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The State of
OAuth 2
Aaron Parecki • @aaronpk •
State of the Auth • January 2013
Before OAuth
   Apps stored the user’s password

   Apps got complete access to a user’s account

   Users couldn’t revoke access to an app except by
    changing their password

   Compromised apps exposed the user’s password                                        @aaronpk
Before OAuth
   Services recognized the problems with password

   Many services implemented things similar to OAuth

   Each implementation was slightly different, certainly
    not compatible with each other                                             @aaronpk
Before OAuth 1.0
   Flickr: “FlickrAuth” frobs and tokens

   Google: “AuthSub”

   Facebook: requests signed with MD5 hashes

   Yahoo: BBAuth (“Browser-Based Auth”)                                 @aaronpk
Some Current Implementers
The OAuth 2 Spec
   Resource Owner: The User
   Resource Server: The API
   Authorization Server: Often the same
    as the API server
   Client: The Third-Party Application                            @aaronpk
Use Cases
   Web-server apps
   Browser-based apps
   Username/password access
   Application access
   Mobile apps                @aaronpk
Use Cases – Grant Types
   Web-server apps – authorization_code
   Browser-based apps – implicit
   Username/password access – password
   Application access – client_credentials
   Mobile apps – implicit                               @aaronpk
Web Server Apps
                       Authorization Code Grant                          @aaronpk
Create a “Log In” link
Link to:
_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email                       @aaronpk
Create a “Log In” link
Link to:
_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email                       @aaronpk
Create a “Log In” link
Link to:
_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email                       @aaronpk
Create a “Log In” link
Link to:
_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email                       @aaronpk
Create a “Log In” link
Link to:
_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email                       @aaronpk
User visits the authorization page
type=code&client_id=28653682475872&redirect                         @aaronpk
On success, user is redirected back
to your site with auth code

On error, user is redirected back to
your site with error code                         @aaronpk
Server exchanges auth code
for an access token
Your server makes the following request


Post Body:
&client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET                           @aaronpk
Server exchanges auth code
for an access token
Your server gets a response like the following


or if there was an error

}                                  @aaronpk
Browser-Based Apps
                               Implicit Grant                       @aaronpk
Create a “Log In” link
Link to:
&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email                       @aaronpk
User visits the authorization page
type=token&client_id=2865368247587&redirect                         @aaronpk
On success, user is redirected back
to your site with the access token in
the fragment

On error, user is redirected back to
your site with error code                         @aaronpk
Browser-Based Apps
Use the “Implicit” grant type

No server-side code needed

Client secret not used

Browser makes API requests directly                        @aaronpk
                             Password Grant                      @aaronpk
Password Grant
Password grant is only appropriate for trusted
clients, most likely first-party apps only.
If you build your own website as a client of your
API, then this is a great way to handle logging
in.                              @aaronpk
Password Grant Type
   Only appropriate for your
   service’s website or your
   service’s mobile apps.
Password Grant

Post Body:


}                         @aaronpk
Password Grant
User exchanges username and password for a token

No server-side code needed

Client secret only used from confidential clients
   (Don’t send client secret from a mobile app!)

Useful for developing a first-party login system                                      @aaronpk
Application Access
                         Client Credentials Grant                            @aaronpk
Client Credentials Grant

Post Body:


}                         @aaronpk
Grant Type Summary
       Web-server apps
       Mobile and browser-based apps
       Username/password access
       Application access                        @aaronpk
Grant Types & Response
        response_type=token               @aaronpk
Grant Type Review                 @aaronpk
Authorization Code
   User visits auth page

   User is redirected to your site with auth code

   Your server exchanges auth code for access token
          POST /token
          code=xxxxxxx&grant_type=authorization_code                                        @aaronpk
   User visits auth page

   User is redirected to your site with access token

   Token is only available to the browser since it’s in the fragment                                                         @aaronpk
   Your server exchanges username/password for access token
          POST /token
          grant_type=password                                                @aaronpk
Client Credentials
   Your server exchanges client ID/secret for access token
          POST /token
          grant_type=client_credentials                                               @aaronpk
Mobile Apps
                       Implicit Grant               @aaronpk   @aaronpk   @aaronpk
Redirect back to your app
    Facebook app redirects back to your app using
    a custom URI scheme.
    Access token is included in the redirect, just like
    browser-based apps.

   fb2865://authorize/#access_token=BAAEEmo2nocQBAFFOeRTd                                           @aaronpk   @aaronpk
Mobile Applications
Use the “Implicit” grant type

No server-side code needed

Client secret not used

Mobile app makes API requests directly                           @aaronpk
Mobile Applications
   External user agents are best
       Use the service’s primary app for authentication, like
        Facebook – provides a superior user experience
       Or open native Safari on iPhone, still better than using an
        embedded browser

   Auth code or implicit grant type
       In both cases, the client secret should never be used,
        since it is possible to decompile the app which would
        reveal the secret                                                       @aaronpk
Accessing Resources
                   So you have an access token. Now
                                              what?                               @aaronpk
Use the access token to make
Now you can make requests using the access token.
Authorization: Bearer RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia

Access token can be in an HTTP header or a query string
zRn430zqMLgV3Ia                                   @aaronpk
Eventually the access token
may expire
When you make a request with an expired token, you will
get this response

Now you need to get a new access token!                                   @aaronpk
Get a new access token using
a refresh token
Your server makes the following request


Your server gets a similar response as the original call to
oauth/token with new tokens.
}                                          @aaronpk
                  Limiting access to resouces                         @aaronpk
Limiting Access to Third Parties                       @aaronpk
Limiting Access to Third Parties                       @aaronpk
Limiting Access to Third Parties                       @aaronpk
OAuth 2 scope
   Created to limit access to the third party.

   The scope of the access request expressed as a list of space-delimited
       In practice, many people use comma-separators instead.

   The spec does not define any values, it’s left up to the implementor.

   If the value contains multiple strings, their order does not matter, and
    each string adds an additional access range to the requested scope.                                                          @aaronpk
OAuth 2 scope on Facebook
    &scope=email,read_stream                                   @aaronpk
OAuth 2 scope on Facebook                @aaronpk
OAuth 2 scope on Github

     • Read/write access to profile info only.
     • Read/write access to public repos and organizations.
     • Read/write access to public and private repos and organizations.
     • Delete access to adminable repositories.
     • write access to gists.                                                           @aaronpk
OAuth 2 scope
   The challenge is displaying this to the user succinctly in a way they will
    actually understand

   If you over-complicate it for users, they will just click “ok” until the app
    works, and ignore any warnings

   Read vs write is a good start for basic services                                                             @aaronpk
So what’s wrong?                @aaronpk
What I just described is
                       one possible
                   of an OAuth 2 server                              @aaronpk
   No required token type

   No agreement on the goals of an HMAC-enabled
    token type

   No requirement to implement token expiration

   No guidance on token string size, or any value for that

   No strict requirement for registration

   Loose client type definition                                               @aaronpk
Indecision (continued)
   Lack of clear client security properties

   No required grant types

   No guidance on the suitability or applicability of grant

   No useful support for native applications (but lots of lip

   No required client authentication method

   No limits on extensions    Source:   @aaronpk
The result:
                     the OAuth RFC is a
                  framework, not a protocol                               @aaronpk   @aaronpk   @aaronpk
OAuth 2 Servers
                  Implementing an OAuth 2
                                   Server                      @aaronpk
Implementing an OAuth 2 Server
Implementing an OAuth 2
   Find a server library already written:
       A short list available here:

   Read the OAuth spec in its entirety

   Study other implementations like Google

   Make decisions based on the security requirements of your
    application. In many cases the spec says SHOULD and leaves the
    choice up to the implementer.

   Understand the security implications of the implementation choices
    you make.                                                      @aaronpk
Implementing an OAuth 2
   Choose which grant types you want to support
       Authorization Code – for traditional web apps
       Implicit – for browser-based apps and mobile apps
       Password – for your own website or mobile apps
       Client Credentials – if applications can access resources on their own

   Choose whether to support Bearer tokens, MAC or both

   If using Bearer tokens, choose whether to use a DB lookup or
    use self-container tokens

   Define appropriate scopes for your service                                                         @aaronpk
Access Tokens
                      Bearer tokens vs
                          MAC tokens                  @aaronpk
Bearer Tokens
    GET /1/profile HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer B2mpLsHWhuVFw3YeLFW3f2

    Bearer tokens are a cryptography-free way to access protected

    Relies on the security present in the HTTPS connection, since the
    request itself is not signed.

    Application developers do not need to do any cryptography, they just
    pass the token string in the header.                                                         @aaronpk
Dangers of Using Bearer Tokens
Requests are not signed, so are vulnerable to reply
 attacks if someone intercepts the token.

When storing tokens in cookies, must ensure the
 cookie is only sent via an https connection.

If a token is leaked, there is a large potential for
 abuse.                                         @aaronpk
Security Recommendations
for Clients Using Bearer Tokens
Safeguard bearer tokens

Validate SSL certificates

Always use https

Don’t store bearer tokens in plaintext cookies

Issue short-lived bearer tokens

Don’t pass bearer tokens in page URLs                                   @aaronpk
MAC Tokens
GET /1/profile HTTP/1.1
Authorization: MAC id="jd93dh9dh39D",

MAC tokens provide a way to make authenticated requests with
cryptographic verification of the request.

Similar to the original OAuth 1.0 method of using signatures.

Application developers must sign each request, preventing forgery
and replay even when requests are sent in the clear.
Bearer, MAC, or Both?
   Should you support Bearer tokens, MAC tokens or

   MAC tokens are technically safer and more secure

   Application developers will prefer working with Bearer
    tokens since it is easier                                              @aaronpk
Scalability Concerns
   Token lookups from a database can become a

   Can be addressed by heavy use of caching to avoid
    DB lookups

   Can be addressed by a good master/slave database

   An alternative is to use “self-encoded” tokens where
    all the needed information is contained within the
    token string itself, avoiding the need to do a database
    lookup                                               @aaronpk
Self-Encoded Tokens
   The token is a string which is encrypted or signed

   The string contains all necessary information to avoid
    doing a database lookup

   These tokens cannot be revoked, so must expire
    frequently (requires heavy use of the
    refresh_token grant type)

   Can be implemented with either Bearer or MAC
    tokens                                              @aaronpk
DB Token Lookups vs
   Self-Encoded Tokens
   Token table probably looks like
       User ID
       Expiration Date

   Instead, encode that into a JSON payload which *is*
    the token:
    {“user_id”:1000,”exp”:1355429676,”scopes”:[“email

   See JSON Web Signature for example of signing this
    token                                           @aaronpk
JSON Web Signature

   Data                            Base64 Encoded
    "typ":"JWT",                   eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9
    "usr":"username",              eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MT
    "exp":1300819380,              kzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9p
    "scope":["profile"]            c19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ

    Signature                      dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOE                                                       @aaronpk
JSON Web Signature
   Complete Token Example:

   Header, data, signature are base64 encoded and
   concatenated with a “period” between each.                                       @aaronpk   @aaronpk Website

   Source code available on Github

   Please feel free to contribute to the website

   Contribute new lists of libraries, or help update information                                                     @aaronpk                   @aaronpk
     Aaron Parecki

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The State of OAuth2

  • 1. The State of OAuth 2 Aaron Parecki • @aaronpk • State of the Auth • January 2013
  • 2. Before OAuth Apps stored the user’s password Apps got complete access to a user’s account Users couldn’t revoke access to an app except by changing their password Compromised apps exposed the user’s password @aaronpk
  • 3. Before OAuth Services recognized the problems with password authentication Many services implemented things similar to OAuth 1.0 Each implementation was slightly different, certainly not compatible with each other @aaronpk
  • 4. Before OAuth 1.0 Flickr: “FlickrAuth” frobs and tokens Google: “AuthSub” Facebook: requests signed with MD5 hashes Yahoo: BBAuth (“Browser-Based Auth”) @aaronpk
  • 6. The OAuth 2 Spec
  • 7. Definitions Resource Owner: The User Resource Server: The API Authorization Server: Often the same as the API server Client: The Third-Party Application @aaronpk
  • 8. Use Cases Web-server apps Browser-based apps Username/password access Application access Mobile apps @aaronpk
  • 9. Use Cases – Grant Types Web-server apps – authorization_code Browser-based apps – implicit Username/password access – password Application access – client_credentials Mobile apps – implicit @aaronpk
  • 10. Web Server Apps Authorization Code Grant @aaronpk
  • 11. Create a “Log In” link Link to: type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect _uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email @aaronpk
  • 12. Create a “Log In” link Link to: type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect _uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email @aaronpk
  • 13. Create a “Log In” link Link to: type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect _uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email @aaronpk
  • 14. Create a “Log In” link Link to: type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect _uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email @aaronpk
  • 15. Create a “Log In” link Link to: type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect _uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email @aaronpk
  • 16. User visits the authorization page type=code&client_id=28653682475872&redirect @aaronpk
  • 17. On success, user is redirected back to your site with auth code On error, user is redirected back to your site with error code @aaronpk
  • 18. Server exchanges auth code for an access token Your server makes the following request POST ken Post Body: grant_type=authorization_code &code=CODE_FROM_QUERY_STRING &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI &client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID &client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET @aaronpk
  • 19. Server exchanges auth code for an access token Your server gets a response like the following { "access_token":"RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV" } or if there was an error { "error":"invalid_request" } @aaronpk
  • 20. Browser-Based Apps Implicit Grant @aaronpk
  • 21. Create a “Log In” link Link to: type=token&client_id=CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=email @aaronpk
  • 22. User visits the authorization page type=token&client_id=2865368247587&redirect @aaronpk
  • 23. On success, user is redirected back to your site with the access token in the fragment On error, user is redirected back to your site with error code @aaronpk
  • 24. Browser-Based Apps Use the “Implicit” grant type No server-side code needed Client secret not used Browser makes API requests directly @aaronpk
  • 25. Username/Password Password Grant @aaronpk
  • 26. Password Grant Password grant is only appropriate for trusted clients, most likely first-party apps only. If you build your own website as a client of your API, then this is a great way to handle logging in. @aaronpk
  • 27. Password Grant Type Only appropriate for your service’s website or your service’s mobile apps.
  • 28. Password Grant POST Post Body: grant_type=password &username=USERNAME &password=PASSWORD &client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID &client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET Response: { "access_token":"RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV" } @aaronpk
  • 29. Password Grant User exchanges username and password for a token No server-side code needed Client secret only used from confidential clients (Don’t send client secret from a mobile app!) Useful for developing a first-party login system @aaronpk
  • 30. Application Access Client Credentials Grant @aaronpk
  • 31. Client Credentials Grant POST Post Body: grant_type=client_credentials &client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID &client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET Response: { "access_token":"RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV" } @aaronpk
  • 32. Grant Type Summary authorization_code: Web-server apps implicit: Mobile and browser-based apps password: Username/password access client_credentials: Application access @aaronpk
  • 33. Grant Types & Response Types authorization_code: response_type=code implicit: response_type=token @aaronpk
  • 35. Authorization Code User visits auth page response_type=code User is redirected to your site with auth code Your server exchanges auth code for access token POST /token code=xxxxxxx&grant_type=authorization_code @aaronpk
  • 36. Implicit User visits auth page response_type=token User is redirected to your site with access token Token is only available to the browser since it’s in the fragment @aaronpk
  • 37. Password Your server exchanges username/password for access token POST /token username=xxxxxxx&password=yyyyyyy& grant_type=password @aaronpk
  • 38. Client Credentials Your server exchanges client ID/secret for access token POST /token client_id=xxxxxxx&client_secret=yyyyyyy& grant_type=client_credentials @aaronpk
  • 39. Mobile Apps Implicit Grant @aaronpk
  • 40. @aaronpk
  • 41. @aaronpk
  • 42. Redirect back to your app Facebook app redirects back to your app using a custom URI scheme. Access token is included in the redirect, just like browser-based apps. fb2865://authorize/#access_token=BAAEEmo2nocQBAFFOeRTd @aaronpk
  • 43. @aaronpk
  • 44. Mobile Applications Use the “Implicit” grant type No server-side code needed Client secret not used Mobile app makes API requests directly @aaronpk
  • 45. Mobile Applications External user agents are best Use the service’s primary app for authentication, like Facebook – provides a superior user experience Or open native Safari on iPhone, still better than using an embedded browser Auth code or implicit grant type In both cases, the client secret should never be used, since it is possible to decompile the app which would reveal the secret @aaronpk
  • 46. Accessing Resources So you have an access token. Now what? @aaronpk
  • 47. Use the access token to make requests Now you can make requests using the access token. GET Authorization: Bearer RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia Access token can be in an HTTP header or a query string parameter zRn430zqMLgV3Ia @aaronpk
  • 48. Eventually the access token may expire When you make a request with an expired token, you will get this response { "error":"expired_token" } Now you need to get a new access token! @aaronpk
  • 49. Get a new access token using a refresh token Your server makes the following request POST grant_type=refresh_token &reresh_token=e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV &client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID &client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET Your server gets a similar response as the original call to oauth/token with new tokens. { "access_token":"RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV" } @aaronpk
  • 50. Scope Limiting access to resouces @aaronpk
  • 51. Limiting Access to Third Parties @aaronpk
  • 52. Limiting Access to Third Parties @aaronpk
  • 53. Limiting Access to Third Parties @aaronpk
  • 54. OAuth 2 scope Created to limit access to the third party. The scope of the access request expressed as a list of space-delimited strings. In practice, many people use comma-separators instead. The spec does not define any values, it’s left up to the implementor. If the value contains multiple strings, their order does not matter, and each string adds an additional access range to the requested scope. @aaronpk
  • 55. OAuth 2 scope on Facebook client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL &scope=email,read_stream @aaronpk
  • 56. OAuth 2 scope on Facebook @aaronpk
  • 57. OAuth 2 scope on Github client_id=...&scope=user,public_repo user • Read/write access to profile info only. public_repo • Read/write access to public repos and organizations. repo • Read/write access to public and private repos and organizations. delete_repo • Delete access to adminable repositories. gist • write access to gists. @aaronpk
  • 58. OAuth 2 scope The challenge is displaying this to the user succinctly in a way they will actually understand If you over-complicate it for users, they will just click “ok” until the app works, and ignore any warnings Read vs write is a good start for basic services @aaronpk
  • 60. What I just described is one possible implementation of an OAuth 2 server @aaronpk
  • 61. Indecision No required token type No agreement on the goals of an HMAC-enabled token type No requirement to implement token expiration No guidance on token string size, or any value for that matter No strict requirement for registration Loose client type definition @aaronpk
  • 62. Indecision (continued) Lack of clear client security properties No required grant types No guidance on the suitability or applicability of grant types No useful support for native applications (but lots of lip service) No required client authentication method No limits on extensions Source: @aaronpk
  • 63. The result: the OAuth RFC is a framework, not a protocol @aaronpk
  • 64. @aaronpk
  • 65. @aaronpk
  • 66. OAuth 2 Servers Implementing an OAuth 2 Server @aaronpk
  • 68. Implementing an OAuth 2 Server Find a server library already written: A short list available here: Read the OAuth spec in its entirety Study other implementations like Google Make decisions based on the security requirements of your application. In many cases the spec says SHOULD and leaves the choice up to the implementer. Understand the security implications of the implementation choices you make. @aaronpk
  • 69. Implementing an OAuth 2 Server Choose which grant types you want to support Authorization Code – for traditional web apps Implicit – for browser-based apps and mobile apps Password – for your own website or mobile apps Client Credentials – if applications can access resources on their own Choose whether to support Bearer tokens, MAC or both If using Bearer tokens, choose whether to use a DB lookup or use self-container tokens Define appropriate scopes for your service @aaronpk
  • 70. Access Tokens Bearer tokens vs MAC tokens @aaronpk
  • 71. Bearer Tokens GET /1/profile HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer B2mpLsHWhuVFw3YeLFW3f2 Bearer tokens are a cryptography-free way to access protected resources. Relies on the security present in the HTTPS connection, since the request itself is not signed. Application developers do not need to do any cryptography, they just pass the token string in the header. @aaronpk
  • 72. Dangers of Using Bearer Tokens Requests are not signed, so are vulnerable to reply attacks if someone intercepts the token. When storing tokens in cookies, must ensure the cookie is only sent via an https connection. If a token is leaked, there is a large potential for abuse. @aaronpk
  • 73. Security Recommendations for Clients Using Bearer Tokens Safeguard bearer tokens Validate SSL certificates Always use https Don’t store bearer tokens in plaintext cookies Issue short-lived bearer tokens Don’t pass bearer tokens in page URLs @aaronpk
  • 74. MAC Tokens GET /1/profile HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: MAC id="jd93dh9dh39D", nonce="273156:di3hvdf8”, mac="W7bdMZbv9UWOTadASIQHagZyirA=" MAC tokens provide a way to make authenticated requests with cryptographic verification of the request. Similar to the original OAuth 1.0 method of using signatures. Application developers must sign each request, preventing forgery and replay even when requests are sent in the clear. @aaronpk
  • 75. Bearer, MAC, or Both? Should you support Bearer tokens, MAC tokens or both? MAC tokens are technically safer and more secure Application developers will prefer working with Bearer tokens since it is easier @aaronpk
  • 76. Scalability Concerns Token lookups from a database can become a bottleneck. Can be addressed by heavy use of caching to avoid DB lookups Can be addressed by a good master/slave database architecture An alternative is to use “self-encoded” tokens where all the needed information is contained within the token string itself, avoiding the need to do a database lookup @aaronpk
  • 77. Self-Encoded Tokens The token is a string which is encrypted or signed The string contains all necessary information to avoid doing a database lookup These tokens cannot be revoked, so must expire frequently (requires heavy use of the refresh_token grant type) Can be implemented with either Bearer or MAC tokens @aaronpk
  • 78. DB Token Lookups vs Self-Encoded Tokens Token table probably looks like Token User ID Expiration Date Scopes Instead, encode that into a JSON payload which *is* the token:  {“user_id”:1000,”exp”:1355429676,”scopes”:[“email ”,”payment”]} See JSON Web Signature for example of signing this token @aaronpk
  • 79. JSON Web Signature Data Base64 Encoded { "typ":"JWT", eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 "alg":"HS256” } { "usr":"username", eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MT "exp":1300819380, kzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9p "scope":["profile"] c19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ } Signature dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOE @aaronpk
  • 80. JSON Web Signature Complete Token Example: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3M iOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA 6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ.dBjftJeZ 4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk Header, data, signature are base64 encoded and concatenated with a “period” between each. @aaronpk
  • 82. Website  Source code available on Github  Please feel free to contribute to the website Contribute new lists of libraries, or help update information @aaronpk
  • 84. Thanks. Aaron Parecki @aaronpk