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Textual Analysis
By Becky Slack
Main Image - The main image is a medium shot with
the main subject being the artist. The subject is the
main focus of the page as they take up most of it. The
image is shot on a white background which shows it
was taken in a studio and the fact they are looking
directly at the camera means that they are drawing
attention and the focus of the reader to the image.
The lighting used on the main image is high key,
bright and emphasises the subjects face. By using
this lighting it makes the image the main focus and
draws the reader’s attention. The use of high key
lighting creates a connotation of fun and excitement
from the image and articles within the magazine.
The subject’s facial expression is a seductive and
endearing expression that works alongside the main
sell line of it being a “cheeky” interview.
The use of a female artist has been chosen by Top of
the Pops because the target audience is teenage girls
therefore by using this artist it could give them an
inspiring role model to look up to and show them they
can be just like the subject on the front of the
Masthead - The masthead is the
usual one used by Top of the Pops
which gives familiarity to the reader.
The bold pink font provides
connotations of feminism and
excitement as it is a stand out
colour. The use of the pink colour for
the masthead creates a theme
which is followed throughout the rest
of the magazine. The pink colour
suggests it has been chosen to
appeal to the stereotypical teenage
girl as pink is usually associated to
younger girls which is this
magazine's target audience.
Main Sell Line - the sell line is usually associated with
the main subject in the main image. This is the same
colour theme as the mast head and is surrounded by
white outline which makes it stand out. The writing is the
largest on the page and it usually gives a suggestive
and enticing line to make the reader want to read about
the interview. By making the main sell line on top of the
main image it draws the attention to both the image and
sell line therefore making them the main focuses of the
front cover. The sell line has connotations of
seductiveness and makes the reader want to find out
what new gossip is inside.
Sell Lines - Other sell lines are also
used to draw the reader’s attention
and make them want to read. The
pink theme is used without the
magazine as it fits in with the main
theme. The sell lines aren’t very
informative as it just gives you a
taster of what's to come from within
the magazine. They create
connotations of mystery as they
make the reader want to find out wh
Barcode - The barcode is usually found in the same place
around the edge on the right hand side of the page. It is located
here to make sure that the focus is still on the main image and
that the barcode, issue date and price isn’t taking anything away
from the sell lines or other important features on the cover.
Contents - The contents of the page is split
into separate tables. These tables are
allocated to different sections. The same
font is used throughout the front cover and
the contents page, this helps to create
continuity. The magazine is full of content as
it is a priced magazine and therefore can
pack the information into it. By the contents
being split into different categories it make it
easy for the reader to find a story they are
interested in. the tables/columns provide a
uniformed look and make each category bold
and stand out.
Main Image - The main image is the front
cover of the magazine. The front cover
has been used again as the main image
because it helps to promote the content of
the magazine once more. It also shows
how the colour theme stays consistent
through the cover and the contents. The
main image provides connotations of
feminism and empowerment as it is a
female artist and the colour scheme is
stereotypical colours associated with girls.
Fonts - The fonts used aren’t typical
texts used in traditional magazines. The
fonts are on angles and are white which
makes the take original. By the font
being this way it creates connotations of
playfulness and fun because the writing
is sloped and doesn’t fit with the
traditional magazine. The fonts are also
very fancy and playful which fits with the
target audience of younger teenage
Title - The title of ‘Inside the mag…’ uses
colloquial language and is very casual
and informal. This language is used as it
provides connotations of relaxation and it
is also informative. By the title being in
white fun writing, the pink pop of colour
behind it makes the writing stand out and
it is the first place the reader will look
Images - There are other images used to
entice the reader into reading the different
articles. The images break up the text creating
connotations of simpleness and structured.
Main Image - The main image is of
the band which more than likely
appeared on the front cover. 2 of
the band members are in the
foreground and 2 in the midground.
This provides connotations of unity
and the fact they are all looking
directly down the camera shows
that connection with the reader and
makes them feel involved within the
article and image. The image takes
up 1 full page of the double page
spread, plus another half. The
image takes up ¾ of the double
page spread because this
magazine is aimed at a younger
audience therefore by having a
large image, it draws the reader’s
attention and provides connotations
of fun.
The lighting on the main image is
high key and it emphasises the
artists and draws attention to their
faces and accentuates their
features and signifies their
importance to the article. It also
makes the image stand out which is
due to the high key lighting.
Pull Quotes - Pull quotes are included to break up the text and highlight the
importance of certain phrases and words. They could be highlighted to draw the
reader into certain aspects of the article or quotes said by the subjects. The vibrant
blue colour makes them stand out upon the white background and also helps to
stick the the colour theme throughout.
Masthead - The title shake it up
provides connotations of the
artists going against the usual
trend as they are shaking it up
which could imply they are
changing the music industry. On
the other hand it could mean they
are shaking off the competition
and going for a number one spot.
These connotations can be taken
from the main title because it only
consists of 3 words which isn’t
informative enough to create a
definite image or story.
The colour scheme is a pastel
theme that incorporates both male
and female stereotypical colours.
By using these pastel colours, it
creates connotations of calmness
and suggests that the artists are
relaxed and this can be
demonstrated through the main
image to the right of the text.
Font - The type of font used is sans-serif. This has more than likely to be chosen
due to it being less formal than the serif font and this therefore makes it more
visually appealing to the younger audience of teenagers. It also makes the
magazine look fun as the fonts used are block lettering and are larger than
normal lettering.
Colour Scheme - The colour
scheme is pastel colours and a
this creates connotations of light
heartedness and gives a sense of
calmness and fun which is not
only represented through the
colours used but also the main
image and the fun fonts and
lettering used.
Masthead - The masthead used in ‘We heart Pop’
magazine is the same throughout all editions. This
helps to not only create familiarity from each cover
but also makes it more recognisable to the reader
when on the shelf. The masthead isn’t laid out in a
traditional format as it is normally horizontal across
the top of the page. ‘We heart Pop’ has chosen to
locate the masthead on the top left of the cover on a
diagonal because a reader reads and analyses
things from left to right which means it will be one of
the if not the first thing the reader looks at and
The masthead also uses a pink colour theme which
matches up with the rest of the pages within the
magazine. This colour has been chosen because
the magazine's main target audience is teenage girls
and the stereotypical teenage girl’s favourite colour
is pink. The pink colour around masthead makes it
stand out and the pink colour provides connotations
of fun, playfulness and excitement which entices the
reader to open the magazine.
The bold black font upon the white background
makes the masthead recognisable from a distance
and this helps to build up the brand and make it
more well known to previous readers and new
Main Image - The main image of the subject forms the
majority of the cover and is the centre focus of the page. This
artist could have been chosen as they are very popular amongst
teenage girls and could therefore boost the sales of the
magazine. Although the image take up majority of the page, the
ratio of text to image is fairly equal. The lighting around the
subject is high key to emphasise the importance of them and
draw the reader’s attention. The clothing in which the subject is
wearing is also very fashionable and the colours of grey and
black create connotations of mystery and make suggestive hints
of the subjects personal life.
The subject also has a smile on their face which creates
connotations of happiness and makes the reader intrigued as to
what they are happy about. It also adds to the fun side of the
artist which could inspire the contents of the magazine and
influence the reader’s mood too.
Puff - The puff of the magazine is the small circle
just above the masthead. It is located here because
when the magazines are stacked it will still be visible
to people when they are looking. Placing it above the
masthead also draws the reader’s attention towards it
and with it being in a contrasting colour and shape,
makes the reader want.
Sell Lines - The sell lines advertise the content inside
the magazine. The sell lines are in white text which is
different to the rest of the text on the page. The sell
lines are also engulfed by a blue box which draws the
reader's attention due to it not fitting with the
predominant colour scheme of pink and black. The
sell lines are also placed around the edge of the page
to form a pattern and to ensure the centre focus of the
reader is on the main image and main sell line.
Barcode - Shows the date published, date magazine
was released, issue number and price of the
Main Sell Line - The main sell line is located across the
main image which automatically draws the reader’s attention.
The main sell line is the biggest font on the cover and it is the
same colour as the masthead, fits the colour scheme and
stand out as it is in a thicker font than the others.
It is also related to the subject in the main image which makes
the reader interested to read further. The small sentence used
also intrigues the reader and also fills the reader with
questions and anticipation which makes them want to read the
full story inside.
Masthead - The masthead is continued over
from the front cover which helps to not only
create continuity but to create a strong
theme of ‘We heart Pop’ throughout. By
adding the masthead into the corner it adds
a strong theme too which created
connotations of strength and
professionalism which can be seen within
the magazine.
Main Title - The main title includes
the word love which is also in the
masthead in shape form. This
provides a clear link between the two
and helps create a sense of continuity
and similarity. It is also in bold black
capitalised font which helps to stand
out and is eye catching due to it being
upon a white background. This also
makes it the first thing the reader is
attracted to and therefore needs to be
Puff - The puff includes the text “For your
eyes only”. This is a play on words as
everyone will read the magazine but it
provides connotations of individuality and
makes it more personal to the reader.
Main Image - The main image uses
low key lighting which makes the image
stand out upon the white background.
The main image takes up a large area
of the page and is the main selling
point. The image provides connotations
of mystery as it is dark and only
provides a quote.
Table of Contents - The table is
smaller than the main image as the
main image is the main priority of the
magazine and that promotes the
content of it. The tables set up in the
centre of the page and incorporates
the colour scheme of orange which
makes the page number stand out
and makes them noticeable.
Text/Image Ratio - The text to image
ratio is around 60% images and 40% text
due to images being more appealing to
the younger target audience.
Fonts - The fonts used vary and they
are different for both titles and normal
descriptive/informative text. The main
text is in black and bold and quotes
and other pieces of information are in
orange to show they are not part of the
main text but are in fact promoting
magazine content.
Colour Scheme - The colour scheme is fairly
unisex as it includes blue and orange which are
colours for both genders and target audience.
Main Image - The main
image is the artist in which
the article is about. The
image takes up 1 full page of
the double page spread. The
image shows the artist
posing for the image in a
studio. The image shows the
artist pulling a funny pose
that provides connotations of
shock due to the hand over
her mouth which could
suggest that the content in
the article will be shocking to
the reader. By the artist
taking up so much of the
spread and being playful it
implies the article will be fun
and will be a good read.
Font - The fonts used are
sans-serif and vary in size.
The titles are larger in size
because they need to be eye
catching and stand out. The
fonts used are professional
and fit the look of the
Main Title - The main title
takes up around ⅓ of the
single page. This draws the
reader’s attention as it stands
out and is on the top left hand
side which is where the reader
will automatically start to read
from. The title is split into two
different colours as it not only
makes it stand out but the
black provides a bold element
and connotations of
seriousness and the vibrant
pink gives elements of fun and
Puff - The puff is located just above the main title and is in a hot pink shape.
This helps to grab the reader's attention upon the white background and
makes the reader look at it. The puff states “cover story” which implies the
significance of the article and also reminds the reader it is the main content of
the magazine and was advertised on the front cover. The bright pink shape
with the white writing makes it visible to the reader and makes them read the
writing inside.
Layout - The layout is
traditional as there are
columns, a title and a main
image with other images.
The columns are split equally
with the same distance apart
between each. The text is
below the title and there is an
image inset in the middle of
the text.
Masthead - The masthead of Billboard
magazine is iconic and widely recognised. In
this case the main image is covering the ‘O’
within the title and they can cover the letter
and readers will still know what the
magazine is because it is one of the largest
magazine companies.
The masthead is always represented in the
same bold white font with the centres of the
letters b, o, a and d being coloured with the
primary colour. Using these colours in the
masthead makes the magazine appeal to a
wider audience as the colours aren’t aimed
at a particular gender.
The masthead is always located at the top
of the page and takes up a large amount of
it as the Billboard brand is a large sell point.
It also makes it stand out to readers as it is
bold and draws the reader’s attention.
Main Image - The main image is of the main artist
featured within the magazine. They are the main
sell point of the magazine because they one of the
most popular artists ever and therefore their fan
base will be large and people will want to read
about her and will be attracted to view the page.
The lighting around the artist is low key and dark
which creates a connotation of mystery and
almost as if the artist is about to unveil something
within the magazine. However, the main lighting is
high key on the artist's face and body as this
focus’ the reader’s attention upon them and
extenuates their features.
The outfit in which the artist is wearing is a
seductive white dress. By the artist wearing a
white dress, the colour represents connotations of
innocence and purity which makes the reader
learn more about their possible personal life. The
white dress also stands out upon the darker
background and the lighting is high key on the
dress.Main Sell Line - The main sell line is
the artist’s name in capital lettering.
The font is very angular and stands out
on the page. Due to it being about the
artist and the artist is wearing white,
the sell line is both the colour of the
background, dress and masthead. This
helps to create continuity and a theme
throughout the magazine and the
cover. The one word sell line entices
the reader as it is brief and gives away
no clues meaning the reader wants to
know what the the story is about.
Sell Lines - The sell lines are located around
the main image and are in the same font as the
main sell line. This helps to create continuity
throughout the magazine to stick to the
magazines scheme.
Colour Scheme - The background is a deep navy blue that
fades into a lighter white highlighted area in the top right corner.
The dark background creates connotations of mystery and it
stands out on the shelf as it is so dark and boosts the reader’s
curiosity. The colour of the text works hand in hand with the
colour scheme as they are bold and stand out on the page.
Puff - The puff being in a circle makes the
reader look at the information inside. The
magazine advertises the extras by
highlighting the main words in yellow text.
This helps to promote the extras from within
the magazine.
Main Image - The main image is located
adjacent to the contents table. The main
image is smaller and take up less of the
page than other magazines. The image
is shot in a studio and is upon a white
background which is typical of all pop
magazines to shoot their images within a
studio setting. The artist is crouched
down which provides connotations of
closed body language and that she
wants to get closer to the audience and
her fans.
Title - The title ‘contents’ is in capital
lettering and is black and bold. The black
and bold lettering draws the reader’s
attention and makes it the first thing the
reader looks at. The word also has
cracks and the letters are almost
breaking in the writing which could
suggest that there is breaking news
within one of the articles in the magazine.
Images - There are 3 other images that
are laid out in almost a uniformed line. 2
of the images are close ups and the
other is a long shot. The magazine uses
close ups to promote the artist more and
make the reader recognise them quicker
and easier.
Table of Contents - The table of contents
follows the blue and white colour scheme
and is located in the centre right hand side
of the page. The writing isn’t laid out in a
table/ formal structure and is just dotted
around. This provides connotations of the
artists inside being free spirited and being
their own individual and not following the
Band List - A band list is included to
promote the current charts and the artists
and bands that are currently doing well
within the music industry. Billboard is a
pop music magazine and features heavily
with current UK chart music therefore by
listing the number 1 singles this week it
provides readers with vital pop music
information. The band list is located down
the whole left hand side of the page and is
in light and dark grey to make it stand out
upon the white background and the blue
and white colour scheme.
Masthead - The masthead is the same as
the front cover only on a smaller less
noticeable scale. The masthead is added to
the contents page because it creates
continuity. This magazine is very well known
and doesn’t have to use the masthead as a
selling point.
Title - The few words of ‘The
Gospel According To’ are in
a fancy professional font
which creates connotations
of class and
professionalism. It is also in
black like other text on the
page. However the artists
name of ‘Nicki Minaj’ is in
bold capital and large pink
font which matches the
colour scheme and grabs
the reader’s attention due to
it being the largest text on
the pages.
Main Image - The main
image is of the artist in
which the double page
spread is about, The lighting
used on the image is high
key and emphasises their
facial features and draws the
reader's attention. The pose
in which they are showing is
striking and creates
connotations of confidence
and punctuality. The image
is taken in a studio due to
their being no background
and it fitting onto the pink
Layout - The layout of the
double page spread is not
traditional of pop magazines
as it doesn’t have a page of
text and a page of the main
image.Instead it has the text
being split and broken up
buy the main image that is
located on the centre right of
the page. By the image
breaking up the text it
creates connotations of
originality as it has not stuck
to a traditional layout.
Colour Scheme - The
colour scheme is a pale pink
colour which is the main
colour scheme of the
page.The use of the colour
pink for a background
creates connotations of
and feminine. The purely
block colour of pink for the
background of both pages
makes a bold statement and
makes the page entice the
Costumes and Props - The outfit worn by the artist is a bright bold patterned
dress. The dress contrasts with the pink block coloured background and draws
the reader’s attention to the outfit of the artist. There aren’t many props used due
to the artist being the main focus but the large ring on the right hand of them
creates connotations of quirkyness and creates a bold persona of the artist.
Fonts and Text - ‘The Gospel According To’ is in a classy serif font and provides
a sense of professionalism to the page. The main title of Nicki Minaj is is block
capitals and bold pink text. The font is sans serif and this provides connotations of
fun and playfulness. The rest of the text is in sans serif font and some pull quotes
are included which emphasises the importance of some comments

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Textual Analysis

  • 2. Main Image - The main image is a medium shot with the main subject being the artist. The subject is the main focus of the page as they take up most of it. The image is shot on a white background which shows it was taken in a studio and the fact they are looking directly at the camera means that they are drawing attention and the focus of the reader to the image. The lighting used on the main image is high key, bright and emphasises the subjects face. By using this lighting it makes the image the main focus and draws the reader’s attention. The use of high key lighting creates a connotation of fun and excitement from the image and articles within the magazine. The subject’s facial expression is a seductive and endearing expression that works alongside the main sell line of it being a “cheeky” interview. The use of a female artist has been chosen by Top of the Pops because the target audience is teenage girls therefore by using this artist it could give them an inspiring role model to look up to and show them they can be just like the subject on the front of the magazine. Masthead - The masthead is the usual one used by Top of the Pops which gives familiarity to the reader. The bold pink font provides connotations of feminism and excitement as it is a stand out colour. The use of the pink colour for the masthead creates a theme which is followed throughout the rest of the magazine. The pink colour suggests it has been chosen to appeal to the stereotypical teenage girl as pink is usually associated to younger girls which is this magazine's target audience. Main Sell Line - the sell line is usually associated with the main subject in the main image. This is the same colour theme as the mast head and is surrounded by white outline which makes it stand out. The writing is the largest on the page and it usually gives a suggestive and enticing line to make the reader want to read about the interview. By making the main sell line on top of the main image it draws the attention to both the image and sell line therefore making them the main focuses of the front cover. The sell line has connotations of seductiveness and makes the reader want to find out what new gossip is inside. Sell Lines - Other sell lines are also used to draw the reader’s attention and make them want to read. The pink theme is used without the magazine as it fits in with the main theme. The sell lines aren’t very informative as it just gives you a taster of what's to come from within the magazine. They create connotations of mystery as they make the reader want to find out wh Barcode - The barcode is usually found in the same place around the edge on the right hand side of the page. It is located here to make sure that the focus is still on the main image and that the barcode, issue date and price isn’t taking anything away from the sell lines or other important features on the cover.
  • 3. Contents - The contents of the page is split into separate tables. These tables are allocated to different sections. The same font is used throughout the front cover and the contents page, this helps to create continuity. The magazine is full of content as it is a priced magazine and therefore can pack the information into it. By the contents being split into different categories it make it easy for the reader to find a story they are interested in. the tables/columns provide a uniformed look and make each category bold and stand out. Main Image - The main image is the front cover of the magazine. The front cover has been used again as the main image because it helps to promote the content of the magazine once more. It also shows how the colour theme stays consistent through the cover and the contents. The main image provides connotations of feminism and empowerment as it is a female artist and the colour scheme is stereotypical colours associated with girls. Fonts - The fonts used aren’t typical texts used in traditional magazines. The fonts are on angles and are white which makes the take original. By the font being this way it creates connotations of playfulness and fun because the writing is sloped and doesn’t fit with the traditional magazine. The fonts are also very fancy and playful which fits with the target audience of younger teenage girls. Title - The title of ‘Inside the mag…’ uses colloquial language and is very casual and informal. This language is used as it provides connotations of relaxation and it is also informative. By the title being in white fun writing, the pink pop of colour behind it makes the writing stand out and it is the first place the reader will look Images - There are other images used to entice the reader into reading the different articles. The images break up the text creating connotations of simpleness and structured.
  • 4. Main Image - The main image is of the band which more than likely appeared on the front cover. 2 of the band members are in the foreground and 2 in the midground. This provides connotations of unity and the fact they are all looking directly down the camera shows that connection with the reader and makes them feel involved within the article and image. The image takes up 1 full page of the double page spread, plus another half. The image takes up ¾ of the double page spread because this magazine is aimed at a younger audience therefore by having a large image, it draws the reader’s attention and provides connotations of fun. The lighting on the main image is high key and it emphasises the artists and draws attention to their faces and accentuates their features and signifies their importance to the article. It also makes the image stand out which is due to the high key lighting. Pull Quotes - Pull quotes are included to break up the text and highlight the importance of certain phrases and words. They could be highlighted to draw the reader into certain aspects of the article or quotes said by the subjects. The vibrant blue colour makes them stand out upon the white background and also helps to stick the the colour theme throughout. Masthead - The title shake it up provides connotations of the artists going against the usual trend as they are shaking it up which could imply they are changing the music industry. On the other hand it could mean they are shaking off the competition and going for a number one spot. These connotations can be taken from the main title because it only consists of 3 words which isn’t informative enough to create a definite image or story. The colour scheme is a pastel theme that incorporates both male and female stereotypical colours. By using these pastel colours, it creates connotations of calmness and suggests that the artists are relaxed and this can be demonstrated through the main image to the right of the text. Font - The type of font used is sans-serif. This has more than likely to be chosen due to it being less formal than the serif font and this therefore makes it more visually appealing to the younger audience of teenagers. It also makes the magazine look fun as the fonts used are block lettering and are larger than normal lettering. Colour Scheme - The colour scheme is pastel colours and a this creates connotations of light heartedness and gives a sense of calmness and fun which is not only represented through the colours used but also the main image and the fun fonts and lettering used.
  • 5. Masthead - The masthead used in ‘We heart Pop’ magazine is the same throughout all editions. This helps to not only create familiarity from each cover but also makes it more recognisable to the reader when on the shelf. The masthead isn’t laid out in a traditional format as it is normally horizontal across the top of the page. ‘We heart Pop’ has chosen to locate the masthead on the top left of the cover on a diagonal because a reader reads and analyses things from left to right which means it will be one of the if not the first thing the reader looks at and interprets. The masthead also uses a pink colour theme which matches up with the rest of the pages within the magazine. This colour has been chosen because the magazine's main target audience is teenage girls and the stereotypical teenage girl’s favourite colour is pink. The pink colour around masthead makes it stand out and the pink colour provides connotations of fun, playfulness and excitement which entices the reader to open the magazine. The bold black font upon the white background makes the masthead recognisable from a distance and this helps to build up the brand and make it more well known to previous readers and new readers. Main Image - The main image of the subject forms the majority of the cover and is the centre focus of the page. This artist could have been chosen as they are very popular amongst teenage girls and could therefore boost the sales of the magazine. Although the image take up majority of the page, the ratio of text to image is fairly equal. The lighting around the subject is high key to emphasise the importance of them and draw the reader’s attention. The clothing in which the subject is wearing is also very fashionable and the colours of grey and black create connotations of mystery and make suggestive hints of the subjects personal life. The subject also has a smile on their face which creates connotations of happiness and makes the reader intrigued as to what they are happy about. It also adds to the fun side of the artist which could inspire the contents of the magazine and influence the reader’s mood too. Puff - The puff of the magazine is the small circle just above the masthead. It is located here because when the magazines are stacked it will still be visible to people when they are looking. Placing it above the masthead also draws the reader’s attention towards it and with it being in a contrasting colour and shape, makes the reader want. Sell Lines - The sell lines advertise the content inside the magazine. The sell lines are in white text which is different to the rest of the text on the page. The sell lines are also engulfed by a blue box which draws the reader's attention due to it not fitting with the predominant colour scheme of pink and black. The sell lines are also placed around the edge of the page to form a pattern and to ensure the centre focus of the reader is on the main image and main sell line. Barcode - Shows the date published, date magazine was released, issue number and price of the magazine Main Sell Line - The main sell line is located across the main image which automatically draws the reader’s attention. The main sell line is the biggest font on the cover and it is the same colour as the masthead, fits the colour scheme and stand out as it is in a thicker font than the others. It is also related to the subject in the main image which makes the reader interested to read further. The small sentence used also intrigues the reader and also fills the reader with questions and anticipation which makes them want to read the full story inside.
  • 6. Masthead - The masthead is continued over from the front cover which helps to not only create continuity but to create a strong theme of ‘We heart Pop’ throughout. By adding the masthead into the corner it adds a strong theme too which created connotations of strength and professionalism which can be seen within the magazine. Main Title - The main title includes the word love which is also in the masthead in shape form. This provides a clear link between the two and helps create a sense of continuity and similarity. It is also in bold black capitalised font which helps to stand out and is eye catching due to it being upon a white background. This also makes it the first thing the reader is attracted to and therefore needs to be bold. Puff - The puff includes the text “For your eyes only”. This is a play on words as everyone will read the magazine but it provides connotations of individuality and makes it more personal to the reader. Main Image - The main image uses low key lighting which makes the image stand out upon the white background. The main image takes up a large area of the page and is the main selling point. The image provides connotations of mystery as it is dark and only provides a quote. Table of Contents - The table is smaller than the main image as the main image is the main priority of the magazine and that promotes the content of it. The tables set up in the centre of the page and incorporates the colour scheme of orange which makes the page number stand out and makes them noticeable. Text/Image Ratio - The text to image ratio is around 60% images and 40% text due to images being more appealing to the younger target audience. Fonts - The fonts used vary and they are different for both titles and normal descriptive/informative text. The main text is in black and bold and quotes and other pieces of information are in orange to show they are not part of the main text but are in fact promoting magazine content. Colour Scheme - The colour scheme is fairly unisex as it includes blue and orange which are colours for both genders and target audience.
  • 7. Main Image - The main image is the artist in which the article is about. The image takes up 1 full page of the double page spread. The image shows the artist posing for the image in a studio. The image shows the artist pulling a funny pose that provides connotations of shock due to the hand over her mouth which could suggest that the content in the article will be shocking to the reader. By the artist taking up so much of the spread and being playful it implies the article will be fun and will be a good read. Font - The fonts used are sans-serif and vary in size. The titles are larger in size because they need to be eye catching and stand out. The fonts used are professional and fit the look of the magazine. Main Title - The main title takes up around ⅓ of the single page. This draws the reader’s attention as it stands out and is on the top left hand side which is where the reader will automatically start to read from. The title is split into two different colours as it not only makes it stand out but the black provides a bold element and connotations of seriousness and the vibrant pink gives elements of fun and creativity. Puff - The puff is located just above the main title and is in a hot pink shape. This helps to grab the reader's attention upon the white background and makes the reader look at it. The puff states “cover story” which implies the significance of the article and also reminds the reader it is the main content of the magazine and was advertised on the front cover. The bright pink shape with the white writing makes it visible to the reader and makes them read the writing inside. Layout - The layout is traditional as there are columns, a title and a main image with other images. The columns are split equally with the same distance apart between each. The text is below the title and there is an image inset in the middle of the text.
  • 8. Masthead - The masthead of Billboard magazine is iconic and widely recognised. In this case the main image is covering the ‘O’ within the title and they can cover the letter and readers will still know what the magazine is because it is one of the largest magazine companies. The masthead is always represented in the same bold white font with the centres of the letters b, o, a and d being coloured with the primary colour. Using these colours in the masthead makes the magazine appeal to a wider audience as the colours aren’t aimed at a particular gender. The masthead is always located at the top of the page and takes up a large amount of it as the Billboard brand is a large sell point. It also makes it stand out to readers as it is bold and draws the reader’s attention. Main Image - The main image is of the main artist featured within the magazine. They are the main sell point of the magazine because they one of the most popular artists ever and therefore their fan base will be large and people will want to read about her and will be attracted to view the page. The lighting around the artist is low key and dark which creates a connotation of mystery and almost as if the artist is about to unveil something within the magazine. However, the main lighting is high key on the artist's face and body as this focus’ the reader’s attention upon them and extenuates their features. The outfit in which the artist is wearing is a seductive white dress. By the artist wearing a white dress, the colour represents connotations of innocence and purity which makes the reader learn more about their possible personal life. The white dress also stands out upon the darker background and the lighting is high key on the dress.Main Sell Line - The main sell line is the artist’s name in capital lettering. The font is very angular and stands out on the page. Due to it being about the artist and the artist is wearing white, the sell line is both the colour of the background, dress and masthead. This helps to create continuity and a theme throughout the magazine and the cover. The one word sell line entices the reader as it is brief and gives away no clues meaning the reader wants to know what the the story is about. Sell Lines - The sell lines are located around the main image and are in the same font as the main sell line. This helps to create continuity throughout the magazine to stick to the magazines scheme. Colour Scheme - The background is a deep navy blue that fades into a lighter white highlighted area in the top right corner. The dark background creates connotations of mystery and it stands out on the shelf as it is so dark and boosts the reader’s curiosity. The colour of the text works hand in hand with the colour scheme as they are bold and stand out on the page. Puff - The puff being in a circle makes the reader look at the information inside. The magazine advertises the extras by highlighting the main words in yellow text. This helps to promote the extras from within the magazine.
  • 9. Main Image - The main image is located adjacent to the contents table. The main image is smaller and take up less of the page than other magazines. The image is shot in a studio and is upon a white background which is typical of all pop magazines to shoot their images within a studio setting. The artist is crouched down which provides connotations of closed body language and that she wants to get closer to the audience and her fans. Title - The title ‘contents’ is in capital lettering and is black and bold. The black and bold lettering draws the reader’s attention and makes it the first thing the reader looks at. The word also has cracks and the letters are almost breaking in the writing which could suggest that there is breaking news within one of the articles in the magazine. Images - There are 3 other images that are laid out in almost a uniformed line. 2 of the images are close ups and the other is a long shot. The magazine uses close ups to promote the artist more and make the reader recognise them quicker and easier. Table of Contents - The table of contents follows the blue and white colour scheme and is located in the centre right hand side of the page. The writing isn’t laid out in a table/ formal structure and is just dotted around. This provides connotations of the artists inside being free spirited and being their own individual and not following the crowd Band List - A band list is included to promote the current charts and the artists and bands that are currently doing well within the music industry. Billboard is a pop music magazine and features heavily with current UK chart music therefore by listing the number 1 singles this week it provides readers with vital pop music information. The band list is located down the whole left hand side of the page and is in light and dark grey to make it stand out upon the white background and the blue and white colour scheme. Masthead - The masthead is the same as the front cover only on a smaller less noticeable scale. The masthead is added to the contents page because it creates continuity. This magazine is very well known and doesn’t have to use the masthead as a selling point.
  • 10. Title - The few words of ‘The Gospel According To’ are in a fancy professional font which creates connotations of class and professionalism. It is also in black like other text on the page. However the artists name of ‘Nicki Minaj’ is in bold capital and large pink font which matches the colour scheme and grabs the reader’s attention due to it being the largest text on the pages. Main Image - The main image is of the artist in which the double page spread is about, The lighting used on the image is high key and emphasises their facial features and draws the reader's attention. The pose in which they are showing is striking and creates connotations of confidence and punctuality. The image is taken in a studio due to their being no background and it fitting onto the pink background. Layout - The layout of the double page spread is not traditional of pop magazines as it doesn’t have a page of text and a page of the main image.Instead it has the text being split and broken up buy the main image that is located on the centre right of the page. By the image breaking up the text it creates connotations of originality as it has not stuck to a traditional layout. Colour Scheme - The colour scheme is a pale pink colour which is the main colour scheme of the page.The use of the colour pink for a background creates connotations of playfulness,romanticness and feminine. The purely block colour of pink for the background of both pages makes a bold statement and makes the page entice the reader. Costumes and Props - The outfit worn by the artist is a bright bold patterned dress. The dress contrasts with the pink block coloured background and draws the reader’s attention to the outfit of the artist. There aren’t many props used due to the artist being the main focus but the large ring on the right hand of them creates connotations of quirkyness and creates a bold persona of the artist. Fonts and Text - ‘The Gospel According To’ is in a classy serif font and provides a sense of professionalism to the page. The main title of Nicki Minaj is is block capitals and bold pink text. The font is sans serif and this provides connotations of fun and playfulness. The rest of the text is in sans serif font and some pull quotes are included which emphasises the importance of some comments