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right in the feels
in the
(or, how to create content that gets shared)
hello there!
my team’s job is to make things
that journalists want to write about
& people want to share
sometimes we nail it
(nbed example & results)
450k visits
but it doesn’t always go down like that…
31 facebook ‘likes’
it’s incredibly difficult
so why do we do it?
from an SEO perspective we do it
to gain links, coverage
& social shares
links from highly authoritative sites,
increase the authority of our clients’ sites
over time this translates into
stronger organic rankings
stronger organic rankings = more money
(for the vast majority of sites)
but it’s not just about organic rankings
coverage on high authority sites
builds trust & credibility,
and, over time
increases brand recognition
social sharing of the content we create
offers similar benefits
but it offers even more than that
I do what I do
to help build meaningful brands
we have a tendency to use
‘company’ & ‘brand’ interchangeably
but they aren’t the same thing at all
what does ‘brand’ actually mean?
to impress firmly; fix ineradicably; place indelibly
a brand is not a brand
unless it leave a lasting impression
& it needs to be a favourable impression
I believe that companies need to build brands
that mean something to people
content is a great place to play from that
if you create content people love,
then by extension,
you’re creating a brand people love
I am unapologetically passionate about this
I want to do f*cking great work
good isn’t good enough
& ok is never ok
but unhappily,
my work isn’t
f*cking great
it appears I’m not alone,
I get a lot of emails like this:
Hey Hannah!
We made this thinger, and we all think it’s great!
We’ve gone to 200 journalists, but no one’s picked it
up, and we’ve seen no social shares either.
Any idea where we’re going wrong?
this next slide may sound mean
(but it’s meant with love)
when people tell me their
piece isn’t working,
& I take a look,
I typically feel one (or more)
of these things
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
for the sake of clarity,
I feel the same things when I look back on
some of my own pieces
my work isn’t
f*cking great
but if we want to get better at this
(and I do, desperately)
then we really need to look at this stuff
who in here has failed like me?
31 facebook ‘likes’
who else wants to get better?
I heart you
@hannah_bo_bannaI heart you
ok, let’s start with the basics
it can be useful to think about creative pieces in terms of 3 core components:
the content, the execution
& the hook
here the content is data from the Forbes billionaires list
here the content is a collection of images from the 1900s
the execution is how we display the content
here the execution is a series of graphs
here we’ve overlaid the photos from the 1900s
on to google street view
something which captivates
hooks are tricksy
they aren’t immediately apparent
which when you think about it,
is sort of the point
if the fish could see the hook,
it wouldn’t bite
often the hook isn’t the piece itself,
it’s what lies beneath
it can be helpful to think of this in terms of
the explicit vs the implicit
explicit = what the piece is or says
implicit = why the piece resonates
implicit = why the piece resonates
this is the hook!
this is hard to explain in the abstract...
explicitly, the piece depicts
two children playing with a
no ball games sign
but what does the piece really communicate?
implicitly, the piece depicts
how children are impacted by the urban
environments we’re creating
or perhaps…
implicitly, it’s a celebration of children’s
healthy disregard for authority
& obsessive regulation
you might regard it as a call to arms…
right in the feels
an intense emotional response, such as sadness, excitement or awe
right in the feels
an indication that something has deeply affected you
strong hooks provoke intense
emotional responses
(they get you right in the feels)
ok, let’s shoot back to the previous examples
explicit = fun facts & stats about billionaires
implicit = there’s still time for me to make it
explicit = old meets new
implicit = the London we’re in danger of losing
the three components
(content, execution & hook)
are not discrete units,
they work together
in an ideal world, all 3 components
should be strong
but interestingly,
a strong hook can make for a successful piece,
even if other components are weak
(this is not a piece I created)
this gained coverage on over 500 sites
beer isn’t *quite* the reason,
here’s what I think is going on
explicit = the beers people drink around the world
implicit = how this maps to our personal preferences & world view
when I first saw this piece…
America - land of the free, & the home of the Bud Light drinker
stuff like this
makes me suspect that
the hook is the most important component
my most successful work
evoked intense emotional responses
the work which failed
did not
remember this?
when people tell me their
piece isn’t working,
& I take a look,
I typically feel one (or more)
of these things
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
these issues are tough to deconstruct
because we don’t see creative pieces as component parts,
we see the whole
however, I think that each issue can be tied back to problems with:
the content, the execution, the hook,
or a combination of the three
issues with content (?)
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
issues with execution (?)
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
issues with the hook (?)
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
you’ll notice I keep coming back to
issues with the hook
the hook = what the piece suggests or evokes
the hook = why a piece resonates
if you create something which doesn’t resonate,
people won’t feel anything
when we don’t feel anything,
we don’t share, comment, or do anything,
we simply move on
so I believe that finding a compelling hook
is paramount
that’s obvious
yes it is
no one sets out to create content
without a compelling hook
so, where are we
going wrong?
I don’t claim to have all the answers,
but I have identified what I think are 3 of our biggest problems
problem one:
we rarely take the time to truly understand
our audience
I’d like to tell you a story
@hannah_bo_bannamy friend @mattbeswick started out making apps on facebook
‘snowball throw’ was the most
popular app he made
(this was c. 2008)
the app let you throw a virtual snowball
at a friend on facebook
within a week of launch
over 800,000 people
had thrown snowballs
I asked Matt why
he thought the app was so popular
“ummm, people like doing dumb sh*t on the internet?”
throwing virtual snowballs
does sound pretty dumb
but if that’s the case
why did 800,000 people throw them?
do people do
(what essentially looks like)
dumb sh*t on the internet?
what does throwing a virtual snowball mean?
it is wickedly ambiguous…
it could mean…
it could mean…
I’m thinking about you
it could mean…
I’m thinking about sleeping with you
throwing a virtual snowball at your Dad
means something different to
throwing a virtual snowball at that person you
met in a bar
but no one can call you on it
the way we use facebook
feeds into this
in some contexts we favour transparency,
in others we favour ambiguity
most of the things we do on facebook are
(to some extent) public
but you don’t always want your intentions
to be that transparent
which makes virtual snowballs a
pretty useful way to communicate
it’s likely that people were throwing
virtual snowballs to:
reconnect (without actually reconnecting)
just say hi
(the list here could go on & on)
plus, as throwing a virtual snowball back
is low-effort,
the potential for virality is high
now all this might sound like
“people doing dumb sh*t on the internet”
but I suspect we’re getting closer to the truth
there’s an important lesson here
“people like doing dumb sh*t on the internet”
shows an alarmingly shallow & dismissive
understanding of people’s motivations
this sort of ‘thinking’ can cause you
big problems
if you fail to understand
your audience,
you are in danger of creating
something that leaves them
feeling one of these things
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
if you fail to understand
the people you’re trying to engage with
you’re likely to fail to elicit the emotional
response you desire from them
no emotional response = no action
ok, let’s move on to problem two
problem two:
we never quite got around to finding the hook
sometimes you think you have a hook,
but what you actually have is a red herring
red herring
something which is misleading or distracting
red herrings might sound vaguely plausible,
but don’t bear scrutiny
we’ve already encountered
a couple of red herrings today…
here are a couple more red herrings
for your viewing pleasure
“games get links,
people love games,
people love challenging their friends,
social proof,
blah-blah virality… something”
a game is a format, not a hook
if making a game = guaranteed success
then no game would ever fail
games fail all the time
(as do quizzes & other similar formats)
here’s another…
people love music,
they’ll always share this stuff!
music is a topic, not a hook
if making a piece about music
= guaranteed success
then no piece about music would ever fail
again, pieces about music fail all the time
(as do pieces about other popular topics)
ok, let’s move on to problem three
problem three:
we lose sight of the hook
does any of this sound familiar?
we spend days coming up with ideas
the hook is front of mind
we pitch the ideas
then wait
then we wait some more
we’ve half-forgotten what we pitched
we finally hear back
the boss kinda likes this one idea,
but wants it tweaked a little
we quickly agree to the tweak because
we want to get going
(we don’t fully consider how this might impact the hook)
we get an idea signed off
we rush headlong into production
we spend 5 days pulling together the content
the hook’s kinda there… kinda
(everything will probably be fine, right?)
then 5 days on design
ooh it’s looking lovely!
then 10 days on build & QA
shiny things that move
& do stuff!
we get the thinger signed off
& we’re ready to start promoting it
wait, what was the hook again?
(someone has to ferret out the pitch because no one can remember what it was)
uh oh
because hooks aren’t immediately apparent,
they are very easy to lose sight of
you may get away with it
but it’s more likely that you’ll
end up back here again:
issues with the hook (?)
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
fortunately there is stuff we can do
to combat all these problems
take the time
to understand your audience
stalk your audience
what are they interested in?
what are they already sharing?
who influences them?
talk to your target audience
(or people who could be your target audience)
got an idea?
sound people out
you have two ears & one mouth
(talk less, listen more)
but be careful what you ask
we didn’t ask:
“should we do a grammar quiz?”
we asked:
“what are your pet grammar peeves?”
it was the longest email thread in
the company’s history
with a reaction like that,
we figured we might be on to something…
*really* think about the hook
beware of red herrings
if your hook sounds like this:
people love [format]
people love [topic]
then you’re not quite there
think like a journalist
what does this mean?
practice taking ideas apart
& putting them back together again
review successful pieces:
try to figure out what worked & why
read the coverage!
read the comments!
read what people said on social media!
remember this?
when it comes to the hook - ‘beer’ is rarely the answer
don’t be lazy
those tools we’re all so fond of can tell us
*what* was successful,
but not *why*
knowing why is infinitely more useful
keep the hook front of mind
when you start working on that
next ‘thinger’
focus on the hook
right in the feels
make people feel something
NOT one of these things!
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might be bleeding
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
revisit this throughout the process
does this content make
people feel any of these
this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might be bleeding
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused – I don’t get it
this isn’t something I care about
this isn’t something I’ve ever
you’ve promised me something
but haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
if the answer is yes,
try to find a way to fix it
you may not be able to solve all the issues
but do the best that you can
launch things!
learn things!
& seek to continually evolve & improve!
good luck out there x
Hannah Smith
Head of Creative
Verve Search
send questions and/or pictures of cats to:
tweet things @hannah_bo_banna
Big love to the team at Verve who helped me put this together.
nobody likes me:[group-26481]/39/
phone lovers:
no ball games:
beer map:
don draper:

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