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Kreissontech 21 • Germany
c/o Eduardo Rodríguez
Elektrastr. 5
81925 München
Phone. +49 (177) 142 3647
Mexico City • São Paulo • Munich • Madrid • Stockholm
The rules have changed.
Play different. Stop their game. Own back your field.
Kreissontech 21 • Mexico
c/o Temanova · World Trade
Center · Mexico City
Montecito No. 38 Piso 33 Oficina 11
Nápoles (Benito Juárez)
03810 México, D.F.
Phone. +52 (55) 5638 0726
The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017
Kreissontech 21 • Sweden
c/o Germán Mejías
formerly incubated at KTH Innovation
Lindstedtsvägen 30, floor 5Ö
100 44 Stockholm
Stockholms län
Phone. +46 (8) 790 9707
Kreissontech 21 • Brazil
c/o Ben Orta
Grupo Yunntech
Rua Marquês de Paraná,
471 - Alto da Lapa
05086-010 São Paulo - SP
Phone. +55 (11) 3042 3356
Kreissontech 21 • Spain
c/o Temanova · Madrid
Martín de los Heros 21, 6ºA
Argüelles (Moncloa-Aravaca)
28008 Madrid
Comunidad de Madrid
Phone. +34 (91) 547 6648
The rules have changed.
Scenario 1 • Digital devices and botnets
Malware (malicious software) is able to remain undetected in digital devices for as
long as zombie recruiters need. They surreptitiously enlist millions of endpoints for
their obscure purposes, like fighting cyber-wars on the Internet.
You want Peace & Love but antivirus software is no longer able to detect them. Is it
possible to keep your digital devices OUT of botnet (robot network) armies recruited
by mercenaries and governments?
Scenario 2 • Digital devices and privacy
Malware can be illegally injected into digital devices by criminals, mercenaries, and
abusers. Once a device is infected, they can snoop on you —and anyone around you.
They can easily collect files, voice, images, video, and geolocation data.
You demand security AND privacy but your antivirus is already obsolete. How will you
keep illicit spying and surveillance malware OUT of your digital devices?
Scenario 3 • Businesses and governments
It takes days, weeks, or even months to find out if a malware-based data breach has
taken —or is taking— place in your network.
You were appointed to keep information within a perimeter but existing malware
detection technologies are too slow to interrupt an attack. How can you effectively
clean key endpoints within your network in order to defend your turf?
Scenario 4 • Critical infrastructure facilities
Traditional malware prevention technologies are unable to stop digital saboteur
agents infiltrated in contractor devices and air-gapped systems. Cyber-insurance
might not be enough to cope with the impact of materializing risk.
If you were appointed to protect critical infrastructure facilities, how will you
interrupt an undetected malware-borne sabotage taking place?
Play different. Stop their game. Own back your field.
The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 2
1. Anomalies • A prelude to a change of paradigm
Malware detection techniques were successfully applied for almost thirty years.
During the second decade of the 21st Century, however, evidence shows that they are unable
to detect as they used to. Malware-borne data breaches and other cyber-attacks reach the
news every month as novel malware techniques are used by criminals, mercenaries, and
abusive intelligence agencies.
Any group using digital devices is being affected. Stolen personal data impacts individuals.
Secrets, personal data, and intellectual property extracted from businesses and governments
destroy the trust that people bestows on them. Ashamed, CEOs and CIOs resign. Journalists,
advocates, and activists are subject to illicit surveillance, violence and even death. Unplugged
systems in critical infrastructure facilities are sabotaged. Alas! Even hackers are being hacked
while governments point their fingers to one another. It seems that the Internet has become
wilder than the Wild West.
Amid this turmoil, an increasing number of security professionals are questioning the
effectiveness of traditional security technologies employed to detect malware. Existing tools
are visibly unable to stop malware-based cyber-attacks anymore. Even the company that
created the antivirus has publicly admitted its obsolescence.
Key questions remain unanswered: • How to protect against malware that is impossible to
detect? • Is it possible to empower individuals to keep their digital devices out of malware-
borne armies of botnets? • How to enable organizations from different sectors to interrupt
malware-based data breaches? • Is there a way to keep personal digital devices —the so-
called endpoints— in a malware-free state?
While anomalies accumulate, Kreissontech 21 joins researchers and strategists who point in
the same direction: we should be doing malware prevention in a different way if the outlooks
of information security, privacy, and personal data protection are ever to improve.
2. Outside the box • The place to find new solutions
The failure of the current malware prevention paradigm is as evident as costly. It is
even life-threatening to some individuals. Aware of the need, Kreissontech 21 proposes new
solutions designed by observing accumulated knowledge in disciplines such as immunology
and hygiene practices.
2.1. Immune system design • Biological vs. Digital
Living organisms have immune systems to defend themselves against invaders. Millions of
years in evolution have provided vertebrates with the most effective immune system design
known to date. Diagram 2.1 compares two immune systems of our concern.
Diagram 2.1. Simplified comparison of current immune systems: Biological vs. Digital
The Privacy & Digital Security Brain Central.
What we do
We transform software hygiene from theory
into practice. The OK! technology is our first
patented innovation.
Application areas
Digital security
Privacy & Personal data protection
IT operation
IP Rights Status
Granted patents
1. Canada CA 2 468 608 A1
2. China ZL02826500.9
3. Hong Kong HK1075102
4. Mexico 275860
5. Russia 2310225
6. United States US 7275154 B2
Pending patents
1. European Union 02789006.0
What we offer
Consulting services for implementation
Licensing for industrial/commercial purposes
Conferences, workshops, training
Kreissontech 21 • Mexico
Manuel Mejías
Kreissontech 21 • Brazil
Ben Orta
Kreissontech 21 • Germany
Eduardo Rodríguez
Kreissontech 21 • Spain
Manuel Ballester
Kreissontech 21 • Sweden
Germán Mejías
OK! short video demo
Microsoft® Windows XP prototype
Registered trademarks are owned by their respective owners.
3 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017
Biological immune system
Vertebrate organisms possess the most
effective defense barrier known to date
Digital immune system
The defense barrier in digital devices is
already exhausted, if available at all
Outer layer • Brute force defense
Destroys anything unknown
Incoming invaders
An infection rarely occurs
Inner layer • Matching defense
Destroys known invaders, if detected
Incoming invaders
Undetected invaders easily pass through
One layer • Matching defense
Destroys known invaders, if detected
The immune system in vertebrate living organisms has two layers. The outer layer provides
general, brute force defense against biological or chemical invaders. The inner layer delivers
specific, matching defense against attackers that surpass the first layer.
In contrast, the immune system in digital devices has only one layer, if available at all. It is
expected to provide defense by identifying invaders. Evidence shows that this layer is already
overwhelmed. There are so many invaders that this layer is incapable of identifying them all.
In addition, there is no complementing layer in front aiding defense capabilities.
2.2. Software hygiene • The missing brute force layer
Software hygiene is an abstraction, not a product. Software hygiene refers to the activities
required to quickly reinstall software —operating system, applications, even firmware— in a
device, without damaging existing data. Reinstalling software works like the outer layer of a
biological immune system. It destroys unauthorized visitors without detection.
Software hygiene moves away from the obsolete detection paradigm. It is a different
approach that wipes off malware presence from personal devices by restoring trustworthy
software backups in a simple, effective, proven, yet unconventional way.
If properly implemented, software hygiene minimizes the presence of malware. It interrupts
malware-borne data breaches, privacy tampering activities, clandestine botnet operations,
and sabotage maneuvers before the kill chain process is completed (see Diagram 2.2).
Diagram 2.2. Software hygiene and the anatomy (kill chain) of a malware-borne attack
2.3. A metaphor related to hygiene? Why?
Our skin gets soiled and catches germs. We should wash it regularly to remove potential
invaders. People are taught to do so at home and at school. If germs are not removed, there
is a risk of intake. In such case, an illness may develop and the need to visit a doctor arises.
Simple prophylactic techniques prevent individual disease and enable the public to contain
epidemic outbreaks. Thus, software hygiene is a concept easy to grasp.
Modern hygiene practices in the health disciplines are nearly 200 years old. We owe this to
John Snow (1813-1858) born in the United Kingdom, and to Ignaz P. Semmelweis (1818-1865)
born in Hungary. Acceptance and application of prophylactic techniques —such as washing
hands before surgery— took decades of education and promotion.
2.4. The software hygiene mantra
Anyone should be able to regularly wash (quickly reinstall) the everyday software they use in
their digital devices in order to remove invaders from that surface. Interrupting a malware-
borne data breach or a sabotage, or even getting a personal device out of a criminal or cyber-
war botnet should be as easy as washing one’s hands.
The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 4
These activities only happen if
detection takes place
Software hygiene enables you to interrupt a malware-borne
attack before its impact has been completed
Hacker targets
you and your
device &
Selects cyber-
Hacker explores
your device and
the network it
connects to
impact of
the attack
is carried
Impact is
Investigation &
Incident response
Software hygiene should be performed on operating system (OS), applications (apps), and
firmware. The cleaning process should be quick, completed in less than 30 minutes, without
collateral damage to stored files, without the need of an on-site technician, automatically,
safely, and it should be a repeatable process to be effective.
When properly implemented, software hygiene technologies keep devices —and the
networks they connect to— in a cleaner state. Malware-free backups of installed software
are used to replace the infection-suspected software in use. In this way, software hygiene
provides the brute force defense layer that is missing in digital devices.
3. It is time to be OK! • Our software hygiene technology
Although some of its enabling tools & technologies have been around for a while,
software hygiene has not been studied, integrated, and refined before as we at Kreissontech
21 have done since 1987, when our founder’s first personal computer was erased by malware.
Since then, our researchers have devoted time and genius to transform theory into practice.
The result is our premiere software hygiene technology called OK!, released in May 1999, at
San Miguel de Allende, a small town in Guanajuato, in the geographical center of Mexico.
OK! has surprised IT and security experts from countries such as Mexico, USA, Sweden,
Germany, and Spain. It has initially been designed for personal computers, smartphones and
tablets although it can be implemented on servers and appliances. OK! is currently available
for the Microsoft® Windows, Linux Ubuntu, and Apple® iOS platforms.
3.1. Here’s how it works
The following explanation depicts how the OK! technology works in a stand-alone, host (non-
virtualized) Microsoft® Windows personal computer scenario:
a. Initial optimization process. This process divides the main non-volatile storage media
(hard disk) into purpose-specific sections (partitions and disk volumes). It minutely
separates and intelligently organizes both software and data onto said sections. OS and
apps are reconfigured to assimilate changes so they can properly use said sections. The
resulting OK!-optimized state is imperceptible to the eyes of the novice user. Such state is
compatible with all tested apps and customizable with system administrator policies as
well. This initial optimization process generates a so-called OK!-optimized device.
b. Software hygiene images. The initial OK!-optimized state of installed software is stored
locally and externally by means of cloned images of MBR, FAT, OS, temporary files, and
apps. Available firmware is also backed up.
c. Data backups. Data files are kept separately, in their own purpose-specific sections. Data
files are backed up locally and externally, using different plans according to their priority.
d. Software hygiene restoration. With use, installed software will get soiled with malware.
To wash out invaders from the software surface (MBR, FAT, OS, temporary files, apps),
the latest cloned software images are restored onto corresponding purpose-specific
sections. It usually takes less than 30 minutes so this is a repeatable process. (It takes a
minute or two if using virtual machines.) Our methodology includes firmware restoration
if the corresponding tools are available from hardware manufacturers.
e. Data restoration. If data files get soiled with malware, a software hygiene restoration
takes place first to ensure a malware-free environment after restarting the device. Then,
existing data files are cleaned by means of a scanning & cleaning tool, or by restoring
data files from its latest backup.
f. Updating software images. A qualified technician is required to update cloned images of
MBR, FAT, OS, temporary files, and apps. We can train your team to be independent, or
provide your organization with the necessary services. Our proprietary best practices
must be employed when updating cloned images to ensure the production of new and
updated malware-free cloned images of installed software.
g. Recovery on different hardware. OK! enables a quicker & easier recovery of a
malfunctioning, damaged, stolen or lost device into a different hardware device of the
same OS platform —even if the receiving device has not been OK!-optimized. This is
5 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017
About the OK! technology...
The OK! technology employs our patented
initial optimization process to divide the main
non-volatile storage media (hard disk) into
several purpose-specific sections (partitions
and disk volumes). This initial process minute-
ly separates and intelligently organizes both
software and data onto said sections, in a way
imperceptible to the eyes of the novice user.
thanks to • our patented initial optimization process and to • the software images and
the data backups stored internally and externally. A qualified technician and the proper
tools are required for this process.
3.2. Key defense features
OK! is not a shrink-wrapped, off-the-shelf IT security product. OK! is a customizable
technology that adapts to each organization when implemented. This brings about the
following key defense features:
a. Highly customizable. No two organizations are alike. An OK! implementation is different
from one organization to another. OK! can be customized to become different from one
internal department to another, and even from one device to another.
b. Increased security by means of implementation diversity. If an OK!-optimized device is
hacked, the remaining OK! implementations would not be immediately vulnerable with
the knowledge collected by the attacker. Try that with traditional IT security products.
c. Optimized compatibility. OK! is compatible with other IT security technologies.
Encryption, sandboxing, virtualization, disk cloning, even antivirus detection. If properly
implemented, OK! optimizes the results obtained when using other security tools.
d. Accelerated delivery and performance. By applying the OK! technology to virtual
machines, it is possible to quickly implement OK!-optimized solutions such as Live Shields
(VMs for Internet navigation) and Capsules (VMs with persistent memory). A software
hygiene restoration of a virtual machine usually takes about a minute to complete.
3.3. Advantages for your information security team
• Implement stricter malware prevention policies based on software hygiene in order to stop
undetected malware-borne attacks, even if no malware detection takes place by other
available security technologies.
• Increase the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of software and data within OK!-
optimized devices.
• Means to comply with at least 14 security controls in the ISO/IEC 27002:2013 standard.
• Comply with laws, best practices and other IT operation and service management
frameworks that currently just wish that complying organizations were able to stop
malware-borne attacks and data breaches.
3.4. Advantages for your IT operation team
• Quickly maintain personal devices and low-profile servers at top-notch performance.
• Repair software damage, restore secure operation, and even recover operation into a
different hardware device (of the same OS platform) in record time.
• Increase possibilities of data recovery in personal computers, even in extreme cases of
ransomware, damage to hard disk, or stolen device.
• Boost productivity of existing support technicians by empowering their capabilities.
• Reduce your cost by employing more support technicians and less support engineers.
Direct engineers onto key strategic services and projects.
• Reduce the learning curve of recently recruited personnel.
3.5. Benefits for your users and your organization
• Quickly eradicate malware presence in MBR, FAT, OS, apps, and firmware in Microsoft®
Windows and Linux Ubuntu personal computers. Our Apple® iOS prototypes require more
time, depending on installed apps and user’s data.
• The software hygiene restoration process enabled by OK! can be carried out by trained
users themselves, by remote technicians, or by security professionals, without harm to the
data files stored in its corresponding disk volume.
• It is possible to automate, control and carry out the OK! software hygiene restoration
process regularly or on a changing schedule, according to the suspected intensity of cyber-
security threats at any given time.
• Data backups —and even data recovery after disk damage or ransomware attack—
The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 6
You can deal with malware...
The old way:
• Restoration comes after the malware-
borne attack has been completed, if ever
• Restoration takes hours, days, or weeks;
always a pain for technicians and users.
• Data is lost if no backup is made before
restoration takes place.
• An on-site technician is often required.
Sometimes, the machine must be taken to
a service station.
The OK! way:
• OK! effectively interrupts a malware-borne
attack, even without detection.
• OK! takes less than 30 minutes to be easy
on technicians and users. If virtualized, it
takes seconds to complete.
• No data is lost. No time to waste in backups
during software restoration.
• An OK! restoration can be performed re-
motely, regularly. No need to take the com-
puter to a service station.
becomes easier, faster and more effective.
• File fragmentation is minimized. In addition, a better way to defragment files is possible,
completed in minutes —not hours— even if the disk is almost full.
3.6. Positive opinions about the OK! technology
a. Two Swedish consultant firms. K21 was temporarily incubated at KTH Innovation
(Sweden). • There, an intellectual property consultant firm analyzed the OK!’s patent
family and found positive reasons to move forward. • Afterwards, an information
security consultant firm expressed “we have never seen something like this but it
works” when they examined the OK! technology. Sweden, Finland and Israel are
considered as top performers in cyber-defense.
b. Dr. Bruce Schneier, renowned cryptologist and author of several books, replied
“interesting” in an e-mail, after Kreissontech 21 explained that the OK! technology turns
restoration —usually considered as corrective— into a preventive security control.
c. An examiner at the European Patent Office, during the analysis carried out for the
European patent application, said “the combination of the technical effects involves
some degree of surprise” because OK! deals with performance, data backups and file
fragmentation issues. He added “a person skilled in the art […] would not consider
solving the three problems together”.
d. Dr. Manuel Ballester, CEO at Temanova Mexico and Temanova Spain, and 2016-2019
President at the Latin American Digital Security Professionals Association (ALAPSI) said
that “OK! is the Rolls-Royce of digital security methodologies for personal computers”.
e. Michael Carbone, Manager of Security Education at AccessNow, and Project
Management and Funding at Qubes OS, said that OK! is a “pretty remarkable”
technology for the Windows platform. He also opened the door to explore ways to
improve Qubes OS with software hygiene techniques for disk management.
3.7. The community around the OK! technology
The community around the OK! technology is a nascent one. However, software hygiene has
a future of its own. A related technology (known as “disk cloning” or “disk imaging”) is made
by Acronis, a vendor that already has 5.5 million customers in 145 countries. Another related
technology (that we refer to as “change-rejection per session”) is sold by Faronics and has
more than 9 million installations in 150 countries.
OK! improves results obtained by disk cloning in such a radical way that, in 2015, Paragon
Software Group —a disk imaging software tool that competes with Acronis— agreed to
explore a business partnership with K21, as is later described.
4. Kreissontech 21 • The creator of the OK! technology
Currently headquartered in Mexico City, Kreissontech 21 delivers OK! solutions to
individuals and organizations in the public, private, academic, and social sectors who seek to
improve their information security, privacy, and personal data protection practice.
OK! has a geopolitical appeal given its Mexican origin. We have representation offices in
other countries but seek to maintain Kreissontech 21 away from the regulatory frameworks
and jurisdictions of powerful yet abusive intelligence agencies. This is becoming a key feature
considered by conscious customers that seek innovative malware prevention solutions with
an independent & freedom flair by-design.
We help our customers implement the OK! technology in their facilities. We enable them to
effectively interrupt malware-borne data breaches, botnets, mass surveillance, and sabotage
maneuvers that initiate by infecting low-profile servers and other endpoint personal devices
connected to their networks.
Software hygiene is a Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET). Therefore, Kreissontech 21 and
the OK! technology are within this industry, and within the information security industry as
well. We offer consulting services for implementation projects, licensing for industrial and
commercial purposes, conferences, workshops, and training.
7 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017
Compare the cost...
Malware prevention without OK!
1. Include the cost of solving configuration & soft-
ware damage using traditional IT operation tech-
2. Include the cost of complying with a strict yet
effective malware prevention policy based on a
monthly software hygiene restoration process
but using traditional IT operation techniques.
Malware prevention with OK!
1. Include the cost of solving configuration & soft-
ware damage using the OK! technology.
2. Include the cost of complying with a strict yet
effective malware prevention policy based on a
monthly software hygiene restoration process
using the OK! technology.
3. Include implementation, training, certification
and licensing costs.
With the OK! technology, it is possible to
achieve at least 60% savings on the cost —and
at most 96% savings on the energy— required
to maintain an effective malware prevention
policy based on a monthly software hygiene
restoration process.
4.1. Development Stage
Kreissontech 21 has been developing and testing the OK! technology with real users since
1999, on a daily basis, mainly on Microsoft® Windows computing platforms: Windows 95®,
Windows 98®, Windows XP®, Windows Vista®, and Windows 7®. Implementations for Linux
Ubuntu and Apple® iOS computing platform are also available.
The OK! technology has six granted patents in key markets around the world, including USA,
Russia, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, and Canada. There are pending patents in other countries.
Supplementary sub-processes for the OK! technology have also been developed and tested
with real users.
Application compatibility is a strong feature delivered by the OK! technology. Standard
productivity business suites from leading developers —among other apps and even software
development environments— have been tested since 1999. OK!-compatible software places
its files and user’s files in the proper purpose-specific sections, without any further technical
intervention. On the Windows computing platform, applications are OK!-compatible out-of-
the-box if they comply with the software design specifications set by Microsoft®.
4.2. Research and Development (R&D) activities with philanthropy
Kreissontech 21 has successfully pioneered the combination of R&D activities with
philanthropy. In 1999, we established an exchange agreement to implement a pilot site of IT
services based on the OK! technology. This was achieved at the former Save the Children
Mexico office facilities at San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
The agreement allowed Kreissontech 21 to develop and test the OK! technology under real
life conditions, out of a lab, for almost 9 years, in exchange of value-added IT services for said
non-profit organization. It also brought savings of more than $100,000 USD in lab expenses
and showed the potential that OK! has for the Human Rights organizations community.
4.3. Technical partners
Our technical partners are small businesses and freelance professionals with experience in IT
services, privacy, or digital security who represent K21 in order to carry out or supervise OK!
implementation services in the country or the city where they are established.
K21 has started relations with technical partners in countries such as Mexico (since 1999),
Sweden (2011), Germany (2015), Spain (2016), Brazil (2015), and Argentina (2016).
4.4. Business partners
Our business partners are companies willing to provide an excelling service quality to OK!
users. They will benefit by selling their products or services along with the OK! technology.
In 2014, Auren Iberoamérica (operating as Temanova in Mexico City and Madrid) agreed to
team up with K21. The firm offers consulting services in governance, compliance, privacy, and
information security ISO/IEC standards certification.
In 2015, Paragon Software Group —a German software developer— saw enough potential in
the OK! technology that they offered to adapt their code in order to create an exclusive tool
for K21 that will display an “OK! compatible” or “Designed for OK!” legend.
5. Malicious software • An ongoing threat to privacy
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, promulgated in 1948 by the United
Nations, states in its Article 12 that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with
her/his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon her/his honor and
reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or
attacks.” In its preamble, the declaration states that “human rights should be protected by
the rule of law” in all Member States.
In practice, however, the way in which the Human Right of Privacy has been adopted differs
The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 8
from country to country. It depends on • the rights, obligations, and principles established by
its regulatory framework, • on its promulgated laws, and • upon the creations of at least one
governmental agency, or authority that guarantees Human Rights within that country.
5.1. Human Rights related to Privacy are under threat
Evidence delivered by whistleblowers during the first two decades of the 21st Century has
confirmed that telecommunications and information technologies enable governments to
carry out polemical activities that constitute clear abuses to the Human Right of Privacy and
other related rights: • Mass surveillance, and • Surreptitious recruitment of personal
devices (the so-called endpoints in network parlance). As explained in the next section, both
activities are strongly related to the successful use of malware.
Intelligence agencies have been appointed to perform both polemical activities. Some are
already exerting surveillance on large groups of individuals, in bulk, or on people considered
as a potential nuisance to the interests of certain groups of power. For instance, evidence
shows that officials in organizations that promote and defend human rights, such as the
United Nations or Amnesty International, have been subject to intelligence activities.
Whistleblowers have recently shown the public that specific intelligence agencies perform
mass surveillance • surreptitiously, • obtaining judicial orders that authorize bulk activities
on entire populations and not on specific individuals, • on its own citizens and, violating the
sovereignty of other nations, on foreigners outside their jurisdictions, • without laws that
fully enable the agency to perform such activities, • without citizen supervision, and •
without plausible results.
The public has now proof that specific intelligence agencies employ systems and
technologies that illicitly retain and analyze enormous amounts of data that travel through
electronic telecommunications networks, such as the Internet.
5.2. How is malware related to the ongoing privacy crisis?
By using malware that antivirus systems cannot detect, intelligence agencies infiltrate
companies that design, develop, and sell telecommunications equipment. Evidence shows
that they can find and even implant backdoors in the appliance devices used to construct the
underlying infrastructure of telecommunication networks such as the Internet.
It is necessary to clarify that a backdoor is a vulnerability within a system; figuratively, a
security hole in a digital device such as a personal computer, server or network appliance.
In addition, by employing undetectable malwares, those agencies infiltrate companies that
design, develop, and sell hardware & software for personal devices. Particularly, they have
been able to steal complete encryption-key databases from manufacturers that provide now-
insecure SIM chips for mobile phones. In like manner, they have been able to find and implant
backdoors on the software and firmware integrated in the personal devices that the public
uses for either work or leisure.
An attacker installs malware on its target by taking advantage of found or implanted
vulnerabilities. The installed malware enables the attacker to later reconnect to the infected
device. Malware, therefore, conveniently enslaves such device for a variety of activities that
are carried out silently over the following days, weeks, and even months after the day when
the initial infection took place.
If the targeted device is a network appliance that serves as part of the underlying
infrastructure of the Internet, the attacker can instruct the infected device to mirror voice &
data going through, and to covertly send collected traffic to an intelligence data warehouse.
If the target happens to be a personal device employed to make phone calls (a smartphone),
or to navigate the Web (a personal computer, tablet, or smartphone), the attacker instructs
the infected device to copy some or all of the contents generated by the user, and to silently
send collected data through the Internet, to said intelligence data warehouse.
Similar tactics are employed by criminals to carry out data breaches. Of course, other
9 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017
Technical benefits of OK!
1. A malware-borne data breach or sabotage
that starts in an endpoint device can be
interrupted monthly, weekly, daily, even
twice a day if necessary.
2. Software & configuration damage is re-
paired in minutes —not hours— without a
scratch to user’s files.
3. Extended power for existing security,
maintenance, and technical support tools.
4. Top hardware and software performance is
achieved without wasting time or re-
5. Data encryption can be obtained minimiz-
ing impact to equipment performance.
6. File fragmentation is minimized. File
defragmentation is optimized by making it
more precise and faster to complete —in
minutes, even if the disk is almost full.
7. Backup copies are easier, faster, and more
possibilities are available to the attackers, for as long as the malware remains installed and
undetected in all infected devices.
6. The human side of software hygiene
Personal devices —computers, tablets, smartphones, and the like—, network
appliances, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices that have software hygiene capabilities
empower users to better defend their information, identity, and privacy from prying eyes,
hands and wills. Such is the main convenience of software hygiene for individuals.
The Human Right of Privacy could be reason enough for widespread acceptance of software
hygiene technologies since it is related to other human rights and topics that go well beyond
telecommunications and information technologies. Take, for instance, democracy, freedom
of expression, justice, legality, and respect between nations, among others.
It might be clear now that individuals that regularly run software hygiene processes on
endpoint devices, whether they use them for work or leisure, would achieve, as a group, a
higher level of benefits for the public at large.
For instance, users would be able to regularly bring the surreptitiously enlisted devices they
own out of criminal and government-sponsored botnets. Today, such groups of power have
the potential to convert millions of computers, tablets, and smartphones into cyber-warfare.
Therefore, this self-cleaning group of individuals and their devices could be regarded as a
virtuous system.
This would empower individuals to raise their ethical and morale levels by participating in
hygiene exercises that exceed mere personal convenience, aspiring for the benefit of their
family, community, nation, and humanity as a whole.
Human understanding already allows this behavior to be achieved when there is a latent risk
of a pandemic. When washing hands is not enough, upon announcement of authorities or by
self-motivation, we start using face masks and sanitary gel in order to impede proliferation of
noxious germs.
7. SHARP+E • Join the bright side of the force
The Software Hygiene Advanced Research Professionals plus Enthusiasts group at
LinkedIn® aims to gather innovation-driven individuals from other disciplines with IT security
& privacy professionals. We aim to show hardware, software, and telecomm manufacturers
that design adjustments should be made into their products to let everyone easily obtain the
software hygiene empowerment soon.
Join the group today:
Kreissontech 21 • Mexico
c/o Auren Iberoamérica
World Trade Center · Mexico City
Montecito No. 38 Piso 33 Oficina 11
Nápoles (Benito Juárez)
03810 México, D.F.
Phone. +52 (55) 5638 0726
Kreissontech 21 • Brazil
c/o Ben Orta
Grupo Yunntech
Rua Marquês de Paraná,
471 - Alto da Lapa
05086-010 São Paulo - SP
Phone. +55 (11) 3042 3356
Kreissontech 21 • Germany
c/o Eduardo Rodríguez
Elektrastr. 5
81925 München
Phone. +49 (177) 142 3647
Kreissontech 21 • Spain
c/o Temanova · Madrid
Martín de los Heros 21, 6ºA
Argüelles (Moncloa-Aravaca)
28008 Madrid
Comunidad de Madrid
Phone. +34 (91) 547 6648
Kreissontech 21 • Sweden
c/o Germán Mejías
formerly incubated at KTH Innovation
Lindstedtsvägen 30, floor 5Ö
100 44 Stockholm
Stockholms län
Phone. +46 (8) 790 9707
The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 10

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  • 1. Kreissontech 21 • Germany c/o Eduardo Rodríguez Repräsentanz Elektrastr. 5 81925 München Bayern Deutschland E-mail. Phone. +49 (177) 142 3647 Mexico City • São Paulo • Munich • Madrid • Stockholm The rules have changed. Play different. Stop their game. Own back your field. Kreissontech 21 • Mexico c/o Temanova · World Trade Center · Mexico City Montecito No. 38 Piso 33 Oficina 11 Nápoles (Benito Juárez) 03810 México, D.F. México E-mail. Phone. +52 (55) 5638 0726 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 Kreissontech 21 • Sweden c/o Germán Mejías formerly incubated at KTH Innovation Lindstedtsvägen 30, floor 5Ö 100 44 Stockholm Stockholms län Sverige E-mail. Phone. +46 (8) 790 9707 Kreissontech 21 • Brazil c/o Ben Orta Grupo Yunntech Rua Marquês de Paraná, 471 - Alto da Lapa 05086-010 São Paulo - SP Brasil E-mail. Phone. +55 (11) 3042 3356 Kreissontech 21 • Spain c/o Temanova · Madrid Martín de los Heros 21, 6ºA Argüelles (Moncloa-Aravaca) 28008 Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Spain E-mail. Phone. +34 (91) 547 6648
  • 2. The rules have changed. Scenario 1 • Digital devices and botnets Malware (malicious software) is able to remain undetected in digital devices for as long as zombie recruiters need. They surreptitiously enlist millions of endpoints for their obscure purposes, like fighting cyber-wars on the Internet. You want Peace & Love but antivirus software is no longer able to detect them. Is it possible to keep your digital devices OUT of botnet (robot network) armies recruited by mercenaries and governments? Scenario 2 • Digital devices and privacy Malware can be illegally injected into digital devices by criminals, mercenaries, and abusers. Once a device is infected, they can snoop on you —and anyone around you. They can easily collect files, voice, images, video, and geolocation data. You demand security AND privacy but your antivirus is already obsolete. How will you keep illicit spying and surveillance malware OUT of your digital devices? Scenario 3 • Businesses and governments It takes days, weeks, or even months to find out if a malware-based data breach has taken —or is taking— place in your network. You were appointed to keep information within a perimeter but existing malware detection technologies are too slow to interrupt an attack. How can you effectively clean key endpoints within your network in order to defend your turf? Scenario 4 • Critical infrastructure facilities Traditional malware prevention technologies are unable to stop digital saboteur agents infiltrated in contractor devices and air-gapped systems. Cyber-insurance might not be enough to cope with the impact of materializing risk. If you were appointed to protect critical infrastructure facilities, how will you interrupt an undetected malware-borne sabotage taking place? Play different. Stop their game. Own back your field. The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 2
  • 3. 1. Anomalies • A prelude to a change of paradigm Malware detection techniques were successfully applied for almost thirty years. During the second decade of the 21st Century, however, evidence shows that they are unable to detect as they used to. Malware-borne data breaches and other cyber-attacks reach the news every month as novel malware techniques are used by criminals, mercenaries, and abusive intelligence agencies. Any group using digital devices is being affected. Stolen personal data impacts individuals. Secrets, personal data, and intellectual property extracted from businesses and governments destroy the trust that people bestows on them. Ashamed, CEOs and CIOs resign. Journalists, advocates, and activists are subject to illicit surveillance, violence and even death. Unplugged systems in critical infrastructure facilities are sabotaged. Alas! Even hackers are being hacked while governments point their fingers to one another. It seems that the Internet has become wilder than the Wild West. Amid this turmoil, an increasing number of security professionals are questioning the effectiveness of traditional security technologies employed to detect malware. Existing tools are visibly unable to stop malware-based cyber-attacks anymore. Even the company that created the antivirus has publicly admitted its obsolescence. Key questions remain unanswered: • How to protect against malware that is impossible to detect? • Is it possible to empower individuals to keep their digital devices out of malware- borne armies of botnets? • How to enable organizations from different sectors to interrupt malware-based data breaches? • Is there a way to keep personal digital devices —the so- called endpoints— in a malware-free state? While anomalies accumulate, Kreissontech 21 joins researchers and strategists who point in the same direction: we should be doing malware prevention in a different way if the outlooks of information security, privacy, and personal data protection are ever to improve. 2. Outside the box • The place to find new solutions The failure of the current malware prevention paradigm is as evident as costly. It is even life-threatening to some individuals. Aware of the need, Kreissontech 21 proposes new solutions designed by observing accumulated knowledge in disciplines such as immunology and hygiene practices. 2.1. Immune system design • Biological vs. Digital Living organisms have immune systems to defend themselves against invaders. Millions of years in evolution have provided vertebrates with the most effective immune system design known to date. Diagram 2.1 compares two immune systems of our concern. Diagram 2.1. Simplified comparison of current immune systems: Biological vs. Digital The Privacy & Digital Security Brain Central. What we do We transform software hygiene from theory into practice. The OK! technology is our first patented innovation. Application areas Digital security Privacy & Personal data protection IT operation IP Rights Status Granted patents 1. Canada CA 2 468 608 A1 2. China ZL02826500.9 3. Hong Kong HK1075102 4. Mexico 275860 5. Russia 2310225 6. United States US 7275154 B2 Pending patents 1. European Union 02789006.0 What we offer Consulting services for implementation Licensing for industrial/commercial purposes Conferences, workshops, training Contact Kreissontech 21 • Mexico Manuel Mejías E-mail. Kreissontech 21 • Brazil Ben Orta E-mail. Kreissontech 21 • Germany Eduardo Rodríguez E-mail. Kreissontech 21 • Spain Manuel Ballester E-mail. Kreissontech 21 • Sweden Germán Mejías E-mail. OK! short video demo Microsoft® Windows XP prototype Registered trademarks are owned by their respective owners. 3 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 Biological immune system Vertebrate organisms possess the most effective defense barrier known to date Digital immune system The defense barrier in digital devices is already exhausted, if available at all Outer layer • Brute force defense Destroys anything unknown Incoming invaders An infection rarely occurs Inner layer • Matching defense Destroys known invaders, if detected Incoming invaders Undetected invaders easily pass through One layer • Matching defense Destroys known invaders, if detected
  • 4. The immune system in vertebrate living organisms has two layers. The outer layer provides general, brute force defense against biological or chemical invaders. The inner layer delivers specific, matching defense against attackers that surpass the first layer. In contrast, the immune system in digital devices has only one layer, if available at all. It is expected to provide defense by identifying invaders. Evidence shows that this layer is already overwhelmed. There are so many invaders that this layer is incapable of identifying them all. In addition, there is no complementing layer in front aiding defense capabilities. 2.2. Software hygiene • The missing brute force layer Software hygiene is an abstraction, not a product. Software hygiene refers to the activities required to quickly reinstall software —operating system, applications, even firmware— in a device, without damaging existing data. Reinstalling software works like the outer layer of a biological immune system. It destroys unauthorized visitors without detection. Software hygiene moves away from the obsolete detection paradigm. It is a different approach that wipes off malware presence from personal devices by restoring trustworthy software backups in a simple, effective, proven, yet unconventional way. If properly implemented, software hygiene minimizes the presence of malware. It interrupts malware-borne data breaches, privacy tampering activities, clandestine botnet operations, and sabotage maneuvers before the kill chain process is completed (see Diagram 2.2). Diagram 2.2. Software hygiene and the anatomy (kill chain) of a malware-borne attack 2.3. A metaphor related to hygiene? Why? Our skin gets soiled and catches germs. We should wash it regularly to remove potential invaders. People are taught to do so at home and at school. If germs are not removed, there is a risk of intake. In such case, an illness may develop and the need to visit a doctor arises. Simple prophylactic techniques prevent individual disease and enable the public to contain epidemic outbreaks. Thus, software hygiene is a concept easy to grasp. Modern hygiene practices in the health disciplines are nearly 200 years old. We owe this to John Snow (1813-1858) born in the United Kingdom, and to Ignaz P. Semmelweis (1818-1865) born in Hungary. Acceptance and application of prophylactic techniques —such as washing hands before surgery— took decades of education and promotion. 2.4. The software hygiene mantra Anyone should be able to regularly wash (quickly reinstall) the everyday software they use in their digital devices in order to remove invaders from that surface. Interrupting a malware- borne data breach or a sabotage, or even getting a personal device out of a criminal or cyber- war botnet should be as easy as washing one’s hands. The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 4 These activities only happen if detection takes place Software hygiene enables you to interrupt a malware-borne attack before its impact has been completed ❶❷ Hacker targets you and your device & Selects cyber- weapon ❹ Hacker explores your device and the network it connects to ❻ Main impact of the attack is carried out Malware incursion ❸ Impact starts ❺ Impact ends ❼ Impact is detected ❽ ❾ Investigation & Incident response ⓫ Corrective restoration Restoration starts ❿ Restoration ends ⓬ Time
  • 5. Software hygiene should be performed on operating system (OS), applications (apps), and firmware. The cleaning process should be quick, completed in less than 30 minutes, without collateral damage to stored files, without the need of an on-site technician, automatically, safely, and it should be a repeatable process to be effective. When properly implemented, software hygiene technologies keep devices —and the networks they connect to— in a cleaner state. Malware-free backups of installed software are used to replace the infection-suspected software in use. In this way, software hygiene provides the brute force defense layer that is missing in digital devices. 3. It is time to be OK! • Our software hygiene technology Although some of its enabling tools & technologies have been around for a while, software hygiene has not been studied, integrated, and refined before as we at Kreissontech 21 have done since 1987, when our founder’s first personal computer was erased by malware. Since then, our researchers have devoted time and genius to transform theory into practice. The result is our premiere software hygiene technology called OK!, released in May 1999, at San Miguel de Allende, a small town in Guanajuato, in the geographical center of Mexico. OK! has surprised IT and security experts from countries such as Mexico, USA, Sweden, Germany, and Spain. It has initially been designed for personal computers, smartphones and tablets although it can be implemented on servers and appliances. OK! is currently available for the Microsoft® Windows, Linux Ubuntu, and Apple® iOS platforms. 3.1. Here’s how it works The following explanation depicts how the OK! technology works in a stand-alone, host (non- virtualized) Microsoft® Windows personal computer scenario: a. Initial optimization process. This process divides the main non-volatile storage media (hard disk) into purpose-specific sections (partitions and disk volumes). It minutely separates and intelligently organizes both software and data onto said sections. OS and apps are reconfigured to assimilate changes so they can properly use said sections. The resulting OK!-optimized state is imperceptible to the eyes of the novice user. Such state is compatible with all tested apps and customizable with system administrator policies as well. This initial optimization process generates a so-called OK!-optimized device. b. Software hygiene images. The initial OK!-optimized state of installed software is stored locally and externally by means of cloned images of MBR, FAT, OS, temporary files, and apps. Available firmware is also backed up. c. Data backups. Data files are kept separately, in their own purpose-specific sections. Data files are backed up locally and externally, using different plans according to their priority. d. Software hygiene restoration. With use, installed software will get soiled with malware. To wash out invaders from the software surface (MBR, FAT, OS, temporary files, apps), the latest cloned software images are restored onto corresponding purpose-specific sections. It usually takes less than 30 minutes so this is a repeatable process. (It takes a minute or two if using virtual machines.) Our methodology includes firmware restoration if the corresponding tools are available from hardware manufacturers. e. Data restoration. If data files get soiled with malware, a software hygiene restoration takes place first to ensure a malware-free environment after restarting the device. Then, existing data files are cleaned by means of a scanning & cleaning tool, or by restoring data files from its latest backup. f. Updating software images. A qualified technician is required to update cloned images of MBR, FAT, OS, temporary files, and apps. We can train your team to be independent, or provide your organization with the necessary services. Our proprietary best practices must be employed when updating cloned images to ensure the production of new and updated malware-free cloned images of installed software. g. Recovery on different hardware. OK! enables a quicker & easier recovery of a malfunctioning, damaged, stolen or lost device into a different hardware device of the same OS platform —even if the receiving device has not been OK!-optimized. This is 5 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 About the OK! technology... The OK! technology employs our patented initial optimization process to divide the main non-volatile storage media (hard disk) into several purpose-specific sections (partitions and disk volumes). This initial process minute- ly separates and intelligently organizes both software and data onto said sections, in a way imperceptible to the eyes of the novice user.
  • 6. thanks to • our patented initial optimization process and to • the software images and the data backups stored internally and externally. A qualified technician and the proper tools are required for this process. 3.2. Key defense features OK! is not a shrink-wrapped, off-the-shelf IT security product. OK! is a customizable technology that adapts to each organization when implemented. This brings about the following key defense features: a. Highly customizable. No two organizations are alike. An OK! implementation is different from one organization to another. OK! can be customized to become different from one internal department to another, and even from one device to another. b. Increased security by means of implementation diversity. If an OK!-optimized device is hacked, the remaining OK! implementations would not be immediately vulnerable with the knowledge collected by the attacker. Try that with traditional IT security products. c. Optimized compatibility. OK! is compatible with other IT security technologies. Encryption, sandboxing, virtualization, disk cloning, even antivirus detection. If properly implemented, OK! optimizes the results obtained when using other security tools. d. Accelerated delivery and performance. By applying the OK! technology to virtual machines, it is possible to quickly implement OK!-optimized solutions such as Live Shields (VMs for Internet navigation) and Capsules (VMs with persistent memory). A software hygiene restoration of a virtual machine usually takes about a minute to complete. 3.3. Advantages for your information security team • Implement stricter malware prevention policies based on software hygiene in order to stop undetected malware-borne attacks, even if no malware detection takes place by other available security technologies. • Increase the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of software and data within OK!- optimized devices. • Means to comply with at least 14 security controls in the ISO/IEC 27002:2013 standard. • Comply with laws, best practices and other IT operation and service management frameworks that currently just wish that complying organizations were able to stop malware-borne attacks and data breaches. 3.4. Advantages for your IT operation team • Quickly maintain personal devices and low-profile servers at top-notch performance. • Repair software damage, restore secure operation, and even recover operation into a different hardware device (of the same OS platform) in record time. • Increase possibilities of data recovery in personal computers, even in extreme cases of ransomware, damage to hard disk, or stolen device. • Boost productivity of existing support technicians by empowering their capabilities. • Reduce your cost by employing more support technicians and less support engineers. Direct engineers onto key strategic services and projects. • Reduce the learning curve of recently recruited personnel. 3.5. Benefits for your users and your organization • Quickly eradicate malware presence in MBR, FAT, OS, apps, and firmware in Microsoft® Windows and Linux Ubuntu personal computers. Our Apple® iOS prototypes require more time, depending on installed apps and user’s data. • The software hygiene restoration process enabled by OK! can be carried out by trained users themselves, by remote technicians, or by security professionals, without harm to the data files stored in its corresponding disk volume. • It is possible to automate, control and carry out the OK! software hygiene restoration process regularly or on a changing schedule, according to the suspected intensity of cyber- security threats at any given time. • Data backups —and even data recovery after disk damage or ransomware attack— The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 6 You can deal with malware... The old way: • Restoration comes after the malware- borne attack has been completed, if ever detected. • Restoration takes hours, days, or weeks; always a pain for technicians and users. • Data is lost if no backup is made before restoration takes place. • An on-site technician is often required. Sometimes, the machine must be taken to a service station. The OK! way: • OK! effectively interrupts a malware-borne attack, even without detection. • OK! takes less than 30 minutes to be easy on technicians and users. If virtualized, it takes seconds to complete. • No data is lost. No time to waste in backups during software restoration. • An OK! restoration can be performed re- motely, regularly. No need to take the com- puter to a service station.
  • 7. becomes easier, faster and more effective. • File fragmentation is minimized. In addition, a better way to defragment files is possible, completed in minutes —not hours— even if the disk is almost full. 3.6. Positive opinions about the OK! technology a. Two Swedish consultant firms. K21 was temporarily incubated at KTH Innovation (Sweden). • There, an intellectual property consultant firm analyzed the OK!’s patent family and found positive reasons to move forward. • Afterwards, an information security consultant firm expressed “we have never seen something like this but it works” when they examined the OK! technology. Sweden, Finland and Israel are considered as top performers in cyber-defense. b. Dr. Bruce Schneier, renowned cryptologist and author of several books, replied “interesting” in an e-mail, after Kreissontech 21 explained that the OK! technology turns restoration —usually considered as corrective— into a preventive security control. c. An examiner at the European Patent Office, during the analysis carried out for the European patent application, said “the combination of the technical effects involves some degree of surprise” because OK! deals with performance, data backups and file fragmentation issues. He added “a person skilled in the art […] would not consider solving the three problems together”. d. Dr. Manuel Ballester, CEO at Temanova Mexico and Temanova Spain, and 2016-2019 President at the Latin American Digital Security Professionals Association (ALAPSI) said that “OK! is the Rolls-Royce of digital security methodologies for personal computers”. e. Michael Carbone, Manager of Security Education at AccessNow, and Project Management and Funding at Qubes OS, said that OK! is a “pretty remarkable” technology for the Windows platform. He also opened the door to explore ways to improve Qubes OS with software hygiene techniques for disk management. 3.7. The community around the OK! technology The community around the OK! technology is a nascent one. However, software hygiene has a future of its own. A related technology (known as “disk cloning” or “disk imaging”) is made by Acronis, a vendor that already has 5.5 million customers in 145 countries. Another related technology (that we refer to as “change-rejection per session”) is sold by Faronics and has more than 9 million installations in 150 countries. OK! improves results obtained by disk cloning in such a radical way that, in 2015, Paragon Software Group —a disk imaging software tool that competes with Acronis— agreed to explore a business partnership with K21, as is later described. 4. Kreissontech 21 • The creator of the OK! technology Currently headquartered in Mexico City, Kreissontech 21 delivers OK! solutions to individuals and organizations in the public, private, academic, and social sectors who seek to improve their information security, privacy, and personal data protection practice. OK! has a geopolitical appeal given its Mexican origin. We have representation offices in other countries but seek to maintain Kreissontech 21 away from the regulatory frameworks and jurisdictions of powerful yet abusive intelligence agencies. This is becoming a key feature considered by conscious customers that seek innovative malware prevention solutions with an independent & freedom flair by-design. We help our customers implement the OK! technology in their facilities. We enable them to effectively interrupt malware-borne data breaches, botnets, mass surveillance, and sabotage maneuvers that initiate by infecting low-profile servers and other endpoint personal devices connected to their networks. Software hygiene is a Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET). Therefore, Kreissontech 21 and the OK! technology are within this industry, and within the information security industry as well. We offer consulting services for implementation projects, licensing for industrial and commercial purposes, conferences, workshops, and training. 7 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 Compare the cost... Malware prevention without OK! 1. Include the cost of solving configuration & soft- ware damage using traditional IT operation tech- niques. 2. Include the cost of complying with a strict yet effective malware prevention policy based on a monthly software hygiene restoration process but using traditional IT operation techniques. Malware prevention with OK! 1. Include the cost of solving configuration & soft- ware damage using the OK! technology. 2. Include the cost of complying with a strict yet effective malware prevention policy based on a monthly software hygiene restoration process using the OK! technology. 3. Include implementation, training, certification and licensing costs. With the OK! technology, it is possible to achieve at least 60% savings on the cost —and at most 96% savings on the energy— required to maintain an effective malware prevention policy based on a monthly software hygiene restoration process.
  • 8. 4.1. Development Stage Kreissontech 21 has been developing and testing the OK! technology with real users since 1999, on a daily basis, mainly on Microsoft® Windows computing platforms: Windows 95®, Windows 98®, Windows XP®, Windows Vista®, and Windows 7®. Implementations for Linux Ubuntu and Apple® iOS computing platform are also available. The OK! technology has six granted patents in key markets around the world, including USA, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, and Canada. There are pending patents in other countries. Supplementary sub-processes for the OK! technology have also been developed and tested with real users. Application compatibility is a strong feature delivered by the OK! technology. Standard productivity business suites from leading developers —among other apps and even software development environments— have been tested since 1999. OK!-compatible software places its files and user’s files in the proper purpose-specific sections, without any further technical intervention. On the Windows computing platform, applications are OK!-compatible out-of- the-box if they comply with the software design specifications set by Microsoft®. 4.2. Research and Development (R&D) activities with philanthropy Kreissontech 21 has successfully pioneered the combination of R&D activities with philanthropy. In 1999, we established an exchange agreement to implement a pilot site of IT services based on the OK! technology. This was achieved at the former Save the Children Mexico office facilities at San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The agreement allowed Kreissontech 21 to develop and test the OK! technology under real life conditions, out of a lab, for almost 9 years, in exchange of value-added IT services for said non-profit organization. It also brought savings of more than $100,000 USD in lab expenses and showed the potential that OK! has for the Human Rights organizations community. 4.3. Technical partners Our technical partners are small businesses and freelance professionals with experience in IT services, privacy, or digital security who represent K21 in order to carry out or supervise OK! implementation services in the country or the city where they are established. K21 has started relations with technical partners in countries such as Mexico (since 1999), Sweden (2011), Germany (2015), Spain (2016), Brazil (2015), and Argentina (2016). 4.4. Business partners Our business partners are companies willing to provide an excelling service quality to OK! users. They will benefit by selling their products or services along with the OK! technology. In 2014, Auren Iberoamérica (operating as Temanova in Mexico City and Madrid) agreed to team up with K21. The firm offers consulting services in governance, compliance, privacy, and information security ISO/IEC standards certification. In 2015, Paragon Software Group —a German software developer— saw enough potential in the OK! technology that they offered to adapt their code in order to create an exclusive tool for K21 that will display an “OK! compatible” or “Designed for OK!” legend. 5. Malicious software • An ongoing threat to privacy The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, promulgated in 1948 by the United Nations, states in its Article 12 that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with her/his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon her/his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.” In its preamble, the declaration states that “human rights should be protected by the rule of law” in all Member States. In practice, however, the way in which the Human Right of Privacy has been adopted differs The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 8
  • 9. from country to country. It depends on • the rights, obligations, and principles established by its regulatory framework, • on its promulgated laws, and • upon the creations of at least one governmental agency, or authority that guarantees Human Rights within that country. 5.1. Human Rights related to Privacy are under threat Evidence delivered by whistleblowers during the first two decades of the 21st Century has confirmed that telecommunications and information technologies enable governments to carry out polemical activities that constitute clear abuses to the Human Right of Privacy and other related rights: • Mass surveillance, and • Surreptitious recruitment of personal devices (the so-called endpoints in network parlance). As explained in the next section, both activities are strongly related to the successful use of malware. Intelligence agencies have been appointed to perform both polemical activities. Some are already exerting surveillance on large groups of individuals, in bulk, or on people considered as a potential nuisance to the interests of certain groups of power. For instance, evidence shows that officials in organizations that promote and defend human rights, such as the United Nations or Amnesty International, have been subject to intelligence activities. Whistleblowers have recently shown the public that specific intelligence agencies perform mass surveillance • surreptitiously, • obtaining judicial orders that authorize bulk activities on entire populations and not on specific individuals, • on its own citizens and, violating the sovereignty of other nations, on foreigners outside their jurisdictions, • without laws that fully enable the agency to perform such activities, • without citizen supervision, and • without plausible results. The public has now proof that specific intelligence agencies employ systems and technologies that illicitly retain and analyze enormous amounts of data that travel through electronic telecommunications networks, such as the Internet. 5.2. How is malware related to the ongoing privacy crisis? By using malware that antivirus systems cannot detect, intelligence agencies infiltrate companies that design, develop, and sell telecommunications equipment. Evidence shows that they can find and even implant backdoors in the appliance devices used to construct the underlying infrastructure of telecommunication networks such as the Internet. It is necessary to clarify that a backdoor is a vulnerability within a system; figuratively, a security hole in a digital device such as a personal computer, server or network appliance. In addition, by employing undetectable malwares, those agencies infiltrate companies that design, develop, and sell hardware & software for personal devices. Particularly, they have been able to steal complete encryption-key databases from manufacturers that provide now- insecure SIM chips for mobile phones. In like manner, they have been able to find and implant backdoors on the software and firmware integrated in the personal devices that the public uses for either work or leisure. An attacker installs malware on its target by taking advantage of found or implanted vulnerabilities. The installed malware enables the attacker to later reconnect to the infected device. Malware, therefore, conveniently enslaves such device for a variety of activities that are carried out silently over the following days, weeks, and even months after the day when the initial infection took place. If the targeted device is a network appliance that serves as part of the underlying infrastructure of the Internet, the attacker can instruct the infected device to mirror voice & data going through, and to covertly send collected traffic to an intelligence data warehouse. If the target happens to be a personal device employed to make phone calls (a smartphone), or to navigate the Web (a personal computer, tablet, or smartphone), the attacker instructs the infected device to copy some or all of the contents generated by the user, and to silently send collected data through the Internet, to said intelligence data warehouse. Similar tactics are employed by criminals to carry out data breaches. Of course, other 9 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 Technical benefits of OK! 1. A malware-borne data breach or sabotage that starts in an endpoint device can be interrupted monthly, weekly, daily, even twice a day if necessary. 2. Software & configuration damage is re- paired in minutes —not hours— without a scratch to user’s files. 3. Extended power for existing security, maintenance, and technical support tools. 4. Top hardware and software performance is achieved without wasting time or re- sources. 5. Data encryption can be obtained minimiz- ing impact to equipment performance. 6. File fragmentation is minimized. File defragmentation is optimized by making it more precise and faster to complete —in minutes, even if the disk is almost full. 7. Backup copies are easier, faster, and more effective.
  • 10. possibilities are available to the attackers, for as long as the malware remains installed and undetected in all infected devices. 6. The human side of software hygiene Personal devices —computers, tablets, smartphones, and the like—, network appliances, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices that have software hygiene capabilities empower users to better defend their information, identity, and privacy from prying eyes, hands and wills. Such is the main convenience of software hygiene for individuals. The Human Right of Privacy could be reason enough for widespread acceptance of software hygiene technologies since it is related to other human rights and topics that go well beyond telecommunications and information technologies. Take, for instance, democracy, freedom of expression, justice, legality, and respect between nations, among others. It might be clear now that individuals that regularly run software hygiene processes on endpoint devices, whether they use them for work or leisure, would achieve, as a group, a higher level of benefits for the public at large. For instance, users would be able to regularly bring the surreptitiously enlisted devices they own out of criminal and government-sponsored botnets. Today, such groups of power have the potential to convert millions of computers, tablets, and smartphones into cyber-warfare. Therefore, this self-cleaning group of individuals and their devices could be regarded as a virtuous system. This would empower individuals to raise their ethical and morale levels by participating in hygiene exercises that exceed mere personal convenience, aspiring for the benefit of their family, community, nation, and humanity as a whole. Human understanding already allows this behavior to be achieved when there is a latent risk of a pandemic. When washing hands is not enough, upon announcement of authorities or by self-motivation, we start using face masks and sanitary gel in order to impede proliferation of noxious germs. 7. SHARP+E • Join the bright side of the force The Software Hygiene Advanced Research Professionals plus Enthusiasts group at LinkedIn® aims to gather innovation-driven individuals from other disciplines with IT security & privacy professionals. We aim to show hardware, software, and telecomm manufacturers that design adjustments should be made into their products to let everyone easily obtain the software hygiene empowerment soon. Join the group today: Kreissontech 21 • Mexico c/o Auren Iberoamérica World Trade Center · Mexico City Montecito No. 38 Piso 33 Oficina 11 Nápoles (Benito Juárez) 03810 México, D.F. México E-mail. Phone. +52 (55) 5638 0726 Kreissontech 21 • Brazil c/o Ben Orta Grupo Yunntech Rua Marquês de Paraná, 471 - Alto da Lapa 05086-010 São Paulo - SP Brasil E-mail. Phone. +55 (11) 3042 3356 Kreissontech 21 • Germany c/o Eduardo Rodríguez Repräsentanz Elektrastr. 5 81925 München Bayern Deutschland E-mail. Phone. +49 (177) 142 3647 Kreissontech 21 • Spain c/o Temanova · Madrid Martín de los Heros 21, 6ºA Argüelles (Moncloa-Aravaca) 28008 Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Spain E-mail. Phone. +34 (91) 547 6648 Kreissontech 21 • Sweden c/o Germán Mejías formerly incubated at KTH Innovation Lindstedtsvägen 30, floor 5Ö 100 44 Stockholm Stockholms län Sverige E-mail. Phone. +46 (8) 790 9707 The OK! technology - Exposé v3.26 20170208 | Kreissontech 21 © 2017 10