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The Federal Aviation Administration Should Not Shut Down...
The Federal Aviation Administration Should Not Shut Down Small Airport Air Traffic Control
The Federal Aviation Administration was created August 23, 1958 to help increase air travel safety,
as well as make a more efficient airspace (Mission). In the ten years after the Federal Aviation
Administration started recording crashes, there were 183 crashes (Canavan). The crash percentage,
the number of crashes divided by the number of flights, was .00125% (Accident and Incident Data).
In the last ten years there were forty seven accidents and incidents (Canavan). The accident percent
was roughly .000125% (Accident and Incident Data). The Federal Aviation Administration was the
driving force of the effort to improve safety. One of the ... Show more content on ...
These companies run the Air Traffic Control Towers just like government employees would, but
much more cheaply and efficiently (The Beginning of Air Traffic Control). Air Traffic Controllers
that work for private companies make a median of $60,000–$65,000. This is much lower than a
federally funded Air Traffic Control Tower. Employee salaries are the largest cost to the Air Traffic
Control Tower budget. This allows contracted Air Traffic Control Towers to spend much less money
to run and operate. The United States government could save a lot of money by simple contracting
all of the Air Traffic Control Towers.
Airport safety is one of the Federal Aviation Administration's biggest concerns. They are tasked with
tracking over 10,400,000 commercial flights every year, not including military and non–commercial
flights (Canavan). Collisions and crashes are the two major causes of injuries and death. Air travel
accidents date all of the way back to 1908 (Old). Orville Wright, one of the original inventors of the
airplane, was flying a demonstration for the military when a propeller suddenly was ripped off of the
airplane. The passenger, Lieutenant Selfridge was killed when the plane hit the ground (Old). The
Federal Aviation Administration has come a long way since the 1960's to improve safety (Mission).
They have implemented various systems such as the United States program, NextGen Program, and
the Air Transportation
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A Brief Note On Air Traffic Control ( Atc ) Essay
4.3 VARIOUS MODULES OF DLCA 6500 : 4.3.1 Air Traffic Controller(ATC) Air traffic control
(ATC) is a service provided by ground–based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in the
air. The primary purpose of ATC systems is to handle the aircraft downlinks and ground station
uplinks. The pilot sends some downlink messages by using MKP (Multi–Functional Keypad),
CCP(Cursor Control panel) in AM. The pilot will confirm the message by pressing SEND in AFD
and it will come to ATC after pressing SEND function in AFD.RIU will then send the message to
one of the existing radios (HF, SATCOM or VHF, with the selection of the radio based on special
logic contained within the RIU). For a message to be sent over the VHF network, the radio would
transmit the VHF signals containing the downlink message. This message is then received by a VHF
Remote Ground Station .ATC may use a radar system called Secondary Surveillance Radar to
downlink flight parameters allowing radar processing: systems and therefore controllers to see
various data on a flight, including airframe unique id (24–bits encoded), indicated airspeed and
flight director selected level, amongst others.Any aircraft is required to have clearance from Ground
Control. This is normally done via VHF/UHF radio. Figure 4(b): Air Traffic Controller (ATN–CM
page) Figure 4(c): Air Traffic Controller 4.3.2 Radio Interface Unit (RIU): It is Radio Interface Unit.
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Ammc Air Domain Awareness
The Air and Marine Operations Center (AMOC) Phase "B" CONOPS, the AMOC Phase "B" ORD,
and the AMOC Phase "B" MNS all contain information detailing threats, capabilities, gaps, mission
needs and requirements. While there is no "air domain awareness" specific CONOPS, these
documents have several scenarios describing how resources at the AMOC are utilized to achieve Air
Domain Awareness. There is also a Tethered Aerostat Radar System Functional Requirements
Document (FRD).
Detection Enforcement Officers (DEOs) are responsible for maintaining 24/7 domain awareness of
all CONUS air traffic, and the air traffic within 100 nautical miles of U.S. borders. The Air and
Marine Operations Surveillance System (AMOSS), is the primary surveillance system ... Show more
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A typical scenario begins with the DEO performing surveillance operations an assigned area of
operations. Once a suspect aircraft has been identified, the DEO will begin tracking the aircraft.
He/She will query various data bases, attempting to determine the aircraft's identification. If the
aircraft is squawking, the DEO can query the flight plan (if available), as well as track the aircraft's
route of flight back to its origin, if possible. If the target detected is not squawking, cannot be
identified, or has been determined to be a questionable flight through the normal sorting process, the
DEO will continue tracking the aircraft until it reaches its destination. The DEO will contact the Air
Traffic Control Tower or the airport's Fixed Base Operations to determine the aircraft ID. If ATC or
the FBO can identify the aircraft, AMOC databases may provide amplifying information for the
aircraft registration (tail) number. Other methods of checking flight plans involve contacting a Flight
Service Station, an Approach Control or ARTCC, CBP Officers at an APOE, or the Air Defense
If the legitimacy of the tail number and/or determination of legality is unclear, such as an aircraft
crossing the land or sea border and not heading towards an APOE or the pilot not talking to ATC, the
DEO can initiate
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Persuasive Essay On Air Traffic Control
The odds are that at some point in time, most people in America will travel by air. What most of
these people do not realize is that a simple flight is in reality a well–oiled, complex machine unlike
any other air navigation service provider in the world. After the Wright brothers took their first
successful flight, America embraced air travel. The Federal Aviation Agency (now Administration)
officially began operations in May of 1958, and later developed a sophisticated air traffic control
system that is responsible for the largest volume of air traffic in the world ("A Brief History of the
FAA"). Today, however, many politicians believe that government involvement in air traffic control
is inhibiting the overall performance of air traffic control. Several bills have been proposed to
Congress since the 1970s in attempt to separate air traffic control (referenced as ATC) from the FAA
by privatization, corporatization, or other means (Elias 2). The most recent of these bills has caused
serious debate in the aviation world over economic policies, safety regulations, and overall
effectiveness of the current ATC system. The Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act
(21st Century AIRR Act) as proposed by Representative Bill Shuster should not be passed by
Congress because it would privatize air traffic control by removing it from the Federal Aviation
Administration. This would entail the creation of a board of stakeholders who would have the power
to make regulatory
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Atc Privatization Research Paper
Corey Komarec
Nate Waller
Aviation Senior Capstone
31 May 2018
Paper Topic: ATC Privatization
Within the past decade, there has been large talk about ATC privatization. Air Traffic Control (ATC)
are the individuals which keep the aircraft operating efficiently and safely while in the national
airspace system. ATC Privatization is removing the air traffic control services out of the
government's hands and into a privatized corporation. The FAA or Federal Aviation Administration,
is a branch of the Department of Transportation which is solely responsible for the rules and
regulations in which certificated pilots must adhere to when operating aircraft within the United
States national airspace system.
The whole talk about privatizing ATC started ... Show more content on ...
These include air traffic control towers and TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) in
Waukegan, IL (KUGN); Grand Forks, ND (KGFK); and Dallas Fort Worth, Texas (KDFW). These
are just some of the places which control aircraft within the United States and I can tell some of the
technology is a bit behind the times. This is most likely due to being held back by the FAA. Moving
forward, I also was lucky to tour Nav Canada's approach control facility and operating control tower
in Winnipeg, MB two years ago which gave me the opportunity to compare these facilities side by
side. While their operations are similar on a day to day basis, the way they are operate is very
different. Just like Debra Werner had stated in her article, Nav Canada's facilities are high tech and
are using innovation to help improve the air traffic service and safety that is offered by their
controllers to participating
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Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports
Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports
Jason Miller
Oklahoma State University – Tulsa
AVED 3433–Aviation Ethics
December 1, 2012
Dr. Jerry McMahan
Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports
On October 21, 2009 Pilot Timothy Cheney and Co–pilot Richard Cole of Northwest Airlines flight
188 had overshot Minneapolis International Airport by 150 miles, which carried 147 passengers
because the pilots had been busy using their laptops. The pilots had only received a slap on the
wrists from the FAA; however their punishment should have been a bit harsher because the lives of
everyone on that flight were put at risk because of irresponsible pilots.
Ethical Dilemma of the Pilots
The Flight Control tower at Minneapolis International ... Show more content on ...
The Northwest Airlines pilots who were grounded after overflying the Minneapolis airport by 150
miles are trying to get their licenses back. National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Ted
Lopatkiewicz said Thursday that Captain Timothy Cheney of Gig Harbor, Washington, and First
Officer Richard Cole of Salem, have filed appeals. The FAA revoked the licenses of the pilots last
month. Cole and Cheney had 10 days to appeal to the three–member National Transportation Safety
Board, the same agency that investigates air crashes and makes safety recommendations. If their
appeal fails, they can apply for a new license after one year. The Federal Aviation Administration
said the pilots had violated numerous regulations, including failing to comply with air traffic control
instructions and clearances and operating carelessly and recklessly. But the pilots said they had been
so engrossed in a complicated new crew–scheduling program on their laptops –– a cockpit violation
of airline policy that could cost them their licenses –– that they lost track of time and place for more
than an hour, until a flight attendant on an intercom got their attention. By then, the Airbus A320
with its 144 passengers and five crew members had cruised on autopilot past its Minneapolis
destination and was over Wisconsin, at 37,000 feet. It turned out the plane 's radio was still tuned to
a frequency used by Denver controllers, even though the aircraft had flown beyond
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The Air Traffic Control System
At this instant there, are 6,204 aircraft in the sky courtesy of FlightRadar24. But by the time you are
reading this, there can be more than 5,000 aircrafts in the sky. Throughout the day, Air Traffic
Control handles more than 50,000 flights on any given day. Air Traffic Control has come a long way
since it first was established in Newark, New Jersey on July 6, 1936. It has grown from just three
towers to an outstanding 131 federal stand–alone airport towers, 132 towers for terminal approach
and 21 en route control towers (Jones). This expansion of Air Traffic Control could not have been
done without the help of the United States government and the Federal Aviation Administration. To
further this expansion, I believe that the Air Traffic Control should be privatized. With the Air
Traffic Control privatized, it would speed up the development of NextGen, increase safety and
efficiency, and create a self–funded private organization.
There is currently a new Air Traffic Control system being developed. This system is called NextGen.
NextGen is a GPS system, which will give pilots more precise information on other planes
whereabouts. It is a change from ground–based radar to the more advanced and accurate satellite
surveillance. This would allow aircraft to take off in more direct routes and shorter intervals
(VerBruggen). With the idea of more direct routes, it would be projected to save about 1.4 billion
gallons of aviation fuel and would save the environment more than 14
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Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions
Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions In northern California this summer, the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unintentionally performed it's first operational test of "free
flight"; aviation without direct air traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it
was a result of a total shut–down of the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).
Although Oakland is only the 16th busiest ARTCC, it's responsible for the largest block of airspace
of any ATC facility; 18 million square miles. Oakland directs all upper–level flight from San Luis
Obispo, California to the California/Oregon boarder, including most Pacific oceanic routes. The
failure happened at 7:13 a.m. local time during the ... Show more content on ...
These groups fight amongst themselves to promote their reconstruction plan, but meanwhile
nothing's accomplished and the skies stay unsafe. The National Air Traffic Controllers Association
(NATCA) is the union that replaced the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO).
NATCA, representing the controller work force, supports a plan to structure the air traffic control
branch of the FAA. NATCA endorses the government corporation concept for air traffic control
because, "it goes furthest towards correcting the FAA's personnel, procurement, and budgetary
problems" (NATCA policy statement, 1995). The union goes on to say they'll back any legislative
measure that addresses at a minimum, the following personnel, procurement, and budgetary
concerns: · Provides for protection of retirement, benefits, and job security consistent with
applicable laws, rules, and regulations. · Need for long–term leadership at the FAA. · Provide the
FAA with the ability to hire personnel when needed and allow individuals to transfer to where
they're needed most, regardless of artificial hiring/managing caps. · Provide the FAA with the ability
to attract and retain high caliber individuals. · Allow the FAA and its recognized unions, the ability
to seek a more streamlined and factual classification system. · Provides a flexible procurement
system that mitigates the effects the appropriations
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The Advanced Automation System ( Aas ) Essay
From its conception in 1981, the Advanced Automation System (AAS) was designed to provide an
overhaul of America's major air traffic control computer systems. $1.5 billion worth of hardware and
software out of the $2.6 billion spent was futile. The General Accounting Office stated that " The
FAA did not recognize the technical complexity of the effort, realistically estimate the resources
required, adequately oversee its contractors' activities, or effectively control system requirements."
This project was doomed from the beginning; the FAA thought that it would revolutionize how they
did their work overnight. The FAA did not consistently follow the proper management approach for
obtaining new systems. In the 1980s and early 1990s, FAA did not follow the phased approach of
federal acquisition guidance designed to help mitigate the cost, schedule, and performance risk
associated with the development of major systems. The agency believed that it could develop and
install new systems more quickly by combining several of the five phases outlined in this guidance.
But, the result of not following this structured, timed approach, FAA often encountered difficult
tasks such as those associated with developing the Advanced Automation System. In 1995, the
Congress exempted FAA from numerous federal procurement rules and regulations. In April 1996,
FAA implemented an acquisition management system, which emphasized the need for a disciplined
approach to acquisition management.
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The Importance Of Air Traffic Control In Aviation
Technology and computers are all positive innovations but to operate those machines and equipment
humans are needed. Human factor is the most important factor in an Aviation field. On one single
airport thousands of employee work and humans on ground operates all the equipments.
To identify a useful set of Air Traffic Control complexity factors a research has been conducted and
it's on ground services that are important for the air traffic effectiveness. This topic fits in my field
of study as I worked in Aviation field and currently pursuing a master's in MBAAviation degree. On
the one hand It is necessary to determine, how a different factor on ground related to controller
workload and ATC complexity interacts on the other hand with, air traffic effectiveness. This
research should lead to conclusion of guidelines to improve ATC sector and traffic flow as well as to
produce a better and safe transportation.
Aviation itself is a vast world and is growing day by day with the increasing number of airlines,
airports, aircrafts and the population around the world. There are numbers of passengers who travel
for their own purpose and these passengers demand a safe and on time journey. This safe and on
time journey can only be accomplished with air traffic effectiveness and by ensuring all the services
provided to make this effectiveness stable and better day by day.
Air traffic control (ATC) is a job which is provided my controllers on ground who direct and
indicate aircrafts in
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What is NextGen? NextGen is not just one particular project or aspect. Instead, it is a wide range of
changes improvements, and implementations created by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
and its partners that are designed to improve and make air travel more efficient and safer today and
in the years to come. NextGen has the ability to save air carriers money by reducing fuel costs via
shortened and more direct routes.
NextGen is the overall modernization of the National Airspace System (NAS) that provides benefits
to the air carrier and to the consumers/passengers in that it allows for flights to depart on–time,
arrive on–time (or ahead of schedule), decreases the EPA emissions, thus helping to save the
environment, and allows ... Show more content on ...
Instead of multiple systems "talking" to one another, all systems will interface with SWIM, which
will then disseminate the information as applicable to the user requesting it, as seen in Figure 2. For
an example, when a user interfaces with an application appropriate to their role in the airspace
system, e.g., controller, dispatcher, pilot, or maintenance coordinator. Each user identifies themself
to the system through the application or through a centralized system sign–on. That user's ability to
access SWIM–based applications and data is then controlled by the role–based limits imposed on
that user through SWIM (Meserole & Moore,
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Industrial Safety Differences in Unmanned Aerial Systems
Industrial Safety Differences in Unmanned Aerial Systems
Although they tend to be smaller than manned aircraft including most small general aviation types,
UAVs are indeed aircraft and all of the industrial safety measures that apply in other forms of
aviation also apply here. At this point it is appropriate to define a few terms; Remotely Piloted
Vehicle/Aircraft (RPV/Aircraft) refers to an aircraft or vehicle piloted from the ground. Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAV) may be piloted from the ground or autonomously controlled through a
software program. Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) refers to the combination of unmanned vehicle
and all control, sensor, payload and maintenance elements necessary for mission accomplishment.
Currently the majority of the UAVs operated by the United States are military assets, and as such are
subject to policies, requirements and regulations of the military. These safety requirements will be
briefly discussed. As unmanned systems are integrated into national airspace they will be operated
in increasing numbers by civil operators, for this reason we will also look at civil safety
requirements. UAS will also present some unique situations which have up to this point not been
experienced; this will require new areas to be incorporated into the aviation industrial safety arena to
ensure our current level of safety is not degraded through their inclusion. This paper will investigate
aviation industrial safety as it applies specifically to
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Self Driving Car
Self–Driving Automobile In the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey 2008 publication
to congress, indicated that about 94% of motor vehicle crashes are caused at least in part by human
error. The results from the survey that occurred between 2005 – 2007 was marked at collecting on–
scene information about the events and associated factors that both lead up or caused motor vehicle
crashes. The results concluded that 94% was critical reason attributable to drivers, due to driver
decision error such as speed, misjudgments, distractions, driving under the influence of alcohol and
prescription drugs. In about 2 % of the crashes, the critical reason was assigned to a vehicle
component's failure or deprivation, another 2 % was attributed to the environment such as weather
conditions, and slippery roads and more (Critical ... Show more content on ...
In 2014, Google announced its Project Wing exercise, which it would be looking into ways to use
self–flying robots to deliver goods. The goal of Project Wing is to provide delivery of goods to rural
and remote areas, alongside providing food, aid and medical supplies to people in emergencies. In
the short term, Google aims to deliver in the air, getting products from the granary to their
destination in approximately two minutes. Project Wing uses a drone, which is a crossover between
a plan and a helicopter that takes off vertically. Once in the air it rotates to a horizontal position, and
hovers packages down to the ground for delivery. The drones fly between a range of 130–195 feet,
which is just above houses, but low enough so that it stays out of air traffic control space. It has an
electronic device which detects when the package has been placed on the ground. These aerial
machines are being tested for delivering goods, however the overarching goal is that the machines
will be used for disaster relief, by delivering aid to isolated
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Essay on Next Generation Air Transportation System
The Future of the "Next Generation Air Transportation System"
October 23, 2011
Tech 3020
By: Joel Borton
The Future of the Next Generation Air Transportation System
Since the Wright brother's first flight over Kitty Hawk 108 years ago, the accomplishments of the
human race in aerospace have been nothing short of miraculous. The United States aerospace and
aviation industry has developed into a crucial element of the global infrastructure. It is an industry
that moves people and goods quickly and virtually anywhere in the world. However, aerospace and
aviation is an industry at risk. While there may be a temporary pause given the current economy, the
steady increase in ... Show more content on ...
What permits this? Each airplane will have a special transponder that transmits and receives precise
information about the time at which it and others will cross key points along their route.
Additionally, pilots and air traffic managers on the ground will have the same precise information,
transmitted via data communications, which creates a much faster process of getting the planes in
and out of the airports. This also helps the air traffic control managers by being able to allow the
airplanes closer to each other with out harming them. These controllers will not have to use as much
two–way communication neither because the information will automatically be transmitted via data
communications. Therefore, the communication frequencies will be less busy and less stressful on
the air traffic controllers. Which creates a much faster process of getting the planes in and out of
airports. Once the planes have departed from their airport, the transponders along with the new GPS
based technology that NextGen has included into the "Implementation Plan" may now choose more
direct paths instead of using old traditional Navaid technology, such as Victor Airways to travel.
With GPS technology as part of the new system they are hoping it will cut down on the noise level
of communication frequencies as well. Pilots will use GPS based
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Advantages Of Privatization Of Air Traffic Control In Usa
Privatize air traffic control in USA
Air traffic control involves the directing of aircraft on the ground through the use of airspaces and
advising the planes in non–controlled skies. Currently, control of air traffic in the United States is
done by the federal aviation administration. The current President Donald Trump has proposed to
privatize the exercise. Moving the task to a non–profit organization will benefit America in various
ways. Most importantly, it will modernize equipment's and training making the process more
efficient. Additionally, it will ensure a more stable funding for the operation thus enhancing
sufficient security. From the benefits of privatization of air traffic control in the USA, it is
imperative that the legislators fully support the move.
Privatization of air traffic control in the United States will significantly contribute to the
modernization of the system. With the current management of air traffic control by the federal
aviation (FAA) administration, it is impossible to modernize the system. FAA can easily be
manipulated by politicians since they are not independent institutions thereby making it possible to
move agenda of the organization forward. For instance, embezzlement of funds is likely making it
almost impossible to purchase modern equipment's that can help in the running of the systems.
However, allowing the process to be controlled by a non–profit organization will enhance
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What If Airline Regulations Never Existed?
Many years before the Federal Aviation Act was created, the airline industry grew with little to no
rules for safety. The skies filled with aircraft each year, always adding more numbers than the
previous years. Imagine an aviation world where safety was never even thought of. How do we
control and monitor all the aircraft in the skies to ensure they all reach their destinations safely.
What if airline regulations never existed? Would aircraft just fly till parts literally fell off? Who
would be the responsible party to clean up after an aircraft accident? These are the reasons that the
Federal Aviation Administration was created. The modern age of powered flight began with Orville
and Wilbur Wright making their first sustained powered flight at Kitty Hawk N.C. in December
1903. The Wright brothers along with other aviation pioneers like Glenn Curtiss, Samuel Langley,
Thomas Baldwin, and Octave Chanute all new the extreme danger that flying presented. As the
aviation pioneers began to perfect the art of flying, the need for safety grew as well. As time passed
new planes and technologies were being made to enhance safety. Commercial operations like the
use of aircraft in World War I and the early service of the airmail furthered these advances in flight
safety. Airmail operation began as an idea that airplanes could be useful in delivering the mail faster
than the railroads (Lawrence, 2014 pp.79). This idea subsequently kicked off commercial aviation.
By 1911 experimental
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It Is Too Little Air Traffic Control
1. The fact that some airplanes collide is evidence that there is too little air traffic control. Evaluate.
This is a false statement because airplane collision can be eliminated through the provision of better
safety control measures. This is a measure of opportunity cost by the Airplane Company whereby
safety is traded off by other factors to reduce cost of air traffic control and substitute it with other
company cost such as charges incurred during air flights. Opportunity cost is the value of the
forgone in order to take an alternative action. This can be seen as an economizing behavior that
makes use of unlimited resources so as to satisfy other unlimited wants.
Opportunity cost makes people to make a choice between what is more ... Show more content on ...
Immigrants going back to their native country would also benefit me in my native country as there
would be a reduced population in the country and an increase in labor market to fill the gap left
behind by the foreigners. Therefore, when there is an increase in the flow of immigration in the
country there would be higher incomes for other productive factors which are in complement with
the immigrants but also it will lead to lower income to other factors that create competition with the
3. When a group of Russian officials touring American farms asked who told the farmers how much
to produce in order to supply the appropriate amounts of goods, the farmers said that no one told
them. But the Russians were convinced that farmers were concealing something. What would you
have told the Russians?
There is a market trend of supply and demand in an economy and this is measured through the
equilibrium process and the actors that affect supply and demand. The farmers are the market
suppliers and hence they determine their produce by measuring the equilibrium market prices and
quantities. The suppliers are aware that when the prices of commodity increases the demand of the
same commodity decrease and when demand increases supply decreases until the market reaches an
equilibrium point. There are various factors that affect
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Air Traffic Control System Of Sdf
SMF's location provides for the most efficient flight operations and the future airport developments
will cost–effectively satisfy the growing aviation demand in the area. The runway, taxiway, and
ramp configurations at SMF provide an efficient access system for arriving and departing aircraft
today, but there are current assessments in progress of runway lengths required for future non–stop
service to European and Asian destinations. The current instrument and visual landing systems meet
the required flight operations standards based on the airports total flight operations and weather. The
air traffic control system is state–of–the–art and meets the current and future operational
requirements well into the year 2035 according to the ... Show more content on ...
In 2008, the Sacramento County Airport System began a monumental improvement project worth
1.03 billion dollars for terminal modernization of the old Terminal B. The new complex is almost
three times bigger and has an automated state–of–the–art people mover. The new terminal won the
"Green Project of the Year" award by the Sacramento Business Journal due to its smart technology
and green design, which is reducing energy, costs exponentially. This modern approach makes
today's daily ground access operations sufficient to meet the current and future demand. Airport
planners and managers at SMF have effectively applied the modus operandi of terminal and ground
access operations. SMF's master plan reveals the impending future facilities that will expediently
process the upcoming volumes of airport visitors well into 2020 and beyond (Master, 2004).
The Sacramento County Airport System has been successful at maintaining a balanced economic,
political, and social climate at SMF. The continuous engagement from the airport's management
with the community that it serves, its tenants, suppliers, and service providers is evident. The
community and SMF have worked together to identify some of the environmental effects in the
surrounding communities. The major environmental categories affecting SMF are Aircraft Noise,
Compatible Land Use, and Air Quality. Secondary categories
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Essay on Cyber Attacks on the Government’s Transportation...
Breaches and Security Implications by Penetration of the Western Interconnection's
Traffic Control System and its Effects on Modern Day Life
Year after year, a number of films are released involving computer hacking of some sort along with
cyber–villainy. As entertaining as they are, the validity of these possibilities is not explored. Many
of these films center revolve around a chaotic vehicle–related scene where a form of the
government's transportation grid is compromised. The breach typically involves traffic control. As
the stoplights and streetlights are in a state known as gridlock, external hackers usually make the
situation as unruly as humanely plausible. However, the very nature of this unfortunate scenario can
only be ... Show more content on ...
This includes the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona,
Colorado, Wyoming,
Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Texas. The Western Interconnection is connected to the
Eastern Interconnection via six direct current transmission facilities. The WECC has offices in the
following cities: Salt Lake, Utah; Vancouver, Washington; and Loveland, Colorado. The
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) employs eight other branches of electric
reliability councils (NERC).
Currently, the level of security regarding the Western Interconnection networks is depleting, as in it
is becoming ever more susceptible to external hackers. The vulnerable nature of all the United States
electric power grids brought the attention of the White House a couple years ago. The potential of
these cyber–attacks on this vital infrastructure has led to a suspicion of Chinese hackers behind the
job. At the time, it was assumed that the U.S. Congress and
government regulators would pressure all the electric utilities to increase security ten–fold and be
ready to evade all computer intrusions. A single breach would inevitably lead to chaos striking the
entire nation. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressed concerns about the
power grid's high vulnerability to
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Essay on Psa Crash
Mid–Air of PSA Flight 182 and its Impacts on U.S. Aviation
Lance Paston
Utah Valley University
This paper reviews the tragic mid–air crash of PSA flight 182 and Cessna N7711G a Cessna 172
over San Diego and its resulting FAA rules and regulation changes, and their affect on the U.S.
aviation industry. PSA Flight 182's mid–air resulted in the most sweeping FAA changes to airspace
to date. The FAA rules and regulation changes was a success in preventing similar mid–airs of this
On September 25, 1978, I was a 16–year–old inspiring young pilot going to high school within 10
miles of San Diego's Lindbergh International Airport. It was about ... Show more content on ...
19 seconds before the mid–air the controller received a conflict alert alarm in the tower indicating a
possible aircraft conflict. The controller subsequently ignored the alarm because he felt that since
PSA flight 182 had acknowledged having the Cessna in sight and the controller felt that the aircrew
of PSA flight 182 was meeting their requirement of visual separation, notification was not required
in his opinion. The controller did try to notify the Cessna that PSA 182 had them in sight and that
PSA 182 was eastbound at six o' clock and descending. There was no response from the Cessna as
they had already switched frequencies as was being controlled by Miramar TRACON for the ILS
approach procedures. The Cessna was unaware of the PSA flight coming from behind as the Cessna
could only monitor one frequency at a time, unlike PSA flight 182 which was being controlled by
Lindbergh tower had capabilities of monitoring both Lindbergh tower and Miramar TRACON
According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the mid–air was primarily the fault of the
PSA aircrew for failing to maintain visual separation and not informing the tower that they had lost
visual contact. Contributing factors were control tower procedures allowing
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Deregulation of the U.S. Airline Industry Essay example
Deregulation of the U.S. airline industry has resulted in ticket prices dropping by a third, on an
inflation–adjusted basis. As a result some 1.6 million people fly on 4,000 aircraft every day. Airlines
carried 643 million passengers in 1998, a 25% increase over 1993 and the FAA estimates that the
nation¡¦s airline system will have to accommodate 917 million passengers by the year 2008. The
growth in air travel threatens to overwhelm the presently inadequate air traffic control system, which
has not kept pace with available technology in navigation, communications, and flight surveillance.
Much of the equipment used for air traffic control today is based on fifty–year–old technology; for
example, analog simplex voice links for ... Show more content on ...
On March 11, 1999, the FAA released the NAS Architecture Version 4.0 to the public. Key
influences on the architecture include the 1996 White House Commission on Aviation Safety and
Security, which recommended that the FAA accelerate modernization of the NAS, and the 1997
National Civil Aviation Review Commission, which recommended funding and performance
management methods for implementing NAS modernization. It describes the agency¡¦s
modernization strategy from 1998 through 2015. Based on the Free Flight operational concept,
Version 4.0 contains capabilities, technologies, and systems to enhance the safety of the aviation
system and provide users and service providers with more efficient services. Free Flight centers on
allowing pilots, whenever practical, to choose the optimum flight profile. This concept of operations
is expected to decrease user costs, improve airspace flexibility, and remove flight restrictions.
The NAS Architecture is divided into three modernization phases and its implementation is being
synchronized with the International Civil Aviation Organization to ensure interoperability and global
„h Phase 1 (1998–2002) focuses on sustaining essential air traffic control services and delivering
early user benefits. Free Flight Phase 1 will be implemented. Controller computer workstations will
begin major upgrades. Satellite–based navigation systems will be deployed, and
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Class C Airspace
There was no need for airspace regulation in the US up until 1903 when the Wright brothers began
the modern age of air flight with a homemade aircraft. Then in 1905, the work of the Wright
brothers accumulated into the first practical aircraft that and subsequent improvements that allowed
aviation technology to develop into commercial aircraft as well as war–capable planes which were
used in World War I.
Early aviation was quite dangerous as a result of no advanced navigational technologies or
automated flight systems. A great deal of human error was possible with these early aircraft. During
these times, pilots flew close enough to the ground so that they could tell where they were going by
using roadways and railways. This sort of primitive ... Show more content on ...
A class C airspace must have met a basic physical infrastructure of a control tower and a radar–
controlled approach system. The altitude limit for class C airspace is usually 4000 ft above the
airport. The overarching shelf–like space has an upper and lower region, each with a radius of 10
miles and 20 miles, respectively. Although prior authorization/permission is not needed, aircraft that
want to enter class C airspace must establish radio communication with local air traffic control prior
to entering the airspace or be faced with trespassing. Aircraft pilots wishing to enter this area do not
need special certification but a speed limit of 230 mph must be obeyed below the altitude of 2500
feet and the immediate area surrounding class C airspace. Pilots must be willing to follow
commands from ATC including requests not to enter the airspace or to vacate the airspace. Class C
airspace designation is only to be effective while the control tower and radar–controlled approach
system are active. Outside of these hours, the airspace becomes Class D or E airspace depending on
if the approach control is closed or the tower is
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A Report On Uav Traffic Safety
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review some UAV traffic concerns. UAV traffic is increasing
tremendously over the past decade. There have been a number of mid–air collisions with UAVs
crashing into commercial aircraft or into each other. They are big enough to cause more engine
foreign object damage than a bird strike. This is because they are made of stronger material and plus
they have batteries on board that can cause severe damage to aircraft. Air traffic controllers need to
know how many UAVs are operating in their area of responsibility and know exactly where they are.
The FAA has adapted to the some of the new UAV laws, but this paper will show where they are
lacking some rules and regulations involving UAV traffic.
Introduction This paper is going to demonstrate the importance of UAV traffic control. It will review
some previous mid–air collisions with both UAVs colliding with each other and with commercial
aircraft. It will include some of the causes like lack of technology to detect UAVs and other aircraft,
air traffic controller centers lacking technology, and the FAA lacking rules and regulations
addressing the UAV population increases. The technology has to communicate back and forth from
the UAV to the operator and back. This can become a problem because of hacking threats. The main
concern of this paper is to propose an efficient and secure air traffic control of UAVs.
In the article 'Secure routing in UAV', the three
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NEXGEN : The Future Of The Air Traffic Control System
In the economic aspect, is important to understand that ERAM (Air traffic advance modernization
System) price tag of $2.15 billion dollars as it is today. This program was put in service in 2007 and
had a completion date in 2010, that the program may be completed in 2016 once an additional half a
billion dollars was added to the total. Separately from the economic side, there were also a host of
software issues right after the initial launch, Some of the auxiliary programs that work in
conjunction with ERAM has also been affected in regards to cost and expected deployment into
service. "FAA Deputy Administrator Michael Huerta said the long–term success of the NextGen
proposal, which calls for airlines to spend about an additional $20 ... Show more content on ...
"Our vision for a modernized National Airspace System includes reforming the ATC system so that
politics don't impede hiring and training more air traffic controllers and equipping our facilities with
technology used by more than 50 countries around the world. 4. Politician Influences Senator Hohn
Micca blames poor management from FAA.He expreses " It's not a question of money, it's a
question of management," Rick Larsen (D–Wash.) said that is necessary to scrutinize this programs
to make the right decision. "Any proposal to overhaul the existing ATC system must be thoroughly
vetted, not rushed through Congress just because the political landscape makes it easier." Peter
DeFazio (D–Ore) Aviation subcommittee ranking member a series of hearings to
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The Importance Of Air Traffic Control
Air traffic controllers have one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Many controllers at each
airport individually control aircrafts at different stages of flight. For example, the stations include
fight service, departure, approach, center, en route, clearance and delivery, ground, and tower. Every
plane in the sky is under control of an air traffic operator. Each of these controllers is controlling
multiple aircraft at once, and controllers have to time everything perfectly. At peak hours, just over
5,000 airplanes in the sky carry passengers around the world, and air traffic controllers have the job
to keep thousands of people alive and safely land and take–off the airplanes. With this thought on
their minds, their jobs can become very stressful, especially with the amount of information they
need to retain during the job. With the amount of different factors that cause stress in air traffic
controllers, it can affect their job performances as well as make their jobs more challenging;
therefore, they need to develop coping sources that help them deal with and reduce job–related
stress. High travel times, bad weather, emergencies, family issues, and language details are all
contribute to major factors in air traffic control stress. First, air traffic controllers deal with many
airplanes throughout the day, especially during peak hours. During the peak traffic time, just over
5,000 airplanes are in the air. As observed by Finkelman and Kirschner, "controllers are
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Reasons I Chose Air Traffic Controller
Reason I Chose Air Traffic Controller
I chose to do my paper on being a Air Traffic Controller, and what Air Traffic Control because it
seems like a job in aviation that I would be interested in. The pay is good and overall it seems like a
good job and field to go into.
Air Traffic Controller
Air traffic controllers direct the movement of air traffic, to make sure that aircraft stay safe distances
apart. Air traffic controllers have many duties such as, issuing landing and takeoff instructions to
pilots, controlling ground traffic, help directing the movement of aircraft in air and on the ground,
and etc. Air traffic controllers work in control towers, approach control buildings, or en–route
centers. Some are located at airports and others are not. Air traffic controllers with 20 years of
experience are able to retire at age 50. Controllers must retire at age 56. Most air traffic controllers
work full time.The median annual wage for air traffic controllers is $122,530.
To become an air traffic controller, you must be a U.S. citizen, pass medical and background checks,
get a good score on the Federal Aviation Administration pre–employment test, complete a training
course at the FAAAcademy, pass a physical exam each year and a job performance exam twice per
year and pass drug screenings. Air traffic controllers must hold an Air Traffic Control Tower
Operator Certificate or be qualified. They must be at least 18 years old, speak English, and comply
with all knowledge and skill
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Air Traffic Control For The Future
Air Traffic Control: The Guide to the Future Josh Burr Middle Tennessee State University The
family wants to go on a trip; an exotic destination is in mind. The airline ticket has been booked, the
day has come for travel. To them, it's no big deal; just another day in their world. To the hundreds, if
not thousands of people working behind the scenes to make that flight operate, it is also just another
day. No one ever thinks about how much work goes into the operation of a flight, and once airborne,
who keeps them safe. Pilots have final control of the plane, but how can they avoid crashing when
the weather conditions are less than favorable? Enter the Air Traffic Controller; the person
responsible for the smooth ... Show more content on ...
Bon Fires. Bon fires were set across the nation to guide airplanes as visual reference points. That
idea only last two years as in 1923, the Postal Service installed rotating beacon lights along their
routes to guide airplanes, which are still used today to aid pilots in finding an airport at night time.
Jumping ahead to 1926, Congress passed the Air Commerce Act of 1926 which established rules for
pilots to follow, "established airway, and operating aids to navigation" (NATCA). A few years later,
the city of St. Louis hired the nation's first air traffic controller – Archie W. League. He controlled
airplanes with colored flags indicating them "to go or to hold" (NATCA). Later these flags would be
replaced by light guns aimed at the pilot to indicate the same information. Flying (no pun intended)
through to 1930's, 1940's, and 1950's, the aviation industry exploded with advancements to control
facilities and two way radio communications to keep tabs on where pilots were. It wasn't until a
crash in 1956 over the Grand Canyon that radar surveillance was upgraded to verify airplanes were
where they said they were. Now the controllers have everything they need – They have voice with
pilots, and they have radar on pilots, but things weren't all smooth sailing for long. In 1981,
controllers were finding themselves under "tremendous amounts of stress...forced to work up to 20
hours of overtime a week", and suffering from equipment outages (NATCA). This resulted
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How Aviation Industry Influenced By Information System Essay
How aviation industry influenced by information system?
1. History:
Aviation industry evolved after the World war 3 almost at 1950. With the passage of time many
advancement and changes occurred in this industry. But one of the most technical and informative
changes that occurs in late nineties was the GPS and TCAS in the aircraft. At that time there was no
much paper work in this industry to plan and integrate with others. But as the technology spread and
new advancement became aviation industry also adopted it. Much other advancement which
industry adopted was GBAS and ILS. But on the other hand industry have done much paper work at
airport building to reduce this many new modules were adopted. When industry was not highly
advanced people didn't trust to fly because there was the much risk of accidents.
2. Introduction: Aviation is currently the fastest growing industry in the world. 75% of the total
industry is owned by private companies mainly in the domestic markets. The aviation industry is
growing at compound annual growth rate of 15%. Airline companies lease or own their aircrafts are
into alliance with other companies with mutual benefits.
The aviation industry provides air transport services for passengers and cargo. The industry is
categorized into domestic, international, intra–continental and intercontinental routes. Some
companies are only into passenger or freight transportation whereas some are in both in national
market and
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The Pros And Cons Of Air Traffic Control
Since the very beginning of air travel, the Federal Aviation Administration's National Air Traffic
Control (ATC) system has kept passengers safe and moved people and goods with unmatched
efficiency, and it has continually evolved to meet the needs of the aviation industry. However, many
have sought to hand over control of the ATC system to a private entity, separate from the FAA,
dominated by the airlines, and unaccountable to the public. The latest of these effort comes in the
form of a renewed push endorsed by President Donald Trump, in a misguided attempt to "Make Air
Travel Great Again." What would come with private ATC would be just the opposite: rising costs
passed on to airline passengers and general aviation operations, and funds shifted from local general
aviation (GA) airports to the nation's hub airports, and unfair access to the nation's skies favoring the
airlines and leaving GA behind. Since the invention of flight, the sky over America have been free
for anyone to use, but this may no longer be the case. The costs to the aviation industry will be
staggering. Pilots, controllers, and other aviation professionals have not accepted a private ATC
system in the past and must resist it again for the love of flying.
Privatization of government services and agencies has long been a proposed solution to rising costs,
delayed updates, and inconsistent budgets that federal agencies currently have to deal with. Air
Traffic Control is no exception. Rep. Bill Shuster
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Essay about Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed...
Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions
In northern California this summer, the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) unintentionally performed it's first operational test of "free flight"; aviation without direct air
traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it was a result of a total shut–down of
the Oakland Air Route
Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).
Although Oakland is only the 16th busiest ARTCC, it's responsible for the largest block of airspace
of any ATC facility; 18 million square miles.
Oakland directs all upper–level flight from San Luis Obispo, California to the
California/Oregon boarder, including most Pacific oceanic routes. The failure happened at 7:13 a.m.
local time ... Show more content on ...
Flight crews did their own improvising. Some pilots squawked VFR and continued the flight on
their own. Others continued on their previously issued clearance, while others climbed into or
descended out of Class A airspace without a clearance. Later analysis tells us one of the biggest
problems was nobody believed a prolonged outage like this could occur. Both controllers and
supervisors worked on the assumption their radar and radios would come back "any moment now".
The same thought process prevailed at Bay (Oakland) TRACON where operations were paralyzed
by the Center's blackout. It's impossible to say how many separation losses occurred during the
hour–long episode. Some near mid–air reports were filed, but the vast majority of separation–loss
situations will probably go unreported. After power was restored, and the primary radar system was
returned to operation, extensive air traffic delays, diversions, and flight cancellations persisted for
many hours at
Bay area airports, especially departures from San Francisco International. We may never know the
full aftermath of this incident. Changes will be made as to how power is fed to ATC facilities, and
how maintenance is performed.
Contingency plans will be rewritten and controllers will be trained how to implement them.
Meanwhile, controllers nation wide are brushing up on their non– radar and lost–comm procedures.
After an extensive investigation, it's now clear why the
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Professional Air Traffic Control
Professional Air Traffic Control
Colton Davis
University of North Dakota
Air Traffic Control (ATC) in the United States consists of roughly 25,000 air traffic controllers
working in the National Airspace System (2014 controller workforce plan). These 25,000 controllers
consist of both civilian and military personnel. This essay examines paths to entry into air traffic
control, recent trends, costs and predictions for the future of ATC in the National Airspace System.
In 2014 the FAA underwent the most significant change in hiring procedures since the Air Traffic
Collegiate Training Initiative (AT–CTI) was introduced. The new FAA hiring methods have caught
scrutiny for replacing a system of consistent and ... Show more content on ...
FAAAir Traffic Control To be hired as an FAA air traffic controller a potential candidate must meet
the minimum following requirements: be a United States citizen, start the FAAAcademy in
Oklahoma City, OK for training no later than their 31st birthday, hold a class II FAA medical and,
pass a background check, have "three years of progressively responsible work experience, or a
bachelors degree, or a combination of post–secondary education and work experience that totals
three years," pass the "FAA air traffic pre–employment tests." ("Aviation careers," 2014). These
hiring requirement have recently changed. Prior to January 2014 the FAA required candidates to
either have prior experience in air traffic control, be a graduate of an AT–CTI school or be a small
percentage of "off the street" hires, all of which would have to pass the "AT–SAT" air traffic control
aptitude test. While the AT–SAT is still administered in a different form, potential controllers must
first pass the new "biographical questionnaire." This questionnaire claims to select the most
qualified potential controllers based on research from currently successful certified practicing
controllers, or CPCs. Under the current hiring processes from the FAA, once a candidate passes the
"biographical questionnaire" they are scheduled to take the AT–SAT. If the candidate passes the AT–
SAT they will then start at the FAAAcademy. Depending on which course they are
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Lisbon Airport : International Airport
Lisbon Portela Airport (IATA: LIS, ICAO: LPPT) is located 4.5 miles from city center of
Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon Airport is an international airport that has grown over the years
fortifying the gateway to Europe, South America and Africa. The airport has two runways:
runway 03–21 (148ft x 12484ft) and runway 17–35 (148ft x 7874ft). Lisbon Airport has two
terminals, the main terminal: terminal 1, and terminal 2, where most of low cost carriers operate.
The airport serves as a hub for TAP Portugal, TAP Express, easyJet, and RyanAir (ANA, 2016)
Due to the proximity of to the city, Lisbon Airport has night time traffic restriction from 0000–
0600L due to noise abatement, however it is still open 24hours.
Figure 1– Routes out ... Show more content on ...
Portugal's government agreed to sell
state–owned airport operator ANA–Aeroportos de Portugal SA to Vinci SA for 3.08 billion euros
($4.07 billion), raising money for the debt–strapped country. (Almeida, 2012) The privatization
of Lisbon Airport, and the new management, it was time to invest in the airport. The creation of
terminal 2 alleviated some of the issues, and the expansion of terminal 1 created space that
improved the fluidity and handling capacity and control of international passengers, and the
processing of luggage. TAP Portugal, and the other airlines continue to expand their routes thus
creating the need for Lisbon Airport to handle and accommodate more passengers. Due to the
current high volume of flights, many flights are currently boarded/de–boarded using hard stands.
The creation or relocation of Lisbon Airport is still an uncertainty, that would have to be
evaluated as the traffic and the movements grow.
7.3 – Airport and Airspace Case Study
As flights increases throughout the world, the management of airspace is much needed.
In 1999, Europe had foreseen that the rapid growth of the aviation industry would further
increase the number of flights thus congesting the airspace. In 1999 the European Commission
(EC) proposed the creation of a Single
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The Effects Of Nextgen On Nas Delays At Major Airports
The Effects of NextGen on NAS Delays at Major Airports The national aviation system is under
increasing demand for more and more flights as air passenger numbers continue to rise. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) Aerospace Forecast Fiscal Years 2015–2035 report estimates an
annual growth of 2.0 percent per year from 2016–2035. This will equate to an average of 1.14
billion passengers flying within the U.S. per year by the end of year 2035 (n.d., p. 47). As the
number of aircraft flying increase to accommodate passenger demand, the number of aircraft delays
and risk to flight safety are also likely to increase. The current air traffic control (ATC) infrastructure
evolved from the World War II era and wasn't designed to handle the predicted air traffic loads of
the 21st century (Hopkin, Wise & Garland, 2010). In order to update the ATC system to increase its
capacity, the FAA, along with other select governing bodies have started implementing NextGen. At
an estimated cost of $18 billion through the year 2018, the NextGen system uses emerging
technology and is constantly facing challenges (United States Federal Aviation Administration,
2010). These challenges delay the benefits received through the use of NextGen which add to the
ongoing NAS delays and risk the safety of future flights in the oversaturated airways. Although
some delays are being experienced in NextGen prorams, 30 major airports now have NextGen
capabilities (NextGen Airports, 2016). The cost
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Aircraft Engine Specialists Are Responsible For Repair And...
Aircraft Engine Specialists Required job knowledge: For this position, the knowledge of machines
and tools, which includes design, uses, benefits, repair, and maintenance, are required. It requires the
individuals with understanding of engineering and technology. The individuals should have
knowledge of physics, mathematics, public safety and security, computers and electronics, design
technics, transportation methods, law, government and jurisprudence, and telecommunications. They
should be able to provide instructional method and training. 3. Decision–making: The individuals
should have the judgement and decision making skills. It is very technical job and some decisions
are made on spot. Therefore, the Aircraft Engine Specialists ... Show more content on ...
They should be able to make sure that every job is performed properly. Since the nature of this job is
very series and many lives depends on their accuracy of job performance, it is very important that
their job is exact and highly accurate. There should not be any consequence of error because a
mirror error can end up with taking many lives. Air Traffic Controllers The main tasks and
responsibilities of the Air Traffic Controllers are inform pilots about nearby planes or any hazardous
situation. They should be able to authorize the landing and take–off instructions. Control the
arriving flights and give the control of departing flights to traffic control. In case of emergency
landing, they should be able to provide flight path changes and directions, and also inform the
airport emergency service. The knowledge requirements for the Air Traffic Controllers are public
safety and security, transportation, customer and personal service. They should have knowledge of
different methods and principles of moving goods and people by air, and other forms of
transportation. They should be have active listening, speaking, and critical thinking skills. They
should be able to solve the complex problems too. The Air Traffic Controllers should be able to
make decision and solve problems. The information will be given to them and they should be
analyze, and evaluate the results to choose the best solution and make a good decision. According to
O'Net website, the decision
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Informative Speech: Air Traffic Controller
Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the reason that I chose my current career field, Air
Traffic Control.
Thesis Statement: I will explain why I chose to become an Air Traffic Controller.
Attention Getter: Did you know that on an average day, an Air Traffic Controller is responsible for
more lives than many doctors are in a lifetime?
Overview of Main Points: First I'll talk about the salary, followed by job availability, and finally the
importance of ATC.
Transition: Let's start with the number one thing that the majority of people want, money.
I. Air Traffic Control is one of the highest paid career fields without a college degree. A. According
to, ATC is the highest paying job for people that do not have a college ...
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In comparison, in 2011 the average salary of a high school graduate with no college was just
$35,000 according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
Transition: But of course what good is a high salary if there aren't any jobs available for you?
II. Air Traffic Control has significant employment opportunities. A. In 2012, there were 25,000 jobs
available for controllers according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and that is expected to remain
constant through 2022. B. Experience as an Air Traffic Controller qualifies you for other jobs as
Transition: So those are two big reasons for choosing my career field, so now let's move on to one
that is maybe not quite so obvious.
III. Air Traffic Controllers provide a much needed public service. A. In July 2014 (the most current
data available), US airlines carried 61.7 million passengers in the skies over the US alone. B. We
solve problems that you didn't know you had, and it makes us happy.
Transition: So in conclusion.
I told you a bit today about why I chose Air Traffic Control as a career, namely for the money, job
availability, and the satisfaction that comes with providing a public
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Career Investigation: Air Traffic Controller
Career Investigation
Air Traffic Controller
Flying an airplane is a complicated task that requires many different people to get the job done. Air
Traffic control is one of the most important careers in the aviation industry. At one time there can be
about 5000 aircrafts in the air. Without it there would be many more disasters than you would like to
think. Air traffic control is a service that is provided by ground–based controllers who direct aircraft
on the ground and through controlled airspace. and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non–
controlled airspace.
Job Description
Airport Traffic Controllers help to direct air traffic more efficiently and smoothly. They give pilots
the instructions so for takeoff ... Show more content on ...
It begins at a regional training facility located at one of seven area control centers, which consists of
classroom and simulator training. You will start by learning the manual of operations and
phraseology, then simulation training in a fabricated airport setting known as the March airport. Job
training includes following an experienced tower controller who will also be your instructor. Similar
to a college or university program you have to pay for your own tuition.
Working Conditions
Air traffic controllers work either in the top of the tower, or in the radar room below it. They all
have the same goal – which is to supervise aircraft around the airport to ensure they maintain safe
distances from each other. They work 40 hours a week with a variety of tools such as radio, radar,
electronic computers, telephone, traffic control light and much
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Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control
Why do we need it? – Its Objective.
1. Aviation has come a long way since the days when safe operation between aircraft was based
purely on the 'SEE AND BE SEEN' principle. With the aircraft closing speeds in excess of 1000
mph, and increasing density of air traffic, the impracticability of reliance upon such a system is
2. Hence the need for air traffic control service has arisen. The need to safeguard passengers, crew
and aircraft is now met by ground based infrastructure, in which air traffic controllers issue
mandatory instructions to pilots. The aim of Air Traffic Control Service is to ensure a safe, orderly
and expeditious flow of air traffic.
3. Primary objective of Air Traffic Control is to ... Show more content on ...
This makes the Controller a man with a mission of responsibility scrutinized constantly, functioning
to standards of pinpoint accuracy. He plays a major role for continued safety in the field of aviation–
the safety that we as a passenger enjoy!
Who Are Air Traffic Controllers...A definition
11. Rondolph F. Kritzer has left nothing while defining the profession of Air Traffic Controllers.
According to him, it is;
"A profession in which person of definable intestinal fortitude; unlimited ability to correlate masses
of confusing numbers, figures, rules and statistics, both defined and infinite in their change; the
calibre and character associated with the most demanding discipline and integrity and resolve to
their job, unmatched by the vast majority, daily accepts with enthusiasm normally associated with
pleasure rather than work; the responsibility of ensuring the safe passage through unfriendly and
crowded skies, the immeasurable assets represented by multi–million dollar aircraft and the
multitude of lives contained in these fragile ships of skies. To be an Air Traffic controller is to be
proud, arrogant, bold and may be a little foolish...But I would not be anything else."
Job Description of an Air Traffic Controller
12. The daily routine of Air Traffic Controller is very demanding with various factors of
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Problems Faced By Airports And Airports
One of the major issues at airports is improving efficiency, flow of all traffic to reduce the
possibility of delays. After safety, everyone involved in any sort of airport operations, works on
increasing efficiency in order to avoid delays and having to spend additional money. As the airports
operations increase, the people in charge will have to come up with solutions to avoid setbacks.
Airport planners have to come up with ideas in order to improve airport facilities and increase the
efficiency of the flow. The challenges that come with this type of projects is that sometimes the
airports don't have much room for improvement within the airport and don't have room to expand
due to surrounding neighborhoods. This is where they have to find the right balance for capacity and
delay. To solve this problem first they have to find the hitch and then focus on working on that
specific area. For example, it can be a specific terminal, runways, taxiways, or not enough gates.
Other alternatives to the matter can be working on distributing the traffic through the off–peak
times, or to start using other areas to within the airport to decrease the traffic at one specific area.
Capacity can be view in two different ways. One is at the rate the aircraft can be handled. Example,
the airport may be able to handle the morning rush without having any delays, assuming everything
runs smooth without any disturbances. Practical capacity is the amount of operations in the airfield
with a small
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Aviation: The Radar System Essay
1. INTRODUCTION A radar system to be used in this modernised world of aviation has to be
efficient and reliable. The system has to accommodate the endless flow of air traffic all day without
any failure that would otherwise hinder the flow of air traffic, causing not only the airline but the
airport itself to lose money. As such, the radar system chosen for this assignment is the latest model
of CAAS' Long Range Radar and Display System (LORADS) III, suited to meet the operational
requirements of Singapore. This radar system has been operational since 16th October 2013, and
costs more than $300 milion. This radar is based on Thales' TopSky ATC system, one of the world's
leading Technology Company providing services for airspace security. ... Show more content on ...
The Route Adherence Monitoring (RAM) system checks if aircraft are adhering to their planned
route by comparing the actual position of surveillance tracks with known points of the planned
route. LORADS 3 makes use of a multi–sensor tracking technology, and is capable of fusing data
from radars, ADS–B, and ground sensors with multi–hypothesis filtering. It also provides an ADS–C
surveillance for remote and oceanic areas. 2.2 Role in air traffic management Radars play a vital
role in air traffic management. It provides real–time distance and range to any reflective target,
detecting not only aircrafts, but objects and land masses as well using electromagnetic waves. A
radar is capable of seeing through any condition of visibility, giving air traffic controllers and edge
in providing important weather and aerodrome information to pilots. A radar is essential to air traffic
when safety is concerned. When non–ideal weather conditions occur at an aerodrome such as
thunderstorms, the radar would aid the aircraft in its approach and take off. It prevents collisions
through provision of information to the ATC and pilots. A radar facilitates air traffic management
through surveillance, which determines an aircraft's position and velocity, giving controllers an
accurate overview of air traffic at any point in time. With the ADS–B equipped,
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  • 2.
  • 3. A Brief Note On Air Traffic Control ( Atc ) Essay 4.3 VARIOUS MODULES OF DLCA 6500 : 4.3.1 Air Traffic Controller(ATC) Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground–based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in the air. The primary purpose of ATC systems is to handle the aircraft downlinks and ground station uplinks. The pilot sends some downlink messages by using MKP (Multi–Functional Keypad), CCP(Cursor Control panel) in AM. The pilot will confirm the message by pressing SEND in AFD and it will come to ATC after pressing SEND function in AFD.RIU will then send the message to one of the existing radios (HF, SATCOM or VHF, with the selection of the radio based on special logic contained within the RIU). For a message to be sent over the VHF network, the radio would transmit the VHF signals containing the downlink message. This message is then received by a VHF Remote Ground Station .ATC may use a radar system called Secondary Surveillance Radar to downlink flight parameters allowing radar processing: systems and therefore controllers to see various data on a flight, including airframe unique id (24–bits encoded), indicated airspeed and flight director selected level, amongst others.Any aircraft is required to have clearance from Ground Control. This is normally done via VHF/UHF radio. Figure 4(b): Air Traffic Controller (ATN–CM page) Figure 4(c): Air Traffic Controller 4.3.2 Radio Interface Unit (RIU): It is Radio Interface Unit. ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Ammc Air Domain Awareness The Air and Marine Operations Center (AMOC) Phase "B" CONOPS, the AMOC Phase "B" ORD, and the AMOC Phase "B" MNS all contain information detailing threats, capabilities, gaps, mission needs and requirements. While there is no "air domain awareness" specific CONOPS, these documents have several scenarios describing how resources at the AMOC are utilized to achieve Air Domain Awareness. There is also a Tethered Aerostat Radar System Functional Requirements Document (FRD). Detection Enforcement Officers (DEOs) are responsible for maintaining 24/7 domain awareness of all CONUS air traffic, and the air traffic within 100 nautical miles of U.S. borders. The Air and Marine Operations Surveillance System (AMOSS), is the primary surveillance system ... Show more content on ... A typical scenario begins with the DEO performing surveillance operations an assigned area of operations. Once a suspect aircraft has been identified, the DEO will begin tracking the aircraft. He/She will query various data bases, attempting to determine the aircraft's identification. If the aircraft is squawking, the DEO can query the flight plan (if available), as well as track the aircraft's route of flight back to its origin, if possible. If the target detected is not squawking, cannot be identified, or has been determined to be a questionable flight through the normal sorting process, the DEO will continue tracking the aircraft until it reaches its destination. The DEO will contact the Air Traffic Control Tower or the airport's Fixed Base Operations to determine the aircraft ID. If ATC or the FBO can identify the aircraft, AMOC databases may provide amplifying information for the aircraft registration (tail) number. Other methods of checking flight plans involve contacting a Flight Service Station, an Approach Control or ARTCC, CBP Officers at an APOE, or the Air Defense Sectors. If the legitimacy of the tail number and/or determination of legality is unclear, such as an aircraft crossing the land or sea border and not heading towards an APOE or the pilot not talking to ATC, the DEO can initiate ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Air Traffic Control The odds are that at some point in time, most people in America will travel by air. What most of these people do not realize is that a simple flight is in reality a well–oiled, complex machine unlike any other air navigation service provider in the world. After the Wright brothers took their first successful flight, America embraced air travel. The Federal Aviation Agency (now Administration) officially began operations in May of 1958, and later developed a sophisticated air traffic control system that is responsible for the largest volume of air traffic in the world ("A Brief History of the FAA"). Today, however, many politicians believe that government involvement in air traffic control is inhibiting the overall performance of air traffic control. Several bills have been proposed to Congress since the 1970s in attempt to separate air traffic control (referenced as ATC) from the FAA by privatization, corporatization, or other means (Elias 2). The most recent of these bills has caused serious debate in the aviation world over economic policies, safety regulations, and overall effectiveness of the current ATC system. The Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act (21st Century AIRR Act) as proposed by Representative Bill Shuster should not be passed by Congress because it would privatize air traffic control by removing it from the Federal Aviation Administration. This would entail the creation of a board of stakeholders who would have the power to make regulatory ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Atc Privatization Research Paper Corey Komarec Nate Waller Aviation Senior Capstone 31 May 2018 Paper Topic: ATC Privatization Within the past decade, there has been large talk about ATC privatization. Air Traffic Control (ATC) are the individuals which keep the aircraft operating efficiently and safely while in the national airspace system. ATC Privatization is removing the air traffic control services out of the government's hands and into a privatized corporation. The FAA or Federal Aviation Administration, is a branch of the Department of Transportation which is solely responsible for the rules and regulations in which certificated pilots must adhere to when operating aircraft within the United States national airspace system. The whole talk about privatizing ATC started ... Show more content on ... These include air traffic control towers and TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) in Waukegan, IL (KUGN); Grand Forks, ND (KGFK); and Dallas Fort Worth, Texas (KDFW). These are just some of the places which control aircraft within the United States and I can tell some of the technology is a bit behind the times. This is most likely due to being held back by the FAA. Moving forward, I also was lucky to tour Nav Canada's approach control facility and operating control tower in Winnipeg, MB two years ago which gave me the opportunity to compare these facilities side by side. While their operations are similar on a day to day basis, the way they are operate is very different. Just like Debra Werner had stated in her article, Nav Canada's facilities are high tech and are using innovation to help improve the air traffic service and safety that is offered by their controllers to participating ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports Jason Miller Oklahoma State University – Tulsa AVED 3433–Aviation Ethics December 1, 2012 Dr. Jerry McMahan Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports On October 21, 2009 Pilot Timothy Cheney and Co–pilot Richard Cole of Northwest Airlines flight 188 had overshot Minneapolis International Airport by 150 miles, which carried 147 passengers because the pilots had been busy using their laptops. The pilots had only received a slap on the wrists from the FAA; however their punishment should have been a bit harsher because the lives of everyone on that flight were put at risk because of irresponsible pilots. Ethical Dilemma of the Pilots The Flight Control tower at Minneapolis International ... Show more content on ... The Northwest Airlines pilots who were grounded after overflying the Minneapolis airport by 150 miles are trying to get their licenses back. National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Ted Lopatkiewicz said Thursday that Captain Timothy Cheney of Gig Harbor, Washington, and First Officer Richard Cole of Salem, have filed appeals. The FAA revoked the licenses of the pilots last month. Cole and Cheney had 10 days to appeal to the three–member National Transportation Safety Board, the same agency that investigates air crashes and makes safety recommendations. If their appeal fails, they can apply for a new license after one year. The Federal Aviation Administration said the pilots had violated numerous regulations, including failing to comply with air traffic control instructions and clearances and operating carelessly and recklessly. But the pilots said they had been so engrossed in a complicated new crew–scheduling program on their laptops –– a cockpit violation of airline policy that could cost them their licenses –– that they lost track of time and place for more than an hour, until a flight attendant on an intercom got their attention. By then, the Airbus A320 with its 144 passengers and five crew members had cruised on autopilot past its Minneapolis destination and was over Wisconsin, at 37,000 feet. It turned out the plane 's radio was still tuned to a frequency used by Denver controllers, even though the aircraft had flown beyond ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Air Traffic Control System At this instant there, are 6,204 aircraft in the sky courtesy of FlightRadar24. But by the time you are reading this, there can be more than 5,000 aircrafts in the sky. Throughout the day, Air Traffic Control handles more than 50,000 flights on any given day. Air Traffic Control has come a long way since it first was established in Newark, New Jersey on July 6, 1936. It has grown from just three towers to an outstanding 131 federal stand–alone airport towers, 132 towers for terminal approach and 21 en route control towers (Jones). This expansion of Air Traffic Control could not have been done without the help of the United States government and the Federal Aviation Administration. To further this expansion, I believe that the Air Traffic Control should be privatized. With the Air Traffic Control privatized, it would speed up the development of NextGen, increase safety and efficiency, and create a self–funded private organization. There is currently a new Air Traffic Control system being developed. This system is called NextGen. NextGen is a GPS system, which will give pilots more precise information on other planes whereabouts. It is a change from ground–based radar to the more advanced and accurate satellite surveillance. This would allow aircraft to take off in more direct routes and shorter intervals (VerBruggen). With the idea of more direct routes, it would be projected to save about 1.4 billion gallons of aviation fuel and would save the environment more than 14 ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions In northern California this summer, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unintentionally performed it's first operational test of "free flight"; aviation without direct air traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it was a result of a total shut–down of the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). Although Oakland is only the 16th busiest ARTCC, it's responsible for the largest block of airspace of any ATC facility; 18 million square miles. Oakland directs all upper–level flight from San Luis Obispo, California to the California/Oregon boarder, including most Pacific oceanic routes. The failure happened at 7:13 a.m. local time during the ... Show more content on ... These groups fight amongst themselves to promote their reconstruction plan, but meanwhile nothing's accomplished and the skies stay unsafe. The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) is the union that replaced the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO). NATCA, representing the controller work force, supports a plan to structure the air traffic control branch of the FAA. NATCA endorses the government corporation concept for air traffic control because, "it goes furthest towards correcting the FAA's personnel, procurement, and budgetary problems" (NATCA policy statement, 1995). The union goes on to say they'll back any legislative measure that addresses at a minimum, the following personnel, procurement, and budgetary concerns: · Provides for protection of retirement, benefits, and job security consistent with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. · Need for long–term leadership at the FAA. · Provide the FAA with the ability to hire personnel when needed and allow individuals to transfer to where they're needed most, regardless of artificial hiring/managing caps. · Provide the FAA with the ability to attract and retain high caliber individuals. · Allow the FAA and its recognized unions, the ability to seek a more streamlined and factual classification system. · Provides a flexible procurement system that mitigates the effects the appropriations ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Advanced Automation System ( Aas ) Essay From its conception in 1981, the Advanced Automation System (AAS) was designed to provide an overhaul of America's major air traffic control computer systems. $1.5 billion worth of hardware and software out of the $2.6 billion spent was futile. The General Accounting Office stated that " The FAA did not recognize the technical complexity of the effort, realistically estimate the resources required, adequately oversee its contractors' activities, or effectively control system requirements." This project was doomed from the beginning; the FAA thought that it would revolutionize how they did their work overnight. The FAA did not consistently follow the proper management approach for obtaining new systems. In the 1980s and early 1990s, FAA did not follow the phased approach of federal acquisition guidance designed to help mitigate the cost, schedule, and performance risk associated with the development of major systems. The agency believed that it could develop and install new systems more quickly by combining several of the five phases outlined in this guidance. But, the result of not following this structured, timed approach, FAA often encountered difficult tasks such as those associated with developing the Advanced Automation System. In 1995, the Congress exempted FAA from numerous federal procurement rules and regulations. In April 1996, FAA implemented an acquisition management system, which emphasized the need for a disciplined approach to acquisition management. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Importance Of Air Traffic Control In Aviation Technology and computers are all positive innovations but to operate those machines and equipment humans are needed. Human factor is the most important factor in an Aviation field. On one single airport thousands of employee work and humans on ground operates all the equipments. To identify a useful set of Air Traffic Control complexity factors a research has been conducted and it's on ground services that are important for the air traffic effectiveness. This topic fits in my field of study as I worked in Aviation field and currently pursuing a master's in MBAAviation degree. On the one hand It is necessary to determine, how a different factor on ground related to controller workload and ATC complexity interacts on the other hand with, air traffic effectiveness. This research should lead to conclusion of guidelines to improve ATC sector and traffic flow as well as to produce a better and safe transportation. Aviation itself is a vast world and is growing day by day with the increasing number of airlines, airports, aircrafts and the population around the world. There are numbers of passengers who travel for their own purpose and these passengers demand a safe and on time journey. This safe and on time journey can only be accomplished with air traffic effectiveness and by ensuring all the services provided to make this effectiveness stable and better day by day. Air traffic control (ATC) is a job which is provided my controllers on ground who direct and indicate aircrafts in ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Nextgen What is NextGen? NextGen is not just one particular project or aspect. Instead, it is a wide range of changes improvements, and implementations created by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and its partners that are designed to improve and make air travel more efficient and safer today and in the years to come. NextGen has the ability to save air carriers money by reducing fuel costs via shortened and more direct routes. NextGen is the overall modernization of the National Airspace System (NAS) that provides benefits to the air carrier and to the consumers/passengers in that it allows for flights to depart on–time, arrive on–time (or ahead of schedule), decreases the EPA emissions, thus helping to save the environment, and allows ... Show more content on ... Instead of multiple systems "talking" to one another, all systems will interface with SWIM, which will then disseminate the information as applicable to the user requesting it, as seen in Figure 2. For an example, when a user interfaces with an application appropriate to their role in the airspace system, e.g., controller, dispatcher, pilot, or maintenance coordinator. Each user identifies themself to the system through the application or through a centralized system sign–on. That user's ability to access SWIM–based applications and data is then controlled by the role–based limits imposed on that user through SWIM (Meserole & Moore, ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Industrial Safety Differences in Unmanned Aerial Systems Industrial Safety Differences in Unmanned Aerial Systems Although they tend to be smaller than manned aircraft including most small general aviation types, UAVs are indeed aircraft and all of the industrial safety measures that apply in other forms of aviation also apply here. At this point it is appropriate to define a few terms; Remotely Piloted Vehicle/Aircraft (RPV/Aircraft) refers to an aircraft or vehicle piloted from the ground. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) may be piloted from the ground or autonomously controlled through a software program. Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) refers to the combination of unmanned vehicle and all control, sensor, payload and maintenance elements necessary for mission accomplishment. Currently the majority of the UAVs operated by the United States are military assets, and as such are subject to policies, requirements and regulations of the military. These safety requirements will be briefly discussed. As unmanned systems are integrated into national airspace they will be operated in increasing numbers by civil operators, for this reason we will also look at civil safety requirements. UAS will also present some unique situations which have up to this point not been experienced; this will require new areas to be incorporated into the aviation industrial safety arena to ensure our current level of safety is not degraded through their inclusion. This paper will investigate aviation industrial safety as it applies specifically to ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Self Driving Car Self–Driving Automobile In the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey 2008 publication to congress, indicated that about 94% of motor vehicle crashes are caused at least in part by human error. The results from the survey that occurred between 2005 – 2007 was marked at collecting on– scene information about the events and associated factors that both lead up or caused motor vehicle crashes. The results concluded that 94% was critical reason attributable to drivers, due to driver decision error such as speed, misjudgments, distractions, driving under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs. In about 2 % of the crashes, the critical reason was assigned to a vehicle component's failure or deprivation, another 2 % was attributed to the environment such as weather conditions, and slippery roads and more (Critical ... Show more content on ... In 2014, Google announced its Project Wing exercise, which it would be looking into ways to use self–flying robots to deliver goods. The goal of Project Wing is to provide delivery of goods to rural and remote areas, alongside providing food, aid and medical supplies to people in emergencies. In the short term, Google aims to deliver in the air, getting products from the granary to their destination in approximately two minutes. Project Wing uses a drone, which is a crossover between a plan and a helicopter that takes off vertically. Once in the air it rotates to a horizontal position, and hovers packages down to the ground for delivery. The drones fly between a range of 130–195 feet, which is just above houses, but low enough so that it stays out of air traffic control space. It has an electronic device which detects when the package has been placed on the ground. These aerial machines are being tested for delivering goods, however the overarching goal is that the machines will be used for disaster relief, by delivering aid to isolated ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Essay on Next Generation Air Transportation System The Future of the "Next Generation Air Transportation System" October 23, 2011 Tech 3020 By: Joel Borton The Future of the Next Generation Air Transportation System Since the Wright brother's first flight over Kitty Hawk 108 years ago, the accomplishments of the human race in aerospace have been nothing short of miraculous. The United States aerospace and aviation industry has developed into a crucial element of the global infrastructure. It is an industry that moves people and goods quickly and virtually anywhere in the world. However, aerospace and aviation is an industry at risk. While there may be a temporary pause given the current economy, the steady increase in ... Show more content on ... What permits this? Each airplane will have a special transponder that transmits and receives precise information about the time at which it and others will cross key points along their route. Additionally, pilots and air traffic managers on the ground will have the same precise information, transmitted via data communications, which creates a much faster process of getting the planes in and out of the airports. This also helps the air traffic control managers by being able to allow the airplanes closer to each other with out harming them. These controllers will not have to use as much two–way communication neither because the information will automatically be transmitted via data communications. Therefore, the communication frequencies will be less busy and less stressful on the air traffic controllers. Which creates a much faster process of getting the planes in and out of airports. Once the planes have departed from their airport, the transponders along with the new GPS based technology that NextGen has included into the "Implementation Plan" may now choose more direct paths instead of using old traditional Navaid technology, such as Victor Airways to travel. With GPS technology as part of the new system they are hoping it will cut down on the noise level of communication frequencies as well. Pilots will use GPS based ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Advantages Of Privatization Of Air Traffic Control In Usa Privatize air traffic control in USA Introduction Air traffic control involves the directing of aircraft on the ground through the use of airspaces and advising the planes in non–controlled skies. Currently, control of air traffic in the United States is done by the federal aviation administration. The current President Donald Trump has proposed to privatize the exercise. Moving the task to a non–profit organization will benefit America in various ways. Most importantly, it will modernize equipment's and training making the process more efficient. Additionally, it will ensure a more stable funding for the operation thus enhancing sufficient security. From the benefits of privatization of air traffic control in the USA, it is imperative that the legislators fully support the move. Discussion Privatization of air traffic control in the United States will significantly contribute to the modernization of the system. With the current management of air traffic control by the federal aviation (FAA) administration, it is impossible to modernize the system. FAA can easily be manipulated by politicians since they are not independent institutions thereby making it possible to move agenda of the organization forward. For instance, embezzlement of funds is likely making it almost impossible to purchase modern equipment's that can help in the running of the systems. However, allowing the process to be controlled by a non–profit organization will enhance ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. What If Airline Regulations Never Existed? Many years before the Federal Aviation Act was created, the airline industry grew with little to no rules for safety. The skies filled with aircraft each year, always adding more numbers than the previous years. Imagine an aviation world where safety was never even thought of. How do we control and monitor all the aircraft in the skies to ensure they all reach their destinations safely. What if airline regulations never existed? Would aircraft just fly till parts literally fell off? Who would be the responsible party to clean up after an aircraft accident? These are the reasons that the Federal Aviation Administration was created. The modern age of powered flight began with Orville and Wilbur Wright making their first sustained powered flight at Kitty Hawk N.C. in December 1903. The Wright brothers along with other aviation pioneers like Glenn Curtiss, Samuel Langley, Thomas Baldwin, and Octave Chanute all new the extreme danger that flying presented. As the aviation pioneers began to perfect the art of flying, the need for safety grew as well. As time passed new planes and technologies were being made to enhance safety. Commercial operations like the use of aircraft in World War I and the early service of the airmail furthered these advances in flight safety. Airmail operation began as an idea that airplanes could be useful in delivering the mail faster than the railroads (Lawrence, 2014 pp.79). This idea subsequently kicked off commercial aviation. By 1911 experimental ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. It Is Too Little Air Traffic Control 1. The fact that some airplanes collide is evidence that there is too little air traffic control. Evaluate. This is a false statement because airplane collision can be eliminated through the provision of better safety control measures. This is a measure of opportunity cost by the Airplane Company whereby safety is traded off by other factors to reduce cost of air traffic control and substitute it with other company cost such as charges incurred during air flights. Opportunity cost is the value of the forgone in order to take an alternative action. This can be seen as an economizing behavior that makes use of unlimited resources so as to satisfy other unlimited wants. Opportunity cost makes people to make a choice between what is more ... Show more content on ... Immigrants going back to their native country would also benefit me in my native country as there would be a reduced population in the country and an increase in labor market to fill the gap left behind by the foreigners. Therefore, when there is an increase in the flow of immigration in the country there would be higher incomes for other productive factors which are in complement with the immigrants but also it will lead to lower income to other factors that create competition with the immigrants. 3. When a group of Russian officials touring American farms asked who told the farmers how much to produce in order to supply the appropriate amounts of goods, the farmers said that no one told them. But the Russians were convinced that farmers were concealing something. What would you have told the Russians? There is a market trend of supply and demand in an economy and this is measured through the equilibrium process and the actors that affect supply and demand. The farmers are the market suppliers and hence they determine their produce by measuring the equilibrium market prices and quantities. The suppliers are aware that when the prices of commodity increases the demand of the same commodity decrease and when demand increases supply decreases until the market reaches an equilibrium point. There are various factors that affect ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Air Traffic Control System Of Sdf SMF's location provides for the most efficient flight operations and the future airport developments will cost–effectively satisfy the growing aviation demand in the area. The runway, taxiway, and ramp configurations at SMF provide an efficient access system for arriving and departing aircraft today, but there are current assessments in progress of runway lengths required for future non–stop service to European and Asian destinations. The current instrument and visual landing systems meet the required flight operations standards based on the airports total flight operations and weather. The air traffic control system is state–of–the–art and meets the current and future operational requirements well into the year 2035 according to the ... Show more content on ... In 2008, the Sacramento County Airport System began a monumental improvement project worth 1.03 billion dollars for terminal modernization of the old Terminal B. The new complex is almost three times bigger and has an automated state–of–the–art people mover. The new terminal won the "Green Project of the Year" award by the Sacramento Business Journal due to its smart technology and green design, which is reducing energy, costs exponentially. This modern approach makes today's daily ground access operations sufficient to meet the current and future demand. Airport planners and managers at SMF have effectively applied the modus operandi of terminal and ground access operations. SMF's master plan reveals the impending future facilities that will expediently process the upcoming volumes of airport visitors well into 2020 and beyond (Master, 2004). The Sacramento County Airport System has been successful at maintaining a balanced economic, political, and social climate at SMF. The continuous engagement from the airport's management with the community that it serves, its tenants, suppliers, and service providers is evident. The community and SMF have worked together to identify some of the environmental effects in the surrounding communities. The major environmental categories affecting SMF are Aircraft Noise, Compatible Land Use, and Air Quality. Secondary categories ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay on Cyber Attacks on the Government’s Transportation... Breaches and Security Implications by Penetration of the Western Interconnection's Traffic Control System and its Effects on Modern Day Life Year after year, a number of films are released involving computer hacking of some sort along with cyber–villainy. As entertaining as they are, the validity of these possibilities is not explored. Many of these films center revolve around a chaotic vehicle–related scene where a form of the government's transportation grid is compromised. The breach typically involves traffic control. As the stoplights and streetlights are in a state known as gridlock, external hackers usually make the situation as unruly as humanely plausible. However, the very nature of this unfortunate scenario can only be ... Show more content on ... This includes the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Texas. The Western Interconnection is connected to the Eastern Interconnection via six direct current transmission facilities. The WECC has offices in the following cities: Salt Lake, Utah; Vancouver, Washington; and Loveland, Colorado. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) employs eight other branches of electric reliability councils (NERC). Currently, the level of security regarding the Western Interconnection networks is depleting, as in it is becoming ever more susceptible to external hackers. The vulnerable nature of all the United States electric power grids brought the attention of the White House a couple years ago. The potential of these cyber–attacks on this vital infrastructure has led to a suspicion of Chinese hackers behind the job. At the time, it was assumed that the U.S. Congress and 3 government regulators would pressure all the electric utilities to increase security ten–fold and be ready to evade all computer intrusions. A single breach would inevitably lead to chaos striking the entire nation. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressed concerns about the power grid's high vulnerability to ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Essay on Psa Crash Running head: MID–AIR OF PSA FLIGHT 182 OVER SAN DIEGO Mid–Air of PSA Flight 182 and its Impacts on U.S. Aviation Lance Paston Utah Valley University Abstract This paper reviews the tragic mid–air crash of PSA flight 182 and Cessna N7711G a Cessna 172 over San Diego and its resulting FAA rules and regulation changes, and their affect on the U.S. aviation industry. PSA Flight 182's mid–air resulted in the most sweeping FAA changes to airspace to date. The FAA rules and regulation changes was a success in preventing similar mid–airs of this type. On September 25, 1978, I was a 16–year–old inspiring young pilot going to high school within 10 miles of San Diego's Lindbergh International Airport. It was about ... Show more content on ... 19 seconds before the mid–air the controller received a conflict alert alarm in the tower indicating a possible aircraft conflict. The controller subsequently ignored the alarm because he felt that since PSA flight 182 had acknowledged having the Cessna in sight and the controller felt that the aircrew of PSA flight 182 was meeting their requirement of visual separation, notification was not required in his opinion. The controller did try to notify the Cessna that PSA 182 had them in sight and that PSA 182 was eastbound at six o' clock and descending. There was no response from the Cessna as they had already switched frequencies as was being controlled by Miramar TRACON for the ILS approach procedures. The Cessna was unaware of the PSA flight coming from behind as the Cessna could only monitor one frequency at a time, unlike PSA flight 182 which was being controlled by Lindbergh tower had capabilities of monitoring both Lindbergh tower and Miramar TRACON (Time). According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the mid–air was primarily the fault of the PSA aircrew for failing to maintain visual separation and not informing the tower that they had lost visual contact. Contributing factors were control tower procedures allowing
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  • 42. Deregulation of the U.S. Airline Industry Essay example Deregulation of the U.S. airline industry has resulted in ticket prices dropping by a third, on an inflation–adjusted basis. As a result some 1.6 million people fly on 4,000 aircraft every day. Airlines carried 643 million passengers in 1998, a 25% increase over 1993 and the FAA estimates that the nation¡¦s airline system will have to accommodate 917 million passengers by the year 2008. The growth in air travel threatens to overwhelm the presently inadequate air traffic control system, which has not kept pace with available technology in navigation, communications, and flight surveillance. Much of the equipment used for air traffic control today is based on fifty–year–old technology; for example, analog simplex voice links for ... Show more content on ... On March 11, 1999, the FAA released the NAS Architecture Version 4.0 to the public. Key influences on the architecture include the 1996 White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security, which recommended that the FAA accelerate modernization of the NAS, and the 1997 National Civil Aviation Review Commission, which recommended funding and performance management methods for implementing NAS modernization. It describes the agency¡¦s modernization strategy from 1998 through 2015. Based on the Free Flight operational concept, Version 4.0 contains capabilities, technologies, and systems to enhance the safety of the aviation system and provide users and service providers with more efficient services. Free Flight centers on allowing pilots, whenever practical, to choose the optimum flight profile. This concept of operations is expected to decrease user costs, improve airspace flexibility, and remove flight restrictions. The NAS Architecture is divided into three modernization phases and its implementation is being synchronized with the International Civil Aviation Organization to ensure interoperability and global integration. „h Phase 1 (1998–2002) focuses on sustaining essential air traffic control services and delivering early user benefits. Free Flight Phase 1 will be implemented. Controller computer workstations will begin major upgrades. Satellite–based navigation systems will be deployed, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Class C Airspace There was no need for airspace regulation in the US up until 1903 when the Wright brothers began the modern age of air flight with a homemade aircraft. Then in 1905, the work of the Wright brothers accumulated into the first practical aircraft that and subsequent improvements that allowed aviation technology to develop into commercial aircraft as well as war–capable planes which were used in World War I. Early aviation was quite dangerous as a result of no advanced navigational technologies or automated flight systems. A great deal of human error was possible with these early aircraft. During these times, pilots flew close enough to the ground so that they could tell where they were going by using roadways and railways. This sort of primitive ... Show more content on ... A class C airspace must have met a basic physical infrastructure of a control tower and a radar– controlled approach system. The altitude limit for class C airspace is usually 4000 ft above the airport. The overarching shelf–like space has an upper and lower region, each with a radius of 10 miles and 20 miles, respectively. Although prior authorization/permission is not needed, aircraft that want to enter class C airspace must establish radio communication with local air traffic control prior to entering the airspace or be faced with trespassing. Aircraft pilots wishing to enter this area do not need special certification but a speed limit of 230 mph must be obeyed below the altitude of 2500 feet and the immediate area surrounding class C airspace. Pilots must be willing to follow commands from ATC including requests not to enter the airspace or to vacate the airspace. Class C airspace designation is only to be effective while the control tower and radar–controlled approach system are active. Outside of these hours, the airspace becomes Class D or E airspace depending on if the approach control is closed or the tower is ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. A Report On Uav Traffic Safety Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review some UAV traffic concerns. UAV traffic is increasing tremendously over the past decade. There have been a number of mid–air collisions with UAVs crashing into commercial aircraft or into each other. They are big enough to cause more engine foreign object damage than a bird strike. This is because they are made of stronger material and plus they have batteries on board that can cause severe damage to aircraft. Air traffic controllers need to know how many UAVs are operating in their area of responsibility and know exactly where they are. The FAA has adapted to the some of the new UAV laws, but this paper will show where they are lacking some rules and regulations involving UAV traffic. Introduction This paper is going to demonstrate the importance of UAV traffic control. It will review some previous mid–air collisions with both UAVs colliding with each other and with commercial aircraft. It will include some of the causes like lack of technology to detect UAVs and other aircraft, air traffic controller centers lacking technology, and the FAA lacking rules and regulations addressing the UAV population increases. The technology has to communicate back and forth from the UAV to the operator and back. This can become a problem because of hacking threats. The main concern of this paper is to propose an efficient and secure air traffic control of UAVs. In the article 'Secure routing in UAV', the three ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. NEXGEN : The Future Of The Air Traffic Control System In the economic aspect, is important to understand that ERAM (Air traffic advance modernization System) price tag of $2.15 billion dollars as it is today. This program was put in service in 2007 and had a completion date in 2010, that the program may be completed in 2016 once an additional half a billion dollars was added to the total. Separately from the economic side, there were also a host of software issues right after the initial launch, Some of the auxiliary programs that work in conjunction with ERAM has also been affected in regards to cost and expected deployment into service. "FAA Deputy Administrator Michael Huerta said the long–term success of the NextGen proposal, which calls for airlines to spend about an additional $20 ... Show more content on ... "Our vision for a modernized National Airspace System includes reforming the ATC system so that politics don't impede hiring and training more air traffic controllers and equipping our facilities with technology used by more than 50 countries around the world. 4. Politician Influences Senator Hohn Micca blames poor management from FAA.He expreses " It's not a question of money, it's a question of management," Rick Larsen (D–Wash.) said that is necessary to scrutinize this programs to make the right decision. "Any proposal to overhaul the existing ATC system must be thoroughly vetted, not rushed through Congress just because the political landscape makes it easier." Peter DeFazio (D–Ore) Aviation subcommittee ranking member a series of hearings to ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Importance Of Air Traffic Control Air traffic controllers have one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Many controllers at each airport individually control aircrafts at different stages of flight. For example, the stations include fight service, departure, approach, center, en route, clearance and delivery, ground, and tower. Every plane in the sky is under control of an air traffic operator. Each of these controllers is controlling multiple aircraft at once, and controllers have to time everything perfectly. At peak hours, just over 5,000 airplanes in the sky carry passengers around the world, and air traffic controllers have the job to keep thousands of people alive and safely land and take–off the airplanes. With this thought on their minds, their jobs can become very stressful, especially with the amount of information they need to retain during the job. With the amount of different factors that cause stress in air traffic controllers, it can affect their job performances as well as make their jobs more challenging; therefore, they need to develop coping sources that help them deal with and reduce job–related stress. High travel times, bad weather, emergencies, family issues, and language details are all contribute to major factors in air traffic control stress. First, air traffic controllers deal with many airplanes throughout the day, especially during peak hours. During the peak traffic time, just over 5,000 airplanes are in the air. As observed by Finkelman and Kirschner, "controllers are ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Reasons I Chose Air Traffic Controller Reason I Chose Air Traffic Controller I chose to do my paper on being a Air Traffic Controller, and what Air Traffic Control because it seems like a job in aviation that I would be interested in. The pay is good and overall it seems like a good job and field to go into. Air Traffic Controller Air traffic controllers direct the movement of air traffic, to make sure that aircraft stay safe distances apart. Air traffic controllers have many duties such as, issuing landing and takeoff instructions to pilots, controlling ground traffic, help directing the movement of aircraft in air and on the ground, and etc. Air traffic controllers work in control towers, approach control buildings, or en–route centers. Some are located at airports and others are not. Air traffic controllers with 20 years of experience are able to retire at age 50. Controllers must retire at age 56. Most air traffic controllers work full time.The median annual wage for air traffic controllers is $122,530. To become an air traffic controller, you must be a U.S. citizen, pass medical and background checks, get a good score on the Federal Aviation Administration pre–employment test, complete a training course at the FAAAcademy, pass a physical exam each year and a job performance exam twice per year and pass drug screenings. Air traffic controllers must hold an Air Traffic Control Tower Operator Certificate or be qualified. They must be at least 18 years old, speak English, and comply with all knowledge and skill ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Air Traffic Control For The Future Air Traffic Control: The Guide to the Future Josh Burr Middle Tennessee State University The family wants to go on a trip; an exotic destination is in mind. The airline ticket has been booked, the day has come for travel. To them, it's no big deal; just another day in their world. To the hundreds, if not thousands of people working behind the scenes to make that flight operate, it is also just another day. No one ever thinks about how much work goes into the operation of a flight, and once airborne, who keeps them safe. Pilots have final control of the plane, but how can they avoid crashing when the weather conditions are less than favorable? Enter the Air Traffic Controller; the person responsible for the smooth ... Show more content on ... Bon Fires. Bon fires were set across the nation to guide airplanes as visual reference points. That idea only last two years as in 1923, the Postal Service installed rotating beacon lights along their routes to guide airplanes, which are still used today to aid pilots in finding an airport at night time. Jumping ahead to 1926, Congress passed the Air Commerce Act of 1926 which established rules for pilots to follow, "established airway, and operating aids to navigation" (NATCA). A few years later, the city of St. Louis hired the nation's first air traffic controller – Archie W. League. He controlled airplanes with colored flags indicating them "to go or to hold" (NATCA). Later these flags would be replaced by light guns aimed at the pilot to indicate the same information. Flying (no pun intended) through to 1930's, 1940's, and 1950's, the aviation industry exploded with advancements to control facilities and two way radio communications to keep tabs on where pilots were. It wasn't until a crash in 1956 over the Grand Canyon that radar surveillance was upgraded to verify airplanes were where they said they were. Now the controllers have everything they need – They have voice with pilots, and they have radar on pilots, but things weren't all smooth sailing for long. In 1981, controllers were finding themselves under "tremendous amounts of stress...forced to work up to 20 hours of overtime a week", and suffering from equipment outages (NATCA). This resulted ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. How Aviation Industry Influenced By Information System Essay AVIATION INDUSTRY How aviation industry influenced by information system? 1. History: Aviation industry evolved after the World war 3 almost at 1950. With the passage of time many advancement and changes occurred in this industry. But one of the most technical and informative changes that occurs in late nineties was the GPS and TCAS in the aircraft. At that time there was no much paper work in this industry to plan and integrate with others. But as the technology spread and new advancement became aviation industry also adopted it. Much other advancement which industry adopted was GBAS and ILS. But on the other hand industry have done much paper work at airport building to reduce this many new modules were adopted. When industry was not highly advanced people didn't trust to fly because there was the much risk of accidents. 2. Introduction: Aviation is currently the fastest growing industry in the world. 75% of the total industry is owned by private companies mainly in the domestic markets. The aviation industry is growing at compound annual growth rate of 15%. Airline companies lease or own their aircrafts are into alliance with other companies with mutual benefits. The aviation industry provides air transport services for passengers and cargo. The industry is categorized into domestic, international, intra–continental and intercontinental routes. Some companies are only into passenger or freight transportation whereas some are in both in national market and ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Pros And Cons Of Air Traffic Control Since the very beginning of air travel, the Federal Aviation Administration's National Air Traffic Control (ATC) system has kept passengers safe and moved people and goods with unmatched efficiency, and it has continually evolved to meet the needs of the aviation industry. However, many have sought to hand over control of the ATC system to a private entity, separate from the FAA, dominated by the airlines, and unaccountable to the public. The latest of these effort comes in the form of a renewed push endorsed by President Donald Trump, in a misguided attempt to "Make Air Travel Great Again." What would come with private ATC would be just the opposite: rising costs passed on to airline passengers and general aviation operations, and funds shifted from local general aviation (GA) airports to the nation's hub airports, and unfair access to the nation's skies favoring the airlines and leaving GA behind. Since the invention of flight, the sky over America have been free for anyone to use, but this may no longer be the case. The costs to the aviation industry will be staggering. Pilots, controllers, and other aviation professionals have not accepted a private ATC system in the past and must resist it again for the love of flying. Privatization of government services and agencies has long been a proposed solution to rising costs, delayed updates, and inconsistent budgets that federal agencies currently have to deal with. Air Traffic Control is no exception. Rep. Bill Shuster ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Essay about Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed... Problems in Air Traffic Control and Proposed Solutions In northern California this summer, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unintentionally performed it's first operational test of "free flight"; aviation without direct air traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it was a result of a total shut–down of the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). Although Oakland is only the 16th busiest ARTCC, it's responsible for the largest block of airspace of any ATC facility; 18 million square miles. Oakland directs all upper–level flight from San Luis Obispo, California to the California/Oregon boarder, including most Pacific oceanic routes. The failure happened at 7:13 a.m. local time ... Show more content on ... Flight crews did their own improvising. Some pilots squawked VFR and continued the flight on their own. Others continued on their previously issued clearance, while others climbed into or descended out of Class A airspace without a clearance. Later analysis tells us one of the biggest problems was nobody believed a prolonged outage like this could occur. Both controllers and supervisors worked on the assumption their radar and radios would come back "any moment now". The same thought process prevailed at Bay (Oakland) TRACON where operations were paralyzed by the Center's blackout. It's impossible to say how many separation losses occurred during the hour–long episode. Some near mid–air reports were filed, but the vast majority of separation–loss situations will probably go unreported. After power was restored, and the primary radar system was returned to operation, extensive air traffic delays, diversions, and flight cancellations persisted for many hours at Bay area airports, especially departures from San Francisco International. We may never know the full aftermath of this incident. Changes will be made as to how power is fed to ATC facilities, and how maintenance is performed. Contingency plans will be rewritten and controllers will be trained how to implement them. Meanwhile, controllers nation wide are brushing up on their non– radar and lost–comm procedures. After an extensive investigation, it's now clear why the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Professional Air Traffic Control Professional Air Traffic Control Colton Davis University of North Dakota Abstract Air Traffic Control (ATC) in the United States consists of roughly 25,000 air traffic controllers working in the National Airspace System (2014 controller workforce plan). These 25,000 controllers consist of both civilian and military personnel. This essay examines paths to entry into air traffic control, recent trends, costs and predictions for the future of ATC in the National Airspace System. In 2014 the FAA underwent the most significant change in hiring procedures since the Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative (AT–CTI) was introduced. The new FAA hiring methods have caught scrutiny for replacing a system of consistent and ... Show more content on ... FAAAir Traffic Control To be hired as an FAA air traffic controller a potential candidate must meet the minimum following requirements: be a United States citizen, start the FAAAcademy in Oklahoma City, OK for training no later than their 31st birthday, hold a class II FAA medical and, pass a background check, have "three years of progressively responsible work experience, or a bachelors degree, or a combination of post–secondary education and work experience that totals three years," pass the "FAA air traffic pre–employment tests." ("Aviation careers," 2014). These hiring requirement have recently changed. Prior to January 2014 the FAA required candidates to either have prior experience in air traffic control, be a graduate of an AT–CTI school or be a small percentage of "off the street" hires, all of which would have to pass the "AT–SAT" air traffic control aptitude test. While the AT–SAT is still administered in a different form, potential controllers must first pass the new "biographical questionnaire." This questionnaire claims to select the most qualified potential controllers based on research from currently successful certified practicing controllers, or CPCs. Under the current hiring processes from the FAA, once a candidate passes the "biographical questionnaire" they are scheduled to take the AT–SAT. If the candidate passes the AT– SAT they will then start at the FAAAcademy. Depending on which course they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Lisbon Airport : International Airport Lisbon Portela Airport (IATA: LIS, ICAO: LPPT) is located 4.5 miles from city center of Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon Airport is an international airport that has grown over the years fortifying the gateway to Europe, South America and Africa. The airport has two runways: runway 03–21 (148ft x 12484ft) and runway 17–35 (148ft x 7874ft). Lisbon Airport has two terminals, the main terminal: terminal 1, and terminal 2, where most of low cost carriers operate. The airport serves as a hub for TAP Portugal, TAP Express, easyJet, and RyanAir (ANA, 2016) Due to the proximity of to the city, Lisbon Airport has night time traffic restriction from 0000– 0600L due to noise abatement, however it is still open 24hours. Figure 1– Routes out ... Show more content on ... Portugal's government agreed to sell state–owned airport operator ANA–Aeroportos de Portugal SA to Vinci SA for 3.08 billion euros ($4.07 billion), raising money for the debt–strapped country. (Almeida, 2012) The privatization of Lisbon Airport, and the new management, it was time to invest in the airport. The creation of terminal 2 alleviated some of the issues, and the expansion of terminal 1 created space that improved the fluidity and handling capacity and control of international passengers, and the processing of luggage. TAP Portugal, and the other airlines continue to expand their routes thus creating the need for Lisbon Airport to handle and accommodate more passengers. Due to the current high volume of flights, many flights are currently boarded/de–boarded using hard stands.
  • 65. The creation or relocation of Lisbon Airport is still an uncertainty, that would have to be evaluated as the traffic and the movements grow. 7.3 – Airport and Airspace Case Study 4 As flights increases throughout the world, the management of airspace is much needed. In 1999, Europe had foreseen that the rapid growth of the aviation industry would further increase the number of flights thus congesting the airspace. In 1999 the European Commission (EC) proposed the creation of a Single ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Effects Of Nextgen On Nas Delays At Major Airports The Effects of NextGen on NAS Delays at Major Airports The national aviation system is under increasing demand for more and more flights as air passenger numbers continue to rise. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aerospace Forecast Fiscal Years 2015–2035 report estimates an annual growth of 2.0 percent per year from 2016–2035. This will equate to an average of 1.14 billion passengers flying within the U.S. per year by the end of year 2035 (n.d., p. 47). As the number of aircraft flying increase to accommodate passenger demand, the number of aircraft delays and risk to flight safety are also likely to increase. The current air traffic control (ATC) infrastructure evolved from the World War II era and wasn't designed to handle the predicted air traffic loads of the 21st century (Hopkin, Wise & Garland, 2010). In order to update the ATC system to increase its capacity, the FAA, along with other select governing bodies have started implementing NextGen. At an estimated cost of $18 billion through the year 2018, the NextGen system uses emerging technology and is constantly facing challenges (United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2010). These challenges delay the benefits received through the use of NextGen which add to the ongoing NAS delays and risk the safety of future flights in the oversaturated airways. Although some delays are being experienced in NextGen prorams, 30 major airports now have NextGen capabilities (NextGen Airports, 2016). The cost ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Aircraft Engine Specialists Are Responsible For Repair And... Aircraft Engine Specialists Required job knowledge: For this position, the knowledge of machines and tools, which includes design, uses, benefits, repair, and maintenance, are required. It requires the individuals with understanding of engineering and technology. The individuals should have knowledge of physics, mathematics, public safety and security, computers and electronics, design technics, transportation methods, law, government and jurisprudence, and telecommunications. They should be able to provide instructional method and training. 3. Decision–making: The individuals should have the judgement and decision making skills. It is very technical job and some decisions are made on spot. Therefore, the Aircraft Engine Specialists ... Show more content on ... They should be able to make sure that every job is performed properly. Since the nature of this job is very series and many lives depends on their accuracy of job performance, it is very important that their job is exact and highly accurate. There should not be any consequence of error because a mirror error can end up with taking many lives. Air Traffic Controllers The main tasks and responsibilities of the Air Traffic Controllers are inform pilots about nearby planes or any hazardous situation. They should be able to authorize the landing and take–off instructions. Control the arriving flights and give the control of departing flights to traffic control. In case of emergency landing, they should be able to provide flight path changes and directions, and also inform the airport emergency service. The knowledge requirements for the Air Traffic Controllers are public safety and security, transportation, customer and personal service. They should have knowledge of different methods and principles of moving goods and people by air, and other forms of transportation. They should be have active listening, speaking, and critical thinking skills. They should be able to solve the complex problems too. The Air Traffic Controllers should be able to make decision and solve problems. The information will be given to them and they should be analyze, and evaluate the results to choose the best solution and make a good decision. According to O'Net website, the decision ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Informative Speech: Air Traffic Controller PREPARATION OUTLINE Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the reason that I chose my current career field, Air Traffic Control. Thesis Statement: I will explain why I chose to become an Air Traffic Controller. Introduction Attention Getter: Did you know that on an average day, an Air Traffic Controller is responsible for more lives than many doctors are in a lifetime? Overview of Main Points: First I'll talk about the salary, followed by job availability, and finally the importance of ATC. Transition: Let's start with the number one thing that the majority of people want, money. I. Air Traffic Control is one of the highest paid career fields without a college degree. A. According to, ATC is the highest paying job for people that do not have a college ... Show more content on ... In comparison, in 2011 the average salary of a high school graduate with no college was just $35,000 according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Transition: But of course what good is a high salary if there aren't any jobs available for you? II. Air Traffic Control has significant employment opportunities. A. In 2012, there were 25,000 jobs available for controllers according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and that is expected to remain constant through 2022. B. Experience as an Air Traffic Controller qualifies you for other jobs as well. Transition: So those are two big reasons for choosing my career field, so now let's move on to one that is maybe not quite so obvious. III. Air Traffic Controllers provide a much needed public service. A. In July 2014 (the most current data available), US airlines carried 61.7 million passengers in the skies over the US alone. B. We solve problems that you didn't know you had, and it makes us happy. Transition: So in conclusion. Conclusion: I told you a bit today about why I chose Air Traffic Control as a career, namely for the money, job availability, and the satisfaction that comes with providing a public ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Career Investigation: Air Traffic Controller Aviation Career Investigation Air Traffic Controller Introduction Flying an airplane is a complicated task that requires many different people to get the job done. Air Traffic control is one of the most important careers in the aviation industry. At one time there can be about 5000 aircrafts in the air. Without it there would be many more disasters than you would like to think. Air traffic control is a service that is provided by ground–based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace. and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non– controlled airspace. Job Description Airport Traffic Controllers help to direct air traffic more efficiently and smoothly. They give pilots the instructions so for takeoff ... Show more content on ... It begins at a regional training facility located at one of seven area control centers, which consists of classroom and simulator training. You will start by learning the manual of operations and phraseology, then simulation training in a fabricated airport setting known as the March airport. Job training includes following an experienced tower controller who will also be your instructor. Similar to a college or university program you have to pay for your own tuition. Working Conditions Air traffic controllers work either in the top of the tower, or in the radar room below it. They all have the same goal – which is to supervise aircraft around the airport to ensure they maintain safe distances from each other. They work 40 hours a week with a variety of tools such as radio, radar, electronic computers, telephone, traffic control light and much ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Control Why do we need it? – Its Objective. 1. Aviation has come a long way since the days when safe operation between aircraft was based purely on the 'SEE AND BE SEEN' principle. With the aircraft closing speeds in excess of 1000 mph, and increasing density of air traffic, the impracticability of reliance upon such a system is obvious. 2. Hence the need for air traffic control service has arisen. The need to safeguard passengers, crew and aircraft is now met by ground based infrastructure, in which air traffic controllers issue mandatory instructions to pilots. The aim of Air Traffic Control Service is to ensure a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic. 3. Primary objective of Air Traffic Control is to ... Show more content on ... This makes the Controller a man with a mission of responsibility scrutinized constantly, functioning to standards of pinpoint accuracy. He plays a major role for continued safety in the field of aviation– the safety that we as a passenger enjoy! Who Are Air Traffic Controllers...A definition 11. Rondolph F. Kritzer has left nothing while defining the profession of Air Traffic Controllers. According to him, it is; "A profession in which person of definable intestinal fortitude; unlimited ability to correlate masses of confusing numbers, figures, rules and statistics, both defined and infinite in their change; the calibre and character associated with the most demanding discipline and integrity and resolve to their job, unmatched by the vast majority, daily accepts with enthusiasm normally associated with pleasure rather than work; the responsibility of ensuring the safe passage through unfriendly and crowded skies, the immeasurable assets represented by multi–million dollar aircraft and the multitude of lives contained in these fragile ships of skies. To be an Air Traffic controller is to be proud, arrogant, bold and may be a little foolish...But I would not be anything else." Job Description of an Air Traffic Controller
  • 76. 12. The daily routine of Air Traffic Controller is very demanding with various factors of ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Problems Faced By Airports And Airports One of the major issues at airports is improving efficiency, flow of all traffic to reduce the possibility of delays. After safety, everyone involved in any sort of airport operations, works on increasing efficiency in order to avoid delays and having to spend additional money. As the airports operations increase, the people in charge will have to come up with solutions to avoid setbacks. Airport planners have to come up with ideas in order to improve airport facilities and increase the efficiency of the flow. The challenges that come with this type of projects is that sometimes the airports don't have much room for improvement within the airport and don't have room to expand due to surrounding neighborhoods. This is where they have to find the right balance for capacity and delay. To solve this problem first they have to find the hitch and then focus on working on that specific area. For example, it can be a specific terminal, runways, taxiways, or not enough gates. Other alternatives to the matter can be working on distributing the traffic through the off–peak times, or to start using other areas to within the airport to decrease the traffic at one specific area. Capacity can be view in two different ways. One is at the rate the aircraft can be handled. Example, the airport may be able to handle the morning rush without having any delays, assuming everything runs smooth without any disturbances. Practical capacity is the amount of operations in the airfield with a small ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Aviation: The Radar System Essay 1. INTRODUCTION A radar system to be used in this modernised world of aviation has to be efficient and reliable. The system has to accommodate the endless flow of air traffic all day without any failure that would otherwise hinder the flow of air traffic, causing not only the airline but the airport itself to lose money. As such, the radar system chosen for this assignment is the latest model of CAAS' Long Range Radar and Display System (LORADS) III, suited to meet the operational requirements of Singapore. This radar system has been operational since 16th October 2013, and costs more than $300 milion. This radar is based on Thales' TopSky ATC system, one of the world's leading Technology Company providing services for airspace security. ... Show more content on ... The Route Adherence Monitoring (RAM) system checks if aircraft are adhering to their planned route by comparing the actual position of surveillance tracks with known points of the planned route. LORADS 3 makes use of a multi–sensor tracking technology, and is capable of fusing data from radars, ADS–B, and ground sensors with multi–hypothesis filtering. It also provides an ADS–C surveillance for remote and oceanic areas. 2.2 Role in air traffic management Radars play a vital role in air traffic management. It provides real–time distance and range to any reflective target, detecting not only aircrafts, but objects and land masses as well using electromagnetic waves. A radar is capable of seeing through any condition of visibility, giving air traffic controllers and edge in providing important weather and aerodrome information to pilots. A radar is essential to air traffic when safety is concerned. When non–ideal weather conditions occur at an aerodrome such as thunderstorms, the radar would aid the aircraft in its approach and take off. It prevents collisions through provision of information to the ATC and pilots. A radar facilitates air traffic management through surveillance, which determines an aircraft's position and velocity, giving controllers an accurate overview of air traffic at any point in time. With the ADS–B equipped, ... Get more on ...