has antioxidant properties which is attributed to
.the polyphenols found in the leaves

Guava's main plant chemicals include: alanine, alpha-humulene, alpha-hydroxyursolic
acid, alpha-linolenic acid, alpha-selinene, amritoside, araban, arabinose,
arabopyranosides, arjunolic acid, aromadendrene, ascorbic acid, ascorbigen, asiatic
acid, aspartic acid, avicularin, benzaldehyde, butanal, carotenoids, caryophyllene,
catechol-tannins, crataegolic acid, D-galactose, D-galacturonic acid, ellagic acid,
ethyl octanoate, essential oils, flavonoids, gallic acid, glutamic acid, goreishic acid,
guafine, guavacoumaric acid, guaijavarin, guajiverine, guajivolic acid, guajavolide,
guavenoic acid, guajavanoic acid, histidine, hyperin, ilelatifol D, isoneriucoumaric
acid, isoquercetin, jacoumaric acid, lectins, leucocyanidins, limonene, linoleic acid,
linolenic acid, lysine, mecocyanin, myricetin, myristic acid, nerolidiol, obtusinin,
octanol, oleanolic acid, oleic acid, oxalic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, pectin,
polyphenols, psidiolic acid, quercetin, quercitrin, serine, sesquiguavene, tannins,
.terpenes, and ursolic acid

The long history of guava's use has led modern-day researchers to study guava
extracts. Its traditional use for diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other digestive complaints
has been validated in numerous clinical studies. A plant drug has even been developed
from guava leaves (standardized to its quercetin content) for the treatment of acute
diarrhea. Human clinical trials with the drug indicate its effectiveness in treating
diarrhea in adults. Guava leaf extracts and fruit juice has also been clinically studied
for infantile diarrhea. In a clinical study with 62 infants with infantile rotaviral
enteritis, the recovery rate was 3 days (87.1%) in those treated with guava, and
diarrhea ceased in a shorter time period than controls. It was concluded in the study
".that guava has "good curative effect on infantile rotaviral enteritis

Guava has many different properties that contribute to its antidiarrheal effect: it has
been documented with pronounced antibacterial, antiamebic and antispasmodic
activity. It has also shown to have a tranquilizing effect on intestinal smooth muscle,
inhibit chemical processes found in diarrhea and aid in the re-absorption of water in
the intestines. In other research, an alcoholic leaf extract was reported to have a
morphine-like effect, by inhibiting the gastrointestinal release of chemicals in acute
diarrheal disease. This morphine-like effect was thought to be related to the chemical
quercetin. In addition, lectin chemicals in guava were shown to bind to E-coli (a
common diarrhea-causing organism), preventing its adhesion to the intestinal wall and
.(thus preventing infection (and resulting diarrhea

The effective use of guava in diarrhea, dysentery and gastroenteritis can also be
related to guava's documented antibacterial properties. Bark and leaf extracts have
shown to have in vitro toxic action against numerous bacteria. In several studies
guava showed significant antibacterial activity against such common diarrhea-causing
bacteria as Staphylococcus, Shigella, Salmonella, Bacillus, E. coli, Clostridium, and
Pseudomonas. It has also demonstrated antifungal, anti-yeast (candida), anti-amebic,
.and antimalarial actions

In a recent study with guinea pigs (in 2003) Brazilian researchers reported that guava
leaf extracts have numerous effects on the cardiovascular system which might be
beneficial in treating irregular heat beat (arrhythmia). Previous research indicated
guava leaf provided antioxidant effects beneficial to the heart, heart protective
properties, and improved myocardial function. In two randomized human studies, the
consumption of guava fruit for 12 weeks was shown to reduce blood pressure by an
average 8 points, decrease total cholesterol levels by 9%, decrease triglycerides by
almost 8%, and increase "good" HDL cholesterol by 8%. The effects were attributed
to the high potassium and soluble fiber content of the fruit (however 1-2 pounds of
fruit was consumed daily by the study subjects to obtain these results!). In other
animal studies guava leaf extracts have evidenced analgesic, sedative, and central
nervous system (CNS) depressant activity, as well as a cough suppressant actions. The
fruit or fruit juice has been documented to lower blood sugar levels in normal and
diabetic animals and humans. Most of these studies confirm the plant's many uses in
.tropical herbal medicine systems


Guava, known as the poor man's apple of the tropics, has a long history of traditional
use, much of which is being validated by scientific research. It is a wonderful natural
remedy for diarrhea - safe enough even for young children. For infants and children
under the age of 2, just a cup daily of guava fruit juice is helpful for diarrhea. For
older children and adults, a cup once or twice daily of a leaf decoction is the tropical
herbal medicine standard. Though not widely available in the U.S. market, tea-cut and
powdered leaves can be obtained from larger health food stores or suppliers of bulk
botanicals. Newer in the market are guava leaf extracts that are used in various herbal
formulas for a myriad of purposes; from herbal antibiotic and diarrhea formulas to
bowel health and weight loss formulas. Toxicity studies with rats and mice, as well as
controlled human studies show both the leaf and fruit to be safe and without side
Herbs and Plants

Clear broths can help the body maintain fluid levels and prevent dehydration. Raw
grain broths, made by steeping 1 cup of raw rice or barley in one quart of boiling
water for 20 minutes, is considered helpful. Fresh vegetable juices are also

There are several herbs useful in the treatment of diarrhea. The University of
Maryland Medical School suggest consulting a doctor before beginning an herbal
treatment of diarrhea. Depending on the cause of the diarrhea some herbs may
.actually aggravate the condition

Blackberry and raspberry leaf teas are astringents. These substances will reduce
.mucous in the intestines. A half cup of this tea per hour is suggested

Billberry is also an astringent but is not recommended for people who are taking
.blood thinners

Some herbal remedies for diarrhea provide bulk to the digestive tract in an effort to
absorb excess fluid and provide a firmer stool. Both psyllium and carob powder work
.in this manner

For diarrhea symptoms caused by an internal infection, herbs containing antibiotic
substances are suggested. These include barberry and Oregon grape. This course of
.treatment is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women

No matter which treatment course is being followed it is recommended the patient
consult with a physician if the diarrhea doesn't end in three to five days. Doctors
.should be consulted earlier if dehydration occurs
Herbal Treatment
   Many of the common herbs to treat diarrhea can be found in your local health food
    store. Goldenseal is effective when treating diarrhea that was caused by a bacterial
infection. Taking 1/2 to 1 tsp. three times a day will suffice. Garlic treats diarrhea and
  has been known for centuries to have antibiotic properties. It can either be taken raw
or in a dried form. Chamomile and blackberry teas are also helpful. Slippery elm bark
       is not only good for cleansing the body, it is also effective it causing the bowels'
 contents to solidify. If you purchase slippery elm in tablet form, follow the directions
     or take two capsules before meals. Peppermint is another effective herbal remedy.
 You can add three to 15 drops to a glass of purified water every two to three hours as

     In the beginning stages of diarrhea it is a good idea to stay away from solid foods.
    Drink plenty of water and juices. This is important because the body is sending the
      available water in the body to the bowels. This causes the body to dehydrate. It is
    important to replenish the body with water as soon as possible. Another reason the
liquids are important is that it aids in flushing out any toxins that may have caused the
                                                                .diarrhea in the first place

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Neutral treatment for diarrhea

  • 1. Neutral treatment for diarrhea Diarrhea with vomiting: is a potentially dangerous condition that can be triggered by food allergies, bacteria, viruses, spoiled food, environmental toxins, metabolic disturbances or antibiotic treatments. Diarrhea may be thin, watery and foul smelling and accompanied by cramping, abdominal pain. The illness may also be accompanied by vomiting and a feeling of being bloated. A fever may also be present. Typically, the body loses a great deal of fluid with diarrhea, often resulting in tremendous thirst. Home remedies begin with a special diet that includes plenty of liquids, such as mineral water and teas made from antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medicinal plants. Warm abdominal compresses can also help. However, if the diarrhea is bloody, if abdominal pain is severe, if the diarrhea lasts longer than 3 days or if fever increases sharply, a serious infection may be at work and a physician should be .consulted immediately Purging Toxins Diarrhea and vomiting are self help mechanisms your body uses to remove substances that cause illness from the intestines and stomach. In some cases, you must let the illness run its course so that toxins can be completely eliminated. It is never wise to .stop diarrhea by taking constipating remedies ?What you can do You should not eat anything for the first three days, to spare the intestines further work and irritation. However, be sure to drink plenty of liquids, at least four times the usual amount, so you don't get dehydrated. Try weak black tea or other therapeutic teas. After three days, you may eat toast, crackers, rice or vegetable broth. You can .also apply warm abdominal compresses or take acidophilus supplements Garlic as a preventive food Because of its high sulfur content, garlic helps to regulate digestive activity and kill germs. Try taking garlic capsules, or use liberal amounts of fresh garlic in your .cooking as a preventive measure. Avoid garlic if you don't digest onions well Apple vinegar for intestinal function Apple vinegar contains large amounts of potassium, pectin and beta carotene. These gently help restore destroyed intestinal flora so intestinal function can return to normal. Drink a glass of noncarbonated mineral water with 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar three times a day until the problem eases. A damp, hot compress soaked with …apple vinegar soothes pain; apply it to the abdomen for two hours twice daily Soothing flaxseed pouch A flaxseed pack relaxes gastrointestinal cramping and discomfort due to inflammation. Fill a fabric pouch big enough to cover the lower abdomen with raw flaxseed or rice and stitch closed. Hang the pouch over a pot of boiling water to heat it with the steam for about 30 mins, or heat it in a microwave. Place the pouch (as hot as you can stand) on your abdomen. Cover with a towel and a wool blanket and leave in .place for about one hour
  • 2. Foods for health Try a mineral rich broth when you're ill with diarrhea. Simmer chard, collard greens, kale or other dark green, leafy vegetables for 1 hr. with a little vinegar. Strain off the .broth and drink Therapeutic Teas Illnesses accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting weaken the body because they cause a great loss of minerals and fluids. Therapeutic teas can help restore proper .gastrointestinal activity and resupply the body with fluids For diarrhea in adults tbsp. alfalfa leaves 4 tbsp. oat straw 3 tbsp. shredded licorice root 3 tbsp. raspberry or blackberry leaves 3 tbsp. thyme 2 For children oz. marsh mallow leaves 1 oz. shredded licorice root 1 oz. blackberry leaves 1 Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 tbsp. of the herb mixture. Steep and strain. Have the .child drink up to 3 cups a day Vacation tips Vacationing in tropical regions poses great risks for travelers: it can be hard to avoid the germ infected foods that cause diarrhea and vomiting. Here are some tips for .preventing this illness .Avoid tap water. Drink only boiled water, coffee and tea, or bottled water .Use noncarbonated mineral water to brush your teeth instead of tap water .Give up ice cream, and stay away from cold drinks cooled with ice cubes Do not eat raw vegetables, especially salad greens, which are usually washed in tap water. To be safe, stick to cooked vegetables and to raw fruits that you peel
  • 3. . Herbs Do not use herbs to treat diarrhea without talking to your health care provider first, and always talk to your doctor before treating diarrhea in an infant. If your diarrhea is caused by certain types of infections, herbal treatments could make it worse. The most common herbal remedies for diarrhea are described below. They can be used as teas unless otherwise noted. Make teas with 1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered 5 - 10 minutes for leaf or flowers, and 10 - 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 - 4 cups per .day Astringent herbs Astringent herbs, such as blackberry leaf (Rubus fruticosus) or raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus), help "dry up" the mucous membranes in the intestine. Make a tea with 1 .heaping tsp. per cup. Drink a ½ cup per hour Carob powder (Ceratonia siliqua), which is rich in fiber, may be taken at the rate of 1.5 g per 2.2 pounds or 1 kg of body weight. Dissolve powder into a hydrating .solution such as Pedialyte Extract of bilberry (Vaccinum myrtillus) also has astringent properties (4 g, spread .(over several doses). Do not take bilberry if you take anticoagulants (blood thinners Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatorium) is a traditional remedy for diarrhea. Usual dosage is 3 g (about 1/2 tsp.) per day. Agrimony can have a blood thinning effect and can lower blood pressure; speak with your physician if you are dealing with these health .issues Inflammation reducers Quercetin (250 - 500 mg 2 - 4 times per day), a plant based flavonoid, may help to .reduce inflammation Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is usually taken as a tea. Dissolve 3 - 4 g powder .(about 3 tsp.) in 1 cup hot water, strain and cool. Drink 3 times per day Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) can be taken as cold-water tea. Soak 2 tbs. root .in 1 quart of water overnight. Strain. Drink throughout the day Slippery elm powder (Ulmus fulva) or marshmallow root powder (Althaea officinalis) can be soothing to the intestines. Use 1 oz. powder to 1 quart of water. Make a paste with the powder and a small amount of water. Gradually add in the rest of the water .and then simmer down to 1 pint. Take 1 tsp. every 30 - 60 minutes Infection fighters Plants containing berberine may help treat infectious diarrhea. These include barberry (Berberis vulgaris) 250 - 500 mg 3 times per day; goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) 250 - 500 mg 3 times per day; and Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium ), 250 - 500 mg .3 times per day. Do not take berberine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding Bulk forming agent Psyllium, a soluble fiber that comes from the husks of the seeds of a plant called Plantago ovata, may help treat diarrhea. It is a bulk forming agent that soaks up water .in the colon, helping to firm stool
  • 4. Guava Common names: Guava, goiaba, guayaba, djamboe, djambu, goavier, gouyave, goyave, goyavier, perala, bayawas, dipajaya jambu, petokal, tokal, guave, guavenbaum, guayave, banjiro, goiabeiro, guayabo, guyaba, goeajaaba, guave, goejaba, kuawa, abas, jambu batu, bayabas, pichi, posh, enandi Part Used: Fruit, leaf, bark Family: Myrtaceae Genus: Psidium Species: guajava GUAVA* HERBAL PROPERTIES AND ACTIONS Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage *stops diarrhea *depresses CNS Leaves *kills bacteria *lowers blood pressure *kills fungi *reduces blood sugar *Decoction: 1 cup 1-3 *kills yeast *constricts blood vessels times daily *kills amebas *promotes menstruation *relieves pain *fights free radicals *reduces spasms *supports heart Called guayaba in Spanish-speaking countries and goiaba in Brazil, guava is a common shade tree or shrub in door-yard gardens in the tropics. It provides shade while the guava fruits are eaten fresh and made into drinks, ice cream, and preserves. In the richness of the Amazon, guava fruits often grow well beyond the size of tennis balls on well-branched trees or shrubs reaching up to 20 m high. Cultivated varieties average about 10 meters in height and produce lemon-sized fruits. The tree is easily identified by its distinctive thin, smooth, copper-colored bark that flakes off, showing .a greenish layer beneath Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is widely grown in the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics of the world. Guava has spread widely throughout the tropics because it thrives in a variety of soils, propagates easily, and bears fruit relatively quickly. The
  • 5. fruits contain numerous seeds that can produce a mature fruit-bearing plant within four years. In the Amazon rainforest guava fruits are much enjoyed by birds and monkeys, which disperse guava seeds in their droppings and cause spontaneous .clumps of guava trees to grow throughout the rainforest TRIBAL AND HERBAL MEDICINE USES Guava may have been domesticated in Peru several thousand years ago; Peruvian archaeological sites have revealed guava seeds found stored with beans, corn, squash, and other cultivated plants. Guava fruit is still enjoyed as a sweet treat by indigenous peoples throughout the rainforest, and the leaves and bark of the guava tree have a .long history of medicinal uses that are still employed today The Tikuna Indians decoct the leaves or bark of guava as a cure for diarrhea. In fact, an infusion or decoction made from the leaves and/or bark has been used by many tribes for diarrhea and dysentery throughout the Amazon, and Indians also employ it for sore throats, vomiting, stomach upsets, for vertigo, and to regulate menstrual periods. Tender leaves are chewed for bleeding gums and bad breath, and it is said to prevent hangovers (if chewed before drinking). Indians throughout the Amazon gargle a leaf decoction for mouth sores, bleeding gums, or use it as a douche for vaginal discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls after childbirth. A decoction of the bark and/or leaves or a flower infusion is used topically for wounds, ulcers and skin sores. Flowers are also mashed and applied to painful eye conditions such as sun .strain, conjunctivitis or eye injuries Centuries ago, European adventurers, traders, and missionaries in the Amazon Basin took the much enjoyed and tasty fruits to Africa, Asia, India, and the Pacific tropical regions, so that it is now cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. Commercially the fruit is consumed fresh or used in the making of jams, jellies, paste or hardened jam, and juice. Guava leaves are in the Dutch Pharmacopoeia for the treatment of diarrhea, and the leaves are still used for diarrhea in Latin America, Central and West Africa, and Southeast Asia. In Peruvian herbal medicine systems today the plant is employed for diarrhea, gastroenteritis, intestinal worms, gastric disorders, vomiting, coughs, vaginal discharges, menstrual pain and hemorrhages, and edema. In Brazil guava is considered an astringent drying agent and diuretic and is used for the same conditions as in Peru. A decoction is also recommended as a gargle for sore throats, laryngitis and swelling of the mouth, and used externally for skin .ulcers, and vaginal irritation and discharges PLANT CHEMICALS Guava is rich in tannins, phenols, triterpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, carotenoids, lectins, vitamins, fiber and fatty acids. Guava fruit is higher in vitamin C than citrus (80 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of fruit) and contains appreciable amounts of vitamin A as well. Guava fruits are also a good source of pectin - a dietary fiber. The leaves of guava are rich in flavonoids, in particular, quercetin. Much of guava's therapeutic activity is attributed to these flavonoids. The flavonoids have demonstrated antibacterial activity. Quercetin is thought to contribute to the anti-
  • 6. diarrhea effect of guava; it is able to relax intestinal smooth muscle and inhibit bowel contractions. In addition, other flavonoids and triterpenes in guava leaves show antispasmodic activity. Guava also has antioxidant properties which is attributed to .the polyphenols found in the leaves Guava's main plant chemicals include: alanine, alpha-humulene, alpha-hydroxyursolic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, alpha-selinene, amritoside, araban, arabinose, arabopyranosides, arjunolic acid, aromadendrene, ascorbic acid, ascorbigen, asiatic acid, aspartic acid, avicularin, benzaldehyde, butanal, carotenoids, caryophyllene, catechol-tannins, crataegolic acid, D-galactose, D-galacturonic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl octanoate, essential oils, flavonoids, gallic acid, glutamic acid, goreishic acid, guafine, guavacoumaric acid, guaijavarin, guajiverine, guajivolic acid, guajavolide, guavenoic acid, guajavanoic acid, histidine, hyperin, ilelatifol D, isoneriucoumaric acid, isoquercetin, jacoumaric acid, lectins, leucocyanidins, limonene, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, lysine, mecocyanin, myricetin, myristic acid, nerolidiol, obtusinin, octanol, oleanolic acid, oleic acid, oxalic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, pectin, polyphenols, psidiolic acid, quercetin, quercitrin, serine, sesquiguavene, tannins, .terpenes, and ursolic acid BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES AND CLINICAL RESEARCH The long history of guava's use has led modern-day researchers to study guava extracts. Its traditional use for diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other digestive complaints has been validated in numerous clinical studies. A plant drug has even been developed from guava leaves (standardized to its quercetin content) for the treatment of acute diarrhea. Human clinical trials with the drug indicate its effectiveness in treating diarrhea in adults. Guava leaf extracts and fruit juice has also been clinically studied for infantile diarrhea. In a clinical study with 62 infants with infantile rotaviral enteritis, the recovery rate was 3 days (87.1%) in those treated with guava, and diarrhea ceased in a shorter time period than controls. It was concluded in the study ".that guava has "good curative effect on infantile rotaviral enteritis Guava has many different properties that contribute to its antidiarrheal effect: it has been documented with pronounced antibacterial, antiamebic and antispasmodic activity. It has also shown to have a tranquilizing effect on intestinal smooth muscle, inhibit chemical processes found in diarrhea and aid in the re-absorption of water in the intestines. In other research, an alcoholic leaf extract was reported to have a morphine-like effect, by inhibiting the gastrointestinal release of chemicals in acute diarrheal disease. This morphine-like effect was thought to be related to the chemical quercetin. In addition, lectin chemicals in guava were shown to bind to E-coli (a common diarrhea-causing organism), preventing its adhesion to the intestinal wall and .(thus preventing infection (and resulting diarrhea The effective use of guava in diarrhea, dysentery and gastroenteritis can also be related to guava's documented antibacterial properties. Bark and leaf extracts have shown to have in vitro toxic action against numerous bacteria. In several studies guava showed significant antibacterial activity against such common diarrhea-causing bacteria as Staphylococcus, Shigella, Salmonella, Bacillus, E. coli, Clostridium, and
  • 7. Pseudomonas. It has also demonstrated antifungal, anti-yeast (candida), anti-amebic, .and antimalarial actions In a recent study with guinea pigs (in 2003) Brazilian researchers reported that guava leaf extracts have numerous effects on the cardiovascular system which might be beneficial in treating irregular heat beat (arrhythmia). Previous research indicated guava leaf provided antioxidant effects beneficial to the heart, heart protective properties, and improved myocardial function. In two randomized human studies, the consumption of guava fruit for 12 weeks was shown to reduce blood pressure by an average 8 points, decrease total cholesterol levels by 9%, decrease triglycerides by almost 8%, and increase "good" HDL cholesterol by 8%. The effects were attributed to the high potassium and soluble fiber content of the fruit (however 1-2 pounds of fruit was consumed daily by the study subjects to obtain these results!). In other animal studies guava leaf extracts have evidenced analgesic, sedative, and central nervous system (CNS) depressant activity, as well as a cough suppressant actions. The fruit or fruit juice has been documented to lower blood sugar levels in normal and diabetic animals and humans. Most of these studies confirm the plant's many uses in .tropical herbal medicine systems CURRENT PRACTICAL USES Guava, known as the poor man's apple of the tropics, has a long history of traditional use, much of which is being validated by scientific research. It is a wonderful natural remedy for diarrhea - safe enough even for young children. For infants and children under the age of 2, just a cup daily of guava fruit juice is helpful for diarrhea. For older children and adults, a cup once or twice daily of a leaf decoction is the tropical herbal medicine standard. Though not widely available in the U.S. market, tea-cut and powdered leaves can be obtained from larger health food stores or suppliers of bulk botanicals. Newer in the market are guava leaf extracts that are used in various herbal formulas for a myriad of purposes; from herbal antibiotic and diarrhea formulas to bowel health and weight loss formulas. Toxicity studies with rats and mice, as well as controlled human studies show both the leaf and fruit to be safe and without side .effects
  • 8. Herbs and Plants Clear broths can help the body maintain fluid levels and prevent dehydration. Raw grain broths, made by steeping 1 cup of raw rice or barley in one quart of boiling water for 20 minutes, is considered helpful. Fresh vegetable juices are also .recommended There are several herbs useful in the treatment of diarrhea. The University of Maryland Medical School suggest consulting a doctor before beginning an herbal treatment of diarrhea. Depending on the cause of the diarrhea some herbs may .actually aggravate the condition Blackberry and raspberry leaf teas are astringents. These substances will reduce .mucous in the intestines. A half cup of this tea per hour is suggested Billberry is also an astringent but is not recommended for people who are taking .blood thinners Some herbal remedies for diarrhea provide bulk to the digestive tract in an effort to absorb excess fluid and provide a firmer stool. Both psyllium and carob powder work .in this manner For diarrhea symptoms caused by an internal infection, herbs containing antibiotic substances are suggested. These include barberry and Oregon grape. This course of .treatment is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women No matter which treatment course is being followed it is recommended the patient consult with a physician if the diarrhea doesn't end in three to five days. Doctors .should be consulted earlier if dehydration occurs Herbal Treatment Many of the common herbs to treat diarrhea can be found in your local health food store. Goldenseal is effective when treating diarrhea that was caused by a bacterial infection. Taking 1/2 to 1 tsp. three times a day will suffice. Garlic treats diarrhea and has been known for centuries to have antibiotic properties. It can either be taken raw or in a dried form. Chamomile and blackberry teas are also helpful. Slippery elm bark is not only good for cleansing the body, it is also effective it causing the bowels' contents to solidify. If you purchase slippery elm in tablet form, follow the directions or take two capsules before meals. Peppermint is another effective herbal remedy. You can add three to 15 drops to a glass of purified water every two to three hours as .well Liquids In the beginning stages of diarrhea it is a good idea to stay away from solid foods. Drink plenty of water and juices. This is important because the body is sending the available water in the body to the bowels. This causes the body to dehydrate. It is important to replenish the body with water as soon as possible. Another reason the liquids are important is that it aids in flushing out any toxins that may have caused the .diarrhea in the first place