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Let’s rethink
work together
Work isn’t working
as well as it could…
The UK is falling
behind in the
productivity stakes
The UK currently ranks
Source: LSE study
Mind the
productivity gap.
There’s bad news.
amongst G7
The Productivity Gap
Despite working
more hours…
Increase in people working
more than 48 hours a week
Source: TUC
…we’re becoming
less productive
Output per hour in UK
below the G7 average
Source: ONS
The Productivity Gap
But not all firms
are equal.
There are winners and losers
in the productivity stakes.
The Productivity Gap
Better run
organisations perform
But what do we
mean by better run?
The Productivity Gap
They manage their
business and their
talent better
The Productivity Levers
They get more from
their workforce by
letting them work
more flexibly
83%of firms that let their
employees work flexibly
benefit from productivity
Source: LSE Study
The Productivity Levers
They make
better use of
Information and
The Productivity Levers
And the firms that
perform best don’t just
do one of these things.
They do them all
The Productivity Levers
In fact it can make
The Productivity Impact
20%More productive
Where does that leave you?
A step ahead or playing catch up?
And for how long?
This is how
Vodafone can help…
We can identify and solve problems
others can’t
Our breadth and depth of skills and experience has helped
us see the problems our clients’ face first hand – allowing us
to develop solutions that others can’t.
We also recognise that more than simply selling solutions,
key to our success and that of our clients’ is giving them all
the support they need to make the most informed decisions,
deploy with confidence and ensure their effective use and
management to get the very best return.
Why Vodafone?
We can support you with a network
that’s as big as your ambitions
Vodafone operates one of the biggest, most resilient
networks in the world. A fixed and mobile network that’s
constantly being innovated to meet the demands of
business today.
A network that’s built to handle voice and data services at
scale – that offers a consistent, secure and uncompromising
service experience. It means we can pretty much support
your business wherever you are and wherever you want
to go.
Why Vodafone?
Our solution:
So we saw a
problem and created
a solution:
A cloud-based platform
designed to:
• Make work easier
• More productive
• A better experience for all
One Net Enterprise*
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
So we saw a
problem and created
a solution:
*The only single
product that offers
a truly converged
fixed line and
mobile solution
One Net Enterprise*
So we saw a
problem and created
a solution:
A cloud-based platform
designed to:
• Make work easier
• More productive
• A better experience for all
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
It’s designed to solve
a number of common
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
More devices, more applications and more ways
to communicate are actually making it harder for
people to work together. Just consider all the
time wasted trying to get hold of people. The
missed calls. Telephone tag. Overflowing in-
boxes. Overlooked messages. Making us less
productive, not more.
Challenge #1
is getting harder
not easier
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Vodafone One Net Enterprise let’s your
employees communicate the way they prefer –
using the device of their choice. It allows
seamless communication across landlines,
mobile and desktop – using voice, video, chat or
social channels – so they can choose what’s best
when. All with a single identity that follows them
everywhere – making communication easy.
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
With a simpler, more joined
up communications
As businesses are under more pressure to support
flexible working practices, there are concerns about
the cost, security and productivity implications of
doing so. But on
the other hand, with the right approach it’s critical to
attracting, retaining and getting the best from your
talent. The challenge is how best to enable flexible
working, making it work for you and your people.
Challenge #2
Ensuring out
of the office
doesn’t mean ‘out
of sight,
out of mind’
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Vodafone One Net Enterprise makes effective
flexible working a reality. It gives your people a single
and secure digital workplace, available everywhere
they go. With access to all the tools they need.
Where they can meet virtually with colleagues and
customers in seconds. Or create, share and
collaborate on documents in real-time. So they can
be efficient, productive and there when it matters
regardless of their location.
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Empowering your people
to work at their best
Welcome to generation workaround: increasingly
dissatisfied and frustrated by corporate IT systems,
willingly bypassing company policies – using
unsanctioned devices and off-the-radar services to
get the job done. Making it harder to manage and
know where company data is, and when it’s at risk.
Challenge #3
Keeping on top
of shadow IT
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Vodafone One Net Enterprise empowers your
people with more communications choice whilst
helping you regain control of your environment.
As a single, integrated platform delivered via
the cloud, you can personalise the experience
to each user, even letting staff use their own
devices, while keeping data safe and secure.
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Deliver greater
choice and control
Firms tell us they’re often having to contend with
an array of bills and contracts from different
vendors – along with unpredictable telephony
costs. And that’s just the costs they can see.
They also suffer high overheads by running
ageing systems – that are onerous to manage
and maintain. If replacing or upgrading systems
involves more capex, more are opting to struggle
on and sweat their assets than invest in new.
Challenge #4
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Vodafone One Net Enterprise not only provides
full visibility of all communication costs on a single,
predictable bill – it gives you unlimited, zero-cost
on-net fixed and mobile calls. What’s more, as a
cloud-based solution there’s no need for a costly
capital outlay – and no need for expensive
maintenance and management costs. What’s
more, it’s what Vodafone One Net Enterprise
makes possible that can save you real money –
like reducing travel, property and energy expenses
by freeing your people to work productively
together away from the office.
total cost of
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
A more predictable,
lower cost way
to communicate
Challenge #5
Backing the
right technology
With finite ICT budget at your disposal, you need
to be sure you’re making the right calls for your
business – investing in technology that’s going
to enable rather than restrict your business. So
you’ve got the freedom to rapidly scale services
up or down depending on how your business is
performing. So you can embrace the next big
thing without the need to rip and replace. So you
can be ready for anything.
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
As a cloud-based platform, Vodafone One Net
Enterprise is always up-to-date. You benefit from
new features, functionality and upgrades as
they’re released. What’s more, the service adapts
as your business grows – letting you rapidly bring
new users and offices around the world online.
With utility based per user per month pricing
models, you’ve got the predictability of knowing
exactly how much you’ll pay too. And we even
provide managed services so you can focus on
what you do best – without any distractions.
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
A platform that can grow
with your ambitions
Rethink Productivity with
Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Where it’s easier for your people to work effectively
Where you’re empowered with new levels of agility
and control, while reducing costs
Where you benefit from a flexible, responsive
and agile workforce that’s ready for anything
Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
Scenarios that provide
an opportunity to grow…
Scenario 1:
To sweat or to switch?
Your PBX is coming to End-of-Life
or End-of-Contract
It’s reliable. It does what it does. So sweating it seems like the best option?
But there are risks. Like the fact that the maintenance costs may be rising.
Replacement parts are becoming harder to come by. You’re reliant on specialists to
manage and maintain it. And then where would it leave you if it were to give up
the ghost?
But then there’s the issue that it just isn’t fit for purpose anymore, especially as your
business is more mobile than ever. Calls between fixed and mobile are likely to be
Communicating in other ways means buying more services from different vendors,
more costs and complexity. Making communication harder for employees – not easier.
Reap cost, flexibility and productivity benefits
– while migrating at a pace that suits your business
More than simply replacing your PBX, with Vodafone One Net Enterprise you’re
also benefiting from a platform that integrates your fixed and mobile
communications to deliver more: more choice in how your users communicate,
more flexibility in how and where they can work, and more control over your
communication costs.
As a cloud-based service, there’s minimal capital outlay required. You can slash
your calling costs with free on-net calls – while benefiting from predictable per
user pricing.
You can also migrate at a pace that suits your business. So if there are assets you
want to sweat further, you can continue to run these alongside One Net
Enterprise. We’ll give you all the support you need to target your deployment to
maximise the benefits, while minimising the risks.
Scenario 2:
Moving to new premises –
Where do you grow from here?
You’re opening or have acquired new premises
or plan to refurbish an existing site
Perhaps you’re planning an office move? Extending your branch network?
Or are going through an M&A which means you’re going to be landed with
more premises to support and manage?
There are some big calls you need to make about your communications
infrastructure. Ripping out your current PBX set-up and taking it with you
to new premises can be risky, costly and disruptive. Deploying new equipment
on new premises requires a big capital outlay and resource intensive
implementation. Inheriting yet more systems and contracts through an acquisition
means more complexity, more costs and integration issues.
Then there’s the question of how to plan for future growth?
What’s the best way forward?
Be integrated from the word go with a flexible,
cloud-based platform
As a cloud-based platform, Vodafone One Net Enterprise means you can enable new
premises with a robust, virtual communications environment without the cost or
disruption of deploying a PBX. Rather than running multiple phone systems across
different locations, you can migrate services and sites standardising on a single, unified
platform that can readily scale as your business grows.
Not only will it enable you to simplify management and significantly reduce costs – it
means you can deliver an altogether better and consistent communications experience
to all of your employees, wherever they’re based.
So they not only feel like one company but can act as one company – effortlessly
communicating and working together, without having to navigate different tools,
systems and directories. In addition, you can bring new users and offices online rapidly
so you’re ready wherever and whenever your business needs to grow next.
Scenario 3:
Renewing contracts –
Time to break with the past?
Your fixed telephony, mobile telephony
or video services contract is up for renewal
So it’s that time again to review and renew the contract. Your service provider
is offering you a few sweeteners to sign on the dotted line. It’s easy and less
disruptive to stay with them. But perhaps you have a niggling doubt that there
may be a better option out there.
The challenge isn’t just about getting the best value deal – it’s about what’s
right for your business now and in the near but unforeseeable future. What you
don’t need are more headaches further down the line. Nor to rack up lots more
costs when your business has new requirements. Nor find yourself bound to
technology that’s soon to be out-of-date and no longer fit for purpose.
Bring together your fixed, mobile and communication
into a single platform and contract
Your business users are more mobile than ever. Yet you still need fixed-lines. Chances
are it makes the utmost sense for you that your mobile and fixed telephony talks and
works together. So why doesn’t it?
Vodafone One Net Enterprise gives you the ability to integrate fixed and mobile
services in a single cloud-based platform – allowing your users to communicate the
way they prefer. They benefit from one identity and number that follows them
everywhere. Where your people can be reached by calling a number not a device.
Where they can communicate in the way they prefer. Where colleagues can see who’s
available and get hold of them without playing telephone tag.
So you don’t have to deal with multiple contracts and services. And you don’t need to
put up with runaway communication costs. Instead, you benefit from a single
predictable bill and zero cost on-net calls between mobiles and landlines. All with the
flexibility to add new users and services as your business requirements change.
Scenario 4:
A new flexible working policy –
How to change the way your
people work for the better?
Your business wants to enable its employees
to work more flexibly
Employees are increasingly looking to employers for greater flexibility in when
and where they work. Talent is gravitating to employers who are happy to
embrace new ways of working and give their employees more freedom to
balance their busy work and personal lives, without the everyday commute.
However, enabling flexible working requires more than the right policies to be a
success for employer and employee alike – it demands the right tools. It’s
about ensuring people can work just as effectively and with their colleagues
wherever they are. Also, as GDPR regulations come into force, the question of
how sensitive company data is being managed and protected is also at the
fore. So how can you make flexible working work
for your business?
Empower your employees to work securely
and effectively wherever they are
Vodafone One Net Enterprise is a unified communications platform that’s
to break the barriers that hinder how and where work gets done.
Your people gain access to a single, secure digital workplace that’s available
everywhere they go. They can use the devices they prefer, communicating
using a broad range of channels – voice, video or chat.
Using Presence, colleagues can see when they’re available and contact
them in the right way. Multiple employees can create, share and collaborate
on documents in real-time without ever being in the same room.
Vodafone One Net Enterprise makes communicating and working together
easy – while ensuring your data stays safe in the cloud.
Scenario 5:
More customers, more demands:
How to deliver the right experience?
Your organisation is struggling to meet
customer demands
As customers, we’ve all become more demanding than ever. Our expectations
have been redefined by the likes of Amazon, Uber and John Lewis who have
set the bar high. It means we expect more of the companies that serve us –
a faster response, a better answer and a feeling our custom is valued. If we
don’t get it, we’re more likely to not only to go elsewhere, but head online and
share our poor service experience with others.
However, despite investing in new web and mobile experiences to meet
new customer needs, many firms are struggling to satisfy the heightened
expectations and increasing demands of their customers. Ageing phone
systems and the disparate array of communication channels being used
by organisations can make the right person or department harder to reach –
so people get passed from pillar to post. They can also struggle to cope
with the sheer volume of calls at busy times.
Deliver an altogether better and more responsive
customer experience
Vodafone One Net Enterprise is designed to both make your business easier to
engage and make it easier for your people to respond to your customers.
It can be used to give your customers more choice in the way they interact with
people across your business – from phone to video calling and web chat. The
platform allows you to readily set policies to route inbound calls and messages to
available staff avoiding customers being left waiting. Should one member of staff
be unable to help, they can also collaborate with colleagues in an instant to get
to the answer.
Vodafone One Net Enterprise also enables rich functionality making it a
compelling solution for your Contact Centre – with the option to integrate your
CRM or other sales intelligence software, helping your agents rapidly identify
callers and best serve their needs.
Let’s rethink
work together
Daniel Bain
Regional Sales Specialist
Enterprise Scotland
Vodafone Limited
Mobile: +44 7469 414 093
The future is exciting.

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The Productivity Gap - Lets rethink work together

  • 2. Work isn’t working as well as it could…
  • 3. The UK is falling behind in the productivity stakes 6 The UK currently ranks Source: LSE study Mind the productivity gap. There’s bad news. th amongst G7 The Productivity Gap
  • 4. Despite working more hours… +15% Increase in people working more than 48 hours a week Source: TUC …we’re becoming less productive -15.9% Output per hour in UK below the G7 average Source: ONS The Productivity Gap
  • 5. 5 But not all firms are equal. There are winners and losers in the productivity stakes. The Productivity Gap
  • 6. Better run organisations perform better. But what do we mean by better run? The Productivity Gap
  • 7. They manage their business and their talent better The Productivity Levers
  • 8. They get more from their workforce by letting them work more flexibly 83%of firms that let their employees work flexibly benefit from productivity improvements Source: LSE Study The Productivity Levers
  • 9. They make better use of Information and Communications Technology The Productivity Levers
  • 10. And the firms that perform best don’t just do one of these things. They do them all The Productivity Levers
  • 11. In fact it can make them... The Productivity Impact 20%More productive
  • 12. Where does that leave you? A step ahead or playing catch up? And for how long?
  • 13. This is how Vodafone can help…
  • 14. We can identify and solve problems others can’t Our breadth and depth of skills and experience has helped us see the problems our clients’ face first hand – allowing us to develop solutions that others can’t. We also recognise that more than simply selling solutions, key to our success and that of our clients’ is giving them all the support they need to make the most informed decisions, deploy with confidence and ensure their effective use and management to get the very best return. Why Vodafone?
  • 15. We can support you with a network that’s as big as your ambitions Vodafone operates one of the biggest, most resilient networks in the world. A fixed and mobile network that’s constantly being innovated to meet the demands of business today. A network that’s built to handle voice and data services at scale – that offers a consistent, secure and uncompromising service experience. It means we can pretty much support your business wherever you are and wherever you want to go. Why Vodafone?
  • 16. Our solution: So we saw a productivity problem and created a solution:
  • 17. A cloud-based platform designed to: • Make work easier • More productive • A better experience for all Vodafone One Net Enterprise* Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise So we saw a productivity problem and created a solution:
  • 18. *The only single product that offers a truly converged fixed line and mobile solution Vodafone One Net Enterprise* So we saw a productivity problem and created a solution: A cloud-based platform designed to: • Make work easier • More productive • A better experience for all Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 19. It’s designed to solve a number of common challenges: Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 20. More devices, more applications and more ways to communicate are actually making it harder for people to work together. Just consider all the time wasted trying to get hold of people. The missed calls. Telephone tag. Overflowing in- boxes. Overlooked messages. Making us less productive, not more. Challenge #1 Business communication is getting harder not easier Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 21. Vodafone One Net Enterprise let’s your employees communicate the way they prefer – using the device of their choice. It allows seamless communication across landlines, mobile and desktop – using voice, video, chat or social channels – so they can choose what’s best when. All with a single identity that follows them everywhere – making communication easy. Solution: Rethink communication Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise With a simpler, more joined up communications experience
  • 22. As businesses are under more pressure to support flexible working practices, there are concerns about the cost, security and productivity implications of doing so. But on the other hand, with the right approach it’s critical to attracting, retaining and getting the best from your talent. The challenge is how best to enable flexible working, making it work for you and your people. Challenge #2 Ensuring out of the office doesn’t mean ‘out of sight, out of mind’ Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 23. Vodafone One Net Enterprise makes effective flexible working a reality. It gives your people a single and secure digital workplace, available everywhere they go. With access to all the tools they need. Where they can meet virtually with colleagues and customers in seconds. Or create, share and collaborate on documents in real-time. So they can be efficient, productive and there when it matters regardless of their location. Solution: Rethink flexibility Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise Empowering your people to work at their best
  • 24. Welcome to generation workaround: increasingly dissatisfied and frustrated by corporate IT systems, willingly bypassing company policies – using unsanctioned devices and off-the-radar services to get the job done. Making it harder to manage and know where company data is, and when it’s at risk. Challenge #3 Keeping on top of shadow IT Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 25. Vodafone One Net Enterprise empowers your people with more communications choice whilst helping you regain control of your environment. As a single, integrated platform delivered via the cloud, you can personalise the experience to each user, even letting staff use their own devices, while keeping data safe and secure. Solution Rethink control Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise Deliver greater communications choice and control
  • 26. Firms tell us they’re often having to contend with an array of bills and contracts from different vendors – along with unpredictable telephony costs. And that’s just the costs they can see. They also suffer high overheads by running ageing systems – that are onerous to manage and maintain. If replacing or upgrading systems involves more capex, more are opting to struggle on and sweat their assets than invest in new. Challenge #4 Runaway communication costs Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 27. Vodafone One Net Enterprise not only provides full visibility of all communication costs on a single, predictable bill – it gives you unlimited, zero-cost on-net fixed and mobile calls. What’s more, as a cloud-based solution there’s no need for a costly capital outlay – and no need for expensive maintenance and management costs. What’s more, it’s what Vodafone One Net Enterprise makes possible that can save you real money – like reducing travel, property and energy expenses by freeing your people to work productively together away from the office. Solution: Rethink total cost of ownership Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise A more predictable, lower cost way to communicate
  • 28. Challenge #5 Backing the right technology investments With finite ICT budget at your disposal, you need to be sure you’re making the right calls for your business – investing in technology that’s going to enable rather than restrict your business. So you’ve got the freedom to rapidly scale services up or down depending on how your business is performing. So you can embrace the next big thing without the need to rip and replace. So you can be ready for anything. Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 29. Solution: Rethink futureproof As a cloud-based platform, Vodafone One Net Enterprise is always up-to-date. You benefit from new features, functionality and upgrades as they’re released. What’s more, the service adapts as your business grows – letting you rapidly bring new users and offices around the world online. With utility based per user per month pricing models, you’ve got the predictability of knowing exactly how much you’ll pay too. And we even provide managed services so you can focus on what you do best – without any distractions. Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise A platform that can grow with your ambitions
  • 30. Rethink Productivity with Vodafone One Net Enterprise Where it’s easier for your people to work effectively anywhere Where you’re empowered with new levels of agility and control, while reducing costs Where you benefit from a flexible, responsive and agile workforce that’s ready for anything Our solution: Vodafone One Net Enterprise
  • 31. Scenarios that provide an opportunity to grow…
  • 33. Situation: Your PBX is coming to End-of-Life or End-of-Contract It’s reliable. It does what it does. So sweating it seems like the best option? But there are risks. Like the fact that the maintenance costs may be rising. Replacement parts are becoming harder to come by. You’re reliant on specialists to manage and maintain it. And then where would it leave you if it were to give up the ghost? But then there’s the issue that it just isn’t fit for purpose anymore, especially as your business is more mobile than ever. Calls between fixed and mobile are likely to be rocketing. Communicating in other ways means buying more services from different vendors, more costs and complexity. Making communication harder for employees – not easier.
  • 34. Opportunity: Reap cost, flexibility and productivity benefits – while migrating at a pace that suits your business More than simply replacing your PBX, with Vodafone One Net Enterprise you’re also benefiting from a platform that integrates your fixed and mobile communications to deliver more: more choice in how your users communicate, more flexibility in how and where they can work, and more control over your communication costs. As a cloud-based service, there’s minimal capital outlay required. You can slash your calling costs with free on-net calls – while benefiting from predictable per user pricing. You can also migrate at a pace that suits your business. So if there are assets you want to sweat further, you can continue to run these alongside One Net Enterprise. We’ll give you all the support you need to target your deployment to maximise the benefits, while minimising the risks.
  • 35. Scenario 2: Moving to new premises – Where do you grow from here?
  • 36. Situation: You’re opening or have acquired new premises or plan to refurbish an existing site Perhaps you’re planning an office move? Extending your branch network? Or are going through an M&A which means you’re going to be landed with more premises to support and manage? There are some big calls you need to make about your communications infrastructure. Ripping out your current PBX set-up and taking it with you to new premises can be risky, costly and disruptive. Deploying new equipment on new premises requires a big capital outlay and resource intensive implementation. Inheriting yet more systems and contracts through an acquisition means more complexity, more costs and integration issues. Then there’s the question of how to plan for future growth? What’s the best way forward?
  • 37. Opportunity: Be integrated from the word go with a flexible, cloud-based platform As a cloud-based platform, Vodafone One Net Enterprise means you can enable new premises with a robust, virtual communications environment without the cost or disruption of deploying a PBX. Rather than running multiple phone systems across different locations, you can migrate services and sites standardising on a single, unified platform that can readily scale as your business grows. Not only will it enable you to simplify management and significantly reduce costs – it means you can deliver an altogether better and consistent communications experience to all of your employees, wherever they’re based. So they not only feel like one company but can act as one company – effortlessly communicating and working together, without having to navigate different tools, systems and directories. In addition, you can bring new users and offices online rapidly so you’re ready wherever and whenever your business needs to grow next.
  • 38. Scenario 3: Renewing contracts – Time to break with the past?
  • 39. Situation: Your fixed telephony, mobile telephony or video services contract is up for renewal So it’s that time again to review and renew the contract. Your service provider is offering you a few sweeteners to sign on the dotted line. It’s easy and less disruptive to stay with them. But perhaps you have a niggling doubt that there may be a better option out there. The challenge isn’t just about getting the best value deal – it’s about what’s right for your business now and in the near but unforeseeable future. What you don’t need are more headaches further down the line. Nor to rack up lots more costs when your business has new requirements. Nor find yourself bound to technology that’s soon to be out-of-date and no longer fit for purpose.
  • 40. Opportunity: Bring together your fixed, mobile and communication services into a single platform and contract Your business users are more mobile than ever. Yet you still need fixed-lines. Chances are it makes the utmost sense for you that your mobile and fixed telephony talks and works together. So why doesn’t it? Vodafone One Net Enterprise gives you the ability to integrate fixed and mobile services in a single cloud-based platform – allowing your users to communicate the way they prefer. They benefit from one identity and number that follows them everywhere. Where your people can be reached by calling a number not a device. Where they can communicate in the way they prefer. Where colleagues can see who’s available and get hold of them without playing telephone tag. So you don’t have to deal with multiple contracts and services. And you don’t need to put up with runaway communication costs. Instead, you benefit from a single predictable bill and zero cost on-net calls between mobiles and landlines. All with the flexibility to add new users and services as your business requirements change.
  • 41. Scenario 4: A new flexible working policy – How to change the way your people work for the better?
  • 42. Situation: Your business wants to enable its employees to work more flexibly Employees are increasingly looking to employers for greater flexibility in when and where they work. Talent is gravitating to employers who are happy to embrace new ways of working and give their employees more freedom to balance their busy work and personal lives, without the everyday commute. However, enabling flexible working requires more than the right policies to be a success for employer and employee alike – it demands the right tools. It’s about ensuring people can work just as effectively and with their colleagues wherever they are. Also, as GDPR regulations come into force, the question of how sensitive company data is being managed and protected is also at the fore. So how can you make flexible working work for your business?
  • 43. Opportunity: Empower your employees to work securely and effectively wherever they are Vodafone One Net Enterprise is a unified communications platform that’s designed to break the barriers that hinder how and where work gets done. Your people gain access to a single, secure digital workplace that’s available everywhere they go. They can use the devices they prefer, communicating using a broad range of channels – voice, video or chat. Using Presence, colleagues can see when they’re available and contact them in the right way. Multiple employees can create, share and collaborate on documents in real-time without ever being in the same room. Vodafone One Net Enterprise makes communicating and working together easy – while ensuring your data stays safe in the cloud.
  • 44. Scenario 5: More customers, more demands: How to deliver the right experience?
  • 45. Situation: Your organisation is struggling to meet customer demands As customers, we’ve all become more demanding than ever. Our expectations have been redefined by the likes of Amazon, Uber and John Lewis who have set the bar high. It means we expect more of the companies that serve us – a faster response, a better answer and a feeling our custom is valued. If we don’t get it, we’re more likely to not only to go elsewhere, but head online and share our poor service experience with others. However, despite investing in new web and mobile experiences to meet new customer needs, many firms are struggling to satisfy the heightened expectations and increasing demands of their customers. Ageing phone systems and the disparate array of communication channels being used by organisations can make the right person or department harder to reach – so people get passed from pillar to post. They can also struggle to cope with the sheer volume of calls at busy times.
  • 46. Opportunity: Deliver an altogether better and more responsive customer experience Vodafone One Net Enterprise is designed to both make your business easier to engage and make it easier for your people to respond to your customers. It can be used to give your customers more choice in the way they interact with people across your business – from phone to video calling and web chat. The platform allows you to readily set policies to route inbound calls and messages to available staff avoiding customers being left waiting. Should one member of staff be unable to help, they can also collaborate with colleagues in an instant to get to the answer. Vodafone One Net Enterprise also enables rich functionality making it a compelling solution for your Contact Centre – with the option to integrate your CRM or other sales intelligence software, helping your agents rapidly identify callers and best serve their needs.
  • 47. Let’s rethink work together Daniel Bain Regional Sales Specialist Enterprise Scotland Vodafone Limited Mobile: +44 7469 414 093 Email: The future is exciting. Ready?