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The Rapid Out Break Of World War I
There were many contributors that led to the rapid out–break of World War I, such as: Militarism,
Imperialism, and Nationalism. However, Nationalism was the single–most dominant factor for
European Powers. Nationalism can be defined in one of two ways: the belief that the interests of a
nation are of the utmost importance, and the belief that a people of common ethnicity, dialect, and
culture should establish a sovereign nation free of foreign power. All of the notable European
nations relied on Nationalism to kick–start the war, even though definitions of nationalism may have
varied from nation to nation. The most important nation to determining the outbreak of the war is
Serbia. Serbian Nationalism was the "driving force" behind every action leading to the "Great War:"
"But a major goal remained for Serbian nationalism; the unification of the 7.3 million diverse South
Slavs of varying religions who still lived in the neighboring Habsburg monarchy – whether
Slovenian, Serb, or Croat, Muslim, Catholic, or Orthodox Christian – into a greater Serbia. It was
within this framework of recent events – the military coup of 1903, the 1908 Bosnian crisis, and the
victories of the Balkan Wars – that the two central figures of the Serbian drama of June and July
1914 operated: Chief of Serbian Military Intelligence Dragutin Dimitrijević and Prime Minister
Nikola Pašić. The Clash between these two men defined the nature of Serbian civil–military
relations, not just in 1914, but from
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Gutierrez Alea 's Authorship Of A Runaway Slav
Gutiérrez Alea's Authorship
In the same period The Last Supper was produced, Esteban Mojeto published the Autobiography of
a Runaway Slav in 1968, Fernandez Retamar's Todo Caliban in 1971, and Sergio Giral's film El
Otro Fransisco ("The Other Francisco") released in 1975, all of which compared the African slave
history with the Cuban policies of the time, showing a genuine desire to indirectly criticize Fidel
Castro's policies. In reaction, in 1971, the government shut down a number of university
departments, including the Department of Philosophy at the University of Havana, and censured the
criticisms for its policies coming from the country's intellectual academia. This censorship, which
came to be known as the "Padilla affair". It was further enhanced by the banning of films, such as
Humberto Solas's Un dia de Noviembre ("A Day in November"). This period in Cuban history was
one of gloom and fear, and inevitably, came to be known as the "quinquenio Gris", meaning the
"five year grey period" (Schroeder 2002, 70). Furthermore, in January 1976, the year The Last
Supper was released in cinemas, Cuba sent a record 200,000 soldiers to fight the Portuguese rulers
of Angola. The scale of this involvement served to focus the attention of Cuban people on its own
African slave history and the riots that followed the banning of the Independent Party of Colour in
For Gutiérrez Alea, the need to for the Revolution to examine itself from within, if it had to resist
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The Assassination that Started It All
On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot dead in Sarajevo by
Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand. The Black Hand
was derived from a secret Serbian terrorist organization called the Narodna Odbrana, which worked
towards the unification of all South Slavs in an independent, sovereign country called Yugoslavia.
The Narodna Odbrana was created because South Slavs living in Serbia, as well as in Bosnia and
other Slavic provinces, felt a strong nationalistic desire to unify all the members of their cultural
group in a new country called Yugoslavia. The Black Hand's commitment to Serbian nationalism led
it to replace the Narodna Odbrana, while adopting its purpose, organization, and terrorist
philosophy. Members of the Black Hand, driven by their desire to die as martyrs, assassinated Franz
Ferdinand to quickly set the tone for a revolution meant to weaken the powerful state of Austria–
Hungary and unite all South Slavs in a Yugoslavic nation.
The ideology of martyrdom and self–sacrifice guided the Black Hand's decision to assassinate Franz
Ferdinand. The first notable example of this ideology was the "deed" of Bogdan Zerajic, a man who
fired five shots at the governor of Bosnia and then committed suicide in Sarajevo. The Archduke's
assassins possessed a personal motive for the assassination–a feeling of discontent with their own
lives, and the desire to be martyrs and heroes like Zerajic.1 Two of the men
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Walter Polter: Summary
1. Walter Polter disagrees with the notion that the term "people' or "tribe" traditionally referring to a
homogenous group with common descendants living in one state. Polter suggests that this "one
people, one state' ideology is a result of nationalism to justify nations claims throughout history.
Instead, Polter suggests that we should refer to "people" or "tribes' based on their biological
similarities. Polter offers up arguments that justify his claim that ethnic units were a result of
history, early medieval peoples were less homogenous, and that ethnicity is a "process rather than a
unit." Firstly, Polter says that ethnic units are a result of history and he cites English sociologist
Anthony Smith. Polter summarizes that people's nationalism ... Show more content on ...
Avars, Bulgarians, Slavs and Romans all seem to be people, but per Walter Pohl, they all are
different based on the political and economic climate they lived in These four ethnicities are not
necessarily people, they took on other ethnicities for political gain and economic wealth; so, their
historical ethnicities are not accurate to their biological ethnicities. For example, the Slav were
attracted to the Roman world, and often assimilated to the prestige, wealth, and symbols of that
world They assimilated so much that historically placing the Slavs is hard because they mixed
themselves in with the Romans and continued the Roman empire with their presences. In addition,
the Avars and Bulgarurs took part in the German empire and assimilated to their culture and wealth.
The Avars struck a deal with Germen empire to fight in exchange for income and later gained
prestige for being part of the German army. Later, the Avar name would disappear in 800, but the
ethnicity of the Avars did not. Moreover, the Bulgarians had a different story. The Bulgarians were I
different groups and were once unified under Khan Kuvrat for a short time. After that, different
factions of the Bulgarians travelled to the Volga Region, Thessaloniki and the Lombard duchy of
Benevento and were ruled by different leaders while maintaining their ethnic identity. The Avrs and
Bulgarians were the heir of the Germanic empire and military whilst not being Germanic, same with
the Slavs and the Roman Empire. These factions took almost took on new identities to achieve
power and wealth, so much that their true ethnicities were not accurately recorded and they got
mixed up between the empires of that time. The Avars, Bulgarians and Slavs were not people but
rather a mix of different factions with similar
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Russia's Early History
Nation Project: Unit 3
There is very little we know about the early history of Russia. Though we don't know much, what
we do know about Russia's early history is quite interesting. Russia started as a small group of cities
inhabited by slavs and Scandinavians. The cities were usually invaded and taken over by outsiders.
What we have found in archaeological digs gives us a better understanding of what it was like
during those times. If you look deep into Russian history, you will find that the main city at the time
was Novgorod. Moscow was never mentioned in the early history until 1147 AD. There other
interesting things about Russia; you just have to be willing to look for them. The first people to
settle in Russia was an Indo–European group called the Slavs. The Slavs settled the western part of
Russia in 1500 BC. They lived here with other people in the city of Novgorod. All was well until the
ninth century when the Scandinavians who were led by a man named Rurik came and took over
Novgorod. When Rurik's reign was over he was succeeded by Oleg. Oleg made the country bigger
by taking over the southern regions. During this time, he conquered another Slavic city called Kiev.
Kiev is believed to have ... Show more content on ...
It also helps us find out things that we didn't know before. The Princess of Ukok's tomb was
discovered in the Altai Mountains and is believed to have lived sometime between the 5th and 3rd
century BC. The 25 year old Princess was buried in some of her finest clothes with the remains of
six saddled and harnessed horses in her tomb. One of the greatest archaeological finds in Russia is
the birch wood scrolls. These scrolls were made from the bark of a birch tree. These scrolls have a
variety of things written on them, such as love letters, list, legal documents, and even doodles.
Thanks to these scrolls, we have a better insight of what life was like for the ancient
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Balkan Nationalism
Balkan nationalism is not an underlying long–term cause of World War I, but it is definitely what set
everything that happened in the years 1914–1918 into motion. In the early 20th century, Balkan was
inhabited by numerous ethnic groups (referred to as Slavs), where most of them lived in Serbia. The
Balkans is located between the two great powers Austria–Hungary and the Ottoman Empire,
something that led to a lot of tension and unstableness. When the Ottoman Empire crumbled in the
late 19th century, Austria–Hungary saw this as a chance to expand her influence and borders.
However, a lot of Slavs wanted to form a Greater Serbia or Yugoslavia for all Slavs, rather than to
be a part of Austria–Hungary. Because of this, the pan–Slavic nationalist ... Show more content on ...
After this, Austria–Hungary wanted to crush pan–Slavic nationalism once and for all, and issued an
ultimatum to Serbia. They also received Germany's unlimited support, the so–called Blanc Cheque.
Even though the Serbs capitulated to almost all of the demands, Austria–Hungary mobilized and
went to war with them. Russia saw this mobilization as a threat, something that led to their full
mobilization along the entire length of Russia's eastern border. This again led to panic in Germany,
who also ordered full mobilization. They wanted to eliminate the threat of a two–front war, and
therefor attacked France, hoping to crush their army before Russia made their move (known as
Schliefen Plan). However, the plan failed, and only led to the involvement of Great Britain. One
could argue that this is something that eventually would have happened anyway, as the tension in
Europe was so big. However, it is doubtful that it would have happened to such an extent without
Balkan nationalism. If Gavrilo Princip hadn't shot the Archduke, Austria–Hungary wouldn't have
gone to war with Serbia. This would have meant that there was no reason for Russia and Germany
to get involved, and the Schliefen Plan wouldn't have been necessary.
Even though pan–Slavic nationalism was one of the immediate causes for the outbreak of World
War I, it was not one of the long–term background causes. Economic motives, on the other hand,
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The Origins of Russia Essay
The Origins of Russia
The country of Russia: enormous, expansive, wide–open. The words that describe this Euro–Asian
country can be attributed to its origins from its Slavic inhabitants and the takeover by the
Varangians. Kievan Russia, as it was called, started its own civilization in the year 862. The problem
with the origin of the Russian State is that it is exceedingly complex and many theories are based on
circumstantial evidence. A good example of this is the early history of the plains above the Black
Sea. This region compromises the center of the Kievan State, yet much is unknown about these parts
due to the lack of resources. Archaeological finds suggest many ideas, all of which are unconfirmed.
The simplest and ... Show more content on ...
The Scythians lived peacefully until the third century BCE. During that time, they were overcome
by another nomadic tribe, the Sarmatians. Less than twenty–five years after the Sarmatians
conquered the Scythians, the Goths superseded the Sarmatians. The Goths were groups of
uncivilized people who strengthened their kingdoms by keeping them in a state of terror. They were
of Germanic descent, and reached the pinnacle of their strength during the early fourth century.
Following the Goths were the Huns and the Avars. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the fifth century CE
emerged and moved southward to come in contact with the East Roman Empire. The Slavs were
split into three groups, called the Antae, Sclaveni, and the Venedi. Most historical references do not
pay much attention to the Antic tribes, probably because of their disappearance in the late sixth
century. The Sclaveni and Venedi joined and created a unified East Slavic empire. This Slavic
kingdom slowly began to increase during the late 700s. The area that was held by the Avars in the
790s was demolished through Charlemagne's destruction of their empire. With that, the Slavic
people began to migrate down to what is now Kiev. At Kiev, they encountered additional tribes such
as the Finno–Ugrians, Bulgars, and Khazars. The Finno–Ugrians could be broken down into smaller
less–civilized tribes, though their counterparts, the Bulgars and the Khazars, were much more
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Archduke Ferdinand Research Paper
World War I is one of the most devastating wars of all time due to the prior industrialization,
imperialism, and most of all nationalism. World War I was the first war that stretched across the
globe, and it lead to a great loss in money and life. There were many factors that led to the war, but
the spark that set it off was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The assassination of Franz
Ferdinand was induced by growing tensions across Europe, the subject nationalities of the East, and
Gavrilo Princip; grossly altering the world. The circumstances leading to Franz Ferdinand's death
are far more complex than just a Serbian man shooting an Archduke; there were many other
components that contributed to this. There were tensions so great that they were almost ... Show
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On June 28th, Ferdinand was assassinanted, which then led to World War I. On July 28th, 1914
Austria declared war against Serbia. But, war between Austria and Serbia meant war between
Austria and Russia; that meant war between Russia and Germany, and that meant war between
Germany and France, and that meant war between Germany and Britain. In a flash, the whole
continent was going to be at war. This was a total war in which war tactics such as poisonous gas
and trench warfare were used (8a;8b). These tactics ultimately ended the lives of over thirty–eight
million people. This type of unrestricted warfare was gruesome and lasted from 1914 to 1918. After
the war, there were significant boundary changes that were set in place by the Treaty of Versaille.
These changes broke up Austria–Hungary into Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia,
Poland, and Rumania (9). There were also other signifant changes in the map such as the Ottoman
Empire changing to Turkey, due to the fall of the once great empire. The result of this assassination
clearly created global change and will forever be remembered throughout
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How Did The Mongols Influence The Culture Of Native Americans
43. Vandals
The Germanic tribe, the Vandals, were known for behaving like "barbarians". Supposedly they
migrated south to the point where they made contact with the Roman Empire. The Vandals attacked
Rome although Rome had bigger problems to handle. They later established a kingdom in North
44. Goths
The first Germans to convert to Christianity were the Goths. The Goths migrated from Sweden,
crossing the Baltic Sea, to creating a settlement at the basin of the Vistula River. Some Goths
continued their migration to journey to the southern part of the Danube River.
45. Turks
The Turks originated in Mongolia. They only appeared in history when they conquered a new
territory and gained more power. They traveled across Asia and the Middle East acquiring power
and expanding the fast growing Mongolian Empire.
46. Toltec ... Show more content on ...
Their civilization flourished as they embraced their Mesoamerican heritage. They established Tollan
as their capital, which later became the center of a prosperous civilization.
47. Mongols
The Mongols migrated from Mongolia to all across Asia. Genghis Khan is the infamous Mongolian
military leader. Their military inquired horses, which allowed them to dominate other territories.
48. Bantu
The migration of the Bantu people took place from western Africa to the majority of the southern
half of the continent. The first group of Bantu people to migrate made villages along the Congo
River. With the villages being intertwined with the dense rain forests, some groups continued to
journey in search for better farming land. Those Bantu groups ended up heading south towards the
eastern coast of Africa.
49. Slavs
Slavs are a group of nomads who share the Slavic language and culture. Many slavs migrated to
Europe. More than half of Europe has Slavic communities. Others migrated to Iberia and north
Africa because of the movements from the Vandals.
50. African
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The Second Polish Republic
The history of Poland results from the migrations of Slavs who established permanent settlements
on the Polish lands during the Early Middle Ages. In 966 AD, Duke Mieszko I of the Piast dynasty
adopted Western Christianity; in 1025 Mieszko's son Bolesław I Chrobry formally established a
medieval kingdom. The period of the Jagiellonian dynasty in the 14th–16th centuries brought close
ties with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a cultural Renaissance in Poland and territorial expansion
that culminated in the establishment of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1569.
The Commonwealth in its early phase represented a continuation of Jagiellonian prosperity, with its
remarkable development of a sophisticated noble democracy. From the mid–17th century the huge
state entered a period of decline caused by devastating wars and by the deterioration of the country's
political system. Significant ... Show more content on ...
Millions of Polish citizens perished in the course of the Nazi occupation of Poland between 1939
and 1945 as Germany classified ethnic Poles and other Slavs, Jews and Romani as subhuman. Nazi
authorities targeted the last two groups for extermination in the short term, deferring the
extermination and/or enslavement of the Slavs as part of the "Generalplan Ost" conceived by the
Nazi régime. A Polish government–in–exile nonetheless functioned throughout the war and the
Poles contributed to the Allied victory through participation in military campaigns, including the
final anti–German offensives, on both the eastern and western fronts. The westward advances of the
Soviet Red Army in 1944 and 1945 compelled Nazi Germany's forces to retreat from Poland, which
led to the establishment of a communist satellite state of the Soviet Union, known from 1952 as the
Polish People's
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The Holocaust: Non-Jewish Victims
After Germany lost World War I, it was in a national state of humiliation. Their economy was in the
drain, and they had their hands full paying for the reparations from the war. Then a man named
Adolf Hitler rose to the position of Chancellor and realized his potential to inspire people to follow.
Hitler promised the people of Germany a new age; an age of prosperity with the country back as a
superpower in Europe. Hitler had a vision, and this vision was that not only the country be dominant
in a political sense, but that his 'perfect race', the 'Aryans,' would be dominant in a cultural sense.
His steps to achieving his goal came in the form of the Holocaust. The most well known victims of
the Holocaust were of course, the Jews. ... Show more content on ...
They wanted control of that land because of the plentiful agricultural land that would be used to
feed the great German race. The Pols were part of a bigger group of people known as the Slavs. 'To
the Nazis, the Slavs were considered Untermenschen, or subhumans' ('Victims'). They were treated
as though they weren't people, and Hitler and the Nazis viewed them as just another obstacle to
expanding the great German living space. Now what makes the Slavs unique from the other
persecuted groups, is that they were not characterized by religion or physical trait, but rather,
because of the area of the world they were born in. Also, the mobile killing squads and death camps
were not exclusive to just one sub–group within the Slavs; Hitler's genocidal efforts reached to all
kinds of Slavic people. When the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, the members of the
communist and socialist parties resisted its takeover. The Nazis sent most of them to concentration
camps where they were considered 'political prisoners.' A prominent camp for political prisoners
was Dachau. Another group of victims in the Holocaust was the mentally and physically
handicapped. It Hitler's mind, his new vision of the world needed to be 'perfect' and these people
threatened it. The majority of the handicapped were killed on the spot instead of being put through
the concentration camps. In 1939, the 'euthanasia
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Alphonse Mucha Research Paper
The organic flow of the Art Nouveau movement has had profound and lasting influence on the
world of art, which isn't surprising since it was an art form for the people, instead of the wealthy.
One of the lesser known artists of this movement is Alphonse Maria Mucha, and while he has
started to gain recognition for his contributions to the Art Nouveau movement today, he was also a
multi–talented artist. Some of his lesser known works are in the mediums of photography, oil
paintings, and even jewelry design. Alphonse Mucha's biggest contributions were in his Art
Nouveau designs, Slav Epic paintings and his influence on subsequent artist.
Mucha was a Czech artist that is recognized mostly for his decorative style of painting, references to
Byzantine art, and muted (or pastel) color palette that became synonymous with the Art Nouveau ...
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He was technically, what we would refer to today as, a graphic artist. Advertising through posters
and postcards were his forte. His favorite subject for these works tended to be young women with
long hair, so that he could better employ the use of calligraphic lines that is a distinguishing
characteristic of Art Nouveau. Often, the women wore long flowing robes that were sometimes
classical in nature, and were surrounded by floral motifs. Later, he would come to use these floral
motifs to form halos around the subject's heads, which would eventually develop into a signature of
his style. The work that was his claim to fame was his poster Gismonda for famed Parisian actress
Sara Bernhardt. The poster was nearly life size, long and rectangular in shape, and utilized his
signature pastel
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Compare And Contrast Pan Arab And Pan Slav
Nationalism in the Middle East, Pan–Arab, and the Balkans, Pan–Slav, were similar in many ways.
The countries that make up the Middle East are present day Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,Israel, Jordan,
Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The countries that make up the
Balkans are Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia,
Bulgaria, Albania, and Greece. They had many of the same aims, goals, and movements. However,
Pan–Arab and Pan–Slav were different in many ways.
Pan–Arab had several aims, goals, and movements, During the late 19th century and early 20th
century Pan–Arab increased literacy renascence. Political agitation led to Arab states independence
of the Ottoman empire.One of Pan–Arab goals was to unify its nation. During World War I France
and Great Britain Seeking allies against the German–Turkish alliance encouraged the Arab
nationalism. During the Arab–Israeli War of 1976 however set them back several years. The Arab
states showed new interest in using oil in their economical and and political weapon in international
affairs. However, this was ... Show more content on ...
During 1848 at Prague the first Pan–Slav Congress František Palacky confined Slavs under Austrian
rule and was Anti–Russian. A decade before World War I Pan–Slav agitation increased once again
and played a role in the growing conflict between Russia and Austria in the Balkan Peninsula. In
1917 after the Bolsheviks won the Russian Revolution the Soviet government renounced Pan–
Slavism However during World War II Pan–Slavism was limited however because of conflicting
political and economical
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Difference Between Slavs And Italian Immigrants
Slavs and Italians, being the most predominant immigrants during the late 1800's, faced a series of
appalling living conditions. For instance, Slavs who formed families and lived in the company built
homes were most of the time in need and cultivated flora in order to survive on the very low wages
paid by companies. Woman as a part of the family had to also contribute economically, this included
taking jobs at textile mills and taking care of the gardens at home. Protein supply for these
immigrants was small. Immigrants worked 10–12 hours a day, they relied on a diet with high levels
of carbohydrates and starch, which provide them with temporal energy and fulfillment. Italians, as
said in text "had it worse", instead of living in company–owned
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The Slavic World Genesis: Their Gods and Beliefs Essays
The most interesting theme of the entire history of Russia is the period in which the formation of
Russian statehood takes place. Surprisingly, the events preceding Russia's formation are among the
least studied pages of our history. Written sources telling of the times are very meager, they are
mainly found in the presentation of Byzantine chroniclers, who described the events, at times, in
biased and contradictory terms. Of course, Byzantines viewed the Slavs as primarily restless,
warlike neighbors and they are not particularly interested in their culture, their way of life or their
customs. Therefore, to study the history of ancient Russia and paganism uses mainly archaeological
and ethnographic research. Some events have shed light ... Show more content on ...
The Slavs have survived the legends about the remains of the Great Mother, Mother of Heaven and
Earth, which was the first mother of gods and men. Nobody knew much about it because, according
to legend, the Great Mother retired after the birth of Earth and Heaven.
Middle Slavic universe is yolk. The upper part of the "yolk" is our living world of people. Lower
"underground" part is Lower World, The World of the Dead, Night Country. There always reigns
night. To get there, you need to cross the ocean around the earth. Or you should dig a well through
and through, and wait for the stone falls into the well for twelve days and nights. Surprisingly, the
ancient Slavs had the idea of the shape of the Earth and the alternation of days and nights.
Around the Earth, like the egg yolk and the shell, the heavens are nine. Each of the nine heavens of
Slavic mythology has its own purpose: one – for the sun and stars, the other – for the month, another
– for the clouds and winds. The seventh in a row, our ancestors considered "hard" glass–bottomed
Celestial Ocean. They are stored reserves of living water, an inexhaustible source of rain.
Remember, as they say a strong downpour: "yawned the abyss of heaven". After an abyss there is a
sea abyss, the expanse of water. We still remember a lot, but do not know where this memory and to
which it belongs.
The Slavs believed that any sky can be reached by climbing on the World Tree, which connects
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The Bridge Betrayed And The Buddhas Of Bamiyan
The authors of The Bridge Betrayed and The Buddhas of Bamiyan both identify a different form of
cultural eradication that occurred in within the past twenty–five years. In Bosnia–Herzegovina, the
Serbs and Croats wanted to destroy the Bosnian Muslim symbols, culture, and population. In
Afghanistan, the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, and in turn, changed the identity of
Bamiyan forever. The practice of cultural eradication is not limited to these two cases. Cultural
eradication has taken place throughout history involving one group's desire to transform, absorb,
and destroy a particular culture and its' values. The desire for destruction may seem similar,
however, the individual agendas that drive the eradication vary in each instance. Michael Sells
explores the nationalism that is expressed by the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia that he refers to as
Christoslavism. Llewlyn Morgan discusses the Taliban's iconoclastic and political motivations to
destroy the Buddhas. Both examples ultimately analyze some of the many dimensions of cultural
eradication in the world.
From 1992 until 1995, the Serbs and Croats attempted to destroy the Bosnian Muslim culture. The
Serb army shelled the National Library in Sarajvo, which began the largest book–burning in modern
human history, destroying books, records, and manuscripts. The Serb army targeted major
institutions that expressed the Bosnian Muslim culture and whatever places they looked over, the
Croat Defense Council took care
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Loud Out Research Paper
Singled Out
Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Laureate, and International Leader of the Holocaust
Remembrance Movement once said, "How does one mourn for six million people who died? How
many candles does one light? How many prayers does one recite? Do we know how to remember
the victims, their solitude, their helplessness? They left us without a trace, and we are their trace."
Many people perished during the Holocaust and World War II, the deadliest war of them all. Hitler
and the Nazi Party had many mass murder programs and killed over eleven million people. During
the Holocaust, the Germans' and Nazi Party targeted many different types of people, impacting how
they were viewed at that time. First, the Nazis attacked the nomadic Roma ... Show more content on ...
For example, the Nazis set up euthanasia program that targeted the physically and mentally ill. The
word "euthanasia" literally means merciful death. Heads of the euthanasia program called their
enterprise "T4". The euthanasia program was the first mass murder program initiated by the Nazis.
If the disabled were not killed, they were sterilized so they could not reproduce. According to
JewishVirtualLibrary, "Meticulous records discovered after the war documented 70,273 deaths by
gassing at the six "euthanasia" centers between January 1940 and August 1941." (Persecution of the
Mentally & Physically Disabled 1). Furthermore, during the euthanasia program, the Nazis would
call the parents of disabled children and tell them to send their kids to "pediatric care centers".
These care centers were really killing centers. The kids would go to take a shower, but instead of
water coming out of the nozzle, it would be poisonous gas that would kill the kid. Workers would
clean out the shower and prepare it to receive the next person up in line. The dead body would be
burned in a crematorium into ashes. Then, workers would take some ashes from a central pile and
put them into an urn to send to the parents of the dead. Even though the physicians and workers
would say the victims died of natural causes, the program quickly became common knowledge.
Everyone knew about the program and started to protest. Eventually, Hitler was pressured into
ordering a halt to the dreaded program. Although he ordered a halt publicly, the killings still went on
in secrecy. The "Euthanasia" program continued on until the last days of World War II. It expanded
to include a wider range of victims including geriatric patients, bombing victims, and foreign forced
laborers. In total, most historians estimate that the "Euthanasia" Program, a death sentence for the
disabled, claimed the lives of up to 500,000
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What Is The Similarities Between The Odysseus And The Long...
A Likeness in Narrative
The Odyssey by Homer and The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz tell the stories of two men seeking
shelter from their past. Odysseus, who tries to return home to Ithaca, faces the consequences of
angering Poseidon. Slav, on the other hand, escapes from a Gulag camp and must find his way to
India. The conflict and themes these authors use reflect each other, despite these stories being
drastically different. These alike concepts are what make the two novels so easily comparable.
Though not apparent at first, the stories being told by these authors are two different interpretations
of a similar plotline. The journeys of Odysseus in The Odyssey and Slav in The Long Walk are more
alike than meets the eye.
In The Odyssey by ... Show more content on ...
He becomes enraged at his mother's suitors, ranting that "You should shrink from the wrath of the
gods. Have you no fear that they may be outraged at your wickedness and turn on you?" (2.66–67).
It is a warning that the way they are approaching Penelope is hardly respectful. In the absence of his
father, he defends Penelope's desire to marry a suitor she loves. Slav's development is different from
Telemachus'. He begins his journey predominantly unafraid of possible troubles. Upon reaching the
Gobi Desert, Slavomir says he "struggled against a panicky impulse to return the way we had come,
back to water and green things and life", presenting the idea that he is not as fearless as he seems
(Rawicz 159). Telemachus and Slavomir mature in ways that contributes to the themes of their
narratives, which links their experiences. The Odyssey and The Long Walk have similar man vs.
society conflicts. When Penelope confronts her suitors, she is treated with disrespect and disregard
for her feelings. She has no desire to be assigned a new husband, instead preferring to choose one
herself. The citizens of Ithaca want a strong leader, though, and so their aspirations tend to
overshadow hers. Penelope makes it clear that she does not fancy any of her suitors by saying
""Such suitors bring in their own cattle and sheep to make a banquet for the lady's friends, and also
give her valuable presents. They do not enjoy free meals at her
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Comparing Odysseus And Slav's Journey
When conditions become life–threatening, it is human instinct to fight for survival. For Odysseus
and Slavomir, this survival instinct guides their lives and keeps them moving on the path home.
While on their separate journeys, they both face insurmountable odds and obstacles. Odysseus and
Slav have to carry on with their treks even when their comrades fall into the hands of death. They
must rely heavily upon their wits, but they also accept the kindness others they meet along the way.
These men keep moving to stay alive and to return home to their families. To escape injustice,
Odysseus and Slavomir embark on treacherous journeys during which their friends die, and they
must rely upon other's hospitality as well as their own resourcefulness to ... Show more content on ...
Although the physical strain weakens them, it is the mental and emotional strain that lingers with
them the entire way. Each man begins his trek with a group of strong, loyal men to accompany him
on his journey. Later on, during Slav's journey, his group of men is joined with a young woman,
unlike Odysseus's voyage. By the end of each journey, the groups of men are severely diminished
due to the obstacles and strain they could not endure. Odysseus's men begin to die from the very
start of the journey, due to a battle. "Six of my warriors from each ship were killed" (Homer 140).
The rest of his crew survive the battle and continue with him to the next obstacle. Odysseus and his
crew land their ship on the land of the Cyclopes. There, Odysseus takes twelve men and goes to
Polyphemus's cave where eight of them are killed. The survivors leave the land and steer their ships
to Telepylus. They were soon attacked by the Laestrygonians and two of the ships, including its
men, were lost. "My ship was safe. But that was the end of all the rest" (Homer 159). The remaining
men take off again and land on the island of Aeaea. They are tricked by the goddess Circe and
turned into
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What Is The Difference Between Tam And Cam Cinderella
The two stories of "Cinderella" are "Tam and Cam"; and "The twelve Months: A Slav legend
adapted by Alexander Chodzko. These stories have similar ways in portraying the hard working
Cinderella including her suffering, but they are different in Cinderella's motive of rescue one tale
use violence if necessary; the other just more of a genuine resourceful approach. This means this
character isn't relying on a prince charming to be her rescue, so this makes the concept different
from the other because "Tam and Cam" Cinderella lives forever happy with her lover, while "The
twelve Months: A Slav legend adapted lives by herself and then a farmer she likes shows up. These
tales went for a more sophisticated setting, each displaying the peasant overcoming the struggle; in
which she is set free from all of her hurting. Throughout each story Cinderella is taking and caring
she always seemed to get the short end of the stick. But, when the odds back fired on the step–
sisters and step–mother the karma was naturally set upon to benefit Cinderella in her favor "Tam
and Cam" or set in motion by her as payback to get even with her rival characters of a family in
"The twelve Months: A Slav legend adapted lives. In the tale "Twelve Months: A Slav legend
adapted by Alexander Chodzko; describes miss Cinderella as the hard working young women who
uses more of a caring and taking in a lot of suffering. This means the character constantly takes
effort in be told to commit in succeeding in the
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Essay on Pan-Slavism: the Cause of Wwi
Nationalism inspires a pride within a group of people that ignites change and strengthens unity. It is
what keeps heritages and cultures of nations alive. But what happens when the people advocating
Nationalism are trapped within a nation in which they do not desire to be? The Pan–Slavic
movement in Eastern Europe in the early 20th Century created a tension between Austria–Hungary
and Serbia that culminated in WWI. This tension was caused by the threat Pan–Slavism posed on
Austria–Hungary due to its high Slavic population and its recent annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina.
Another tension–builder was that Russia, a Slavic nation and a super–power at the time, was fully
supporting this movement, thereby indirectly challenging Austria–Hungary ... Show more content
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A young generation was emerging within Serbia and Bosnia whose experience of national and social
struggles had taught them the effectiveness of violence as a means to achieve goals (as seen in the
Balkan Wars 1912–13). It was a generation that demanded action and sacrifice instead of words and
political wisdom (Cirkovic 246). Russia repeatedly assured their Slav brethren that they only had to
wait (MacKenzie 58). Serbian agitation against Austria–Hungary was increased and the more the
Austro–Hungarians attempted to subvert it, the more violent and fanatical it became. The
fearlessness that was born from the support of Russia led those seeking Slavic unity to assassinate
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Heir to the Austro–Hungarian throne, thereby triggering the cascade
that began WWI. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28,
1914 (Brook–Shepherd 250), gave the Austro–Hungarians the justification needed to attack the
Pan–Slavic threat. All that was known at the time was that the assassins were Slavs (Kohn 255) and
that they had committed the crime in the hotbed of Pan–Slavic attention in Bosnia. It was later
revealed that the murderer was associated with the afore–mentioned "Black Hand" group that
advocated unification of all Slavs at whatever the cost (MacKenzie 61) The immediate significance
of the murder was that it gave Austria–Hungary a pretext for suppressing the Pan–Slavic
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The Impact Of Franz Ferdinand 's Assassination On World War I
In 1914 Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian Black Hand, assassinated Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, heir to the Austro–Hungarian Empire, instigating an immediate cause of World War I. As
the third largest European power by area, the Empire was a powerful presence leading up to World
War I, with a population of over fifty million people and an army of 400,000 soldiers. The conflicts
among European powers and the disorder in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries led to a
situation in which Franz Ferdinand's assassination proved to be the tipping point in the fragile
relationship between Austria–Hungary and the South Slav nationalities that threatened the Empire
both internally and externally. His death caused a costly war in terms of both lives and the economy
in the South Slav region and further undermined the stability of Serbia. Princip assassinated the heir
to the throne in an attempt to spark a revolution that would result in Slavic independence from
Austria–Hungary. However, before his death, Franz Ferdinand supported economic development for
Slavs within the Austro–Hungarian Empire and favored more equal measures toward the South Slav
nationalities. Thus, Franz Ferdinand had served as a roadblock to the extreme militant wing within
Austria–Hungary. With the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Serbian extremists damaged the
opportunity for more moderate Slavic peoples within Austria–Hungary to achieve greater autonomy
under Austro–Hungarian rule since Ferdinand
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Russians and Br Essay
In the early nineteenth century, Slavic peoples from multiple empires in eastern and southern
Europe began to pursue a movement to protect and organize Slavic culture. In 1848, this movement
became more political. It gained a reputation and an attempt was made to unify all Slavic peoples.
This movement became known as Pan–Slavism. Pan–Slavism appealed to many Slavs who felt
nationalism towards their race. However among the Slavs, there were many different opinions.
Some believed that there was a cultural, ethnic, and political connection among all Slavs. Others
argued that there was no place for Pan–Slavic goals in the present empires. Above all, the cultural
and political issues in the debate over Pan–Slavism were nationalism for ones ... Show more content
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He believed that nationality was not only determined by language, but also by customs, religion,
government, and way of education. In 1848, he published an article called "Slav and Czech", in
which he stated that the name Slav is and should always remain a geographical name.
<br>Bulgarian poet, Christo Boter, who strongly believed that only small federations of Slavs, in
accordance to location should be built, shared a similar yet different view. This is because if only
small federations of Slavs would be built, then the Slavs within these federations would share
similar beliefs, culture, and political systems. As a result, no nationality would be offended. In
addition, not every Russian wanted the uniting of other Slavs with Russia. In 1915, Gabriel de
Wesselitsky, a Russian journalist, declared that that Pan–Slavism was supported by only the weakest
and most oppressed. He argued that the supporters of Pan–Slavism would visit Russia to complain
of their suffering and discrimination, and try to unsuccessfully provoke Russian sympathy.
<br>Many Russian rulers believed that it was their duty to unite their Slavic brothers. Russia's
motive for this was patriotism as well as expansion. In his Manifesto, Tsar Nicholas II stated that
faith, blood, and historical tradition united the Slavic peoples of Russia. He argued that Russia was
always concerned with the fate of the Slavs. However many Russians claimed that Pan–Slavic goals
involved life,
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Slav Mythology Research Paper
Slavic Mythology is the mythology of Russia and Europe. This mythology goes deep into the
ancient times of the Slavs. Slavic mythology stretches over Europe and Russia with lots of
mythological figures such as Perun, Veles, Baba yaga, and Chernobog. The people of the Slavic
areas don't have a common ancestry, but are connected by their common culture. Their culture is
connected through their "Rustic, mythology passed between generations in folklore."(Parker, Janet,
Alice, and Julie 256).The Slav people were not recognized until the 6th century A.D. The Slavs are
arranged into three great blocks south, west, and east going from the Balkans to Russia. The Slavs
did not provide a consistent system of gods, priests, and religious rites. This ... Show more content
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Both these gods were seen as supreme and were symbolized by the horse. The difference is that
Svantevit was represented by a white horse and four heads while Trivlav was a black horse and
three heads.
Morana is the Slav goddess of nature and death. She is the wife of Jarilo and daughter of Perun, and
is seen as the daughter of the sun. The marriage of Jarilo and Morana brought peace between the
two gods. Another goddess of the Slavs is Zorya the shadowy third sister of Zoryi. She is a nameless
goddess who looks after the night while her sisters look after the dusk and dawn.
The first creature is Chernobog, the lord of evil; He causes calamity and disaster, bringing bad luck
and misfortune where ever he goes. He is considered the Satan figure of Slavic mythology and is
feared all over Russia as a being of pure nastiness. His name means "Black God" and he is a dark
demonic deity and a hideous shadowy figure. Another creature is Baba yaga, who was once the Slav
goddess of death and regeneration along with her skeletal son, koschei, now she is living as a
hideous hag of horror and lives in a house built out of human bones and runs around supported by
gigantic chicken legs, and is surrounded by a bone fence containing inset skulls who's eye sockets
light up in the
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Similitude In The Odyssey
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you
do you have to keep moving forward" (Martin Luther King Jr.). Though disconnected by an ample
gap in time, habitual differences and advances, Homer's work of epic poetry, The Odyssey, and
Slavomir Rawicz's novel, The Long Walk, suggest many uncanny resemblances and parallels. The
similitude between the dividing paths of each novel's diegesis is undeniable; the interchangeable
thematic elements, symbolism and other perceivably resembling facets portray this. Both
protagonists steadily persevere though grievous circumstances with fortitude, charismatic
effectiveness, and the cordial succor of others. The customs in regards to treatment of the ... Show
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It is this element of perseverance that both The Odyssey and The Long Walk delineate. In The
Odyssey, while upon the island of Ogygia, Calypso incessantly tempts Odysseus with the choice of
immortality and to eternally subsist by her side. Ultimately, he decides to embrace his humanity and
return to his longing wife, as Athene expresses how "'Today, not one of the people he once ruled like
a loving father gives him a single thought. He is left to languish in misery in the island home of the
Nymph Calypso, who keeps him captive there'" (5.11–14). It is having to resolve inopportune
decisions like so that cause him grueling emotional turmoil throughout his travels; his hope for the
future propels him. His wife, Penelope, must decide to remain faithful towards Odysseus, even if it
causes her and her son great pains along the way. Constantly, she must defend against the abundance
of suitors that wish to claim her hand in marriage. When she refuses to give an ultimatum, being
indecisive towards her fate, the suitors decide to take advantage of her hospitality and permanently
plague her house. At that moment that they disregard Telemachus' goodwill and deplete available
amenities, causing great despair within Odysseus' family. In The Long Walk, Slav also faces
emotional pressures through which he must levy perseverance through.
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Boiling Tensions In World War I
Boiling tensions in the pot of competing nationalisms and ancient ethnic rivalries, brewed the start
of the First World War. ("About World War I"). World War I, also known as the First World War, the
Great War, or the War to End All Wars, was originally hoped to be contained in a small area. The
war ended up expanding swiftly into an uncontrollable, international mess. The exact cause of
World War I remains controversial and debated. The growth of nationalism and imperialism, along
with political, territorial and economic conflicts were some majors factors in starting the war. The
decline of the Ottoman Empire also contributed to the rising tension. Scholars wonder if the conflict
could have been stopped or if it couldn't be brought under control at all.
What officially set things off, was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
by a 19 year old, ethnic Serbian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. At his trial, when asked why he
did it, Princip told the court "I am a Yugoslav nationalist and I believe in unification of all South
Slavs in whatever form of state and that it be free of ... Show more content on ...
Germany was the first to make a move. On the night of August 3, 1914, German troops crossed the
border of Belgium. They expected to overtake the country and then move on to their main target,
France. The Germans found more resistance than anticipated, however, especially among civilian
snipers who fired on them from hidden positions. In retaliation, the Germans burned a number of
towns and villages to the ground and executed large numbers of civilians, including women and
children. The heaviest fighting was around the fortress at Liege; the capital, Brussels, did not fall
until August 20. All the time, however, additional German armies were gathering along the
remainder of France's eastern borders. ("Opening
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Medieval Russia Research Paper
Medieval Russia was located just below the Arctic Ocean, and winters lasted almost half of a year–
these geographical features made it a very unlikely place for some cities to survive and thrive, but
the Medieval Russians found a way to do so. Medieval Russia shared a boundary with the Arctic
Ocean, and parts of it were on the Black and Caspian Sea. Medieval Russia had many waterways,
and most major cities were on the Dnieper and Volga Rivers. One city, Kiev, became the political
capital for most of Medieval Russia, and because it was located next to the Dnieper River, a main
Russian waterway, trade flourished1. Medieval Kiev was located in a good spot for a civilization to
survive and thrive– the kings of Kiev put their power to ... Show more content on ...
In Medieval Kiev, there was a large class of wealthy land owners who claimed to be descendants of
princes from old Scandinavian and Slavic tribes15. This large class of land owners was later called
the Boyars16. In a medieval feudalist system, the kings were on top, followed by the barons, the
knights, and the serfs on the bottom17. The feudalist system was very interesting because every
class gave money or a service, and in return received land. Because of this, there was no need for
taxes because eventually the king got his money and services in other ways. Starting from the
bottom, the serfs received land and in return they provided food and service to the knights. The
knights gave protection and military service for the barons, and in doing so they got land. Lastly, the
barons provided money and knights to the king and in return the king gave them land18. Using this
system, taxes disappeared as well as large fees required to train and maintain an
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Eastern Europe Essay
Eastern Europe's geography allowed and encouraged many diverse people to easily conquer its land.
The history of Eastern Europe has been marked by migration, foreign conquest, war and revolution.
The region is home to a mix of diverse people who have often battled with each other and many
As a buffer and crossroads, Eastern Europe reaches from Central Europe to Russia. Also, it reaches
from the Baltic Sea and through the Balkan Peninsula. Much of the region lies on the European
plain . Its main rivers, the Danube and the Vistula allowed goods and cultural influences to travel
along river routes. This led to the Balkans in the south feeling the impact of the Byzantine empire
and the Muslim Ottoman empire. Because of the ease of its accessibility, Eastern Europe was the
perfect target for neighboring groups of people, whether they were peaceful or looking to take over.
During the Middle Ages, the Slavs spread out from present–day Belarus into ... Show more content
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Prince Boleslaw of Cracow issued a charter to protect the liberties of Jews. In response, Jewish
villages were common in Poland. Religious influences and people were spreading at a rapid rate.
This caused many kingdoms to develop that would battle for power in the near future. Roman
Catholic missionaries converted many West Slavs in Poland in the 900s. The first Polish king was
crowned, but to survive, Poland frequently had to battle Germans, Russians, and Mongols. Queen
Jadwiga and Duke Wladyslaw Jagiello of Lithuania's marriage began Poland's greatest age.
However, political power in Poland shifted to the nobles because of liberum veto or "free veto" in
which the vote of a single nobel could block the passage of a law. Because of their lack of a strong
central government, Poland–lithuania declined. Because Poland did not take strong stand against
invaders they declined after a short–lived
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Paolin A Short Story
'You're right, Paolina,' he said, 'Jo is to be pitied; she might be alive but being the one left behind,
being the one responsible, that's going to be hard,' Paolina squeezed his hand. 'Yes. But we've all
been left behind.' 'I was remembering Ashleigh's birthday,' Paolina said. 'When they were planning
the food and the music.' The two girls had sat on the floor near the backdoor putting together a play–
list songs and music for the party. They had a laptop opened, an ipad connected. They both wore
head phones on. Rae was asking Ashleigh to help plan the food for the party, the menu, she was
running through lists of finger food, but Ashleigh was ignoring her mother. Occasionally, either
Ashleigh or Jo pulled the head phones out and loud music came crashing into the room. Several
times Rae told them to turn the music down. Later she said to Antonello. 'Ashleigh's controls are
stuck on high speed, high volume, and when she and Jo are together, it's impossible.' 'They laughed
so much when they were together,' Paolina said. ... Show more content on ...
The randomness with which the two girls so different, found each other and became friends. And a
memory returned to him, of a Sunday afternoon, after a soccer match, he and Slav and Sam, caked
in mud and sweat, sitting on a bench outside the clubrooms. They'd lost the game but they were
happy. Slav, the best player of the three, the one that a league coach had approached, had invited to
try out for the state team, was the least concerned, 'I don't much care for soccer,' he said. 'Otherwise
I wouldn't play with you two.' Sam hit Slav hard on the arm. 'What are you trying to say there, hey
mate?' Having adopted 'mate' Sam used it to refer to everyone, but always with an Italian emphasis,
'ehi mate' or 'mio mate'. Slav pretended to be knocked over by the hit, 'Come on Sam, you spend
more time in the mud than anyone else I know. I know Australians who can play soccer better than
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Alphonse Mucha: Life, Works and Legacy
Analysis on Alphonse Mucha
Life, Works, and Legacy
Alphonse Maria Mucha is one of the most prominent artists of the 20th Century, belonging to the
Art–Nouveau genre. He is of Slavic origin, born in Ivančice, Moravia (presently part of the Czech
Republic), on the 24th of July, 1860. A prominent artist of his era and time, his highly influential
works are noted by its very soulful design approach and aesthetics. His works are amongst the best
examples of Art–Nouveau, as well as modern Czech art. He is influenced by his ethnic origins as
well as his personal idea of art and beauty, giving his works a highly personal touch. He is a pioneer
for the Czech nationalist identity and is a strong figure in Czech Revivalist movement, a man who is
devoted into glorifying his homeland by presenting to the world the Czech culture through his
highly successful commercial and artistic works, which are more prominent on the second half of
his career. A more in–depth discussion regarding his life and an evaluation of his works will be
presented further.
Page of Contents
Introduction 2
Page of Contents 3
Background 4 Moravia 4 The Slavic Peoples 5
Personal Life 7
Mucha's Works 9 Characteristics of his Paintings 9
Division 10
Commercial 10 Artistic 12
The Slav Epic 13
Conclusion: The Effects of Mucha's
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Reasons for Vladimir I's Conversion to Christianity and...
What Motivated Vladimir I to convert to Christianity and how did the new religion change the
culture of Eastern Slavs?
Paganism was a mental mindset of the Eastern Slavs living in a world where a majority of the
European countries surrounding them had already converted to a monastic religion. Vladimir I, a
great prince of Kiev, reigned from 980 till 1015 and succeeded in the mass conversion of the Eastern
Slavs.1 Throughout his reign Vladimir's agenda had always been to strengthen his empire, in order
to be considered valuable among the dominate nations of the European family.2 The traditional view
of Vladimir's motivation for the conversion is that only after considering all monastic faiths, did he
finally reach the decision of Eastern ... Show more content on ...
onfirming that Vladimir sent envoys to make personal enquires about their religious practices.15
Converting to a monastic religion was Kievan Rus' chance to be adopted into the powerful European
family, gain new allies and better trading opportunities.16 With the history of Eastern Orthodox
Christianity in Russia, it was probably the most logical choice for Vladimir.17 Throughout
Vladimir's reign he campaigned against many surrounding tribes.18 His campaigns were carefully
structured and executed accordingly.19 This is illustrated with the Varagians in Kiev itself, and then
towards Slavonic and Lithuanian tribes in the north, who he overcame without any difficulty.20
These political elements of Vladimir correlate with his capture of Chersoneus, belonging to
Byzantium, the most powerful and wealthy empire at the time.21 With this bold move he was able
to negotiate with Emperor Basil II, exchanging Basil's sister Anna for his cooperation and
assistance.22 This illustrates that Vladimir realized if he constructed a scheme, rather than simply
just being baptized in Constantinople, he could convert and gain a Byzantium Bride for Kievan Rus
at the same time.23 It also shows how Vladimir understood than Byzantium would never allow such
a highly prized object to be married to a pagan, and converting after receiving his bride would not
be sufficient.24 Vladimir first gave proof of his good faith by being baptized, however Basil became
reluctant to fill his side of the bargain, and
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What Started World War I
What Started World War I World War I was a long time coming dating back all the way to when
George Washington gave his Farewell Address stating, we should be neutral and we should not get
involved in conflicts. Jumping ahead in the 1890s the United States had a very small military
consisting of only 30,000 soldiers and 10,000 sailors, the mean reason behind such a small military
was because we did not have any major threats from foreign countries. Since the United States was
not a super power yet we pretty much just stayed to ourselves, but in Europe in 1914 Alliances and
rivalries were exploding. In Europe there was an ethnic conflict in Austria–Hungary the Slavs were
angry because they did not get equal rights and did not feel like they were being treated fairly, and
when individuals do not feel the same way they start going at each other to achieve equality.
Another conflict in the making was when the nationalistic movement wanted to unite the Slavs and
separate from Austria and join Russia because most Slavs came from Russia and Russia could offer
the Slavs protection. In order to make their movement know the Slavs formed a terrorist group
based in Serbia called the Black Hand and used terrorist tactics in an attempt to further the goals of
the Pan–Slavs movement. But when you use terrorist tactics to promote a movement it makes the
group look barbaric and hustle so why should I support a movement that kills people? Moving into
terrorism the Black
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Assess Critically Three Causes of World War One
Assess critically three causes of the First World War The First World War began in Europe in 1914,
after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria–Hungary. This trigger action caused
the involvement of Germany, Russia, Serbia and Austria–Hungary. However, the war itself was
caused by nationalism, alliances and Germany's fear of encirclement. Nationalism was the central
cause of World War One because, due to the nationalism of the Slavs, the Balkan states became a
powder keg. Austria–Hungary made the Serbs fear annexation while the Slavs inside the country
wanted a Pan–Slavic State. The assassination of the Archduke occurred due to the Serbs
nationalism, to warn Austria–Hungary to stay away from Serbia. However, it had ... Show more
content on ...
However, the alliances would never have become relevant if the Slavs nationalism in Austria–
Hungary hadn't made a war inevitable that soon made the alliances come into effect. Germany
rushed to Austria–Hungary's aid and Russia came to help Serbia so soon most countries in Europe
had to assist their allies. A last cause that is very significant is Germany's fear of encirclement and
the other countries fear of Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm II feared encirclement by Russia and France
for a very long time because, not only did France want revenge for the land losses in the Franco–
Prussian War but they were also allied with Russia. This meant that Germany faced the serious risk
of a two front war. Yet, what Germany didn't know, was that the other European countries feared it
just as much or even more than it feared them. Germany had the biggest army and a lot of economic
power during the time just before the war. These fears helped cause the war because they made
Germany build up it's army and other European countries be in a constant state of war preparation.
However, these fears were tightly connected to nationalism because if all these countries hadn't been
nationalistic and wanted territory and, in France's case, revenge, the war would probably not have
started out the way it did. Considering these three causes it is clear to see that nationalism was the
main cause but the alliances and Germany's fear played a major role in the outbreak of World War
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Causes of the First World War Essay
What were the causes of the first world war? Many people believe, that the First World War was
caused by the assassination of the heir to the empire of Austria–Hungry, Arch–Duke Franz
Ferdinand. However, I believe, there were many other more important causes that could have started
the war. For example: the rivalry of countries, the alliances (Triple Entente and Triple Alliance), the
industries of Britain and Germany, Militarism, Rivalry and many more. Firstly, Germany was trying
to expand its empire, and Britain and France had large empires. Therefore, as Germany became
more power it also wanted an empire. Britain and France did not want this, as a big German empire
was a threat to both Britain and France's Empires. Thus, this made ... Show more content on ...
From the beginning, the Austrians suspected that Serbia, an independant country and rival of
Austria–Hungry, was behind the killing. This was said to have been the most inportant cause that
triggered the war, because of the already intense rivalry between the two countries. Moreover, the
navy of Britain was massive, to protect the ships sailing to and from countries in the British empire.
When Germany started to build a big navy, Britain was worried. Germany would pose as a major
military threat if they also had a big, powerful navy like Britain. They might invade British ships
that importing goods etc. Basically, a big German navy is a big threat to Britain's industry and its
empire. The fight for land too was intense, one of the states of Germany had taken some land from
France when they defeated them in the Franco–Prussian war in 1871. This made France look weak,
and made them, embrassed. France was angry and wanted their land back. This also further
heightened the rivalry of France and Germany. The alliances, played a major role in causing the first
world war, there were two alliances: the Triple Entente, was signed between France, Russia and
Britain in 1907, there was also the Triple Alliance was singed between Germany, Italy and Austria–
Hungary in 1882. Other agreements include Britain signing an agreement in 1839 with Belgium to
help if they
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Why It Proved to be Impossible to Solve the Problems...
Why It Proved to be Impossible to Solve the Problems Created by Balkan
Nationalism Before 1914
Balkan nationalism was apparent in the years leading up to 1914 in two forms: The desire for
expansion, or rather, self–determination, within the immediate region, and also in the support of
Pan–Slav nationalism (a Russian idea). In the years from 1900 to 1914, this nationalism caused the
key problems of mistrust and suspicion between the two great powers of Austria Hungary and
Russia, who's conflicting national interests concerning the Balkan states arose from mutual distrust
and desire to gain influence in the area and brought to the surface the conflicting national interests
of the two countries within ... Show more content on ...
The Russians had not got what the wanted, and a great face loss had been sustained.
The first Balkan war of 1912 was a conflict between the Balkan league of states and their crumbling
former Turkish occupiers. The Balkan countries involved, driven by a fierce nationalism, succeeded
in defeating the Turks, and thus the problem of insecurity about influence in the Balkans between
Austria Hungary was exacerbated. The goals of Austria Hungary were to ensure that the loss of
Turkish control in the Balkans didn't result in any strong Balkan nations that could generate
nationalist agitation in its own territories. This fear resulted din the creation of the state of Albania,
which prevented Serbian access to the sea. The goal of Russia was much at odds with this, as
gaining support in the Balkans would coincide nicely with their ideals of Pan Slav nationalism and
their desires for a port on the Adriatic. Closely tied with Serbia, the Russians were unhappy with the
creation of Albania by the Austria Hungary. The Treaty of London of may 1913, an attempt to
soothe the issue created by Great Britain and moderated by Germany, approved the creation of
Albania. The Russians economically dampened and with opposition from Germany and Great
Britain regarding the issue, did not give Serbia support and war over the Balkans was prevented.
However, the root problem itself of rivalry between Austria
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Modern Russian Music Bands
In the collapsed Russian Empire, modern generations grasp onto national strength and pride in their
remembrance of their pasts. In art, the Russian people immortalize their history through songs about
their true inner power and endurance. Bands like Alisa, DDT, Gazmanov, and Arkona comment on
the state of modern Russia in comparison to it's past, and while some bands idealize the inner Slavs
of the Russian people, others glorify their endurance, and others still are accepting of the new lack
of strength in the modern Russian. As Russia reevaluates it's past, each voice acts as a foothold on
which Russia regains it's balance. For bands like Alisa and Arkona, the Russian pride and identity
lies in battles and folktales. Their performances speak to the earliest Russian character; the tough,
brutish, fur–covered, god worshiping Slav. Their lyrics often claim a genetic, or spiritually intrinsic
drive in the Russian people, singing phrases like "But there is a sky of the Slavs boiling in our
veins", "But Russian speech clanks by chain armor" (Alisa), "You have been a victim of crazy
waters – in a death battle with wind. You put your hands in the sky and wait for Rod's (the Slavic
deity of Fate) answer" "Hey, hey, cheer up! Hoy, hoy, go in fight again! If you are brave you are
stronger."(Arkona). These Slavic remembrances claim a basic native strength in the people of
Russia, and argue against the acceptance of national failure. They call the people to fight together
against the
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The Transmission Of Demons Through Folklore
The Transmission of Demons through Folklore Advancement and modernization appear to be an
inevitable component of civilizations with the progression of time. However, no matter how far a
society moves into the future, there are always features of the past that remain with society. One
such feature that has remained across centuries is folklore. Folklore is defined as the traditional
beliefs, customs, and stories, of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth
(Stevenson 679). In other words, folklore consists of the unquestioned beliefs of a society that act as
an adaptable reserve of knowledge and ideas for future generations. There are three general forms of
folklore: social folklore, material folklore, and narrative folklore. Social folklore consists of the
beliefs, customs, and rituals that are characteristic of the society. Material folklore is reflected in
pottery, methods of embroidery, and paintings. Narrative folklore tends to be the form that people
have the most experience with due to its dynamic inclusion of oral literature, songs, epics, plays,
and choreographed art. In the United States, some form of folklore is often taught during primary
education with increasing exposure to the various forms as one progresses on to higher education.
For instance, George Washington chopping down the cherry tree is an example of narrative folklore
commonly known by many schoolchildren in the United States. For the Slavs who did not receive a
written language
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What Was The Cause Of The First World War Essay
The flapping of wings of a butterfly can cause tornadoes. Well, this certainly proved true in the early
part of the 20th century. A single event was to have catastrophic consequences – a single bullet fired
in the balmy summer of 1914 led to the deaths of millions and devastation of a scale never before
seen. The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was critical in setting off the
chain of events that led to the First World War. Not only was it a bad day for the Archduke and his
family, but also a bad day for Europe. The First World War began just a shade more than a hundred
years ago. This war remains one of the most defining conflicts of modern time and changed not only
Europe, but the entire world in many ways. Franz Ferdinand (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914)
was an Archduke of Austria–Este, Austria–Hungry and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He
was the heir ... Show more content on ...
Though the assassination is considered as an immediate cause of the war, several other factors were
also responsible for the war. These include include political, territorial and economic conflicts,
militarism, imperialism, the growth of nationalism, a complex web of alliances and the power
vacuum created by the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the 19th and early 20th century
the Ottoman Empire had lost land in the Balkans to the peoples living there. The great powers,
especially Russia and Austria were interested in extending their influence in the region, leading to
poor relations between them. At the same time, Slav nationalism was growing, especially in Serbia.
Russia encouraged Slav nationalism while Austria worried that this nationalism could undermine
her empire. Russia supported Serbia which was very bitter at the annexation of Bosnia by Austria
and saw herself as Serbia's
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How Did Hitler Achieve Lebensraum?
The lebensraum can be defined simply as the living space for the German Race in the east (Module
12, WWII Part III). However, the term lebensraum can run a bit deeper than the aforementioned
definition, as it in a way became ingrained into Hitler's ideologies and strategies. Notions
surrounding lebensraum would soon become a means of strategic measures after Germany had
managed to take over Poland (Module 12, WWII Part III). Many people would be relocated and
replaced with German people. Moreover, Hitler would view the Jewish people as an obstacle to
achieving lebensraum (Lyons, pg. 47). According to Lyons, Hitler had perceived the Jewish people
as an obstacle due to their lack of a territorial base or homeland allowing them to have an
international outlook rather than a nationalistic outlook (Lyons, pg. 47).
In turn, Lyons wrote, "they sought to denationalize the world through a process of the interbreeding
with the bastardization of other peoples. He saw this as an interference with the struggle for
existence, and if history were to unfold as he thought it ... Show more content on ...
115). Lyons also made a point to explain some exceptions to this "ideal", being that the English
would be able to remain independent as an affiliate state, so long as they went along with the Reich.
Furthermore, Hitler's approaches to certain Germanic peoples would vary between different regions
such as within Scandinavia and the Low Countries. Although, despite his various approaches within
particular nations, his main intent would be to implement all of these people into the Greater Reich
(Lyons, pg. 115). As imagined, Hitler's plans didn't go over entirely smoothly, as he was met with
resistance from various
... Get more on ...

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The Rapid Out Break Of World War I

  • 1. The Rapid Out Break Of World War I There were many contributors that led to the rapid out–break of World War I, such as: Militarism, Imperialism, and Nationalism. However, Nationalism was the single–most dominant factor for European Powers. Nationalism can be defined in one of two ways: the belief that the interests of a nation are of the utmost importance, and the belief that a people of common ethnicity, dialect, and culture should establish a sovereign nation free of foreign power. All of the notable European nations relied on Nationalism to kick–start the war, even though definitions of nationalism may have varied from nation to nation. The most important nation to determining the outbreak of the war is Serbia. Serbian Nationalism was the "driving force" behind every action leading to the "Great War:" "But a major goal remained for Serbian nationalism; the unification of the 7.3 million diverse South Slavs of varying religions who still lived in the neighboring Habsburg monarchy – whether Slovenian, Serb, or Croat, Muslim, Catholic, or Orthodox Christian – into a greater Serbia. It was within this framework of recent events – the military coup of 1903, the 1908 Bosnian crisis, and the victories of the Balkan Wars – that the two central figures of the Serbian drama of June and July 1914 operated: Chief of Serbian Military Intelligence Dragutin Dimitrijević and Prime Minister Nikola Pašić. The Clash between these two men defined the nature of Serbian civil–military relations, not just in 1914, but from ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Gutierrez Alea 's Authorship Of A Runaway Slav Gutiérrez Alea's Authorship In the same period The Last Supper was produced, Esteban Mojeto published the Autobiography of a Runaway Slav in 1968, Fernandez Retamar's Todo Caliban in 1971, and Sergio Giral's film El Otro Fransisco ("The Other Francisco") released in 1975, all of which compared the African slave history with the Cuban policies of the time, showing a genuine desire to indirectly criticize Fidel Castro's policies. In reaction, in 1971, the government shut down a number of university departments, including the Department of Philosophy at the University of Havana, and censured the criticisms for its policies coming from the country's intellectual academia. This censorship, which came to be known as the "Padilla affair". It was further enhanced by the banning of films, such as Humberto Solas's Un dia de Noviembre ("A Day in November"). This period in Cuban history was one of gloom and fear, and inevitably, came to be known as the "quinquenio Gris", meaning the "five year grey period" (Schroeder 2002, 70). Furthermore, in January 1976, the year The Last Supper was released in cinemas, Cuba sent a record 200,000 soldiers to fight the Portuguese rulers of Angola. The scale of this involvement served to focus the attention of Cuban people on its own African slave history and the riots that followed the banning of the Independent Party of Colour in 1912. For Gutiérrez Alea, the need to for the Revolution to examine itself from within, if it had to resist the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Assassination that Started It All On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot dead in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand. The Black Hand was derived from a secret Serbian terrorist organization called the Narodna Odbrana, which worked towards the unification of all South Slavs in an independent, sovereign country called Yugoslavia. The Narodna Odbrana was created because South Slavs living in Serbia, as well as in Bosnia and other Slavic provinces, felt a strong nationalistic desire to unify all the members of their cultural group in a new country called Yugoslavia. The Black Hand's commitment to Serbian nationalism led it to replace the Narodna Odbrana, while adopting its purpose, organization, and terrorist philosophy. Members of the Black Hand, driven by their desire to die as martyrs, assassinated Franz Ferdinand to quickly set the tone for a revolution meant to weaken the powerful state of Austria– Hungary and unite all South Slavs in a Yugoslavic nation. The ideology of martyrdom and self–sacrifice guided the Black Hand's decision to assassinate Franz Ferdinand. The first notable example of this ideology was the "deed" of Bogdan Zerajic, a man who fired five shots at the governor of Bosnia and then committed suicide in Sarajevo. The Archduke's assassins possessed a personal motive for the assassination–a feeling of discontent with their own lives, and the desire to be martyrs and heroes like Zerajic.1 Two of the men ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Walter Polter: Summary 1. Walter Polter disagrees with the notion that the term "people' or "tribe" traditionally referring to a homogenous group with common descendants living in one state. Polter suggests that this "one people, one state' ideology is a result of nationalism to justify nations claims throughout history. Instead, Polter suggests that we should refer to "people" or "tribes' based on their biological similarities. Polter offers up arguments that justify his claim that ethnic units were a result of history, early medieval peoples were less homogenous, and that ethnicity is a "process rather than a unit." Firstly, Polter says that ethnic units are a result of history and he cites English sociologist Anthony Smith. Polter summarizes that people's nationalism ... Show more content on ... Avars, Bulgarians, Slavs and Romans all seem to be people, but per Walter Pohl, they all are different based on the political and economic climate they lived in These four ethnicities are not necessarily people, they took on other ethnicities for political gain and economic wealth; so, their historical ethnicities are not accurate to their biological ethnicities. For example, the Slav were attracted to the Roman world, and often assimilated to the prestige, wealth, and symbols of that world They assimilated so much that historically placing the Slavs is hard because they mixed themselves in with the Romans and continued the Roman empire with their presences. In addition, the Avars and Bulgarurs took part in the German empire and assimilated to their culture and wealth. The Avars struck a deal with Germen empire to fight in exchange for income and later gained prestige for being part of the German army. Later, the Avar name would disappear in 800, but the ethnicity of the Avars did not. Moreover, the Bulgarians had a different story. The Bulgarians were I different groups and were once unified under Khan Kuvrat for a short time. After that, different factions of the Bulgarians travelled to the Volga Region, Thessaloniki and the Lombard duchy of Benevento and were ruled by different leaders while maintaining their ethnic identity. The Avrs and Bulgarians were the heir of the Germanic empire and military whilst not being Germanic, same with the Slavs and the Roman Empire. These factions took almost took on new identities to achieve power and wealth, so much that their true ethnicities were not accurately recorded and they got mixed up between the empires of that time. The Avars, Bulgarians and Slavs were not people but rather a mix of different factions with similar ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Russia's Early History Nation Project: Unit 3 There is very little we know about the early history of Russia. Though we don't know much, what we do know about Russia's early history is quite interesting. Russia started as a small group of cities inhabited by slavs and Scandinavians. The cities were usually invaded and taken over by outsiders. What we have found in archaeological digs gives us a better understanding of what it was like during those times. If you look deep into Russian history, you will find that the main city at the time was Novgorod. Moscow was never mentioned in the early history until 1147 AD. There other interesting things about Russia; you just have to be willing to look for them. The first people to settle in Russia was an Indo–European group called the Slavs. The Slavs settled the western part of Russia in 1500 BC. They lived here with other people in the city of Novgorod. All was well until the ninth century when the Scandinavians who were led by a man named Rurik came and took over Novgorod. When Rurik's reign was over he was succeeded by Oleg. Oleg made the country bigger by taking over the southern regions. During this time, he conquered another Slavic city called Kiev. Kiev is believed to have ... Show more content on ... It also helps us find out things that we didn't know before. The Princess of Ukok's tomb was discovered in the Altai Mountains and is believed to have lived sometime between the 5th and 3rd century BC. The 25 year old Princess was buried in some of her finest clothes with the remains of six saddled and harnessed horses in her tomb. One of the greatest archaeological finds in Russia is the birch wood scrolls. These scrolls were made from the bark of a birch tree. These scrolls have a variety of things written on them, such as love letters, list, legal documents, and even doodles. Thanks to these scrolls, we have a better insight of what life was like for the ancient ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Balkan Nationalism Balkan nationalism is not an underlying long–term cause of World War I, but it is definitely what set everything that happened in the years 1914–1918 into motion. In the early 20th century, Balkan was inhabited by numerous ethnic groups (referred to as Slavs), where most of them lived in Serbia. The Balkans is located between the two great powers Austria–Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, something that led to a lot of tension and unstableness. When the Ottoman Empire crumbled in the late 19th century, Austria–Hungary saw this as a chance to expand her influence and borders. However, a lot of Slavs wanted to form a Greater Serbia or Yugoslavia for all Slavs, rather than to be a part of Austria–Hungary. Because of this, the pan–Slavic nationalist ... Show more content on ... After this, Austria–Hungary wanted to crush pan–Slavic nationalism once and for all, and issued an ultimatum to Serbia. They also received Germany's unlimited support, the so–called Blanc Cheque. Even though the Serbs capitulated to almost all of the demands, Austria–Hungary mobilized and went to war with them. Russia saw this mobilization as a threat, something that led to their full mobilization along the entire length of Russia's eastern border. This again led to panic in Germany, who also ordered full mobilization. They wanted to eliminate the threat of a two–front war, and therefor attacked France, hoping to crush their army before Russia made their move (known as Schliefen Plan). However, the plan failed, and only led to the involvement of Great Britain. One could argue that this is something that eventually would have happened anyway, as the tension in Europe was so big. However, it is doubtful that it would have happened to such an extent without Balkan nationalism. If Gavrilo Princip hadn't shot the Archduke, Austria–Hungary wouldn't have gone to war with Serbia. This would have meant that there was no reason for Russia and Germany to get involved, and the Schliefen Plan wouldn't have been necessary. Even though pan–Slavic nationalism was one of the immediate causes for the outbreak of World War I, it was not one of the long–term background causes. Economic motives, on the other hand, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Origins of Russia Essay The Origins of Russia The country of Russia: enormous, expansive, wide–open. The words that describe this Euro–Asian country can be attributed to its origins from its Slavic inhabitants and the takeover by the Varangians. Kievan Russia, as it was called, started its own civilization in the year 862. The problem with the origin of the Russian State is that it is exceedingly complex and many theories are based on circumstantial evidence. A good example of this is the early history of the plains above the Black Sea. This region compromises the center of the Kievan State, yet much is unknown about these parts due to the lack of resources. Archaeological finds suggest many ideas, all of which are unconfirmed. The simplest and ... Show more content on ... The Scythians lived peacefully until the third century BCE. During that time, they were overcome by another nomadic tribe, the Sarmatians. Less than twenty–five years after the Sarmatians conquered the Scythians, the Goths superseded the Sarmatians. The Goths were groups of uncivilized people who strengthened their kingdoms by keeping them in a state of terror. They were of Germanic descent, and reached the pinnacle of their strength during the early fourth century. Following the Goths were the Huns and the Avars. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the fifth century CE emerged and moved southward to come in contact with the East Roman Empire. The Slavs were split into three groups, called the Antae, Sclaveni, and the Venedi. Most historical references do not pay much attention to the Antic tribes, probably because of their disappearance in the late sixth century. The Sclaveni and Venedi joined and created a unified East Slavic empire. This Slavic kingdom slowly began to increase during the late 700s. The area that was held by the Avars in the 790s was demolished through Charlemagne's destruction of their empire. With that, the Slavic people began to migrate down to what is now Kiev. At Kiev, they encountered additional tribes such as the Finno–Ugrians, Bulgars, and Khazars. The Finno–Ugrians could be broken down into smaller less–civilized tribes, though their counterparts, the Bulgars and the Khazars, were much more refined. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Archduke Ferdinand Research Paper World War I is one of the most devastating wars of all time due to the prior industrialization, imperialism, and most of all nationalism. World War I was the first war that stretched across the globe, and it lead to a great loss in money and life. There were many factors that led to the war, but the spark that set it off was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was induced by growing tensions across Europe, the subject nationalities of the East, and Gavrilo Princip; grossly altering the world. The circumstances leading to Franz Ferdinand's death are far more complex than just a Serbian man shooting an Archduke; there were many other components that contributed to this. There were tensions so great that they were almost ... Show more content on ... On June 28th, Ferdinand was assassinanted, which then led to World War I. On July 28th, 1914 Austria declared war against Serbia. But, war between Austria and Serbia meant war between Austria and Russia; that meant war between Russia and Germany, and that meant war between Germany and France, and that meant war between Germany and Britain. In a flash, the whole continent was going to be at war. This was a total war in which war tactics such as poisonous gas and trench warfare were used (8a;8b). These tactics ultimately ended the lives of over thirty–eight million people. This type of unrestricted warfare was gruesome and lasted from 1914 to 1918. After the war, there were significant boundary changes that were set in place by the Treaty of Versaille. These changes broke up Austria–Hungary into Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Rumania (9). There were also other signifant changes in the map such as the Ottoman Empire changing to Turkey, due to the fall of the once great empire. The result of this assassination clearly created global change and will forever be remembered throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How Did The Mongols Influence The Culture Of Native Americans 43. Vandals The Germanic tribe, the Vandals, were known for behaving like "barbarians". Supposedly they migrated south to the point where they made contact with the Roman Empire. The Vandals attacked Rome although Rome had bigger problems to handle. They later established a kingdom in North Africa. 44. Goths The first Germans to convert to Christianity were the Goths. The Goths migrated from Sweden, crossing the Baltic Sea, to creating a settlement at the basin of the Vistula River. Some Goths continued their migration to journey to the southern part of the Danube River. 45. Turks The Turks originated in Mongolia. They only appeared in history when they conquered a new territory and gained more power. They traveled across Asia and the Middle East acquiring power and expanding the fast growing Mongolian Empire. 46. Toltec ... Show more content on ... Their civilization flourished as they embraced their Mesoamerican heritage. They established Tollan as their capital, which later became the center of a prosperous civilization. 47. Mongols The Mongols migrated from Mongolia to all across Asia. Genghis Khan is the infamous Mongolian military leader. Their military inquired horses, which allowed them to dominate other territories. 48. Bantu The migration of the Bantu people took place from western Africa to the majority of the southern half of the continent. The first group of Bantu people to migrate made villages along the Congo River. With the villages being intertwined with the dense rain forests, some groups continued to journey in search for better farming land. Those Bantu groups ended up heading south towards the eastern coast of Africa. 49. Slavs Slavs are a group of nomads who share the Slavic language and culture. Many slavs migrated to Europe. More than half of Europe has Slavic communities. Others migrated to Iberia and north Africa because of the movements from the Vandals.
  • 10. 50. African ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Second Polish Republic The history of Poland results from the migrations of Slavs who established permanent settlements on the Polish lands during the Early Middle Ages. In 966 AD, Duke Mieszko I of the Piast dynasty adopted Western Christianity; in 1025 Mieszko's son Bolesław I Chrobry formally established a medieval kingdom. The period of the Jagiellonian dynasty in the 14th–16th centuries brought close ties with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a cultural Renaissance in Poland and territorial expansion that culminated in the establishment of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1569. The Commonwealth in its early phase represented a continuation of Jagiellonian prosperity, with its remarkable development of a sophisticated noble democracy. From the mid–17th century the huge state entered a period of decline caused by devastating wars and by the deterioration of the country's political system. Significant ... Show more content on ... Millions of Polish citizens perished in the course of the Nazi occupation of Poland between 1939 and 1945 as Germany classified ethnic Poles and other Slavs, Jews and Romani as subhuman. Nazi authorities targeted the last two groups for extermination in the short term, deferring the extermination and/or enslavement of the Slavs as part of the "Generalplan Ost" conceived by the Nazi régime. A Polish government–in–exile nonetheless functioned throughout the war and the Poles contributed to the Allied victory through participation in military campaigns, including the final anti–German offensives, on both the eastern and western fronts. The westward advances of the Soviet Red Army in 1944 and 1945 compelled Nazi Germany's forces to retreat from Poland, which led to the establishment of a communist satellite state of the Soviet Union, known from 1952 as the Polish People's ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Holocaust: Non-Jewish Victims After Germany lost World War I, it was in a national state of humiliation. Their economy was in the drain, and they had their hands full paying for the reparations from the war. Then a man named Adolf Hitler rose to the position of Chancellor and realized his potential to inspire people to follow. Hitler promised the people of Germany a new age; an age of prosperity with the country back as a superpower in Europe. Hitler had a vision, and this vision was that not only the country be dominant in a political sense, but that his 'perfect race', the 'Aryans,' would be dominant in a cultural sense. His steps to achieving his goal came in the form of the Holocaust. The most well known victims of the Holocaust were of course, the Jews. ... Show more content on ... They wanted control of that land because of the plentiful agricultural land that would be used to feed the great German race. The Pols were part of a bigger group of people known as the Slavs. 'To the Nazis, the Slavs were considered Untermenschen, or subhumans' ('Victims'). They were treated as though they weren't people, and Hitler and the Nazis viewed them as just another obstacle to expanding the great German living space. Now what makes the Slavs unique from the other persecuted groups, is that they were not characterized by religion or physical trait, but rather, because of the area of the world they were born in. Also, the mobile killing squads and death camps were not exclusive to just one sub–group within the Slavs; Hitler's genocidal efforts reached to all kinds of Slavic people. When the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, the members of the communist and socialist parties resisted its takeover. The Nazis sent most of them to concentration camps where they were considered 'political prisoners.' A prominent camp for political prisoners was Dachau. Another group of victims in the Holocaust was the mentally and physically handicapped. It Hitler's mind, his new vision of the world needed to be 'perfect' and these people threatened it. The majority of the handicapped were killed on the spot instead of being put through the concentration camps. In 1939, the 'euthanasia ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Alphonse Mucha Research Paper The organic flow of the Art Nouveau movement has had profound and lasting influence on the world of art, which isn't surprising since it was an art form for the people, instead of the wealthy. One of the lesser known artists of this movement is Alphonse Maria Mucha, and while he has started to gain recognition for his contributions to the Art Nouveau movement today, he was also a multi–talented artist. Some of his lesser known works are in the mediums of photography, oil paintings, and even jewelry design. Alphonse Mucha's biggest contributions were in his Art Nouveau designs, Slav Epic paintings and his influence on subsequent artist. Mucha was a Czech artist that is recognized mostly for his decorative style of painting, references to Byzantine art, and muted (or pastel) color palette that became synonymous with the Art Nouveau ... Show more content on ... He was technically, what we would refer to today as, a graphic artist. Advertising through posters and postcards were his forte. His favorite subject for these works tended to be young women with long hair, so that he could better employ the use of calligraphic lines that is a distinguishing characteristic of Art Nouveau. Often, the women wore long flowing robes that were sometimes classical in nature, and were surrounded by floral motifs. Later, he would come to use these floral motifs to form halos around the subject's heads, which would eventually develop into a signature of his style. The work that was his claim to fame was his poster Gismonda for famed Parisian actress Sara Bernhardt. The poster was nearly life size, long and rectangular in shape, and utilized his signature pastel ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Compare And Contrast Pan Arab And Pan Slav Nationalism in the Middle East, Pan–Arab, and the Balkans, Pan–Slav, were similar in many ways. The countries that make up the Middle East are present day Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The countries that make up the Balkans are Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Greece. They had many of the same aims, goals, and movements. However, Pan–Arab and Pan–Slav were different in many ways. Pan–Arab had several aims, goals, and movements, During the late 19th century and early 20th century Pan–Arab increased literacy renascence. Political agitation led to Arab states independence of the Ottoman empire.One of Pan–Arab goals was to unify its nation. During World War I France and Great Britain Seeking allies against the German–Turkish alliance encouraged the Arab nationalism. During the Arab–Israeli War of 1976 however set them back several years. The Arab states showed new interest in using oil in their economical and and political weapon in international affairs. However, this was ... Show more content on ... During 1848 at Prague the first Pan–Slav Congress František Palacky confined Slavs under Austrian rule and was Anti–Russian. A decade before World War I Pan–Slav agitation increased once again and played a role in the growing conflict between Russia and Austria in the Balkan Peninsula. In 1917 after the Bolsheviks won the Russian Revolution the Soviet government renounced Pan– Slavism However during World War II Pan–Slavism was limited however because of conflicting political and economical ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Difference Between Slavs And Italian Immigrants Slavs and Italians, being the most predominant immigrants during the late 1800's, faced a series of appalling living conditions. For instance, Slavs who formed families and lived in the company built homes were most of the time in need and cultivated flora in order to survive on the very low wages paid by companies. Woman as a part of the family had to also contribute economically, this included taking jobs at textile mills and taking care of the gardens at home. Protein supply for these immigrants was small. Immigrants worked 10–12 hours a day, they relied on a diet with high levels of carbohydrates and starch, which provide them with temporal energy and fulfillment. Italians, as said in text "had it worse", instead of living in company–owned ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Slavic World Genesis: Their Gods and Beliefs Essays The most interesting theme of the entire history of Russia is the period in which the formation of Russian statehood takes place. Surprisingly, the events preceding Russia's formation are among the least studied pages of our history. Written sources telling of the times are very meager, they are mainly found in the presentation of Byzantine chroniclers, who described the events, at times, in biased and contradictory terms. Of course, Byzantines viewed the Slavs as primarily restless, warlike neighbors and they are not particularly interested in their culture, their way of life or their customs. Therefore, to study the history of ancient Russia and paganism uses mainly archaeological and ethnographic research. Some events have shed light ... Show more content on ... The Slavs have survived the legends about the remains of the Great Mother, Mother of Heaven and Earth, which was the first mother of gods and men. Nobody knew much about it because, according to legend, the Great Mother retired after the birth of Earth and Heaven. Middle Slavic universe is yolk. The upper part of the "yolk" is our living world of people. Lower "underground" part is Lower World, The World of the Dead, Night Country. There always reigns night. To get there, you need to cross the ocean around the earth. Or you should dig a well through and through, and wait for the stone falls into the well for twelve days and nights. Surprisingly, the ancient Slavs had the idea of the shape of the Earth and the alternation of days and nights. Around the Earth, like the egg yolk and the shell, the heavens are nine. Each of the nine heavens of Slavic mythology has its own purpose: one – for the sun and stars, the other – for the month, another – for the clouds and winds. The seventh in a row, our ancestors considered "hard" glass–bottomed Celestial Ocean. They are stored reserves of living water, an inexhaustible source of rain. Remember, as they say a strong downpour: "yawned the abyss of heaven". After an abyss there is a sea abyss, the expanse of water. We still remember a lot, but do not know where this memory and to which it belongs. The Slavs believed that any sky can be reached by climbing on the World Tree, which connects ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Bridge Betrayed And The Buddhas Of Bamiyan The authors of The Bridge Betrayed and The Buddhas of Bamiyan both identify a different form of cultural eradication that occurred in within the past twenty–five years. In Bosnia–Herzegovina, the Serbs and Croats wanted to destroy the Bosnian Muslim symbols, culture, and population. In Afghanistan, the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, and in turn, changed the identity of Bamiyan forever. The practice of cultural eradication is not limited to these two cases. Cultural eradication has taken place throughout history involving one group's desire to transform, absorb, and destroy a particular culture and its' values. The desire for destruction may seem similar, however, the individual agendas that drive the eradication vary in each instance. Michael Sells explores the nationalism that is expressed by the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia that he refers to as Christoslavism. Llewlyn Morgan discusses the Taliban's iconoclastic and political motivations to destroy the Buddhas. Both examples ultimately analyze some of the many dimensions of cultural eradication in the world. From 1992 until 1995, the Serbs and Croats attempted to destroy the Bosnian Muslim culture. The Serb army shelled the National Library in Sarajvo, which began the largest book–burning in modern human history, destroying books, records, and manuscripts. The Serb army targeted major institutions that expressed the Bosnian Muslim culture and whatever places they looked over, the Croat Defense Council took care ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Loud Out Research Paper Singled Out Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Laureate, and International Leader of the Holocaust Remembrance Movement once said, "How does one mourn for six million people who died? How many candles does one light? How many prayers does one recite? Do we know how to remember the victims, their solitude, their helplessness? They left us without a trace, and we are their trace." Many people perished during the Holocaust and World War II, the deadliest war of them all. Hitler and the Nazi Party had many mass murder programs and killed over eleven million people. During the Holocaust, the Germans' and Nazi Party targeted many different types of people, impacting how they were viewed at that time. First, the Nazis attacked the nomadic Roma ... Show more content on ... For example, the Nazis set up euthanasia program that targeted the physically and mentally ill. The word "euthanasia" literally means merciful death. Heads of the euthanasia program called their enterprise "T4". The euthanasia program was the first mass murder program initiated by the Nazis. If the disabled were not killed, they were sterilized so they could not reproduce. According to JewishVirtualLibrary, "Meticulous records discovered after the war documented 70,273 deaths by gassing at the six "euthanasia" centers between January 1940 and August 1941." (Persecution of the Mentally & Physically Disabled 1). Furthermore, during the euthanasia program, the Nazis would call the parents of disabled children and tell them to send their kids to "pediatric care centers". These care centers were really killing centers. The kids would go to take a shower, but instead of water coming out of the nozzle, it would be poisonous gas that would kill the kid. Workers would clean out the shower and prepare it to receive the next person up in line. The dead body would be burned in a crematorium into ashes. Then, workers would take some ashes from a central pile and put them into an urn to send to the parents of the dead. Even though the physicians and workers would say the victims died of natural causes, the program quickly became common knowledge. Everyone knew about the program and started to protest. Eventually, Hitler was pressured into ordering a halt to the dreaded program. Although he ordered a halt publicly, the killings still went on in secrecy. The "Euthanasia" program continued on until the last days of World War II. It expanded to include a wider range of victims including geriatric patients, bombing victims, and foreign forced laborers. In total, most historians estimate that the "Euthanasia" Program, a death sentence for the disabled, claimed the lives of up to 500,000 ... Get more on ...
  • 19. What Is The Similarities Between The Odysseus And The Long... A Likeness in Narrative The Odyssey by Homer and The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz tell the stories of two men seeking shelter from their past. Odysseus, who tries to return home to Ithaca, faces the consequences of angering Poseidon. Slav, on the other hand, escapes from a Gulag camp and must find his way to India. The conflict and themes these authors use reflect each other, despite these stories being drastically different. These alike concepts are what make the two novels so easily comparable. Though not apparent at first, the stories being told by these authors are two different interpretations of a similar plotline. The journeys of Odysseus in The Odyssey and Slav in The Long Walk are more alike than meets the eye. In The Odyssey by ... Show more content on ... He becomes enraged at his mother's suitors, ranting that "You should shrink from the wrath of the gods. Have you no fear that they may be outraged at your wickedness and turn on you?" (2.66–67). It is a warning that the way they are approaching Penelope is hardly respectful. In the absence of his father, he defends Penelope's desire to marry a suitor she loves. Slav's development is different from Telemachus'. He begins his journey predominantly unafraid of possible troubles. Upon reaching the Gobi Desert, Slavomir says he "struggled against a panicky impulse to return the way we had come, back to water and green things and life", presenting the idea that he is not as fearless as he seems (Rawicz 159). Telemachus and Slavomir mature in ways that contributes to the themes of their narratives, which links their experiences. The Odyssey and The Long Walk have similar man vs. society conflicts. When Penelope confronts her suitors, she is treated with disrespect and disregard for her feelings. She has no desire to be assigned a new husband, instead preferring to choose one herself. The citizens of Ithaca want a strong leader, though, and so their aspirations tend to overshadow hers. Penelope makes it clear that she does not fancy any of her suitors by saying ""Such suitors bring in their own cattle and sheep to make a banquet for the lady's friends, and also give her valuable presents. They do not enjoy free meals at her ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Comparing Odysseus And Slav's Journey When conditions become life–threatening, it is human instinct to fight for survival. For Odysseus and Slavomir, this survival instinct guides their lives and keeps them moving on the path home. While on their separate journeys, they both face insurmountable odds and obstacles. Odysseus and Slav have to carry on with their treks even when their comrades fall into the hands of death. They must rely heavily upon their wits, but they also accept the kindness others they meet along the way. These men keep moving to stay alive and to return home to their families. To escape injustice, Odysseus and Slavomir embark on treacherous journeys during which their friends die, and they must rely upon other's hospitality as well as their own resourcefulness to ... Show more content on ... Although the physical strain weakens them, it is the mental and emotional strain that lingers with them the entire way. Each man begins his trek with a group of strong, loyal men to accompany him on his journey. Later on, during Slav's journey, his group of men is joined with a young woman, unlike Odysseus's voyage. By the end of each journey, the groups of men are severely diminished due to the obstacles and strain they could not endure. Odysseus's men begin to die from the very start of the journey, due to a battle. "Six of my warriors from each ship were killed" (Homer 140). The rest of his crew survive the battle and continue with him to the next obstacle. Odysseus and his crew land their ship on the land of the Cyclopes. There, Odysseus takes twelve men and goes to Polyphemus's cave where eight of them are killed. The survivors leave the land and steer their ships to Telepylus. They were soon attacked by the Laestrygonians and two of the ships, including its men, were lost. "My ship was safe. But that was the end of all the rest" (Homer 159). The remaining men take off again and land on the island of Aeaea. They are tricked by the goddess Circe and turned into ... Get more on ...
  • 21. What Is The Difference Between Tam And Cam Cinderella The two stories of "Cinderella" are "Tam and Cam"; and "The twelve Months: A Slav legend adapted by Alexander Chodzko. These stories have similar ways in portraying the hard working Cinderella including her suffering, but they are different in Cinderella's motive of rescue one tale use violence if necessary; the other just more of a genuine resourceful approach. This means this character isn't relying on a prince charming to be her rescue, so this makes the concept different from the other because "Tam and Cam" Cinderella lives forever happy with her lover, while "The twelve Months: A Slav legend adapted lives by herself and then a farmer she likes shows up. These tales went for a more sophisticated setting, each displaying the peasant overcoming the struggle; in which she is set free from all of her hurting. Throughout each story Cinderella is taking and caring she always seemed to get the short end of the stick. But, when the odds back fired on the step– sisters and step–mother the karma was naturally set upon to benefit Cinderella in her favor "Tam and Cam" or set in motion by her as payback to get even with her rival characters of a family in "The twelve Months: A Slav legend adapted lives. In the tale "Twelve Months: A Slav legend adapted by Alexander Chodzko; describes miss Cinderella as the hard working young women who uses more of a caring and taking in a lot of suffering. This means the character constantly takes effort in be told to commit in succeeding in the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay on Pan-Slavism: the Cause of Wwi Nationalism inspires a pride within a group of people that ignites change and strengthens unity. It is what keeps heritages and cultures of nations alive. But what happens when the people advocating Nationalism are trapped within a nation in which they do not desire to be? The Pan–Slavic movement in Eastern Europe in the early 20th Century created a tension between Austria–Hungary and Serbia that culminated in WWI. This tension was caused by the threat Pan–Slavism posed on Austria–Hungary due to its high Slavic population and its recent annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina. Another tension–builder was that Russia, a Slavic nation and a super–power at the time, was fully supporting this movement, thereby indirectly challenging Austria–Hungary ... Show more content on ... A young generation was emerging within Serbia and Bosnia whose experience of national and social struggles had taught them the effectiveness of violence as a means to achieve goals (as seen in the Balkan Wars 1912–13). It was a generation that demanded action and sacrifice instead of words and political wisdom (Cirkovic 246). Russia repeatedly assured their Slav brethren that they only had to wait (MacKenzie 58). Serbian agitation against Austria–Hungary was increased and the more the Austro–Hungarians attempted to subvert it, the more violent and fanatical it became. The fearlessness that was born from the support of Russia led those seeking Slavic unity to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Heir to the Austro–Hungarian throne, thereby triggering the cascade that began WWI. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28, 1914 (Brook–Shepherd 250), gave the Austro–Hungarians the justification needed to attack the Pan–Slavic threat. All that was known at the time was that the assassins were Slavs (Kohn 255) and that they had committed the crime in the hotbed of Pan–Slavic attention in Bosnia. It was later revealed that the murderer was associated with the afore–mentioned "Black Hand" group that advocated unification of all Slavs at whatever the cost (MacKenzie 61) The immediate significance of the murder was that it gave Austria–Hungary a pretext for suppressing the Pan–Slavic ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Impact Of Franz Ferdinand 's Assassination On World War I In 1914 Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian Black Hand, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro–Hungarian Empire, instigating an immediate cause of World War I. As the third largest European power by area, the Empire was a powerful presence leading up to World War I, with a population of over fifty million people and an army of 400,000 soldiers. The conflicts among European powers and the disorder in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries led to a situation in which Franz Ferdinand's assassination proved to be the tipping point in the fragile relationship between Austria–Hungary and the South Slav nationalities that threatened the Empire both internally and externally. His death caused a costly war in terms of both lives and the economy in the South Slav region and further undermined the stability of Serbia. Princip assassinated the heir to the throne in an attempt to spark a revolution that would result in Slavic independence from Austria–Hungary. However, before his death, Franz Ferdinand supported economic development for Slavs within the Austro–Hungarian Empire and favored more equal measures toward the South Slav nationalities. Thus, Franz Ferdinand had served as a roadblock to the extreme militant wing within Austria–Hungary. With the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Serbian extremists damaged the opportunity for more moderate Slavic peoples within Austria–Hungary to achieve greater autonomy under Austro–Hungarian rule since Ferdinand ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Russians and Br Essay In the early nineteenth century, Slavic peoples from multiple empires in eastern and southern Europe began to pursue a movement to protect and organize Slavic culture. In 1848, this movement became more political. It gained a reputation and an attempt was made to unify all Slavic peoples. This movement became known as Pan–Slavism. Pan–Slavism appealed to many Slavs who felt nationalism towards their race. However among the Slavs, there were many different opinions. Some believed that there was a cultural, ethnic, and political connection among all Slavs. Others argued that there was no place for Pan–Slavic goals in the present empires. Above all, the cultural and political issues in the debate over Pan–Slavism were nationalism for ones ... Show more content on ... He believed that nationality was not only determined by language, but also by customs, religion, government, and way of education. In 1848, he published an article called "Slav and Czech", in which he stated that the name Slav is and should always remain a geographical name. <br> <br>Bulgarian poet, Christo Boter, who strongly believed that only small federations of Slavs, in accordance to location should be built, shared a similar yet different view. This is because if only small federations of Slavs would be built, then the Slavs within these federations would share similar beliefs, culture, and political systems. As a result, no nationality would be offended. In addition, not every Russian wanted the uniting of other Slavs with Russia. In 1915, Gabriel de Wesselitsky, a Russian journalist, declared that that Pan–Slavism was supported by only the weakest and most oppressed. He argued that the supporters of Pan–Slavism would visit Russia to complain of their suffering and discrimination, and try to unsuccessfully provoke Russian sympathy. <br> <br>Many Russian rulers believed that it was their duty to unite their Slavic brothers. Russia's motive for this was patriotism as well as expansion. In his Manifesto, Tsar Nicholas II stated that faith, blood, and historical tradition united the Slavic peoples of Russia. He argued that Russia was always concerned with the fate of the Slavs. However many Russians claimed that Pan–Slavic goals involved life, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Slav Mythology Research Paper Slavic Mythology is the mythology of Russia and Europe. This mythology goes deep into the ancient times of the Slavs. Slavic mythology stretches over Europe and Russia with lots of mythological figures such as Perun, Veles, Baba yaga, and Chernobog. The people of the Slavic areas don't have a common ancestry, but are connected by their common culture. Their culture is connected through their "Rustic, mythology passed between generations in folklore."(Parker, Janet, Alice, and Julie 256).The Slav people were not recognized until the 6th century A.D. The Slavs are arranged into three great blocks south, west, and east going from the Balkans to Russia. The Slavs did not provide a consistent system of gods, priests, and religious rites. This ... Show more content on ... Both these gods were seen as supreme and were symbolized by the horse. The difference is that Svantevit was represented by a white horse and four heads while Trivlav was a black horse and three heads. Morana is the Slav goddess of nature and death. She is the wife of Jarilo and daughter of Perun, and is seen as the daughter of the sun. The marriage of Jarilo and Morana brought peace between the two gods. Another goddess of the Slavs is Zorya the shadowy third sister of Zoryi. She is a nameless goddess who looks after the night while her sisters look after the dusk and dawn. The first creature is Chernobog, the lord of evil; He causes calamity and disaster, bringing bad luck and misfortune where ever he goes. He is considered the Satan figure of Slavic mythology and is feared all over Russia as a being of pure nastiness. His name means "Black God" and he is a dark demonic deity and a hideous shadowy figure. Another creature is Baba yaga, who was once the Slav goddess of death and regeneration along with her skeletal son, koschei, now she is living as a hideous hag of horror and lives in a house built out of human bones and runs around supported by gigantic chicken legs, and is surrounded by a bone fence containing inset skulls who's eye sockets light up in the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Similitude In The Odyssey "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward" (Martin Luther King Jr.). Though disconnected by an ample gap in time, habitual differences and advances, Homer's work of epic poetry, The Odyssey, and Slavomir Rawicz's novel, The Long Walk, suggest many uncanny resemblances and parallels. The similitude between the dividing paths of each novel's diegesis is undeniable; the interchangeable thematic elements, symbolism and other perceivably resembling facets portray this. Both protagonists steadily persevere though grievous circumstances with fortitude, charismatic effectiveness, and the cordial succor of others. The customs in regards to treatment of the ... Show more content on ... It is this element of perseverance that both The Odyssey and The Long Walk delineate. In The Odyssey, while upon the island of Ogygia, Calypso incessantly tempts Odysseus with the choice of immortality and to eternally subsist by her side. Ultimately, he decides to embrace his humanity and return to his longing wife, as Athene expresses how "'Today, not one of the people he once ruled like a loving father gives him a single thought. He is left to languish in misery in the island home of the Nymph Calypso, who keeps him captive there'" (5.11–14). It is having to resolve inopportune decisions like so that cause him grueling emotional turmoil throughout his travels; his hope for the future propels him. His wife, Penelope, must decide to remain faithful towards Odysseus, even if it causes her and her son great pains along the way. Constantly, she must defend against the abundance of suitors that wish to claim her hand in marriage. When she refuses to give an ultimatum, being indecisive towards her fate, the suitors decide to take advantage of her hospitality and permanently plague her house. At that moment that they disregard Telemachus' goodwill and deplete available amenities, causing great despair within Odysseus' family. In The Long Walk, Slav also faces emotional pressures through which he must levy perseverance through. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Boiling Tensions In World War I Boiling tensions in the pot of competing nationalisms and ancient ethnic rivalries, brewed the start of the First World War. ("About World War I"). World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War, or the War to End All Wars, was originally hoped to be contained in a small area. The war ended up expanding swiftly into an uncontrollable, international mess. The exact cause of World War I remains controversial and debated. The growth of nationalism and imperialism, along with political, territorial and economic conflicts were some majors factors in starting the war. The decline of the Ottoman Empire also contributed to the rising tension. Scholars wonder if the conflict could have been stopped or if it couldn't be brought under control at all. What officially set things off, was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by a 19 year old, ethnic Serbian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. At his trial, when asked why he did it, Princip told the court "I am a Yugoslav nationalist and I believe in unification of all South Slavs in whatever form of state and that it be free of ... Show more content on ... Germany was the first to make a move. On the night of August 3, 1914, German troops crossed the border of Belgium. They expected to overtake the country and then move on to their main target, France. The Germans found more resistance than anticipated, however, especially among civilian snipers who fired on them from hidden positions. In retaliation, the Germans burned a number of towns and villages to the ground and executed large numbers of civilians, including women and children. The heaviest fighting was around the fortress at Liege; the capital, Brussels, did not fall until August 20. All the time, however, additional German armies were gathering along the remainder of France's eastern borders. ("Opening ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Medieval Russia Research Paper Medieval Russia was located just below the Arctic Ocean, and winters lasted almost half of a year– these geographical features made it a very unlikely place for some cities to survive and thrive, but the Medieval Russians found a way to do so. Medieval Russia shared a boundary with the Arctic Ocean, and parts of it were on the Black and Caspian Sea. Medieval Russia had many waterways, and most major cities were on the Dnieper and Volga Rivers. One city, Kiev, became the political capital for most of Medieval Russia, and because it was located next to the Dnieper River, a main Russian waterway, trade flourished1. Medieval Kiev was located in a good spot for a civilization to survive and thrive– the kings of Kiev put their power to ... Show more content on ... In Medieval Kiev, there was a large class of wealthy land owners who claimed to be descendants of princes from old Scandinavian and Slavic tribes15. This large class of land owners was later called the Boyars16. In a medieval feudalist system, the kings were on top, followed by the barons, the knights, and the serfs on the bottom17. The feudalist system was very interesting because every class gave money or a service, and in return received land. Because of this, there was no need for taxes because eventually the king got his money and services in other ways. Starting from the bottom, the serfs received land and in return they provided food and service to the knights. The knights gave protection and military service for the barons, and in doing so they got land. Lastly, the barons provided money and knights to the king and in return the king gave them land18. Using this system, taxes disappeared as well as large fees required to train and maintain an ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Eastern Europe Essay Eastern Europe's geography allowed and encouraged many diverse people to easily conquer its land. The history of Eastern Europe has been marked by migration, foreign conquest, war and revolution. The region is home to a mix of diverse people who have often battled with each other and many foreigners As a buffer and crossroads, Eastern Europe reaches from Central Europe to Russia. Also, it reaches from the Baltic Sea and through the Balkan Peninsula. Much of the region lies on the European plain . Its main rivers, the Danube and the Vistula allowed goods and cultural influences to travel along river routes. This led to the Balkans in the south feeling the impact of the Byzantine empire and the Muslim Ottoman empire. Because of the ease of its accessibility, Eastern Europe was the perfect target for neighboring groups of people, whether they were peaceful or looking to take over. During the Middle Ages, the Slavs spread out from present–day Belarus into ... Show more content on ... Prince Boleslaw of Cracow issued a charter to protect the liberties of Jews. In response, Jewish villages were common in Poland. Religious influences and people were spreading at a rapid rate. This caused many kingdoms to develop that would battle for power in the near future. Roman Catholic missionaries converted many West Slavs in Poland in the 900s. The first Polish king was crowned, but to survive, Poland frequently had to battle Germans, Russians, and Mongols. Queen Jadwiga and Duke Wladyslaw Jagiello of Lithuania's marriage began Poland's greatest age. However, political power in Poland shifted to the nobles because of liberum veto or "free veto" in which the vote of a single nobel could block the passage of a law. Because of their lack of a strong central government, Poland–lithuania declined. Because Poland did not take strong stand against invaders they declined after a short–lived ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Paolin A Short Story 'You're right, Paolina,' he said, 'Jo is to be pitied; she might be alive but being the one left behind, being the one responsible, that's going to be hard,' Paolina squeezed his hand. 'Yes. But we've all been left behind.' 'I was remembering Ashleigh's birthday,' Paolina said. 'When they were planning the food and the music.' The two girls had sat on the floor near the backdoor putting together a play– list songs and music for the party. They had a laptop opened, an ipad connected. They both wore head phones on. Rae was asking Ashleigh to help plan the food for the party, the menu, she was running through lists of finger food, but Ashleigh was ignoring her mother. Occasionally, either Ashleigh or Jo pulled the head phones out and loud music came crashing into the room. Several times Rae told them to turn the music down. Later she said to Antonello. 'Ashleigh's controls are stuck on high speed, high volume, and when she and Jo are together, it's impossible.' 'They laughed so much when they were together,' Paolina said. ... Show more content on ... The randomness with which the two girls so different, found each other and became friends. And a memory returned to him, of a Sunday afternoon, after a soccer match, he and Slav and Sam, caked in mud and sweat, sitting on a bench outside the clubrooms. They'd lost the game but they were happy. Slav, the best player of the three, the one that a league coach had approached, had invited to try out for the state team, was the least concerned, 'I don't much care for soccer,' he said. 'Otherwise I wouldn't play with you two.' Sam hit Slav hard on the arm. 'What are you trying to say there, hey mate?' Having adopted 'mate' Sam used it to refer to everyone, but always with an Italian emphasis, 'ehi mate' or 'mio mate'. Slav pretended to be knocked over by the hit, 'Come on Sam, you spend more time in the mud than anyone else I know. I know Australians who can play soccer better than ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Alphonse Mucha: Life, Works and Legacy Analysis on Alphonse Mucha Life, Works, and Legacy Alphonse Maria Mucha is one of the most prominent artists of the 20th Century, belonging to the Art–Nouveau genre. He is of Slavic origin, born in Ivančice, Moravia (presently part of the Czech Republic), on the 24th of July, 1860. A prominent artist of his era and time, his highly influential works are noted by its very soulful design approach and aesthetics. His works are amongst the best examples of Art–Nouveau, as well as modern Czech art. He is influenced by his ethnic origins as well as his personal idea of art and beauty, giving his works a highly personal touch. He is a pioneer for the Czech nationalist identity and is a strong figure in Czech Revivalist movement, a man who is devoted into glorifying his homeland by presenting to the world the Czech culture through his highly successful commercial and artistic works, which are more prominent on the second half of his career. A more in–depth discussion regarding his life and an evaluation of his works will be presented further. Page of Contents Introduction 2 Page of Contents 3 Background 4 Moravia 4 The Slavic Peoples 5 Personal Life 7 Mucha's Works 9 Characteristics of his Paintings 9 Division 10 Commercial 10 Artistic 12 The Slav Epic 13 Conclusion: The Effects of Mucha's ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Reasons for Vladimir I's Conversion to Christianity and... What Motivated Vladimir I to convert to Christianity and how did the new religion change the culture of Eastern Slavs? Paganism was a mental mindset of the Eastern Slavs living in a world where a majority of the European countries surrounding them had already converted to a monastic religion. Vladimir I, a great prince of Kiev, reigned from 980 till 1015 and succeeded in the mass conversion of the Eastern Slavs.1 Throughout his reign Vladimir's agenda had always been to strengthen his empire, in order to be considered valuable among the dominate nations of the European family.2 The traditional view of Vladimir's motivation for the conversion is that only after considering all monastic faiths, did he finally reach the decision of Eastern ... Show more content on ... onfirming that Vladimir sent envoys to make personal enquires about their religious practices.15 Converting to a monastic religion was Kievan Rus' chance to be adopted into the powerful European family, gain new allies and better trading opportunities.16 With the history of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Russia, it was probably the most logical choice for Vladimir.17 Throughout Vladimir's reign he campaigned against many surrounding tribes.18 His campaigns were carefully structured and executed accordingly.19 This is illustrated with the Varagians in Kiev itself, and then towards Slavonic and Lithuanian tribes in the north, who he overcame without any difficulty.20 These political elements of Vladimir correlate with his capture of Chersoneus, belonging to Byzantium, the most powerful and wealthy empire at the time.21 With this bold move he was able to negotiate with Emperor Basil II, exchanging Basil's sister Anna for his cooperation and assistance.22 This illustrates that Vladimir realized if he constructed a scheme, rather than simply just being baptized in Constantinople, he could convert and gain a Byzantium Bride for Kievan Rus at the same time.23 It also shows how Vladimir understood than Byzantium would never allow such a highly prized object to be married to a pagan, and converting after receiving his bride would not be sufficient.24 Vladimir first gave proof of his good faith by being baptized, however Basil became reluctant to fill his side of the bargain, and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. What Started World War I What Started World War I World War I was a long time coming dating back all the way to when George Washington gave his Farewell Address stating, we should be neutral and we should not get involved in conflicts. Jumping ahead in the 1890s the United States had a very small military consisting of only 30,000 soldiers and 10,000 sailors, the mean reason behind such a small military was because we did not have any major threats from foreign countries. Since the United States was not a super power yet we pretty much just stayed to ourselves, but in Europe in 1914 Alliances and rivalries were exploding. In Europe there was an ethnic conflict in Austria–Hungary the Slavs were angry because they did not get equal rights and did not feel like they were being treated fairly, and when individuals do not feel the same way they start going at each other to achieve equality. Another conflict in the making was when the nationalistic movement wanted to unite the Slavs and separate from Austria and join Russia because most Slavs came from Russia and Russia could offer the Slavs protection. In order to make their movement know the Slavs formed a terrorist group based in Serbia called the Black Hand and used terrorist tactics in an attempt to further the goals of the Pan–Slavs movement. But when you use terrorist tactics to promote a movement it makes the group look barbaric and hustle so why should I support a movement that kills people? Moving into terrorism the Black ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Assess Critically Three Causes of World War One Assess critically three causes of the First World War The First World War began in Europe in 1914, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria–Hungary. This trigger action caused the involvement of Germany, Russia, Serbia and Austria–Hungary. However, the war itself was caused by nationalism, alliances and Germany's fear of encirclement. Nationalism was the central cause of World War One because, due to the nationalism of the Slavs, the Balkan states became a powder keg. Austria–Hungary made the Serbs fear annexation while the Slavs inside the country wanted a Pan–Slavic State. The assassination of the Archduke occurred due to the Serbs nationalism, to warn Austria–Hungary to stay away from Serbia. However, it had ... Show more content on ... However, the alliances would never have become relevant if the Slavs nationalism in Austria– Hungary hadn't made a war inevitable that soon made the alliances come into effect. Germany rushed to Austria–Hungary's aid and Russia came to help Serbia so soon most countries in Europe had to assist their allies. A last cause that is very significant is Germany's fear of encirclement and the other countries fear of Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm II feared encirclement by Russia and France for a very long time because, not only did France want revenge for the land losses in the Franco– Prussian War but they were also allied with Russia. This meant that Germany faced the serious risk of a two front war. Yet, what Germany didn't know, was that the other European countries feared it just as much or even more than it feared them. Germany had the biggest army and a lot of economic power during the time just before the war. These fears helped cause the war because they made Germany build up it's army and other European countries be in a constant state of war preparation. However, these fears were tightly connected to nationalism because if all these countries hadn't been nationalistic and wanted territory and, in France's case, revenge, the war would probably not have started out the way it did. Considering these three causes it is clear to see that nationalism was the main cause but the alliances and Germany's fear played a major role in the outbreak of World War One. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Causes of the First World War Essay What were the causes of the first world war? Many people believe, that the First World War was caused by the assassination of the heir to the empire of Austria–Hungry, Arch–Duke Franz Ferdinand. However, I believe, there were many other more important causes that could have started the war. For example: the rivalry of countries, the alliances (Triple Entente and Triple Alliance), the industries of Britain and Germany, Militarism, Rivalry and many more. Firstly, Germany was trying to expand its empire, and Britain and France had large empires. Therefore, as Germany became more power it also wanted an empire. Britain and France did not want this, as a big German empire was a threat to both Britain and France's Empires. Thus, this made ... Show more content on ... From the beginning, the Austrians suspected that Serbia, an independant country and rival of Austria–Hungry, was behind the killing. This was said to have been the most inportant cause that triggered the war, because of the already intense rivalry between the two countries. Moreover, the navy of Britain was massive, to protect the ships sailing to and from countries in the British empire. When Germany started to build a big navy, Britain was worried. Germany would pose as a major military threat if they also had a big, powerful navy like Britain. They might invade British ships that importing goods etc. Basically, a big German navy is a big threat to Britain's industry and its empire. The fight for land too was intense, one of the states of Germany had taken some land from France when they defeated them in the Franco–Prussian war in 1871. This made France look weak, and made them, embrassed. France was angry and wanted their land back. This also further heightened the rivalry of France and Germany. The alliances, played a major role in causing the first world war, there were two alliances: the Triple Entente, was signed between France, Russia and Britain in 1907, there was also the Triple Alliance was singed between Germany, Italy and Austria– Hungary in 1882. Other agreements include Britain signing an agreement in 1839 with Belgium to help if they ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Why It Proved to be Impossible to Solve the Problems... Why It Proved to be Impossible to Solve the Problems Created by Balkan Nationalism Before 1914 Balkan nationalism was apparent in the years leading up to 1914 in two forms: The desire for expansion, or rather, self–determination, within the immediate region, and also in the support of Pan–Slav nationalism (a Russian idea). In the years from 1900 to 1914, this nationalism caused the key problems of mistrust and suspicion between the two great powers of Austria Hungary and Russia, who's conflicting national interests concerning the Balkan states arose from mutual distrust and desire to gain influence in the area and brought to the surface the conflicting national interests of the two countries within ... Show more content on ... The Russians had not got what the wanted, and a great face loss had been sustained. The first Balkan war of 1912 was a conflict between the Balkan league of states and their crumbling former Turkish occupiers. The Balkan countries involved, driven by a fierce nationalism, succeeded in defeating the Turks, and thus the problem of insecurity about influence in the Balkans between Austria Hungary was exacerbated. The goals of Austria Hungary were to ensure that the loss of Turkish control in the Balkans didn't result in any strong Balkan nations that could generate nationalist agitation in its own territories. This fear resulted din the creation of the state of Albania, which prevented Serbian access to the sea. The goal of Russia was much at odds with this, as gaining support in the Balkans would coincide nicely with their ideals of Pan Slav nationalism and their desires for a port on the Adriatic. Closely tied with Serbia, the Russians were unhappy with the creation of Albania by the Austria Hungary. The Treaty of London of may 1913, an attempt to soothe the issue created by Great Britain and moderated by Germany, approved the creation of Albania. The Russians economically dampened and with opposition from Germany and Great Britain regarding the issue, did not give Serbia support and war over the Balkans was prevented. However, the root problem itself of rivalry between Austria ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Modern Russian Music Bands In the collapsed Russian Empire, modern generations grasp onto national strength and pride in their remembrance of their pasts. In art, the Russian people immortalize their history through songs about their true inner power and endurance. Bands like Alisa, DDT, Gazmanov, and Arkona comment on the state of modern Russia in comparison to it's past, and while some bands idealize the inner Slavs of the Russian people, others glorify their endurance, and others still are accepting of the new lack of strength in the modern Russian. As Russia reevaluates it's past, each voice acts as a foothold on which Russia regains it's balance. For bands like Alisa and Arkona, the Russian pride and identity lies in battles and folktales. Their performances speak to the earliest Russian character; the tough, brutish, fur–covered, god worshiping Slav. Their lyrics often claim a genetic, or spiritually intrinsic drive in the Russian people, singing phrases like "But there is a sky of the Slavs boiling in our veins", "But Russian speech clanks by chain armor" (Alisa), "You have been a victim of crazy waters – in a death battle with wind. You put your hands in the sky and wait for Rod's (the Slavic deity of Fate) answer" "Hey, hey, cheer up! Hoy, hoy, go in fight again! If you are brave you are stronger."(Arkona). These Slavic remembrances claim a basic native strength in the people of Russia, and argue against the acceptance of national failure. They call the people to fight together against the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Transmission Of Demons Through Folklore The Transmission of Demons through Folklore Advancement and modernization appear to be an inevitable component of civilizations with the progression of time. However, no matter how far a society moves into the future, there are always features of the past that remain with society. One such feature that has remained across centuries is folklore. Folklore is defined as the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories, of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth (Stevenson 679). In other words, folklore consists of the unquestioned beliefs of a society that act as an adaptable reserve of knowledge and ideas for future generations. There are three general forms of folklore: social folklore, material folklore, and narrative folklore. Social folklore consists of the beliefs, customs, and rituals that are characteristic of the society. Material folklore is reflected in pottery, methods of embroidery, and paintings. Narrative folklore tends to be the form that people have the most experience with due to its dynamic inclusion of oral literature, songs, epics, plays, and choreographed art. In the United States, some form of folklore is often taught during primary education with increasing exposure to the various forms as one progresses on to higher education. For instance, George Washington chopping down the cherry tree is an example of narrative folklore commonly known by many schoolchildren in the United States. For the Slavs who did not receive a written language ... Get more on ...
  • 39. What Was The Cause Of The First World War Essay The flapping of wings of a butterfly can cause tornadoes. Well, this certainly proved true in the early part of the 20th century. A single event was to have catastrophic consequences – a single bullet fired in the balmy summer of 1914 led to the deaths of millions and devastation of a scale never before seen. The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was critical in setting off the chain of events that led to the First World War. Not only was it a bad day for the Archduke and his family, but also a bad day for Europe. The First World War began just a shade more than a hundred years ago. This war remains one of the most defining conflicts of modern time and changed not only Europe, but the entire world in many ways. Franz Ferdinand (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914) was an Archduke of Austria–Este, Austria–Hungry and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He was the heir ... Show more content on ... Though the assassination is considered as an immediate cause of the war, several other factors were also responsible for the war. These include include political, territorial and economic conflicts, militarism, imperialism, the growth of nationalism, a complex web of alliances and the power vacuum created by the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the 19th and early 20th century the Ottoman Empire had lost land in the Balkans to the peoples living there. The great powers, especially Russia and Austria were interested in extending their influence in the region, leading to poor relations between them. At the same time, Slav nationalism was growing, especially in Serbia. Russia encouraged Slav nationalism while Austria worried that this nationalism could undermine her empire. Russia supported Serbia which was very bitter at the annexation of Bosnia by Austria and saw herself as Serbia's ... Get more on ...
  • 40. How Did Hitler Achieve Lebensraum? The lebensraum can be defined simply as the living space for the German Race in the east (Module 12, WWII Part III). However, the term lebensraum can run a bit deeper than the aforementioned definition, as it in a way became ingrained into Hitler's ideologies and strategies. Notions surrounding lebensraum would soon become a means of strategic measures after Germany had managed to take over Poland (Module 12, WWII Part III). Many people would be relocated and replaced with German people. Moreover, Hitler would view the Jewish people as an obstacle to achieving lebensraum (Lyons, pg. 47). According to Lyons, Hitler had perceived the Jewish people as an obstacle due to their lack of a territorial base or homeland allowing them to have an international outlook rather than a nationalistic outlook (Lyons, pg. 47). In turn, Lyons wrote, "they sought to denationalize the world through a process of the interbreeding with the bastardization of other peoples. He saw this as an interference with the struggle for existence, and if history were to unfold as he thought it ... Show more content on ... 115). Lyons also made a point to explain some exceptions to this "ideal", being that the English would be able to remain independent as an affiliate state, so long as they went along with the Reich. Furthermore, Hitler's approaches to certain Germanic peoples would vary between different regions such as within Scandinavia and the Low Countries. Although, despite his various approaches within particular nations, his main intent would be to implement all of these people into the Greater Reich (Lyons, pg. 115). As imagined, Hitler's plans didn't go over entirely smoothly, as he was met with resistance from various ... Get more on ...