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Theories Of Aisles And Space Usage
ection 1: Theories of Aisles and Space Usage Social theories of Aisle placement There exists social
theory that states that people attract more people. This theory is commonly referred to as social
magnetism. (Feiberg et al. 1989; Gehl 2010). Take for instance a trip to the grocery store. The trip
serves the main purpose of procuring food ingredients for people to prepare and consume meals. For
some, this trip is very mundane and solely about getting in and getting out of the store with the
necessary items. For many others, it's an excuse to go out and venture amongst other people under
the guise of a socially acceptable activity. The social interactions that take place within a store lead
to unintended opportunities for pleasurable experiences amongst customers which can prolong their
shopping trip time and encourage additional spending (Donovan et al. 1994; Turley Milliman 2000)
It is the theory of social magnetism which makes the basis for the Aisles of Life. The aisles of life
theory is the focus of our study in regards to the social aspect of retail aisle layout. The aisles of life
theory suggests that in order for a retail store to fully utilize social magnetism to its full potential, it
must abide by the following five parameters: visit–ability, destin–ability, comfort–ability, walk–
ability and compact–ability (Juel–Jacobsen, 2014) Visit–ability Visit–ability measures the ease of
access potential customers have to the stores location. Both inside the store and out.
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Personal Narrative: The Grocery Store
The grocery store is one of my favorite places, but it offers so many different items, making it hard
to choose even the simplest of purchases. So I went to Whole Foods and did the dirty work for you,
finding one item in each aisle that is absolutely essential.
1. Flour, Sugar, Candy & Fruit Snack Aisle
First glance down this aisle, I already knew what I absolutely had to have: chocolate. Although it
was the obvious essential, the flavor of my chocolate was not as easy to decide on. In the end, I
decided to go with a sea salt dark chocolate bar because nothing can beat the classic combination of
salty and sweet.
2. Beans, Broths, Pastas & Grains Aisle
When you're limited to one option and there is pasta, you pick pasta. ... Show more content on ...
Coffee, Juices, Sodas and Tea Aisle
I have never been much a of a soda or juice drinker, and quite honestly have a small love affair with
lattes, which makes coffee the obvious choice for me. There are so many different flavors of ground
coffee, but my personal choice was Octane Coffee (or any coffee from a local coffee roaster), in my
best attempts to make a coffee shop quality latte in my own house.
9. Frozen Veggies, Fruits and Entrees Aisle
From this aisle, I picked frozen açaí. Açaí is essential to make açaí bowls–basic, I admit, but
undeniably necessary.
10. Frozen Bread, Desserts, Waffles and Ice Cream Aisle
Ice Cream is one of the items I would not leave the store without in any circumstance, but there are
so many tempting flavors that picking just one was difficult. Whole Foods carries a lot brands of ice
cream that I have not tasted, so I had to go with a tried and trusted flavor: Ben & Jerry's Americone
This patriotically named ice cream is the perfect pick me up after the recent election, with caramel
swirls and chocolate covered waffle cone pieces distributed throughout vanilla ice cream.
11. The
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Descriptive Essay About Personal Experience
Fear, guilt, happiness, and anger are emotions which individuals can be struck with at the most
unexpected time, but as human beings, we have experienced all of these feelings a plethora of times
over the course of life. Emotions and feelings are the results of one's actions that lead to situations.
The way an individual acts, speaks, or even discerns can lead to circumstances and ultimately
trigger emotions, which in the end, possibly provide you with a valuable lesson.
The glorious summer of 2008 resulted from the sun and air's collaboration to fulfill my desire to
have balmy weather. The trees composedly swayed while the neighborhood kids played and giggled
around them, and their parents prepared for work. In the midst of this, I woke ... Show more content
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I got very restless as she opened for business, since I didn't know how to spend my time, I lead my
feet to the coolers located on the far opposite side of the checkout area that were filled with different
types of waters and juices. Although I was tempted to pick out a juice, I chose a strawberry flavored
water, and I decided to save the juice for later. With my drink, I happily walked to the candy aisle
that was in between the tobacco and cigarette aisles. My eyes couldn 't locate the KitKat wafers, my
all–time favorite chocolate bar. As a result, I dragged myself back to the comfort of my chair empty
handed. I felt like a sportsperson who just came home defeated from a championship game. My eyes
ogled at the rack, from a great distance, while my heart wept and yearned for the treat. My mind, the
biggest asset of my body, told my muscles to reevaluate the aisle. With a small ray of hope buried
deep in my heart, I swiftly and carefully ran to the rack and inspected the candies again. The
nervousness on my face made me lethargic as I inspected each of the boxes of candies. After a
thorough investigation, I finally found a large box filled with the sweet and savory Kitkats hiding on
the bottom shelf of the rack. My over excited heart started celebrating, while my mind remembered
to seek permission. With my childlike innocence, I approached my mom and asked her by faking a
naive look,
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Personal Narrative: Siblings
Siblings, especially my brother and I, antagonize one another; this usually frustrates our parents. On
one specific day, my parents had had enough. They kicked me and my younger brother out of the
house and ordered us to return before dinner (It was around noon when we were kicked out). My
brother I decided to swing by our neighbor's house to hang out, but Jonathan, a friend of mine a little
older than me, wanted to chill outside. We all rode our skateboards/ bicycles around our
neighborhood until we were bored. We live about a mile from Publix, so we headed toward there for
the free cookies and cold water. We had arrived at Publix and left our skateboards and bikes by the
side of the store, near a backdoor; nobody ever goes back there. ... Show more content on ...
All was well and good, until Kevin began panicking about possible jail time. He was having a full
on anxiety attack in the bathroom for more than ten minutes. Afterwards, we all had a bit of a
stomach ache, but wanted to end on a good note. Jojo and I filled our cargo pants with Cadbury
Eggs and Peeps, Kevin had the important job of smuggling the giant chocolate Easter bunny. To this
day, Jojo and I don't know why we gave Kevin that job, but what is done is done. We were casually
walking through one of the checkout aisle without a cashier, but a cashier two aisles down spotted
us and asked us if we payed for all of the candy. My genius brother brother exclaimed, "Our parents
are outside and we are bringing them the candy, we will return with the money." The lady clearly
saw through Kevin's lie and asked if she could see our parents. Kevin lost it, he began pleading that
she doesn't take us to jail. Jojo and I gave him a look of pure, what in the world is wrong with you.
We dropped almost everything and booked it; there was no really reason to run, but we were
spooked. We were going as fast as we could and got back home in a record time of twenty
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Norm Break
Mitesh Patel Soc 1113.007
I was given the chance to break a social norm at multiple local grocery stores. This privilege is not
acceptable or common throughout the world while performing rare unusual behavior. My interest
was to skip through aisles while whistling in a variety of grocery stores. I was interested in seeing
reactions and confusion on this act. Many people were shocked to witness what was happening and
were curious why this action was performed. Skipping through the aisles was scary and made me
nervous. After I performed my social breach 23 times, I accomplished a successful act and had
strange but interesting feedbacks. Wal–Mart was the first store I broke my social norm. The first
time I broke my norm, I ... Show more content on ...
After each breach, I was nervous to see if anyone would react with any violent actions that would
cause problems. During each attempt, I maintained my composure and failed to mess up I came
close to accidentally telling my friends and family that I was going to be experimenting on breaking
a social norm when I went home for the weekend.
If I had to tweak my attempt to break a social norm, I would have spiked my hair all the way up
while wearing sunglasses that were oversized. This change most likely would have given me more
amusing reactions to analyze and react. Holding hands possibly with someone while skipping would
have attracted more attention and made scenes interesting. If this was done, many would ponder
about my attitude and continue to question why I was being awkward. I also would consider asking
the appropriate people to tag along and skip with me throughout the aisle and observe how they
would provide me with an answer. In society today people decide what is normal and abnormal,
when I reflect back I realized that people will not appreciate unusual behavior and showed signs of
anger. Breaking this social norm helped understand how the community reacted to unusual behavior
and changed my view of how I would interpret the situation if another person attempted the same
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Target Gendered Space
A. A gendered space is a space where it is only appropriate for one sex to occupy. Gendered spaces
are an example of material culture, because there are artifacts that give spaces the appearance that
makes a space look gendered. Gendered spaces are also examples nonmaterial culture, because the
idea of gendered spaces such as locker rooms are from Mentifacts. Mentifacts are the ideas,
believes, and practices of a culture and since gendered spaces are present in American culture and
people believe in the idea of gendered spaces, gendered space are then Mentifacts. An example of a
gendered space is public bathrooms, because there are separate restrooms for each sex, and in
society, it is a highly inappropriate act for a male or female to occupy a restroom that is for the
opposite sex, and that makes restrooms gendered. The non–material culture of ... Show more content
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Target is representative of gendered spaces, because Target has many regions within itself that cater
to a specific sex. This makes Target a gendered space, because a gendered space is a space in which
it is only appropriate for one sex to occupy. An example of a gendered space in Target would be the
feminine care aisle, because all the products in that aisle are for females. This makes the feminine
care aisle a gendered space, because most people find it inappropriate or weird for males to occupy
the feminine care aisle. In American culture, people believe that it is only appropriate for females to
occupy the feminine care aisle. This is an example of a non–material culture, specifically a
Mentifact, because the act of believing is not a tangible thing. Material culture is a culture that
values manmade item, while non–material culture is a culture that values things that people cannot
see or touch. The fact that all items present in the Feminine care aisle are for females is, an example
of material culture, because the products in the feminine care aisle are tangible, and manmade which
makes them, artifacts. Therefore,
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Winter Descriptive Writing
It was a flurry and cold winter day, the kind of day when every breath stings the lungs and every
exhale chills the lips. Living in Iowa, I was used to the frigid winter, but this unsuspecting day
would forever change Emily Kriz. My mother and I had just entered the frosted glass doors at our
local Michaels after having the usual tedious chat about keeping your hands to yourself and looking
with our eyes, not our hands. I acted as though I was listening, adding in subtle head nods as I
watched each individual snowflake fall crisply onto the ground, as if each had a strict road map to a
anticipated location. Upon entering, we saw a winter wonderland. The fragrance of frosted pine
wafted through the nipping air that had snuck in from the outdoors and tingled my petite fingers and
toes. With every blink of the eye there was something newfangled and wondrous to look at. It had
seemed as though Michaels was decorated for a gala, with only the finest and most stunning
decorations on display, but with every piece of pristine decor in is precise spot. We browsed the
aisles, with each aisle as colorful and exciting as the rest. We were nearing the end of the isles when
I saw it, a display of candles that drew my eyes in like no other. My mom had turned her cart down
the aisle filled with all the eyeful winter floral pieces, and at this moment I knew it was my time to
do what I had been told not to, I needed to reach out and smell one of those candles that had
tunneled my vision. I
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Thanks for Shopping with Us
Christy Williams
Dr. Huston
English 1301
September 28, 2014
Thank You for Shopping With Us Customers must take several precautions when shopping,
especially those on a budget. There are traps all over the stores, from the parking lot to the meat
department. Some of the pretty well hidden, some are quite obvious. Grocery stores use several
marketing tricks and strategies to get customers to spend more money in their stores. Walk into
Kroger, the smell of rotisserie chicken fills the air. This lures the customer to deli, but he came for
milk. By the time he gets to the milk, he has a rotisserie chicken and macaroni and cheese. How did
this happen? In most Krogers, and other grocery stores, the deli is located in the front of the ... Show
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She continues down the aisle and spots a jar of pickles. She puts those pickles she found in her
basket. Now she has an additional item. The plan worked! People buy in bulk when they believe it is
a good deal. To be honest, most bulk deals are not good deals, especially if the items have a short
shelf life. But there are some things that are good to buy that way, such as toilet paper and
toothpaste. Pasta is good, as well, to buy in bulk. Spices are not good to buy in bulk because they
may lose their flavor. Produce should mainly be bought as needed. The customer is now in the
checkout line. This is usually when customers look at their carts and realize how much they really
have. The checkouts really have no room to dump the unnecessary stuff customers have picked up
along the way. So they keep it. But there is candy and magazines to pick up and throw in your cart.
The kids all want candy and there is a good recipe in the "Good Housekeeping" magazine and after
all that shopping, a cold Pepsi would be good, adding even more to the cart. These stores are setup
to make customers buy more food and spend more money. Grab the handheld basket instead of a
shopping cart. Only get what will fit in it. To avoid impulse buying, eat before grocery shopping. It
is never good to take children or spouses either. They can sometimes be more harmful than helpful.
Shoppers should be focused to avoid the getting caught in the "traps" of the grocery
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Analysis Of John Updike 's ' Araby '
John Updike 's penchant for appropriating great works of literature and giving them contemporary
restatement in his own fiction is abundantly documented––as is the fact that, among his favorite
sources, James Joyce looms large.[1]
With special affinity for Dubliners, Updike has, by common acknowledgment, written at least one
short story that strongly resembles the acclaimed "Araby," not only in plot and theme, but in
incidental detail. That story, the 1960 "You 'll Never Know, Dear, How Much I Love You"––like
"Araby"––tells the tale of a poor, romantically infatuated young boy who, though obstructed by
parental slowness, journeys with innocent urgency, coins in hand, to a seemingly magical carnival––
only to find there, behind its facades, ... Show more content on ...
The self–delusion in both cases leads quickly to an emotional fall.
At 19, Updike 's protagonist, Sammy, is a good bit older than Joyce 's––at the opposite end of
adolescence, it would seem. While in Joyce 's boy we readily believe such confusion between the
gallant and profane, I think we needn 't assume that Sammy is likewise unable to distinguish
between the two quite normal impulses. His attraction to the girl in the aisle is certainly far more
anatomically and less ambiguously expressed than that of Joyce 's boy to Mangan 's sister. But it is
Beauty that confounds the issue. When human aesthetics come into play, when the object of a young
man 's carnal desire also gratifies him aesthetically, that is when the confusion arises. in Irish–
Catholic Dublin of the 1890s,[3] such youthful beauty not surprisingly invokes analogies between
Mangan 's sister and the Queen of Heaven (though the swinging of her body and "the soft rope of
her hair toss[ing] from side to side" [Joyce 30]), which captivate the boy, hint at something less
spiritual than Madonna worship). And while beauty 's benchmarks in Sammy 's more secular mid–
century America are more anatomical than spiritual, Updike does have Sammy call his young
femme fatal "Queenie," and he does make her the center of a "trinity" of sorts, showing her two
friends at one point "huddl[ing] against her for relief" ("A & P" 189).
Once smitten, both young
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Shea Moistual Analysis
What is beauty? Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. Women and girls aspire to be beautiful
according to society's definition of beauty. Some may describe this as a social norm. Perhaps
society's definition of beauty does help empower women and girls to want to be viewed as beautiful,
but society definition of beauty normally favors white culture which is displayed in Shea Moisture
"break the walls" commercial. Observing the Shea Moisture advertisement, viewers may wonder,
what is Shea Moisture selling besides their product? Despite Shea Moisture trying to sell their
natural hair product they present an emotion (pathos) appeal to explain that equality is needed in
society beauty standards, therefore advocating that there needs to be a change in society standards
for beauty. Furthermore, the Shea Moisture commercial address inequalities black women and girls
are faced with when trying to buy hair care products.
When the advertisement begins you instantly hear music playing in the background and then a
woman's thought start narrating what she's thinking while walking down an aisle in a store labeled
ethnic. The camera focuses on the women's natural hair before revealing she is African American.
The women explain how "African American women and girls have been conditioned to shop for hair
care products that are tucked in an area or aisle labeled ethnic". Another woman narrator begins
speaking and expresses that "there is a section called ethnic and an aisle called
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From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Essay
From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Sammy is stuck in that difficult transition between
childhood and adulthood. He is a nineteen–year–old cashier at an A&P, the protagonist in a story
with the same name. John Updike, the author of "A&P," writes from Sammy's point of view, making
him not only the main character but also the first person narrator. The tone of the story is set by
Sammy's attitude, which is nonchalant but frank––he calls things as he sees them. There is a hint of
sarcasm in Sammy's thoughts, for he tends to make crude references to everything he observes.
Updike uses this motif to develop the character of Sammy, as many of these references relate to the
idea of "play." Sammy is no longer a child, but much of ... Show more content on ...
Sammy's play continues as he his eyes follow the three girls around the store, and he notes the way
that the one he has named "Queenie" is definitely the leader. She would "buzz to the other two, who
kind of huddled against her for relief" (28). Sammy sees this as a game of follow–the–leader as well
as a game of hide–and–seek, because, as Queenie "led them, the other two [would] peek around and
make their shoulders round" (27). Sammy is shallow and sexist in the way he has named these
young women according to his first impression of their bodies and behaviors. Patrick W. Shaw notes
that "Sammy knows what is on each aisle in the store and constantly thinks of what is inside bottles,
cans, and jars; but he has no idea what is inside the girls, no sensitivity to their psychology or sexual
subtlety. His awareness stops with their sweet cans and ice–cream breasts" (322). Sammy further
demonstrates his childishness and chauvinism by commenting on the mental abilities of the girls:
"You never know for sure how girls' minds work (do you really think it's a mind in there or just a
little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)" (27). This comment ironically lets the reader know more about
the way Sammy's mind works. Shaw agrees, suggesting that Sammy's "mind is even less than a bee
in a jar" (322). Sammy is still absorbed in thinking about the games he played as a cild and maybe
even in the present. He
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My Trip To America Essay
Being Filipino and growing up in America, my trip to the Philippines was an experience I will never
forget. This was the first time I would be traveling to the place of my heritage. I was gladly going to
live there for 2 years to finish my studies. I did not know too much of the Philippines, only the stuff
my mother has been telling me about. She explained to me, that the weather was different in the
Philippines. She told me it was very humid. That it was so humid, it was like walking in a sauna.
This has become very useful, for I knew what type of clothes to bring over there. But as the day of
my flight came closer, I could not help but feel nervous. I never met any of my relatives over there,
nor did I know anything about the place. Then ... Show more content on ...
As the orange seatbelt sign went off, people in the plane started to hurriedly move towards the door.
I stood up, and tailed the orderly crowd as we moved in a single file line. As I got closer to the door,
I started to feel some nastily warm air. I felt like I walked into, what could surely be a sauna. My
mother was right; the weather was definitely different from America. The air felt damp and heavy. It
was surprisingly hard to breathe in the humid air. I felt sweat instantly roll from my face to my shirt.
Telling me is one thing, but experiencing it, is completely different.
After going through a couple security checks, immigration and customs, I was on my way out of the
airport. As I made my way out, I noticed that not only was it humid, but also terribly smoggy. I
anxiously looked around to find out where all the smoke was coming from. And surprisingly, it was
coming from the cars. As I confusedly kept looking around, I saw a lady waving at me; it was my
aunt. She and my cousin kindly helped me carry my bags as we walked to the car. On our walk, I
had asked her why there was so much smog. She told me, that it was not like in America, cars in the
Philippines did not have to go through a vigorously strict emissions check to be driven. I have
learned that not only was the weather different, but so were the laws.
Either way, the unbearably hard part was over with. As long as I did not have to fly, in coach, for
another thirteen
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Should There Be Gender Specific Toy Aisles Lining The Rows?
Should there be gender specific toy aisles lining the rows in stores? How much does this reassure
the sociological idea of gender itself? Does putting restrictions on kids' toy decisions effect them in
a negative way? Research has shown that it is natural for kids to want to experiment with different
toys and identities. Pushing kids into a box of what they can, or cannot play limits their true
potential and imagination.
Growing up, people can attest to the memory of them having gone to McDonald's, ordering a happy
meal, and received a special toy in their box. There were always two options for toys because they
had a clear separation of the toy for boys or for girls. Even asking for a different gendered toy could
be an issue at some ... Show more content on ...
The idea of separating toy selection is simply a marketing technique created to increase profits by
creating a whole new market. These techniques, created by companies like Mattel and Hasbro,
spread the notion that "blue is for boys, and pink is for girls". It only further implemented
stereotypes of how people should be and like. Big corporations are aware of the fact that pushing
these stereotypes will make it more likely for parents to buy more toys for their different gendered
children. They realize that if an older sister has a pink bike with streamers on the side, the younger
brother will just want a new bike because he doesn't want to be made fun of for riding such a
feminine bike.
Taking a specific look at girl stereotypes, the toys targeted towards them are packaged in pink and
are dominated by sexualized brands like Bratz, Barbie or the Disney Princesses, or makeup and
hairstyle" (p. 36). Yet at the same time, they vehemently deny that toys are instrumental in the
formation of gender differences, claiming that their intentions are to "maximize sales and profits, not
to rear children" (Cross 1997, p. 231). Its inevitable that these overtly sexualized toys wouldn't
influence the girls at an impressionable age. Female–only commercials have repeatedly been found
to make up the smallest percentage of children's commercials (Johnson and Young 2002)
Some brands that have created lines dedicated to reach a girl demographic have been Lego, and
Nerf. But generally
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Influences Of Gender Typing And Stereotypes
Influences of gender typing and stereotypes are continually bombarding us wherever we are. Both
types of gender processes are shown everywhere in the media which includes commercials,
billboards, music, television shows, movies, and books. Advertisements for gender specific toys
give children gender typing where they think a certain toy is cool if an older boy or girl is playing
with the toy and that makes the toy more desirable. An example of this would be if a commercial
shows a teenage boy playing with Nerf guns with his friends or teenage girls playing with Barbies.
I went to Walmart to search for toys targeted towards gender typing and what I found was not too
surprising. Immediately, I found the girl's section and I was surrounded by the color pink wherever I
looked. There were many baby dolls in the aisles and this reminded me of the evolutionary
perspective where women evolved to nurture and care for infants. Young girls are drawn towards
babies perhaps from witnessing their mothers nurture and care for infants and children. Not
surprisingly, there were tons of Barbies on the shelves that ranged from princesses, dance instructor
Barbies, cooking Barbies, fashionista Barbie's, mermaid Barbies, and even a superhero Barbie. The
cooking Barbie reaffirmed how marketers are trying to target gender roles on young girls by
thinking ... Show more content on ...
Bubbles, pool chairs, Frisbees, water guns, an ice cream maker, shovels, water balloons, and chalk
lined the aisle. I was happy to find toys that were not targeted for just one gender. I feel like gender
specific toys are divided so exclusively for each gender because the companies are still set on the
traditional nuclear family where each gender has specific roles they have to have in order to be a
woman or man and are not open to society changing interests and traits apart from what was
acceptable in the
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I Am A Dog Food For My Trolley
It takes me the whole drive to keep calm. Even though I have annoyance and humiliation swirling in
me. I 'm not quite sure what the hell was wrong with him. Normally, when people live in a small
town they 're sweet and welcoming, not act like they 're related to Satan. Even he gave me the wrong
directions to the grocery store. Oh, the signs of a gentlemen. It doesn 't take me long to find the
shopping store, which was literally five streets away. I quickly hop out of my car and remember that
I need to get dog food for my golden retriever while I 'm grocery shopping. Then, I rapidly get my
iPhone out of my pocket and text mum, sending: Be back in half and hour, love you. I 'm a quick
shopper, wasting no time strolling through aisles. Throwing all sorts of items to my trolley. When
my trolley is filled to its rim, I get in line. "Sarah?" Someone asks, behind me. I jump back dropping
cartoon of eggs on the floor accidentally. "Crap." "I 'm so sorry! I startled you," a boy around the
age of seventeen says. His, muscular tan arms shot out picking up the packet of eggs, placing them
back to the shelf. He grabs another peer of eggs and handles it to me. "These shouldn 't be cracked."
I glance up at the figure in front of me. His smile was soft, like petals caught in a breeze. It was just
enough to allow a gleam of white and a slight dimple in his left cheek. "I 'm Cole, Matt 's brother."
He says placing the unharmed eggs in my trolley. I glance at him for a brief moment, he
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Toy Toys And The Toy
Girl toy you picked (with description) The toy I chose was located in the girl aisle labeled dolls and
accessory. The toy was a miniature gourmet kitchen set. While a doll wasn't included in the set the
toy was part of a line of "Our Generation" dolls and accessories. The age range located on the toy
was 3 and up. On the description of the toy it says "She can pretend to bake muffins, cookies and
cupcakes and then clean up afterwards." The toy came along with lots of pieces all being very
colorful in schemes of darks and light pink.
Boy toy you picked (with description) The boy toy I chose was a Black and Decker rolling tool
bench. The toy included 14 plastic workbench accessories such as hammers, and saws. The age
suggested for this toy was the same for the girl toy three and up. A tag hanging off of the toy had a
cartoon drawing of a young boy in working apparel–holding tools.
Obvious differences between the toys and/or toy aisles The first obvious difference between the two
aisles was the color schemes. The boy's aisle was full of blues, greens, and darker colors. While the
girls aisle was filled with bright colors such as pink and purples. Another difference I noticed was
the boy aisle was also placed more toward outdoor toys while the girl section was located near
indoor athletic merchandize. The boy aisle overall had more active toys. Such as nerf guns, swords,
action figures, remote controlled cars. The girl aisle had games that would be more refined to
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Gender Bias In The Toy Aisles Summary
In the blog post Gender Bias in the Toy Aisles, the author discusses the issue of big–box stores'
gender gap in the toys they market to children, and the difficulty she encounters when trying to find
toys for her sons that do not enforce gender bias. Her main point emphasizes the gender gap by
pointing to the stylistic choices made by toy companies – girls' toys are laden with pink and incite
feelings of innocence, while boys' toys are highly ruggedized, typically bearing camouflage or other
male stereotypes such as flames. Finally, the author expresses her wish for the toy companies to stop
enforcing gender biases to better equip children for their future. The author's statement on the bias
of toys is clearly well–supported. Her argument is most evident in the statement "...things such as
instruments and hand held games scream with cotton ... Show more content on ...
Most boys' natures tend to align with the macho gender image, just the same as girls and Barbie
dolls, although admittedly there are exceptions to every rule, and this one is by no means set in
stone. I have several younger cousins of both genders, all of whom I am very close to. The males
tend to enjoy the feeling of action, and indeed love toys which the author of the post would claim
are "jacked up with testosterone." Indeed, my female cousins certainly enjoy playing with dolls and
having fashion shows too. However, one cannot fault the toy companies for this any more than they
could fault my cousins, who are, admittedly, too young to know anything about gender gaps. They
play how they want simply because it is fun to them, and far be it from anyone to dissuade them
from doing so. Admittedly, there are some boys with more feminine qualities, and some girls with a
more rugged personality. Nevertheless, we should allow them to be who they want, not choke them
with their own emotions and force them to have qualities they do not wish upon
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Enrich Kimmel's Watson Essay
Watson helps enrich Kimmel argument that society is placing stigmas with young children through
the use of behavioral conditioning by adding a layer of depth to this by showing how this is also
being done through such things as subliminal conditioning to certain colors as well. Young boys are
given advice from their fathers, coaches, and any other male figure in their life on how they should
act. "Any fatigue, any weakness, any sign that being hit actually hurt and was like 'Waah! [fake
crying] Widdle Donny got a boo boo. Should we kiss it guys?' He'd completely humiliate us for
showing anything but complete toughness I'm sure he thought he was building up our strength and
ability to play, but it wore me out trying to pretend all the time, to suck it up and ... Show more
content on ...
Kimmel believes that boys are not given the freedom to choose how they want to act and what they
want to do. They are born into this code, and if they try to derail this plan is any way they are
judged. Robert Watson supports this because he talks about how places like Toys 'R' Us are
accentuating specific stereotypes with something as simple as the color of the aisles. He talks about
how the aisles are designated colors, if you walk into a toy store, you can obviously see which is the
girl's aisle because it's full of anything pink related. While everyone else's aisle, specifically the boy
aisle, is filled with multiple colors and categories. "The girls' aisles were pink. Pink signs, pink toys,
pink packages. Pink, pink, pink. All the other aisles in the store blended with the boys' aisles and
provided a full spectrum of colors and variety" (Wason). This shows that children are being
conditioned from a young age to like certain colors more than
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Chapter 1 : A Short Story
"Where is he?" I asked Kat.
"He is probably still coming," she replied.
But, I've known her since kindergarten which is long enough for me to be able to know when she's
lying. She always looks away from you and rubs her foot against the ground. I could tell how hard
she was trying to hide the fact she was lying. But, despite her efforts, it was obvious.
"We'll find him. I promise. Maybe he just ran away. He probably needed a little break away from all
of the crowd. I'm sure we'll find him later, let's go back to the hotel and have Penelope help us find
I nodded and started trudging in the direction of our hotel. I was about 10 feet away from her when
she called me back.
"Wait, we should call Penelope so she has a heads up that we are ... Show more content on ...
I walked out and turned to the right. Our room was about halfway down the hallway. I sped over to
the door and knocked loudly. No one answered. I shrugged and pulled my key out of my coat
pocket. The door unlocked and I walked. The room was untouched. The beds were made and Kat
and Penelope's bags had been moved onto a chair. Penelope wasn't anywhere to be found. I walked
around the room to see if there was anything was off. "Nothing," I mumbled. I don't notice anything
unusual. I decided to check in the bathroom and when I walked in I couldn't help looking in the
mirror. My chestnut brown hair was once in a ponytail, but after all of the action was falling out. My
brown eyes looked tired and bloodshot with dark circles surrounding them. My cheeks were still
rosy from running to the hotel and my breathing was still unsteady. Looking at myself at a time like
this made me remember when I used to tease my brother. Sometimes I would mess up his hair and
pinch his cheeks. He looked almost the same as I looked now. Another thing I used to do when we
were younger was tease him about his height. "Just wait till I'm taller than you." he would say. But, I
never let him forget that he was still shorter than me. Sometimes I would tease him so much that he
would break into tears. I didn't realize how much I was taking for granted about him until now. The
mirror screamed at me to keep looking for him. I have to find him, no matter the cost. I owe it to
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The Core State Standards Are Being Attacked By Both Sides...
Joshua Holmgren 12/05/15 Foundations of Education The Common Core State Standards are being
attacked by both sides of the political aisle. The left feels that the CCSS policy makers will use them
to punish teachers. The right feel that the CCSS is an over–reach by the federal government. Those
who support the common core standards believe that they will help reduce achievement gaps
amongst students. It 's clear that the policies set forth in the past have not been working, based on
the current ranking of America to other countries. The comparison of where we once stood also
comes into question and shows a steady decline. Granted, many of the recent decades ' policies were
not in effect long enough to see if they would potentially ... Show more content on
Even with this law, there is still a vast difference in the quality of the many different state standards.
The educational standards were meant to set goals for teaching and learning. Standards include a set
of competencies and the level of educational achievement that demonstrates when the child should
gain appropriate knowledge. They include an extensive list of skills and sub–skills that coincides
with the appropriate grade level. Standards and curriculum are the core pieces of teaching. Basically,
the curriculum is the meat of the course and the standards are how it is prepared. The meat of the
course is the substance and the tools of instructing. It encompasses the material, lesson plans and
literature. It also incorperates how the instructor decides to present the information, how they alter it
to the students, and the order in which the content is delivered. Each instructor may choose to serve
a different piece of meat; or rather, decide on a different method of demonstration, but the way the
material is prepared must follow a common denominator. Instructors utilize the standards as a
pathway for successful instruction. The creators of Common Core realized the problem between
curriculum and standards. The Core's inception argues that "the Standards define what all students
are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach. For instance, the use of play
with young children is not specified by the Standards, but it is welcome as a
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Christmas Shopping Descriptive Essay
I slipped on my red sneakers and scurried with excitement to get my jacket. My mother and I got in
the car and headed for the city to do some Christmas shopping for my little sister and my father. We
held hands while walking along the sidewalks, snaking our way through the crowds, and shopping
in the stores that lined the city streets. I came to a sudden stop, jerking her back to a stop as well. I
turned my head slowly to the right, then slowly tilted it up. Realizing what was in front of me, a rush
of excitement shot through every inch of my scrawny little body. I ran up to the door and yanked the
door open. The door whipped open, breaking through the slight breeze blowing throughout the
streets, then it slowly closed back into its door ... Show more content on ...
I walked over to a corner of the room where I saw a pile of books that looked like they were
carelessly thrown on the ground. I gently started to dig through them. Getting closer to the bottom of
the pile, I saw a solid, crimson red book. I picked up the book and began reading the first few pages.
I instantly loved it. I left the room with the book in my hands and hurried down the stairs to my
mom. With a smile stretched across my innocent face, I looked up at my mother. "Can I please get
this book mom?" I begged. In thought, she stood looking at me. "Alright, Charlie. I suppose so," she
said. I jumped up and down with excitement. She brought me over to the checkout desk, along with
the gifts she found for Violet, and put everything on the desk. The cashier scanned everything we
had laid down, with my book being at the bottom. When he got down to my book, he picked it up
and scanned it. After everything had been scanned, he packed our things in a bag and sent us on our
way. My mother and I finished our shopping in the other stores we needed to go in and got in the car
to head home. Once home, I ran to my room to read more. I continued reading the book I had gotten
for about half an hour. While I was just finishing up a chapter of the book, my mother called me
down to dinner. In the middle of dinner, I sprang up and began to talk about the book I was reading.
Both my parents had a smile on their faces, because every
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Aircraft General Practices A320/321
Structural Breakdown and Zoning (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 09 TOWING Towing with
Nose Gear from the Front (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 10 PARKING AND MOORING Parking
and Mooring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 12 SERVICING Maintenance
External Visit (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 U3U06191 – U0O35M0
TABLE OF CONTENTS May 11, 2006 Page 1 SINGLE ... Show more content on ...
Due to the fin tip extension, the A318 station numbers have changed. The new additional rib 12N is
on the STA597. U3U06191 – U0O35M0 – UM01D1000000001 MAINTENANCE COURSE – CAT
horizontal stabilizer the reference station is y=0 at the A/C Y axis. For the wings, the reference
station is the wing reference axis (WY). WY is located at 1868 mm (73.54 in) from the A/C X axis.
For the engines, station numbers are different depending on the version. U3U06191 – U0O35M0 –
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The Food Of A Brand Cereal And A Generic Brand Food On The...
You stand in your local supermarket trying to decide what cereal to buy. Being in the middle of the
aisle, you can't help but notice that the most popular brands of cereals are placed in the middle of the
aisle and at eye level. The most popular ones totally take up more of the entire aisle too. Upon closer
examination, you notice that those brands are definitely more expensive than the generic ones on the
bottom shelves. You take a look at the nutritional contents and weights of a popular brand cereal and
a generic brand cereal. They're essentially the same: same sugar content, same calories per serving,
same vitamin content, and on and on. Shortly after your curious observation of brand shelf
placement and price, you shrug and buy your go–to box of Lucky Charms (which was placed at
eye–level and was slightly more expensive than the other equivalent brands of toasted oats and
marshmallows). As Americans, we as a society have a general consensus that we have the power to
make a choice. We make choices constantly throughout our everyday lives, whether to eat this or
watch that or whether to buy this or walk away from that. But do we really have that inherent ability
of choice? Some can argue no, our choices were already fixed, that our sense of free will is an
imaginative construct of our predetermined minds. Meanwhile others argue that yes, we can make
choices that are entirely of our own volition or that we are only partially influenced by external
forces, but in
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The Car Is Miles Away
The nearest supermarket to my apartment is miles away. I have not dragged myself to it in a long
time because it is so inconvenient to get to when, like me, you have no car. Usually my family gets
its groceries from a little corner store a half–mile's walk away, a store on the bus route from my
brother's school, or my mother takes the senior bus to the big supermarket. She is too young for it,
but they let her ride anyway; the senior bus drivers understand how difficult it is to get to the store if
you cannot drive. The supermarket is virtually inaccessible to those without cars. Its huge parking
lot invites drivers to come, though it does have a bus stop as well; the stop is located at the back
door. For a long time, back when I did most ... Show more content on ...
This is where holiday foods and candies go after the holiday is passed. For the most part, however,
the Halloween candies were all sold away by the time I visited the store in early November. The bins
were full of the usual mix of pastas, pasta sauces, canned fruit, and soaps. If I had continued forward
I would have passed the checkout aisles. Instead, I turned left through the drugstore section of the
At the edge of the drugstore are racks of small stuffed animals and other cheap gifts. The drugstore
area itself is laid out in orderly rows. The shelves are lower than in the main part of the store; my
guess is that they were created to ease the look–out for shoplifters. Ads featuring smiling,
multiracial, families adorn the ends of the aisles. Each of which contains a carefully ordered section
of items that go together; each of these sections is then arranged by brand. This creates uniform
blocks of brand names and logos; the toothbrush section is, at first glance, a display of Colgate and
Oral logos. The drugstore has a wood, or fake wood, floor in contrast to the shiny, white industrial
tile that floors the rest of the store. The shelves are wood look–alikes. The store seems to have made
an effort to create a more natural looking environment for the drugstore, or "health and beauty,"
section. This natural tone is meant to convey a feeling of health, freshness, and cleanliness.
The drugstore is one
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Aisle One : Chips And Snacks
Aisle One: Chips and Snacks. Aisle Two: Coffee and Tea. Aisle Three: Endless Opportunities and
New Beginnings. This is what I have found at MOMs Organic Market. As I celebrate my one–year
anniversary as an employee at this local grocery store, I have begun to truly realize the impact it has
had on my life. Given the struggles I have faced in my personal and academic life over the last few
years, my career goals and pursuit of a degree have been put on the back burner. Working at MOMs
has renewed my sense of purpose and has really opened doors for me. MOMs is so much more than
just a grocery store. The opportunities that I have been given at work have inspired me to continue
my education and to return to school. In August of 2015, I was hired as a Customer Service
Representative for MOMs Organic Market in College Park, Maryland. I learned how to work the
Point of Sales in the store, how to properly prepare sample foods for customers and became more
knowledgeable when it comes to healthy foods. I was worried that I would burn out, though. How
long could I really stay focused and motivated slicing bread or cashiering? I learned soon enough
that there is so much more to MOMs than what meets the eye. Yes, MOMs is a grocery store, but it
is so much more than that. The company's purpose is to "protect and restore the environment" – our
mission statement isn't about only providing healthy foods or becoming a successful grocery chain.
We focus on all of the ways that we can do our
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Video Toys : Toys And Toys Essay
1. On Tuesday, October the fourth, I visited the department store, Target, at two o'clock in the
afternoon. As I went to observe the kids' clothing and toys sections, I immediately was presented
with the topics we covered in class. Not only were the boy and girl clothing sections completely
separate, but most of the toys were departmentalized into "girl toys" and "boy toys." As I made my
way up one aisle and down the next, I made note of what the various signs read. Some of the sign
names in which I wrote down included: animatronic toys/companion dolls/art and craft toys, Disney
dress up/Disney dolls/Disney princess/Disney Frozen, fashion doll/Barbie accessories/Barbie dolls,
LEGO/building sets, character toys/activity toys/action figures, and science and discovery/action
figures/radio control. Reviewing the list of presented sign labels, one can almost immediately begin
assuming which aisles are supplied for which genders. As custom, the pink Barbie doll and Disney
princess aisles were visibly operating as an attraction for small girls, while the LEGO building sets
and superhero aisles were provided for small boys. In uniform with today's stereotypes, the girls
were provided with the dainty dolls, bedazzling kits, and different colored lip glosses, while the
boys were provided with ready–to–fight action figures, remote controller race cars, and LEGO
building kits. Along with the toy section, the clothes section equally met the stereotypical standards
of today's society. The
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When two people walk down the aisle and make a promise to...
When two people walk down the aisle and make a promise to love one another "till death do us
part," they are proclaiming that for the rest of their lives they will only love their spouse and never
wander from their loved one. If they stray from their loved one; having sexual intercourse with
someone other than their spouse. They are committing adultery. Adulterous behavior can be seen to
fall with the domain of morality.
For men and women there are many reasons they have committed or are committing adultery. For
the most part many who have affairs have a good sex life but come from marriages with little or no
intimacy. When a spouses needs are not met many marriages tend to become more susceptible to an
extramarital affair. Often the ... Show more content on ...
The social contractarian perspective holds adultery to be immoral because it involves the breaking
of an agreement. This perspective is strongly connected with the argument that the institution of
marriage itself has intrinsic value.
What Wasserstrom is suggesting is that the prohibition on adultery may only be morally exciting if
the traditional marriage bond is morally exciting. He states that there are varieties of untraditional
ways that people come together, and does not see that traditional marriage is essentially more
valuable than these other ways in which people come together. The big questions raised are whether
or not non–traditional theories of ethics find adultery unforgivable merely because monogamy is
traditionally endorsed, and whether or not it is possible that promiscuity, homosexual marriage, or
polygamy are.
I can now also respond to Wasserstrom's questions about the value of monogamous marriage versus
the value of alternative ways of coming together by asserting that any relationship, traditional or
nontraditional, must survive the examination of both the justice–view and the relationship–view of
He does not question the common wisdom that adultery is wrong: rather he dedicates his argument
to investigating exactly why adultery is wrong.
Wasserstrom says that in the principles he was shown, there was a strong connection between
having intercourse with someone and loving that person. The more a female
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Gender Specific Toy Aisles Summary
Male Benefits From Gender–Specific Toy Aisles
In the article "Gender–Neutral Toy Sections Are Good For Boys, Too" written by Megan Condis,
Condis goes over the recent incident with Target removing gender specific toy aisles. People claim
that it will help girls more considering that most of the girls toys are labeled with gender while the
boys toys stand as a "default". In her argument she states that although it will benefit girls from
making them have to think they have to stick to only "girl" toys, it will benefit boys because they
can now break that idea that they have to play with "boy" toys. I completely agree with Condis in
her argument and fully believe that the gender specific toys affect boys just as much, if not more.
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Toy Store And Gender Project
Toy Store and Gender Project On Saturday, the tenth of September 2016 I went to Target at 5pm
with my roommates. As I walk to the toy aisle I saw parent with their young children. The store was
busy but not crowded their where about five to ten families at the toy section. The adults in the toy
section with children or without where mostly female. Target had multiple aisles for children's toys
it was divided pretty evenly between girls and boy's toys with one or two aisles for newborns.
The newborn section uses primary colors in its designs of toys and is not as gender specific than the
other aisles. This idea stops as soon as the toys age range increases. The aisles amid toward the girls
filled with pinks and purple colors. The toys geared toward girls are generally dolls, princess, fairies
and animals. Then boy aisles are next and are geared to super heroes, rescue squads, trucks, and first
responders like policemen. The constant colors seen are reds, blues and greens. The colors in the
aisle reflect the socially constructed idea that colors go with genders. The order of the aisles is as
following infants, girls, and boys then comes sports equipment. The social construct of sports is
more geared towards boys and girls should stay home and care for homely topics. Target ordered
their aisles is a way that expresses societies ideas of gender; in that girls should be closer to the
home maker thing like learning to car for babies with baby dolls and that boys should
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Michael's Observation
Michaels is a retail store that specializes in arts and crafts supplies. I do not create artistic projects
often, so I chose Michael's because I knew I could perform an unbiased observation. As a result, I
observed Michael's in Chino Hills, California on October 16, 2016. After I observed the store's
exterior, the store's overall layout and design, and stores' customers, I concluded that the store is
successful in encouraging consumption. Michael's exterior is designed to attract customers. As I
drove towards Michael's, I was easily able to distinguish where it was located. The store had a
simple sign on top of its building. The sign was in big red letters and read "Michael's Crafts". The
parking lot and the surrounding buildings also attracted ... Show more content on ...
I wanted to see if there were any customer characteristic trends and if Michael's was addressing their
customers' trends. I first noticed that customers were primarily female between the ages of
seventeen and fifty. These customers were mixed in ethnicity and about twenty–five percent of them
shopped in a group or had kids with them. Michael's was aware of these customer characteristics
and appeared to be targeting these specific customers. Their aisles were wide enough to fit groups of
people and strollers. The music they had playing overhead was 2000's modern pop, which is a genre
that most of the customers have listened to when they were younger. This music helps bring a happy
tone to the store. Lastly, most of the customers liked to touch/handle products. Michael's met this
trend as their products were easily
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Cereal Analysis
Vanessa Gunnoe Marketing 305 Professor Ball Assignment 1
Identify the store and the day and time you made your observation–
In order for me to make my observation on consumers buying merchandise I went to my local
grocery store around the corner from me called Giant Eagle. Giant Eagle is a privately held
corporation in Ohio, P.A, West Virginia and Maryland. Giant Eagle is the 49th largest retailer in the
United States. Giant Eagle grocery store also has gas stations at some of their locations called
GetGo. Giant ... Show more content on ...
Consumer B was a middle aged lady who was also price point conscious who was in the juice/ drink
aisle and she was looking to get a good deal because she is the one where name brands didn't really
matter to her because she went home with a 2 liter of pop that cost her .98 cents because it was an
off brand she seemed to know right where it was as if she had it before because once she saw it she
grabbed it and then left but nodded at the price like she got a great deal!! Consumer C was the
middle–aged lady who knew what she wanted when she got there she came into the juice/ drink
aisle knowing that she wanted to purchase the ice tea and scanned the rest of the aisle and left she
was fast. Consumer D was the women with the 2 kids she was in the cereal aisle and she bought
whatever her kids pointed to as if price were not an option she even asked her kids 'Okay is there
anything else you're going to eat" I found myself laughing because I say that to my husband when
we go grocery shopping because he always ask '' hey babe can I try this?'' or ''this looks good what
do you think?''
Assess how consumers determine value for their various purchases. This can be addressed with at
least two (2) specific consumer examples or by combining all the consumers you observed–
To analyze how the
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Walmart Observation
I decided that for this assignment that I would go to Walmart and observe their toy department. I
chose this retailer simply because it was convenient, and it supplied a wide variety of toys for me to
observe. Before I went to the toy aisle, I found myself reminiscing about my trips to the toy aisle.
When I was a young girl the toy aisle was a pink wonderland. From what I can recall, all the
packaging for girl toys were pink and violet whereas boy toys were blue and green. The former girl
aisle mainly consisted of Barbie's, Polly Pocket toys, Littlest Pet Shop toys, baby dolls, stuffed
animals, and kitchen playsets. I do not remember much about the boys' aisle except that there were a
lot of toy automobiles. I also do not remember any gender neutral specific toys; however, that could
be due to my age. I was surprised to find that the toy section actually had gender neutral toys. They
had outdoor toys like balls, hula–hoops, kites, and jump ... Show more content on ...
The boys' aisle proved that society views men as a muscular, heroic–like figures. Take the superhero
figurines. Superheroes are the ideal role–model for little boys, but why? This is because superheroes
are valiant, strong, brave men. They generally have the same body type (broad shoulder and
muscular). These men also exhibit traits, such as courage, charity, and kindness that makes them a
wonderful role–model for little boys. What makes the girls' role in society to be seen as a nurturing
mother–like figure? In the girls aisle you will find a variety of baby dolls, kitchen sets, and a bit of
doctor tools. This suggests to young girls that their role in society is to play the role of housewife or
doctor. The physical attributes of the dolls, such as the Monster High or Lego Friends dolls, reveals
that society deems that women should have a tall, slim figure with plump lips and delicate
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Grocery Can You Stock Aisle Three Please?
Grocery Employees
Manager: "Billy can you stock aisle three please?"
Billy: "Yes I will, but let me go to the bathroom first."
(Billy goes to find Marie)
Billy: "Hey Marie, the manager said to go stock aisle three. I am done with all of my aisles, so I get
to sit back in the back until it is time for me to clock out."
Marie: "Uhm, okay, but why did the manager not come tell me?"
Billy: "She was too busy, so she told me to tell you."
Marie: "Okay, I will go work on it."
In the U.S today, the workplace has made a drastic change. Billy does not want to do his job that the
manager assigned him, so Billy decides to pend it off on Marie. According to Anthony Mirhaydari
from MSN Money, "For the first time since the recession ended, businesses are increasingly unable
to squeeze more and more work out of existing workers." Productivity is no longer what it use to be
fifty years ago. Employees leave an everlasting impression on customers. When walking into an
IGA grocery store, a customer will experience three different types of employees.
Hard worker First, according to, a hard worker is defined as "one who is industrious
and diligent in carrying out tasks or duties." When thinking about a hard worker, he or she strive and
rise above the job task. An employee who works a night shift is to complete a work list which
consists of filling these products on the shelves: sugar, eggs, milk, bread, Red Gold Tomato Juice,
IGA 2–Liters, 12 packs of cokes,
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What Is Gender Force Upon American Society
Gender: Forced Upon American Society Growing up, many Americans ' childhood consisted of
playing tag outside, having cooties, and experimenting with as many toys as possible. Hundreds of
thousands of toys flood kid stores such as Toys R ' Us, Baby Depot, and KB toys. With imagination,
kids are able to become doctors, presidents, and princesses during the contents of one day.
Television shows such as Barney or Blues Clues encourage having such imagination, thus inspiring
kids to want to become one of the many options stores can transform them into. Walking into a
regular toy store, people generally do not dissect the sexism that lays within the aisles, however,
when walking in specifically to compare and contrast boys and girls toys ... Show more content on ...
In an interview US Weekly, the actress claims "She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy.
So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys ' everything. She thinks she 's one of the brothers."
This is a prime example of going against society, and allowing kids to grow up independent and
intellectually choosing who they want to be regardless what of peers, religion, and society may
conclude. Although I too was raised this way, I am now aware that being forced to be part of a
certain group because of something that you where born with is simply immoral. I, like most of the
people I am surrounded by, have fallen victim of being forced to be a gender, and if future
generations can pin point this issue that has gone to far, our future kids will be able to express
themselves in a manner in which they feel liberated, and no longer deemed to be accepted by
Work Cited
Knox, David, and Schacht, Caroline. Choices In Relationships: An Introduction To Marriage and the
Family.Belmont: CA,
Author, Unknown. "Angelina Jolie: Shiloh Wants to be a Boy" 28 JUNE 2010 page 1
Angelina Jolie 's daughter Shiloh, often confused for a boy.
Blue and green and dominant colors in the boys aisles.
You and me, Referring to the baby doll and the child buying it. Pink is forced upon girls, and seeing
a boy engaging in these aisles has been
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A Tribute to Forever: A Walk Down the Aisle of the...
There are many ways in which one can describe and define marriage. There are legal, biblical and
personal definitions, each with its own distinct basis for its definition, but which is the right one?
The decision of which definition is the right one depends on where one lives and what one believes.
Marriage has evolved throughout history. In today's society there are many different types of unions
that can be viewed as marriage. Today, when one thinks of marriage, they usually think of two
people, deeply in love, who decide to bind their lives together through a legal process. Such is not
always the case, with "common–law marriages" (as it is not a legal process). There are many
reasons other than love that can constitute the bond ... Show more content on ...
The most important of all in those times was the security of defence. The more "kin" one had, the
safer one would be. People in those times married to expand their "number" of relatives. It was
operated as a Pioneer based functionality. One would live in a big shelter with family everywhere
and would eventually become a tribe. A Case Study on the Hmong culture is a perfect Eastern
example of this. The Hmong are an isolated ethnic minority, who live in the highest mountain peaks
of Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and China. The Hmong union of a man and a woman serves as two
purposes, the first being to procreate, second to create reciprocal economic, political and ceremonial
ties between the other 18 clans. The Hmong usually accepts the opinion of the individual's choice
when it comes to arrange a marriage. Hmong parents want their children to be happy and successful
in their marriages. The Hmong do not believe in divorce, therefore they allow for choice. The
Hmong parents ultimately get the end decision in the partner of their child. The girls were between
the ages 14 and 20 when they have to marry, while the boys were between the ages of 17 to 25. The
formal marriage procedure is initiated by the groom's father, his older married brothers or clan
leaders. The formal marriage negotiation regarding the bride–price, dowry and the high costs of the
marriage ceremony takes place on the 4th or 5th day in the bride's parental house after the bride has
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Differences And Weaknesses Of The Party 's Claims,...
Form 12: Early Dispute Resolution Statement 6. Strengths and Weaknesses of the party's claims,
counterclaims, and/or defenses and affirmative defenses. I. A puddle of water accumulated on the
floor was a condition on the defendant's property, which did not present an unreasonable risk of
harm to people on the property. For my client, the defendant, there is a strong point that the water
spill was not an unreasonable risk of harm to people on the property. In order for the plaintiff to
recover damages, the plaintiff has to show there was a condition on the defendant 's property which
presented an unreasonable risk of harm to people on the property. Jury Instructions: 35. Here, the
puddle that accumulated in the toy aisle was not a ... Show more content on ...
She became aware of the puddle when the plaintiff fell and asked for help. Nobody alerted the
defendant that water spilled in one of the aisles. Additionally, the defendant's employee checked the
aisles earlier in a routine check at 10AM and found no spill in the aisle. While the employee did
spray the cleaning spray in the aisles the night before, he's certain that the spray would not have
caused the puddle or a slippery surface. Thus, the defendant could not have known about the
condition and the risk. Additionally, to determine reasonable care, it must be determined if an unsafe
condition existed. Jury Instructions: 35. Reasonable care can be determined by the length of time an
unsafe condition has existed. Id. Length of time can be considered by a "just spilled" drink. An
owner is liable if a drink "just spilled" when it is reasonably foreseeable a spill would occur in a
shop that retails drinks, but an owner is not liable for spill that "just spilled" in a shop that does not
sell beverages because it is not reasonably foreseeable that a spill would occur. See Owens v. Coffee
Corner; see also Chad v. Bill's Camera Shop. In Chad v. Bill's Camera Shop, the court held that a
spill in a camera shop is not an unreasonable risk because the camera shop did not sell drinks to
spill. This is analogous to the present case. Here, the defendant did not sell drinks in the store, the
store sold toys. Thus, it would not be foreseeable that the toy store
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Socialization Is Like A Two Sided Coin
Socialization is like a two sided coin. One side holds all the teachings of how to thrive and be
successful in modern society. The other side teaches the biases, stereotypes, and prejudice of gender
and race. The socialization of children into gender roles is no exception. For instance, on the
positive side of socialization, men have the gender role of being a protector and strong. However, on
the opposite side of the coin, men are perceived as being promiscuous and callous. Gender roles and
expectation have a significant impact on the American society. In fact, these rules and regulations
are taught to the children at a young age so they will pass on them throughout their adult lives. Two
places that reveal the teachings of gender ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, the aisle for girls has pink and other bright colors. The toys associated with them
deal with motherhood, cooking, and dress up. These themes are shown through toys American Girl,
Baby Alive dolls, Barbie (the doll and the various selection of clothes), and Easy Bake Oven. To
further drive the designated distinctions gender biases they also make the advertisements in the boy
aisle and girl lane consists of that gender. For instance, the advertisements in the boy aisle depict
boys interacting with the toys. The girl aisle is similar in their advertisement because they have the
girls have some type of interaction with those toys.
The way Wal–Mart socializes gender speaks to the culture in America. The fact that the aisles are
organized in norms and beliefs shows that marketing copes with the general public to appease them.
However, marketing may benefit from incorporating deviance into gender roles it 's not morally
right in today 's society. An example of that speaks about this is the article "Preschoolers ' Awareness
of Social Expectations of Gender: Relationships to Toy Choices" by Tarja Raag and Christine L.
Rackliff. In this article, Raag and Rackliff discuss the research on how children are socialized into
believing playing with certain toys are morally acceptable or unacceptable. In most cases, it seemed
that children were learning these types of gendered
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Personal Reflection Of The Body
The ninth field exercise asked us to focus on the concept of bodies and how we present them to
society. I visited a Walmart and went to the personal care/hygiene section. While mapping the store,
I noticed that although the placement of most of the products made sense, the layout of the store was
a little strange. The first rows of makeup were at a strange angle, but the next couple of rows were
parallel to the rest of the rows in the store. I could not tell why they were angled that way, as it
seemed like it was just wasting space.
The personal care section seemed to into two categories: necessary health items and cosmetic items.
The first section I looked at was the health items. For the most part, they were all located near each
other. I noticed they had eye drops and contact solution next to each other, which are meant to
correct vision and dryness issues in the eyes. They also had foot gel inserts at the end of the aisle,
which I thought was an odd place to put them. These are used to help with foot and arch support. In
the opposite aisle there were baby shampoos and soaps, to aid in cleaning babies. The next aisle had
toothpaste and toothbrushes. A distinguishing characteristic of the toothpastes, were the adjectives
that accompanied them, such as "whitening", "protective", "sensitive", and "complete".
Toothbrushes and toothpastes are used to brush your teeth, in order to prevent cavities in your
mouth. The deodorant aisle also had condoms at the end, which seemed
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Evolution Of Gender Stereotypes
Picture this–your scrolling down Facebook one evening, and your (now pregnant) childhood
babysitter and her husband posted pictures of their big 'gender reveal', for their unborn child. The
pictures show the couple cutting into a cake in front of all of their friends and family; the cake is
covered in white icing, and the inside is a bright and vivid PINK. Without even reading the post, you
automatically know that they are going to have a daughter. Have you ever wondered why this
happens so naturally in our heads? The correlation of pink is for girls, and blue is for boys has been
driven into our minds for as long as we can remember–But why?
Gender is described as, "the state of being male or female"; it has nothing to do with the biological
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Up until the 19th century, it was socially acceptable for little boys to wear skirts, and dresses!
During this time, all babies wore white dresses until about the age of six or seven. White dresses and
diapers were worn for due to ease of cleaning and laundering; White was easy to bleach and keep
clean. The early 20th century was when boys started wearing pants and girls started wearing dresses;
color also started to be impacted by gender. In 1918, a department store printed an ad with a chart
showing sex–appropriate colors for girls and boys according to leading U.S. stores. This chart stated
that boys should be dressed in pink and girls in blue. Pink was for boys because it was a powerful
color. Blue was designated to girls because it was considered delicate and dainty. It is ridiculous to
think that this entire Gender norming issue formed solely because people were just trying to sell
more items. The color scheme switch after WW1, because the media showed men dressed in blue
army uniforms. This gender difference reached a halt in the 1960's when women dressed themselves
and their daughters in more of a unique way to exhibit there negative feelings to being 'normal' and
'accepted'. Society then began dressing their children in yellow–which until this day is still
considered a "neutral" color for both boys and girls. In the 1980's you now have sonograms which
reveals the gender of your unborn child. Which then led to pink or blue themed baby showers,
nursery decoration, gifts, toys, etc. So– fast forward until today and we are still experiencing issues
related to gender stereotyping. Within 100 years, we as a society, have collectively evolved from
white clothing on both boys and girls, to having a set color and theme for separate boys and girls
toys, clothing, bedding, etc. Walking down the aisles of Walmart in Abilene, today, It is easy to
... Get more on ...

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Theories Of Aisles And Space Usage

  • 1. Theories Of Aisles And Space Usage ection 1: Theories of Aisles and Space Usage Social theories of Aisle placement There exists social theory that states that people attract more people. This theory is commonly referred to as social magnetism. (Feiberg et al. 1989; Gehl 2010). Take for instance a trip to the grocery store. The trip serves the main purpose of procuring food ingredients for people to prepare and consume meals. For some, this trip is very mundane and solely about getting in and getting out of the store with the necessary items. For many others, it's an excuse to go out and venture amongst other people under the guise of a socially acceptable activity. The social interactions that take place within a store lead to unintended opportunities for pleasurable experiences amongst customers which can prolong their shopping trip time and encourage additional spending (Donovan et al. 1994; Turley Milliman 2000) It is the theory of social magnetism which makes the basis for the Aisles of Life. The aisles of life theory is the focus of our study in regards to the social aspect of retail aisle layout. The aisles of life theory suggests that in order for a retail store to fully utilize social magnetism to its full potential, it must abide by the following five parameters: visit–ability, destin–ability, comfort–ability, walk– ability and compact–ability (Juel–Jacobsen, 2014) Visit–ability Visit–ability measures the ease of access potential customers have to the stores location. Both inside the store and out. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Personal Narrative: The Grocery Store The grocery store is one of my favorite places, but it offers so many different items, making it hard to choose even the simplest of purchases. So I went to Whole Foods and did the dirty work for you, finding one item in each aisle that is absolutely essential. 1. Flour, Sugar, Candy & Fruit Snack Aisle First glance down this aisle, I already knew what I absolutely had to have: chocolate. Although it was the obvious essential, the flavor of my chocolate was not as easy to decide on. In the end, I decided to go with a sea salt dark chocolate bar because nothing can beat the classic combination of salty and sweet. PICTURE HERE 2. Beans, Broths, Pastas & Grains Aisle When you're limited to one option and there is pasta, you pick pasta. ... Show more content on ... Coffee, Juices, Sodas and Tea Aisle I have never been much a of a soda or juice drinker, and quite honestly have a small love affair with lattes, which makes coffee the obvious choice for me. There are so many different flavors of ground coffee, but my personal choice was Octane Coffee (or any coffee from a local coffee roaster), in my best attempts to make a coffee shop quality latte in my own house. PICTURE HERE 9. Frozen Veggies, Fruits and Entrees Aisle From this aisle, I picked frozen açaí. Açaí is essential to make açaí bowls–basic, I admit, but undeniably necessary. PICTURE HERE 10. Frozen Bread, Desserts, Waffles and Ice Cream Aisle Ice Cream is one of the items I would not leave the store without in any circumstance, but there are so many tempting flavors that picking just one was difficult. Whole Foods carries a lot brands of ice cream that I have not tasted, so I had to go with a tried and trusted flavor: Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream. PICTURE HERE
  • 6. This patriotically named ice cream is the perfect pick me up after the recent election, with caramel swirls and chocolate covered waffle cone pieces distributed throughout vanilla ice cream. PICTURE HERE 11. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Descriptive Essay About Personal Experience Fear, guilt, happiness, and anger are emotions which individuals can be struck with at the most unexpected time, but as human beings, we have experienced all of these feelings a plethora of times over the course of life. Emotions and feelings are the results of one's actions that lead to situations. The way an individual acts, speaks, or even discerns can lead to circumstances and ultimately trigger emotions, which in the end, possibly provide you with a valuable lesson. The glorious summer of 2008 resulted from the sun and air's collaboration to fulfill my desire to have balmy weather. The trees composedly swayed while the neighborhood kids played and giggled around them, and their parents prepared for work. In the midst of this, I woke ... Show more content on ... I got very restless as she opened for business, since I didn't know how to spend my time, I lead my feet to the coolers located on the far opposite side of the checkout area that were filled with different types of waters and juices. Although I was tempted to pick out a juice, I chose a strawberry flavored water, and I decided to save the juice for later. With my drink, I happily walked to the candy aisle that was in between the tobacco and cigarette aisles. My eyes couldn 't locate the KitKat wafers, my all–time favorite chocolate bar. As a result, I dragged myself back to the comfort of my chair empty handed. I felt like a sportsperson who just came home defeated from a championship game. My eyes ogled at the rack, from a great distance, while my heart wept and yearned for the treat. My mind, the biggest asset of my body, told my muscles to reevaluate the aisle. With a small ray of hope buried deep in my heart, I swiftly and carefully ran to the rack and inspected the candies again. The nervousness on my face made me lethargic as I inspected each of the boxes of candies. After a thorough investigation, I finally found a large box filled with the sweet and savory Kitkats hiding on the bottom shelf of the rack. My over excited heart started celebrating, while my mind remembered to seek permission. With my childlike innocence, I approached my mom and asked her by faking a naive look, ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Personal Narrative: Siblings Siblings, especially my brother and I, antagonize one another; this usually frustrates our parents. On one specific day, my parents had had enough. They kicked me and my younger brother out of the house and ordered us to return before dinner (It was around noon when we were kicked out). My brother I decided to swing by our neighbor's house to hang out, but Jonathan, a friend of mine a little older than me, wanted to chill outside. We all rode our skateboards/ bicycles around our neighborhood until we were bored. We live about a mile from Publix, so we headed toward there for the free cookies and cold water. We had arrived at Publix and left our skateboards and bikes by the side of the store, near a backdoor; nobody ever goes back there. ... Show more content on ... All was well and good, until Kevin began panicking about possible jail time. He was having a full on anxiety attack in the bathroom for more than ten minutes. Afterwards, we all had a bit of a stomach ache, but wanted to end on a good note. Jojo and I filled our cargo pants with Cadbury Eggs and Peeps, Kevin had the important job of smuggling the giant chocolate Easter bunny. To this day, Jojo and I don't know why we gave Kevin that job, but what is done is done. We were casually walking through one of the checkout aisle without a cashier, but a cashier two aisles down spotted us and asked us if we payed for all of the candy. My genius brother brother exclaimed, "Our parents are outside and we are bringing them the candy, we will return with the money." The lady clearly saw through Kevin's lie and asked if she could see our parents. Kevin lost it, he began pleading that she doesn't take us to jail. Jojo and I gave him a look of pure, what in the world is wrong with you. We dropped almost everything and booked it; there was no really reason to run, but we were spooked. We were going as fast as we could and got back home in a record time of twenty ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Norm Break Mitesh Patel Soc 1113.007 I was given the chance to break a social norm at multiple local grocery stores. This privilege is not acceptable or common throughout the world while performing rare unusual behavior. My interest was to skip through aisles while whistling in a variety of grocery stores. I was interested in seeing reactions and confusion on this act. Many people were shocked to witness what was happening and were curious why this action was performed. Skipping through the aisles was scary and made me nervous. After I performed my social breach 23 times, I accomplished a successful act and had strange but interesting feedbacks. Wal–Mart was the first store I broke my social norm. The first time I broke my norm, I ... Show more content on ... After each breach, I was nervous to see if anyone would react with any violent actions that would cause problems. During each attempt, I maintained my composure and failed to mess up I came close to accidentally telling my friends and family that I was going to be experimenting on breaking a social norm when I went home for the weekend. If I had to tweak my attempt to break a social norm, I would have spiked my hair all the way up while wearing sunglasses that were oversized. This change most likely would have given me more amusing reactions to analyze and react. Holding hands possibly with someone while skipping would have attracted more attention and made scenes interesting. If this was done, many would ponder about my attitude and continue to question why I was being awkward. I also would consider asking the appropriate people to tag along and skip with me throughout the aisle and observe how they would provide me with an answer. In society today people decide what is normal and abnormal, when I reflect back I realized that people will not appreciate unusual behavior and showed signs of anger. Breaking this social norm helped understand how the community reacted to unusual behavior and changed my view of how I would interpret the situation if another person attempted the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Target Gendered Space A. A gendered space is a space where it is only appropriate for one sex to occupy. Gendered spaces are an example of material culture, because there are artifacts that give spaces the appearance that makes a space look gendered. Gendered spaces are also examples nonmaterial culture, because the idea of gendered spaces such as locker rooms are from Mentifacts. Mentifacts are the ideas, believes, and practices of a culture and since gendered spaces are present in American culture and people believe in the idea of gendered spaces, gendered space are then Mentifacts. An example of a gendered space is public bathrooms, because there are separate restrooms for each sex, and in society, it is a highly inappropriate act for a male or female to occupy a restroom that is for the opposite sex, and that makes restrooms gendered. The non–material culture of ... Show more content on ... Target is representative of gendered spaces, because Target has many regions within itself that cater to a specific sex. This makes Target a gendered space, because a gendered space is a space in which it is only appropriate for one sex to occupy. An example of a gendered space in Target would be the feminine care aisle, because all the products in that aisle are for females. This makes the feminine care aisle a gendered space, because most people find it inappropriate or weird for males to occupy the feminine care aisle. In American culture, people believe that it is only appropriate for females to occupy the feminine care aisle. This is an example of a non–material culture, specifically a Mentifact, because the act of believing is not a tangible thing. Material culture is a culture that values manmade item, while non–material culture is a culture that values things that people cannot see or touch. The fact that all items present in the Feminine care aisle are for females is, an example of material culture, because the products in the feminine care aisle are tangible, and manmade which makes them, artifacts. Therefore, ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Winter Descriptive Writing It was a flurry and cold winter day, the kind of day when every breath stings the lungs and every exhale chills the lips. Living in Iowa, I was used to the frigid winter, but this unsuspecting day would forever change Emily Kriz. My mother and I had just entered the frosted glass doors at our local Michaels after having the usual tedious chat about keeping your hands to yourself and looking with our eyes, not our hands. I acted as though I was listening, adding in subtle head nods as I watched each individual snowflake fall crisply onto the ground, as if each had a strict road map to a anticipated location. Upon entering, we saw a winter wonderland. The fragrance of frosted pine wafted through the nipping air that had snuck in from the outdoors and tingled my petite fingers and toes. With every blink of the eye there was something newfangled and wondrous to look at. It had seemed as though Michaels was decorated for a gala, with only the finest and most stunning decorations on display, but with every piece of pristine decor in is precise spot. We browsed the aisles, with each aisle as colorful and exciting as the rest. We were nearing the end of the isles when I saw it, a display of candles that drew my eyes in like no other. My mom had turned her cart down the aisle filled with all the eyeful winter floral pieces, and at this moment I knew it was my time to do what I had been told not to, I needed to reach out and smell one of those candles that had tunneled my vision. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Thanks for Shopping with Us Christy Williams Dr. Huston English 1301 September 28, 2014 Thank You for Shopping With Us Customers must take several precautions when shopping, especially those on a budget. There are traps all over the stores, from the parking lot to the meat department. Some of the pretty well hidden, some are quite obvious. Grocery stores use several marketing tricks and strategies to get customers to spend more money in their stores. Walk into Kroger, the smell of rotisserie chicken fills the air. This lures the customer to deli, but he came for milk. By the time he gets to the milk, he has a rotisserie chicken and macaroni and cheese. How did this happen? In most Krogers, and other grocery stores, the deli is located in the front of the ... Show more content on ... She continues down the aisle and spots a jar of pickles. She puts those pickles she found in her basket. Now she has an additional item. The plan worked! People buy in bulk when they believe it is a good deal. To be honest, most bulk deals are not good deals, especially if the items have a short shelf life. But there are some things that are good to buy that way, such as toilet paper and toothpaste. Pasta is good, as well, to buy in bulk. Spices are not good to buy in bulk because they may lose their flavor. Produce should mainly be bought as needed. The customer is now in the checkout line. This is usually when customers look at their carts and realize how much they really have. The checkouts really have no room to dump the unnecessary stuff customers have picked up along the way. So they keep it. But there is candy and magazines to pick up and throw in your cart. The kids all want candy and there is a good recipe in the "Good Housekeeping" magazine and after all that shopping, a cold Pepsi would be good, adding even more to the cart. These stores are setup to make customers buy more food and spend more money. Grab the handheld basket instead of a shopping cart. Only get what will fit in it. To avoid impulse buying, eat before grocery shopping. It is never good to take children or spouses either. They can sometimes be more harmful than helpful. Shoppers should be focused to avoid the getting caught in the "traps" of the grocery ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Analysis Of John Updike 's ' Araby ' John Updike 's penchant for appropriating great works of literature and giving them contemporary restatement in his own fiction is abundantly documented––as is the fact that, among his favorite sources, James Joyce looms large.[1] With special affinity for Dubliners, Updike has, by common acknowledgment, written at least one short story that strongly resembles the acclaimed "Araby," not only in plot and theme, but in incidental detail. That story, the 1960 "You 'll Never Know, Dear, How Much I Love You"––like "Araby"––tells the tale of a poor, romantically infatuated young boy who, though obstructed by parental slowness, journeys with innocent urgency, coins in hand, to a seemingly magical carnival–– only to find there, behind its facades, ... Show more content on ... The self–delusion in both cases leads quickly to an emotional fall. At 19, Updike 's protagonist, Sammy, is a good bit older than Joyce 's––at the opposite end of adolescence, it would seem. While in Joyce 's boy we readily believe such confusion between the gallant and profane, I think we needn 't assume that Sammy is likewise unable to distinguish between the two quite normal impulses. His attraction to the girl in the aisle is certainly far more anatomically and less ambiguously expressed than that of Joyce 's boy to Mangan 's sister. But it is Beauty that confounds the issue. When human aesthetics come into play, when the object of a young man 's carnal desire also gratifies him aesthetically, that is when the confusion arises. in Irish– Catholic Dublin of the 1890s,[3] such youthful beauty not surprisingly invokes analogies between Mangan 's sister and the Queen of Heaven (though the swinging of her body and "the soft rope of her hair toss[ing] from side to side" [Joyce 30]), which captivate the boy, hint at something less spiritual than Madonna worship). And while beauty 's benchmarks in Sammy 's more secular mid– century America are more anatomical than spiritual, Updike does have Sammy call his young femme fatal "Queenie," and he does make her the center of a "trinity" of sorts, showing her two friends at one point "huddl[ing] against her for relief" ("A & P" 189). Once smitten, both young ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Shea Moistual Analysis What is beauty? Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. Women and girls aspire to be beautiful according to society's definition of beauty. Some may describe this as a social norm. Perhaps society's definition of beauty does help empower women and girls to want to be viewed as beautiful, but society definition of beauty normally favors white culture which is displayed in Shea Moisture "break the walls" commercial. Observing the Shea Moisture advertisement, viewers may wonder, what is Shea Moisture selling besides their product? Despite Shea Moisture trying to sell their natural hair product they present an emotion (pathos) appeal to explain that equality is needed in society beauty standards, therefore advocating that there needs to be a change in society standards for beauty. Furthermore, the Shea Moisture commercial address inequalities black women and girls are faced with when trying to buy hair care products. When the advertisement begins you instantly hear music playing in the background and then a woman's thought start narrating what she's thinking while walking down an aisle in a store labeled ethnic. The camera focuses on the women's natural hair before revealing she is African American. The women explain how "African American women and girls have been conditioned to shop for hair care products that are tucked in an area or aisle labeled ethnic". Another woman narrator begins speaking and expresses that "there is a section called ethnic and an aisle called ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Essay From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Sammy is stuck in that difficult transition between childhood and adulthood. He is a nineteen–year–old cashier at an A&P, the protagonist in a story with the same name. John Updike, the author of "A&P," writes from Sammy's point of view, making him not only the main character but also the first person narrator. The tone of the story is set by Sammy's attitude, which is nonchalant but frank––he calls things as he sees them. There is a hint of sarcasm in Sammy's thoughts, for he tends to make crude references to everything he observes. Updike uses this motif to develop the character of Sammy, as many of these references relate to the idea of "play." Sammy is no longer a child, but much of ... Show more content on ... Sammy's play continues as he his eyes follow the three girls around the store, and he notes the way that the one he has named "Queenie" is definitely the leader. She would "buzz to the other two, who kind of huddled against her for relief" (28). Sammy sees this as a game of follow–the–leader as well as a game of hide–and–seek, because, as Queenie "led them, the other two [would] peek around and make their shoulders round" (27). Sammy is shallow and sexist in the way he has named these young women according to his first impression of their bodies and behaviors. Patrick W. Shaw notes that "Sammy knows what is on each aisle in the store and constantly thinks of what is inside bottles, cans, and jars; but he has no idea what is inside the girls, no sensitivity to their psychology or sexual subtlety. His awareness stops with their sweet cans and ice–cream breasts" (322). Sammy further demonstrates his childishness and chauvinism by commenting on the mental abilities of the girls: "You never know for sure how girls' minds work (do you really think it's a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)" (27). This comment ironically lets the reader know more about the way Sammy's mind works. Shaw agrees, suggesting that Sammy's "mind is even less than a bee in a jar" (322). Sammy is still absorbed in thinking about the games he played as a cild and maybe even in the present. He ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. My Trip To America Essay Being Filipino and growing up in America, my trip to the Philippines was an experience I will never forget. This was the first time I would be traveling to the place of my heritage. I was gladly going to live there for 2 years to finish my studies. I did not know too much of the Philippines, only the stuff my mother has been telling me about. She explained to me, that the weather was different in the Philippines. She told me it was very humid. That it was so humid, it was like walking in a sauna. This has become very useful, for I knew what type of clothes to bring over there. But as the day of my flight came closer, I could not help but feel nervous. I never met any of my relatives over there, nor did I know anything about the place. Then ... Show more content on ... As the orange seatbelt sign went off, people in the plane started to hurriedly move towards the door. I stood up, and tailed the orderly crowd as we moved in a single file line. As I got closer to the door, I started to feel some nastily warm air. I felt like I walked into, what could surely be a sauna. My mother was right; the weather was definitely different from America. The air felt damp and heavy. It was surprisingly hard to breathe in the humid air. I felt sweat instantly roll from my face to my shirt. Telling me is one thing, but experiencing it, is completely different. After going through a couple security checks, immigration and customs, I was on my way out of the airport. As I made my way out, I noticed that not only was it humid, but also terribly smoggy. I anxiously looked around to find out where all the smoke was coming from. And surprisingly, it was coming from the cars. As I confusedly kept looking around, I saw a lady waving at me; it was my aunt. She and my cousin kindly helped me carry my bags as we walked to the car. On our walk, I had asked her why there was so much smog. She told me, that it was not like in America, cars in the Philippines did not have to go through a vigorously strict emissions check to be driven. I have learned that not only was the weather different, but so were the laws. Either way, the unbearably hard part was over with. As long as I did not have to fly, in coach, for another thirteen ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Should There Be Gender Specific Toy Aisles Lining The Rows? Should there be gender specific toy aisles lining the rows in stores? How much does this reassure the sociological idea of gender itself? Does putting restrictions on kids' toy decisions effect them in a negative way? Research has shown that it is natural for kids to want to experiment with different toys and identities. Pushing kids into a box of what they can, or cannot play limits their true potential and imagination. Growing up, people can attest to the memory of them having gone to McDonald's, ordering a happy meal, and received a special toy in their box. There were always two options for toys because they had a clear separation of the toy for boys or for girls. Even asking for a different gendered toy could be an issue at some ... Show more content on ... The idea of separating toy selection is simply a marketing technique created to increase profits by creating a whole new market. These techniques, created by companies like Mattel and Hasbro, spread the notion that "blue is for boys, and pink is for girls". It only further implemented stereotypes of how people should be and like. Big corporations are aware of the fact that pushing these stereotypes will make it more likely for parents to buy more toys for their different gendered children. They realize that if an older sister has a pink bike with streamers on the side, the younger brother will just want a new bike because he doesn't want to be made fun of for riding such a feminine bike. Taking a specific look at girl stereotypes, the toys targeted towards them are packaged in pink and are dominated by sexualized brands like Bratz, Barbie or the Disney Princesses, or makeup and hairstyle" (p. 36). Yet at the same time, they vehemently deny that toys are instrumental in the formation of gender differences, claiming that their intentions are to "maximize sales and profits, not to rear children" (Cross 1997, p. 231). Its inevitable that these overtly sexualized toys wouldn't influence the girls at an impressionable age. Female–only commercials have repeatedly been found to make up the smallest percentage of children's commercials (Johnson and Young 2002) Some brands that have created lines dedicated to reach a girl demographic have been Lego, and Nerf. But generally ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Influences Of Gender Typing And Stereotypes Influences of gender typing and stereotypes are continually bombarding us wherever we are. Both types of gender processes are shown everywhere in the media which includes commercials, billboards, music, television shows, movies, and books. Advertisements for gender specific toys give children gender typing where they think a certain toy is cool if an older boy or girl is playing with the toy and that makes the toy more desirable. An example of this would be if a commercial shows a teenage boy playing with Nerf guns with his friends or teenage girls playing with Barbies. I went to Walmart to search for toys targeted towards gender typing and what I found was not too surprising. Immediately, I found the girl's section and I was surrounded by the color pink wherever I looked. There were many baby dolls in the aisles and this reminded me of the evolutionary perspective where women evolved to nurture and care for infants. Young girls are drawn towards babies perhaps from witnessing their mothers nurture and care for infants and children. Not surprisingly, there were tons of Barbies on the shelves that ranged from princesses, dance instructor Barbies, cooking Barbies, fashionista Barbie's, mermaid Barbies, and even a superhero Barbie. The cooking Barbie reaffirmed how marketers are trying to target gender roles on young girls by thinking ... Show more content on ... Bubbles, pool chairs, Frisbees, water guns, an ice cream maker, shovels, water balloons, and chalk lined the aisle. I was happy to find toys that were not targeted for just one gender. I feel like gender specific toys are divided so exclusively for each gender because the companies are still set on the traditional nuclear family where each gender has specific roles they have to have in order to be a woman or man and are not open to society changing interests and traits apart from what was acceptable in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. I Am A Dog Food For My Trolley It takes me the whole drive to keep calm. Even though I have annoyance and humiliation swirling in me. I 'm not quite sure what the hell was wrong with him. Normally, when people live in a small town they 're sweet and welcoming, not act like they 're related to Satan. Even he gave me the wrong directions to the grocery store. Oh, the signs of a gentlemen. It doesn 't take me long to find the shopping store, which was literally five streets away. I quickly hop out of my car and remember that I need to get dog food for my golden retriever while I 'm grocery shopping. Then, I rapidly get my iPhone out of my pocket and text mum, sending: Be back in half and hour, love you. I 'm a quick shopper, wasting no time strolling through aisles. Throwing all sorts of items to my trolley. When my trolley is filled to its rim, I get in line. "Sarah?" Someone asks, behind me. I jump back dropping cartoon of eggs on the floor accidentally. "Crap." "I 'm so sorry! I startled you," a boy around the age of seventeen says. His, muscular tan arms shot out picking up the packet of eggs, placing them back to the shelf. He grabs another peer of eggs and handles it to me. "These shouldn 't be cracked." I glance up at the figure in front of me. His smile was soft, like petals caught in a breeze. It was just enough to allow a gleam of white and a slight dimple in his left cheek. "I 'm Cole, Matt 's brother." He says placing the unharmed eggs in my trolley. I glance at him for a brief moment, he ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Toy Toys And The Toy Girl toy you picked (with description) The toy I chose was located in the girl aisle labeled dolls and accessory. The toy was a miniature gourmet kitchen set. While a doll wasn't included in the set the toy was part of a line of "Our Generation" dolls and accessories. The age range located on the toy was 3 and up. On the description of the toy it says "She can pretend to bake muffins, cookies and cupcakes and then clean up afterwards." The toy came along with lots of pieces all being very colorful in schemes of darks and light pink. Boy toy you picked (with description) The boy toy I chose was a Black and Decker rolling tool bench. The toy included 14 plastic workbench accessories such as hammers, and saws. The age suggested for this toy was the same for the girl toy three and up. A tag hanging off of the toy had a cartoon drawing of a young boy in working apparel–holding tools. Obvious differences between the toys and/or toy aisles The first obvious difference between the two aisles was the color schemes. The boy's aisle was full of blues, greens, and darker colors. While the girls aisle was filled with bright colors such as pink and purples. Another difference I noticed was the boy aisle was also placed more toward outdoor toys while the girl section was located near indoor athletic merchandize. The boy aisle overall had more active toys. Such as nerf guns, swords, action figures, remote controlled cars. The girl aisle had games that would be more refined to ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Gender Bias In The Toy Aisles Summary In the blog post Gender Bias in the Toy Aisles, the author discusses the issue of big–box stores' gender gap in the toys they market to children, and the difficulty she encounters when trying to find toys for her sons that do not enforce gender bias. Her main point emphasizes the gender gap by pointing to the stylistic choices made by toy companies – girls' toys are laden with pink and incite feelings of innocence, while boys' toys are highly ruggedized, typically bearing camouflage or other male stereotypes such as flames. Finally, the author expresses her wish for the toy companies to stop enforcing gender biases to better equip children for their future. The author's statement on the bias of toys is clearly well–supported. Her argument is most evident in the statement "...things such as instruments and hand held games scream with cotton ... Show more content on ... Most boys' natures tend to align with the macho gender image, just the same as girls and Barbie dolls, although admittedly there are exceptions to every rule, and this one is by no means set in stone. I have several younger cousins of both genders, all of whom I am very close to. The males tend to enjoy the feeling of action, and indeed love toys which the author of the post would claim are "jacked up with testosterone." Indeed, my female cousins certainly enjoy playing with dolls and having fashion shows too. However, one cannot fault the toy companies for this any more than they could fault my cousins, who are, admittedly, too young to know anything about gender gaps. They play how they want simply because it is fun to them, and far be it from anyone to dissuade them from doing so. Admittedly, there are some boys with more feminine qualities, and some girls with a more rugged personality. Nevertheless, we should allow them to be who they want, not choke them with their own emotions and force them to have qualities they do not wish upon ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Enrich Kimmel's Watson Essay Watson helps enrich Kimmel argument that society is placing stigmas with young children through the use of behavioral conditioning by adding a layer of depth to this by showing how this is also being done through such things as subliminal conditioning to certain colors as well. Young boys are given advice from their fathers, coaches, and any other male figure in their life on how they should act. "Any fatigue, any weakness, any sign that being hit actually hurt and was like 'Waah! [fake crying] Widdle Donny got a boo boo. Should we kiss it guys?' He'd completely humiliate us for showing anything but complete toughness I'm sure he thought he was building up our strength and ability to play, but it wore me out trying to pretend all the time, to suck it up and ... Show more content on ... Kimmel believes that boys are not given the freedom to choose how they want to act and what they want to do. They are born into this code, and if they try to derail this plan is any way they are judged. Robert Watson supports this because he talks about how places like Toys 'R' Us are accentuating specific stereotypes with something as simple as the color of the aisles. He talks about how the aisles are designated colors, if you walk into a toy store, you can obviously see which is the girl's aisle because it's full of anything pink related. While everyone else's aisle, specifically the boy aisle, is filled with multiple colors and categories. "The girls' aisles were pink. Pink signs, pink toys, pink packages. Pink, pink, pink. All the other aisles in the store blended with the boys' aisles and provided a full spectrum of colors and variety" (Wason). This shows that children are being conditioned from a young age to like certain colors more than ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Chapter 1 : A Short Story "Where is he?" I asked Kat. "He is probably still coming," she replied. But, I've known her since kindergarten which is long enough for me to be able to know when she's lying. She always looks away from you and rubs her foot against the ground. I could tell how hard she was trying to hide the fact she was lying. But, despite her efforts, it was obvious. "We'll find him. I promise. Maybe he just ran away. He probably needed a little break away from all of the crowd. I'm sure we'll find him later, let's go back to the hotel and have Penelope help us find him." I nodded and started trudging in the direction of our hotel. I was about 10 feet away from her when she called me back. "Wait, we should call Penelope so she has a heads up that we are ... Show more content on ... I walked out and turned to the right. Our room was about halfway down the hallway. I sped over to the door and knocked loudly. No one answered. I shrugged and pulled my key out of my coat pocket. The door unlocked and I walked. The room was untouched. The beds were made and Kat and Penelope's bags had been moved onto a chair. Penelope wasn't anywhere to be found. I walked around the room to see if there was anything was off. "Nothing," I mumbled. I don't notice anything unusual. I decided to check in the bathroom and when I walked in I couldn't help looking in the mirror. My chestnut brown hair was once in a ponytail, but after all of the action was falling out. My brown eyes looked tired and bloodshot with dark circles surrounding them. My cheeks were still rosy from running to the hotel and my breathing was still unsteady. Looking at myself at a time like this made me remember when I used to tease my brother. Sometimes I would mess up his hair and pinch his cheeks. He looked almost the same as I looked now. Another thing I used to do when we were younger was tease him about his height. "Just wait till I'm taller than you." he would say. But, I never let him forget that he was still shorter than me. Sometimes I would tease him so much that he would break into tears. I didn't realize how much I was taking for granted about him until now. The mirror screamed at me to keep looking for him. I have to find him, no matter the cost. I owe it to him. ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Core State Standards Are Being Attacked By Both Sides... Joshua Holmgren 12/05/15 Foundations of Education The Common Core State Standards are being attacked by both sides of the political aisle. The left feels that the CCSS policy makers will use them to punish teachers. The right feel that the CCSS is an over–reach by the federal government. Those who support the common core standards believe that they will help reduce achievement gaps amongst students. It 's clear that the policies set forth in the past have not been working, based on the current ranking of America to other countries. The comparison of where we once stood also comes into question and shows a steady decline. Granted, many of the recent decades ' policies were not in effect long enough to see if they would potentially ... Show more content on ... Even with this law, there is still a vast difference in the quality of the many different state standards. The educational standards were meant to set goals for teaching and learning. Standards include a set of competencies and the level of educational achievement that demonstrates when the child should gain appropriate knowledge. They include an extensive list of skills and sub–skills that coincides with the appropriate grade level. Standards and curriculum are the core pieces of teaching. Basically, the curriculum is the meat of the course and the standards are how it is prepared. The meat of the course is the substance and the tools of instructing. It encompasses the material, lesson plans and literature. It also incorperates how the instructor decides to present the information, how they alter it to the students, and the order in which the content is delivered. Each instructor may choose to serve a different piece of meat; or rather, decide on a different method of demonstration, but the way the material is prepared must follow a common denominator. Instructors utilize the standards as a pathway for successful instruction. The creators of Common Core realized the problem between curriculum and standards. The Core's inception argues that "the Standards define what all students are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach. For instance, the use of play with young children is not specified by the Standards, but it is welcome as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Christmas Shopping Descriptive Essay I slipped on my red sneakers and scurried with excitement to get my jacket. My mother and I got in the car and headed for the city to do some Christmas shopping for my little sister and my father. We held hands while walking along the sidewalks, snaking our way through the crowds, and shopping in the stores that lined the city streets. I came to a sudden stop, jerking her back to a stop as well. I turned my head slowly to the right, then slowly tilted it up. Realizing what was in front of me, a rush of excitement shot through every inch of my scrawny little body. I ran up to the door and yanked the door open. The door whipped open, breaking through the slight breeze blowing throughout the streets, then it slowly closed back into its door ... Show more content on ... I walked over to a corner of the room where I saw a pile of books that looked like they were carelessly thrown on the ground. I gently started to dig through them. Getting closer to the bottom of the pile, I saw a solid, crimson red book. I picked up the book and began reading the first few pages. I instantly loved it. I left the room with the book in my hands and hurried down the stairs to my mom. With a smile stretched across my innocent face, I looked up at my mother. "Can I please get this book mom?" I begged. In thought, she stood looking at me. "Alright, Charlie. I suppose so," she said. I jumped up and down with excitement. She brought me over to the checkout desk, along with the gifts she found for Violet, and put everything on the desk. The cashier scanned everything we had laid down, with my book being at the bottom. When he got down to my book, he picked it up and scanned it. After everything had been scanned, he packed our things in a bag and sent us on our way. My mother and I finished our shopping in the other stores we needed to go in and got in the car to head home. Once home, I ran to my room to read more. I continued reading the book I had gotten for about half an hour. While I was just finishing up a chapter of the book, my mother called me down to dinner. In the middle of dinner, I sprang up and began to talk about the book I was reading. Both my parents had a smile on their faces, because every ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Aircraft General Practices A320/321 SINGLE AISLE TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL MAINTENANCE COURSE – CAT A (V2500–A5/ME) AIRCRAFT GENERAL PRACTICES SINGLE AISLE TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL AIRCRAFT GENERAL PRACTICES 06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS Structural Breakdown and Zoning (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 09 TOWING Towing with Nose Gear from the Front (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 10 PARKING AND MOORING Parking and Mooring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 12 SERVICING Maintenance External Visit (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 U3U06191 – U0O35M0 MAINTENANCE COURSE – CAT A (V2500–A5/ME) AIRCRAFT GENERAL PRACTICES TABLE OF CONTENTS May 11, 2006 Page 1 SINGLE ... Show more content on ... Due to the fin tip extension, the A318 station numbers have changed. The new additional rib 12N is on the STA597. U3U06191 – U0O35M0 – UM01D1000000001 MAINTENANCE COURSE – CAT A (V2500–A5/ME) AIRCRAFT GENERAL PRACTICES STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN AND ZONING (3) May 10, 2006 Page 12 SINGLE AISLE TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL U3U06191 – U0O35M0 – UM01D1000000001 STATION NUMBERS – VERTICAL STABILIZER MAINTENANCE COURSE – CAT A (V2500–A5/ME) AIRCRAFT GENERAL PRACTICES STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN AND ZONING (3) May 10, 2006 Page 13 SINGLE AISLE TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN AND ZONING (3) STATION NUMBERS (continued) HORIZONTAL STABILIZER, ENGINE AND WING For the horizontal stabilizer the reference station is y=0 at the A/C Y axis. For the wings, the reference station is the wing reference axis (WY). WY is located at 1868 mm (73.54 in) from the A/C X axis. For the engines, station numbers are different depending on the version. U3U06191 – U0O35M0 – UM01D1000000001 MAINTENANCE COURSE – CAT A ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Food Of A Brand Cereal And A Generic Brand Food On The... You stand in your local supermarket trying to decide what cereal to buy. Being in the middle of the aisle, you can't help but notice that the most popular brands of cereals are placed in the middle of the aisle and at eye level. The most popular ones totally take up more of the entire aisle too. Upon closer examination, you notice that those brands are definitely more expensive than the generic ones on the bottom shelves. You take a look at the nutritional contents and weights of a popular brand cereal and a generic brand cereal. They're essentially the same: same sugar content, same calories per serving, same vitamin content, and on and on. Shortly after your curious observation of brand shelf placement and price, you shrug and buy your go–to box of Lucky Charms (which was placed at eye–level and was slightly more expensive than the other equivalent brands of toasted oats and marshmallows). As Americans, we as a society have a general consensus that we have the power to make a choice. We make choices constantly throughout our everyday lives, whether to eat this or watch that or whether to buy this or walk away from that. But do we really have that inherent ability of choice? Some can argue no, our choices were already fixed, that our sense of free will is an imaginative construct of our predetermined minds. Meanwhile others argue that yes, we can make choices that are entirely of our own volition or that we are only partially influenced by external forces, but in ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. The Car Is Miles Away The nearest supermarket to my apartment is miles away. I have not dragged myself to it in a long time because it is so inconvenient to get to when, like me, you have no car. Usually my family gets its groceries from a little corner store a half–mile's walk away, a store on the bus route from my brother's school, or my mother takes the senior bus to the big supermarket. She is too young for it, but they let her ride anyway; the senior bus drivers understand how difficult it is to get to the store if you cannot drive. The supermarket is virtually inaccessible to those without cars. Its huge parking lot invites drivers to come, though it does have a bus stop as well; the stop is located at the back door. For a long time, back when I did most ... Show more content on ... This is where holiday foods and candies go after the holiday is passed. For the most part, however, the Halloween candies were all sold away by the time I visited the store in early November. The bins were full of the usual mix of pastas, pasta sauces, canned fruit, and soaps. If I had continued forward I would have passed the checkout aisles. Instead, I turned left through the drugstore section of the supermarket. At the edge of the drugstore are racks of small stuffed animals and other cheap gifts. The drugstore area itself is laid out in orderly rows. The shelves are lower than in the main part of the store; my guess is that they were created to ease the look–out for shoplifters. Ads featuring smiling, multiracial, families adorn the ends of the aisles. Each of which contains a carefully ordered section of items that go together; each of these sections is then arranged by brand. This creates uniform blocks of brand names and logos; the toothbrush section is, at first glance, a display of Colgate and Oral logos. The drugstore has a wood, or fake wood, floor in contrast to the shiny, white industrial tile that floors the rest of the store. The shelves are wood look–alikes. The store seems to have made an effort to create a more natural looking environment for the drugstore, or "health and beauty," section. This natural tone is meant to convey a feeling of health, freshness, and cleanliness. The drugstore is one ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Aisle One : Chips And Snacks Aisle One: Chips and Snacks. Aisle Two: Coffee and Tea. Aisle Three: Endless Opportunities and New Beginnings. This is what I have found at MOMs Organic Market. As I celebrate my one–year anniversary as an employee at this local grocery store, I have begun to truly realize the impact it has had on my life. Given the struggles I have faced in my personal and academic life over the last few years, my career goals and pursuit of a degree have been put on the back burner. Working at MOMs has renewed my sense of purpose and has really opened doors for me. MOMs is so much more than just a grocery store. The opportunities that I have been given at work have inspired me to continue my education and to return to school. In August of 2015, I was hired as a Customer Service Representative for MOMs Organic Market in College Park, Maryland. I learned how to work the Point of Sales in the store, how to properly prepare sample foods for customers and became more knowledgeable when it comes to healthy foods. I was worried that I would burn out, though. How long could I really stay focused and motivated slicing bread or cashiering? I learned soon enough that there is so much more to MOMs than what meets the eye. Yes, MOMs is a grocery store, but it is so much more than that. The company's purpose is to "protect and restore the environment" – our mission statement isn't about only providing healthy foods or becoming a successful grocery chain. We focus on all of the ways that we can do our ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Video Toys : Toys And Toys Essay 1. On Tuesday, October the fourth, I visited the department store, Target, at two o'clock in the afternoon. As I went to observe the kids' clothing and toys sections, I immediately was presented with the topics we covered in class. Not only were the boy and girl clothing sections completely separate, but most of the toys were departmentalized into "girl toys" and "boy toys." As I made my way up one aisle and down the next, I made note of what the various signs read. Some of the sign names in which I wrote down included: animatronic toys/companion dolls/art and craft toys, Disney dress up/Disney dolls/Disney princess/Disney Frozen, fashion doll/Barbie accessories/Barbie dolls, LEGO/building sets, character toys/activity toys/action figures, and science and discovery/action figures/radio control. Reviewing the list of presented sign labels, one can almost immediately begin assuming which aisles are supplied for which genders. As custom, the pink Barbie doll and Disney princess aisles were visibly operating as an attraction for small girls, while the LEGO building sets and superhero aisles were provided for small boys. In uniform with today's stereotypes, the girls were provided with the dainty dolls, bedazzling kits, and different colored lip glosses, while the boys were provided with ready–to–fight action figures, remote controller race cars, and LEGO building kits. Along with the toy section, the clothes section equally met the stereotypical standards of today's society. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. When two people walk down the aisle and make a promise to... When two people walk down the aisle and make a promise to love one another "till death do us part," they are proclaiming that for the rest of their lives they will only love their spouse and never wander from their loved one. If they stray from their loved one; having sexual intercourse with someone other than their spouse. They are committing adultery. Adulterous behavior can be seen to fall with the domain of morality. For men and women there are many reasons they have committed or are committing adultery. For the most part many who have affairs have a good sex life but come from marriages with little or no intimacy. When a spouses needs are not met many marriages tend to become more susceptible to an extramarital affair. Often the ... Show more content on ... The social contractarian perspective holds adultery to be immoral because it involves the breaking of an agreement. This perspective is strongly connected with the argument that the institution of marriage itself has intrinsic value. What Wasserstrom is suggesting is that the prohibition on adultery may only be morally exciting if the traditional marriage bond is morally exciting. He states that there are varieties of untraditional ways that people come together, and does not see that traditional marriage is essentially more valuable than these other ways in which people come together. The big questions raised are whether or not non–traditional theories of ethics find adultery unforgivable merely because monogamy is traditionally endorsed, and whether or not it is possible that promiscuity, homosexual marriage, or polygamy are. I can now also respond to Wasserstrom's questions about the value of monogamous marriage versus the value of alternative ways of coming together by asserting that any relationship, traditional or nontraditional, must survive the examination of both the justice–view and the relationship–view of morality. He does not question the common wisdom that adultery is wrong: rather he dedicates his argument to investigating exactly why adultery is wrong. Wasserstrom says that in the principles he was shown, there was a strong connection between having intercourse with someone and loving that person. The more a female ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Gender Specific Toy Aisles Summary Male Benefits From Gender–Specific Toy Aisles In the article "Gender–Neutral Toy Sections Are Good For Boys, Too" written by Megan Condis, Condis goes over the recent incident with Target removing gender specific toy aisles. People claim that it will help girls more considering that most of the girls toys are labeled with gender while the boys toys stand as a "default". In her argument she states that although it will benefit girls from making them have to think they have to stick to only "girl" toys, it will benefit boys because they can now break that idea that they have to play with "boy" toys. I completely agree with Condis in her argument and fully believe that the gender specific toys affect boys just as much, if not more. Condis ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Toy Store And Gender Project Toy Store and Gender Project On Saturday, the tenth of September 2016 I went to Target at 5pm with my roommates. As I walk to the toy aisle I saw parent with their young children. The store was busy but not crowded their where about five to ten families at the toy section. The adults in the toy section with children or without where mostly female. Target had multiple aisles for children's toys it was divided pretty evenly between girls and boy's toys with one or two aisles for newborns. The newborn section uses primary colors in its designs of toys and is not as gender specific than the other aisles. This idea stops as soon as the toys age range increases. The aisles amid toward the girls filled with pinks and purple colors. The toys geared toward girls are generally dolls, princess, fairies and animals. Then boy aisles are next and are geared to super heroes, rescue squads, trucks, and first responders like policemen. The constant colors seen are reds, blues and greens. The colors in the aisle reflect the socially constructed idea that colors go with genders. The order of the aisles is as following infants, girls, and boys then comes sports equipment. The social construct of sports is more geared towards boys and girls should stay home and care for homely topics. Target ordered their aisles is a way that expresses societies ideas of gender; in that girls should be closer to the home maker thing like learning to car for babies with baby dolls and that boys should ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Michael's Observation Michaels is a retail store that specializes in arts and crafts supplies. I do not create artistic projects often, so I chose Michael's because I knew I could perform an unbiased observation. As a result, I observed Michael's in Chino Hills, California on October 16, 2016. After I observed the store's exterior, the store's overall layout and design, and stores' customers, I concluded that the store is successful in encouraging consumption. Michael's exterior is designed to attract customers. As I drove towards Michael's, I was easily able to distinguish where it was located. The store had a simple sign on top of its building. The sign was in big red letters and read "Michael's Crafts". The parking lot and the surrounding buildings also attracted ... Show more content on ... I wanted to see if there were any customer characteristic trends and if Michael's was addressing their customers' trends. I first noticed that customers were primarily female between the ages of seventeen and fifty. These customers were mixed in ethnicity and about twenty–five percent of them shopped in a group or had kids with them. Michael's was aware of these customer characteristics and appeared to be targeting these specific customers. Their aisles were wide enough to fit groups of people and strollers. The music they had playing overhead was 2000's modern pop, which is a genre that most of the customers have listened to when they were younger. This music helps bring a happy tone to the store. Lastly, most of the customers liked to touch/handle products. Michael's met this trend as their products were easily ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Cereal Analysis Vanessa Gunnoe Marketing 305 Professor Ball Assignment 1 Identify the store and the day and time you made your observation– In order for me to make my observation on consumers buying merchandise I went to my local grocery store around the corner from me called Giant Eagle. Giant Eagle is a privately held corporation in Ohio, P.A, West Virginia and Maryland. Giant Eagle is the 49th largest retailer in the United States. Giant Eagle grocery store also has gas stations at some of their locations called GetGo. Giant ... Show more content on ... Consumer B was a middle aged lady who was also price point conscious who was in the juice/ drink aisle and she was looking to get a good deal because she is the one where name brands didn't really matter to her because she went home with a 2 liter of pop that cost her .98 cents because it was an off brand she seemed to know right where it was as if she had it before because once she saw it she grabbed it and then left but nodded at the price like she got a great deal!! Consumer C was the middle–aged lady who knew what she wanted when she got there she came into the juice/ drink aisle knowing that she wanted to purchase the ice tea and scanned the rest of the aisle and left she was fast. Consumer D was the women with the 2 kids she was in the cereal aisle and she bought whatever her kids pointed to as if price were not an option she even asked her kids 'Okay is there anything else you're going to eat" I found myself laughing because I say that to my husband when we go grocery shopping because he always ask '' hey babe can I try this?'' or ''this looks good what do you think?'' Assess how consumers determine value for their various purchases. This can be addressed with at least two (2) specific consumer examples or by combining all the consumers you observed– To analyze how the ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Walmart Observation I decided that for this assignment that I would go to Walmart and observe their toy department. I chose this retailer simply because it was convenient, and it supplied a wide variety of toys for me to observe. Before I went to the toy aisle, I found myself reminiscing about my trips to the toy aisle. When I was a young girl the toy aisle was a pink wonderland. From what I can recall, all the packaging for girl toys were pink and violet whereas boy toys were blue and green. The former girl aisle mainly consisted of Barbie's, Polly Pocket toys, Littlest Pet Shop toys, baby dolls, stuffed animals, and kitchen playsets. I do not remember much about the boys' aisle except that there were a lot of toy automobiles. I also do not remember any gender neutral specific toys; however, that could be due to my age. I was surprised to find that the toy section actually had gender neutral toys. They had outdoor toys like balls, hula–hoops, kites, and jump ... Show more content on ... The boys' aisle proved that society views men as a muscular, heroic–like figures. Take the superhero figurines. Superheroes are the ideal role–model for little boys, but why? This is because superheroes are valiant, strong, brave men. They generally have the same body type (broad shoulder and muscular). These men also exhibit traits, such as courage, charity, and kindness that makes them a wonderful role–model for little boys. What makes the girls' role in society to be seen as a nurturing mother–like figure? In the girls aisle you will find a variety of baby dolls, kitchen sets, and a bit of doctor tools. This suggests to young girls that their role in society is to play the role of housewife or doctor. The physical attributes of the dolls, such as the Monster High or Lego Friends dolls, reveals that society deems that women should have a tall, slim figure with plump lips and delicate ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Grocery Can You Stock Aisle Three Please? Grocery Employees Manager: "Billy can you stock aisle three please?" Billy: "Yes I will, but let me go to the bathroom first." (Billy goes to find Marie) Billy: "Hey Marie, the manager said to go stock aisle three. I am done with all of my aisles, so I get to sit back in the back until it is time for me to clock out." Marie: "Uhm, okay, but why did the manager not come tell me?" Billy: "She was too busy, so she told me to tell you." Marie: "Okay, I will go work on it." In the U.S today, the workplace has made a drastic change. Billy does not want to do his job that the manager assigned him, so Billy decides to pend it off on Marie. According to Anthony Mirhaydari from MSN Money, "For the first time since the recession ended, businesses are increasingly unable to squeeze more and more work out of existing workers." Productivity is no longer what it use to be fifty years ago. Employees leave an everlasting impression on customers. When walking into an IGA grocery store, a customer will experience three different types of employees. Hard worker First, according to, a hard worker is defined as "one who is industrious and diligent in carrying out tasks or duties." When thinking about a hard worker, he or she strive and rise above the job task. An employee who works a night shift is to complete a work list which consists of filling these products on the shelves: sugar, eggs, milk, bread, Red Gold Tomato Juice, IGA 2–Liters, 12 packs of cokes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. What Is Gender Force Upon American Society Gender: Forced Upon American Society Growing up, many Americans ' childhood consisted of playing tag outside, having cooties, and experimenting with as many toys as possible. Hundreds of thousands of toys flood kid stores such as Toys R ' Us, Baby Depot, and KB toys. With imagination, kids are able to become doctors, presidents, and princesses during the contents of one day. Television shows such as Barney or Blues Clues encourage having such imagination, thus inspiring kids to want to become one of the many options stores can transform them into. Walking into a regular toy store, people generally do not dissect the sexism that lays within the aisles, however, when walking in specifically to compare and contrast boys and girls toys ... Show more content on ... In an interview US Weekly, the actress claims "She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys ' everything. She thinks she 's one of the brothers." This is a prime example of going against society, and allowing kids to grow up independent and intellectually choosing who they want to be regardless what of peers, religion, and society may conclude. Although I too was raised this way, I am now aware that being forced to be part of a certain group because of something that you where born with is simply immoral. I, like most of the people I am surrounded by, have fallen victim of being forced to be a gender, and if future generations can pin point this issue that has gone to far, our future kids will be able to express themselves in a manner in which they feel liberated, and no longer deemed to be accepted by society. Work Cited Knox, David, and Schacht, Caroline. Choices In Relationships: An Introduction To Marriage and the Family.Belmont: CA, Author, Unknown. "Angelina Jolie: Shiloh Wants to be a Boy" 28 JUNE 2010 page 1 Angelina Jolie 's daughter Shiloh, often confused for a boy. Blue and green and dominant colors in the boys aisles. You and me, Referring to the baby doll and the child buying it. Pink is forced upon girls, and seeing a boy engaging in these aisles has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. A Tribute to Forever: A Walk Down the Aisle of the... There are many ways in which one can describe and define marriage. There are legal, biblical and personal definitions, each with its own distinct basis for its definition, but which is the right one? The decision of which definition is the right one depends on where one lives and what one believes. Marriage has evolved throughout history. In today's society there are many different types of unions that can be viewed as marriage. Today, when one thinks of marriage, they usually think of two people, deeply in love, who decide to bind their lives together through a legal process. Such is not always the case, with "common–law marriages" (as it is not a legal process). There are many reasons other than love that can constitute the bond ... Show more content on ... The most important of all in those times was the security of defence. The more "kin" one had, the safer one would be. People in those times married to expand their "number" of relatives. It was operated as a Pioneer based functionality. One would live in a big shelter with family everywhere and would eventually become a tribe. A Case Study on the Hmong culture is a perfect Eastern example of this. The Hmong are an isolated ethnic minority, who live in the highest mountain peaks of Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and China. The Hmong union of a man and a woman serves as two purposes, the first being to procreate, second to create reciprocal economic, political and ceremonial ties between the other 18 clans. The Hmong usually accepts the opinion of the individual's choice when it comes to arrange a marriage. Hmong parents want their children to be happy and successful in their marriages. The Hmong do not believe in divorce, therefore they allow for choice. The Hmong parents ultimately get the end decision in the partner of their child. The girls were between the ages 14 and 20 when they have to marry, while the boys were between the ages of 17 to 25. The formal marriage procedure is initiated by the groom's father, his older married brothers or clan leaders. The formal marriage negotiation regarding the bride–price, dowry and the high costs of the marriage ceremony takes place on the 4th or 5th day in the bride's parental house after the bride has ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Differences And Weaknesses Of The Party 's Claims,... Form 12: Early Dispute Resolution Statement 6. Strengths and Weaknesses of the party's claims, counterclaims, and/or defenses and affirmative defenses. I. A puddle of water accumulated on the floor was a condition on the defendant's property, which did not present an unreasonable risk of harm to people on the property. For my client, the defendant, there is a strong point that the water spill was not an unreasonable risk of harm to people on the property. In order for the plaintiff to recover damages, the plaintiff has to show there was a condition on the defendant 's property which presented an unreasonable risk of harm to people on the property. Jury Instructions: 35. Here, the puddle that accumulated in the toy aisle was not a ... Show more content on ... She became aware of the puddle when the plaintiff fell and asked for help. Nobody alerted the defendant that water spilled in one of the aisles. Additionally, the defendant's employee checked the aisles earlier in a routine check at 10AM and found no spill in the aisle. While the employee did spray the cleaning spray in the aisles the night before, he's certain that the spray would not have caused the puddle or a slippery surface. Thus, the defendant could not have known about the condition and the risk. Additionally, to determine reasonable care, it must be determined if an unsafe condition existed. Jury Instructions: 35. Reasonable care can be determined by the length of time an unsafe condition has existed. Id. Length of time can be considered by a "just spilled" drink. An owner is liable if a drink "just spilled" when it is reasonably foreseeable a spill would occur in a shop that retails drinks, but an owner is not liable for spill that "just spilled" in a shop that does not sell beverages because it is not reasonably foreseeable that a spill would occur. See Owens v. Coffee Corner; see also Chad v. Bill's Camera Shop. In Chad v. Bill's Camera Shop, the court held that a spill in a camera shop is not an unreasonable risk because the camera shop did not sell drinks to spill. This is analogous to the present case. Here, the defendant did not sell drinks in the store, the store sold toys. Thus, it would not be foreseeable that the toy store ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Socialization Is Like A Two Sided Coin Socialization is like a two sided coin. One side holds all the teachings of how to thrive and be successful in modern society. The other side teaches the biases, stereotypes, and prejudice of gender and race. The socialization of children into gender roles is no exception. For instance, on the positive side of socialization, men have the gender role of being a protector and strong. However, on the opposite side of the coin, men are perceived as being promiscuous and callous. Gender roles and expectation have a significant impact on the American society. In fact, these rules and regulations are taught to the children at a young age so they will pass on them throughout their adult lives. Two places that reveal the teachings of gender ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the aisle for girls has pink and other bright colors. The toys associated with them deal with motherhood, cooking, and dress up. These themes are shown through toys American Girl, Baby Alive dolls, Barbie (the doll and the various selection of clothes), and Easy Bake Oven. To further drive the designated distinctions gender biases they also make the advertisements in the boy aisle and girl lane consists of that gender. For instance, the advertisements in the boy aisle depict boys interacting with the toys. The girl aisle is similar in their advertisement because they have the girls have some type of interaction with those toys. The way Wal–Mart socializes gender speaks to the culture in America. The fact that the aisles are organized in norms and beliefs shows that marketing copes with the general public to appease them. However, marketing may benefit from incorporating deviance into gender roles it 's not morally right in today 's society. An example of that speaks about this is the article "Preschoolers ' Awareness of Social Expectations of Gender: Relationships to Toy Choices" by Tarja Raag and Christine L. Rackliff. In this article, Raag and Rackliff discuss the research on how children are socialized into believing playing with certain toys are morally acceptable or unacceptable. In most cases, it seemed that children were learning these types of gendered ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Personal Reflection Of The Body The ninth field exercise asked us to focus on the concept of bodies and how we present them to society. I visited a Walmart and went to the personal care/hygiene section. While mapping the store, I noticed that although the placement of most of the products made sense, the layout of the store was a little strange. The first rows of makeup were at a strange angle, but the next couple of rows were parallel to the rest of the rows in the store. I could not tell why they were angled that way, as it seemed like it was just wasting space. The personal care section seemed to into two categories: necessary health items and cosmetic items. The first section I looked at was the health items. For the most part, they were all located near each other. I noticed they had eye drops and contact solution next to each other, which are meant to correct vision and dryness issues in the eyes. They also had foot gel inserts at the end of the aisle, which I thought was an odd place to put them. These are used to help with foot and arch support. In the opposite aisle there were baby shampoos and soaps, to aid in cleaning babies. The next aisle had toothpaste and toothbrushes. A distinguishing characteristic of the toothpastes, were the adjectives that accompanied them, such as "whitening", "protective", "sensitive", and "complete". Toothbrushes and toothpastes are used to brush your teeth, in order to prevent cavities in your mouth. The deodorant aisle also had condoms at the end, which seemed ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Evolution Of Gender Stereotypes Picture this–your scrolling down Facebook one evening, and your (now pregnant) childhood babysitter and her husband posted pictures of their big 'gender reveal', for their unborn child. The pictures show the couple cutting into a cake in front of all of their friends and family; the cake is covered in white icing, and the inside is a bright and vivid PINK. Without even reading the post, you automatically know that they are going to have a daughter. Have you ever wondered why this happens so naturally in our heads? The correlation of pink is for girls, and blue is for boys has been driven into our minds for as long as we can remember–But why? Gender is described as, "the state of being male or female"; it has nothing to do with the biological ... Show more content on ... Up until the 19th century, it was socially acceptable for little boys to wear skirts, and dresses! During this time, all babies wore white dresses until about the age of six or seven. White dresses and diapers were worn for due to ease of cleaning and laundering; White was easy to bleach and keep clean. The early 20th century was when boys started wearing pants and girls started wearing dresses; color also started to be impacted by gender. In 1918, a department store printed an ad with a chart showing sex–appropriate colors for girls and boys according to leading U.S. stores. This chart stated that boys should be dressed in pink and girls in blue. Pink was for boys because it was a powerful color. Blue was designated to girls because it was considered delicate and dainty. It is ridiculous to think that this entire Gender norming issue formed solely because people were just trying to sell more items. The color scheme switch after WW1, because the media showed men dressed in blue army uniforms. This gender difference reached a halt in the 1960's when women dressed themselves and their daughters in more of a unique way to exhibit there negative feelings to being 'normal' and 'accepted'. Society then began dressing their children in yellow–which until this day is still considered a "neutral" color for both boys and girls. In the 1980's you now have sonograms which reveals the gender of your unborn child. Which then led to pink or blue themed baby showers, nursery decoration, gifts, toys, etc. So– fast forward until today and we are still experiencing issues related to gender stereotyping. Within 100 years, we as a society, have collectively evolved from white clothing on both boys and girls, to having a set color and theme for separate boys and girls toys, clothing, bedding, etc. Walking down the aisles of Walmart in Abilene, today, It is easy to ... Get more on ...