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The Importance Of Direct Instruction In Schools
21st Century classrooms are diverse in their range of ability cultures and attitudes toward academia, these classrooms however must also be inclusive
aiming to achieve equal opportunity for success for all students. Culturally the outline class in a rural NSW setting is primarily focused on two central
backgrounds; Indigenous students and Anglo–Saxon students (non–Indigenous). Ability and attitude are vastly different and often given resources all
abilities and attitudes will be in one classroom. To achieve maximum potential for all students teaching must provide opportunity for all students to
comprehend learning and to have clear role models to develop new attitudes and understandings of academic achievement. Direct Instruction formulates
student learning with a focus on structuring learning in linear and cumulative ways, continually checking student understanding throughout learning to
ensure maximum retention of information and to ensure equality of learning outcomes for all students. (McMullen & Madelaine, 2014, p. 140) Direct
instruction structures learning with focus on demonstrating learning, guiding learning and individual application. While Direct Instruction is a teacher
centred highly structured learning environment it ... Show more content on ...
Whilst the skill of looking up a definition of a word is a relatively simple activity for high level learners with positive learning attitude, this mixed
ability classroom is primarily a low to average ability class, whose instinct would be to complete learning quickly rather than correctly. Using Direct
Instruction the teacher is able to control outcomes to ensure the success of all students foreseeing problems and difficulties that may arise during the
activity and explain in clear ways how students may overcome these difficulties so that nothing is left to interpretation. (Killen, 2013, p.
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Learning Theory From The Classroom
TPACK–L is UConn revision of an existing framework for teachers' competency with technology that expands Mishra and Koeler's TPACK
framework by adding Learning Theory (Slota, Young, Choi, & Lai, 2014). Although the TPACK framework on which it is based proposed the way to
understand how to integrate technology in the classroom as a unique body of knowledge, technology integration practice is, more often than not,
thought of as a set of pedagogical skills or strategies to simply utilize technology in pursuit of effective instruction. Given the omission of learning
theory from the teacher competency framework, it might mislead us to understand teacher competencies as merely a skill–based knowledge (i.e.,
teaching as a straightforward enterprise). Yet, teaching is a complex intellectual work necessary to have a solidunderstanding of the foundational
theories and knowledge about learning that drives effective instruction (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). Furthermore, without understanding the learning
theory that underlay a particular innovation of a technology–supported instruction (e.g., Papert's Logo, CTGV's Jasper Woodbury videodisc series,
educational games/simulations like Quest Atlantis or River City Project), teachers' technology integration can cause fatal mutations of the
implementation, which means that their practices may end up with being in opposition to the theory behind the designed program, not doing what
researchers intended.
The TPACK–L framework responds
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Situated Cognition
Situated cognition is "the notion of learning knowledge and skills in contexts that reflect the way they will be used in real life" (Brown, Collins, &
Duguid, 1989). A close relative of cognitive apprenticeship and constructivism, this concept encourages educators to construct an environment that
mimics as closely as possible the setting in which their instruction will actually be put to use. Whereas cognition and the situation it was learned in had
historically been considered separate entities, they are now thought to be indivisible from one anther. When students get feedback from within their
learning setting, an improved learning experience occurs. When provided the opportunity and framework for feedback and revision, the ... Show more
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Technology tools provide "the means through which individuals engage and manipulate both resources and their own ideas" (Hannafin, Land, &
Oliver, 1999, p. 128).
The four broad principles of learning, that it occurs in context, is active, is social and is reflective, offer a framework for how technology can support
instruction (Driscoll, 2002). Therefore, interactive multimedia has clear possibilities for producing rich learning environments which the student can
explore at will (Marra and Jonassen, 1993). Technology can facilitate learning by providing real world contexts that engage learners in solving
complex problems. For example, SimCity teaches learners how to build and manage aspects of a city, and with the Voyage of Mimi, students can
explore sea life and solve problems while learning about whales (Driscoll, 2002). The use of multimedia is quite beneficial to getting learners mentally
involved in learning activities, generating connections between what they already know and what they are being asked to learn, and constructing
meaning from their experiences.
Of course, technology by itself does not guarantee learning. Rather, understanding principles of learning, using the technological tools available and
applying the theories of situational cognition are a good way to begin. Getting learners mentally involved in their own learning activities and generating
connections between what
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Museum Reflection Paper
I visited the Madison Children's Museum near the Capitol on campus, where I explored its many different interactive exhibits. The museum consisted
of an art studio where individuals could create whatever they wanted with recycled materials, an electronic station with many different machines to
experiment with, and large playgrounds with slides and swings. It encourages children and adults to learn through playing with and in their
environment, having fun, and interacting with peers.
This museum is an informal learning space because it is self–directed in the way that individuals are able choose which area of the museum to focus
their attention on and explore however they want instead of someone else controlling their learning. It is also voluntary because people of all ages are
able to visit if they choose to, and no one is forcing their attendance. Next, it is an inquiry–driven space because it allows children and adults to answer
their own individual questions by exploring and interacting, and it inspires new questions to be asked instead of having a pre–conceived set of
questions needing to be answered. Finally, the Madison Children's Museum is open–ended because everyone in attendance was able to have different
reasons for visiting and different goals to achieve while there; there was not a specific shared motive for everyone to be there. The purpose of this
space is to inspire children and adults to learn through play, which, as we learned in class, is a very
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Valor Primary: Diverse Range Of Cultural Differences
Lalor Primary, is situated in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. Currently the school has a population of 300 students. The students and families come
from a wide geographic area and come from 22 different cultural backgrounds, with 10% of students with a language background other than English.
The school community represents a diverse range of socio–economic, cultural, religious and language backgrounds. Therefore curriculum provisions
have been specifically designed to meet the wide variation of needs of all students. The majority of parents are very interested in their children's
education and supportive of their work however; due to their own limited education many lack the ability or confidence to assist their children with
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Stuyvesant Spectator: Student Analysis
As a student growing up in New York City, I have been able to embrace the diversity around me. One of my best experiences during my pre
years was when I was an Opinions writer for the Stuyvesant Spectator. As an Opinions writer, I communicated with fellow students, teachers and
members of the surrounding community. Whether through interviews, surveys or outreach with more established publications, I was able to enjoy and
participate in a well–rounded education. Throughout my academic career, I have always attempted to involve myself in a more active learning
experience. Unfortunately, this isn't simply about extracurriculars. As a student situated in Ithaca, I find that I'm unable to find such a fulfilling
experience. During my undergraduate
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Analyzing The Statement, Learning And Cognition Are...
Final Fall 2016
I believe the statement, learning and cognition are fundamentally situated means that acquiring knowledge and achieving meaningful learning is
accomplished by applying new concepts in authentic situations. Authentic situations are every day, real–world situations that are of interest to students.
It is learning that is relevant and immerses students in solving problems by participating in activities that will help them transfer knowledge gained to
new situations. This type of learning helps students to be self–motivated, take control of their own learning, and begin to pose further questions. This
directly pertains to inquiry learning.
As a librarian, we can situate cognitive learning by creating opportunities for students. By taking a broad concept and helping students explore and
connect its effect on their personal lives creates authentic situations. Librarians should collaborate with teachers and create these learning opportunities.
We can provide resources and materials that help students explore their talents, interests, and abilities. We can also help students expand their learning
in the classroom by helping them further explore topics according to their learning styles and interest. It is our responsibility to provide students with
resources and materials that reach beyond the school walls that encourage learning and doing.
This was mentioned by Ken Robinson in two of his Ted Talks. He spoke of how schools are killing creativity and
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Stem Learning Systems That I Have Found Into Learning...
STEM learning system that I have found in learning ecosystem in my school is really effective. It is based on harnessing different participation of
educators, along with families' studies, businesses, policy developers, science and research institutions, as well as higher education departments. This
way a robust vision is created for STEM learning processes. In Khobar, STEM learning ecosystem is concerned with dynamic contribution in between
schools. Moreover I have observed that STEM institutions are established in which many experts are giving their excellent performances. Most of the
private sectors are also applying STEM learning system that is creating the learning system more effective and great for generations
Most of the leaders work collectively and it is matter of consideration that these leaders typically understand that the community is suffering from
numerous challenges that could only be controlled by creating an effective STEM learning environment. In many cases it has been observed that pin
points gaps are required to be measured effectively these are all those means which typically generates the great system of work. More over in order to
access the impacts of STEM learning environment we can understand the school working system to wider extent. In Khobar most of the learning
institutions are based on effective education system that comprises of different dimension of study. Khobar school systems are associated with range of
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A New Revised Framework For Teachers ' Competency With...
TPACK–L is a new revised framework for teachers' competency with technology that expands Mishra and Koeler's TPACK framework by adding
Learning Theory (Slota, Young, Choi, & Lai, 2014). Although the TPACK framework proposed the way to understand how to integrate technology in
the classroom as a unique body of knowledge, technology integration practice is, more often than not, thought of as a set of pedagogical skills or
strategies to simply utilize technology in pursuit of effective instruction. Given the omission of learning theory from the teacher competency
framework, it thus may lead us to understand teacher competencies as merely a skill–based knowledge (i.e., teaching as a straightforward enterprise).
Yet, teaching is a complex intellectual work necessary to have a solid understanding of the foundational theories and knowledge about learning that
drives effective instruction (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). As such, a solid understanding of learning theory should be considered as arguably the most
critical professional knowledge that teachers should have.
The TPACK–L framework responds to the lack of explicit attention to learning theory in our teaching practice. From this new framework, it is appeared
that effective instruction with technology can be occurred through seamlessly interlocking these four components, technological, pedagogical, content
knowledge and a sound understanding of learning theory. In a nutshell, the wise technology integration is an ability to hit the
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Reflective Account On Decision Making In Nursing
Within this experience, I was incorporating my knowledge of self and aware of the need to work within my own level of competence. Given my lack
of experience regarding the skill presented, I decided that it would not be appropriate to perform such a skill in the given environment without my
instructor. Benner (1982) describes the levels of proficiency from novice to expert and the differences between each level. Most notably, the method in
which to travel from novice to expert is experience, gathered from both theory and actual practical situations. While in this practice setting, while I had
the theory, I lacked the actual practical situations in order to have the experience to feel comfortable performing the skill.
Decision making also ... Show more content on ...
Decision making addresses the complexity and multidimensional nature related to individual experience and guides novice nurses in developing
knowledge, skill, and confidence (Gillespi & Peterson, 2009). Critical thinking is essential in order for nurses to ensure the safety and positive care
for patients and enhances the general experience for both the nurse and patient (Robert & Petersen, 2013). These processes are essential to the
requirements of nurses to be professional, ethical, and provide safe and competent care as outlined in the CRNBC Professional Standards of Nursing
Practice (2012) and the CNA Code of Ethics (2008). In my experience, I used context, including the lack of context, my intuition, and judgement in
order to make the most informed decision within the context of this situation in regards to client care and my own learning. By deconstructing this
experience using the situated clinical decision making model, I am able to understand all the factors that influenced my decision as well as the factors
that were not considered at the time, and I am able to understand and articulate my decision and the implications that the decision
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Reading Behavior Analysis
Subsequent to reflecting and inquiring about my behaviors on Reading, I now understand that building great reading habits does not need to be
troublesome. An essential piece of building another propensity is staying consistent. Therefore, when I begin another habit, for example, reading, I
discovered it ought to be easy to the point that you can't say no to it. Knowing this, I have set 3 objectives for myself to guarantee my reading
behavior disappointments are a relic of past times. In the first place, I have to set a day by day time to read and keep a book or article helpful.
Second, since I have access audiobooks, I can hear them out in the car or from my iPad in this way advancing my reading objective. Ultimately,
making and environment that is helpful for reading will be useful, for example, limiting diversions and commotions, for... Show more content on ...
Thusly on the off chance that I can get a couple of minutes I can have that ready to read. I will have a day by day objective to read no less than
fifteen minutes a day on a point that I discover intriguing and clever. Given my home calendar I ought to have a couple set times amid consistently
when I can read for no less than 5–10 minutes. For instance, I can make it a point to read amid lunch time and get the children included with the point.
Learning Ally is an asset I don't utilize all the time. Through this course, I had needed to read numerous books and through Learning Ally I had the
capacity to discover an extra time when I thought there was none. Taking a glance at the squandered time as the day progressed, I found there were
numerous missed chances to read or have something read to me through the Learning Ally that my school provides. This system has an enormous
number of books online that are allowed to be downloaded to supported devices such as Ipads, computers, and other electronic
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What Is Dewey And Vygotsky's Model Of Cognitive Development
Dewey (1959) sees experience and education as being dialectically connected. Hence, to Dewey, the experiences that the teacher designs and creates in
the classroom, e.g. tools, activities or the environment, have an impact on students' learning. The experiences must be relevant, authentic and
meaningful to the students for effective learning to take place. Besides individuals' experiences, Dewey gives space for social experiences as well. He
believes that students' interactions with others and the environment are crucial factors contributing to their learning. Dewey's belief is further extended
by Vygotsky's (1978) model ofZone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Vygotsky believed that collaboration with others helps one to complete tasks that
one could not have done without assistance from and collaboration with others. The ZDP is the level at which learning takes place. It comprises
cognitive structures that are still in ... Show more content on ...
Social constructivists view the critical importance of interaction with people in cognitive development. Cognitivists view learning as occurring in the
internal structure, of mental processing of information, independent of the environment.
Learning occurs when learners can socially build, share, co–construct and apply knowledge.Learning occurs when information is transmitted through
and processed in a student's mind (information processor) to memory. Knowledge can be transmitted and students learn by passively absorbing
Expert knowledge is de–emphasized. Everyone is entitled to constructing knowledge according to his/her own experience.The development of an
expert requires one to employ optimal learning that is appropriate for that domain. Experts have extensive knowledge which allows them to perceive
large meaningful patterns, see and represent a problem at a deeper
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Community Of Practice Study
Since being identified as a model trough which knowledge where developed, held, transferred, created, and shared (brown and Duguid, 1991; Lave and
Wenger, 1991, Wenger, 1998), the communities of practice approach has become increasingly significant within educational management and practice,
internal and external education organizations, and public and private sectors across the world. The community of practice is originally developed by
the two anthropologists Jane Lave and Etienne Wenger in a study of situated learning of five apprenticeships: Yucates midwives, Vai and Gola tailors,
naval quartermasters, meat cutters, and non–drinking alcoholic. rentichicps hat is currently being used to gauge and facilitate knowledge transfer in a
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Essay about Worldviews
In this essay, I will critically discuss the statement of worldviews is essential for critical thinking in terms of learning at university. I will use my own
experiences, Northedge, Bizzell, Hobson and Weston's readings, as well as Veitch, Christensen and Thompson's lectures to support my thesis and main
points, in terms of my life and experiences learning at university in a diverse culture. The thesis of my essay is we, as students, need to have our own
worldview and learn to gain knowledge through our life experiences within the culture, as well as deeply engage and assimilate with the knowledge or
things we learn at university, by applying critical thinking to recognise our situatedness as academic within the ... Show more content on
People, who have different worldview and background from particular culture, move to a new country with different worldview and culture, known
as academic; they typically have common issue in communicating and studying with the other people, who have academic worldviews. As a result,
they are experiencing the cultural differences. Thiele (2010) has mentioned in her lecture in TLC120 that "a way of seeing, is also a way of not
seeing" (Thiele, 2010). She explains that the way people see the world do not mean that we can see the other way of the world. As a result, we often
could not see the world clearly because everyone has different ways of seeing the world, due to the cross–cultural interaction and changes (Thiele,
2010). She also describes her experiences in teaching some Japanese students who faced the cross–cultural differences studying at university. Especially
the way of communicating and study habit are entirely different to their academic worldview in Japan, compare to Australian's academic culture. Thiele
(2010) has pointed out that university students in Australia have to read and understand the reading
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Should Backpacks Be Allowed In Class
In order to increase productivity and learning time in school, administrators should allow students to carry backpacks to their classes. As a result of
bringing backpacks to class, students will come to class prepared and organized, with no reason to return to their locker. Often times students forget
their supplies and must utilize class time to retrieve the forgotten materials. With backpacks, students will already have their materials with them,
eliminating the need to waste class time. Another advantage of allowing backpacks in class is that it will give students plenty of time to use the
restroom between classes as opposed to during lecture time. High schools are notoriously larger than middle and elementary schools, therefore the
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Home Factors Affecting Number Skills Development
Home factors may affect number skills development. Activities that are encouraged at home by a parent or carer to develop numeracy skills will
greatly help a child. Fun counting games and using resources that are visual to a child will help them with number recognition and numeracy
development. Schools and homes are situated in communities where economic wealth, income and commodities are distributed differently. These
factors have a detrimental effect on society and classes and impact on education and the development and improvement of the child. Resources may be
outstanding in some areas but poor in others.
A good home–school connection is vital for the development of number skills and as well for the whole educational development of a child.
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Meaningful Learning
Human learning is a complex and dynamic process such that there is no one definitive definition of learning; yet, there is a shared definitional
assumption that learning is "a long–term change in mental representations or associations as a result of experience" (Ormrod, 2012, p. 4). That is to say,
learning can be defined by the description of how human experience takes place (Shuell, 1986).
In this regard, I view that human experience takes place through the interaction between individuals and environmental factors. By such dynamic
interactions humans create their own experiences in such a way that interprets the world based on the personal representation, not acquires from the
world. As for this personal interpretation, I ... Show more content on ...
In sociocultural theory, learning does not take place only within an individual; rather, it does take place within the social context where is in the nature
of collaborations. In this regard, meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social activities.
Learning as constructing an active knowledge
In the previous chapter, I addressed my belief about the nature of learning as the underlying pedagogical philosophy. Again, learning is a social process
by which interacts with others and the world; hence, social and cultural environments play a pivotal role in knowledge construction.
In this chapter, I would like to express the idea of how human cognition works, since my conception of learning is fundamentally centered on mental
activities that create and construct knowledge by dynamic integrations with the world. Prior to describing my view of how human cognition works, I
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Personal Narrative: Guinea
In Guinea, there are too many peoples and languages and cultures to name here. It is a massive region which spans to several thousand miles of coast
in Western Africa, from the fringes of the Sahara to the southern ocean. It is here where the business of capturing slaves for their transportation to the
new world is completed. The Niger river winds northeast into the continent for thousands of miles, and in the vast river basin from which its might is
drawn is situated the kingdom of Tonga which reaches from the coast to an indefinite boundary inland, the extent of which is not known I believe to
any one man. In the interior of the kingdom, our rule is nominal, tributorial. So, no repercussions were felt by our people as a result of this subjection, ...
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I had long awaited the process and healing, my father being an expert with the knife. In the carefree vein of children, playing wistfully along the edge of
a great precipice, my sister and I noticed a particular route we could take that found its way through the jungle excellently In the early summer of
my fifteenth year my sister and I happened upon the edge of the forest. Knowing the dense forest led miles away from either our farms or houses,
down the gorge cut by our stream and into a grove of baobab and kaer trees. There was a roaring waterfall past the edge of the visible and off to our
left, and resolving to reach it we clambered high and low, veering too far away from the falls and finding ourselves dropping down, alas, on lower
ground in a large ovular clearing well away from the top of the falls and, we knew, toward the neighboring village. In the afternoon sun we strode,
curiosity on our heels, across its broad orange emptiness toward the footpath which beckoned on the other side underneath primordial clumps of
vegetation. Normally when a completely random kidnapping is effected on one of our member, it is attempted within the village, and we are able to
sound an alert in time to save the potetnial
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Lisa Fiore Use Of Authentic Assessment Essay
The use of authentic assessments, with its focused on supporting diverse students, can help influence and move all educational stakeholders (students,
families, teachers, and school administrators) towards a more holistic approach to evaluation. Today, standardized testing, I believe, ignores the richness
and value that students and families bring to the classroom. Also, current testing constrains educator's pedagogical practices with the curriculum that
limit seeing other alternative. Early childhood researcher Lisa Fiore (2012) argues, and I agree, it is important for teachers to have children and
families feel welcomed in the classroom. In fact, through my experience in education I have witness first hand the positive influence of home visits,
season academic theme nights about content/curriculum, fun/extracurricular family nights and weekly parent ... Show more content on
Fiore argues today's assessments are situated where student's "learning styles, languages, temperaments, and identities are viewed as potential obstacles
to successful assessment scores and ratings" (p. 128). In other words, instead of celebrating and working with what students bring to the classroom,
educators today are asked to forget or dismiss some of the skills students bring to the classroom. Consequently, Fiore shares that authentic assessment
allows transformative education to happen, where there is a combining of worlds between school and family/students or opposition groups to create
one of coexistence. I recognize the challenge that exists for educators to move towards a more transformative authentic assessment because of
high–stakes accountability. Yet, I believe the use of authentic assessment–collaborated with student's family participation, background, and
knowledge–can help educator's move away from a deficit–thinking
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Improving Literacy Assessment
All literacy events are culturally created and situated, so they inherently convey significant cultural knowledge and shape cultural identity (PГ©rez et
al., 2003). While biliteracy education is important for minority learners, it is often found vulnerable to societal–institutional constraints, such as
uniform curriculum and standardized assessment (McCarty, 2002; Schwinge, 2003). Thus, I agree with Vogt et al. (1995) that teachers should be
empowered to participate in collaborative interaction, in order to make informed decisions about pedagogical improvement and challenge the coercive
power relations. Concerning its positive effects, I argue that alternative assessment should be developed to help teachers become more reflective
practitioners... Show more content on ...
According to McCarty (2002), indigenous teachers at Rough Rock engaged in collaborative practice to explore pedagogical possibilities, by critiquing
professional texts and developing new forms of assessment that best fit in their classrooms. Confidently, they reached an agreement that the best judges
of learning processes were teachers and students themselves, rather than outsiders who developed the standardized tests. Further, Begay et al. (1995)
argue that teachers can collect more on–going samplings from portfolio assessment, which cannot be presented by standardized test scores. By
examining children's literacy–in–process, for example, teachers acquire rich qualitative data of students' accomplishments in both Navajo and English
writing practices. Therefore, exploring alternative assessments allow teachers to collectively question the mainstream educational practices and
validate their modification made to the program, such as incorporating local knowledge into curriculum (Begay et al., 1995). As Schwinge (2003)
states, including local knowledge into classroom teaching, thereby enabling students to benefit from bilingual/bicultural knowledge, has been
effectively used in catalyzing curricular adaptions and elaborations. In doing so, teachers act as bottom–up change agents in the process of preparing
students to be successful
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Disadvantages Of Technology In Education
Nowadays, a number of virtual assistants such as Google's Assistant, Amazon's Alexa, IBM Watson and Siri of Apple achieve virtual assistant ubiquity
and extremely impressive piece of engineering by combining established techniques from fields such as voice recognition and natural language
processing. Capabilities generally classified as AI include successfully understanding human speech, competing at a high level in strategic game
systems such as chess and Go, autonomous cars, intelligent routine in content delivery networks, military simulations, and controlling complex data.
More and more a handful of AI is designed more brilliant, efficient and emotional; therefore, people should be fully awareness and take full advantages
of this type of cutting–edge invention because AI is significantly benefitting for society including educations, economies and healthcare systems. To
begin with, it is undoubtable that education arena is always fundamental and inevitable priority of any nations. Educational technology and artificial
intelligence (AI) are natural partners in the development of environments to support human learning. Therefore, applying technology in educations has
been thought about by a large number of experts for many years. People are already able to see evidence that technology is changing the means for
delivering and the definition of education. Designing systems with the characteristics of a rich learning environment is the long–term goal of research in
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How To Be an Active Leaner in a Group Environment
This essay aims to highlight the various ways in which to be an active learner in a group environment, I will be doing this by using different
theories and relevant experiences of both myself and others. It will specifically focus on the Bandura's social learning theory and situated learning
by Lave and Wenger. The essay itself will consist firstly of a Literature review where I will be using third party sources for support, next there will
also be a critical analysis section which will further develop my ideas and allow me to share my own experiences. Lastly there will be a conclusion
which will hopefully draw together the ideas that have been discussed and summarise the critical analysis section. It is so important for us to understand
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There are four major elements of Banduras theory are most relevant this analysis observational learning, reciprocal determinism, self–regulation and
self–efficacy (Bandura, 1997). Observational learning variables consists of the ability of the individual to pay attention, the ability of the individual to
retain the information, the behaviour production which involves adjustment of behaviour to fit the model and finally the motivation the individual
has to behave in a similar way to the model .A model could be another person a book or even a TV programme which means in everyday life we are
quite literally surrounded by potential models that we could if we deemed appropriate imitate and change our behaviour accordingly.
This is theory that you see of and hear of in everyday life often, for example my own cousin Jack who is only six and therefore very easily
influenced had watched a cartoon version of Spiderman and therefore Jack deemed it appropriate to jump of the garden shed. Jack ended up with
many bruises a broken arm and a furious mother. Here Jacks model was the cartoon show, which he paid close attention to finding it amusing, he
retained the information well and he thought it would be a cool thing to do which was his motivation. "natural tendency for humans to imitate what
they see others do" (Bandura,1997) What I think this says in relation to our topic is that people do actively learn as you can see from the above
example and
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Teacher Collaboration Paper
The review of the literature shows that the concept of teacher collaboration is still ambiguous. In a collaborative effort, different stakeholders may be
present or it may be mediated by others while peer collaboration took place among teachers with similar rank. The term 'collaboration' is
interchangeably used with 'collegiality' and 'teaming' when it took place between teachers. Mutual goal and shared understanding are important aspects
of teacher collaboration. The notion refers to the teacher to teacher interaction regarding instructional and curriculum matters, student evaluation,
planning and performing lesson together, and observing peer practice and providing feedback.
Research studies often hymn teacher collaboration as a means ... Show more content on ...
The review of existing literature and all the discussion above provoked the ideas discussed below:
1. The dominance of western research: Studies about teacher collaboration and its impact are mostly found in developed country context specially in
the US. This is probably because in the US recently there is policy urge for team teaching (Ronfeldt, Farmer et al. 2015) which has made it an attractive
and suitable context for such studies. A few project evaluation discuss peer collaboration in developing country context (i.e. Coffey International
Development 2012) but those only looked into the status of peer collaboration within the project capacity. 2. Studies are mostly in a setup environment:
Most of the studies around teacher collaboration took place in set up environments. The natural collaboration among teachers is ignored in the
literature. Although the studies in the US context apparently look like natural but the urge for teaming in the policy has given the field a setup image.
Considering only the setup situation is problematic and contradict with the notion of collegial or peer collaboration. In a setup context, teachers learn in
instructional environments and the sociocultural context goes often unanalysed. For instance Dunne, Nave et al. (2000) conducted their study in a
critical friend group which is pre–planned and organised. Teachers' natural spontaneous interest and complexity of school culture went unanalysed in
this study. It is
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The Importance Of Dyk's Culture
DYK is situated in the middle of Dee Why on the Northern beaches. The centre welcomes families and members of the community to involve
themselves in the lives of the children. This involves working bees, grandparents, fathers and mothers day, family BBQ's as well as introducing the
workforce such as the
Police, Fire fighters and Life Savers and understanding cultural identity such as Indigenous Australian , Japanese, and Brazilian, just to name a few.
The centre is a long day care setting, which operates 52 weeks of the year from 7am to 6:30pm.
This year 2015, is the first year of working with a large group of children as well as 5 other staff members. It has been quite a difficult task as we have
found it hard to communicate our ideas regarding what to do for the week, ideas for children's learning, and exchanging ... Show more content on ...
The concepts of "curriculum and pedagogy begins with an examination of the underlying philosophies theories and principles" (Waniganayake,
Cheeseman, Fenech, Hadley & Shepherd, 2012, p. 98). These concepts help to shape an individuals idea of how they can create an environment that
better suits themselves, their team of workers, the children and their families. Pratt (as cited in Davis, 2015, p. 80) offers to readers that the
importance of developing a culture for equity, positive relationships and community adopts the importance of being valued in any contributions you
make to sustain a collective body of learners. Being a leader is one who works together with their team and achieving their goals as well as promoting
reflection and learning. The meeting that has been organised is to guide educators to "shape and influence what happens in the future" (Waniganayake,
Cheeseman, Fenech, Hadley & Shepherd, 2012, p. 98), by discussing what it means to work together as a team providing alternatives in the way we all
can communicate and develop endless outcomes for children's
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Personal Professional Development Study
This research task is to expand on personal professional development, as it helps to gain a better understanding of the implementation of free–flow play
and the positive impacts it could have on the children, staff and the setting.
This research will help with the gaining of new study skills, knowledge to improve practice and the way things are seen by using academic journals
and books (Sharp, 2009). The gaining of new skills will help in the future as researching skills will become more efficient, saving on time spent
seeking for reliable sources.
The research task will be carried out as an action research project (Hardy and Rönnerman, 2011) as the use of reflection as a tool to support and
develop practice is becoming increasingly ... Show more content on ...
This is where there can be seen to be restrictions to free flow play such as: child gates, activities that don't support all play types or meet all prime areas
of learning. The small group will consist of a mixture of boys and girls that are full time at the nursery and each child will be from a different
keyworker. This is for ethical consideration, as well as making the project as fair as possible.
The proposed population group consists of only three children due to the staff to children ratio of one to four. Due to the room size only three
members of staff can be in one room. Therefore, to have one child to one keyworker to look at child attachment when playing, it will leave the group
with only having three children.
Taking part in the project will also be the members of staff that are situated within the two to three year olds room. Due to being part of the tracking
observation that the children will be situated in but also they will be answer questionnaires, to get their point of view on the
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Betrayal At House On The Hill Board Game Analysis
Analysis Paper
Have you played a board game that develops your learning? Well, you have. All board games have skills that are applicable towards learning. My
friends and I are always trying to learn new strategies, so we can gain the competitive edge in board games. Every Thursday, 6 of the people in my
house gather around a table to play an intense board game. What is the intense game you may be thinking of? The game is Betrayal at House on the
Hill. Betrayal at House on the Hill is a 6–player, turn by turn, tile–based game. Players explore a creepy mansion with their plastic figure. Additionally,
players take turns drawing room tiles to construct the mansion. You are creating a new board game every time you play. While playing the game,
players encounter secrets that ... Show more content on ...
The first topic is situated cognition. Situated Cognition is learning by experience through locations and interactions. In Social Cognition, there is a
pertinent terminology that connects with the board game. The term is enculturation. Enculturation is the process of behaviors instilled from the
surrounding group. The reason why the board game connects to enculturation is that the majority of the players that play Betrayal at House on the Hill
are new. To adapt to the game, there has to be a player who teaches you the game. The player that taught is Gavin. Gavin was the old–timer of the
group because he has experience with the game. Gavin would teach the rest of us, the newcomers. We were newcomers because we have no
experience with the game. Being presented with a new game is not a breeze. On top of that, the game is complicated. There are an abundant amount
of rules, cards, and information players have to keep in mind; the game can become confusing quick. It takes a couple of tries before players get the
grasp of the game. Players learn skills that the old–timer
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Teacher Reflection Essay
Nick is a high school senior who spends the majority of his time preparing for tests. He plans to attend college at Ball State University. Nick believes
that he will be successful with handling money when he moves out of his parents' house because he just received a 100% on his math test. Throughout
the last few months of high school, Nick's teacher attempts to prepare him for the transformation from high school to college. His teacher informs him
that studying for tests within high school may not have prepared him to face the physical world. Specifically, she informs Nick that studying in high
school may be different or more difficult to handle due to specific situations that deal with money throughout life (Handling taxes, bank accounts, work,
etc.). What type of learning is Nick's teacher emphasizing?
Nick's teacher is emphasizing that studying in school is different than what he may face in the real world. This type of learning is called situated
learning and consists of adopting the norms, behaviors, skills, beliefs, language, and attitudes of a specific community. The teacher is encouraging
Nick to think about and prepare for the practices of an outside world. Luckily, Nick is being introduced to this idea before entering the real world so
that he can apply these concepts in an alternative community. When Nick transitions to the college lifestyle, he will be capable of participating in
particular practices and he can use various tools through situated learning. For
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Different Requirements For Sports Coaches
The DMSP model purpose is to identify a pathway for junior sports participants to follow. Therefore, its relevance and importance to sport coaches
who wish to be successful is substantial. This model allows coaches to identify what category their participaints are in, which enables coaches to cater
for individual's specific training needs. The model identifies that there are three possible pathways that can be followed, each of which has varying
characterisitics. The pathways are recreational participation through sampling, elite performance through sampling, and elite performance through early
specialisation (Cote & Fraser–Thomas, 2007). Each of these pathways needs to be understood by sport coaches. As the ideology upon which the DMSP
was constructed dictates coaches must be able to adapt their methods and philosophy to cater for varying stages of development. A representation of the
different requirements for each pathway is exhibited by the varying amount of deliberate play and deliberate pratice implemented throughout each stage
. O'Connor, (2009) states that through the sampling years coaches should be employing a higher level of deliberate play. Baker, Cote, and Abernethy,
(2003) state that deliberate play is vaulble in this context as it develops player perceptions of competence, which Kirk, (2005) links to continued
participation. O'Connor further expands on this notion by identifying that deliberate play aims to maximise enjoyment and creativity, which is
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Power Posing Psychology
Participants who power pose for 2 minutes will have a higher academic specified self–esteem compared to the participants who did not power pose. To
test this, 33 undergraduate Psychology Research Methods students were split into 2 groups. The power posing group were given 5 poses to choose
from and partook in 2 minutes of power posing. The controlled group was asked to wait outside without further instruction and waited 2 minutes. Once
the 2 groups reconvened after the 2 minutes, the participant took an 8 question survey to find out their level of academic specified self–esteem. The
results showed that power posing did not have a significant effect on self– esteem. The study did not take into consideration that past academic
performance ... Show more content on ...
74 healthy participants from New Zealand who could read and write in English were asked to participate in various different tasks. Before starting
the tasks, the participants were randomly assigned to 2 groups. The slumped group who sat on a stool with rounded shoulders, a stooped back, and a
bowed head. The other group was the upright group who sat on a stool with a straight back and shoulders (Nair et al. 2015). While in their positions,
the participants began their tasks. Such as a reading task, where the participant would read basic information aloud for 3 minutes, after the reading
task, the participant did a stress test. The stress test included participants being interviewed for their dream job and asked why they were the best
candidate. The results Nair et al. (2015) discovered was that being in the upright position had a substantial increase in perceived threat, self–esteem,
task persistence, and cardiovascular response. If upright posture and high power poses show a substantial difference in situations such as interviews.
Then performing power poses before partaking in academic activities such as tests or presentations should increase performance and
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Radical Behaviorists Essay
Assignment #1: Radical Behaviorist Critique
EDU501001VA016–1128–001 Learning Theories (K–12)
Instructor: Kelly Walton
November 3, 2012
Describe a learning outcome and a radical behaviorist approach to achieving that outcome
"Learning outcomes are statements that specify what learners will know or be able to do as a result of a learning activity. Outcomes are usually
expressed as knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Learning outcomes should flow from a needs assessment. The needs assessment should determine the gap
between an existing condition and a desired condition. Learning outcomes are statements which described a desired condition – that is, the ... Show
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As far as the sensory experiences, students will play a game that involves all the materials necessary to build an ark. The students will feel all of the
wood, the different animals, the water, and even the dirt to get an understanding of how all of the materials were assembled to build the ark. The
students need to get an understanding of the size of the ark, the amount of animals, and how the actual ark works on the water. In the behaviorist
approach, there is little time given to the experiences of the senses.
Critique the radical behaviorist approach from the perspective of meaningful learning and schema theory.
"Types of learning that Ausubel examined include: reception learning vs. discovery learning and the rote learning processes, such as memorization.
However, to make these types of learning meaningful, three things must occur: The learner must employ a meaningful earning set to any learning task.
The material to be learned must be potentially meaningful. The most important condition for meaningful learning is what learners already know and
how that knowledge relates to what they are asked to learn. ... a schema is a data structure for representing the generic concepts stored in memory. And,
within schema, there are pieces known as schematas
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Bega Cheese Industry Analysis
Bega Cheese product Tasty Sticks are sold nationwide in Australian leading Supermarket such as Coles, Woolworths and selected IGA stores. In total
these Australian Supermarket listed operates over 4,995 stores across Australia–wide which is conveniently available for all shoppers across Australia
(Westfamer, 2018) (Woolworths Group, 2018) (Metcash, 2018). The transportation of the products including Tasty Sticks between the Bega dairy factor
and the supermarket are handled by the transportation company Wettenhalls (Wettenhalls, 2017). Wettenhalls transport has delivered 18 million pallets
for a variety of leading retail, food, beverage and grocery manufacturers in Australia including Bega Cheese products each year who use trucks as the
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College Admissions Essay: My Passion For Learning
Passion is described as a strong emotional attachment or feeling. I would describe my strongest passion as my love for learning. When one thinks of
learning, the first thing to come to mind is school and academic knowledge; however, when I refer to learning I am referring to learning about
everything ranging from school, to athletics, to arts, and even just learning about life. It is my fervor for learning that allows for the strongest
demonstrations of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. A passion for learning has allowed me to exemplify a majority of these great
qualities in a single, simple setting. As a person who is eager to learn about anything he can grasp, when the opportunity came for me to tutor students
who were Syrian ... Show more content on ...
That week I was recruited by the New Dawn Leadership Academy. As a part of the Islamic Association of Raleigh, this was a group of fifteen to
eighteen–year–olds that were assigned with the task of learning how to lead youth, so that one day they actually did so. My intention in joining this
club was to do exactly what was described and more. After my first year in the three–year program, I set my mind to making a significant impact on
both my community and the program. So, during the summer of 2016 I connected with leaders of two large groups, Islamic Relief USA and UMR
(United Muslim Relief), which fundraise for refugees from all around the globe, but mainly Syrian refugees at the time. With their collaboration and
the collaboration of the Islamic Association of Raleigh we were able to host a yearlong clothing drive, which is happening even today, and a
month–long food and money drive every year. This fundraiser still occurs until this day at the Islamic Association of Raleigh. In addition to my
involvement with the mosque, I am involved in the EMT program which requires an intelligent person, but also a dedicated person due to it being after
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Popular Culture And Literacy Summary
Gee, J.P. (2008). Chapter 17: Literacy, video games, and popular culture. In D.R. Olson & N. Torrance (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy
(pp. 313–325). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Gee in this study prioritizes the importance of popular culture and video games as poular culture media characteristic. Gee believes that the goal of
reading instruction instruction has to be more forward–looking than simple decoding and literal comprehension (American Educator, 2003; Chall,
Jacobs, & Baldwin, 1990; Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998). The attention should be targeted towards early reading theough school years and beyond
based on the fact that "trajectory can baseline anything else on the child's being able to handle ever increasingly complex language, especially in the
content areas (e.g., science and math), as school progresses" (Gee, 2004). Importantly, meeting language demands need a degree of readiness that can
be achieved through video and coputer games. In What Video Games Have to Teach Us AboutLearning and Literacy, James Paul Gee discusses the
importance of video games and believs that game designers think about the learning environment by stating" good capitalists that they are...if no one
can learn their games, no one ... Show more content on ...
After reading the book, I reached the conclusion that Gee advocates for the inherent ability of good video games to motivate learning pleasurably and
yet constructively. Additionally, he belives that games can transform contemporary
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What Is Situated Cognition Theory
Situated cognition theory emphasizes the importance of context and interaction in the process of constructing knowledge, it's also that all knowledge is
situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts and that knowing is inseparable from doing. According to Brown, Collins & Duguid,
1989 they propose that learning is naturally tied to an authentic activity and is shaped by context and culture because knowledge is situated in, and is
also an outcome of authentic cultural activities.
Hence, Hennessy (1993) affirms that situated cognition recognizes the important role played by the social and physical aspects of learning
environments. In these environments, students collaborate with one another and their teachers to cultivate a culture of learning within a community of
practitioners. Learning is seen as a process of acculturation brought about by individual participation in socially organized practices through which
specialized local knowledge, rituals, practices and vocabulary are developed in the learner. (Hennessy, 1993).
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Achieving Millennium Development Goal 2
With the goal of achieving Millennium Development Goal 2(MDG–TL, 2014), Timor–Leste is currently working to enhance the quality of education,
particularly in the Ensino Basico (Basic Education) (NESP–Tl, 2011). Responding to these challenges, the Ministry of Education provides professional
training referred to as 'curso intensivo' in order to facilitate pedagogical change in teachers (Shah, 2013). This professional training embraces the
concept of the community of practice because teachers are principally engaged in joint activities to support each other, and to share information on the
subject of knowledge in order to enhance the quality of teaching. Educational Policy in Timor–Leste, The National Educational Strategic Plan
2011–2030, emphasizes that a holistic approach such as communities of practice, is the best way to facilitate pedagogical renewal in Timor–Leste
educational system (NESP–TL, 2011). Wenger, McDermott, and Snyder (2006) acknowledge the benefit of communities of practice by explaining that
each group member's concerns and issues on the practical subject can be mutually addressed through regular interaction.
Accordingly, this chapter will be divided into several sections; firstly, definition of terms. This section will discuss about originality, definition,
characteristics, principles of practice and understanding the communities of practice. Secondly, a brief introduction of the communities of practice in
the pre–independence phase. This section, the
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Essay about Virtual Situated Learning Environment (VSLE)
There is a embarrassment of changes facing society as new interactive communication knowledge accelerates the achievements of economies of depth.
of knowledge holds considerable untapped potential for performance gains". the workplace as being a stable place in a single central location, with
"normal" daily hours confined to 9–5 daylight hours, is being replaced by global organizations (through globally positioned parts of the business,
global outsourcing, and/or global supply chains) and global communication networks (email, global "blogs", diaries, The new global workplace
requires managers factor of production, knowledge, and thus managers "manage" by the consent of the assist the growing number of "knowledge
workers" to handle a large ... Show more content on ...
Despite criticism that the on–line learning environment has the potential to return carefully, the on–line environment it does provide opportunities to
design a learning on designing on–line learning opportunities that are "cheaper" rather than adding value and value–adding on–line learning
opportunities that do more than deliver information to use the on–line learning environment to network, share their tacit knowledge, and engage in
continuous learning, particularly those located in global workplaces. This learning environment to a focus on re–designed management learning
opportunities that opportunities need to cater for the time and place requirements of the global manager. VSLE can be designed to be accessible by all
managers at all times and from all parts
The focus in this section is on how the on–line environment can be used to design designed to complement rather than replaced the F2F learning
environment, and thus our conclusions can only relate to this mixed learning environment. other a practicing manager working as a
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Community Of Practice Essay
To identify the knowledge, attitude and practices of the students towards the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, the theory that will be used in this study is
the Community of Practice Theory.
Community of practice is a theory defined as a process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in a subject or area
work together over an extended period of time, sharing ideas and strategies, determine solutions, and construct innovations (Lave and Wenger, 1998). In
addition, communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or an interest for something they do and learn how to do it better as they
interact frequently. There are three required components of Community of Practice:
First is the domain, COP has a personality defined by a shared domain of interests. It's not just merely a pure interaction, membership implies a
commitment to the domain (Lave and Wenger, 1998). In line with this, the shared domain of the... Show more content on ...
People continuously build their shared identity by means of engaging in and contributing to the practices of the communities (Lave and Wenger, 1998).
However, Community of Practice Theory explains the development of knowledge and membership through a social practice. On the same ground, the
theory is based on four premises. First, humans are social beings. Second, knowledge is situated competence in valued undertakings or their importance
to the assigned task. Third, knowing involves active engagement or their participation and last, learning ultimately produces meanings or their
interpretation in every term (Lave and Wenger, 1998).
To relate this theory in the study, these four premises were replaced by: the respondents' socio–demographic profile and their knowledge, attitude and
practices towards the Animal Welfare Act of
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What Is Contextualising Authentic Assessment
JOY CUMMING, J., & Maxwell, G. S. (1999). Contextualising authentic assessment. Assessment in education: Principles, policy & practice, 6(2),
Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity. Phi delta kappan, 75(3), 200
Contextualising authentic assessment (1999)
In education, the term "authentic assessment" is in the spotlight. As a result, AA is being interpreted in many different ways. AA interpretation and use
is subjective and affected by the various beliefs about learning and how an individual constructs knowledge. This article also suggests the need for AA
to be contextualised through a coherent teaching, learning and assessment domain.
Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity.... Show more content on ...
Very often when I see the word authentic being used, I take for granted that the item has to be of a singular high standard. Now this literature review
has convinced me to appreciate the different ways that authenticity can be interpreted, but at the same time keep at the back of my mind that the
principles behind the criterion should remain.
In the school, well–constructed authentic activities enable deep learning; enhance motivation, engagement and development; and ultimately support
students' achievement of the learning outcomes. It is unfortunate that due to ignorance teachers may know what is a 21st century assignment, but use
20th century methods and rubrics and camouflage it with 21st century context and claim it to be AA. After reading these two articles I can better
identify these loopholes in assessment and hopefully construct my assessment to be truly AA. References
JOY CUMMING, J., & Maxwell, G. S. (1999). Contextualising authentic assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 6(2),
Newmann, F. M., & Archbald, D. A. (1992). The nature of authentic academic achievement. Toward a new science of educational testing and
assessment, 71–83.
Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity. Phi Delta Kappan, 75(3),
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The Importance Of Direct Instruction In Schools

  • 1. The Importance Of Direct Instruction In Schools 21st Century classrooms are diverse in their range of ability cultures and attitudes toward academia, these classrooms however must also be inclusive aiming to achieve equal opportunity for success for all students. Culturally the outline class in a rural NSW setting is primarily focused on two central backgrounds; Indigenous students and Anglo–Saxon students (non–Indigenous). Ability and attitude are vastly different and often given resources all abilities and attitudes will be in one classroom. To achieve maximum potential for all students teaching must provide opportunity for all students to comprehend learning and to have clear role models to develop new attitudes and understandings of academic achievement. Direct Instruction formulates student learning with a focus on structuring learning in linear and cumulative ways, continually checking student understanding throughout learning to ensure maximum retention of information and to ensure equality of learning outcomes for all students. (McMullen & Madelaine, 2014, p. 140) Direct instruction structures learning with focus on demonstrating learning, guiding learning and individual application. While Direct Instruction is a teacher centred highly structured learning environment it ... Show more content on ... Whilst the skill of looking up a definition of a word is a relatively simple activity for high level learners with positive learning attitude, this mixed ability classroom is primarily a low to average ability class, whose instinct would be to complete learning quickly rather than correctly. Using Direct Instruction the teacher is able to control outcomes to ensure the success of all students foreseeing problems and difficulties that may arise during the activity and explain in clear ways how students may overcome these difficulties so that nothing is left to interpretation. (Killen, 2013, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Learning Theory From The Classroom Classroom TPACK–L is UConn revision of an existing framework for teachers' competency with technology that expands Mishra and Koeler's TPACK framework by adding Learning Theory (Slota, Young, Choi, & Lai, 2014). Although the TPACK framework on which it is based proposed the way to understand how to integrate technology in the classroom as a unique body of knowledge, technology integration practice is, more often than not, thought of as a set of pedagogical skills or strategies to simply utilize technology in pursuit of effective instruction. Given the omission of learning theory from the teacher competency framework, it might mislead us to understand teacher competencies as merely a skill–based knowledge (i.e., teaching as a straightforward enterprise). Yet, teaching is a complex intellectual work necessary to have a solidunderstanding of the foundational theories and knowledge about learning that drives effective instruction (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). Furthermore, without understanding the learning theory that underlay a particular innovation of a technology–supported instruction (e.g., Papert's Logo, CTGV's Jasper Woodbury videodisc series, educational games/simulations like Quest Atlantis or River City Project), teachers' technology integration can cause fatal mutations of the implementation, which means that their practices may end up with being in opposition to the theory behind the designed program, not doing what researchers intended. The TPACK–L framework responds ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Situated Cognition Situated cognition is "the notion of learning knowledge and skills in contexts that reflect the way they will be used in real life" (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989). A close relative of cognitive apprenticeship and constructivism, this concept encourages educators to construct an environment that mimics as closely as possible the setting in which their instruction will actually be put to use. Whereas cognition and the situation it was learned in had historically been considered separate entities, they are now thought to be indivisible from one anther. When students get feedback from within their learning setting, an improved learning experience occurs. When provided the opportunity and framework for feedback and revision, the ... Show more content on ... Technology tools provide "the means through which individuals engage and manipulate both resources and their own ideas" (Hannafin, Land, & Oliver, 1999, p. 128). The four broad principles of learning, that it occurs in context, is active, is social and is reflective, offer a framework for how technology can support instruction (Driscoll, 2002). Therefore, interactive multimedia has clear possibilities for producing rich learning environments which the student can explore at will (Marra and Jonassen, 1993). Technology can facilitate learning by providing real world contexts that engage learners in solving complex problems. For example, SimCity teaches learners how to build and manage aspects of a city, and with the Voyage of Mimi, students can explore sea life and solve problems while learning about whales (Driscoll, 2002). The use of multimedia is quite beneficial to getting learners mentally involved in learning activities, generating connections between what they already know and what they are being asked to learn, and constructing meaning from their experiences. Of course, technology by itself does not guarantee learning. Rather, understanding principles of learning, using the technological tools available and applying the theories of situational cognition are a good way to begin. Getting learners mentally involved in their own learning activities and generating connections between what ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Museum Reflection Paper I visited the Madison Children's Museum near the Capitol on campus, where I explored its many different interactive exhibits. The museum consisted of an art studio where individuals could create whatever they wanted with recycled materials, an electronic station with many different machines to experiment with, and large playgrounds with slides and swings. It encourages children and adults to learn through playing with and in their environment, having fun, and interacting with peers. This museum is an informal learning space because it is self–directed in the way that individuals are able choose which area of the museum to focus their attention on and explore however they want instead of someone else controlling their learning. It is also voluntary because people of all ages are able to visit if they choose to, and no one is forcing their attendance. Next, it is an inquiry–driven space because it allows children and adults to answer their own individual questions by exploring and interacting, and it inspires new questions to be asked instead of having a pre–conceived set of questions needing to be answered. Finally, the Madison Children's Museum is open–ended because everyone in attendance was able to have different reasons for visiting and different goals to achieve while there; there was not a specific shared motive for everyone to be there. The purpose of this space is to inspire children and adults to learn through play, which, as we learned in class, is a very ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Valor Primary: Diverse Range Of Cultural Differences Lalor Primary, is situated in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. Currently the school has a population of 300 students. The students and families come from a wide geographic area and come from 22 different cultural backgrounds, with 10% of students with a language background other than English. The school community represents a diverse range of socio–economic, cultural, religious and language backgrounds. Therefore curriculum provisions have been specifically designed to meet the wide variation of needs of all students. The majority of parents are very interested in their children's education and supportive of their work however; due to their own limited education many lack the ability or confidence to assist their children with schoolwork. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Stuyvesant Spectator: Student Analysis As a student growing up in New York City, I have been able to embrace the diversity around me. One of my best experiences during my pre –college years was when I was an Opinions writer for the Stuyvesant Spectator. As an Opinions writer, I communicated with fellow students, teachers and members of the surrounding community. Whether through interviews, surveys or outreach with more established publications, I was able to enjoy and participate in a well–rounded education. Throughout my academic career, I have always attempted to involve myself in a more active learning experience. Unfortunately, this isn't simply about extracurriculars. As a student situated in Ithaca, I find that I'm unable to find such a fulfilling experience. During my undergraduate ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Analyzing The Statement, Learning And Cognition Are... Sittig Final Fall 2016 1. I believe the statement, learning and cognition are fundamentally situated means that acquiring knowledge and achieving meaningful learning is accomplished by applying new concepts in authentic situations. Authentic situations are every day, real–world situations that are of interest to students. It is learning that is relevant and immerses students in solving problems by participating in activities that will help them transfer knowledge gained to new situations. This type of learning helps students to be self–motivated, take control of their own learning, and begin to pose further questions. This directly pertains to inquiry learning. As a librarian, we can situate cognitive learning by creating opportunities for students. By taking a broad concept and helping students explore and connect its effect on their personal lives creates authentic situations. Librarians should collaborate with teachers and create these learning opportunities. We can provide resources and materials that help students explore their talents, interests, and abilities. We can also help students expand their learning in the classroom by helping them further explore topics according to their learning styles and interest. It is our responsibility to provide students with resources and materials that reach beyond the school walls that encourage learning and doing. This was mentioned by Ken Robinson in two of his Ted Talks. He spoke of how schools are killing creativity and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Stem Learning Systems That I Have Found Into Learning... STEM learning system that I have found in learning ecosystem in my school is really effective. It is based on harnessing different participation of educators, along with families' studies, businesses, policy developers, science and research institutions, as well as higher education departments. This way a robust vision is created for STEM learning processes. In Khobar, STEM learning ecosystem is concerned with dynamic contribution in between schools. Moreover I have observed that STEM institutions are established in which many experts are giving their excellent performances. Most of the private sectors are also applying STEM learning system that is creating the learning system more effective and great for generations ( Most of the leaders work collectively and it is matter of consideration that these leaders typically understand that the community is suffering from numerous challenges that could only be controlled by creating an effective STEM learning environment. In many cases it has been observed that pin points gaps are required to be measured effectively these are all those means which typically generates the great system of work. More over in order to access the impacts of STEM learning environment we can understand the school working system to wider extent. In Khobar most of the learning institutions are based on effective education system that comprises of different dimension of study. Khobar school systems are associated with range of subjects ... Get more on ...
  • 9. A New Revised Framework For Teachers ' Competency With... TPACK–L is a new revised framework for teachers' competency with technology that expands Mishra and Koeler's TPACK framework by adding Learning Theory (Slota, Young, Choi, & Lai, 2014). Although the TPACK framework proposed the way to understand how to integrate technology in the classroom as a unique body of knowledge, technology integration practice is, more often than not, thought of as a set of pedagogical skills or strategies to simply utilize technology in pursuit of effective instruction. Given the omission of learning theory from the teacher competency framework, it thus may lead us to understand teacher competencies as merely a skill–based knowledge (i.e., teaching as a straightforward enterprise). Yet, teaching is a complex intellectual work necessary to have a solid understanding of the foundational theories and knowledge about learning that drives effective instruction (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). As such, a solid understanding of learning theory should be considered as arguably the most critical professional knowledge that teachers should have. The TPACK–L framework responds to the lack of explicit attention to learning theory in our teaching practice. From this new framework, it is appeared that effective instruction with technology can be occurred through seamlessly interlocking these four components, technological, pedagogical, content knowledge and a sound understanding of learning theory. In a nutshell, the wise technology integration is an ability to hit the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Reflective Account On Decision Making In Nursing Within this experience, I was incorporating my knowledge of self and aware of the need to work within my own level of competence. Given my lack of experience regarding the skill presented, I decided that it would not be appropriate to perform such a skill in the given environment without my instructor. Benner (1982) describes the levels of proficiency from novice to expert and the differences between each level. Most notably, the method in which to travel from novice to expert is experience, gathered from both theory and actual practical situations. While in this practice setting, while I had the theory, I lacked the actual practical situations in order to have the experience to feel comfortable performing the skill. Decision making also ... Show more content on ... Decision making addresses the complexity and multidimensional nature related to individual experience and guides novice nurses in developing knowledge, skill, and confidence (Gillespi & Peterson, 2009). Critical thinking is essential in order for nurses to ensure the safety and positive care for patients and enhances the general experience for both the nurse and patient (Robert & Petersen, 2013). These processes are essential to the requirements of nurses to be professional, ethical, and provide safe and competent care as outlined in the CRNBC Professional Standards of Nursing Practice (2012) and the CNA Code of Ethics (2008). In my experience, I used context, including the lack of context, my intuition, and judgement in order to make the most informed decision within the context of this situation in regards to client care and my own learning. By deconstructing this experience using the situated clinical decision making model, I am able to understand all the factors that influenced my decision as well as the factors that were not considered at the time, and I am able to understand and articulate my decision and the implications that the decision ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Reading Behavior Analysis Subsequent to reflecting and inquiring about my behaviors on Reading, I now understand that building great reading habits does not need to be troublesome. An essential piece of building another propensity is staying consistent. Therefore, when I begin another habit, for example, reading, I discovered it ought to be easy to the point that you can't say no to it. Knowing this, I have set 3 objectives for myself to guarantee my reading behavior disappointments are a relic of past times. In the first place, I have to set a day by day time to read and keep a book or article helpful. Second, since I have access audiobooks, I can hear them out in the car or from my iPad in this way advancing my reading objective. Ultimately, making and environment that is helpful for reading will be useful, for example, limiting diversions and commotions, for... Show more content on ... Thusly on the off chance that I can get a couple of minutes I can have that ready to read. I will have a day by day objective to read no less than fifteen minutes a day on a point that I discover intriguing and clever. Given my home calendar I ought to have a couple set times amid consistently when I can read for no less than 5–10 minutes. For instance, I can make it a point to read amid lunch time and get the children included with the point. Learning Ally is an asset I don't utilize all the time. Through this course, I had needed to read numerous books and through Learning Ally I had the capacity to discover an extra time when I thought there was none. Taking a glance at the squandered time as the day progressed, I found there were numerous missed chances to read or have something read to me through the Learning Ally that my school provides. This system has an enormous number of books online that are allowed to be downloaded to supported devices such as Ipads, computers, and other electronic ... Get more on ...
  • 12. What Is Dewey And Vygotsky's Model Of Cognitive Development Dewey (1959) sees experience and education as being dialectically connected. Hence, to Dewey, the experiences that the teacher designs and creates in the classroom, e.g. tools, activities or the environment, have an impact on students' learning. The experiences must be relevant, authentic and meaningful to the students for effective learning to take place. Besides individuals' experiences, Dewey gives space for social experiences as well. He believes that students' interactions with others and the environment are crucial factors contributing to their learning. Dewey's belief is further extended by Vygotsky's (1978) model ofZone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Vygotsky believed that collaboration with others helps one to complete tasks that one could not have done without assistance from and collaboration with others. The ZDP is the level at which learning takes place. It comprises cognitive structures that are still in ... Show more content on ... Social constructivists view the critical importance of interaction with people in cognitive development. Cognitivists view learning as occurring in the internal structure, of mental processing of information, independent of the environment. Learning occurs when learners can socially build, share, co–construct and apply knowledge.Learning occurs when information is transmitted through and processed in a student's mind (information processor) to memory. Knowledge can be transmitted and students learn by passively absorbing knowledge. Expert knowledge is de–emphasized. Everyone is entitled to constructing knowledge according to his/her own experience.The development of an expert requires one to employ optimal learning that is appropriate for that domain. Experts have extensive knowledge which allows them to perceive large meaningful patterns, see and represent a problem at a deeper ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Community Of Practice Study Since being identified as a model trough which knowledge where developed, held, transferred, created, and shared (brown and Duguid, 1991; Lave and Wenger, 1991, Wenger, 1998), the communities of practice approach has become increasingly significant within educational management and practice, internal and external education organizations, and public and private sectors across the world. The community of practice is originally developed by the two anthropologists Jane Lave and Etienne Wenger in a study of situated learning of five apprenticeships: Yucates midwives, Vai and Gola tailors, naval quartermasters, meat cutters, and non–drinking alcoholic. rentichicps hat is currently being used to gauge and facilitate knowledge transfer in a range ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay about Worldviews Introduction: In this essay, I will critically discuss the statement of worldviews is essential for critical thinking in terms of learning at university. I will use my own experiences, Northedge, Bizzell, Hobson and Weston's readings, as well as Veitch, Christensen and Thompson's lectures to support my thesis and main points, in terms of my life and experiences learning at university in a diverse culture. The thesis of my essay is we, as students, need to have our own worldview and learn to gain knowledge through our life experiences within the culture, as well as deeply engage and assimilate with the knowledge or things we learn at university, by applying critical thinking to recognise our situatedness as academic within the ... Show more content on ... People, who have different worldview and background from particular culture, move to a new country with different worldview and culture, known as academic; they typically have common issue in communicating and studying with the other people, who have academic worldviews. As a result, they are experiencing the cultural differences. Thiele (2010) has mentioned in her lecture in TLC120 that "a way of seeing, is also a way of not seeing" (Thiele, 2010). She explains that the way people see the world do not mean that we can see the other way of the world. As a result, we often could not see the world clearly because everyone has different ways of seeing the world, due to the cross–cultural interaction and changes (Thiele, 2010). She also describes her experiences in teaching some Japanese students who faced the cross–cultural differences studying at university. Especially the way of communicating and study habit are entirely different to their academic worldview in Japan, compare to Australian's academic culture. Thiele (2010) has pointed out that university students in Australia have to read and understand the reading ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Should Backpacks Be Allowed In Class In order to increase productivity and learning time in school, administrators should allow students to carry backpacks to their classes. As a result of bringing backpacks to class, students will come to class prepared and organized, with no reason to return to their locker. Often times students forget their supplies and must utilize class time to retrieve the forgotten materials. With backpacks, students will already have their materials with them, eliminating the need to waste class time. Another advantage of allowing backpacks in class is that it will give students plenty of time to use the restroom between classes as opposed to during lecture time. High schools are notoriously larger than middle and elementary schools, therefore the five–minutes ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Home Factors Affecting Number Skills Development Home factors may affect number skills development. Activities that are encouraged at home by a parent or carer to develop numeracy skills will greatly help a child. Fun counting games and using resources that are visual to a child will help them with number recognition and numeracy development. Schools and homes are situated in communities where economic wealth, income and commodities are distributed differently. These factors have a detrimental effect on society and classes and impact on education and the development and improvement of the child. Resources may be outstanding in some areas but poor in others. A good home–school connection is vital for the development of number skills and as well for the whole educational development of a child. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Meaningful Learning Introduction Human learning is a complex and dynamic process such that there is no one definitive definition of learning; yet, there is a shared definitional assumption that learning is "a long–term change in mental representations or associations as a result of experience" (Ormrod, 2012, p. 4). That is to say, learning can be defined by the description of how human experience takes place (Shuell, 1986). In this regard, I view that human experience takes place through the interaction between individuals and environmental factors. By such dynamic interactions humans create their own experiences in such a way that interprets the world based on the personal representation, not acquires from the world. As for this personal interpretation, I ... Show more content on ... In sociocultural theory, learning does not take place only within an individual; rather, it does take place within the social context where is in the nature of collaborations. In this regard, meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social activities. Learning as constructing an active knowledge In the previous chapter, I addressed my belief about the nature of learning as the underlying pedagogical philosophy. Again, learning is a social process by which interacts with others and the world; hence, social and cultural environments play a pivotal role in knowledge construction. In this chapter, I would like to express the idea of how human cognition works, since my conception of learning is fundamentally centered on mental activities that create and construct knowledge by dynamic integrations with the world. Prior to describing my view of how human cognition works, I ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Personal Narrative: Guinea In Guinea, there are too many peoples and languages and cultures to name here. It is a massive region which spans to several thousand miles of coast in Western Africa, from the fringes of the Sahara to the southern ocean. It is here where the business of capturing slaves for their transportation to the new world is completed. The Niger river winds northeast into the continent for thousands of miles, and in the vast river basin from which its might is drawn is situated the kingdom of Tonga which reaches from the coast to an indefinite boundary inland, the extent of which is not known I believe to any one man. In the interior of the kingdom, our rule is nominal, tributorial. So, no repercussions were felt by our people as a result of this subjection, ... Show more content on ... I had long awaited the process and healing, my father being an expert with the knife. In the carefree vein of children, playing wistfully along the edge of a great precipice, my sister and I noticed a particular route we could take that found its way through the jungle excellently In the early summer of my fifteenth year my sister and I happened upon the edge of the forest. Knowing the dense forest led miles away from either our farms or houses, down the gorge cut by our stream and into a grove of baobab and kaer trees. There was a roaring waterfall past the edge of the visible and off to our left, and resolving to reach it we clambered high and low, veering too far away from the falls and finding ourselves dropping down, alas, on lower ground in a large ovular clearing well away from the top of the falls and, we knew, toward the neighboring village. In the afternoon sun we strode, curiosity on our heels, across its broad orange emptiness toward the footpath which beckoned on the other side underneath primordial clumps of vegetation. Normally when a completely random kidnapping is effected on one of our member, it is attempted within the village, and we are able to sound an alert in time to save the potetnial ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Lisa Fiore Use Of Authentic Assessment Essay The use of authentic assessments, with its focused on supporting diverse students, can help influence and move all educational stakeholders (students, families, teachers, and school administrators) towards a more holistic approach to evaluation. Today, standardized testing, I believe, ignores the richness and value that students and families bring to the classroom. Also, current testing constrains educator's pedagogical practices with the curriculum that limit seeing other alternative. Early childhood researcher Lisa Fiore (2012) argues, and I agree, it is important for teachers to have children and families feel welcomed in the classroom. In fact, through my experience in education I have witness first hand the positive influence of home visits, season academic theme nights about content/curriculum, fun/extracurricular family nights and weekly parent ... Show more content on ... Fiore argues today's assessments are situated where student's "learning styles, languages, temperaments, and identities are viewed as potential obstacles to successful assessment scores and ratings" (p. 128). In other words, instead of celebrating and working with what students bring to the classroom, educators today are asked to forget or dismiss some of the skills students bring to the classroom. Consequently, Fiore shares that authentic assessment allows transformative education to happen, where there is a combining of worlds between school and family/students or opposition groups to create one of coexistence. I recognize the challenge that exists for educators to move towards a more transformative authentic assessment because of high–stakes accountability. Yet, I believe the use of authentic assessment–collaborated with student's family participation, background, and knowledge–can help educator's move away from a deficit–thinking ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Improving Literacy Assessment All literacy events are culturally created and situated, so they inherently convey significant cultural knowledge and shape cultural identity (PГ©rez et al., 2003). While biliteracy education is important for minority learners, it is often found vulnerable to societal–institutional constraints, such as uniform curriculum and standardized assessment (McCarty, 2002; Schwinge, 2003). Thus, I agree with Vogt et al. (1995) that teachers should be empowered to participate in collaborative interaction, in order to make informed decisions about pedagogical improvement and challenge the coercive power relations. Concerning its positive effects, I argue that alternative assessment should be developed to help teachers become more reflective practitioners... Show more content on ... According to McCarty (2002), indigenous teachers at Rough Rock engaged in collaborative practice to explore pedagogical possibilities, by critiquing professional texts and developing new forms of assessment that best fit in their classrooms. Confidently, they reached an agreement that the best judges of learning processes were teachers and students themselves, rather than outsiders who developed the standardized tests. Further, Begay et al. (1995) argue that teachers can collect more on–going samplings from portfolio assessment, which cannot be presented by standardized test scores. By examining children's literacy–in–process, for example, teachers acquire rich qualitative data of students' accomplishments in both Navajo and English writing practices. Therefore, exploring alternative assessments allow teachers to collectively question the mainstream educational practices and validate their modification made to the program, such as incorporating local knowledge into curriculum (Begay et al., 1995). As Schwinge (2003) states, including local knowledge into classroom teaching, thereby enabling students to benefit from bilingual/bicultural knowledge, has been effectively used in catalyzing curricular adaptions and elaborations. In doing so, teachers act as bottom–up change agents in the process of preparing students to be successful ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Disadvantages Of Technology In Education Nowadays, a number of virtual assistants such as Google's Assistant, Amazon's Alexa, IBM Watson and Siri of Apple achieve virtual assistant ubiquity and extremely impressive piece of engineering by combining established techniques from fields such as voice recognition and natural language processing. Capabilities generally classified as AI include successfully understanding human speech, competing at a high level in strategic game systems such as chess and Go, autonomous cars, intelligent routine in content delivery networks, military simulations, and controlling complex data. More and more a handful of AI is designed more brilliant, efficient and emotional; therefore, people should be fully awareness and take full advantages of this type of cutting–edge invention because AI is significantly benefitting for society including educations, economies and healthcare systems. To begin with, it is undoubtable that education arena is always fundamental and inevitable priority of any nations. Educational technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are natural partners in the development of environments to support human learning. Therefore, applying technology in educations has been thought about by a large number of experts for many years. People are already able to see evidence that technology is changing the means for delivering and the definition of education. Designing systems with the characteristics of a rich learning environment is the long–term goal of research in ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How To Be an Active Leaner in a Group Environment This essay aims to highlight the various ways in which to be an active learner in a group environment, I will be doing this by using different theories and relevant experiences of both myself and others. It will specifically focus on the Bandura's social learning theory and situated learning by Lave and Wenger. The essay itself will consist firstly of a Literature review where I will be using third party sources for support, next there will also be a critical analysis section which will further develop my ideas and allow me to share my own experiences. Lastly there will be a conclusion which will hopefully draw together the ideas that have been discussed and summarise the critical analysis section. It is so important for us to understand ... Show more content on ... There are four major elements of Banduras theory are most relevant this analysis observational learning, reciprocal determinism, self–regulation and self–efficacy (Bandura, 1997). Observational learning variables consists of the ability of the individual to pay attention, the ability of the individual to retain the information, the behaviour production which involves adjustment of behaviour to fit the model and finally the motivation the individual has to behave in a similar way to the model .A model could be another person a book or even a TV programme which means in everyday life we are quite literally surrounded by potential models that we could if we deemed appropriate imitate and change our behaviour accordingly. This is theory that you see of and hear of in everyday life often, for example my own cousin Jack who is only six and therefore very easily influenced had watched a cartoon version of Spiderman and therefore Jack deemed it appropriate to jump of the garden shed. Jack ended up with many bruises a broken arm and a furious mother. Here Jacks model was the cartoon show, which he paid close attention to finding it amusing, he retained the information well and he thought it would be a cool thing to do which was his motivation. "natural tendency for humans to imitate what they see others do" (Bandura,1997) What I think this says in relation to our topic is that people do actively learn as you can see from the above example and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Teacher Collaboration Paper The review of the literature shows that the concept of teacher collaboration is still ambiguous. In a collaborative effort, different stakeholders may be present or it may be mediated by others while peer collaboration took place among teachers with similar rank. The term 'collaboration' is interchangeably used with 'collegiality' and 'teaming' when it took place between teachers. Mutual goal and shared understanding are important aspects of teacher collaboration. The notion refers to the teacher to teacher interaction regarding instructional and curriculum matters, student evaluation, planning and performing lesson together, and observing peer practice and providing feedback. Research studies often hymn teacher collaboration as a means ... Show more content on ... The review of existing literature and all the discussion above provoked the ideas discussed below: 1. The dominance of western research: Studies about teacher collaboration and its impact are mostly found in developed country context specially in the US. This is probably because in the US recently there is policy urge for team teaching (Ronfeldt, Farmer et al. 2015) which has made it an attractive and suitable context for such studies. A few project evaluation discuss peer collaboration in developing country context (i.e. Coffey International Development 2012) but those only looked into the status of peer collaboration within the project capacity. 2. Studies are mostly in a setup environment: Most of the studies around teacher collaboration took place in set up environments. The natural collaboration among teachers is ignored in the literature. Although the studies in the US context apparently look like natural but the urge for teaming in the policy has given the field a setup image. Considering only the setup situation is problematic and contradict with the notion of collegial or peer collaboration. In a setup context, teachers learn in instructional environments and the sociocultural context goes often unanalysed. For instance Dunne, Nave et al. (2000) conducted their study in a critical friend group which is pre–planned and organised. Teachers' natural spontaneous interest and complexity of school culture went unanalysed in this study. It is ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Importance Of Dyk's Culture DYK is situated in the middle of Dee Why on the Northern beaches. The centre welcomes families and members of the community to involve themselves in the lives of the children. This involves working bees, grandparents, fathers and mothers day, family BBQ's as well as introducing the workforce such as the Police, Fire fighters and Life Savers and understanding cultural identity such as Indigenous Australian , Japanese, and Brazilian, just to name a few. The centre is a long day care setting, which operates 52 weeks of the year from 7am to 6:30pm. This year 2015, is the first year of working with a large group of children as well as 5 other staff members. It has been quite a difficult task as we have found it hard to communicate our ideas regarding what to do for the week, ideas for children's learning, and exchanging ... Show more content on ... The concepts of "curriculum and pedagogy begins with an examination of the underlying philosophies theories and principles" (Waniganayake, Cheeseman, Fenech, Hadley & Shepherd, 2012, p. 98). These concepts help to shape an individuals idea of how they can create an environment that better suits themselves, their team of workers, the children and their families. Pratt (as cited in Davis, 2015, p. 80) offers to readers that the importance of developing a culture for equity, positive relationships and community adopts the importance of being valued in any contributions you make to sustain a collective body of learners. Being a leader is one who works together with their team and achieving their goals as well as promoting reflection and learning. The meeting that has been organised is to guide educators to "shape and influence what happens in the future" (Waniganayake, Cheeseman, Fenech, Hadley & Shepherd, 2012, p. 98), by discussing what it means to work together as a team providing alternatives in the way we all can communicate and develop endless outcomes for children's ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Personal Professional Development Study Rationale This research task is to expand on personal professional development, as it helps to gain a better understanding of the implementation of free–flow play and the positive impacts it could have on the children, staff and the setting. This research will help with the gaining of new study skills, knowledge to improve practice and the way things are seen by using academic journals and books (Sharp, 2009). The gaining of new skills will help in the future as researching skills will become more efficient, saving on time spent seeking for reliable sources. The research task will be carried out as an action research project (Hardy and RГ¶nnerman, 2011) as the use of reflection as a tool to support and develop practice is becoming increasingly ... Show more content on ... This is where there can be seen to be restrictions to free flow play such as: child gates, activities that don't support all play types or meet all prime areas of learning. The small group will consist of a mixture of boys and girls that are full time at the nursery and each child will be from a different keyworker. This is for ethical consideration, as well as making the project as fair as possible. The proposed population group consists of only three children due to the staff to children ratio of one to four. Due to the room size only three members of staff can be in one room. Therefore, to have one child to one keyworker to look at child attachment when playing, it will leave the group with only having three children. Taking part in the project will also be the members of staff that are situated within the two to three year olds room. Due to being part of the tracking observation that the children will be situated in but also they will be answer questionnaires, to get their point of view on the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Betrayal At House On The Hill Board Game Analysis Analysis Paper Have you played a board game that develops your learning? Well, you have. All board games have skills that are applicable towards learning. My friends and I are always trying to learn new strategies, so we can gain the competitive edge in board games. Every Thursday, 6 of the people in my house gather around a table to play an intense board game. What is the intense game you may be thinking of? The game is Betrayal at House on the Hill. Betrayal at House on the Hill is a 6–player, turn by turn, tile–based game. Players explore a creepy mansion with their plastic figure. Additionally, players take turns drawing room tiles to construct the mansion. You are creating a new board game every time you play. While playing the game, players encounter secrets that ... Show more content on ... The first topic is situated cognition. Situated Cognition is learning by experience through locations and interactions. In Social Cognition, there is a pertinent terminology that connects with the board game. The term is enculturation. Enculturation is the process of behaviors instilled from the surrounding group. The reason why the board game connects to enculturation is that the majority of the players that play Betrayal at House on the Hill are new. To adapt to the game, there has to be a player who teaches you the game. The player that taught is Gavin. Gavin was the old–timer of the group because he has experience with the game. Gavin would teach the rest of us, the newcomers. We were newcomers because we have no experience with the game. Being presented with a new game is not a breeze. On top of that, the game is complicated. There are an abundant amount of rules, cards, and information players have to keep in mind; the game can become confusing quick. It takes a couple of tries before players get the grasp of the game. Players learn skills that the old–timer ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Teacher Reflection Essay Nick is a high school senior who spends the majority of his time preparing for tests. He plans to attend college at Ball State University. Nick believes that he will be successful with handling money when he moves out of his parents' house because he just received a 100% on his math test. Throughout the last few months of high school, Nick's teacher attempts to prepare him for the transformation from high school to college. His teacher informs him that studying for tests within high school may not have prepared him to face the physical world. Specifically, she informs Nick that studying in high school may be different or more difficult to handle due to specific situations that deal with money throughout life (Handling taxes, bank accounts, work, etc.). What type of learning is Nick's teacher emphasizing? Nick's teacher is emphasizing that studying in school is different than what he may face in the real world. This type of learning is called situated learning and consists of adopting the norms, behaviors, skills, beliefs, language, and attitudes of a specific community. The teacher is encouraging Nick to think about and prepare for the practices of an outside world. Luckily, Nick is being introduced to this idea before entering the real world so that he can apply these concepts in an alternative community. When Nick transitions to the college lifestyle, he will be capable of participating in particular practices and he can use various tools through situated learning. For ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Different Requirements For Sports Coaches The DMSP model purpose is to identify a pathway for junior sports participants to follow. Therefore, its relevance and importance to sport coaches who wish to be successful is substantial. This model allows coaches to identify what category their participaints are in, which enables coaches to cater for individual's specific training needs. The model identifies that there are three possible pathways that can be followed, each of which has varying characterisitics. The pathways are recreational participation through sampling, elite performance through sampling, and elite performance through early specialisation (Cote & Fraser–Thomas, 2007). Each of these pathways needs to be understood by sport coaches. As the ideology upon which the DMSP was constructed dictates coaches must be able to adapt their methods and philosophy to cater for varying stages of development. A representation of the different requirements for each pathway is exhibited by the varying amount of deliberate play and deliberate pratice implemented throughout each stage . O'Connor, (2009) states that through the sampling years coaches should be employing a higher level of deliberate play. Baker, Cote, and Abernethy, (2003) state that deliberate play is vaulble in this context as it develops player perceptions of competence, which Kirk, (2005) links to continued participation. O'Connor further expands on this notion by identifying that deliberate play aims to maximise enjoyment and creativity, which is ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Power Posing Psychology Participants who power pose for 2 minutes will have a higher academic specified self–esteem compared to the participants who did not power pose. To test this, 33 undergraduate Psychology Research Methods students were split into 2 groups. The power posing group were given 5 poses to choose from and partook in 2 minutes of power posing. The controlled group was asked to wait outside without further instruction and waited 2 minutes. Once the 2 groups reconvened after the 2 minutes, the participant took an 8 question survey to find out their level of academic specified self–esteem. The results showed that power posing did not have a significant effect on self– esteem. The study did not take into consideration that past academic performance ... Show more content on ... 74 healthy participants from New Zealand who could read and write in English were asked to participate in various different tasks. Before starting the tasks, the participants were randomly assigned to 2 groups. The slumped group who sat on a stool with rounded shoulders, a stooped back, and a bowed head. The other group was the upright group who sat on a stool with a straight back and shoulders (Nair et al. 2015). While in their positions, the participants began their tasks. Such as a reading task, where the participant would read basic information aloud for 3 minutes, after the reading task, the participant did a stress test. The stress test included participants being interviewed for their dream job and asked why they were the best candidate. The results Nair et al. (2015) discovered was that being in the upright position had a substantial increase in perceived threat, self–esteem, task persistence, and cardiovascular response. If upright posture and high power poses show a substantial difference in situations such as interviews. Then performing power poses before partaking in academic activities such as tests or presentations should increase performance and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Radical Behaviorists Essay Assignment #1: Radical Behaviorist Critique EDU501001VA016–1128–001 Learning Theories (K–12) Instructor: Kelly Walton November 3, 2012 Describe a learning outcome and a radical behaviorist approach to achieving that outcome "Learning outcomes are statements that specify what learners will know or be able to do as a result of a learning activity. Outcomes are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Learning outcomes should flow from a needs assessment. The needs assessment should determine the gap between an existing condition and a desired condition. Learning outcomes are statements which described a desired condition – that is, the ... Show more content on ... As far as the sensory experiences, students will play a game that involves all the materials necessary to build an ark. The students will feel all of the wood, the different animals, the water, and even the dirt to get an understanding of how all of the materials were assembled to build the ark. The students need to get an understanding of the size of the ark, the amount of animals, and how the actual ark works on the water. In the behaviorist approach, there is little time given to the experiences of the senses. Critique the radical behaviorist approach from the perspective of meaningful learning and schema theory. "Types of learning that Ausubel examined include: reception learning vs. discovery learning and the rote learning processes, such as memorization. However, to make these types of learning meaningful, three things must occur: The learner must employ a meaningful earning set to any learning task. The material to be learned must be potentially meaningful. The most important condition for meaningful learning is what learners already know and how that knowledge relates to what they are asked to learn. ... a schema is a data structure for representing the generic concepts stored in memory. And, within schema, there are pieces known as schematas
  • 31. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Bega Cheese Industry Analysis Bega Cheese product Tasty Sticks are sold nationwide in Australian leading Supermarket such as Coles, Woolworths and selected IGA stores. In total these Australian Supermarket listed operates over 4,995 stores across Australia–wide which is conveniently available for all shoppers across Australia (Westfamer, 2018) (Woolworths Group, 2018) (Metcash, 2018). The transportation of the products including Tasty Sticks between the Bega dairy factor and the supermarket are handled by the transportation company Wettenhalls (Wettenhalls, 2017). Wettenhalls transport has delivered 18 million pallets for a variety of leading retail, food, beverage and grocery manufacturers in Australia including Bega Cheese products each year who use trucks as the mode ... Get more on ...
  • 33. College Admissions Essay: My Passion For Learning Passion is described as a strong emotional attachment or feeling. I would describe my strongest passion as my love for learning. When one thinks of learning, the first thing to come to mind is school and academic knowledge; however, when I refer to learning I am referring to learning about everything ranging from school, to athletics, to arts, and even just learning about life. It is my fervor for learning that allows for the strongest demonstrations of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. A passion for learning has allowed me to exemplify a majority of these great qualities in a single, simple setting. As a person who is eager to learn about anything he can grasp, when the opportunity came for me to tutor students who were Syrian ... Show more content on ... That week I was recruited by the New Dawn Leadership Academy. As a part of the Islamic Association of Raleigh, this was a group of fifteen to eighteen–year–olds that were assigned with the task of learning how to lead youth, so that one day they actually did so. My intention in joining this club was to do exactly what was described and more. After my first year in the three–year program, I set my mind to making a significant impact on both my community and the program. So, during the summer of 2016 I connected with leaders of two large groups, Islamic Relief USA and UMR (United Muslim Relief), which fundraise for refugees from all around the globe, but mainly Syrian refugees at the time. With their collaboration and the collaboration of the Islamic Association of Raleigh we were able to host a yearlong clothing drive, which is happening even today, and a month–long food and money drive every year. This fundraiser still occurs until this day at the Islamic Association of Raleigh. In addition to my involvement with the mosque, I am involved in the EMT program which requires an intelligent person, but also a dedicated person due to it being after school ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Popular Culture And Literacy Summary Gee, J.P. (2008). Chapter 17: Literacy, video games, and popular culture. In D.R. Olson & N. Torrance (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy (pp. 313–325). New York: Cambridge University Press. Gee in this study prioritizes the importance of popular culture and video games as poular culture media characteristic. Gee believes that the goal of reading instruction instruction has to be more forward–looking than simple decoding and literal comprehension (American Educator, 2003; Chall, Jacobs, & Baldwin, 1990; Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998). The attention should be targeted towards early reading theough school years and beyond based on the fact that "trajectory can baseline anything else on the child's being able to handle ever increasingly complex language, especially in the content areas (e.g., science and math), as school progresses" (Gee, 2004). Importantly, meeting language demands need a degree of readiness that can be achieved through video and coputer games. In What Video Games Have to Teach Us AboutLearning and Literacy, James Paul Gee discusses the importance of video games and believs that game designers think about the learning environment by stating" good capitalists that they are...if no one can learn their games, no one ... Show more content on ... After reading the book, I reached the conclusion that Gee advocates for the inherent ability of good video games to motivate learning pleasurably and yet constructively. Additionally, he belives that games can transform contemporary ... Get more on ...
  • 35. What Is Situated Cognition Theory duction Situated cognition theory emphasizes the importance of context and interaction in the process of constructing knowledge, it's also that all knowledge is situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts and that knowing is inseparable from doing. According to Brown, Collins & Duguid, 1989 they propose that learning is naturally tied to an authentic activity and is shaped by context and culture because knowledge is situated in, and is also an outcome of authentic cultural activities. Hence, Hennessy (1993) affirms that situated cognition recognizes the important role played by the social and physical aspects of learning environments. In these environments, students collaborate with one another and their teachers to cultivate a culture of learning within a community of practitioners. Learning is seen as a process of acculturation brought about by individual participation in socially organized practices through which specialized local knowledge, rituals, practices and vocabulary are developed in the learner. (Hennessy, 1993). ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Achieving Millennium Development Goal 2 With the goal of achieving Millennium Development Goal 2(MDG–TL, 2014), Timor–Leste is currently working to enhance the quality of education, particularly in the Ensino Basico (Basic Education) (NESP–Tl, 2011). Responding to these challenges, the Ministry of Education provides professional training referred to as 'curso intensivo' in order to facilitate pedagogical change in teachers (Shah, 2013). This professional training embraces the concept of the community of practice because teachers are principally engaged in joint activities to support each other, and to share information on the subject of knowledge in order to enhance the quality of teaching. Educational Policy in Timor–Leste, The National Educational Strategic Plan 2011–2030, emphasizes that a holistic approach such as communities of practice, is the best way to facilitate pedagogical renewal in Timor–Leste educational system (NESP–TL, 2011). Wenger, McDermott, and Snyder (2006) acknowledge the benefit of communities of practice by explaining that each group member's concerns and issues on the practical subject can be mutually addressed through regular interaction. Accordingly, this chapter will be divided into several sections; firstly, definition of terms. This section will discuss about originality, definition, characteristics, principles of practice and understanding the communities of practice. Secondly, a brief introduction of the communities of practice in the pre–independence phase. This section, the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Essay about Virtual Situated Learning Environment (VSLE) There is a embarrassment of changes facing society as new interactive communication knowledge accelerates the achievements of economies of depth. of knowledge holds considerable untapped potential for performance gains". the workplace as being a stable place in a single central location, with "normal" daily hours confined to 9–5 daylight hours, is being replaced by global organizations (through globally positioned parts of the business, global outsourcing, and/or global supply chains) and global communication networks (email, global "blogs", diaries, The new global workplace requires managers factor of production, knowledge, and thus managers "manage" by the consent of the assist the growing number of "knowledge workers" to handle a large ... Show more content on ... Despite criticism that the on–line learning environment has the potential to return carefully, the on–line environment it does provide opportunities to design a learning on designing on–line learning opportunities that are "cheaper" rather than adding value and value–adding on–line learning opportunities that do more than deliver information to use the on–line learning environment to network, share their tacit knowledge, and engage in continuous learning, particularly those located in global workplaces. This learning environment to a focus on re–designed management learning opportunities that opportunities need to cater for the time and place requirements of the global manager. VSLE can be designed to be accessible by all managers at all times and from all parts The focus in this section is on how the on–line environment can be used to design designed to complement rather than replaced the F2F learning environment, and thus our conclusions can only relate to this mixed learning environment. other a practicing manager working as a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Community Of Practice Essay To identify the knowledge, attitude and practices of the students towards the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, the theory that will be used in this study is the Community of Practice Theory. Community of practice is a theory defined as a process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in a subject or area work together over an extended period of time, sharing ideas and strategies, determine solutions, and construct innovations (Lave and Wenger, 1998). In addition, communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or an interest for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact frequently. There are three required components of Community of Practice: First is the domain, COP has a personality defined by a shared domain of interests. It's not just merely a pure interaction, membership implies a commitment to the domain (Lave and Wenger, 1998). In line with this, the shared domain of the... Show more content on ... People continuously build their shared identity by means of engaging in and contributing to the practices of the communities (Lave and Wenger, 1998). However, Community of Practice Theory explains the development of knowledge and membership through a social practice. On the same ground, the theory is based on four premises. First, humans are social beings. Second, knowledge is situated competence in valued undertakings or their importance to the assigned task. Third, knowing involves active engagement or their participation and last, learning ultimately produces meanings or their interpretation in every term (Lave and Wenger, 1998). To relate this theory in the study, these four premises were replaced by: the respondents' socio–demographic profile and their knowledge, attitude and practices towards the Animal Welfare Act of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. What Is Contextualising Authentic Assessment Articles JOY CUMMING, J., & Maxwell, G. S. (1999). Contextualising authentic assessment. Assessment in education: Principles, policy & practice, 6(2), 177–194. Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity. Phi delta kappan, 75(3), 200 –08. Summary Contextualising authentic assessment (1999) In education, the term "authentic assessment" is in the spotlight. As a result, AA is being interpreted in many different ways. AA interpretation and use is subjective and affected by the various beliefs about learning and how an individual constructs knowledge. This article also suggests the need for AA to be contextualised through a coherent teaching, learning and assessment domain. Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity.... Show more content on ... Very often when I see the word authentic being used, I take for granted that the item has to be of a singular high standard. Now this literature review has convinced me to appreciate the different ways that authenticity can be interpreted, but at the same time keep at the back of my mind that the principles behind the criterion should remain. In the school, well–constructed authentic activities enable deep learning; enhance motivation, engagement and development; and ultimately support students' achievement of the learning outcomes. It is unfortunate that due to ignorance teachers may know what is a 21st century assignment, but use 20th century methods and rubrics and camouflage it with 21st century context and claim it to be AA. After reading these two articles I can better identify these loopholes in assessment and hopefully construct my assessment to be truly AA. References JOY CUMMING, J., & Maxwell, G. S. (1999). Contextualising authentic assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 6(2), 177–194. Newmann, F. M., & Archbald, D. A. (1992). The nature of authentic academic achievement. Toward a new science of educational testing and assessment, 71–83. Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity. Phi Delta Kappan, 75(3),
  • 40. ... Get more on ...