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The Concert I Will Be Reviewing Performed By Gregory Sauer
The concert I will be reviewing was performed by Gregory Sauer (cello) and Eric Jenkins (piano) as
part of the UTRGV Patron of the Arts Guest Artist Series, which began at 7:30 PM on Monday,
October 3, 2016 in the TSC Arts Center Performance Hall. This well–rounded program included
modern works from the 20th Century as well as works of the Late–Romantic and Baroque eras.
Sauer 's style and expression varied according to the piece he was performing; however, the
principle elements of his virtuosity remained unaltered throughout Monday night 's performance.
These foundational practices are what made each articulation and individual piece not only well–
understood, but (and more importantly) consistent.
Before a performance, the concert hall is a convivial atmosphere where patrons catch up and music
students engage in discussing the inside scoop around campus, all unbeknownst of the (not so)
subtle preparation taking place on stage; Monday night was no exception. Following the initial
applaud, Gregory Sauer sat in his chair, positioned his Cello and began playing Cassadó 's "Suite for
Solo Cello". Typically, I would have sat back and enjoyed the program, but having read up on the
instrument and the positioning of the body in respect to the instrument, I immediately noticed the
inclination of Sauer's cello toward the right side of his body as well as the loose position of his right
hand. I kept track of this positioning throughout the concert, but there were other consistencies
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The Orion String Quartet and Nash Ensemble: A Concert...
"Mozart for Four
Mozart: String Quartet in F Major, K 590
Mozart: Piano Quartet No. 1 in G Minor, K 478
Performed by the Orion String Quartet and the Nash Ensemble" ( For the
purposes of this assignment I choose this particular concert because I find Mozart's music to be
intellectual and engaging, requiring deep concentration and an open mind to be able the comprehend
the depth of his musical visions. In this paper a will attempt to explore the qualities I like and dislike
in the pieces presented in this concert and endeavor to analyze the "Piano Quartet No. 1 in G Minor,
K 478". I thoroughly enjoyed this concert from beginning to end. The opening piece, "String Quartet
in F Major, K 590", was both soothing and ... Show more content on ...
He is not afraid to bring a note of disquiet or to bring emotion, however slight to the music he
creates. This work is a classic example of the string quartets of the time bringing to life the violin,
viola and cello in a gripping way. This piece is a work from Mozart's later years and was written
with King Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia in mind.
In the second piece in the concert, Mozart show us the depths that the piano can bring to music by
composing complex movements that were thought, at the time, to be too difficult for the average
listener to understand. This piece is a good representation of chamber music; a genre for intimate
setting that can focus on a few as two performers up to as many as nine. Mozart produced many
pieces fort h piano, but this one brings complexity and depth to the listener and opens the doors to a
new vision of what this composer can create.
During the opening movement, the piano and the violin duel with each other for dominance each
with its own motive. Then the two melodies seem to find a more even balance with each other.
Toward to end of the movement the two start to battle again bringing a degree of energy and drama
to the composition. The second movement is a bit lighter with a cherry piano melody that is
interesting counterpoint to the violins more passionate feel. The other instruments add depth and
texture to the movements but seem to be merely an afterthought in the music.
The piano solo in the
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Creative Writing: Square One
I hail from a fairly modest household. And yet, there I was, concept of clothes entirely forgotten,
thundering down the crumbling cement stairs of my aunt's house, ten years ago. My dashing
escapade came to a screeching halt when I nearly collided into my cousin's best friend. The pitter
patter of my feet on the burning asphalt stopped, and everything around us slowed down. A fly
buzzed softly as both our eyes bugged out in sheer horror of Forbidden Knowledge. The impending
fall of the drop of ice cream from the cone he was clutching measured time agonizingly. The instant
it hit the floor, I took off in the opposite direction. I had originally been fleeing the terrifyingly large,
2 inch long lizard that was lazily eyeballing me in the shower, ... Show more content on ...
There was the unfortunate dancing debacle from my friend's Sweet Sixteen (I now maintain a 7
meter radius from any and all human beings when dancing), and pretty much any experience
involving attractive boys (and how few of those there are). After years of wishing for a retake of
parts of my life, I am starting to seriously doubt the existence of Square One. Events are complex
and connected to each other in ways that are sometimes beyond the reach of science. Looking at the
steps we take in life as individual squares, as two dimensional figures, seems fundamentally
inaccurate to me. Of course, at seventeen, I don't know much about the study of dimensions or string
theory (or life), but seeing as I understand things best in the rosy hours of dawn, I will take a stab at
all three now. From my purely empirical studies (the aforementioned 17 years of life) my father is
thus far accurate in his theory. We don't know anything about life except that it keeps moving
forward. One of the most notable features of string theory is the concept that the universe has
multiple dimensions, so a square would be a false descriptor of the nature of an event in our
universe. To define a moment, you need four dimensions, and in modern physics, space and time are
unified in the space time continuum. So a more accurate description might be a moment defined in
those four dimensions, and interconnected to a million other ripple effects that create the reality we
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What Is Beethoven A Dynamic Of Effective Study
Amy Le
Ms. Pepper
Dynamic Of Effective Study, Period 5
11 November 2015
Ludwig Van Beethoven
"Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends
mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend." – Ludwig Van Beethoven
A man who couldn't hear anything but he was one of the world's greatest composers of classical
music. Even after he became deaf, he was able to compose beautiful, soothing music. He had
concerts, taught piano, and he sold original music composed. Back then he "talked" to people by
writing on tablets. His deafness didn't keep him from composing wonderful music.
That strong and determined man was Ludwig van Beethoven. He was born in Bonn, Germany on
December 16, 1770. Beethoven's father
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Suite For The Lady In Red: A Short Story
More than anything, I wanted to become entrapped in those curls. Instead, I kept tuning the
instrument. "Do you play?"
She shook her head.
"I thought I'd be the next Eric Clapton when I was a teenager."
"007 for me." She grinned. After a pause, she added, "But I suppose, in reality, a spy's life isn't all
that glamorous."
To change the subject, I ran my fingers over the guitar strings and asked, "What's that song you hum
all the time? I can't place it."
She looked puzzled.
Damn. The tune was so ingrained in her she wasn't aware she vocalized it.
"It goes like this." I played a dozen notes.
"No!" She burst into tears and ran into the bathroom.
For a few minutes, I waited to see if she'd come out. When her sobs showed no sign of subsiding, I
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Suddenly I realized I was hearing the duet Chabat wrote for their wedding, Suite for the Lady in
Red. He had recorded his part so she could practice while they were apart.
In complex counterpoint, the two tremolo–laced melodies intertwined in the most intricate guitar
piece I'd ever heard
Sarah paused, then began the second movement where the joy of lovers reunited segued into what I
could only call fuck–me music. The male guitar led with a pulsating bass, the female replied
breathlessly. They climaxed together in a crescendo ending with simultaneous thumps on the
soundboards of the instruments and a three beat pause. Afterglow followed, a series of descending
Finally, the third part in A–major reprised the opening but with a sweet, uplifting resolution.
I moved to the shutters, tilting the louvers so I could see Sarah. She sat on the chaise, instrument in
her lap, replaying the second movement, her mouth open, her foot tapping like a metronome, her
body responding to the thrusts of the male guitar.
In her white nightgown she looked pure. But, like me, she'd played the game. Like me, she'd
followed orders. I bet she never told that new husband of hers what she did for a living. Never told
him Caulder had fucked her. Never told him she'd fucked
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Bass Guitar Essay
It is no simple task to learn to play an instrument. Innumerous hours must be spent playing and
practicing your instrument to become suitably proficient. However, not everyone wants to invest the
time (and money) to learn an instrument. If you don't play an instrument, fear not, for there is hope
still. Here are the three instruments, that, in my opinion, are the easiest to pick up and play with little
or no instruction. (Be warned, however, as there is a massive difference between playing a little
tune, and being truly good at an instrument. No instrument is easy to master.)
Going from in order of increasing ease, first off is the bass guitar. Now, in no way is the bass guitar
"easy" to be good at. However, when compared to similar ... Show more content on
The next simplest instrument is the piano. Now, the piano can be quite tricky. There are so many
keys, it can be quite confusing. Also, the piano allows for the most complex chords of any
instrument. However, to play a simple melody, it is straightforward enough. On a piano, there are
black keys and white keys. On a regular piano, each key is a different note, one half–step apart from
the next, just like each fret on a bass or guitar. However, there is only one row of notes, unlike the
aforementioned bass or guitar, which (usually) has four and six rows respectively, because of the
different strings. The white keys on a piano are called "natural notes". Notes like A, E, and G are
natural notes. The keys are the sharps and flats. Notes like A# are what sounds when a black key is
pressed. Now, there are a few key (no pun intended) elements to playing piano if you have no idea
what you are doing. The first is only play one note at a time. The piano is capable of create some
quite beautiful and interesting chords if played correctly. But if you go and start combining notes
together at random, it makes for an unpleasant noise most of the time. If you play only one note at a
time, you only have to deal with the intervals (spaces between notes) that each note makes when
used in succession with another, rather than the intervals that are required to make lovely chords.
Next, don't play too many notes. If you keep the tempo (speed of the music) slower, and
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Identity Reflection Paper
Identity is a complex aspect of someone's life. It is a combination of how people view others, how
someone views himself, and how their community is seen by others. These still can be split even
more into infinite dimensions which are combined to create a unique identity. Identity is also an
inconstant part of life as it is manipulated by the people, environment, and activities at the moment.
My identity started when I was born as I was given a race based on my ancestry and genetics and a
gender based on my anatomy. These parts have remained constant throughout my life, unlike most
of the many dimensions that my identity is composed of. Although I don't always think about these
dimensions as the primary source of my identity, I believe that people who have just met me for the
first time consider this to be one of the biggest aspects of the identity they have given me. As people
learn more about me, their vision of my identity changes as the internal central aspects begin to be
noticed. I consider the key components of my identity to be my education, region, religion, and
gender. These four dimensions have been central to the vision I have of myself as well as the vision
others hopefully have of me once they know me well. I believe that these four dimensions represent
my identity, because based on my normal context these are the aspects that I introduce myself with.
Throughout my life, my education has remained the most central part of my identity despite
everything that has
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Beethoven Symphony Essay
Tyler Martin
Advanced Orchestration
Symphony no. 5 in C minor Beethoven's intent behind this piece is creating diversity out of unity.
The unifying idea of the work is a series of three short notes followed by one long note. The
diversity of the simple unifying idea therein is generated by the use of timbral development
techniques and expansion of the orchestra; however, there are several performance practices and
technical issues that impact the work's total realization. The score referenced throughout this essay
is the Kalmus Miniature Orchestra Scores version. Beethoven takes his initial motif, which is quite
simple, and fleshes it out via timbral orchestration. Throughout each movement, he carefully places
developmental and ... Show more content on ...
The first appearance of the full original motif is in measure fourteen, made of three eighth notes and
an agogically emphasized eighth on the downbeat of the next measure. This particular rendition is
used throughout this movement to hold bring sections of it together on a macro level (mm. 21, 23,
30, 79 – 85, etc.). Various instruments throughout the movement also adapt three short notes as
pick–notes or as set–up sections for a string of lesser articulated notes(mm. 15 Violins, 76 – 77
Violin II and Viola, etc.). For the first time in music history, movement three sees the emancipation
of the low strings. The introductory statement of the movement is not made with violin, high wind,
or even viola; it is made with the celli and basses. The two instruments lend a sort of dark cast to the
line that sounds anticipating, almost in a foreboding sense. The anticipation is met with the original
motif at measure nineteen played by horns and accompanied by strings, which is then texturally
expanded into the entire orchestra, much like it has been at time in the previous two movements
(mm. 19 – 44). This movement, again conveniently in three, allows the motif to be interwoven
throughout in much the same way as the second movement while the theme from the beginning
measures is also developed. Further diversity is generated through the use of
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Benefits Of Playing A Musical Instrument
In third grade I was introduced to an orchestra program at my school district. This program was
designed for students who have no experience with the violin, viola, cello, and bass. Although I
already played the piano since age five, I thought learning the violin would be a fun experience. At
the time I was unaware how committed I would be to the violin, my impulsive 8 year old self was
simply intrigued with stringed instruments. 10 years later, I own my very own violin and continue to
improve my music skills. Why I have continued to play through all these years sometimes baffles
me; What are the benefits of playing a musical instrument?
Everyone should learn how to play a musical instrument.
Lutz Jancke, a psychologist at the University of Zurich, states: "Learning to play a musical
instrument has definite benefits and can increase IQ by seven points, in both children and adults."
Even when simply beginning to learn how to play an instrument, there is a significant difference in
brain improvement. Jancke continues: "We found that even in people over the age of 65 after four or
five months of playing a instrument for an hour a week there were strong changes in the brain."
Findings from the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry show that
learning a musical instrument reduces feelings of anxiety, expressing emotions, and gives better
attention skills to children. There is physical evidence that learning an instrument alters brain
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Library Management System Project for Mca
Library Management System Project for MCA
We are extremely grateful and remain indebted to our guide MR. P. Rajan for being a source of
inspiration and for his constant support in the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the project.
We are thankful to them for their constant constructive criticism and invaluable suggestions, which
benefited us a lot while developing the project on "LIBRARY MANAGEMENT". He has been a
constant source of inspiration and motivation for hard work. He has been very co–operative
throughout this project work. Through this column, it would be our utmost pleasure to express our
warm thanks to him for their encouragement, co–operation and consent without which we mightn't
be able to accomplish ... Show more content on ...
The Visual programming environment is also called Point and Click environment.
The programmer does not have to write the code to create and display commonly required user–
friendly features each time around.
When the programmer needs a specific user interface feature Such as a button, he selects the
appropriate ready to use component provided by the Visual Programming environment. These
components can be moved, re sized and renamed as required. Also there is no restriction on number
of controls placed in the project.
Built in Code
The interface components provided by the Visual programming environment has some code built
into them. For e.g., a button ' Knows' when it has been clicked upon and then when the event occurs,
it executes the appropriate code.
Visual Basic recognize following six types of variables as Numeric, String, Boolean, Date, Object,
Like other Programming Language Visual Basic provide Numeric Variables. They are:– Integers,
Single, double, Byte, Long, Currency
Integer Variables are used for the Non Fractional Values. It stores values in the range from – 32768
to 32767. Long Data type is used for the range –2147483648 to 2147483647. Single Data Type is
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Guitar Meets the Piano
It has been a long time since I have challenged myself to fulfill something out of my customary
schedule. Bringing music closer into my life, would be something I would thank myself for in the
future. I have been playing the guitar since I was twelve, and when I was younger my brother had
taught me how to play the piano. However, I have had a piano sitting against a wall in my room, and
it has now been four years since I have played it. So, for the past twenty one days, I have challenged
myself to re–learn the piano. Throughout my process, I found many similarities and differences
between learning how to play the guitar and learning how to play the piano. The first obstacle I
encountered was trying to get access to the lessons. When I studied the guitar, I played by reading
sheet music. It was difficult and it acquired a lot of my time, since I did not know where the notes
were on the actual guitar. Then in high school, I took a guitar class and I was taught how to read
tabs. Tabs are an easy way to play the guitar, and they are especially useful for beginners. Tabs can
be simply described as a drawing of the guitar strings on paper. During that class, I was also driven
watch some of my classmates, whom knew how to play, and learn from them. Learning to play the
piano doesn't have as much variety. I had to either read sheet music or watch someone else play. The
only access for me was YouTube, since there is no one close who can teach me. All I had to do was
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Guitar Research Paper
Lutherie; the art of crafting stringed instruments is a skill that dates back to antiquity. Since the
creation of the lyre, luthiers have developed many stringed instruments, such as the harp, the violin,
and the lute, but, considerably, one of the most important stringed instruments in modern times is
the guitar. Guitarists are responsible for shaping a sizeable bulk of modern music via their diverse
methods of playing. And this is because of how they are crafted. It truly is an art. What will it take to
design a guitar that produces a beautiful sound and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye?
As with every woodworking project, the place to start when building a solid–body electric guitar is
with the wood. The wood used for the guitar helps the sound resonate, so it is important that the
wood is chosen carefully (of course it is always interesting to see and hear guitars that are ... Show
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There are tuners, the bridge system– this holds the strings at the body of the guitar– (and, if
applicable, the locking nut– this is what keeps the strings in tune, and it works well with Kahler
Bridges), and the output jack– this is the port for the aux cord. The hardware is set up accordingly;
tuners are placed at the headstock, they can be set up as a row of tuners on a single side, or set up
with half the tuners on one side, and the other half on the opposite side. The bridge system is placed
at a point between the end of the fretboard and the end of the body– there are two bridge installation
methods, and the
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Woman Shoes Research Paper
* Write a description of class Player here.
* @author (your name)
* @version (a version number or a date)
private String Woman_Shoes; private String Man_Shoes;
this.Woman_Shoes = null; this.Man_Shoes = null;
public void Enter_SHOES_Name(String Name)
this.Woman_Shoes = Shoes;
public String View_Shoes_Name()
return Shoes_Name;
public void Enter_Shoes_Type(int Shoes)
this.Shoes_Type = Type;
public int View_Woman_Shoes()
return Woman_Shoes;
public void Print()
System.out.print(" Shoes Name : " + View_Shoes_Name());
System.out.println("n Type of Shoes are : " + View_Shoes_Type());
public class Woman_Shoes
// private ArrayList List;
private ... Show more content on ...
NEW = null;
System.out.print("This sandles are not available :(");
public void Print_Sandles_Type()
System.out.println("The type of andles are : nn"); for(Player Play : List) {
System.out.print("nn" + Sandles + "). ");
Sandles += 1;
Sandles = 0;
} public class Boots extends Woman_Shoes
{ private ArrayList List;
private int flats; private int trainers;
private Scanner sc = new Scanner(; private int i;
private Scanner S = new Scanner(; private String A;
public Boots()
List = new ArrayList(); this.flats = 0; this.trainers=0; }
public void Add_High_Heels_shoes(Shoes N)
public void Remove_High_Heels_shoes(int
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Physics of Electric Guitars Essay
More than any other instrument, the electric guitar has shaped and redefined music in the last
century. Although popular culture did not pay much attention to it when it was first introduced in the
1930s, it has since become equated with the very essence of rock and roll music. On an international
level, the electric guitar is by far "the most famous instrument to come out of the United States"
Inventors have been playing with the idea of electrically powered musical instruments since the
1800s, but "the first attempts at an amplified instrument did not come until the development of
electrical amplification by the radio industry in the 1920s."
One pioneer of the ... Show more content on ...
* The vibrations of the strings can be quantified and calculated according to basic laws in physics.
These include certain relationships between velocity, wavelength, and frequency and equations that
describe the motion of a string fixed at both ends.
How Pick–Ups Work:
Electric guitar pick–ups work by employing "principles of magnetic induction." The pick–ups are
composed of small electromagnets (magnets that are wrapped with a coil of wire, thus allowing an
electric current to flow through them). Because of their close proximity to the strings, these magnets
induce a north and south pole on the strings. When the string is played, it begins to oscillate, or
move in a wave–like fashion. This affects the field surrounding the pick–up and causes a change in
the magnetic field. These changes, or fluctuations in the magnetic field are transmitted through the
wires connecting the pick–up(s) to the output jack and are thus relayed to the amplifier where they
are sent to the speaker and converted from electrical energy once again into motion energy (sound).
(Brain, n.p.)
Electromagnets can turn electrical energy into motion. Likewise the converse is true: they can turn
motion into electrical energy.
Such is the case with electric guitar pick–ups.
Waves on a String:
A guitar string is an example of "a string fixed at both ends which is elastic and can vibrate."
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Double Bass Research Paper
The double bass is the largest and deepest sounding of the stringed instruments in the viol family,
although scholars sometimes argue about its true lineage. This instrument is prevalent in many
genres like jazz, blue grass, and rock and roll. There is also a science behind its strings and the
melodious sound that they make. The history of the double bass goes back as early as 1493 when
people started noting that there were viols that were as big as humans. The first illustration of the
instrument is found in 1516. Historians thought that it would be more important to find the earliest
form of tuning using either forths or third– fourth tuning. The term third– fourth tuning is named by
Praetorius that was used for a six–string instrument ... Show more content on ...
Many six–stringed instruments were lighter that later became the modern double bass. There were
very few five–stringed basses in the 17th century. Leopold Mozart had noted that there were some
very intricate pieces for concertos, trios and solos that were made specifically for these less popular
pieces. These models consisted of notes like F1–A1–D–F#–B. In the early 1609, Adriano Banchieri
made an early bass that had six strings D1–G1–C–E–A–d, but in the next century, it was
overpowered by a three stringed bass that contained either A1–D2–G2 or G1–D2–G2 and also had
no frets. This was on of the first symphony bass models that lasted up until the 1920s. At that time
E1 was added and made it easier to play lower notes instead of transposing them up an octave. The
double bass with its four strings has a range of pitches. It is tuned in fourths so its basic strings are
E1–A1–D2–G2. Its pitches start as low as 41.2 Hz and go as high as 98 Hz. It gains these pitches by
putting tension on the strings. The large strings have a higher mass and stiffness that also help
achieve this set of
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Output and Average Age
Your final project will be to analyze, design, and document a simple program that utilizes a good
design process and incorporates sequential, selection and repetitive programming statements as well
as at least one function call and the use of at least one array. The specific problem you need to solve
for the final project is: Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family
members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of
your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas. 1. Problem definition: Design a
program that will allow a ... Show more content on ...
1 c) Write the assumptions and limitations and how they will be handled in your project.
Ans 1c)
In my project, there are numerous assumptions and limitations that are being handled in the pseudo
code. First of all, this program is only designed to calculate the average age of all the family
members that the user will input. There is no other calculation that the program has been designed to
do. Secondly, the program does not give the user any option or chance to return to inputting more
family members if they forgot to do so at the beginning. This program was not designed to have a
set limit to how many inputs the user could enter. This list could keep going on and on. This
program is created to calculate and display both the Average age of family Members and the
residents who live in Texas. If the user wanted to display just one of the results, the user would have
to do the whole program just to get one of the results. This is being handled by the pseudo code only
being able to handle the calculations that are set. The user does not have the ability to let the
program know how many family members will be entered before the user begins. To handle that, the
Count function is being used in the psuedocode to obtain the correct output.
1 d) Provide an alternative analysis and design approach showing a different way to solve the same
problem definition of family member in Texas. As you have learned, a single problem can be solved
in more
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Passages Scripture Isaiah 14 And Ezekiel 28
passages in Scripture Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 so will begin in Isaiah 14 and will flip over to Ezekiel
28 we 're in a series called living in his presence at last week the title of the message was his
presence and we talked about the difference between the omnipresence of God and the manifest
presence of God this week you may kind of wonder where I 'm going to be a little different but the
title of the message is his instruments his instruments and I 'm going to talk about instruments not
just us as instruments but musical instruments and I don 't know if you 've ever thought about how
much of a part music plays in our culture and in our society and around the world and how much of
a part music is in our worship services and worship to ... Show more content on ...
or above all right so verse 13 for you talking to loose for now you have said in your heart I will
ascend let 's go up I want to go up higher into heaven remember he was already in heaven he wanted
to go higher into heaven I will exalt there 's the word to talk about being lifted up exalt my throne
above not below above the stars of God I will also sit on the mount the amount would be the highest
part of a mountain the Mount of the congregation on the far the sides of the north north is up on a
map verse 14 I will ascend let 's go up above the height that 's high of the clouds clouds are up there
high and then notice the word he uses to refer to God because we 're told not being high or up or
lifted up resulted I will be like the Most High he didn 't say the most holy which he could have said
are the most loving or the most compassionate are the most just he decides to use the word hi I will
be like the Most High watch God 's response verse 15 yet you shall be brought down to sheol to the
lowest depths opposite of heights of the pit satan wanted to be lifted up he wanted to be exalted he
wanted to be if you want to just put it straight out he wanted to be worshiped he wanted to be God
he wanted to be like God he wanted people draw attention to him he wanted people to honor him as
you probably heard theologians say or pastors say we are all born with an Adamic nature Adamic
means like Adam a nature like Adams I don 't want to disappoint you we were born with an Adamic
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Grande Sonate Pathétique
The key of C minor, Beethoven's Sturm und Drang (German for 'Storm and Stress') key which many
of his most intensive and powerful pieces were written in (5th Symphony, Piano Concerto No.3, for
instance). 'Pathétique' – one of his three piano sonatas written in the key of C minor, was composed
during Beethoven's early period, when he was 27 years old, and published in 1799. It is perhaps
Beethoven's earliest composition that has achieved widespread and enduring popularity. Dedicated
to Prince Carl von Lichnowsky who was described by Beethoven as 'one of my truest friends and
patrons' and also his most dependable supporter in Vienna. The original name Grande Sonate
Pathétique was given by the publisher with Beethoven's approval. The title as
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To Do Or Not To Play Argumentative Essay
AJ Carter
Argument Essay
Aubrie Cox
17 October 2012
To Play or Not to Play It seems that no matter what at some point in a child's life they wander up to
their parents and ask, "Mom, Dad, can I learn to play an instrument?" Whether or not it is the guitar,
drums, piano, or flute a child could possibly have the thought of wanting to learn how to play an
instrument. When Mom and Dad end up saying no to their child they should stop and realize that
when a child knows how to play a musical instrument it can help them out in many more ways than
they know (iDiva). Having a young kid learn an instrument can help develop better coordination,
build better concentration, help with stress relief, and enhance a child's intelligence, along with
many ... Show more content on ...
Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach are some of the most creative people in the history of the World, and
what did they do? They played instruments. Playing a musical instrument for a child is a creative
pursuit (Caron). Parents are always pushing their children to be more and more creative, well
parents why not buy them an instrument and let their creativity be expressed? "Everybody is born
creative, but many people don't realize it because it's not encouraged in their early years (iDiva)."
Having your child play an instrument would let that creativity that is bundled up inside them, that
they did not even know they had, and would let it sore out. Look at the creativity that the guitarist in
the last thirty to forty years have. Eddie Van Halen, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Angus Young are three
of the greatest guitarist. Imagine if their parents would have never bought them a guitar. Then some
of the best music ever would have never been written. It is the ultimate feeling someone can receive
when they are just playing along on an instrument and all of a sudden compose some sort of music.
When I'm playing my guitar just doing really nonsense chord progressions, or playing random riffs,
and I build a song on the guitar the feeling is unreal. Once that happens the only thought that goes
through my head is, "Whoa, I just made music on my own." I've been playing for about 8 years now
and that feeling never goes away. Along with
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Chamber Music Is A Form Of Chamber Music
Chamber Music Chamber Music is a form of Classical Music that is composed of a small group of
instruments. It's a little scale constitute from 8 to 10 performers. It is considered as an intimate
performance that it is also called "the music of friends." The ensemble is a more knowns musical
group of people who perform instruments and vocal music. In Classical Music, trio and quartet
depending on the sound of instruments such as string, piano, and winds instruments which are the
most common in this period of the music. String Quartet is composed of 2 violins, viola, and a cello.
Also, Piano Trio is constituted of piano, violin, and cello. On October 29, 2017, I attended the
"Afternoon of Chamber Music" on The Bernie Wohl Center which I enjoyed this presentation of
these musicians for many reasons. In this intimate performance played works from Eugène Ysaÿe
"King of the Violin" which was a Belgian violinist, composer and conductor. Ysaÿe's composition
wasn't published until his death; it is a set of sonatas for violin written in July 1923 which each
sonata is dedicated for each violinist that they are playing This composition was devoted to his dear
friend and violin student, Queen Elizabeth of Belgium. In the performance, the violinists that they
played this piece were Joyce Hammann and Belinda Whitney. Hammann seated in front of Whitney
made eye contact with her partner to start playing the exposition of the Sonata–Allegro the opening
part as a mysterious solo of
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Ludwig Van Beethoven's Life And Biography : Ludwig Van...
Brandy Crew
Fine Arts
Fall Semester '17
Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven was German composer who is widely considered as
the greatest pianists of all time. His innovative compositions often combined both instruments and
vocals, which served the purpose of widening the scope of the symphony, quartet, sonata, and
concerto. Over time, he has been cited one of the most crucial figures in the transition that
connected the Romantic and Classical ages of Western music. However, Beethoven's life was
marked by his struggles against deafness. This nonetheless did not stand in his way and during the
penultimate years of his life, he composed some of the works that are considered his greatest
achievements (Corbett). This was during the period that his hearing had deteriorated to an
astounding level. He died in 1827 at the age of 56.
Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770, in the then capital of the Electorate of Cologne. His
baptism was performed a day later as per catholic laws. Beethoven displayed his natural talent for
music at an early age after his father; Johann Van Beethoven introduced and taught him the art.
Famed composer, Christian Gottlob Neefe also played a crucial role in molding Beethoven into the
famed composer he is regarded as today. At the tender age of 21, Beethoven moved to Vienna to
study composition and work with Joseph Haydn where he started to gain a reputation as an expert
pianist. As he got to his late 20s, his hearing started to decline,
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Cesar Frank Biography
Cesar Frank was born on December 10th of 1822, in Liège, Belgium. He is a romantic composer
and organist in the 19th century, who was best known for the movement to give French music an
emotional engagement than German composers. Belgium became an independent state in 1830. It
shares land borders with Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Netherlands. His father and mother are
Germans. Ironically, out of four choices, Cesar Frank leaned more toward France music. According
to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Franck had a brilliant gift for music that he later entered the Liege
conservatory as a young boy. He won his first prize for fugue in 1840 and his second for organ in
1841. His father was the reason behind his music. His father was ambitious to make his son ... Show
more content on ...
As a result, his whole life was based around music. From an eight year old boy who attends gigs his
dad arranges to a man who created his own work. His life was rounded by support from his family
and his church people. They created a boy to be humble and passionate about his music. His musical
styles consist of chamber, keyboard, choral, symphony, and vocal. In his work "Violin Sonata in A
Major", it is a keyboard and chamber music. His work was inspired by his marriage, which it was
first performed at his wedding celebration. A violin and piano are used, which have a low and high
beat throughout the song. Due to it being in Romantic musical period, and him getting married, this
song is perfect. In the first movement on the song, it has a slow medieval start. As if love could be
dangerous and he is on the verge to find out. Dynamically, it is at speaking voice and goes up higher
then lower every time. The beat start off simple, with one by one keys. The second movement, the
keys progress faster. Suddenly, a pause occurs in the song and again, keys start to go crazy fast and
start off
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Analysis of Mozart's K. 515 Mvt. 1
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Quintet No. 3 in C major, K. 515
Andrew McGuire
Dr. Burkart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prodigy of his time, and arguable the greatest of all time. This
paper will discuss an analysis of his third string quintet in C major, K. 515. Through this piece in
Sonata Form we will dissect the exposition, the development, the recapitulation, and the coda; along
with an analysis of the quintet we will briefly discuss parts of Mozart's life, as well as look at the
background of the Viola Quintet No. 3 in C Major, K. 515. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born
into a musical family after his sister Nannerl, by his father and mother Leopold and Anna Maria. His
beginnings would originate in Salzburg, ... Show more content on ...
As with codas we find our final theme in the piece the part proceeding the measure of rest (see
Figure 5). Delving deeper into the coda we find theme two reoccurring in the tonic key, this time not
segregated by instrument parts. For the first time in the movement we see the two viola parts
obviously playing what is the theme (see Figure 6), right before we see the second viola briefly
mingle with the cello.
Figure [ 6 ]
After the brief return of theme two between the cello and violas we end happily on the tonic of the
piece. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Not only this piece but also this assignment. It is one
thing to sit in class and read about and take notes over sonata–allegro form. It is completely another
to be expected to dive deeper into a piece and try to figure out its inner most workings. As a violist I
also appreciate the fact that Mozart went against the normality of the cello quintet and wrote a viola
quintet. The fact he was willing to go against what was expected of him by society makes me
respect him as a composer even more. After a glimpse into the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
we have discussed his Quintet No. 3 in C major. Discussed its themes and their placement, as well
as briefly the variations of these themes. We also saw a brief glimpse into history around the time
that the K. 515 and what could be considered
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Url Is An Acronym For Uniform Resource Locator And Is A...
URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on
the Internet. A URL is the fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the
web. It 's often easiest, although not entirely accurate, to think of a URL as the name of a file on the
World Wide Web because most URLs refer to a file on some machine on the network. However,
remember that URLs also can point to other resources on the network, such as database queries and
command output. Most people realize that a space is not allowed in a URL. However, it is also
important to realize as the URL string can only contain alphanumeric characters and "!$–_+* '()".
Any other characters that are required in the URL must be encoded. For analysts, there are two key
reasons that a solid grasp of URLs matter–Web analytics tools, Google Analytics, Adobe/Omniture
Site catalyst, Core metrics, Web trends, and the like all pack a wheelbarrow's worth of data into a
customized URL every time a user takes a tracked action; you can see a 4–minute video on that
subject or read a much more detailed explanation as to the mechanics of that process. Pages on the
site–some web analytics platforms use the URL as the core means for reporting "Pages" data some
don't either way, understanding the different components of a URL and how that affects the data
feeding into your analytics tool. Although each URL is a single string of numbers, letters, and
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Blue Pelican JavaExercise Quiz Test Keysby
Blue Pelican Java
Exercise, Quiz, & Test Keys by Charles E. Cook
Version 3.0.5k
Copyright © 2004 – 2007 by Charles E. Cook; Refugio, Tx
(All rights reserved)
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Keys for Quizzes/Exercises/Projects
The short quizzes for each lesson in this section are not comprehensive and not very difficult.
Normally, only basic, superficial questions are asked. The general philosophy here is for the specter
of a quiz to always be hanging over the student where he knows he must quickly acquire a general
working knowledge of the subject but at the same time knows he will not be asked in–depth or
tricky questions. It is hoped that this gentle, but persistent pressure, will encourage the student to
keep current with ... Show more content on ...
int i = 407;
7. Write a single line of code that will create a String variable called my_name and store your name
in it.
String my_name = "Barney Fife";
8. Write a line of code that will declare the variable count to be of type int. Don't initialize. int count;
9. Write a line of code that initializes the double precision variable bankBalance to 136.05.
Assume this variable has already been declared. bankBalance = 136.05;
10. Which of the following are legal variable names? scooter13 139_scooter homer–5 ;mary public
ab c
11. Which of the following is the most acceptable way of naming a variable. Multiple answers are
a. GroovyDude
c. groovyDude
d. Groovydude
e. groovy_dude
f. groovydude
12. Comment on the legality of the following two lines of code. double dist = 1003; //legal int alt =
1493.86; //illegal
Answers 3–1
Quiz on Lesson 3
1. What is output by the following code?
String s = "Mona Lisa";
System.out.println(s.length( ));
2. What is output by the following code?
String girl = "Heather Jones";
3. What is output by the following code?
String girl = "Heather Jones";
4. What is the index of the 'L' in the String "Abraham Lincoln"?
5. What is output by the following code?
String s = "Beaver Cleaver";
System.out.println(s.toUpperCase( ));
Answers 3–2
Key to Quiz on Lesson 3
1. What is output by the
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Free Soda Pop And The Promise Of A Five Course Breakfast
If you would have told me twenty years ago that I would be where I am today I would have
probably laughed at you. Growing up I never wanted for nothing and I had everything a little girl
like me could possibly want. My parents ran a lake and a small local bait shop. For sixteen years we
ran this little lake and I had it all. I had over eighty acres to play on, five different playgrounds with
different equipment at every one of them, fishing, plenty of kids to play with during the summer
time, a golf cart that I learned how to drive, free soda pop and the promise of a five course breakfast
every weekend from some of our campers, I had a dad that I idolized, a mom who tried to teach me
the important lessons in life, a sister to drive crazy, and a brother whom I got to see once in a while.
I had it all when I was growing up and some of my class mates would make fun of me for being big,
for being in a lower class, or simply because I was different. On the worst of days I would seek
refuge in a little hidden world. The pine trees canopied over a certain spot and make different
patterns across your skin. I would lay there for hours until Mama called for supper and watch as the
bugs made a home and sometimes a squirrel would skitter around me in a hurry to get home to his
family. The wind would blow through the trees and the sweet perfume would fill the air. Sometimes
I would lay there until the tears would dry on my face and other times I would doze off until the sun
started to
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The History of Chamber Music
The History of Chamber Music
What is chamber music?
It is ensemble instrumental music for up to about ten performers with typically one performer to a
Since circa 1450, there has been instrumental music designed for private playing. These pieces used
many instruments and (in Germany) it was common that the folk songs would contain 2–3
countermelodies to expand and elaborate the whole, and to arrange the outcome for groups of
instruments. Although the pieces were never written for particular instruments, we can, through
art/paintings, reasonably guess that the viol was a predominant early chamber music instrument.
A more important source of later chamber music is to be found in the ... Show more content on ...
Parallel to the developments that led from the vocal chanson, in France, to the instrumental canzona,
primarily in Italy, was the development of the dance suite. Early sixteenth–century dance tunes in all
countries of Western Europe usually had appeared in pairs: one was slow, stately in mood and in
duple metre (i.e., with two beats to the bar); the other fast, lively in mood, usually in triple metre,
and often melodically similar to the first. Through much of the sixteenth century, composers in the
several countries sought to expand the dance pair into a unified dance suite. Suites based on
variations of one movement appeared in England; suites in which each of four dances had its own
rhythmic character, melodically based on the first dance, were written in Germany; sets of dances
with no internal relationships to each other were common in Italy. The most influential steps were
taken in France by composers for the lute or the clavecin (harpsichord). Consisting essentially of
four dance forms that were then popular – the allemande, courante, sarabande, and gigue – the suites
they composed were based on contrasting tempos, metres, and rhythmic patterns. The French
version of the dance suite became the prototype for later chamber–music forms.
It was not until the middle of the seventeenth century that two types of composition –
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History of the Viola's Role in Part-Writing for Chamber Music
Carolyn Hunter
Music 700
November 1, 2009
Mini–Research Paper #2
History of the Viola's Role in Part–Writing for Chamber Music
There is considerable debate amongst scholars as to whether the birth of the viola preceded or
succeeded that of the violin. However, iconographic and documentary evidence indicate that the
violin, viola, and cello most likely evolved together as a family of instruments very early in the
sixteenth century and almost certainly in northern Italy.
Part–writing for the viola in chamber music has changed dramatically over time. By the end of the
seventeenth century, while the violin had remained popular in chamber music, the viola was very
much neglected. It was not until the end of the eighteenth ... Show more content on
The end of the eighteenth century marked a change in the treatment of the viola in chamber music.
The change "came about partly because a basic concept of late eighteenth century chamber music
was that a single player played each part (thus setting chamber music apart from the orchestra where
each string part . . . was played by several players)."[2] A greater equality of part writing can be
observed in the mature chamber music, especially string quartets, of Mozart and Beethoven. In
Mozart's last string quartet (K. 590, 1790), the part writing is equalized, and solos are given to the
viola, with a considerable degree of virtuosity demanded of the instrument. In the passage below, the
first violin states the melody and then two bars later the viola plays the same passage just an octave
lower. Example 1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, String Quartet no. 23, k. 590, 1st Movement, mm.
This example clearly demonstrates equal part–writing for the viola with that of the violin or the
other instruments. In conclusion, it is difficult to answer the question as to why the viola fell out of
favor in chamber music from the time period following its birth in the early sixteenth century to the
end of the seventeenth century. One possible reason is that no parts of
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IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Brief Guide
IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Brief Guide
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information
under Notices on p. 158. This document contains proprietary information of SPSS Inc, an IBM
Company. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The
information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any
statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such. When you send information to
IBM or SPSS, you grant IBM and SPSS a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in
any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
© Copyright SPSS Inc. 1989, 2010.
The IBM SPSS ... Show more content on ...
Bootstrapping is a method for deriving robust estimates of standard errors and confidence
intervals for estimates such as the mean, median, proportion, odds ratio, correlation coefficient or
regression coefficient.
Categories performs optimal scaling procedures, including correspondence analysis. Complex
Samples allows survey, market, health, and public opinion researchers, as well as social
scientists who use sample survey methodology, to incorporate their complex sample designs into
data analysis.
Conjoint provides a realistic way to measure how individual product attributes affect consumer and
citizen preferences. With Conjoint, you can easily measure the trade–off effect of each product
attribute in the context of a set of product attributes–as consumers do when making purchasing
Custom Tables creates a variety of presentation–quality tabular reports, including complex stub–
and–banner tables and displays of multiple response data. Data Preparation provides a quick visual
snapshot of your data. It provides the ability to apply validation rules that identify invalid data
values. You can create rules that flag out–of–range values, missing values, or blank values. You can
also save variables that record individual rule violations and the total number of rule violations per
case. A limited set of predefined rules that
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My Violin Research Paper
The violin is one of those instruments that one can play for years, and never truly master. However,
when one has the ability to play the violin, they are able to experience so many things that a regular
non–violin playing person would never experience. This next year will be my 10th year playing, and
on my journey, I have had many meaningful interactions with my violin, and the people who have
helped me with my violin. My most valuable experience did not just happen in the course of a day, I
think my most valuable experience happened over the course of several years, which was orchestra.
I began the violin when I was 6, on a whim when my mom discovered a violin for sale. My mom
bought me the ¼ sized violin and quickly signed me up for lessons. Fast forward one year, and I
would be going to my very first orchestra. This orchestra was a place that took in kids that had no
experience in being in orchestras, and taught ... Show more content on ...
My previous elementary schools had no music program, so I did not expect anything different from
the new school. But, I was in for a shock. I met Ms, Nina Wilkinson in the first 3 weeks of school. I
think it is because I play the violin, and ultimately met Ms. Wilkinson are two of the major reasons I
became who I am now. I played for her the piece I was learning from Suzuki book 4, and I was
shaking with nerves, but I think Ms. Wilkinson saw something in me, and put me in the school
orchestra, second chair. I was stunned. Never before have I ever been in first violin; I was always in
second. This gave me a huge confidence boost. I was always pretty shy, and I rarely spoke more
than a sentence all at once. But, during orchestra when Ms. Wilkinson conducted, she would tell me
good job or well done and that changed me. I became more confident in my talents and self. I think
my time in that school orchestra was a powerful influence on
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How Dmitri Shostakovich Adhere From The Conventions And...
In this essay I will be discussing the extent that Dmitri Shostakovich adhered to and rebelled from
the conventions and traditions that were normalized in classical music and I will offer varied
examples of the many times Shostakovich has obeyed and dissented within music throughout his
career. The career span of Shostakovich extends from 1926 when he presented his first major work,
Symphony No.1 to 1970 when he presented Quartet No. 7.
Born Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich on the 25th September, 1906, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the
composer began his descent into classical music at the age of 9, before later moving on to study at
the Petrograd conservatory. Throughout his life he compiled 15 symphonies, 15 string quartets and
36 film scores as well as many other compositions. Within his musical work and the course of his
career Shostakovich managed to both adhere to traditions set within classical music as well as
dissent from them, I will be exploring these.
I would first like to address what traditions are associated with classical music to highlight how
Shostakovich dissented from these.
I will begin by briefly explaining the definition of chamber music, the definition of chamber music
is "Instrumental music played by a small ensemble, with one player to a part, the most important
form being the string quartet." (
Traditionally chamber music was often intended for a small and intimate audience rather than for an
orchestral performance that
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How Did Artie Get A Job
Once upon a time, there was a famous city in a far away land called the City of Jobs. In the City of
Jobs, there were people from all around the world who each had their very own unique careers.
There was Mrs. Lin, from China, who owned a shop that sold colorful silks of every color. Mr.
Bernard, a baker from France, whom made pastries and cakes, for whoever wanted a delicious treat.
And Mrs.Smith, from America, whose music store was filled with an assortment of instruments. But
then their was Artie. Arite was new to the City of Jobs, and he couldn't find out what his unique
career was supposed to be. "I'll find a job," Artie would say courageously, "and then I will live in the
City of Jobs." So Artie went off into the city to find the job that suited him best. First, he went to
Mrs. Lin's shop to find ... Show more content on ...
Smith's Music Shop. As he strolled through the streets, Artie was able to hear the sounds of beautiful
instrument as he neared the shop. As he walked around the corner of a shop that sold pretty flowers,
he saw the gorgeous music shop. The store looked like a gigantic organ, with hundreds of wind
pipes pumping the organ's beautiful music into the air. The door had two beautiful saxaphone
handles and the windows were lined with flutes and clarinets. As Artie walked into the store, he saw
that the walls were lined with instruments of ever differing shapes and sound. String instruments,
like guitars and violins, hung on one was, and across from it, another wall was covered in bongos
and drum sets. But as Artie looked at the far wall across from him, his breath was taken away. For in
between the two walls was the grand organ. The organ was lined with pearl white and dark as night
keys that stretched across the wall. Gold windpipes, which came out of the top of the organ, blew
the beautiful tune of the song that Mrs. Smith played on the gorgeous ivory keys. Mrs. Smith sat
upon the small bench that was before the
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The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was, and still is a difficult topic to discuss, not because of the battle itself, but
because of the unfamiliarity of the subject most present–day students have. Five years after World
War II, the war for Vietnamese independency began, which is also when textbooks for some reason
strayed away from world history and lingered toward United States history instead – the economic
boom and "race war" is far more recognizable to modern day students and the fear of Communist
tendencies assisted in altering the curriculum to avoid the problems outside of the United States.
However, soldiers continued to fight on unfamiliar grounds during the time, many have lost their
lives, and George Crumb's composition Black Angels represents the true, raw emotion of what it felt
like away from home. "In Black Angels, Crumb fulfilled the command to reinvent music, not by
writing a piece that reflected on the war, but by making music as the embodiment of war and thus
assume...mythic qualities" (Ho). Although the music can be audibly heard as a battle within itself,
the titles of each number in the three–movement program can assist the surfacing discomfort of
what "war" should bring.
Black Angels begins with "Departure," featuring the electric string quartet screeching on their
strings like a swarm of insects, comparable to the unfamiliar land soldiers trod upon with insects
crowding about corpses before them. As the piece progresses into the next number, the quartet turns
into a trio
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I Attended A Musical Performance By The Diderot String...
On April 23rd, I attended a musical performance by the Diderot String Quartet. The performance
was held at the Bruno Walter Auditorium in 111 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N.Y. at 2:30 p.m.
The Diderot String Quartet performance that I attended was titled "Diderot String Quartet: Haydn
and his Students." The Diderot String Quartet performance is titled after the musical pieces of the
concert, which included string quartets by Franz Joseph Haydn, Anton Ferdinand Titz, and Ludwig
van Beethoven. The first musical piece performed was "String Quartet No. 1 in G Major" by Anton
Ferdinand Titz. The second musical piece performed was "String Quartet Op. 76, No.6 in Eb Major
Fantasia" by Franz Joseph Haydn. The third and final piece performed was "String Quartet Op.74 in
Eb Major Harp" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Each musical piece was performed beautifully by the
Diderot String Quartet, which included 2 violinists (Johanna Novom and Adriane Post), a cellist
(Paul Dwyer), and a violist (Kyle Miller). Besides the performance, the location of the concert was
exceptional. The Bruno Walter Auditorium is a relatively small concert hall. According to its
website, the auditorium can only accommodate an audience of 202. However, the Bruno Walter
Auditorium has an empowering effect on the audience. When the performance began, I felt the
empowering effect of the auditorium when I saw how the audience was drawn to the center of the
stage. The attention of the audience created an intimate
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String Theory
What is string theory and what does it mean for human kind? String theory is a theory that seeks to
unify the four forces of nature and explain the origins of our universe. Before the string theory, it
was impossible to combine the theories of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. By using
tiny vibrating strings of energy that are 10–33 m in length, scientists can create all the fundamental
particles we've started to find using particle accelerators. Then, using these particles they can try to
unite the two different theories and create a universe that is perhaps, more perfect than the Standard
Model will allow. And what's great about string theory is that it explains more than just how gravity,
electromagnetic force, weak nuclear ... Show more content on ...
Einstein spoke about the relationship of energy to mass and using his formulas, scientists have
theorized that the energy released from two membranes colliding could create our universe!
Furthermore, there is nothing to suggest that the membranes could have only banged together once,
so perhaps our universe is not the first nor the last to be created. So thus string theory united the
universe, theorizes about additional universes and proposes a neat solution to the question of how
the Big Bang was triggered! Fortunately, string theory only has one problem. Unfortunately, it's a
huge problem: there is currently no way to test the validity of string theory because all theoretical
tests proposed to find strings would take millions of times the amount of energy we have at our
disposal. Our highest powered particle accelerators are too feebly underpowered to even find
gravitons, let alone the strings that would prove string theory correct. Despite these problems with
directly proving string theory, physicists like Brian Greene and Lisa Randal (classmates from
Stuyvesant) continue to seek out circumstantial evidence like supersymmetry (each particle has a
sparticle (superparticle)), new dimensions and gravitons –– or rather the absence of gravitons as
they escape into different dimensions. There are of course physicists who warn that because string
theory is
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Career Mode And Single Player
The guitar was once considered a folk music instrument, but it now also qualifies as a videogame
controller. Thanks to a collaborative effort from RedOctane, Harmonix and MTV Games, the genre
of gigantic interactive controllers is no longer confined to dance pads, imitation firearms and the
slightly disturbing chainsaw that now comes with Resident Evil 4. Guitar Hero ' for PlayStation 2
costs a mean $70, including all the essentials for videogame musicians: game guitar–shaped
controller, instruction book and shoulder strap. The pieces can all be purchased separately, but the
intrinsic flaw with the game is that none of the parts will function properly if used out of context of
the others. The game itself offers straight–forward directives and single–minded progression. Like
all games you must pick your character and difficulty level, revealing that a myriad of different
songs and extra guitar–related pickings must be unlocked by mastering various degrees of button–
mashing prowess. The player is then granted several options: tutorials, career mode and single
player. Career mode is the only way to unlock any extras, meaning that any other fidgeting around
will only make you so familiar with the same five songs that you won 't be able to stand hearing
them on the radio every again. Game play consists mainly of watching colored land mine–style
targets stream along the screen and hitting the indicated color keys as they reach their inevitable
destination: the other side of
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Regular Expression Of A Web App
Regular Expression To FSM– Web App
3.1 Algorithm
3.1.1 Regular Expression Parsing
I built my own parser which will suit the recursive nature of my regular expression to Finite State
Machine Algorithm. To parse the regular expression, first, the expression is converted from infix to
prefix form. To convert from prefix to infix form, the string is read from the back and on meeting an
operator, it is pushed to an operator stack if top of operator stack has lower precedence than the read
operator else pop it to append to front of output string. If an operand is met, simply append it to
beginning of the output string.
After converting the expression to prefix, second step is to construct expression tree where each
inner node including root node has operator as its value and the leaf nodes are operands. The entire
infix string is read from the end. If the character is an operand it is pushed to the operand stack else
if an operator is read, operands are popped from the operand stack and assigned as left and right
child of node with having the operator as the node value and pushed again into the stack. Since the
backward construction algorithm is recursive in nature, such a syntax tree makes it more suitable for
the algorithm where expression will be taken as input.
3.1.2 Regular Expression To FSM– Backward Construction
After converting input expression to prefix and constructing expression tree, next steps is to
implement the Backward Construction algorithm for
... Get more on ...
Defintion Essay
Defintion Essay – Is it Possible to Define Art?
Art is the intentional use of some medium to communicate emotions or ideas between minds. Some
combination of the five senses is used to conduct information, so art may take the form of music,
painting, sculpture, dance, and others. Art may be collaborative, as with the presentation of a
symphony, which may involve a composer, a conductor, players, and a lighting crew all working to
create the art of the presentation. Also, art occurs in at least one level of abstraction removed from
reality, a representation of the real thing.
There is no requirement of beauty in art. Indeed, some of the highest quality in art is attained by
some of the ugliest things. An example is the film, ... Show more content on ...
When I experience Samuel Barber's Adagio with my brother, the message I receive is clear, but it is
not the same as the message my brother receives. It is likely that Samuel Barber intended neither.
Nevertheless, the piece is effective art, since it communicates messages.
Even so, there must have been some intention with which Barber wrote the piece. In general, art
must be the creation of a mind, or group of minds, with at least one purpose. As such, art is never an
accident, whereas it may have some accidental effects on certain members of an audience. The
requirement that art have some purpose from the artist rejects the notion that computers can create
art. Computers may be used as a medium for people to create art, and computers may create what
resembles art, but computers cannot create art.
Another characteristic of art is its necessary element of impracticality. That is not to say that artistic
things cannot be practical; rather, there must be some part of the piece that does more than simply
serve a function. For example, ordering a cheeseburger at McDonald's is an intentional use of the
medium of a voice to communicate a message (the desire for food) between two minds (the
customer and the server). However, it seems somewhat clear that this extreme case does not
constitute a work of art. Still, it would be possible to compose a vocal piece of music that qualifies
as art, even if the words are still, "I'd like a Big Mac, please." The art enters
... Get more on ...
The Violin Research Paper
The Violin is a stringed instrument that is part of the String Family. The Violin produces a range of
harmonics that captivate the audience. Unlike instruments in the Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion
family, The Violin is played with a bow, which causes the string to vibrate at certain frequencies that
travel through the bridge and body of the instrument resulting in a disturbance of air molecules. This
disturbance is the sound that we hear. What makes the Violin so attractive to listeners is the intense
yet soulful sound that it makes when played. The Violin provides a constant stream of energy when
which has the ability to make audiences feel a range of emotions from sorrow to joy. There are
multiple ways that musicians can manipulate the
... Get more on ...

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The Concert I Will Be Reviewing Performed By Gregory Sauer

  • 1. The Concert I Will Be Reviewing Performed By Gregory Sauer The concert I will be reviewing was performed by Gregory Sauer (cello) and Eric Jenkins (piano) as part of the UTRGV Patron of the Arts Guest Artist Series, which began at 7:30 PM on Monday, October 3, 2016 in the TSC Arts Center Performance Hall. This well–rounded program included modern works from the 20th Century as well as works of the Late–Romantic and Baroque eras. Sauer 's style and expression varied according to the piece he was performing; however, the principle elements of his virtuosity remained unaltered throughout Monday night 's performance. These foundational practices are what made each articulation and individual piece not only well– understood, but (and more importantly) consistent. Before a performance, the concert hall is a convivial atmosphere where patrons catch up and music students engage in discussing the inside scoop around campus, all unbeknownst of the (not so) subtle preparation taking place on stage; Monday night was no exception. Following the initial applaud, Gregory Sauer sat in his chair, positioned his Cello and began playing Cassadó 's "Suite for Solo Cello". Typically, I would have sat back and enjoyed the program, but having read up on the instrument and the positioning of the body in respect to the instrument, I immediately noticed the inclination of Sauer's cello toward the right side of his body as well as the loose position of his right hand. I kept track of this positioning throughout the concert, but there were other consistencies ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. The Orion String Quartet and Nash Ensemble: A Concert... "Mozart for Four Mozart: String Quartet in F Major, K 590 Mozart: Piano Quartet No. 1 in G Minor, K 478 Performed by the Orion String Quartet and the Nash Ensemble" ( For the purposes of this assignment I choose this particular concert because I find Mozart's music to be intellectual and engaging, requiring deep concentration and an open mind to be able the comprehend the depth of his musical visions. In this paper a will attempt to explore the qualities I like and dislike in the pieces presented in this concert and endeavor to analyze the "Piano Quartet No. 1 in G Minor, K 478". I thoroughly enjoyed this concert from beginning to end. The opening piece, "String Quartet in F Major, K 590", was both soothing and ... Show more content on ... He is not afraid to bring a note of disquiet or to bring emotion, however slight to the music he creates. This work is a classic example of the string quartets of the time bringing to life the violin, viola and cello in a gripping way. This piece is a work from Mozart's later years and was written with King Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia in mind. In the second piece in the concert, Mozart show us the depths that the piano can bring to music by composing complex movements that were thought, at the time, to be too difficult for the average listener to understand. This piece is a good representation of chamber music; a genre for intimate setting that can focus on a few as two performers up to as many as nine. Mozart produced many pieces fort h piano, but this one brings complexity and depth to the listener and opens the doors to a new vision of what this composer can create. During the opening movement, the piano and the violin duel with each other for dominance each with its own motive. Then the two melodies seem to find a more even balance with each other. Toward to end of the movement the two start to battle again bringing a degree of energy and drama to the composition. The second movement is a bit lighter with a cherry piano melody that is interesting counterpoint to the violins more passionate feel. The other instruments add depth and texture to the movements but seem to be merely an afterthought in the music. The piano solo in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Creative Writing: Square One I hail from a fairly modest household. And yet, there I was, concept of clothes entirely forgotten, thundering down the crumbling cement stairs of my aunt's house, ten years ago. My dashing escapade came to a screeching halt when I nearly collided into my cousin's best friend. The pitter patter of my feet on the burning asphalt stopped, and everything around us slowed down. A fly buzzed softly as both our eyes bugged out in sheer horror of Forbidden Knowledge. The impending fall of the drop of ice cream from the cone he was clutching measured time agonizingly. The instant it hit the floor, I took off in the opposite direction. I had originally been fleeing the terrifyingly large, 2 inch long lizard that was lazily eyeballing me in the shower, ... Show more content on ... There was the unfortunate dancing debacle from my friend's Sweet Sixteen (I now maintain a 7 meter radius from any and all human beings when dancing), and pretty much any experience involving attractive boys (and how few of those there are). After years of wishing for a retake of parts of my life, I am starting to seriously doubt the existence of Square One. Events are complex and connected to each other in ways that are sometimes beyond the reach of science. Looking at the steps we take in life as individual squares, as two dimensional figures, seems fundamentally inaccurate to me. Of course, at seventeen, I don't know much about the study of dimensions or string theory (or life), but seeing as I understand things best in the rosy hours of dawn, I will take a stab at all three now. From my purely empirical studies (the aforementioned 17 years of life) my father is thus far accurate in his theory. We don't know anything about life except that it keeps moving forward. One of the most notable features of string theory is the concept that the universe has multiple dimensions, so a square would be a false descriptor of the nature of an event in our universe. To define a moment, you need four dimensions, and in modern physics, space and time are unified in the space time continuum. So a more accurate description might be a moment defined in those four dimensions, and interconnected to a million other ripple effects that create the reality we know ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. What Is Beethoven A Dynamic Of Effective Study Amy Le Ms. Pepper Dynamic Of Effective Study, Period 5 11 November 2015 Ludwig Van Beethoven "Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend." – Ludwig Van Beethoven A man who couldn't hear anything but he was one of the world's greatest composers of classical music. Even after he became deaf, he was able to compose beautiful, soothing music. He had concerts, taught piano, and he sold original music composed. Back then he "talked" to people by writing on tablets. His deafness didn't keep him from composing wonderful music. That strong and determined man was Ludwig van Beethoven. He was born in Bonn, Germany on December 16, 1770. Beethoven's father ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Suite For The Lady In Red: A Short Story More than anything, I wanted to become entrapped in those curls. Instead, I kept tuning the instrument. "Do you play?" She shook her head. "I thought I'd be the next Eric Clapton when I was a teenager." "007 for me." She grinned. After a pause, she added, "But I suppose, in reality, a spy's life isn't all that glamorous." To change the subject, I ran my fingers over the guitar strings and asked, "What's that song you hum all the time? I can't place it." She looked puzzled. Damn. The tune was so ingrained in her she wasn't aware she vocalized it. "It goes like this." I played a dozen notes. "No!" She burst into tears and ran into the bathroom. For a few minutes, I waited to see if she'd come out. When her sobs showed no sign of subsiding, I ... Show more content on ... Suddenly I realized I was hearing the duet Chabat wrote for their wedding, Suite for the Lady in Red. He had recorded his part so she could practice while they were apart. In complex counterpoint, the two tremolo–laced melodies intertwined in the most intricate guitar piece I'd ever heard Sarah paused, then began the second movement where the joy of lovers reunited segued into what I could only call fuck–me music. The male guitar led with a pulsating bass, the female replied breathlessly. They climaxed together in a crescendo ending with simultaneous thumps on the soundboards of the instruments and a three beat pause. Afterglow followed, a series of descending arpeggios. Finally, the third part in A–major reprised the opening but with a sweet, uplifting resolution. I moved to the shutters, tilting the louvers so I could see Sarah. She sat on the chaise, instrument in her lap, replaying the second movement, her mouth open, her foot tapping like a metronome, her body responding to the thrusts of the male guitar. In her white nightgown she looked pure. But, like me, she'd played the game. Like me, she'd followed orders. I bet she never told that new husband of hers what she did for a living. Never told him Caulder had fucked her. Never told him she'd fucked ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Bass Guitar Essay It is no simple task to learn to play an instrument. Innumerous hours must be spent playing and practicing your instrument to become suitably proficient. However, not everyone wants to invest the time (and money) to learn an instrument. If you don't play an instrument, fear not, for there is hope still. Here are the three instruments, that, in my opinion, are the easiest to pick up and play with little or no instruction. (Be warned, however, as there is a massive difference between playing a little tune, and being truly good at an instrument. No instrument is easy to master.) Going from in order of increasing ease, first off is the bass guitar. Now, in no way is the bass guitar "easy" to be good at. However, when compared to similar ... Show more content on ... The next simplest instrument is the piano. Now, the piano can be quite tricky. There are so many keys, it can be quite confusing. Also, the piano allows for the most complex chords of any instrument. However, to play a simple melody, it is straightforward enough. On a piano, there are black keys and white keys. On a regular piano, each key is a different note, one half–step apart from the next, just like each fret on a bass or guitar. However, there is only one row of notes, unlike the aforementioned bass or guitar, which (usually) has four and six rows respectively, because of the different strings. The white keys on a piano are called "natural notes". Notes like A, E, and G are natural notes. The keys are the sharps and flats. Notes like A# are what sounds when a black key is pressed. Now, there are a few key (no pun intended) elements to playing piano if you have no idea what you are doing. The first is only play one note at a time. The piano is capable of create some quite beautiful and interesting chords if played correctly. But if you go and start combining notes together at random, it makes for an unpleasant noise most of the time. If you play only one note at a time, you only have to deal with the intervals (spaces between notes) that each note makes when used in succession with another, rather than the intervals that are required to make lovely chords. Next, don't play too many notes. If you keep the tempo (speed of the music) slower, and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Identity Reflection Paper Identity is a complex aspect of someone's life. It is a combination of how people view others, how someone views himself, and how their community is seen by others. These still can be split even more into infinite dimensions which are combined to create a unique identity. Identity is also an inconstant part of life as it is manipulated by the people, environment, and activities at the moment. My identity started when I was born as I was given a race based on my ancestry and genetics and a gender based on my anatomy. These parts have remained constant throughout my life, unlike most of the many dimensions that my identity is composed of. Although I don't always think about these dimensions as the primary source of my identity, I believe that people who have just met me for the first time consider this to be one of the biggest aspects of the identity they have given me. As people learn more about me, their vision of my identity changes as the internal central aspects begin to be noticed. I consider the key components of my identity to be my education, region, religion, and gender. These four dimensions have been central to the vision I have of myself as well as the vision others hopefully have of me once they know me well. I believe that these four dimensions represent my identity, because based on my normal context these are the aspects that I introduce myself with. Throughout my life, my education has remained the most central part of my identity despite everything that has ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Beethoven Symphony Essay Tyler Martin Advanced Orchestration Symphony no. 5 in C minor Beethoven's intent behind this piece is creating diversity out of unity. The unifying idea of the work is a series of three short notes followed by one long note. The diversity of the simple unifying idea therein is generated by the use of timbral development techniques and expansion of the orchestra; however, there are several performance practices and technical issues that impact the work's total realization. The score referenced throughout this essay is the Kalmus Miniature Orchestra Scores version. Beethoven takes his initial motif, which is quite simple, and fleshes it out via timbral orchestration. Throughout each movement, he carefully places developmental and ... Show more content on ... The first appearance of the full original motif is in measure fourteen, made of three eighth notes and an agogically emphasized eighth on the downbeat of the next measure. This particular rendition is used throughout this movement to hold bring sections of it together on a macro level (mm. 21, 23, 30, 79 – 85, etc.). Various instruments throughout the movement also adapt three short notes as pick–notes or as set–up sections for a string of lesser articulated notes(mm. 15 Violins, 76 – 77 Violin II and Viola, etc.). For the first time in music history, movement three sees the emancipation of the low strings. The introductory statement of the movement is not made with violin, high wind, or even viola; it is made with the celli and basses. The two instruments lend a sort of dark cast to the line that sounds anticipating, almost in a foreboding sense. The anticipation is met with the original motif at measure nineteen played by horns and accompanied by strings, which is then texturally expanded into the entire orchestra, much like it has been at time in the previous two movements (mm. 19 – 44). This movement, again conveniently in three, allows the motif to be interwoven throughout in much the same way as the second movement while the theme from the beginning measures is also developed. Further diversity is generated through the use of ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Benefits Of Playing A Musical Instrument In third grade I was introduced to an orchestra program at my school district. This program was designed for students who have no experience with the violin, viola, cello, and bass. Although I already played the piano since age five, I thought learning the violin would be a fun experience. At the time I was unaware how committed I would be to the violin, my impulsive 8 year old self was simply intrigued with stringed instruments. 10 years later, I own my very own violin and continue to improve my music skills. Why I have continued to play through all these years sometimes baffles me; What are the benefits of playing a musical instrument? Everyone should learn how to play a musical instrument. Lutz Jancke, a psychologist at the University of Zurich, states: "Learning to play a musical instrument has definite benefits and can increase IQ by seven points, in both children and adults." Even when simply beginning to learn how to play an instrument, there is a significant difference in brain improvement. Jancke continues: "We found that even in people over the age of 65 after four or five months of playing a instrument for an hour a week there were strong changes in the brain." Findings from the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry show that learning a musical instrument reduces feelings of anxiety, expressing emotions, and gives better attention skills to children. There is physical evidence that learning an instrument alters brain development, ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Library Management System Project for Mca Library Management System Project for MCA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are extremely grateful and remain indebted to our guide MR. P. Rajan for being a source of inspiration and for his constant support in the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the project. We are thankful to them for their constant constructive criticism and invaluable suggestions, which benefited us a lot while developing the project on "LIBRARY MANAGEMENT". He has been a constant source of inspiration and motivation for hard work. He has been very co–operative throughout this project work. Through this column, it would be our utmost pleasure to express our warm thanks to him for their encouragement, co–operation and consent without which we mightn't be able to accomplish ... Show more content on ... The Visual programming environment is also called Point and Click environment. The programmer does not have to write the code to create and display commonly required user– friendly features each time around. When the programmer needs a specific user interface feature Such as a button, he selects the appropriate ready to use component provided by the Visual Programming environment. These components can be moved, re sized and renamed as required. Also there is no restriction on number of controls placed in the project. Built in Code The interface components provided by the Visual programming environment has some code built into them. For e.g., a button ' Knows' when it has been clicked upon and then when the event occurs, it executes the appropriate code. DATA TYPE SUMMARY Visual Basic recognize following six types of variables as Numeric, String, Boolean, Date, Object, Variant. NUMERIC Like other Programming Language Visual Basic provide Numeric Variables. They are:– Integers,
  • 20. Single, double, Byte, Long, Currency Integer Variables are used for the Non Fractional Values. It stores values in the range from – 32768 to 32767. Long Data type is used for the range –2147483648 to 2147483647. Single Data Type is ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Guitar Meets the Piano It has been a long time since I have challenged myself to fulfill something out of my customary schedule. Bringing music closer into my life, would be something I would thank myself for in the future. I have been playing the guitar since I was twelve, and when I was younger my brother had taught me how to play the piano. However, I have had a piano sitting against a wall in my room, and it has now been four years since I have played it. So, for the past twenty one days, I have challenged myself to re–learn the piano. Throughout my process, I found many similarities and differences between learning how to play the guitar and learning how to play the piano. The first obstacle I encountered was trying to get access to the lessons. When I studied the guitar, I played by reading sheet music. It was difficult and it acquired a lot of my time, since I did not know where the notes were on the actual guitar. Then in high school, I took a guitar class and I was taught how to read tabs. Tabs are an easy way to play the guitar, and they are especially useful for beginners. Tabs can be simply described as a drawing of the guitar strings on paper. During that class, I was also driven watch some of my classmates, whom knew how to play, and learn from them. Learning to play the piano doesn't have as much variety. I had to either read sheet music or watch someone else play. The only access for me was YouTube, since there is no one close who can teach me. All I had to do was continuously ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Guitar Research Paper Lutherie; the art of crafting stringed instruments is a skill that dates back to antiquity. Since the creation of the lyre, luthiers have developed many stringed instruments, such as the harp, the violin, and the lute, but, considerably, one of the most important stringed instruments in modern times is the guitar. Guitarists are responsible for shaping a sizeable bulk of modern music via their diverse methods of playing. And this is because of how they are crafted. It truly is an art. What will it take to design a guitar that produces a beautiful sound and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye? As with every woodworking project, the place to start when building a solid–body electric guitar is with the wood. The wood used for the guitar helps the sound resonate, so it is important that the wood is chosen carefully (of course it is always interesting to see and hear guitars that are ... Show more content on ... There are tuners, the bridge system– this holds the strings at the body of the guitar– (and, if applicable, the locking nut– this is what keeps the strings in tune, and it works well with Kahler Bridges), and the output jack– this is the port for the aux cord. The hardware is set up accordingly; tuners are placed at the headstock, they can be set up as a row of tuners on a single side, or set up with half the tuners on one side, and the other half on the opposite side. The bridge system is placed at a point between the end of the fretboard and the end of the body– there are two bridge installation methods, and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Woman Shoes Research Paper /** * Write a description of class Player here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class ONLINE_SALE_SYSTEM { private String Woman_Shoes; private String Man_Shoes; public ONLINE_SALE_SYSTEM() { this.Woman_Shoes = null; this.Man_Shoes = null; } public void Enter_SHOES_Name(String Name) { this.Woman_Shoes = Shoes; } public String View_Shoes_Name() { return Shoes_Name; } public void Enter_Shoes_Type(int Shoes) { this.Shoes_Type = Type; } public int View_Woman_Shoes() { return Woman_Shoes; }
  • 27. public void Print() { System.out.print(" Shoes Name : " + View_Shoes_Name()); System.out.println("n Type of Shoes are : " + View_Shoes_Type()); } public class Woman_Shoes { // private ArrayList List; private ... Show more content on ... "); NEW.Print(); System.out.print("nn"); NEW = null; } else { System.out.print('u000C'); System.out.print("This sandles are not available :("); } } public void Print_Sandles_Type() { System.out.print('u000C'); System.out.println("The type of andles are : nn"); for(Player Play : List) { System.out.print("nn" + Sandles + "). "); Shoes.Print(); Sandles += 1; } Sandles = 0; } } public class Boots extends Woman_Shoes { private ArrayList List; private int flats; private int trainers; private Scanner sc = new Scanner(; private int i; private Scanner S = new Scanner(; private String A; /* */ public Boots() {
  • 28. List = new ArrayList(); this.flats = 0; this.trainers=0; } public void Add_High_Heels_shoes(Shoes N) { List.add(N); } public void Remove_High_Heels_shoes(int ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Physics of Electric Guitars Essay Introduction More than any other instrument, the electric guitar has shaped and redefined music in the last century. Although popular culture did not pay much attention to it when it was first introduced in the 1930s, it has since become equated with the very essence of rock and roll music. On an international level, the electric guitar is by far "the most famous instrument to come out of the United States" ( Background Inventors have been playing with the idea of electrically powered musical instruments since the 1800s, but "the first attempts at an amplified instrument did not come until the development of electrical amplification by the radio industry in the 1920s." One pioneer of the ... Show more content on ... * The vibrations of the strings can be quantified and calculated according to basic laws in physics. These include certain relationships between velocity, wavelength, and frequency and equations that describe the motion of a string fixed at both ends. How Pick–Ups Work: Electric guitar pick–ups work by employing "principles of magnetic induction." The pick–ups are composed of small electromagnets (magnets that are wrapped with a coil of wire, thus allowing an electric current to flow through them). Because of their close proximity to the strings, these magnets induce a north and south pole on the strings. When the string is played, it begins to oscillate, or move in a wave–like fashion. This affects the field surrounding the pick–up and causes a change in the magnetic field. These changes, or fluctuations in the magnetic field are transmitted through the wires connecting the pick–up(s) to the output jack and are thus relayed to the amplifier where they are sent to the speaker and converted from electrical energy once again into motion energy (sound). (Brain, n.p.) Electromagnets can turn electrical energy into motion. Likewise the converse is true: they can turn motion into electrical energy. Such is the case with electric guitar pick–ups.
  • 31. Waves on a String: A guitar string is an example of "a string fixed at both ends which is elastic and can vibrate." ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Double Bass Research Paper The double bass is the largest and deepest sounding of the stringed instruments in the viol family, although scholars sometimes argue about its true lineage. This instrument is prevalent in many genres like jazz, blue grass, and rock and roll. There is also a science behind its strings and the melodious sound that they make. The history of the double bass goes back as early as 1493 when people started noting that there were viols that were as big as humans. The first illustration of the instrument is found in 1516. Historians thought that it would be more important to find the earliest form of tuning using either forths or third– fourth tuning. The term third– fourth tuning is named by Praetorius that was used for a six–string instrument ... Show more content on ... Many six–stringed instruments were lighter that later became the modern double bass. There were very few five–stringed basses in the 17th century. Leopold Mozart had noted that there were some very intricate pieces for concertos, trios and solos that were made specifically for these less popular pieces. These models consisted of notes like F1–A1–D–F#–B. In the early 1609, Adriano Banchieri made an early bass that had six strings D1–G1–C–E–A–d, but in the next century, it was overpowered by a three stringed bass that contained either A1–D2–G2 or G1–D2–G2 and also had no frets. This was on of the first symphony bass models that lasted up until the 1920s. At that time E1 was added and made it easier to play lower notes instead of transposing them up an octave. The double bass with its four strings has a range of pitches. It is tuned in fourths so its basic strings are E1–A1–D2–G2. Its pitches start as low as 41.2 Hz and go as high as 98 Hz. It gains these pitches by putting tension on the strings. The large strings have a higher mass and stiffness that also help achieve this set of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Output and Average Age Your final project will be to analyze, design, and document a simple program that utilizes a good design process and incorporates sequential, selection and repetitive programming statements as well as at least one function call and the use of at least one array. The specific problem you need to solve for the final project is: Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas. 1. Problem definition: Design a program that will allow a ... Show more content on ... 1 c) Write the assumptions and limitations and how they will be handled in your project. Ans 1c) In my project, there are numerous assumptions and limitations that are being handled in the pseudo code. First of all, this program is only designed to calculate the average age of all the family members that the user will input. There is no other calculation that the program has been designed to do. Secondly, the program does not give the user any option or chance to return to inputting more family members if they forgot to do so at the beginning. This program was not designed to have a set limit to how many inputs the user could enter. This list could keep going on and on. This program is created to calculate and display both the Average age of family Members and the residents who live in Texas. If the user wanted to display just one of the results, the user would have to do the whole program just to get one of the results. This is being handled by the pseudo code only being able to handle the calculations that are set. The user does not have the ability to let the program know how many family members will be entered before the user begins. To handle that, the Count function is being used in the psuedocode to obtain the correct output. 1 d) Provide an alternative analysis and design approach showing a different way to solve the same problem definition of family member in Texas. As you have learned, a single problem can be solved in more ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Passages Scripture Isaiah 14 And Ezekiel 28 passages in Scripture Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 so will begin in Isaiah 14 and will flip over to Ezekiel 28 we 're in a series called living in his presence at last week the title of the message was his presence and we talked about the difference between the omnipresence of God and the manifest presence of God this week you may kind of wonder where I 'm going to be a little different but the title of the message is his instruments his instruments and I 'm going to talk about instruments not just us as instruments but musical instruments and I don 't know if you 've ever thought about how much of a part music plays in our culture and in our society and around the world and how much of a part music is in our worship services and worship to ... Show more content on ... or above all right so verse 13 for you talking to loose for now you have said in your heart I will ascend let 's go up I want to go up higher into heaven remember he was already in heaven he wanted to go higher into heaven I will exalt there 's the word to talk about being lifted up exalt my throne above not below above the stars of God I will also sit on the mount the amount would be the highest part of a mountain the Mount of the congregation on the far the sides of the north north is up on a map verse 14 I will ascend let 's go up above the height that 's high of the clouds clouds are up there high and then notice the word he uses to refer to God because we 're told not being high or up or lifted up resulted I will be like the Most High he didn 't say the most holy which he could have said are the most loving or the most compassionate are the most just he decides to use the word hi I will be like the Most High watch God 's response verse 15 yet you shall be brought down to sheol to the lowest depths opposite of heights of the pit satan wanted to be lifted up he wanted to be exalted he wanted to be if you want to just put it straight out he wanted to be worshiped he wanted to be God he wanted to be like God he wanted people draw attention to him he wanted people to honor him as you probably heard theologians say or pastors say we are all born with an Adamic nature Adamic means like Adam a nature like Adams I don 't want to disappoint you we were born with an Adamic ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Grande Sonate Pathétique The key of C minor, Beethoven's Sturm und Drang (German for 'Storm and Stress') key which many of his most intensive and powerful pieces were written in (5th Symphony, Piano Concerto No.3, for instance). 'Pathétique' – one of his three piano sonatas written in the key of C minor, was composed during Beethoven's early period, when he was 27 years old, and published in 1799. It is perhaps Beethoven's earliest composition that has achieved widespread and enduring popularity. Dedicated to Prince Carl von Lichnowsky who was described by Beethoven as 'one of my truest friends and patrons' and also his most dependable supporter in Vienna. The original name Grande Sonate Pathétique was given by the publisher with Beethoven's approval. The title as ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. To Do Or Not To Play Argumentative Essay AJ Carter Argument Essay Aubrie Cox 17 October 2012 To Play or Not to Play It seems that no matter what at some point in a child's life they wander up to their parents and ask, "Mom, Dad, can I learn to play an instrument?" Whether or not it is the guitar, drums, piano, or flute a child could possibly have the thought of wanting to learn how to play an instrument. When Mom and Dad end up saying no to their child they should stop and realize that when a child knows how to play a musical instrument it can help them out in many more ways than they know (iDiva). Having a young kid learn an instrument can help develop better coordination, build better concentration, help with stress relief, and enhance a child's intelligence, along with many ... Show more content on ... Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach are some of the most creative people in the history of the World, and what did they do? They played instruments. Playing a musical instrument for a child is a creative pursuit (Caron). Parents are always pushing their children to be more and more creative, well parents why not buy them an instrument and let their creativity be expressed? "Everybody is born creative, but many people don't realize it because it's not encouraged in their early years (iDiva)." Having your child play an instrument would let that creativity that is bundled up inside them, that they did not even know they had, and would let it sore out. Look at the creativity that the guitarist in the last thirty to forty years have. Eddie Van Halen, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Angus Young are three of the greatest guitarist. Imagine if their parents would have never bought them a guitar. Then some of the best music ever would have never been written. It is the ultimate feeling someone can receive when they are just playing along on an instrument and all of a sudden compose some sort of music. When I'm playing my guitar just doing really nonsense chord progressions, or playing random riffs, and I build a song on the guitar the feeling is unreal. Once that happens the only thought that goes through my head is, "Whoa, I just made music on my own." I've been playing for about 8 years now and that feeling never goes away. Along with ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Chamber Music Is A Form Of Chamber Music Chamber Music Chamber Music is a form of Classical Music that is composed of a small group of instruments. It's a little scale constitute from 8 to 10 performers. It is considered as an intimate performance that it is also called "the music of friends." The ensemble is a more knowns musical group of people who perform instruments and vocal music. In Classical Music, trio and quartet depending on the sound of instruments such as string, piano, and winds instruments which are the most common in this period of the music. String Quartet is composed of 2 violins, viola, and a cello. Also, Piano Trio is constituted of piano, violin, and cello. On October 29, 2017, I attended the "Afternoon of Chamber Music" on The Bernie Wohl Center which I enjoyed this presentation of these musicians for many reasons. In this intimate performance played works from Eugène Ysaÿe "King of the Violin" which was a Belgian violinist, composer and conductor. Ysaÿe's composition wasn't published until his death; it is a set of sonatas for violin written in July 1923 which each sonata is dedicated for each violinist that they are playing This composition was devoted to his dear friend and violin student, Queen Elizabeth of Belgium. In the performance, the violinists that they played this piece were Joyce Hammann and Belinda Whitney. Hammann seated in front of Whitney made eye contact with her partner to start playing the exposition of the Sonata–Allegro the opening part as a mysterious solo of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Ludwig Van Beethoven's Life And Biography : Ludwig Van... Brandy Crew Fine Arts Fall Semester '17 Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven was German composer who is widely considered as the greatest pianists of all time. His innovative compositions often combined both instruments and vocals, which served the purpose of widening the scope of the symphony, quartet, sonata, and concerto. Over time, he has been cited one of the most crucial figures in the transition that connected the Romantic and Classical ages of Western music. However, Beethoven's life was marked by his struggles against deafness. This nonetheless did not stand in his way and during the penultimate years of his life, he composed some of the works that are considered his greatest achievements (Corbett). This was during the period that his hearing had deteriorated to an astounding level. He died in 1827 at the age of 56. Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770, in the then capital of the Electorate of Cologne. His baptism was performed a day later as per catholic laws. Beethoven displayed his natural talent for music at an early age after his father; Johann Van Beethoven introduced and taught him the art. Famed composer, Christian Gottlob Neefe also played a crucial role in molding Beethoven into the famed composer he is regarded as today. At the tender age of 21, Beethoven moved to Vienna to study composition and work with Joseph Haydn where he started to gain a reputation as an expert pianist. As he got to his late 20s, his hearing started to decline, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Cesar Frank Biography Cesar Frank was born on December 10th of 1822, in Liège, Belgium. He is a romantic composer and organist in the 19th century, who was best known for the movement to give French music an emotional engagement than German composers. Belgium became an independent state in 1830. It shares land borders with Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Netherlands. His father and mother are Germans. Ironically, out of four choices, Cesar Frank leaned more toward France music. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Franck had a brilliant gift for music that he later entered the Liege conservatory as a young boy. He won his first prize for fugue in 1840 and his second for organ in 1841. His father was the reason behind his music. His father was ambitious to make his son ... Show more content on ... As a result, his whole life was based around music. From an eight year old boy who attends gigs his dad arranges to a man who created his own work. His life was rounded by support from his family and his church people. They created a boy to be humble and passionate about his music. His musical styles consist of chamber, keyboard, choral, symphony, and vocal. In his work "Violin Sonata in A Major", it is a keyboard and chamber music. His work was inspired by his marriage, which it was first performed at his wedding celebration. A violin and piano are used, which have a low and high beat throughout the song. Due to it being in Romantic musical period, and him getting married, this song is perfect. In the first movement on the song, it has a slow medieval start. As if love could be dangerous and he is on the verge to find out. Dynamically, it is at speaking voice and goes up higher then lower every time. The beat start off simple, with one by one keys. The second movement, the keys progress faster. Suddenly, a pause occurs in the song and again, keys start to go crazy fast and start off ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Analysis of Mozart's K. 515 Mvt. 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet No. 3 in C major, K. 515 Andrew McGuire Dr. Burkart MUSHIS 200 11/19/2012 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prodigy of his time, and arguable the greatest of all time. This paper will discuss an analysis of his third string quintet in C major, K. 515. Through this piece in Sonata Form we will dissect the exposition, the development, the recapitulation, and the coda; along with an analysis of the quintet we will briefly discuss parts of Mozart's life, as well as look at the background of the Viola Quintet No. 3 in C Major, K. 515. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born into a musical family after his sister Nannerl, by his father and mother Leopold and Anna Maria. His beginnings would originate in Salzburg, ... Show more content on ... As with codas we find our final theme in the piece the part proceeding the measure of rest (see Figure 5). Delving deeper into the coda we find theme two reoccurring in the tonic key, this time not segregated by instrument parts. For the first time in the movement we see the two viola parts obviously playing what is the theme (see Figure 6), right before we see the second viola briefly mingle with the cello. Figure [ 6 ] After the brief return of theme two between the cello and violas we end happily on the tonic of the piece. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Not only this piece but also this assignment. It is one thing to sit in class and read about and take notes over sonata–allegro form. It is completely another to be expected to dive deeper into a piece and try to figure out its inner most workings. As a violist I also appreciate the fact that Mozart went against the normality of the cello quintet and wrote a viola quintet. The fact he was willing to go against what was expected of him by society makes me respect him as a composer even more. After a glimpse into the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, we have discussed his Quintet No. 3 in C major. Discussed its themes and their placement, as well as briefly the variations of these themes. We also saw a brief glimpse into history around the time that the K. 515 and what could be considered ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Url Is An Acronym For Uniform Resource Locator And Is A... URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet. A URL is the fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the web. It 's often easiest, although not entirely accurate, to think of a URL as the name of a file on the World Wide Web because most URLs refer to a file on some machine on the network. However, remember that URLs also can point to other resources on the network, such as database queries and command output. Most people realize that a space is not allowed in a URL. However, it is also important to realize as the URL string can only contain alphanumeric characters and "!$–_+* '()". Any other characters that are required in the URL must be encoded. For analysts, there are two key reasons that a solid grasp of URLs matter–Web analytics tools, Google Analytics, Adobe/Omniture Site catalyst, Core metrics, Web trends, and the like all pack a wheelbarrow's worth of data into a customized URL every time a user takes a tracked action; you can see a 4–minute video on that subject or read a much more detailed explanation as to the mechanics of that process. Pages on the site–some web analytics platforms use the URL as the core means for reporting "Pages" data some don't either way, understanding the different components of a URL and how that affects the data feeding into your analytics tool. Although each URL is a single string of numbers, letters, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Blue Pelican JavaExercise Quiz Test Keysby Blue Pelican Java Exercise, Quiz, & Test Keys by Charles E. Cook Version 3.0.5k Copyright © 2004 – 2007 by Charles E. Cook; Refugio, Tx (All rights reserved) This page is intentionally left blank. Keys for Quizzes/Exercises/Projects The short quizzes for each lesson in this section are not comprehensive and not very difficult. Normally, only basic, superficial questions are asked. The general philosophy here is for the specter of a quiz to always be hanging over the student where he knows he must quickly acquire a general working knowledge of the subject but at the same time knows he will not be asked in–depth or tricky questions. It is hoped that this gentle, but persistent pressure, will encourage the student to keep current with ... Show more content on ... int i = 407; 7. Write a single line of code that will create a String variable called my_name and store your name in it. String my_name = "Barney Fife"; 8. Write a line of code that will declare the variable count to be of type int. Don't initialize. int count; 9. Write a line of code that initializes the double precision variable bankBalance to 136.05. Assume this variable has already been declared. bankBalance = 136.05; 10. Which of the following are legal variable names? scooter13 139_scooter homer–5 ;mary public doubled double ab c 11. Which of the following is the most acceptable way of naming a variable. Multiple answers are possible. a. GroovyDude b. GROOVYDUDE
  • 54. c. groovyDude d. Groovydude e. groovy_dude f. groovydude 12. Comment on the legality of the following two lines of code. double dist = 1003; //legal int alt = 1493.86; //illegal Answers 3–1 Quiz on Lesson 3 1. What is output by the following code? String s = "Mona Lisa"; System.out.println(s.length( )); 2. What is output by the following code? String girl = "Heather Jones"; System.out.println(girl.substring(8)); 3. What is output by the following code? String girl = "Heather Jones"; System.out.println(girl.substring(8,11)); 4. What is the index of the 'L' in the String "Abraham Lincoln"? 5. What is output by the following code? String s = "Beaver Cleaver"; System.out.println(s.toUpperCase( )); Answers 3–2 Key to Quiz on Lesson 3 1. What is output by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Free Soda Pop And The Promise Of A Five Course Breakfast If you would have told me twenty years ago that I would be where I am today I would have probably laughed at you. Growing up I never wanted for nothing and I had everything a little girl like me could possibly want. My parents ran a lake and a small local bait shop. For sixteen years we ran this little lake and I had it all. I had over eighty acres to play on, five different playgrounds with different equipment at every one of them, fishing, plenty of kids to play with during the summer time, a golf cart that I learned how to drive, free soda pop and the promise of a five course breakfast every weekend from some of our campers, I had a dad that I idolized, a mom who tried to teach me the important lessons in life, a sister to drive crazy, and a brother whom I got to see once in a while. I had it all when I was growing up and some of my class mates would make fun of me for being big, for being in a lower class, or simply because I was different. On the worst of days I would seek refuge in a little hidden world. The pine trees canopied over a certain spot and make different patterns across your skin. I would lay there for hours until Mama called for supper and watch as the bugs made a home and sometimes a squirrel would skitter around me in a hurry to get home to his family. The wind would blow through the trees and the sweet perfume would fill the air. Sometimes I would lay there until the tears would dry on my face and other times I would doze off until the sun started to ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The History of Chamber Music The History of Chamber Music What is chamber music? It is ensemble instrumental music for up to about ten performers with typically one performer to a part. Since circa 1450, there has been instrumental music designed for private playing. These pieces used many instruments and (in Germany) it was common that the folk songs would contain 2–3 countermelodies to expand and elaborate the whole, and to arrange the outcome for groups of instruments. Although the pieces were never written for particular instruments, we can, through art/paintings, reasonably guess that the viol was a predominant early chamber music instrument. A more important source of later chamber music is to be found in the ... Show more content on ... Parallel to the developments that led from the vocal chanson, in France, to the instrumental canzona, primarily in Italy, was the development of the dance suite. Early sixteenth–century dance tunes in all countries of Western Europe usually had appeared in pairs: one was slow, stately in mood and in duple metre (i.e., with two beats to the bar); the other fast, lively in mood, usually in triple metre, and often melodically similar to the first. Through much of the sixteenth century, composers in the several countries sought to expand the dance pair into a unified dance suite. Suites based on variations of one movement appeared in England; suites in which each of four dances had its own rhythmic character, melodically based on the first dance, were written in Germany; sets of dances with no internal relationships to each other were common in Italy. The most influential steps were taken in France by composers for the lute or the clavecin (harpsichord). Consisting essentially of four dance forms that were then popular – the allemande, courante, sarabande, and gigue – the suites they composed were based on contrasting tempos, metres, and rhythmic patterns. The French version of the dance suite became the prototype for later chamber–music forms. It was not until the middle of the seventeenth century that two types of composition – ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. History of the Viola's Role in Part-Writing for Chamber Music Carolyn Hunter Music 700 November 1, 2009 Mini–Research Paper #2 History of the Viola's Role in Part–Writing for Chamber Music There is considerable debate amongst scholars as to whether the birth of the viola preceded or succeeded that of the violin. However, iconographic and documentary evidence indicate that the violin, viola, and cello most likely evolved together as a family of instruments very early in the sixteenth century and almost certainly in northern Italy. Part–writing for the viola in chamber music has changed dramatically over time. By the end of the seventeenth century, while the violin had remained popular in chamber music, the viola was very much neglected. It was not until the end of the eighteenth ... Show more content on ... The end of the eighteenth century marked a change in the treatment of the viola in chamber music. The change "came about partly because a basic concept of late eighteenth century chamber music was that a single player played each part (thus setting chamber music apart from the orchestra where each string part . . . was played by several players)."[2] A greater equality of part writing can be observed in the mature chamber music, especially string quartets, of Mozart and Beethoven. In Mozart's last string quartet (K. 590, 1790), the part writing is equalized, and solos are given to the viola, with a considerable degree of virtuosity demanded of the instrument. In the passage below, the first violin states the melody and then two bars later the viola plays the same passage just an octave lower. Example 1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, String Quartet no. 23, k. 590, 1st Movement, mm. 51–54[3] [pic] This example clearly demonstrates equal part–writing for the viola with that of the violin or the other instruments. In conclusion, it is difficult to answer the question as to why the viola fell out of favor in chamber music from the time period following its birth in the early sixteenth century to the end of the seventeenth century. One possible reason is that no parts of ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Brief Guide i IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Brief Guide Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Notices on p. 158. This document contains proprietary information of SPSS Inc, an IBM Company. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such. When you send information to IBM or SPSS, you grant IBM and SPSS a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright SPSS Inc. 1989, 2010. Preface The IBM SPSS ... Show more content on ... Bootstrapping is a method for deriving robust estimates of standard errors and confidence intervals for estimates such as the mean, median, proportion, odds ratio, correlation coefficient or regression coefficient. Categories performs optimal scaling procedures, including correspondence analysis. Complex Samples allows survey, market, health, and public opinion researchers, as well as social scientists who use sample survey methodology, to incorporate their complex sample designs into data analysis. Conjoint provides a realistic way to measure how individual product attributes affect consumer and citizen preferences. With Conjoint, you can easily measure the trade–off effect of each product attribute in the context of a set of product attributes–as consumers do when making purchasing decisions. Custom Tables creates a variety of presentation–quality tabular reports, including complex stub– and–banner tables and displays of multiple response data. Data Preparation provides a quick visual snapshot of your data. It provides the ability to apply validation rules that identify invalid data values. You can create rules that flag out–of–range values, missing values, or blank values. You can
  • 63. also save variables that record individual rule violations and the total number of rule violations per case. A limited set of predefined rules that ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. My Violin Research Paper The violin is one of those instruments that one can play for years, and never truly master. However, when one has the ability to play the violin, they are able to experience so many things that a regular non–violin playing person would never experience. This next year will be my 10th year playing, and on my journey, I have had many meaningful interactions with my violin, and the people who have helped me with my violin. My most valuable experience did not just happen in the course of a day, I think my most valuable experience happened over the course of several years, which was orchestra. I began the violin when I was 6, on a whim when my mom discovered a violin for sale. My mom bought me the ¼ sized violin and quickly signed me up for lessons. Fast forward one year, and I would be going to my very first orchestra. This orchestra was a place that took in kids that had no experience in being in orchestras, and taught ... Show more content on ... My previous elementary schools had no music program, so I did not expect anything different from the new school. But, I was in for a shock. I met Ms, Nina Wilkinson in the first 3 weeks of school. I think it is because I play the violin, and ultimately met Ms. Wilkinson are two of the major reasons I became who I am now. I played for her the piece I was learning from Suzuki book 4, and I was shaking with nerves, but I think Ms. Wilkinson saw something in me, and put me in the school orchestra, second chair. I was stunned. Never before have I ever been in first violin; I was always in second. This gave me a huge confidence boost. I was always pretty shy, and I rarely spoke more than a sentence all at once. But, during orchestra when Ms. Wilkinson conducted, she would tell me good job or well done and that changed me. I became more confident in my talents and self. I think my time in that school orchestra was a powerful influence on ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. How Dmitri Shostakovich Adhere From The Conventions And... In this essay I will be discussing the extent that Dmitri Shostakovich adhered to and rebelled from the conventions and traditions that were normalized in classical music and I will offer varied examples of the many times Shostakovich has obeyed and dissented within music throughout his career. The career span of Shostakovich extends from 1926 when he presented his first major work, Symphony No.1 to 1970 when he presented Quartet No. 7. Born Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich on the 25th September, 1906, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the composer began his descent into classical music at the age of 9, before later moving on to study at the Petrograd conservatory. Throughout his life he compiled 15 symphonies, 15 string quartets and 36 film scores as well as many other compositions. Within his musical work and the course of his career Shostakovich managed to both adhere to traditions set within classical music as well as dissent from them, I will be exploring these. I would first like to address what traditions are associated with classical music to highlight how Shostakovich dissented from these. I will begin by briefly explaining the definition of chamber music, the definition of chamber music is "Instrumental music played by a small ensemble, with one player to a part, the most important form being the string quartet." ( Traditionally chamber music was often intended for a small and intimate audience rather than for an orchestral performance that ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. How Did Artie Get A Job Once upon a time, there was a famous city in a far away land called the City of Jobs. In the City of Jobs, there were people from all around the world who each had their very own unique careers. There was Mrs. Lin, from China, who owned a shop that sold colorful silks of every color. Mr. Bernard, a baker from France, whom made pastries and cakes, for whoever wanted a delicious treat. And Mrs.Smith, from America, whose music store was filled with an assortment of instruments. But then their was Artie. Arite was new to the City of Jobs, and he couldn't find out what his unique career was supposed to be. "I'll find a job," Artie would say courageously, "and then I will live in the City of Jobs." So Artie went off into the city to find the job that suited him best. First, he went to Mrs. Lin's shop to find ... Show more content on ... Smith's Music Shop. As he strolled through the streets, Artie was able to hear the sounds of beautiful instrument as he neared the shop. As he walked around the corner of a shop that sold pretty flowers, he saw the gorgeous music shop. The store looked like a gigantic organ, with hundreds of wind pipes pumping the organ's beautiful music into the air. The door had two beautiful saxaphone handles and the windows were lined with flutes and clarinets. As Artie walked into the store, he saw that the walls were lined with instruments of ever differing shapes and sound. String instruments, like guitars and violins, hung on one was, and across from it, another wall was covered in bongos and drum sets. But as Artie looked at the far wall across from him, his breath was taken away. For in between the two walls was the grand organ. The organ was lined with pearl white and dark as night keys that stretched across the wall. Gold windpipes, which came out of the top of the organ, blew the beautiful tune of the song that Mrs. Smith played on the gorgeous ivory keys. Mrs. Smith sat upon the small bench that was before the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was, and still is a difficult topic to discuss, not because of the battle itself, but because of the unfamiliarity of the subject most present–day students have. Five years after World War II, the war for Vietnamese independency began, which is also when textbooks for some reason strayed away from world history and lingered toward United States history instead – the economic boom and "race war" is far more recognizable to modern day students and the fear of Communist tendencies assisted in altering the curriculum to avoid the problems outside of the United States. However, soldiers continued to fight on unfamiliar grounds during the time, many have lost their lives, and George Crumb's composition Black Angels represents the true, raw emotion of what it felt like away from home. "In Black Angels, Crumb fulfilled the command to reinvent music, not by writing a piece that reflected on the war, but by making music as the embodiment of war and thus assume...mythic qualities" (Ho). Although the music can be audibly heard as a battle within itself, the titles of each number in the three–movement program can assist the surfacing discomfort of what "war" should bring. Black Angels begins with "Departure," featuring the electric string quartet screeching on their strings like a swarm of insects, comparable to the unfamiliar land soldiers trod upon with insects crowding about corpses before them. As the piece progresses into the next number, the quartet turns into a trio ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. I Attended A Musical Performance By The Diderot String... On April 23rd, I attended a musical performance by the Diderot String Quartet. The performance was held at the Bruno Walter Auditorium in 111 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N.Y. at 2:30 p.m. The Diderot String Quartet performance that I attended was titled "Diderot String Quartet: Haydn and his Students." The Diderot String Quartet performance is titled after the musical pieces of the concert, which included string quartets by Franz Joseph Haydn, Anton Ferdinand Titz, and Ludwig van Beethoven. The first musical piece performed was "String Quartet No. 1 in G Major" by Anton Ferdinand Titz. The second musical piece performed was "String Quartet Op. 76, No.6 in Eb Major Fantasia" by Franz Joseph Haydn. The third and final piece performed was "String Quartet Op.74 in Eb Major Harp" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Each musical piece was performed beautifully by the Diderot String Quartet, which included 2 violinists (Johanna Novom and Adriane Post), a cellist (Paul Dwyer), and a violist (Kyle Miller). Besides the performance, the location of the concert was exceptional. The Bruno Walter Auditorium is a relatively small concert hall. According to its website, the auditorium can only accommodate an audience of 202. However, the Bruno Walter Auditorium has an empowering effect on the audience. When the performance began, I felt the empowering effect of the auditorium when I saw how the audience was drawn to the center of the stage. The attention of the audience created an intimate ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. String Theory What is string theory and what does it mean for human kind? String theory is a theory that seeks to unify the four forces of nature and explain the origins of our universe. Before the string theory, it was impossible to combine the theories of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. By using tiny vibrating strings of energy that are 10–33 m in length, scientists can create all the fundamental particles we've started to find using particle accelerators. Then, using these particles they can try to unite the two different theories and create a universe that is perhaps, more perfect than the Standard Model will allow. And what's great about string theory is that it explains more than just how gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear ... Show more content on ... Einstein spoke about the relationship of energy to mass and using his formulas, scientists have theorized that the energy released from two membranes colliding could create our universe! Furthermore, there is nothing to suggest that the membranes could have only banged together once, so perhaps our universe is not the first nor the last to be created. So thus string theory united the universe, theorizes about additional universes and proposes a neat solution to the question of how the Big Bang was triggered! Fortunately, string theory only has one problem. Unfortunately, it's a huge problem: there is currently no way to test the validity of string theory because all theoretical tests proposed to find strings would take millions of times the amount of energy we have at our disposal. Our highest powered particle accelerators are too feebly underpowered to even find gravitons, let alone the strings that would prove string theory correct. Despite these problems with directly proving string theory, physicists like Brian Greene and Lisa Randal (classmates from Stuyvesant) continue to seek out circumstantial evidence like supersymmetry (each particle has a sparticle (superparticle)), new dimensions and gravitons –– or rather the absence of gravitons as they escape into different dimensions. There are of course physicists who warn that because string theory is ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Career Mode And Single Player The guitar was once considered a folk music instrument, but it now also qualifies as a videogame controller. Thanks to a collaborative effort from RedOctane, Harmonix and MTV Games, the genre of gigantic interactive controllers is no longer confined to dance pads, imitation firearms and the slightly disturbing chainsaw that now comes with Resident Evil 4. Guitar Hero ' for PlayStation 2 costs a mean $70, including all the essentials for videogame musicians: game guitar–shaped controller, instruction book and shoulder strap. The pieces can all be purchased separately, but the intrinsic flaw with the game is that none of the parts will function properly if used out of context of the others. The game itself offers straight–forward directives and single–minded progression. Like all games you must pick your character and difficulty level, revealing that a myriad of different songs and extra guitar–related pickings must be unlocked by mastering various degrees of button– mashing prowess. The player is then granted several options: tutorials, career mode and single player. Career mode is the only way to unlock any extras, meaning that any other fidgeting around will only make you so familiar with the same five songs that you won 't be able to stand hearing them on the radio every again. Game play consists mainly of watching colored land mine–style targets stream along the screen and hitting the indicated color keys as they reach their inevitable destination: the other side of ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Regular Expression Of A Web App Regular Expression To FSM– Web App 3.1 Algorithm 3.1.1 Regular Expression Parsing I built my own parser which will suit the recursive nature of my regular expression to Finite State Machine Algorithm. To parse the regular expression, first, the expression is converted from infix to prefix form. To convert from prefix to infix form, the string is read from the back and on meeting an operator, it is pushed to an operator stack if top of operator stack has lower precedence than the read operator else pop it to append to front of output string. If an operand is met, simply append it to beginning of the output string. After converting the expression to prefix, second step is to construct expression tree where each inner node including root node has operator as its value and the leaf nodes are operands. The entire infix string is read from the end. If the character is an operand it is pushed to the operand stack else if an operator is read, operands are popped from the operand stack and assigned as left and right child of node with having the operator as the node value and pushed again into the stack. Since the backward construction algorithm is recursive in nature, such a syntax tree makes it more suitable for the algorithm where expression will be taken as input. 3.1.2 Regular Expression To FSM– Backward Construction After converting input expression to prefix and constructing expression tree, next steps is to implement the Backward Construction algorithm for ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Defintion Essay Defintion Essay – Is it Possible to Define Art? Art is the intentional use of some medium to communicate emotions or ideas between minds. Some combination of the five senses is used to conduct information, so art may take the form of music, painting, sculpture, dance, and others. Art may be collaborative, as with the presentation of a symphony, which may involve a composer, a conductor, players, and a lighting crew all working to create the art of the presentation. Also, art occurs in at least one level of abstraction removed from reality, a representation of the real thing. There is no requirement of beauty in art. Indeed, some of the highest quality in art is attained by some of the ugliest things. An example is the film, ... Show more content on ... When I experience Samuel Barber's Adagio with my brother, the message I receive is clear, but it is not the same as the message my brother receives. It is likely that Samuel Barber intended neither. Nevertheless, the piece is effective art, since it communicates messages. Even so, there must have been some intention with which Barber wrote the piece. In general, art must be the creation of a mind, or group of minds, with at least one purpose. As such, art is never an accident, whereas it may have some accidental effects on certain members of an audience. The requirement that art have some purpose from the artist rejects the notion that computers can create art. Computers may be used as a medium for people to create art, and computers may create what resembles art, but computers cannot create art. Another characteristic of art is its necessary element of impracticality. That is not to say that artistic things cannot be practical; rather, there must be some part of the piece that does more than simply serve a function. For example, ordering a cheeseburger at McDonald's is an intentional use of the medium of a voice to communicate a message (the desire for food) between two minds (the customer and the server). However, it seems somewhat clear that this extreme case does not constitute a work of art. Still, it would be possible to compose a vocal piece of music that qualifies as art, even if the words are still, "I'd like a Big Mac, please." The art enters ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. The Violin Research Paper The Violin is a stringed instrument that is part of the String Family. The Violin produces a range of harmonics that captivate the audience. Unlike instruments in the Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion family, The Violin is played with a bow, which causes the string to vibrate at certain frequencies that travel through the bridge and body of the instrument resulting in a disturbance of air molecules. This disturbance is the sound that we hear. What makes the Violin so attractive to listeners is the intense yet soulful sound that it makes when played. The Violin provides a constant stream of energy when which has the ability to make audiences feel a range of emotions from sorrow to joy. There are multiple ways that musicians can manipulate the ... Get more on ...