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The Importance Of The Technicolor Process In The Animated...
The animated films of the 1930s and 1940s definitely took advantage of the new Technicolor
process. For Disney in particular, it was the only colour process that he felt worked for his films
(Telotte 48). Especially since the idea of animated films as feature films was relatively new at the
time, there was a necessity for the differentiation of Disney's films to live–action films so that
animated films could be taken seriously. Disney used Technicolor to do just that (Telotte 48).
Another, arguably more important reason for the use of colour in the animated films was the "still–
developing Disney illusion–of–life aesthetic" (Telotte 48). The colours of the films were used to
help portray a natural–looking world, one that would be believable to the viewer despite being
animation. Higgins discusses that the preferred Disney aesthetic was that "artists favored pastels and
saved strongly saturated hues for accents. Backgrounds were kept desaturated and cool to assure that
the main characters would have chromatic prominence [...] Disney artists were adept at coordinating
color and drama," ("Order and Plenitude" 299). Even though they preferred to keep it natural, the
animators were able to experiment with Technicolour more than the colour directors of live–action
films were. As discussed by Francine Stock, "...colour in both setting and lighting could accentuate
mood or character – without aping reality," (83–4). An example of one of these films that Disney
was able to experiment with
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What Are The Main Features Of Fascist Music
How are the main ideas of Fascist doctrine reflected in Fascist music of the period? Fascism which
was the dominant ideology in Italy in the 1920's and 1930's had huge impact on every sphere of
Italian society as well as music. Considering the fact that all public output including music which
produced within Italian border was organized and controlled by state which reflected fascist ideas
and ambitions, it is vital to analyse several popular pieces of music in order to get complete picture
about how this particular form of art echoes the doctrine which was written by Benito Mussolini in
1932. One of the mainly highlighted idea is importance of the strong state along firm leadership. As
it is stated in Mussolini's doctrine, Fascism ... Show more content on ...
Considering the fact that Fascism was obsessed with young people, their involvement with fascist
ideology and fascist activities because of the fact that generally fascist projects such as
infrastructure, army building were extremely dependent on young individuals' energy and
enthusiasm. "Giovinezza" is one of the songs in which fascists 'cult of youth" well explained and
young people are portrayed as tomorrow of Italy:
"...Youth, Youth,
Spring of beauty,..."
Collectivism and denial of class struggle at the same time is key point in differentiating it from
communism. The author explicitly shows fascism is not only different, but also this difference
defines attitude of fascism towards class structure of society. Fascism does not think of the
economic motive as the driver of everything. Moreover, belonging different class affiliation does not
results in sharp division meaning that people with different class background can collaborate for the
interest of the State, as it is mentioned in "Giovinezza": "...The poets and the artisans, The lords and
the countrymen, With an Italian's
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Questions On The Main Features Of Professions
Aaron Esquivel
BASV 319
Exam 1
1. List the three central features of professions according to Michael Bayles. List any two
occupations which involve each of the three features; list any two occupations which do not seem to
involve at least one of these features. (3 points)
2. Explain in detail the moral theory, rule–utilitarianism. List two actions which are morally
impermissible according to this theory, and briefly explain why. (3 points)
3. Explain in detail the second formulation of Kant's categorical imperative. List two actions which
are morally impermissible according to this theory, and briefly explain why. (3 points)
4. What does Aristotle mean by function? What, according to Aristotle, is the proper function of
human beings, and how does he argue for this? (3 points)
5. Consider the following scenario: A man named Heinz has a wife who was recently diagnosed
with a disease from which she will die if she does not get the proper medicine within a week. The
medicine is readily available, and for sale at a nearby pharmacy. Unfortunately, the price of the
dosage of the medicine needed to save Heinz's wife's life is well over $5,000.00, and he doesn't have
the money or assets to afford this. The medicine only costs about $50.00 to make, but the pharmacy
knows that it can sell the drug for much more, and does so in order to maximize profit. Heinz has
tried to work out a payment plan, but all pharmacists which stock the drug have refused. So, Heinz
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Explain The Main Features Of The Articles Of Confederation
This chapter covers many topics such as the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the Declaration of
Independence. Before the Constitution of the United States, the Articles of Confederation serve as
the first plan of a national government for the thirteen American states. (pg.17) The Articles allowed
the states to retain most political power. (pg.17) Other features of the document were that it
"preserved state autonomy, guaranteed equal representation for the states, and it granted the central
government only a few important powers". (pg.17–18) However, it "provided no separate executive
branch and no national courts, and it made the amendment almost impossible". (pg.18) It never
really occurred to me how important the Constitution is or its
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Data Mining is a Technique Used to Clarify and Classify Data
Data Mining is a technique used in various domains to give meaning to the available data and
different types of Data to be handled like numerical data, non–numeric data, image data...etc. In
classification tree modelling the data is classified to make predictions about new data. Using old
data to predict new data has the danger of being too fitted on the old data. In this we evaluated
different types of data to be collected from UCI repository for classify the data using the different
classification algorithms J48, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, IBK. This paper evaluates the
classification accuracy before applying the feature selection algorithms and comparing the
classification accuracy after applying the feature selection with learning algorithms.
1. Introduction
As computer and database technologies develop rapidly, data accumulates in a speed unmatchable
by human capacity of data processing[2]. Data mining as a multidisciplinary joint effort from
databases, machine learning and statistics, is championing in turning mountains of data into nuggets.
Researchers and practitioners realize that in order to use data mining tools effectively, data
processing is essential to successful data mining.PrimitiveThese are features which have an
influence on the output and their role cannot be assumed by the rest.[1]
Feature selection can be found in many areas of data mining such as classification, clustering,
association rules and regression. For example, feature selection is
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A Critical outline of the main features of Functionalism,...
Sociology, the study of society; has been adapted by many sociologists so as to put across their own
theories. The most important Sociologists of the early 19th century were Emile Durkeim, Karl Marx
and Max Weber; a common factor with all these men is that they were all influenced by the world in
which they lived.
I intend to, throughout this essay, explain these three different theories, evaluate them and also
critically outline their main features.
The Functionalist sees society as built up and working like the human body, made up of interrelated
parts, which function for or contribute to the maintenance of society as a whole. (Cited: Browne.K.
'Introducing Sociology ', 2002). Functionalists are concerned with how the different parts ... Show
more content on ...
He saw society as a structure, which was divided into two parts, the infrastructure and the
superstructure. The Infrastructure shapes the superstructures, in other words; the economic system
will shape the rest of society.
Marx saw contradictions in all societies; for example, in a capitalist society there is a conflict of
interest. The company owners employ the workers at a low rate but subsequently gain substantial
profits and rewards. In this instance one–group gains, at the expense of the other. Marx believed
there would eventually be a revolt against the ruling classes (capitalist). This would result in the
disappearance of the classes and therefore the disappearance of oppression and exploitation. This
could only happen if the subject class knew they were being exploited but this would take time
because the
infrastructure was far more powerful. Another problem for the subject class was that political and
legal systems were in favour of capitalism, this aided class domination. Therefore, capitalism was
seen to be just and reasonable rather than oppressive and exploitive. Marx believed that capitalism
would eventually destroy itself.
A criticism of Marxism is that it sees individuals as a product of their social system, and pictures
people as unable to make up their own, minds and take initiative. Cristianity was a
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The Main Features Of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Describe the main features of autism spectrum disorder. Evaluate the evidence supporting a
biological basis for autism. Autism is a developmental disorder which usually occurs during infancy
(Hyman, 2002:217). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term used to refer to many
disorders which display symptoms of an autistic style. The spectrum covers all types of symptoms
ranging from mild to severe (Hollander, 2003:102). Individuals in the spectrum can range from
having severe learning disabilities to being mildly impaired (, 2014). The linguistic
skills can also vary from being mute to having the ability to communicate complex sentences (ibid).
The different profiles of the sufferers are diverse (Hyman, 2002:217). However, there are three main
areas of which they may have difficulties. These are social reciprocity, an inability to communicate
effectively and unusual repetitive or restricted behaviour (Davey, 2014:586) this is known as the
'triad of impairments' (Dodd, 2005:2). This essay will explain the triad of impairments related to
ASD to describe the main features of the disorder. In addition, it will evaluate the biological
evidence by investigating the research for genetic factors and brain abnormalities, both of which
support a biological basis for ASD (Davey, 2014:588). The first main area that describes the features
of ASD is impairments of reciprocal social interaction (Davey, 2014:585). This is one of the most
dominant features of ASD.
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Main Features Of Oligopoly
Oligopoly is a type of imperfect competition, wherein there are few sellers dealing either in
homogeneous or differentiated products. The term oligopoly has been derived from the two Greek
words, oligoi means few and poly means control. Thus, it means the control of the few organisations
in the market.
For example, oligopoly in India exists in the aviation industry where there are just a few players,
such as Air India, Indigo, Spice Jet, Jet Airways, etc. All these airlines depend on each other for
setting their pricing policies. This is because the prices are effected by the price of the competitors'
Features and Pricing Strategy among oligopolistic firms: o Existence of few sellers:
One of the primary features of oligopoly ... Show more content on ...
This implies that organisations may either produce homogeneous products, such as cement, asphalt,
concrete and bricks, or differentiated products such as an automobile. If organisations produce
homogeneous products, it is said to be pure oligopoly.
o Impediments in entry:
Other important characteristics of oligopolistic competition is that neither organisations cannot
easily enter the market; nor they can make an exit from the market. The reasons for difficult entry in
the market are various legal, social and technological barriers. This also implies that the existing
organisations have a complete control over the market.
o Enhanced role of government:
Under oligopolistic market structure, the government has a greater role as it acts as a guard to anti–
competitive behaviours of the oligopolists. It is often observed that oligopolists may engage in the
illegal practice of collusion, where they together make production and pricing decisions.
Oligopolists may start acting as a single organisation and further increase prices and profits. Thus, in
such environment, the government requires to keep a watch on such activities to curb the illegal
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The Main Features Of Information Management
01 – The need to manage information and knowledge within organisations
1.1 Outline the main features of information management
Information management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more
sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences; is also particularly critical
to businesses that work in conjunction with other businesses, so the two must share information
with, or transfer information to, each other. In addition, businesses with more than one department
or unit can use the MIS to compile information in one central location, thereby preventing
information loss.
1.2 Explain the relationship between data, information and knowledge
The relationship between data, information, and ... Show more content on ...
Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be tacit (as with
practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); it can be
more or less formal or systematic. Botha et al (2008) pointed out that tacit and explicit knowledge
should be seen as a spectrum rather than as definitive points. Therefore, in practice, all knowledge is
a mixture of tacit and explicit elements rather than being one or the other. The most important
distinction within KM is between explicit and tacit knowledge. The overload of data is making
knowledge management increasingly more important as it facilitates decision–making capabilities;
builds learning organizations by making learning routine, and stimulates cultural change and
1.4 Analyse the benefits that information and knowledge management brings to organisations
To get sustainable competitive advantage, the significant role of knowledge management has been
explored. Knowledge management causes companies' core competencies to become stronger.
Therefore, competitive advantage has been more sustainable. Knowledge management is perceived
as the development of organizing the intangible asset of a firm. The economic and production level
of a company relies more on its brainpower, human capital and invisible competences than its
physical assets. The function of each business relies upon the knowledge of its human capital.
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Essay about Main Features of The New Deal
Main Features of The New Deal
In 1929, the stock market collapsed causing a worldwide economic depression, destroying
America's economy with many people losing their life savings therefore thrusting them into
unemployment and poverty. Unemployment reached highs of over 13 million whilst the GNP for the
country reached as low as $58 billion, compared to the $100 billion+ pre depression figures, because
demand and production fell so dramatically. People were forced out of their homes and moved to
shantytowns known as 'Hoovervilles'. The president in power at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, refused
to use the government funds in order to help the American people. He believed that America was a
land of ... Show more content on ...
The main features of the New Deal were what are known as the alphabet agencies as they all their
names were reduced to acronyms, which were government, funded and employed many people.
Each agency had specific responsibilities to help get America back on track. The initial agencies
were: Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Public Works
Administration (which later became the Works Progress Administration), Agricultural Adjustment
Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Another feature of the New Deal was the
various acts passed, which were: The Emergency Banking Act, Securities Exchange Act and the
National Industrial Recovery Act.
The first thing Roosevelt did as part of his New Deal was to pass the aforementioned Emergency
Banking Act which declared a bank holiday and closed all banks for at least 8 days. During those 8
days, government workers investigated the banks reopening only those that were deemed reliable,
sound and safe. Soon they officially opened 5000 banks reassuring Americans that their money was
indeed safe. This helped solve the depression partly as it helped return some confidence to the
Americans, which meant that more people would spend or invest money. This was a huge success
because as soon as the banks had re–opened, over $1 billion was deposited back into them.
While this was taking place, Roosevelt
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The Main Features of the Spartan Religion
The following essay will focus on the main features of Spartan religion. Religion in Sparta had the
ideas to support a militaristic and superstitious society, which, therefore, influenced the approach to
religion to suit The Great Rhetra. To support and uphold the Spartan society which highlights that
the Spartan religion had many important features such as, Gods and Goddesses which were a part of
the Sparta's polytheism religion which was believed to play a major role in many aspects of their
lives. Myths and legends and how Sparta's devotion to them built their very militaristic and
superstitious religion. Festivals which were important customs and major Eunomia throughout
Spartan society. Death and the Burial processes which was important to the militaristic society to
send its honorable and heroic soldiers to the next stage in life in a respectful and presentable manner.
Religious role of the kings who had a leading and significant outcome of religion in Sparta. All of
these main features of Spartan religion was to make a system that would produce Spartans that were
loyal, skillful and had social coherence.
The most important Spartan Gods and Goddesses were Poseidon, Artemis Orthia, and Apollo. These
gods were respected and worshipped in Sparta like many other gods but their popularity may have
been due to Sparta's view of fighting and physicality, gods were worshipped in Sparta as they were
feared, worshipping not only helped the suppositious side of Sparta gaining
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The Main Fuctions and Features of The Integumentary System...
The integumentary system is a very important part of living. It consists of the skin and its accessory
organs – hair, nails, sebaceous, or oil, glands, and the sudoriferous, or sweat, glands. Your skin alone
weighs more than six pounds and covers more than three thousand square inches. The skin to me is
considered customizable because you can alter it in many different ways. Many people pierce the
skin on the ears, face, navel, and genitalia. They also tattoo their skin with permanent ink. The five
main functions of the integumentary system are protection, regulation, sensory reception,
absorption, and secretion.
The first function of the integumentary system is protection. The skin acts as a protective barrier to
the internal ... Show more content on ...
This is because there are millions of nerve endings in the skin that act as sensory receptors. There
are many different sensations you can experience, including pain, hot, cold, pressure, traction, and
many more. Each nerve ending will give you a different sensational experience when the nerve
sends the individual impulse to the brain. When the impulse gets in to the cerebral cortex of the
brain, your body reacts in the appropriate way. If you experience pain, for example, you might cry.
The fourth function of the integumentary system is absorption. The most common use of the
absorption factor is through the use of a transdermal patch. A transdermal patch, not to be confused
with a dermal patch, is a medicated adhesive patch that is placed on the skin to deliver a certain dose
of medication through the skin and in to the bloodstream. An advantage of this method of intake is
the dosage intake is controlled by body heat melting away layers of medication embedded in the
adhesive bandage, which is a time advantage. A disadvantage is a very effective barrier and
sometimes the medication is not absorbed enough to be affective. Transdermal patches are placed on
several parts of the body, depending on what treatment you need. Many transdermal medications
include a type of birth control contraceptive and a medication that prevents motion sickness. The
fifth and final function of the nervous system is secretion. The skin contains millions of sudoriferous
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Identifying The Key Features And Main Functions Of An Mis
Introduction: Using Star Search as a References I'm going to produces a handout defining and
explaining the key features and main functions of an MIS. What is an MIS? MIS stands for
management information system . A management information system is a computerised database
used by people in managerial position . This is an essential system that an organisation such as Star
search must have. As an MIS takes the raw data from internal and external sources and produces a
report filled with useful information that a manager or CEO at Star search can use to make decisions
such as: Expanding acquisition invester shareholder etc Features of information in a MIS Mis is an
information system used to support decision made by managers at Star search. an MIS information
system is a mixture of these attributes/ features combined into one: Data , people , Hardware,
Software and telecommunication Data :Data is basically raw fact and statistics that hasn't been
processed into useful information yet . using Star Search as an example, some of the raw data they
would collect would be : Name of model /actor – example Ori Age of model /actor– example 17
gender – example male Height of model/ actor– 6" build – example athletic This data needs to be
summarised into useful information for Star search to use it to make decision. Because if the data is
unprocessed it wouldn't make much sense for example , Ori , if you produce a report with raw data
"Ori" the decision maker isn't going to
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Main Features Of The September Guarantee Scheme
In the past young people who were 16 years and over were expected to either leave school and start
their employment or remain in school and continue their formal education. However it was noticed
that there was a high level of unemployment in the age bracket of 16–24 years. To change the
situation the government started a new arrangement called the September guarantee. This was aimed
at young people who were aged 14–18 years old.
The main features of the September guarantee scheme are as follows: • The participation age for
this scheme is presently up to the age of 18. • Young people can now continue with full time
studies in school or college or with an independent training provider. It also includes a sixth form
college. • They can also take a full time job or a volunteering role although these must be for 20
hours per week or more in conjunction with part time training or education. • They can also get an
apprenticeship or a traineeship, which must include both a job/ work placement as well as a training
element. • It also apples to teenagers who leave school and complete a short course but change
their mind. The September Guarantee ensures that they are able to move to a different course they
are interested in pursuing.
To make sure all of these facilities are available to the young people the local authority makes a
good overview of the options available and identifies any gaps. They then make all this information
available to the young people from the age 13
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Three Main Features Of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that wipes out a person's memory in stages to the point they
have to be assisted in living and completing daily tasks. First discovered in 1906 by Dr. Alzheimer,
he noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of mental illness had many
abnormal clumps and tangled bundle of fibers ( ). The three main features of Alzheimer's disease are
the Amyloid Plaques, Neurofibrillary Tangles, and the loss of connection between neurons in the
brain. Alzheimer's disease has a gradual onset of signs and symptoms; it starts in the hippocampus
where many patients can show no evidence of Alzheimer's disease but the fact is there are
permanent changes taking place in the memory's portion of the brain. There
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The Main Features of the New Deal Essay
The Main Features of the New Deal The New Deals were a series of Acts and schemes which
Roosevelt hoped would pull America out of the depression. Roosevelt decided to tackle the
economic problems before he did anything else because he knew that a strong and reliable money
system would build up confidence in the Americans, which would act as a foundation for the
American economy. In 1933 Roosevelt proved to the Americans that the promises he made before
he was president were not just 'vote winners´ because he started to help straight away. The first of
Roosevelt's schemes was the '100 days´. The '100 Days´ was a relief program in which Roosevelt
passed 15 laws which tackled some of America's biggest ... Show more content on
Firstly, there was immediate relief for the unemployed through a 500 million dollar Federal aid.
Roosevelt knew that this aid was only temporary so he introduced huge public work schemes to
keep unemployment down. There were three main work schemes to provide jobs for the
unemployed. The Civilian Conservation Corps (C.C.C.) set up work camps which would provide
work for the young. The type of work they had was forestry, prevention of erosion etc. The Civilian
Works Administration (C.W.A.) was a work creation programme for 4 million men. However, these
jobs were of little value. The C.W.A. was replaced by the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.)
The W.P.A. conducted large public works. It gave jobs to about 2 million people and kept them busy
on projects such as schools, roads, Dams, community schemes etc. The W.P.A. also had work for
artists, actors, writers etc. The WP.A. Employed people and gave them back their self–respect. All of
these schemes were "pump–primers ". The government 'pumped´ money into the economy which
would encourage the economy to start up again the best example to show the success of the public
work schemes is the T.V.A. (Tennessee Valley Authority). Farmland in the Tennessee Valley had
become very poor because of over–cultivation, flooding and soil erosion. Only one farm in 50 had
electricity and half its population of 2.5 million people was living below
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The Main Features Of A Bureaucracy And The Scientific...
King and Lawley (2013, p.601) stated that rationalisation can be defined as increasing the efficiency
and reducing costs within a business, this idea incorporates the aspects of a bureaucracy and the
scientific design of work). Within a rational organisation, bureaucracies are created through the
implementation of policies and procedures which makes the organisation standardised, predictable
and efficient. Organisations such as Junction hotel might consider adopting the key features of
rationalisation, for example within a bureaucracy a hierarchy is created, this shows clear lines of
communication within departments. King and Lawley (2013) show that within Junction hotel the
organisational structure lacks span of control as Linda Wilkinson is in charge of 34 employees This
was improved by making the span of control more manageable by delegating control through
management, different departments can be created, within each department there is a head employee
who was in charge of more staff. As an organisation grows, the number of employee's increases,
therefore Fayols' five functions of management are implemented through impersonal control rather
than direct face to face control. In contrast to rationalisation, King and Lawley (2013) describe the
social organisation as a belief that the key factors in shaping an individual within the workplace are
the social interactions between people. King and Lawley (2013) state that the findings from
Hawthorne studies have been credited
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Assess The Main Features Of Communism
Communism is defined as a social, political, and economic ideology with a goal to establish a
communist society. There is an absence of social status, class, and money. In essence everyone is
one and the same. The government controls the majority if not all of the commodities, economics,
education, etc. The primary element that enables a change in the economic system is social
ownership. There are two major social classes; the first being the working class. This class works to
survive and they are the majority of the population. The capitalist class are the minority, however
they profit from employing the proletariat through private ownership. However communism aims to
replace private ownerships, and private properties. They want public ownership,
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Five Main Features Of Designing A New Venue In Town
Designing a New Venue in Town
a. Description of Venue My venue is going to be used as a paintball course area. It would be located
in the area as marked by Figure 1. There is seven normal outdoor paintball fields and one giant
grassy outdoor paintball field. There is also an indoor paintball field as well. Two of the normal
fields would be covered with trees and four would be covered with grass. In my venue, there is also
a check–in / rental area for people to rent out equipment and check in. There is also an ice cream
parlour in the rental area as well.
The estimated number of people using it at any given time is 40.
b. Features that would reduce negative impact
There are five main features that would reduce negative impact to surface ... Show more content on ...
This helps minimize negative impact to the surface/ground water reservoirs in two different ways.
One, this reduces the risk of algal blooms in the surface waters. Algal blooms occur due to the
excess amount of nutrients in the water, causing eutrophication. Eutrophication causes huge plant
and algae growth because of the increased amount of nutrients. Then the plants and algae die and
bacteria causes the plants/algae to decompose, using up dissolved oxygen. This results in a lack of
oxygen, hypoxia and anoxia, in the water. Therefore, many organisms such as the fish die due to the
lack of dissolved oxygen in the water.
Two, this increases the potential of infiltration. Water flows from impermeable areas like buildings
to the settling pond where it can infiltrate into the ground. Rip rap is the surface cover of the water
retention pond. Rip rap creates channels for water to flow through, giving its high infiltration rate.
Even though most of the water would be drained by the drainage pipes, some would be infiltrated
into the soil.
Another water control feature is having a vegetative surface cover on the hillsides of the venue. As
seen in Figure 2, grass, a vegetative cover, covers the southern hill and trees cover the northern hill.
The vegetation stabilizes the soil, preventing erosion and gulleys. The vegetative surface cover on
the hillsides also increases the potential for infiltration. Grass has a high infiltration rate because the
roots and the
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The Main Features Of Plato Kallipolis
The purpose of this essay is to find central features of Plato kallipolis justice city. In Republic Plato
represent central political thesis which the main central features is Beauty and Goodness, Justice in
society and in the individual, and Theory of Forms. 'Kalli' means beautiful, also 'best', 'highest' and
'polis' represent as "political entity". Kallipolis it is an ideal city – state ruled by philosopher king
and this political city intended by Plato. In kallipolis city will be justice, as Plato will try to
demonstrate concept such as just city–state it might be found in a political entity such as a city. In
essay will be represent the allegory of the Cave meaning, which represent social life in the ancient.
Plato is unable to tell us ... Show more content on ...
Only one thing, the developing individual will come to love beauty and shun ugliness even when are
still young and cannot understand the reason for so doing but one will recognize in this Form all that
is beautiful. Another image that Plato uses for the educational process is of a plant witch flourishes
in the right conditions but withers in adverse ones. Possible to say that beauty is defined by and to
the other, is to surround the child with beauty, truth and goodness order to make the growth of
growth of these qualities in its developing self. In reality, the world is not always beautiful, it is
often ugly; and people are not always virtuous, they are often cowardly, intemperate and injustice.
The Theory of Forms are idea of "one over many" it particular instances of justice. Normally it
appears to include at least beauty, justice and goodness as a central example in the Republic, some
very general nations such as Identity and Differences, Being and non – Being, the one and the Many.
Plato ideas could be considered as a sample of the prevailing classical conception. Plato realizes that
the general run of humankind can think and speak. The allegory of the cave is supposed to explain
this in the allegory; Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a
cave, unable to turn their heads. All people can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them
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The Main Features of Weimar Germanys Golden Years Between...
The Main Features of Weimar Germanys Golden Years Between 1925–1929
There where many events between the years of 1925–1929 in Weimar Germany that were seen as
golden years. The diplomatic skills of Gustav Stresemann, the foreign minister allowed Germany to
excel in foreign affairs. Politically Stresemann wanted to improve relations between Germany and
the rest of Europe and also the USA. In 1925 the Locarno Treaty took place and Germany accepted
the borders with France and Belgium that were agreed in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany accepted
that the Rhineland would remain a demilitarised zone. Also France and Germany agreed to settle
any disputes. This meant that they would respect the German ... Show more content on ...
With this it enabled Germany to raise matters of German interest. The introduction of Germany to
the league of nations was definitely a major feature in the golden years between 1925–1929 because
talking with the likes of Britain and France in the League of nations assembly was a huge step for
Germany's ranking with the rest of the world.
It was not only politically that the years between 1925–1929 were called golden years. Culturally
the Weimar experienced some high points between these years. In the years between 1924 and 1929
there was certainly a great array of talent in the Weimar. There was a great increase in literature,
drama, art, music, and architecture. The increase in all of these made the entertainment and leisure
in Germany higher than it had ever been before. With this increase it gave the people of Germany a
great deal of pride because they were challenging Paris as the cultural centre of Europe. Also the
increase in Weimar culture boosted the morale of the country. This was because the culture helped
the German people to take their minds off the past years and enjoy themselves, it especially helped
them forget about the war that had occurred only a few years before. The culture in Weimar was
definitely a main feature when talking about the golden years that had occurred between 1925–1929.
Without the increase in culture
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Main Features Of Romanticism In Literature
Romanticism is a very philosophical and artistic topic in English, it was mainly created during the
18th century and was influenced by neoclassicism which is the meaning of western visual arts,
music, literature and more. It is the unique style of art, literature and music that shows the classical
side of everything. Neoclassicism was originated in Rome around the middle of the 18th century.
Neoclassicism is more based of the ability than the emotion, because the topic is filled with
imaginative thoughts. In all of poetry, there was one very famous verse style that was used a lot and
that was the heroic couplet verse, this style is commonly used in narrative and epic styles of poetry
and keeping the lines rhymed. Friedrich Schlegel was a well–known German poet writer, he was a
German man who wrote poets who was born on March 10th, 1772 in Hanover, Germany. He
became famous by being the first person to use the term romantic to define literature. A big part of
romanticism is the famous quotes that inspire the people, one great quote by Friedrich Schlegel said:
"literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form." Another famous quote that is similar
and is admired by people around the world is one by Victor Hugo, who was a French poet, the quote
said: "liberalism in literature". Emotion, freedom, and imagination are probably the main focus
points of romanticism.
What people love about Romanticism is the side of nature showed in all romanticism works, this
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The Main Features Of Egyptian And Mesopotamian Civilizations
What advantages does an agriculturally based society have over a hunter/gatherer society? There are
several advantages that an agriculturally based society has over a hunter/gatherer society. An
agriculturally based society could have more people in less land because they are creating food from
the land, rather than scavenging off an area. In addition, they could build villages with larger and
permanent houses. They could also afford to build permanent structures like wells. With agriculture,
it was also shown that there was a great increase in population. More people working and producing
an excess of food allowed for others to pursue other interests and specializations such as science and
metalworking. Overall, agriculturally based societies made it easier to form larger and more
advanced societies. Compare the main features of Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. What
did the two civilizations have in common as early civilizations? What were their main differences in
values and organization? To compare Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations, one can look at
their organization, academic achievements, and economic styles. In terms of organization, there
were many similarities. Both were agriculturally based. In both societies, the leader held divine
status. However, differences arise when comparing their academics. Both societies developed
mostly equal science and elaborate art. However, Mesopotamia developed a more complex writing
system and Egypt
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What Are The Main Features Of The News System
To design a system with good usability, it is necessary to analyse and grasp the users' needs or
requirements. Different users or audiences might have different needs for the news system so it is
very difficult for a system to catch up all the needs. With the help of locating the target user group
for the news system, the scope of audience could be decreased, which could allow designers to
discover specific users' needs easily. In addition, through finding the target user group, people could
integrate the users' need into the core values of the system better, which could help the whole system
to enhance the usability and become more competitive than other news systems or applications in
the market. Due to this, this section is going to ... Show more content on ...
Also, the fourth feature of the target user for this system is that the target users would want a
constant stream of new information and they would want some short news or some highlighted–
interesting information as well in order to read through a large amount of news in a short time.
Furthermore, the target user group of this news system would have different news–related
behaviours. To catch up the target users' needs and enhance the usability of the whole system, the
news system would support some specific new–related behaviours. One of specific news–related
behaviours supported by the system is that the target users would look through some popular or hot
news listed on the homepage of the system in order to spend less time on searching for the news or
information which they want because many target users would want to catch up the trend and collect
a large amount of information in a short time. As a result of this, many target users would through
viewing the news listed on homepage to grasp some latest news or events happened in their
countries or in the worldwide. Another news–related behaviour is that while the target users use the
news system to encounter different news or information, they would share the links of news or
information to other people on different social media platforms. Because of
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The Main Features Of The Argument On The Nature Of...
The key features of the argument on the nature of abortion developed by Judith Thomson first
focuses on the extreme anti–abortion view, second the right to life, third the right to live and use the
mother's body, fourth having rights and their being certain limits, and fifth the good Samaritan and
the responsibilities of the parents. The extreme anti–abortion view develops a thinking that when a
mother's life is threatened if she should carry her baby to full term what is the decision she must
make. Opponents of abortion believe that the fetus's life is more important than the mother's life and
that the mother should not abort the child. Even though, opponents may believe that the fetus being
a person has every right to life so does the mother. A mother aborting her child cannot be considered
an act of murder, because she is only doing it to save her own life. For example as stated in the text:
There you are lying in bed with the violinist and the director of the hospital comes in and tells you
that your kidneys are failing, and that you will die within a month. But you have to stay where you
are because unplugging yourself directly from the violinist would be considered directly killing an
innocent person; (Thomson, 270)
A person may not seriously consider that someone would willingly sit there and keep themselves
plugged up to someone when they are unwillingly dying because if it. This relates to how a woman
surely can defend her own life against the threat posed by her
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What Are The Main Features Of Local Government Act 1979
Provincial Local Government Ordinance 1979
This period marked the 'second wave' of local government reform a military regime. The system of
local government introduced in 1979 by General Zia–ul–Haq was the most representative in nature
since independence. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, elections to all local councils in
both rural and urban areas were held simultaneously on the basis of adult franchise and under the
aegis of independent provincial election authorities.
Features of Provincial Local Government Ordinance:
The special features of the 1979 local government system can be described as follows:
Local government laws relating to rural and urban areas were unified and harmonized.
Local governments ... Show more content on ...
Planning, development and maintenance of public roads and bridges.
Installation and maintenance of street–lights.
Optional Functions:
Planning, development and maintenance of playgrounds, parks, graveyards and gardens.
Procurement, allocation and regulation of grants, loans and other assistance.
Planning, development and maintenance of public welfare centers, orphan houses and organizations.
The local bodies were made independent from the bureaucracy under the Local Government
Ordinance of 1979.
The local bodies were vested with administrative, judicial and financial powers to make them
effective institutions.
They were authorized to get loans from national and international Banks to complete their plans for
the people's development.
The elections of local governments were held on non–party basis.
The local governments were dependent upon the provinces from senior appointments to the request
for more resources or permission to increase taxes and rates.
The budgets of the local governments were also to be approved by the provincial governments. It
would not be unfair to say that the provinces used to control the local governments
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The Hare Advert
In 2013 the 2D animated advert "The Bear and the Hare" was first shown as a teaser during Agatha
Christie's Poirot, Wednesday the 6th of November before releasing it on Saturday the same week.
The advert was directed by Elliot Dear and Yves Geleyn with the animations created by Aaron
Blaise. Blaise who has been a Disney animator (The Lion King, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast)
( created in the advert had a similar look. The advert has been ranked
as one of the top five John Lewis adverts and has won several awards
( The advert had no dialogue and was accompanied only by
music, British singer Lily Allen sang a cover of Keane's "Somewhere only we know" Another advert
that was well received was "Monty the Penguin" directed by Dougal Wilson, it shows a year in the
life of a little boy and his best friend, a real life penguin (created by 3D animation) in the end it is
realised that it's a toy penguin and it's only the boys imagination that makes him real. British singer–
songwriter Tom Odell sang a cover of John Lennons "Real Love" ... Show more content on ...
The advert was created using a real dog for some of the advert then a digital double for the jumping
on the trampoline, enhancing facial expressions was also made with CGI. A cover of Randy
Crawford's "One Day I'll Fly Away" was performed by the English band Vaults. These three adverts
create the base for this dissertation, choosing them based on different techniques with animals, one
2D animated, one 3D animated with a toy penguin and one 3D animated with a real
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The Main Features Of Feminism As A Sociological Theory
This essay would describe the main features of feminism as a sociological theory, identify the ways
in which feminism is criticised by other theories, and identify the main differences and similarities
between the theories using qualitative and quantitative evidence to support or challenge the main
theory. It will also discuss how the evidence contradicts the theories.
Sociology is the study of society. Sociology is a study that could help us to understand the
relationship between an individual and the institutions and the interdependent roles within the social
relationships (Llewellyn et al., 2008). According to Cree (2010) sociological theories are concerned
with the power, beliefs, the struggle for necessary resources in the society, ideas, values on the
society, action and the structure of the society, models of change, macro and micro economy in the
society. Each of the theories has their own argument of how they think the society should be. The
sociological theories are Maxims and Functionalism (Llewellyn et al., 2008).
Maxims describe a change in the society through conflict. They also believe in the structural and
economic theory of society that seeks to understand change and promote change. This change is
determined by economic forces, by how goods are produced and by how the means of production
are owned.
Furthermore, Maxims believe the fundamental change occurs through a class struggle where one
class overthrowing another after a class struggle between, for
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The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government...
The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government in the 19th Century that Affected
As we can see from question one prisons needed serious reform. This is because the purpose of
prison was to hold people until they were hung or transported therefore no one cared about
reforming them. So the purpose of prisons has to change for the conditions to change. This is
because if the purpose changes from holding prisoners till death to holding prisoners until there
sentence is up people will put more effort into reforming them so the conditions will get better and
the way to do this is for people like Elizabeth Fry to implement the changes needed. ... Show more
content on ...
He gave good food, clothing and bedding to prisoners although they received good treatment they
were still tret like prisoners. They did not pay for any of these items and the jailer was not to charge
the prisoners as he was getting a salary. There were no irons or chains and there main punishments
consisted of no visitors at all, and hard labour and probably the worst punishment of all solitary
confinement. Each prisoner had their own cell and the chaplain and doctor visited regularly to check
on the prisoners and try to reform them through God. The warden had to visit at least once a day to
check on the prisoners and exercise them.
Sir George Paul although he only reformed one prison set the way for others to follow in his
footsteps and reform other prisons.
Elizabeth Fry was the next reformer who formed an association called the 'Association for the
improvement of female prisons at Newgate.' This was an association that fought for the rights of
women in prisons.
She wanted the opportunity while women and children were in prison to try to teach them. She also
wanted to try to bring the faith of Christianity into their lives in order to try to reform and turn them
into better people. She also believed in segregation and women's rights along with female jailors.
She wanted this because she wanted to stop disease and
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Main Features of A Mosque
Ai) Describe the main features of a mosque
A mosque is mainly used as a place of worship for Muslims to pray to Allah. Not all mosques are
the same, they vary from place to place. Some mosques are big and expensive whilst some other
mosques are small and cheap. All mosques are different but are yet similar in some ways for
example; all mosques are a place of worship.
Some mosque have a tall minaret in which the Muezzin uses it to call the Adthaan, informing nearby
Muslims that the time of prayer has come and they must quickly start their prayer. This is one of the
most important features of a mosque because without the minaret the Muezzin would not be able to
call out the Adthaan, prevent many Muslims being able to tell if it is time ... Show more content on ...
Anyone can be an Imam but they all have to go through this process. Women, on the other hand, can
be Imams but can only lead the prayers for women and act as women congregates. In Islam, it is
prohibited for a woman to lead men in prayers but Islam does not prohibit a woman from teaching
men about Islam.
Aiii) The role of the Mosques
Mosques are also used as community centres where people can get married as you can in a church
but they will have Islamic vows rather than Christian traditional vows although they may be very
similar. Mosques sometimes hold evening schools sp that particularly children may have Islamic
education in an non–Islamic country ( E.g. learning to read and write Arabic and understanding the
teachings of Islam and the Qu'ran ). During the month of Ramadan an area of the Mosque is set
aside for people who cannot afford to buy food, break their fast with food provided by the Mosque,
the breaking of fast is called Iftar. In many Mosques there are charity boxes for Muslims to donate
Zakah to either the Mosque or to the poor. All Muslims are obliged to donate at least 2.5% of their
wealth in order to help to develop the Mosque so that more people can attend the Mosque for prayer
and for education on Islam.
Another role of a Mosque is to provide Islamic education so that the younger generation can be
educated on Islam. This is to ensure that when older
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The Main Features Of Princeton Wordnet
In this section, we review the main features of Princeton WordNet as well as some other general and
specialized WordNets in different languages. A general WordNet covers all domains in a language.
Therefore, a deep knowledge of language is required for its construction. However, a specialized
WordNet covers words in a specific domain like agriculture, medicine, and computer science. Here,
in addition to language knowledge, expertise in that domain is also required.
2–1– Semantic Network of Words
WordNet is an enhanced dictionary in which words are classified based on their meanings. In
WordNet, synonym words are grouped in a structure called synset. Each synset represents a separate
concept. However, there are several differences between a WordNet and a dictionary. First, a
WordNet not only connects lexical part of words, but also connects their concepts. Therefore, words
located close to each other in the WordNet have also semantic proximity. Second, WordNet tags the
semantic relation between words; while the classification of words in a classical dictionary is only
based on their lexical similarity and it does not specify any semantic relation between words.
Synsets are interlinked to each other by using semantic as well as lexical relations. Some well–
known semantic relations in the WordNet are hypernym/hyponym, meronym/holonym, and domain
There are several ways to construct a WordNet: manual, semi–automatic, and automatic. In manual
method, human experts
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Main Features Of Perfect Competition
Perfect competition is a type of market structre where there is highest level of competition. In
perfect competition the firms are offering homogeneous product. Every firm believe that it can sell
any amount of output it wishes at the prevailing market price. Because of homogenous product and
large number of firms, no individual firm is in a position to effect the price of the product and
therefore the demand curve for the firm under perfect competition is a horizontal straight line. 2.2
Meaning of Perfect Competition In Perfect competition there are a large number of buyers and
sellers. Each seller is producing a very small level of industry's output, no individual buyer or seller
can influence the price of the product. The products produced under perfect competition are
homogenous, and each firm believes that it can sell any amount of output at the prevailing price. The
economic agents have perfect knowledge about the market conditions. ... Show more content on ...
Large Numbers of Sellers and Buyers: The industry or market includes a large number of firms (and
buyers) so that each individual firm, however large supplies only a small part of the total quantity
offered in the market. The buyers are also numerous so that no monopolistic power can affect the
working of the market. Under these conditions each firm alone cannot affect the price in the market
by changing its output. 2. Product Homogeneity: All the firms produces homogenous product. A
buyer cannot differentiate among the products produced by different firms, and hence pay a uniform
price for the goods produced by different firms. The assumptions of large number of sellers and of
product homogeneity imply that the individual firm in immaculate rivalry is a price–taker, and
therefore the demand curve is considerably elastic, representing that the firm can offer any quantity
of yield at the prevailing market price (Figure
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Main Features Of Motivation
1. Motivation
Motivation is very generally used word in organisation. It is a physical and important state that
encourages a person to act as desired. In another way we can sya that Motivation is having the
encouragement to do something. Motivation gives the result to confident important questions like
why and how people work and what determines the direction of their actions?
The process of motivation contains needs, drives and aims. Need is behind most of the man's action.
Some of the needs of the people are Good facilities; more pay, identification, opportunities for
promotion etc. Motives representing the behaviour in the process of motivation are known as
Drives. Every attempt has certain aims to gain. These objectives can be gained only through the ...
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–Dai a Breachus
Motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations, strivings, needs, directs or
control or explain the behaviour of human beings. –D.E. McFarland
Features or Characteristics:
Some of the features of motivation are listed below
1. Motivation is always internal to the individual:
It is necessarily a psychological phenomenon. Berelson and Steiner said that "A motive is an inner
state that energizes, activates or moves (hence motivation) and that directs or channels behaviour
towards goals."
2. Motivation of a individual is in entirely and not in parts:
Different needs of Humans makes behaviour. For example A worker works in a factory because he
needs money, same like this thirsty man feels the need of water to overcome his thirst. The feeling
of needs is a continuous process and the satisfaction of one need leads to the creation of a new one.
Therefore motivation should be in entirely because all needs are interrelated.
3. The result if ability and motivation is Performance
If an employee is highly qualified but his performance is very poor, it can be due to the absence of
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Crictical Examination of the Main Features Renaissance...
remarkable periods have been referred to most often due to perhaps great events that have led to a
turn–around in the thoughts and general lives of the people. One of such periods is the renaissance
humanism. The renaissance humanism is a term used to designate a period in history that is so
spectacular and significant owing to its evolutionary of features. ... Show more content on ...
We could then say that what prepared the ground for the renaissance humanism was mainly from the
church and the fruits of the renaissance period which led to the reformation fell back to the church
also. Therefore, we could say that the renaissance humanism started when the literary world and the
world of arts was so charged. At the same time the church was leading but her great strides were
infiltrated or became mixed with pagan/ Greek values that were seemingly unacceptable. Thus, the
European world saw the reason to question the church's consistency in the religious matters and the
absolute attribute of things to God or religion. THE CHAMPIONS OF RENAISSANCE
HUMANISM The earliest humanists were Dante Della Mirandola, Lorenzo Valla and Coluccio
Salutati. But after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, many scholars went to Italy to research and go
acquainted with many books together with the knowledge of the Greek traditional arts. In the
northern Europe we fin people like Desiderius Erasmus who came up with the praise of the folly
(1509). This depicts the moral essence of humanism. He preferred heartfelt goodness to formalistic
piety. We could also recall that the founder of the renaissance painting was Masaccio (1401–14280).
Boccaccio (1313–1375 wrote the first sexual literature since the Late Latin writers. Nicholas
Machiavelli (1469–1527) really mocked honesty and integrity in politics in his writings as it is
farfetched. However,
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The Main Features And Characteristics Of A Slum
A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterized by substandard housing and
squalor. While slums differ in size and other characteristics, most lack reliable sanitation services,
supply of clean water, reliable electricity, law enforcement and other basic services. Slum residences
vary from shanty houses to professionally built dwellings that because of poor–quality construction
or provision of services have deteriorated into slums.
Main features and characteristics of the slums are poor connectivity to the main city, lack of proper
sanitation conditions and lack of electricity and are densely populated and generally have a very
high occupancy rate. Slums are usually characterized by urban "breeding grounds" for social ...
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The Indian Supreme Court has also recognized the right to water and proper sanitation conditions
under the "right to life" provision of its constitution. Hence according to the above said statements,
the rights of the people living in the slum areas are often violated and are often hampered also.
A UN expert group has created an operational definition of a slum as an area that combines to
various extents the following characteristics: inadequate access of safe water; inadequate access to
sanitation and other infrastructure; poor structural quality of housing; overcrowding; and insecure
residential status. To these one might add the low socioeconomic status of residents of these areas.
The problem of slums have started because of excess migration of people from the rural areas to the
urban areas and when the people who have migrated do not get proper place to settle down and live,
the settlement of the slum areas (mostly in the outer parts of the city) takes place. But the
settlements in these slums are not proper and lack basic facilities of sanitation, electricity,
connection to the roads, proper construction of houses
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Alzheimer's Main Features
Examining these three main features of Alzheimer's disease
The brains of people with Alzheimer's disease have an abundance of two abnormal structures –
amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. These are made of misfolded proteins which can stick
together with other misfolded proteins to form insoluble aggregates. If these aggregates build up,
they can disrupt cellular communication and metabolism. The third main feature of Alzheimer's is
the loss of connections between cells leading to the ill–functioning and death of cells (Institute and
Aging, 2011).
Amyloid plaques
These plaques consisting largely of insoluble deposits of a toxic protein peptide called beta–amyloid
are found in the spaces between the nerve cells in the brain. Beta amyloid
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Main Features of the New Deal Essay
Main Features of the New Deal In 1932 Roosevelt came to power. He aimed to invest government
money in making America prosperous again after the depression years of Hoover. Roosevelt's main
aims were to reduce unemployment and get Americans earning money again, to protect peoples
savings, homes and livelihoods, to provide relief for the ill, the elderly and the unemployed and to
get American industry and agriculture running once again. In his first hundred days in charge in
charge Roosevelt worked tirelessly to transform America, using new laws, acts and the full power of
the government to steer America out of the depression. His first objective was to restore Americans
confidence in their ... Show more content on ...
Around 2.5million young men were helped by this scheme, which gave them work on
environmental projects. Men signed on for periods of six months, which could be renewed if work
could still not be found. On 12th May 1933 the 'Agricultural Adjustment Act' was passed. This set
about solving the problems of farmers. It took a long–term view and set quotas to reduce farm
production so that prices would eventually increase. The AAA also helped some farmers pay their
mortgages and helped farmers modernize. Unfortunately modernization meant that many farm
labourers lost their jobs. Another important act that was introduced during the 100 days was the
'National Industry Recovery Act' which set up two organisations: the (PWA) 'Public Works
Administration' and the (NRA) 'National Recovery Act'. The PWA used government money to create
millions of jobs building roads, bridges, dams, schools and airports, which would be important once
the US had recovered. The NRA improved working conditions and banned child labour. It also set
up a minimum wage and set out industries level of production. This helped the economy because it
meant employees had money to spend. The scheme was voluntary and those companies who joined
used the Blue Eagle as a symbol of government approval. More than 2 million employers joined the
scheme. Another great success for the
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What Are The Main Features Of Redmine
Features Tap the Power of Redmine Feature–Rich Open Source Platform to Take Your Business to
the Next Level! At PlanShell, we help you redefine your business success by bringing together the
best in hosting service and open source platform. We offer you Redmine open source platform
hosted on Amazon AWS cloud. And you know what that means? You have the power to enjoy all the
amazing features of Redmine from anywhere at any time that too in a highly reliable and absolutely
secure environment, which ultimately translates into better business performance, productivity,
agility, and profits. Redmine offers a full suite of advanced and highly functional features that make
it super easy, stress–free and quick to manage, monitor, control and ... Show more content on ...
The source code control is a different version which customers can view GIT/Version from inside
the Redmine and download any version that they want from their repository as zip file on their PC.
Invoice Management Keep track and control of your invoices using our invoice management
feature.This feature allows you to create, track as well as export invoices in PDF format and with
customizable templates. It also offers multi–currency support & localization for numerous
languages. This is a big advantage if you are planning to grow your footprint globally as it helps you
effortlessly invoice international clients. Additionally, it enables you to manage recurring invoices
by generating and billing automated invoices. Agile Support For businesses that aim to develop new
services or products in an interactive yet a disciplined manner, this feature is perfect. It offers agile
support for a seamless workflow. Agile software development is a group of software comprising of
development methodologies. These methodologies are predominantly based on iterative
development. It provides businesses an environment where solutions evolve through interaction and
collaboration within self–organizing and cross–functional teams. With Agile software support, you
can ensure disciplined and well–managed project process and encourage teamwork and
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The Importance Of The Technicolor Process In The Animated...

  • 1. The Importance Of The Technicolor Process In The Animated... The animated films of the 1930s and 1940s definitely took advantage of the new Technicolor process. For Disney in particular, it was the only colour process that he felt worked for his films (Telotte 48). Especially since the idea of animated films as feature films was relatively new at the time, there was a necessity for the differentiation of Disney's films to live–action films so that animated films could be taken seriously. Disney used Technicolor to do just that (Telotte 48). Another, arguably more important reason for the use of colour in the animated films was the "still– developing Disney illusion–of–life aesthetic" (Telotte 48). The colours of the films were used to help portray a natural–looking world, one that would be believable to the viewer despite being animation. Higgins discusses that the preferred Disney aesthetic was that "artists favored pastels and saved strongly saturated hues for accents. Backgrounds were kept desaturated and cool to assure that the main characters would have chromatic prominence [...] Disney artists were adept at coordinating color and drama," ("Order and Plenitude" 299). Even though they preferred to keep it natural, the animators were able to experiment with Technicolour more than the colour directors of live–action films were. As discussed by Francine Stock, "...colour in both setting and lighting could accentuate mood or character – without aping reality," (83–4). An example of one of these films that Disney was able to experiment with ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. What Are The Main Features Of Fascist Music How are the main ideas of Fascist doctrine reflected in Fascist music of the period? Fascism which was the dominant ideology in Italy in the 1920's and 1930's had huge impact on every sphere of Italian society as well as music. Considering the fact that all public output including music which produced within Italian border was organized and controlled by state which reflected fascist ideas and ambitions, it is vital to analyse several popular pieces of music in order to get complete picture about how this particular form of art echoes the doctrine which was written by Benito Mussolini in 1932. One of the mainly highlighted idea is importance of the strong state along firm leadership. As it is stated in Mussolini's doctrine, Fascism ... Show more content on ... Considering the fact that Fascism was obsessed with young people, their involvement with fascist ideology and fascist activities because of the fact that generally fascist projects such as infrastructure, army building were extremely dependent on young individuals' energy and enthusiasm. "Giovinezza" is one of the songs in which fascists 'cult of youth" well explained and young people are portrayed as tomorrow of Italy: "...Youth, Youth, Spring of beauty,..." Collectivism and denial of class struggle at the same time is key point in differentiating it from communism. The author explicitly shows fascism is not only different, but also this difference defines attitude of fascism towards class structure of society. Fascism does not think of the economic motive as the driver of everything. Moreover, belonging different class affiliation does not results in sharp division meaning that people with different class background can collaborate for the interest of the State, as it is mentioned in "Giovinezza": "...The poets and the artisans, The lords and the countrymen, With an Italian's ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Questions On The Main Features Of Professions Aaron Esquivel 9/28/15 BASV 319 Exam 1 Questions 1. List the three central features of professions according to Michael Bayles. List any two occupations which involve each of the three features; list any two occupations which do not seem to involve at least one of these features. (3 points) 2. Explain in detail the moral theory, rule–utilitarianism. List two actions which are morally impermissible according to this theory, and briefly explain why. (3 points) 3. Explain in detail the second formulation of Kant's categorical imperative. List two actions which are morally impermissible according to this theory, and briefly explain why. (3 points) 4. What does Aristotle mean by function? What, according to Aristotle, is the proper function of human beings, and how does he argue for this? (3 points) 5. Consider the following scenario: A man named Heinz has a wife who was recently diagnosed with a disease from which she will die if she does not get the proper medicine within a week. The medicine is readily available, and for sale at a nearby pharmacy. Unfortunately, the price of the dosage of the medicine needed to save Heinz's wife's life is well over $5,000.00, and he doesn't have the money or assets to afford this. The medicine only costs about $50.00 to make, but the pharmacy knows that it can sell the drug for much more, and does so in order to maximize profit. Heinz has tried to work out a payment plan, but all pharmacists which stock the drug have refused. So, Heinz is ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Explain The Main Features Of The Articles Of Confederation This chapter covers many topics such as the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the Declaration of Independence. Before the Constitution of the United States, the Articles of Confederation serve as the first plan of a national government for the thirteen American states. (pg.17) The Articles allowed the states to retain most political power. (pg.17) Other features of the document were that it "preserved state autonomy, guaranteed equal representation for the states, and it granted the central government only a few important powers". (pg.17–18) However, it "provided no separate executive branch and no national courts, and it made the amendment almost impossible". (pg.18) It never really occurred to me how important the Constitution is or its ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Data Mining is a Technique Used to Clarify and Classify Data Data Mining is a technique used in various domains to give meaning to the available data and different types of Data to be handled like numerical data, non–numeric data, image data...etc. In classification tree modelling the data is classified to make predictions about new data. Using old data to predict new data has the danger of being too fitted on the old data. In this we evaluated different types of data to be collected from UCI repository for classify the data using the different classification algorithms J48, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, IBK. This paper evaluates the classification accuracy before applying the feature selection algorithms and comparing the classification accuracy after applying the feature selection with learning algorithms. 1. Introduction As computer and database technologies develop rapidly, data accumulates in a speed unmatchable by human capacity of data processing[2]. Data mining as a multidisciplinary joint effort from databases, machine learning and statistics, is championing in turning mountains of data into nuggets. Researchers and practitioners realize that in order to use data mining tools effectively, data processing is essential to successful data mining.PrimitiveThese are features which have an influence on the output and their role cannot be assumed by the rest.[1] Feature selection can be found in many areas of data mining such as classification, clustering, association rules and regression. For example, feature selection is ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. A Critical outline of the main features of Functionalism,... Sociology, the study of society; has been adapted by many sociologists so as to put across their own theories. The most important Sociologists of the early 19th century were Emile Durkeim, Karl Marx and Max Weber; a common factor with all these men is that they were all influenced by the world in which they lived. I intend to, throughout this essay, explain these three different theories, evaluate them and also critically outline their main features. The Functionalist sees society as built up and working like the human body, made up of interrelated parts, which function for or contribute to the maintenance of society as a whole. (Cited: Browne.K. 'Introducing Sociology ', 2002). Functionalists are concerned with how the different parts ... Show more content on ... He saw society as a structure, which was divided into two parts, the infrastructure and the superstructure. The Infrastructure shapes the superstructures, in other words; the economic system will shape the rest of society. Marx saw contradictions in all societies; for example, in a capitalist society there is a conflict of interest. The company owners employ the workers at a low rate but subsequently gain substantial profits and rewards. In this instance one–group gains, at the expense of the other. Marx believed there would eventually be a revolt against the ruling classes (capitalist). This would result in the disappearance of the classes and therefore the disappearance of oppression and exploitation. This could only happen if the subject class knew they were being exploited but this would take time because the infrastructure was far more powerful. Another problem for the subject class was that political and legal systems were in favour of capitalism, this aided class domination. Therefore, capitalism was seen to be just and reasonable rather than oppressive and exploitive. Marx believed that capitalism would eventually destroy itself. A criticism of Marxism is that it sees individuals as a product of their social system, and pictures people as unable to make up their own, minds and take initiative. Cristianity was a ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Main Features Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Describe the main features of autism spectrum disorder. Evaluate the evidence supporting a biological basis for autism. Autism is a developmental disorder which usually occurs during infancy (Hyman, 2002:217). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term used to refer to many disorders which display symptoms of an autistic style. The spectrum covers all types of symptoms ranging from mild to severe (Hollander, 2003:102). Individuals in the spectrum can range from having severe learning disabilities to being mildly impaired (, 2014). The linguistic skills can also vary from being mute to having the ability to communicate complex sentences (ibid). The different profiles of the sufferers are diverse (Hyman, 2002:217). However, there are three main areas of which they may have difficulties. These are social reciprocity, an inability to communicate effectively and unusual repetitive or restricted behaviour (Davey, 2014:586) this is known as the 'triad of impairments' (Dodd, 2005:2). This essay will explain the triad of impairments related to ASD to describe the main features of the disorder. In addition, it will evaluate the biological evidence by investigating the research for genetic factors and brain abnormalities, both of which support a biological basis for ASD (Davey, 2014:588). The first main area that describes the features of ASD is impairments of reciprocal social interaction (Davey, 2014:585). This is one of the most dominant features of ASD. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Main Features Of Oligopoly Oligopoly: Oligopoly is a type of imperfect competition, wherein there are few sellers dealing either in homogeneous or differentiated products. The term oligopoly has been derived from the two Greek words, oligoi means few and poly means control. Thus, it means the control of the few organisations in the market. For example, oligopoly in India exists in the aviation industry where there are just a few players, such as Air India, Indigo, Spice Jet, Jet Airways, etc. All these airlines depend on each other for setting their pricing policies. This is because the prices are effected by the price of the competitors' products. Features and Pricing Strategy among oligopolistic firms: o Existence of few sellers: One of the primary features of oligopoly ... Show more content on ... This implies that organisations may either produce homogeneous products, such as cement, asphalt, concrete and bricks, or differentiated products such as an automobile. If organisations produce homogeneous products, it is said to be pure oligopoly. o Impediments in entry: Other important characteristics of oligopolistic competition is that neither organisations cannot easily enter the market; nor they can make an exit from the market. The reasons for difficult entry in the market are various legal, social and technological barriers. This also implies that the existing organisations have a complete control over the market. o Enhanced role of government: Under oligopolistic market structure, the government has a greater role as it acts as a guard to anti– competitive behaviours of the oligopolists. It is often observed that oligopolists may engage in the illegal practice of collusion, where they together make production and pricing decisions. Oligopolists may start acting as a single organisation and further increase prices and profits. Thus, in such environment, the government requires to keep a watch on such activities to curb the illegal ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Main Features Of Information Management 01 – The need to manage information and knowledge within organisations 1.1 Outline the main features of information management Information management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences; is also particularly critical to businesses that work in conjunction with other businesses, so the two must share information with, or transfer information to, each other. In addition, businesses with more than one department or unit can use the MIS to compile information in one central location, thereby preventing information loss. 1.2 Explain the relationship between data, information and knowledge The relationship between data, information, and ... Show more content on ... Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be tacit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); it can be more or less formal or systematic. Botha et al (2008) pointed out that tacit and explicit knowledge should be seen as a spectrum rather than as definitive points. Therefore, in practice, all knowledge is a mixture of tacit and explicit elements rather than being one or the other. The most important distinction within KM is between explicit and tacit knowledge. The overload of data is making knowledge management increasingly more important as it facilitates decision–making capabilities; builds learning organizations by making learning routine, and stimulates cultural change and innovation. 1.4 Analyse the benefits that information and knowledge management brings to organisations To get sustainable competitive advantage, the significant role of knowledge management has been explored. Knowledge management causes companies' core competencies to become stronger. Therefore, competitive advantage has been more sustainable. Knowledge management is perceived as the development of organizing the intangible asset of a firm. The economic and production level of a company relies more on its brainpower, human capital and invisible competences than its physical assets. The function of each business relies upon the knowledge of its human capital. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay about Main Features of The New Deal Main Features of The New Deal In 1929, the stock market collapsed causing a worldwide economic depression, destroying America's economy with many people losing their life savings therefore thrusting them into unemployment and poverty. Unemployment reached highs of over 13 million whilst the GNP for the country reached as low as $58 billion, compared to the $100 billion+ pre depression figures, because demand and production fell so dramatically. People were forced out of their homes and moved to shantytowns known as 'Hoovervilles'. The president in power at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, refused to use the government funds in order to help the American people. He believed that America was a land of ... Show more content on ... The main features of the New Deal were what are known as the alphabet agencies as they all their names were reduced to acronyms, which were government, funded and employed many people. Each agency had specific responsibilities to help get America back on track. The initial agencies were: Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Public Works Administration (which later became the Works Progress Administration), Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Another feature of the New Deal was the various acts passed, which were: The Emergency Banking Act, Securities Exchange Act and the National Industrial Recovery Act. The first thing Roosevelt did as part of his New Deal was to pass the aforementioned Emergency Banking Act which declared a bank holiday and closed all banks for at least 8 days. During those 8 days, government workers investigated the banks reopening only those that were deemed reliable, sound and safe. Soon they officially opened 5000 banks reassuring Americans that their money was indeed safe. This helped solve the depression partly as it helped return some confidence to the Americans, which meant that more people would spend or invest money. This was a huge success because as soon as the banks had re–opened, over $1 billion was deposited back into them. While this was taking place, Roosevelt ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Main Features of the Spartan Religion The following essay will focus on the main features of Spartan religion. Religion in Sparta had the ideas to support a militaristic and superstitious society, which, therefore, influenced the approach to religion to suit The Great Rhetra. To support and uphold the Spartan society which highlights that the Spartan religion had many important features such as, Gods and Goddesses which were a part of the Sparta's polytheism religion which was believed to play a major role in many aspects of their lives. Myths and legends and how Sparta's devotion to them built their very militaristic and superstitious religion. Festivals which were important customs and major Eunomia throughout Spartan society. Death and the Burial processes which was important to the militaristic society to send its honorable and heroic soldiers to the next stage in life in a respectful and presentable manner. Religious role of the kings who had a leading and significant outcome of religion in Sparta. All of these main features of Spartan religion was to make a system that would produce Spartans that were loyal, skillful and had social coherence. The most important Spartan Gods and Goddesses were Poseidon, Artemis Orthia, and Apollo. These gods were respected and worshipped in Sparta like many other gods but their popularity may have been due to Sparta's view of fighting and physicality, gods were worshipped in Sparta as they were feared, worshipping not only helped the suppositious side of Sparta gaining ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Main Fuctions and Features of The Integumentary System... The integumentary system is a very important part of living. It consists of the skin and its accessory organs – hair, nails, sebaceous, or oil, glands, and the sudoriferous, or sweat, glands. Your skin alone weighs more than six pounds and covers more than three thousand square inches. The skin to me is considered customizable because you can alter it in many different ways. Many people pierce the skin on the ears, face, navel, and genitalia. They also tattoo their skin with permanent ink. The five main functions of the integumentary system are protection, regulation, sensory reception, absorption, and secretion. The first function of the integumentary system is protection. The skin acts as a protective barrier to the internal ... Show more content on ... This is because there are millions of nerve endings in the skin that act as sensory receptors. There are many different sensations you can experience, including pain, hot, cold, pressure, traction, and many more. Each nerve ending will give you a different sensational experience when the nerve sends the individual impulse to the brain. When the impulse gets in to the cerebral cortex of the brain, your body reacts in the appropriate way. If you experience pain, for example, you might cry. The fourth function of the integumentary system is absorption. The most common use of the absorption factor is through the use of a transdermal patch. A transdermal patch, not to be confused with a dermal patch, is a medicated adhesive patch that is placed on the skin to deliver a certain dose of medication through the skin and in to the bloodstream. An advantage of this method of intake is the dosage intake is controlled by body heat melting away layers of medication embedded in the adhesive bandage, which is a time advantage. A disadvantage is a very effective barrier and sometimes the medication is not absorbed enough to be affective. Transdermal patches are placed on several parts of the body, depending on what treatment you need. Many transdermal medications include a type of birth control contraceptive and a medication that prevents motion sickness. The fifth and final function of the nervous system is secretion. The skin contains millions of sudoriferous glands ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Identifying The Key Features And Main Functions Of An Mis Introduction: Using Star Search as a References I'm going to produces a handout defining and explaining the key features and main functions of an MIS. What is an MIS? MIS stands for management information system . A management information system is a computerised database used by people in managerial position . This is an essential system that an organisation such as Star search must have. As an MIS takes the raw data from internal and external sources and produces a report filled with useful information that a manager or CEO at Star search can use to make decisions such as: Expanding acquisition invester shareholder etc Features of information in a MIS Mis is an information system used to support decision made by managers at Star search. an MIS information system is a mixture of these attributes/ features combined into one: Data , people , Hardware, Software and telecommunication Data :Data is basically raw fact and statistics that hasn't been processed into useful information yet . using Star Search as an example, some of the raw data they would collect would be : Name of model /actor – example Ori Age of model /actor– example 17 gender – example male Height of model/ actor– 6" build – example athletic This data needs to be summarised into useful information for Star search to use it to make decision. Because if the data is unprocessed it wouldn't make much sense for example , Ori , if you produce a report with raw data "Ori" the decision maker isn't going to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Main Features Of The September Guarantee Scheme In the past young people who were 16 years and over were expected to either leave school and start their employment or remain in school and continue their formal education. However it was noticed that there was a high level of unemployment in the age bracket of 16–24 years. To change the situation the government started a new arrangement called the September guarantee. This was aimed at young people who were aged 14–18 years old. The main features of the September guarantee scheme are as follows: • The participation age for this scheme is presently up to the age of 18. • Young people can now continue with full time studies in school or college or with an independent training provider. It also includes a sixth form college. • They can also take a full time job or a volunteering role although these must be for 20 hours per week or more in conjunction with part time training or education. • They can also get an apprenticeship or a traineeship, which must include both a job/ work placement as well as a training element. • It also apples to teenagers who leave school and complete a short course but change their mind. The September Guarantee ensures that they are able to move to a different course they are interested in pursuing. To make sure all of these facilities are available to the young people the local authority makes a good overview of the options available and identifies any gaps. They then make all this information available to the young people from the age 13 ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Three Main Features Of Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that wipes out a person's memory in stages to the point they have to be assisted in living and completing daily tasks. First discovered in 1906 by Dr. Alzheimer, he noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of mental illness had many abnormal clumps and tangled bundle of fibers ( ). The three main features of Alzheimer's disease are the Amyloid Plaques, Neurofibrillary Tangles, and the loss of connection between neurons in the brain. Alzheimer's disease has a gradual onset of signs and symptoms; it starts in the hippocampus where many patients can show no evidence of Alzheimer's disease but the fact is there are permanent changes taking place in the memory's portion of the brain. There ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Main Features of the New Deal Essay The Main Features of the New Deal The New Deals were a series of Acts and schemes which Roosevelt hoped would pull America out of the depression. Roosevelt decided to tackle the economic problems before he did anything else because he knew that a strong and reliable money system would build up confidence in the Americans, which would act as a foundation for the American economy. In 1933 Roosevelt proved to the Americans that the promises he made before he was president were not just 'vote winners´ because he started to help straight away. The first of Roosevelt's schemes was the '100 days´. The '100 Days´ was a relief program in which Roosevelt passed 15 laws which tackled some of America's biggest ... Show more content on ... Firstly, there was immediate relief for the unemployed through a 500 million dollar Federal aid. Roosevelt knew that this aid was only temporary so he introduced huge public work schemes to keep unemployment down. There were three main work schemes to provide jobs for the unemployed. The Civilian Conservation Corps (C.C.C.) set up work camps which would provide work for the young. The type of work they had was forestry, prevention of erosion etc. The Civilian Works Administration (C.W.A.) was a work creation programme for 4 million men. However, these jobs were of little value. The C.W.A. was replaced by the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) The W.P.A. conducted large public works. It gave jobs to about 2 million people and kept them busy on projects such as schools, roads, Dams, community schemes etc. The W.P.A. also had work for artists, actors, writers etc. The WP.A. Employed people and gave them back their self–respect. All of these schemes were "pump–primers ". The government 'pumped´ money into the economy which would encourage the economy to start up again the best example to show the success of the public work schemes is the T.V.A. (Tennessee Valley Authority). Farmland in the Tennessee Valley had become very poor because of over–cultivation, flooding and soil erosion. Only one farm in 50 had electricity and half its population of 2.5 million people was living below ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Main Features Of A Bureaucracy And The Scientific... King and Lawley (2013, p.601) stated that rationalisation can be defined as increasing the efficiency and reducing costs within a business, this idea incorporates the aspects of a bureaucracy and the scientific design of work). Within a rational organisation, bureaucracies are created through the implementation of policies and procedures which makes the organisation standardised, predictable and efficient. Organisations such as Junction hotel might consider adopting the key features of rationalisation, for example within a bureaucracy a hierarchy is created, this shows clear lines of communication within departments. King and Lawley (2013) show that within Junction hotel the organisational structure lacks span of control as Linda Wilkinson is in charge of 34 employees This was improved by making the span of control more manageable by delegating control through management, different departments can be created, within each department there is a head employee who was in charge of more staff. As an organisation grows, the number of employee's increases, therefore Fayols' five functions of management are implemented through impersonal control rather than direct face to face control. In contrast to rationalisation, King and Lawley (2013) describe the social organisation as a belief that the key factors in shaping an individual within the workplace are the social interactions between people. King and Lawley (2013) state that the findings from Hawthorne studies have been credited ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Assess The Main Features Of Communism Communism is defined as a social, political, and economic ideology with a goal to establish a communist society. There is an absence of social status, class, and money. In essence everyone is one and the same. The government controls the majority if not all of the commodities, economics, education, etc. The primary element that enables a change in the economic system is social ownership. There are two major social classes; the first being the working class. This class works to survive and they are the majority of the population. The capitalist class are the minority, however they profit from employing the proletariat through private ownership. However communism aims to replace private ownerships, and private properties. They want public ownership, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Five Main Features Of Designing A New Venue In Town Designing a New Venue in Town a. Description of Venue My venue is going to be used as a paintball course area. It would be located in the area as marked by Figure 1. There is seven normal outdoor paintball fields and one giant grassy outdoor paintball field. There is also an indoor paintball field as well. Two of the normal fields would be covered with trees and four would be covered with grass. In my venue, there is also a check–in / rental area for people to rent out equipment and check in. There is also an ice cream parlour in the rental area as well. The estimated number of people using it at any given time is 40. b. Features that would reduce negative impact There are five main features that would reduce negative impact to surface ... Show more content on ... This helps minimize negative impact to the surface/ground water reservoirs in two different ways. One, this reduces the risk of algal blooms in the surface waters. Algal blooms occur due to the excess amount of nutrients in the water, causing eutrophication. Eutrophication causes huge plant and algae growth because of the increased amount of nutrients. Then the plants and algae die and bacteria causes the plants/algae to decompose, using up dissolved oxygen. This results in a lack of oxygen, hypoxia and anoxia, in the water. Therefore, many organisms such as the fish die due to the lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. Two, this increases the potential of infiltration. Water flows from impermeable areas like buildings to the settling pond where it can infiltrate into the ground. Rip rap is the surface cover of the water retention pond. Rip rap creates channels for water to flow through, giving its high infiltration rate. Even though most of the water would be drained by the drainage pipes, some would be infiltrated into the soil. Another water control feature is having a vegetative surface cover on the hillsides of the venue. As seen in Figure 2, grass, a vegetative cover, covers the southern hill and trees cover the northern hill. The vegetation stabilizes the soil, preventing erosion and gulleys. The vegetative surface cover on the hillsides also increases the potential for infiltration. Grass has a high infiltration rate because the roots and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Main Features Of Plato Kallipolis The purpose of this essay is to find central features of Plato kallipolis justice city. In Republic Plato represent central political thesis which the main central features is Beauty and Goodness, Justice in society and in the individual, and Theory of Forms. 'Kalli' means beautiful, also 'best', 'highest' and 'polis' represent as "political entity". Kallipolis it is an ideal city – state ruled by philosopher king and this political city intended by Plato. In kallipolis city will be justice, as Plato will try to demonstrate concept such as just city–state it might be found in a political entity such as a city. In essay will be represent the allegory of the Cave meaning, which represent social life in the ancient. Plato is unable to tell us ... Show more content on ... Only one thing, the developing individual will come to love beauty and shun ugliness even when are still young and cannot understand the reason for so doing but one will recognize in this Form all that is beautiful. Another image that Plato uses for the educational process is of a plant witch flourishes in the right conditions but withers in adverse ones. Possible to say that beauty is defined by and to the other, is to surround the child with beauty, truth and goodness order to make the growth of growth of these qualities in its developing self. In reality, the world is not always beautiful, it is often ugly; and people are not always virtuous, they are often cowardly, intemperate and injustice. The Theory of Forms are idea of "one over many" it particular instances of justice. Normally it appears to include at least beauty, justice and goodness as a central example in the Republic, some very general nations such as Identity and Differences, Being and non – Being, the one and the Many. Plato ideas could be considered as a sample of the prevailing classical conception. Plato realizes that the general run of humankind can think and speak. The allegory of the cave is supposed to explain this in the allegory; Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All people can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Main Features of Weimar Germanys Golden Years Between... The Main Features of Weimar Germanys Golden Years Between 1925–1929 There where many events between the years of 1925–1929 in Weimar Germany that were seen as golden years. The diplomatic skills of Gustav Stresemann, the foreign minister allowed Germany to excel in foreign affairs. Politically Stresemann wanted to improve relations between Germany and the rest of Europe and also the USA. In 1925 the Locarno Treaty took place and Germany accepted the borders with France and Belgium that were agreed in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany accepted that the Rhineland would remain a demilitarised zone. Also France and Germany agreed to settle any disputes. This meant that they would respect the German ... Show more content on ... With this it enabled Germany to raise matters of German interest. The introduction of Germany to the league of nations was definitely a major feature in the golden years between 1925–1929 because talking with the likes of Britain and France in the League of nations assembly was a huge step for Germany's ranking with the rest of the world. It was not only politically that the years between 1925–1929 were called golden years. Culturally the Weimar experienced some high points between these years. In the years between 1924 and 1929 there was certainly a great array of talent in the Weimar. There was a great increase in literature, drama, art, music, and architecture. The increase in all of these made the entertainment and leisure in Germany higher than it had ever been before. With this increase it gave the people of Germany a great deal of pride because they were challenging Paris as the cultural centre of Europe. Also the increase in Weimar culture boosted the morale of the country. This was because the culture helped the German people to take their minds off the past years and enjoy themselves, it especially helped them forget about the war that had occurred only a few years before. The culture in Weimar was definitely a main feature when talking about the golden years that had occurred between 1925–1929. Without the increase in culture ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Main Features Of Romanticism In Literature Romanticism is a very philosophical and artistic topic in English, it was mainly created during the 18th century and was influenced by neoclassicism which is the meaning of western visual arts, music, literature and more. It is the unique style of art, literature and music that shows the classical side of everything. Neoclassicism was originated in Rome around the middle of the 18th century. Neoclassicism is more based of the ability than the emotion, because the topic is filled with imaginative thoughts. In all of poetry, there was one very famous verse style that was used a lot and that was the heroic couplet verse, this style is commonly used in narrative and epic styles of poetry and keeping the lines rhymed. Friedrich Schlegel was a well–known German poet writer, he was a German man who wrote poets who was born on March 10th, 1772 in Hanover, Germany. He became famous by being the first person to use the term romantic to define literature. A big part of romanticism is the famous quotes that inspire the people, one great quote by Friedrich Schlegel said: "literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form." Another famous quote that is similar and is admired by people around the world is one by Victor Hugo, who was a French poet, the quote said: "liberalism in literature". Emotion, freedom, and imagination are probably the main focus points of romanticism. What people love about Romanticism is the side of nature showed in all romanticism works, this nature ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Main Features Of Egyptian And Mesopotamian Civilizations What advantages does an agriculturally based society have over a hunter/gatherer society? There are several advantages that an agriculturally based society has over a hunter/gatherer society. An agriculturally based society could have more people in less land because they are creating food from the land, rather than scavenging off an area. In addition, they could build villages with larger and permanent houses. They could also afford to build permanent structures like wells. With agriculture, it was also shown that there was a great increase in population. More people working and producing an excess of food allowed for others to pursue other interests and specializations such as science and metalworking. Overall, agriculturally based societies made it easier to form larger and more advanced societies. Compare the main features of Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. What did the two civilizations have in common as early civilizations? What were their main differences in values and organization? To compare Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations, one can look at their organization, academic achievements, and economic styles. In terms of organization, there were many similarities. Both were agriculturally based. In both societies, the leader held divine status. However, differences arise when comparing their academics. Both societies developed mostly equal science and elaborate art. However, Mesopotamia developed a more complex writing system and Egypt ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. What Are The Main Features Of The News System To design a system with good usability, it is necessary to analyse and grasp the users' needs or requirements. Different users or audiences might have different needs for the news system so it is very difficult for a system to catch up all the needs. With the help of locating the target user group for the news system, the scope of audience could be decreased, which could allow designers to discover specific users' needs easily. In addition, through finding the target user group, people could integrate the users' need into the core values of the system better, which could help the whole system to enhance the usability and become more competitive than other news systems or applications in the market. Due to this, this section is going to ... Show more content on ... Also, the fourth feature of the target user for this system is that the target users would want a constant stream of new information and they would want some short news or some highlighted– interesting information as well in order to read through a large amount of news in a short time. Furthermore, the target user group of this news system would have different news–related behaviours. To catch up the target users' needs and enhance the usability of the whole system, the news system would support some specific new–related behaviours. One of specific news–related behaviours supported by the system is that the target users would look through some popular or hot news listed on the homepage of the system in order to spend less time on searching for the news or information which they want because many target users would want to catch up the trend and collect a large amount of information in a short time. As a result of this, many target users would through viewing the news listed on homepage to grasp some latest news or events happened in their countries or in the worldwide. Another news–related behaviour is that while the target users use the news system to encounter different news or information, they would share the links of news or information to other people on different social media platforms. Because of ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Main Features Of The Argument On The Nature Of... The key features of the argument on the nature of abortion developed by Judith Thomson first focuses on the extreme anti–abortion view, second the right to life, third the right to live and use the mother's body, fourth having rights and their being certain limits, and fifth the good Samaritan and the responsibilities of the parents. The extreme anti–abortion view develops a thinking that when a mother's life is threatened if she should carry her baby to full term what is the decision she must make. Opponents of abortion believe that the fetus's life is more important than the mother's life and that the mother should not abort the child. Even though, opponents may believe that the fetus being a person has every right to life so does the mother. A mother aborting her child cannot be considered an act of murder, because she is only doing it to save her own life. For example as stated in the text: There you are lying in bed with the violinist and the director of the hospital comes in and tells you that your kidneys are failing, and that you will die within a month. But you have to stay where you are because unplugging yourself directly from the violinist would be considered directly killing an innocent person; (Thomson, 270) A person may not seriously consider that someone would willingly sit there and keep themselves plugged up to someone when they are unwillingly dying because if it. This relates to how a woman surely can defend her own life against the threat posed by her ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. What Are The Main Features Of Local Government Act 1979 Provincial Local Government Ordinance 1979 This period marked the 'second wave' of local government reform a military regime. The system of local government introduced in 1979 by General Zia–ul–Haq was the most representative in nature since independence. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, elections to all local councils in both rural and urban areas were held simultaneously on the basis of adult franchise and under the aegis of independent provincial election authorities. Features of Provincial Local Government Ordinance: The special features of the 1979 local government system can be described as follows: Local government laws relating to rural and urban areas were unified and harmonized. Local governments ... Show more content on ... Planning, development and maintenance of public roads and bridges. Installation and maintenance of street–lights. Optional Functions: Planning, development and maintenance of playgrounds, parks, graveyards and gardens. Procurement, allocation and regulation of grants, loans and other assistance. Planning, development and maintenance of public welfare centers, orphan houses and organizations. Analysis: The local bodies were made independent from the bureaucracy under the Local Government Ordinance of 1979. The local bodies were vested with administrative, judicial and financial powers to make them effective institutions. They were authorized to get loans from national and international Banks to complete their plans for the people's development. The elections of local governments were held on non–party basis. The local governments were dependent upon the provinces from senior appointments to the request for more resources or permission to increase taxes and rates. The budgets of the local governments were also to be approved by the provincial governments. It would not be unfair to say that the provinces used to control the local governments ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Hare Advert In 2013 the 2D animated advert "The Bear and the Hare" was first shown as a teaser during Agatha Christie's Poirot, Wednesday the 6th of November before releasing it on Saturday the same week. The advert was directed by Elliot Dear and Yves Geleyn with the animations created by Aaron Blaise. Blaise who has been a Disney animator (The Lion King, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast) ( created in the advert had a similar look. The advert has been ranked as one of the top five John Lewis adverts and has won several awards ( The advert had no dialogue and was accompanied only by music, British singer Lily Allen sang a cover of Keane's "Somewhere only we know" Another advert that was well received was "Monty the Penguin" directed by Dougal Wilson, it shows a year in the life of a little boy and his best friend, a real life penguin (created by 3D animation) in the end it is realised that it's a toy penguin and it's only the boys imagination that makes him real. British singer– songwriter Tom Odell sang a cover of John Lennons "Real Love" ... Show more content on ... The advert was created using a real dog for some of the advert then a digital double for the jumping on the trampoline, enhancing facial expressions was also made with CGI. A cover of Randy Crawford's "One Day I'll Fly Away" was performed by the English band Vaults. These three adverts create the base for this dissertation, choosing them based on different techniques with animals, one 2D animated, one 3D animated with a toy penguin and one 3D animated with a real ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Main Features Of Feminism As A Sociological Theory This essay would describe the main features of feminism as a sociological theory, identify the ways in which feminism is criticised by other theories, and identify the main differences and similarities between the theories using qualitative and quantitative evidence to support or challenge the main theory. It will also discuss how the evidence contradicts the theories. Sociology is the study of society. Sociology is a study that could help us to understand the relationship between an individual and the institutions and the interdependent roles within the social relationships (Llewellyn et al., 2008). According to Cree (2010) sociological theories are concerned with the power, beliefs, the struggle for necessary resources in the society, ideas, values on the society, action and the structure of the society, models of change, macro and micro economy in the society. Each of the theories has their own argument of how they think the society should be. The sociological theories are Maxims and Functionalism (Llewellyn et al., 2008). Maxims describe a change in the society through conflict. They also believe in the structural and economic theory of society that seeks to understand change and promote change. This change is determined by economic forces, by how goods are produced and by how the means of production are owned. Furthermore, Maxims believe the fundamental change occurs through a class struggle where one class overthrowing another after a class struggle between, for ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government... The Main Features of the Reforms Passed by the Government in the 19th Century that Affected Prisons As we can see from question one prisons needed serious reform. This is because the purpose of prison was to hold people until they were hung or transported therefore no one cared about reforming them. So the purpose of prisons has to change for the conditions to change. This is because if the purpose changes from holding prisoners till death to holding prisoners until there sentence is up people will put more effort into reforming them so the conditions will get better and the way to do this is for people like Elizabeth Fry to implement the changes needed. ... Show more content on ... He gave good food, clothing and bedding to prisoners although they received good treatment they were still tret like prisoners. They did not pay for any of these items and the jailer was not to charge the prisoners as he was getting a salary. There were no irons or chains and there main punishments consisted of no visitors at all, and hard labour and probably the worst punishment of all solitary confinement. Each prisoner had their own cell and the chaplain and doctor visited regularly to check on the prisoners and try to reform them through God. The warden had to visit at least once a day to check on the prisoners and exercise them. Sir George Paul although he only reformed one prison set the way for others to follow in his footsteps and reform other prisons. Elizabeth Fry was the next reformer who formed an association called the 'Association for the improvement of female prisons at Newgate.' This was an association that fought for the rights of women in prisons. She wanted the opportunity while women and children were in prison to try to teach them. She also wanted to try to bring the faith of Christianity into their lives in order to try to reform and turn them into better people. She also believed in segregation and women's rights along with female jailors. She wanted this because she wanted to stop disease and ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Main Features of A Mosque Ai) Describe the main features of a mosque A mosque is mainly used as a place of worship for Muslims to pray to Allah. Not all mosques are the same, they vary from place to place. Some mosques are big and expensive whilst some other mosques are small and cheap. All mosques are different but are yet similar in some ways for example; all mosques are a place of worship. Some mosque have a tall minaret in which the Muezzin uses it to call the Adthaan, informing nearby Muslims that the time of prayer has come and they must quickly start their prayer. This is one of the most important features of a mosque because without the minaret the Muezzin would not be able to call out the Adthaan, prevent many Muslims being able to tell if it is time ... Show more content on ... Anyone can be an Imam but they all have to go through this process. Women, on the other hand, can be Imams but can only lead the prayers for women and act as women congregates. In Islam, it is prohibited for a woman to lead men in prayers but Islam does not prohibit a woman from teaching men about Islam. Aiii) The role of the Mosques Mosques are also used as community centres where people can get married as you can in a church but they will have Islamic vows rather than Christian traditional vows although they may be very similar. Mosques sometimes hold evening schools sp that particularly children may have Islamic education in an non–Islamic country ( E.g. learning to read and write Arabic and understanding the teachings of Islam and the Qu'ran ). During the month of Ramadan an area of the Mosque is set aside for people who cannot afford to buy food, break their fast with food provided by the Mosque, the breaking of fast is called Iftar. In many Mosques there are charity boxes for Muslims to donate Zakah to either the Mosque or to the poor. All Muslims are obliged to donate at least 2.5% of their wealth in order to help to develop the Mosque so that more people can attend the Mosque for prayer and for education on Islam. Another role of a Mosque is to provide Islamic education so that the younger generation can be educated on Islam. This is to ensure that when older ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Main Features Of Princeton Wordnet In this section, we review the main features of Princeton WordNet as well as some other general and specialized WordNets in different languages. A general WordNet covers all domains in a language. Therefore, a deep knowledge of language is required for its construction. However, a specialized WordNet covers words in a specific domain like agriculture, medicine, and computer science. Here, in addition to language knowledge, expertise in that domain is also required. 2–1– Semantic Network of Words WordNet is an enhanced dictionary in which words are classified based on their meanings. In WordNet, synonym words are grouped in a structure called synset. Each synset represents a separate concept. However, there are several differences between a WordNet and a dictionary. First, a WordNet not only connects lexical part of words, but also connects their concepts. Therefore, words located close to each other in the WordNet have also semantic proximity. Second, WordNet tags the semantic relation between words; while the classification of words in a classical dictionary is only based on their lexical similarity and it does not specify any semantic relation between words. Synsets are interlinked to each other by using semantic as well as lexical relations. Some well– known semantic relations in the WordNet are hypernym/hyponym, meronym/holonym, and domain relationships. There are several ways to construct a WordNet: manual, semi–automatic, and automatic. In manual method, human experts ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Main Features Of Perfect Competition Perfect competition is a type of market structre where there is highest level of competition. In perfect competition the firms are offering homogeneous product. Every firm believe that it can sell any amount of output it wishes at the prevailing market price. Because of homogenous product and large number of firms, no individual firm is in a position to effect the price of the product and therefore the demand curve for the firm under perfect competition is a horizontal straight line. 2.2 Meaning of Perfect Competition In Perfect competition there are a large number of buyers and sellers. Each seller is producing a very small level of industry's output, no individual buyer or seller can influence the price of the product. The products produced under perfect competition are homogenous, and each firm believes that it can sell any amount of output at the prevailing price. The economic agents have perfect knowledge about the market conditions. ... Show more content on ... Large Numbers of Sellers and Buyers: The industry or market includes a large number of firms (and buyers) so that each individual firm, however large supplies only a small part of the total quantity offered in the market. The buyers are also numerous so that no monopolistic power can affect the working of the market. Under these conditions each firm alone cannot affect the price in the market by changing its output. 2. Product Homogeneity: All the firms produces homogenous product. A buyer cannot differentiate among the products produced by different firms, and hence pay a uniform price for the goods produced by different firms. The assumptions of large number of sellers and of product homogeneity imply that the individual firm in immaculate rivalry is a price–taker, and therefore the demand curve is considerably elastic, representing that the firm can offer any quantity of yield at the prevailing market price (Figure ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Main Features Of Motivation 1. Motivation Motivation is very generally used word in organisation. It is a physical and important state that encourages a person to act as desired. In another way we can sya that Motivation is having the encouragement to do something. Motivation gives the result to confident important questions like why and how people work and what determines the direction of their actions? The process of motivation contains needs, drives and aims. Need is behind most of the man's action. Some of the needs of the people are Good facilities; more pay, identification, opportunities for promotion etc. Motives representing the behaviour in the process of motivation are known as Drives. Every attempt has certain aims to gain. These objectives can be gained only through the ... Show more content on ... –Dai a Breachus Motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations, strivings, needs, directs or control or explain the behaviour of human beings. –D.E. McFarland Features or Characteristics: Some of the features of motivation are listed below 1. Motivation is always internal to the individual: It is necessarily a psychological phenomenon. Berelson and Steiner said that "A motive is an inner state that energizes, activates or moves (hence motivation) and that directs or channels behaviour towards goals." 2. Motivation of a individual is in entirely and not in parts: Different needs of Humans makes behaviour. For example A worker works in a factory because he needs money, same like this thirsty man feels the need of water to overcome his thirst. The feeling of needs is a continuous process and the satisfaction of one need leads to the creation of a new one. Therefore motivation should be in entirely because all needs are interrelated. 3. The result if ability and motivation is Performance If an employee is highly qualified but his performance is very poor, it can be due to the absence of ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Crictical Examination of the Main Features Renaissance... THE CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE RENAISANCE HUMANISM OUTLINE –BRIEF INTRODUCTION –RENAISANCE –HUMANISM –THE SIGNIF ICANT EVENTS IN THE RENAISANSE PERIOD –THE CHAMPIONS OF RENAISANCE HUMANISM –RENAISANCE HUMANISM AND THE REFORMATION – EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION BRIEF INTRODUCTION In the history of the world, many remarkable periods have been referred to most often due to perhaps great events that have led to a turn–around in the thoughts and general lives of the people. One of such periods is the renaissance humanism. The renaissance humanism is a term used to designate a period in history that is so spectacular and significant owing to its evolutionary of features. ... Show more content on ... We could then say that what prepared the ground for the renaissance humanism was mainly from the church and the fruits of the renaissance period which led to the reformation fell back to the church also. Therefore, we could say that the renaissance humanism started when the literary world and the world of arts was so charged. At the same time the church was leading but her great strides were infiltrated or became mixed with pagan/ Greek values that were seemingly unacceptable. Thus, the European world saw the reason to question the church's consistency in the religious matters and the absolute attribute of things to God or religion. THE CHAMPIONS OF RENAISSANCE HUMANISM The earliest humanists were Dante Della Mirandola, Lorenzo Valla and Coluccio Salutati. But after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, many scholars went to Italy to research and go acquainted with many books together with the knowledge of the Greek traditional arts. In the northern Europe we fin people like Desiderius Erasmus who came up with the praise of the folly (1509). This depicts the moral essence of humanism. He preferred heartfelt goodness to formalistic piety. We could also recall that the founder of the renaissance painting was Masaccio (1401–14280). Boccaccio (1313–1375 wrote the first sexual literature since the Late Latin writers. Nicholas Machiavelli (1469–1527) really mocked honesty and integrity in politics in his writings as it is farfetched. However, ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Main Features And Characteristics Of A Slum A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterized by substandard housing and squalor. While slums differ in size and other characteristics, most lack reliable sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, law enforcement and other basic services. Slum residences vary from shanty houses to professionally built dwellings that because of poor–quality construction or provision of services have deteriorated into slums. Main features and characteristics of the slums are poor connectivity to the main city, lack of proper sanitation conditions and lack of electricity and are densely populated and generally have a very high occupancy rate. Slums are usually characterized by urban "breeding grounds" for social ... Show more content on ... The Indian Supreme Court has also recognized the right to water and proper sanitation conditions under the "right to life" provision of its constitution. Hence according to the above said statements, the rights of the people living in the slum areas are often violated and are often hampered also. A UN expert group has created an operational definition of a slum as an area that combines to various extents the following characteristics: inadequate access of safe water; inadequate access to sanitation and other infrastructure; poor structural quality of housing; overcrowding; and insecure residential status. To these one might add the low socioeconomic status of residents of these areas. The problem of slums have started because of excess migration of people from the rural areas to the urban areas and when the people who have migrated do not get proper place to settle down and live, the settlement of the slum areas (mostly in the outer parts of the city) takes place. But the settlements in these slums are not proper and lack basic facilities of sanitation, electricity, connection to the roads, proper construction of houses ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Alzheimer's Main Features Examining these three main features of Alzheimer's disease The brains of people with Alzheimer's disease have an abundance of two abnormal structures – amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. These are made of misfolded proteins which can stick together with other misfolded proteins to form insoluble aggregates. If these aggregates build up, they can disrupt cellular communication and metabolism. The third main feature of Alzheimer's is the loss of connections between cells leading to the ill–functioning and death of cells (Institute and Aging, 2011). Amyloid plaques These plaques consisting largely of insoluble deposits of a toxic protein peptide called beta–amyloid are found in the spaces between the nerve cells in the brain. Beta amyloid ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Main Features of the New Deal Essay Main Features of the New Deal In 1932 Roosevelt came to power. He aimed to invest government money in making America prosperous again after the depression years of Hoover. Roosevelt's main aims were to reduce unemployment and get Americans earning money again, to protect peoples savings, homes and livelihoods, to provide relief for the ill, the elderly and the unemployed and to get American industry and agriculture running once again. In his first hundred days in charge in charge Roosevelt worked tirelessly to transform America, using new laws, acts and the full power of the government to steer America out of the depression. His first objective was to restore Americans confidence in their ... Show more content on ... Around 2.5million young men were helped by this scheme, which gave them work on environmental projects. Men signed on for periods of six months, which could be renewed if work could still not be found. On 12th May 1933 the 'Agricultural Adjustment Act' was passed. This set about solving the problems of farmers. It took a long–term view and set quotas to reduce farm production so that prices would eventually increase. The AAA also helped some farmers pay their mortgages and helped farmers modernize. Unfortunately modernization meant that many farm labourers lost their jobs. Another important act that was introduced during the 100 days was the 'National Industry Recovery Act' which set up two organisations: the (PWA) 'Public Works Administration' and the (NRA) 'National Recovery Act'. The PWA used government money to create millions of jobs building roads, bridges, dams, schools and airports, which would be important once the US had recovered. The NRA improved working conditions and banned child labour. It also set up a minimum wage and set out industries level of production. This helped the economy because it meant employees had money to spend. The scheme was voluntary and those companies who joined used the Blue Eagle as a symbol of government approval. More than 2 million employers joined the scheme. Another great success for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. What Are The Main Features Of Redmine Features Tap the Power of Redmine Feature–Rich Open Source Platform to Take Your Business to the Next Level! At PlanShell, we help you redefine your business success by bringing together the best in hosting service and open source platform. We offer you Redmine open source platform hosted on Amazon AWS cloud. And you know what that means? You have the power to enjoy all the amazing features of Redmine from anywhere at any time that too in a highly reliable and absolutely secure environment, which ultimately translates into better business performance, productivity, agility, and profits. Redmine offers a full suite of advanced and highly functional features that make it super easy, stress–free and quick to manage, monitor, control and ... Show more content on ... The source code control is a different version which customers can view GIT/Version from inside the Redmine and download any version that they want from their repository as zip file on their PC. Invoice Management Keep track and control of your invoices using our invoice management feature.This feature allows you to create, track as well as export invoices in PDF format and with customizable templates. It also offers multi–currency support & localization for numerous languages. This is a big advantage if you are planning to grow your footprint globally as it helps you effortlessly invoice international clients. Additionally, it enables you to manage recurring invoices by generating and billing automated invoices. Agile Support For businesses that aim to develop new services or products in an interactive yet a disciplined manner, this feature is perfect. It offers agile support for a seamless workflow. Agile software development is a group of software comprising of development methodologies. These methodologies are predominantly based on iterative development. It provides businesses an environment where solutions evolve through interaction and collaboration within self–organizing and cross–functional teams. With Agile software support, you can ensure disciplined and well–managed project process and encourage teamwork and ... Get more on ...