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The Importance Of Thoughtful To A Homeless Person
ying a thoughtful word of helping a person .It can make there day better or make them less is sad.A
thoughtful word this is good for people good or bad.Thoughtful this can help some one like help
pick up peoples stuff that they dropped,saying something nice to a bullied kid, and giving money to
the homeless. First giving money to a homeless person can help them get food or saving it up for a
house.If the home less person has a sick family member they can buy medic for the person.they can
buy new clothes because there are clothes are ripped or they have no other clothes.If you giving
enough money for a homeless person they can sleep at a motel or a hotel.The money a homeless
person has they can buy shoes so they do not have to walk bear
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Looking for a Job and Stories from Korcula Island
It is 2010/2011 the summer is on the front door and I'm start to think about the job that I could work
this summer. I was start searching on a few places and talk with some people for some free place to
work and at that moment it seems that I will have a job, but I was not feel some kind optimistic
about them. Day by day I feel relaxed with the fact that I have some free time to enjoy before I start
with the job and that was a pretty good for me. As the time was passing, of course no one of them
still didn't call me as I expect, so it was obvious that I will need some alternative to earn some
money, somehow. I start to search again but now it was to late, because everybody now have people
to work for them. In one moment I feel like Im without options but I new that at least I can count to
work with my parents with apartments, and to be honest that is not such bad. Everyday meeting new
people from all around the world, you can learn something about some other culture, mentality, and
similar. On the Korcula island summer is the best part of the year, there is a lot of people
everywhere, a lot of event is going on and it is really great compared to winter. The best day of the
year is the 30. Of June, it is celebrating the half of new year and it is at least three times better then
anything else including the new year itself. We were already prepared for that day, after all we new
that it will come sooner or later so what we could do else then to just use it to relax and enjoy
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Personal Narrative: My Life Collecting
I go through life wanting to make an impact on not just my life but on others as well. There are
many opportunities to help out someone in need, but there is always an excuse to not help out. For
me there is no excuse not to assist a person in need. I enjoy aiding others that are not in a great
situation. I guess you can just call me the hero that Madison deserves. I believe that the
characteristic about me that goes unnoticed is my thoughtfulness because I seek enjoyment out of
helping others, and being able to see the expression on someone's face is a good enough reward to
me. I go throughout the day not really noticing that I can be thoughtful because it is just how I was
raised. I always go by the saying "treat others how you want to
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Personal Narrative: My Love For Exploration
I consider myself a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I spend my days participating in high–risk activities
such as riding my bike without a helmet, or guzzling down pop without checking its calorie content,
sometimes both at the same time! Aside from my bravery, and a bit of humor, I believe I can most
contribute to McMaster and its community by doing what I do best; being me. In a time where the
world is trying to make you like everyone else, I can definitely say that I am Nick; the curious,
passionate and humorous, Nick. My passion is expressed as my curiosity–driven love for
exploration. This compelling force has driven me to many new experiences, including a marine
biology field study in Roatan, Honduras. The first step was to earn my
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What I Believe Sartre?
In this essay I will explain my personal opinion about what I believe Sartre means in his lecture,
where he quotes "We are condemned to be free.", "Man is nothing else but what he makes of
himself. I will discuss in further details, what I believe he means when he speaks of freedom and its
burden. What does freedom mean for individuals and living an authentic life? Why might God be an
obstacle to radical freedom and why I consider myself as free as Sartre speaks of?
Sartre speaks of this freedom that we all humans have, he says that we are condemned to be free, we
are meant to just do whatever we please. We sometimes think we are doing the right thing, if it's
well viewed and accepted by society. In some circumstances it doesn't work that way people decide
to do what they like even if is not accepted by society. People are free to do whatever they want,
whether accepted by society or not and I strongly believe, that is, where the conflict begins. We are
all free to do or think a certain way. How can society tell you whether is right or wrong? Is it just
individuals trying to fit in, and do whatever society accepts or are they just doing what they really
enjoy without needing to be accepted by others. I think that everyone is lying to themselves because
how can you tell right or wrong apart if you don't know either of. For example same sex marriage is
accepted by some and rejected by others, and both groups believe that they are right and they can
well justify why, they
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Curfew Persuasive Speech
You may have no trouble arguing with your parents about curfew or fighting with your siblings
about borrowing your stuff. But, fighting with friends can be uncomfortable. These are the people
you lean on for everything, and it's no fun when they are mad at you. The best way to deal with a
fight between friends is to talk it out. Then, find ways to make amends and help your friendship
bounce back stronger than ever.
===Hearing Them Out===
#Ask your friends to meet up. Choose a place where you can talk uninterrupted. To keep tempers
and voices down, it may be a good idea to meet in a public place such as a coffee shop or restaurant.
Let them know the reason you're asking them to meet.
#*For instance, you might say, "We really need to talk about what happened the other day. Can we
get together tomorrow after class?"
#Give them a chance to share their feelings. It's unfair to try to jump straight into the resolution
phase if your friends haven't said their piece. Grant them the opportunity to vent their frustrations
and explain what you did to make them so mad. Use this as a learning experience to help you
sidestep similar issues in the future.–friends/how–get–
#Listen and stay calm. It can be tough to listen to someone spell out your wrongdoing, even when
it's true. However, the key is to not get defensive or angry here. Interrupting, excusing, or defending
will only make matters worse. It's important to
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Short Story
It was late on an unusually warm Saturday night when I had to go back to my little side job and help
a lady take down decorations from a wedding reception that was being held at St. Anne's Catholic
church in town. It was around 11:30pm and I was dead beat tired and did not want to leave the
comfiness of my warm bed and the familiarity of my room. My best friend Gabby was also staying
the night at my house that night and she had decided to come with me to help the lady I was
working for. So, we bagged up all the junk food we had bought earlier that day and put the liter of
pop in the fridge and made our way out to my car. We got in my car and bumped out to some jams
on our way to the church, but the whole way there I was really ... Show more content on ...
After everything was put into the boxes they got stacked by the door and I had to put them in her
car. During all of my trips to her car she asked me if I was okay again and again I replied with
"Yeah, I'm just tired" but really I was so irritated by that point that I just wanted to leave and go
home and hang out with Gabby and go to sleep. When I had got done with the last trip to her car she
thanked me for my help and she paid me the money I had earned. Gabby and I got in my car and I
just started ranted about how annoyed I was and all Gabby had said was that she could tell because I
had had an annoyed look all over my face the whole time. When I thought about it I realized she
was right. I really just can't help it and I never really realize that I'm doing it until someone tells me
that I am. After this experience, I realized that I have a real problem with not showing my emotions
on my face and I can't fake being happy. It's way to hard for me for some reason. I really need to
work on that because one day I may not be hired for it or I may be fired for it and that would not be
good because I could end up being poor because of
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We have a saying in Story Sessions Community: "You are not...
We have a saying in Story Sessions Community: "You are not too much."
"Too much." It was a message we got used to hearing over and over again throughout our lives.
"You talk too much. You worry too much. You eat too much. You're over–thinking it. You are overly
Here's a word I hate to see misused: Overly. I see this word assigned to so many human actions as a
criticism. Overly emotional, overly dramatic, overly loud, overly large, overly talkative, overly
sensitive. It is part of every story. This word has been used against us. We use this word on others.
We use it on ourselves. It is a sneaky way to dismiss our bodies and our feelings as unimportant;
another way of saying our beings take up too much space. It is a secret ... Show more content on ...
Emotions are a necessary part of our whole humanity. They may be more than we have learned to be
comfortable with, but they are not too much.
You are not too much.
Let's stop using "overly" as a dismissal of ourselves or others. Let's allow for our whole selves to
take up space in this world. Let's use our words as an invitation to be all of who we are, even in the
discomfort. Let's use words that build up and do not tear down, words that bring peace and grace.
People need to be loved, not deconstructed. If I truly believe our being human gives us intrinsic
value, I need to start acting like it. I need to start valuing the whole person, and all the space they
inhabit. Even, no especially, my wildly creative children. Join me?
You have permission to be the person you are, the size you are, the vocal volume you are, the
feelings you are, the talker you are, to be as sensitive and dramatic as you are. You... are... not...
too... much.
Prompt: Sometimes we will encounter hurtful dismissals from ourselves or others through harsh
words. The work of a peacemaker is not to return hurt for hurt, but to overcome it with goodness.
Write a blessing to speak truth over the words that wound and the lies of "too much" for when they
arise in your life. Keep it as simple and memorable as:
"These words do not define me. My dreams are not too big for me. I can be all of who I am."
Commit it to memory if you can, or store it
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The Earthquake
The Earthquake
It was a sunny day outside. The heat from the sun was hitting my face as I was painting the hot
summer day onto my canvas. The colors made the image stand out and made it bright. The yellows
added the joy to the picture while the greens freshened up the image. It was burning outside and my
throat felt dry, like the Sahara desert. I reached for my cold cup filled with icy lemonade. I slowly
took the last sip. I felt hydrated as the ice cubes were hitting my lips and little bits traveling down
my throat. My palms were covered in water drops from the cup. I went back to painting after I dried
my hands and gently wiped my lips with a soft napkin. After painting for awhile I decided to take a
small break. I held my cup tightly and ran downstairs with little drops dripping from the cup. There
was just a little bit of lemonade left so I decided to carefully pour the rest into my cup and head
upstairs to my room. As you may know almost everyone has siblings, including me. While my
parents were not home, I was painting my beautiful picture, my older sister decided to show up. Her
name is Jasmine. She's fifteen, with long, brown locks, spring green eyes, and pale skin with
freckles sprinkled on her nose and her rosy cheeks. She was beautiful but her soul wasn't. I could
feel something was up as she bursted through my door. "I can't believe you drank the rest of the
lemonade you selfish pig. Ugh I hate you so much. I hope you die." she shouted as she
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Theme Of Everyday Use
The story "Everyday Uses" begins with a Mother talking about her daughters, Maggie and Dee. Dee
is outgoing, beautiful, and judgmental; she searches for things that may give her life purpose.
Family values are of very little importance to Dee. She finds her significance more in her
appearance than in endearment to the people of with whom she has shared her life, due to her
insecurities. Then, there is her little sister Maggie, a small, shy girl, who has large insecurities due to
her appearance. She also walks with a limp, due to a fire that occurred at her old house when she
was younger. Maggie may lack external beauty but, she has internal beauty; a caring heart and she
loves her Mother. The love that Maggie has for her mom is in sharp ... Show more content on ...
In every way shape and form, you would think that they were nothing alike unless you looked at
their hearts. By appearance, they are different. Dee is beautiful and very much into fashion, unlike
her sister who is said to be unattractive. Their level of education levels are different. Dee was able to
go to the Augusta school after her mother raised the money, whereas Maggie has very little
education. Their personalities are a world apart. Dee is outgoing, spunky, and not afraid to say what
she is thinking. Maggie is shy and jealous of her sister, but she has a generous heart. All though the
sisters are different, their insecurities link them together in a unique way. In conclusion I can say in
Alice Walker's story "Everyday Uses," the two sisters Dee and Maggie differ in appearance,
education, and attitude, but they both have deep down
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Worst Time In My Life
A time in my life were an incident occurred that had had a major impact on me was this summer.
This summer was probably one the worst times in my life because my dad left my mom. He left us
with nothing because my mom was the reason why they were no longer together. I couldn't see my
dad anymore or even talk to him. I was left feeling depressed and not wanted. At this point in my
life I hated and I did wish I wasn't alive at that time, It was such miserable time in my life were
nothing got better it just kept getting worse and worse. I cried myself to sleep every night because I
thought everyone hated me and that nobody wanted me. I was stuck babysitting all the time because
my mom was out trying to make money. All my grandma did was talk about how horrible my dad
was and how she wanted him to die. It just made me mad because it was my mom's fault every part
of it was but I couldn't say that because I loved my mom more than anything in this world. I also
knew she would flip out on me if i said it was her fault because she knew it was. The thing that
made it ten times worse was that she found someone new and he was the biggest piece of trash ever.
My mom is my queen, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I couldn't imagine life
without her . She just tries so hard to make everyone else happy that sometimes it brings her spirit
down. I know she didn't leave my dad to make everyone upset, she just needed a break because five
kids and a husband who is always
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The Story Of My Life
"At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life,"
Sandi Lynn. The fear of losing a loved one is one of the worst things in life, and no matter how hard
you try to get over it or how hard you fight against it, when the time comes, you are never going to
be ready. I realized that when my grandfather died; too young to understand what death was, but old
enough to experience the pain. Not only he died, also part of me did. "I will always be by your side,
my little princess," were the words that came to my mind as I walk down to where we would meet. I
smiled, as I remembered how much fun we always had" May 2009, Friday evening, I went out to
the best pizza place in town, La Roca, to wait for my grandfather, who lived in another city and
would come to visit me. As soon as I arrived I sat down in front of a big window, so that way we
could appreciate the beautifulness of Mother Nature, something we both loved. For hours and hours,
I waited patiently, and while waiting for him I remembered all the moments we shared together, all
the places we went, and all the things he taught me, for example, to be strong. Since it was a while
since we las met, I had so many things to tell him; I had earned two certificates of recognition and
appreciation, and I also got all A's on my report card. I just wanted him to enter through the door so
I could run into him with a big hug, but sadly he never showed up. His tardiness was
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How Learning Can Be Very Challenging For Some
Learning can be very challenging for some, everyone has a different way of learning. I would
explain learning as something you want to do, not something you have to do. It's much easier to
learn when it's a choice instead of a chore. My views on learning have changed dramatically from
when I have first started the online college. Before I started online college, I was afraid to go back
to school because, I didn't do well in high school. I thought I was just not smart enough to every
continue my education. With EXP 105, I have found what my strength and weaknesses are when it
comes to my learning abilities. I also now feel more confident that I can do this, and it's just going
to take time to develop my mind to be in a growth mind set. Sequence (31) is one of my Use First
Pattern. I use Sequence in everyday life. When it comes to my home, I like a well organized
structured home. Everything in my home has a place to which it belongs. I have tasks in my home
that must be done from beginning to end or it doesn 't feel completed to me. When I start my week
out I have a list of things that need taken care of throughout the week and it 's broken down
Monday–Sunday. Precision (29) is another Use First that I have. I Use Precision when I 'm trying to
get to know things or people. I ask a lot of questions in order to find all the information that I can in
order to understand who, what, when, where, and why. I 'm a challenger when it comes to
information. If I don 't know the answer
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A Great Eulogy : My Experience To My Grandfather
Visiting my grandfather for the first time was very intimidating as a young child. He had poofy
black hair and streaks of grey trailing through his beard. He was so tall that he had to stoop his head
when he walked through a door way, and he always had a smell of a dusty campfire but I could
never identify what it came from. As I continued to get to know him, I found that he wasn't as
frightening as I was expecting. He would always smile at me across the table when we had family
dinners, and he would do this funny thing with his eyebrows that made them look like they were
bouncing off his eyelashes. He would tell me stories of when he used to a truck driver for rock
bands on tour. One time, he was in Florida and he made a night stop on the side of the road to sleep.
Waking up in the middle of the night, he had to go pee really bad. When he climbed out of the truck
he stepped right on the head of a sleeping crocodile. He was so scared that he didn't have to go any
further to pee. Despite how fun and kind he turned out to be, there was still something suspicious
about him. For the longest time I couldn't distinguish what the problems was but he would always
disappear at arbitrary times and when he came back he would smell even more like a campfire. I
used to imagine that he was a top secret super hero who would slip away when no one was looking
to fight criminals and save people from burning buildings. I admired him and felt it my duty to keep
his secret identity safe.
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Narrative Essay About True Love
That spark that ignites within us, within our souls. It touches the heart and crawls, making its way
up to the lips for a good–night kiss, from the one that they love. Love, an amazing gift from the
Lord himself. Luckily, I received this pure, soft gift of joy. But, it is not only love, it is true love. It
holds within its grace, the beauty, the tears, the fights, the crinkle from the lips of the receiver,
happiness, joy, kindness, trust, compassion, the truth. To have a partner to share your secrets with,
your life with, well I have this. True love is a beautiful thing that I have received.
To begin with, I have always believed in true love. Sometimes, it takes years and several ,different
people to have to be with, to find the one that is true. But, this happened for me over nine months
ago. At the age of sixteen, walking into my first job at an Italian restaurant, with only having a one
week of experience there, I saw him. I turned the corner, and we both caught each other's eyes. His
name, you might ask, is Izzy. He had a tan, glowing color on his skin, beautiful brown eyes that
were not your ordinary dull color, and hair that you could just run your fingers through. Not only
could he tell that I would look at him out of the corner of my eye while standing near him at the host
stand, but I could tell he had his eye on me. I did not know it at first, but at the end of the night, he
asked for my Snapchat on a napkin. He has kept that napkin ever since the first night I met
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Analysis Of The Movie ' 8 Mile '
As I walked down the street, people starred. I felt like I stood out. I had on a simple pair of blue
shorts, a long–sleeved black and blue shirt, and teal and black Vans. My shirt had been tucked in,
and my phone in my hand. I crossed the street and walked into the book store. I was looking for a
new book to read, possibly a teen fiction book or simply a movie to watch. ~~~ After 10 minutes of
searching; I finally found a book written by one of my favorite writers. I saw the movie "8 mile".
My favorite hip–hop & rap artist starred in it, Eminem. I was grabbing the last copy, but a guy beat
me to it. "Ohh!" he exclaimed. "You can have it love" "Ohh, no. You had it first, take it. Here, I 'll
give you my number. After your done watching it, call me!" I offered. "Sure, here" he chuckled,
then gave me his phone. I put in my phone number and my name. "Cambree Williams; Bookstore
girl" he read. "Cute, I 'm Trevor! It 's nice to meet you Cammie" He left after he paid for the movie.
I paid for my book and left. ~~~ I entered my new home, hearing the younger half siblings fighting
in the basement. "I 'm home Janice" I coldly stated. I walked into my bedroom. My bags were by
my door and my room was huge. I had a queen sized bed, walk in closer, a bathroom, dresser,
nightstand, and a lot of extra space. I started unpacking, hanging up my shirts and dresses; folding
and putting away my jeans/shorts/jeggings; and putting away my extra things. ~~~ I started going to
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The Perception Heritage
In "Everyday Use", Alice Walker conveys the story of a mother and her two daughters' conflicting
ideas about their identities and ancestry. Mama is a simple woman that values culture and heritage
for its usefulness but also its personal significance. However, her daughter Dee represents a
materialistic way of life where culture and heritage are to be valued only for their artistic appeal.
Through the use of symbolism and characterization, Walker displays how Mama's perception of her
two daughter changes regarding the importance of heritage. In the beginning, the story introduces
the characterization of Mama and shows how she views her individuality. Mama waits for Dee "in
the yard that Maggie and [her] made so clean and wavy" (Walker 278), which emphasizes the
physical characteristics of the yard; also the use of the word "so," shows the strong attachment that
she and Maggie, her daughter, have to their home. The fact is the yard is "not just a yard. It is like an
extended living room" that expresses the essence of her being (278). Also her description of herself
likewise shows a familiarity and comfort with her own self: she is "a large, big–boned woman with
rough, man–working hands" (278). Thus she knows the reality of her body and accepts it, even
finding comfort in the way that her "fat keeps [her] hot in zero weather" (278). Mama is bound to
her home because it represents who she is. Thus Walker implies that similarly this is how she stands
in relation to her culture
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Personal Narrative: Am I Moving To High School?
How had my life gone to hell in the matter of just 6 months and 9 days? I thought this was my fresh
new start and yet I still managed a way to fuck it up again, good going Cedric. I had lost my friends
again just as quick as I had gotten them. The worst part of all of this, is that I have no clue how I
even got to this place. All I know is that it's all my fault, no matter how I put it.
It all started the day of April 6th, the day I moved to a school in Canada. Like I mentioned earlier,
this was supposed to be the escape I craved for from what happened in my past. I actually was
stupid enough to think that things would be different here, that I'd actually be able to start over. As I
was saying, this was my new beginning. I started at Maplewood High, and I thought starting at this
new high school would really help lift the pains of my past right off my shoulder, but it just made
me more paranoid about these fresh new ... Show more content on ...
I'm going to head to the ladies room before we make our way to Mrs. Allain's room." She said
swiftly as she made her way to the girls bathroom. After she was done, we headed straight for Mrs.
Allain's room. After class we headed for the cafeteria to regroup with the rest of our
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Les Florets
Post–Negotiation Analysis Les Florets Entering Les Florets negotiation, I had set for myself rules.
Besides my will to buy the restaurant, I had some intermediary objectives to help reach my goal.
First, I needed to learn more about the seller's reasons to sell. This way I could offer her different
solutions to solve the situation. Second, I needed to be flexible, despite the limit of $160,000. That
meant I needed to maintain a margin in the negotiation around the price, and I decided to start with a
price of $140,000, saying since I am not usually in charge of buying new restaurants, I am limited in
the money I can spend. This way, I could difficultly raise my offer to $150,000 but negotiate other
things, notably that the seller would ... Show more content on ...
My intent was simply to make sure she knew she needed an agreement with me, more than I did. I
needed her to believe that reaching an agreement with me was her best alternative. Obviously, our
price targets were different and unmatchable. She needed to have $190,000 and I could not pay
more than $160,000. Just making propositions and trying to be flexible on additional things besides
the price was not enough, because she thought she needed the money immediately. At least, it was
not enough until the seller knew she had no better alternative outside the one I was able to offer.
Also, I learned that although it may seem a lot better to maintain cordiality and an atmosphere of
trust during the negotiation, at some point, when it is not going anywhere, it might be better to adopt
a stronger position. Mainly, it had to be used to show the other party that even if an agreement is
profitable for both parties, there is a point of no return, that it is time to really start looking for other
solutions, more creative ones. After having established my position over the seller, making new
propositions was a lot easier. Also, she had realized that not reaching an agreement with me meant
that she could not pursue her life's dream, whereas reaching an agreement with me made it possible
for even if it meant having to delay for a few months. Adopting a stronger position and
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Short Story: A Cold Desire
"1 in every 5 people in Greenland attempts to kill themselves at some point in their lifetimes."
Saying I hadn't considered it would be a lie but I was used to lying. It was the way it was, when
lying seemed like a natural part of life. Rejoice would be found by disguising one's own misery
from one self. You learned how to show no emotion how to live your life like an empty shell yet you
felt everything, every degree of cold, every ray of light and every single piece of bliss missing from
your life. It was the way it was, before. Not that it was getting any better but though I was unaware
of it everything was about to take a sudden turn. It was almost midnight but the sun was still visible
and it was as bright as day, it was after all the middle of June. I barely heard the phone ringing even
though I was wide awake. When I saw that it was Mary calling and that I had four unanswered
messages I responded at once. Before I got the chance to say hello I could hear Mary yelling "Have
you seen it?" "Seen what?" I responded urgently. "Mark's mail!" "What do you mean, what did he
say?" I had a hard time grasping what could be so important it couldn't wait until tomorrow. "He
said: I'm sorry." "You don't think..." "Yes Dave, I do." "I'm on my way; I'll pick you up in no time."
"No need for that, I'm already on my way, I'll be at your place in less than five minutes." I
practically hurled myself out of the house and to my surprise Mary had already arrived. Whilst I
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My Calling In My Life
Finding our true calling in life isn't always easy. To me a calling is something that you find joy in
and are passionate about. As followers of Christ we are told to trust God and follow what He calls us
to do. I believe that God directs us down different paths throughout our lives that lead us to a calling
rather than just handing it to us. This can be scary as we never know His exact plan. As soon as we
get comfortable in one area of our life and feel as if we have found our calling God throws us a
curveball. I don't believe that we just have one calling. Every aspect of our life has a piece of our
overall calling. I believe that my overall calling is caring for others. As I will explain I feel that
everything I do somehow relates back ... Show more content on ...
Just being able to be there for someone in a time of need brings me great joy. Being able to build
strong relationships helps not only others, but myself as well. I like having people in my life that I
can count on to be there when I need them.
As far as my faith, I feel I am called to lead others to God by example. As a Christian I feel a
relationship with God is the most important relationship one can have. There are many different
ways to express Christianity and bring people into a relationship with God. One thing I talked about
in my journals is that while going to church is important, I don't think it's the most important part of
my faith. To me I feel the most comfortable expressing my faith by leading by example. I am not
very good at talking about my faith, so I try living my life in a way that expresses my Christianity
through actions rather than words. In my journals, I have discussed several different ways I live out
my faith such as; building positive relationships, volunteering, using the talents God gave me, and
being there for others.
The journal prompts about our beliefs really got me think about what I believe about finances.
Through talking about my beliefs, I discovered it is important to me to give back to others when I
am able. One way that I can do this is by creating a budget that sets aside money each month to
donate to a cause. I think it is important we use the resources that God gave us to help all his people.
I feel that my overall
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What Makes A Church?
After going through this class, my stance on these ideas haven't really changed; they are all the same
even though we try to keep them apart, but they cannot exist alone. But my ideas of if they are evil
or bad have changed, I sometimes don't want this or tend to ignore it, but that makes me horrible
pastor. Sadly, to present these ideas to congregations, a certain kind of trust needs to be ensued.
Amos is the best to present these ideas of a church is going a certain way or if they wish to study the
different effects that money, power, and cult is how our world and how people are run by these. And
to get these views out I have chosen a few chapters: chapters two and three, with the way one is to
respond to idea of power, the end of chapter five in worship and our cult, and lastly chapter seven
with our responsibilities to the needy.
If one truly wants my opinion after this class it is this: what terrifies me is my own responsibilities
to those that I will be shepherding. I have the responsibility of telling them about these things that
have the power to help or destroy the world around them. And to me, if this idea doesn't leave this
paper, in my understanding is that many church people are ignorant to what they need to do. We are
already in a battle, between man and woman, young generation and old generation, traditional and
contemporary. That to bring up money, power, and cult, in the context of Amos, would be stepping
on minefields and less on toes. But then again, I
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The Worst Nightmare
Broken... We 've all got memories that will forever haunt us and that will forever be with us. At one
point in someone 's life those memories are going to be too much for them and they 're ready to give
up. You feel as if you just want to be numb. You can 't take it anymore, no matter what the age.
Memories can be wonderful but they also can be your worst nightmare. Kate. My friend had been in
that position reasonly. I 'll never forget the way she acted about a month before it really hit her. The
best word to describe it: Broke. Completely utterly broken. She canceled everyone out and kept her
distance from friends and family. I never left though. She tried but couldn 't get rid of me. I will
never forget the day that I Immediately knew ... Show more content on ...
The phone started to ring and I heard her say "Just take me." I didn 't hesitate to think anything over.
I immediately grabbed her and made her stand up. She was still able to function so she started to
walk towards the front door. I grabbed the pill bottle as saw about 3 pills left. I didn 't take time to
read the name of the pills I just grabbed them and walked with her out the door. No one really
knows what to do in these situations unless you 've been in it before. Back when I was 8 I was. One
of my family member tried to overdose, but I caught them. Things like these is when you know you
're not as strong as you think you are. You just want to stop and hug them. Just like I wanted to do
with Kate. I knew she was done and I just didn 't want to see her like she was. I remember on the
whole way there I was in frantics and couldn 't stop shaking. I was so scared that I was going to lose
my best friend. As soon as she got into the car I sped off towards the emergency room. When we
had gotten there I rushed in and hit the button for help. All I could hear was her cries and a few i 'm
sorrys here and there. I started to walk her inside as I saw a nurse heading my way with a
wheelchair. I Helped her sit down and handed her the pill bottle. "She overdosed on these." I
stuttered out most of the words. She didn 't say anything just took her to a hospital room. I was there
for 8 hours and never left her side. I remember sitting there
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Freedom Of Speech : The Spirit Of Liberty
After reading the transcript of the speech, "The Spirit of Liberty", given by federal judge for more
than 50 years, Learned Hand, who served most of the time on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit in New York, my idea of what it means to be an American was slightly shifted. The
statement made by Hand which really caught my attention was, "What do we mean when we say
that first of all we seek liberty? I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon
constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes." I agree with Hand in the sense that
the constitution can only serve purpose to our country if we, as Americans, learn to be truly
accepting. To be an American, means to me, that you are accepting of the differences around you;
however, we as Americans are not very good at accepting those who do not agree with us. In an
article,a publisher for NBC News, quoted a leading crimes researcher who stated, "hate crimes in
nine U.S. metropolitan areas rose more than 20 percent last year, fueled by inflamed passions during
the presidential campaign and more willingness for victims to step forward." Many believe being an
American means you have freedom, but what freedom? Freedom of speech? Freedom of Religion?
The other "freedoms" stated in the Bill of Rights? How true can that be if those around you are so
quick to go as far as harming others just for being different. Americans often hide behind their right
to freedom of speech to be demeaning, but
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Essay on Alice Walker's Everyday Use
Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"
In the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, the author portrays opposing ideas about one's
heritage. Through the eyes of two daughters, Dee and Maggie, who have chosen to live their lives in
very different manners, the reader can choose which character to identify most with by judging what
is really important in one's life. In Dee's case, she goes out to make all that can of herself while
leaving her past behind, in comparison to Maggie, who stays back with her roots and makes the
most out of the surroundings that she has been placed in. Through the use of symbolism, the
tangible object of a family heirloom quilt brings out these issues relating to heritage to Mama, and
she is able to reasonably ... Show more content on ...
Obviously, Dee's family is not who is actually oppressing her. Dee oppresses herself in many ways
by the limitations that she puts on herself with her family and new lifestyle. All of the choices she
decides, to make herself a more well rounded person, to better fit into society, end up making her a
deplorable person because of the harm that it has on her family. Literary critic Mary Helen
Washington believes Dee is an example of a stereotypical "assimilated women who alienates them
self from their roots, and cuts them self off from real contact with their own people and their inner
self" (22). This concept explains why Dee rarely makes trips home, and shows that she is really
disowning a part of herself by not accepting her family and past.
On the other hand, the younger of the daughters, Maggie, is portrayed as a more homely and loyal
daughter who is deeply in touch with her heritage. On a personal level, Maggie does not contain the
strong willed personality of her sister, but is very content with her family's past, and the direction
that her life is taking. Maggie is so accustomed to her strong family ties and the family history that
surrounds her everyday in the house, that it is not a priority to have the quilts passed along to her.
She does not need a tangible object to hold on to as her past. Mama knew that "it was Grandma Dee
and Big Dee who taught her how to quilt herself",
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Sarita Is A Lost Object
Sarita, in order to get rid of depression, has to name her lost object. "The thing" she is suffering for
its loss. Ironically, Sarita cannot name it and calls it "this thing". She knows that she cannot call it
love. She believes that does not love Julio but actually hates him for being the reason of her pain.
She tries to find a meaning to her life and through her search for it she attempts to find a name for
her depressive object to get rid of it. She use letter writing, prayers to god and questioning her old
neighbor Fernando about peace of soul. Hence, through her journey to find meaning, she hopes to
identify her lost 'thing' that drives her depression and emptiness. Sarita's mother Fela, establishes her
identity building by identifying to the fixed role assigned to her as a single mother in the patriarchal
society. She accepts the humiliation and disintegration that unwedded woman receives in the male
supporting society. Sarita, on the other hand, does not achieve her identity fulfilment by writing
letters. In her first letter, she writes him" [...], you left and here I am. You ... Show more content on ...
Instead of identifying the lost object that Sarita turns into depressive mood for, Sarita loses her
whole identity. She cannot name it 'love' because it is not love as we know it. It is rather a sexual
addiction, a disease or even something that is not identified. Although autobiographical writing is
always used as a healing method to overcome the obstacles that the writer of it faces in dealing with
his depression, yet, Fornes does not follow this pattern in her play Sarita. The play's heroine uses
autobiographical writing to express her longing, frustration, self–loath and hope for salvation but
she fails to use it to articulate and rewrite a new identity that confirms her
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Search Of A Life By Laura Kaeding
Find Passion in Life By Laura Kaeding | Submitted On January 11, 2011 Recommend Article
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Pinterest Expert Author Laura Kaeding What do you have in your life that is so precious that you
wouldn 't change your lifestyle because of it? Is there something in your life that is holding you
back from reaching for your passion? If you answered anything to these questions, maybe you
should take a look at yourself and see what you can do each day to reach for your own personal
dreams. Do you think there 's no point in finding a job you enjoy? Of course there is a point. Why
should you spend the majority of your waking hours doing something that you either don 't believe
in, or don 't enjoy? Do you feel that it isn 't worth it to pursue your passion because, after all, a job is
just a job? A job isn 't just a job, a job is the way that you put forth your imagine onto the world. If
you want to pass on a certain image, try to make your actions and time spent reflect that image. Do
you believe that the majority of your waking time should be spent doing something that you don 't
even enjoy and provides no satisfaction? Can you honestly tell me that you are following your
passion and living
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Volunteering In High Schools
J.J. Watt, an American football defensive end for the Houston Texans, once said, "My mom taught
me from a young age to give back and volunteer any chance you get." (Brainyquote). Despite
gaining all the fame and money from the NFL (National Football League), the defensive end
believes in the power and the potential of volunteering by altruistically helping out Hurricane
Harvey victims with necessary supplies such as water, food, and other basic needs (USA Today).
There certainly has to be a sort of flare that ignites the heart of a volunteer in order to selflessly aid
others, as exemplified by Watt. Yet, that aspect of community service is presently vague among
many high schools. Currently, many high schools require students to volunteer for a ... Show more
content on ...
Unfortunately one major question arises from this obligation. Does mandatory volunteering truly
invoke the spirit of volunteering? Selective colleges, in general, are more stringent than they were in
the past by the recruiting process. In fact, the admission committees of these respective colleges
accurately discern inadequate applications from powerful ones, especially in relationship to the
commitment level of community service. Passion for community service is a vital indicator for
recruiting. They desire students who strongly dedicate themselves to volunteer with something that
coincides with their interests or major. However, "mandatory volunteering" generates a belief that
community service is a hindrance and a deliberate waste of time towards obtaining a diploma. The
embodiment of community service diminishes as these educational institutions continue to exercise
their power to regulate civic engagement. Thus, selective colleges are likely to identify and reject
those who only fulfill the negative aspects of mandatory
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College Admissions Essay: Where Will I Like America?
I really can't tell what the future will be like only time can. Although I believe America will thrive in
the future. With ever evolving technology and science and our thirst for knowledge we will strive
for more advancements to become the most advanced country. It's all a race for that and I firmly
believe America will lead the race. America is a great country. Full of life and peaceful beings.
America is a strong country that is only getting stronger as we grow and become more
knowledgeable. America has always been a great and strong ever since the very first colonist
arrived. And since that time we've only grown stronger and bigger. I do believe we will only grow
bigger and get stronger and we will work for an even better country as the race for knowledge and
power proceeds we will be able to with stand our jealous enemy's while they sit in poverty and we
will be thriving. Though America has enemy's we will always have enemy's every great country has
enemies because there's always countries that want to be like America. Who wouldn't want to live in
a great country such as America. If the first colonist wouldn't of broken free from great Brittan I
think everybody would be living in poverty and have no equal rights and be slaves to the ... Show
more content on ...
As long as we stay on the right track we will do well, I have faith in our country and that we will do
well in the future. I know my thoughts may not have an impact on anything but if we all work
together we will always strive for the better good of our country. Although it will be hard to do good
in the future I do believe we will be fine our ancestors always made good but with greatness comes
rebellion but that's not always bad. Without rebellion we wouldn't have what we have today you
have to have the inner strength to stand up what you believe in what you think is going to make for
better and those thoughts will be heard and put into consideration like
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Persuasive Essay On Young People Go Camping
My best friend and I decide to go camping, it was supposed to be a regular long weekend with her at
Gennie Springs. The only thing was that we did not count on the issues that it could bring to us. It
was a Memorial weekend and two days before the weekend we planned everything to travel 5 hours
away from home. The plan was just go camping, spend time with nature, and disconnect from the
world. We did not plan that the park was for crazy parties, we also did not plan that the police will
stop us, and of course, we did not plan that my car broke down on our way back. During our way to
Gennie Springs, everything was fine. We traveled for 5 hours without any inconvenience. When we
arrived at the park, we start noticing that a lot of young people from colleges and universities. As we
register and confirm our reservation, the guy from the park advises us that they do crazy parties over
there and they are not responsible for any damage. We agreed and we signed. My friend and I
started looking for our spot but everything was full and there was not any space available. We start
asking people if they know where was number 87, that was our camping number, but they were all
hangover and do not even know that the camping has numbers. After an hour going around the park
and passing for the same places over and over, we asked an old couple and they tried to guide us
through the park. We continue driving and find out that our spot was on the other side of the park, so
we go there and found
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Everyday Use Symbolism Analysis
Most works of literature are full of symbolism. The symbolism they contain can vary from a
character's personality and actions representing an idea to an object representing an idea. The short
story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker makes great use of this symbolism. The primary struggle in
this short story takes place when the oldest daughter Dee returns home to her family's estate. A
contrast between two vastly different approaches on tradition and honoring one's heritage is shown
immediately. This contrast is most evident over the items that are symbolic to a different time
period. The primary focal point of the short story "Everyday Use" is the clash of ideas on how to
preserve one's culture. Mrs. Johnson has two daughters, Dee and Maggie. ... Show more content on ...
"Quilts designed for everyday use, pieced wholes defying symmetry and pattern, are signs of the
scarred generations of women who have always been alien to a world of literate words and stylish
fantasies" (Backer Jr. & Pierce–Baker 49). This quote perfectly describes why quilts are often used
as symbolism. Since they are pieced together and mended over many generations, quilts are able to
stand as a symbol for each generation that has worked on the quilt. Dee desires the quilts because it
shows the craftsmanship of her ancestors, however, Dee wants only to display the quilts and not to
use it. This is in severe opposition to Maggie who has already been promised the quilts. Dee replies
"'Maggie can't appreciate these quilts!' she said. "'She'd probably be backward enough to put them to
everyday use'" (Walker 490). Mama sees no problem in this and even explains that she is tired of
keeping them since no one has been using them. Eventually, Maggie caves and says that she can
remember her grandma without the quilts. This fills Mama with joy and she decides to give Maggie
the quilts she promised and she told Dee to grab a different quilt. Dee was angry and stormed off to
the car. As she was leaving she told the family that they don't understand their
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Open Hands Research Paper
I have been blessed beyond measure in my life with the love and support of my family. It is because
of that love and support that I feel a strong obligation to be the best person I can be by working hard
and caring about the world around me. Through my volunteer work, I have participated in many
fundraisers, food and clothing drives. However, my greatest personal growth has come from more
direct acts of kindness that go largely unrecognized to anyone other than the recipient. My first
experience meeting someone in very unfortunate circumstances occurred when my mother
suggested we deliver meals for an Atlanta based organization called Open Hands. Open Hands
prepares individualized healthy meals for very ill people living on their own. Open Hands
conducted training on a ... Show more content on ...
Tears filled my eyes and I was the first one to the door at our next visit. The conversation and
human connection were as vital to these people as the meals themselves. For me, playing lacrosse
for the first time or delivering a meal to someone with Aids, were uncomfortable experiences at
first. I was nervous and scared of the unknown. It is tougher to see those that are sick and lonely
face to face rather than just donate money. It is more difficult to try new things than risk failure. In
the end, I learned that getting out of my comfort zone made me feel humble, grateful and inspired.
Through my Environmental Science studies, I began to learn that there was a career possibility for
me that combines science and business with helping to improve our collective quality of life. I
participated in a few Clean River workdays on the Chattahoochee River that is used for both
recreation and drinking water in Georgia. While growing up in Georgia, I spent countless summers,
fishing, hiking and boating with my family where I developed my love of the
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Motive Behind Helping People
One of my strength is trying my best to help someone without expecting anything in return. Some
people help others because they might receive a favor from that person one day or the person might
give them money. Many people ask me what my motive behind helping people? My answer is
simple, I don't help people because I have to, but I help people because I think it is a privilege that
God give me to further glorify his name. One of my weakness is when I hear a parent or anybody
talking bad or negative about a kid. For example, strangers might gossip about "Mrs. X kid" is such
a bad kid, or "Mrs. Y" might repeatedly tell her kid, why are you so bad? Why can't you be like the
other kids at school? Not knowing that words are powerful, therefore,
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The Advice For A High Level Of Advice
These are some of the cautions that were revealed through this assessment for me: The advice
characteristics shows a desire to seek considerable amounts of advice. This was a known for me and
it was born out of a need to do things right without error, and trying to make sure that I do not fail. I
have learned that when trying to succeed and accomplish goals, there will be times of failure. This is
the way that people learn and improve. If you are in a position, where you can get feedback to help
you realize your mistakes. Feedback is also important in that regard to incorporate counsel, so that
proper corrections can be made. The concern with a person that operate with the need of a high level
of advice is the individual will delay making decisions. This is ok for some situations, but
sometimes a decision with have to be made right away. I realize with this being one of my methods
of operation, I will have to practice making decisions on the fly, in order to become more
comfortable making decisions without being advised. I will learn to use this as a strength, by staying
up on what current in my field, therefore I will be confident in my own decisions. The second
caution that was revealed from the assessment is the process creativity, which said that I prefer to
stick to standard rules and practices, when implementing solutions to problems rather than shifting
processes to achieve solutions. This is accurate, but the other side is I do like to follow a plan that is
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Case Study Essay
In this case study, first year third grade teacher, Maggie Lindberg, is having trouble controlling her
class. The children are well–behaved during their art period. However, when Ms. Lindberg is in
charge, they are highly uncontrollable. They talk when they are not supposed to talk and they don't
listen to anything that Maggie says. There's supposed to be a nature walk/field trip and Ms.
Lindberg's class has yet to complete the task. I see so many problems with this case study. First of
all, I believe that Ms. Lindberg came into the school year sort of unprepared and thinking that
because it's the first year, it would be simple. Another problem I see with Ms. Lindberg is that she
seems to have a low confidence level. And she's way too ... Show more content on
By being firm with the students, Ms. Lindberg will reduce the rudeness these kids are giving her.
You can't be nice one minute and mean the next. Ms. Lindberg needs to be firm all the time. Raising
your voice only further frustrates the teacher. She has to be relaxed but at the same time mean
business. She cannot let her frustrations show. Ms. Lindberg needs to be sure to remain calm at all
times. I think that if she feels her frustration showing, she could use breathing techniques to help her
relax and calm herself down. While using breathing techniques to relax and being as firm as
possible, Maggie should be able to be more confident that she has been in the past. I learned that as
a first year teacher, I should be over prepared for the best and the worst scenarios. Being under
prepared is the worst thing you can do. I learned that before the first day of class, I have to have a
plan for managing my classroom well. While, yelling at my students may seem like the best way to
get their attention it is not. I have to use a calm but firm voice. I have to let them know that I am in
charge. That means, I am the teacher and they are the students. I say what I mean and I mean what I
say. I think that while having my own plan in place, if I notice that their behavior is better when they
are in related arts classes, I could ask those teachers what they do to get them to behave correctly
and respectfully. Since I will be working
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Once upon a time there was a girl with fair skin, brown eyes, long hair who was a named Cinderella.
She used to live with her mother and one older brother in a little house, however, every weekend she
would go back to hostel to attend college. Cinderella mother and older brother would treat her very
nicely as they would take care of her like a princess. One day, Cinderella, and her whole family was
invited for a family party at her aunt place, but Cinderella was not able to make it to the party as she
did not have any way to get back home from the college as she do not have her any transportation or
ride back home which she could have used to come back to her place to attend it. Because of the
transportation problem, Cinderella could not attend her aunt's party at back home. Cinderella was
made to stay at hostel to study as there was no other way she could have made it. So, her whole
family to the party, leaving Cinderella alone at hostel. After knowing, there was no way she will be
able to attend the party, Cinderella felt very sad and began to feel very angry, and started crying.
Suddenly when Cinderella was crying that she could not go, her roommate decided to come to the
room and gave advice to her why do not she used one of the taxi apps where the taxi will come to
pick her up from the hostel, where her roommate said, "Stop Crying, Cinderella don't worry I am
here to help you, I will help you to get to the family party you wanted to go" I will get you there on
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Strategies For Independence
5 Big Steps Parents Can Take To Help Their Kids Gain More Independence For Preschool From
social skills to language skills and all kinds of problem–solving techniques, your little one is in for
some big learning when they enter a preschool program, but they could face challenges if the
haven't acquired enough independence. Although it's your paternal instinct to take care of and
control everything in their developing lives, independence is what's going to help them succeed and
excel, once they're on their own in the classroom. Here are five important steps you can take to
encourage more independence, in the most caring and supportive way: 1. Raise The Bar With Your
Expectations Expecting more from your child means they're going to have ... Show more content on ...
As hard as it is to just stand by and watch your child, whether they're succeeding or not, they need
that space to learn, evolve and experiment, or else they're always going to be looking for you to
rescue them. Entering any preschool program, your child won't have the luxury of constant
individual attention, meaning they will have no choice but to sink or swim. Since you want them to
swim, start giving them room to self–resolve issues now, while they still have you as a safety–net.
Before long, they'll understand that if they want some problems solved, they have to put on their
thinking caps, use patience and take matters into their own little hands. If it seems hard for you to
cease the hoovering, just wait until you feel the total exhilaration of watching your child accomplish
something all on their own; it's such a breath–taking moment for parents, you'll automatically start
giving them more room to act independently in many instances. 3. Assign A Simple Job To Your
Child You don't realize how much your child depends on you for everything, until you ask them to
do something on their own. They might look at you as if you're perfectly out of your mind or they
might even cry about the new task, but being a responsible, working member of a team in your
house is going to go a long way toward helping your child succeed in a busy classroom. Give them a
simple job they must tend to daily, showering them with affection and praise when they accomplish
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Gender Roles In The Chase By Annie Dillard
How much do gender roles mean to you? In the story, The Chase by Annie Dillard, a young girl,
Annie, grows up in a town where being a girl didn't affect how she grew up. When Annie was a
child she played football, baseball and threw snowballs with the boys. So as you can see being a girl
in Annie's neighborhood didn't affect her, but as everyone grows up, we all realize that gender roles
really do matter. We all probably grew up with boys and girls, but all places were different. One
might have grown up in a town where you weren't allowed to do certain things because you were a
girl. Otherwise, someone might have grown up in a town where nobody really cares about whether
you were a boy or a girl. Either way, throughout my childhood, rules and roles were all based on
whether you were a boy or a girl, and as I moved on through my life, I realized that those gender
roles mean a lot more as we grow older.
Annie Dillard grew up in a neighborhood, I would assume much like mine. Being a girl didn't
matter, having long hair and wearing dresses didn't matter to her, but one might have grown up in
different situation. When I was growing up, I had an older brother, Cameron, that is 10 years older
than me. At the age of 18 he went off into the USMC and me, as an 8–year–old, didn't really realize
how brave he was. Cam spend 8 years in the Marines, and when he arrived home I realized how
many boy AND girls had joined the military. Hearing stories from him made me realize that no
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The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House is a book about four people that all have backgrounds of experiencing
supernatural events. Because of this, they were all chosen to explore the supernatural happenings
occurring at Hill House. The house was originally built by a man named Hugh Crain. It had been a
place of mysterious events and also the deaths of those who lived there. Dr. Montague, a
supernatural investigator, then carefully selected three people with paranormal backgrounds, and
invited them to explore the occurrences at the house. Luke, the future heir of the house, Theodora, a
careless artist, and Eleanor Vance are invited to the house. Eleanor Vance is the main character and
narrator of the story. She lived alone, ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the book, Eleanor also had few or no friends. At the end of the book, Eleanor
was glad because she felt that she had found those friends by coming to Hill House. Eleanor was
similar in some ways at the end of the book to what she was like in the beginning. At the beginning
of the book, she didn't particularly like where she lived, having to care for her mother, and hardly
getting to leave her house. At the end of the book, Eleanor still didn't want to leave Hill House to go
back to where she lived, because she felt that she had no restraints at Hill House, and was free do
what she liked. She wanted to stay at Hill House even if supernatural events happened there,
because it wasn't like her old home. Eleanor went through many changes at Hill House, including
believing that Hill House was her home, and becoming a more outgoing person finding new friends.
I believe Eleanor went through these drastic changes to try and alter who she was. I think she might
have tried to do this to leave her old, uneventful life for a life of mystery and excitement at Hill
House. Eleanor's experiences and changes throughout the story might apply to experiences that we
might also go through in life. Like Eleanor, we often look for adventure or something that might be
different from what we are use to. We might attempt to do this like Eleanor did to try and find
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The Importance Of Thoughtful To A Homeless Person

  • 1. The Importance Of Thoughtful To A Homeless Person ying a thoughtful word of helping a person .It can make there day better or make them less is sad.A thoughtful word this is good for people good or bad.Thoughtful this can help some one like help pick up peoples stuff that they dropped,saying something nice to a bullied kid, and giving money to the homeless. First giving money to a homeless person can help them get food or saving it up for a house.If the home less person has a sick family member they can buy medic for the person.they can buy new clothes because there are clothes are ripped or they have no other clothes.If you giving enough money for a homeless person they can sleep at a motel or a hotel.The money a homeless person has they can buy shoes so they do not have to walk bear ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Looking for a Job and Stories from Korcula Island It is 2010/2011 the summer is on the front door and I'm start to think about the job that I could work this summer. I was start searching on a few places and talk with some people for some free place to work and at that moment it seems that I will have a job, but I was not feel some kind optimistic about them. Day by day I feel relaxed with the fact that I have some free time to enjoy before I start with the job and that was a pretty good for me. As the time was passing, of course no one of them still didn't call me as I expect, so it was obvious that I will need some alternative to earn some money, somehow. I start to search again but now it was to late, because everybody now have people to work for them. In one moment I feel like Im without options but I new that at least I can count to work with my parents with apartments, and to be honest that is not such bad. Everyday meeting new people from all around the world, you can learn something about some other culture, mentality, and similar. On the Korcula island summer is the best part of the year, there is a lot of people everywhere, a lot of event is going on and it is really great compared to winter. The best day of the year is the 30. Of June, it is celebrating the half of new year and it is at least three times better then anything else including the new year itself. We were already prepared for that day, after all we new that it will come sooner or later so what we could do else then to just use it to relax and enjoy ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Personal Narrative: My Life Collecting I go through life wanting to make an impact on not just my life but on others as well. There are many opportunities to help out someone in need, but there is always an excuse to not help out. For me there is no excuse not to assist a person in need. I enjoy aiding others that are not in a great situation. I guess you can just call me the hero that Madison deserves. I believe that the characteristic about me that goes unnoticed is my thoughtfulness because I seek enjoyment out of helping others, and being able to see the expression on someone's face is a good enough reward to me. I go throughout the day not really noticing that I can be thoughtful because it is just how I was raised. I always go by the saying "treat others how you want to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Personal Narrative: My Love For Exploration I consider myself a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I spend my days participating in high–risk activities such as riding my bike without a helmet, or guzzling down pop without checking its calorie content, sometimes both at the same time! Aside from my bravery, and a bit of humor, I believe I can most contribute to McMaster and its community by doing what I do best; being me. In a time where the world is trying to make you like everyone else, I can definitely say that I am Nick; the curious, passionate and humorous, Nick. My passion is expressed as my curiosity–driven love for exploration. This compelling force has driven me to many new experiences, including a marine biology field study in Roatan, Honduras. The first step was to earn my ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What I Believe Sartre? In this essay I will explain my personal opinion about what I believe Sartre means in his lecture, where he quotes "We are condemned to be free.", "Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. I will discuss in further details, what I believe he means when he speaks of freedom and its burden. What does freedom mean for individuals and living an authentic life? Why might God be an obstacle to radical freedom and why I consider myself as free as Sartre speaks of? Sartre speaks of this freedom that we all humans have, he says that we are condemned to be free, we are meant to just do whatever we please. We sometimes think we are doing the right thing, if it's well viewed and accepted by society. In some circumstances it doesn't work that way people decide to do what they like even if is not accepted by society. People are free to do whatever they want, whether accepted by society or not and I strongly believe, that is, where the conflict begins. We are all free to do or think a certain way. How can society tell you whether is right or wrong? Is it just individuals trying to fit in, and do whatever society accepts or are they just doing what they really enjoy without needing to be accepted by others. I think that everyone is lying to themselves because how can you tell right or wrong apart if you don't know either of. For example same sex marriage is accepted by some and rejected by others, and both groups believe that they are right and they can well justify why, they ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Curfew Persuasive Speech You may have no trouble arguing with your parents about curfew or fighting with your siblings about borrowing your stuff. But, fighting with friends can be uncomfortable. These are the people you lean on for everything, and it's no fun when they are mad at you. The best way to deal with a fight between friends is to talk it out. Then, find ways to make amends and help your friendship bounce back stronger than ever. ==Steps== ===Hearing Them Out=== #Ask your friends to meet up. Choose a place where you can talk uninterrupted. To keep tempers and voices down, it may be a good idea to meet in a public place such as a coffee shop or restaurant. Let them know the reason you're asking them to meet. #*For instance, you might say, "We really need to talk about what happened the other day. Can we get together tomorrow after class?" #Give them a chance to share their feelings. It's unfair to try to jump straight into the resolution phase if your friends haven't said their piece. Grant them the opportunity to vent their frustrations and explain what you did to make them so mad. Use this as a learning experience to help you sidestep similar issues in the future.–friends/how–get– through–fight–your–bff #Listen and stay calm. It can be tough to listen to someone spell out your wrongdoing, even when it's true. However, the key is to not get defensive or angry here. Interrupting, excusing, or defending will only make matters worse. It's important to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Short Story It was late on an unusually warm Saturday night when I had to go back to my little side job and help a lady take down decorations from a wedding reception that was being held at St. Anne's Catholic church in town. It was around 11:30pm and I was dead beat tired and did not want to leave the comfiness of my warm bed and the familiarity of my room. My best friend Gabby was also staying the night at my house that night and she had decided to come with me to help the lady I was working for. So, we bagged up all the junk food we had bought earlier that day and put the liter of pop in the fridge and made our way out to my car. We got in my car and bumped out to some jams on our way to the church, but the whole way there I was really ... Show more content on ... After everything was put into the boxes they got stacked by the door and I had to put them in her car. During all of my trips to her car she asked me if I was okay again and again I replied with "Yeah, I'm just tired" but really I was so irritated by that point that I just wanted to leave and go home and hang out with Gabby and go to sleep. When I had got done with the last trip to her car she thanked me for my help and she paid me the money I had earned. Gabby and I got in my car and I just started ranted about how annoyed I was and all Gabby had said was that she could tell because I had had an annoyed look all over my face the whole time. When I thought about it I realized she was right. I really just can't help it and I never really realize that I'm doing it until someone tells me that I am. After this experience, I realized that I have a real problem with not showing my emotions on my face and I can't fake being happy. It's way to hard for me for some reason. I really need to work on that because one day I may not be hired for it or I may be fired for it and that would not be good because I could end up being poor because of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. We have a saying in Story Sessions Community: "You are not... We have a saying in Story Sessions Community: "You are not too much." "Too much." It was a message we got used to hearing over and over again throughout our lives. "You talk too much. You worry too much. You eat too much. You're over–thinking it. You are overly dramatic." Here's a word I hate to see misused: Overly. I see this word assigned to so many human actions as a criticism. Overly emotional, overly dramatic, overly loud, overly large, overly talkative, overly sensitive. It is part of every story. This word has been used against us. We use this word on others. We use it on ourselves. It is a sneaky way to dismiss our bodies and our feelings as unimportant; another way of saying our beings take up too much space. It is a secret ... Show more content on ... Emotions are a necessary part of our whole humanity. They may be more than we have learned to be comfortable with, but they are not too much. You are not too much. Let's stop using "overly" as a dismissal of ourselves or others. Let's allow for our whole selves to take up space in this world. Let's use our words as an invitation to be all of who we are, even in the discomfort. Let's use words that build up and do not tear down, words that bring peace and grace. People need to be loved, not deconstructed. If I truly believe our being human gives us intrinsic value, I need to start acting like it. I need to start valuing the whole person, and all the space they inhabit. Even, no especially, my wildly creative children. Join me? You have permission to be the person you are, the size you are, the vocal volume you are, the feelings you are, the talker you are, to be as sensitive and dramatic as you are. You... are... not... too... much. Prompt: Sometimes we will encounter hurtful dismissals from ourselves or others through harsh words. The work of a peacemaker is not to return hurt for hurt, but to overcome it with goodness. Write a blessing to speak truth over the words that wound and the lies of "too much" for when they arise in your life. Keep it as simple and memorable as: "These words do not define me. My dreams are not too big for me. I can be all of who I am."
  • 9. Commit it to memory if you can, or store it ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Earthquake The Earthquake It was a sunny day outside. The heat from the sun was hitting my face as I was painting the hot summer day onto my canvas. The colors made the image stand out and made it bright. The yellows added the joy to the picture while the greens freshened up the image. It was burning outside and my throat felt dry, like the Sahara desert. I reached for my cold cup filled with icy lemonade. I slowly took the last sip. I felt hydrated as the ice cubes were hitting my lips and little bits traveling down my throat. My palms were covered in water drops from the cup. I went back to painting after I dried my hands and gently wiped my lips with a soft napkin. After painting for awhile I decided to take a small break. I held my cup tightly and ran downstairs with little drops dripping from the cup. There was just a little bit of lemonade left so I decided to carefully pour the rest into my cup and head upstairs to my room. As you may know almost everyone has siblings, including me. While my parents were not home, I was painting my beautiful picture, my older sister decided to show up. Her name is Jasmine. She's fifteen, with long, brown locks, spring green eyes, and pale skin with freckles sprinkled on her nose and her rosy cheeks. She was beautiful but her soul wasn't. I could feel something was up as she bursted through my door. "I can't believe you drank the rest of the lemonade you selfish pig. Ugh I hate you so much. I hope you die." she shouted as she ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Theme Of Everyday Use The story "Everyday Uses" begins with a Mother talking about her daughters, Maggie and Dee. Dee is outgoing, beautiful, and judgmental; she searches for things that may give her life purpose. Family values are of very little importance to Dee. She finds her significance more in her appearance than in endearment to the people of with whom she has shared her life, due to her insecurities. Then, there is her little sister Maggie, a small, shy girl, who has large insecurities due to her appearance. She also walks with a limp, due to a fire that occurred at her old house when she was younger. Maggie may lack external beauty but, she has internal beauty; a caring heart and she loves her Mother. The love that Maggie has for her mom is in sharp ... Show more content on ... In every way shape and form, you would think that they were nothing alike unless you looked at their hearts. By appearance, they are different. Dee is beautiful and very much into fashion, unlike her sister who is said to be unattractive. Their level of education levels are different. Dee was able to go to the Augusta school after her mother raised the money, whereas Maggie has very little education. Their personalities are a world apart. Dee is outgoing, spunky, and not afraid to say what she is thinking. Maggie is shy and jealous of her sister, but she has a generous heart. All though the sisters are different, their insecurities link them together in a unique way. In conclusion I can say in Alice Walker's story "Everyday Uses," the two sisters Dee and Maggie differ in appearance, education, and attitude, but they both have deep down ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Worst Time In My Life A time in my life were an incident occurred that had had a major impact on me was this summer. This summer was probably one the worst times in my life because my dad left my mom. He left us with nothing because my mom was the reason why they were no longer together. I couldn't see my dad anymore or even talk to him. I was left feeling depressed and not wanted. At this point in my life I hated and I did wish I wasn't alive at that time, It was such miserable time in my life were nothing got better it just kept getting worse and worse. I cried myself to sleep every night because I thought everyone hated me and that nobody wanted me. I was stuck babysitting all the time because my mom was out trying to make money. All my grandma did was talk about how horrible my dad was and how she wanted him to die. It just made me mad because it was my mom's fault every part of it was but I couldn't say that because I loved my mom more than anything in this world. I also knew she would flip out on me if i said it was her fault because she knew it was. The thing that made it ten times worse was that she found someone new and he was the biggest piece of trash ever. My mom is my queen, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I couldn't imagine life without her . She just tries so hard to make everyone else happy that sometimes it brings her spirit down. I know she didn't leave my dad to make everyone upset, she just needed a break because five kids and a husband who is always ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Story Of My Life "At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life," Sandi Lynn. The fear of losing a loved one is one of the worst things in life, and no matter how hard you try to get over it or how hard you fight against it, when the time comes, you are never going to be ready. I realized that when my grandfather died; too young to understand what death was, but old enough to experience the pain. Not only he died, also part of me did. "I will always be by your side, my little princess," were the words that came to my mind as I walk down to where we would meet. I smiled, as I remembered how much fun we always had" May 2009, Friday evening, I went out to the best pizza place in town, La Roca, to wait for my grandfather, who lived in another city and would come to visit me. As soon as I arrived I sat down in front of a big window, so that way we could appreciate the beautifulness of Mother Nature, something we both loved. For hours and hours, I waited patiently, and while waiting for him I remembered all the moments we shared together, all the places we went, and all the things he taught me, for example, to be strong. Since it was a while since we las met, I had so many things to tell him; I had earned two certificates of recognition and appreciation, and I also got all A's on my report card. I just wanted him to enter through the door so I could run into him with a big hug, but sadly he never showed up. His tardiness was ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Learning Can Be Very Challenging For Some Learning can be very challenging for some, everyone has a different way of learning. I would explain learning as something you want to do, not something you have to do. It's much easier to learn when it's a choice instead of a chore. My views on learning have changed dramatically from when I have first started the online college. Before I started online college, I was afraid to go back to school because, I didn't do well in high school. I thought I was just not smart enough to every continue my education. With EXP 105, I have found what my strength and weaknesses are when it comes to my learning abilities. I also now feel more confident that I can do this, and it's just going to take time to develop my mind to be in a growth mind set. Sequence (31) is one of my Use First Pattern. I use Sequence in everyday life. When it comes to my home, I like a well organized structured home. Everything in my home has a place to which it belongs. I have tasks in my home that must be done from beginning to end or it doesn 't feel completed to me. When I start my week out I have a list of things that need taken care of throughout the week and it 's broken down Monday–Sunday. Precision (29) is another Use First that I have. I Use Precision when I 'm trying to get to know things or people. I ask a lot of questions in order to find all the information that I can in order to understand who, what, when, where, and why. I 'm a challenger when it comes to information. If I don 't know the answer ... Get more on ...
  • 15. A Great Eulogy : My Experience To My Grandfather Visiting my grandfather for the first time was very intimidating as a young child. He had poofy black hair and streaks of grey trailing through his beard. He was so tall that he had to stoop his head when he walked through a door way, and he always had a smell of a dusty campfire but I could never identify what it came from. As I continued to get to know him, I found that he wasn't as frightening as I was expecting. He would always smile at me across the table when we had family dinners, and he would do this funny thing with his eyebrows that made them look like they were bouncing off his eyelashes. He would tell me stories of when he used to a truck driver for rock bands on tour. One time, he was in Florida and he made a night stop on the side of the road to sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night, he had to go pee really bad. When he climbed out of the truck he stepped right on the head of a sleeping crocodile. He was so scared that he didn't have to go any further to pee. Despite how fun and kind he turned out to be, there was still something suspicious about him. For the longest time I couldn't distinguish what the problems was but he would always disappear at arbitrary times and when he came back he would smell even more like a campfire. I used to imagine that he was a top secret super hero who would slip away when no one was looking to fight criminals and save people from burning buildings. I admired him and felt it my duty to keep his secret identity safe. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Narrative Essay About True Love That spark that ignites within us, within our souls. It touches the heart and crawls, making its way up to the lips for a good–night kiss, from the one that they love. Love, an amazing gift from the Lord himself. Luckily, I received this pure, soft gift of joy. But, it is not only love, it is true love. It holds within its grace, the beauty, the tears, the fights, the crinkle from the lips of the receiver, happiness, joy, kindness, trust, compassion, the truth. To have a partner to share your secrets with, your life with, well I have this. True love is a beautiful thing that I have received. To begin with, I have always believed in true love. Sometimes, it takes years and several ,different people to have to be with, to find the one that is true. But, this happened for me over nine months ago. At the age of sixteen, walking into my first job at an Italian restaurant, with only having a one week of experience there, I saw him. I turned the corner, and we both caught each other's eyes. His name, you might ask, is Izzy. He had a tan, glowing color on his skin, beautiful brown eyes that were not your ordinary dull color, and hair that you could just run your fingers through. Not only could he tell that I would look at him out of the corner of my eye while standing near him at the host stand, but I could tell he had his eye on me. I did not know it at first, but at the end of the night, he asked for my Snapchat on a napkin. He has kept that napkin ever since the first night I met ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Analysis Of The Movie ' 8 Mile ' As I walked down the street, people starred. I felt like I stood out. I had on a simple pair of blue shorts, a long–sleeved black and blue shirt, and teal and black Vans. My shirt had been tucked in, and my phone in my hand. I crossed the street and walked into the book store. I was looking for a new book to read, possibly a teen fiction book or simply a movie to watch. ~~~ After 10 minutes of searching; I finally found a book written by one of my favorite writers. I saw the movie "8 mile". My favorite hip–hop & rap artist starred in it, Eminem. I was grabbing the last copy, but a guy beat me to it. "Ohh!" he exclaimed. "You can have it love" "Ohh, no. You had it first, take it. Here, I 'll give you my number. After your done watching it, call me!" I offered. "Sure, here" he chuckled, then gave me his phone. I put in my phone number and my name. "Cambree Williams; Bookstore girl" he read. "Cute, I 'm Trevor! It 's nice to meet you Cammie" He left after he paid for the movie. I paid for my book and left. ~~~ I entered my new home, hearing the younger half siblings fighting in the basement. "I 'm home Janice" I coldly stated. I walked into my bedroom. My bags were by my door and my room was huge. I had a queen sized bed, walk in closer, a bathroom, dresser, nightstand, and a lot of extra space. I started unpacking, hanging up my shirts and dresses; folding and putting away my jeans/shorts/jeggings; and putting away my extra things. ~~~ I started going to school, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Perception Heritage In "Everyday Use", Alice Walker conveys the story of a mother and her two daughters' conflicting ideas about their identities and ancestry. Mama is a simple woman that values culture and heritage for its usefulness but also its personal significance. However, her daughter Dee represents a materialistic way of life where culture and heritage are to be valued only for their artistic appeal. Through the use of symbolism and characterization, Walker displays how Mama's perception of her two daughter changes regarding the importance of heritage. In the beginning, the story introduces the characterization of Mama and shows how she views her individuality. Mama waits for Dee "in the yard that Maggie and [her] made so clean and wavy" (Walker 278), which emphasizes the physical characteristics of the yard; also the use of the word "so," shows the strong attachment that she and Maggie, her daughter, have to their home. The fact is the yard is "not just a yard. It is like an extended living room" that expresses the essence of her being (278). Also her description of herself likewise shows a familiarity and comfort with her own self: she is "a large, big–boned woman with rough, man–working hands" (278). Thus she knows the reality of her body and accepts it, even finding comfort in the way that her "fat keeps [her] hot in zero weather" (278). Mama is bound to her home because it represents who she is. Thus Walker implies that similarly this is how she stands in relation to her culture ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Personal Narrative: Am I Moving To High School? How had my life gone to hell in the matter of just 6 months and 9 days? I thought this was my fresh new start and yet I still managed a way to fuck it up again, good going Cedric. I had lost my friends again just as quick as I had gotten them. The worst part of all of this, is that I have no clue how I even got to this place. All I know is that it's all my fault, no matter how I put it. It all started the day of April 6th, the day I moved to a school in Canada. Like I mentioned earlier, this was supposed to be the escape I craved for from what happened in my past. I actually was stupid enough to think that things would be different here, that I'd actually be able to start over. As I was saying, this was my new beginning. I started at Maplewood High, and I thought starting at this new high school would really help lift the pains of my past right off my shoulder, but it just made me more paranoid about these fresh new ... Show more content on ... I'm going to head to the ladies room before we make our way to Mrs. Allain's room." She said swiftly as she made her way to the girls bathroom. After she was done, we headed straight for Mrs. Allain's room. After class we headed for the cafeteria to regroup with the rest of our ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Les Florets Post–Negotiation Analysis Les Florets Entering Les Florets negotiation, I had set for myself rules. Besides my will to buy the restaurant, I had some intermediary objectives to help reach my goal. First, I needed to learn more about the seller's reasons to sell. This way I could offer her different solutions to solve the situation. Second, I needed to be flexible, despite the limit of $160,000. That meant I needed to maintain a margin in the negotiation around the price, and I decided to start with a price of $140,000, saying since I am not usually in charge of buying new restaurants, I am limited in the money I can spend. This way, I could difficultly raise my offer to $150,000 but negotiate other things, notably that the seller would ... Show more content on ... My intent was simply to make sure she knew she needed an agreement with me, more than I did. I needed her to believe that reaching an agreement with me was her best alternative. Obviously, our price targets were different and unmatchable. She needed to have $190,000 and I could not pay more than $160,000. Just making propositions and trying to be flexible on additional things besides the price was not enough, because she thought she needed the money immediately. At least, it was not enough until the seller knew she had no better alternative outside the one I was able to offer. Also, I learned that although it may seem a lot better to maintain cordiality and an atmosphere of trust during the negotiation, at some point, when it is not going anywhere, it might be better to adopt a stronger position. Mainly, it had to be used to show the other party that even if an agreement is profitable for both parties, there is a point of no return, that it is time to really start looking for other solutions, more creative ones. After having established my position over the seller, making new propositions was a lot easier. Also, she had realized that not reaching an agreement with me meant that she could not pursue her life's dream, whereas reaching an agreement with me made it possible for even if it meant having to delay for a few months. Adopting a stronger position and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Short Story: A Cold Desire "1 in every 5 people in Greenland attempts to kill themselves at some point in their lifetimes." Saying I hadn't considered it would be a lie but I was used to lying. It was the way it was, when lying seemed like a natural part of life. Rejoice would be found by disguising one's own misery from one self. You learned how to show no emotion how to live your life like an empty shell yet you felt everything, every degree of cold, every ray of light and every single piece of bliss missing from your life. It was the way it was, before. Not that it was getting any better but though I was unaware of it everything was about to take a sudden turn. It was almost midnight but the sun was still visible and it was as bright as day, it was after all the middle of June. I barely heard the phone ringing even though I was wide awake. When I saw that it was Mary calling and that I had four unanswered messages I responded at once. Before I got the chance to say hello I could hear Mary yelling "Have you seen it?" "Seen what?" I responded urgently. "Mark's mail!" "What do you mean, what did he say?" I had a hard time grasping what could be so important it couldn't wait until tomorrow. "He said: I'm sorry." "You don't think..." "Yes Dave, I do." "I'm on my way; I'll pick you up in no time." "No need for that, I'm already on my way, I'll be at your place in less than five minutes." I practically hurled myself out of the house and to my surprise Mary had already arrived. Whilst I hurried ... Get more on ...
  • 22. My Calling In My Life Finding our true calling in life isn't always easy. To me a calling is something that you find joy in and are passionate about. As followers of Christ we are told to trust God and follow what He calls us to do. I believe that God directs us down different paths throughout our lives that lead us to a calling rather than just handing it to us. This can be scary as we never know His exact plan. As soon as we get comfortable in one area of our life and feel as if we have found our calling God throws us a curveball. I don't believe that we just have one calling. Every aspect of our life has a piece of our overall calling. I believe that my overall calling is caring for others. As I will explain I feel that everything I do somehow relates back ... Show more content on ... Just being able to be there for someone in a time of need brings me great joy. Being able to build strong relationships helps not only others, but myself as well. I like having people in my life that I can count on to be there when I need them. As far as my faith, I feel I am called to lead others to God by example. As a Christian I feel a relationship with God is the most important relationship one can have. There are many different ways to express Christianity and bring people into a relationship with God. One thing I talked about in my journals is that while going to church is important, I don't think it's the most important part of my faith. To me I feel the most comfortable expressing my faith by leading by example. I am not very good at talking about my faith, so I try living my life in a way that expresses my Christianity through actions rather than words. In my journals, I have discussed several different ways I live out my faith such as; building positive relationships, volunteering, using the talents God gave me, and being there for others. The journal prompts about our beliefs really got me think about what I believe about finances. Through talking about my beliefs, I discovered it is important to me to give back to others when I am able. One way that I can do this is by creating a budget that sets aside money each month to donate to a cause. I think it is important we use the resources that God gave us to help all his people. I feel that my overall ... Get more on ...
  • 23. What Makes A Church? After going through this class, my stance on these ideas haven't really changed; they are all the same even though we try to keep them apart, but they cannot exist alone. But my ideas of if they are evil or bad have changed, I sometimes don't want this or tend to ignore it, but that makes me horrible pastor. Sadly, to present these ideas to congregations, a certain kind of trust needs to be ensued. Amos is the best to present these ideas of a church is going a certain way or if they wish to study the different effects that money, power, and cult is how our world and how people are run by these. And to get these views out I have chosen a few chapters: chapters two and three, with the way one is to respond to idea of power, the end of chapter five in worship and our cult, and lastly chapter seven with our responsibilities to the needy. If one truly wants my opinion after this class it is this: what terrifies me is my own responsibilities to those that I will be shepherding. I have the responsibility of telling them about these things that have the power to help or destroy the world around them. And to me, if this idea doesn't leave this paper, in my understanding is that many church people are ignorant to what they need to do. We are already in a battle, between man and woman, young generation and old generation, traditional and contemporary. That to bring up money, power, and cult, in the context of Amos, would be stepping on minefields and less on toes. But then again, I ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Worst Nightmare Broken... We 've all got memories that will forever haunt us and that will forever be with us. At one point in someone 's life those memories are going to be too much for them and they 're ready to give up. You feel as if you just want to be numb. You can 't take it anymore, no matter what the age. Memories can be wonderful but they also can be your worst nightmare. Kate. My friend had been in that position reasonly. I 'll never forget the way she acted about a month before it really hit her. The best word to describe it: Broke. Completely utterly broken. She canceled everyone out and kept her distance from friends and family. I never left though. She tried but couldn 't get rid of me. I will never forget the day that I Immediately knew ... Show more content on ... The phone started to ring and I heard her say "Just take me." I didn 't hesitate to think anything over. I immediately grabbed her and made her stand up. She was still able to function so she started to walk towards the front door. I grabbed the pill bottle as saw about 3 pills left. I didn 't take time to read the name of the pills I just grabbed them and walked with her out the door. No one really knows what to do in these situations unless you 've been in it before. Back when I was 8 I was. One of my family member tried to overdose, but I caught them. Things like these is when you know you 're not as strong as you think you are. You just want to stop and hug them. Just like I wanted to do with Kate. I knew she was done and I just didn 't want to see her like she was. I remember on the whole way there I was in frantics and couldn 't stop shaking. I was so scared that I was going to lose my best friend. As soon as she got into the car I sped off towards the emergency room. When we had gotten there I rushed in and hit the button for help. All I could hear was her cries and a few i 'm sorrys here and there. I started to walk her inside as I saw a nurse heading my way with a wheelchair. I Helped her sit down and handed her the pill bottle. "She overdosed on these." I stuttered out most of the words. She didn 't say anything just took her to a hospital room. I was there for 8 hours and never left her side. I remember sitting there ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Freedom Of Speech : The Spirit Of Liberty After reading the transcript of the speech, "The Spirit of Liberty", given by federal judge for more than 50 years, Learned Hand, who served most of the time on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York, my idea of what it means to be an American was slightly shifted. The statement made by Hand which really caught my attention was, "What do we mean when we say that first of all we seek liberty? I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes." I agree with Hand in the sense that the constitution can only serve purpose to our country if we, as Americans, learn to be truly accepting. To be an American, means to me, that you are accepting of the differences around you; however, we as Americans are not very good at accepting those who do not agree with us. In an article,a publisher for NBC News, quoted a leading crimes researcher who stated, "hate crimes in nine U.S. metropolitan areas rose more than 20 percent last year, fueled by inflamed passions during the presidential campaign and more willingness for victims to step forward." Many believe being an American means you have freedom, but what freedom? Freedom of speech? Freedom of Religion? The other "freedoms" stated in the Bill of Rights? How true can that be if those around you are so quick to go as far as harming others just for being different. Americans often hide behind their right to freedom of speech to be demeaning, but ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay on Alice Walker's Everyday Use Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" In the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, the author portrays opposing ideas about one's heritage. Through the eyes of two daughters, Dee and Maggie, who have chosen to live their lives in very different manners, the reader can choose which character to identify most with by judging what is really important in one's life. In Dee's case, she goes out to make all that can of herself while leaving her past behind, in comparison to Maggie, who stays back with her roots and makes the most out of the surroundings that she has been placed in. Through the use of symbolism, the tangible object of a family heirloom quilt brings out these issues relating to heritage to Mama, and she is able to reasonably ... Show more content on ... Obviously, Dee's family is not who is actually oppressing her. Dee oppresses herself in many ways by the limitations that she puts on herself with her family and new lifestyle. All of the choices she decides, to make herself a more well rounded person, to better fit into society, end up making her a deplorable person because of the harm that it has on her family. Literary critic Mary Helen Washington believes Dee is an example of a stereotypical "assimilated women who alienates them self from their roots, and cuts them self off from real contact with their own people and their inner self" (22). This concept explains why Dee rarely makes trips home, and shows that she is really disowning a part of herself by not accepting her family and past. On the other hand, the younger of the daughters, Maggie, is portrayed as a more homely and loyal daughter who is deeply in touch with her heritage. On a personal level, Maggie does not contain the strong willed personality of her sister, but is very content with her family's past, and the direction that her life is taking. Maggie is so accustomed to her strong family ties and the family history that surrounds her everyday in the house, that it is not a priority to have the quilts passed along to her. She does not need a tangible object to hold on to as her past. Mama knew that "it was Grandma Dee and Big Dee who taught her how to quilt herself", ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Sarita Is A Lost Object Sarita, in order to get rid of depression, has to name her lost object. "The thing" she is suffering for its loss. Ironically, Sarita cannot name it and calls it "this thing". She knows that she cannot call it love. She believes that does not love Julio but actually hates him for being the reason of her pain. She tries to find a meaning to her life and through her search for it she attempts to find a name for her depressive object to get rid of it. She use letter writing, prayers to god and questioning her old neighbor Fernando about peace of soul. Hence, through her journey to find meaning, she hopes to identify her lost 'thing' that drives her depression and emptiness. Sarita's mother Fela, establishes her identity building by identifying to the fixed role assigned to her as a single mother in the patriarchal society. She accepts the humiliation and disintegration that unwedded woman receives in the male supporting society. Sarita, on the other hand, does not achieve her identity fulfilment by writing letters. In her first letter, she writes him" [...], you left and here I am. You ... Show more content on ... Instead of identifying the lost object that Sarita turns into depressive mood for, Sarita loses her whole identity. She cannot name it 'love' because it is not love as we know it. It is rather a sexual addiction, a disease or even something that is not identified. Although autobiographical writing is always used as a healing method to overcome the obstacles that the writer of it faces in dealing with his depression, yet, Fornes does not follow this pattern in her play Sarita. The play's heroine uses autobiographical writing to express her longing, frustration, self–loath and hope for salvation but she fails to use it to articulate and rewrite a new identity that confirms her ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Search Of A Life By Laura Kaeding Find Passion in Life By Laura Kaeding | Submitted On January 11, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Laura Kaeding What do you have in your life that is so precious that you wouldn 't change your lifestyle because of it? Is there something in your life that is holding you back from reaching for your passion? If you answered anything to these questions, maybe you should take a look at yourself and see what you can do each day to reach for your own personal dreams. Do you think there 's no point in finding a job you enjoy? Of course there is a point. Why should you spend the majority of your waking hours doing something that you either don 't believe in, or don 't enjoy? Do you feel that it isn 't worth it to pursue your passion because, after all, a job is just a job? A job isn 't just a job, a job is the way that you put forth your imagine onto the world. If you want to pass on a certain image, try to make your actions and time spent reflect that image. Do you believe that the majority of your waking time should be spent doing something that you don 't even enjoy and provides no satisfaction? Can you honestly tell me that you are following your passion and living ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Volunteering In High Schools J.J. Watt, an American football defensive end for the Houston Texans, once said, "My mom taught me from a young age to give back and volunteer any chance you get." (Brainyquote). Despite gaining all the fame and money from the NFL (National Football League), the defensive end believes in the power and the potential of volunteering by altruistically helping out Hurricane Harvey victims with necessary supplies such as water, food, and other basic needs (USA Today). There certainly has to be a sort of flare that ignites the heart of a volunteer in order to selflessly aid others, as exemplified by Watt. Yet, that aspect of community service is presently vague among many high schools. Currently, many high schools require students to volunteer for a ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately one major question arises from this obligation. Does mandatory volunteering truly invoke the spirit of volunteering? Selective colleges, in general, are more stringent than they were in the past by the recruiting process. In fact, the admission committees of these respective colleges accurately discern inadequate applications from powerful ones, especially in relationship to the commitment level of community service. Passion for community service is a vital indicator for recruiting. They desire students who strongly dedicate themselves to volunteer with something that coincides with their interests or major. However, "mandatory volunteering" generates a belief that community service is a hindrance and a deliberate waste of time towards obtaining a diploma. The embodiment of community service diminishes as these educational institutions continue to exercise their power to regulate civic engagement. Thus, selective colleges are likely to identify and reject those who only fulfill the negative aspects of mandatory ... Get more on ...
  • 30. College Admissions Essay: Where Will I Like America? I really can't tell what the future will be like only time can. Although I believe America will thrive in the future. With ever evolving technology and science and our thirst for knowledge we will strive for more advancements to become the most advanced country. It's all a race for that and I firmly believe America will lead the race. America is a great country. Full of life and peaceful beings. America is a strong country that is only getting stronger as we grow and become more knowledgeable. America has always been a great and strong ever since the very first colonist arrived. And since that time we've only grown stronger and bigger. I do believe we will only grow bigger and get stronger and we will work for an even better country as the race for knowledge and power proceeds we will be able to with stand our jealous enemy's while they sit in poverty and we will be thriving. Though America has enemy's we will always have enemy's every great country has enemies because there's always countries that want to be like America. Who wouldn't want to live in a great country such as America. If the first colonist wouldn't of broken free from great Brittan I think everybody would be living in poverty and have no equal rights and be slaves to the ... Show more content on ... As long as we stay on the right track we will do well, I have faith in our country and that we will do well in the future. I know my thoughts may not have an impact on anything but if we all work together we will always strive for the better good of our country. Although it will be hard to do good in the future I do believe we will be fine our ancestors always made good but with greatness comes rebellion but that's not always bad. Without rebellion we wouldn't have what we have today you have to have the inner strength to stand up what you believe in what you think is going to make for better and those thoughts will be heard and put into consideration like ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Persuasive Essay On Young People Go Camping My best friend and I decide to go camping, it was supposed to be a regular long weekend with her at Gennie Springs. The only thing was that we did not count on the issues that it could bring to us. It was a Memorial weekend and two days before the weekend we planned everything to travel 5 hours away from home. The plan was just go camping, spend time with nature, and disconnect from the world. We did not plan that the park was for crazy parties, we also did not plan that the police will stop us, and of course, we did not plan that my car broke down on our way back. During our way to Gennie Springs, everything was fine. We traveled for 5 hours without any inconvenience. When we arrived at the park, we start noticing that a lot of young people from colleges and universities. As we register and confirm our reservation, the guy from the park advises us that they do crazy parties over there and they are not responsible for any damage. We agreed and we signed. My friend and I started looking for our spot but everything was full and there was not any space available. We start asking people if they know where was number 87, that was our camping number, but they were all hangover and do not even know that the camping has numbers. After an hour going around the park and passing for the same places over and over, we asked an old couple and they tried to guide us through the park. We continue driving and find out that our spot was on the other side of the park, so we go there and found ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Everyday Use Symbolism Analysis Most works of literature are full of symbolism. The symbolism they contain can vary from a character's personality and actions representing an idea to an object representing an idea. The short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker makes great use of this symbolism. The primary struggle in this short story takes place when the oldest daughter Dee returns home to her family's estate. A contrast between two vastly different approaches on tradition and honoring one's heritage is shown immediately. This contrast is most evident over the items that are symbolic to a different time period. The primary focal point of the short story "Everyday Use" is the clash of ideas on how to preserve one's culture. Mrs. Johnson has two daughters, Dee and Maggie. ... Show more content on ... "Quilts designed for everyday use, pieced wholes defying symmetry and pattern, are signs of the scarred generations of women who have always been alien to a world of literate words and stylish fantasies" (Backer Jr. & Pierce–Baker 49). This quote perfectly describes why quilts are often used as symbolism. Since they are pieced together and mended over many generations, quilts are able to stand as a symbol for each generation that has worked on the quilt. Dee desires the quilts because it shows the craftsmanship of her ancestors, however, Dee wants only to display the quilts and not to use it. This is in severe opposition to Maggie who has already been promised the quilts. Dee replies "'Maggie can't appreciate these quilts!' she said. "'She'd probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use'" (Walker 490). Mama sees no problem in this and even explains that she is tired of keeping them since no one has been using them. Eventually, Maggie caves and says that she can remember her grandma without the quilts. This fills Mama with joy and she decides to give Maggie the quilts she promised and she told Dee to grab a different quilt. Dee was angry and stormed off to the car. As she was leaving she told the family that they don't understand their ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Open Hands Research Paper I have been blessed beyond measure in my life with the love and support of my family. It is because of that love and support that I feel a strong obligation to be the best person I can be by working hard and caring about the world around me. Through my volunteer work, I have participated in many fundraisers, food and clothing drives. However, my greatest personal growth has come from more direct acts of kindness that go largely unrecognized to anyone other than the recipient. My first experience meeting someone in very unfortunate circumstances occurred when my mother suggested we deliver meals for an Atlanta based organization called Open Hands. Open Hands prepares individualized healthy meals for very ill people living on their own. Open Hands conducted training on a ... Show more content on ... Tears filled my eyes and I was the first one to the door at our next visit. The conversation and human connection were as vital to these people as the meals themselves. For me, playing lacrosse for the first time or delivering a meal to someone with Aids, were uncomfortable experiences at first. I was nervous and scared of the unknown. It is tougher to see those that are sick and lonely face to face rather than just donate money. It is more difficult to try new things than risk failure. In the end, I learned that getting out of my comfort zone made me feel humble, grateful and inspired. Through my Environmental Science studies, I began to learn that there was a career possibility for me that combines science and business with helping to improve our collective quality of life. I participated in a few Clean River workdays on the Chattahoochee River that is used for both recreation and drinking water in Georgia. While growing up in Georgia, I spent countless summers, fishing, hiking and boating with my family where I developed my love of the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Motive Behind Helping People One of my strength is trying my best to help someone without expecting anything in return. Some people help others because they might receive a favor from that person one day or the person might give them money. Many people ask me what my motive behind helping people? My answer is simple, I don't help people because I have to, but I help people because I think it is a privilege that God give me to further glorify his name. One of my weakness is when I hear a parent or anybody talking bad or negative about a kid. For example, strangers might gossip about "Mrs. X kid" is such a bad kid, or "Mrs. Y" might repeatedly tell her kid, why are you so bad? Why can't you be like the other kids at school? Not knowing that words are powerful, therefore, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Advice For A High Level Of Advice These are some of the cautions that were revealed through this assessment for me: The advice characteristics shows a desire to seek considerable amounts of advice. This was a known for me and it was born out of a need to do things right without error, and trying to make sure that I do not fail. I have learned that when trying to succeed and accomplish goals, there will be times of failure. This is the way that people learn and improve. If you are in a position, where you can get feedback to help you realize your mistakes. Feedback is also important in that regard to incorporate counsel, so that proper corrections can be made. The concern with a person that operate with the need of a high level of advice is the individual will delay making decisions. This is ok for some situations, but sometimes a decision with have to be made right away. I realize with this being one of my methods of operation, I will have to practice making decisions on the fly, in order to become more comfortable making decisions without being advised. I will learn to use this as a strength, by staying up on what current in my field, therefore I will be confident in my own decisions. The second caution that was revealed from the assessment is the process creativity, which said that I prefer to stick to standard rules and practices, when implementing solutions to problems rather than shifting processes to achieve solutions. This is accurate, but the other side is I do like to follow a plan that is already ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Case Study Essay In this case study, first year third grade teacher, Maggie Lindberg, is having trouble controlling her class. The children are well–behaved during their art period. However, when Ms. Lindberg is in charge, they are highly uncontrollable. They talk when they are not supposed to talk and they don't listen to anything that Maggie says. There's supposed to be a nature walk/field trip and Ms. Lindberg's class has yet to complete the task. I see so many problems with this case study. First of all, I believe that Ms. Lindberg came into the school year sort of unprepared and thinking that because it's the first year, it would be simple. Another problem I see with Ms. Lindberg is that she seems to have a low confidence level. And she's way too ... Show more content on ... By being firm with the students, Ms. Lindberg will reduce the rudeness these kids are giving her. You can't be nice one minute and mean the next. Ms. Lindberg needs to be firm all the time. Raising your voice only further frustrates the teacher. She has to be relaxed but at the same time mean business. She cannot let her frustrations show. Ms. Lindberg needs to be sure to remain calm at all times. I think that if she feels her frustration showing, she could use breathing techniques to help her relax and calm herself down. While using breathing techniques to relax and being as firm as possible, Maggie should be able to be more confident that she has been in the past. I learned that as a first year teacher, I should be over prepared for the best and the worst scenarios. Being under prepared is the worst thing you can do. I learned that before the first day of class, I have to have a plan for managing my classroom well. While, yelling at my students may seem like the best way to get their attention it is not. I have to use a calm but firm voice. I have to let them know that I am in charge. That means, I am the teacher and they are the students. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I think that while having my own plan in place, if I notice that their behavior is better when they are in related arts classes, I could ask those teachers what they do to get them to behave correctly and respectfully. Since I will be working ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Cinderella Once upon a time there was a girl with fair skin, brown eyes, long hair who was a named Cinderella. She used to live with her mother and one older brother in a little house, however, every weekend she would go back to hostel to attend college. Cinderella mother and older brother would treat her very nicely as they would take care of her like a princess. One day, Cinderella, and her whole family was invited for a family party at her aunt place, but Cinderella was not able to make it to the party as she did not have any way to get back home from the college as she do not have her any transportation or ride back home which she could have used to come back to her place to attend it. Because of the transportation problem, Cinderella could not attend her aunt's party at back home. Cinderella was made to stay at hostel to study as there was no other way she could have made it. So, her whole family to the party, leaving Cinderella alone at hostel. After knowing, there was no way she will be able to attend the party, Cinderella felt very sad and began to feel very angry, and started crying. Suddenly when Cinderella was crying that she could not go, her roommate decided to come to the room and gave advice to her why do not she used one of the taxi apps where the taxi will come to pick her up from the hostel, where her roommate said, "Stop Crying, Cinderella don't worry I am here to help you, I will help you to get to the family party you wanted to go" I will get you there on time! ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Strategies For Independence 5 Big Steps Parents Can Take To Help Their Kids Gain More Independence For Preschool From social skills to language skills and all kinds of problem–solving techniques, your little one is in for some big learning when they enter a preschool program, but they could face challenges if the haven't acquired enough independence. Although it's your paternal instinct to take care of and control everything in their developing lives, independence is what's going to help them succeed and excel, once they're on their own in the classroom. Here are five important steps you can take to encourage more independence, in the most caring and supportive way: 1. Raise The Bar With Your Expectations Expecting more from your child means they're going to have ... Show more content on ... As hard as it is to just stand by and watch your child, whether they're succeeding or not, they need that space to learn, evolve and experiment, or else they're always going to be looking for you to rescue them. Entering any preschool program, your child won't have the luxury of constant individual attention, meaning they will have no choice but to sink or swim. Since you want them to swim, start giving them room to self–resolve issues now, while they still have you as a safety–net. Before long, they'll understand that if they want some problems solved, they have to put on their thinking caps, use patience and take matters into their own little hands. If it seems hard for you to cease the hoovering, just wait until you feel the total exhilaration of watching your child accomplish something all on their own; it's such a breath–taking moment for parents, you'll automatically start giving them more room to act independently in many instances. 3. Assign A Simple Job To Your Child You don't realize how much your child depends on you for everything, until you ask them to do something on their own. They might look at you as if you're perfectly out of your mind or they might even cry about the new task, but being a responsible, working member of a team in your house is going to go a long way toward helping your child succeed in a busy classroom. Give them a simple job they must tend to daily, showering them with affection and praise when they accomplish ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Gender Roles In The Chase By Annie Dillard How much do gender roles mean to you? In the story, The Chase by Annie Dillard, a young girl, Annie, grows up in a town where being a girl didn't affect how she grew up. When Annie was a child she played football, baseball and threw snowballs with the boys. So as you can see being a girl in Annie's neighborhood didn't affect her, but as everyone grows up, we all realize that gender roles really do matter. We all probably grew up with boys and girls, but all places were different. One might have grown up in a town where you weren't allowed to do certain things because you were a girl. Otherwise, someone might have grown up in a town where nobody really cares about whether you were a boy or a girl. Either way, throughout my childhood, rules and roles were all based on whether you were a boy or a girl, and as I moved on through my life, I realized that those gender roles mean a lot more as we grow older. Annie Dillard grew up in a neighborhood, I would assume much like mine. Being a girl didn't matter, having long hair and wearing dresses didn't matter to her, but one might have grown up in different situation. When I was growing up, I had an older brother, Cameron, that is 10 years older than me. At the age of 18 he went off into the USMC and me, as an 8–year–old, didn't really realize how brave he was. Cam spend 8 years in the Marines, and when he arrived home I realized how many boy AND girls had joined the military. Hearing stories from him made me realize that no matter ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Haunting of Hill House The Haunting of Hill House The Haunting of Hill House is a book about four people that all have backgrounds of experiencing supernatural events. Because of this, they were all chosen to explore the supernatural happenings occurring at Hill House. The house was originally built by a man named Hugh Crain. It had been a place of mysterious events and also the deaths of those who lived there. Dr. Montague, a supernatural investigator, then carefully selected three people with paranormal backgrounds, and invited them to explore the occurrences at the house. Luke, the future heir of the house, Theodora, a careless artist, and Eleanor Vance are invited to the house. Eleanor Vance is the main character and narrator of the story. She lived alone, ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the book, Eleanor also had few or no friends. At the end of the book, Eleanor was glad because she felt that she had found those friends by coming to Hill House. Eleanor was similar in some ways at the end of the book to what she was like in the beginning. At the beginning of the book, she didn't particularly like where she lived, having to care for her mother, and hardly getting to leave her house. At the end of the book, Eleanor still didn't want to leave Hill House to go back to where she lived, because she felt that she had no restraints at Hill House, and was free do what she liked. She wanted to stay at Hill House even if supernatural events happened there, because it wasn't like her old home. Eleanor went through many changes at Hill House, including believing that Hill House was her home, and becoming a more outgoing person finding new friends. I believe Eleanor went through these drastic changes to try and alter who she was. I think she might have tried to do this to leave her old, uneventful life for a life of mystery and excitement at Hill House. Eleanor's experiences and changes throughout the story might apply to experiences that we might also go through in life. Like Eleanor, we often look for adventure or something that might be different from what we are use to. We might attempt to do this like Eleanor did to try and find ... Get more on ...