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Vol. 46 August 17, 2021 Number 31
Barry Kennedy
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians
4:13). Low self-esteem is not becoming of a New Testament Christian. This
is one of the most effective tactics Satan has in his arsenal. Low self-esteem
has led many people down the road to depression, drugs, and even
suicide. In an article titled “Signs of Low Self-Esteem” Margarita
Tartakovsky, M.S. noted how poor self-esteem impacts one’s life.
People with a shaky self-esteem also struggle with self-critical,
negative thoughts, said Lisa Firestone, Ph.D., a clinical
psychologist, and co-author of Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice.
“These thoughts often criticize and hold them back from going after
what they want in life.”
Another quote in Tartakovsky’s article was from Morris Rosenberg,
emphasizing the stress and instability of low self-esteem. “Pioneering
self-esteem researcher Morris Rosenberg asserted that nothing is more
stressful than lacking the secure anchor of self-esteem.” It is noteworthy to
say that these quotes are from secular doctors and not from a biblical
standpoint. What does God say when we say we can’t, or that we are not
good enough?
When I think I can’t, God says I can! One must take note that self-
esteem begins with the word self. Key to understanding our ability and
value as an individual, begins with knowing who we really are.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (Genesis 1:26).
If He created us, and He did, then is He not great enough to know what
we can or cannot do? For example, Jesus told the story of a man who gave
his servants talents (differing amounts of money) based upon their
differing abilities (Matthew 25:14-30). The master represents God, and the
servants represent each of us. Often, we find ourselves trying to figure out
how to acceptably be the one talent man and forget that God knows what
--article continued page 2--
Mike Childers ............. 397-6453
Dennis Hallmark......... 255-5557
Mark Hitt .................... 322-0917
Bobby Lindley ............ 260-9193
Wade Bryan ................ 419-5552
William Harris ............ 416-8149
Ricky Lindsey............. 255-8136
Jeff Mansel.................. 871-0357
Jimmy Spearman ........ 840-8957
Michael Wilson........... 891-0891
Barry Kennedy....(931)787-7108
Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196
Renee Childers
Office.......................... 842-6116
Fax .............................. 842-7091
Worship........................9:00 a.m.
Bible class..................10:15 a.m.
Worship......................11:15 a.m.
Singing or Devotional
Last Sunday of the Month
Wednesday Classes......7:00 p.m.
1606 East Main Street
P. O. Box 1761
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
“Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee”
(Deut. 17:10)
--article continued from page 1—
we can and cannot handle. Could it be that we
tell ourselves we are never a five or two talent
servant? That is exactly what Satan wants us to
believe. Jesus told Peter that Satan wanted to
sift him as wheat (Luke 22:31). Peter likened
Satan to a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). One way
he sifts and devours man is by helping us to
believe that we can’t even though we should
already know that God says we can. Sinless
perfection is not attainable but God’s ability to
cleanse us from our past sins is something in
which we can have full confidence (Heb. 7:25).
We must remember that we can do all
things through the strength Christ offers.
Paul came to understand where one must place
his trust and confidence. “I can do all things
through Christ which strengtheneth me”
(Philippians 4:13). It is easy to start looking at
the things we cannot do on our own. By
ourselves we are week, fallible, and incapable
of finding our way, but with God all things are
possible (Matthew 19:26; Mark 14:36). God
used the weakness of men coupled with His
strength to accomplish greatness. He used a
shepherd boy to win a war (1 Samuel 17). He
reduced Gideon's army from 22 thousand to
300 soldiers (Judges 7). What if David and
Gideon held to the idea that they can’t?
Jeremiah noted our inability to direct our way
without the Lord. “O LORD, I know that the way
of man is not in himself: it is not in man that
walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).
When we start thinking we can’t, just
remember the direction Paul gave to the Corinthian
congregation. “And such trust have we through
Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of
ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our
sufficiency is of God;” (2 Corinthians 3:4-5).
Our sympathy is extended Missy Nichols in
the loss of her mother, Clara McClure, on Aug.
12. Funeral services were held Aug. 14 in
Florence, AL.
Bridal Shower
A bridal shower will be
held this Sunday, Aug. 22
in honor of Maggie Minor,
the bride-elect of Daniel
Morton, “come & go” from
2:00-4:00 p.m. in the
multipurpose room. Maggie & Daniel are
registered at Walmart, Amazon and Bed, Bath
& Beyond.
Thank You Note
Dear East Main Church of Christ,
Thank you so much for all of the school
supplies and prayers that you provide for our
students and staff. We are truly blessed by
your generosity. Love,
MES Staff and Dr. Cates
Brenda Beckner responded to the invitation
Sunday confessing things amiss in her life and
asking for prayers of forgiveness. We
commend Brenda in her desire to live pleasing
to God.
Have You Oiled Your Bible?
Fred W. Cropp, President of the American Bible
Society, once received a letter asking, “What do you
recommend for keeping the leather of Bibles from
getting stiff, cracking, and peeling?”
His reply was, “There is one oil that is especially good
for the treatment of leather on Bibles. It will ensure your
Bible stays in good condition. It is not sold but may be
found in the palm of the human hand.”
Have you been “oiling your Bible” lately? Reading just
four chapters a day will complete the entire Bible in a
year; one chapter a day will complete the New
Testament in two hundred and sixty days; three chapters
a day will finish the New Testament four times a year;
nine chapters will complete it once a month.
By House to House Heart to Heart, Archive 3200
Daily Bible Reading
August 18 ............................................... Ezekiel 12-15
August 19 ............................................... Ezekiel 16-19
August 20 ............................................... Ezekiel 20-21
August 21 ............................................... Ezekiel 22-23
August 22 ............................................... Ezekiel 24-28
August 23 ............................................... Ezekiel 29-32
August 24 ............................................... Ezekiel 33-36
Birthdays &
Birthdays: Kade Gilliland (Aug. 18), Kathryn
McKee (Aug. 19), Joe Smith (Aug. 19), Robin
Tindall (Aug. 20), Howard Tindall (Aug. 21).
Anniversaries: Robert & Linda Parker (Aug. 21).
Our Sick
James Simmons is in room 384 at NMMC. They are
running tests to find the source of his infection. Tanya
Pannell will undergo tests this week. She’s been having
chest pains. Star Ray underwent knee replacement
surgery Tuesday. Daniel Morton underwent outpatient
hernia surgery Tuesday. Maggie Simineau is home with
a broken arm. Hattie Sheffield was to see the doctor
Monday about her fractured ankle. Evelyn Thompson is
home with a fractured back. Randy Pearce, Chad Willis,
Kristie Webb & Rhonda Pennington’s cousin, continues
in the Oxford hospital. Karen Bryan’s cousin, April
Pounders, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her
daughter, Olivia Pounders, has juvenile dementia. Annie
Dilworth’s daughter, Remonja Hayden, is recovering
from Covid. Roger Sanderson’s nephew’s wife’s mother,
Michelle Bellew, is very sick with Covid in the Oxford
On-Going Illnesses
Mary Lou Walden, Steve Kelly, Bettye Davis, Frankie
Estes, Shirley Lyons, Caroline Willis, Sean Koehn,
Carol Hood, Bill Goff, Donny Dulaney, Adam
McCurley, James Goddard, Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz,
Sheba Tuggers, Steve Higginbotham, Shauna McMickin,
Stella Pittman
Nursing Homes
Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Shirley McCarthy,
Bob McClure, Brenda Dawson
Good morning,
I hope your week is off to a great start! Don’t forget
that we have Brain Freeze this Wednesday night after
Bible class! Just a reminder that the deadline to sign up
and pay for Top Golf in Birmingham is on August 25th
This is open to anyone who wants to come. I just need
you to sign up so I can have a record of who all is
coming. There will be a bus leaving at 11:00am from the
building on the 28th
. Bring money for supper. We had a
fantastic T.G.I.F. last Friday night. Thank you to those
that came out and participated.
Let’s talk about Joy for a second! It’s easy to be
joyful when life is going well, right? When your life
couldn’t seem to be any better, joy comes pretty
naturally. What about true joy? Does true joy shy away
from the threat of something negative? During times of
great difficulty or when you get treated unfairly, is it
even possible to have a spirit of true joy? Absolutely!
But it doesn’t come easy! Take your daily spiritual trials
for example. What should our “defense tactic” be? In
James, 1:2-4, James would argue, joy! He says, “Count
it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various
kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith
produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its
full effect, that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing.”
Why would James want me to have a joyful spirit
when dealing with a potential weakness or trial? I
believe James says this because even though we may not
normally look at it this way, joy is a motivator. In this
context, joy should be our motivator for conquering
good. Having confidence that when the walls of life
come caving in around us, we will be unharmed because
of our faithfulness towards God. This joy in God
assumes victory, not defeat.
We might think it is unfair that we must have a joyful
spirit when dealing with the good and the bad in life. But
remember, so did Jesus! Based on passages like
Matthew 26:36-46, we emphasize that Jesus did not want
to go to the Cross. Who would in their right mind? The
Hebrews writer says in chapter 12:2, “...looking to Jesus,
the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross, despising the
shame,andisseatedatthe right hand of the throne of God.”
But do not overlook this! Jesus, who for the joy that
was set before him, DIED FOR YOU! I am sure the
humanistic side of Jesus dreaded every moment of His
sacrifice, but I am also sure that the spiritual side of
Jesus was so eager AND joyful to endure the cross.
Why? Because that motivation of love Jesus had for me,
gives me the opportunity each day to wake up and live a
greater life of joy. True joy. And that is exactly what I
call each of us to do everyday! I love you! Alex
Men to Serve Sunday, Aug. 22, 2021 a.m.
Announcements.............................. Dennis Hallmark
Bible Reading..............................Hunter Underwood
Opening Prayer ....................................Larry Presley
Lord’s Supper
Alex Blackwelder
Lead Singing..............................................Mark Hitt
Closing Prayer....................................Ricky Johnson
Ushers .............................Joe Smith & Britton Smith
Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m.
Sunday 11:15 a.m. service
Opening Prayer ..............................Roger Sanderson
Closing Prayer................................. Robert Kingsley
Lead Singing........................................ Kent Nichols
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Opening Prayer .................................Barry Kennedy
Lead Singing......................................Donny McKay
The elders kindly request that men leading in public
worship wear the best dress clothes they have.
Contact the Wade Bryan (419-5552) if unable to serve.
Attendance & Contribution
Mid-Week, 8-11-21 .................................................... 129
Sunday 1st
Worship, 8-15-21 .................................... 138*
Sunday Bible Class..................................................... 144
Sunday 2nd
Worship.................................................... 116
Contribution (budget $7,900) ................................ $9,331
*This does not include the livestreamed views.
Pantry item........................................... Peanut butter
Our Gospel Meeting scheduled
Aug. 29th
-Sept. 1st
with Neal
Pollard has been postponed.

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East main informer, 8 17-21

  • 1. 4 Vol. 46 August 17, 2021 Number 31 WHEN I THINK I CAN’T GOD SAYS I CAN! Barry Kennedy “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). Low self-esteem is not becoming of a New Testament Christian. This is one of the most effective tactics Satan has in his arsenal. Low self-esteem has led many people down the road to depression, drugs, and even suicide. In an article titled “Signs of Low Self-Esteem” Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. noted how poor self-esteem impacts one’s life. People with a shaky self-esteem also struggle with self-critical, negative thoughts, said Lisa Firestone, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, and co-author of Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice. “These thoughts often criticize and hold them back from going after what they want in life.” Another quote in Tartakovsky’s article was from Morris Rosenberg, emphasizing the stress and instability of low self-esteem. “Pioneering self-esteem researcher Morris Rosenberg asserted that nothing is more stressful than lacking the secure anchor of self-esteem.” It is noteworthy to say that these quotes are from secular doctors and not from a biblical standpoint. What does God say when we say we can’t, or that we are not good enough? When I think I can’t, God says I can! One must take note that self- esteem begins with the word self. Key to understanding our ability and value as an individual, begins with knowing who we really are. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (Genesis 1:26). If He created us, and He did, then is He not great enough to know what we can or cannot do? For example, Jesus told the story of a man who gave his servants talents (differing amounts of money) based upon their differing abilities (Matthew 25:14-30). The master represents God, and the servants represent each of us. Often, we find ourselves trying to figure out how to acceptably be the one talent man and forget that God knows what --article continued page 2-- ELDERS Mike Childers ............. 397-6453 Dennis Hallmark......... 255-5557 Mark Hitt .................... 322-0917 Bobby Lindley ............ 260-9193 DEACONS Wade Bryan ................ 419-5552 William Harris ............ 416-8149 Ricky Lindsey............. 255-8136 Jeff Mansel.................. 871-0357 Jimmy Spearman ........ 840-8957 Michael Wilson........... 891-0891 MINISTERS Barry Kennedy....(931)787-7108 Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196 SECRETARY Renee Childers Office.......................... 842-6116 Fax .............................. 842-7091 E-MAIL WEB PAGE SUNDAY SERVICES Worship........................9:00 a.m. Bible class..................10:15 a.m. Worship......................11:15 a.m. Singing or Devotional Last Sunday of the Month MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesday Classes......7:00 p.m. 1606 East Main Street P. O. Box 1761 Tupelo, Mississippi 38802 “Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee” (Deut. 17:10)
  • 2. --article continued from page 1— we can and cannot handle. Could it be that we tell ourselves we are never a five or two talent servant? That is exactly what Satan wants us to believe. Jesus told Peter that Satan wanted to sift him as wheat (Luke 22:31). Peter likened Satan to a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). One way he sifts and devours man is by helping us to believe that we can’t even though we should already know that God says we can. Sinless perfection is not attainable but God’s ability to cleanse us from our past sins is something in which we can have full confidence (Heb. 7:25). We must remember that we can do all things through the strength Christ offers. Paul came to understand where one must place his trust and confidence. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). It is easy to start looking at the things we cannot do on our own. By ourselves we are week, fallible, and incapable of finding our way, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26; Mark 14:36). God used the weakness of men coupled with His strength to accomplish greatness. He used a shepherd boy to win a war (1 Samuel 17). He reduced Gideon's army from 22 thousand to 300 soldiers (Judges 7). What if David and Gideon held to the idea that they can’t? Jeremiah noted our inability to direct our way without the Lord. “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). When we start thinking we can’t, just remember the direction Paul gave to the Corinthian congregation. “And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;” (2 Corinthians 3:4-5). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sympathy Our sympathy is extended Missy Nichols in the loss of her mother, Clara McClure, on Aug. 12. Funeral services were held Aug. 14 in Florence, AL. Bridal Shower A bridal shower will be held this Sunday, Aug. 22 in honor of Maggie Minor, the bride-elect of Daniel Morton, “come & go” from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Maggie & Daniel are registered at Walmart, Amazon and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Thank You Note Dear East Main Church of Christ, Thank you so much for all of the school supplies and prayers that you provide for our students and staff. We are truly blessed by your generosity. Love, MES Staff and Dr. Cates Response Brenda Beckner responded to the invitation Sunday confessing things amiss in her life and asking for prayers of forgiveness. We commend Brenda in her desire to live pleasing to God. Have You Oiled Your Bible? Fred W. Cropp, President of the American Bible Society, once received a letter asking, “What do you recommend for keeping the leather of Bibles from getting stiff, cracking, and peeling?” His reply was, “There is one oil that is especially good for the treatment of leather on Bibles. It will ensure your Bible stays in good condition. It is not sold but may be found in the palm of the human hand.” Have you been “oiling your Bible” lately? Reading just four chapters a day will complete the entire Bible in a year; one chapter a day will complete the New Testament in two hundred and sixty days; three chapters a day will finish the New Testament four times a year; nine chapters will complete it once a month. By House to House Heart to Heart, Archive 3200
  • 3. Daily Bible Reading August 18 ............................................... Ezekiel 12-15 August 19 ............................................... Ezekiel 16-19 August 20 ............................................... Ezekiel 20-21 August 21 ............................................... Ezekiel 22-23 August 22 ............................................... Ezekiel 24-28 August 23 ............................................... Ezekiel 29-32 August 24 ............................................... Ezekiel 33-36 Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays: Kade Gilliland (Aug. 18), Kathryn McKee (Aug. 19), Joe Smith (Aug. 19), Robin Tindall (Aug. 20), Howard Tindall (Aug. 21). Anniversaries: Robert & Linda Parker (Aug. 21). Our Sick James Simmons is in room 384 at NMMC. They are running tests to find the source of his infection. Tanya Pannell will undergo tests this week. She’s been having chest pains. Star Ray underwent knee replacement surgery Tuesday. Daniel Morton underwent outpatient hernia surgery Tuesday. Maggie Simineau is home with a broken arm. Hattie Sheffield was to see the doctor Monday about her fractured ankle. Evelyn Thompson is home with a fractured back. Randy Pearce, Chad Willis, Kristie Webb & Rhonda Pennington’s cousin, continues in the Oxford hospital. Karen Bryan’s cousin, April Pounders, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her daughter, Olivia Pounders, has juvenile dementia. Annie Dilworth’s daughter, Remonja Hayden, is recovering from Covid. Roger Sanderson’s nephew’s wife’s mother, Michelle Bellew, is very sick with Covid in the Oxford hospital. On-Going Illnesses Mary Lou Walden, Steve Kelly, Bettye Davis, Frankie Estes, Shirley Lyons, Caroline Willis, Sean Koehn, Carol Hood, Bill Goff, Donny Dulaney, Adam McCurley, James Goddard, Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Steve Higginbotham, Shauna McMickin, Stella Pittman Nursing Homes Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Shirley McCarthy, Bob McClure, Brenda Dawson EMYG News Good morning, I hope your week is off to a great start! Don’t forget that we have Brain Freeze this Wednesday night after Bible class! Just a reminder that the deadline to sign up and pay for Top Golf in Birmingham is on August 25th . This is open to anyone who wants to come. I just need you to sign up so I can have a record of who all is coming. There will be a bus leaving at 11:00am from the building on the 28th . Bring money for supper. We had a fantastic T.G.I.F. last Friday night. Thank you to those that came out and participated. Let’s talk about Joy for a second! It’s easy to be joyful when life is going well, right? When your life couldn’t seem to be any better, joy comes pretty naturally. What about true joy? Does true joy shy away from the threat of something negative? During times of great difficulty or when you get treated unfairly, is it even possible to have a spirit of true joy? Absolutely! But it doesn’t come easy! Take your daily spiritual trials for example. What should our “defense tactic” be? In James, 1:2-4, James would argue, joy! He says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Why would James want me to have a joyful spirit when dealing with a potential weakness or trial? I believe James says this because even though we may not normally look at it this way, joy is a motivator. In this context, joy should be our motivator for conquering good. Having confidence that when the walls of life come caving in around us, we will be unharmed because of our faithfulness towards God. This joy in God assumes victory, not defeat. We might think it is unfair that we must have a joyful spirit when dealing with the good and the bad in life. But remember, so did Jesus! Based on passages like Matthew 26:36-46, we emphasize that Jesus did not want to go to the Cross. Who would in their right mind? The Hebrews writer says in chapter 12:2, “...looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame,andisseatedatthe right hand of the throne of God.” But do not overlook this! Jesus, who for the joy that was set before him, DIED FOR YOU! I am sure the humanistic side of Jesus dreaded every moment of His sacrifice, but I am also sure that the spiritual side of Jesus was so eager AND joyful to endure the cross. Why? Because that motivation of love Jesus had for me, gives me the opportunity each day to wake up and live a greater life of joy. True joy. And that is exactly what I call each of us to do everyday! I love you! Alex
  • 4. Men to Serve Sunday, Aug. 22, 2021 a.m. Announcements.............................. Dennis Hallmark Bible Reading..............................Hunter Underwood Opening Prayer ....................................Larry Presley Lord’s Supper Alex Blackwelder Lead Singing..............................................Mark Hitt Closing Prayer....................................Ricky Johnson Ushers .............................Joe Smith & Britton Smith Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m. Sunday 11:15 a.m. service Opening Prayer ..............................Roger Sanderson Closing Prayer................................. Robert Kingsley Lead Singing........................................ Kent Nichols Wednesday, August 25, 2021 Opening Prayer .................................Barry Kennedy Lead Singing......................................Donny McKay The elders kindly request that men leading in public worship wear the best dress clothes they have. Contact the Wade Bryan (419-5552) if unable to serve. Attendance & Contribution Mid-Week, 8-11-21 .................................................... 129 Sunday 1st Worship, 8-15-21 .................................... 138* Sunday Bible Class..................................................... 144 Sunday 2nd Worship.................................................... 116 Contribution (budget $7,900) ................................ $9,331 *This does not include the livestreamed views. Pantry item........................................... Peanut butter Our Gospel Meeting scheduled Aug. 29th -Sept. 1st with Neal Pollard has been postponed.