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Welcome to Chatham High School! <br />Being a part of our school community involves more than just studying.  It is also important to pursue your interests outside of class and explore activities that will provide you with a well-rounded high school experience.  Enclosed is a description of the various clubs and activities we have here at CHS.  If you would like to participate in one of these groups, please speak to the faculty advisor and look out for messages regarding meeting dates and times that may be placed on fliers or First Class.  If you have any questions concerning a club or are curious about starting a new club, please see Mrs. Gironda. Make the most of your time here and take advantage of all of the opportunities that await you.  Good luck! <br />Chatham High School Student Organizations<br />Academic TeamAdvisor: Mr. Fineman<br />The Academic Team represents Chatham in “Jeopardy”-style tournaments on the regional and national level.  Students match wits based on knowledge of traditional academic subjects and current events mixed with some popular culture and useless trivia.  Events include after-school intramural and scrimmage matches, the international computer-based Knowledge Master Open, and travel tournaments including the New Jersey NAQT State Championship and possible national events.  There are no tryouts for the team; all students are welcome to attend as many events as they can, but membership on the most competitive “A team” is selective.<br />Applied Physics and Advisor: Mr. Bandel<br />Engineering Club <br />This club provides students who have an interest in designing and building various goal oriented projects an opportunity to do so in a competitive environment.  Each year students participate in new project competitions created by local, state, or national organizations.  All projects require students to construct a device capable of performing a specified task from a specific list of common household materials.  For most projects, the students must create small cooperative teams of two or three for each event.  All teams in the club compete against one another to determine the top team and runner up.  The top two teams from the club then progress to the local, state, or nationally sponsored event with an opportunity to win substantial prizes and or/scholarships.  The club is open to all high school students and they are welcome to participate in all or any number of the competitions each year.  Enrollment for the club begins in early October as the new rules for the year become available from event coordinators. Students are able to join the club at any time throughout the first semester but are encouraged to become involved early to provide maximum time for design, construction, and testing.<br />ASPINAdvisor: Mrs. Simonfay<br />Aid for Shelter Pets In Need (A.S.P.I.N.) is a club whose goal is to save and improve the lives of animals living in shelters.  By providing money, supplies and our time, we help animals living in shelters by giving them food, toys and a bed to sleep in.  We raise money for much needed medical care and spaying & neutering.  We also volunteer our time at local shelters by taking care of animals and helping to find them permanent homes.  We meet during lunch- please join us anytime during the year.<br />Chatham Politics ClubAdvisor: Mr. Meguerian<br />Chatham Politics Club seeks to develop political awareness and activity at the  high school.   The club meets weekly or biweekly to discuss current events, debate controversial issues, educate and involve themselves and their peers in politics and government.  The true function of the Politics Club is to raise the level of student involvement in the political process through personal participation.<br />Computer League            Advisors:  Ms. Murphy/Dr. Jones<br />Participation in the Computer League offers opportunities to learn about computer programming and to compete in the American Computer Science League competitions.  All club members will be trained; it is not necessary to already know the subject in order to join.  There are four contests taken at this school and, if we qualify, an international competition held somewhere in the United States each spring.  If you are interested in learning about computer programming, we welcome you.<br />Darfur CHSAdvisor: Mr. Meguerian<br />The Darfur Club at CHS supports humanitarian aid to the victims of the Darfur crisis. The club holds numerous fundraisers and awareness campaigns, raising more than $1000.00 during the last school year.  Meetings involve discussing the current situation in the Darfur region and planning club events. All are welcome to join!<br />Dramatic ProductionsAdvisor: Ms. Polan<br />The theatre program produces two shows a year.  One is a dramatic presentation in the fall and the other a musical in the spring.  All students are encouraged to participate in these productions.  Actors, singers, dancers, and stagehands are needed to make these performances successful. Announcements are made to advertise auditions and signups.  Experience is not necessary; enthusiasm and dedication are a must.<br />Environmental ClubAdvisor: Mr. Duvall<br />The mission of the Chatham High Environmental Club is to provide a community for students who are concerned about the impact of human activity on the natural world.  The club will be a forum for organization of events that support the local Chatham High and Chatham Borough/Township environments, promote awareness of local/state/national/global environmental issues, and encourage local action to protect natural resources near and far.  <br />Future Business Leaders Advisors: Mr. Ahsler<br />of America     Dr. Cummins  <br />Chatham High School is a new member of the national organization, Future Business Leaders of America Phi-Beta Lamba, Inc. (FBLA-PBL), the oldest and largest national organization for students preparing for careers in business.  Members will have the opportunity to make connections with business and community leaders through conferences and district meetings.  We will also participate in competitions at district and state levels throughout the year.  FBLA-PBL prepares students for real world professional experiences and helps them gain competitive advantages in academic achievement and professional development.  Our goals are to: create more interest in and understanding of the American business enterprise; encourage and practice efficient money management; assist students in the establishment of occupational goals.<br />Forensics Club               Advisor:  Mr. Maher      <br />The program of the Chatham Forensic Team offers students the opportunity for extracurricular competition in various public speaking and theatrical events.  The purpose of this club is to promote interest in all forms of public speaking and theatre, to encourage a spirit of fellowship among its members, and to confer upon deserving participants appropriate marks of distinction.<br />The group meets every other week- depending on need- to practice for competitions.  Competitions are held in local high schools, and Chatham students participate one Saturday a month beginning in December and ending in May.<br />Chatham students participate in the following areas: poetry reading, prose reading, impromptu speaking, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, duo-interpretation, original oratory, extemporaneous and speaking.<br />French ClubAdvisor: Mr. Kaiser<br />This is an organization which meets a minimum of once each month.  It enables students who share a mutual enthusiasm for the French language and culture to come together in an informal manner and participate in activities which are in some way connected with the culture of France or of French speaking areas of the world. The club is open to all current and former students of the language.<br />Games ClubAdvisor: Mrs. Morgan-Convery<br />German ClubAdvisor: Ms. Zimmerman<br />The German Club meets regularly to experience and discuss aspects of the culture of German-speaking countries and have an opportunity to speak some German outside of class.  We celebrate German festivals, listen to German music and view German films, have immersion lunches, and are open to sponsoring creative activities inspired by our members.  In addition, we take at least two field trips to cultural events, festivals, or restaurants.  We host German exchange students in the spring and establish contacts with students from other German-speaking countries.  The German Club welcomes all interested students, regardless of their language study affiliation at CHS.<br />Ink BlotAdvisor: Mrs. Porpora<br />Ink Blot offers students an opportunity to share and improve their creative writing skills in a community that provides both support and camaraderie. The club meets during lunch and discusses aspects of the craft, such as characterization and dialogue. In addition, it encourages members to share their work so the group can provide constructive criticism as well as one-on-one editing. A highlight of the year is National Novel Writing Month, although poetry and short fiction are just as eagerly received as novels within the club context. Students who are a little more adventurous with their writing are alerted regularly about about contest opportunities. As a bonus, the analytical skills developed as a result of participation in Ink Blot are useful in curricular essays.<br />Key ClubAdvisors: Mr. Yar/Ms. Acri<br />The Key Club is a service organization open to any student willing to give thirty-six hours of service during the school year.  Service work occurring in the school includes updating the community sign weekly and serving as ushers for concerts, assemblies, Back to School Night and Graduation.  Key Club operates a soda and a snack machine, and has frequent bake sales as ongoing fundraisers.  In the community we assist Senior Citizens, our local Police and Recreation Departments, the Chamber of Commerce, and neighborhood and school-based associations.  In addition, we sponsor several local and national charitable organizations with student volunteers and/or fundraising activities.<br />Literary MagazineAdvisor: Mrs. Roper/Ms. Acri <br />The literary magazine is a publication of Chatham High School students’ stories, essays, poems, and artwork.  Students may submit for consideration any original work they have produced throughout the year.  Members of the editorial board meet monthly to discuss the work received.  All students are welcome to become involved and should attend the first meeting in September.<br />Math LeagueAdvisor: Mr. Chambers<br />The Math League participates in math competitions on the state and national levels.  The New Jersey Mathematics League and the American Scholastic Mathematics Association each sponsor six monthly contests beginning in October.  Students may also participate in the annual New Jersey Secondary School Mathematics Contest in December and the annual American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME) in February.  Students who perform well on the AHSME may continue to compete in national and international competitions.<br />Microfinance ClubAdvisor: Mrs. Anderson<br />Mock Trial                   Advisor: Mr. Meguerian<br />An exciting, yet thought provoking approach to learning about one of the cornerstones of a democratic society- the Judicial System.  Mock trial participants prepare a simulated civil or criminal case for competition sponsored by the New Jersey Bar Association. Students engage in the role of witnesses, jurors or lawyers in a process that culminates in a series of competitive trial-offs before practicing lawyers or judges in real courtrooms.  The team meets weekly for the first semester, and then daily in the week prior to the competition, which begins in late January or February. <br />Model United Nations/     Advisor: Ms. Camp<br />Model Congress<br />Model United Nations/Congress is a club for students interested in learning more about world events.  Members attend conferences as representatives of countries or congressional representatives and debate pertinent issues based on their country’s foreign policy or the interests of the states represented.  Students should be able to speak in front of a group and be willing to spend time researching issues.  In the past, Chatham has attended conferences in Georgetown, Boston, California, Toronto and Philadelphia. Meetings are held after school; time and place can be heard on the announcements.  For more information contact Ms. Camp or Ms. Seyam.<br />Newspaper          Advisor: Mr. Hreha/Ms. Paper<br />The Chronicle is a tabloid and digital publication which publishes seven times per year. Mandatory staff meetings are held to brainstorm, edit and layout the paper on the computer using PageMaker and Photoshop. Some students work independently to investigate, report and write, while others create photographs or artwork. Editors are responsible for the organization and production of the paper. Students must apply at the end of the year for editorial positions.<br />Pep Club                      Advisors: Ms. Ollo/Ms. Burns<br />The Pep Club’s main goal is to promote school spirit, deepen friendships, and encourage all students to excel in whatever they do.  The Pep Club sponsors the Homecoming Dance in the fall and is responsible for decorating and cleaning up, providing food, arranging for the DJ and selecting and selling invitations for the dance.  It also organizes the seasonal pep rallies as well as the annual coronation of the homecoming king and queen.  Poster sessions are usually held twice a month during lunch.  During the meetings students prepare for activities or create hall posters for school organizations and sports teams.  All students are welcome to join.  There is a $10 membership fee.<br />Science LeagueAdvisor: Ms. M. Smith<br />The Science League gives students who have a special interest in the sciences an opportunity to compete with other students throughout the state.  Monthly tests are held in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science.  Any students who have excelled academically in science, have a teacher recommendation, and are wiling to do a little additional study should consider joining the Science League.  If you need more information, please see Ms. Smith or speak to your science teacher.<br />SADDAdvisor: Mrs. S. Smith<br />SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions, founded as Students Against Drunk Driving) is a group of students helping other students to make positive decisions about the challenges in their everyday lives. SADD educates and empowers students to prevent underage drinking, impaired driving and other destructive behaviors. The group meets monthly during school lunch and membership is open to anyone who makes positive choices including not smoking, drinking or using other drugs. If interested, see Mrs. Smith, Student Assistance Coordinator, whose office is across from the C gym.<br />Spanish ClubAdvisor: Sra. Wishart<br />This organization meets twice each month. Students come together in an informal manner to participate in activities connected with the Spanish culture around the world. The club is open to all students with an interest in the language or the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Our primary language of communication will be Spanish. We will have at least two field trips: one to a Spanish restaurant and a second to a cultural event.<br />T.A.T.U.Advisor: Mrs. S. Smith<br />TEENS AGAINST TOBACCO USE (TATU) is a group of students who do not smoke and who plan and present programs about the dangers of smoking to 5th graders and 8th graders on the day of the Great American Smokeout.  TATU participants also present non-smoking programs at the elementary schools whenever requested. If interested, see Mrs. Smith, Student Assistance Coordinator.<br />Ultimate FrisbeeAdvisor: Mr. Carroll<br />YearbookAdvisors:  Mr. LaMorte/Ms. Boehmer<br />The Spectrum staff members produce our hardbound yearbook and the interactive yearbook DVD. Some students practice desktop publishing or digital video skills. Others develop leadership, business, photography, writing, and organizational skills. There are only a few mandatory meetings in the fall. Successful editors periodically complete tasks over the course of the school year. Positions are available for interested students who have limited time available. Students must apply at the end of the year for editorial positions.<br />For your information…<br />There are several programs within the high school that may be of interest to you, but involve an application, election or audition process.  They also may require particular leadership or performance skills.  Listed below are some of those programs.<br />Music GroupsAdvisors: Mr. Conti. Ms. Graser, <br />         & Ms. Klemp<br />Jazz Ensemble: Members of this group are selected by audition which occurs in early November.  They perform various styles of Swing, Latin, Standards, Contemporary Jazz and Rock selections at various performances throughout the year.  Those interested should see Mr. Conti for further information on this group.<br />Marching Band/Band Front: Marching Band is an artistic school support group.  The group performs at band competitions, football games, pep rallies, and parades.  It is also an outstanding social activity.  All Instrumentalists are required to be enrolled in a performance class and are expected to participate in spring clinics and attend Band Camp to gain proficiency in the necessary skills.  Marching Band and Band Front are open to all Chatham High School students.  It should also be noted that student roadies are always needed to assist the members in their performances.  See Mr. Conti for additional information.<br />Pops Orchestra<br />Pops Orchestra is open to members of Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra. This performing group plays selections of light classical, popular and movie music for school functions (such as Back to School Night or the Art Show) and community events throughout the school year. Pops Orchestra does not have a conductor – students who participate will find an opportunity to take on leadership roles to direct the Orchestra and to work together to plan program selections appropriate for each event or performance. For more information, please see Mrs. Landrigan.<br />Auditioned Choirs, Bands, and Orchestras:<br />Students who are enrolled in our curricular Bands, Choirs, and Orchestra are eligible to audition for several performing opportunities including All-Area Band, Morris County Choir, All-North Jersey Regional Band, Chorus, and Orchestra, and All-State Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. Information for all opportunities is made available through our CHS directors in curricular choral, band, and orchestra classes.<br />National Art Honor Advisors: Mr. Hreha/Ms. Acri<br />Society<br />The NAHS is specifically intended for high school students in grades 10-12, for inspiration and recognition of those students who have shown an outstanding ability in visual art. The NAHS also strives to aid members in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in art areas, and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.<br />The NAHS meets on a monthly to bi-monthly basis, depending on the activities that we are engaged in. Activities may include figure drawing sessions, mosaic tile murals, a CHS visual arts calendar, and a NAHS student show in the community.<br />National Honor Society   Advisors: Ms. Avery<br />Ms. Kielblock<br />National Honor Society is open to junior and senior students who have demonstrated excellence in four areas: scholarship, leadership, character, and service.  In order to apply for membership as a Junior, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.65 by the end of their first semester of their Junior year.  In order to apply as a Senior, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.65 by the end of their Junior year.  Students who meet the criteria and choose to apply must complete an application that demonstrates their excellence in areas of leadership, character, and service.  In addition to the application, students must complete and submit documentation for twenty-five hours of school and community service.  This service must be completed from September to February of the junior year for junior applicants and from September of the Junior year to September of the Senior year for Senior applicants.  Applications are reviewed and voted upon by an anonymous faculty selection committee.  Accepted applicants must participate in an induction ceremony.  The induction ceremony occurs in the fall for Senior members and in the spring for Junior members.<br />PAWSAdvisors:Ms. L. Scerbo &<br />Mrs. Schechter<br />Peers Adjusting With Support (PAWS) is an organization designed to help incoming freshmen adjust to the high school.  PAWS leaders who are chosen from the sophomore, junior and senior classes acquire valuable leadership and teambuilding skills that will assist freshmen with the transition to CHS.  Two leaders are assigned to approximately a dozen freshmen.  They meet with their group every other cycle during the first semester.  Groups will discuss topics such as Homecoming, spirit week, getting involved in activities and sports, and dealing with the pressures of exams.  PAWS leaders and freshmen also participate in a field day and special programs.<br />Class Office/Student Advisory/Site Council<br />Elections for student government positions take place each spring for the following academic year. Students vote for their class president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Class officers plan fundraisers and social events for their fellow classmates and the school-at-large. Select officers serve on the Principal’s Student Advisory Committee, an organization intended to provide a link between the student body and the administration. Officers will also attend Open Site Council meetings, along with parents, administration, faculty and community members to discuss policies and procedures within the school district. If you are interested in running for class office, please see the appropriate advisor listed below:<br />Freshman Class Advisor:   Ms. M. Smith<br />Sophomore Class Advisor:  Ms. Burns & Mrs. Schechter<br />Junior Class Advisor:  Mr. Heinze<br />Senior Class Advisor:  Mr. Bandel<br />
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  • 1. Welcome to Chatham High School! <br />Being a part of our school community involves more than just studying. It is also important to pursue your interests outside of class and explore activities that will provide you with a well-rounded high school experience. Enclosed is a description of the various clubs and activities we have here at CHS. If you would like to participate in one of these groups, please speak to the faculty advisor and look out for messages regarding meeting dates and times that may be placed on fliers or First Class. If you have any questions concerning a club or are curious about starting a new club, please see Mrs. Gironda. Make the most of your time here and take advantage of all of the opportunities that await you. Good luck! <br />Chatham High School Student Organizations<br />Academic TeamAdvisor: Mr. Fineman<br />The Academic Team represents Chatham in “Jeopardy”-style tournaments on the regional and national level. Students match wits based on knowledge of traditional academic subjects and current events mixed with some popular culture and useless trivia. Events include after-school intramural and scrimmage matches, the international computer-based Knowledge Master Open, and travel tournaments including the New Jersey NAQT State Championship and possible national events. There are no tryouts for the team; all students are welcome to attend as many events as they can, but membership on the most competitive “A team” is selective.<br />Applied Physics and Advisor: Mr. Bandel<br />Engineering Club <br />This club provides students who have an interest in designing and building various goal oriented projects an opportunity to do so in a competitive environment. Each year students participate in new project competitions created by local, state, or national organizations. All projects require students to construct a device capable of performing a specified task from a specific list of common household materials. For most projects, the students must create small cooperative teams of two or three for each event. All teams in the club compete against one another to determine the top team and runner up. The top two teams from the club then progress to the local, state, or nationally sponsored event with an opportunity to win substantial prizes and or/scholarships. The club is open to all high school students and they are welcome to participate in all or any number of the competitions each year. Enrollment for the club begins in early October as the new rules for the year become available from event coordinators. Students are able to join the club at any time throughout the first semester but are encouraged to become involved early to provide maximum time for design, construction, and testing.<br />ASPINAdvisor: Mrs. Simonfay<br />Aid for Shelter Pets In Need (A.S.P.I.N.) is a club whose goal is to save and improve the lives of animals living in shelters. By providing money, supplies and our time, we help animals living in shelters by giving them food, toys and a bed to sleep in. We raise money for much needed medical care and spaying & neutering. We also volunteer our time at local shelters by taking care of animals and helping to find them permanent homes. We meet during lunch- please join us anytime during the year.<br />Chatham Politics ClubAdvisor: Mr. Meguerian<br />Chatham Politics Club seeks to develop political awareness and activity at the high school. The club meets weekly or biweekly to discuss current events, debate controversial issues, educate and involve themselves and their peers in politics and government. The true function of the Politics Club is to raise the level of student involvement in the political process through personal participation.<br />Computer League Advisors: Ms. Murphy/Dr. Jones<br />Participation in the Computer League offers opportunities to learn about computer programming and to compete in the American Computer Science League competitions. All club members will be trained; it is not necessary to already know the subject in order to join. There are four contests taken at this school and, if we qualify, an international competition held somewhere in the United States each spring. If you are interested in learning about computer programming, we welcome you.<br />Darfur CHSAdvisor: Mr. Meguerian<br />The Darfur Club at CHS supports humanitarian aid to the victims of the Darfur crisis. The club holds numerous fundraisers and awareness campaigns, raising more than $1000.00 during the last school year. Meetings involve discussing the current situation in the Darfur region and planning club events. All are welcome to join!<br />Dramatic ProductionsAdvisor: Ms. Polan<br />The theatre program produces two shows a year. One is a dramatic presentation in the fall and the other a musical in the spring. All students are encouraged to participate in these productions. Actors, singers, dancers, and stagehands are needed to make these performances successful. Announcements are made to advertise auditions and signups. Experience is not necessary; enthusiasm and dedication are a must.<br />Environmental ClubAdvisor: Mr. Duvall<br />The mission of the Chatham High Environmental Club is to provide a community for students who are concerned about the impact of human activity on the natural world. The club will be a forum for organization of events that support the local Chatham High and Chatham Borough/Township environments, promote awareness of local/state/national/global environmental issues, and encourage local action to protect natural resources near and far. <br />Future Business Leaders Advisors: Mr. Ahsler<br />of America Dr. Cummins <br />Chatham High School is a new member of the national organization, Future Business Leaders of America Phi-Beta Lamba, Inc. (FBLA-PBL), the oldest and largest national organization for students preparing for careers in business.  Members will have the opportunity to make connections with business and community leaders through conferences and district meetings.  We will also participate in competitions at district and state levels throughout the year. FBLA-PBL prepares students for real world professional experiences and helps them gain competitive advantages in academic achievement and professional development. Our goals are to: create more interest in and understanding of the American business enterprise; encourage and practice efficient money management; assist students in the establishment of occupational goals.<br />Forensics Club Advisor: Mr. Maher <br />The program of the Chatham Forensic Team offers students the opportunity for extracurricular competition in various public speaking and theatrical events. The purpose of this club is to promote interest in all forms of public speaking and theatre, to encourage a spirit of fellowship among its members, and to confer upon deserving participants appropriate marks of distinction.<br />The group meets every other week- depending on need- to practice for competitions. Competitions are held in local high schools, and Chatham students participate one Saturday a month beginning in December and ending in May.<br />Chatham students participate in the following areas: poetry reading, prose reading, impromptu speaking, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, duo-interpretation, original oratory, extemporaneous and speaking.<br />French ClubAdvisor: Mr. Kaiser<br />This is an organization which meets a minimum of once each month. It enables students who share a mutual enthusiasm for the French language and culture to come together in an informal manner and participate in activities which are in some way connected with the culture of France or of French speaking areas of the world. The club is open to all current and former students of the language.<br />Games ClubAdvisor: Mrs. Morgan-Convery<br />German ClubAdvisor: Ms. Zimmerman<br />The German Club meets regularly to experience and discuss aspects of the culture of German-speaking countries and have an opportunity to speak some German outside of class. We celebrate German festivals, listen to German music and view German films, have immersion lunches, and are open to sponsoring creative activities inspired by our members. In addition, we take at least two field trips to cultural events, festivals, or restaurants. We host German exchange students in the spring and establish contacts with students from other German-speaking countries. The German Club welcomes all interested students, regardless of their language study affiliation at CHS.<br />Ink BlotAdvisor: Mrs. Porpora<br />Ink Blot offers students an opportunity to share and improve their creative writing skills in a community that provides both support and camaraderie. The club meets during lunch and discusses aspects of the craft, such as characterization and dialogue. In addition, it encourages members to share their work so the group can provide constructive criticism as well as one-on-one editing. A highlight of the year is National Novel Writing Month, although poetry and short fiction are just as eagerly received as novels within the club context. Students who are a little more adventurous with their writing are alerted regularly about about contest opportunities. As a bonus, the analytical skills developed as a result of participation in Ink Blot are useful in curricular essays.<br />Key ClubAdvisors: Mr. Yar/Ms. Acri<br />The Key Club is a service organization open to any student willing to give thirty-six hours of service during the school year. Service work occurring in the school includes updating the community sign weekly and serving as ushers for concerts, assemblies, Back to School Night and Graduation. Key Club operates a soda and a snack machine, and has frequent bake sales as ongoing fundraisers. In the community we assist Senior Citizens, our local Police and Recreation Departments, the Chamber of Commerce, and neighborhood and school-based associations. In addition, we sponsor several local and national charitable organizations with student volunteers and/or fundraising activities.<br />Literary MagazineAdvisor: Mrs. Roper/Ms. Acri <br />The literary magazine is a publication of Chatham High School students’ stories, essays, poems, and artwork. Students may submit for consideration any original work they have produced throughout the year. Members of the editorial board meet monthly to discuss the work received. All students are welcome to become involved and should attend the first meeting in September.<br />Math LeagueAdvisor: Mr. Chambers<br />The Math League participates in math competitions on the state and national levels. The New Jersey Mathematics League and the American Scholastic Mathematics Association each sponsor six monthly contests beginning in October. Students may also participate in the annual New Jersey Secondary School Mathematics Contest in December and the annual American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME) in February. Students who perform well on the AHSME may continue to compete in national and international competitions.<br />Microfinance ClubAdvisor: Mrs. Anderson<br />Mock Trial Advisor: Mr. Meguerian<br />An exciting, yet thought provoking approach to learning about one of the cornerstones of a democratic society- the Judicial System. Mock trial participants prepare a simulated civil or criminal case for competition sponsored by the New Jersey Bar Association. Students engage in the role of witnesses, jurors or lawyers in a process that culminates in a series of competitive trial-offs before practicing lawyers or judges in real courtrooms. The team meets weekly for the first semester, and then daily in the week prior to the competition, which begins in late January or February. <br />Model United Nations/ Advisor: Ms. Camp<br />Model Congress<br />Model United Nations/Congress is a club for students interested in learning more about world events. Members attend conferences as representatives of countries or congressional representatives and debate pertinent issues based on their country’s foreign policy or the interests of the states represented. Students should be able to speak in front of a group and be willing to spend time researching issues. In the past, Chatham has attended conferences in Georgetown, Boston, California, Toronto and Philadelphia. Meetings are held after school; time and place can be heard on the announcements. For more information contact Ms. Camp or Ms. Seyam.<br />Newspaper Advisor: Mr. Hreha/Ms. Paper<br />The Chronicle is a tabloid and digital publication which publishes seven times per year. Mandatory staff meetings are held to brainstorm, edit and layout the paper on the computer using PageMaker and Photoshop. Some students work independently to investigate, report and write, while others create photographs or artwork. Editors are responsible for the organization and production of the paper. Students must apply at the end of the year for editorial positions.<br />Pep Club Advisors: Ms. Ollo/Ms. Burns<br />The Pep Club’s main goal is to promote school spirit, deepen friendships, and encourage all students to excel in whatever they do. The Pep Club sponsors the Homecoming Dance in the fall and is responsible for decorating and cleaning up, providing food, arranging for the DJ and selecting and selling invitations for the dance. It also organizes the seasonal pep rallies as well as the annual coronation of the homecoming king and queen. Poster sessions are usually held twice a month during lunch. During the meetings students prepare for activities or create hall posters for school organizations and sports teams. All students are welcome to join. There is a $10 membership fee.<br />Science LeagueAdvisor: Ms. M. Smith<br />The Science League gives students who have a special interest in the sciences an opportunity to compete with other students throughout the state. Monthly tests are held in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science. Any students who have excelled academically in science, have a teacher recommendation, and are wiling to do a little additional study should consider joining the Science League. If you need more information, please see Ms. Smith or speak to your science teacher.<br />SADDAdvisor: Mrs. S. Smith<br />SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions, founded as Students Against Drunk Driving) is a group of students helping other students to make positive decisions about the challenges in their everyday lives. SADD educates and empowers students to prevent underage drinking, impaired driving and other destructive behaviors. The group meets monthly during school lunch and membership is open to anyone who makes positive choices including not smoking, drinking or using other drugs. If interested, see Mrs. Smith, Student Assistance Coordinator, whose office is across from the C gym.<br />Spanish ClubAdvisor: Sra. Wishart<br />This organization meets twice each month. Students come together in an informal manner to participate in activities connected with the Spanish culture around the world. The club is open to all students with an interest in the language or the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Our primary language of communication will be Spanish. We will have at least two field trips: one to a Spanish restaurant and a second to a cultural event.<br />T.A.T.U.Advisor: Mrs. S. Smith<br />TEENS AGAINST TOBACCO USE (TATU) is a group of students who do not smoke and who plan and present programs about the dangers of smoking to 5th graders and 8th graders on the day of the Great American Smokeout. TATU participants also present non-smoking programs at the elementary schools whenever requested. If interested, see Mrs. Smith, Student Assistance Coordinator.<br />Ultimate FrisbeeAdvisor: Mr. Carroll<br />YearbookAdvisors: Mr. LaMorte/Ms. Boehmer<br />The Spectrum staff members produce our hardbound yearbook and the interactive yearbook DVD. Some students practice desktop publishing or digital video skills. Others develop leadership, business, photography, writing, and organizational skills. There are only a few mandatory meetings in the fall. Successful editors periodically complete tasks over the course of the school year. Positions are available for interested students who have limited time available. Students must apply at the end of the year for editorial positions.<br />For your information…<br />There are several programs within the high school that may be of interest to you, but involve an application, election or audition process. They also may require particular leadership or performance skills. Listed below are some of those programs.<br />Music GroupsAdvisors: Mr. Conti. Ms. Graser, <br /> & Ms. Klemp<br />Jazz Ensemble: Members of this group are selected by audition which occurs in early November. They perform various styles of Swing, Latin, Standards, Contemporary Jazz and Rock selections at various performances throughout the year. Those interested should see Mr. Conti for further information on this group.<br />Marching Band/Band Front: Marching Band is an artistic school support group. The group performs at band competitions, football games, pep rallies, and parades. It is also an outstanding social activity. All Instrumentalists are required to be enrolled in a performance class and are expected to participate in spring clinics and attend Band Camp to gain proficiency in the necessary skills. Marching Band and Band Front are open to all Chatham High School students. It should also be noted that student roadies are always needed to assist the members in their performances. See Mr. Conti for additional information.<br />Pops Orchestra<br />Pops Orchestra is open to members of Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra. This performing group plays selections of light classical, popular and movie music for school functions (such as Back to School Night or the Art Show) and community events throughout the school year. Pops Orchestra does not have a conductor – students who participate will find an opportunity to take on leadership roles to direct the Orchestra and to work together to plan program selections appropriate for each event or performance. For more information, please see Mrs. Landrigan.<br />Auditioned Choirs, Bands, and Orchestras:<br />Students who are enrolled in our curricular Bands, Choirs, and Orchestra are eligible to audition for several performing opportunities including All-Area Band, Morris County Choir, All-North Jersey Regional Band, Chorus, and Orchestra, and All-State Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. Information for all opportunities is made available through our CHS directors in curricular choral, band, and orchestra classes.<br />National Art Honor Advisors: Mr. Hreha/Ms. Acri<br />Society<br />The NAHS is specifically intended for high school students in grades 10-12, for inspiration and recognition of those students who have shown an outstanding ability in visual art. The NAHS also strives to aid members in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in art areas, and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.<br />The NAHS meets on a monthly to bi-monthly basis, depending on the activities that we are engaged in. Activities may include figure drawing sessions, mosaic tile murals, a CHS visual arts calendar, and a NAHS student show in the community.<br />National Honor Society Advisors: Ms. Avery<br />Ms. Kielblock<br />National Honor Society is open to junior and senior students who have demonstrated excellence in four areas: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. In order to apply for membership as a Junior, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.65 by the end of their first semester of their Junior year. In order to apply as a Senior, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.65 by the end of their Junior year. Students who meet the criteria and choose to apply must complete an application that demonstrates their excellence in areas of leadership, character, and service. In addition to the application, students must complete and submit documentation for twenty-five hours of school and community service. This service must be completed from September to February of the junior year for junior applicants and from September of the Junior year to September of the Senior year for Senior applicants. Applications are reviewed and voted upon by an anonymous faculty selection committee. Accepted applicants must participate in an induction ceremony. The induction ceremony occurs in the fall for Senior members and in the spring for Junior members.<br />PAWSAdvisors:Ms. L. Scerbo &<br />Mrs. Schechter<br />Peers Adjusting With Support (PAWS) is an organization designed to help incoming freshmen adjust to the high school. PAWS leaders who are chosen from the sophomore, junior and senior classes acquire valuable leadership and teambuilding skills that will assist freshmen with the transition to CHS. Two leaders are assigned to approximately a dozen freshmen. They meet with their group every other cycle during the first semester. Groups will discuss topics such as Homecoming, spirit week, getting involved in activities and sports, and dealing with the pressures of exams. PAWS leaders and freshmen also participate in a field day and special programs.<br />Class Office/Student Advisory/Site Council<br />Elections for student government positions take place each spring for the following academic year. Students vote for their class president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Class officers plan fundraisers and social events for their fellow classmates and the school-at-large. Select officers serve on the Principal’s Student Advisory Committee, an organization intended to provide a link between the student body and the administration. Officers will also attend Open Site Council meetings, along with parents, administration, faculty and community members to discuss policies and procedures within the school district. If you are interested in running for class office, please see the appropriate advisor listed below:<br />Freshman Class Advisor: Ms. M. Smith<br />Sophomore Class Advisor: Ms. Burns & Mrs. Schechter<br />Junior Class Advisor: Mr. Heinze<br />Senior Class Advisor: Mr. Bandel<br />