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The Cardiovascular System and the
        Lymphatic System
Two systems in One
Most of the cells in the human body are not in
direct contact with the external environment, so
they rely on the circulatory system to act as a
transport service for them. Two fluids move
through the circulatory system: blood and
lymph. The blood, heart, and blood vessels form
the Cardiovascular System. The lymph, lymph
nodes and lymph vessels form the Lymphatic
System. The Cardiovascular System and the
Lymphatic System collectively make up the
Circulatory System.
Two in One
The Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system serves a number of
  important functions in the body. Most of these
  support other physiological systems. The major
  cardiovascular functions fall into five categories:
1) Delivery
2) Removal
3) Transport
4) Maintenance
5) Prevention
1) The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and
nutrients to, 2) and removes carbon dioxide and
metabolic waste products from, every cell in the
body. 3) It transports hormones from endocrine
glands to their target receptors. 4) The system
maintains body temperature, and the blood’s
buffering capabilities help control the body’s pH.
The cardiovascular system maintains appropriate
fluid levels to prevent dehydration and helps 5)
prevent infection by invading organisms.
Structure and Function of the
          Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system responds immediately to
  the body’s many and everchanging needs. All
  bodily functions and virtually every cell in our
  body depend in some way on this system.
Any system of circulation requires three
1) A pump (the heart)
2) A system of channels (the blood vessels)
3) A fluid medium (the blood)
The Heart
The heart is a reddish-colored hollow organ that
lies in the thoracic cavity between the lungs and
behind the sternum, supported by the muscles of
the diaphragm. It is conical in shape, with the tip
pointing downwards and to the left. Inside the
heart there are four chambers: two atria in the
upper part, separated by the interatrial wall, and
the two ventricles in the lower part, separated by
the interventricular wall. The right chambers, the
right atrium and the right ventricle communicate
with one another through the tricuspid valve, and
the left chambers through the mitral valve.
The walls of the heart have three layers: the
endocardium, a very thin internal membrane; the
myocardium, an intermediate layer of striated
muscular tissue, which is thick in the ventricular wall
areas and thin in the atrial walls; and the
pericardium, a membrane that envelops the heart.
The heart has two atria acting as receiving chambers
and two ventricles acting as sending units. The heart is
the primary pump that circulates blood through the
entire vascular system.
Blood Flow Through the Heart
Blood that has coursed its way between the cells of the
   body, delivering oxygen and nutrients and picking up waste
   products, returns through the great veins – the superior
   vena cava and inferior vena cava – to the right atrium. This
   chamber receives all the body’s deoxygenated blood.
From the right atrium, blood passes through the tricuspid
   valve into the right ventricle. This chamber pumps the
   blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the
   pulmonary artery, which carries the blood to the right and
   left lungs. Thus the right side of the heart is known as the
   pulmonary side, sending the blood that has circulated
   throughout the body into the lungs for reoxygenation.
After receiving a fresh supply of oxygen, the blood exits
the lungs through the pulmonary veins, which carry it
back to the heart and into the left atrium. All freshly
oxygenated blood is received by this chamber. From
the left atrium, the blood passes through the bicuspid
(mitral) valve into the left ventricle. Blood leaves the
left ventricle by passing through the aortic semilunar
valve into the aorta, which ultimately sends it out to all
body parts and systems. The left side of the heart is
known as the systemic side. It receives the
reoxygenated blood from the lungs then sends it out to
supply all body tissues.
The Myocardium
Cardiac muscle is collectively called the
  myocardium. Myocardial thickness varies directly
  with the stress placed on the heart chambers’
  walls. The left ventricle is the most powerful of
  the four heart chambers. Through its
  contractions, the chamber must pump blood
  through the entire system route.
The left ventricle’s tremendous power is reflected
  by the greater size of its muscular wall compared
  to the other heart chambers
Although striated in appearance, the myocardium
differs from skeletal muscle in one important way.
Cardiac muscle fibers are anatomically
interconnected end-to-end by dark staining
regions called intercalated disks. These disks have
desmosomes, which are structures that anchor
the individual cells together so they don’t pull
apart during contraction, and gap
junctions, which allow rapid transmission of the
impulse signaling contraction. These features
allow the myocardium in all four chambers to act
as one large muscle fiber: All fibers contract
The Cardiac Conduction System
  Cardiac muscle has the unique ability to generate its
  own electrical signal, called autoconduction, that
  allows it to contract rhythmically without neural
  stimulation. With neither neural nor hormonal
  stimulation, the intrinsic heart rate averages 70 to 80
  beats (contractions) per minute.
There are four components of the cardiac conduction
1) Sinoatrial (SA) node
2) Atrioventricular (AV) node
3) Atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of His)
4) Purkinje fibers
The impulse for heart contraction is initiated in the
sinoatrial (SA) node, a group of specialized cardiac
muscle fibers located in the posterior wall of the right
atrium. Because this tissue generates the
impulse, typically at the frequency of about 60 to 80
beats per minute, the SA node is known as the heart’s
pacemaker, and the beating rate it establishes is called
the sinus rhythm. The electrical impulse generated by
the SA node spreads through both atria and reaches
the atrioventriular (AV) node. Located in the right atrial
wall near the center of the heart. As the impulse
spreads through the atria, they are signaled to
contract, which they do almost immediately.
 The AV node conducts the impulse from the
atria into the ventricles. The impulse is
delayed by about 0.13 s as it passes through
the AV node, then it enters the AV bundle.
This delay allows the atria to fully contract
before the ventricles do, maximizing
ventricular filling. The AV bundle travels along
the ventricular septum and then sends right
and left bundle branches into both ventricles.
These branches send the impulse toward the apex
of the heart, then outward. Each bundle branch
subdivides into many smaller ones that spread
throughout the entire ventricular wall. These
terminal branches of the AV bundle are the
Purkinje fibers. They transmit the impulse
through the ventricles approximately six times
faster than through the rest of the cardiac
conduction system. This rapid conduction allows
all parts of the ventricles to contract at about the
same time.
Extrinsic Control of Heart Activity
  Although the heart initiates its own electrical
  impulses (intrinsic control), their timing and
  effects can be altered. Under normal
  conditions, this is accomplished primarily
  through three extrinsic systems:
1) The parasympathetic nervous system
2) The sympathetic nervous system
3) The endocrine system (hormones)
The parasympathetic system, a branch of the
autonomic nervous system, acts on the heart
through the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X). At
rest, parasympathetic system activity
predominates in a state referred to as vagal tone.
The vagus nerve has a depressant effect on the
heart – it slows impulse conduction and thus
decreases the heart rate. It also decreases the
force of cardiac contraction.
The sympathetic nervous system, the other
branch of the autonomic nervous system, has
opposite effects. Sympathetic stimulation
increases impulse conduction speed and thus
heart rate (up to 250 beats per minute).
Sympathetic input also increases the
contraction force. The sympathetic nervous
system predominates during times of physical
and emotional stress, when the body’s
demands are higher.
The endocrine system exerts its effects
through the hormones released by the
adrenal medulla: norepinephrine and
epinephrine. Like the sympathetic nervous
system, these hormones stimulate the
heart, increasing its rate. In fact, release of
these hormones is triggered by sympathetic
stimulation during times of stress and their
actions prolong the sympathetic response.
The Cardiac Cycle
The cardiac cycle consists of all heart
chambers undergoing a relaxation phase
(diastole) and a contraction phase (systole).
During diastole, the chambers fill with blood.
During systole, the chambers contract and
expel their contents. The diastolic phase is
longer than the systolic phase. The pressure
that blood exerts on the arterial walls during
the two phases is called diastolic and systolic
blood pressure.
The Vascular System
The vascular system is composed of a series of
  vessels that transport blood from the heart to
  the tissues and back:
• Arteries
• Arterioles
• Capillaries
• Venules
• Veins
The Arterial System
The arterial system consists of a network of
blood vessels called arteries, which start from
the heart and extend throughout the
body, carrying by means of the arterial blood
the oxygen that is essential for the cells to
function. The further these vessels are from
the heart, the narrower they become. Arteries
are the largest, most muscular, and most
elastic vessels, and they always carry blood
away from the heart to the arterioles.
The largest and most important artery in the
body is the aorta, which leaves the left
ventricle upwards, and describes a curve
known as the aortic arch, after which it starts
to descend. From the aortic arch, arteries
branch off .
Pulmonary Arterial System
The pulmonary artery leaves the right
ventricle and then divides into two
branches, the right and left pulmonary
arteries, which enter the lungs and spread out
to form a similar structure to the bronchial
tree, ending as alveolar capillaries
The Venous System
The venous system consists of a network of blood
vessels that approximately parallels the structure
of the arterial network but runs in the opposite
direction. Veins start as venules, getting larger on
their way back to the heart. They collect the
deoxygenated blood, loaded with waste
substances (venous blood), to the right-hand
chambers of the heart, where it is passed on to
the pulmonary vessel to be oxygenated and
converted into arterial blood.
The walls of the veins are less elastic and
muscular than those of the arteries, because
the blood circulating through them is being
drawn in by the suction effect of the heart.
Inside the veins, any backflow of blood is
prevented by a system of valves.
The two major veins of the body are the
superior and inferior venae cavae, two large
intrathoracic veins; the former receives the
venous circulation from the upper
extremities, the head and the neck, and the
latter receives the blood from the lower
extremities and the abdominal and thoracic
Factors that Help Venous Blood return
             to the Heart
• By the time blood has passed from the capillaries into
  the venous system the pressure has dropped
  significantly. The average blood pressure in the venous
  system is only 2 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) as
  compared to an average of 100 mmHg in the arterial
  system. The low venous pressure is barely adequate to
  drive blood back to the heart, particularly from the
  legs. Other mechanisms are needed to aid in the return
  of blood to the heart. The flow of venous blood back to
  the heart is increased by (1) the sympathetic nervous
  system, (2) the skeletal muscle pump, and (3) the
  respiratory pump.
• Veins are enervated by sympathetic motor
  neurons. Sympathetic input causes
  vasoconstriction, which increases
  pressure, which drives blood back to the
  heart. When the body needs to mobilize more
  blood for physical activity, the sympathetic
  nervous system induces vasoconstriction of
• The action of the skeletal muscle pump. Veins
  pass between skeletal muscles. The contraction
  of skeletal muscle squeezes the vein, thus
  increasing blood pressure in that section of the
  vein. Pressure causes the upstream valve
  (furthest from the heart) to close and the
  downstream valve (the one closest to the heart)
  to open. Repeated cycles of contraction and
  relaxation, as occurs in the leg muscles while
  walking, effectively pumps blood back to the
• While the contraction of skeletal muscle in the
  legs drives venous blood out of the lower
  limbs, the act of breathing helps to drive venous
  blood out of the abdominal cavity. As air is
  inspired, the diaphragm descends and abdominal
  pressure increases. The increasing pressure
  squeezes veins and moves blood back toward the
  heart. The rhythmic movement of venous blood
  caused by the act of breathing is called the
  respiratory pump. Gravity helps the backflow of
  blood from the areas above the heart
  (head, neck, shoulders…)
• Capillaries are the smallest and most numerous of
  blood vessels. Capillaries function as the site of
  exchange of nutrients and wastes between blood and
  tissues. The anatomy of capillaries is well suited to the
  task of efficient exchange. Capillary walls are
  composed of a single layer of epithelial cells
  surrounded by a basement layer of connective tissue.
  The thin nature of the walls facilitates efficient
  diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Most
  capillaries also have pores between cells that allow for
  bulk transport of fluid and dissolved substances from
  the blood into the tissues and vice versa.
• Although capillaries are extremely numerous (40
  billion in the body), collectively they hold only
  about 5% of the total blood volume at any one
  time. This is because most capillaries are closed
  most of the time. Precapillary sphincters, which
  are bands of smooth muscle that wrap around
  arterioles, control the amount of blood flowing in
  a particular capillary bed. Contraction of the
  sphincter shuts off blood flow to a capillary
  bed, while relaxation of the sphincter allows
  blood to flow.
The Blood
• The average adult has about five liters of blood coursing through
  blood vessels, delivering essential elements, and removing harmful
  wastes. Without blood, the human body would stop working.
• Blood is the fluid of life, transporting oxygen from the lungs to body
  tissue and carbon dioxide from body tissue to the lungs. Blood is
  the fluid of growth, transporting nourishment from digestion and
  hormones from glands throughout the body. Blood is the fluid of
  health, transporting disease fighting substances to the tissue and
  waste to the kidneys.
• Blood contains red blood cells (erythrocytes) and white blood cells
  (leukocytes), which are responsible for nourishing and cleansing the
  body. Since the cells are alive, they too need nourishment.
• Vitamins and Minerals keep the blood healthy. The blood cells have
  a definite life cycle, just as all living organisms do. Approximately 55
  percent of blood is plasma, a straw-colored clear liquid. The liquid
  plasma carries the solid cells and the platelets
  ( thrombocytes), which help blood clot. Without blood
  platelets, we would bleed to death.
• When the human body loses a little bit of blood through a minor
  wound, the platelets cause the blood to clot so that the bleeding
  stops. Because new blood is always being made inside of our
  bones, the body can replace the lost blood. When the human body
  loses a lot of blood through a major wound, that blood has to be
  replaced through a blood transfusion from other people.
• But everybody's blood is not the same. There are four different
  blood types.
The Lymphatic System
• The lymphatic system consists of
  organs, ducts, and nodes. It transports a watery
  clear fluid called lymph.
• This fluid distributes immune cells and other
  factors throughout the body. It also interacts with
  the blood circulatory system to drain fluid from
  cells and tissues.
• The lymphatic system contains immune cells
  called lymphocytes, which protect the body
  against antigens (viruses, bacteria, etc.) that
  invade the body.
Main functions of the lymphatic system:
• "to collect and return interstitial
  fluid, including plasma protein to the blood,
  and thus help maintain fluid balance,
• to defend the body against disease by
  producing lymphocytes,
• to absorb lipids from the intestine and
  transport them to the blood."
Keep Working!

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The circulatory system

  • 1. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The Cardiovascular System and the Lymphatic System
  • 2. Two systems in One Most of the cells in the human body are not in direct contact with the external environment, so they rely on the circulatory system to act as a transport service for them. Two fluids move through the circulatory system: blood and lymph. The blood, heart, and blood vessels form the Cardiovascular System. The lymph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels form the Lymphatic System. The Cardiovascular System and the Lymphatic System collectively make up the Circulatory System.
  • 4. The Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system serves a number of important functions in the body. Most of these support other physiological systems. The major cardiovascular functions fall into five categories: 1) Delivery 2) Removal 3) Transport 4) Maintenance 5) Prevention
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  • 6. - 1) The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to, 2) and removes carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products from, every cell in the body. 3) It transports hormones from endocrine glands to their target receptors. 4) The system maintains body temperature, and the blood’s buffering capabilities help control the body’s pH. The cardiovascular system maintains appropriate fluid levels to prevent dehydration and helps 5) prevent infection by invading organisms.
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  • 8. Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system responds immediately to the body’s many and everchanging needs. All bodily functions and virtually every cell in our body depend in some way on this system. Any system of circulation requires three components: 1) A pump (the heart) 2) A system of channels (the blood vessels) 3) A fluid medium (the blood)
  • 9. The Heart The heart is a reddish-colored hollow organ that lies in the thoracic cavity between the lungs and behind the sternum, supported by the muscles of the diaphragm. It is conical in shape, with the tip pointing downwards and to the left. Inside the heart there are four chambers: two atria in the upper part, separated by the interatrial wall, and the two ventricles in the lower part, separated by the interventricular wall. The right chambers, the right atrium and the right ventricle communicate with one another through the tricuspid valve, and the left chambers through the mitral valve.
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  • 11. - The walls of the heart have three layers: the endocardium, a very thin internal membrane; the myocardium, an intermediate layer of striated muscular tissue, which is thick in the ventricular wall areas and thin in the atrial walls; and the pericardium, a membrane that envelops the heart. The heart has two atria acting as receiving chambers and two ventricles acting as sending units. The heart is the primary pump that circulates blood through the entire vascular system.
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  • 13. Blood Flow Through the Heart Blood that has coursed its way between the cells of the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients and picking up waste products, returns through the great veins – the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava – to the right atrium. This chamber receives all the body’s deoxygenated blood. From the right atrium, blood passes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. This chamber pumps the blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery, which carries the blood to the right and left lungs. Thus the right side of the heart is known as the pulmonary side, sending the blood that has circulated throughout the body into the lungs for reoxygenation.
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  • 15. - After receiving a fresh supply of oxygen, the blood exits the lungs through the pulmonary veins, which carry it back to the heart and into the left atrium. All freshly oxygenated blood is received by this chamber. From the left atrium, the blood passes through the bicuspid (mitral) valve into the left ventricle. Blood leaves the left ventricle by passing through the aortic semilunar valve into the aorta, which ultimately sends it out to all body parts and systems. The left side of the heart is known as the systemic side. It receives the reoxygenated blood from the lungs then sends it out to supply all body tissues.
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  • 17. The Myocardium Cardiac muscle is collectively called the myocardium. Myocardial thickness varies directly with the stress placed on the heart chambers’ walls. The left ventricle is the most powerful of the four heart chambers. Through its contractions, the chamber must pump blood through the entire system route. The left ventricle’s tremendous power is reflected by the greater size of its muscular wall compared to the other heart chambers
  • 18. - Although striated in appearance, the myocardium differs from skeletal muscle in one important way. Cardiac muscle fibers are anatomically interconnected end-to-end by dark staining regions called intercalated disks. These disks have desmosomes, which are structures that anchor the individual cells together so they don’t pull apart during contraction, and gap junctions, which allow rapid transmission of the impulse signaling contraction. These features allow the myocardium in all four chambers to act as one large muscle fiber: All fibers contract together.
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  • 20. The Cardiac Conduction System Cardiac muscle has the unique ability to generate its own electrical signal, called autoconduction, that allows it to contract rhythmically without neural stimulation. With neither neural nor hormonal stimulation, the intrinsic heart rate averages 70 to 80 beats (contractions) per minute. There are four components of the cardiac conduction system: 1) Sinoatrial (SA) node 2) Atrioventricular (AV) node 3) Atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of His) 4) Purkinje fibers
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  • 22. - The impulse for heart contraction is initiated in the sinoatrial (SA) node, a group of specialized cardiac muscle fibers located in the posterior wall of the right atrium. Because this tissue generates the impulse, typically at the frequency of about 60 to 80 beats per minute, the SA node is known as the heart’s pacemaker, and the beating rate it establishes is called the sinus rhythm. The electrical impulse generated by the SA node spreads through both atria and reaches the atrioventriular (AV) node. Located in the right atrial wall near the center of the heart. As the impulse spreads through the atria, they are signaled to contract, which they do almost immediately.
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  • 24. - The AV node conducts the impulse from the atria into the ventricles. The impulse is delayed by about 0.13 s as it passes through the AV node, then it enters the AV bundle. This delay allows the atria to fully contract before the ventricles do, maximizing ventricular filling. The AV bundle travels along the ventricular septum and then sends right and left bundle branches into both ventricles.
  • 25. - These branches send the impulse toward the apex of the heart, then outward. Each bundle branch subdivides into many smaller ones that spread throughout the entire ventricular wall. These terminal branches of the AV bundle are the Purkinje fibers. They transmit the impulse through the ventricles approximately six times faster than through the rest of the cardiac conduction system. This rapid conduction allows all parts of the ventricles to contract at about the same time.
  • 26. Extrinsic Control of Heart Activity Although the heart initiates its own electrical impulses (intrinsic control), their timing and effects can be altered. Under normal conditions, this is accomplished primarily through three extrinsic systems: 1) The parasympathetic nervous system 2) The sympathetic nervous system 3) The endocrine system (hormones)
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  • 28. - The parasympathetic system, a branch of the autonomic nervous system, acts on the heart through the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X). At rest, parasympathetic system activity predominates in a state referred to as vagal tone. The vagus nerve has a depressant effect on the heart – it slows impulse conduction and thus decreases the heart rate. It also decreases the force of cardiac contraction.
  • 29. - The sympathetic nervous system, the other branch of the autonomic nervous system, has opposite effects. Sympathetic stimulation increases impulse conduction speed and thus heart rate (up to 250 beats per minute). Sympathetic input also increases the contraction force. The sympathetic nervous system predominates during times of physical and emotional stress, when the body’s demands are higher.
  • 30. - The endocrine system exerts its effects through the hormones released by the adrenal medulla: norepinephrine and epinephrine. Like the sympathetic nervous system, these hormones stimulate the heart, increasing its rate. In fact, release of these hormones is triggered by sympathetic stimulation during times of stress and their actions prolong the sympathetic response.
  • 31. The Cardiac Cycle The cardiac cycle consists of all heart chambers undergoing a relaxation phase (diastole) and a contraction phase (systole). During diastole, the chambers fill with blood. During systole, the chambers contract and expel their contents. The diastolic phase is longer than the systolic phase. The pressure that blood exerts on the arterial walls during the two phases is called diastolic and systolic blood pressure.
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  • 35. The Vascular System The vascular system is composed of a series of vessels that transport blood from the heart to the tissues and back: • Arteries • Arterioles • Capillaries • Venules • Veins
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  • 37. The Arterial System The arterial system consists of a network of blood vessels called arteries, which start from the heart and extend throughout the body, carrying by means of the arterial blood the oxygen that is essential for the cells to function. The further these vessels are from the heart, the narrower they become. Arteries are the largest, most muscular, and most elastic vessels, and they always carry blood away from the heart to the arterioles.
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  • 42. - The largest and most important artery in the body is the aorta, which leaves the left ventricle upwards, and describes a curve known as the aortic arch, after which it starts to descend. From the aortic arch, arteries branch off .
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  • 44. Pulmonary Arterial System The pulmonary artery leaves the right ventricle and then divides into two branches, the right and left pulmonary arteries, which enter the lungs and spread out to form a similar structure to the bronchial tree, ending as alveolar capillaries
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  • 46. The Venous System The venous system consists of a network of blood vessels that approximately parallels the structure of the arterial network but runs in the opposite direction. Veins start as venules, getting larger on their way back to the heart. They collect the deoxygenated blood, loaded with waste substances (venous blood), to the right-hand chambers of the heart, where it is passed on to the pulmonary vessel to be oxygenated and converted into arterial blood.
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  • 49. - The walls of the veins are less elastic and muscular than those of the arteries, because the blood circulating through them is being drawn in by the suction effect of the heart. Inside the veins, any backflow of blood is prevented by a system of valves.
  • 50. - The two major veins of the body are the superior and inferior venae cavae, two large intrathoracic veins; the former receives the venous circulation from the upper extremities, the head and the neck, and the latter receives the blood from the lower extremities and the abdominal and thoracic cavities
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  • 52. Factors that Help Venous Blood return to the Heart • By the time blood has passed from the capillaries into the venous system the pressure has dropped significantly. The average blood pressure in the venous system is only 2 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) as compared to an average of 100 mmHg in the arterial system. The low venous pressure is barely adequate to drive blood back to the heart, particularly from the legs. Other mechanisms are needed to aid in the return of blood to the heart. The flow of venous blood back to the heart is increased by (1) the sympathetic nervous system, (2) the skeletal muscle pump, and (3) the respiratory pump.
  • 53. - • Veins are enervated by sympathetic motor neurons. Sympathetic input causes vasoconstriction, which increases pressure, which drives blood back to the heart. When the body needs to mobilize more blood for physical activity, the sympathetic nervous system induces vasoconstriction of veins.
  • 54. - • The action of the skeletal muscle pump. Veins pass between skeletal muscles. The contraction of skeletal muscle squeezes the vein, thus increasing blood pressure in that section of the vein. Pressure causes the upstream valve (furthest from the heart) to close and the downstream valve (the one closest to the heart) to open. Repeated cycles of contraction and relaxation, as occurs in the leg muscles while walking, effectively pumps blood back to the heart.
  • 55. - • While the contraction of skeletal muscle in the legs drives venous blood out of the lower limbs, the act of breathing helps to drive venous blood out of the abdominal cavity. As air is inspired, the diaphragm descends and abdominal pressure increases. The increasing pressure squeezes veins and moves blood back toward the heart. The rhythmic movement of venous blood caused by the act of breathing is called the respiratory pump. Gravity helps the backflow of blood from the areas above the heart (head, neck, shoulders…)
  • 56. Capillaries • Capillaries are the smallest and most numerous of blood vessels. Capillaries function as the site of exchange of nutrients and wastes between blood and tissues. The anatomy of capillaries is well suited to the task of efficient exchange. Capillary walls are composed of a single layer of epithelial cells surrounded by a basement layer of connective tissue. The thin nature of the walls facilitates efficient diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Most capillaries also have pores between cells that allow for bulk transport of fluid and dissolved substances from the blood into the tissues and vice versa.
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  • 58. - • Although capillaries are extremely numerous (40 billion in the body), collectively they hold only about 5% of the total blood volume at any one time. This is because most capillaries are closed most of the time. Precapillary sphincters, which are bands of smooth muscle that wrap around arterioles, control the amount of blood flowing in a particular capillary bed. Contraction of the sphincter shuts off blood flow to a capillary bed, while relaxation of the sphincter allows blood to flow.
  • 59. The Blood • The average adult has about five liters of blood coursing through blood vessels, delivering essential elements, and removing harmful wastes. Without blood, the human body would stop working. • Blood is the fluid of life, transporting oxygen from the lungs to body tissue and carbon dioxide from body tissue to the lungs. Blood is the fluid of growth, transporting nourishment from digestion and hormones from glands throughout the body. Blood is the fluid of health, transporting disease fighting substances to the tissue and waste to the kidneys. • Blood contains red blood cells (erythrocytes) and white blood cells (leukocytes), which are responsible for nourishing and cleansing the body. Since the cells are alive, they too need nourishment.
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  • 62. - • Vitamins and Minerals keep the blood healthy. The blood cells have a definite life cycle, just as all living organisms do. Approximately 55 percent of blood is plasma, a straw-colored clear liquid. The liquid plasma carries the solid cells and the platelets ( thrombocytes), which help blood clot. Without blood platelets, we would bleed to death. • When the human body loses a little bit of blood through a minor wound, the platelets cause the blood to clot so that the bleeding stops. Because new blood is always being made inside of our bones, the body can replace the lost blood. When the human body loses a lot of blood through a major wound, that blood has to be replaced through a blood transfusion from other people. • But everybody's blood is not the same. There are four different blood types.
  • 63. The Lymphatic System • The lymphatic system consists of organs, ducts, and nodes. It transports a watery clear fluid called lymph. • This fluid distributes immune cells and other factors throughout the body. It also interacts with the blood circulatory system to drain fluid from cells and tissues. • The lymphatic system contains immune cells called lymphocytes, which protect the body against antigens (viruses, bacteria, etc.) that invade the body.
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  • 66. Functions Main functions of the lymphatic system: • "to collect and return interstitial fluid, including plasma protein to the blood, and thus help maintain fluid balance, • to defend the body against disease by producing lymphocytes, • to absorb lipids from the intestine and transport them to the blood."
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