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The Welcome Table by Alice Walker
her. The beginning of the story is told from the white people 's perspectives as they see an old black woman come to their church and go inside.
Inside the church, the point of view switches to the usher who tells the old black lady to leave. The point of view then switches back to the white
women inside the church, who take it as a personal insult and feel the most threatened about the old black lady being at their church. They rouse their
husbands to throw the old lady out. The perspective then changes to the old black lady. This constant changing of point of view is useful in that it
portrays the fears, thoughts, and feelings of almost everyone in the story. Firsthand, the reader is able to know what the people are thinking and why. In
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They rouse their husbands to throw the old lady out. The perspective then changes to the old black lady. This constant changing of point of view is
useful in that it portrays the fears, thoughts, and feelings of almost everyone in the story. Firsthand, the reader is able to know what the people are
thinking and why. In the end, the point of view briefly returns to the white people who were at church that day. The story ends with the perspective of
some black families who witnessed the old lady walking down the highway. her. The beginning of the story is told from the white people 's
perspectives as they see an old black woman come to their church and go inside. Inside the church, the point of view switches to the usher who tells
the old black lady to leave. The point of view then switches back to the white women inside the church, who take it as a personal insult and feel the
most threatened about the old black lady being at their church. They rouse their husbands to throw the old lady out. The perspective then changes to
the old black lady. This constant changing of point of view is useful in that it portrays the fears, thoughts, and feelings of almost everyone in the story.
Firsthand, the reader is able to know what the people are thinking and why. In the end, the point of view briefly returns to the white people who were at
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The Welcome Table, By Patricia Smith
Thomas Jefferson once said, "Blacks could deliver themselves of spontaneous bursts of emotion, but were incapable of the intellect and concentration
that great art requires." (Cook, Tatum, 2010). It is widely believed that people of African descent could not read poetry or understand art, let alone
create them. Both Alice Walker and Patricia Smith are two great examples of how far, not only asAfrican American have come, but also as African
American Women. Whether white, black, or brown we all want to fit in. That is why I chose Alice Walker's short story, "The Welcome Table" and
Patricia Smith's poem, "What It's Like to Be a Black Girl." They both have similar, yet different of setting a tone, imagery, symbolism, and point of
views of how ... Show more content on ...
With that song playing in the old black lady's head makes it seem like she was happy; while taking a long walk on the highway, through the
freezing, cold, weather. It was almost like she knew what was going to happen to her and she was ready for it. The tone throughout the story up
until the old black lady sees Jesus is of disgust. For example, "Some of those who saw her there on the church steps spoke words about her that were
hardly fit to be heard, others held their pious peace; and some felt vague stirrings of pity, small and persistent and hazy, as if she were an old collie
turned out to die."(Clugston, 2014). That is how the white people looked at the old black lady, who did not mean any harm or disrespect to anyone.
She just wanted to come and enjoy the church service and be in God's company. She soon gets thrown out of the church by the women's husbands
into the freezing cold. That is when she meets Jesus and Walker sets up the story for more of an uplifting tone. For example, the old lady described
walking with Jesus was like walking on clouds; and that she could walk with him forever, and never get tired. (Clugston, 2014). At the end of the
story the tone is peaceful because she felt welcomed and accepted by Jesus and that is all she wanted. When I first read the poem, "What It's Like to
Be a Black Girl," I sensed the tone was written with a bad attitude. After listening to Smith read it aloud on
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American First Ladies Analysis
While the public still wants the first lady to be peaceful and diplomatic, they also expect her to take an aggressive stance on certain political issues,
particularly issues relating to children and family. Gould writes that "Nancy Reagan's controversial eight years revealed how much the popular
expectation of First Lady activism had become embedded in political culture" (American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy xii). After an
initial two years of political indifference, "[Nancy Reagan] and her advisers turned to a 'Just Say No' campaign against illicit drugs to validate her
credentials as a First Lady with a real cause" (American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy xii). The aforementioned situation with Nancy
Reagan exemplifies a modern truth: to be a successful first lady, political activism is not a choice, but a necessity. Even when the first lady is not
directly campaigning for a political issue, she still... Show more content on ...
Because of the celebrity status of modern first ladies, many view the first lady to be a symbol for how the American woman should behave. Modern
first ladies must be well–educated and well–spoken. One trend found in the First Ladies: Influence and Image series seems to be that first ladies (even
the pre–1885 first ladies) are generally better educated than most American females of their time, and occasionally, even better educated than their
husbands. Caroline Harrison, whose father was a professor and supporter of women's education, was extremely well–educated for her time (First
Ladies: Caroline Harrison). Furthermore, Ida McKinley was educated in Ohio, the haven for the women's movement at the time, and went on to
become the most educated first lady that the nation had ever had in office (First Ladies: Ida
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The White Lady Cries Wolf in Rosewood
Rosewood is a ghost town located in Levy County, Florida. In the early 1920s Rosewood was a developing town with churches, schools, mills and
a growing population. The town was a majority black town, but that was not much of a problem until a white lady "cried wolf". Fannie Taylor,
wife of James Taylor who worked at a mill nearby, would have an affair with a white man. Fannie and her white lover got into a physical
altercation that left Fannie with obvious bruises. To prevent from having to tell James about the affair she told her neighbors that a black man
came and attacked her. As word spread throughout the town some people added to her story that Fannie was also raped by the black man. The
thought of miscegenation is what angered the men and led to the Rosewood Massacre. During the first week of January, 1923 in Rosewood the
angry white men formed a search group for the black man who "raped" Fannie. The search group murdered nearly every black man they saw and
burned down a portion of Rosewood. In 1997, John Singleton directed the movie Rosewood , which told the story of the Rosewood Massacre.
Overall the movie was great and included talented actors like: Ving Rhames, Don Cheadle, Elise Neal, and Esther Rolle. I personally was engaged
with the film when it first started off, with the intimate sex scene with Jewel and Mr. Wright. Sex is intriguing for almost anyone, so to start the movie
off with sex was a clever way to grab the audience attention.
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Racism In Lady Gaga
In response to the violent riot of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, Lady gaga tweeted to the black community asking for advice to help
alleviate the racial tensions in America. Here, Lady Gaga tries to establish a legit connection with the black community by trying to represent the white
allies who want to make a positive change for the Black community. She even creates the #HowWeDoBetter hashtag to allow others to easily join the
conversation and follow the movement.
Although Lady Gaga probably has good intentions trying to spark dialogue surrounding racial tension in America, this conversation have existed for
over 60 years. This tweet deflects the larger issue at hand. It implies that racism is a black person issue. While racism heavily influences black people's
lives, they did not create the concept nor perpetuated the institution of racism. Lady Gaga asked the wrong question: she should have asked, "Why do
white people need racism in the first place?" However, to answer Lady Gaga's initial question at hand: just listen.
Lady Gaga's tweet can connect to Ta–Nehisi Coates' "Letter to My Son." Coates writes in his piece that "The Dream" only applied to white people
because "the Dream rests on [black people's] back, the bedding made from [black] bodies" (84). Much like other white allies, Lady Gaga also enjoy
the perks of living in the Dream. Because of the delusion that they live in, white allies are not aware of the work that the black community is
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Similarities Between The Lady With The Dog And Hills Like...
When discussing love many different thoughts come to mind. Everyone usually has their own opinion regarding the controversial word. Everyone
views love in a different light, but sometimes might contain some similarities. In "The Lady with the Dog" and "Hills Like White Elephants" both
portray a skewed point of view on how each individual view what love is to them. Both pieces vividly show love in a conditional way. True love is
not conditional, but it is: not lustful, unconditional, and it is everlasting. First off, in both readings it discusses two individuals in a sexual
relationship where neither are married. They are both living an unrealistic lifestyle that almost makes the existence of love impossible. There is
an ongoing affair in "The Lady with the Dog" where they are both trying to live their normal lives, but yet at the same time trying to keep their
relationship afloat by having the mistress coming to visit Dmitri Gurov in Moscow. However, in the beginning of the story, it displays Gurov as a
womanizer and a man who views women to satisfy his sexual needs. As the story continues it describes a time he went on a regular vacation, but
ended up meeting a woman with a dog that was married at the time and who was also a virgin. He then ends up taking her virginity and slowly
develops feelings for her. He persists in seeing her after the vacation and they meet on several occasions. He steadily realizes that this "love" will
not work and he sees the unrealisticness of the whole situation. This love is to be considered as limited and immortal. In Nietzsche's book, The
Gay Science, it discusses a counterpoint, "Love forgives the beloved even his lust" (72). This views love in a lustful sense, whereas that is the
main reasons for Gurov pursuing any type of relationship in the first place. Also in Plato's, "Phaedrus" it proclaims, "...not only while his love
continues is he mischievous and unpleasant, but when his love ceases he becomes a perfidious enemy..." (Plato). This goes to prove how Gurov felt
while he was in his "love crisis." He would try to make his lifestyle look glamorous to the outside world while on the inside he was not anywhere near
to being happy in the end only hurting his overall
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Short Story
It was a bright and cheery morning. The tint radiating from thIt was a beautiful August morning. The sun was brightly shining on my sunglasses while
my mother drove the U–haul truck to a warehouse in Santa Ana, California. As my mother drove down the streets of Santa Ana, I looked out the
window and began to realize that the mixture of people was no longer a mixture; there was only white.
When we arrived at the warehouse, I had to peel my arm off the side of the hot door like a burnt sausage off a skillet. There were not many cars in
the parking lot, and I could see the heat waves. As we walked up the boiling pavement, it felt like we were walking through a scorching desert. When
we walked into the warehouse, there was a variety of ... Show more content on ...
Then I figured that maybe something was on my face, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw nothing. At the time, I had only spent nine years and some
months on this planet. I didn't know racism was still around; I thought that situation had died along with Dr. King.
Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. We sat there watching people get their appliances and leave. We seemed invisible to them. As I sat in the
car, burning up and listening to one of the most boring radio stations my mother could possibly like, I was thinking, "We'd better leave or else I'll go
ballistic!" After 30 minutes had passed, my mother got frustrated and politely asked to have our items loaded. Five more minutes passed, and she
asked again with an attitude. They replied, "We'll be with you in a minute, ma'am." I could tell she was beginning to get upset because she started to
get that "don't bother me" look. Five minutes later they finally packed our appliances on the truck.
When we left the warehouse, I described to my mother what the other people were doing. She explained, "They were racist. They didn't like us
because we have different skin color."
That was my first encounter with racism. It was just a small slice of reality–that everyone isn't going to be as nice as you, your friends, and your family
might be; and that
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The Changing Role of the First Ladies Essay
First lady is the unofficial title bestowed upon the wife of the president of the United States. The role of the president of the United States originated
with George Washington and so did the role of the first lady. During these times, the roles of women were usually limited to being homemakers and
hostesses. Women did not work outside the home and often were not seen as equals to men. Therefore, the first lady's duties at that time consisted of
hosting social events and keeping the house in which the president lived in order. Through the passage of time, the role of women has undergone a
metamorphosis. Women are now on a more level playing field with men and often hold powerful positions in the workforce. With this change, the role
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Another influential first lady was Betty Ford. She was best remembered for her frankness and honesty, which endeared her to the public. Years after
she left the White House Ford would write in her autobiography, "I was an ordinary woman who was called onstage at an extraordinary time. I was
no different once I became first lady than I had been before. But, through an accident of history, I had become interesting to people"(Betty Ford). This
statement summed up how Ford remained humble about how popular she had become with the public. Early in her husband's presidency, Mrs. Ford
was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy. She was open with the public about what she was facing with the breast cancer.
This was not the norm in Washington at the time. "We were in a position where my husband had been sworn into office during a very, very difficult
time. There had been so much cover–up during Watergate that we wanted to be sure there would be no cover–up in the Ford Administration. So rather
than continue this traditional silence about breast cancer, we felt we had to be public"(Betty Ford). This openness was well received by the public and
led to a public awareness about breast cancer, along with its detection and treatment. Betty Ford was often outspoken and supported issues that she felt
passionate about during her time as First Lady. She
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Annotated Bibliography Of Nellie Taft
Annotated Bibliography: Anthony, Carl Sferranzza. Nellie Taft: The Unconventional First Lady of the Ragtime Era. New York: HarperCollins
Publisher, 2005. This book discusses the life of Helen "Nellie" Taft in painfully detailed accounts. Carl S. Anthony gives a meticulous childhood of
Nellie Taft despite her privacy about her upbringing. He argues how her childhood shaped her into the politically driven women she becomes to be
because of her family's financial difficulty despite being from a prominent political family. This book also argues how she was unconventional as a
First Lady by breaking precedents set by other First Ladies such as smoking, drinking in bars, and gambling. Burns, Lisa M. First Ladies and the
Fourth Estate: Press Framing of Presidential Wives. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2008. This book investigates how First Ladies have
been portrayed in the media since Martha Washington and... Show more content on ...
Doris Kearns Goodwin used many personal accounts from the presidents' wives' diaries and letters as well as articles from the muckraking presses
to figure out the friendship between the two presidents. She argues how the women in their lives and press shaped what kind of presidents
Roosevelt and Taft became. Gould, Lewis L., ed. American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy. 2nd ed. New York: Garland Pub., 1996.
This book is like the encyclopedia of First Ladies, stating more factual details of their lives and marriage than proposing an argument. This
encyclopedia is extremely helpful by recognizing the legacies each First Lady left behind; for example, Edith Roosevelt is noted for reinforcing her
family's privacy and maintaining the portraits of the First Ladies. Helen Taft is noted for her influence over her husband's foreign policies. Kemble,
Edward Windsor. "Do It Now!" Cartoon. Harper's Weekly. 20 Nov. 1909.
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The Lady With The Dog And Hills Like White Elephants Essay
The principal characters from the short stories, ''The Lady with the Dog'' by Chekhov, and ''Hills like White Elephants'' by Ernest Hemingway are
dishonest with the one they love and with themselves, they hide their real feelings about the person they are with, they are living an untruthful
relationship, and as a couple they lie to each other. In ''The Lady with The Dog'', Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna , they are both unhappily married
to other characters, and after a while they engage in an affair, hiding the love they are feeling to each other, just because they do not want to break up
the relationships they have, they do not want more responsibility of what they have with each other. The same matter happens in the ''Hills Like
White Elephants'', The American man block out his real feelings about the girl and instead of saying the truth, he lies to her, telling her he loves
her, when he does not, just because he wants her to do what he desires, to abort the baby they are having. The American man is not ready for a
formal relationship and he does not want any responsibility with the girl or anyone, he just wants to live his free life with no complication. The girl
knows the American man's intention, but she does not faces him and instead, she tries her best to keep him, doesn't matter if he loves her or not, she
is going to do everything he wants her to do, to be with him. Our point in this paper is to discuss have three different things, in the first place we are
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An Analysis Of The Ladies In White
When one hears the term "rock musician" one thinks of someone devoted to playing concerts, traveling all over the world, and enjoying fame and
fortune. That is not the case for Gorki Aguila. He is a Cuban rock musician, leader of the band, Porno para Ricardo, who uses his music to criticize
Fidel Castrol, communism, and the Cuban government.
He has been arrested numerous times, most recently in early August because of his support of one of the most critical groups in Cuba, the Ladies in
White. The Ladies in White is a group of female relatives of people arrested during Castro's "Black Spring" in 2003 and is one of the most prominent
dissident organizations in Cuba. Even though Aguila has performed in Spain, Latin America and theUnited States,
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A First Lady Of The White House Essay
What does it take to be a First lady, let alone an extraordinary one? From the 18th century, originating with Martha Washington to the present time,
Michelle Obama, 43 lovely ladies have embarked upon this role. The term first lady was originally used in reference to the spouse or hostess of an
executive. However, there were times that the lack of a spouse, or representative existed. Therefore, the traditional role was transferred to an immediate
family member. For example, during the Bill Clinton presidency, First Lady– Hillary was pursuing her own political ambitions. In turn, the
responsibilities were transferred to the daughter, Chelsea.
In addition, "this role of being in charge of the White House as hostess, manager, decorator, caretaker is now considered the "traditional" role and it
is still part of what First Ladies do."(par11) However, the role has transformed over the centuries in several ways, such as being involved in specific
interests to benefit the common good of said parties. Take for instance, "Mary Lincoln became an advocate for an organization that provided support
for housing, employment and education of freed African–American slaves."(par12)
Furthermore, the First Lady "have been known to offer their opinion and advice on politics, policy, crises and personnel."(par 13) As seen withEleanor
Roosevelt, she was a force to be reckoned with, as she tackled tough subjects of inequality and poor conditions of the common working man. As shown
above, it
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The White Lady Summary
Portugal Portuguese producer David RebordГЈo created a popular internet video featuring a fictional White Lady. The video consists of supposedly
"recovered footage" found at the scene of a fatal car accident, near Sintra, Portugal. In the video, a woman and two young men are shown taking a car
trip to the mountains. One passenger records the trip with a video camera. While driving along the road, the travelers spot a strange female hitchhiker,
whom they pick up. The passenger with the camera focuses on the hitchhiker, who seems strangely quiet, but says her name is Teresa, and states that
she has not been the same since her accident. She then points out a spot on the road where she says she died. She suddenly turns to the camera and
screams,... Show more content on ...
Ghostly Encounters by Lyn Murray More Personal Pics & Descriptions When we reached our destination (the site of a horrific battle – or slaughter – of
thousands of innocent Native American Indians, for the sole purpose of claiming their land) it was about 2 a.m... At first, we were met with a little
hostility (the hair on our arms and the back of our necks stood up – and not because we were afraid) there was measurable electricity in the air. A sure
sign to us, that we weren't exactly welcome. Another sure sign (that we should take our time and introduce ourselves) was our collie, Jada: she stood
silent in her tracks, ears pointed and eyes forward, and refused to venture further; but finally, after reassuring our unseen hosts that we meant them no
harm, we were allowed (even embraced) to continue our research without encumbrances. As we made our way through thick weeds, trying to find the
path we had heard so much about – we constantly snapped pics. At this point, we were ultimate shutterbugs. Nothing was off limits – and nothing was
withheld from us, as you will see in the photos that
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Black Lady And A New Black Aesthetic Male Enter Into A...
Section 1:In this section, an explanation of the dynamics in which a Black Lady and a New Black Aesthetic male enter into a relationship will be
provided. Moreover, learning and explaining the social biographies of both individuals is essential in order to understand how each person may enter
into a loving and committed relationship. To begin, a Black Lady has a strong and exceptional educational background, in addition to, a political
background. Therefore, she possesses a great amount of intelligence and the ability to grasp an understanding of her environment. Furthermore, a
Black Lady can be portrayed as a middle class professional and one can strongly assume she is economically well–off. This middle class status is due
to her... Show more content on ...
Moreover, a New Black Aesthetic male has an education from an exclusive and prestigious university, giving him the ability to acquire some amount
of prestige as well. He associates with the premium organizations of society, such as exceptional fraternities and clubs that help him further gain
recognition among both African Americans and Whites. In result, the New Black Aesthetic male undermines his blackness and culture, unlike other
black males who strongly promote it. Lastly, one can strongly this black man is more likely to succeed in society due to ability to be part of the
White society. So, how can these two individuals fall in love and engage in a committed relationship? The Reese and Lee's wheel theory of love
development will be utilized to explain the building of such relationship. First, both individuals are required to build a rapport, the notion of becoming
comfortable with each other. Finding each other's similarities is essential. In this case, both the Black Lady and the New Black Aesthetic male have a
strong educational background, therefore having similar understanding of concepts, as well as, a university environment. Moreover, both individuals
have some sort of success in society and can easily relate to each other's
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Melania Trump's Influence On The Role Of The First Lady
Melania Trump's seemingly indifferent attitude at public functions combined with her initial refusal to move into the White House has spawned the
'Sad Melania' meme and numerous articles questioning her decision to be an 'absent' first lady. The tone of these articles and public discussion
surrounding Melania is overwhelmingly one of shock and disdain: Melania isn't acting as a first lady should, and it's yet another sign of the Trump
family's ineptitude. However, the real question created by this furor is not whether Melania will be able to take on the role, it's whether the Trump
administration will adapt to the norms of the often–discussed 'establishment.'
Although Lady Bird Johnson revolutionized the role of the first lady by promoting ... Show more content on ...
Ideally, the president and first lady would have discussed and mutually agreed that the presidential lifestyle would work for them. Ideally, the first
lady would be as interested in serving through her more limited duties as the president is through his. Considering President Melania's stated
preference for her luxurious Manhattan lifestyle over the duties of a first lady, it seems unlikely that she is truly on board with President Trump.
Faced with an unpaid position she likely didn't want and can't quit except through death or divorce, it is hard to fault Melania for trying to hold on to
her version of everyday
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Repetition Of Lucille Clifton 's White Lady
Repetition in Lucille Clifton's "white lady" I like persimmons. I like persimmons. I like persimmons. There. I've repeated the phrase thrice. Now, if I
asked you to identify whether I like persimmons or not, you would, almost certainly, say "yes." Having the same statement reiterated three times makes
one more confident that it's not only important, but that it's a fact in this context! In Lucille Clifton's "white lady," a tone of desperation is conveyed
through repetition of words, phrases, and sentence structures. Moreover, repetition highlights that desperation is unique not only to the loved ones of the
cocaine addicts, but to White Lady as well. As an aside before we begin, I will note that tone is a complex element within poetry. Hence, it is often
conveyed through a mish–mash of literature devices, such as repetition, line breaks, diction, etc. Therefore, I will not claim that this discussion is a
comprehensive one that describes all the myriad ways tone has been emphasized in the poem; I will merely discuss one contributing factor to tone.
On the surface, repetition is used for conveying White Lady's greediness. Repetition first appears in the first to third lines of the poem, where the
word "wants" is at the start of each. If Clifton wanted to illustrate how desperately White Lady wished to take away people's loved ones, why didn't
she utilize any other synonyms? For example, she could've used "wants" in the first line, "desires" in the second, and "pines for" in
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Role Of First Ladies
First ladies throughout history have had a great impact on their husband's presidencies through affecting policies, supporting their decisions, and even
passionately campaigning issues of their own.
From the beginning, first ladies have had a very important role, as the country looked to her as the leading woman in the country ("First Ladies'
Role"). Yet, it sometimes is overshadowed by the president. One of the most vital roles that she has is running the White House. She makes different
decisions pertaining to the White House, specifically ("First Ladies' Role"). This is not her only job. Depending on her husband, previous first ladies
have given advice or their point of view on "politics, policy, crises and personnel" ("First Ladies' Role"). ... Show more content on ...
After seeing Eleanor Roosevelt campaign her own ideas and share her thoughts freely, first ladies felt comfortable to campaign for their husband.
What inspired future first ladies was Roosevelt's "weekly press conferences, and [writing] a column called 'My Day', which was featured in national
newspapers" ("A Real First Lady"). She used her position to bring forth attention to social injustices she was seeing throughout the country ("A Real
First Lady"). Not only did future first ladies see the role she was playing, so did the Commission on Human Rights and her husband, including
Congress and the Cabinet. The Commission on Human Rights made her chairperson ("A Real First Lady"). Her husband, the Cabinet, and the
Congress, give her the opportunity and position to write the International Bill of Rights ("A Real First Lady"). Eleanor might have been inspired by
Woodrow Wilson's wife, Edith Wilson, who took upon his duties while he was recovering from a life–threatening stroke ("Woodrow Wilson"). Some
presidents, such as Thomas Jefferson, used their most trusted friends to be their advisers. However, President Wilson's most trusted adviser was his
wife, "having access to secret cables and important state papers" ("Edith Bolling Wilson"). Similar to Eleanor Roosevelt, she inspired women
around the country to conserve resources ("Edith Bolling Wilson"). When President Wilson had his stroke, his doctors urged her to take upon some
of her duties, kind of acting as the vice president ("Edith Bolling Galt Wilson"). She did not start up programs or make major decisions that she might
of saw fit ("Edith Bolling Galt Wilson"). She did, however, become in charge of many details of the government for the remaining of his second term
("Edith Bolling Galt Wilson"). President Abraham Lincoln is a well–known president, famous for his Gettysburg Address and Emancipation
Proclamation. Behind the scenes
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A Salesperson Essay
It was a beautiful August morning. The sun was brightly shining on my sunglasses while my mother drove the U–haul truck to a warehouse in Santa
Ana, California. As my mother drove down the streets of Santa Ana, I looked out the window and began to realize that the mixture of people was no
longer a mixture; there was only white.
When we arrived at the warehouse, I had to peel my arm off the side of the hot door like a burnt sausage off a skillet. There were not many cars in
the parking lot, and I could see the heat waves. As we walked up the boiling pavement, it felt like we were walking through a scorching desert. When
we walked into the warehouse, there was a variety of electronic appliances to choose from, and about three–fourths of ... Show more content on ...
Then I figured that maybe something was on my face, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw nothing. At the time, I had only spent nine years and some
months on this planet. I didn't know racism was still around; I thought that situation had died along with Dr. King.
Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. We sat there watching people get their appliances and leave. We seemed invisible to them. As I sat in the
car, burning up and listening to one of the most boring radio stations my mother could possibly like, I was thinking, "We'd better leave or else I'll go
ballistic!" After 30 minutes had passed, my mother got frustrated and politely asked to have our items loaded. Five more minutes passed, and she
asked again with an attitude. They replied, "We'll be with you in a minute, ma'am." I could tell she was beginning to get upset because she started to
get that "don't bother me" look. Five minutes later they finally packed our appliances on the truck.
When we left the warehouse, I described to my mother what the other people were doing. She explained, "They were racist. They didn't like us
because we have different skin color."
That was my first encounter with racism. It was just a small slice of reality–that everyone isn't going to be as nice as you, your friends, and your family
might be; and that just because you look nice and politely smile at others, it
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Dualities In Macbeth
Two Faces –– Rather Commonplace in the Human Race Humans are naturally two–faced. One face, we show to strangers and those we hold at an
arm's length in our life. The other, if shown at all, is shown only to those closest to us, although sometimes only hinted at. This second face is our
"true" face, and is our active persona when alone. Much like Jekyll and Hyde, these faces can differentiate greatly. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the
concept of dualities is seen in Lady Macbeth's actions. Dualities themselves are complicated things; it can be extremely difficult to tell when a person
is hinting at or revealing theirs. In the somewhat enigmatic lines, "My hands are of your color, but I shame / To wear a heart so white" (2.2.82–83),
Lady Macbeth
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Summary Of Little Things Are Big By Jesus Colon
In the narrative "Little Things Are Big" by Jesus Colon, Colon saw a lady carrying a baby in one hand, a suitcase in the other, and two little
children trailing behind her. However, Colon is a Puerto Rican Negro, while the lady is a white American. He kept considering whether to assist
her or not. After some time, he decided not to help and instead pushed by her. He later on regretted his choice and promised to offer help regardless of
how the offer is going to be received. Colon's feelings of guilt were justified because of racism and prejudice. Colon's feelings of guilt were reasonable
because of racism. The lady is a white American, while Colon is a Puerto Rican Negro. He was anxious of what the lady would say
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Fice Of First Lady
The office, President of the United States of America, is one, if not, the most powerful position in the modern world that any individual can occupy.
However, there is another office in the same building and even the same family that garners much less attention: the office of First Lady. For the lack of
attention both in historical records, and in public focus, First Ladies throughout the history of the United States have had much more influence and
impact than they have been accredited. One such woman, Lucretia Garfield began, in her short term, to change the office of First Lady. Lucretia
Garfield challenged the gender normatives of the Gilded Age, and she opened up her role for future First Ladies to exert their bold presence in the
White House. Lucretia began her safari into the "world of men" at a young age, beginning with her education. From the moment she was born, on April
19, 1832 in Garretsville Ohio to parents Zebulon and Arabella Rudolph, Lucretia lived an atypical lifestyle. The Rudolph family, devout Disciples of
Christ Church members, engaged with other church members to build the Western Reserve Eclectic Institution in Hiram College. According to, Notable
American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, Lucretia Rudolph entered Western Reserve Eclectic Institute in the year 1850 after completing previous
studies at Geauga Seminary in Chester Ohio. As remarkable as it was that Lucretia even received a college–level education, she also edited and
illustrated for
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Eleanor Roosevelt's Major Accomplishments
Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11th, 1884 in New York City. Her father was Elliot Roosevelt and her mother was Anna Hall. She lost her
parents when she was at a young age and was raised by her grandmother. Her mother died in 1982 and her father died two years later. Eleanor came
from a very well–known family. One of her uncles was Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president. Then in her later years, she married her distant cousin
Franklin D. Roosevelt, who later became president, and together they had six kids. (Early Life) Eleanor Roosevelt was probably one of the greatest
social workers of the 20th century as she opened up a new frontier to all the first ladies of the White House and by participating in the women's
suffrage movement. (Eleanor Roosevelt Biography) ... Show more content on ...
She decided to step up on politics after her husband suffered a polio attack in 1933 to help him with his political career. She dramatically changed
the role of the First Lady and tried telling the world that the First Lady was a very important part of American politics as well. She spoke out for
human rights , children's causes, and women's issues. She also focused on trying to help the poor people and stood against racial discrimination.
(First Ladies: An Impact) Aside from political work, Eleanor was a very talented writer. She wrote several books based on her life and her
experiences. She wrote This Is My Story (1937), This I Remember (1949), On My Own (1958), Autobiography (1961) and a diary she wrote into 6
times a week from December 1962 up to her death in 1962 named My Day.(Life After the White House) Her return to the public service was after she
published her autobiography in 1961, when John F. Kennedy made her a delegate of the United Nations. (First Ladies: An
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Examples Of Deception In Macbeth
Many times in life, things aren't what they seem to be. What appears good, can be bad and what appears bad, can actually be good. People can
many times not portray to be what they really are. In other words, people's countenance doesn't always match what they are thinking or feeling. An
example of this, would be the old lady in the movie, Snow White. This lady appears generous to Snow White when she is offering her an apple.
Thinking nothing of it, Snow White accepts the fruit. However, the apple was actually poisonous. In fact, the old lady was actually the evil queen
who disguised herself in order to kill Snow White. In the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, deception is demonstrated in acts one and two.
The first time deception is shown in acts one and two of the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is in scene six of act one. In this scene, King
Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle. He is staying the night there as a guest to the honorable man that saved his kingdom. Upon arriving, Lady
Macbeth greets him and is the best host. In this scene, Duncan says to Lady Macbeth, "Fair and noble hostess, we are your guest tonight." While the
King has high respect for Macbeth and his Lady, he knows little of their innermost desire. Just before... Show more content on ...
In this scene, Lady Macbeth gets the body guards drunk so Macbeth is able to sneak in and kill Duncan. After Macbeth returns from doing the deed,
he has the daggers in his hands. He is too afraid to return them himself, so Lady Macbeth does it. Upon taking the daggers, she says, "I'll paint the
faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt." Lady Macbeth takes the daggers and puts them in the drunk bodyguards' possession and
smears them with the King's blood. The act of framing them for the murder of the king, is deceitful and will soon cause problems for Lady Macbeth
and her
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School Of Athens
1.Raphael, "The School of Athens"
A) I see people, artists and scholars, standing, sitting, and lying in the hallways either drawing or talking to each other. This piece of art have the
colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, bronze, white, black, and gray. It uses natural colors, which makes the picture look mild. The lines in the
foreground are very sharp, however, the other parts are soft.
B)The glorification of Ancient Greece(the Classics) can be seen in this art piece because the school or building portrays Athens, the capital of Greece.
The building uses the architecture of Ancient Greece, and inside the building are many Greek philosophers or figures at that time.
This piece of art uses perspective because I can see a clear foreground, ... Show more content on ...
Surrounding him are sea creatures or sea monsters. This piece of art was sculpted on the fountain. I see the colors: gray, teal, and white. The
fountain is gray, the god is white, and the sea creatures are teal. B) This piece of art glorifies Ancient Greece and the Classics because Neptune is the
Greek god Poseidon. Neptune/Poseidon's body features and features of the sea creatures surrounding him are depicted very realistically. This art piece
is secular because the god or sea creatures don't have halos or anything to make them look very religious.
3. Leonardo Da Vinci, "Self Portrait" A)I see a self portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci. He has a long hair and a long beard. This portrait has sketches,
shadings, and many soft lines. He uses the color gray.
B) One characteristics of Renaissance Art I see in this picture is that it is secular because Vinci doesn't look holy or religious in anyway. Another
characteristic is that it focuses on depicting Vinci's face and beard realistically.
This art piece also uses perspective because you can see Vinci's beard, face, and head three–dimensionally. this portrait also glorifies Ancient Rome
because Vinci was from Italy and visited
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Analyzing Pietro Longhi's 'The Convent Parlour'
The Convent Parlour was painted by Pietro Longhi and his primary assistant Giuseppe de Gobbis. It is now located at San Diego Museum of Art,
San Diego, California. It was created around 1760 in Venice. It is an oil painting on canvas. According to the label provided by San Diego Museum of
Art, The Convent Parlour describes an "interior scene of 18th–Century Venetian life" that was "inspired by Dutch genre paintings of the previous
The painting depicts an interior genre scene of a "visiting room at the convent of San Zaccaria" (San Diego Museum of Art). There seems to be an
event or party taking place in the visiting room because there are groups of people all over the place in the painting. They all express different
emotions and activities in the room. According to the label of the ... Show more content on ...
The visitors shown in the painting appear to be wearing masks and are unable to be identified. The painting seems to have more focus on the masked
visitors instead of the daughters because the visitors are actually in the visiting room while the daughters are hiding behind the windows looking at the
visiting room. This creates depth using foreground and background in the painting and therefore makes the painting more spacious and interesting for
the viewers. Meanwhile, Longhi has well created a colorful Venetian style painting using red, green, and white colors. The use of these three vivid
colors create an appealing and noticeable visual effect. Longhi mainly uses green and red colors on the visitors' clothing and the visiting room.
Meanwhile, he brightens the entire room using white color on the stunning dress of the lady in the middle who seems to be an important aristocracy
and the dresses of the nuns which may suggest their purities. Moreover, Longhi well illustrates light and shadow to create a focal point in the painting.
He darkens
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Gender And Sexual Stereotyping In Shakespeare's Macbeth '
Thesis: In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth's ultimate fragility is caused by society's demands of her as a woman, as is demonstrated by the
application of feminist theory in Caroline Asp's article, "Be Bloody, bold and resolute': Tragic Action and Sexual Stereotyping in Macbeth", in Peter
Sallybrass's "Macbeth and Witchcraft," and "The Paradox of Masculinity in Shakespeare's Macbeth" by Howayda Mohamed Elenany, as well as the
dark, rainy setting and Lady Macbeth's shaky voice in David Wilson's film adaptation.
When it comes to teenagers in the 21st century, there are no less confusing subjects than gender identity and analyzing Shakespeare. The combination
of these two subjects, along with the author's death before he could confirm one ... Show more content on ...
What seeks to balances these traits is what Freud calls the "ego." When the ego fails to balance both... applies this principle to Macbeth by highlighting
characteristics of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth that demonstrate that both of them possess characteristics of both genders. In terms of cultural pressures,
Elernary explains that Lady Macbeth defines masculinity when she discovers that her husband is hesitant to murder Duncan: " ―When you durst do
it, then you were a man;
And, to be more than what you were, you
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Spring Break Essay
During spring break, EMMA is sent away to live with her grandmother, who lives in a rural countryside. Even though her parents tell her that they
used to visit her grandmother when she is a kid, Emma can remember none of those memories. She spends a couple of days getting used to the new
surroundings and her grandma, who is a stranger to her. Her grandmother is a kind old woman and lets Emma do whatever she pleases. Her only
warning to her is not to go anywhere near the old well at the very corner of the vegetable garden. One day, curiosity gets the best of Emma and she
goes to the forbidden area. A voice coming from beneath the well make she looks down and her eyes catch something. Before she can make out
what it is, she slips and falls. She wakes up and finds herself in a foreign place. She is in a middle of a forest, but it looks nothing like the forest that
surrounds her grandmother's place. She... Show more content on ...
She finds stains of blueberries on her ears and so is on Jico's hands. In a fit of outrage, she tells the squirrel to hand them back to her. When he
protests that he didn't do it, she tells him to leave her sight and that if she weren't so lonely she wouldn't have let him tag along in the first place, she
had made a mistake taking him. The squirrel is silent and then vanishes. Without directions, Emma with her puffed eyes from crying, walks aimlessly
through the forest. Suddenly a net drops from the sky and covers her. Several white ravens then pull the net–along with Emma–and flies across the
forest into a white mansion. Emma is put into a big birdcage in the middle of a white room, around it are more cages fill with white ravens. Then,
WHITE LADY shows up, holding the earrings in her hands. She tells Emma that everything in this forest is owned by her, including Emma, and how
foolish she is to try and leave without her permission. She tells Emma that she will work for her now: sweeping her
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Summary Of Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2
The scene I am directing of MacBeth is Act 2, Scene 2. This scene illustrates the immediate aftermath of MacBeth murdering Duncan. MacBeth returns
from Duncan's room to a nervous Lady MacBeth, who has been worrying about the murder failing. MacBeth arrives and panics, while Lady MacBeth
stays calm at first and tries to reassure MacBeth. However, when she realizes that MacBeth accidentally brings the daggers back and is too scared to
bring them to the murder scene, she starts to attack his courage. While Lady MacBeth shows no remorse whatsoever, MacBeth is extremely paranoid
and regretful. Throughout my scene I want to demonstrate how after the murder, the power dynamic shifted from MacBeth to Lady MacBeth.
In this scene I want to utilize
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The Welcome Table, By Patricia Smith
Thomas Jefferson once said, "Blacks could deliver themselves of spontaneous bursts of emotion, but were incapable of the intellect and concentration
that great art requires." (Cook, Tatum, 2010). It is widely believed that people of African descent could not read poetry or understand art, let alone
create them. Both Alice Walker and Patricia Smith are two great examples of how far, not only asAfrican American have come, but also as African
American Women. Whether white, black, or brown we all want to fit in. That is why I chose Alice Walker's short story, "The Welcome Table" and
Patricia Smith's poem, "What It's Like to Be a Black Girl." They both have similar, yet different of setting a tone, imagery, symbolism, and point of
views of how it feels to be an outcast. The main theme is about racism. Another theme is about black women who long to escape and be free, but
cannot have that freedom because of the society they live in.
In the short story, "The Welcome Table," Walker starts it off with a spiritual song. The song is called, "I'm Going to Sit at the Welcome Table," and
it sets an uplifting tone. "I'm going to sit at the Welcome table, Shout my troubles over, Walk and talk with Jesus, Tell God how you treat me, One
of these days!" plays in the old black lady's head while she makes her way into church.(Clugston, 2014). I have never heard of the song before so I
decided to listen to it on by the Birmingham Jubilee Singers. I noticed it had a jazzy and up beat
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Eleanor Roosevelt: The First Lady In The White House
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams," is one of Eleanor Roosevelt's most famous quotes. She continuously proved
the accuracy of these words in her daily life. She lived by these words by changing the role of the First Lady in the White House, and she changed the
way society thought about women. Eleanor Roosevelt's childhood was one of disappointment and grief. When she got older, Roosevelt grew in self–
confidence under the eyes of Headmistress Marie Souevestre (Black 2). She began to invest herself into community service and volunteer in other
organizations. Roosevelt became the First Lady in 1933, and she used her political standing to speak out against problems that she was concerned with
(Jones 73). After ... Show more content on ...
The tension between her parents was noticeable to Roosevelt at an early age, and Roosevelt often felt like it was her job to make her mother
happy (Black 1). Her mother never returned this love and care to Roosevelt (Jones 7). Her mother nicknamed her "Granny" because of Roosevelt's
shy disposition and would call Roosevelt that in front of her friends (Jones 7). Her mother once told Roosevelt, "You have no looks, so see to it
that you have manners" (Jones 7). The differences between Roosevelt and her mother made her closer to her father (Jones 8). Roosevelt adored
her father, and he called her "little Nell" (Jones 8). Elliot was very charming and people were often drawn to him, but he suffered from depression
and consequently drank heavily (Jones 5). Eleanor's father's drinking got so bad that he had to move away from the family (Jones 9). Just before
Christmas, her mother died of diphtheria; Roosevelt and her two brothers were sent to their Grandmother's house, and Roosevelt's father's
drinking worsened due to the death of his wife (Jones 10, 11, 12). Roosevelt and her father sent letters back and forth to keep in touch, and her
father promised Roosevelt that there would be a day when they would see each other again (Jones 14). Roosevelt found refuge at her Uncle
Teddy's (Theodore Roosevelt) house (Jones 13). Her uncle made Eleanor feel loved after all the sadness and disappointment she faced at a young
age (Jones 13). Elliot Jr., Roosevelt's youngest brother, died from scarlett fever and diphtheria in May of 1893 (Jones 14). For Roosevelt's father,
this was the final straw; Elliot Roosevelt (Roosevelt's father) died on August 14, 1894 (Jones 15). Roosevelt's childhood was harsh and filled with
grief and disappointment, but as she got older she was able to become more independent and find happiness in her
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Lady Macbeth's Sleepwalking Essay
Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene from Act V, Scene I was interpreted very well from both Artus Scheiner's painting and Michael Lynch's stage
adaptation. Lynch's stage adaptation of the play provides a great sense of connection with Lady Macbeth. The dimmed lights and the darkened stage
gave the scene such an intense and eerie feeling. Scheiner's painting presents Lady Macbeth as scary with her long black hair that covers most of her
face and her mouth wide open. Her being dressed in white and holding a lit candlestick, brings a bit light to such a dark painting. Although Scheiner's
painting is very detailed with the darkness of her hair, her white nightgown, and the dark colors of the background, Lynch's play adaptation gives a
better understanding and ... Show more content on ...
Lynch's stage interpretation of Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene in Macbeth's Shakespeare provides a clear understanding of the scene with
detailed colors, tones, figures, and landscapes. Characterization: Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking/talking. The Doctor has seen this before but has
no idea what to do. Theme: Darkness is dangerous. Use of Language: "Yet here's a spot." Shakespeare is telling us that Lady Macbeth still sees
blood on her hands from her involvement in the murder. Shakespeare wants the audience to see that Lady Macbeth's actions led her to guilty
sleepwalking and rubbing her hands to wash the "bloody" spots away. In this scene, Shakespeare's decision to make Lady Macbeth sleepwalk makes
her look like she subconsciously regrets her part in Duncan's murder. Lady Macbeth's downfall leads to the theme, "Darkness is Dangerous." Artus
Scheiner illustrates Lady Macbeth as somewhat scary by giving her black long hair that covers most of her face and her mouth wide open. Lady
Macbeth is dressed in white and carrying a candlestick, which gives the darkened painting some light to
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Symbolism In Ralph Ellison's Battle Royal
In Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal" he creates a vivid image of the racial differences between whites and blacks. In the short story there are multiple
signs of symbolisms, and metaphors. A specific example that caught my attention is the blonde dancer. While trying to find the significance of the
dancer, I found other aspects of symbolism. Such as the fact the lady was never referred to as white, but blonde, however, we naturally assume
she's white, or the flag on the lady dancer is supposed to represent liberty, and yet liberty is not being represented at all. Aside from her skin color, or
body art, we may ask, what exactly is the purpose of the naked dancer? I believe this lady is portrayed to demonstrate the white society's control over
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The Women Of Female Slaves
The lives of female slaves in the South are incomparable and have an unmistakable difference to the lives of most nineteenth–century white American
ladies. The African American slave does not have the same luxury to worry about insignificant alarms, shortcomings, and insecurities as other females,
yet trusts herself to be and is, indeed, more grounded and able to endure more than most men. As a woman, not just an African American woman I
recognize these women as Mother Earth, they display the ultimate example of females/mothers with limitless sexual, nurturing, and supporting stores.
Furthermore, their experience likewise contrasted from that of dark male slaves. In America during the 1820 's through the 1850 's is where most
ladies were ... Show more content on ...
This was a period in which the American culture trusted ladies should have been be managed by men on the grounds that ladies were irrational
and "weak willed," slave women proved that sex did not determine one's "skill, will power, aptitude, or even strength." (16) While white American
ladies were relied upon to be aloof and meek in view of their sex, dark ladies were not anticipated that would be subordinate or smug, in light of the
fact that they were dark and slaves. Due to the pervasive bigotry and sexism that existed in in America, female slaves were the slightest capable and
the most helpless gathering of individuals versus white American guys. However, the female slaves were considered to have assumed the most
imperative parts inside of the slave society as wives and moms.
Deborah Gray White states in her earth shattering thesis Ar 'n 't I a Woman that in spite of the fact that there is a plenitude of examination on
bondage as a rule, it is extremely hard to discover sources about slave ladies specifically. She briefly clarifies, "Slave women were everywhere, yet
nowhere."(23) The author did not neglect to take note of the twofold segregation endured by dark ladies: that is, they persevered through the abuse of
all African–Americans and additionally that of most ladies. It is the twofold danger and feebleness, as appeared in financial and political studies that
add to the intangibility of dark ladies. Blacks including the females were depicted as
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Soroptimism In America
The Soroptimist International of the Americas published a white paper on Women and the HIV/AIDS crisis that layouts not just a percentage of the
elements that make ladies powerless against the illness, additionally the results they confront in the event that they or a relative get to be tainted and
conceivable answers for the rising number of new HIV/AIDS cases in ladies. An upsetting pattern has risen inside of the previous couple of years,
demonstrating a relentless increment of ladies being contaminated with HIV/AIDS every year. This pattern is particularly conspicuous in sub–Saharan
Africa. While the illness is contaminating more ladies than any other time in recent memory and now represents about portion of those living with HIV
around ... Show more content on ...
There are many social, financial, and political components that assume just as essential parts and cooperate all the while in expanding the measure of
tainted ladies. In this way, those components all should be considered in any long haul endeavor to dispense with or diminish the issue. Overall
associations and African ladies themselves proceed with their endeavors to lessen the rate at which ladies are focusing so as to be contaminated with
the infection on unmistakable authoritative and political changes in the short–term, wanting to see a decrease in the measure of new cases yearly.
Their endeavors may not show results until years later on, but rather by concentrating on the basic issues and not just the shallow issue of the infection
itself, their diligent work may demonstrate to propel the personal satisfaction of future eras
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Roles of First Ladies
Roles of the First Lady Kenya Stanford Ashford University HIS 204 American History Since 1865 Instructor: Tara Ross November 15, 2010
Abstract The roles of the First Lady can vary. Several of the authors describes that some of the First Lady's roles can be from writing invitations ,
creating an policy, sharing ideas about political rights, to coming up with health care reform. This essay contains some of the old traditional roles that
the First Lady was required to do in the 18th century and how it changes over time. Also, it explains how each century First Lady goes about
performing her duties. Roles of the First Lady The roles of the First Lady are really undetermined because it changes due to their interest and the...
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Even though she was very sick, she manages to crochet bedroom room slippers for fundraisers and charities. After reading the article, she proves
that she was able to show her husband that she cared about how he felt about politics and that she would dedicate herself to it through the end. She
was the first to have her spouse to reschedule everything around her instead of the President reschedule everything around him. 20th Century: Edith
Roosevelt and Jacqueline Kennedy Following President McKinley's assassination came about very sudden to Edith. So Edith had to fill in that
position as First Lady. Not being a stranger to Washington and to the public, Edith was able to perform her job really well. Edith was very good at
managing books and being able to keep up the home. But just like Martha Washington, she kept her life private from everybody including T.R's
extended family. According to the Theodore Roosevelt Association, "Under Edith's careful eye the White House collection of china and the portraits
of First Ladies were begun. The task of restoring the house to its classic and simple federal style, inside and out, while accommodating a large family
and executive branch of government for a growing nation came to the Roosevelt's. First Lady Edith Roosevelt played the major role in overseeing the
largest renovation of the White House into the stately and practical government center it is
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Descriptive Essay On Copenhagen
Copenhagen is arguably one of Europe's most beautiful cities. The multi–color merchant houses along the Nyhavn port area have been an unforgettable
image of the city since they were built in the 12th century. For over 250 years, well to do travelers have all used the same address, a city icon and
national treasure, the Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen's grand dame of hotels and one of the finest hotels in all of Europe.
/157992884 Known as the white lady, Hotel d'Angelterre 250 year history is the history this of Copenhagen itself. This city icon has been the site of
many of Denmark's political, royal, and national events and has welcomed elites from kings, and heads of state to pop and movie stars.
The hotel could not be in a better position to take in all the Copenhagen has to offer guests. Many of the city's most coveted attractions are in walking
distance as is the metro which is less than a block away. Aside from strolling along the waterfront and Nyhavn which is steps away, guest may want to
visit the changing or the guards at the Amalienborg Palace, a play at the Royal Danish Theatre or take a fascinating boat ride around the city. For the
fashionista, there are walking streets full of major fashion brands and designer boutiques nearby.
Hotel d'Angelterre is a grand palais building with a baroque and neoclassical design, white in color with ornate detail in the façade. The hotel's nattily
dressed doorman, in top hat and tails, greets guests
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Lady In White Last Halloween
I've been on a bit of a Stephen King kick this summer, having read X of his books. There is a reoccurring theme that happens in a lot of his books
and that has to do with the main character being an author returning to this hometown to either face a fear or put the past behind him. Now, I don't
know if writer/director XXX is a fan of King, but the movie in question today, Lady in White, sure seems like a King classic in disguise.
I reviewed Lady in White last Halloween and everything I wrote about the film back then still stands today.
"It's a film that has several underlying messages, dealing with racism, child murder, the struggles of being a parent and of course, a ghost, who is lost
without her mother. Lady in White is like a mix of Stephen King's Stand by Me and Peter Straub's Ghost Story... If you're in the mood for a ghost story
with some heart and a tale that is for ... Show more content on ...
I ended up checking out the Extended Director's Cut (126 minutes), which adds only a tiny bit to the story, but nothing major. I personally prefer the
Director's Cut (117 minutes), which is included on the first disc in this two disc release. Along with the Director's Cut, you have all the special
features that were included on the DVD release. Sadly, there are no new features provided.
As for the audio/visual side of things, Lady in White can be a bit rough around the edges with the transfer. There are times where grain is abundant and
colours are bit oversaturated. Although, the bloomy look and oversaturated colours are likely a purposely chosen look by the director.
I happy to finally have a definitive release of Lady in White, as it is a film that I will pop in often to take a trip back to my childhood. Scream
Factory doesn't provide any new special features, but the convenience of having all the different cuts and past features on one release is more than
enough to justify the price being
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History: The Roles Of The First Ladies
The Roles of the First Ladies The people don't get to vote for the president's wife, nor are there any restrictions on her actions within the White
House. The First Lady, a role only few have played. However, it is a role that has been changed and evolved over time due to social, political and
economic changes in American history. Throughout American history the role of the First Lady has evolved from hostess and volunteer, to activist,
than reformer. Now, the First Ladies are in charge of their own political agenda, as well as, providing support for their husband. In the year 1789,
Martha Washington, along with her husband, set the precedent for the First Families. Martha was to define the role of the First Lady and set the
unofficial duties.... Show more content on ...
She had a passion for libraries, and wanted to help expand literacy in children (Burns, 686). Bush's support for a valence issue brought her a lot of
popularity and support from more conservable people. Then, after the attack on The World Trade Center on September 9, 2011, Laura wanted to help
with the oppression of women in the Afghanistan. She took over George Bush's weekly radio show, and spoke publicly about the tortures women and
children had faced under the Taliban ( Some other projects that Laura Bush took over were the human rights campaign, work with the
AIDs epidemic, awareness of breast cancer, and other women health issues. Overall Laura Bush chose to work on non – controversial projects, unlike
Hillary. The media compared these two First Ladies and their roles within the white house. Both Hillary and Laura supported their husbands, but
Hillary wanted to support her husband by doing all she could to help with his politics. While, Laura helped by staying out of the media's bad side, so
her husband would not have to worry about dealing with the public relations of her matters. Hillary chose to attack controversial topics, and carry on
with her own political agenda, with her husband in the White House. Laura wanted to carry on with her passion for literature and the arts. After the
media compared the two unlike First Ladies they continued to ask a
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Prejudice In The Film 'White Chicks'
White Chicks , the 2004 Blockbuster hit, takes after two African–American FBI specialists/siblings who go covert in the Hamptons. Kevin and Marcus
Copeland (played by Shawn and Marlon Wayans) have missed the mark in their past FBI assignments and have now been appointed to secure [white]
heirs to a billionaire, Brittany and Tiffany Wilson from a conceivable seizing. The two operators escort the young ladies to the Hamptons, yet keep
running into some inconvenience en route. In the car ride there, the team gets into a minor fender bender leaving both Brittany and Tiffany with
bruises and wounds. The two girls refuse to show up to the elite Hamptons scene looking cut up. But Shawn and Marlon cannot afford to head back to
headquarters and admit... Show more content on ...
Since he is physically built, and dark he's naturally marked as a competitor – "reduced to their bodies". A great deal of the dialect from the film is
exceptionally characteristic of bigotry. At the point when Marcus Copeland (covert as Tiffany) is plaiting one of the young ladies' hair, the young
lady reacts "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were black". Once more, this is another glaring and obvious generalization – African Americans are
great at braiding hair. In light of the past remark, Tiffany's (Marcus) reaction is "Fo' shizzle my Nizzle". This expression is fundamentally saying
that in order to fit in as a part of black "hood" community, dialect like "fo shizzle" is vital. This is disparaging and racist towards dark individuals
and their knowledge. At the point when prejudice is utilized as a part of comic drama, it has a tendency to standardize racial generalizations and after
that these generalizations end up normalized. This film specifically groups "classify our world in terms of the categories of race" (Hall). As watchers,
either white or black, we can't resist the urge to get the film as hostile. White Chicks has figured out how
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  • 2. The Welcome Table, By Patricia Smith Thomas Jefferson once said, "Blacks could deliver themselves of spontaneous bursts of emotion, but were incapable of the intellect and concentration that great art requires." (Cook, Tatum, 2010). It is widely believed that people of African descent could not read poetry or understand art, let alone create them. Both Alice Walker and Patricia Smith are two great examples of how far, not only asAfrican American have come, but also as African American Women. Whether white, black, or brown we all want to fit in. That is why I chose Alice Walker's short story, "The Welcome Table" and Patricia Smith's poem, "What It's Like to Be a Black Girl." They both have similar, yet different of setting a tone, imagery, symbolism, and point of views of how ... Show more content on ... With that song playing in the old black lady's head makes it seem like she was happy; while taking a long walk on the highway, through the freezing, cold, weather. It was almost like she knew what was going to happen to her and she was ready for it. The tone throughout the story up until the old black lady sees Jesus is of disgust. For example, "Some of those who saw her there on the church steps spoke words about her that were hardly fit to be heard, others held their pious peace; and some felt vague stirrings of pity, small and persistent and hazy, as if she were an old collie turned out to die."(Clugston, 2014). That is how the white people looked at the old black lady, who did not mean any harm or disrespect to anyone. She just wanted to come and enjoy the church service and be in God's company. She soon gets thrown out of the church by the women's husbands into the freezing cold. That is when she meets Jesus and Walker sets up the story for more of an uplifting tone. For example, the old lady described walking with Jesus was like walking on clouds; and that she could walk with him forever, and never get tired. (Clugston, 2014). At the end of the story the tone is peaceful because she felt welcomed and accepted by Jesus and that is all she wanted. When I first read the poem, "What It's Like to Be a Black Girl," I sensed the tone was written with a bad attitude. After listening to Smith read it aloud on ... Get more on ...
  • 3. American First Ladies Analysis While the public still wants the first lady to be peaceful and diplomatic, they also expect her to take an aggressive stance on certain political issues, particularly issues relating to children and family. Gould writes that "Nancy Reagan's controversial eight years revealed how much the popular expectation of First Lady activism had become embedded in political culture" (American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy xii). After an initial two years of political indifference, "[Nancy Reagan] and her advisers turned to a 'Just Say No' campaign against illicit drugs to validate her credentials as a First Lady with a real cause" (American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy xii). The aforementioned situation with Nancy Reagan exemplifies a modern truth: to be a successful first lady, political activism is not a choice, but a necessity. Even when the first lady is not directly campaigning for a political issue, she still... Show more content on ... Because of the celebrity status of modern first ladies, many view the first lady to be a symbol for how the American woman should behave. Modern first ladies must be well–educated and well–spoken. One trend found in the First Ladies: Influence and Image series seems to be that first ladies (even the pre–1885 first ladies) are generally better educated than most American females of their time, and occasionally, even better educated than their husbands. Caroline Harrison, whose father was a professor and supporter of women's education, was extremely well–educated for her time (First Ladies: Caroline Harrison). Furthermore, Ida McKinley was educated in Ohio, the haven for the women's movement at the time, and went on to become the most educated first lady that the nation had ever had in office (First Ladies: Ida ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The White Lady Cries Wolf in Rosewood Rosewood is a ghost town located in Levy County, Florida. In the early 1920s Rosewood was a developing town with churches, schools, mills and a growing population. The town was a majority black town, but that was not much of a problem until a white lady "cried wolf". Fannie Taylor, wife of James Taylor who worked at a mill nearby, would have an affair with a white man. Fannie and her white lover got into a physical altercation that left Fannie with obvious bruises. To prevent from having to tell James about the affair she told her neighbors that a black man came and attacked her. As word spread throughout the town some people added to her story that Fannie was also raped by the black man. The thought of miscegenation is what angered the men and led to the Rosewood Massacre. During the first week of January, 1923 in Rosewood the angry white men formed a search group for the black man who "raped" Fannie. The search group murdered nearly every black man they saw and burned down a portion of Rosewood. In 1997, John Singleton directed the movie Rosewood , which told the story of the Rosewood Massacre. Overall the movie was great and included talented actors like: Ving Rhames, Don Cheadle, Elise Neal, and Esther Rolle. I personally was engaged with the film when it first started off, with the intimate sex scene with Jewel and Mr. Wright. Sex is intriguing for almost anyone, so to start the movie off with sex was a clever way to grab the audience attention. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Racism In Lady Gaga In response to the violent riot of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, Lady gaga tweeted to the black community asking for advice to help alleviate the racial tensions in America. Here, Lady Gaga tries to establish a legit connection with the black community by trying to represent the white allies who want to make a positive change for the Black community. She even creates the #HowWeDoBetter hashtag to allow others to easily join the conversation and follow the movement. Although Lady Gaga probably has good intentions trying to spark dialogue surrounding racial tension in America, this conversation have existed for over 60 years. This tweet deflects the larger issue at hand. It implies that racism is a black person issue. While racism heavily influences black people's lives, they did not create the concept nor perpetuated the institution of racism. Lady Gaga asked the wrong question: she should have asked, "Why do white people need racism in the first place?" However, to answer Lady Gaga's initial question at hand: just listen. Lady Gaga's tweet can connect to Ta–Nehisi Coates' "Letter to My Son." Coates writes in his piece that "The Dream" only applied to white people because "the Dream rests on [black people's] back, the bedding made from [black] bodies" (84). Much like other white allies, Lady Gaga also enjoy the perks of living in the Dream. Because of the delusion that they live in, white allies are not aware of the work that the black community is ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Similarities Between The Lady With The Dog And Hills Like... When discussing love many different thoughts come to mind. Everyone usually has their own opinion regarding the controversial word. Everyone views love in a different light, but sometimes might contain some similarities. In "The Lady with the Dog" and "Hills Like White Elephants" both portray a skewed point of view on how each individual view what love is to them. Both pieces vividly show love in a conditional way. True love is not conditional, but it is: not lustful, unconditional, and it is everlasting. First off, in both readings it discusses two individuals in a sexual relationship where neither are married. They are both living an unrealistic lifestyle that almost makes the existence of love impossible. There is an ongoing affair in "The Lady with the Dog" where they are both trying to live their normal lives, but yet at the same time trying to keep their relationship afloat by having the mistress coming to visit Dmitri Gurov in Moscow. However, in the beginning of the story, it displays Gurov as a womanizer and a man who views women to satisfy his sexual needs. As the story continues it describes a time he went on a regular vacation, but ended up meeting a woman with a dog that was married at the time and who was also a virgin. He then ends up taking her virginity and slowly develops feelings for her. He persists in seeing her after the vacation and they meet on several occasions. He steadily realizes that this "love" will not work and he sees the unrealisticness of the whole situation. This love is to be considered as limited and immortal. In Nietzsche's book, The Gay Science, it discusses a counterpoint, "Love forgives the beloved even his lust" (72). This views love in a lustful sense, whereas that is the main reasons for Gurov pursuing any type of relationship in the first place. Also in Plato's, "Phaedrus" it proclaims, "...not only while his love continues is he mischievous and unpleasant, but when his love ceases he becomes a perfidious enemy..." (Plato). This goes to prove how Gurov felt while he was in his "love crisis." He would try to make his lifestyle look glamorous to the outside world while on the inside he was not anywhere near to being happy in the end only hurting his overall ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Short Story It was a bright and cheery morning. The tint radiating from thIt was a beautiful August morning. The sun was brightly shining on my sunglasses while my mother drove the U–haul truck to a warehouse in Santa Ana, California. As my mother drove down the streets of Santa Ana, I looked out the window and began to realize that the mixture of people was no longer a mixture; there was only white. When we arrived at the warehouse, I had to peel my arm off the side of the hot door like a burnt sausage off a skillet. There were not many cars in the parking lot, and I could see the heat waves. As we walked up the boiling pavement, it felt like we were walking through a scorching desert. When we walked into the warehouse, there was a variety of ... Show more content on ... Then I figured that maybe something was on my face, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw nothing. At the time, I had only spent nine years and some months on this planet. I didn't know racism was still around; I thought that situation had died along with Dr. King. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. We sat there watching people get their appliances and leave. We seemed invisible to them. As I sat in the car, burning up and listening to one of the most boring radio stations my mother could possibly like, I was thinking, "We'd better leave or else I'll go ballistic!" After 30 minutes had passed, my mother got frustrated and politely asked to have our items loaded. Five more minutes passed, and she asked again with an attitude. They replied, "We'll be with you in a minute, ma'am." I could tell she was beginning to get upset because she started to get that "don't bother me" look. Five minutes later they finally packed our appliances on the truck. When we left the warehouse, I described to my mother what the other people were doing. She explained, "They were racist. They didn't like us because we have different skin color." That was my first encounter with racism. It was just a small slice of reality–that everyone isn't going to be as nice as you, your friends, and your family might be; and that ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Changing Role of the First Ladies Essay First lady is the unofficial title bestowed upon the wife of the president of the United States. The role of the president of the United States originated with George Washington and so did the role of the first lady. During these times, the roles of women were usually limited to being homemakers and hostesses. Women did not work outside the home and often were not seen as equals to men. Therefore, the first lady's duties at that time consisted of hosting social events and keeping the house in which the president lived in order. Through the passage of time, the role of women has undergone a metamorphosis. Women are now on a more level playing field with men and often hold powerful positions in the workforce. With this change, the role ... Show more content on ... Another influential first lady was Betty Ford. She was best remembered for her frankness and honesty, which endeared her to the public. Years after she left the White House Ford would write in her autobiography, "I was an ordinary woman who was called onstage at an extraordinary time. I was no different once I became first lady than I had been before. But, through an accident of history, I had become interesting to people"(Betty Ford). This statement summed up how Ford remained humble about how popular she had become with the public. Early in her husband's presidency, Mrs. Ford was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy. She was open with the public about what she was facing with the breast cancer. This was not the norm in Washington at the time. "We were in a position where my husband had been sworn into office during a very, very difficult time. There had been so much cover–up during Watergate that we wanted to be sure there would be no cover–up in the Ford Administration. So rather than continue this traditional silence about breast cancer, we felt we had to be public"(Betty Ford). This openness was well received by the public and led to a public awareness about breast cancer, along with its detection and treatment. Betty Ford was often outspoken and supported issues that she felt passionate about during her time as First Lady. She ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Annotated Bibliography Of Nellie Taft Annotated Bibliography: Anthony, Carl Sferranzza. Nellie Taft: The Unconventional First Lady of the Ragtime Era. New York: HarperCollins Publisher, 2005. This book discusses the life of Helen "Nellie" Taft in painfully detailed accounts. Carl S. Anthony gives a meticulous childhood of Nellie Taft despite her privacy about her upbringing. He argues how her childhood shaped her into the politically driven women she becomes to be because of her family's financial difficulty despite being from a prominent political family. This book also argues how she was unconventional as a First Lady by breaking precedents set by other First Ladies such as smoking, drinking in bars, and gambling. Burns, Lisa M. First Ladies and the Fourth Estate: Press Framing of Presidential Wives. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2008. This book investigates how First Ladies have been portrayed in the media since Martha Washington and... Show more content on ... Doris Kearns Goodwin used many personal accounts from the presidents' wives' diaries and letters as well as articles from the muckraking presses to figure out the friendship between the two presidents. She argues how the women in their lives and press shaped what kind of presidents Roosevelt and Taft became. Gould, Lewis L., ed. American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy. 2nd ed. New York: Garland Pub., 1996. This book is like the encyclopedia of First Ladies, stating more factual details of their lives and marriage than proposing an argument. This encyclopedia is extremely helpful by recognizing the legacies each First Lady left behind; for example, Edith Roosevelt is noted for reinforcing her family's privacy and maintaining the portraits of the First Ladies. Helen Taft is noted for her influence over her husband's foreign policies. Kemble, Edward Windsor. "Do It Now!" Cartoon. Harper's Weekly. 20 Nov. 1909. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Lady With The Dog And Hills Like White Elephants Essay The principal characters from the short stories, ''The Lady with the Dog'' by Chekhov, and ''Hills like White Elephants'' by Ernest Hemingway are dishonest with the one they love and with themselves, they hide their real feelings about the person they are with, they are living an untruthful relationship, and as a couple they lie to each other. In ''The Lady with The Dog'', Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna , they are both unhappily married to other characters, and after a while they engage in an affair, hiding the love they are feeling to each other, just because they do not want to break up the relationships they have, they do not want more responsibility of what they have with each other. The same matter happens in the ''Hills Like White Elephants'', The American man block out his real feelings about the girl and instead of saying the truth, he lies to her, telling her he loves her, when he does not, just because he wants her to do what he desires, to abort the baby they are having. The American man is not ready for a formal relationship and he does not want any responsibility with the girl or anyone, he just wants to live his free life with no complication. The girl knows the American man's intention, but she does not faces him and instead, she tries her best to keep him, doesn't matter if he loves her or not, she is going to do everything he wants her to do, to be with him. Our point in this paper is to discuss have three different things, in the first place we are ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Analysis Of The Ladies In White When one hears the term "rock musician" one thinks of someone devoted to playing concerts, traveling all over the world, and enjoying fame and fortune. That is not the case for Gorki Aguila. He is a Cuban rock musician, leader of the band, Porno para Ricardo, who uses his music to criticize Fidel Castrol, communism, and the Cuban government. He has been arrested numerous times, most recently in early August because of his support of one of the most critical groups in Cuba, the Ladies in White. The Ladies in White is a group of female relatives of people arrested during Castro's "Black Spring" in 2003 and is one of the most prominent dissident organizations in Cuba. Even though Aguila has performed in Spain, Latin America and theUnited States, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. A First Lady Of The White House Essay What does it take to be a First lady, let alone an extraordinary one? From the 18th century, originating with Martha Washington to the present time, Michelle Obama, 43 lovely ladies have embarked upon this role. The term first lady was originally used in reference to the spouse or hostess of an executive. However, there were times that the lack of a spouse, or representative existed. Therefore, the traditional role was transferred to an immediate family member. For example, during the Bill Clinton presidency, First Lady– Hillary was pursuing her own political ambitions. In turn, the responsibilities were transferred to the daughter, Chelsea. In addition, "this role of being in charge of the White House as hostess, manager, decorator, caretaker is now considered the "traditional" role and it is still part of what First Ladies do."(par11) However, the role has transformed over the centuries in several ways, such as being involved in specific interests to benefit the common good of said parties. Take for instance, "Mary Lincoln became an advocate for an organization that provided support for housing, employment and education of freed African–American slaves."(par12) Furthermore, the First Lady "have been known to offer their opinion and advice on politics, policy, crises and personnel."(par 13) As seen withEleanor Roosevelt, she was a force to be reckoned with, as she tackled tough subjects of inequality and poor conditions of the common working man. As shown above, it ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The White Lady Summary Portugal Portuguese producer David RebordГЈo created a popular internet video featuring a fictional White Lady. The video consists of supposedly "recovered footage" found at the scene of a fatal car accident, near Sintra, Portugal. In the video, a woman and two young men are shown taking a car trip to the mountains. One passenger records the trip with a video camera. While driving along the road, the travelers spot a strange female hitchhiker, whom they pick up. The passenger with the camera focuses on the hitchhiker, who seems strangely quiet, but says her name is Teresa, and states that she has not been the same since her accident. She then points out a spot on the road where she says she died. She suddenly turns to the camera and screams,... Show more content on ... Ghostly Encounters by Lyn Murray More Personal Pics & Descriptions When we reached our destination (the site of a horrific battle – or slaughter – of thousands of innocent Native American Indians, for the sole purpose of claiming their land) it was about 2 a.m... At first, we were met with a little hostility (the hair on our arms and the back of our necks stood up – and not because we were afraid) there was measurable electricity in the air. A sure sign to us, that we weren't exactly welcome. Another sure sign (that we should take our time and introduce ourselves) was our collie, Jada: she stood silent in her tracks, ears pointed and eyes forward, and refused to venture further; but finally, after reassuring our unseen hosts that we meant them no harm, we were allowed (even embraced) to continue our research without encumbrances. As we made our way through thick weeds, trying to find the path we had heard so much about – we constantly snapped pics. At this point, we were ultimate shutterbugs. Nothing was off limits – and nothing was withheld from us, as you will see in the photos that ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Black Lady And A New Black Aesthetic Male Enter Into A... Section 1:In this section, an explanation of the dynamics in which a Black Lady and a New Black Aesthetic male enter into a relationship will be provided. Moreover, learning and explaining the social biographies of both individuals is essential in order to understand how each person may enter into a loving and committed relationship. To begin, a Black Lady has a strong and exceptional educational background, in addition to, a political background. Therefore, she possesses a great amount of intelligence and the ability to grasp an understanding of her environment. Furthermore, a Black Lady can be portrayed as a middle class professional and one can strongly assume she is economically well–off. This middle class status is due to her... Show more content on ... Moreover, a New Black Aesthetic male has an education from an exclusive and prestigious university, giving him the ability to acquire some amount of prestige as well. He associates with the premium organizations of society, such as exceptional fraternities and clubs that help him further gain recognition among both African Americans and Whites. In result, the New Black Aesthetic male undermines his blackness and culture, unlike other black males who strongly promote it. Lastly, one can strongly this black man is more likely to succeed in society due to ability to be part of the White society. So, how can these two individuals fall in love and engage in a committed relationship? The Reese and Lee's wheel theory of love development will be utilized to explain the building of such relationship. First, both individuals are required to build a rapport, the notion of becoming comfortable with each other. Finding each other's similarities is essential. In this case, both the Black Lady and the New Black Aesthetic male have a strong educational background, therefore having similar understanding of concepts, as well as, a university environment. Moreover, both individuals have some sort of success in society and can easily relate to each other's ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Melania Trump's Influence On The Role Of The First Lady Melania Trump's seemingly indifferent attitude at public functions combined with her initial refusal to move into the White House has spawned the 'Sad Melania' meme and numerous articles questioning her decision to be an 'absent' first lady. The tone of these articles and public discussion surrounding Melania is overwhelmingly one of shock and disdain: Melania isn't acting as a first lady should, and it's yet another sign of the Trump family's ineptitude. However, the real question created by this furor is not whether Melania will be able to take on the role, it's whether the Trump administration will adapt to the norms of the often–discussed 'establishment.' Although Lady Bird Johnson revolutionized the role of the first lady by promoting ... Show more content on ... Ideally, the president and first lady would have discussed and mutually agreed that the presidential lifestyle would work for them. Ideally, the first lady would be as interested in serving through her more limited duties as the president is through his. Considering President Melania's stated preference for her luxurious Manhattan lifestyle over the duties of a first lady, it seems unlikely that she is truly on board with President Trump. Faced with an unpaid position she likely didn't want and can't quit except through death or divorce, it is hard to fault Melania for trying to hold on to her version of everyday ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Repetition Of Lucille Clifton 's White Lady Repetition in Lucille Clifton's "white lady" I like persimmons. I like persimmons. I like persimmons. There. I've repeated the phrase thrice. Now, if I asked you to identify whether I like persimmons or not, you would, almost certainly, say "yes." Having the same statement reiterated three times makes one more confident that it's not only important, but that it's a fact in this context! In Lucille Clifton's "white lady," a tone of desperation is conveyed through repetition of words, phrases, and sentence structures. Moreover, repetition highlights that desperation is unique not only to the loved ones of the cocaine addicts, but to White Lady as well. As an aside before we begin, I will note that tone is a complex element within poetry. Hence, it is often conveyed through a mish–mash of literature devices, such as repetition, line breaks, diction, etc. Therefore, I will not claim that this discussion is a comprehensive one that describes all the myriad ways tone has been emphasized in the poem; I will merely discuss one contributing factor to tone. On the surface, repetition is used for conveying White Lady's greediness. Repetition first appears in the first to third lines of the poem, where the word "wants" is at the start of each. If Clifton wanted to illustrate how desperately White Lady wished to take away people's loved ones, why didn't she utilize any other synonyms? For example, she could've used "wants" in the first line, "desires" in the second, and "pines for" in ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Role Of First Ladies First ladies throughout history have had a great impact on their husband's presidencies through affecting policies, supporting their decisions, and even passionately campaigning issues of their own. From the beginning, first ladies have had a very important role, as the country looked to her as the leading woman in the country ("First Ladies' Role"). Yet, it sometimes is overshadowed by the president. One of the most vital roles that she has is running the White House. She makes different decisions pertaining to the White House, specifically ("First Ladies' Role"). This is not her only job. Depending on her husband, previous first ladies have given advice or their point of view on "politics, policy, crises and personnel" ("First Ladies' Role"). ... Show more content on ... After seeing Eleanor Roosevelt campaign her own ideas and share her thoughts freely, first ladies felt comfortable to campaign for their husband. What inspired future first ladies was Roosevelt's "weekly press conferences, and [writing] a column called 'My Day', which was featured in national newspapers" ("A Real First Lady"). She used her position to bring forth attention to social injustices she was seeing throughout the country ("A Real First Lady"). Not only did future first ladies see the role she was playing, so did the Commission on Human Rights and her husband, including Congress and the Cabinet. The Commission on Human Rights made her chairperson ("A Real First Lady"). Her husband, the Cabinet, and the Congress, give her the opportunity and position to write the International Bill of Rights ("A Real First Lady"). Eleanor might have been inspired by Woodrow Wilson's wife, Edith Wilson, who took upon his duties while he was recovering from a life–threatening stroke ("Woodrow Wilson"). Some presidents, such as Thomas Jefferson, used their most trusted friends to be their advisers. However, President Wilson's most trusted adviser was his wife, "having access to secret cables and important state papers" ("Edith Bolling Wilson"). Similar to Eleanor Roosevelt, she inspired women around the country to conserve resources ("Edith Bolling Wilson"). When President Wilson had his stroke, his doctors urged her to take upon some of her duties, kind of acting as the vice president ("Edith Bolling Galt Wilson"). She did not start up programs or make major decisions that she might of saw fit ("Edith Bolling Galt Wilson"). She did, however, become in charge of many details of the government for the remaining of his second term ("Edith Bolling Galt Wilson"). President Abraham Lincoln is a well–known president, famous for his Gettysburg Address and Emancipation Proclamation. Behind the scenes ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Salesperson Essay It was a beautiful August morning. The sun was brightly shining on my sunglasses while my mother drove the U–haul truck to a warehouse in Santa Ana, California. As my mother drove down the streets of Santa Ana, I looked out the window and began to realize that the mixture of people was no longer a mixture; there was only white. When we arrived at the warehouse, I had to peel my arm off the side of the hot door like a burnt sausage off a skillet. There were not many cars in the parking lot, and I could see the heat waves. As we walked up the boiling pavement, it felt like we were walking through a scorching desert. When we walked into the warehouse, there was a variety of electronic appliances to choose from, and about three–fourths of ... Show more content on ... Then I figured that maybe something was on my face, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw nothing. At the time, I had only spent nine years and some months on this planet. I didn't know racism was still around; I thought that situation had died along with Dr. King. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. We sat there watching people get their appliances and leave. We seemed invisible to them. As I sat in the car, burning up and listening to one of the most boring radio stations my mother could possibly like, I was thinking, "We'd better leave or else I'll go ballistic!" After 30 minutes had passed, my mother got frustrated and politely asked to have our items loaded. Five more minutes passed, and she asked again with an attitude. They replied, "We'll be with you in a minute, ma'am." I could tell she was beginning to get upset because she started to get that "don't bother me" look. Five minutes later they finally packed our appliances on the truck. When we left the warehouse, I described to my mother what the other people were doing. She explained, "They were racist. They didn't like us because we have different skin color." That was my first encounter with racism. It was just a small slice of reality–that everyone isn't going to be as nice as you, your friends, and your family might be; and that just because you look nice and politely smile at others, it ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Dualities In Macbeth Two Faces –– Rather Commonplace in the Human Race Humans are naturally two–faced. One face, we show to strangers and those we hold at an arm's length in our life. The other, if shown at all, is shown only to those closest to us, although sometimes only hinted at. This second face is our "true" face, and is our active persona when alone. Much like Jekyll and Hyde, these faces can differentiate greatly. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the concept of dualities is seen in Lady Macbeth's actions. Dualities themselves are complicated things; it can be extremely difficult to tell when a person is hinting at or revealing theirs. In the somewhat enigmatic lines, "My hands are of your color, but I shame / To wear a heart so white" (2.2.82–83), Lady Macbeth ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Summary Of Little Things Are Big By Jesus Colon In the narrative "Little Things Are Big" by Jesus Colon, Colon saw a lady carrying a baby in one hand, a suitcase in the other, and two little children trailing behind her. However, Colon is a Puerto Rican Negro, while the lady is a white American. He kept considering whether to assist her or not. After some time, he decided not to help and instead pushed by her. He later on regretted his choice and promised to offer help regardless of how the offer is going to be received. Colon's feelings of guilt were justified because of racism and prejudice. Colon's feelings of guilt were reasonable because of racism. The lady is a white American, while Colon is a Puerto Rican Negro. He was anxious of what the lady would say ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Fice Of First Lady The office, President of the United States of America, is one, if not, the most powerful position in the modern world that any individual can occupy. However, there is another office in the same building and even the same family that garners much less attention: the office of First Lady. For the lack of attention both in historical records, and in public focus, First Ladies throughout the history of the United States have had much more influence and impact than they have been accredited. One such woman, Lucretia Garfield began, in her short term, to change the office of First Lady. Lucretia Garfield challenged the gender normatives of the Gilded Age, and she opened up her role for future First Ladies to exert their bold presence in the White House. Lucretia began her safari into the "world of men" at a young age, beginning with her education. From the moment she was born, on April 19, 1832 in Garretsville Ohio to parents Zebulon and Arabella Rudolph, Lucretia lived an atypical lifestyle. The Rudolph family, devout Disciples of Christ Church members, engaged with other church members to build the Western Reserve Eclectic Institution in Hiram College. According to, Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, Lucretia Rudolph entered Western Reserve Eclectic Institute in the year 1850 after completing previous studies at Geauga Seminary in Chester Ohio. As remarkable as it was that Lucretia even received a college–level education, she also edited and illustrated for ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Eleanor Roosevelt's Major Accomplishments Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11th, 1884 in New York City. Her father was Elliot Roosevelt and her mother was Anna Hall. She lost her parents when she was at a young age and was raised by her grandmother. Her mother died in 1982 and her father died two years later. Eleanor came from a very well–known family. One of her uncles was Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president. Then in her later years, she married her distant cousin Franklin D. Roosevelt, who later became president, and together they had six kids. (Early Life) Eleanor Roosevelt was probably one of the greatest social workers of the 20th century as she opened up a new frontier to all the first ladies of the White House and by participating in the women's suffrage movement. (Eleanor Roosevelt Biography) ... Show more content on ... She decided to step up on politics after her husband suffered a polio attack in 1933 to help him with his political career. She dramatically changed the role of the First Lady and tried telling the world that the First Lady was a very important part of American politics as well. She spoke out for human rights , children's causes, and women's issues. She also focused on trying to help the poor people and stood against racial discrimination. (First Ladies: An Impact) Aside from political work, Eleanor was a very talented writer. She wrote several books based on her life and her experiences. She wrote This Is My Story (1937), This I Remember (1949), On My Own (1958), Autobiography (1961) and a diary she wrote into 6 times a week from December 1962 up to her death in 1962 named My Day.(Life After the White House) Her return to the public service was after she published her autobiography in 1961, when John F. Kennedy made her a delegate of the United Nations. (First Ladies: An ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Examples Of Deception In Macbeth Many times in life, things aren't what they seem to be. What appears good, can be bad and what appears bad, can actually be good. People can many times not portray to be what they really are. In other words, people's countenance doesn't always match what they are thinking or feeling. An example of this, would be the old lady in the movie, Snow White. This lady appears generous to Snow White when she is offering her an apple. Thinking nothing of it, Snow White accepts the fruit. However, the apple was actually poisonous. In fact, the old lady was actually the evil queen who disguised herself in order to kill Snow White. In the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, deception is demonstrated in acts one and two. The first time deception is shown in acts one and two of the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is in scene six of act one. In this scene, King Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle. He is staying the night there as a guest to the honorable man that saved his kingdom. Upon arriving, Lady Macbeth greets him and is the best host. In this scene, Duncan says to Lady Macbeth, "Fair and noble hostess, we are your guest tonight." While the King has high respect for Macbeth and his Lady, he knows little of their innermost desire. Just before... Show more content on ... In this scene, Lady Macbeth gets the body guards drunk so Macbeth is able to sneak in and kill Duncan. After Macbeth returns from doing the deed, he has the daggers in his hands. He is too afraid to return them himself, so Lady Macbeth does it. Upon taking the daggers, she says, "I'll paint the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt." Lady Macbeth takes the daggers and puts them in the drunk bodyguards' possession and smears them with the King's blood. The act of framing them for the murder of the king, is deceitful and will soon cause problems for Lady Macbeth and her ... Get more on ...
  • 24. School Of Athens 1.Raphael, "The School of Athens" A) I see people, artists and scholars, standing, sitting, and lying in the hallways either drawing or talking to each other. This piece of art have the colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, bronze, white, black, and gray. It uses natural colors, which makes the picture look mild. The lines in the foreground are very sharp, however, the other parts are soft. B)The glorification of Ancient Greece(the Classics) can be seen in this art piece because the school or building portrays Athens, the capital of Greece. The building uses the architecture of Ancient Greece, and inside the building are many Greek philosophers or figures at that time. This piece of art uses perspective because I can see a clear foreground, ... Show more content on ... Surrounding him are sea creatures or sea monsters. This piece of art was sculpted on the fountain. I see the colors: gray, teal, and white. The fountain is gray, the god is white, and the sea creatures are teal. B) This piece of art glorifies Ancient Greece and the Classics because Neptune is the Greek god Poseidon. Neptune/Poseidon's body features and features of the sea creatures surrounding him are depicted very realistically. This art piece is secular because the god or sea creatures don't have halos or anything to make them look very religious. 3. Leonardo Da Vinci, "Self Portrait" A)I see a self portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci. He has a long hair and a long beard. This portrait has sketches, shadings, and many soft lines. He uses the color gray. B) One characteristics of Renaissance Art I see in this picture is that it is secular because Vinci doesn't look holy or religious in anyway. Another characteristic is that it focuses on depicting Vinci's face and beard realistically. This art piece also uses perspective because you can see Vinci's beard, face, and head three–dimensionally. this portrait also glorifies Ancient Rome because Vinci was from Italy and visited ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analyzing Pietro Longhi's 'The Convent Parlour' The Convent Parlour was painted by Pietro Longhi and his primary assistant Giuseppe de Gobbis. It is now located at San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, California. It was created around 1760 in Venice. It is an oil painting on canvas. According to the label provided by San Diego Museum of Art, The Convent Parlour describes an "interior scene of 18th–Century Venetian life" that was "inspired by Dutch genre paintings of the previous century". The painting depicts an interior genre scene of a "visiting room at the convent of San Zaccaria" (San Diego Museum of Art). There seems to be an event or party taking place in the visiting room because there are groups of people all over the place in the painting. They all express different emotions and activities in the room. According to the label of the ... Show more content on ... The visitors shown in the painting appear to be wearing masks and are unable to be identified. The painting seems to have more focus on the masked visitors instead of the daughters because the visitors are actually in the visiting room while the daughters are hiding behind the windows looking at the visiting room. This creates depth using foreground and background in the painting and therefore makes the painting more spacious and interesting for the viewers. Meanwhile, Longhi has well created a colorful Venetian style painting using red, green, and white colors. The use of these three vivid colors create an appealing and noticeable visual effect. Longhi mainly uses green and red colors on the visitors' clothing and the visiting room. Meanwhile, he brightens the entire room using white color on the stunning dress of the lady in the middle who seems to be an important aristocracy and the dresses of the nuns which may suggest their purities. Moreover, Longhi well illustrates light and shadow to create a focal point in the painting. He darkens ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Gender And Sexual Stereotyping In Shakespeare's Macbeth ' Thesis: In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth's ultimate fragility is caused by society's demands of her as a woman, as is demonstrated by the application of feminist theory in Caroline Asp's article, "Be Bloody, bold and resolute': Tragic Action and Sexual Stereotyping in Macbeth", in Peter Sallybrass's "Macbeth and Witchcraft," and "The Paradox of Masculinity in Shakespeare's Macbeth" by Howayda Mohamed Elenany, as well as the dark, rainy setting and Lady Macbeth's shaky voice in David Wilson's film adaptation. When it comes to teenagers in the 21st century, there are no less confusing subjects than gender identity and analyzing Shakespeare. The combination of these two subjects, along with the author's death before he could confirm one ... Show more content on ... What seeks to balances these traits is what Freud calls the "ego." When the ego fails to balance both... applies this principle to Macbeth by highlighting characteristics of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth that demonstrate that both of them possess characteristics of both genders. In terms of cultural pressures, Elernary explains that Lady Macbeth defines masculinity when she discovers that her husband is hesitant to murder Duncan: " ―When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Spring Break Essay During spring break, EMMA is sent away to live with her grandmother, who lives in a rural countryside. Even though her parents tell her that they used to visit her grandmother when she is a kid, Emma can remember none of those memories. She spends a couple of days getting used to the new surroundings and her grandma, who is a stranger to her. Her grandmother is a kind old woman and lets Emma do whatever she pleases. Her only warning to her is not to go anywhere near the old well at the very corner of the vegetable garden. One day, curiosity gets the best of Emma and she goes to the forbidden area. A voice coming from beneath the well make she looks down and her eyes catch something. Before she can make out what it is, she slips and falls. She wakes up and finds herself in a foreign place. She is in a middle of a forest, but it looks nothing like the forest that surrounds her grandmother's place. She... Show more content on ... She finds stains of blueberries on her ears and so is on Jico's hands. In a fit of outrage, she tells the squirrel to hand them back to her. When he protests that he didn't do it, she tells him to leave her sight and that if she weren't so lonely she wouldn't have let him tag along in the first place, she had made a mistake taking him. The squirrel is silent and then vanishes. Without directions, Emma with her puffed eyes from crying, walks aimlessly through the forest. Suddenly a net drops from the sky and covers her. Several white ravens then pull the net–along with Emma–and flies across the forest into a white mansion. Emma is put into a big birdcage in the middle of a white room, around it are more cages fill with white ravens. Then, WHITE LADY shows up, holding the earrings in her hands. She tells Emma that everything in this forest is owned by her, including Emma, and how foolish she is to try and leave without her permission. She tells Emma that she will work for her now: sweeping her ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Summary Of Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 The scene I am directing of MacBeth is Act 2, Scene 2. This scene illustrates the immediate aftermath of MacBeth murdering Duncan. MacBeth returns from Duncan's room to a nervous Lady MacBeth, who has been worrying about the murder failing. MacBeth arrives and panics, while Lady MacBeth stays calm at first and tries to reassure MacBeth. However, when she realizes that MacBeth accidentally brings the daggers back and is too scared to bring them to the murder scene, she starts to attack his courage. While Lady MacBeth shows no remorse whatsoever, MacBeth is extremely paranoid and regretful. Throughout my scene I want to demonstrate how after the murder, the power dynamic shifted from MacBeth to Lady MacBeth. In this scene I want to utilize ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Welcome Table, By Patricia Smith Thomas Jefferson once said, "Blacks could deliver themselves of spontaneous bursts of emotion, but were incapable of the intellect and concentration that great art requires." (Cook, Tatum, 2010). It is widely believed that people of African descent could not read poetry or understand art, let alone create them. Both Alice Walker and Patricia Smith are two great examples of how far, not only asAfrican American have come, but also as African American Women. Whether white, black, or brown we all want to fit in. That is why I chose Alice Walker's short story, "The Welcome Table" and Patricia Smith's poem, "What It's Like to Be a Black Girl." They both have similar, yet different of setting a tone, imagery, symbolism, and point of views of how it feels to be an outcast. The main theme is about racism. Another theme is about black women who long to escape and be free, but cannot have that freedom because of the society they live in. In the short story, "The Welcome Table," Walker starts it off with a spiritual song. The song is called, "I'm Going to Sit at the Welcome Table," and it sets an uplifting tone. "I'm going to sit at the Welcome table, Shout my troubles over, Walk and talk with Jesus, Tell God how you treat me, One of these days!" plays in the old black lady's head while she makes her way into church.(Clugston, 2014). I have never heard of the song before so I decided to listen to it on by the Birmingham Jubilee Singers. I noticed it had a jazzy and up beat ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Eleanor Roosevelt: The First Lady In The White House "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams," is one of Eleanor Roosevelt's most famous quotes. She continuously proved the accuracy of these words in her daily life. She lived by these words by changing the role of the First Lady in the White House, and she changed the way society thought about women. Eleanor Roosevelt's childhood was one of disappointment and grief. When she got older, Roosevelt grew in self– confidence under the eyes of Headmistress Marie Souevestre (Black 2). She began to invest herself into community service and volunteer in other organizations. Roosevelt became the First Lady in 1933, and she used her political standing to speak out against problems that she was concerned with (Jones 73). After ... Show more content on ... The tension between her parents was noticeable to Roosevelt at an early age, and Roosevelt often felt like it was her job to make her mother happy (Black 1). Her mother never returned this love and care to Roosevelt (Jones 7). Her mother nicknamed her "Granny" because of Roosevelt's shy disposition and would call Roosevelt that in front of her friends (Jones 7). Her mother once told Roosevelt, "You have no looks, so see to it that you have manners" (Jones 7). The differences between Roosevelt and her mother made her closer to her father (Jones 8). Roosevelt adored her father, and he called her "little Nell" (Jones 8). Elliot was very charming and people were often drawn to him, but he suffered from depression and consequently drank heavily (Jones 5). Eleanor's father's drinking got so bad that he had to move away from the family (Jones 9). Just before Christmas, her mother died of diphtheria; Roosevelt and her two brothers were sent to their Grandmother's house, and Roosevelt's father's drinking worsened due to the death of his wife (Jones 10, 11, 12). Roosevelt and her father sent letters back and forth to keep in touch, and her father promised Roosevelt that there would be a day when they would see each other again (Jones 14). Roosevelt found refuge at her Uncle Teddy's (Theodore Roosevelt) house (Jones 13). Her uncle made Eleanor feel loved after all the sadness and disappointment she faced at a young age (Jones 13). Elliot Jr., Roosevelt's youngest brother, died from scarlett fever and diphtheria in May of 1893 (Jones 14). For Roosevelt's father, this was the final straw; Elliot Roosevelt (Roosevelt's father) died on August 14, 1894 (Jones 15). Roosevelt's childhood was harsh and filled with grief and disappointment, but as she got older she was able to become more independent and find happiness in her ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Lady Macbeth's Sleepwalking Essay Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene from Act V, Scene I was interpreted very well from both Artus Scheiner's painting and Michael Lynch's stage adaptation. Lynch's stage adaptation of the play provides a great sense of connection with Lady Macbeth. The dimmed lights and the darkened stage gave the scene such an intense and eerie feeling. Scheiner's painting presents Lady Macbeth as scary with her long black hair that covers most of her face and her mouth wide open. Her being dressed in white and holding a lit candlestick, brings a bit light to such a dark painting. Although Scheiner's painting is very detailed with the darkness of her hair, her white nightgown, and the dark colors of the background, Lynch's play adaptation gives a better understanding and ... Show more content on ... Lynch's stage interpretation of Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene in Macbeth's Shakespeare provides a clear understanding of the scene with detailed colors, tones, figures, and landscapes. Characterization: Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking/talking. The Doctor has seen this before but has no idea what to do. Theme: Darkness is dangerous. Use of Language: "Yet here's a spot." Shakespeare is telling us that Lady Macbeth still sees blood on her hands from her involvement in the murder. Shakespeare wants the audience to see that Lady Macbeth's actions led her to guilty sleepwalking and rubbing her hands to wash the "bloody" spots away. In this scene, Shakespeare's decision to make Lady Macbeth sleepwalk makes her look like she subconsciously regrets her part in Duncan's murder. Lady Macbeth's downfall leads to the theme, "Darkness is Dangerous." Artus Scheiner illustrates Lady Macbeth as somewhat scary by giving her black long hair that covers most of her face and her mouth wide open. Lady Macbeth is dressed in white and carrying a candlestick, which gives the darkened painting some light to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Symbolism In Ralph Ellison's Battle Royal In Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal" he creates a vivid image of the racial differences between whites and blacks. In the short story there are multiple signs of symbolisms, and metaphors. A specific example that caught my attention is the blonde dancer. While trying to find the significance of the dancer, I found other aspects of symbolism. Such as the fact the lady was never referred to as white, but blonde, however, we naturally assume she's white, or the flag on the lady dancer is supposed to represent liberty, and yet liberty is not being represented at all. Aside from her skin color, or body art, we may ask, what exactly is the purpose of the naked dancer? I believe this lady is portrayed to demonstrate the white society's control over ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Women Of Female Slaves The lives of female slaves in the South are incomparable and have an unmistakable difference to the lives of most nineteenth–century white American ladies. The African American slave does not have the same luxury to worry about insignificant alarms, shortcomings, and insecurities as other females, yet trusts herself to be and is, indeed, more grounded and able to endure more than most men. As a woman, not just an African American woman I recognize these women as Mother Earth, they display the ultimate example of females/mothers with limitless sexual, nurturing, and supporting stores. Furthermore, their experience likewise contrasted from that of dark male slaves. In America during the 1820 's through the 1850 's is where most ladies were ... Show more content on ... This was a period in which the American culture trusted ladies should have been be managed by men on the grounds that ladies were irrational and "weak willed," slave women proved that sex did not determine one's "skill, will power, aptitude, or even strength." (16) While white American ladies were relied upon to be aloof and meek in view of their sex, dark ladies were not anticipated that would be subordinate or smug, in light of the fact that they were dark and slaves. Due to the pervasive bigotry and sexism that existed in in America, female slaves were the slightest capable and the most helpless gathering of individuals versus white American guys. However, the female slaves were considered to have assumed the most imperative parts inside of the slave society as wives and moms. Deborah Gray White states in her earth shattering thesis Ar 'n 't I a Woman that in spite of the fact that there is a plenitude of examination on bondage as a rule, it is extremely hard to discover sources about slave ladies specifically. She briefly clarifies, "Slave women were everywhere, yet nowhere."(23) The author did not neglect to take note of the twofold segregation endured by dark ladies: that is, they persevered through the abuse of all African–Americans and additionally that of most ladies. It is the twofold danger and feebleness, as appeared in financial and political studies that add to the intangibility of dark ladies. Blacks including the females were depicted as ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Soroptimism In America The Soroptimist International of the Americas published a white paper on Women and the HIV/AIDS crisis that layouts not just a percentage of the elements that make ladies powerless against the illness, additionally the results they confront in the event that they or a relative get to be tainted and conceivable answers for the rising number of new HIV/AIDS cases in ladies. An upsetting pattern has risen inside of the previous couple of years, demonstrating a relentless increment of ladies being contaminated with HIV/AIDS every year. This pattern is particularly conspicuous in sub–Saharan Africa. While the illness is contaminating more ladies than any other time in recent memory and now represents about portion of those living with HIV around ... Show more content on ... There are many social, financial, and political components that assume just as essential parts and cooperate all the while in expanding the measure of tainted ladies. In this way, those components all should be considered in any long haul endeavor to dispense with or diminish the issue. Overall associations and African ladies themselves proceed with their endeavors to lessen the rate at which ladies are focusing so as to be contaminated with the infection on unmistakable authoritative and political changes in the short–term, wanting to see a decrease in the measure of new cases yearly. Their endeavors may not show results until years later on, but rather by concentrating on the basic issues and not just the shallow issue of the infection itself, their diligent work may demonstrate to propel the personal satisfaction of future eras ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Roles of First Ladies Roles of the First Lady Kenya Stanford Ashford University HIS 204 American History Since 1865 Instructor: Tara Ross November 15, 2010 Abstract The roles of the First Lady can vary. Several of the authors describes that some of the First Lady's roles can be from writing invitations , creating an policy, sharing ideas about political rights, to coming up with health care reform. This essay contains some of the old traditional roles that the First Lady was required to do in the 18th century and how it changes over time. Also, it explains how each century First Lady goes about performing her duties. Roles of the First Lady The roles of the First Lady are really undetermined because it changes due to their interest and the... Show more content on ... Even though she was very sick, she manages to crochet bedroom room slippers for fundraisers and charities. After reading the article, she proves that she was able to show her husband that she cared about how he felt about politics and that she would dedicate herself to it through the end. She was the first to have her spouse to reschedule everything around her instead of the President reschedule everything around him. 20th Century: Edith Roosevelt and Jacqueline Kennedy Following President McKinley's assassination came about very sudden to Edith. So Edith had to fill in that position as First Lady. Not being a stranger to Washington and to the public, Edith was able to perform her job really well. Edith was very good at managing books and being able to keep up the home. But just like Martha Washington, she kept her life private from everybody including T.R's extended family. According to the Theodore Roosevelt Association, "Under Edith's careful eye the White House collection of china and the portraits of First Ladies were begun. The task of restoring the house to its classic and simple federal style, inside and out, while accommodating a large family and executive branch of government for a growing nation came to the Roosevelt's. First Lady Edith Roosevelt played the major role in overseeing the largest renovation of the White House into the stately and practical government center it is ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Descriptive Essay On Copenhagen Copenhagen is arguably one of Europe's most beautiful cities. The multi–color merchant houses along the Nyhavn port area have been an unforgettable image of the city since they were built in the 12th century. For over 250 years, well to do travelers have all used the same address, a city icon and national treasure, the Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen's grand dame of hotels and one of the finest hotels in all of Europe. /157992884 Known as the white lady, Hotel d'Angelterre 250 year history is the history this of Copenhagen itself. This city icon has been the site of many of Denmark's political, royal, and national events and has welcomed elites from kings, and heads of state to pop and movie stars. The hotel could not be in a better position to take in all the Copenhagen has to offer guests. Many of the city's most coveted attractions are in walking distance as is the metro which is less than a block away. Aside from strolling along the waterfront and Nyhavn which is steps away, guest may want to visit the changing or the guards at the Amalienborg Palace, a play at the Royal Danish Theatre or take a fascinating boat ride around the city. For the fashionista, there are walking streets full of major fashion brands and designer boutiques nearby. Hotel d'Angelterre is a grand palais building with a baroque and neoclassical design, white in color with ornate detail in the faГ§ade. The hotel's nattily dressed doorman, in top hat and tails, greets guests ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Lady In White Last Halloween I've been on a bit of a Stephen King kick this summer, having read X of his books. There is a reoccurring theme that happens in a lot of his books and that has to do with the main character being an author returning to this hometown to either face a fear or put the past behind him. Now, I don't know if writer/director XXX is a fan of King, but the movie in question today, Lady in White, sure seems like a King classic in disguise. I reviewed Lady in White last Halloween and everything I wrote about the film back then still stands today. "It's a film that has several underlying messages, dealing with racism, child murder, the struggles of being a parent and of course, a ghost, who is lost without her mother. Lady in White is like a mix of Stephen King's Stand by Me and Peter Straub's Ghost Story... If you're in the mood for a ghost story with some heart and a tale that is for ... Show more content on ... I ended up checking out the Extended Director's Cut (126 minutes), which adds only a tiny bit to the story, but nothing major. I personally prefer the Director's Cut (117 minutes), which is included on the first disc in this two disc release. Along with the Director's Cut, you have all the special features that were included on the DVD release. Sadly, there are no new features provided. As for the audio/visual side of things, Lady in White can be a bit rough around the edges with the transfer. There are times where grain is abundant and colours are bit oversaturated. Although, the bloomy look and oversaturated colours are likely a purposely chosen look by the director. I happy to finally have a definitive release of Lady in White, as it is a film that I will pop in often to take a trip back to my childhood. Scream Factory doesn't provide any new special features, but the convenience of having all the different cuts and past features on one release is more than enough to justify the price being ... Get more on ...
  • 38. History: The Roles Of The First Ladies The Roles of the First Ladies The people don't get to vote for the president's wife, nor are there any restrictions on her actions within the White House. The First Lady, a role only few have played. However, it is a role that has been changed and evolved over time due to social, political and economic changes in American history. Throughout American history the role of the First Lady has evolved from hostess and volunteer, to activist, than reformer. Now, the First Ladies are in charge of their own political agenda, as well as, providing support for their husband. In the year 1789, Martha Washington, along with her husband, set the precedent for the First Families. Martha was to define the role of the First Lady and set the unofficial duties.... Show more content on ... She had a passion for libraries, and wanted to help expand literacy in children (Burns, 686). Bush's support for a valence issue brought her a lot of popularity and support from more conservable people. Then, after the attack on The World Trade Center on September 9, 2011, Laura wanted to help with the oppression of women in the Afghanistan. She took over George Bush's weekly radio show, and spoke publicly about the tortures women and children had faced under the Taliban ( Some other projects that Laura Bush took over were the human rights campaign, work with the AIDs epidemic, awareness of breast cancer, and other women health issues. Overall Laura Bush chose to work on non – controversial projects, unlike Hillary. The media compared these two First Ladies and their roles within the white house. Both Hillary and Laura supported their husbands, but Hillary wanted to support her husband by doing all she could to help with his politics. While, Laura helped by staying out of the media's bad side, so her husband would not have to worry about dealing with the public relations of her matters. Hillary chose to attack controversial topics, and carry on with her own political agenda, with her husband in the White House. Laura wanted to carry on with her passion for literature and the arts. After the media compared the two unlike First Ladies they continued to ask a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Prejudice In The Film 'White Chicks' White Chicks , the 2004 Blockbuster hit, takes after two African–American FBI specialists/siblings who go covert in the Hamptons. Kevin and Marcus Copeland (played by Shawn and Marlon Wayans) have missed the mark in their past FBI assignments and have now been appointed to secure [white] heirs to a billionaire, Brittany and Tiffany Wilson from a conceivable seizing. The two operators escort the young ladies to the Hamptons, yet keep running into some inconvenience en route. In the car ride there, the team gets into a minor fender bender leaving both Brittany and Tiffany with bruises and wounds. The two girls refuse to show up to the elite Hamptons scene looking cut up. But Shawn and Marlon cannot afford to head back to headquarters and admit... Show more content on ... Since he is physically built, and dark he's naturally marked as a competitor – "reduced to their bodies". A great deal of the dialect from the film is exceptionally characteristic of bigotry. At the point when Marcus Copeland (covert as Tiffany) is plaiting one of the young ladies' hair, the young lady reacts "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were black". Once more, this is another glaring and obvious generalization – African Americans are great at braiding hair. In light of the past remark, Tiffany's (Marcus) reaction is "Fo' shizzle my Nizzle". This expression is fundamentally saying that in order to fit in as a part of black "hood" community, dialect like "fo shizzle" is vital. This is disparaging and racist towards dark individuals and their knowledge. At the point when prejudice is utilized as a part of comic drama, it has a tendency to standardize racial generalizations and after that these generalizations end up normalized. This film specifically groups "classify our world in terms of the categories of race" (Hall). As watchers, either white or black, we can't resist the urge to get the film as hostile. White Chicks has figured out how ... Get more on ...