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Hannah Smith
Rabbit Hole
Chaos, Curiosity & Creativity @hannah_bo_banna
rabbit hole…
& creativity
hello there!
my team’s job is to make things
that journalists want to write about
& people want to share
this was created for Expedia,
it’s a series of vintage travel posters commemorating the wildlife we’ve lost
links from over 150 domains
this was created for Sage,
it explores what these $1bn start-ups & the people who founded them have in common
links from over 240 domains
this was created for GoCompare,
it reveals the movies with the highest on-screen death counts over the past 80 years
links from over 500 domains
last year we created 50 thingers
(so we were launching at a rate of about one per week)
this year we’re doing 75
(or maybe more…)
here’s the thing I don’t normally admit
for every twenty ideas I come up with,
only one is likely to be worth making
on this basis I’ll need to come up with
around 1,500 ideas this year
{insert your own expletive here}
fortunately I’m not alone J
nevertheless, on this basis
we’ll need to come up with
around 1,500 ideas this year
{insert your own expletive here}
so creativity is something I think about a lot
or, more accurately,
what it means to be creative
having a good imagination or original ideas
raise your hand if you think you’re creative
so the rest of you
do not consider yourselves creative
raise your hand if you used to
make up games as a child
as an adult you see a cardboard box
but as a child you saw a treasure chest
a boat
a transmogrifier
a time machine
we were all creative
raise your hand if you used to
make up stories as a child
after I saw jaws for the first time, aged 7,
I wrote my own version
I felt that the sea was too limiting in terms of
potential terror
so in my version jaws could
swim through the earth’s mantle
& pop up through the crust to terrorise people
as stories go I thought it was pretty great
I gave it to my dad to read
my dad said that the earth’s mantle
was mainly solid so jaws
couldn’t swim through it
he also said that the mantle was too hot
(between 500-900 degrees)
he said jaws would not be able to breathe
in the mantle
he mentioned something about it being
pretty tough to break through the earth’s crust
[tough review]
I responded that jaws had been stung by a
radioactive jellyfish & had special powers now
I said it was a bit like what happened
to Peter Parker
I took two things I liked & mashed them
together to make something new
jaws + spiderman = a better story
(according to me, aged 7)
we all used to do this,
it’s how we came up with games & stories
somewhere along the way
most of us stopped
& now we say we’re not creative
but we are
I just think that how we define creative
is a bit broken
having a good imagination or original ideas
children are creative
they imagine all sorts of things
but they don’t sweat the originality bit
or rather, they arrive at originality
via a roundabout route
jaws + spiderman = a better story
(according to me, aged 7)
two ideas smooshed together = an original idea
right now you’re probably thinking
what has this:
jaws + spiderman = a better story
got to do with stuff like this…
I think that if you need to come up
with 1,500 ideas
you stand a better chance of succeeding if you
ditch your obsession with originality
(trying to be original is crippling in any case)
find things you love
& build upon them to make something new
were inspired by these…
Mythical Beasts - a series of vintage travel
posters by graphic designer Fro Reza
(who was likely inspired by someone like David Klein)
was inspired by this…
was inspired by this…
find things you love
& build upon them to make something new
I feel like I sort of knew this already
but it wasn’t until I read this
that it clicked for me
but wait, stealing is bad, right?
don’t *just* steal
steal like an artist
know the difference between
‘good’ and ‘bad’ theft
bad theft = just make some more vintage travel posters of mythical beasts
bad theft = steal the data, redesign it, maybe change the name
bad theft = just make this beautiful
sometimes the line between
good and bad theft is blurry
I can’t tell you where the line is
but just because you *can* get away with it
doesn’t mean that you should
steal responsibly
in order to come up with ideas
what does that look like?
in the past, when people asked me
how I came up with ideas
this was my answer
I do hours and hours and hours of research,
I drink a lot of coffee,
I lose my mind because all my ideas are terrible,
I decide f*ck it,
I get drunk…
the next day…
I regret getting drunk,
I do more research,
I try harder to come up with ideas,
I typically lose my mind again...
I keep on doing this
until I come up with some stuff I think might work…
it’s not an especially helpful answer, huh?
today I want to try to give you
a slightly better answer
this stealing like an artist thing helps
this is the research phase
step one
‘find things you love’
do this constantly
there’s likely to be something in
every book you read, every film you see,
every song you listen to, art in all its forms,
the stuff you see online, on street signs,
in slogans, in overheard conversations…
here are a few examples…
“it’s often a person’s mouth
that broke their nose”
~ overheard on the last train home
great ape-spectations
“making a killing on Wall Street
might be a harmless turn of phrase,
but it only enjoys traction because
of the culture it takes place in”
~ Irvine Welsh, intro to American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
make it your mission to constantly
capture this stuff
‘find things you love’
step two
when it comes to concepts for clients
finding things *I* love can be tough
but actually,
*I* might not need to love them
‘find things you love’
‘find things which provoke
an emotional response in your target audience’
we only share things if they make us
feel something
which makes social shares a reasonable proxy
for strength of emotional response
to begin, figure out where you want coverage
(start with 5-10 sites)
find out which content is most shared
on those sites
actually, while we’re here…
don’t just find out *what* people share,
try to figure out
*why* people are sharing this stuff
especially if you it’s not something
you care about it
nearly 14k people shared this on facebook?!
talk to a human being who cares about this stuff
if you don’t get your target audience,
it’s likely they won’t get your content
figure out where you want coverage
(start with 5-10 sites)
find out which content is most shared
on those sites & why
life hacks,
cost of living,
read the articles,
make notes,
& create a separate list of topics
to explore further
save anything worth stealing
now do this again with
[site + each topic]
(leadership, life hacks, money, happiness, intuition, intelligence, instinct,
power, influence, cost of living)
save anything worth stealing
start with 5-10 sites
[search site]
make a note of topics
[search site + topics]
note down more topics
[now you’ve explored a subset of topics across 5-10 sites]
now do this again with
[each topic]
(leadership, life hacks, money, happiness, intuition, intelligence, instinct,
power, influence, cost of living)
create a separate list of sites
to explore further
save anything worth stealing
now do this again with
[new sites + each topic]
save anything worth stealing
start with 5-10 sites
[search site]
make a note of topics
[search site + topics]
note down more topics
[now you’ve explored a subset of topics across 5-10 sites]
[search topics]
make a note of sites you’ve not explored yet
[search new sites + topics]
[now you’ve explored a subset of topics across many more sites]
now take your list of topics
& come up with a bunch more related topics
now do this again with
[each new topic]
(efficiency, productivity, creativity, work life balance, problem solving, prioritising,
all of the above + apps and tools)
create another list of sites
to explore further
save anything worth stealing
now do this again with
[new sites + each of your previous topics]
save anything worth stealing
start with 5-10 sites
[search site]
make a note of topics
[search site + topics]
note down more topics
[now you’ve explored a subset of topics across 5-10 sites]
[search topics]
make a note of sites you’ve not explored yet
[search new sites + topics]
[now you’ve explored a subset of topics across many sites]
come up with more topics
[search new topics]
make a note of sites you’ve not explored yet
[search new sites + all the topics]
[now you’ve explored a bunch of topics across many sites]
are your heads spinning?
you’re not done yet
now google your topics
try google image search
search reddit
go to the library
(these are just examples, there’s loads
more you can explore)
by the end of this, you should have
tonnes of stuff worth stealing
you’ll have a much clearer idea
of the content landscape
& you’ll have a better understanding of what
your target audience share & why
step three
take the stuff you love
& try to mash it up with the stuff
your target audience care about
use both as building blocks
to make something new
wait, that sounds hard…
how do you do that bit?
I’ll try to explain with an example
back in 2014
I had a client that sold books
I love books
(so I thought this would be easy)
research suggested that
the most voracious readers
are often would-be writers
I wanted to make something for those
voracious readers & would-be writers
they say everyone has a novel in them
& I wanted to prove that it’s never too late
I’d seen how successful this was…
& this is (very loosely) based on that -
it shows how many books the best loved authors published, & when they published
their breakthrough: from Jack Kerouac aged 26, to Rosamunde Pilcher aged 65
the message was,
there’s still time to write that first novel
actually that’s a pretty sanitised version
I eventually arrived at that piece
with a coherent message
but, I disappeared down a bunch of rabbit holes first
I trawled the book sections of news sites and
book specific sites to try to get a handle on
what content was most shared
at the time the most shared piece of content on Book Riot was:
16 things Calvin & Hobbes
said better than anyone else
possibly the most true statement ever
I spent a bunch of time on this
Calvin & Hobbes idea
but no matter what I did I couldn’t get it to a
point where it was anything other than
a listicle of comic strips
comic strips that we weren’t likely
to be allowed to use
& of course the client wasn’t likely to go for it
rabbit hole L
there was also tonnes of stuff about amazing bookshelves
but what do you do with that?
could we design our own bookshelves?
could we imagine how would famous authors
would design bookshelves?
that’s crazily tenuous
what would that even look like?
rabbit hole L
wait… what about libraries?
libraries are cool
what about libraries in movies?
the breakfast club is set in a library
in ghostbusters, the 1st ghostly encounter occurs in the NYC public library
what about superman’s fortress of solitude?
that’s kind of a library right?
oh god what am I doing?
yet another rabbit hole L
but I think you have to go with it
& allow yourself to get a little bit lost
sometimes those ridiculous rabbit holes
will lead you to an idea that will work
ok, let’s wrap this thing up
rubbish in = rubbish out
every day you’re exposed to stimuli –
there’s the damned internet,
but there’s also books, music,
conversation, art…
be mindful about what you’re
exposing yourself to
‘find things you love’
be curious
seek out the things that your
target audience care about
& try to understand why
especially if they’re things you don’t care about
know the difference between
‘good’ & ‘bad’ theft
do this first and foremost because
it’s the right thing to do
but also…
‘bad’ theft
can lead you to create ‘bad’ content
honor vs degrade
is this just a dumbed down version?
is it worse than the original?
skim vs study
do you have a deep understanding, or are you
creating something shallow or patronising?
steal from one vs steal from many
what are you adding here?
what’s new or different?
the final 3 are really just about being a
decent human…
credit vs plagiarise
you learned this at school
transform vs imitate
imitation is not flattery
remix vs rip-off
you know the difference
embrace the chaos
disappear down rabbit holes
trust that one of them
will lead you somewhere
“you can’t connect the dots looking forward;
you can only connect them
looking backward…”
~ Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement, 2005
others echo this sentiment
“ideas are born out of the
stuff populating our memories…
creativity is simply the capacity to put those
together in incredible new ways”
~ Maria Popova,
don’t lose heart
plunging headlong into a sea of self-doubt
because you think all your ideas are ‘bad’
is counter-productive
we are all creative
it’s just that no one really talks about
how much hard work is involved
you will find it hard,
because it is hard
work *really* hard
for the most part,
the difference between an idea that will work
and one which won’t,
is just a whole bunch of work
so do the work J
& finally
it *might* get easier over time
Paula Scher designed the Citibank logo, in seconds, on the back of a napkin,
in an early client meeting
“it’s done in a second, and 34 years…
it’s done in a second,
and every experience,
and every movie,
and everything in my life that’s in my head”
~ Paula Scher
when we’ve been doing this for 34 years,
maybe we’ll get there faster J
good luck out there x
Hannah Smith
Head of Creative
Verve Search
send questions and/or pictures of cats to:
tweet things @hannah_bo_banna
Big love to the team at Verve who helped me put this together J
down the rabbit hole:
unknown tourism:
unicorn league:
director’s cut:
jesus titty christ:
cardboard box:
mythical beasts:
david klein:
billionaires league:
deadliest films:
steal like an artist:
great ape-spectations:
too late to start:
calvin & hobbes:
the breakfast club:
fortress of solitude:
danbo -
unicorn -
The Inbounder London -  2. May 2017 - Hannah Smith

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Las claves del Madrid HUG de septiembre: cómo aplicar Agile y Scrum en Inboun...
We Are Marketing
Overbooking Gran Canaria: El milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y los...
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Overbooking Gran Canaria: El milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y los...
We Are Marketing
Las claves del Madrid HUG de septiembre: cómo aplicar Agile y Scrum en Inboun...
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Las claves del Madrid HUG de septiembre: cómo aplicar Agile y Scrum en Inboun...
We Are Marketing
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We Are Marketing
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We Are Marketing
2018: A New Search Odyssey
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