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There Are Many Types Of Conditioning That People Used To
There are many types of conditioning that people used to learn things. The first type of condition that we talk about in this paper is classical condition.
The second type of conditioning is called operant conditioning. And the last type of conditioning is vicarious conditioning / Observational Learning.
These are the 3 main types of conditioning that we use in are daily life.
Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning is one of the most basic forms of learning that we use today. You can see it being used in things like pet training to teaching kids
how to do something. The term classical conditioning means "learning to elicit an involuntary, reflex –like response to a stimulus other than the
original, natural stimulus that normally ... Show more content on ...
Operant conditioning
Operant condition focus on how an organisms learns a response a voluntary responses and how they can be guided though positive and negative
reinforcement. Thorndike's puzzle box he place a hungry cat inside a box with food on the outside. The only thing the cat had to do was press the
lever and escape to get the food. Though at first it took a while for the cat to get out but after few trials with each getting faster. With the time
getting fast and faster it was pretty safe so assume the cat figure out a way to get out of the box was to push the lever. Which lead to the law of
effect "if an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated" (Ciccarelli & White, 2017 p.188). This is an example of
positive reinforcement the cat escaping from the box there is food to reward when it is successful. Here are the two kinds of reinforcement there
is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when you add a reward and negative reinforcement is the removal of a thing. We also have
primary and secondary enforcements that are a part of this as well. An example of would be when I go to work for Meijer pushing carts I get
reward with a paycheck once a week which is a second dairy reinforcement. Money is a secondary reinforcement because you can use it to get other
goods vs a primary which you can use yourself like food and clothing. Another example of operant conditioning that is a negative
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Are There Too Many People Summary
9.7 billion, is the number of people that will be living on Earth by 2050 if the human race keeps increasing at the same pace it has been through this
past century. The articles, "Are There Too Many People?" by Nicholas Eberstadt, "Biodiversity, Extinction, and Humanity's Future: The Ecological and
Evolutionary Consequences of Human Population and Resource Use" by Jeffrey Yule et. al., "A Paradox of theWorld Population Stabilization Policy"
by Mahmudul Alam et. al. and the Ted Talks, "The Earth is Full" and "
Overpopulation Facts–The Problem No one Will Discuss" have similar trends in
their research. These articles and TedTalks have similar trends in research because the trends in these informational sources consist of the causes, effects,
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For example, the TedTalk, "Overpopulation Facts–The Problem No One Will Discuss" discussed how empowering women with a better education will
give them a greater understanding on life. This can be seen by the following excerpt, "Fastest and most efficient way to stabilize the population is to
send girls to school and to give everyone access to an education on birth control and those are good things and as a culture we need to emphasize the
benefits of having a one–child families." (Paul). Additionally, the article, "Are There Too Many People?" discusses that a stability policy will benefit
the human population, and start to decrease the numbers significantly. The article by Nicholas Eberstadt states, "The third premise of 'world population
stabilization'–that birth rates must be lowered to alleviate the world population crisis and to mitigate the adverse economic, resource, and political
consequences of rapid population growth–requires absolutely no substantiation if one is a true believer in the antinatalist." These article and TedTalk
attempt to give solutions to the persisting problem of
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Entrepreneurship Is A Dream Of Many People
Entrepreneurship is a dream of many people. Successfully running and assuring longevity of an organization is not an easy process in today's business
culture. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics approximately fifty percent of businesses fail within the first five years (U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Inc). Over the last twenty years there has been a lot of changes in the way organizations operate in order to survive in a very
competitive world. According to Dr. John Kotter, a professor of leadership at Harvard Business School and founder of Kotter International, the cultural
differences between companies in the twentieth century and twenty–first century are that companies today are externally oriented,... Show more content
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The fundamental foundations of an organization are things that constantly evolve and explain the company's purpose. These are often considered the
backbone of the organization. They serve as the driving factors of any organization. They are always referenced by leaders and managers with ongoing
development, growth, and implementation of change. The four fundamental foundations of an organization are mission statements, core values, vision
statements, and the team. Mission statements explain what the company's core purposes are and reason for existing. In "Mission Statements and the
Small Business," an article in Business Strategy Review, Charles Toftoy and Joydeep Chatterjee explain that a clear, concise mission statement is the
first and foremost step all entrepreneurs must create in order to survive in today's dynamic business culture (42) . A poorly written mission statement
can be detrimental to an organization. "Without a concrete statement of organizational mission, the values and beliefs of a small business must be
interpreted from the actions and decisions of the individual managers." (Toftoy 43) When the team of the organization has a clear understanding of a
well written mission statement it creates a feeling of destined success in turn developing a sense of worthwhile efforts they contribute, leaving little up
for interpretation. Mission statements not only describes the company and its purpose for generations,
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It 's Not That Many People
"It's not that many people... right?" I asked myself. Even the idea of taking a group of 19 people of varying ages and abilities on a ski trip was
madness. But for me it was becoming reality (again!).
We had tried this before in 2012 and a great time was had by all. I had particularly enjoyed that trip, as being an only child, I am usually on holiday
alone with my parents, so to have the chance to ski with a group my age filled me with excitement and anticipation of fun times! I was ready for action.
Initially, the Donaldson clan booked an apartment in La Tuille. An open invitation was issued for anyone who was interested, and one by one families
started to book. At first my Mum was a little apprehensive about the accommodation, and her ... Show more content on ...
A few days into the week, it was time for moustache day. Armed with eyeliner, we went around our group drawing on moustaches. Watching
people's reactions to our wonderful, fashion statements caused us, and them, to laugh. There were lots of stares and double takes. My mum was
convinced people were staring at her because of her 'amazingly skiing. We had to break it to her it was probably because she had a 'Hercule Poirot'
moustache. We all giggled and teased each other for most of the day.
The next day order was restored, except for the giraffe and tiger spotted roaming the hills: it was onesie day! Frasier wore his tiger outfit, and I wore
my giraffe one. It definitely made a great picture! It was such fun skiing in a costume. To start with, it was a bit embarrassing, but after about half an
hour of skiing, I realised that people weren't laughing at me, but with me. Hearing the comment from one stranger that 'I had made his day', made my
The last night came too quickly and all 19 of us decided to have a huge family dinner. We picked the biggest apartment. We ordered pizza, lasagne,
and 3 large tarts. We decided to try and bring our table from our apartment, so that we could all sit around a big table, but after 10 attempts of trying to
manoeuvre the huge table, that had clearly been built inside the apartment, through the tiny door of our apartment, we gave up and tried 'Plan B'. This
was to try and dismantle the table, by
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Malcolm X : A Man Not Many People Truly Know About
A righteous and amazing individual known as Malcolm X was a man not many people truly know about. Malcolm's enthusiasm in helping blacks
really understand the world they live in and their credence in their society should at the least be welcomed so a correlation can be established and
the world can focus on more pressing issues other than race. He was an angry, potent activist and motivated extremist for all the right reasons. In his
life he had to overcome many obstacles and triumph over many predicaments that threatened him mentally and physically. Malcolm had converted to
a religion and he gave it his all. Malcolm believed in the religion and its leader more than he believed in himself, just to find out things are never
what they seem. People time after time tried to end his life even before he was assassinated and though he realized that his days were numbered still
pushed forward. One thing we all learn in life is that your biggest enemy that you will ever face is yourself; at times he fought himself more than
anyone else.
In Malcolm's younger years he was quite a different type of person. At the time he was a drug dealer and though he sold drug he used them himself.
He was doing petty robberies in other cities, but he was imprisoned for committing another crime. While in jail he went from being an young atheist
drug dealer and addict to a proud member of the Nation of Islam. It was his brother Reginald that occasionally visited him. Each time he would tell
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Are Too Many People Going To College
Throughout a student's journey of schooling, college is mentioned hundreds of times. Maybe even thousands. Once they reach high school the next
four years are dedicated to preparing for college. Some will feel overwhelmed by this thought and others may not. While a lot of people have the
option to go, many decide not to. In Charles Murray's article, Are Too Many People Going toCollege he discusses a few reasons why people might not
choose college. Although in my own opinion it is not always necessary to attend college, I do believe it will benefit many people. Freeman
Hrabowski's article Colleges Prepare People for Life makes a point about benefits of college which I agree with.
There are 101 reasons why someone might not want to go to college.
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Small World, And Too Many People
Jamie Moran
English 101
Professor Wood
12th May 2015
Small World, and Too Many People
In the world there are 7.125 billion people as of 2013 stated by Google's public data. In the United States alone as of 2014 there are 318.9 million
people. The United States has one of the highest populations in the world. The second highest is Japan with 127.3 million people as of 2013, and
third is the United Kingdom with 64.1 million people as of 2013(Google Public Data). If everyone in the United States would line up in a single file
line they would go around the earth 7 times, knowing there are that many people that can go around the Earth so many times, can prove that there is
some type of problem with the growth of the population. In 1915, there were 100.5 million people in nearly 100 years the population in the United
States has more than tripled (Google Public Data). In 2050 scientist predicted that there would be 438 million people, which was predicted for 2008
(Haub). The United States is 119.1 million away from meeting that prediction and it is only 2015. Many people believe that there are too many people
in the United States, which is the many causes of many acts that prohibit people to come into the U.S.A. In the United States it is still treated as a
national security issue. Population growth has become a problem throughout the world, but in some places more than others. The United States has the
highest population growth in the past one hundred years with the advancement of
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Casinos Offer Many Things, To Different People. Most People
Casinos offer many things, to different people. Most people can safely enjoy playing the battery once in awhile, taking the occasional trip to a
casino. There are a lot of jobs created by casinos. It can help someone be on track. Many people go to have fun, while for some people it's a lifestyle.
Despite the other problems like addiction, gambling is something that is very popular and it just continues to grow more and more, illegalizing this
would cause problems and not end easily. The positive benefits of legal gambling far out weigh the disadvantages proposed by any naysayers.
Gambling is something that will continue to grow and will always be a thriving thing. The job opportunities given by this industry is huge. There are
over ... Show more content on ...
Casinos and gambling houses are required to pay pretty high taxes, and this is another are area that the government will benefit from. Many
restaurants and hotels would also arise in the region, which would lea to many new jobs opening up. Since there are already many casinos and it
is just getting bigger, it would be a hard thing to stop all of it. People gamble for many different reasons. Some want to gain a lot of money with
little effort. For people who already have a lot of money gambling is something fun for them to do and gain more money than they already have.
Some people even gamble as their lifestyle; it's basically their job. Others, especially problem gamblers, seek thrill and excitement through games
of chance (Legalized Gambling: Economic Boom or Social Bust n. pag.) In the United States there are 15 million Americans addicted to gambling
and 23 million addicted to drunks or alcohol. For the people who are problem gamblers the simple cure to gambling and is just to stop going to
casinos in most cases. Many gamblers love the feeling of adrenaline rushing through their money when they are playing more than the money they
win. Gambling is an entertaining, and mostly harmless activity with plenty of benefits for the economy, society and the player. Gambling is a way
for people to enjoy themselves and is becoming a popular form of tourism ("The Pros of Gambling" n. pag.) People go on vacations to
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Explain Why Did Hitler Persecute So Many People
Why did Hitler persecute so many people? What did he do and who all did he persecute? During the Holocaust, Hitler persecuted not only the Jews,
but many other groups too. He viewed all these people as "racially inferior," and wanted to rid the population of them ("Genocide of European Roma
(Gypsies) 1939–1945"). The Nazis went to extremes to persecute many people including Roma, handicap/mentally ill, and many other minorities.
To begin, Roma (Gypsies) were targeted and persecuted by the Nazis. Described by United States Holocaust Museum, Roma were treated just as
rough as the Jews. Many were put in forced labor camps and tens of thousands were mass murdered. Roma were put in "segregated sections called
Gypsy camps." These sections were in the same camps Jews were in. Close to half of Roma died within their first month in a concentration camp due
to harsh conditions. The rest were believed to have been killed in gas chambers but somehow ... Show more content on ...
Shown by USHMM, one of the earliest groups to be attacked by the Nazis were political and military opponents and opposers. Among these opposers
were Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, trade union leaders, and Catholic and Lutheran Clergy. All these people were given the same
treatment of Roma and Jews, but all inside Germany. Poles were also among the many numbers of victims mentioned by USHMM. Amid these Poles
the Nazis killed were "political peoples, intellectuals, cultural elites, and Catholic priests of Poland." Moreover, Jehovah's Witnesses, groups of
people who refused to be apart of Nazi government or military, were also targeted. About three thousand were incarcerated and 1,250 died because of
mass murder and harsh conditions. In brief, there were groups persecuted by the Nazis alongside the Jews including political opposers and opponents,
Poles, and Jehovah's Witnesses ("Mosaic of Victims: In
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How Many People are Homeless? Essay
How Many People are Homeless?
Many people call the National Coalition for the Homeless to find out how many people are homeless in the United States. There is no easy answer to
this question, and in fact, the question itself is misleading. In most cases, homelessness is a temporary circumstance –– not a permanent condition. A
more appropriate measure of the magnitude of homelessness is therefore how many people experience homelessness, not how many people "are"
Studies of homelessness are complicated by problems of definitions and methodology. This fact sheet describes definitions of homelessness,
methodologies for counting homeless people, and recent estimates of homelessness. Additional resources for further study are ... Show more content on ...
As a result of these and other factors, many people who lack permanent housing are forced to live with relatives and friends in crowded, temporary
arrangements. People living in unstable housing arrangements who lack a permanent place to stay are experiencing a kind of homelessness, but
because they are not "literally homeless," they will not be counted.
Researchers use different methods to measure homelessness. One method attempts to count all the people who are literally homeless on a given day or
during a given week (point–in–time counts). A second method of counting homeless people examines the number of people who are homeless over a
given period of time (period prevalence counts).
Choosing between point–in–time counts and period–prevalence counts has significant implications for understanding the magnitude and dynamics of
homelessness. The high turnover in the homeless population documented by recent studies (see below) suggests that many more people experience
homelessness than previously thought, and that most of these people do not remain homeless. Because point–in–time studies give just a "snapshot"
picture of homelessness, they only count those who are homeless at a particular time. Over time, however, some people will find housing and escape
homelessness while new people will lose housing and become homeless. Systemic social and economic factors (prolonged unemployment or sudden
loss of a job, lack of
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Are Too Many People Going To College
Are too many people going to college? This is the question that has pondered many over the past few years. With increasing tuition and increasing
attendance, college is becoming "not everything that it is cracked up to be." Charles Murray, an author from the American Enterprise Institute, wrote an
article in 2008 entitled "Are Too many People Going to College?" In the article he makes the arguments that the concept of college is slowly changing.
Social norms are decimating the system, people get way too ahead of themselves with their life plans, and the system is suffering as a direct result.
Murray indirectly states that too many people are going to college, sending the current system into shambles. Murray effectively states his opinion
through persuasive writing, a simple structure, and notable examples that draw the audience into the essay.
Although this is a persuasive piece, it seems as if the arguments are not explicitly stated, but greatly implied throughout the passage. If we dig down
deep to find the main argument, Murray believes that too many people are in fact going to study at college. Within the introduction, Murray states that,
"More people should be going to college, not fewer. Yes and no," (Murray 223). Before he could get ahead of himself with answering his own
question, he looks at the big picture overall. He examines the statistics of the financial situations regarding college as well as the competence of
potential students (Murray 235).
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How Many People Celebrate Thanksgiving
Over 354 million people celebrate Thanksgiving. Just to think its all started as a feast between two very different types of people. The first
Thanksgiving was celebrated in between the The England Colonists called the Pilgrims and a Wampanoag Indian tribe. The Pilgrims celebrated
thanksgiving as a day of prayer not a feast. The holiday is connected from the feast held in Autumn 1621 which was the Pilgrims first successful
harvest. The Pilgrims came from England to expand territory. When they got here Winter was coming soon and they did not put first things first. By
not doing that they didn't have much food or shelter. Most of the Pilgrims died from hypothermia because they didn't have a shelter. Which was a
major decline for the Pilgrims
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Graffiti : Vandalism By Many People
Graffiti has been called vandalism by many people. If cities around the world, converted old abandon buildings and warehouses into places where art
can bloom, this would change the world and would/could decrease or even stop illegal public defacement of property. Graffiti may be seen as
vandalism, but graffiti has many positive attributes associated with it as well. Having abandoned buildings and warehouses in cities are a major burden
and problem. Cities should help me turn abandoned buildings around the world, into a place where art and expression can bloom through graffiti.
Graffiti is a tremendous problem when it is used to deface property. Why do people create graffiti? Gang symbols, are how gangs show territory,
just as animals would. City 's that allow gang symbols are supposedly working against the interest of the people and are instead supporting gangs.
Some people use graffiti as a way to show their political views. Sometimes the opinions may not always be the nicest though. People use graffiti to
express their love for someone or something, but even if it is meant to express good it is seen as a bad thing or illegal most of the time. (Kershaw)
Studies show that sometimes graffiti can have a wave effect. Sometimes heavily, graffitied or vandalized areas experience an increase in crime.
Violence and crimes involving gangs have been most commonly linked to graffiti. Public disorder, crime, including littering and loitering, along with
property destruction can be
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Most People Watch T.V. As A Pastime, However, Many Do Not
Most people watch T.V. as a pastime, however, many do not realize that there are several covert messages in the television programs that are
watched. These messages are not necessarily bad; however, they are still present. Three programs were watched and viewed for their content. The
three shows include Monk, Scandal, and Blackish; an older show that is no longer on air, and two current shows. As we have learned in class, the
media tells us what is in. I think that there are many shows that render people of color in a bad light, but there are shows out there that are trying to
debunk those stereotypes. The show Monk is no longer on air, and it used to be one of my favorites. However, after completing the worksheet attached
I found that... Show more content on ...
Perhaps this show was a tool in advancing the thought that women play a bigger part in life. Furthermore, from this episode, one can see that there is
a fair balance of representation between the two different races. However, there is not a balance in gender and race portrayal.
Another show, Blackish, created by Kenya Barris surrounds a middle to upper class African American family and their day to day lives. The show is a
sitcom made for comedic relief, but still provides a pertinent message that can be applied to everyday life in each episode. In this episode, the main
character, Dre creates an ad that he says will make his family rich. All his partners at his marketing company love the commercial, however after
showing it to his family, his mother and wife point out the obvious flaws of the commercial. The commercial shows a rapper promoting a brand of
drink, seemingly okay. The point of the commercial/drink is that one you pour it on something it changes to something better. In that commercial, there
was a black woman and the rapper poured the drink on her and made her into a white woman. There were other things wrong with the commercial, but
that alone is enough to unpack. First and foremost, this show is not necessarily the perfect example of a black household, because there are many
different variations, but it is refreshing to see a black family that has it together. Where the father is present in every way, emotionally and physically.
The children are the
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Discrimination Is A Part Of Life For Many People
Discrimination is a part of life for many people in minority groups. There is one minority group that extends across age, gender and race; this
minority consists of people with disabilities. The minority group of people with disabilities can be entered at any age. Also, disability is one of a few
minorities that can be hidden from other people. The Americans with Disabilities Act makes it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities.
However, despite this legislation, people with disabilities still face discrimination in various parts of their lives. The textbook defines discrimination as
behavior directed against persons based on their membership in certain groups (Kassin, Fein, Markus 2014). People with disabilities continue to
experience these behaviors across many settings.
Diversity is an important part of the practice of psychology because diversity can increase understanding of multiple perspectives. A study by Lund,
Andrews, & Holt, (2014) explored the perceived discrimination experienced by graduate students and interns with disabilities in psychology.
Disabilities are prevalent among both psychologists and graduate psychology students. Approximately six to eight percent of psychology internship
applicants have at least one disability (Lund et al. 2014).
Accommodations for psychology graduate students and interns with disabilities have received little attention in the literature (Lund et al. 2014). The
authors explained that psychology trainees
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So Many People Eat In America
Many people have problems with how often they eat. There is a large amount of people that overeat and become obese, that may rely on food to keep
them happy. Approximately 72.5 million American adults are obese. Obesity can cause heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The United States has the
highest obesity rate in the world, while there are people in the world that are starving, the ones that struggle to survive on whatever they can get. One
in six people in America face hunger, which would be 49 million people. There are so many different kinds offood today. These temptations cause
people to crave everything they want to eat. There is a large amount of people who overeat and become obese. Although, diet plans have become
popular in recent years, our country is populated with people who eat too much. Doctors who perform gastric bypass surgery should be allowed ... Show
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Many others argue that people should be able to decide how they want to lose the weight and how healthy they decide they want to be. A large amount
of people need to work at their own pace taking in the consideration of how mentally strong and how badly they want the weight loss. The person may
struggle getting themselves to actually watch what they eat and how much exercise they are doing. But if they can have their mindset and create goals
for themselves, they shouldn't have that many difficulties. The people that get this surgery are people that want to change their body and live a
healthier lifestyle.
At some point in everyone's life, they have been self conscious about their weight and body. It's human nature. People getting weight loss surgery need
to be responsible for how much they are eating so they can get the proper treatment. There are too many people that are dying from obesity. Worldwide
obesity has nearly doubled since 1980. That needs to end
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Amish People, Many Cows, And Many Animals
Small Town USA
Wakarusa, Indiana where there are many Amish people, many cows, and many cornfields. This town was previously known as Salem, Indiana. and
was a stop for people traveling between Elkhart and Goshen to conduct business. Today, Wakarusa is a thriving farming economy and has two
mills. Do not forget the bread! Any big shopping centers or grocery stores are located around 45 minutes away. Thistown is a quaint, tight–knit
community, cute, with a nostalgic feel. While walking down the sidewalks anyone can get the sense of a small town built with traditions. There are
brick laid roads and black lamp posts lining the streets and shop that date back to the 1900's. The town exists around a four–way stop light in the
center of ... Show more content on ...
The town's beloved famous Dime store, truly one of a kind. The only reason tourists visit this town, for a little bite of sugar. The building connects
with others and is not large. With tan carpets and old glass cases lined gold riming. The current owners Mac and Deb McNally are usually the ones
behind the counter. This store will embrace anyone with an immense nostalgic feeling. There is candy dated as far back as 1907 lining the shelves.
Bubble Gum Cigarettes, Candy Buttons, Chuckles, Nik–L–Nip's, Mallo Cups, Necco's, and much more. This store would make anyone never want to
leave and return to reality. With a giant sign located in the back of the store that reads "JUMBO JELLY BEANS." People are often curious to see
how jumbo they are. Compared to a regular sized jellybean they are ten times the size! There are several flavors of the jumbo jellybeans. Ranging
from the traditional fruit flavors, to ones that look rocks. They taste like sugary deliciousness. once you have had a jumbo jellybean it is hard to be
satisfied with a regular sized one. People are entranced when they walk into this one of a kind candy store. It would take anyone back to their
memories of their childhood. It is much like being in a real life candy land. The Wakarusa Dime Store was an American dream. Mose Wolfberg, a
German immigrant, traveled much of Elkhart County and beyond with a pack on his back. He went to various
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This Case Caused Many People To See That The Separation
This case caused many people to see that the separation did not help the children 's education, it also didn 't help the racism going on at the time. In
the 1950's there were schools where only the colored children went and schools where only white children were aloud many African American kids
would have to walk miles and miles to get to there school, African American parents worried about their children getting to school safely. December
9, 1952 both sides had argued their point Brown 's lawyers had argued that there shouldn 't be any segregation unless there was legit proof that black
kids were different from anyone else. The arguments went on for three days, The case was talked about for several months while the supreme court was
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During this case, it was not just about the segregation of the adults, but the children to. The children took a part of the segregation. After all, the
case was started because of the children's education being separated. The children were affected because of the change especially when they were
accustomed to being separated from each other where the whites were together as one and the African Americans were also together as one. When
things changed and the whites and African American ended up together as one it was hard for them for a while. People of all races should be able to
enjoy equality under the law in the united states. African American children wanted equal protection under the laws as promised by the fourteenth
amendment. Today children of all color and race attend the same school. Whether it's a boarding school or a public school. This particular case
changed history for young students all around the world. This case contributed to a huge part of history and that's because If Mr. Brown had never
tried to enroll his 8 year old daughter Linda in Sumner Elementary, and the principal 's refusal, then little African American children would still be
treated bad, and un–humane. Children would be going to different schools still, and world would still have a little segregation in it. Although then, Mr.
Brown was not the first African American to try to enroll his child in an all–white school, but his case was not only the last, but the most
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Religion Is Not As Straight Forward As Many People
From my studying of religion, I have come to understand that religion itself is not as straight forward as many people, including myself, tend to
believe it is. Religion has such complexity that it is extremely difficult to define it in just a few words. This difficulty of finding a clear definition of
what religion is seen when limitations are drawn about what religion involves and other activities such as a worship of chocolate then becomes a
religion due to the fact that it could possible hold the same religious aspects to some individuals.
When it comes to my personal beliefs, I define religion as the practice of following and abiding by a specific faith that suites the beliefs and
understandings of the world which are determined by ... Show more content on ...
The final part of my definition says, "to aid [the believer] in their search for fulfillment and purpose in life." The previous section and this section of
my definition go hand–in–hand as they emphasize the meaning of life. People tend to seek out their purpose in life and in almost every religion there
is a purpose that help drive people in times of darkness and light. I find that religion needs to have this meaning of life aspect to help followers live
on and fulfill their lives no matter what they believe or what religion they associate themselves with. I find all of these aspects important to making
a religion what it is. In reference to other aspects such as prayer, worship, tradition, and community, I feel as though these can easily fall under
shared beliefs, values, and practices due to the fact that they all build on one another. For example, if an individual has shared beliefs, values, and
practices then they will share those with others forming a community and tradition among that community. Also, prayer and worship are easily fit
into shared beliefs, values, and practices. Though these aspects are important to have in a religion, there are some aspects that are not necessary in
my opinion. I do not believe that sacred days and places are needed in order to make a religion a religion. They are simply there to enhance the
religious experience between the believer and the belief.
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Why Many People Vote
Why Many People Don't Bother to Vote
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves
and the only way they could do this is by not voting". President Roosevelt words definitely strike true here in the United States. We live in a country in
which we are privileged to elect our leaders and play a crucial role in determining the future of our country. However, every year after elections I
constantly hear people complaining about the outcome. What surprises me the most about people who complain is the fact that they didn't vote. They
quite possibly didn't get the result they were hoping for because of the fact that they didn't vote. According to the United States Census Bureau, only
sixty–one percent of the United States population voted during the presidential election of 2012. If what president Roosevelt said about voting is true,
why do thirty–nine percent of U.S citizens deprive themselves of their right to vote? Through my research, I found that the three biggest factors
causing Americans to shy away from the polls in November are people feel that their vote won't count, they don't have time, and we as Americans have
a history of being apathetic towards politics.
The Huffington Post states in a recent ... Show more content on ...
But the reality is that we need to vote regardless of our political views, what party we support, or what religion we repent if any. We, as Americans,
have a responsibility and duty to protect our great history as well as advance ourselves into a modern era. Going back to FDR's quote; "Nobody will
ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves..." Let us stand up a make a difference. It is time to stop
making excuses for not voting, it's time to stop depriving ourselves of our right to vote. Overcome the excuses and place your
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Some People Put Too Many People In The 1920's
I believe that some people in their twenties' put too much off especially important things and "live in the moment" without thinking of the
consequence of their actions. According to Mire (2011), "...not making choices is a choice all the same" (pg.xxvi); the choice might as well be
made now, because when you eventually get to that point in life, you will know what to do. Also, if there are some things you can complete now, do
it then and don't put it off till later. Just like Mire (2011) quoted from Socrates "The unexamined life is not worth living" (pg, xix). It is good to figure
out who you are now, so you will not struggle with identity later. Also, I like how Mire (2011), put it "The twenties are ... turbulenttime, but if we can
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The Injury Prone Area For Many People
The lower back is often a concerning injury prone area for many people, and a lot of the problems are due to a weakness of the core, particularly the
lower back muscles. In men particularly, fat has a tendency to gather as 'love handles ' around the lower abdomen, and lower back areas. This is a
very good indication that there is not much muscle in that area, since if there was a lot of muscle, fat would be a lot less likely to build up in that area,
due to the muscles requirement for calories for energy.
Don 't misunderstand – you cannot just build up your core by itself, and do no other exercises and expect the fat in the midriff to disappear – it won 't,
simply because there needs to be a demand for calories from the whole body, so that it then takes that energy from the localized area around the core.
Let me illustrate – how many people have you seen with massively muscular limbs that are also very fat? It doesn 't happen – the fact simply collects
in places where the demand is lower.
Our sedentary lives do not require us to use our core and lower body generally, and due to this fact, we build up fat in these areas, as well as creating
problems such as back aches, pinched nerves, slipped disks and other debilitating injuries that may be avoided with a muscular core from using lower
back exercises and core exercises.
In conjunction with an effective lean muscle–building program, using whole body workouts, plenty of compound exercises, a good diet and high
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Religion Is Not As Straight Forward As Many People
From my studying of religion, I have come to understand that religion itself is not as straight forward as many people, including myself, tend to
believe it is. Religion has such complexity that it is extremely difficult to define it in just a few words. This difficulty of finding a clear definition of
what religion is seen when limitations are drawn about what religion involves and other activities such as a worship of chocolate then becomes a
religion due to the fact that it could possible hold the same religious aspects to some individuals.
When it comes to my personal beliefs, I define religion as the practice of following and abiding by a specific faith that suites the beliefs and
understandings of the world which are determined by ... Show more content on ...
The final part of my definition says, "to aid [the believer] in their search for fulfillment and purpose in life." The previous section and this section of
my definition go hand–in–hand as they emphasize the meaning of life. People tend to seek out their purpose in life and in almost every religion there
is a purpose that help drive people in times of darkness and light. I find that religion needs to have this meaning of life aspect to help followers live
on and fulfill their lives no matter what they believe or what religion they associate themselves with. I find all of these aspects important to making
a religion what it is. In reference to other aspects such as prayer, worship, tradition, and community, I feel as though these can easily fall under
shared beliefs, values, and practices due to the fact that they all build on one another. For example, if an individual has shared beliefs, values, and
practices then they will share those with others forming a community and tradition among that community. Also, prayer and worship are easily fit
into shared beliefs, values, and practices. Though these aspects are important to have in a religion, there are some aspects that are not necessary in
my opinion. I do not believe that sacred days and places are needed in order to make a religion a religion. They are simply there to enhance the
religious experience between the believer and the belief.
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How Many People Do In Jail
Besides that there is a lot of gangs is prison, prisoners can easily get everything outside of a prison. They can get everything from cigars to a knife.
Criminals in jail can do whatever they want to even if something is illegal they still do it and they will do everything just to get those things like
cigars or knifes. Acosta says "There are like 30 knives out there right now hidden up their rectums" and " The safest place for an inmate to store
anything is in his rectum, and to keep the orifice supple and sized for the phone , inmates have been known to whittle their bars of soap and truck
them away as a placeholder while their phones are in use" (Wood). Those quotes tells that when criminal are outside to get some fresh air almost
everyone of them has a knife hidden up somewhere and that they are ready to attack someone. They are not scared of committing another crime even in
prison. Also Acosta says that even if knifes and phones are illegal in jail criminals still have them. They have phones hidden in bar soap so nobody
can find them. They use phones to contact people outside of jail and to even ... Show more content on ...
The most popular thing what criminals do in jail is hunger strike. A hunger strike are a form or a protest in which criminals don't want to eat
anything. The biggest problem in that is if prisoner die it is really bad for prison. According to the article "Prison hunger strike". "If the hunger strike
receive publicity, it can be a very effective tool of protest. The prison will receive negative publicity if a hunger strike dies" (Carter). This quote says
that criminals control the prison by doing hunger strike. Since everyone have freedom of protest, criminals use it by hunger strike to get what they
want to get since they know that prison don't want them to die because it is going to have negative effect on
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Canada Is A Country Of Many Peoples That Have Come Together
Canada is a country of many peoples that have come together. Throughout Canada's history there has been discrimination of several races. However,
the aboriginal people of Canada have faced particular discrimination considering that they have been treated poorly and against their will, especially
considering that they were the original people of the land who welcomed those from across the seas. Aboriginal people, in particular, are facing
injustice concerning their privileges, accessibility, and equality in the healthcare system. Canada boasts of having one of the greatest healthcare systems
in the world with a high life expectancy for both men and women. The rights of Canadian citizens pertaining to health is stated in the Canada Health ...
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Another negative factor to this stereotype is due to individualism the idea of "personal responsibility"; society has come to believe that alcoholism
has become a part of aboriginal people's genetic makeup and is not a result of society, but rather their personal problem (118). In consequence, this
stereotype has often been used as the lens that society wears while considering the issue of alcoholism for many aboriginal people. Tang gives an
example of discrimination that a man felt when he visited the hospital; however, he emphasized that he does not share this example with the
intention to scold or put down healthcare providers, but rather to emphasize the experience the patient had: Patient: You know what happened? I
came here [name of the first ED he went to] one night, I had a really bad headache. One of the ladies even told me, she said 'Tom (pseudonym), you
looked like you were drunk.' I said, 'I know, I wasn't drunk though,' it was so bad that I was puking and everything. So I came here [name of first
hospital], and they didn't believe me .. . they put me through a brain scan and they didn't find anything so they sent me home with a bunch of pills.
Then the
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There Are Many People Who Are Crazy For The Players Of
There are many people who are crazy for the players of their favorite sports. After every match, the people have many thoughts and suggestions to
share with the team. To make their wish a reality, we are introducing this app.
This application is targeted for the sports enthusiasts and fans community across the world. The app provides a platform for the fans and the sports
community to post their ideas, suggestions, and thoughts they wish to share with their favorite personality or team, regardless of whatever the sports
they play.
"SuperFan Central" is an application that aims to create an open social platform for the sports enthusiasts. This is designed to provide an open page
for the superstars to interact with their fans and the ... Show more content on ...
2.What are the sports you are interested in?
The answer to this question gives an idea which sports are common among the community so the application can emphasis more on these sports while
branding and marketing on these regions. E.g.: In Canada Hockey is much more preferred sport. While in India, Cricket is the most common.
3.Whom do You consider yourself as a big fan of?
This gives an idea of the sports figure that can leverage the most among the possible app users and the organization initiatives advertisements and
branding can be designed around this personality.
4.As a sports lover, what is the one best thing that you like in the internet?
This question allows the developer to get key behavioral information about our possible client as well as embed these things as a feature in the
5.What OS and Version do use in your mobile?
This gives crucial data about which platforms should the application should be built, and which platform has the most users.
6.Would you choose a limited featured free app over a fully featured reasonably priced paid app?
Answer to this question gives an idea of which payment method customers prefer more, and, this gives an idea if customers prefer more features, or
the cost of the app.
7.On a daily basis, mostly on what time and how many hours do you spend on a social media?
Time a user spend on social media gives us the behavior of the customer. This is used in sorting the
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Music Is A Great Passion For Many People
Music is a great passion for many people. Many people countless hours perfecting skills while others prefer to fine tune their taste in music. Music also
helps many people get through their lives–both the bad and the good. Along with personal importance, music commonly helps classify time and culture.
Recently, on November 12, 2015 the DalГ Quartet performed at Berea College. This group specializes in "classical and Latin–American music"
(Jonathan Wentworth). In all honesty this group does live up to their skill. Seated in the front in the half–filled chapel, I watched four wonderful
performers take the stage. I was ready to hear what I thought was going to be typical fiesta styled music with some stringed instrument, however my
assumption was wrong. The group, sat in their chairs, started with a nodded que from violinist SimГіn Gollo. The group launched into a fun, almost
jumping song called Angelica. This song took some obvious hints of Spanish culture in its music, being a bit more upbeat and danceable. The song
also took parts of contrast which slowed down. As with most music performed by string quartets the music was wordless, which makes it all the
better for conjuring images in the listeners mind. This particular song reminded me of a fun spring day, people running in the sun, rolling in the
fields, and relaxing in the strong soft breeze. The opening song did its job, it hooked all the listeners and was ready to reel them in. Following was a
piece with four
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People Have Many Names For Me
People have many names for me. Since the feed went live bored housewives and Bible Thumpers have been attached to their television screens,
learning all about me on the news. After those first couple two–hour segments, you'd recognize me anywhere. That popular Anchor, you know the one
who wears a mortgage payment of a three–piece suit with what's left of his hair dyed black and gelled across his scalp to counter male pattern
baldness, he said this was a sign of where society is heading. He said this is what social media is doing to your children. Things like this didn't
happen when he was a boy. He called us evil. He called me a monster. He called it the story of the century. Fourteen years into the new millennium and
the... Show more content on ...
I should be in Cancun, cooking to a nice golden–brown on white sand while drinking an unknown liquor a dark–skinned bartender hid inside some
fruity concoction. But, instead of all that, I'm here, sitting at a stainless steel table in an interrogation room that's so small you inhale your exhales.
This is what everything has led to. This is my retirement. I should have ended it when I had the chance. Screw your conscience. The deal offered:
reveal her name and their intentions then maybe, just maybe, the judge will be kind enough to let me die in a cell. Or with a little the Public
Defender will reach an agreement with the State Prosecutor for a padded room with a view where I'll be provided free, tax–paid meals for the next
fifty years. All that can be mine if I cooperate, but I'm not. I've gone mute. So, an equal part Sodium Thiopental and Pancuronium Bromide cocktail
followed by a shot of Potassium Chloride is the only deal available. I should be in Sweden. You do not deserve happiness. In truth, I'm not capable of
disclosing that information even if I wanted, but none of it matters, now. Not anymore. Not for me at least. Mason could be anywhere by now with a
new name and history and enough
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Nightjohn: A Huge Impact On Many People
NightJohn Themes NightJohn had a huge impact on many people, and many people call him family. He could change your mind and the way you
see things in a second. NightJohn was always a very hopeful person and he never gave up. He didn't stop even if he wanted to or if he was feeling
weak. NightJohn was worked to the bone and didn't stop trying to change people's life around him. You could always count on NightJohn to help you
when you're in trouble. In my opinion I don't think it's right for one individual to own another because we are all the same. God made us not all to
look the same but that doesn't give you any right to treat them differently just because you think you are better than them. No one or no group should
be denied equal rights... Show more content on ...
All that this might cause the slaves to do is make them not want to work on his plantation. The story of NightJohn could have turned out
differently if Waller treated them like normal people. If he would have rewarded them for the good things that they did, maybe the slaves wouldn't
be rude and actually like him a little bit. Waller could have had more successful plantation and more money because the slaves work actually work.
NightJohn was a leader because he wasn't afraid of what others thought of him. It takes a lot of work to be an effective leader because you must
always take responsibility and have hope in things. NightJohn never gave up and always had hope just like Sarny is becoming to do the same
thing. Sarny could be a leader because she follows in his lead and want to be like him. Sarny also didn't care what other people thought about her. It
takes a lot of belief to be strong and be a leader like they were. In conclusion NightJohn is a very thankful person and he lives life to the fullest and
you can always count on him when you're in trouble or need help. He never gives up and Sarny is doing the same
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Many People Think Racial Profiling Is A Recent Problem
Many people think racial profiling is a recent problem that occurred in the 80s as the news about African Americans being pulled over for "driving
while black" made national headlines. "Racial Profiling," however, has endured for decades in black communities via discriminatory conduct from
Police Department personnel to the criminal justice system. Unfair practices that date back to the 1700s in the United States for people of African
descent. Racial profiling is racism and stereotypes by police and others that assume the worst about people based on racially biased perceptions that
are projected multiplied, adversely affecting or endangering people of a specific, race, nationality ethnicity, or religion. One of the most glaring ... Show
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In the aftermath of slavery and into the 20th century, black men in deep South and other parts of the United States were forced into new forms of
involuntary servitude called convict leasing. Which is now mass incarceration where during slavery and Jim crow, and during the black code years'
black men were leased out to work on plantations and private corporations, such as the railroad or coal companies. During Jim Crow YearsBlack people
were forced into convict leasing, via a particular set of race laws called black codes. Black code targeted black people and was used to control blacks
as well as serve the purpose of enriching whites who lively hood and wealth were dependent on free black labor that was lost when slavery was
abolished. Within the black codes was a law outlawing "vagrancy," which was defined as being without employment. Thus an arrest and convictions for
the so–called crime of vagrancy would require men, typically black men, to work their sentences off by working whites without pay. What's essential
to understand about black codes and convict leasing, racial profiling they violate a fundamental principle of democracy, which is equal protection
under the law. In 1868 The 14th Amendment of the Constitution was drafted as a response to the black codes and convict leasing as it was clear that
laws were being applied equally to
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People Travel For Many Reasons
People travel for many reasons. Sometimes it 's for business, or to visit family, and sometimes it 's for pleasure. When they travel, most people need
a place to stay. That is where I come in. I work at a hotel. I have been working in hotels for the last five years, I have done everything from
housekeeping to laundry, and front desk to assistant manager. Hotels are your home away from home, and your stay at ahotel should be enjoyable. I am
going to give you a few tips to make your next stay as enjoyable as possible.
It all starts with making your reservation. How do you pick a hotel? Do you look at star ratings? Star ratings are based on the amenities that they
provide. Hotels get rated on amenities such as breakfast, swimming pools, restaurants on site, a gym on site, or a shuttle service. The star ratings
have nothing to do with the cleanliness of a hotel or guest reviews. Most hotels these days offer just about the same amount of amenities. If they do
not have a gym on site, they most likely have a contract with a gym that allows their guests to have access to the equipment. Many hotels are in areas
that have lots of restaurants nearby, some even in walking distance, but do not have a restaurant in the physical hotel. If this is the case a hotel may
only have a star rating of two, even though you still have all the amenities of a four star hotel available to you.
Next do you shop around for the best rate? Many people now days go straight to online sites to book
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Are Too Many People Going For College?
The topic of "Are Too Many People Going to College?" was presented by Charles Murray, the W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise. In
today's world college is a must due to many employers seeking educated individuals. Murray develops an interesting conversation by demonstrating that
many high school graduates who are seeking to go to college do not need a degree depending on their career paths. Murray provides the analogy of a
high school graduate who is looking to become an electrician but is not sure if college is the most logical decision. Murray acknowledges the fact
that a B.A. does not necessarily led to a higher income than one with a degree. The logical argument of money is brought to attention and is stated
"the income for the top people in a wide variety of occupations that do not require a college degree is higher than the average income for many
occupations that require a B.A." (Murray 247). Although this is his main point, he understand that it varies due to the occupation one is leaning
towards. There has been individuals without a college degree that are making millions of dollars, but it varies. Murray claims that getting a B.A. is
going to be the wrong economic decision for many high school graduates (Murray 246); however not everyone wants to be an electrician or any
other hand held jobs that doesn't necessarily need a degree, but if one wants to be a lawyer, doctor, or anything require a degree, college is the answer.
Having a degree in a
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Obesity : A Problem That Many People Face
Obesity, or being overweight, is definitely a problem that many people face in this day and age. According the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), "Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height is described as overweight or obese"(1). To
determine what a healthy weight is, a tool called a Body Mass Index (BMI) is used. It indicates if a person is underweight, of normal weight,
overweight, or obese by using the relationship between one's height and weight in a given formula. In this formula, you divide one's weight (in lbs.) by
their height (in inches), then multiply by 703 to get their BMI. An individual is considered to overweight if their BMI number is between 25–29.9 and
obese if it greater than and equal to 30. Over the last couple of decades in America, obesity has become more and more of a concern with more than
one third of adults and about seventeen percent of children considered to obese today (CDC). While I was doing my research, there seems to be a
debate on who is ultimately causing the sudden rise of the obesity in America. It has come to my attention that the debate has found itself stuck
primarily between the food industry and individual's responsibility for their own health, even though there are other contributing factors that play a part
in this epidemic. Personally, I believe that the food industry is more to blame; however, both parties do contribute to the obesity epidemic in their own
way. What
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New Mexico: A People of Many Cultures
If one were to order Chile Relleno at most restaurants in the Eastern part of the United States, one will usually find a cheese stuffed bell pepper on his
plate, instead of the long, tasty green chile every Southwesterner would expect. While remaining generally a mystery to other areas of the U.S., green
and red chile are staples in many southwestern homes –especially in New Mexico. The New Mexican cuisine is just one aspect of its distinct culture;
the food, personalities, art, and vast, beautiful region are all uniquely enchanted (as the State slogan suggests). New Mexico also has a special history;
history is the ingredient that has shaped and molded New Mexico into the one and only culture it has today. When one examines New Mexico's ... Show
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112). Ruberson also stated, "This is the only place where the Natives throw out the conquerors for a long period of time." The Spanish imposed an
abusive rule. This triggered the famous Pueblo revolt in 1680, led by a Native named Popбє». The rebelling Natives killed hundreds and burned
"Spanish Ranches and government buildings" (Nash et al. 81). "It is not a completely successful event because the Spanish do reconquer," Ruberson
says, "but it is successful for a while." Upon return, Spanish eased hold on Pueblos. The Pueblos also realized that they needed the Spanish for
protection from other tribes. Like a mixture of ingredients in different increments, times, and amounts in a recipe, "[d]uring the 300 years that the
Spanish coexisted with New Mexican tribes, the two societies intermingled to create a uniquely New Mexican culture" (Murphree, Daniel S. 790).
The establishment of the United States
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Too Many Unemployed People
In today's society there are many social issues present, one of them being unemployment. Currently 6.6 million Americans are unemployed, and they
are unable to pay their mortgage, tuition, and basic needs. The streets of America are run–down and blanket of sadness clouds American towns. As a
result people are forced to change their lifestyle and hope for unemployment benefits, and pray that they will be hired again. The following writing is
about an unemployed man named Michael who struggles to support himself and his family. He is a former construction worker who has been without
a job for almost a year. He and his family depend on unemployment benefits from the federal government; in addition the federal government decides
who get benefits and who doesn't. When he goes to collect his unemployment benefits he is denied and becomes puzzled and angry as to why he could
not collect his benefits. Michael feels that the federal government is doing nothing to help struggling Americans, and politicians have ran away from
their responsibilities to their constituents. Finally the story models Steinbeck's style of writing, with descriptive narration to show lives of struggling
Americans, and dialogue to show the struggles of the main character.
The alarm clock rings and Michael slowly wakes up. He drags his feet over to his closet and see his hard hat, suddenly a feeling of nostalgia comes
about taking him back to the scene of last job. He misses the sounds of the cranes and the
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How Many People Have To Migrate To America
For hundreds of years, millions of men and women have been making the formidable trek from their war torn country to a new destination in
hopes of attaining a better quality of life. When the Vietnam War ended in 1975, my grandparents were lucky enough to migrate to the U.S due to
the humanitarian operation, and because of that my parents and I also be able to immigrate to the U.S in 2010. My journey and how I adapted a
different life in another country was effortless, because my grandparents and parents already did the painstaking work to give me a better chance.
So I thought this human migration would never happen again, because never in a million years that I hoped to see another human being have to
give up their everyday life, job, home and country to escape the terror. As the result of the onslaught of deadly civil conflict. These people have
risked their lives to live another day, and now they have to endure an arduous journey to freedom or to say the least a chance to live. There are many
reasons for this unjust crisis. First, the population of these asylum groups were consisting of people from Africa and Syria, their final destination was
to settle for some country in Europe. These people rather endangered their lives than to endure these cruel acts included the Civil War, poverty, and
famine. The start of this huge... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, these refugees shouldn't have lost their freedom, their country, or their live and to cross over border facing dangerous hazards just to find a
refugee's camp and where they could never call
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Jamaic Out Of Many, One People
Jamaica: Out of Many, One People History of the Culture One would think that an island would have a culture of its own with very little outside
influence, however that is not the case with this island. Located in the Caribbean Sea, Jamaica is rich in culture from its European and African
history. Jamaica was first populated by the Taino people, who were also called Arawaks, in AD 600. It was then found by Christopher Columbus in
1492, and shortly thereafter became a Spanish Territory. A decade later, the population was equally split between Spanish and slaves with a small
percentage of free blacks and the native Taino people. In 1655, the English army captured Jamaica and fifteen years later, Jamaica formerly concedes
to England. A decade later, the slaves, making up eighty four percent of the population, decided to rebel. However, full emancipation from slavery
happened in 1838, almost a century later despite the gross population unbalance. Beginning in 1841, the island started having more outside influence
when the first indentured workers arrived from Africa, India, China, Syria, Lebanon and the Mediterranean. In 1962, Jamaica gained full independence
from Britain after almost two decades of self–government formation. The history and vast cultural influences of Jamaica makes the country's motto of
'Out of many, One People' ring true. (Mordecai & Mordecai, 2001) Slavery of a nation is a tragic hardship of the people, however the abolition of
slavery brought
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Too Many People with Heart Failure
"About 5.8 million people in the United States have heart failure. The number of people who have this condition is growing. Heart failure is a
leading cause of hospital stays among people on Medicare" (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2012). It is very common in individuals who
are 65 years old or older, overweight people, and children with congenital heart defects. Heart failure is a chronic condition characterized by the heart's
inability to pump enough amounts of blood rich in oxygen and nutrients throughout the body in order to meet its needs.
The heart illness is a serious health condition that mostly develops when an individual favors inappropriate lifestyle such as smoking, drinking
excessive amount of alcohol, physical inactivity, and consumption of food high in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. These risks factors significantly
affect individual's health and can be prevented in the future through consistent monitoring and control. In addition, hypotension, coronary artery
disease, diabetes, and heart attack may cause the heart muscle to stiff.
There are two types of heart failure: systolic and diastolic. "Systolic heart failure is the inability of the heart to squeeze enough blood from the
ventricles (heart chambers) to supply the body's needs. Diastolic heart failure results from the inability of the heart muscle to relax in between
heartbeats, causing a backup of blood in the heart's chambers and in the blood vessels" (The Journal of the American
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Who Has Influenced The Many People
The being of who has influenced the many people in this world, is Jesus Christ. With over 2 billion followers, Jesus Christ and his name is connected
with the devotional feelings of two hundred millions of the race of mankind. Christianity also has played an influential role in history. It has developed
out of Judaism. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ, considered the Son of God by the Christian denominations. Christians can trace their
founding date within a year or so to the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection in about the year 30 AD (ReligionFacts). What is Christianity? How
did it spread? Who is Jesus? What happened to him?
Jesus Christ, born a Jew in the Roman province of Palestine was born to a Jewish couple, Mary and ... Show more content on ...
An angel had appeared to them and notified them that Jesus was alive and believed that he had been reissued from the dead, and so they came to
understand that he was a new kind of Messiah. Jesus died and arose from the dead, and so this was known as his resurrection. This may seem true
because those nations that had practiced Christianity in the past have for the most part separated religion from social aspects of life. Nevertheless, the
current business practices of the western world have been influenced by Christianity in subtle ways.
Christianity began as a movement within Judaism during the first century C.E. As reported in the New Testament (BBC). Together they ministered to
the poor and outcast in present–day Israel and Palestine. Around the year 30 C.E., Jesus was arrested and executed by the Roman governor. However,
Jesus' followers claimed that he rose from the dead; they came to believe that he was the Son of God and that his death and resurrection saved them
from their sins (Breuilly 45). This is where the holy book comes into view. The Christian's holy book is theBible, a diverse collection of traditional
teachings which was written by different people. It was divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament (Breuilly 46). The Christians believe
that the Old Testament contains the witness of God. The writings now included as the New Testament in the Christian bible was chosen and agreed by
the early church around CE 380. Both the
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There Are Many Types Of Conditioning That People Used To

  • 1. There Are Many Types Of Conditioning That People Used To There are many types of conditioning that people used to learn things. The first type of condition that we talk about in this paper is classical condition. The second type of conditioning is called operant conditioning. And the last type of conditioning is vicarious conditioning / Observational Learning. These are the 3 main types of conditioning that we use in are daily life. Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is one of the most basic forms of learning that we use today. You can see it being used in things like pet training to teaching kids how to do something. The term classical conditioning means "learning to elicit an involuntary, reflex –like response to a stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally ... Show more content on ... Operant conditioning Operant condition focus on how an organisms learns a response a voluntary responses and how they can be guided though positive and negative reinforcement. Thorndike's puzzle box he place a hungry cat inside a box with food on the outside. The only thing the cat had to do was press the lever and escape to get the food. Though at first it took a while for the cat to get out but after few trials with each getting faster. With the time getting fast and faster it was pretty safe so assume the cat figure out a way to get out of the box was to push the lever. Which lead to the law of effect "if an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated" (Ciccarelli & White, 2017 p.188). This is an example of positive reinforcement the cat escaping from the box there is food to reward when it is successful. Here are the two kinds of reinforcement there is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when you add a reward and negative reinforcement is the removal of a thing. We also have primary and secondary enforcements that are a part of this as well. An example of would be when I go to work for Meijer pushing carts I get reward with a paycheck once a week which is a second dairy reinforcement. Money is a secondary reinforcement because you can use it to get other goods vs a primary which you can use yourself like food and clothing. Another example of operant conditioning that is a negative ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Are There Too Many People Summary 9.7 billion, is the number of people that will be living on Earth by 2050 if the human race keeps increasing at the same pace it has been through this past century. The articles, "Are There Too Many People?" by Nicholas Eberstadt, "Biodiversity, Extinction, and Humanity's Future: The Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Human Population and Resource Use" by Jeffrey Yule et. al., "A Paradox of theWorld Population Stabilization Policy" by Mahmudul Alam et. al. and the Ted Talks, "The Earth is Full" and " Overpopulation Facts–The Problem No one Will Discuss" have similar trends in their research. These articles and TedTalks have similar trends in research because the trends in these informational sources consist of the causes, effects, ... Show more content on ... For example, the TedTalk, "Overpopulation Facts–The Problem No One Will Discuss" discussed how empowering women with a better education will give them a greater understanding on life. This can be seen by the following excerpt, "Fastest and most efficient way to stabilize the population is to send girls to school and to give everyone access to an education on birth control and those are good things and as a culture we need to emphasize the benefits of having a one–child families." (Paul). Additionally, the article, "Are There Too Many People?" discusses that a stability policy will benefit the human population, and start to decrease the numbers significantly. The article by Nicholas Eberstadt states, "The third premise of 'world population stabilization'–that birth rates must be lowered to alleviate the world population crisis and to mitigate the adverse economic, resource, and political consequences of rapid population growth–requires absolutely no substantiation if one is a true believer in the antinatalist." These article and TedTalk attempt to give solutions to the persisting problem of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Entrepreneurship Is A Dream Of Many People Entrepreneurship is a dream of many people. Successfully running and assuring longevity of an organization is not an easy process in today's business culture. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics approximately fifty percent of businesses fail within the first five years (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Inc). Over the last twenty years there has been a lot of changes in the way organizations operate in order to survive in a very competitive world. According to Dr. John Kotter, a professor of leadership at Harvard Business School and founder of Kotter International, the cultural differences between companies in the twentieth century and twenty–first century are that companies today are externally oriented,... Show more content on ... The fundamental foundations of an organization are things that constantly evolve and explain the company's purpose. These are often considered the backbone of the organization. They serve as the driving factors of any organization. They are always referenced by leaders and managers with ongoing development, growth, and implementation of change. The four fundamental foundations of an organization are mission statements, core values, vision statements, and the team. Mission statements explain what the company's core purposes are and reason for existing. In "Mission Statements and the Small Business," an article in Business Strategy Review, Charles Toftoy and Joydeep Chatterjee explain that a clear, concise mission statement is the first and foremost step all entrepreneurs must create in order to survive in today's dynamic business culture (42) . A poorly written mission statement can be detrimental to an organization. "Without a concrete statement of organizational mission, the values and beliefs of a small business must be interpreted from the actions and decisions of the individual managers." (Toftoy 43) When the team of the organization has a clear understanding of a well written mission statement it creates a feeling of destined success in turn developing a sense of worthwhile efforts they contribute, leaving little up for interpretation. Mission statements not only describes the company and its purpose for generations, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. It 's Not That Many People "It's not that many people... right?" I asked myself. Even the idea of taking a group of 19 people of varying ages and abilities on a ski trip was madness. But for me it was becoming reality (again!). We had tried this before in 2012 and a great time was had by all. I had particularly enjoyed that trip, as being an only child, I am usually on holiday alone with my parents, so to have the chance to ski with a group my age filled me with excitement and anticipation of fun times! I was ready for action. Initially, the Donaldson clan booked an apartment in La Tuille. An open invitation was issued for anyone who was interested, and one by one families started to book. At first my Mum was a little apprehensive about the accommodation, and her ... Show more content on ... A few days into the week, it was time for moustache day. Armed with eyeliner, we went around our group drawing on moustaches. Watching people's reactions to our wonderful, fashion statements caused us, and them, to laugh. There were lots of stares and double takes. My mum was convinced people were staring at her because of her 'amazingly skiing. We had to break it to her it was probably because she had a 'Hercule Poirot' moustache. We all giggled and teased each other for most of the day. The next day order was restored, except for the giraffe and tiger spotted roaming the hills: it was onesie day! Frasier wore his tiger outfit, and I wore my giraffe one. It definitely made a great picture! It was such fun skiing in a costume. To start with, it was a bit embarrassing, but after about half an hour of skiing, I realised that people weren't laughing at me, but with me. Hearing the comment from one stranger that 'I had made his day', made my day! The last night came too quickly and all 19 of us decided to have a huge family dinner. We picked the biggest apartment. We ordered pizza, lasagne, and 3 large tarts. We decided to try and bring our table from our apartment, so that we could all sit around a big table, but after 10 attempts of trying to manoeuvre the huge table, that had clearly been built inside the apartment, through the tiny door of our apartment, we gave up and tried 'Plan B'. This was to try and dismantle the table, by ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Malcolm X : A Man Not Many People Truly Know About A righteous and amazing individual known as Malcolm X was a man not many people truly know about. Malcolm's enthusiasm in helping blacks really understand the world they live in and their credence in their society should at the least be welcomed so a correlation can be established and the world can focus on more pressing issues other than race. He was an angry, potent activist and motivated extremist for all the right reasons. In his life he had to overcome many obstacles and triumph over many predicaments that threatened him mentally and physically. Malcolm had converted to a religion and he gave it his all. Malcolm believed in the religion and its leader more than he believed in himself, just to find out things are never what they seem. People time after time tried to end his life even before he was assassinated and though he realized that his days were numbered still pushed forward. One thing we all learn in life is that your biggest enemy that you will ever face is yourself; at times he fought himself more than anyone else. In Malcolm's younger years he was quite a different type of person. At the time he was a drug dealer and though he sold drug he used them himself. He was doing petty robberies in other cities, but he was imprisoned for committing another crime. While in jail he went from being an young atheist drug dealer and addict to a proud member of the Nation of Islam. It was his brother Reginald that occasionally visited him. Each time he would tell Malcolm ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Are Too Many People Going To College Throughout a student's journey of schooling, college is mentioned hundreds of times. Maybe even thousands. Once they reach high school the next four years are dedicated to preparing for college. Some will feel overwhelmed by this thought and others may not. While a lot of people have the option to go, many decide not to. In Charles Murray's article, Are Too Many People Going toCollege he discusses a few reasons why people might not choose college. Although in my own opinion it is not always necessary to attend college, I do believe it will benefit many people. Freeman Hrabowski's article Colleges Prepare People for Life makes a point about benefits of college which I agree with. There are 101 reasons why someone might not want to go to college. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Small World, And Too Many People Jamie Moran English 101 Professor Wood 12th May 2015 Small World, and Too Many People In the world there are 7.125 billion people as of 2013 stated by Google's public data. In the United States alone as of 2014 there are 318.9 million people. The United States has one of the highest populations in the world. The second highest is Japan with 127.3 million people as of 2013, and third is the United Kingdom with 64.1 million people as of 2013(Google Public Data). If everyone in the United States would line up in a single file line they would go around the earth 7 times, knowing there are that many people that can go around the Earth so many times, can prove that there is some type of problem with the growth of the population. In 1915, there were 100.5 million people in nearly 100 years the population in the United States has more than tripled (Google Public Data). In 2050 scientist predicted that there would be 438 million people, which was predicted for 2008 (Haub). The United States is 119.1 million away from meeting that prediction and it is only 2015. Many people believe that there are too many people in the United States, which is the many causes of many acts that prohibit people to come into the U.S.A. In the United States it is still treated as a national security issue. Population growth has become a problem throughout the world, but in some places more than others. The United States has the highest population growth in the past one hundred years with the advancement of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Casinos Offer Many Things, To Different People. Most People Casinos offer many things, to different people. Most people can safely enjoy playing the battery once in awhile, taking the occasional trip to a casino. There are a lot of jobs created by casinos. It can help someone be on track. Many people go to have fun, while for some people it's a lifestyle. Despite the other problems like addiction, gambling is something that is very popular and it just continues to grow more and more, illegalizing this would cause problems and not end easily. The positive benefits of legal gambling far out weigh the disadvantages proposed by any naysayers. Gambling is something that will continue to grow and will always be a thriving thing. The job opportunities given by this industry is huge. There are over ... Show more content on ... Casinos and gambling houses are required to pay pretty high taxes, and this is another are area that the government will benefit from. Many restaurants and hotels would also arise in the region, which would lea to many new jobs opening up. Since there are already many casinos and it is just getting bigger, it would be a hard thing to stop all of it. People gamble for many different reasons. Some want to gain a lot of money with little effort. For people who already have a lot of money gambling is something fun for them to do and gain more money than they already have. Some people even gamble as their lifestyle; it's basically their job. Others, especially problem gamblers, seek thrill and excitement through games of chance (Legalized Gambling: Economic Boom or Social Bust n. pag.) In the United States there are 15 million Americans addicted to gambling and 23 million addicted to drunks or alcohol. For the people who are problem gamblers the simple cure to gambling and is just to stop going to casinos in most cases. Many gamblers love the feeling of adrenaline rushing through their money when they are playing more than the money they win. Gambling is an entertaining, and mostly harmless activity with plenty of benefits for the economy, society and the player. Gambling is a way for people to enjoy themselves and is becoming a popular form of tourism ("The Pros of Gambling" n. pag.) People go on vacations to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Explain Why Did Hitler Persecute So Many People Why did Hitler persecute so many people? What did he do and who all did he persecute? During the Holocaust, Hitler persecuted not only the Jews, but many other groups too. He viewed all these people as "racially inferior," and wanted to rid the population of them ("Genocide of European Roma (Gypsies) 1939–1945"). The Nazis went to extremes to persecute many people including Roma, handicap/mentally ill, and many other minorities. To begin, Roma (Gypsies) were targeted and persecuted by the Nazis. Described by United States Holocaust Museum, Roma were treated just as rough as the Jews. Many were put in forced labor camps and tens of thousands were mass murdered. Roma were put in "segregated sections called Gypsy camps." These sections were in the same camps Jews were in. Close to half of Roma died within their first month in a concentration camp due to harsh conditions. The rest were believed to have been killed in gas chambers but somehow ... Show more content on ... Shown by USHMM, one of the earliest groups to be attacked by the Nazis were political and military opponents and opposers. Among these opposers were Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, trade union leaders, and Catholic and Lutheran Clergy. All these people were given the same treatment of Roma and Jews, but all inside Germany. Poles were also among the many numbers of victims mentioned by USHMM. Amid these Poles the Nazis killed were "political peoples, intellectuals, cultural elites, and Catholic priests of Poland." Moreover, Jehovah's Witnesses, groups of people who refused to be apart of Nazi government or military, were also targeted. About three thousand were incarcerated and 1,250 died because of mass murder and harsh conditions. In brief, there were groups persecuted by the Nazis alongside the Jews including political opposers and opponents, Poles, and Jehovah's Witnesses ("Mosaic of Victims: In ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How Many People are Homeless? Essay How Many People are Homeless? Many people call the National Coalition for the Homeless to find out how many people are homeless in the United States. There is no easy answer to this question, and in fact, the question itself is misleading. In most cases, homelessness is a temporary circumstance –– not a permanent condition. A more appropriate measure of the magnitude of homelessness is therefore how many people experience homelessness, not how many people "are" homeless. Studies of homelessness are complicated by problems of definitions and methodology. This fact sheet describes definitions of homelessness, methodologies for counting homeless people, and recent estimates of homelessness. Additional resources for further study are ... Show more content on ... As a result of these and other factors, many people who lack permanent housing are forced to live with relatives and friends in crowded, temporary arrangements. People living in unstable housing arrangements who lack a permanent place to stay are experiencing a kind of homelessness, but because they are not "literally homeless," they will not be counted. METHODOLOGY Researchers use different methods to measure homelessness. One method attempts to count all the people who are literally homeless on a given day or during a given week (point–in–time counts). A second method of counting homeless people examines the number of people who are homeless over a given period of time (period prevalence counts). Choosing between point–in–time counts and period–prevalence counts has significant implications for understanding the magnitude and dynamics of homelessness. The high turnover in the homeless population documented by recent studies (see below) suggests that many more people experience homelessness than previously thought, and that most of these people do not remain homeless. Because point–in–time studies give just a "snapshot" picture of homelessness, they only count those who are homeless at a particular time. Over time, however, some people will find housing and escape homelessness while new people will lose housing and become homeless. Systemic social and economic factors (prolonged unemployment or sudden loss of a job, lack of
  • 11. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Are Too Many People Going To College Are too many people going to college? This is the question that has pondered many over the past few years. With increasing tuition and increasing attendance, college is becoming "not everything that it is cracked up to be." Charles Murray, an author from the American Enterprise Institute, wrote an article in 2008 entitled "Are Too many People Going to College?" In the article he makes the arguments that the concept of college is slowly changing. Social norms are decimating the system, people get way too ahead of themselves with their life plans, and the system is suffering as a direct result. Murray indirectly states that too many people are going to college, sending the current system into shambles. Murray effectively states his opinion through persuasive writing, a simple structure, and notable examples that draw the audience into the essay. Although this is a persuasive piece, it seems as if the arguments are not explicitly stated, but greatly implied throughout the passage. If we dig down deep to find the main argument, Murray believes that too many people are in fact going to study at college. Within the introduction, Murray states that, "More people should be going to college, not fewer. Yes and no," (Murray 223). Before he could get ahead of himself with answering his own question, he looks at the big picture overall. He examines the statistics of the financial situations regarding college as well as the competence of potential students (Murray 235). ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Many People Celebrate Thanksgiving Over 354 million people celebrate Thanksgiving. Just to think its all started as a feast between two very different types of people. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in between the The England Colonists called the Pilgrims and a Wampanoag Indian tribe. The Pilgrims celebrated thanksgiving as a day of prayer not a feast. The holiday is connected from the feast held in Autumn 1621 which was the Pilgrims first successful harvest. The Pilgrims came from England to expand territory. When they got here Winter was coming soon and they did not put first things first. By not doing that they didn't have much food or shelter. Most of the Pilgrims died from hypothermia because they didn't have a shelter. Which was a major decline for the Pilgrims ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Graffiti : Vandalism By Many People Graffiti has been called vandalism by many people. If cities around the world, converted old abandon buildings and warehouses into places where art can bloom, this would change the world and would/could decrease or even stop illegal public defacement of property. Graffiti may be seen as vandalism, but graffiti has many positive attributes associated with it as well. Having abandoned buildings and warehouses in cities are a major burden and problem. Cities should help me turn abandoned buildings around the world, into a place where art and expression can bloom through graffiti. Graffiti is a tremendous problem when it is used to deface property. Why do people create graffiti? Gang symbols, are how gangs show territory, just as animals would. City 's that allow gang symbols are supposedly working against the interest of the people and are instead supporting gangs. Some people use graffiti as a way to show their political views. Sometimes the opinions may not always be the nicest though. People use graffiti to express their love for someone or something, but even if it is meant to express good it is seen as a bad thing or illegal most of the time. (Kershaw) Studies show that sometimes graffiti can have a wave effect. Sometimes heavily, graffitied or vandalized areas experience an increase in crime. Violence and crimes involving gangs have been most commonly linked to graffiti. Public disorder, crime, including littering and loitering, along with property destruction can be ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Most People Watch T.V. As A Pastime, However, Many Do Not Most people watch T.V. as a pastime, however, many do not realize that there are several covert messages in the television programs that are watched. These messages are not necessarily bad; however, they are still present. Three programs were watched and viewed for their content. The three shows include Monk, Scandal, and Blackish; an older show that is no longer on air, and two current shows. As we have learned in class, the media tells us what is in. I think that there are many shows that render people of color in a bad light, but there are shows out there that are trying to debunk those stereotypes. The show Monk is no longer on air, and it used to be one of my favorites. However, after completing the worksheet attached I found that... Show more content on ... Perhaps this show was a tool in advancing the thought that women play a bigger part in life. Furthermore, from this episode, one can see that there is a fair balance of representation between the two different races. However, there is not a balance in gender and race portrayal. Another show, Blackish, created by Kenya Barris surrounds a middle to upper class African American family and their day to day lives. The show is a sitcom made for comedic relief, but still provides a pertinent message that can be applied to everyday life in each episode. In this episode, the main character, Dre creates an ad that he says will make his family rich. All his partners at his marketing company love the commercial, however after showing it to his family, his mother and wife point out the obvious flaws of the commercial. The commercial shows a rapper promoting a brand of drink, seemingly okay. The point of the commercial/drink is that one you pour it on something it changes to something better. In that commercial, there was a black woman and the rapper poured the drink on her and made her into a white woman. There were other things wrong with the commercial, but that alone is enough to unpack. First and foremost, this show is not necessarily the perfect example of a black household, because there are many different variations, but it is refreshing to see a black family that has it together. Where the father is present in every way, emotionally and physically. The children are the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Discrimination Is A Part Of Life For Many People Discrimination is a part of life for many people in minority groups. There is one minority group that extends across age, gender and race; this minority consists of people with disabilities. The minority group of people with disabilities can be entered at any age. Also, disability is one of a few minorities that can be hidden from other people. The Americans with Disabilities Act makes it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities. However, despite this legislation, people with disabilities still face discrimination in various parts of their lives. The textbook defines discrimination as behavior directed against persons based on their membership in certain groups (Kassin, Fein, Markus 2014). People with disabilities continue to experience these behaviors across many settings. Diversity is an important part of the practice of psychology because diversity can increase understanding of multiple perspectives. A study by Lund, Andrews, & Holt, (2014) explored the perceived discrimination experienced by graduate students and interns with disabilities in psychology. Disabilities are prevalent among both psychologists and graduate psychology students. Approximately six to eight percent of psychology internship applicants have at least one disability (Lund et al. 2014). Accommodations for psychology graduate students and interns with disabilities have received little attention in the literature (Lund et al. 2014). The authors explained that psychology trainees ... Get more on ...
  • 17. So Many People Eat In America Many people have problems with how often they eat. There is a large amount of people that overeat and become obese, that may rely on food to keep them happy. Approximately 72.5 million American adults are obese. Obesity can cause heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The United States has the highest obesity rate in the world, while there are people in the world that are starving, the ones that struggle to survive on whatever they can get. One in six people in America face hunger, which would be 49 million people. There are so many different kinds offood today. These temptations cause people to crave everything they want to eat. There is a large amount of people who overeat and become obese. Although, diet plans have become popular in recent years, our country is populated with people who eat too much. Doctors who perform gastric bypass surgery should be allowed ... Show more content on ... Many others argue that people should be able to decide how they want to lose the weight and how healthy they decide they want to be. A large amount of people need to work at their own pace taking in the consideration of how mentally strong and how badly they want the weight loss. The person may struggle getting themselves to actually watch what they eat and how much exercise they are doing. But if they can have their mindset and create goals for themselves, they shouldn't have that many difficulties. The people that get this surgery are people that want to change their body and live a healthier lifestyle. At some point in everyone's life, they have been self conscious about their weight and body. It's human nature. People getting weight loss surgery need to be responsible for how much they are eating so they can get the proper treatment. There are too many people that are dying from obesity. Worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980. That needs to end ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Amish People, Many Cows, And Many Animals Small Town USA Wakarusa, Indiana where there are many Amish people, many cows, and many cornfields. This town was previously known as Salem, Indiana. and was a stop for people traveling between Elkhart and Goshen to conduct business. Today, Wakarusa is a thriving farming economy and has two –grain mills. Do not forget the bread! Any big shopping centers or grocery stores are located around 45 minutes away. Thistown is a quaint, tight–knit community, cute, with a nostalgic feel. While walking down the sidewalks anyone can get the sense of a small town built with traditions. There are brick laid roads and black lamp posts lining the streets and shop that date back to the 1900's. The town exists around a four–way stop light in the center of ... Show more content on ... The town's beloved famous Dime store, truly one of a kind. The only reason tourists visit this town, for a little bite of sugar. The building connects with others and is not large. With tan carpets and old glass cases lined gold riming. The current owners Mac and Deb McNally are usually the ones behind the counter. This store will embrace anyone with an immense nostalgic feeling. There is candy dated as far back as 1907 lining the shelves. Bubble Gum Cigarettes, Candy Buttons, Chuckles, Nik–L–Nip's, Mallo Cups, Necco's, and much more. This store would make anyone never want to leave and return to reality. With a giant sign located in the back of the store that reads "JUMBO JELLY BEANS." People are often curious to see how jumbo they are. Compared to a regular sized jellybean they are ten times the size! There are several flavors of the jumbo jellybeans. Ranging from the traditional fruit flavors, to ones that look rocks. They taste like sugary deliciousness. once you have had a jumbo jellybean it is hard to be satisfied with a regular sized one. People are entranced when they walk into this one of a kind candy store. It would take anyone back to their memories of their childhood. It is much like being in a real life candy land. The Wakarusa Dime Store was an American dream. Mose Wolfberg, a German immigrant, traveled much of Elkhart County and beyond with a pack on his back. He went to various ... Get more on ...
  • 19. This Case Caused Many People To See That The Separation This case caused many people to see that the separation did not help the children 's education, it also didn 't help the racism going on at the time. In the 1950's there were schools where only the colored children went and schools where only white children were aloud many African American kids would have to walk miles and miles to get to there school, African American parents worried about their children getting to school safely. December 9, 1952 both sides had argued their point Brown 's lawyers had argued that there shouldn 't be any segregation unless there was legit proof that black kids were different from anyone else. The arguments went on for three days, The case was talked about for several months while the supreme court was ... Show more content on ... During this case, it was not just about the segregation of the adults, but the children to. The children took a part of the segregation. After all, the case was started because of the children's education being separated. The children were affected because of the change especially when they were accustomed to being separated from each other where the whites were together as one and the African Americans were also together as one. When things changed and the whites and African American ended up together as one it was hard for them for a while. People of all races should be able to enjoy equality under the law in the united states. African American children wanted equal protection under the laws as promised by the fourteenth amendment. Today children of all color and race attend the same school. Whether it's a boarding school or a public school. This particular case changed history for young students all around the world. This case contributed to a huge part of history and that's because If Mr. Brown had never tried to enroll his 8 year old daughter Linda in Sumner Elementary, and the principal 's refusal, then little African American children would still be treated bad, and un–humane. Children would be going to different schools still, and world would still have a little segregation in it. Although then, Mr. Brown was not the first African American to try to enroll his child in an all–white school, but his case was not only the last, but the most ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Religion Is Not As Straight Forward As Many People From my studying of religion, I have come to understand that religion itself is not as straight forward as many people, including myself, tend to believe it is. Religion has such complexity that it is extremely difficult to define it in just a few words. This difficulty of finding a clear definition of what religion is seen when limitations are drawn about what religion involves and other activities such as a worship of chocolate then becomes a religion due to the fact that it could possible hold the same religious aspects to some individuals. When it comes to my personal beliefs, I define religion as the practice of following and abiding by a specific faith that suites the beliefs and understandings of the world which are determined by ... Show more content on ... The final part of my definition says, "to aid [the believer] in their search for fulfillment and purpose in life." The previous section and this section of my definition go hand–in–hand as they emphasize the meaning of life. People tend to seek out their purpose in life and in almost every religion there is a purpose that help drive people in times of darkness and light. I find that religion needs to have this meaning of life aspect to help followers live on and fulfill their lives no matter what they believe or what religion they associate themselves with. I find all of these aspects important to making a religion what it is. In reference to other aspects such as prayer, worship, tradition, and community, I feel as though these can easily fall under shared beliefs, values, and practices due to the fact that they all build on one another. For example, if an individual has shared beliefs, values, and practices then they will share those with others forming a community and tradition among that community. Also, prayer and worship are easily fit into shared beliefs, values, and practices. Though these aspects are important to have in a religion, there are some aspects that are not necessary in my opinion. I do not believe that sacred days and places are needed in order to make a religion a religion. They are simply there to enhance the religious experience between the believer and the belief. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Why Many People Vote Why Many People Don't Bother to Vote President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting". President Roosevelt words definitely strike true here in the United States. We live in a country in which we are privileged to elect our leaders and play a crucial role in determining the future of our country. However, every year after elections I constantly hear people complaining about the outcome. What surprises me the most about people who complain is the fact that they didn't vote. They quite possibly didn't get the result they were hoping for because of the fact that they didn't vote. According to the United States Census Bureau, only sixty–one percent of the United States population voted during the presidential election of 2012. If what president Roosevelt said about voting is true, why do thirty–nine percent of U.S citizens deprive themselves of their right to vote? Through my research, I found that the three biggest factors causing Americans to shy away from the polls in November are people feel that their vote won't count, they don't have time, and we as Americans have a history of being apathetic towards politics. The Huffington Post states in a recent ... Show more content on ... But the reality is that we need to vote regardless of our political views, what party we support, or what religion we repent if any. We, as Americans, have a responsibility and duty to protect our great history as well as advance ourselves into a modern era. Going back to FDR's quote; "Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves..." Let us stand up a make a difference. It is time to stop making excuses for not voting, it's time to stop depriving ourselves of our right to vote. Overcome the excuses and place your ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Some People Put Too Many People In The 1920's I believe that some people in their twenties' put too much off especially important things and "live in the moment" without thinking of the consequence of their actions. According to Mire (2011), "...not making choices is a choice all the same" (pg.xxvi); the choice might as well be made now, because when you eventually get to that point in life, you will know what to do. Also, if there are some things you can complete now, do it then and don't put it off till later. Just like Mire (2011) quoted from Socrates "The unexamined life is not worth living" (pg, xix). It is good to figure out who you are now, so you will not struggle with identity later. Also, I like how Mire (2011), put it "The twenties are ... turbulenttime, but if we can ...navigate, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Injury Prone Area For Many People The lower back is often a concerning injury prone area for many people, and a lot of the problems are due to a weakness of the core, particularly the lower back muscles. In men particularly, fat has a tendency to gather as 'love handles ' around the lower abdomen, and lower back areas. This is a very good indication that there is not much muscle in that area, since if there was a lot of muscle, fat would be a lot less likely to build up in that area, due to the muscles requirement for calories for energy. Don 't misunderstand – you cannot just build up your core by itself, and do no other exercises and expect the fat in the midriff to disappear – it won 't, simply because there needs to be a demand for calories from the whole body, so that it then takes that energy from the localized area around the core. Let me illustrate – how many people have you seen with massively muscular limbs that are also very fat? It doesn 't happen – the fact simply collects in places where the demand is lower. Our sedentary lives do not require us to use our core and lower body generally, and due to this fact, we build up fat in these areas, as well as creating problems such as back aches, pinched nerves, slipped disks and other debilitating injuries that may be avoided with a muscular core from using lower back exercises and core exercises. In conjunction with an effective lean muscle–building program, using whole body workouts, plenty of compound exercises, a good diet and high intensity, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Religion Is Not As Straight Forward As Many People From my studying of religion, I have come to understand that religion itself is not as straight forward as many people, including myself, tend to believe it is. Religion has such complexity that it is extremely difficult to define it in just a few words. This difficulty of finding a clear definition of what religion is seen when limitations are drawn about what religion involves and other activities such as a worship of chocolate then becomes a religion due to the fact that it could possible hold the same religious aspects to some individuals. When it comes to my personal beliefs, I define religion as the practice of following and abiding by a specific faith that suites the beliefs and understandings of the world which are determined by ... Show more content on ... The final part of my definition says, "to aid [the believer] in their search for fulfillment and purpose in life." The previous section and this section of my definition go hand–in–hand as they emphasize the meaning of life. People tend to seek out their purpose in life and in almost every religion there is a purpose that help drive people in times of darkness and light. I find that religion needs to have this meaning of life aspect to help followers live on and fulfill their lives no matter what they believe or what religion they associate themselves with. I find all of these aspects important to making a religion what it is. In reference to other aspects such as prayer, worship, tradition, and community, I feel as though these can easily fall under shared beliefs, values, and practices due to the fact that they all build on one another. For example, if an individual has shared beliefs, values, and practices then they will share those with others forming a community and tradition among that community. Also, prayer and worship are easily fit into shared beliefs, values, and practices. Though these aspects are important to have in a religion, there are some aspects that are not necessary in my opinion. I do not believe that sacred days and places are needed in order to make a religion a religion. They are simply there to enhance the religious experience between the believer and the belief. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. How Many People Do In Jail Besides that there is a lot of gangs is prison, prisoners can easily get everything outside of a prison. They can get everything from cigars to a knife. Criminals in jail can do whatever they want to even if something is illegal they still do it and they will do everything just to get those things like cigars or knifes. Acosta says "There are like 30 knives out there right now hidden up their rectums" and " The safest place for an inmate to store anything is in his rectum, and to keep the orifice supple and sized for the phone , inmates have been known to whittle their bars of soap and truck them away as a placeholder while their phones are in use" (Wood). Those quotes tells that when criminal are outside to get some fresh air almost everyone of them has a knife hidden up somewhere and that they are ready to attack someone. They are not scared of committing another crime even in prison. Also Acosta says that even if knifes and phones are illegal in jail criminals still have them. They have phones hidden in bar soap so nobody can find them. They use phones to contact people outside of jail and to even ... Show more content on ... The most popular thing what criminals do in jail is hunger strike. A hunger strike are a form or a protest in which criminals don't want to eat anything. The biggest problem in that is if prisoner die it is really bad for prison. According to the article "Prison hunger strike". "If the hunger strike receive publicity, it can be a very effective tool of protest. The prison will receive negative publicity if a hunger strike dies" (Carter). This quote says that criminals control the prison by doing hunger strike. Since everyone have freedom of protest, criminals use it by hunger strike to get what they want to get since they know that prison don't want them to die because it is going to have negative effect on ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Canada Is A Country Of Many Peoples That Have Come Together Canada is a country of many peoples that have come together. Throughout Canada's history there has been discrimination of several races. However, the aboriginal people of Canada have faced particular discrimination considering that they have been treated poorly and against their will, especially considering that they were the original people of the land who welcomed those from across the seas. Aboriginal people, in particular, are facing injustice concerning their privileges, accessibility, and equality in the healthcare system. Canada boasts of having one of the greatest healthcare systems in the world with a high life expectancy for both men and women. The rights of Canadian citizens pertaining to health is stated in the Canada Health ... Show more content on ... Another negative factor to this stereotype is due to individualism the idea of "personal responsibility"; society has come to believe that alcoholism has become a part of aboriginal people's genetic makeup and is not a result of society, but rather their personal problem (118). In consequence, this stereotype has often been used as the lens that society wears while considering the issue of alcoholism for many aboriginal people. Tang gives an example of discrimination that a man felt when he visited the hospital; however, he emphasized that he does not share this example with the intention to scold or put down healthcare providers, but rather to emphasize the experience the patient had: Patient: You know what happened? I came here [name of the first ED he went to] one night, I had a really bad headache. One of the ladies even told me, she said 'Tom (pseudonym), you looked like you were drunk.' I said, 'I know, I wasn't drunk though,' it was so bad that I was puking and everything. So I came here [name of first hospital], and they didn't believe me .. . they put me through a brain scan and they didn't find anything so they sent me home with a bunch of pills. Then the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. There Are Many People Who Are Crazy For The Players Of There are many people who are crazy for the players of their favorite sports. After every match, the people have many thoughts and suggestions to share with the team. To make their wish a reality, we are introducing this app. This application is targeted for the sports enthusiasts and fans community across the world. The app provides a platform for the fans and the sports community to post their ideas, suggestions, and thoughts they wish to share with their favorite personality or team, regardless of whatever the sports they play. "SuperFan Central" is an application that aims to create an open social platform for the sports enthusiasts. This is designed to provide an open page for the superstars to interact with their fans and the ... Show more content on ... 2.What are the sports you are interested in? The answer to this question gives an idea which sports are common among the community so the application can emphasis more on these sports while branding and marketing on these regions. E.g.: In Canada Hockey is much more preferred sport. While in India, Cricket is the most common. 3.Whom do You consider yourself as a big fan of? This gives an idea of the sports figure that can leverage the most among the possible app users and the organization initiatives advertisements and branding can be designed around this personality. 4.As a sports lover, what is the one best thing that you like in the internet? This question allows the developer to get key behavioral information about our possible client as well as embed these things as a feature in the application. 5.What OS and Version do use in your mobile? This gives crucial data about which platforms should the application should be built, and which platform has the most users. 6.Would you choose a limited featured free app over a fully featured reasonably priced paid app? Answer to this question gives an idea of which payment method customers prefer more, and, this gives an idea if customers prefer more features, or the cost of the app. 7.On a daily basis, mostly on what time and how many hours do you spend on a social media?
  • 28. Time a user spend on social media gives us the behavior of the customer. This is used in sorting the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Music Is A Great Passion For Many People Music is a great passion for many people. Many people countless hours perfecting skills while others prefer to fine tune their taste in music. Music also helps many people get through their lives–both the bad and the good. Along with personal importance, music commonly helps classify time and culture. Recently, on November 12, 2015 the DalГ Quartet performed at Berea College. This group specializes in "classical and Latin–American music" (Jonathan Wentworth). In all honesty this group does live up to their skill. Seated in the front in the half–filled chapel, I watched four wonderful performers take the stage. I was ready to hear what I thought was going to be typical fiesta styled music with some stringed instrument, however my assumption was wrong. The group, sat in their chairs, started with a nodded que from violinist SimГіn Gollo. The group launched into a fun, almost jumping song called Angelica. This song took some obvious hints of Spanish culture in its music, being a bit more upbeat and danceable. The song also took parts of contrast which slowed down. As with most music performed by string quartets the music was wordless, which makes it all the better for conjuring images in the listeners mind. This particular song reminded me of a fun spring day, people running in the sun, rolling in the fields, and relaxing in the strong soft breeze. The opening song did its job, it hooked all the listeners and was ready to reel them in. Following was a piece with four ... Get more on ...
  • 30. People Have Many Names For Me People have many names for me. Since the feed went live bored housewives and Bible Thumpers have been attached to their television screens, learning all about me on the news. After those first couple two–hour segments, you'd recognize me anywhere. That popular Anchor, you know the one who wears a mortgage payment of a three–piece suit with what's left of his hair dyed black and gelled across his scalp to counter male pattern baldness, he said this was a sign of where society is heading. He said this is what social media is doing to your children. Things like this didn't happen when he was a boy. He called us evil. He called me a monster. He called it the story of the century. Fourteen years into the new millennium and the... Show more content on ... I should be in Cancun, cooking to a nice golden–brown on white sand while drinking an unknown liquor a dark–skinned bartender hid inside some fruity concoction. But, instead of all that, I'm here, sitting at a stainless steel table in an interrogation room that's so small you inhale your exhales. This is what everything has led to. This is my retirement. I should have ended it when I had the chance. Screw your conscience. The deal offered: reveal her name and their intentions then maybe, just maybe, the judge will be kind enough to let me die in a cell. Or with a little the Public Defender will reach an agreement with the State Prosecutor for a padded room with a view where I'll be provided free, tax–paid meals for the next fifty years. All that can be mine if I cooperate, but I'm not. I've gone mute. So, an equal part Sodium Thiopental and Pancuronium Bromide cocktail followed by a shot of Potassium Chloride is the only deal available. I should be in Sweden. You do not deserve happiness. In truth, I'm not capable of disclosing that information even if I wanted, but none of it matters, now. Not anymore. Not for me at least. Mason could be anywhere by now with a new name and history and enough ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nightjohn: A Huge Impact On Many People NightJohn Themes NightJohn had a huge impact on many people, and many people call him family. He could change your mind and the way you see things in a second. NightJohn was always a very hopeful person and he never gave up. He didn't stop even if he wanted to or if he was feeling weak. NightJohn was worked to the bone and didn't stop trying to change people's life around him. You could always count on NightJohn to help you when you're in trouble. In my opinion I don't think it's right for one individual to own another because we are all the same. God made us not all to look the same but that doesn't give you any right to treat them differently just because you think you are better than them. No one or no group should be denied equal rights... Show more content on ... All that this might cause the slaves to do is make them not want to work on his plantation. The story of NightJohn could have turned out differently if Waller treated them like normal people. If he would have rewarded them for the good things that they did, maybe the slaves wouldn't be rude and actually like him a little bit. Waller could have had more successful plantation and more money because the slaves work actually work. NightJohn was a leader because he wasn't afraid of what others thought of him. It takes a lot of work to be an effective leader because you must always take responsibility and have hope in things. NightJohn never gave up and always had hope just like Sarny is becoming to do the same thing. Sarny could be a leader because she follows in his lead and want to be like him. Sarny also didn't care what other people thought about her. It takes a lot of belief to be strong and be a leader like they were. In conclusion NightJohn is a very thankful person and he lives life to the fullest and you can always count on him when you're in trouble or need help. He never gives up and Sarny is doing the same ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Many People Think Racial Profiling Is A Recent Problem Many people think racial profiling is a recent problem that occurred in the 80s as the news about African Americans being pulled over for "driving while black" made national headlines. "Racial Profiling," however, has endured for decades in black communities via discriminatory conduct from Police Department personnel to the criminal justice system. Unfair practices that date back to the 1700s in the United States for people of African descent. Racial profiling is racism and stereotypes by police and others that assume the worst about people based on racially biased perceptions that are projected multiplied, adversely affecting or endangering people of a specific, race, nationality ethnicity, or religion. One of the most glaring ... Show more content on ... In the aftermath of slavery and into the 20th century, black men in deep South and other parts of the United States were forced into new forms of involuntary servitude called convict leasing. Which is now mass incarceration where during slavery and Jim crow, and during the black code years' black men were leased out to work on plantations and private corporations, such as the railroad or coal companies. During Jim Crow YearsBlack people were forced into convict leasing, via a particular set of race laws called black codes. Black code targeted black people and was used to control blacks as well as serve the purpose of enriching whites who lively hood and wealth were dependent on free black labor that was lost when slavery was abolished. Within the black codes was a law outlawing "vagrancy," which was defined as being without employment. Thus an arrest and convictions for the so–called crime of vagrancy would require men, typically black men, to work their sentences off by working whites without pay. What's essential to understand about black codes and convict leasing, racial profiling they violate a fundamental principle of democracy, which is equal protection under the law. In 1868 The 14th Amendment of the Constitution was drafted as a response to the black codes and convict leasing as it was clear that laws were being applied equally to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. People Travel For Many Reasons People travel for many reasons. Sometimes it 's for business, or to visit family, and sometimes it 's for pleasure. When they travel, most people need a place to stay. That is where I come in. I work at a hotel. I have been working in hotels for the last five years, I have done everything from housekeeping to laundry, and front desk to assistant manager. Hotels are your home away from home, and your stay at ahotel should be enjoyable. I am going to give you a few tips to make your next stay as enjoyable as possible. It all starts with making your reservation. How do you pick a hotel? Do you look at star ratings? Star ratings are based on the amenities that they provide. Hotels get rated on amenities such as breakfast, swimming pools, restaurants on site, a gym on site, or a shuttle service. The star ratings have nothing to do with the cleanliness of a hotel or guest reviews. Most hotels these days offer just about the same amount of amenities. If they do not have a gym on site, they most likely have a contract with a gym that allows their guests to have access to the equipment. Many hotels are in areas that have lots of restaurants nearby, some even in walking distance, but do not have a restaurant in the physical hotel. If this is the case a hotel may only have a star rating of two, even though you still have all the amenities of a four star hotel available to you. Next do you shop around for the best rate? Many people now days go straight to online sites to book ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Are Too Many People Going For College? The topic of "Are Too Many People Going to College?" was presented by Charles Murray, the W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise. In today's world college is a must due to many employers seeking educated individuals. Murray develops an interesting conversation by demonstrating that many high school graduates who are seeking to go to college do not need a degree depending on their career paths. Murray provides the analogy of a high school graduate who is looking to become an electrician but is not sure if college is the most logical decision. Murray acknowledges the fact that a B.A. does not necessarily led to a higher income than one with a degree. The logical argument of money is brought to attention and is stated "the income for the top people in a wide variety of occupations that do not require a college degree is higher than the average income for many occupations that require a B.A." (Murray 247). Although this is his main point, he understand that it varies due to the occupation one is leaning towards. There has been individuals without a college degree that are making millions of dollars, but it varies. Murray claims that getting a B.A. is going to be the wrong economic decision for many high school graduates (Murray 246); however not everyone wants to be an electrician or any other hand held jobs that doesn't necessarily need a degree, but if one wants to be a lawyer, doctor, or anything require a degree, college is the answer. Having a degree in a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Obesity : A Problem That Many People Face Obesity, or being overweight, is definitely a problem that many people face in this day and age. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height is described as overweight or obese"(1). To determine what a healthy weight is, a tool called a Body Mass Index (BMI) is used. It indicates if a person is underweight, of normal weight, overweight, or obese by using the relationship between one's height and weight in a given formula. In this formula, you divide one's weight (in lbs.) by their height (in inches), then multiply by 703 to get their BMI. An individual is considered to overweight if their BMI number is between 25–29.9 and obese if it greater than and equal to 30. Over the last couple of decades in America, obesity has become more and more of a concern with more than one third of adults and about seventeen percent of children considered to obese today (CDC). While I was doing my research, there seems to be a debate on who is ultimately causing the sudden rise of the obesity in America. It has come to my attention that the debate has found itself stuck primarily between the food industry and individual's responsibility for their own health, even though there are other contributing factors that play a part in this epidemic. Personally, I believe that the food industry is more to blame; however, both parties do contribute to the obesity epidemic in their own way. What ... Get more on ...
  • 36. New Mexico: A People of Many Cultures If one were to order Chile Relleno at most restaurants in the Eastern part of the United States, one will usually find a cheese stuffed bell pepper on his plate, instead of the long, tasty green chile every Southwesterner would expect. While remaining generally a mystery to other areas of the U.S., green and red chile are staples in many southwestern homes –especially in New Mexico. The New Mexican cuisine is just one aspect of its distinct culture; the food, personalities, art, and vast, beautiful region are all uniquely enchanted (as the State slogan suggests). New Mexico also has a special history; history is the ingredient that has shaped and molded New Mexico into the one and only culture it has today. When one examines New Mexico's ... Show more content on ... 112). Ruberson also stated, "This is the only place where the Natives throw out the conquerors for a long period of time." The Spanish imposed an abusive rule. This triggered the famous Pueblo revolt in 1680, led by a Native named Popбє». The rebelling Natives killed hundreds and burned "Spanish Ranches and government buildings" (Nash et al. 81). "It is not a completely successful event because the Spanish do reconquer," Ruberson says, "but it is successful for a while." Upon return, Spanish eased hold on Pueblos. The Pueblos also realized that they needed the Spanish for protection from other tribes. Like a mixture of ingredients in different increments, times, and amounts in a recipe, "[d]uring the 300 years that the Spanish coexisted with New Mexican tribes, the two societies intermingled to create a uniquely New Mexican culture" (Murphree, Daniel S. 790). The establishment of the United States ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Too Many Unemployed People In today's society there are many social issues present, one of them being unemployment. Currently 6.6 million Americans are unemployed, and they are unable to pay their mortgage, tuition, and basic needs. The streets of America are run–down and blanket of sadness clouds American towns. As a result people are forced to change their lifestyle and hope for unemployment benefits, and pray that they will be hired again. The following writing is about an unemployed man named Michael who struggles to support himself and his family. He is a former construction worker who has been without a job for almost a year. He and his family depend on unemployment benefits from the federal government; in addition the federal government decides who get benefits and who doesn't. When he goes to collect his unemployment benefits he is denied and becomes puzzled and angry as to why he could not collect his benefits. Michael feels that the federal government is doing nothing to help struggling Americans, and politicians have ran away from their responsibilities to their constituents. Finally the story models Steinbeck's style of writing, with descriptive narration to show lives of struggling Americans, and dialogue to show the struggles of the main character. The alarm clock rings and Michael slowly wakes up. He drags his feet over to his closet and see his hard hat, suddenly a feeling of nostalgia comes about taking him back to the scene of last job. He misses the sounds of the cranes and the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Many People Have To Migrate To America For hundreds of years, millions of men and women have been making the formidable trek from their war torn country to a new destination in hopes of attaining a better quality of life. When the Vietnam War ended in 1975, my grandparents were lucky enough to migrate to the U.S due to the humanitarian operation, and because of that my parents and I also be able to immigrate to the U.S in 2010. My journey and how I adapted a different life in another country was effortless, because my grandparents and parents already did the painstaking work to give me a better chance. So I thought this human migration would never happen again, because never in a million years that I hoped to see another human being have to give up their everyday life, job, home and country to escape the terror. As the result of the onslaught of deadly civil conflict. These people have risked their lives to live another day, and now they have to endure an arduous journey to freedom or to say the least a chance to live. There are many reasons for this unjust crisis. First, the population of these asylum groups were consisting of people from Africa and Syria, their final destination was to settle for some country in Europe. These people rather endangered their lives than to endure these cruel acts included the Civil War, poverty, and famine. The start of this huge... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, these refugees shouldn't have lost their freedom, their country, or their live and to cross over border facing dangerous hazards just to find a refugee's camp and where they could never call ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Jamaic Out Of Many, One People Jamaica: Out of Many, One People History of the Culture One would think that an island would have a culture of its own with very little outside influence, however that is not the case with this island. Located in the Caribbean Sea, Jamaica is rich in culture from its European and African history. Jamaica was first populated by the Taino people, who were also called Arawaks, in AD 600. It was then found by Christopher Columbus in 1492, and shortly thereafter became a Spanish Territory. A decade later, the population was equally split between Spanish and slaves with a small percentage of free blacks and the native Taino people. In 1655, the English army captured Jamaica and fifteen years later, Jamaica formerly concedes to England. A decade later, the slaves, making up eighty four percent of the population, decided to rebel. However, full emancipation from slavery happened in 1838, almost a century later despite the gross population unbalance. Beginning in 1841, the island started having more outside influence when the first indentured workers arrived from Africa, India, China, Syria, Lebanon and the Mediterranean. In 1962, Jamaica gained full independence from Britain after almost two decades of self–government formation. The history and vast cultural influences of Jamaica makes the country's motto of 'Out of many, One People' ring true. (Mordecai & Mordecai, 2001) Slavery of a nation is a tragic hardship of the people, however the abolition of slavery brought ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Too Many People with Heart Failure "About 5.8 million people in the United States have heart failure. The number of people who have this condition is growing. Heart failure is a leading cause of hospital stays among people on Medicare" (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2012). It is very common in individuals who are 65 years old or older, overweight people, and children with congenital heart defects. Heart failure is a chronic condition characterized by the heart's inability to pump enough amounts of blood rich in oxygen and nutrients throughout the body in order to meet its needs. The heart illness is a serious health condition that mostly develops when an individual favors inappropriate lifestyle such as smoking, drinking excessive amount of alcohol, physical inactivity, and consumption of food high in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. These risks factors significantly affect individual's health and can be prevented in the future through consistent monitoring and control. In addition, hypotension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and heart attack may cause the heart muscle to stiff. There are two types of heart failure: systolic and diastolic. "Systolic heart failure is the inability of the heart to squeeze enough blood from the ventricles (heart chambers) to supply the body's needs. Diastolic heart failure results from the inability of the heart muscle to relax in between heartbeats, causing a backup of blood in the heart's chambers and in the blood vessels" (The Journal of the American ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Who Has Influenced The Many People The being of who has influenced the many people in this world, is Jesus Christ. With over 2 billion followers, Jesus Christ and his name is connected with the devotional feelings of two hundred millions of the race of mankind. Christianity also has played an influential role in history. It has developed out of Judaism. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ, considered the Son of God by the Christian denominations. Christians can trace their founding date within a year or so to the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection in about the year 30 AD (ReligionFacts). What is Christianity? How did it spread? Who is Jesus? What happened to him? Jesus Christ, born a Jew in the Roman province of Palestine was born to a Jewish couple, Mary and ... Show more content on ... An angel had appeared to them and notified them that Jesus was alive and believed that he had been reissued from the dead, and so they came to understand that he was a new kind of Messiah. Jesus died and arose from the dead, and so this was known as his resurrection. This may seem true because those nations that had practiced Christianity in the past have for the most part separated religion from social aspects of life. Nevertheless, the current business practices of the western world have been influenced by Christianity in subtle ways. Christianity began as a movement within Judaism during the first century C.E. As reported in the New Testament (BBC). Together they ministered to the poor and outcast in present–day Israel and Palestine. Around the year 30 C.E., Jesus was arrested and executed by the Roman governor. However, Jesus' followers claimed that he rose from the dead; they came to believe that he was the Son of God and that his death and resurrection saved them from their sins (Breuilly 45). This is where the holy book comes into view. The Christian's holy book is theBible, a diverse collection of traditional teachings which was written by different people. It was divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament (Breuilly 46). The Christians believe that the Old Testament contains the witness of God. The writings now included as the New Testament in the Christian bible was chosen and agreed by the early church around CE 380. Both the ... Get more on ...