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First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
May 2017
• Adult Sunday School
• Mother’s Day Brunch
• Mission News
• Check Out The Library
GOOD NEWS is published monthly by
First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood, California 91601
Phone (818) 763-8231
Grant Hagiya
Rev. James Powell
District Superintendent
Dr. Joey K. McDonald
Jeff Thomas
Director of Music
Roger Eshleman
Nylean Rapinac
Patty Kelsey
Director, Program Ministries
Tonya Peat
Director, Outreach Ministries
Psalm 98 is an invitation for believers to respond in faith through music. 
Though less demonstrative than Psalm 150, the instructions are clear.
Persons of faith are to use music as an integral part of worship.
Of course, we as modern people have the full benefit of musical
developments over the centuries.  The Church has a rich history of great
music composed for worship settings.  Inspired composers have written
great pieces for the seasons of   Advent, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. 
Others have written for the settings of worship, be it Morning, Evening,
Communion, Baptism, Wedding or Funeral services.  These great pieces
of music were given to the church not merely to admire, but to inspire
others to compose new music which in turn would be passed on.
We know throughout history, in sacred and secular settings, music has
been a powerful influence.   William Congreve, the 18th century
playwright wrote, “Music has charms to soothe a savage beast, to soften
rocks, or bend a knotted oak.”  Another William (Shakespeare) frequently
used music references or terms to make a point in his plays.   In
TWELFTH NIGHT he penned, “If music be the food of love, play on;
give me excess of it...”  In THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, he writes,
“ we sit, and let the sounds of music creep in our ears: soft stillness
and the night becomes the touches of sweet harmony.”  Then, later in the
play he writes, “The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved
with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils; the
motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections as Erebus; let no
such man be trusted.”
The Psalmist implores us to sing a new song, or shout for joy because of
what God has done.  The playwright encourages us to use music as a tool
of measure for those things we value in life.
Music is used to sell us everything from produce to politicians.  It floods
our senses in markets, waiting rooms and elevators.  How easy it is to
forget that it is a gift from God.   The music we make has holy
implications.  As Saint Francis wrote, “Lord make me an instrument of
your peace...”   As the music plays, may we be open to the Creator,
composing new music within us.
Your Friend and Pastor,
The following Bible passages will be the basis for the 10:30 messages in May.
Please take time each week to read the selected passages.
May 	 7	 	 	 	 A Spiritual Lane Monitor	 	 	 1 Peter 2:19-25
May	 14	 		 	 From Nobody To Somebody	 	 	 	
May	 21	 	 	 	 Live Move Exist
May 28 	 	 	 	 Endure Strange	 	 	 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
April 2nd - On this Fifth Sunday in Lent, Norman Kelsey (Vin Scully) & Phillip Mottaz (Harry Carey), shared
April’s monthly announcements with a Baseball flare! Dan Doggett accompanied the choir on flute. Pastor Joey
shared a message based on Ezekiel 37:1-14, titled, “To Breathe New Life,” which was about the stories of the
Israelites in exile in the Valley of the Dry Bones and the prophet is asked to command the winds from all four
corners of the earth to come and breathe new life in these dry bones and being faithful to God, he does it.
April 9th - Today, we celebrated Palm Sunday! Everyone that attended worship received palm fronds to wave on
this joyous day! This morning Patty Kelsey shared a moment with children about the cheers that Jesus received
when entering Jerusalem. Pastor Joey’s message was titled, “An Educated Tongue,” based on Isaiah 50:4-9a. This is
the “Third Servant Song,” starting with verse four--“The Lord gave me an educated tongue...that I may give hope
to the weary.” Pastor Joey shared how we can communicate at the speed of light and we need a word of hope more
than ever these days.
April 13th - Tonight was Maundy Thursday and we gathered in Boyer Chapel to experience the moving Tenebrae
Worship in Shadows. Thank you to Roger Eshleman who played the Hammond Organ. Also, many thanks to our
readers: Doug Eboch, Sherri Perry, Chuck Schafer, Lynn Yoshizumi, Pauline Long, Norman Kelsey, Patty Kelsey,
and Julie Shuford. Communion was also served this evening.
April 14th - Good Friday Worship took place this evening in Boyer Chapel. Roger Eshleman accompanied the
congregation on Piano. Norman Kelsey played guitar and sang, “The Cross,” by Prince. Pastor Joey shared a
message based on Hebrews 10:16-25 titled, “Encourage Each Other.” Communion was also served this evening.
April 16th - Alleluia! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Sunrise service was led by Norman Kelsey, who shared a
message called, “Spoilers,” based on John 20:1-18. Libeck Kadu played the piano and shared special aboriginal
music as prelude and postlude, as well as sharing special music. Communion was served by Pastor Joey. A million
thanks go to Norman Kelsey, Rachel Mottaz, Doug Eboch, Libeck Kadu & Shaun Vieten, for coming early to help
Patty Kelsey set up our worship space on the patio.
10:30 AM worship was full of life and familiar and new faces. Gary Solt came home to accompany Jeff Thomas for
special music, performing, “Change The World.” Patty Kelsey shared a moment with children about shouting
Alleluias, using balloons. Pastor Joey’s sermon was based on John 20:1-18 titled, “See What You Will,” which is
about the resurrection story. Each of us comes to Easter looking and seeing different things. The choir sang
beautifully this morning with extra choral responses and Roger Eshleman outdid himself on the organ.
April 23th - The Second Sunday in Easter was peaceful and intimate. Pastor Joey’s sermon, “The Real Deal,” was
based on 1 Peter 1:3-9. Peter is talking about the reality of God’s love for us in Christ and how that literally makes
us new people with a higher level of hope and expectations. This helps us deal with the frustrations that come to us
as people of faith.
Acts 17:22-31
1 Peter 2:2-10
The United Methodist Women
Cordially Invite All the Ladies
to the annual
Mother’s Day Brunch
Saturday, May 13th
Bring photographs of your Mother.
The Ruth Circle invites you to the Glendale Center Theater
Deadline to order tickets via Kathi Ellis is Sunday, May 14th
Meet at 6:00 PM for Dinner at Damon's Steak House before the play!  
(Uses the same parking lot as the theater)      
Let Kathi Ellis know if you will be meeting for dinner
when you reserve your tickets for the play!
      It is a fun evening so JOIN US!
Thursday, June 1
8:00 PM
Tickets -$25
What’s Happening in May?
Saturday, May 13th - Family Film Night! in the
Lounge at 6:00 PM! Pizza and Trolls! All are welcome!
Sunday, May 14th - Missions Sunday! Please bring
nonperishable proteins to donate to the Food Pantry!
(Tuna, Peanut Butter, Chili) Also, canned tomato sauce.
Friday, May 26th - Tea Fellowship at Tea Elle C
Cafe. 26111 Bouquet Cyn. Santa Clarita. 11:30 AM.
Sunday, May 14th - Mother’s Day. All ladies who
attend church will receive a special gift.
Saturday, May 13th - Our Annual UMW Mother’s
Day Brunch takes place in The Lounge. 10:30 AM -
12:00 PM. Bring photos of your Mom.
65th Annual National Day of Prayer - May 4th
Today, all people of different faiths in the United States are
asked to pray for the nation and its leaders.
Take extra time to pray today!
Wednesday, May 3rd- UMW Executive Board in
Hand in Hand. 10:00 AM.
Monday, May 15th - Tabitha Circle Meets at
10:30 AM in the Hand in Hand Room.
Sunday, May 14th - Adult Sunday School
Returns! 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM. Boyer Chapel.
Thursday, May 18th - PB & J Project meets in the
Lounge at 7:00 PM. Come make 150 sandwiches for
the homeless.
Tuesday, May 2nd - Breakfast Club. 9:00 AM.
Magnolia Grille. Limit 8ppl. RSVP.
Sunday, May 21st - Comic Book Making
Workshop for Kids! 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the
Beginning May 14th
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Led by Sandra Smith
Every 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday.
Hymn, Introduction to the Bible,
Discussion, Q&A.
Breakfast/Coffee to follow at
Starbuck’s (optional).
Saturday, May 13th
6:00 PM
Pizza & Movie
Tuesday, May 2nd
9:00 AM
Magnolia Grill
Limit 8ppl. RSVP.
Tea Fellowship
Friday, May 26th
11:30 AM
Tea Elle C Garden Cafe
Please RSVP
Bishops set date for special 2019 General Conference
By Heather Hahn, April 25, 2017 | UMNS (edited by Ken Ellis)
The Council of Bishops announced the call to a special General Conference on Feb. 23-26, 2019, in St. Louis,
Missouri. The special meeting of the top lawmaking assembly will be limited to acting on a report by Council of
Bishops, based on the proposals from the Commission on the Way Forward. The 32-member commission,
appointed by the bishops, has the charge of finding ways for the denomination to stay together despite deep
differences around homosexuality.
General Conference, which usually meets every four years, is the only body that can speak for the denomination.
“The Council of Bishops encourages the entire church to continue in deep, unceasing prayer for Holy Spirit breakthroughs for the
Commission on a Way Forward and the Special Session of General Conference,” said Dakotas-Minnesota Area Bishop Bruce
Ough, the president of the Council of Bishops.
The bishops made their announcement the same day the Judicial Council, the denomination’s top court, is
hearing oral arguments in a case that could affect Mountain Sky Area Bishop Karen Oliveto, who is openly gay
and married to a deaconess.
The Book of Discipline, the denomination’s governing document approved by General Conference, bans same-
gender weddings and “self-avowed practicing” gay clergy. However, debate over those rules has intensified
In July last year, the Western Jurisdiction elected and consecrated Oliveto, who was at the time the senior pastor of
Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco. Also in the months since last year’s General Conference, a number of
conferences voted not to conform to church restrictions related to ministry with LGBTQ individuals.
Meanwhile, a group of United Methodists has formed the Wesleyan Covenant Association, a member-based
network for congregations that regard the church’s teachings on homosexuality as part of Christian orthodoxy. At
its first meeting, that group urged the Way Forward Commission to either find a way to hold church members
accountable for the church’s provisions on homosexuality or prepare for a church split. The Wesleyan Covenant
Association is set to hold its second meeting April 28-29.
The Commission on a Way Forward includes two leaders of the Wesleyan Covenant Association as well as at least
three openly gay members. All told, the commission includes eight bishops, 11 laity, 11 elders and two deacons
from nine countries. The group is currently looking at ways to loosen the church’s structure.
The special General Conference session would use the same delegates as General Conference 2016 unless annual
conferences choose to elect new delegates. The Commission on General Conference, which plans the lawmaking
assemblies, has set the delegate number at 864 — about 58 percent from the United States and 30 percent from
Africa. The remaining delegates are from the Philippines, Europe and Eurasia as well as 10 from “concordat”
churches with which The United Methodist Church has formal relationships.
Last year, Moses Kumar — the chief executive of the General Council on Finance and Administration and the
treasurer of General Conference— told church leaders that a special General Conference session would cost
$4.12 million for three days.
To pay for such a gathering, Kumar recommended shortening the 2020 General Conference in Minneapolis by
the number of days used for any special General Conference session.
Last year, by a vote of 428 to 405, General Conference decided not to take up any legislation related to
homosexuality and instead authorized the bishops to form the Commission on a Way Forward. The vote came
after rumors of a potential church split reached a fever pitch.
  By Roger Eshlemen
Lay Speaker Sandra Smith will lead Adult Sunday School beginning May 14th.
Many of you know that Sandra has been conducting the 8:15 service once or twice a month for
years, always giving interesting sermons.  She also made presentations about our stained glass
windows. Sandra has great knowledge of Biblical History and
  is enthusiastic about this new role. 
 Location: Boyer Chapel
Days: 2nd & 4th Sundays (plus any 5th Sunday)
Time: 9:00 to 9:45 am
Format: Start with some hymn singing and lead to the topic of "An Introduction to the Bible”,
followed by Discussion and Q & A.
   You are sure to learn about many things you never knew. 
Social & Refreshments: At 9:45 (optional), participants may walk over to Starbucks for breakfast.
 Marianne Harold, sister of Linda
Crane-Eshleman, and her
husband, Don Harold,
will celebrate their
66th wedding anniversary
on May 3rd! 
They were married in the
Sanctuary by Dr. Boyer in 1951.
Before that they were active in
plays and the young adults group
in the Church.
Don turns 90 on May 1st
But in one big way Kim is still very much with us. Before she moved, she donated over 40 books to our
church library. They are wonderful books. I wish I could read most of them. Below are listed some of the
books Kim donated. They are listed in Dewey Decimal System order.
DDS#  Author                               Title
070      Norman Cousins               Human Options: An Autobiographical Notebook
158      M. Scott Peck, MD           The Road Less Traveled and Beyond
170      Jay Allison &                   This I Believe: Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men
            Dan Gediman, Editors      and Women
222      Roy H. May Jr.                 Joshua and the Promised Land with Study Guide
223      Harold S. Kushner            The Lord Is My Shepherd: Healing Wisdom of the 23rd Psalm
223      Eugene Peterson H.          The Message: The Old Testament Wisdom Books in
                                                      Contemporary Language
230      E. Charlotte Baker            On Eagles Wings
230      Andrew Farley                  The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church
231      John Ortberg                     Love Beyond Reason: Moving God’s Love from Your Head to
                                                      Your Heart
232      American Bible Society   Jesus: From the Good News New Testament in Today’s
                                                      English Version
232      Leslie Weatherhead          The Meaning of the Cross
234      Charles J. Bryant              Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory: From Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts
234      Bruce Bugbee                   What You Do Best in the Body of Christ
234      Bill Liversidge                 Victory in Jesus: Embracing His Death and Receiving His
                                                       Overcoming Life
240      E. Stanley Jones               The Christ of the Mount: A Working Philosophy of Life
242      James Stuart Bell,             Classic Nativity Devotional: A Collection of Timeless
            Compiler                           Christmas Readings
242      Beverly Courrege              Yield to Jesus: A Devotional
242      Gwen Ellis, Editor             Joy for a Woman’s Soul: Promises to Refresh the Spirit
242      E. Stanley Jones              Christian Maturity
Which ones sound interesting to you? Check them out! If you need help finding a book, please see Lynn
Yoshizumi during coffee fellowship.
It was hard not to feel happy for Kim Miller when she moved away from
our church recently to be with her daughter and new granddaughter in
San Jose. At the same time we felt sadness because she had been an
important part of our congregation. Now there is no Kim singing in the
soprano section of the choir, no Kim on the Mission Team, helping with
the various projects, especially making peanut butter and jam sandwiches
every month, and no Kim attending the monthly UMW meetings and
reading books as part of the UMW Reading Program.
On January 24, 2017, the IJM Ghana team and local authorities rescued 24 boys, as young as 7, who
had been forced to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. This rescue was the culmination of
months of work between the IJM team and Ghanaian police to identify suspected traffickers on the lake
and develop a plan for rescuing the children they were abusing.
Before dawn, the boys were already out on the lake, working in the dark to earn a profit for their
masters. At the same time, IJM staff were busy loading boats with life jackets, first aid kits and new
clothes for the children, who would be rescued in tattered, dirty clothing.
In the early light, eight boats carrying police, social workers from the department of social welfare, EMT
professionals and IJM staff set out on Lake Volta to rescue children and arrest their 16 abusers.
The police boats pulled up alongside fishing boats, arrested suspects and brought the children to safety.
On the designated aftercare boat, social workers cared for them by treating their injuries, feeding them
and giving them new clothes to wear. “What really struck me was how small and tiny they were, how
young,” the IJM Director of Aftercare Anita Budu said, recalling what it was like to receive the children
on her boat. “And these children don’t know any other option. That is what IJM Ghana is here for – to
give them a different future, a different story.”
Of the 24 boys who were rescued from the lake that day, three were sick with malaria, and one had been
forced to continue working despite having a severely broken wrist. They were promptly taken to the
hospital to receive immediate treatment and have since been released. All of the boys are now at an
aftercare shelter, where their needs were assessed and they are getting the care they deserve.
So far, their new story is off to a good start. The children have gone from waking hours before dawn and
going to sleep long after dark, to getting a full night’s sleep. From straining to lift heavy loads of fish or
diving into the depths to untangle nets to playing soccer and going to school. From knowing only harsh
and abusive treatment at the hands of adults, to being surrounded by adults who will protect them and
help them to heal.
These are only the first steps of a long journey, and IJM is committed to working with their partners in
Ghana to restore children trafficked into the fishing industry to freedom.
Because of our deep concern about human trafficking, NoHo FUMC has been supporting the work of
the International Justice Mission for several years with an annual donation of $500.
On March 19, 2003, Carolyn Blashek, founder of Operation Gratitude sent the first four Operation
Gratitude Care Packages to a unit deployed on the Kuwait-Iraq border. A lot has happened in the
intervening years.
As of today, 1.75 Million care packages have been sent! The program has been expanded--now packages
are sent to: Deployed Troops, First Responders, Veterans, Children of the Deployed and Fallen, New
Recruits, Gold Star Families, and Wounded Heroes and their Care Givers.
The nationwide volunteer activities include not only assembling care packages and care kits, but also
organizing collection drives, producing fundraisers, running marathons, hand making scarves and hats,
weaving paracord survival bracelets, collecting Cents for Service and writing personal letters of
Since 2013, the number of product donations received in a year and the number of care packages
shipped out each year have both doubled. While it took 10 years to reach the 1 Millionth Package, they
will reach the Millionth Package just four years later (this December 9, 2017 in fact!).
Operation Gratitude has been recognized as a leader in the military support world by two Presidential
administrations, has received numerous awards from the military, civilian and government sectors, and
has earned top notch ratings on all the charity watchdog sites.
Most importantly, on a daily basis, they are fulfilling the dual mission of saying "Thank You" to all who
serve and providing an opportunity for every American to express their gratitude to all who put
themselves in harm's way. Operation Gratitude is strong, healthy and on the march with big ideas and
ambitious plans!
Anita McChesney has volunteered at numerous assembly days and Margaret Doggett continues to knit
scarves for the care packages. Assembly Days are scheduled for May 20th, July 15th, and August 19th, all
Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. The headquarters is now
located at 21100 Lassen Street, Chatsworth 91331. That is just west of Desoto.
To volunteer, please call Steve Cabrillos at 818-640-2901 or email:
Provide the following information: your name (and names of additional volunteers), date(s) you are
volunteering for, phone number and email address. Community service credit will be given to students.
The food the pantry receives from this event is critical to keep the shelves stocked through the lean summer
months. Remember to leave your own bag of non-perishable items for your mail carrier on Saturday, May
13th. Or you can bring your donations to church on Sunday, May 14th and we will deliver the bags of food
for you. Thanks for all you do to help needy families in our community.
The 25th annual USPS Letter Carriers’ Food Drive is just
weeks away! Preparations are being finalized for the nation’s
largest one-day food collection event designed to replenish
local food banks in communities the NALC serve.
Saturday, May 13th from 3:00 - 6:00 PM
The Mission City Postal Annex
10919 Sepulveda Blvd.
Mission Hills, CA. 91345
Sunday, May 14th from 7:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Temple Beth Hillel
12326 Riverside Drive
Valley Village, CA. 91607
The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry is always delighted to have
new volunteers and there are several ways to get involved: There are
several packing teams who pack groceries at Temple Beth Hillel.  Dates
and times of individual teams are arranged through the Packing Team
Coordinator, Leslye Adelman.   Please contact Leslye on her email at to get involved.
The Transportation Teams transport the packed groceries from Temple
Beth Hillel to First Christian Church located on Colfax Avenue
throughout the week.  The dates and times of the individual teams are
organized by the Transportation Team Coordintor, Chris Wilkinson.
Please contact Chris on his email at to get
Transportation teams pickup Thursdays and Sundays using a provided truck. The whole process
transporting from 150-200 prepacked bags of food takes about one hour to complete. Thursday pickup
teams generally operate between 5:00-8:00PM. Sunday pickup teams generally operate between
8:00-9:30AM and 1:00-3:00PM.
The Food Distribution Teams are responsible for distributing food to our clients at First Christian Church. 
These teams work during our hours of operation on Mondays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 
Please call a representative at 818-760-3575 during operation hours to get involved.
May your birthday be filled with blessings!
Love, Your Church Family
May 1	 Ken Ellis
May 3	 Dorothy Tyler
May 4	 Jim Doggett
May 4	 Kim Miller
May 6	 Noah Fetterman
May 6	 Jackie Taft
May 10	 Shirley Kurushima
May 11	 Dottie Vick
May 14	 Shaun Vieten
May 16	 Jodi Smith
May 18 Phil Roche
May 18 Steven Vick
May 22 Karin Ellis
May 24 Sinjin Doelitzsch
May 24 Melissa Noren
May 25 Ashley Peat
May 30 Phyllis Hannon
May 30	 Edward Zung
Jim Doggett is at Henry Mayo Hospital in Saugus/Newhall with an infection in his arm.
Ed Zung is still learning how to deal with his digestive system and trying to prevent blockages
from occuring, as well as, keeping calories in his system.
Joey Gervasi is undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma.
Marianne Harold is having nerve issues and cannot hold things in her hands. She is
undergoing tests. Marianne, is Linda Eshleman’s Sister.
Andy Merrill is doing well even after some grave news on his health.
Chuck Schafer’s brother-in-law, Tom Revelli underwent heart bi-pass surgery on April 18th
Jeff Thomas’ friend, Monica Zevallos, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Patty Kelsey, will undergo a hysterectomy on Monday, May 1st. The recovery is expected to
take a bit longer due to complications from endometriosis.
Lisa Cheby requests prayers for her friends: Joanna, who was hit and run over by a car.
David Rojas was in a car accident a few months ago and is in pain with two slipped discs in his
back. Pain medication is interfering with work. His brother, Rod, has an infant who had a seizure.
They also just lost their stepfather and are going through much grief.
Ralph Seybold’s daughter-in-law, Bobbi, is still suffering from some symptoms caused by
contracting the West Nile Virus.
Keven McConnell is still having slight paralysis of the left side of his face after contracting
Bell’s Palsy. He is trying to remain patient and hopeful that he will soon have full use of his mouth
and eyelid.
Tracy Ritter had another surgery to remove cancerous tissues on her adenoids. The surgeon
was unable to remove cancer that had spread to her carotid artery.
Our Congregants that are homebound:
Gladys Woodard, Joyce Cunningham, Margaret Dixon, Marion Elkerton
Henri Doble
Congregant for many years and member of the
choir, passed away around Easter, in his home.
Dr. Joey K. McDonald
Reflections are part of the weekly bulletin inserts for worship. This writing is originally from
April 11, 1999 and Assistant Pastor, Herb Lucas, shared a message titled, “Security Is a Four Letter Word,”
based on 1 Peter 1:3-9.
To live without hope is to live in fear and without a sense of direction. If part of our wit and
will is to be hope-filled, then in the midst of chaos or storm we can focus on the horizon and
claim the good gifts present and future. To be a person of hope means to be a person of
choice, and to be a person of choice means one looks with intent and anticipation for those
things which bless.
The narrative of 1 Peter 1:3-9 is an encouragement to hope in the face of suffering.  The
fourth chapter of Romans recounts the story of Abraham's promise by reminding the reader...
“Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become ‘the father of many nations,’
according to what was said.” Though childless and aged, Sarah and Abraham lived in hope of
having ancestors. The story of faith tells us it was a hope realized. G. K. Chesterton writes that
the “power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its
adventures...comes to mature people.” Whether mature in years or mature in wisdom, the
power to hope is a gift.
Fear is a strong and abrasive emotion which can wear us out.  Hope is a fine polishing agent,
with which we can brighten our souls.  Fear is powerful.  Hope is more durable.
May	 7	 Fourth Sunday of Easter. White or Gold.
	 	 Acts 2:42-47; Ps. 23 (UMH 754 or 137); 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10
May 14
 Fifth Sunday of Easter. Mother’s Day. White or Gold.
	 	 Acts 7:55-60; Ps. 31:1-5, 15-16 (UMH 764); 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14
May 	 21	 Sixth Sunday of Easter. Heritage Sunday. White or Gold.
	 	 Acts 17:22-31; Ps. 66:8-20 (UMH 790); 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21
May	 28	 Seventh Sunday of Easter. Ascension Sunday. White or Gold.
	 	 Acts 1:6-14; Ps. 68:1-10, 32-35 (UMH 792); 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11
Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary
Adult Sunday School returns on Sunday, May 14th, 9am - 9:45am in Boyer Chapel. (2nd & 4th Sundays).
Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery
No Moment with Children in May.
Communion will be served on May 7th at 8:15 & 10:30 Service
8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel
	 	 May 7 - Pastor Joey	 	 	 	 May 14 - Sandra Smith
	 	 May 21 - Sandra Smith	 	 	 May 28 - Sandra Smith
Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by May 17th for the June 2017 publication
or email them to
If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office
or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you.
POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to:
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
Easter Festivities 2017
Good News May 2017

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Good News May 2017

  • 1. First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood GOOD NEWS e-mail: May 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: • Adult Sunday School • Mother’s Day Brunch • Mission News • Check Out The Library GOOD NEWS is published monthly by First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, California 91601 Phone (818) 763-8231 Grant Hagiya Bishop Rev. James Powell District Superintendent Dr. Joey K. McDonald Pastor Congregation Ministers Jeff Thomas Director of Music Roger Eshleman Organist Nylean Rapinac Administrator Patty Kelsey Director, Program Ministries Tonya Peat Director, Outreach Ministries Psalm 98 is an invitation for believers to respond in faith through music.  Though less demonstrative than Psalm 150, the instructions are clear. Persons of faith are to use music as an integral part of worship. Of course, we as modern people have the full benefit of musical developments over the centuries.  The Church has a rich history of great music composed for worship settings.  Inspired composers have written great pieces for the seasons of   Advent, Lent, Easter and Pentecost.  Others have written for the settings of worship, be it Morning, Evening, Communion, Baptism, Wedding or Funeral services.  These great pieces of music were given to the church not merely to admire, but to inspire others to compose new music which in turn would be passed on. We know throughout history, in sacred and secular settings, music has been a powerful influence.   William Congreve, the 18th century playwright wrote, “Music has charms to soothe a savage beast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.”  Another William (Shakespeare) frequently used music references or terms to make a point in his plays.   In TWELFTH NIGHT he penned, “If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it...”  In THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, he writes, “ we sit, and let the sounds of music creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night becomes the touches of sweet harmony.”  Then, later in the play he writes, “The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils; the motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections as Erebus; let no such man be trusted.” The Psalmist implores us to sing a new song, or shout for joy because of what God has done.  The playwright encourages us to use music as a tool of measure for those things we value in life. Music is used to sell us everything from produce to politicians.  It floods our senses in markets, waiting rooms and elevators.  How easy it is to forget that it is a gift from God.   The music we make has holy implications.  As Saint Francis wrote, “Lord make me an instrument of your peace...”   As the music plays, may we be open to the Creator, composing new music within us. Your Friend and Pastor, Joey A NOTE FROM PASTOR JOEY
  • 2. COME AND WORSHIP The following Bible passages will be the basis for the 10:30 messages in May. Please take time each week to read the selected passages. May 7 A Spiritual Lane Monitor 1 Peter 2:19-25 May 14 From Nobody To Somebody May 21 Live Move Exist May 28 Endure Strange 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 HIGHLIGHTS OF WORSHIP April 2nd - On this Fifth Sunday in Lent, Norman Kelsey (Vin Scully) & Phillip Mottaz (Harry Carey), shared April’s monthly announcements with a Baseball flare! Dan Doggett accompanied the choir on flute. Pastor Joey shared a message based on Ezekiel 37:1-14, titled, “To Breathe New Life,” which was about the stories of the Israelites in exile in the Valley of the Dry Bones and the prophet is asked to command the winds from all four corners of the earth to come and breathe new life in these dry bones and being faithful to God, he does it. April 9th - Today, we celebrated Palm Sunday! Everyone that attended worship received palm fronds to wave on this joyous day! This morning Patty Kelsey shared a moment with children about the cheers that Jesus received when entering Jerusalem. Pastor Joey’s message was titled, “An Educated Tongue,” based on Isaiah 50:4-9a. This is the “Third Servant Song,” starting with verse four--“The Lord gave me an educated tongue...that I may give hope to the weary.” Pastor Joey shared how we can communicate at the speed of light and we need a word of hope more than ever these days. April 13th - Tonight was Maundy Thursday and we gathered in Boyer Chapel to experience the moving Tenebrae Worship in Shadows. Thank you to Roger Eshleman who played the Hammond Organ. Also, many thanks to our readers: Doug Eboch, Sherri Perry, Chuck Schafer, Lynn Yoshizumi, Pauline Long, Norman Kelsey, Patty Kelsey, and Julie Shuford. Communion was also served this evening. April 14th - Good Friday Worship took place this evening in Boyer Chapel. Roger Eshleman accompanied the congregation on Piano. Norman Kelsey played guitar and sang, “The Cross,” by Prince. Pastor Joey shared a message based on Hebrews 10:16-25 titled, “Encourage Each Other.” Communion was also served this evening. April 16th - Alleluia! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Sunrise service was led by Norman Kelsey, who shared a message called, “Spoilers,” based on John 20:1-18. Libeck Kadu played the piano and shared special aboriginal music as prelude and postlude, as well as sharing special music. Communion was served by Pastor Joey. A million thanks go to Norman Kelsey, Rachel Mottaz, Doug Eboch, Libeck Kadu & Shaun Vieten, for coming early to help Patty Kelsey set up our worship space on the patio. 10:30 AM worship was full of life and familiar and new faces. Gary Solt came home to accompany Jeff Thomas for special music, performing, “Change The World.” Patty Kelsey shared a moment with children about shouting Alleluias, using balloons. Pastor Joey’s sermon was based on John 20:1-18 titled, “See What You Will,” which is about the resurrection story. Each of us comes to Easter looking and seeing different things. The choir sang beautifully this morning with extra choral responses and Roger Eshleman outdid himself on the organ. April 23th - The Second Sunday in Easter was peaceful and intimate. Pastor Joey’s sermon, “The Real Deal,” was based on 1 Peter 1:3-9. Peter is talking about the reality of God’s love for us in Christ and how that literally makes us new people with a higher level of hope and expectations. This helps us deal with the frustrations that come to us as people of faith. Acts 17:22-31 1 Peter 2:2-10
  • 3. The United Methodist Women Cordially Invite All the Ladies to the annual Mother’s Day Brunch Saturday, May 13th 10:30am Lounge Bring photographs of your Mother. The Ruth Circle invites you to the Glendale Center Theater Deadline to order tickets via Kathi Ellis is Sunday, May 14th Meet at 6:00 PM for Dinner at Damon's Steak House before the play!   (Uses the same parking lot as the theater)       Let Kathi Ellis know if you will be meeting for dinner when you reserve your tickets for the play!       It is a fun evening so JOIN US! Thursday, June 1 8:00 PM Tickets -$25
  • 4. What’s Happening in May? Saturday, May 13th - Family Film Night! in the Lounge at 6:00 PM! Pizza and Trolls! All are welcome! Sunday, May 14th - Missions Sunday! Please bring nonperishable proteins to donate to the Food Pantry! (Tuna, Peanut Butter, Chili) Also, canned tomato sauce. Friday, May 26th - Tea Fellowship at Tea Elle C Cafe. 26111 Bouquet Cyn. Santa Clarita. 11:30 AM. Sunday, May 14th - Mother’s Day. All ladies who attend church will receive a special gift. Saturday, May 13th - Our Annual UMW Mother’s Day Brunch takes place in The Lounge. 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Bring photos of your Mom. 65th Annual National Day of Prayer - May 4th Today, all people of different faiths in the United States are asked to pray for the nation and its leaders. Take extra time to pray today! Wednesday, May 3rd- UMW Executive Board in Hand in Hand. 10:00 AM. Monday, May 15th - Tabitha Circle Meets at 10:30 AM in the Hand in Hand Room. Sunday, May 14th - Adult Sunday School Returns! 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM. Boyer Chapel. Thursday, May 18th - PB & J Project meets in the Lounge at 7:00 PM. Come make 150 sandwiches for the homeless. Tuesday, May 2nd - Breakfast Club. 9:00 AM. Magnolia Grille. Limit 8ppl. RSVP. Sunday, May 21st - Comic Book Making Workshop for Kids! 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Lounge. Beginning May 14th 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Led by Sandra Smith Every 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday. Hymn, Introduction to the Bible, Discussion, Q&A. Breakfast/Coffee to follow at Starbuck’s (optional). Saturday, May 13th 6:00 PM Lounge Pizza & Movie TROLLS Tuesday, May 2nd 9:00 AM Magnolia Grill Limit 8ppl. RSVP. Tea Fellowship Friday, May 26th 11:30 AM Tea Elle C Garden Cafe Please RSVP
  • 5. UMC CURRENT EVENTS Bishops set date for special 2019 General Conference By Heather Hahn, April 25, 2017 | UMNS (edited by Ken Ellis) The Council of Bishops announced the call to a special General Conference on Feb. 23-26, 2019, in St. Louis, Missouri. The special meeting of the top lawmaking assembly will be limited to acting on a report by Council of Bishops, based on the proposals from the Commission on the Way Forward. The 32-member commission, appointed by the bishops, has the charge of finding ways for the denomination to stay together despite deep differences around homosexuality. General Conference, which usually meets every four years, is the only body that can speak for the denomination. “The Council of Bishops encourages the entire church to continue in deep, unceasing prayer for Holy Spirit breakthroughs for the Commission on a Way Forward and the Special Session of General Conference,” said Dakotas-Minnesota Area Bishop Bruce Ough, the president of the Council of Bishops. The bishops made their announcement the same day the Judicial Council, the denomination’s top court, is hearing oral arguments in a case that could affect Mountain Sky Area Bishop Karen Oliveto, who is openly gay and married to a deaconess. The Book of Discipline, the denomination’s governing document approved by General Conference, bans same- gender weddings and “self-avowed practicing” gay clergy. However, debate over those rules has intensified recently. In July last year, the Western Jurisdiction elected and consecrated Oliveto, who was at the time the senior pastor of Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco. Also in the months since last year’s General Conference, a number of conferences voted not to conform to church restrictions related to ministry with LGBTQ individuals. Meanwhile, a group of United Methodists has formed the Wesleyan Covenant Association, a member-based network for congregations that regard the church’s teachings on homosexuality as part of Christian orthodoxy. At its first meeting, that group urged the Way Forward Commission to either find a way to hold church members accountable for the church’s provisions on homosexuality or prepare for a church split. The Wesleyan Covenant Association is set to hold its second meeting April 28-29. The Commission on a Way Forward includes two leaders of the Wesleyan Covenant Association as well as at least three openly gay members. All told, the commission includes eight bishops, 11 laity, 11 elders and two deacons from nine countries. The group is currently looking at ways to loosen the church’s structure. The special General Conference session would use the same delegates as General Conference 2016 unless annual conferences choose to elect new delegates. The Commission on General Conference, which plans the lawmaking assemblies, has set the delegate number at 864 — about 58 percent from the United States and 30 percent from Africa. The remaining delegates are from the Philippines, Europe and Eurasia as well as 10 from “concordat” churches with which The United Methodist Church has formal relationships. Last year, Moses Kumar — the chief executive of the General Council on Finance and Administration and the treasurer of General Conference— told church leaders that a special General Conference session would cost $4.12 million for three days. To pay for such a gathering, Kumar recommended shortening the 2020 General Conference in Minneapolis by the number of days used for any special General Conference session. Last year, by a vote of 428 to 405, General Conference decided not to take up any legislation related to homosexuality and instead authorized the bishops to form the Commission on a Way Forward. The vote came after rumors of a potential church split reached a fever pitch.
  • 6. ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL RETURNS   By Roger Eshlemen Lay Speaker Sandra Smith will lead Adult Sunday School beginning May 14th. Many of you know that Sandra has been conducting the 8:15 service once or twice a month for years, always giving interesting sermons.  She also made presentations about our stained glass windows. Sandra has great knowledge of Biblical History and   is enthusiastic about this new role.     Location: Boyer Chapel Days: 2nd & 4th Sundays (plus any 5th Sunday) Time: 9:00 to 9:45 am Format: Start with some hymn singing and lead to the topic of "An Introduction to the Bible”, followed by Discussion and Q & A.    You are sure to learn about many things you never knew.  Social & Refreshments: At 9:45 (optional), participants may walk over to Starbucks for breakfast.  Marianne Harold, sister of Linda Crane-Eshleman, and her husband, Don Harold, will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary on May 3rd!  They were married in the Sanctuary by Dr. Boyer in 1951. Before that they were active in plays and the young adults group in the Church. Don turns 90 on May 1st
  • 7. But in one big way Kim is still very much with us. Before she moved, she donated over 40 books to our church library. They are wonderful books. I wish I could read most of them. Below are listed some of the books Kim donated. They are listed in Dewey Decimal System order.   DDS#  Author                               Title 070      Norman Cousins               Human Options: An Autobiographical Notebook 158      M. Scott Peck, MD           The Road Less Traveled and Beyond 170      Jay Allison &                   This I Believe: Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men             Dan Gediman, Editors      and Women 222      Roy H. May Jr.                 Joshua and the Promised Land with Study Guide 223      Harold S. Kushner            The Lord Is My Shepherd: Healing Wisdom of the 23rd Psalm 223      Eugene Peterson H.          The Message: The Old Testament Wisdom Books in                                                       Contemporary Language 230      E. Charlotte Baker            On Eagles Wings 230      Andrew Farley                  The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church 231      John Ortberg                     Love Beyond Reason: Moving God’s Love from Your Head to                                                       Your Heart 232      American Bible Society   Jesus: From the Good News New Testament in Today’s                                                       English Version 232      Leslie Weatherhead          The Meaning of the Cross 234      Charles J. Bryant              Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory: From Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts 234      Bruce Bugbee                   What You Do Best in the Body of Christ 234      Bill Liversidge                 Victory in Jesus: Embracing His Death and Receiving His                                                        Overcoming Life 240      E. Stanley Jones               The Christ of the Mount: A Working Philosophy of Life 242      James Stuart Bell,             Classic Nativity Devotional: A Collection of Timeless             Compiler                           Christmas Readings 242      Beverly Courrege              Yield to Jesus: A Devotional 242      Gwen Ellis, Editor             Joy for a Woman’s Soul: Promises to Refresh the Spirit 242      E. Stanley Jones              Christian Maturity   Which ones sound interesting to you? Check them out! If you need help finding a book, please see Lynn Yoshizumi during coffee fellowship. It was hard not to feel happy for Kim Miller when she moved away from our church recently to be with her daughter and new granddaughter in San Jose. At the same time we felt sadness because she had been an important part of our congregation. Now there is no Kim singing in the soprano section of the choir, no Kim on the Mission Team, helping with the various projects, especially making peanut butter and jam sandwiches every month, and no Kim attending the monthly UMW meetings and reading books as part of the UMW Reading Program.
  • 8. 24 CHILDREN FORCED TO WORK ON LAKE VOLTA ARE NOW FREE THANKS TO THE INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION On January 24, 2017, the IJM Ghana team and local authorities rescued 24 boys, as young as 7, who had been forced to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. This rescue was the culmination of months of work between the IJM team and Ghanaian police to identify suspected traffickers on the lake and develop a plan for rescuing the children they were abusing. Before dawn, the boys were already out on the lake, working in the dark to earn a profit for their masters. At the same time, IJM staff were busy loading boats with life jackets, first aid kits and new clothes for the children, who would be rescued in tattered, dirty clothing. In the early light, eight boats carrying police, social workers from the department of social welfare, EMT professionals and IJM staff set out on Lake Volta to rescue children and arrest their 16 abusers. The police boats pulled up alongside fishing boats, arrested suspects and brought the children to safety. On the designated aftercare boat, social workers cared for them by treating their injuries, feeding them and giving them new clothes to wear. “What really struck me was how small and tiny they were, how young,” the IJM Director of Aftercare Anita Budu said, recalling what it was like to receive the children on her boat. “And these children don’t know any other option. That is what IJM Ghana is here for – to give them a different future, a different story.” Of the 24 boys who were rescued from the lake that day, three were sick with malaria, and one had been forced to continue working despite having a severely broken wrist. They were promptly taken to the hospital to receive immediate treatment and have since been released. All of the boys are now at an aftercare shelter, where their needs were assessed and they are getting the care they deserve. So far, their new story is off to a good start. The children have gone from waking hours before dawn and going to sleep long after dark, to getting a full night’s sleep. From straining to lift heavy loads of fish or diving into the depths to untangle nets to playing soccer and going to school. From knowing only harsh and abusive treatment at the hands of adults, to being surrounded by adults who will protect them and help them to heal. These are only the first steps of a long journey, and IJM is committed to working with their partners in Ghana to restore children trafficked into the fishing industry to freedom. Because of our deep concern about human trafficking, NoHo FUMC has been supporting the work of the International Justice Mission for several years with an annual donation of $500.
  • 9. On March 19, 2003, Carolyn Blashek, founder of Operation Gratitude sent the first four Operation Gratitude Care Packages to a unit deployed on the Kuwait-Iraq border. A lot has happened in the intervening years. As of today, 1.75 Million care packages have been sent! The program has been expanded--now packages are sent to: Deployed Troops, First Responders, Veterans, Children of the Deployed and Fallen, New Recruits, Gold Star Families, and Wounded Heroes and their Care Givers. The nationwide volunteer activities include not only assembling care packages and care kits, but also organizing collection drives, producing fundraisers, running marathons, hand making scarves and hats, weaving paracord survival bracelets, collecting Cents for Service and writing personal letters of appreciation.   Since 2013, the number of product donations received in a year and the number of care packages shipped out each year have both doubled. While it took 10 years to reach the 1 Millionth Package, they will reach the Millionth Package just four years later (this December 9, 2017 in fact!). Operation Gratitude has been recognized as a leader in the military support world by two Presidential administrations, has received numerous awards from the military, civilian and government sectors, and has earned top notch ratings on all the charity watchdog sites. Most importantly, on a daily basis, they are fulfilling the dual mission of saying "Thank You" to all who serve and providing an opportunity for every American to express their gratitude to all who put themselves in harm's way. Operation Gratitude is strong, healthy and on the march with big ideas and ambitious plans! Anita McChesney has volunteered at numerous assembly days and Margaret Doggett continues to knit scarves for the care packages. Assembly Days are scheduled for May 20th, July 15th, and August 19th, all Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. The headquarters is now located at 21100 Lassen Street, Chatsworth 91331. That is just west of Desoto.
  • 10. To volunteer, please call Steve Cabrillos at 818-640-2901 or email: Provide the following information: your name (and names of additional volunteers), date(s) you are volunteering for, phone number and email address. Community service credit will be given to students. The food the pantry receives from this event is critical to keep the shelves stocked through the lean summer months. Remember to leave your own bag of non-perishable items for your mail carrier on Saturday, May 13th. Or you can bring your donations to church on Sunday, May 14th and we will deliver the bags of food for you. Thanks for all you do to help needy families in our community. 25th ANNUAL STAMP OUT HUNGER FOOD DRIVE The 25th annual USPS Letter Carriers’ Food Drive is just weeks away! Preparations are being finalized for the nation’s largest one-day food collection event designed to replenish local food banks in communities the NALC serve. Saturday, May 13th from 3:00 - 6:00 PM The Mission City Postal Annex 10919 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA. 91345 Sunday, May 14th from 7:00 AM - 10:30 AM Temple Beth Hillel 12326 Riverside Drive Valley Village, CA. 91607 The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry is always delighted to have new volunteers and there are several ways to get involved: There are several packing teams who pack groceries at Temple Beth Hillel.  Dates and times of individual teams are arranged through the Packing Team Coordinator, Leslye Adelman.   Please contact Leslye on her email at to get involved. The Transportation Teams transport the packed groceries from Temple Beth Hillel to First Christian Church located on Colfax Avenue throughout the week.  The dates and times of the individual teams are organized by the Transportation Team Coordintor, Chris Wilkinson. Please contact Chris on his email at to get involved. Transportation teams pickup Thursdays and Sundays using a provided truck. The whole process transporting from 150-200 prepacked bags of food takes about one hour to complete. Thursday pickup teams generally operate between 5:00-8:00PM. Sunday pickup teams generally operate between 8:00-9:30AM and 1:00-3:00PM. The Food Distribution Teams are responsible for distributing food to our clients at First Christian Church.  These teams work during our hours of operation on Mondays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Please call a representative at 818-760-3575 during operation hours to get involved. VOLUNTEER
  • 11. May your birthday be filled with blessings! Love, Your Church Family May 1 Ken Ellis May 3 Dorothy Tyler May 4 Jim Doggett May 4 Kim Miller May 6 Noah Fetterman May 6 Jackie Taft May 10 Shirley Kurushima May 11 Dottie Vick May 14 Shaun Vieten May 16 Jodi Smith May 18 Phil Roche May 18 Steven Vick May 22 Karin Ellis May 24 Sinjin Doelitzsch May 24 Melissa Noren May 25 Ashley Peat May 30 Phyllis Hannon May 30 Edward Zung Jim Doggett is at Henry Mayo Hospital in Saugus/Newhall with an infection in his arm. Ed Zung is still learning how to deal with his digestive system and trying to prevent blockages from occuring, as well as, keeping calories in his system. Joey Gervasi is undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma. Marianne Harold is having nerve issues and cannot hold things in her hands. She is undergoing tests. Marianne, is Linda Eshleman’s Sister. Andy Merrill is doing well even after some grave news on his health. Chuck Schafer’s brother-in-law, Tom Revelli underwent heart bi-pass surgery on April 18th Jeff Thomas’ friend, Monica Zevallos, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Patty Kelsey, will undergo a hysterectomy on Monday, May 1st. The recovery is expected to take a bit longer due to complications from endometriosis. Lisa Cheby requests prayers for her friends: Joanna, who was hit and run over by a car. David Rojas was in a car accident a few months ago and is in pain with two slipped discs in his back. Pain medication is interfering with work. His brother, Rod, has an infant who had a seizure. They also just lost their stepfather and are going through much grief. Ralph Seybold’s daughter-in-law, Bobbi, is still suffering from some symptoms caused by contracting the West Nile Virus. Keven McConnell is still having slight paralysis of the left side of his face after contracting Bell’s Palsy. He is trying to remain patient and hopeful that he will soon have full use of his mouth and eyelid. Tracy Ritter had another surgery to remove cancerous tissues on her adenoids. The surgeon was unable to remove cancer that had spread to her carotid artery. Our Congregants that are homebound: Gladys Woodard, Joyce Cunningham, Margaret Dixon, Marion Elkerton Henri Doble Congregant for many years and member of the choir, passed away around Easter, in his home.
  • 12. Reflections Dr. Joey K. McDonald Reflections are part of the weekly bulletin inserts for worship. This writing is originally from April 11, 1999 and Assistant Pastor, Herb Lucas, shared a message titled, “Security Is a Four Letter Word,” based on 1 Peter 1:3-9. To live without hope is to live in fear and without a sense of direction. If part of our wit and will is to be hope-filled, then in the midst of chaos or storm we can focus on the horizon and claim the good gifts present and future. To be a person of hope means to be a person of choice, and to be a person of choice means one looks with intent and anticipation for those things which bless. The narrative of 1 Peter 1:3-9 is an encouragement to hope in the face of suffering.  The fourth chapter of Romans recounts the story of Abraham's promise by reminding the reader... “Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become ‘the father of many nations,’ according to what was said.” Though childless and aged, Sarah and Abraham lived in hope of having ancestors. The story of faith tells us it was a hope realized. G. K. Chesterton writes that the “power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures...comes to mature people.” Whether mature in years or mature in wisdom, the power to hope is a gift. Fear is a strong and abrasive emotion which can wear us out.  Hope is a fine polishing agent, with which we can brighten our souls.  Fear is powerful.  Hope is more durable.
  • 13. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORSHIP May 7 Fourth Sunday of Easter. White or Gold. Acts 2:42-47; Ps. 23 (UMH 754 or 137); 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10 May 14 Fifth Sunday of Easter. Mother’s Day. White or Gold. Acts 7:55-60; Ps. 31:1-5, 15-16 (UMH 764); 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 May 21 Sixth Sunday of Easter. Heritage Sunday. White or Gold. Acts 17:22-31; Ps. 66:8-20 (UMH 790); 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21 May 28 Seventh Sunday of Easter. Ascension Sunday. White or Gold. Acts 1:6-14; Ps. 68:1-10, 32-35 (UMH 792); 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11 Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary Adult Sunday School returns on Sunday, May 14th, 9am - 9:45am in Boyer Chapel. (2nd & 4th Sundays). Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery No Moment with Children in May. Communion will be served on May 7th at 8:15 & 10:30 Service 8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel May 7 - Pastor Joey May 14 - Sandra Smith May 21 - Sandra Smith May 28 - Sandra Smith Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by May 17th for the June 2017 publication or email them to If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you. POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood 4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601