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right now I’m taking a sabbatical
but I used to work for a company called distilled
my job was to make things
that journalists wanted to write about
& people wanted to share
during 2014 & 2015 we launched
more than 50 creative pieces*
*which left me needing this sabbatical
sometimes we nailed it
3.8m visits | 475 LRDs | 410,000 ‘likes’
other times, not so much
31 ‘likes’
it’s incredibly difficult
so why do it?
to gain links & coverage,
and social shares
links from highly authoritative sites, increase the authority
of our clients’ sites
over time this translates into stronger organic rankings
stronger organic rankings = more money
(for the vast majority of websites)
but it’s not just about organic rankings
coverage on high authority sites builds trust & credibility,
and, over time, increases brand recognition
social sharing of the content we create
offers similar benefits
plus you can use this content to build audiences
which you can then remarket
but it offers even more than that...
I do what I do
to help build meaningful brands
we have a tendency to use
‘company’ & ‘brand’ interchangeably
but they aren’t the same thing at all
what does ‘brand’ actually mean?
to impress firmly; fix ineradicably; place indelibly
a brand is not a brand
unless it leaves a lasting impression
& it needs to be a favourable impression
I believe that companies need to build brands that
mean something to people
content is a great space to play from that perspective
if you create content people love,
then by extension,
you’re creating a brand people love
I am unapologetically passionate about this
I want to do f*cking great work
good isn’t good enough,
& ok is never ok
but unhappily,
my work isn’t
f*cking great
This piece is a commentary on our society’s
obsession with ‘likes’. I like to think that I’m
not personally obsessed*, but when it comes
to my work this is the validation I crave..
*Actually maybe I am a little obsessed. If you
want to share this deck that would be great,
oh and follow me on twitter.
Oh god. I am that child.
it appears that I’m not alone,
I get a lot of emails like this:
Hey Hannah!
We made this thinger, and we all think it’s great!
We’ve gone to 200 journalists, but no one’s picked it up,
and we’ve seen no social shares either.
Any idea where we’re going wrong?
this next slide is mean
(I’m sorry)
when people tell me their
piece isn’t working,
& I take a look,
I typically feel one (or more)
of these things
ugh, this is shallow
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
ugh, this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
cool, but so what?
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this isn’t something I care
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
for what it’s worth,
other people definitely feel the same
about some of my pieces
but if we want to get better at this
(and I do - desperately)
then we really need to look at this stuff
who in here has failed like me?
who else wants to get better?
I heart you
ok, so let’s start with the basics
it can be useful to think about creative pieces in terms of
3 core components:
the content, the execution and the hook
here the content is data from the book ‘Daily Rituals’
in this instance the content is the photos & stories
the execution is how we display the content
this is a 24 hour timeline, with colour coded activities & interactive filters which allow
you to compare & contrast the routines of creative people
here we’ve created a photo gallery, when you scroll the photos change
from day to night & the stories appear
something which captivates
hooks are tricksy
the hook is invisible
which when you think about it, is sort of the point
if the fish could see the hook, it would be unlikely to bite
as such, often the hook isn’t the piece itself,
it’s what lies beneath
this is hard to explain in the abstract...
explicit = what the piece is
implicit = why the piece resonates with us
explicit: how creative people structure their days...
implicit: great minds don’t think alike, work your own way...
explicit: how people live around the world...
implicit: how their environment impacts them...
the hook is what evokes the emotional response
the three components
(content, execution and hook)
are not discrete units,
they work together
in an ideal world all 3 components should be strong
but interestingly,
a strong hook can make for a successful piece,
even if other components are weak
(this is not one of our pieces)
this gained coverage on 500 sites
‘beer’ isn’t *quite* the reason
here’s what I think is going on...
explicit: the beers people drink around the world...
implicit: how this maps to our personal preferences & world view...
as such I suspect the hook
is the most important component
our most successful work
evoked strong emotional responses
the work which failed
did not
remember this?
when people tell me their
piece isn’t working,
& I take a look,
I typically feel one (or more)
of these things
ugh, this is shallow
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
ugh, this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
cool, but so what?
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this isn’t something I care
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
these issues are tough to deconstruct
because we don’t see creative pieces as component parts,
we see the whole
I think that each can be tied back to problems with
the content, the execution, the hook,
or a combination of the three
issues with content (?)
ugh, this is shallow
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
ugh, this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
cool, but so what?
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this isn’t something I care
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
issues with execution (?)
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
cool, but so what?
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
ugh, this is patronising
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this isn’t something I care
there’s nothing new or
different here
ugh, this is shallow
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
issues with the hook (?)
ugh, this is shallow
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
ugh, this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
cool, but so what?
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this isn’t something I care
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
you’ll notice I keep coming back to issues with the hook
the hook
is why a piece resonates,
if you create something which doesn’t resonate,
people won’t feel anything
when we don’t feel anything,
we don’t share, comment, or do anything,
we simply move on
as such, I believe that finding a
compelling hook is paramount
that’s obvious
yes it is
no one sets out to create content
without a compelling hook
why do we fail so often?
where are we going wrong?
I don’t claim to have all the answers,
but I have identified what I think are 3 of our biggest problems...
problem one:
we rarely take the time to truly understand
our audience’s motivations
I’d like to tell you a story...
my friend @mattbeswick started out making apps on facebook
‘snowball throw’ was the most popular app he made (c. 2008)
the app let you throw a virtual snowball
at a friend on facebook
within a week of launch
over 800,000 people
had thrown snowballs
I asked Matt why
he thought the app was so popular
“I really have no idea”
“ummm, people like doing dumb sh*t on the internet?”
throwing virtual snowballs
does sound pretty dumb
but if that’s the case
why did 800,000 people throw them?
do people do
(what essentially looks like)
dumb sh*t on the internet?
what does throwing a virtual snowball really mean?
it’s wickedly ambiguous...
it could mean...
it could mean...
I’m thinking about you
it could mean...
I’m thinking about sleeping with you
throwing a virtual snowball at your Dad
means something different
to throwing a virtual snowball at that guy you met in a bar
but no one can call you on it
without sounding like a crazy person
how does the way we use facebook feed into this?
in some contexts we favour transparency,
in others we favour ambiguity
most of the things we do on facebook are public
but you don’t always want your intentions
to be that transparent
which makes these virtual snowballs a
pretty useful way to communicate
it’s likely that people were throwing virtual snowballs to:
reconnect (without actually reconnecting)
just say hi
(the list here could go on and on)
plus, as throwing a virtual snowball back is low-effort, the
potential for virality is high
now all this might sound like
‘people doing dumb sh*t on the internet’
but I think we’re getting closer to the truth
this is important
“people like doing dumb sh*t on the internet”
shows an alarmingly shallow & dismissive
understanding of people’s motivations
“people like doing dumb sh*t on the internet”
is a red herring
red herring
something which is misleading or distracting
red herrings sound vaguely plausible,
but don’t bear scrutiny
(we’ll see a few more red herrings before this presentation is over)
why is this problematic
from the perspective of finding the hook?
if you fail to understand
why people do what they do
you’re likely to fail to elicit the emotional response
you desire from them
no emotional response = no action
ok, let’s move on to problem two
problem two:
we don’t take the time to properly deconstruct success
we need to be able to
accurately deconstruct success
in order to have the best chance of replicating it
or, even better, to build upon it
450 LRDs | 280,000 ‘likes’
why was this piece a success?
I hear a lot of nonsense like this:
“games get links,
people love games,
people love challenging their friends,
social proof,
blah-blah virality... something”
a game is a format,
nothing more, nothing less
that’s a red herring
I also hear this:
people love music - they’ll always share this stuff!
music is a topic,
nothing more, nothing less
if the game succeeded
purely because it was (kind of) about music,
then every piece we’ve ever created
about music ought to succeed
they don’t
17 LRDs | 73 ‘likes’
this is a red herring
so what happened?
when we launched the game,
we couldn’t get a single journalist to cover it
we submitted it to reddit
(no one gave a sh*t)
we did some facebook feed ads
(this had some effect, but it isn’t the full story)
then it went hot on reddit
(not our submission, someone else’s)
the social shares began to build
& links and coverage
started to come in
most of the links & coverage were coming from
community sites & blogs
& we suspect that most of the
editorial coverage (there was a little)
came about as a result of the chatter on
social & community sites
why did the piece work?
the game allowed people to discover something about
themselves in a reasonably legitimate way
this is the
people loved playing & sharing the game,
& we gained traction
in this case, it seems that when enough people share & talk
about a game, some links & coverage follow
but don’t journalists cover stuff that ‘goes viral’?
once the game gained traction,
why didn’t journalists cover it?
we had a theory...
we took what we had learned
& tried to build upon it
475 LRDs | 410,000 ‘likes’
the LRD raw numbers are pretty much the same
450 LRDs | 280,000 ‘likes’
475 LRDs | 410,000 ‘likes’
what’s the difference?
this time journalists covered the piece
because people care more about
emergency stopping distances than music?
that’s another red herring
the two games are very similar
they are both gloriously simple & easy to play
& yet, deceptively difficult
both games allow people to discover something about
themselves in a reasonably legitimate way
this is the
but this time we gave the journalists something more to
write about than
‘check out this cool thinger!’
remember I said that
failure to deconstruct success
is problematic?
if we hadn’t taken the time to deconstruct
what worked & what didn’t
we wouldn’t have seen this sort of success
let’s move on to problem three
problem three:
we fall in love with our own ideas
it’s incredibly difficult to be objective about anything
human beings have a tendency
to search for,
& interpret information
in a way that confirms our preconceptions
this is called confirmation bias
we don’t know that we do it
which makes it all the more dangerous
in many scientific studies people have been observed to
actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence
that confirms what they already believe to be true
ignore or underweigh evidence
that could disconfirm what they believe to be true
I come up with what I think is an amazing idea
I do a bunch of research to see if it
really is an amazing idea
as if by magic,
all my research tells me that
so we build the thinger,
we launch the thinger
& I’m left to wonder
how could this happen?
I did everything right!
but the truth is, I didn’t
confirmation bias coloured everything I did
I misled myself
oh god, am I a red herring?
are we all?
fortunately there is stuff we can do about all of
these things
take the time to try to understand
your audience’s motivations
don’t accept shallow explanations
of what motivates your audience
if the explanation you’re given sounds overly simplistic,
it might not be the whole story
question everything
big companies use market research agencies to gain
insights about their audiences
they run focus groups,
have user groups, do huge studies...
if you have access to that stuff, then use it
but most of the companies I’ve worked with don’t
but there are things you can do
google it!
“love [your company]”
“hate [your company]”
“love [your competitor]”
“hate [your competitor]”
“love [category]”
“hate [category]”
talk to your customers
(or people who look like your target audience)
stalk your customers
take the time to properly deconstruct success
run retrospectives,
sit down and try to figure out what worked & why
read your coverage!
read the comments!
read what people said on social media!
you should definitely do this for your own content, & you can
also do this with competitor content
don’t be lazy
those tools we’re all so fond of can tell us
*what* was successful,
but not *why*
knowing why is infinitely more useful
go make friends in the bar -
over beers you’ll often hear the real story behind the success
speaking of which, you should also try to deconstruct your
failures & the failures of others
what the hell do we do about
falling in love with our own ideas?
we know we have a tendency
to search for,
& interpret information
in a way that confirms our preconceptions
this is
which could be dangerous when we’re trying to figure out
whether or not
we’ve come up with a good idea
the bad news...
knowing that confirmation bias exists doesn’t cure it
(which is a shame because that would be a nice easy fix, huh?)
I suspect that being aware of it, does help
looking for evidence
that something is a ‘bad idea’,
rather than a ‘good idea’
might actually take you further off-track
(these things are rarely binary)
doing more research
won’t necessarily lead you to the right answer
(data is not the same as insight,
most of the time you need more insight, not more data)
does not mean
‘screw the research’
here’s what can help
step away
(I believe the chances of you suffering from confirmation bias are heightened
when you’re too close to the idea)
seek to build a diverse team
who trust each other,
respect each other, and push each other
if that’s not possible
build a diverse support network
(go & make friends in the bar tonight)
stay open & don’t make it personal
(this is really hard)
pay attention to the unexpected
& avoid jumping to conclusions
‘beer’ is rarely the answer
whisky might be...
above all else,
don’t be too quick
to either embrace, or write off ideas:
it’s likely that they’re neither 100% ‘good’, nor 100% ‘bad’
refine, refine, refine
one final thought
when you start working on that
next ‘thinger’
focus on making people feel something
but ideally NOT
these things
ugh, this is shallow
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
ugh, this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
cool, but so what?
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this isn’t something I care
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
revisit this throughout the process
does this content
make people feel
any of
these things?
ugh, this is shallow
there’s nothing new or
different here
I’m confused, I just don’t get it
this isn’t something I’ve ever
this is so ugly I think my eyes
might bleed
ugh, this is patronising
there’s nothing I can identify
with here
cool, but so what?
if I shared this it would say
nothing good about me
I don’t think this shows what
you’re claiming it shows
this isn’t something I care
you promised me something
& haven’t delivered
if the answer is yes,
try to find a way to fix it
you may not be able to solve all the issues
but do the best that you can
launch things!
learn things!
& seek to continually evolve & improve
good luck out there x
Hannah Smith
Content Strategist
& Drunken Ne’er-Do-Well
Big love to Mark Johnstone who helped me put this together.
nobody likes me -
I’m out of bed & dressed -
phone lovers -
no ball games -
don draper -
no finish line -
danbo -
unicorn -

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