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Tools 2.0

    Training session for Directors and staff of press offices
    Jordi Graells i Costa and
    DG Communications of the Presidential Ministry (Generalitat of Catalonia)

    Palau de la Generalitat. SalĂł Torres Garcia, 12th June 2009
            Legal notice
            This work is subject to a licence Attribution 3.0 of Creative Commons. Reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation to generate a derived
            work is permitted, with no restrictions provided that the author of the rights are cited (Jordi Graells i Costa). The full license can be consulted at
Advancing towards the objective =
    Open Government

    From innovation to Open Government

    The final objective must be to work towards forms of government-
    administration with more:

    - Effectiveness. Co-design of services together with citizens

    - Efficiency. To do more things with the same resources and new uses

    - Transparency. Follow-up tools and accountability

    - Collaboration / participation. To make citizens responsible
      (participative democracy)

    - Co-responsibility. To advance towards deliberative democracy.

2      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
What is the difference?

                         © Sydney Morning Herald
                                                                         Eiffel Tower at night © rednuht,
                                                                                                             CC BY 2.0

3    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Types of Creative Commons licenses
    The copy or reproduction, distribution and public communication is always permitted if the author is
    credited, but commercial use or the possibility of making derived works may be limited or conditional
    on their licensing terms being the same as those applicable to the original work. Combining these
    conditions gives us the current 6 standard licences.

    There are                                                      Attribution (by): The work and any derived works may be used for
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                                                                   same license as the original work.
                                                                   Attribution-No Derivative Works (by-nd): The work may be used for
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4        Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
on Flickr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Over 80 million photos only

5 Thank you for sharing © Clearly Ambiguous CC BY 2.0

                                                                                                                Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices.
                                                                                                                Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
June 2007...
                                                              Publication by the Generalitat of
                                                              Catalonia in CC on paper and digital =
                                                              first experience of an Administration
                                                              with the licences.

    In parallel, on the other side of the
    world, the Australian state of
    Queensland began to show
    interest in the same resource.

6      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
... the Generalitat began to publish in
    Creative Commons licenses

                                                                    Brians 2 Penitentiary Centre

                                                                    Legal notice
                                                                    This work is subject to an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share
                                                                    Alike 2.5 Creative Commons license. This work may be copied,
                                                                    distributed and publicly transmitted provided that the name of
                                                                    the holder of the copyright is cited (Generalitat of Catalonia.
                                                                    Ministry of Justice) and no commercial use is made. If you
                                                                    transform this work in order to generate a new derived work, it
                                                                    must be distributed with a license the same as that which
                                                                    governs the original work. Consult the complete licence on

                                                                    © Generalitat of Catalonia
                                                                       Ministry of Justice
                                                                    First edition: June 2007
                                                                    Graphics and printing project: Arts GrĂ fiques ...
                                                                    Legal depository: ...

7    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Generalitat Publications


8     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
3. Change of role for

9   Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
The journalist citizen

10    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
The user of services citizen

11    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
The actively participating citizen

     Tom Steinberg
     in Great Britain

12     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
The Power of Information. Tom Steinberg

13    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit

14    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
= Portals for empowered citizens 1/2



15    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
= Portals for empowered citizens 2/2


   Downing Street               Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry
                                (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Government on the web

17    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
And, Administration
       professionals are also organized
               into networks...

18   Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Innovative government communities

19    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
This means that...

20   Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Tooled Flatty © flattop341 BY 2.5

                                                                                                                                                                                     From the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Administration, in
                                                                                                                                                                                     order to connect
                                                                                                                                                                                     with citizens and
                                                                                                                                                                                     society, we must
                                                                                                                                                                                     use 2.0 tools
21                                                                                        Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
But with a little foresight!
     Let’s see how many web 2.0 companies have disappeared (with
     a pink x) or have been acquired (with a green circle).

22      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
This is the real digital gap

                                                                       Employees who think
                                                                      that they can continue
                                                                        to work as they have
                                                                             done up to now

                                                                                                                                                                         Paret 2 © jordigraells. CC BY 2.0
      2.0 collaborative

23    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
4. Which Internet

24   Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Classification of 2.0 web tools

     Web tools
     1. Communication tools
     2. Collaborative tools and environments

     3. Social networks

     4. On-line applications

     5. Other tools

25     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
2.0 Web tools 1/3

     1. Communication tools
       - E-mail
       - Blog
       - Microblogging (Twitter, Yammer)
       - Instant messaging (Google Talk)
       - IP Telephony (Skype)

26     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
2.0 Web tools 2/3

     2. Collaborative tools and environments
       - Collaborative work: wiki, forum
       - Google Apps
       - Google Groups
       - Filters and social promotion of content and news
         (Digg, Menéame)
       - Geo applications (Google Maps, Panoramio)
       - Sharing of multimedia files (Flickr, Picasa, Youtube)
       - Sharing of bookmarks (Delicious)

     3. Social networks

27     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
2.0 Web tools 3/3

     4. On-line applications
       -    On-line office automation (Google docs)
       -    Document repositories
       -    Personalized home page (iGoogle)
       -    Shared operating system (eyeOS)

     5. Other tools
       - Listening tools: Google Alert, Wikio, Blogsearch...
       - Management tools: syndication, bookmarking, recommending,

28     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
This is the summarized chart of 2.0 tools

          1. Communication                                2. Collaborative tools                                            3. Social
                tools                                       and environments                                                networks

29    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
5. Some other
                          of Internet tools

30   Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
A first classification...
     Synchronous communication: IP telephony, instant messaging
     Asynchronous communication: blog, e-mail, microblogging
     (Twitter and Yammer)
     Collaboration: forum, wiki, collaborative platform
     (e-Catalunya, Google Apps), social network (Facebook,
     Management: syndication (RSS, alerts), bookmarking,
     recommending, voting (filter/content promotion)...
     Consult what is said about our organization:
     Blogsearch, Technorati,
     Blogpulse (compare concepts), Boardtracker
     (search for concepts on forums), Wikio
     (search for news by tags), Google Trends (popular
     search topics), Google Alerts (alerts to track
     the organization name on Internet), Twitter
     Applications, Twazzup To follow what is
     said on Twitter
31      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
... and another more specific one!
     1. To communicate: blog, twitter (microblogging), Twitpipe (group of
        Twitter applications)

     2. To listen: Technorati, Blogsearch, Google Alerts, Twazzup,
        Unfoldingnews, Twemes, Disqus, Commentful, Backtype,

     3. To collaborate: eyeOS, Google Apps, Google Groups, Google
        Wave, others (Posterous, with lists of e-mails, Tumblr...).
        Wiki: Wikispaces, Wikimatrix. Social network: Facebook, Linkedin.
        Discovering news: Digg, Menéame, La Tafanera.
        Repositories: Delicious, Flickr, Youtube, Goear..
     4. To organize yourself
       - RSS Readers: Google Reader, Feedly, Bloglines, FriendFeed...
       - Personalized environments: Netvibes, iGoogle, Pageflakes
     5. To store information: Adrive, Dropbox, Esnips...
32      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
1. To communicate: blog, Twitter, chat...

33     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Blog: gencat

34     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Blog: knowledge management of Justice

35    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Twitter: applications
                                                                                  CiberpaĂ­s. Dijous, 11de juny de 2009

36     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Twitter: gencat

37     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Twitter: US Administration
     Use of Twitter in the US Administration

38      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Twitter: a judge allows the use of Twitter
     at a trial

39     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Yammer: gencat

40    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Chat: Catalan Health Institute

41     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
2. To listen: Technorati, Blogsearch,
       Google Alerts, Twazzup,
       Unfoldingnews, Twemes

42     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     Search by concept. E.g. ‘generalitat’. Add RSS to Google
     Reader. Functionality ‘Compare’.

43      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Blog search
     Search for ‘generalitat’. Add RSS of the search to Google
     Reader in order to always read new feeds of ‘generalitat’.

44      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Google Alerts
     Configure word to alert us whenever it is found on the web.

45      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     To follow what is said on Twitter about our organization. E.g., put
     ‘generalitat’; we can also answer the tweets or msgs.

46      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     To follow what is said on Twitter about ‘generalitat’. We can add
     the RSS of this search to Google Reader.

47      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     To follow what is said on Twitter about ‘generalitat’, but from the
     bookmark or hashtag. It permits us to make a giny-widget for the
     blog, etc.

48      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
3. To collaborate: eyeOS, Google Apps,
       Google Groups, Google Wave,
       Wikispaces. Social network: Facebook,
       Linkedin. Transmitting news: Digg.
       Repositories: Delicious, Flickr,
       Youtube, Goear...

49     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     PC desktop on the web: co-operative work groups with shared
     tools, feed sharing (of a blog, etc.)

50      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Google Apps and Google Groups
     Free resources for collaborative work: Google Wave

51      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     To create documents in collaboration. Also Google Docs.

52      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     Social networking programme with a set of applications. It is
     similar to the operating system of social networks.

53      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     Business oriented social networking site. Tools (forum...) and other
     functions can be embedded (twitter, bloc, slides, wiki).

54      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Discovering news: digg
     To discover and vote for news submitted by the public.

55      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Social blogs (like digg) for participation

56     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     Delicious/Tags/generalitat, copy feed and add it to Google Reader.

57      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     The White House publishes photos on Flickr.

58      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     We cannot subscribe to videos by RSS Google Reader. Do it
     through Youtube.

     Others for reporting:
     - ConfidencialCat
     - EducaciĂł per a la ciutadania (JS)
     - Pasapalabra (answer NG)
59       Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
4. To get organized: Google Reader,
        Frienfeed, Netvibes, iGoogle

60     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
Google Reader
     To organize all the feeds, to read them, from our favourite webs.
     Try to activate all the searches for ‘generalitat’.

61      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     Also to read and get access to the feeds (RSS) of our favourite
     webs. It permits good organization of subscriptions and to send
     messages to all our social networks.

62      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     To organize all the feeds, 2.0 applications. Netvibes Generalitat

63      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     The same as Netvibes. E.g., to organize 2.0 resources of

64      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
5. To store information and transfer it:
     Adrive, Dropbox, Esnip

65     Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
     To store and transfer very large files.

66      Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
In conclusion

 Why don’t
                                                                                               you try talking
                                                                                                  to me?
                           Hey! I’ve lost my
                           wifi connection.
                           What am I going
                            to do without

67    Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
                                                           Tools 2.0
                                                           for organizations

     Training session for Directors and staff of press offices
     Jordi Graells i Costa and
     DG Communications of the Presidential Ministry (Generalitat of Catalonia)

     Palau de la Generalitat. SalĂł Torres Garcia, 12th June 2009
             Legal notice
             This work is subject to a license Attribution 3.0 of Creative Commons. Reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation to generate a derived
             work is permitted, with no restrictions provided that the author of the rights are cited (Jordi Graells i Costa). The full license can be consulted at

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Jordi Graells
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Tools 2.0 for organizations

  • 1. Tools 2.0 for organizations Training session for Directors and staff of press offices Jordi Graells i Costa and DG Communications of the Presidential Ministry (Generalitat of Catalonia) Palau de la Generalitat. SalĂł Torres Garcia, 12th June 2009 Legal notice This work is subject to a licence Attribution 3.0 of Creative Commons. Reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation to generate a derived work is permitted, with no restrictions provided that the author of the rights are cited (Jordi Graells i Costa). The full license can be consulted at 1
  • 2. Advancing towards the objective = Open Government From innovation to Open Government The final objective must be to work towards forms of government- administration with more: - Effectiveness. Co-design of services together with citizens - Efficiency. To do more things with the same resources and new uses - Transparency. Follow-up tools and accountability - Collaboration / participation. To make citizens responsible (participative democracy) - Co-responsibility. To advance towards deliberative democracy. 2 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 3. What is the difference? © Sydney Morning Herald Eiffel Tower at night © rednuht, CC BY 2.0 3 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 4. Types of Creative Commons licenses The copy or reproduction, distribution and public communication is always permitted if the author is credited, but commercial use or the possibility of making derived works may be limited or conditional on their licensing terms being the same as those applicable to the original work. Combining these conditions gives us the current 6 standard licences. There are Attribution (by): The work and any derived works may be used for 6 types: commercial purposes. Generation and distribution of these is permitted without restrictions. Attribution-Noncommercial (by-nc): The generation of derived works is permitted but these may not be used for commercial purposes. The original work may not be used for commercial purposes. Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike (by-nc-sa): The work or any derived work may not be used for commercial purposes. Distribution of these must be made with the same license as for the original work. Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works (by-nc-nd): The original work may not be used for commercial purposes nor is the generation of derived works permitted. Attribution-Share Alike (by-sa): The work and any derived works may be used for commercial purposes. Derived work may only be distributed under the same license as the original work. Attribution-No Derivative Works (by-nd): The work may be used for commercial purposes but no derived works may be generated. 4 4 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 5. on Flickr Over 80 million photos only 5 Thank you for sharing © Clearly Ambiguous CC BY 2.0 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 6. June 2007... Publication by the Generalitat of Catalonia in CC on paper and digital = first experience of an Administration with the licences. In parallel, on the other side of the world, the Australian state of Queensland began to show interest in the same resource. 6 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 7. ... the Generalitat began to publish in Creative Commons licenses Brians 2 Penitentiary Centre Legal notice This work is subject to an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Creative Commons license. This work may be copied, distributed and publicly transmitted provided that the name of the holder of the copyright is cited (Generalitat of Catalonia. Ministry of Justice) and no commercial use is made. If you transform this work in order to generate a new derived work, it must be distributed with a license the same as that which governs the original work. Consult the complete licence on sa/2.5/es/ © Generalitat of Catalonia Ministry of Justice First edition: June 2007 Graphics and printing project: Arts GrĂ fiques ... Legal depository: ... 7 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 8. Generalitat Publications [...] 8 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 9. 3. Change of role for citizens 9 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 10. The journalist citizen 10 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 11. The user of services citizen 11 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 12. The actively participating citizen Tom Steinberg and in Great Britain 12 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 13. The Power of Information. Tom Steinberg 13 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 14. Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit 14 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 15. = Portals for empowered citizens 1/2 WriteToThem FixMyStreet 15 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 16. = Portals for empowered citizens 2/2 TheyWorkForYou Number10 16 Downing Street Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 17. Government on the web 17 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 18. And, Administration professionals are also organized into networks... 18 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 19. Innovative government communities 19 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 20. This means that... 20 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 21. Tooled Flatty © flattop341 BY 2.5 From the Administration, in order to connect with citizens and society, we must use 2.0 tools 21 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 22. But with a little foresight! Let’s see how many web 2.0 companies have disappeared (with a pink x) or have been acquired (with a green circle). 22 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 23. This is the real digital gap Employees who think that they can continue to work as they have done up to now Paret 2 © jordigraells. CC BY 2.0 2.0 collaborative employees 23 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 24. 4. Which Internet tools? 24 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 25. Classification of 2.0 web tools Web tools 1. Communication tools Asynchronous Synchronous 2. Collaborative tools and environments 3. Social networks 4. On-line applications 5. Other tools 25 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 26. 2.0 Web tools 1/3 1. Communication tools Asynchronous - E-mail - Blog - Microblogging (Twitter, Yammer) Synchronous - Instant messaging (Google Talk) - IP Telephony (Skype) 26 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 27. 2.0 Web tools 2/3 2. Collaborative tools and environments - Collaborative work: wiki, forum - Google Apps - Google Groups - Filters and social promotion of content and news (Digg, MenĂ©ame) - Geo applications (Google Maps, Panoramio) - Sharing of multimedia files (Flickr, Picasa, Youtube) - Sharing of bookmarks (Delicious) 3. Social networks 27 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 28. 2.0 Web tools 3/3 4. On-line applications - On-line office automation (Google docs) - Document repositories - Personalized home page (iGoogle) - Shared operating system (eyeOS) 5. Other tools - Listening tools: Google Alert, Wikio, Blogsearch... - Management tools: syndication, bookmarking, recommending, voting... 28 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 29. This is the summarized chart of 2.0 tools 1. Communication 2. Collaborative tools 3. Social tools and environments networks 29 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 30. 5. Some other classifications of Internet tools 30 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 31. A first classification... Synchronous communication: IP telephony, instant messaging Asynchronous communication: blog, e-mail, microblogging (Twitter and Yammer) Collaboration: forum, wiki, collaborative platform (e-Catalunya, Google Apps), social network (Facebook, Linkedin...) Management: syndication (RSS, alerts), bookmarking, recommending, voting (filter/content promotion)... Consult what is said about our organization: Blogsearch, Technorati, Blogpulse (compare concepts), Boardtracker (search for concepts on forums), Wikio (search for news by tags), Google Trends (popular search topics), Google Alerts (alerts to track the organization name on Internet), Twitter Applications, Twazzup To follow what is said on Twitter 31 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 32. ... and another more specific one! 1. To communicate: blog, twitter (microblogging), Twitpipe (group of Twitter applications) 2. To listen: Technorati, Blogsearch, Google Alerts, Twazzup, Unfoldingnews, Twemes, Disqus, Commentful, Backtype, Intensedebate... 3. To collaborate: eyeOS, Google Apps, Google Groups, Google Wave, others (Posterous, with lists of e-mails, Tumblr...). Wiki: Wikispaces, Wikimatrix. Social network: Facebook, Linkedin. Discovering news: Digg, MenĂ©ame, La Tafanera. Repositories: Delicious, Flickr, Youtube, Goear.. 4. To organize yourself - RSS Readers: Google Reader, Feedly, Bloglines, FriendFeed... - Personalized environments: Netvibes, iGoogle, Pageflakes 5. To store information: Adrive, Dropbox, Esnips... 32 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 33. 1. To communicate: blog, Twitter, chat... 33 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 34. Blog: gencat 34 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 35. Blog: knowledge management of Justice 35 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 36. Twitter: applications CiberpaĂ­s. Dijous, 11de juny de 2009 36 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 37. Twitter: gencat 37 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 38. Twitter: US Administration Use of Twitter in the US Administration 38 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 39. Twitter: a judge allows the use of Twitter at a trial 39 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 40. Yammer: gencat 40 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 41. Chat: Catalan Health Institute 41 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 42. 2. To listen: Technorati, Blogsearch, Google Alerts, Twazzup, Unfoldingnews, Twemes 42 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 43. Technorati Search by concept. E.g. ‘generalitat’. Add RSS to Google Reader. Functionality ‘Compare’. 43 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 44. Blog search Search for ‘generalitat’. Add RSS of the search to Google Reader in order to always read new feeds of ‘generalitat’. 44 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 45. Google Alerts Configure word to alert us whenever it is found on the web. 45 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 46. Twazzup To follow what is said on Twitter about our organization. E.g., put ‘generalitat’; we can also answer the tweets or msgs. 46 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 47. Unfoldingnews To follow what is said on Twitter about ‘generalitat’. We can add the RSS of this search to Google Reader. 47 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 48. Twemes To follow what is said on Twitter about ‘generalitat’, but from the bookmark or hashtag. It permits us to make a giny-widget for the blog, etc. 48 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 49. 3. To collaborate: eyeOS, Google Apps, Google Groups, Google Wave, Wikispaces. Social network: Facebook, Linkedin. Transmitting news: Digg. Repositories: Delicious, Flickr, Youtube, Goear... 49 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 50. eyeOS PC desktop on the web: co-operative work groups with shared tools, feed sharing (of a blog, etc.) 50 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 51. Google Apps and Google Groups Free resources for collaborative work: Google Wave 51 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 52. Wiki To create documents in collaboration. Also Google Docs. 52 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 53. Facebook Social networking programme with a set of applications. It is similar to the operating system of social networks. 53 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 54. Linkedin Business oriented social networking site. Tools (forum...) and other functions can be embedded (twitter, bloc, slides, wiki). 54 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 55. Discovering news: digg To discover and vote for news submitted by the public. 55 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 56. Social blogs (like digg) for participation 56 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 57. Delicious Delicious/Tags/generalitat, copy feed and add it to Google Reader. 57 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 58. Flickr The White House publishes photos on Flickr. 58 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 59. Youtube We cannot subscribe to videos by RSS Google Reader. Do it through Youtube. Others for reporting: - ConfidencialCat - EducaciĂł per a la ciutadania (JS) - Pasapalabra (answer NG) 59 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 60. 4. To get organized: Google Reader, Frienfeed, Netvibes, iGoogle 60 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 61. Google Reader To organize all the feeds, to read them, from our favourite webs. Try to activate all the searches for ‘generalitat’. 61 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 62. FriendFeed Also to read and get access to the feeds (RSS) of our favourite webs. It permits good organization of subscriptions and to send messages to all our social networks. 62 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 63. Netvibes To organize all the feeds, 2.0 applications. Netvibes Generalitat 63 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 64. iGoogle The same as Netvibes. E.g., to organize 2.0 resources of Generalitat 64 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 65. 5. To store information and transfer it: Adrive, Dropbox, Esnip 65 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 66. Adrive To store and transfer very large files. 66 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 67. In conclusion
 Why don’t you try talking to me? Hey! I’ve lost my wifi connection. What am I going to do without Messenger? 67 Jordi Graells Costa “Tools 2.0 for organizations”. Training session for Directors and staff of press offices. Presidential Ministry (Government of Catalonia) CC BY 3.0
  • 68. Thanks! Tools 2.0 for organizations Training session for Directors and staff of press offices Jordi Graells i Costa and DG Communications of the Presidential Ministry (Generalitat of Catalonia) Palau de la Generalitat. SalĂł Torres Garcia, 12th June 2009 Legal notice This work is subject to a license Attribution 3.0 of Creative Commons. Reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation to generate a derived work is permitted, with no restrictions provided that the author of the rights are cited (Jordi Graells i Costa). The full license can be consulted at 68