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After the discussion, the students are expected to:
1. to identify the different systemic wars against women;
2. to determine the different illustrations of woman-hatred
in culture, in language and the arts;
3. to discuss the assaults on women’s bodies in daily and
domestic life; and
4. to give the significance of a woman as a person and as a
human being.
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
• Marilyn French was born on
November 21, 1929 in
Brooklyn, New York City, New
York, USA as Marilyn Edwards.
She was a writer, known for The
Women's Room (1980), Orlando
(1992) and Legends (2006). She
was married to Robert M.
French Jr. She was an American
author and feminist scholar.
The War Against Women
• Survived a battle with esophageal cancer in 1992.
• Studied philosophy and English literature. Taught at
Hofstra University in the 1960s after graduating from
there with a master's degree.
• Earned a doctorate from Harvard after her
divorce. She then became an English
Professor at the College of the Holy Cross in
Worcester, Massachusetts.
• She died on May 2, 2009 in Manhattan,
New York City.
The War Against Women
• Philosophy
• History
• Sociology
• Anthropology
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
(The beginning of History – Modern Times)
United States of America
The War Against Women
The War Against Women
PART 1Systemic
The War Against Women
Economic Discrimination
• At the end of the U.N. Decade for Women in 1985, a
report on the state of the world’s women concluded
that women made some gains in education, health,
employment, and politics during the decade but still
bore the most responsibility while men had most
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Studies also show that women have resources or earn
income at all, children’s nutritional levels and well –
being improve. Indian women, for example,
consistently spend 95 percent of their earnings on
their children.
• Indians have a saying: “ A penny to a woman is a
penny for the family; a penny to a man is a penny for
the man.”
• The most blatantly exploitive form of
development is what called sexploitation or
“sex – tourism”, a new business, tours for
men to Third World Countries to visit
brothels created especially for them,
womaned by virtual slaves – girls, often just
children, sold into bondage by poor peasant
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Maria Miles writes that the sex industry
was first planned and supported by the
World Bank, the IMF, and the United
States Agency for International
• Thailand, the Philippines and South Korea
are the present centers of Asian Sex
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
List of Countries with Reported
• Barbados
• Dominican Republic
• Cuba
• Jamaica
• Trinidad and
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Cambodia
• China
• Indonesia
• Republic of Korea
• Mongolia
• Philippines
• Thailand
South America
• Argentina
• Brazil
• Colombia
• Ecuador
• Peru
• Uruguay
• Another part of the sex industry is Marriage
Brokerage – private companies, most in what to be
West Germany, sell Asian or Latin American
Women as wives, openly advertising them as
“submissive, non emancipated, and docile.”
• Both industries are maintained by a support network
of multinational tourist enterprise, hotel chains,
airlines, and their subsidiary industries and services.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
Political Discrimination
• Historians call Ancient Athens as the seat of
democracy because it was the first state to establish a
system allowing all citizens to vote. But only 6
percent of the population were citizens; women and
slaves could not be citizens, and law kept women in
near – slavery.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• The first states were ruled by a single man
supported by his clan, who appropriated the
production and sometimes the land of those they
• But men in clans were surrounded by women –
mothers, wives, sisters, concubines, and slaves.
Within families, women matter, hold personal (as
opposed to formal) power, and often rise to
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Women rulers are women only incidentally, seen
as extraordinary, able to overcome the
“weakness” of their sex. Nevertheless, all are
subjected to special attack because of their sex
(the Chinese blamed emperor’s concubines for
the fall of dynasties).
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• When educated men began to have a voice in
Europe in the fourteenth century, women were
forbidden to attend most universities. Simply by
this single exclusion, men kept women out of
political and religious life and all professions
except midwifery. (They soon barred midwives
as well).
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• On the other hand, many women occupy high political
positions in the Scandinavian countries and some tiny
countries like Dominica and the Netherlands Antilles.
• Men’s hatred for women in the public realm extends
even to the wives of political leaders.
• Barbara Bush escapes criticism by presenting herself as
motherly. Pat Nixon was the object of considerable
sympathy in later years, but when her husband was
President, journalists attacked her for brittleness. Wives
who are perceived as having minds that might influence
their husbands come in for the worst attacks.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
The Obliteration of Women in History
• One way men perpetuate women’s exclusion from
political life is by obliterating evidence of their
participation in public affairs.
• Men close ranks to appropriate women’s projects or
attribute them to men; male historians present a united
front in omitting women from all kinds of history.
• Few people know about the many female rulers,
philosophers, scientists, artists, writers, and inventors of
the past, yet some were highly influential and many
contributed to human knowledge and well – being.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
Religious Wars Against Women
• All major world religions are patriarchal.
• Churches have become more rigidly, even fanatically,
patriarchal in a movement called fundamentalism.
Jewish and Muslim thinkers insist the term
“fundamentalist” does not describe the new movements
in Judaism and Islam, but journalists tend to call all
zealous right – wing religious movements
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Women were important to the founding and spread of
Protestantism. It became largely a church of women.
• The fundamentalist revivals of both the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries were intended to reassert male
dominance over the churches and the family and
prevent Protestant women from being drawn into the
orbit of feminism – but they were mounted under very
different, exalted, banners.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• The men who dominated fundamentalism, and
those that they appealed to, were living through
a revelation that threatened their self –
definition as superior by virtue of sex: they
were losing control over women.
• After 1850, as more and more girls were
educated and took jobs that expanded their
worlds beyond the home, the new economic
and social resources placed them to some
degree beyond their father’s control.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Seeking to return men into American religious
life and reassert male authority in the church,
one fundamentalist minister would praise
another for being “ a real man”, a “manly
Methodist”, for having fought in a war. The
words “man”, “manhood”, and “masculinity”
become an obsessive refrain in fundamentalist
sermons and writings.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• In Muslim countries, many men see militant Islam as
the only nationalistic movement, the only alternative to
westernization. And for many in the Middle East,
westernization means the results of development –
wealth and privileges for a few, but also high
unemployment, urban unrest, and a change never
publicly claimed as a motive – more independence for
women – which is in fact the most threatening.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• The Muslim Brotherhoods direct most of their
animus at women, as if women caused the
present problems and changes in their behavior
could solve them.
• No overview of the Muslim Brotherhoods has yet
been written, but wherever they exist, they are
fiercely nationalist and religious, anti – modern,
eager to fight “religious” war; and all concentrate
obsessively on women.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Many Iranian women opposed the Shah’s
autocratic rule and his use of a cruel secret
police, SAVAK, which tortured many women
who joined underground anti – government
guerilla groups.
• In March 1979, 100,000 women gathered at the
University of Teheran to celebrate the overthrow
of the Shah and the Ayatollah’s victory.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• But almost at once, Khomeini suspended
reformed family laws, barred women from
becoming judges, issued his first order on the
veil, passed a series of laws to segregate
schools, buses, beaches and other public areas,
and established theocratic rule.
• Disregarding women’s support, the Ayatollah
abolished all laws granting women rights and
showed no reluctance to kill women who
upheld them.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Women protested the new rules in massive
marches in Teheran and other Iranian cities;
men beat, stoned, and even stabbed them as they
• Men purged women from the public realm, then
passed laws severely restricting them from
taking jobs and making it impossible for them to
talk or to deal with men at work.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• In Jordan, the Muslim Brotherhood won almost
half the seats in Parliament in the 1989 election
and was effective in defeating all female
• The 1989 election was the first general election
since women won the right to vote in 1974 and
the first which they ran for office.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Toujan Faisal wrote in an article for an Amman
newspaper that the Qur’an grants equal rights to men
and women. For this sin, the Brotherhood tried to
have her declared mentally incompetent, annul her
marriage, and exonerated before the fact anyone who
killed her.
• Some political commentators blamed women
themselves for losing, arguing they should have
presented themselves as advocates for everyone, not
just women.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• The primary, founding mystery of the Catholic Church
is a God who utters the word that becomes flesh (birth
through a male); the mutual love of father and son issues
in reproduction – a third figure, the Holy Ghost. Both
these acts symbolically appropriate the exclusively
female power of birth.
• All Christian sects hold that the sexes are equal in the
eyes of God. But actual equality is deferred to an
afterlife, and leaders stressed equality only when they
were first attempting to establish their churches.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• The real motivation of the Catholic Church is
revealed by several of its positions. It denies
women control over their bodies by forbidding
contraception and abortion and by teaching
women they are subordinate in marriage.
• A subordinate woman does not have the right to
refuse conjugal intercourse.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Female genital mutilation is sometimes called female
circumcision, as if it paralleled male circumcision. But they are
not parallel. Male circumcision does no good but usually does
no harm.
• However, circumcision does not deform a male’s genital organs
or impede sexual pleasure or any other penile function. But even
the mildest form of female “circumcision” can kill a girl; in all
forms, it deforms the female genital organs.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• It usually leaves women unable to experience orgasm
or sexual excitation, and in its severest form often
leads to agonized sexual intercourse and childbirth,
illness, or death.
• Operations of genital mutilation among women are
usually performed with unsterile, even rusty knives,
splinters of glass or razors.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
Physicians describe the following consequences
from these operations:
Immediate Consequences:
• Agonizing pain (no aesthetic is used); hemorrhage;
shock; inability to urinate; urinary infection; blood
poisoning or tetanus (from unsterilized instruments);
fever; death from any of these. Some girls’ bones are
fractured by the force used to hold them down during
the operation.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
Later Consequences:
• If the wound heals slowly, the girl may develop
infection, anemia, or malnutrition; she may develop a
pelvic infection, cysts, or abscesses, or may become
unable to menstruate because of a scar covering the
vagina. Some women develop recurrent urinary tract
infections and painful urination.
Consequences for Childbirth:
• Scar tissue is far tougher than ordinary flesh. If a
woman’s genital scar is extremely tough, the baby will
not be able to emerge without a long, painful delivery.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Children may be stillborn or brain-damaged because of
protracted labor and lack of oxygen. Sometimes the
baby’s head, unable to move downward in its natural
course, bangs against the posterior wall of the bladder,
leaving the mother with a damaged organ through
which the urine seeps, so that she constantly smells of
it. This urine will kill later fetuses.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Amartya Sen describes a phenomenon that would be
called genocide if it were aimed at an ethnic group:
eradication of females.
• In an article entitled “More Than 100 Million Women
Are Missing,” Sen calculates the number of females
who would have existed if female fetuses were not
selectively aborted and female babies given the same
food and medical care as males in their countries.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• So many females are being killed that women, until
recently 51 percent of the world’s population, are no
longer a majority. A 1991 U.N. publication reports
that the elimination of females in places like India,
Pakistan, Albania, and United Arab Emirates offsets
the female majority in developed countries to make
males the majority of the world’s population.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• In trying to control population growth, both the
Chinese and Indian governments concentrated mainly
on women, sometimes forcibly sterilizing or aborting
• Indian women are being subjected to a new atrocity.
Despite laws discouraging the practice of dowry,
women still need a dowry to marry. Families agree to a
given sum, but after the marriage the husband’s family
often blackmails the bride to squeeze more out of hers
– a television set, a motorcycle, a wristwatch for the
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• A woman’s life is valued no more than this. A bride
may commit suicide to save her family from all these
demands, knowing that if they are not met, her
husband’s family may kill her, usually by holding her
over the cooking stove so her sari catches fire and she
burns to death. Then they can begin the process of
“buying” a new wife for their son.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
• Even limiting discussion to abortion of female fetuses,
murder of baby girls, or neglect unto death, Sen
estimates that over 100 million females have been
killed in these regions of the world.
• This does not include women killed in “dowry deaths,”
women who die of starvation because of male control
of land and development policies in African countries,
or women in the West killed by husbands, lovers,
rapists, or fellow workers.
The War Against Women
Systemic Discrimination Against Women
The War Against Women
Women are disadvantaged in every area of life.
This section surveys attitude toward women in
institutions, mainly in the United States, where
discrimination remains strong despite feminist
efforts to raise awareness of both overt and subtle
woman – hatred.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
War Against Women’s Personhood
• The United States is unique among industrial nations in
continuing to deny its people responsive social services,
free advanced education , and medical care. This
omission harms the poor most, and since four-fifths of
the poorest people in the country are women and
children, they bear the greatest injury.
Judicial and Penal Systems
• Recent studies of the legal systems of Massachusetts,
New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island , Maryland,
Nevada, and Connecticut show all to be pervaded by
bias against women and demonstrate that male bias
harms women across the board from lawyers to
litigants to court employees.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
• Divorced women cannot easily find lawyers to
represent them and get little help in collecting child
• The Massachusetts study showed that judges punish
women unfairly, with longer sentences and
probationary periods than men convicted of similar
crimes. In 1984, a federal judge sentenced Susan
Rosenberg to fifty-eight years in prison for illegal
possession of weapons. Men who commit murder get
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
The Medical System
• Medical researches seeking preventive measures for
disease focus almost entirely on men. The main killer
of postmenopausal women is heart disease, but the
highly touted warnings about cholesterol (for instance)
are based entirely on studies of men.
• Doctors tested 20,000 men and no women to study
aspirin as a preventive of heart disease.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
• Women are the fastest-growing group infected with
AIDS, but no research has been done on the effects on
women of AIDS therapies.
• Woman-specific diseases like breast and ovarian cancer
have not been studied nearly as thoroughly as male-
specific diseases like prostate cancer and are more
likely to be fatal.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
War in the Workplace
• In the United States, where 55 percent of women
work for wages, all face discrimination. Businesses
and institutions claim they place no barrier to the
promotion of women, yet few advance, and
professional and managerial women earn considerably
less than their male counterparts.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
• In 1989, male managers of the Port Authority of New
York and New Jersey were charged with
discriminating against women workers, and harassing
them if they complained. They harassed a woman who
complained of a low raise on grounds of
discrimination. When a second woman complained
about the men’s treatment of the first, they gave her an
undeserved poor performance and transferred her to
another department.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
Sexual War
• All past societies constricted women’s sexuality: it was
a criminal act for women but not for men to have sex
with someone other than a spouse, which different
societies punished with varying degrees of severity,
including death.
• Punishments from beatings to imprisonment in
convents to death were inflicted on girls who lost their
virginity before marriage – even if they were raped,
and even if by a family member.
The War Against Women
Institutional Wars Against Women
The War Against Women
War Against Women in Art
• Feminists do point out the woman-hatred in the work
of painters like Willem de Kooning, Picasso, or
Balthus’ Portrayals of shockingly lascivious little
girls, but a feminist analysis of art is impeded by the
fact that we are pledged in our souls to freedom of
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
• The debasement of women in the art and advertising is
echoed also in cinematic images.
• Rape or near-rape is becoming as obligatory in violent
films in the United states as it has long been in India.
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
• Pornography changed, growing far more widespread
and moving from books to film to video.
• When it began to portray children as well as women,
we discovered that men were actually sexually
molesting children.
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
• In the late 1960s, pornography reached staggering
depths of violence, hatred, and cruelty. Films featured
lynching, mainly of Asian women; it is believed that
the actresses in some “snuff” films were actually killed
to make the film: mutilation and murder tilted men
into orgasm.
• American culture – movies, books, songs, television –
teaches men to see themselves as killers, to identify the
act of murder with sex, and the sex act with violent
conquest. This is why so many men find it difficult to
distinguish between rape and lovemaking.
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
• Indeed, among the most repellent examples of woman
– hatred appear in military songs and slogans.
• Christopher Hitchens describes a more recent work he
accidentally came across – the recreational songbook
of the 77th Tactical Squadron of the U.S. Air Force
based outside Oxford, England. He was horrified by
what he read and refused to print stanzas that he says
were too tough for him. Here are some examples of
what he did print:
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
Down in the Cunt Valley where Red Rivers flow,
Where cocksuckers flourish and whoremongers grow,
There lives a young maiden that I do adore
She’s my Hot Fuckin’Cocksuckin’Mexican Whore
Oh Lupe, oh Lupe, dead in her tomb
While maggots crawl out of her decomposed womb
But the smile on her face is a mute cry for more!!!
She’s my Hot Fuckin’Cocksuckin’Mexican Whore.
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
• Intercourse with dead women is a recurrent theme, Hitchens
writes, quoting only one stanza of “ I fucked a Dead Whore”:
I fucked a dead whore by the road side
I knew right away she was dead.
The skin was all gone from her tummy,
The hair was all gone from her head.
• Sadistic male violence is not inherent in men’s nature; it is
indoctrinated in men by a host of institutions. Government
bodies do not merely tolerate male sexual sadism against
women, they foster and endorse it – in every male-dominated
culture in the world.
The War Against Women
The Cultural War Against Women
The War Against Women
Most information on this section on male violence
describes the situation in the United States, because this
data is most accessible to me. The section is divided into
two parts: daily war against women by ordinary men,
economically and physically.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
Individual Men’s Economic War Against Women
• The majority of men who leave their families do not
support their children adequately or at all; few support
the wives they insisted become dependent upon them.
• Judges do not order men to support their children in
over 40 percent of cases when mothers get custody;
when they do, they award them roughly $10 to $40 a
week – a laughable amount considering what it costs to
house, feed, clothe, provide medical care, and educate a
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Even if judges do order men to support their children, the
overwhelming majority of men fail to do so.
• In 1985, only 25 percent of the 8.8 million men required to
pay child support paid it; another 25 percent sent lesser
amounts; half paid nothing at all.
• Women have little recourse: at most, they can file charges
against the men and have them imprisoned. Not only does
this defeat their purpose – a man in jail loses his wages – but
most women cannot find lawyers who will help them in
suing for nonsupport.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Men enforce the system by laws or customs that force
women into economic dependence on men and by the
ever-present threat: she who does not care for her man,
does not mother him like a baby, will lose him and his
economic support.
• Women are subjected by fear; men foster their own
infantilization, believing it demonstrates their
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Even women’s caretaking and service are not
enough to keep men from being violent towards
them. And beneath women’s fear of losing
economic support is their fear of men’s physical
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
Individual Men’s Physical War Against Women
• The extent of male violence against women is even
more staggering than men’s irresponsibility toward their
• No statistics compile all forms of male violence against
women; when records are kept, they separate incidents
by type – such as rape, beatings or incest – reported to
the police.
• Most incidents are not reported, and harassment almost
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Women travelers in Italy have traditionally been harassed
and even raped or injured. No one helped the victims –
Italian men prided themselves on this behavior.
• Men harass, molest, rape, and beat women travelers in
South Asia, especially in India.
• In an article entitled “The Global War Against Women,”
Lori Heise reports that half the married men in Bangkok,
Thailand, regularly beat their wives; in Quito, Ecuador, 80
percent of all women report having been physically beaten;
in Nicaragua, 44 percent of men admit they beat their
wives and girlfriends.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• In Papua, New Guinea, wife-beating “is an accepted
custom” not worth discussing, a government minister
argued during parliamentary debate over making it
illegal. One parliamentarian stormed, “I paid for my
wife, so she should not overrule my decisions, because
I am the head of the family.”
• In Brazil over the last twenty years, men’s severe
beating or murder of wives and female lovers was so
common that “defense of honor” became a legitimate
and widespread legal defense.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• In the United States, a man beats a woman every twelve
seconds, and every day four of these beatings reach
their final consummation, the death of the woman.
• About 20 percent of women who report beatings by
their husbands, former husbands, or male lovers have
been beaten so often that they cannot recall each
incident distinctly.
• Police fear calls on domestic violence above all and do
no more than end the beating momentarily. Many
policemen are themselves wife-beaters.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Madelyn Diaz, accused of murdering a husband who
had regularly beaten, threatened and tortured her, was
asked why she did not go to the police. “ He was the
police,” she replied.
• Almost everyday, a man kills a woman who has left
him for beating her. He also often tries to kill her
children, and anyone else who happens to be near her
at the time – a mother, sister, friend – and sometimes
himself. Indeed, Department of Justice statistics show
that 75 percent of reported assaults against wives or
lovers are committed after separation.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Men start repressing females at birth: only the
means vary by society. They direct female
babies to be selectively aborted, little girls to be
neglected, underfed, genitally mutilated, raped
or molested; they sell adolescent girls to men in
marriage or slavery.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
• Women’s fight against male oppression is global
and richly varied. Women everywhere are
agitating against male violence toward women
and founding formal groups to fight for fair laws,
political representation, education, and economic
justice for women.
The War Against Women
Men’s Personal War Against Women
The War Against Women
It is so heart breaking to know that
although we live in an enlightened and
civilized era, women still see the darkness and
brutality of the world even inside the four
corners of the home. Pain, fear and agony is
what chained women to being subjects of a
somewhat never-ending oppression. I myself,
am a woman and this book gave me the
realization that women must not be afraid to
fight for their rights and fight back to what
seemed is repressing their lives.
The War Against Women
Despite of all the negative perceptions this book
may portray on men, I still do believe that there are
still some good men out there - men like my father,
my grandfather, my male relatives, my male friends,
and my male classmates. We should not generalize
that all men are the same although most of them
may come out as vicious as they are. That’s why a
man must prove to himself that he is worthy to be
called as a man by not exercising his superiority on
women through violence and fear but by constantly
giving the best of himself not only to the woman he
loves but also to the women who deserves respect
around him.
The War Against Women
The War Against Women: Examining Systemic Discrimination

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The War Against Women: Examining Systemic Discrimination

  • 2. After the discussion, the students are expected to: 1. to identify the different systemic wars against women; 2. to determine the different illustrations of woman-hatred in culture, in language and the arts; 3. to discuss the assaults on women’s bodies in daily and domestic life; and 4. to give the significance of a woman as a person and as a human being. The War Against Women
  • 8. • Marilyn French was born on November 21, 1929 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA as Marilyn Edwards. She was a writer, known for The Women's Room (1980), Orlando (1992) and Legends (2006). She was married to Robert M. French Jr. She was an American author and feminist scholar. The War Against Women
  • 9. • Survived a battle with esophageal cancer in 1992. • Studied philosophy and English literature. Taught at Hofstra University in the 1960s after graduating from there with a master's degree. • Earned a doctorate from Harvard after her divorce. She then became an English Professor at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. • She died on May 2, 2009 in Manhattan, New York City. The War Against Women
  • 10. BOOK CLASSIFICATION • Philosophy • History • Sociology • Anthropology The War Against Women
  • 11. SETTING AND ERA The War Against Women (The beginning of History – Modern Times)
  • 12. United States of America The War Against Women
  • 16. Economic Discrimination • At the end of the U.N. Decade for Women in 1985, a report on the state of the world’s women concluded that women made some gains in education, health, employment, and politics during the decade but still bore the most responsibility while men had most power. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 17. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women • Studies also show that women have resources or earn income at all, children’s nutritional levels and well – being improve. Indian women, for example, consistently spend 95 percent of their earnings on their children. • Indians have a saying: “ A penny to a woman is a penny for the family; a penny to a man is a penny for the man.”
  • 18. • The most blatantly exploitive form of development is what called sexploitation or “sex – tourism”, a new business, tours for men to Third World Countries to visit brothels created especially for them, womaned by virtual slaves – girls, often just children, sold into bondage by poor peasant fathers. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 19. • Maria Miles writes that the sex industry was first planned and supported by the World Bank, the IMF, and the United States Agency for International Development. • Thailand, the Philippines and South Korea are the present centers of Asian Sex Tourism. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 20. List of Countries with Reported Sexploitations Caribbean • Barbados • Dominican Republic • Cuba • Jamaica • Trinidad and Tobago The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women Asia/Pacific • Cambodia • China • Indonesia • Republic of Korea • Mongolia • Philippines • Thailand South America • Argentina • Brazil • Colombia • Ecuador • Peru • Uruguay
  • 21. • Another part of the sex industry is Marriage Brokerage – private companies, most in what to be West Germany, sell Asian or Latin American Women as wives, openly advertising them as “submissive, non emancipated, and docile.” • Both industries are maintained by a support network of multinational tourist enterprise, hotel chains, airlines, and their subsidiary industries and services. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 22. Political Discrimination • Historians call Ancient Athens as the seat of democracy because it was the first state to establish a system allowing all citizens to vote. But only 6 percent of the population were citizens; women and slaves could not be citizens, and law kept women in near – slavery. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 23. • The first states were ruled by a single man supported by his clan, who appropriated the production and sometimes the land of those they dominated. • But men in clans were surrounded by women – mothers, wives, sisters, concubines, and slaves. Within families, women matter, hold personal (as opposed to formal) power, and often rise to power. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 24. • Women rulers are women only incidentally, seen as extraordinary, able to overcome the “weakness” of their sex. Nevertheless, all are subjected to special attack because of their sex (the Chinese blamed emperor’s concubines for the fall of dynasties). The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 25. • When educated men began to have a voice in Europe in the fourteenth century, women were forbidden to attend most universities. Simply by this single exclusion, men kept women out of political and religious life and all professions except midwifery. (They soon barred midwives as well). The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 26. • On the other hand, many women occupy high political positions in the Scandinavian countries and some tiny countries like Dominica and the Netherlands Antilles. • Men’s hatred for women in the public realm extends even to the wives of political leaders. • Barbara Bush escapes criticism by presenting herself as motherly. Pat Nixon was the object of considerable sympathy in later years, but when her husband was President, journalists attacked her for brittleness. Wives who are perceived as having minds that might influence their husbands come in for the worst attacks. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 27. The Obliteration of Women in History • One way men perpetuate women’s exclusion from political life is by obliterating evidence of their participation in public affairs. • Men close ranks to appropriate women’s projects or attribute them to men; male historians present a united front in omitting women from all kinds of history. • Few people know about the many female rulers, philosophers, scientists, artists, writers, and inventors of the past, yet some were highly influential and many contributed to human knowledge and well – being. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 28. Religious Wars Against Women • All major world religions are patriarchal. • Churches have become more rigidly, even fanatically, patriarchal in a movement called fundamentalism. Jewish and Muslim thinkers insist the term “fundamentalist” does not describe the new movements in Judaism and Islam, but journalists tend to call all zealous right – wing religious movements “fundamentalist”. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 29. PROTESTANTISM • Women were important to the founding and spread of Protestantism. It became largely a church of women. • The fundamentalist revivals of both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were intended to reassert male dominance over the churches and the family and prevent Protestant women from being drawn into the orbit of feminism – but they were mounted under very different, exalted, banners. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 30. • The men who dominated fundamentalism, and those that they appealed to, were living through a revelation that threatened their self – definition as superior by virtue of sex: they were losing control over women. • After 1850, as more and more girls were educated and took jobs that expanded their worlds beyond the home, the new economic and social resources placed them to some degree beyond their father’s control. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 31. • Seeking to return men into American religious life and reassert male authority in the church, one fundamentalist minister would praise another for being “ a real man”, a “manly Methodist”, for having fought in a war. The words “man”, “manhood”, and “masculinity” become an obsessive refrain in fundamentalist sermons and writings. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 32. ISLAM • In Muslim countries, many men see militant Islam as the only nationalistic movement, the only alternative to westernization. And for many in the Middle East, westernization means the results of development – wealth and privileges for a few, but also high unemployment, urban unrest, and a change never publicly claimed as a motive – more independence for women – which is in fact the most threatening. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 33. • The Muslim Brotherhoods direct most of their animus at women, as if women caused the present problems and changes in their behavior could solve them. • No overview of the Muslim Brotherhoods has yet been written, but wherever they exist, they are fiercely nationalist and religious, anti – modern, eager to fight “religious” war; and all concentrate obsessively on women. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 34. Iran • Many Iranian women opposed the Shah’s autocratic rule and his use of a cruel secret police, SAVAK, which tortured many women who joined underground anti – government guerilla groups. • In March 1979, 100,000 women gathered at the University of Teheran to celebrate the overthrow of the Shah and the Ayatollah’s victory. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 35. • But almost at once, Khomeini suspended reformed family laws, barred women from becoming judges, issued his first order on the veil, passed a series of laws to segregate schools, buses, beaches and other public areas, and established theocratic rule. • Disregarding women’s support, the Ayatollah abolished all laws granting women rights and showed no reluctance to kill women who upheld them. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 36. • Women protested the new rules in massive marches in Teheran and other Iranian cities; men beat, stoned, and even stabbed them as they marched. • Men purged women from the public realm, then passed laws severely restricting them from taking jobs and making it impossible for them to talk or to deal with men at work. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 37. Jordan • In Jordan, the Muslim Brotherhood won almost half the seats in Parliament in the 1989 election and was effective in defeating all female candidates. • The 1989 election was the first general election since women won the right to vote in 1974 and the first which they ran for office. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 38. • Toujan Faisal wrote in an article for an Amman newspaper that the Qur’an grants equal rights to men and women. For this sin, the Brotherhood tried to have her declared mentally incompetent, annul her marriage, and exonerated before the fact anyone who killed her. • Some political commentators blamed women themselves for losing, arguing they should have presented themselves as advocates for everyone, not just women. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 39. CATHOLICISM • The primary, founding mystery of the Catholic Church is a God who utters the word that becomes flesh (birth through a male); the mutual love of father and son issues in reproduction – a third figure, the Holy Ghost. Both these acts symbolically appropriate the exclusively female power of birth. • All Christian sects hold that the sexes are equal in the eyes of God. But actual equality is deferred to an afterlife, and leaders stressed equality only when they were first attempting to establish their churches. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 40. • The real motivation of the Catholic Church is revealed by several of its positions. It denies women control over their bodies by forbidding contraception and abortion and by teaching women they are subordinate in marriage. • A subordinate woman does not have the right to refuse conjugal intercourse. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 41. GENITAL MUTILATION • Female genital mutilation is sometimes called female circumcision, as if it paralleled male circumcision. But they are not parallel. Male circumcision does no good but usually does no harm. • However, circumcision does not deform a male’s genital organs or impede sexual pleasure or any other penile function. But even the mildest form of female “circumcision” can kill a girl; in all forms, it deforms the female genital organs. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 42. • It usually leaves women unable to experience orgasm or sexual excitation, and in its severest form often leads to agonized sexual intercourse and childbirth, illness, or death. • Operations of genital mutilation among women are usually performed with unsterile, even rusty knives, splinters of glass or razors. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 43. Physicians describe the following consequences from these operations: Immediate Consequences: • Agonizing pain (no aesthetic is used); hemorrhage; shock; inability to urinate; urinary infection; blood poisoning or tetanus (from unsterilized instruments); fever; death from any of these. Some girls’ bones are fractured by the force used to hold them down during the operation. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 44. Later Consequences: • If the wound heals slowly, the girl may develop infection, anemia, or malnutrition; she may develop a pelvic infection, cysts, or abscesses, or may become unable to menstruate because of a scar covering the vagina. Some women develop recurrent urinary tract infections and painful urination. Consequences for Childbirth: • Scar tissue is far tougher than ordinary flesh. If a woman’s genital scar is extremely tough, the baby will not be able to emerge without a long, painful delivery. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 45. • Children may be stillborn or brain-damaged because of protracted labor and lack of oxygen. Sometimes the baby’s head, unable to move downward in its natural course, bangs against the posterior wall of the bladder, leaving the mother with a damaged organ through which the urine seeps, so that she constantly smells of it. This urine will kill later fetuses. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 46. COMMUNITY WARS TO ERADICATE WOMEN • Amartya Sen describes a phenomenon that would be called genocide if it were aimed at an ethnic group: eradication of females. • In an article entitled “More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing,” Sen calculates the number of females who would have existed if female fetuses were not selectively aborted and female babies given the same food and medical care as males in their countries. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 47. • So many females are being killed that women, until recently 51 percent of the world’s population, are no longer a majority. A 1991 U.N. publication reports that the elimination of females in places like India, Pakistan, Albania, and United Arab Emirates offsets the female majority in developed countries to make males the majority of the world’s population. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 48. • In trying to control population growth, both the Chinese and Indian governments concentrated mainly on women, sometimes forcibly sterilizing or aborting them. • Indian women are being subjected to a new atrocity. Despite laws discouraging the practice of dowry, women still need a dowry to marry. Families agree to a given sum, but after the marriage the husband’s family often blackmails the bride to squeeze more out of hers – a television set, a motorcycle, a wristwatch for the groom. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 49. • A woman’s life is valued no more than this. A bride may commit suicide to save her family from all these demands, knowing that if they are not met, her husband’s family may kill her, usually by holding her over the cooking stove so her sari catches fire and she burns to death. Then they can begin the process of “buying” a new wife for their son. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 50. • Even limiting discussion to abortion of female fetuses, murder of baby girls, or neglect unto death, Sen estimates that over 100 million females have been killed in these regions of the world. • This does not include women killed in “dowry deaths,” women who die of starvation because of male control of land and development policies in African countries, or women in the West killed by husbands, lovers, rapists, or fellow workers. The War Against Women Systemic Discrimination Against Women
  • 52. Women are disadvantaged in every area of life. This section surveys attitude toward women in institutions, mainly in the United States, where discrimination remains strong despite feminist efforts to raise awareness of both overt and subtle woman – hatred. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 53. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women War Against Women’s Personhood • The United States is unique among industrial nations in continuing to deny its people responsive social services, free advanced education , and medical care. This omission harms the poor most, and since four-fifths of the poorest people in the country are women and children, they bear the greatest injury.
  • 54. Judicial and Penal Systems • Recent studies of the legal systems of Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island , Maryland, Nevada, and Connecticut show all to be pervaded by bias against women and demonstrate that male bias harms women across the board from lawyers to litigants to court employees. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 55. • Divorced women cannot easily find lawyers to represent them and get little help in collecting child support. • The Massachusetts study showed that judges punish women unfairly, with longer sentences and probationary periods than men convicted of similar crimes. In 1984, a federal judge sentenced Susan Rosenberg to fifty-eight years in prison for illegal possession of weapons. Men who commit murder get less. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 56. The Medical System • Medical researches seeking preventive measures for disease focus almost entirely on men. The main killer of postmenopausal women is heart disease, but the highly touted warnings about cholesterol (for instance) are based entirely on studies of men. • Doctors tested 20,000 men and no women to study aspirin as a preventive of heart disease. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 57. • Women are the fastest-growing group infected with AIDS, but no research has been done on the effects on women of AIDS therapies. • Woman-specific diseases like breast and ovarian cancer have not been studied nearly as thoroughly as male- specific diseases like prostate cancer and are more likely to be fatal. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 58. War in the Workplace • In the United States, where 55 percent of women work for wages, all face discrimination. Businesses and institutions claim they place no barrier to the promotion of women, yet few advance, and professional and managerial women earn considerably less than their male counterparts. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 59. • In 1989, male managers of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey were charged with discriminating against women workers, and harassing them if they complained. They harassed a woman who complained of a low raise on grounds of discrimination. When a second woman complained about the men’s treatment of the first, they gave her an undeserved poor performance and transferred her to another department. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 60. Sexual War • All past societies constricted women’s sexuality: it was a criminal act for women but not for men to have sex with someone other than a spouse, which different societies punished with varying degrees of severity, including death. • Punishments from beatings to imprisonment in convents to death were inflicted on girls who lost their virginity before marriage – even if they were raped, and even if by a family member. The War Against Women Institutional Wars Against Women
  • 62. War Against Women in Art • Feminists do point out the woman-hatred in the work of painters like Willem de Kooning, Picasso, or Balthus’ Portrayals of shockingly lascivious little girls, but a feminist analysis of art is impeded by the fact that we are pledged in our souls to freedom of expression. The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 63. • The debasement of women in the art and advertising is echoed also in cinematic images. • Rape or near-rape is becoming as obligatory in violent films in the United states as it has long been in India. The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 64. Pornography • Pornography changed, growing far more widespread and moving from books to film to video. • When it began to portray children as well as women, we discovered that men were actually sexually molesting children. The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 65. • In the late 1960s, pornography reached staggering depths of violence, hatred, and cruelty. Films featured lynching, mainly of Asian women; it is believed that the actresses in some “snuff” films were actually killed to make the film: mutilation and murder tilted men into orgasm. • American culture – movies, books, songs, television – teaches men to see themselves as killers, to identify the act of murder with sex, and the sex act with violent conquest. This is why so many men find it difficult to distinguish between rape and lovemaking. The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 66. • Indeed, among the most repellent examples of woman – hatred appear in military songs and slogans. • Christopher Hitchens describes a more recent work he accidentally came across – the recreational songbook of the 77th Tactical Squadron of the U.S. Air Force based outside Oxford, England. He was horrified by what he read and refused to print stanzas that he says were too tough for him. Here are some examples of what he did print: The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 67. THE BALLAD OF LUPE Down in the Cunt Valley where Red Rivers flow, Where cocksuckers flourish and whoremongers grow, There lives a young maiden that I do adore She’s my Hot Fuckin’Cocksuckin’Mexican Whore Oh Lupe, oh Lupe, dead in her tomb While maggots crawl out of her decomposed womb But the smile on her face is a mute cry for more!!! She’s my Hot Fuckin’Cocksuckin’Mexican Whore. The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 68. • Intercourse with dead women is a recurrent theme, Hitchens writes, quoting only one stanza of “ I fucked a Dead Whore”: I fucked a dead whore by the road side I knew right away she was dead. The skin was all gone from her tummy, The hair was all gone from her head. • Sadistic male violence is not inherent in men’s nature; it is indoctrinated in men by a host of institutions. Government bodies do not merely tolerate male sexual sadism against women, they foster and endorse it – in every male-dominated culture in the world. The War Against Women The Cultural War Against Women
  • 70. Most information on this section on male violence describes the situation in the United States, because this data is most accessible to me. The section is divided into two parts: daily war against women by ordinary men, economically and physically. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 71. Individual Men’s Economic War Against Women • The majority of men who leave their families do not support their children adequately or at all; few support the wives they insisted become dependent upon them. • Judges do not order men to support their children in over 40 percent of cases when mothers get custody; when they do, they award them roughly $10 to $40 a week – a laughable amount considering what it costs to house, feed, clothe, provide medical care, and educate a child. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 72. • Even if judges do order men to support their children, the overwhelming majority of men fail to do so. • In 1985, only 25 percent of the 8.8 million men required to pay child support paid it; another 25 percent sent lesser amounts; half paid nothing at all. • Women have little recourse: at most, they can file charges against the men and have them imprisoned. Not only does this defeat their purpose – a man in jail loses his wages – but most women cannot find lawyers who will help them in suing for nonsupport. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 73. • Men enforce the system by laws or customs that force women into economic dependence on men and by the ever-present threat: she who does not care for her man, does not mother him like a baby, will lose him and his economic support. • Women are subjected by fear; men foster their own infantilization, believing it demonstrates their superiority. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 74. • Even women’s caretaking and service are not enough to keep men from being violent towards them. And beneath women’s fear of losing economic support is their fear of men’s physical violence. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 75. Individual Men’s Physical War Against Women • The extent of male violence against women is even more staggering than men’s irresponsibility toward their children. • No statistics compile all forms of male violence against women; when records are kept, they separate incidents by type – such as rape, beatings or incest – reported to the police. • Most incidents are not reported, and harassment almost never. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 76. • Women travelers in Italy have traditionally been harassed and even raped or injured. No one helped the victims – Italian men prided themselves on this behavior. • Men harass, molest, rape, and beat women travelers in South Asia, especially in India. • In an article entitled “The Global War Against Women,” Lori Heise reports that half the married men in Bangkok, Thailand, regularly beat their wives; in Quito, Ecuador, 80 percent of all women report having been physically beaten; in Nicaragua, 44 percent of men admit they beat their wives and girlfriends. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 77. • In Papua, New Guinea, wife-beating “is an accepted custom” not worth discussing, a government minister argued during parliamentary debate over making it illegal. One parliamentarian stormed, “I paid for my wife, so she should not overrule my decisions, because I am the head of the family.” • In Brazil over the last twenty years, men’s severe beating or murder of wives and female lovers was so common that “defense of honor” became a legitimate and widespread legal defense. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 78. • In the United States, a man beats a woman every twelve seconds, and every day four of these beatings reach their final consummation, the death of the woman. • About 20 percent of women who report beatings by their husbands, former husbands, or male lovers have been beaten so often that they cannot recall each incident distinctly. • Police fear calls on domestic violence above all and do no more than end the beating momentarily. Many policemen are themselves wife-beaters. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 79. • Madelyn Diaz, accused of murdering a husband who had regularly beaten, threatened and tortured her, was asked why she did not go to the police. “ He was the police,” she replied. • Almost everyday, a man kills a woman who has left him for beating her. He also often tries to kill her children, and anyone else who happens to be near her at the time – a mother, sister, friend – and sometimes himself. Indeed, Department of Justice statistics show that 75 percent of reported assaults against wives or lovers are committed after separation. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 80. • Men start repressing females at birth: only the means vary by society. They direct female babies to be selectively aborted, little girls to be neglected, underfed, genitally mutilated, raped or molested; they sell adolescent girls to men in marriage or slavery. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 81. • Women’s fight against male oppression is global and richly varied. Women everywhere are agitating against male violence toward women and founding formal groups to fight for fair laws, political representation, education, and economic justice for women. The War Against Women Men’s Personal War Against Women
  • 83. It is so heart breaking to know that although we live in an enlightened and civilized era, women still see the darkness and brutality of the world even inside the four corners of the home. Pain, fear and agony is what chained women to being subjects of a somewhat never-ending oppression. I myself, am a woman and this book gave me the realization that women must not be afraid to fight for their rights and fight back to what seemed is repressing their lives. The War Against Women
  • 84. Despite of all the negative perceptions this book may portray on men, I still do believe that there are still some good men out there - men like my father, my grandfather, my male relatives, my male friends, and my male classmates. We should not generalize that all men are the same although most of them may come out as vicious as they are. That’s why a man must prove to himself that he is worthy to be called as a man by not exercising his superiority on women through violence and fear but by constantly giving the best of himself not only to the woman he loves but also to the women who deserves respect around him. The War Against Women