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Basic Cardiac

The Heart
• To understand the ECG, it helps to understand
  the heart and how the heart works
The Heart
• Fun Fact
  – The average heart beats 100,000 times, pumping
    about 2,000 gallons of blood each day!!
The Heart
• Fun Fact
  – The adult heart weighs approximately 11oz and is
    about the size of its owner’s fist
     • A person’s heart size and weight are influenced by their
       age, body weight and build, frequency of physical
       exercise, and heart disease
The Heart
• Your heart is a muscular organ that acts like a
  pump to send blood throughout your body
• Your heart is located under the ribcage in the
  center of your chest between your right and
  left lung
• Your heart is at the center of your circulatory
  system, which delivers blood to all areas of
  your body
The Heart
• Your Heart is vital to your health and nearly
  everything that goes on in your body
  – Without the heart’s pumping action, blood can’t
    circulate within your body
• Your blood carries the oxygen and nutrients
  that your organs need to function normally.
  – Blood also carries carbon dioxide, a waste
    product, to your lungs to be passed out of your
    body and into the air
The Heart
• Pericardium
  – Protective sac that surrounds the heart
     • Within the pericardium is about 10 mL of serous fluid
       that acts as a lubricant, preventing friction as the heart
Heart Chambers
• The inside of your heart is divided into four
Heart Chambers
• The two upper chambers of your heart are
  called atria
• The atria receive and collect blood
Heart Chambers
• The right atrium
  – Receives deoxygenated blood returning from the
    body through the inferior and superior vena cavae
    and from the heart through the coronary sinus
Heart Chambers
• The left atrium
  – Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
    through the four pulmonary veins
Heart Chambers
• The interatrial septum divides the chambers
  and helps them contract
• Contraction of the atria forces blood into the
  ventricles below
Heart Chambers
• The two lower chambers of your heart are
  called ventricles
• The ventricles pump blood out of your heart
  into the circulatory system to other parts of
  your body
Heart Chambers
• Right ventricle
  – Receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it
    through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs,
    where it picks up oxygen and drops off carbon
Heart Chambers
• Left ventricle
  – Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium
    and pumps it through the aorta and then out to
    the rest of the body
Heart Chambers
• The right and left sides of your heart are
  divided by an internal wall of tissue called the
Great Vessels
• There are blood vessels attached to the heart
  that transport blood to and from the lungs
  and body
  – Pulmonary arteries and veins
  – Aorta
  – Superior and inferior vena cava
Great Vessels
• Pulmonary arteries and veins
  – Transfer blood between the heart and lungs
Great Vessels
• Aorta
  – Delivers oxygenated blood from the heart to the
Great Vessels
• Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
  – Send unoxygenated blood from the body to the
The Heart as a Pump
• The left side
  – Pumps oxygenated blood and nutrients to the
    body’s organs, muscles, and tissues
• The right side
  – Pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs to
    exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen
Heart Valves
• With each heartbeat, the heart relaxes and
• During relaxation
  – The heart relaxes and fills with blood
• During contraction
  – The heart squeezes and pumps blood out to the
Heart Valves
• For the heart to function properly, your blood
  flows in only one direction
  – Your heart’s valves make this possible
Heart Valves
• The valves make sure the blood travels in only
  one direction
                                                       Blood travels
                                                      from the body
                                                        to the right

                       Through the                                                 Through the
                     aortic valve into                                           tricuspid valve
                      the aorta and                                               into the right
                     out to the body                                                 ventricle

                                   Traveling into
                                                                        Through the
                                  the left atrium,
                                                                       pulmonic valve
                                    through the
                                                                          into the
                                  mitral valve into
                                      the left
Heart Valves
• Healthy valves open and close in very exact
  coordination with the pumping action of your
  heart’s atria and ventricles
• When your heart beats, the valves make a
  “LUB-DUB” sound that can be heard with a
Heart Valves
• Four Valves of the Heart
  – Aortic
  – Mitral
  – Pulmonary
  – Tricuspid
Heart Valves
• Tricuspid valve
  – Regulates blood flow between the right atrium
    and right ventricle
Heart Valves
• Pulmonary valve
  – Controls blood flow from the right ventricle into
    the pulmonary artery, which carries blood to your
    lungs to pick up oxygen
Heart Valves
• Mitral valve
  – Lets oxygen-rich blood from your lungs pass from
    the left atrium into the left ventricle
Heart Valves
• Aortic valve
  – Opens the way for oxygen-rich blood to pass from
    the left ventricle into the aorta, your body’s
    largest artery, where it is delivered to the rest of
    your body
Heart Valves
Atrioventricular (AV)                 Semilunar (SL)
• Tricuspid valve                     • Pulmonic valve
   – Right side of the heart             – Right side of the heart
   – Separates right atrium and          – Between right ventricle and
     right ventricle                       pulmonary artery
• Mitral valve (bicuspid)             • Aortic valve
   – Left side of the heart              – Left side of the heart
   – Separates left atrium and left      – Between left ventricle and
     ventricle                             aorta
Coronary circulation
• The heart has it’s own circulatory system to
  supply it with oxygen (coronary arteries) and
  to remove deoxygenated blood (coronary
Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
• Myocardial ischemia
  – Occurs when the flow of blood through a coronary
    artery is decreased, the cardiac muscle tissue fed
    by the coronary artery is deprived of oxygen and
Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
• Myocardial Infarction (MI) or Heart Attack
  – Occurs when one of the arteries that supplies the
    heart muscle becomes blocked
  – Blockage may be caused by spasm of the artery or
    by atherosclerosis with acute clot formation
  – The blockage results in damaged tissue and a
    permanent loss of contraction of this portion of
    the heart muscle
Layers of the Heart Wall
• The heart wall is made up of three tissue
  – Epicardium
  – Myocardium
  – Endocardium
Layers of the Heart Wall
• Epicardium
  – Is the external or outer layer of the heart. This is
    where the coronary arteries and veins are found
Layers of the Heart Wall
• Myocardium
  – Is the middle and thickest layer of the heart and is
    responsible for the contraction of the heart
Layers of the Heart Wall
• Endocardium
  – Is the innermost layer of the heart
Cardiac Cells
• There are two basic types of cardiac cells in
  the heart:
  – Pacemaker
  – Myocardial cells
Cardiac Cells
• Pacemaker cells (electrical cells)
  – Responsible for the spontaneous generation and
    conduction of electrical impulses
  – Found in the electrical conduction system of the
Cardiac Cells
• Myocardial cells (working cells)
  – Contain contractile filaments that are
  – When electrically stimulated, the filaments slide
    together and the myocardial cell contracts
  – These cells form the myocardium (muscular layer
    of the heart)
  – These are the working cells and are responsible
    for contraction and relaxation
Properties of Cardiac Cells
• Automaticity
  – Is the ability of the pacemaker cells to
    spontaneously initiate an electrical impulse. Only
    pacemaker cells have the property of automaticity
    – fires impulses regularly
• Contractility
  – Refers to the ability of the myocardial cells to
    shorten causing cardiac muscle contraction in
    response to an electrical stimulus
Properties of Cardiac Cells
• Conductivity
   – Is a property that refers to the ability of all cardiac
     cells to receive and conduct an electrical impulse
     to an adjacent cardiac cell
• Excitability
   – Refers to the electrical irritability of all cardiac
     cells because of an ionic imbalance across the
     membranes of cells
Properties of Cardiac Cells
Type of Cardiac Cell Where Found         Primary Function      Properties
Myocardial cells     Myocardium          Contraction and       Contractility
“working cells”                          relaxation            Excitability
Pacemaker cells      Electrical          Generation and        Automaticity
“Electrical cells”   conduction system   conduction of         Conductivity
                                         electrical impulses   Excitability
Autonomic Nervous System Effects on
            the Heart
• The nervous system innervates the heart and
  alters the heart rate, force of contraction,
  cardiac output, and blood pressure when
Autonomic Nervous System Effects on
            the Heart
• Parasympathetic nerve fibers
  – Originate from the inhibitory center of the brain
    via the vagus nerve
     • Stimulation of this nerve causes the release of
       acetylcholine, which decreases the heart rate, force of
       contraction, cardiac output , and blood pressure
Autonomic Nervous System Effects on
            the Heart
• Sympathetic nerve fibers
  – Originate from the accelerator center in the brain
  – Stimulation of these nerve fibers results in the
    release of norepinephrine, which increases the
    heart rate, force of contraction, cardiac output,
    and blood pressure
Understanding the Heart’s Electrical
• The heart has an internal electrical system that
  controls the speed and rhythm of the heartbeat.
• With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads
  from the top of the heart to the bottom
• As it travels, the electrical signal causes the heart
  to contract and pump blood
• The process repeats with each new heartbeat
• A problem with any part of this process can cause
  an arrhythmia
Understanding the Heart’s Electrical
Understanding the Heart’s Electrical
• The normal conduction Pathway
  – The SA node fires causing atria to contract and pump
    blood into the ventricles
  – The impulse travels through the atria to the AV node
     • The AV node briefly delays the impulse allowing time for the
       ventricles to fill with blood
  – The impulse then travels through the Bundle of HIS,
    right and left bundle branches and Purkinje fibers
     • Causing the ventricles to contract
  – The ventricles then relax, then the heartbeat process
    starts all over again in the SA node
  – Youtube: The Heart's electrical system (0.27)
Parts of the Electrical Conduction
•   SA node
•   AV node
•   Bundle of His
•   Right and Left Bundle Branches
•   Purkinje Fibers
Parts of the Electrical Conduction
• SA (Sino-atrial) node
  – Located in the right upper atrium
  – Called the normal pacemaker of the heart
     • It initiates the electrical impulse that is sent through
       the heart
Parts of the Electrical Conduction
• AV (atrioventricular) node
  – Located in the lower right atrium and functions as
    a “gatekeeper” to the ventricles
  – It delays the impulses from the SA node and atria
    for a fraction of a second before sending the
    impulse to the ventricles
  – It also will prevent extra beats from being
    conducted to the ventricles
Parts of the Electrical Conduction
• Bundle of His
  – Directly attached to the AV node and extends
    from the top left corner of the right ventricle to
    the top of the intraventricular septum
  – It sends the impulses from the AV node rapidly to
    the lower part of the conduction system in the
Parts of the Electrical Conduction
• Right and Left Bundle Branches
  – Divided from the Bundle of His
  – Found in the intraventricular septum and across
    the lower portion of the right and left ventricles
Parts of the Electrical Conduction
• Purkinje Fibers
  – Subdivided into smaller fibers from the right and
    left bundle branches
  – Distribute the electrical impulse from the bundle
    branches to the individual muscle cells in the
Understanding the Heart’s Electrical
• The normal conduction Pathway
  – The SA node fires causing atria to contract and pump
    blood into the ventricles
  – The impulse travels through the atria to the AV node
     • The AV node briefly delays the impulse allowing time for the
       ventricles to fill with blood
  – The impulse then travels through the Bundle of HIS,
    right and left bundle branches and Purkinje fibers
     • Causing the ventricles to contract
  – The ventricles then relax, then the heartbeat process
    starts all over again in the SA node
  – Youtube: The Heart's electrical system (0.27)
Pacemaker Sites of the Conduction
• There are three intrinsic pacemaker sites
  within the conduction system
• Each site can produce an electrical impulse or
  impulses and control the heart rate
Pacemaker Sites of the Conduction
• The intrinsic rate of each site is as follows:
   – SA node
      • 60-100 bpm
   – AV junction
      • 40-60 bpm
   – Ventricles
      • 20-40 bpm
Pacemaker Sites of the Conduction
• Normally, the SA node is the pacemaker of the
  – If the sinus node slows down or fails to initiate
    depolarization (contraction), either the AV
    junction or the ventricles will spontaneously
    produce electrical impulses
The Cardiac Cycle
• The period from the beginning of one
  heartbeat to the beginning of one heartbeat
  to the beginning of the next one
• Consists of 2 events
  – Mechanical
  – Electrical
The Cardiac Cycle
• Mechanical Events
  – The mechanical part of the cardiac cycle is divided
    into two phases: diastole (rest) and systole
    (contraction). The atria and ventricles contract
    and relax in tandem to effectively pump blood
    through the heart
The Cardiac Cycle
• Mechanical Events
  – During atrial systole (contraction) and ventricular
    diastole (relaxation), the atria conract and squeeze
    blood into the ventricles
  – The ventricles are “at rest” and fill with blood
The Cardiac Cycle
• Mechanical Events
  – During atrial diastole (relaxation) and ventricular
    systole (contraction), the atria are “at rest” and fill
    with blood, while the ventricles contract and
    squeeze blood out of the heart
The Cardiac Cycle
• Electrical Events
  – The electrical events that occur in the heart
    muscle are called depolarization and
  – The exchange of electrolytes (minerals in your
    body that carry an electric charge) across
    myocardial cell walls creates the electrical events
    that stimulate the heart muscle to contract
  – The major electrolytes that affect cardiac function
    are sodium and potassium
The Cardiac Cycle
• Electrical Events
  – Depolarization is the formation and spread of
    electrical activity in the heart
  – During depolarization, the inside of the cell
    becomes more positive
  – Depolarization results in contraction of the heart
  – During depolarization, the cardiac cells are in a
    refractory state, which means that they are
    resistant to additional electrical activity
The Cardiac Cycle
• Electrical Events
  – Repolarization is the return of the cells to the
    resting or polarized state
  – During repolarization, the inside of the cell
    becomes more negatively charged
     • Known as the recovery phase
  – Repolarization results in relaxation of the heart

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The heart

  • 1. Basic Cardiac The Heart
  • 2. The Heart • To understand the ECG, it helps to understand the heart and how the heart works
  • 3. The Heart • Fun Fact – The average heart beats 100,000 times, pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood each day!!
  • 4. The Heart • Fun Fact – The adult heart weighs approximately 11oz and is about the size of its owner’s fist • A person’s heart size and weight are influenced by their age, body weight and build, frequency of physical exercise, and heart disease
  • 5. The Heart • Your heart is a muscular organ that acts like a pump to send blood throughout your body • Your heart is located under the ribcage in the center of your chest between your right and left lung • Your heart is at the center of your circulatory system, which delivers blood to all areas of your body
  • 6. The Heart • Your Heart is vital to your health and nearly everything that goes on in your body – Without the heart’s pumping action, blood can’t circulate within your body • Your blood carries the oxygen and nutrients that your organs need to function normally. – Blood also carries carbon dioxide, a waste product, to your lungs to be passed out of your body and into the air
  • 7. The Heart • Pericardium – Protective sac that surrounds the heart • Within the pericardium is about 10 mL of serous fluid that acts as a lubricant, preventing friction as the heart beats
  • 8. Heart Chambers • The inside of your heart is divided into four chambers
  • 9. Heart Chambers • The two upper chambers of your heart are called atria • The atria receive and collect blood
  • 10. Heart Chambers • The right atrium – Receives deoxygenated blood returning from the body through the inferior and superior vena cavae and from the heart through the coronary sinus
  • 11. Heart Chambers • The left atrium – Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through the four pulmonary veins
  • 12. Heart Chambers • The interatrial septum divides the chambers and helps them contract • Contraction of the atria forces blood into the ventricles below
  • 13. Heart Chambers • The two lower chambers of your heart are called ventricles • The ventricles pump blood out of your heart into the circulatory system to other parts of your body
  • 14. Heart Chambers • Right ventricle – Receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen and drops off carbon dioxide
  • 15. Heart Chambers • Left ventricle – Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps it through the aorta and then out to the rest of the body
  • 16. Heart Chambers • The right and left sides of your heart are divided by an internal wall of tissue called the septum
  • 17. Great Vessels • There are blood vessels attached to the heart that transport blood to and from the lungs and body – Pulmonary arteries and veins – Aorta – Superior and inferior vena cava
  • 18. Great Vessels • Pulmonary arteries and veins – Transfer blood between the heart and lungs
  • 19. Great Vessels • Aorta – Delivers oxygenated blood from the heart to the body
  • 20. Great Vessels • Superior and Inferior Vena Cava – Send unoxygenated blood from the body to the heart
  • 21. The Heart as a Pump • The left side – Pumps oxygenated blood and nutrients to the body’s organs, muscles, and tissues • The right side – Pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen
  • 22. Heart Valves • With each heartbeat, the heart relaxes and contracts • During relaxation – The heart relaxes and fills with blood • During contraction – The heart squeezes and pumps blood out to the body
  • 23. Heart Valves • For the heart to function properly, your blood flows in only one direction – Your heart’s valves make this possible
  • 24. Heart Valves • The valves make sure the blood travels in only one direction Blood travels from the body to the right atrium Through the Through the aortic valve into tricuspid valve the aorta and into the right out to the body ventricle Traveling into Through the the left atrium, pulmonic valve through the into the mitral valve into pulmonary the left arteries ventricle
  • 25. Heart Valves • Healthy valves open and close in very exact coordination with the pumping action of your heart’s atria and ventricles • When your heart beats, the valves make a “LUB-DUB” sound that can be heard with a stethoscope
  • 26. Heart Valves • Four Valves of the Heart – Aortic – Mitral – Pulmonary – Tricuspid
  • 27. Heart Valves • Tricuspid valve – Regulates blood flow between the right atrium and right ventricle
  • 28. Heart Valves • Pulmonary valve – Controls blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, which carries blood to your lungs to pick up oxygen
  • 29. Heart Valves • Mitral valve – Lets oxygen-rich blood from your lungs pass from the left atrium into the left ventricle
  • 30. Heart Valves • Aortic valve – Opens the way for oxygen-rich blood to pass from the left ventricle into the aorta, your body’s largest artery, where it is delivered to the rest of your body
  • 31. Heart Valves Atrioventricular (AV) Semilunar (SL) • Tricuspid valve • Pulmonic valve – Right side of the heart – Right side of the heart – Separates right atrium and – Between right ventricle and right ventricle pulmonary artery • Mitral valve (bicuspid) • Aortic valve – Left side of the heart – Left side of the heart – Separates left atrium and left – Between left ventricle and ventricle aorta
  • 32. Coronary circulation • The heart has it’s own circulatory system to supply it with oxygen (coronary arteries) and to remove deoxygenated blood (coronary veins)
  • 33. Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction • Myocardial ischemia – Occurs when the flow of blood through a coronary artery is decreased, the cardiac muscle tissue fed by the coronary artery is deprived of oxygen and nutrients
  • 34. Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction • Myocardial Infarction (MI) or Heart Attack – Occurs when one of the arteries that supplies the heart muscle becomes blocked – Blockage may be caused by spasm of the artery or by atherosclerosis with acute clot formation – The blockage results in damaged tissue and a permanent loss of contraction of this portion of the heart muscle
  • 35. Layers of the Heart Wall • The heart wall is made up of three tissue layers – Epicardium – Myocardium – Endocardium
  • 36. Layers of the Heart Wall • Epicardium – Is the external or outer layer of the heart. This is where the coronary arteries and veins are found
  • 37. Layers of the Heart Wall • Myocardium – Is the middle and thickest layer of the heart and is responsible for the contraction of the heart
  • 38. Layers of the Heart Wall • Endocardium – Is the innermost layer of the heart
  • 39. Cardiac Cells • There are two basic types of cardiac cells in the heart: – Pacemaker – Myocardial cells
  • 40. Cardiac Cells • Pacemaker cells (electrical cells) – Responsible for the spontaneous generation and conduction of electrical impulses – Found in the electrical conduction system of the heart
  • 41. Cardiac Cells • Myocardial cells (working cells) – Contain contractile filaments that are interconnected – When electrically stimulated, the filaments slide together and the myocardial cell contracts – These cells form the myocardium (muscular layer of the heart) – These are the working cells and are responsible for contraction and relaxation
  • 42. Properties of Cardiac Cells • Automaticity – Is the ability of the pacemaker cells to spontaneously initiate an electrical impulse. Only pacemaker cells have the property of automaticity – fires impulses regularly • Contractility – Refers to the ability of the myocardial cells to shorten causing cardiac muscle contraction in response to an electrical stimulus
  • 43. Properties of Cardiac Cells • Conductivity – Is a property that refers to the ability of all cardiac cells to receive and conduct an electrical impulse to an adjacent cardiac cell • Excitability – Refers to the electrical irritability of all cardiac cells because of an ionic imbalance across the membranes of cells
  • 44. Properties of Cardiac Cells Type of Cardiac Cell Where Found Primary Function Properties Myocardial cells Myocardium Contraction and Contractility “working cells” relaxation Excitability Pacemaker cells Electrical Generation and Automaticity “Electrical cells” conduction system conduction of Conductivity electrical impulses Excitability
  • 45. Autonomic Nervous System Effects on the Heart • The nervous system innervates the heart and alters the heart rate, force of contraction, cardiac output, and blood pressure when stimulated
  • 46. Autonomic Nervous System Effects on the Heart • Parasympathetic nerve fibers – Originate from the inhibitory center of the brain via the vagus nerve • Stimulation of this nerve causes the release of acetylcholine, which decreases the heart rate, force of contraction, cardiac output , and blood pressure
  • 47. Autonomic Nervous System Effects on the Heart • Sympathetic nerve fibers – Originate from the accelerator center in the brain – Stimulation of these nerve fibers results in the release of norepinephrine, which increases the heart rate, force of contraction, cardiac output, and blood pressure
  • 48. Understanding the Heart’s Electrical System • The heart has an internal electrical system that controls the speed and rhythm of the heartbeat. • With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads from the top of the heart to the bottom • As it travels, the electrical signal causes the heart to contract and pump blood • The process repeats with each new heartbeat • A problem with any part of this process can cause an arrhythmia
  • 49. Understanding the Heart’s Electrical System
  • 50. Understanding the Heart’s Electrical System • The normal conduction Pathway – The SA node fires causing atria to contract and pump blood into the ventricles – The impulse travels through the atria to the AV node • The AV node briefly delays the impulse allowing time for the ventricles to fill with blood – The impulse then travels through the Bundle of HIS, right and left bundle branches and Purkinje fibers • Causing the ventricles to contract – The ventricles then relax, then the heartbeat process starts all over again in the SA node – Youtube: The Heart's electrical system (0.27)
  • 51. Parts of the Electrical Conduction System • SA node • AV node • Bundle of His • Right and Left Bundle Branches • Purkinje Fibers
  • 52. Parts of the Electrical Conduction System • SA (Sino-atrial) node – Located in the right upper atrium – Called the normal pacemaker of the heart • It initiates the electrical impulse that is sent through the heart
  • 53. Parts of the Electrical Conduction System • AV (atrioventricular) node – Located in the lower right atrium and functions as a “gatekeeper” to the ventricles – It delays the impulses from the SA node and atria for a fraction of a second before sending the impulse to the ventricles – It also will prevent extra beats from being conducted to the ventricles
  • 54. Parts of the Electrical Conduction System • Bundle of His – Directly attached to the AV node and extends from the top left corner of the right ventricle to the top of the intraventricular septum – It sends the impulses from the AV node rapidly to the lower part of the conduction system in the ventricles
  • 55. Parts of the Electrical Conduction System • Right and Left Bundle Branches – Divided from the Bundle of His – Found in the intraventricular septum and across the lower portion of the right and left ventricles
  • 56. Parts of the Electrical Conduction System • Purkinje Fibers – Subdivided into smaller fibers from the right and left bundle branches – Distribute the electrical impulse from the bundle branches to the individual muscle cells in the ventricles
  • 57. Understanding the Heart’s Electrical System • The normal conduction Pathway – The SA node fires causing atria to contract and pump blood into the ventricles – The impulse travels through the atria to the AV node • The AV node briefly delays the impulse allowing time for the ventricles to fill with blood – The impulse then travels through the Bundle of HIS, right and left bundle branches and Purkinje fibers • Causing the ventricles to contract – The ventricles then relax, then the heartbeat process starts all over again in the SA node – Youtube: The Heart's electrical system (0.27)
  • 58. Pacemaker Sites of the Conduction System • There are three intrinsic pacemaker sites within the conduction system • Each site can produce an electrical impulse or impulses and control the heart rate
  • 59. Pacemaker Sites of the Conduction System • The intrinsic rate of each site is as follows: – SA node • 60-100 bpm – AV junction • 40-60 bpm – Ventricles • 20-40 bpm
  • 60. Pacemaker Sites of the Conduction System • Normally, the SA node is the pacemaker of the heart – If the sinus node slows down or fails to initiate depolarization (contraction), either the AV junction or the ventricles will spontaneously produce electrical impulses
  • 61. The Cardiac Cycle • The period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next one • Consists of 2 events – Mechanical – Electrical
  • 62. The Cardiac Cycle • Mechanical Events – The mechanical part of the cardiac cycle is divided into two phases: diastole (rest) and systole (contraction). The atria and ventricles contract and relax in tandem to effectively pump blood through the heart
  • 63. The Cardiac Cycle • Mechanical Events – During atrial systole (contraction) and ventricular diastole (relaxation), the atria conract and squeeze blood into the ventricles – The ventricles are “at rest” and fill with blood
  • 64. The Cardiac Cycle • Mechanical Events – During atrial diastole (relaxation) and ventricular systole (contraction), the atria are “at rest” and fill with blood, while the ventricles contract and squeeze blood out of the heart
  • 65. The Cardiac Cycle • Electrical Events – The electrical events that occur in the heart muscle are called depolarization and repolarization – The exchange of electrolytes (minerals in your body that carry an electric charge) across myocardial cell walls creates the electrical events that stimulate the heart muscle to contract – The major electrolytes that affect cardiac function are sodium and potassium
  • 66. The Cardiac Cycle • Electrical Events – Depolarization is the formation and spread of electrical activity in the heart – During depolarization, the inside of the cell becomes more positive – Depolarization results in contraction of the heart muscle – During depolarization, the cardiac cells are in a refractory state, which means that they are resistant to additional electrical activity
  • 67. The Cardiac Cycle • Electrical Events – Repolarization is the return of the cells to the resting or polarized state – During repolarization, the inside of the cell becomes more negatively charged • Known as the recovery phase – Repolarization results in relaxation of the heart muscle