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The Depression Of The Vietnam War
Thinking back to the days of one's youth, one might recall taking a family trip to the local amusement park during the warmer months of summer.
Standing, walking, or even running, one can spend hours underneath the beating heat of the sun. Moving from ride to ride, families pass by tents
spraying mists of cooling, refreshing water to help soothe the pain from standing out in the sun. Children run back and forth through the mist, laughing
with excitement. There is hardly a care in the world when the family is having so much fun. Now replace the amusement park with the jungles of
Vietnam, and the tent, now a two engine C–123 cargo plane, sprays deadly chemicals instead of harmless water on the young American soldiers
stationed there. This was the situation many Vietnam veterans were placed in during the conflict in Vietnam, and they were clueless and unprepared
for the aftereffects of the chemicals sprayed across the battlefields. The chemical that was being sprayed across Vietnam was a potent herbicide that
came to be known as Agent Orange, named after the color band that wrapped around the canisters it was transported in. This herbicide, while
extremely efficient at its job of destroying forests and crops, it also did a great job at harming humans. Since the end of the war in Vietnam, many
negative health effects of Agent Orange such as cancer and birth defects have come to light. Even though these health effects were caused by the
spraying in Vietnam, many
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Essay on Agent Orange
We must do everything in our power to make the world recognize that our veterans are still paying a high price for fighting the war in Vietnam. Agent
Orange is slowly taking the lives of these brave veterans. The government has recognized some diseases but the rules to compensation can be
complex. It was in the 1960's that we were in the process of trying to destroy vegetation and brush in Vietnam, in doing so we proceeded to contaminate
one of the largest parts of the environment, Humankind. War Veteranswere exposed to Agent Orange and now live their lives with a disease not
necessarily curable. The question remains did these Veterans know about the hazardous effects, and how are they being compensated now? Agent
Orange was the code ... Show more content on ...
The destruction this chemical caused to the vegetation should have been the first clue that what destroys nature will in due time destroy us. We are the
cause for this mess; but we should have been notified much earlier about the potential risk associated with Agent Orange. According to the Executive
Summary on Operations Trail Dust and Ranch Hand, "On April 17,1995 Researchers have found that during the spraying of Agent Orange in
southern Vietnam, dioxin levels in human tissue were as high as 900 times greater in Vietnamese living in southern Vietnam than those living in
Northern Vietnam where Agent Orange was not used."(Arison5) It was not until 1993, when the Institute of Medicine News reported,
"Evidence exists linking three cancers and two other health problems with chemicals used in herbicides used in the Vietnam War, a committee of
the Institute of Medicine has concluded. Those diseases are soft tissue sarcoma, non–Hodgkin's lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease as well as chloracne
and prophyria cutanea tarda (PCT)."(Turner–Lowe1) An explanation of each disease follows: Non–Hodgkin's Lymphoma refers to any group of
cancers of lymphoid tissues that multiply. These are found mainly in the lymph nodes and the spleen. The symptoms are related to painless swelling of
the lymph nodes in the neck or groin region. There is an attempted
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Agent Orange Inhumane
This causes death to innocent people after the war and there were also many innocent people killed during the war which bothered America's inner
voice and for many that inner voice became an outer voice in protests. The second issue of Agent Orange also bothered the conscience of the United
States. "Between 1961 and 1971 about 20 million gallons of herbicides were dropped on South Vietnam." (Black 19) The U.S. "...had no idea of how
dioxin, the lethal contaminant in Agent Orange, might blight [people's] lives down through 3 generations." (Black 14) This was a very inhumane tactic
used in the war and many who opposed the Vietnam war "...felt that U.S. actions in Southeast Asia were crimes against humanity." (Maxwell 439) The
Vietnam war also
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Agent Orange In Vietnam Essay
Exposure In the Vietnam war, the United States used a strategy of spraying tactical herbicides. Agent Orange was the main herbicide; it got its name
from the orange strip on the drums that was used to haul it from place to place (Hillstrom and Hillstrom 184). This was not the only agent sprayed
though. There were also Agents Blue, Pink, White and Green. All of which got their name the same way (Schmidt 2). This strategy seemed great at
first but it was more than expected.
Agent Orange turned out to be very dangerous. From the data found by DOD and the Department of State, it was estimated that somewhere between
seventy–two thousand and a hundred and seventy–one thousand people could have been working in Vietnam at the time of the war (Robertson ... Show
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Operation RANCH HAND used planes to spray about ninety–five percent of them. The other five percent was sprayed by helicopters and ground
equipment belonging to the Army Chemical Corps (Young and Cecil 29). The planes used to spray Agent Orange was C
–123 aircraft. Two days after
them spraying, everything that is touched was killed (Schmidt 2). They were known as "Silver Bug Birds". Their spraying routine started at every
fourteen days and was later knocked down to every nine days (Young and Cecil 30). It is easy to see how the amount of herbicides began to add up
when spraying that often.
Ever since the war, veterans from Vietnam have claimed to be experiencing health effects, such as diseases, that they claim is from their exposure to
Agent Orange. The DVA have associated diseases such as Parkinson's disease, heart disease, and cancer with exposure to herbicides (Young and
Cecil 32). Kevin and Laurie Hillstrom tell a story about a veteran from Vietnam who said, "Because of my exposure to it, my internal organs work at a
rate of a seventy or seventy–five year old man," (Hillstrom and Hillstrom 184). The health effects caused by Agent Orange have affected many people
by giving them very bad
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Essay on The Government Denial of Agent Orange Claims
The Government Reaction to Agent Orange Claims
United States involvement in Vietnam has been surrounded by controversy since the 1960s. Many felt that controversy would end with the withdrawal
of US troops in the 1970s. The troops came home and were not welcomed with the fanfare that surrounded veterans of previous wars. Was the
controversy surrounding Vietnam a "dead" issue now that the troops were home? The answer is no. The controversy continues to this very day. The
issue of whether or not the US should have gotten involved with Vietnam is still undecided. The even larger issue, on the other hand, is that of
exposure to Agent Orange.
I have been interested in the controversy surrounding Agent Orange since I ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, one of the purposes of this paper was to find exactly what the government attitude toward Agent Orange was and currently is today.
I already knew my bias before I started research. However, I have tried to maintain objectivity by looking at documents and truly trying to understand
the government position.
The majority of my primary source documents are found in the "Big Blue Binder". This is an on–going file of all records, newspaper articles, forms,
and documents that the Erie County Department of Veterans Affairs has kept from 1978 to 1996. The information and types of files in the binder
were included based on personal opinions on whether or not they should were important. There is no state or federal regulation on what needs to be
included. It is not even mandated that each county must keep a binder. Because some of the documents in the binder are from veteran's organizations,
they pose a possible bias. I have tried to screen out the bias in the documents and look for facts only.
It comes as no surprise that there are no "un–biased" secondary sources on Agent Orange. One book that I found which I thought was biased, was
actually cited by the Institute of Medicine. Still, I have tried to use as little as possible from this source.
In this paper, I will try to determine if the government attitude toward Agent Orange has changed. If it has changed, when
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How Did Kennedy Use Herbicides In The Vietnam War?
In 1943, as Arthur Galston was working on his PhD in plant biology at the University of Illinois. He was working to solve a common agricultural
problem for soybean farmers, the weather of Illinois would often lead to soy plants being killed by frost before they got a chance to develop
flowers. He applied a mixture of synthetic chemical to the plants and he experienced great success, the only problem was that if these chemicals were
applied in too great of a concentration, the leaves of the plant fell off. He disregarded this side–effect and continued with his work. His work remained
relatively unknown until the government started to look for a chemical to destroy vegetation which concealed enemies. The government found his
work and modified his chemical into the infamous Agent Orange. Although the world was not new to using herbicides in war, both the British and
Americans had done so before, the Vietnam War saw the first large scale military deployment of herbicides. This started in 1961 when President Ngo
Dinh Diem of South Vietnam asked the US to conduct spraying in Vietnam to help with his effort to fight the Vietcong. (Buckingham, 4). The program
to... Show more content on ...
Buckingham says that: "Although the final Defense Department recommendation12 upon which President Kennedy had based his decision authorizing
a defoliation operation 11 called for the overt approach, Secretary McNamara continued to hold open the option of disguising the defoliation program
as a South Vietnamese operation" (38). This was the option that the Air Force favored in 1961 when the first round of spraying started. A letter from
Ambassador Nolting in Saigon recommends that the aircraft being used for Ranch Hand should use civilian markings and their crews should dress as
civilians. This air of secrecy would surround Ranch Hand until 1966 when the campaign to defoliate Vietnam would be made
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The Sniper Summary
The book is great and is about how the most successful sniper got to where he was and how hard he worked to get there. The second paragraph is
about what Chris Kyle did before he joined the navy. The third paragraph is going to be about B.U.DE.S. The fourth paragraph is about how he
conducted his job in the field. The fifth paragraph is just a continuation of the fourth paragraph. The sixth paragraph is going to be about some of
his operations that he did during his deployment. The seventh is going to be about his life when he got back stateside. When Chris Kyle Was in
high school he lived in Texas and he was a ranch and while he went to high school. He also when to rodeos to win some money for fun. Chris Kyle
was a ranch hand for two guys... Show more content on ...
The first mission that he had when he got his sniper certification was to go pull security for the Marines and then he got his first kill on a of many
to come. Then another one of his appointments he was set up on the rooftop only security for Marines again and there was a counter sniper on
another roof and a couple insurgents on the ground that were shooting up out of one of them pulled out a rocket and shot the wall that he was
taking cover behind and a lot of rubble rubble fell on him and he injured his leg and he didn't notice it was injured until after the gun fight and he
was downstairs and one of his teammates said something about it. Then another time they were clearing out a village or town and there were
these railroad tracks and insurgents were hiding behind it behind them because there was a swamp behind it never using the swamp to cross so
didn't get shot at there a couple incidence about this one was that there were these three guys on beach balls and instead of shooting the guys he
shot that beach balls and then he shot the guy. This was where he got his longest shot there was a guy about a mile and a half away from him and
he didn't have a long range sniper so the guys were teasing him about not being able to hit him because at this time his nickname was the legend and
so he took up the challenge the guy that was aiming at them was about a mile and a half away Chris Kyle just got lucky and it was a lucky shot he
even said it himself that he could never make that shot
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Napalm Vs Vietnam War
The first issue about napalm strike in vietnam on innocent villages.When napalm hits the ground it goes everywhere in a center radius and whatever it
lands on catches on fire men, women and children where badly burned from these strikes.The second issue is Agent Orange a chemical that was used
by the U.S. in the Vietnam War to destroy the jungle so that theUnited States Army could see the traps and where the enemy was hiding.The U.S.
didn't think that the chemical would travel in the air for miles and end up going into other none fighting bordering countries.This made for a bad look
on the U.S. part for not knowing this before.The last issue I have with the Vietnam War is the cover up of them going into villages and just murdering
the whole
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Agent Orange : A Herbicide / Defoliant Used By The U.s....
Agent Orange was a herbicide/defoliant used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War as part of the Herbicidal Warfare Program. Agent Orange
was given its nickname due the the barrels it was stored in, marked with a single orange stripe, other herbicides used in southeast asia were given
similar nicknames such as Agents Blue, Green, Pink and Purple. Despite the large veritable rainbow of different defoliants, Agent Orange was
primarily used during Operation: Ranch Hand [HowStuffWorks Science]. During Operation: Ranch Hand, 19 million gallons of Agent Orange and
other chemicals were sprayed over 4.5 million acres of land in Vietnam []. The reasons for the mass distribution of the chemical were to
"Deny them food and... Show more content on ...
In both past and present, the traces of Agent Orange have drastically affected the ecosystems of Vietnam. The causes for the effects of Agent Orange
are due to its main, and most dangerous component: Dioxin. Many of the separate Agent compounds contained dioxin, but Agent Orange contained
Tetrachlorodibenzo–p–Dioxin (TCDD,) one of the most potent forms of Dioxin. TCDD is responsible for many of the sub–lethal effects on wildlife in
Agent Orange spray zones, causing tumors and birth defects, along with a variety of cancers to animals who ingest it [HowStuffWorks Science].
Almost every living animal has small amounts of Dioxin located in their body fat, but the mutagenic effects of Dioxin occur when it enters an
ecosystem in large amounts. The body can process small amounts of dioxin, but in vast quantities, like the millions of gallons of Agent Orange
dropped on the forests of Vietnam, it is a very powerful poison. After the Dioxin soaked up into the plants and ground of the Vietnam forest it worked
its way up the food chain, as herbivores ate the Dioxin–infused grass, then become Dioxin–laced themselves, eventually everything became infected
with the Dioxin and slowly died out, eventually, all the plants and animals were gone, leaving a barren wasteland. That is how the forests of Vietnam
eventually withered away, and some did not return [HowStuffWorks Science]. This is very clearly a violation of environmental justice,
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Comparing John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'
Add keywords here to make this summary more specific to a topic.Strict Scan [?]
Of Mice and Men recounts the story of two itinerant ranch hands who, despite their apparent differences, are dependent on each other.
Lennie Small, by far the better worker of the two, suffers not only from limited intelligence but also from an overwhelming desire to caress soft objects.
These traits, combined with his uncontrollable strength, set the stage for disaster.
The fact that a disaster has not already occurred is largely the result of the vigilance of Lennie's traveling companion, George Milton.
Being aware of Lennie's limitations, George does his best to keep Lennie focused on their mutual dream of owning their own spread, raising rabbits,
and being in charge of their own lives.
He ... Show more content on ...
It represents, as the ensuing dialogue makes clear, a safe haven–a place where both humans and beasts can retreat should danger threaten.
This setting provides author John Steinbeck with a context against which to portray the ranch to which George and Lennie travel the next day.
The ranch, as he describes it, is a world without love and in which friendship is viewed as remarkable.
Steinbeck frames the desolation of ranch life by having George and Lennie comment on how different their lives are and having the other ranch hands
comment on how unusual it is for two men to travel together.
The hired hands have no personal stake in the ranch's operation and, for the most part, no stake in one another's well–being.
Although they bunk together and play an occasional game of cards or horseshoes, each is wary of his peers.
It is for this reason that Lennie and George's friendship is questioned by everyone and why their dream of owning their own place is so infectious,
especially to men such as Crooks and Candy, both of whom long to escape this loveless, isolated existence.
Even Curley's wife is used to reinforce the
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Sandra Day O'Connor
Sandra Day O'Connor Perhaps no other jurist could have come to the Supreme Court under greater expectations. When President Ronald Reagan
nominated Sandra Day O'Connor in 1981 to be the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, he did soto keep a campaign promise. O'Connor's
nomination was quick to draw criticism from both the political people left and right. Conservatives put down her lack of federal judicial experience
and claimed that she didn't have any constitutional knowledge. They considered her a wasted nomination and suspected her position on abortion.
Liberals, on the other hand, could not deny their satisfaction at seeing a woman on the High Court, but they were disappointed in O'Connor's apparent
lack of strong support for... Show more content on ...
Rehnquist who would become chief justice.) O'Connor faced a difficult job market after leaving Stanford. No law firm in California wanted to
hire her and only one offered her a position as a legal secretary. Ironically, a senior partner of that firm, William French Smith, helped O'Connor's
nomination to the Supreme Court years later as the Attorney General. Failing to find suitable work in private practice, O'Connor turned to public
service. She accepted a job as the deputy county attorney for San Mateo, California. When O'Connor's husband graduated from Stanford a year
later, the army immediately drafted him into the Judge Advocate General Corps. John O'Connor served in Frankfurt, Germany, for three years with
Sandra by his side. While in Germany, Sandra served as a civilian lawyer in the Quartermaster's Corps. When the O'Connors returned to the U.S. in
1957, they decided to settle down in Phoenix, Arizona. They had their three sons in the six years that followed. O'Connor again found it difficult to
obtain a position with any law firm so she decided to start her own firm with a single partner. She practiced a wide variety of small cases in her early
days as a lawyer since she lacked specialization and an established reputation. After she gave birth to her second son, O'Connor withdrew from work
temporarily to care for her children. She became involved in many volunteer activities during this time. She devoted much of her time to the Arizona
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How Did Agent Orange Affect Vietnam
Agent orange was very harmful to our troops, Vietnam's environment and to the Vietnamese people. Between 1961 and 1972 there was a horrible
spraying of a bunch of harmful chemicals joined to be called agent orange which killed off so many people and wildlife which, caused a lot of
confusion to the US because they thought it was just going to cause the plants to die off instead of what it actually did. Agent orange was used during
the Vietnam war as a non–harmful chemical but it turned out it was killing a lot of people and things. Agent orange started in the 60's and the main
harmful chemical was Dioxin and many more that are hard to explain.Agent orange was a very easy spray to make, and we thought ourselves that it
wasn't that bad to use so, we started to spray the jungle and it did so much more than we thought it would and even today it's still harming things
/people There are so many ways... Show more content on ...
Because of how strong the chemicals levels were it caused a lot of skin irritation on the animals which eventually turned to them all dying (no
animals left). Even after decades of the spraying on the jungles they still won't grow back no matter how hard they try to do it (decades later). Since
the war everything has just went downhill for Vietnam since they lost major part of their jungle and their wildlife (land lost). In conclusion the
environment to some people might not be important but it was to Vietnam. People think that it was just the US that had it rough with spraying,but not
just people were effected it was a major part of the wildlife that was affected badly to. Studies shown that there are now today as known of fourteen
diseases going around and possibly more that just haven't occurred on test results yet. People around the world think that Vietnam can easily bring
back and regrow the jungles that were destroyed and that they can just bring new wildlife back quick and
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Like Water For Chocolate Literary Analysis
The well known saying " the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" is often used in a negative way. This saying can be seen as a positive if one aspires
to like their parent, but what if your parent was the one thing getting in the way of your happiness. In Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquirel,
Tita and Mama Elena's conflicting views give the novel a spicy tone with a deliciously satisfying ending.
The novel Like Water for Chocolate focuses on the theme of tradition and how sometimes tradition gets in the way of happiness. Mama Elena
believes that tradition should always be followed no matter how unhappy it makes you. For example Mama Elena refuses to let Tita get married
because of their families tradition, " If he intends to ask for ... Show more content on ...
Since birth Tita was disconnected from her mother, " Mama Elena accepted her offer gratefully; she had enough to do between her mourning and the
enormous responsibility of running the ranch –– and it was the ranch that would provide her children the food and education they deserved –– without
having to worry about feeding a newborn baby on top of everything else" (7). Mama Elena never had the motherly relationship with Tita because she
had to work, so it makes sense that they don't know each other. Not only was Tita not raised by her mother but Tita was raised in the kitchen with
Nacha the head cook, " That world was an endless expanse that began at the door between the kitchen and the rest of the house, whereas everything on
the kitchen side of the door, on through the door leading to the patio and the kitchen herb garden was completely her –– it was Tita's realm" (7). Tita
grew up learning how to cook while Mama Elena was in charge of the ranch. This create a stereotypical Husband versus Wife relationship. The male,
being Mama Elena provides for the household, and the female, Tita does the cooking and the
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The Ways in Which Steinbeck Explores the Concept of the...
The Ways in Which Steinbeck Explores the Concept of the American Dream in Of Mice and Men
The American Dream was a dream that nearly everyone had throughout the twentieth century. It was hope for a better life and people believed
strongly that it would come true. The main characters in 'Of Mice & Men' have a dream which was to get a plot of land and live on it and become
self–sufficient. The American Dream was not an achievable goal for many people. Steinbeck shows this failure through the characters of Lennie &
The American dream was a great thing. We first heard about it when Lennie and George were sitting by the river at the beginning of the book. The
dream was a hope that every ... Show more content on ...
They would earn standard migrant labour workers wages which was of course not very much, as the great depression was around at the time the book
was set. The men hoped to save money and put it towards the plot of land, "Look, if me an Lennie work a month an' don't spen' nothing we'll have a
hundred bucks".
Sooner or later people started to realise that the American Dream was turning into a nightmare. This is shown in the book by all the travelling and
unemployment. Steinbeck shows that people were determined to get a job and willing to travel around to find one, he reinforces this through
Lennie and George. At the start of the novel Steinbeck told us that they were walking, so we obviously know that they have had a nomadic life.
During their rest they have a conversation about their travels "The first thing you know is that they are pounding away at some other ranch". This
backs up the fact that people travel around for jobs. We know how Lennie and George frequently lose their jobs, this is due to Lennie constantly
getting the pair of them into trouble which jeopardises their current job. Because of this they have to travel from one ranch to another in search of
another job. Also you can corroborate the fact that people travelled by George quoting, "The hell with what I says. You remember about us going into
Murray and Ready's and they give us work
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Napalm Vs Vietnam War
The first issue about napalm strike in vietnam on innocent villages.When napalm hits the ground it goes everywhere in a center radius and whatever it
lands on catches on fire men, women and children where badly burned from these strikes.The second issue is Agent Orange a chemical that was used
by the U.S. in the Vietnam War to destroy the jungle so that theUnited States Army could see the traps and where the enemy was hiding.The U.S.
didn't think that the chemical would travel in the air for miles and end up going into other none fighting bordering countries.This made for a bad look
on the U.S. part for not knowing this before.The last issue I have with the Vietnam War is the cover up of them going into villages and just murdering
the whole
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The Dairy Industry Essay
History Miraka Limited is another part to the dairy arranging industry, the key lion 's offerhad Maori plant in New Zealand with a first Maori
supplier base. The plant isbeing worked at Mokai, 30km northwest of Taupo. Milk made accessible under the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001
is dire in a startup plant. The explanation behind the Act was to make a compelling ranch door milk market. That reason has not been comprehends
it.Therefore the Dairy Industry Restructuring (New Sunset Provisions) Amendment Bill should be keep running with the redesignd uttermost
compasses of 20% piece of the pie for independents. Also the accessibility of milk over the present uttermost ranges of 50m liters ought to be
permitted to restore the change of free processors. This will guarantee there is acceptable rivalry to give able operation of dairy markets in New
Zealand and clear overall anxieties over our virtual syndication and advancement a solid freemarket economy. Competition Lacking The present
capable competition association has permitted new challengers into the dairy get prepared industry, yet relentlessly, and we are some way off a
convincing working dairy market in New Zealand. The business region is still particularly in its underlying stages with the most settled new part, Open
Country, beginning period in late 2004. Along these lines the business region requires more opportunity to persuaded the chance to be fantastic before
the star rivalry association ought to be
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Agent Orange In The Vietnam War
Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used in the Vietnam war. It was used to kill off the jungle and crops. The jungle allowed the Vietcong to hide
and the crops feed the enemy. Agent Orange got its name from the Orange label on the drums of herbicide. Agent Orange was two herbicides combined
2,4–D and 2,4,5–T. It was mixed at 50 times the concentration that would have been by used US farmers. The herbicide 2,4,5–T contained dioxin.
The military campaign was named Operation Ranch Hand and started on January 19, 1962. The US military sprayed 19 million gallons of Agent
Orange over 4.5 million acres from 1961 to 1972. Ninety–five percent of agent orange was sprayed by US Airforce from C123–s. The planes were
equipped with one thousand
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Comparing John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men
Of Mice and Men is an excellent novel by John Steinbeck. It was published in 1937 It is about the main characters, George and Lennie, struggles
with finding and maintaining a job out west during the Great Depression. This book was made into a movie in 1992 and was directed by Gary
Sinise. I am glad that these problems are now a lot less widespread in the U.S.. Overall, the actors did an extraordinary job in this film. George, a
traveling ranch hand, was played by Gary Sinise, who was additionally the director. He did a phenomenal job immersing us into his world in the
1930's. I felt like I was right there with him working on that ranch. Lennie, George's mentally challenged compadre, was played by John Malkovich,
and wasn't quite as big as I would have expected. Some of the other characters included in the movie were the following: Candy, a kind old swamper,
Crooks, a crippled negro stable buck, Slim, a skinner on the ranch,... Show more content on ...
It made the movie easier and more pleasant to watch. It really brought out the emotions and each scene. A great scene that used the sound effects
was right away when they were escaping Weed. Lighting in this movie was a very large part the movie and they did a good job at some points,
but also didn't come through at times. It was very bright when they were out in the fields, which helped show that it was hot. Although, they really
came short on the scenes at night. There was light coming from random places and it was generally just bad. For the most part, the movie is what I
expected. They added a couple scenes, like the first one from Weed, and many other small things. One of the things I did not expect was how big the
ranch was. In my mind it was much smaller of an operation. There were added scenes, but there were also many scenes that didn't make it to the
movie. Scenes such as Mae and Candy visiting Crooks, and the very end part in the
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Sandra Day O'Connor Essay
Sandra Day O'Connor Perhaps no other jurist could have come to the Supreme Court under greater expectations. When President Ronald Reagan
nominated Sandra Day O'Connor in 1981 to be the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, he did soto keep a campaign promise. O'Connor's
nomination was quick to draw criticism from both the political people left and right. Conservatives put down her lack of federal judicial experience
and claimed that she didn't have any constitutional knowledge. They considered her a wasted nomination and suspected her position on abortion.
Liberals, on the other hand, could not deny their satisfaction at seeing a woman on the High Court, but they were disappointed in O'Connor's apparent
lack of strong support for... Show more content on ...
Her younger brother and sister were not born until she was eight years old, leaving her to spend many years as an only child. To make up for the
loneliness, she made friends with many of the ranch's cowboys and kept many pets, including a bobcat. O'Connor read a lot in her early years and
engaged in many farm activities. She learned to drive at age seven and could fire rifles and ride horses very well by the time she turned eight. The
isolated ranch made formal education difficult so O'Connor's parents sent her to live with her maternal grandmother in El Paso. Sandra went to the
Radford School, a private academy for girls, from kindergarten through high school. Suffering from extreme homesickness, she stopped going and
returned to Arizona for a year. Still, she graduated with good marks at the age of sixteen. O'Connor gives credit much to her grandmother for being
such a great influence on her. She credits her grandmother's confidence in her ability to succeed as her motivation for refusing to admit defeat. After
high school, O'Connor went to Stanford University where she majored in economics. She chose economics originally with the goal of applying that
knowledge towards the operation of a ranch of her own or even the Lazy–B Ranch. A legal dispute over her family's ranch, however, stirred her interest
in law and O'Connor decided to enroll at Stanford Law School after receiving her baccalaureates degree magna cum laude in 1950.It
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10 Levels Of Horsemanship By Kim Meagher Relationship
In 1995, Kim Meagher, owner of the Beastro Gallery in Prescott, AZ, and Wildhorse Ranch Rescue in Gilbert, AZ, had a dream. The single mother
of two and her daughters loved horses and decided they wanted one of their own. Working for Intel at the time, Meagher felt that a horse would be a
good way to teach her daughters how to handle responsibility and would be a great companion for the girls and her. Growing up in urban Michigan,
Meagher knew nothing about horses, but she was determined to learn what it took.
So, ignoring skepticism from friends and family, Meagher started reading Pat Parelli's 10 Levels of Horsemanship and proceeded to purchase a one
and a quarter acre ranch in Gilbert. The property included a barn with eleven stalls ready and waiting to be filled. In search of her first horse, Meagher
advertised in the local newspaper and acquired her initial equine resident which was named Brownie. Though the Meaghers knew little about caring for
horses at that time, they were getting a lot of on–the–job training. The feeding, brushing, mucking, and other required chores ... Show more content on ...
While rescuing a group of 23 dehydrated and underfed burros, Meagher noticed a newborn about three days old in the group. It seemed the baby
burro's mother hadn't survived which didn't bode well for the newborn. Promptly taking the baby under her wing, Meagher decided to name it
Gabriel. Being just a few days old, Gabriel required feeding on an almost hourly basis. Meagher literally took Gabriel into her home to help him
survive and thrive. However, one glitch she ran into was the fact that she had to make the weekly trip to Prescott, but there was no one to care for
Gabriel. So Meagher did what she needed to do. She took Gabriel to Prescott with her, allowing him to sleep bed with her at night. Additionally, with
the use of the dog door, Gabriel was able to take himself into the backyard whenever he felt the
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Agent Orange Negative Effects On The Environment
From the beginning of the spraying 51 years ago, and even today, millions of Vietnamese have died from, or been completely incapacitated by, diseases
which the US government recognizes are related to Agent Orange, according to Truth– Many people refuse to believe that Agent Orange had
any bad or harmful effect on the environment and on people. In my opinion, Agent Orange was a very deadly toxin, has had a very big and negative
impact on both the environment in Vietnam and other countries around the world, and it has had a big and negative impact on people by causing
diseases and disorders.
Agent orange was a very deadly toxin. According to, From1961 to 1972, the U.S. military conducted a large–scale defoliation program ...
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It has killed many people over the years and has devastated and ruined the environment throughout not only Vietnam but also other countries where
Agent Orange was being tested. After seeing how deadly this toxin was and seeing what it did to all the people who were exposed to it and died from
it, hopefully in the future the United States takes a different route, and use something less toxic than Agent Orange, if we are ever in a war like
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Agent Orange In Vietnam War
During the early 60's in the Viet Nam war, Viet Cong soldiers used the protection of the forest canopy and mangroves to move troops and for
ambushes against United States and Allied troops. To stop this, the US Air Force began Operation Ranch Hand in an effort to clear areas along roads,
rivers and the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail using various herbicides manufactured in the United States. Agent Orange was successfully employed
throughout Viet Nam while clearing thousands of square miles of forest. The agent is the cause of serious health problems and deaths of thousands of
indigenous people, American soldiers, and their descendants. Eventually, after political pressure, it was pulled out of Viet Nam and taken to Johnston
Atoll in the Pacific ... Show more content on ...
Dioxin is persistent and does not break down for decades. "It could cling to soil particles and was washed downstream where it could be consumed
by fish and wildlife that in turn was consumed by humans for food. Millions of Vietnamese lived in areas sprayed with Agent Orange, "nearly 5
million Vietnamese had been exposed to Agent Orange, which has since resulted in an estimated 400,000 deaths and disabilities and at least a half
million children born with physical and/or mental birth defects across 3 generations" (Haynes, 2014). Vietnamese orphanages have children of men
and women who were exposed to the dioxin from Agent Orange and couldn't care for them so they are "discarded by their parents" (Kimmons, 2014).
The Agent Orange Record web site lists ailments experienced by the Vietnamese that ranged from various cancers to skin
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Agent Orange Research Paper
Agent Orange was a herbicide for clearing vegetation such as forests and jungles. The Army Chemical Operations Division developed this herbicide
and others. "The Crops Division... initiated the first large–scale military defoliation effort––the aerial application of Agent Orange to over 2,500 acres
(about four square miles, or just over ten square kilometers) of vegetation." ("Agent Orange contamination"). "At least 20 million gallons of herbicides
had been sprayed, exposing 2.1 million to 4.8 million villagers." (Schmidt). Agent Orange has affected both U.S soldiers and Vietnamese by causing
birth defects, cancer, diseases, and other health ailments.
United States laboratory animal testing shows damage caused dioxin can be passed down, but
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Penny Wade Financial Services Case Study
Penny Wade Smith plays a very important role in many farmers and ranchers lives. Financial services can help the growth or maintain a strong
operation in farms or ranches. Keeping the financial statements accurately is the key to the whole operation. Financial records on a basic family
income can be challenging. Completing financial records for multiple farms that can have millions of dollars in net worth is even a greater
difficulty. Wade Financial Services does many different services for farmers and ranchers. The financial statements that make is only a small part of
the process. Allowing for financial stability in these operations comes with effort and time. Doing these task doesn't come by the hand of one person.
With many workers the services that Penny and her team provide is extremely important. Taxes are one of the biggest directing points in the financial
services. When farmers and ranchers have millions of dollars in assets the taxes can be outrageous. One of the main services is to help these
operations overcome these problems. Like Penny said its illegal to evade taxes, but not illegal to strategically avoid taxation. The records that Wade
Financial Services develop help in the ability to avoid extra taxation from the ... Show more content on ...
Although Wade Financial Services focuses more on the farm and ranch production side, these services are a huge need inagriculture. With growing
population in the world developing strong farming operations is a must. The difficulty of economic growth in the agricultural industry is devastating to
farmers and ranchers. The public think that these problems only occur to young farmers and ranchers. That is far from the truth because of the
economic lows in the prices of raw commodities. Without the dedication of people like Penny and her crew the agricultural community would be in a
worse economic
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Agent Orange Inhumane
This causes death to innocent people after the war and there were also many innocent people killed during the war which bothered America's inner
voice and for many that inner voice became an outer voice in protests. The second issue of Agent Orange also bothered the conscience of the United
States. "Between 1961 and 1971 about 20 million gallons of herbicides were dropped on South Vietnam." (Black 19) The U.S. "...had no idea of how
dioxin, the lethal contaminant in Agent Orange, might blight [people's] lives down through 3 generations." (Black 14) This was a very inhumane tactic
used in the war and many who opposed the Vietnam war "...felt that U.S. actions in Southeast Asia were crimes against humanity." (Maxwell 439) The
Vietnam war also
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Colorado Christian University: Case Study
I am blessed to have been born and raised in a working ranch and construction family. I value the knowledge and work ethic that I have gained from
my experiences within this lifestyle. It has influenced my life immensely and will greatly influence my experience at Colorado Christian University.
Growing up in a family of business owners and large scale cattle operation owners, my hope is to follow in their footsteps and become a successful
cattle and business woman myself. In ranching families, morals and work ethics are instilled in children at an early age. You have to do your chores,
no ifs, ands or buts about it. My family had about a thousand head of cattle, fifty ranch horses and thirty–five thousand acres; there was always an
abundance of chores that ... Show more content on ...
I hope my children and their children after that continue the legacy. Along with ranching, my father had a keen sense for construction and excelled in
the heating, ventilation and air conditioning business. In 1997, he started a family owned and operated company named Four Wynns Mechanical
LLC.; and the business is still thriving today. In 2002, two years before graduating high school, I became an office assistant alongside my mother and a
field apprentice alongside my father. I'm currently an office manager and project manager for Four Wynns Mechanical LLC. I'm highly experienced
in almost all aspects of office work and have managed construction projects from Crested Butte to Aspen with as many as twenty employees. I had to
learn to be focused, strong minded, and extremely organized while being a project manager. My little brother and I hope to become educated and
experienced enough to one day become the owners and operators of Four Wynns Mechanical LLC. I strongly believe that a business degree will give
me the upper hand in handling my future goals and plans.
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Essay on Vietnam Veterans and the Bitter Harvest of Agent...
Vietnam Veterans and the Bitter Harvest of Agent Orange
Vietnam veteran Paul Reutershan said on the Today show, "I died in Vietnam, but I didn't even know it" (Wilcox x). For the veterans that survived the
Vietnam War without major physical injuries, there were still other problems to endure. After the war, many veterans faced disapproval for fighting,
serious psychological problems, and for some, diseases believed to be caused by herbicides used in the war. Many veterans didn't even think that Agent
Orange could have been the cause for their diseases since the effects show themselves many years later. Reutershan was the first to publicly attribute
his diseases to the herbicide Agent Orange he was exposed to during the Vietnam War.... Show more content on ...
These reports sparked questions of how the toxicity would affect the people exposed. In January 1971, planes stopped spraying the chemical and by
the end of the year, use of Agent Orange was terminated in Vietnam.
Dow Chemical Company developed Agent Orange at Fort Detrick in Maryland. The chemical got its name from the color–coded stripe that was
painted on its 55 gallon storage drums. There were many different herbicides used in Vietnam, such as agents blue, white, purple, and green. Agent
Orange was the most successful herbicide, quickly killing broad leaf vegetation; therefore, it was the most widely used. The defoliant worked by
accelerating the growth in plant cells until the plant prematurely dies (Wilcox x). Agent Orange was composed of an equal mixture of the herbicides 2,
4–D (n–buytl–2, 4–dichlorophenoxyacetate) and 2, 4, 5–T (n–butyl–2, 4, 5– trichlorophenoxyacetate) and it was developed for chemical warfare.
Altogether 90,000 tons of herbicides were used: of that 90% was used for defoliation, 8% was used for crop destruction, and 2% was used for
clearing base perimeters (Dunnigan and Nofi 136). By the end of Operation Ranch Hand, 4.5 million acres of Vietnam had been defoliated.
Agent Orange was created for the purpose of saving American lives in Vietnam, but tests soon began to show the affects of the herbicides on mammals.
Soldiers suffered symptoms such as rashes and severe headaches, which they believed to be immediate effects
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The Effects Of Agent Orange On Veterans During The Korean War
This article is about veterans who served in the Korean War in 1967 who has been affected by Agent Orange. AgentOrange is a defoliant chemical
that was used for an herbicide warfare program that causes multiple health problems to people who have been affected by it.The veterans have asked
Congress to grant them health care and compensation forgetting it. The Congress denied the grant and the veterans are furious. Because many of the
veterans are currently suffering from diseases and illnesses that was caused by the Agent Orange, they wanted benefits. There has been more than1.4
million people who are trying to get the grant from the Congress. They had only granted veterans who served on the Korean Demilitarized Zone from
April 1968 through August 1971 eligible for benefits and has at least one illness that is connected to the Agent Orange.... Show more content on ...
For example, Type 2 Diabetes, children born with spinal bifida (because it is exposed to Agent Orange), several cancers, Parkinson's disease, and
certain ailments of the skin, nervous system, heart, tissues and organs. The newborn children get the health care benefits, however the parents do not.
There were about 55,000 servicemen who has been exposed to the agent. At the time of the Korean War, the veterans did not know that the Agent
Orange was getting sprayed everywhere until five years ago. The Congress also disapproved benefits for the AirForce Reserve pilots who had to spray
the Agent Orange in Vietnam. This article ties into the Korean War we are studying in class about the Northern Koreans and the Southern Koreans
conflicting at the 38th
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American Sniper By Chris Kyle
In modern warfare a sniper's role is critical for gathering intelligence, and providing protection for the other ground units in the area of operation.
Their goal is explicit, to undetectably infiltrate an enemy's position in order to effectively engage targets to reduce the enemy's fighting capabilities
under their creed "one shot, one kill". American Sniper is written by Chris Kyle, and is an account of his four tours in the Iraq War as a Navy SEAL
while earning his spot in history as the most lethal sniper in the United States military. During Kyle's tours in Fallujah, Ramadi, and Sadr city he
recorded over 160 confirmed kills. Kyle's autobiography covers not only daily life on the war front, but the personal and family struggles at... Show
more content on ...
After the incident Kyle pursues being a ranch manager by studying in school and working as a ranch hand to gain experience. While working on
the ranch Kyle thinks about the direction of his life and decided to drop out of college, and return to his original plan of joining the military. On
Kyle's first attempt to join the Navy, he is rejected after a physical found the pins in his wrist from the rodeo accident. Deterred from the Navy,
Kyle returns back to ranch life, but soon after resuming, he unexpectedly receives a call from the Navy recruiter willing to give him a chance at
becoming a Navy SEAL. After completing the training for SEAL recruits Kyle is assigned to SEAL Team Three based out of California. While
based in California Kyle meet his wife Taya, but shortly after their marriage Kyle is deployed for war. From this point the book turns tremendously
intense as it follows Kyle's operations in the war as a SEAL sniper. Throughout his tours of duty he is given the tasks of providing over watches for
Marine's clearing buildings and is required to engage any insurgents for numerous hours each day. While on the sniper over watches he experiences the
evils of the insurgence first hand by killing multiple enemies in each shift. As his number of confirmed kills increased Kyle earns legendary status and
the respect of many military
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Chris Kyle Essay
Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle was born in Odessa,Texas, him being the first of two boys born to Deby Lynn and Wayne Kenneth Kyle. His mother
was a Sunday school teacher and his father was a Deacon, I guess it's safe to say he was in some sort of way active in the church. Kyle received his
first rife at the age of eight as a gift from his father, a bolt–action .30–06 Springfield rifle and later on a shotgun, which he would come to use to hunt
deer, pheasant, and quail. As Kyle grew up along with his brother, they raised one hundred and fifty heads of cattle at a time. He attended high
school in Midlothian, Texas, and after he graduated, he became a professional bronco rodeo rider and ranch hand, but his career ended suddenly
when he severely injured his arm. Initially Kyle was interested in joining the U.S. Marine Corps special operations, but a U.S. Navy recruiter
convinced him to instead try for the SEALS. He was rejected because of the pins in his arms, but he eventually received an invitation to the 24–week
Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL school which he joined in 1999. He was assigned to SEAL Team 3, sniper element, platoon "Charlie" ,within the
Naval Special Warfare Command, and with four tours of duty, he served in many a... Show more content on ...
He was the president of Craft international, a tactical training company for the US military and law enforcement communities. In 2012, HarperCollins
released Kyle's autobiography, American Sniper. American Sniper had a 37
–week run on The New York Times bestseller list and brought Kyle national
attention. Following its release, media, media articles challenged some of Kyle's anecdotes. Kyle paired with FITCO Cares Foundation to provide free
in home fitness equipment, individualized programs, personal training, and life coaching to in need veterans with disabilities Gold Star Families, or
those suffering from posttraumatic stress
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The Use of Agent Orange in Vietnam
The Vietnam War is the most controversial war in United States history. From the Bay of Tonkin, to the draft, Vietnam often debated in the United
States. One of the instances that made Vietnam so controversial was the use of Agent Orange in South Vietnam. Agent Orange is the name of a
pesticide composed of 2,4–dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4–D), and 2,4,5–trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5–T). Agent Orange also contained a
chemical compound called dioxin, which has been found to be very toxic to humans. It was sprayed over Vietnam during Operation Ranch Hand, as a
part of the United States Military's herbicidal warfare from 1961–1971. It was dispersed over the Vietnamese jungle via airplanes, tanks, and ground
troops. Agent Orange wreaked havoc on the Vietnamese ecosystems, people, and on United States service men. The use of this chemical was damaging
to both American and Vietnamese people and greatly damaged the Vietnamese jungle. Agent Orange and the chemical's effects continues to be studied,
through military and environmental history and the use of oral accounts and written accounts. The first reports of Agent Orange were from the
military. The first sources justify the use of the chemical as a military strategy to help prevent the loss of more American lives in Vietnam. The
military sources also argue that the use of Agent Orange would use less man power, while being more cost effective, and the use of the herbicide
would ultimately help with the outcome of the
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Why Is Agent Orange Wrong
Annie Koppes
Hazardous Chemical– Agent Orange
In 1965 the United States of America became involved in the Vietnamese war attributable to the support America showed France in reclaiming Vietnam
after it became independent in 1945. The US stopped involvement in the Vietnam War in 1973. During the involvement of theUnited States, many
herbicides were used to defoliate the dense forests within Vietnam in order to upsurge their battle plan. One of the tactics of the United States was to
use what they referred to as "The Rainbow Herbicides" (Institute of Medicine, 2011). The most notorious of these chemicals was called "Agent
Orange". Agent Orange was the most popular chemical used of all the herbicides, and also the most toxic. Not only did Agent Orange cause extreme
defoliation in the areas ... Show more content on ...
The United States failed to perform toxicology examinations in order to determine what environmental hazards would occur by using Agent Orange.
As a result, millions have suffered from teratogens, which cause birth defects, mutagens, which damaged genetic material among many Vietnamese,
and carcinogens, which caused cell damage and cancer among both American veterans and Vietnamese. Regardless of the issue that the United States
military failed to conduct previous examination of Agent Orange, the moral issue is that United States failed to perform environmental justice, which
states that there must be equal treatment of all people involved in hazardous chemicals regardless of origin, race, or gender. Another principle the
United States failed to address is the precautionary principle, which states that when a chemical hazard is possible all precautions must take action in
order to reduce risks. Environmental justice and the precautionary principle both address a strong moral compass, and what it means to possess moral
curtesy. Equal treatment of Vietnamese and US veterans has still not been
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Summary Of The Commentary On Agent Orange
The commentary on Agent Orange is expressing the most tragic problems Vietnam veterans have faced, more specifically the encounter with Agent
Orange. Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the tactical use Rainbow Herbicides. The author states" , as these documents make
clear, because of the varied illnesses caused by the substance, because of its long–term effects on the person exposed, and because the toxicity of the
substance was so great that its effects are often passed on to the veterans' offspring." In this passage, the author is suggesting this is not only affecting
one person but can have a bigger effect by spreading into the kids of the initial person. In conclusion, the authors belief is that even when the soldiers
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Destination Interview : Destination Ranch
Destination Ranch
My business's name would be Destination Ranch. It would be located on multiple acres outside of Edmond, OK, just a short drive from multiple horse
event venues, equestrian schools, and equine hospitals. Destination Ranch would be a premier horse boarding facility that would offer 24/7 care and
access to an indoor, temperature–controlled arena. The product I would provide clients at Destination Ranch is quality care for their horses. This
means that for a monthly or daily fee, their horse/horses would be kept at Destination Ranch. They would be fed daily, supplied fresh water, and
receive twice–daily stall cleanings. Clients could board their horses in stalls with daily turnout or out on beautiful, lush grass in my pasture, all with
shelters and plenty of shady trees. Clients will have peace of mind knowing their horses would be in the hands of my devoted staff, who would be on
duty twenty–four hours a day, seven days a week. Clients who are boarding their horses with me would receive access to the indoor,
temperature–controlled riding arena. I chose to provide clients with quality care for their horses because I own horses myself, I have kept my horses
at a boarding facility, and I have worked at a boarding facility, so I am familiar with the industry. I would like as many riders and horses as my facility
would allow to call Destination Ranch their home away from home. Many inputs go into producing a successful boarding operation. These include land,
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The Effects of Agent Orange on Veterans of the Vietnam...
Almost thirty years after the last troops were pulled out of what was then South Vietnam, its effects are still felt in today's society. It is hard not to
find someone who's life has not been affected because of this war. One of the most controversial decisions made in the war was to use chemicals to
fight the enemy. The most boradly used chemiucal was called Agent Orange. Some people agreed with the use of Agent Orange. They saw it as a very
viable weapon that needed to be used in order to keep the Communist from taking control of South Vietnam and subverting their democratic
government. Many others disapproved of its use. They knew, correctly, that it would severely devastate the landscape of Vietnam and would forever
ruin the ... Show more content on ...
Agent Orange is a herbicide that was used to defoliate the jungles, meaning the United States military was trying to kill off the trees in Vietnam in
order to take away places for North Vietnamese military men could hide (1). The Viet Cong did not fight conventionally against the American
military, they could not do so and expect to win. This caused them to resort to guerilla warfare in order to strike and weaken parts of a division or
unit. The Americans used Agent Orange as a defense strategy in order to take away hiding places for the Viet Cong to run to after hitting the
American units (2). What is especially harmful to those who were around Agent Orange and where it was sprayed was the dioxin, which is a
byproduct of one of the chemicals components. People still worked and breathed even with the residue of the toxin still in the air and in the soil,
civilians and military personnel alike. The toxin carried in it a carcinogen that got its way into the water and in the soil. Slowly as the years have
passed and Vietnam has been hit with a lot of monsoons clean water has washed away the toxic water, but not before it entered into the food chain and
then started to accumulate into body fat and tissue in humans that was able to passed from a mother to their child threw breast milk. The American
military, by word of the American government, dumped millions of gallons of Agent Orange onto the southern half of
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Mystic Monk Coffee
Mystic Monk Coffee
The Vision
The future direction Father Daniel Mary has established for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming is to expand function by procurring a 500 acre
property that will become the new Mount Carmel. This property would be utilized to create a monestary, equipped to house 30 monks, a Gothic
church, a covent for Carmelite nuns, a retreat for lay visitors and a hermitage. Father Daniel's vision is to expand the monastery by purchasing the
Irma Lake ranch for the list price of $8.9 million. From his calculations you can determine that he has $250,000 (donated), and is forecasted to earn
nearly $75,000 from Mystic Monk Coffee (MMC). There is also an unforseeable amount of donations that will be incomming from the ... Show more
content on ...
Business Model
Mystic Monk Coffee strategy is a money maker. Realizing a net profit of 11% as well as the secure customer base with 150 million coffee drinkers in
the US, the business shows the ability to generate income.
The business model of MMC is a web based business which also utilizes word of mouth. They will increase the production of the coffee by
purchasing a new roaster and add additional streams of revenue with the wholesaling of their products to churches and coffeeshops. Mystic Monk
Coffee delivers customer value by offering a high grade product using quality free trade/organic Arabica beans,several differnt options of flavor or
roast, shipping directly to the costomer's door and a frequent customer club offering free shipping for puchases of 3 or more bags. MMC shows the
ability to increase it's value by increasing the production of it's coffees, and all the resources such as quality coffee that have a specific meaning to the
Catholic consumers along with the workers and equipment needed to create and deliver value to it's customers.
My analysis shows that the largest issue at hand is the lack of financial information such as; the cost of running current monastery and the projected
cost for running a larger monastery. Also the profit outlines should be clearer to show a breakdown of profit to show how much revenue each stream is
producing. The recommendation then would dictate that Father
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How Did Agent Orange Affect Vietnam
Agent orange was very harmful to our troops, Vietnam's environment and to the Vietnamese people. Between 1961 and 1972 there was a horrible
spraying of a bunch of harmful chemicals joined to be called agent orange which killed off so many people and wildlife which, caused a lot of
confusion to the US because they thought it was just going to cause the plants to die off instead of what it actually did. Agent orange was used during
the Vietnam war as a non–harmful chemical but it turned out it was killing a lot of people and things. Agent orange started in the 60's and the main
harmful chemical was Dioxin and many more that are hard to explain.Agent orange was a very easy spray to make, and we thought ourselves that it
wasn't that bad to use so, we started to spray the jungle and it did so much more than we thought it would and even today it's still harming things
/people There are so many ways... Show more content on ...
Because of how strong the chemicals levels were it caused a lot of skin irritation on the animals which eventually turned to them all dying (no
animals left). Even after decades of the spraying on the jungles they still won't grow back no matter how hard they try to do it (decades later). Since
the war everything has just went downhill for Vietnam since they lost major part of their jungle and their wildlife (land lost). In conclusion the
environment to some people might not be important but it was to Vietnam. People think that it was just the US that had it rough with spraying,but not
just people were effected it was a major part of the wildlife that was affected badly to. Studies shown that there are now today as known of fourteen
diseases going around and possibly more that just haven't occurred on test results yet. People around the world think that Vietnam can easily bring
back and regrow the jungles that were destroyed and that they can just bring new wildlife back quick and
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Essay On Agent Orange
Agent Orange was a strong and powerful herbicide used by the United States during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange was used to eliminate forest
cover for the North Vietnam Army, and kill crops to try and starve them. It was very effective in its job and was used for 10 years during the Vietnam
War. Agent Orange not oly kills the plants that it was targeting, but it also had a amjor affect on the people that were exposed to it. Agent Orange is a
very deadly weapon, and people are still facing the consequences of it today. Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was, "a
long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United
States"... Show more content on ...
Agent Orange may not have been the first herbicide, however, one could argue that it is the deadliest. Dao Chemical made agent orange in 1943.
Taking 2 commonly used herbicides and mixing them together created Agent Orange. They mixed, "2,4–D and 2,4,5–T." (Agent Orange." UXL
Encyclopedia of Science). Dao Chemical knew how dangerous the chemicals that they were mixing together. There was previous knowledge
that2,4,5–T can cause problems in humans, and they only mixed it with something more dangerous: "One chemical used to make Agent Orange was
contaminates with a dioxin, TCDD" (Agent Orange." UXL Encyclopedia of Science). Dioxins are very toxic to humans, animal, and the environment.
Once a dioxin is released, the dioxin will remain present in the soil. During the Vietnam War the United Sates army covered over 4 million acres with
Agent Orange. During the years, "1962 and 1971, over 10.5 million gallons of Agent Orange were sprayed on Vietnam." (Agent Orange). The reason
that Agent Orange was created was to kill the multitude of dense forests located in Vietnam. The North Vietnam Army had the advantage in this war.
They knew how to hide in the jungle and how to camouflage to the environment. This became a real threat to the United States army. They knew
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The Depression Of The Vietnam War

  • 1. The Depression Of The Vietnam War Thinking back to the days of one's youth, one might recall taking a family trip to the local amusement park during the warmer months of summer. Standing, walking, or even running, one can spend hours underneath the beating heat of the sun. Moving from ride to ride, families pass by tents spraying mists of cooling, refreshing water to help soothe the pain from standing out in the sun. Children run back and forth through the mist, laughing with excitement. There is hardly a care in the world when the family is having so much fun. Now replace the amusement park with the jungles of Vietnam, and the tent, now a two engine C–123 cargo plane, sprays deadly chemicals instead of harmless water on the young American soldiers stationed there. This was the situation many Vietnam veterans were placed in during the conflict in Vietnam, and they were clueless and unprepared for the aftereffects of the chemicals sprayed across the battlefields. The chemical that was being sprayed across Vietnam was a potent herbicide that came to be known as Agent Orange, named after the color band that wrapped around the canisters it was transported in. This herbicide, while extremely efficient at its job of destroying forests and crops, it also did a great job at harming humans. Since the end of the war in Vietnam, many negative health effects of Agent Orange such as cancer and birth defects have come to light. Even though these health effects were caused by the spraying in Vietnam, many ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Essay on Agent Orange We must do everything in our power to make the world recognize that our veterans are still paying a high price for fighting the war in Vietnam. Agent Orange is slowly taking the lives of these brave veterans. The government has recognized some diseases but the rules to compensation can be complex. It was in the 1960's that we were in the process of trying to destroy vegetation and brush in Vietnam, in doing so we proceeded to contaminate one of the largest parts of the environment, Humankind. War Veteranswere exposed to Agent Orange and now live their lives with a disease not necessarily curable. The question remains did these Veterans know about the hazardous effects, and how are they being compensated now? Agent Orange was the code ... Show more content on ... The destruction this chemical caused to the vegetation should have been the first clue that what destroys nature will in due time destroy us. We are the cause for this mess; but we should have been notified much earlier about the potential risk associated with Agent Orange. According to the Executive Summary on Operations Trail Dust and Ranch Hand, "On April 17,1995 Researchers have found that during the spraying of Agent Orange in southern Vietnam, dioxin levels in human tissue were as high as 900 times greater in Vietnamese living in southern Vietnam than those living in Northern Vietnam where Agent Orange was not used."(Arison5) It was not until 1993, when the Institute of Medicine News reported, "Evidence exists linking three cancers and two other health problems with chemicals used in herbicides used in the Vietnam War, a committee of the Institute of Medicine has concluded. Those diseases are soft tissue sarcoma, non–Hodgkin's lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease as well as chloracne and prophyria cutanea tarda (PCT)."(Turner–Lowe1) An explanation of each disease follows: Non–Hodgkin's Lymphoma refers to any group of cancers of lymphoid tissues that multiply. These are found mainly in the lymph nodes and the spleen. The symptoms are related to painless swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck or groin region. There is an attempted ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Agent Orange Inhumane This causes death to innocent people after the war and there were also many innocent people killed during the war which bothered America's inner voice and for many that inner voice became an outer voice in protests. The second issue of Agent Orange also bothered the conscience of the United States. "Between 1961 and 1971 about 20 million gallons of herbicides were dropped on South Vietnam." (Black 19) The U.S. "...had no idea of how dioxin, the lethal contaminant in Agent Orange, might blight [people's] lives down through 3 generations." (Black 14) This was a very inhumane tactic used in the war and many who opposed the Vietnam war "...felt that U.S. actions in Southeast Asia were crimes against humanity." (Maxwell 439) The Vietnam war also ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Agent Orange In Vietnam Essay Exposure In the Vietnam war, the United States used a strategy of spraying tactical herbicides. Agent Orange was the main herbicide; it got its name from the orange strip on the drums that was used to haul it from place to place (Hillstrom and Hillstrom 184). This was not the only agent sprayed though. There were also Agents Blue, Pink, White and Green. All of which got their name the same way (Schmidt 2). This strategy seemed great at first but it was more than expected. Agent Orange turned out to be very dangerous. From the data found by DOD and the Department of State, it was estimated that somewhere between seventy–two thousand and a hundred and seventy–one thousand people could have been working in Vietnam at the time of the war (Robertson ... Show more content on ... Operation RANCH HAND used planes to spray about ninety–five percent of them. The other five percent was sprayed by helicopters and ground equipment belonging to the Army Chemical Corps (Young and Cecil 29). The planes used to spray Agent Orange was C –123 aircraft. Two days after them spraying, everything that is touched was killed (Schmidt 2). They were known as "Silver Bug Birds". Their spraying routine started at every fourteen days and was later knocked down to every nine days (Young and Cecil 30). It is easy to see how the amount of herbicides began to add up when spraying that often. Ever since the war, veterans from Vietnam have claimed to be experiencing health effects, such as diseases, that they claim is from their exposure to Agent Orange. The DVA have associated diseases such as Parkinson's disease, heart disease, and cancer with exposure to herbicides (Young and Cecil 32). Kevin and Laurie Hillstrom tell a story about a veteran from Vietnam who said, "Because of my exposure to it, my internal organs work at a rate of a seventy or seventy–five year old man," (Hillstrom and Hillstrom 184). The health effects caused by Agent Orange have affected many people by giving them very bad ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay on The Government Denial of Agent Orange Claims The Government Reaction to Agent Orange Claims PREFACE United States involvement in Vietnam has been surrounded by controversy since the 1960s. Many felt that controversy would end with the withdrawal of US troops in the 1970s. The troops came home and were not welcomed with the fanfare that surrounded veterans of previous wars. Was the controversy surrounding Vietnam a "dead" issue now that the troops were home? The answer is no. The controversy continues to this very day. The issue of whether or not the US should have gotten involved with Vietnam is still undecided. The even larger issue, on the other hand, is that of exposure to Agent Orange. I have been interested in the controversy surrounding Agent Orange since I ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, one of the purposes of this paper was to find exactly what the government attitude toward Agent Orange was and currently is today. I already knew my bias before I started research. However, I have tried to maintain objectivity by looking at documents and truly trying to understand the government position. The majority of my primary source documents are found in the "Big Blue Binder". This is an on–going file of all records, newspaper articles, forms, and documents that the Erie County Department of Veterans Affairs has kept from 1978 to 1996. The information and types of files in the binder were included based on personal opinions on whether or not they should were important. There is no state or federal regulation on what needs to be included. It is not even mandated that each county must keep a binder. Because some of the documents in the binder are from veteran's organizations, they pose a possible bias. I have tried to screen out the bias in the documents and look for facts only. It comes as no surprise that there are no "un–biased" secondary sources on Agent Orange. One book that I found which I thought was biased, was actually cited by the Institute of Medicine. Still, I have tried to use as little as possible from this source. In this paper, I will try to determine if the government attitude toward Agent Orange has changed. If it has changed, when
  • 6. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. How Did Kennedy Use Herbicides In The Vietnam War? In 1943, as Arthur Galston was working on his PhD in plant biology at the University of Illinois. He was working to solve a common agricultural problem for soybean farmers, the weather of Illinois would often lead to soy plants being killed by frost before they got a chance to develop flowers. He applied a mixture of synthetic chemical to the plants and he experienced great success, the only problem was that if these chemicals were applied in too great of a concentration, the leaves of the plant fell off. He disregarded this side–effect and continued with his work. His work remained relatively unknown until the government started to look for a chemical to destroy vegetation which concealed enemies. The government found his work and modified his chemical into the infamous Agent Orange. Although the world was not new to using herbicides in war, both the British and Americans had done so before, the Vietnam War saw the first large scale military deployment of herbicides. This started in 1961 when President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam asked the US to conduct spraying in Vietnam to help with his effort to fight the Vietcong. (Buckingham, 4). The program to... Show more content on ... Buckingham says that: "Although the final Defense Department recommendation12 upon which President Kennedy had based his decision authorizing a defoliation operation 11 called for the overt approach, Secretary McNamara continued to hold open the option of disguising the defoliation program as a South Vietnamese operation" (38). This was the option that the Air Force favored in 1961 when the first round of spraying started. A letter from Ambassador Nolting in Saigon recommends that the aircraft being used for Ranch Hand should use civilian markings and their crews should dress as civilians. This air of secrecy would surround Ranch Hand until 1966 when the campaign to defoliate Vietnam would be made ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Sniper Summary The book is great and is about how the most successful sniper got to where he was and how hard he worked to get there. The second paragraph is about what Chris Kyle did before he joined the navy. The third paragraph is going to be about B.U.DE.S. The fourth paragraph is about how he conducted his job in the field. The fifth paragraph is just a continuation of the fourth paragraph. The sixth paragraph is going to be about some of his operations that he did during his deployment. The seventh is going to be about his life when he got back stateside. When Chris Kyle Was in high school he lived in Texas and he was a ranch and while he went to high school. He also when to rodeos to win some money for fun. Chris Kyle was a ranch hand for two guys... Show more content on ... The first mission that he had when he got his sniper certification was to go pull security for the Marines and then he got his first kill on a of many to come. Then another one of his appointments he was set up on the rooftop only security for Marines again and there was a counter sniper on another roof and a couple insurgents on the ground that were shooting up out of one of them pulled out a rocket and shot the wall that he was taking cover behind and a lot of rubble rubble fell on him and he injured his leg and he didn't notice it was injured until after the gun fight and he was downstairs and one of his teammates said something about it. Then another time they were clearing out a village or town and there were these railroad tracks and insurgents were hiding behind it behind them because there was a swamp behind it never using the swamp to cross so didn't get shot at there a couple incidence about this one was that there were these three guys on beach balls and instead of shooting the guys he shot that beach balls and then he shot the guy. This was where he got his longest shot there was a guy about a mile and a half away from him and he didn't have a long range sniper so the guys were teasing him about not being able to hit him because at this time his nickname was the legend and so he took up the challenge the guy that was aiming at them was about a mile and a half away Chris Kyle just got lucky and it was a lucky shot he even said it himself that he could never make that shot ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Napalm Vs Vietnam War The first issue about napalm strike in vietnam on innocent villages.When napalm hits the ground it goes everywhere in a center radius and whatever it lands on catches on fire men, women and children where badly burned from these strikes.The second issue is Agent Orange a chemical that was used by the U.S. in the Vietnam War to destroy the jungle so that theUnited States Army could see the traps and where the enemy was hiding.The U.S. didn't think that the chemical would travel in the air for miles and end up going into other none fighting bordering countries.This made for a bad look on the U.S. part for not knowing this before.The last issue I have with the Vietnam War is the cover up of them going into villages and just murdering the whole ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Agent Orange : A Herbicide / Defoliant Used By The U.s.... Agent Orange was a herbicide/defoliant used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War as part of the Herbicidal Warfare Program. Agent Orange was given its nickname due the the barrels it was stored in, marked with a single orange stripe, other herbicides used in southeast asia were given similar nicknames such as Agents Blue, Green, Pink and Purple. Despite the large veritable rainbow of different defoliants, Agent Orange was primarily used during Operation: Ranch Hand [HowStuffWorks Science]. During Operation: Ranch Hand, 19 million gallons of Agent Orange and other chemicals were sprayed over 4.5 million acres of land in Vietnam []. The reasons for the mass distribution of the chemical were to "Deny them food and... Show more content on ... In both past and present, the traces of Agent Orange have drastically affected the ecosystems of Vietnam. The causes for the effects of Agent Orange are due to its main, and most dangerous component: Dioxin. Many of the separate Agent compounds contained dioxin, but Agent Orange contained Tetrachlorodibenzo–p–Dioxin (TCDD,) one of the most potent forms of Dioxin. TCDD is responsible for many of the sub–lethal effects on wildlife in Agent Orange spray zones, causing tumors and birth defects, along with a variety of cancers to animals who ingest it [HowStuffWorks Science]. Almost every living animal has small amounts of Dioxin located in their body fat, but the mutagenic effects of Dioxin occur when it enters an ecosystem in large amounts. The body can process small amounts of dioxin, but in vast quantities, like the millions of gallons of Agent Orange dropped on the forests of Vietnam, it is a very powerful poison. After the Dioxin soaked up into the plants and ground of the Vietnam forest it worked its way up the food chain, as herbivores ate the Dioxin–infused grass, then become Dioxin–laced themselves, eventually everything became infected with the Dioxin and slowly died out, eventually, all the plants and animals were gone, leaving a barren wasteland. That is how the forests of Vietnam eventually withered away, and some did not return [HowStuffWorks Science]. This is very clearly a violation of environmental justice, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Comparing John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men' Add keywords here to make this summary more specific to a topic.Strict Scan [?] Of Mice and Men recounts the story of two itinerant ranch hands who, despite their apparent differences, are dependent on each other. Lennie Small, by far the better worker of the two, suffers not only from limited intelligence but also from an overwhelming desire to caress soft objects. These traits, combined with his uncontrollable strength, set the stage for disaster. The fact that a disaster has not already occurred is largely the result of the vigilance of Lennie's traveling companion, George Milton. Being aware of Lennie's limitations, George does his best to keep Lennie focused on their mutual dream of owning their own spread, raising rabbits, and being in charge of their own lives. He ... Show more content on ... It represents, as the ensuing dialogue makes clear, a safe haven–a place where both humans and beasts can retreat should danger threaten. This setting provides author John Steinbeck with a context against which to portray the ranch to which George and Lennie travel the next day. The ranch, as he describes it, is a world without love and in which friendship is viewed as remarkable. Steinbeck frames the desolation of ranch life by having George and Lennie comment on how different their lives are and having the other ranch hands comment on how unusual it is for two men to travel together. The hired hands have no personal stake in the ranch's operation and, for the most part, no stake in one another's well–being. Although they bunk together and play an occasional game of cards or horseshoes, each is wary of his peers. It is for this reason that Lennie and George's friendship is questioned by everyone and why their dream of owning their own place is so infectious,
  • 12. especially to men such as Crooks and Candy, both of whom long to escape this loveless, isolated existence. Even Curley's wife is used to reinforce the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Sandra Day O'Connor Sandra Day O'Connor Perhaps no other jurist could have come to the Supreme Court under greater expectations. When President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor in 1981 to be the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, he did soto keep a campaign promise. O'Connor's nomination was quick to draw criticism from both the political people left and right. Conservatives put down her lack of federal judicial experience and claimed that she didn't have any constitutional knowledge. They considered her a wasted nomination and suspected her position on abortion. Liberals, on the other hand, could not deny their satisfaction at seeing a woman on the High Court, but they were disappointed in O'Connor's apparent lack of strong support for... Show more content on ... Rehnquist who would become chief justice.) O'Connor faced a difficult job market after leaving Stanford. No law firm in California wanted to hire her and only one offered her a position as a legal secretary. Ironically, a senior partner of that firm, William French Smith, helped O'Connor's nomination to the Supreme Court years later as the Attorney General. Failing to find suitable work in private practice, O'Connor turned to public service. She accepted a job as the deputy county attorney for San Mateo, California. When O'Connor's husband graduated from Stanford a year later, the army immediately drafted him into the Judge Advocate General Corps. John O'Connor served in Frankfurt, Germany, for three years with Sandra by his side. While in Germany, Sandra served as a civilian lawyer in the Quartermaster's Corps. When the O'Connors returned to the U.S. in 1957, they decided to settle down in Phoenix, Arizona. They had their three sons in the six years that followed. O'Connor again found it difficult to obtain a position with any law firm so she decided to start her own firm with a single partner. She practiced a wide variety of small cases in her early days as a lawyer since she lacked specialization and an established reputation. After she gave birth to her second son, O'Connor withdrew from work temporarily to care for her children. She became involved in many volunteer activities during this time. She devoted much of her time to the Arizona State ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Did Agent Orange Affect Vietnam Agent orange was very harmful to our troops, Vietnam's environment and to the Vietnamese people. Between 1961 and 1972 there was a horrible spraying of a bunch of harmful chemicals joined to be called agent orange which killed off so many people and wildlife which, caused a lot of confusion to the US because they thought it was just going to cause the plants to die off instead of what it actually did. Agent orange was used during the Vietnam war as a non–harmful chemical but it turned out it was killing a lot of people and things. Agent orange started in the 60's and the main harmful chemical was Dioxin and many more that are hard to explain.Agent orange was a very easy spray to make, and we thought ourselves that it wasn't that bad to use so, we started to spray the jungle and it did so much more than we thought it would and even today it's still harming things /people There are so many ways... Show more content on ... Because of how strong the chemicals levels were it caused a lot of skin irritation on the animals which eventually turned to them all dying (no animals left). Even after decades of the spraying on the jungles they still won't grow back no matter how hard they try to do it (decades later). Since the war everything has just went downhill for Vietnam since they lost major part of their jungle and their wildlife (land lost). In conclusion the environment to some people might not be important but it was to Vietnam. People think that it was just the US that had it rough with spraying,but not just people were effected it was a major part of the wildlife that was affected badly to. Studies shown that there are now today as known of fourteen diseases going around and possibly more that just haven't occurred on test results yet. People around the world think that Vietnam can easily bring back and regrow the jungles that were destroyed and that they can just bring new wildlife back quick and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Like Water For Chocolate Literary Analysis The well known saying " the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" is often used in a negative way. This saying can be seen as a positive if one aspires to like their parent, but what if your parent was the one thing getting in the way of your happiness. In Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquirel, Tita and Mama Elena's conflicting views give the novel a spicy tone with a deliciously satisfying ending. The novel Like Water for Chocolate focuses on the theme of tradition and how sometimes tradition gets in the way of happiness. Mama Elena believes that tradition should always be followed no matter how unhappy it makes you. For example Mama Elena refuses to let Tita get married because of their families tradition, " If he intends to ask for ... Show more content on ... Since birth Tita was disconnected from her mother, " Mama Elena accepted her offer gratefully; she had enough to do between her mourning and the enormous responsibility of running the ranch –– and it was the ranch that would provide her children the food and education they deserved –– without having to worry about feeding a newborn baby on top of everything else" (7). Mama Elena never had the motherly relationship with Tita because she had to work, so it makes sense that they don't know each other. Not only was Tita not raised by her mother but Tita was raised in the kitchen with Nacha the head cook, " That world was an endless expanse that began at the door between the kitchen and the rest of the house, whereas everything on the kitchen side of the door, on through the door leading to the patio and the kitchen herb garden was completely her –– it was Tita's realm" (7). Tita grew up learning how to cook while Mama Elena was in charge of the ranch. This create a stereotypical Husband versus Wife relationship. The male, being Mama Elena provides for the household, and the female, Tita does the cooking and the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Ways in Which Steinbeck Explores the Concept of the... The Ways in Which Steinbeck Explores the Concept of the American Dream in Of Mice and Men The American Dream was a dream that nearly everyone had throughout the twentieth century. It was hope for a better life and people believed strongly that it would come true. The main characters in 'Of Mice & Men' have a dream which was to get a plot of land and live on it and become self–sufficient. The American Dream was not an achievable goal for many people. Steinbeck shows this failure through the characters of Lennie & George. The American dream was a great thing. We first heard about it when Lennie and George were sitting by the river at the beginning of the book. The dream was a hope that every ... Show more content on ... They would earn standard migrant labour workers wages which was of course not very much, as the great depression was around at the time the book was set. The men hoped to save money and put it towards the plot of land, "Look, if me an Lennie work a month an' don't spen' nothing we'll have a hundred bucks". Sooner or later people started to realise that the American Dream was turning into a nightmare. This is shown in the book by all the travelling and unemployment. Steinbeck shows that people were determined to get a job and willing to travel around to find one, he reinforces this through Lennie and George. At the start of the novel Steinbeck told us that they were walking, so we obviously know that they have had a nomadic life. During their rest they have a conversation about their travels "The first thing you know is that they are pounding away at some other ranch". This backs up the fact that people travel around for jobs. We know how Lennie and George frequently lose their jobs, this is due to Lennie constantly getting the pair of them into trouble which jeopardises their current job. Because of this they have to travel from one ranch to another in search of another job. Also you can corroborate the fact that people travelled by George quoting, "The hell with what I says. You remember about us going into Murray and Ready's and they give us work ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Napalm Vs Vietnam War The first issue about napalm strike in vietnam on innocent villages.When napalm hits the ground it goes everywhere in a center radius and whatever it lands on catches on fire men, women and children where badly burned from these strikes.The second issue is Agent Orange a chemical that was used by the U.S. in the Vietnam War to destroy the jungle so that theUnited States Army could see the traps and where the enemy was hiding.The U.S. didn't think that the chemical would travel in the air for miles and end up going into other none fighting bordering countries.This made for a bad look on the U.S. part for not knowing this before.The last issue I have with the Vietnam War is the cover up of them going into villages and just murdering the whole ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Dairy Industry Essay History Miraka Limited is another part to the dairy arranging industry, the key lion 's offerhad Maori plant in New Zealand with a first Maori supplier base. The plant isbeing worked at Mokai, 30km northwest of Taupo. Milk made accessible under the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001 is dire in a startup plant. The explanation behind the Act was to make a compelling ranch door milk market. That reason has not been comprehends it.Therefore the Dairy Industry Restructuring (New Sunset Provisions) Amendment Bill should be keep running with the redesignd uttermost compasses of 20% piece of the pie for independents. Also the accessibility of milk over the present uttermost ranges of 50m liters ought to be permitted to restore the change of free processors. This will guarantee there is acceptable rivalry to give able operation of dairy markets in New Zealand and clear overall anxieties over our virtual syndication and advancement a solid freemarket economy. Competition Lacking The present capable competition association has permitted new challengers into the dairy get prepared industry, yet relentlessly, and we are some way off a convincing working dairy market in New Zealand. The business region is still particularly in its underlying stages with the most settled new part, Open Country, beginning period in late 2004. Along these lines the business region requires more opportunity to persuaded the chance to be fantastic before the star rivalry association ought to be ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Agent Orange In The Vietnam War Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used in the Vietnam war. It was used to kill off the jungle and crops. The jungle allowed the Vietcong to hide and the crops feed the enemy. Agent Orange got its name from the Orange label on the drums of herbicide. Agent Orange was two herbicides combined 2,4–D and 2,4,5–T. It was mixed at 50 times the concentration that would have been by used US farmers. The herbicide 2,4,5–T contained dioxin. The military campaign was named Operation Ranch Hand and started on January 19, 1962. The US military sprayed 19 million gallons of Agent Orange over 4.5 million acres from 1961 to 1972. Ninety–five percent of agent orange was sprayed by US Airforce from C123–s. The planes were equipped with one thousand ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Comparing John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men Of Mice and Men is an excellent novel by John Steinbeck. It was published in 1937 It is about the main characters, George and Lennie, struggles with finding and maintaining a job out west during the Great Depression. This book was made into a movie in 1992 and was directed by Gary Sinise. I am glad that these problems are now a lot less widespread in the U.S.. Overall, the actors did an extraordinary job in this film. George, a traveling ranch hand, was played by Gary Sinise, who was additionally the director. He did a phenomenal job immersing us into his world in the 1930's. I felt like I was right there with him working on that ranch. Lennie, George's mentally challenged compadre, was played by John Malkovich, and wasn't quite as big as I would have expected. Some of the other characters included in the movie were the following: Candy, a kind old swamper, Crooks, a crippled negro stable buck, Slim, a skinner on the ranch,... Show more content on ... It made the movie easier and more pleasant to watch. It really brought out the emotions and each scene. A great scene that used the sound effects was right away when they were escaping Weed. Lighting in this movie was a very large part the movie and they did a good job at some points, but also didn't come through at times. It was very bright when they were out in the fields, which helped show that it was hot. Although, they really came short on the scenes at night. There was light coming from random places and it was generally just bad. For the most part, the movie is what I expected. They added a couple scenes, like the first one from Weed, and many other small things. One of the things I did not expect was how big the ranch was. In my mind it was much smaller of an operation. There were added scenes, but there were also many scenes that didn't make it to the movie. Scenes such as Mae and Candy visiting Crooks, and the very end part in the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Sandra Day O'Connor Essay Sandra Day O'Connor Perhaps no other jurist could have come to the Supreme Court under greater expectations. When President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor in 1981 to be the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, he did soto keep a campaign promise. O'Connor's nomination was quick to draw criticism from both the political people left and right. Conservatives put down her lack of federal judicial experience and claimed that she didn't have any constitutional knowledge. They considered her a wasted nomination and suspected her position on abortion. Liberals, on the other hand, could not deny their satisfaction at seeing a woman on the High Court, but they were disappointed in O'Connor's apparent lack of strong support for... Show more content on ... Her younger brother and sister were not born until she was eight years old, leaving her to spend many years as an only child. To make up for the loneliness, she made friends with many of the ranch's cowboys and kept many pets, including a bobcat. O'Connor read a lot in her early years and engaged in many farm activities. She learned to drive at age seven and could fire rifles and ride horses very well by the time she turned eight. The isolated ranch made formal education difficult so O'Connor's parents sent her to live with her maternal grandmother in El Paso. Sandra went to the Radford School, a private academy for girls, from kindergarten through high school. Suffering from extreme homesickness, she stopped going and returned to Arizona for a year. Still, she graduated with good marks at the age of sixteen. O'Connor gives credit much to her grandmother for being such a great influence on her. She credits her grandmother's confidence in her ability to succeed as her motivation for refusing to admit defeat. After high school, O'Connor went to Stanford University where she majored in economics. She chose economics originally with the goal of applying that knowledge towards the operation of a ranch of her own or even the Lazy–B Ranch. A legal dispute over her family's ranch, however, stirred her interest in law and O'Connor decided to enroll at Stanford Law School after receiving her baccalaureates degree magna cum laude in 1950.It ... Get more on ...
  • 22. 10 Levels Of Horsemanship By Kim Meagher Relationship In 1995, Kim Meagher, owner of the Beastro Gallery in Prescott, AZ, and Wildhorse Ranch Rescue in Gilbert, AZ, had a dream. The single mother of two and her daughters loved horses and decided they wanted one of their own. Working for Intel at the time, Meagher felt that a horse would be a good way to teach her daughters how to handle responsibility and would be a great companion for the girls and her. Growing up in urban Michigan, Meagher knew nothing about horses, but she was determined to learn what it took. So, ignoring skepticism from friends and family, Meagher started reading Pat Parelli's 10 Levels of Horsemanship and proceeded to purchase a one and a quarter acre ranch in Gilbert. The property included a barn with eleven stalls ready and waiting to be filled. In search of her first horse, Meagher advertised in the local newspaper and acquired her initial equine resident which was named Brownie. Though the Meaghers knew little about caring for horses at that time, they were getting a lot of on–the–job training. The feeding, brushing, mucking, and other required chores ... Show more content on ... While rescuing a group of 23 dehydrated and underfed burros, Meagher noticed a newborn about three days old in the group. It seemed the baby burro's mother hadn't survived which didn't bode well for the newborn. Promptly taking the baby under her wing, Meagher decided to name it Gabriel. Being just a few days old, Gabriel required feeding on an almost hourly basis. Meagher literally took Gabriel into her home to help him survive and thrive. However, one glitch she ran into was the fact that she had to make the weekly trip to Prescott, but there was no one to care for Gabriel. So Meagher did what she needed to do. She took Gabriel to Prescott with her, allowing him to sleep bed with her at night. Additionally, with the use of the dog door, Gabriel was able to take himself into the backyard whenever he felt the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Agent Orange Negative Effects On The Environment From the beginning of the spraying 51 years ago, and even today, millions of Vietnamese have died from, or been completely incapacitated by, diseases which the US government recognizes are related to Agent Orange, according to Truth– Many people refuse to believe that Agent Orange had any bad or harmful effect on the environment and on people. In my opinion, Agent Orange was a very deadly toxin, has had a very big and negative impact on both the environment in Vietnam and other countries around the world, and it has had a big and negative impact on people by causing diseases and disorders. Agent orange was a very deadly toxin. According to, From1961 to 1972, the U.S. military conducted a large–scale defoliation program ... Show more content on ... It has killed many people over the years and has devastated and ruined the environment throughout not only Vietnam but also other countries where Agent Orange was being tested. After seeing how deadly this toxin was and seeing what it did to all the people who were exposed to it and died from it, hopefully in the future the United States takes a different route, and use something less toxic than Agent Orange, if we are ever in a war like ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Agent Orange In Vietnam War During the early 60's in the Viet Nam war, Viet Cong soldiers used the protection of the forest canopy and mangroves to move troops and for ambushes against United States and Allied troops. To stop this, the US Air Force began Operation Ranch Hand in an effort to clear areas along roads, rivers and the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail using various herbicides manufactured in the United States. Agent Orange was successfully employed throughout Viet Nam while clearing thousands of square miles of forest. The agent is the cause of serious health problems and deaths of thousands of indigenous people, American soldiers, and their descendants. Eventually, after political pressure, it was pulled out of Viet Nam and taken to Johnston Atoll in the Pacific ... Show more content on ... Dioxin is persistent and does not break down for decades. "It could cling to soil particles and was washed downstream where it could be consumed by fish and wildlife that in turn was consumed by humans for food. Millions of Vietnamese lived in areas sprayed with Agent Orange, "nearly 5 million Vietnamese had been exposed to Agent Orange, which has since resulted in an estimated 400,000 deaths and disabilities and at least a half million children born with physical and/or mental birth defects across 3 generations" (Haynes, 2014). Vietnamese orphanages have children of men and women who were exposed to the dioxin from Agent Orange and couldn't care for them so they are "discarded by their parents" (Kimmons, 2014). The Agent Orange Record web site lists ailments experienced by the Vietnamese that ranged from various cancers to skin ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Agent Orange Research Paper Agent Orange was a herbicide for clearing vegetation such as forests and jungles. The Army Chemical Operations Division developed this herbicide and others. "The Crops Division... initiated the first large–scale military defoliation effort––the aerial application of Agent Orange to over 2,500 acres (about four square miles, or just over ten square kilometers) of vegetation." ("Agent Orange contamination"). "At least 20 million gallons of herbicides had been sprayed, exposing 2.1 million to 4.8 million villagers." (Schmidt). Agent Orange has affected both U.S soldiers and Vietnamese by causing birth defects, cancer, diseases, and other health ailments. United States laboratory animal testing shows damage caused dioxin can be passed down, but ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Penny Wade Financial Services Case Study Penny Wade Smith plays a very important role in many farmers and ranchers lives. Financial services can help the growth or maintain a strong operation in farms or ranches. Keeping the financial statements accurately is the key to the whole operation. Financial records on a basic family income can be challenging. Completing financial records for multiple farms that can have millions of dollars in net worth is even a greater difficulty. Wade Financial Services does many different services for farmers and ranchers. The financial statements that make is only a small part of the process. Allowing for financial stability in these operations comes with effort and time. Doing these task doesn't come by the hand of one person. With many workers the services that Penny and her team provide is extremely important. Taxes are one of the biggest directing points in the financial services. When farmers and ranchers have millions of dollars in assets the taxes can be outrageous. One of the main services is to help these operations overcome these problems. Like Penny said its illegal to evade taxes, but not illegal to strategically avoid taxation. The records that Wade Financial Services develop help in the ability to avoid extra taxation from the ... Show more content on ... Although Wade Financial Services focuses more on the farm and ranch production side, these services are a huge need inagriculture. With growing population in the world developing strong farming operations is a must. The difficulty of economic growth in the agricultural industry is devastating to farmers and ranchers. The public think that these problems only occur to young farmers and ranchers. That is far from the truth because of the economic lows in the prices of raw commodities. Without the dedication of people like Penny and her crew the agricultural community would be in a worse economic ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Agent Orange Inhumane This causes death to innocent people after the war and there were also many innocent people killed during the war which bothered America's inner voice and for many that inner voice became an outer voice in protests. The second issue of Agent Orange also bothered the conscience of the United States. "Between 1961 and 1971 about 20 million gallons of herbicides were dropped on South Vietnam." (Black 19) The U.S. "...had no idea of how dioxin, the lethal contaminant in Agent Orange, might blight [people's] lives down through 3 generations." (Black 14) This was a very inhumane tactic used in the war and many who opposed the Vietnam war "...felt that U.S. actions in Southeast Asia were crimes against humanity." (Maxwell 439) The Vietnam war also ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Colorado Christian University: Case Study I am blessed to have been born and raised in a working ranch and construction family. I value the knowledge and work ethic that I have gained from my experiences within this lifestyle. It has influenced my life immensely and will greatly influence my experience at Colorado Christian University. Growing up in a family of business owners and large scale cattle operation owners, my hope is to follow in their footsteps and become a successful cattle and business woman myself. In ranching families, morals and work ethics are instilled in children at an early age. You have to do your chores, no ifs, ands or buts about it. My family had about a thousand head of cattle, fifty ranch horses and thirty–five thousand acres; there was always an abundance of chores that ... Show more content on ... I hope my children and their children after that continue the legacy. Along with ranching, my father had a keen sense for construction and excelled in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning business. In 1997, he started a family owned and operated company named Four Wynns Mechanical LLC.; and the business is still thriving today. In 2002, two years before graduating high school, I became an office assistant alongside my mother and a field apprentice alongside my father. I'm currently an office manager and project manager for Four Wynns Mechanical LLC. I'm highly experienced in almost all aspects of office work and have managed construction projects from Crested Butte to Aspen with as many as twenty employees. I had to learn to be focused, strong minded, and extremely organized while being a project manager. My little brother and I hope to become educated and experienced enough to one day become the owners and operators of Four Wynns Mechanical LLC. I strongly believe that a business degree will give me the upper hand in handling my future goals and plans. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay on Vietnam Veterans and the Bitter Harvest of Agent... Vietnam Veterans and the Bitter Harvest of Agent Orange Vietnam veteran Paul Reutershan said on the Today show, "I died in Vietnam, but I didn't even know it" (Wilcox x). For the veterans that survived the Vietnam War without major physical injuries, there were still other problems to endure. After the war, many veterans faced disapproval for fighting, serious psychological problems, and for some, diseases believed to be caused by herbicides used in the war. Many veterans didn't even think that Agent Orange could have been the cause for their diseases since the effects show themselves many years later. Reutershan was the first to publicly attribute his diseases to the herbicide Agent Orange he was exposed to during the Vietnam War.... Show more content on ... These reports sparked questions of how the toxicity would affect the people exposed. In January 1971, planes stopped spraying the chemical and by the end of the year, use of Agent Orange was terminated in Vietnam. Dow Chemical Company developed Agent Orange at Fort Detrick in Maryland. The chemical got its name from the color–coded stripe that was painted on its 55 gallon storage drums. There were many different herbicides used in Vietnam, such as agents blue, white, purple, and green. Agent Orange was the most successful herbicide, quickly killing broad leaf vegetation; therefore, it was the most widely used. The defoliant worked by accelerating the growth in plant cells until the plant prematurely dies (Wilcox x). Agent Orange was composed of an equal mixture of the herbicides 2, 4–D (n–buytl–2, 4–dichlorophenoxyacetate) and 2, 4, 5–T (n–butyl–2, 4, 5– trichlorophenoxyacetate) and it was developed for chemical warfare. Altogether 90,000 tons of herbicides were used: of that 90% was used for defoliation, 8% was used for crop destruction, and 2% was used for clearing base perimeters (Dunnigan and Nofi 136). By the end of Operation Ranch Hand, 4.5 million acres of Vietnam had been defoliated. Agent Orange was created for the purpose of saving American lives in Vietnam, but tests soon began to show the affects of the herbicides on mammals. Soldiers suffered symptoms such as rashes and severe headaches, which they believed to be immediate effects ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Effects Of Agent Orange On Veterans During The Korean War This article is about veterans who served in the Korean War in 1967 who has been affected by Agent Orange. AgentOrange is a defoliant chemical that was used for an herbicide warfare program that causes multiple health problems to people who have been affected by it.The veterans have asked Congress to grant them health care and compensation forgetting it. The Congress denied the grant and the veterans are furious. Because many of the veterans are currently suffering from diseases and illnesses that was caused by the Agent Orange, they wanted benefits. There has been more than1.4 million people who are trying to get the grant from the Congress. They had only granted veterans who served on the Korean Demilitarized Zone from April 1968 through August 1971 eligible for benefits and has at least one illness that is connected to the Agent Orange.... Show more content on ... For example, Type 2 Diabetes, children born with spinal bifida (because it is exposed to Agent Orange), several cancers, Parkinson's disease, and certain ailments of the skin, nervous system, heart, tissues and organs. The newborn children get the health care benefits, however the parents do not. There were about 55,000 servicemen who has been exposed to the agent. At the time of the Korean War, the veterans did not know that the Agent Orange was getting sprayed everywhere until five years ago. The Congress also disapproved benefits for the AirForce Reserve pilots who had to spray the Agent Orange in Vietnam. This article ties into the Korean War we are studying in class about the Northern Koreans and the Southern Koreans conflicting at the 38th ... Get more on ...
  • 31. American Sniper By Chris Kyle In modern warfare a sniper's role is critical for gathering intelligence, and providing protection for the other ground units in the area of operation. Their goal is explicit, to undetectably infiltrate an enemy's position in order to effectively engage targets to reduce the enemy's fighting capabilities under their creed "one shot, one kill". American Sniper is written by Chris Kyle, and is an account of his four tours in the Iraq War as a Navy SEAL while earning his spot in history as the most lethal sniper in the United States military. During Kyle's tours in Fallujah, Ramadi, and Sadr city he recorded over 160 confirmed kills. Kyle's autobiography covers not only daily life on the war front, but the personal and family struggles at... Show more content on ... After the incident Kyle pursues being a ranch manager by studying in school and working as a ranch hand to gain experience. While working on the ranch Kyle thinks about the direction of his life and decided to drop out of college, and return to his original plan of joining the military. On Kyle's first attempt to join the Navy, he is rejected after a physical found the pins in his wrist from the rodeo accident. Deterred from the Navy, Kyle returns back to ranch life, but soon after resuming, he unexpectedly receives a call from the Navy recruiter willing to give him a chance at becoming a Navy SEAL. After completing the training for SEAL recruits Kyle is assigned to SEAL Team Three based out of California. While based in California Kyle meet his wife Taya, but shortly after their marriage Kyle is deployed for war. From this point the book turns tremendously intense as it follows Kyle's operations in the war as a SEAL sniper. Throughout his tours of duty he is given the tasks of providing over watches for Marine's clearing buildings and is required to engage any insurgents for numerous hours each day. While on the sniper over watches he experiences the evils of the insurgence first hand by killing multiple enemies in each shift. As his number of confirmed kills increased Kyle earns legendary status and the respect of many military ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Chris Kyle Essay Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle was born in Odessa,Texas, him being the first of two boys born to Deby Lynn and Wayne Kenneth Kyle. His mother was a Sunday school teacher and his father was a Deacon, I guess it's safe to say he was in some sort of way active in the church. Kyle received his first rife at the age of eight as a gift from his father, a bolt–action .30–06 Springfield rifle and later on a shotgun, which he would come to use to hunt deer, pheasant, and quail. As Kyle grew up along with his brother, they raised one hundred and fifty heads of cattle at a time. He attended high school in Midlothian, Texas, and after he graduated, he became a professional bronco rodeo rider and ranch hand, but his career ended suddenly when he severely injured his arm. Initially Kyle was interested in joining the U.S. Marine Corps special operations, but a U.S. Navy recruiter convinced him to instead try for the SEALS. He was rejected because of the pins in his arms, but he eventually received an invitation to the 24–week Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL school which he joined in 1999. He was assigned to SEAL Team 3, sniper element, platoon "Charlie" ,within the Naval Special Warfare Command, and with four tours of duty, he served in many a... Show more content on ... He was the president of Craft international, a tactical training company for the US military and law enforcement communities. In 2012, HarperCollins released Kyle's autobiography, American Sniper. American Sniper had a 37 –week run on The New York Times bestseller list and brought Kyle national attention. Following its release, media, media articles challenged some of Kyle's anecdotes. Kyle paired with FITCO Cares Foundation to provide free in home fitness equipment, individualized programs, personal training, and life coaching to in need veterans with disabilities Gold Star Families, or those suffering from posttraumatic stress ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Use of Agent Orange in Vietnam The Vietnam War is the most controversial war in United States history. From the Bay of Tonkin, to the draft, Vietnam often debated in the United States. One of the instances that made Vietnam so controversial was the use of Agent Orange in South Vietnam. Agent Orange is the name of a pesticide composed of 2,4–dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4–D), and 2,4,5–trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5–T). Agent Orange also contained a chemical compound called dioxin, which has been found to be very toxic to humans. It was sprayed over Vietnam during Operation Ranch Hand, as a part of the United States Military's herbicidal warfare from 1961–1971. It was dispersed over the Vietnamese jungle via airplanes, tanks, and ground troops. Agent Orange wreaked havoc on the Vietnamese ecosystems, people, and on United States service men. The use of this chemical was damaging to both American and Vietnamese people and greatly damaged the Vietnamese jungle. Agent Orange and the chemical's effects continues to be studied, through military and environmental history and the use of oral accounts and written accounts. The first reports of Agent Orange were from the military. The first sources justify the use of the chemical as a military strategy to help prevent the loss of more American lives in Vietnam. The military sources also argue that the use of Agent Orange would use less man power, while being more cost effective, and the use of the herbicide would ultimately help with the outcome of the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Why Is Agent Orange Wrong Annie Koppes Hazardous Chemical– Agent Orange In 1965 the United States of America became involved in the Vietnamese war attributable to the support America showed France in reclaiming Vietnam after it became independent in 1945. The US stopped involvement in the Vietnam War in 1973. During the involvement of theUnited States, many herbicides were used to defoliate the dense forests within Vietnam in order to upsurge their battle plan. One of the tactics of the United States was to use what they referred to as "The Rainbow Herbicides" (Institute of Medicine, 2011). The most notorious of these chemicals was called "Agent Orange". Agent Orange was the most popular chemical used of all the herbicides, and also the most toxic. Not only did Agent Orange cause extreme defoliation in the areas ... Show more content on ... The United States failed to perform toxicology examinations in order to determine what environmental hazards would occur by using Agent Orange. As a result, millions have suffered from teratogens, which cause birth defects, mutagens, which damaged genetic material among many Vietnamese, and carcinogens, which caused cell damage and cancer among both American veterans and Vietnamese. Regardless of the issue that the United States military failed to conduct previous examination of Agent Orange, the moral issue is that United States failed to perform environmental justice, which states that there must be equal treatment of all people involved in hazardous chemicals regardless of origin, race, or gender. Another principle the United States failed to address is the precautionary principle, which states that when a chemical hazard is possible all precautions must take action in order to reduce risks. Environmental justice and the precautionary principle both address a strong moral compass, and what it means to possess moral curtesy. Equal treatment of Vietnamese and US veterans has still not been ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Summary Of The Commentary On Agent Orange The commentary on Agent Orange is expressing the most tragic problems Vietnam veterans have faced, more specifically the encounter with Agent Orange. Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the tactical use Rainbow Herbicides. The author states" , as these documents make clear, because of the varied illnesses caused by the substance, because of its long–term effects on the person exposed, and because the toxicity of the substance was so great that its effects are often passed on to the veterans' offspring." In this passage, the author is suggesting this is not only affecting one person but can have a bigger effect by spreading into the kids of the initial person. In conclusion, the authors belief is that even when the soldiers ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Destination Interview : Destination Ranch Destination Ranch My business's name would be Destination Ranch. It would be located on multiple acres outside of Edmond, OK, just a short drive from multiple horse event venues, equestrian schools, and equine hospitals. Destination Ranch would be a premier horse boarding facility that would offer 24/7 care and access to an indoor, temperature–controlled arena. The product I would provide clients at Destination Ranch is quality care for their horses. This means that for a monthly or daily fee, their horse/horses would be kept at Destination Ranch. They would be fed daily, supplied fresh water, and receive twice–daily stall cleanings. Clients could board their horses in stalls with daily turnout or out on beautiful, lush grass in my pasture, all with shelters and plenty of shady trees. Clients will have peace of mind knowing their horses would be in the hands of my devoted staff, who would be on duty twenty–four hours a day, seven days a week. Clients who are boarding their horses with me would receive access to the indoor, temperature–controlled riding arena. I chose to provide clients with quality care for their horses because I own horses myself, I have kept my horses at a boarding facility, and I have worked at a boarding facility, so I am familiar with the industry. I would like as many riders and horses as my facility would allow to call Destination Ranch their home away from home. Many inputs go into producing a successful boarding operation. These include land, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Effects of Agent Orange on Veterans of the Vietnam... Almost thirty years after the last troops were pulled out of what was then South Vietnam, its effects are still felt in today's society. It is hard not to find someone who's life has not been affected because of this war. One of the most controversial decisions made in the war was to use chemicals to fight the enemy. The most boradly used chemiucal was called Agent Orange. Some people agreed with the use of Agent Orange. They saw it as a very viable weapon that needed to be used in order to keep the Communist from taking control of South Vietnam and subverting their democratic government. Many others disapproved of its use. They knew, correctly, that it would severely devastate the landscape of Vietnam and would forever ruin the ... Show more content on ... Agent Orange is a herbicide that was used to defoliate the jungles, meaning the United States military was trying to kill off the trees in Vietnam in order to take away places for North Vietnamese military men could hide (1). The Viet Cong did not fight conventionally against the American military, they could not do so and expect to win. This caused them to resort to guerilla warfare in order to strike and weaken parts of a division or unit. The Americans used Agent Orange as a defense strategy in order to take away hiding places for the Viet Cong to run to after hitting the American units (2). What is especially harmful to those who were around Agent Orange and where it was sprayed was the dioxin, which is a byproduct of one of the chemicals components. People still worked and breathed even with the residue of the toxin still in the air and in the soil, civilians and military personnel alike. The toxin carried in it a carcinogen that got its way into the water and in the soil. Slowly as the years have passed and Vietnam has been hit with a lot of monsoons clean water has washed away the toxic water, but not before it entered into the food chain and then started to accumulate into body fat and tissue in humans that was able to passed from a mother to their child threw breast milk. The American military, by word of the American government, dumped millions of gallons of Agent Orange onto the southern half of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Mystic Monk Coffee Mystic Monk Coffee The Vision The future direction Father Daniel Mary has established for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming is to expand function by procurring a 500 acre property that will become the new Mount Carmel. This property would be utilized to create a monestary, equipped to house 30 monks, a Gothic church, a covent for Carmelite nuns, a retreat for lay visitors and a hermitage. Father Daniel's vision is to expand the monastery by purchasing the Irma Lake ranch for the list price of $8.9 million. From his calculations you can determine that he has $250,000 (donated), and is forecasted to earn nearly $75,000 from Mystic Monk Coffee (MMC). There is also an unforseeable amount of donations that will be incomming from the ... Show more content on ... Business Model Mystic Monk Coffee strategy is a money maker. Realizing a net profit of 11% as well as the secure customer base with 150 million coffee drinkers in the US, the business shows the ability to generate income. The business model of MMC is a web based business which also utilizes word of mouth. They will increase the production of the coffee by purchasing a new roaster and add additional streams of revenue with the wholesaling of their products to churches and coffeeshops. Mystic Monk Coffee delivers customer value by offering a high grade product using quality free trade/organic Arabica beans,several differnt options of flavor or roast, shipping directly to the costomer's door and a frequent customer club offering free shipping for puchases of 3 or more bags. MMC shows the ability to increase it's value by increasing the production of it's coffees, and all the resources such as quality coffee that have a specific meaning to the Catholic consumers along with the workers and equipment needed to create and deliver value to it's customers. Recommendations My analysis shows that the largest issue at hand is the lack of financial information such as; the cost of running current monastery and the projected cost for running a larger monastery. Also the profit outlines should be clearer to show a breakdown of profit to show how much revenue each stream is producing. The recommendation then would dictate that Father
  • 39. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. How Did Agent Orange Affect Vietnam Agent orange was very harmful to our troops, Vietnam's environment and to the Vietnamese people. Between 1961 and 1972 there was a horrible spraying of a bunch of harmful chemicals joined to be called agent orange which killed off so many people and wildlife which, caused a lot of confusion to the US because they thought it was just going to cause the plants to die off instead of what it actually did. Agent orange was used during the Vietnam war as a non–harmful chemical but it turned out it was killing a lot of people and things. Agent orange started in the 60's and the main harmful chemical was Dioxin and many more that are hard to explain.Agent orange was a very easy spray to make, and we thought ourselves that it wasn't that bad to use so, we started to spray the jungle and it did so much more than we thought it would and even today it's still harming things /people There are so many ways... Show more content on ... Because of how strong the chemicals levels were it caused a lot of skin irritation on the animals which eventually turned to them all dying (no animals left). Even after decades of the spraying on the jungles they still won't grow back no matter how hard they try to do it (decades later). Since the war everything has just went downhill for Vietnam since they lost major part of their jungle and their wildlife (land lost). In conclusion the environment to some people might not be important but it was to Vietnam. People think that it was just the US that had it rough with spraying,but not just people were effected it was a major part of the wildlife that was affected badly to. Studies shown that there are now today as known of fourteen diseases going around and possibly more that just haven't occurred on test results yet. People around the world think that Vietnam can easily bring back and regrow the jungles that were destroyed and that they can just bring new wildlife back quick and ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Essay On Agent Orange Agent Orange was a strong and powerful herbicide used by the United States during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange was used to eliminate forest cover for the North Vietnam Army, and kill crops to try and starve them. It was very effective in its job and was used for 10 years during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange not oly kills the plants that it was targeting, but it also had a amjor affect on the people that were exposed to it. Agent Orange is a very deadly weapon, and people are still facing the consequences of it today. Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was, "a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States"... Show more content on ... Agent Orange may not have been the first herbicide, however, one could argue that it is the deadliest. Dao Chemical made agent orange in 1943. Taking 2 commonly used herbicides and mixing them together created Agent Orange. They mixed, "2,4–D and 2,4,5–T." (Agent Orange." UXL Encyclopedia of Science). Dao Chemical knew how dangerous the chemicals that they were mixing together. There was previous knowledge that2,4,5–T can cause problems in humans, and they only mixed it with something more dangerous: "One chemical used to make Agent Orange was contaminates with a dioxin, TCDD" (Agent Orange." UXL Encyclopedia of Science). Dioxins are very toxic to humans, animal, and the environment. Once a dioxin is released, the dioxin will remain present in the soil. During the Vietnam War the United Sates army covered over 4 million acres with Agent Orange. During the years, "1962 and 1971, over 10.5 million gallons of Agent Orange were sprayed on Vietnam." (Agent Orange). The reason that Agent Orange was created was to kill the multitude of dense forests located in Vietnam. The North Vietnam Army had the advantage in this war. They knew how to hide in the jungle and how to camouflage to the environment. This became a real threat to the United States army. They knew ... Get more on ...