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Explore Teatoxy's
Health Benefits 
Your guide to healthy living.
We trust in the health benefits of natural
ingredients and share the belief that there is
human well­being from harmony of body,
mind and soul. Teatoxy Teas are hand­
blended with this philosophy in mind by our
tea experts, based on century old wisdom
forwarded from ancient Thai temples.
Happy brewing!
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Health Benefits
The health benefits of lemongrass are tremendous due to its superior anti-microbial, anti-oxidant,
inflammatory, anti-cancer properties.
It is packed with so much goodness that it can help improve so many chronic conditions. Nutrition-
it is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium,
calcium and manganese; with minute traces of the B vitamins. Lemongrass has long been widely
in Asian countries for its medicinal properties and also in culinary.
What makes it so effective in many medical condition is that it has certain anti-septic compounds that
effectively kill the harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites, etc.) in the digestive
yet preserving the beneficial bacteria. For a healthy digestive tract, lemongrass is made into
therapeutic tea that is drunk regularly to see its efficacy:
Skin health: When blood is purified, circulation is improved, skin health will follow suit. Regularly
drinking lemongrass tea helps to improve acne problem, eczema and psoriasis.
Weight loss: Drinking lemongrass tea helps to melt fats in a detoxifying manner. The diuretic effect
helps carry out the wastes in high volume, effectively and quickly, resulting in weight loss.
Anti-cancer: A study was done to show that lemongrass contains citral, an anti-cancer property that
could cause cancer cells to die, yet preserves the healthy tissues. However, this does not mean that
drinking lemongrass juice/tea alone will heal your cancer; it helps.
Balsamic action: Due to its content in volatile oils, lemongrass has a beneficial, balsamic action
on the respiratory tract. So it can be used to relieve the symptoms associated with flu, cold and
hay fever.
Detoxifying: The anti-oxidant, anti-septic and diuretic effect of lemongrass make it an important
ingredient to be included in the diet when detoxifying. It helps to cleanse and purify the liver,
kidneys, bladder, pancreas and increases blood circulation. The diuretic effect helps carry out the
toxins from the process to be eliminated effectively.
Diabetes: The purifying and cleansing effect of lemongrass tea help to cleanse/detoxify the
pancreas and improve its functions, thus lowering blood sugar level in diabetics.
Digestive health: Lemongrass helps regulate intestinal function and motility due to its anti-
microbial properties. It helps to kill bad bacteria and parasites, repopulate the good bacteria in the
colon, thus assisting to improve digestive-related problems like: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea,
intestinal bloating, flatulence, stomach spasms, vomiting and cramps.
Gastritis or Heartburn: A warm mug of lemongrass tea can be very soothing when having gastritis
or acid indigestion. Drinking the tea therapeutically will gradually reduce the recurrence of both
gastritis and heartburn.
High blood pressure: The high potassium content promotes diuresis, thereby helping to lower and
regulate blood pressure. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea is encouraged.
Insomnia: Insomnia happens due to internal chemical imbalance or nervous disorders. The
purifying activities and calming effect of lemongrass help improve sleep.
Nervous system: Magnesium, phosphorous and folate are important nutrients needed for
functioning of the nervous system. They help improve concentration, memory and the brain’s
ability to process information.
Purifying action: Perhaps the most characteristic action of lemongrass is its purifying effect on
the whole body, since it helps eliminate toxins from the body by enhancing the cleansing of the
Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic: Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties,
juice can be used as a valuable aid for treating arthritis, gout and inflammation of the urinary
Bacterial or fungal infection: Thanks to its anti-septic properties, drinking lemongrass tea for a
season helps to eliminate the bad micro-organism, detoxify and purify the blood, keeping
bacterial, fungal or yeast infections in check.
Anemia: Thanks to its high content in iron, which is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin
protein in red cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body) lemongrass is helpful
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Rose Hips
Health Benefits
Rose hips have a high content of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and iron. In addition, Rose hips are rich
sources of bio flavonoids, pectin, vitamin E, selenium, manganese, and B complex vitamins. It also
contains moderate amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and silicon.
Rose hip is touted as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems. This dark red fruit is certainly
not a stranger in the world of alternate medicine and could easily be described as a nutritional
superstar with its high iron and vitamin content.
Rose hip has been widely acclaimed to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Regular consumption helps to
increase mobility by 20 to 25%. It decreases pain and improves the overall mood of the patients.
People treated with rose hip experienced a significant reduction in pain, stiffness and joint
inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties of rose hips are useful in the treatment of patients
suffering from knee or hip arthritis.
Vitamin C in rose hips has been proven to lessen respiratory issues and prevent asthma. Rose hips
rich diet also reduces wheezing symptoms in children and aids in treating asthma, chronic cough,
shortness of breath and even runny nose. The presence of several vitamins and minerals in rosehip
also helps to boost immunity and lessens the duration of cold.
Antioxidants present in rose hip also help to reduce cholesterol level in a person. Millions of people
suffer from cholesterol problems which can lead to dangerous consequences. Doctors always
recommend dietary changes for people who want to reduce cholesterol. It is advisable to drink rose
tea if you suffer from cholesterol problems. It is particularly helpful for those people who abstain from
taking medication. Rosehip helps to prevent heart diseases in obese people that elevates systolic
Rose hips contain a variety of antioxidants like carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols and so on.
These antioxidants help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. Rose hip is a powerful
and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or
”cellular rust” that can lead to a host of severe medical conditions.
Diabetic patients can also benefit from Rose hip as it helps to regulate sugar levels to reduce the risk
getting diabetes and improves the symptoms of existing cases. Supplementing rose hip powders
glucose in the body cells where it protects against many complications of diabetes.
The fruit acids and pectin present in rose hip has diuretic and laxative properties. It is used to improve
and relieve the symptoms of kidney disorders and helps to cure constipation.
The astringent qualities of Rosehip oil make it a valuable addition in the cosmetic industry. It has the
ability to regenerate skin cells. This can be used to treat scars, acne and burns. It does not dry out the
skin and keeps the skin hydrated and well moisturised. Drinking rose hip tea also benefits the skin. It
has a high vitamin A content which is considered beneficial for the skin. It keeps the skin elastic and
prevents wrinkles and minimises the flaws of the skin.
Vitamin C in Rosehip is responsible for collagen production in the body which is an important element
in the structure of bones and body.
Iron in rosehips produces red blood cells which oxygenates the body that is lost during menstruation.
Vitamin C makes iron absorption easy making it a helpful ally for the overall health.
Rose hips contain a variety of antioxidants like carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols and so on.
These antioxidants help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. Rose hip is a powerful
and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or
”cellular rust” that can lead to a host of severe medical conditions.
Diabetic patients can also benefit from Rose hip as it helps to regulate sugar levels to reduce the risk
getting diabetes and improves the symptoms of existing cases. Supplementing rose hip powders
glucose in the body cells where it protects against many complications of diabetes.
The fruit acids and pectin present in rose hip has diuretic and laxative properties. It is used to improve
and relieve the symptoms of kidney disorders and helps to cure constipation.
The astringent qualities of Rosehip oil make it a valuable addition in the cosmetic industry. It has the
ability to regenerate skin cells. This can be used to treat scars, acne and burns. It does not dry out the
skin and keeps the skin hydrated and well moisturised. Drinking rose hip tea also benefits the skin. It
has a high vitamin A content which is considered beneficial for the skin. It keeps the skin elastic and
prevents wrinkles and minimises the flaws of the skin.
Vitamin C in Rosehip is responsible for collagen production in the body which is an important element
in the structure of bones and body.
Iron in rosehips produces red blood cells which oxygenates the body that is lost during menstruation.
Vitamin C makes iron absorption easy making it a helpful ally for the overall health.
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Health Benefits
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Peppermint oil has been described as "the drug of first choice" in IBS
patients, as it safely helps alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Research has shown that it
effective in children and adults alike, with one study showing a 50 percent reduction in "total irritable
bowel syndrome score" among 75 percent of patients who tried it.
Colonic Spasm and Gas - Peppermint oil is an effective alternative to drugs like Buscopan for reducing
colonic spasms. It may also relax the muscles of your intestines, allowing gas to pass and easing
abdominal pain. Try peppermint oil or leaves added to tea for gas relief.
Gastric Emptying Disorders - In people with functional gastrointestinal disorders, peppermint may be
useful to enhance gastric emptying.
Functional Dyspepsia (Upset Stomach and Indigestion) - Supplementing with 90 milligrams (mg) of
peppermint oil, along with caraway oil, "much or very much improved" symptoms of functional
dyspepsia in 67 percent of patients. If you have an upset stomach, try drinking a small glass of water
with a few drops of peppermint essential oil added.
Infantile Colic - Peppermint is at least as effective as simethicone in the treatment of colic in infants.
Breastfeeding-Associated Nipple Pain and Damage - Peppermint water helped to prevent nipple
and pain in breastfeeding mothers.
Tuberculosis - Inhaled essential oil of peppermint helped to rapidly regress tuberculosis inflammation,
Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) - Extracts from peppermint leaves may inhibit histamine release, which
suggests it may help alleviate hay fever symptoms.
Shingles-Associated Pain - A topical treatment of peppermint oil resulted in near-immediate
improvement in shingles-associated pain, with the results lasting for two months of follow-up
Memory Problems - The aroma of peppermint has been shown to enhance memory and increase
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea - Peppermint oil effectively reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea,
and at a reduced cost compared to standard drug-based treatments.
Prostate Cancer - Peppermint contains menthol, which may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.
Radiation Damage - Peppermint may protect against DNA damage and cell death caused by radiation
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 - Peppermint has been shown to help inhibit drug-resistant herpes
simplex virus type 1.17
Dental Cavities and Bad Breath - Peppermint oil extract has been shown to be superior to the
mouthwash chemical chlorhexidine in inhibiting the formation of biofilm formations linked to dental
cavities. Powdered peppermint leaves have also been used historically to freshen breath and whiten
teeth; you can even add a drop or two directly to your toothpaste.
Respiratory Benefits - Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant and decongestant, and may help clear
your respiratory tract. Use peppermint essential oil as a cold rub on your chest or inhale it through a
vaporizer to help clear nasal congestion and relieve cough and cold symptoms.
Headaches -Peppermint oil may help relieve tension headache pain. For headache pain, try dabbing a
few drops on your wrist or sprinkling a few drops on a cloth, then inhaling the aroma. You can also
massage the oil directly onto your temples and forehead.
Stress - Peppermint oil is cooling and energizing. Add a few drops to your bath, or dap a few drops
directly on your body then get into the tub, for near-instant stress relief. You can also put the oil into a
burner for a stress-relieving aroma.
Hair and Skin - Try blending peppermint oil into your massage oil, shampoo, bodywash or body lotion.
It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help cool your skin and remove dandruff (and
from your scalp.
Asthma - Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid (also found in rosemary), which may help to reduce
inflammation-causing chemicals in people with asthma.
Muscle Pain - Peppermint may help to relieve muscle spasms and pain. Try massaging its essential
onto sore muscles or adding it to your bath water for muscle pain relief.
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Health Benefits
Get whiter, healthier teeth - An apple won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple
stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of
Avoid Alzheimer’s - A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep
Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Mice in the study that were fed an apple-
enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests
than those on a regular diet.
Protect against Parkinson’s - Research has shown that people who eat fruits and other high-fibre foods
gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson’s, a disease characterized by a breakdown of
brain’s dopamine-producing nerve cells. Scientists have linked this to the free radical-fighting power of
the antioxidants contained therein.
Curb all sorts of cancers - Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research, among
others, agree that the consumption of flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing
pancreatic cancer by up to 23 per cent. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several
compounds—triterpenoids—in apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in
the liver, colon and breast. Their earlier research found that extracts from whole apples can reduce the
number and size of mammary tumours in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. has
recommended a high fibre intake to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.
Decrease your risk of diabetes - Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to
develop type 2 diabetes than those who don’t eat apples. Apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key
Reduce cholesterol - The soluble fibre found in apples binds with fats in the intestine, which translates
into lower cholesterol levels and a healthier you.
Get a healthier heart - An extensive body of research has linked high soluble fibre intake with a slower
buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. The phenolic compound found in apple skins also
prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from solidifying on your artery walls. When plaque
builds inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary artery disease.
Prevent gallstones - Gallstones form when there’s too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as
liquid, so it solidifies. They are particularly prevalent in the obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors
recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels.
Beat diarrhea and constipation - Whether you can’t go to the bathroom or you just can’t stop, fibre
found in apples can help. Fibre can either pull water out of your colon to keep things moving along
when you’re backed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow your bowels down.
Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome - Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by constipation,
diarrhea, and abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors recommend staying
away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fibre in your diet.
Avert hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids are a swollen vein in the anal canal and while not life threatening,
these veins can be very painful. They are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas.
Part and parcel with controlling constipation, fibre can prevent you from straining too much when going
to the bathroom and thereby help alleviate hemorrhoids.
Control your weight - Many health problems are associated with being overweight, among them heart
disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. To manage your weight and
improve your overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fibre. Foods high in fibre will fill you up
without costing you too many calories.
Detoxify your liver - We’re constantly consuming toxins, whether it is from drinks or food, and your liver
is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. Many doctors are skeptical of fad detox diets,
saying they have the potential to do more harm than good. Luckily, one of the best—and easiest
—things you can eat to help detoxify your liver is fruits—like apples.
Boost your immune system - Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have
found that quercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you're stressed
Prevent cataracts - Though past studies have been divided on the issue, recent long-term studies
suggest that people who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidants—like apples—are 10 to 15
per cent less likely to develop cataracts.
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Rooibos Tea
Health Benefits
Caffeine free – The rooibos plant grows naturally without any caffeine. This is important, as it means it
does not need to undergo a chemical process to remove the caffeine. It also means that anyone can
drink it, including those who do not want to drink caffeine such as children & pregnant women. The
other key benefit of no caffeine is that rooibos tea can be consumed in unrestricted amounts. Some
South African’s will consume 5-6 cups per day.
Contains powerful antioxidants – Rooibos tea contains a wide array of antioxidants, which help to
protect the body in a number of ways. Two polyphenol antioxidants called aspalathin and nothofagin
are found in high concentrations in rooibos tea. These antioxidants protect the body by fighting free
radicals. These are unstable cells, which attack healthy cells in order to stabilize themselves. The
polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory properties and can safeguard against heart disease.
Prevents against some cancers – Some studies have demonstrated a link between consumption of
rooibos tea and a reduction of cancer-causing chemicals. This is because of the high level of
antioxidants, some of which have anti-mutagenic (anti-cancer) properties. This means that they defend
cells & DNA against damage and inhibit them from developing into cancer.
High mineral content – One of the key health benefits of rooibos tea is that it contains several minerals
that are vital to health. These include: magnesium (essential for the nervous system), calcium &
manganese (essential for strong teeth and bones), zinc (important for metabolism) and iron (critical for
helping blood & muscles distribute oxygen).
Improves circulation – One of the many potent antioxidants in rooibos tea is called Chysoeriol. It can
improve circulation by preventing the activity of the enzyme that triggers cardiovascular disease.
Drinking rooibos tea also has been known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Relieves stomach complaints – As rooibos tea contains high levels of flavonoids, especially one called
quercetin. It has the ability to relieve numerous abdominal ailments such as cramps, diahorrea and
indigestion. Flavonoids are known help to reduce spasm, inflammation and allergies. It has also been
widely stated that the health benefits of rooibos tea extend to alleviating colic in babies. s it is totally
caffeine free, it is perfectly safe for them to drink rooibos tea.
Aids absorption of iron – Unlike most black teas, which prevent the body from absorbing iron
because of the tannins they contain, rooibos tea supports the body in absorbing iron. Rooibos tea
contains less than half the tannins of black tea.
Can relieve skin conditions – A recent found that rooibos tea can help you to look more beautiful!
Rooibos tea contains phenylpyretic acid, which can help to improve acne, psoriasis and eczema. You
can apply a freshly brewed and cooled tea bag to the affected areas and it will soothe and heal any
Can protect against Parkinsons/Alzheimers disease – Drinking rooibos tea regularly can protect
a process known as lipid peridoxation. This occurs when free radicals damage brain cells and nerve
tissue. If this is prolonged, it can lead eventually to progressive and deteriorating brain disease, such
as Alzheimer’s.
Encourages restful sleep – Rooibos is unique in that it can be consumed as often as you wish and at
any time of day. Many people choose to drink it before bedtime as it can help with insomnia. Due to its
high mineral content and lack of caffeine, it’s known to help people to feel calm and relaxed.
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Blackberry Tea
Health Benefits
Supports Cardiovascular Health - The main benefit you can expect to gain from drinking blackberry tea
is similar to what you would receive from a glass of red wine. For years doctors have recommended a
small amount of wine to boost heart health due to the tannins found in it, tannins that are also found in
abundance in blackberry leaves and roots. You will also find relief from sore throat and diarrhea, and
some evidence claims that it can help in the fight against cancer and heart disease, two leading killers
in this country. For those suffering from dehydration, the tea can replenish the nutrients that they may
be lacking.
Anti-Inflammatory - Many people have also discovered that they can use blackberry tea to relieve
inflammations, helping to soothe mild discomforts entailed by inflammation. Vitamins A and C are
in this tea and in the berries themselves, helping to strengthen your body's immune system and keep
you healthy. Blackberry tea is often mixed with other herbal teas to create a potent blend filled with
numerous health benefits, especially when drank in conjunction with a good exercise regime and a
healthy overall diet.
Other Benefits - There are quite a few other benefits that people have found to be useful in a cup of
blackberry tea. Evidence suggests that drinking blackberry tea may be able to help support the
digestive system and the many antioxidants present in this tea also make it good for preventing free-
radicals from damaging healthy cells. Regular consumption of blackberry tea has been noted to help
support focus and memory. Additionally, this tea can be used as a mouthwash due to its antiseptic
astringent properties which can improve oral hygiene. These antiseptic properties also make this a
good tea for external uses as well. Cooled blackberry tea can be applied topically to minor cuts,
scrapes, and burns to help prevent infection and encourage healing.
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Hibiscus Tea
Health Benefits
High blood pressure (BP), which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death from
cardiovascular disease, is becoming more and more prevalent in our modern-day, stressful world.
We know that dietary changes are an effective way to help manage high BP, and hibiscus tea, which is
well known for its ability to lower high blood pressure, is a natural, risk-free, and tasty way to put these
changes in motion.
Studies have shown that drinking as little as 2 to 3 cups of hibiscus tea from the Hibiscus sabdariffa
flower each day can lower your BP levels, working as effectively as some anti-hypertensive
medications (without the potential side effects).
Potential anti-cancer effects: Research has shown that polyphenol-rich extracts of hibiscus induced
death in human gastric carcinoma cells. Hibiscus extract has also induced cell death in human
leukemia cells.
Antioxidant benefits: Research revealed that consumption of hibiscus extract enhanced systemic
antioxidant potential and reduced oxidative stress in study participants.6 The study also found a "high
biotransformation" of the ingested HSE polyphenols, which suggests the compounds are in a highly
bioavailable form.
Kidney stones and liver protection: One study found that hibiscus extract has anti-urolithiatic activity,
which means it may help reduce the formation of kidney stones. It's also been shown to help protect
the liver against chemically induced damage in fish.
Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea
Marigold Flower
Health Benefits
The marigold is known for its bright orange colored flowers as well as its numerous medicinal
properties. Marigold is grown mainly in March and April and is known to grow rapidly. There are
different varieties of the plant and they are divided into four basic species. These include African
Marigold, French Marigold, Triploids, and single Marigold. There are also sub-types with all of these
major varieties.
With regards to the nutritional information pertaining to marigolds, they are known to be a rich source
of flavonoids and vitamin C. They have no fat content and therefore aid weight loss.
Other uses have included treatment for colds, fevers, coughs, wounds, infections, rashes, and wasp
and bee stings.
Marigolds/Calendula can affect the menstrual cycle and should not be used during pregnancy and
Marigolds are also known to have plenty of health benefits on account of their high content of
antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to be effective in combating the damage that may b
by free radicals which are typically the by-products of environmental factors such as pollution or
cigarette smoke or even normal body functions. The lycopene present in marigold is also known to
lower the risk of heart disease and prostrate cancer. The antioxidants present in marigolds are also
known to protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts.
Marigold tea is also known to be effective against painful mouth and stomach ulcers as well as colitis.
Marigolds are effective in this aspect because they tend to stimulate the lymphatic system and thereby
minimize the swelling as well as cleanse the body of toxins which may be contributing to the ulcers.

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Teatoxy - Health benefits

  • 2. Teatoxy THE WAY Your guide to healthy living. We trust in the health benefits of natural ingredients and share the belief that there is human well­being from harmony of body, mind and soul. Teatoxy Teas are hand­ blended with this philosophy in mind by our tea experts, based on century old wisdom forwarded from ancient Thai temples. Happy brewing!
  • 3. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Lemongrass Health Benefits
  • 4. The health benefits of lemongrass are tremendous due to its superior anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti- inflammatory, anti-cancer properties. It is packed with so much goodness that it can help improve so many chronic conditions. Nutrition- wise, it is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese; with minute traces of the B vitamins. Lemongrass has long been widely used in Asian countries for its medicinal properties and also in culinary. What makes it so effective in many medical condition is that it has certain anti-septic compounds that effectively kill the harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites, etc.) in the digestive tract, yet preserving the beneficial bacteria. For a healthy digestive tract, lemongrass is made into therapeutic tea that is drunk regularly to see its efficacy: Skin health: When blood is purified, circulation is improved, skin health will follow suit. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea helps to improve acne problem, eczema and psoriasis. Weight loss: Drinking lemongrass tea helps to melt fats in a detoxifying manner. The diuretic effect helps carry out the wastes in high volume, effectively and quickly, resulting in weight loss. Anti-cancer: A study was done to show that lemongrass contains citral, an anti-cancer property that could cause cancer cells to die, yet preserves the healthy tissues. However, this does not mean that drinking lemongrass juice/tea alone will heal your cancer; it helps.
  • 5. Balsamic action: Due to its content in volatile oils, lemongrass has a beneficial, balsamic action on the respiratory tract. So it can be used to relieve the symptoms associated with flu, cold and hay fever. Detoxifying: The anti-oxidant, anti-septic and diuretic effect of lemongrass make it an important ingredient to be included in the diet when detoxifying. It helps to cleanse and purify the liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas and increases blood circulation. The diuretic effect helps carry out the toxins from the process to be eliminated effectively. Diabetes: The purifying and cleansing effect of lemongrass tea help to cleanse/detoxify the pancreas and improve its functions, thus lowering blood sugar level in diabetics. Digestive health: Lemongrass helps regulate intestinal function and motility due to its anti- microbial properties. It helps to kill bad bacteria and parasites, repopulate the good bacteria in the colon, thus assisting to improve digestive-related problems like: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal bloating, flatulence, stomach spasms, vomiting and cramps. Gastritis or Heartburn: A warm mug of lemongrass tea can be very soothing when having gastritis or acid indigestion. Drinking the tea therapeutically will gradually reduce the recurrence of both gastritis and heartburn. High blood pressure: The high potassium content promotes diuresis, thereby helping to lower and regulate blood pressure. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea is encouraged.
  • 6. Insomnia: Insomnia happens due to internal chemical imbalance or nervous disorders. The purifying activities and calming effect of lemongrass help improve sleep. Nervous system: Magnesium, phosphorous and folate are important nutrients needed for healthy functioning of the nervous system. They help improve concentration, memory and the brain’s ability to process information. Purifying action: Perhaps the most characteristic action of lemongrass is its purifying effect on the whole body, since it helps eliminate toxins from the body by enhancing the cleansing of the colon. Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic: Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, lemongrass juice can be used as a valuable aid for treating arthritis, gout and inflammation of the urinary tract. Bacterial or fungal infection: Thanks to its anti-septic properties, drinking lemongrass tea for a season helps to eliminate the bad micro-organism, detoxify and purify the blood, keeping bacterial, fungal or yeast infections in check. Anemia: Thanks to its high content in iron, which is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin (the protein in red cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body) lemongrass is helpful for
  • 7. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Rose Hips Health Benefits
  • 8. Rose hips have a high content of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and iron. In addition, Rose hips are rich sources of bio flavonoids, pectin, vitamin E, selenium, manganese, and B complex vitamins. It also contains moderate amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and silicon. Rose hip is touted as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems. This dark red fruit is certainly not a stranger in the world of alternate medicine and could easily be described as a nutritional superstar with its high iron and vitamin content. Rose hip has been widely acclaimed to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Regular consumption helps to increase mobility by 20 to 25%. It decreases pain and improves the overall mood of the patients. People treated with rose hip experienced a significant reduction in pain, stiffness and joint inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties of rose hips are useful in the treatment of patients suffering from knee or hip arthritis. Vitamin C in rose hips has been proven to lessen respiratory issues and prevent asthma. Rose hips rich diet also reduces wheezing symptoms in children and aids in treating asthma, chronic cough, shortness of breath and even runny nose. The presence of several vitamins and minerals in rosehip also helps to boost immunity and lessens the duration of cold. Antioxidants present in rose hip also help to reduce cholesterol level in a person. Millions of people suffer from cholesterol problems which can lead to dangerous consequences. Doctors always recommend dietary changes for people who want to reduce cholesterol. It is advisable to drink rose hip tea if you suffer from cholesterol problems. It is particularly helpful for those people who abstain from taking medication. Rosehip helps to prevent heart diseases in obese people that elevates systolic
  • 9. Rose hips contain a variety of antioxidants like carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols and so on. These antioxidants help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. Rose hip is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or ”cellular rust” that can lead to a host of severe medical conditions. Diabetic patients can also benefit from Rose hip as it helps to regulate sugar levels to reduce the risk of getting diabetes and improves the symptoms of existing cases. Supplementing rose hip powders forces glucose in the body cells where it protects against many complications of diabetes. The fruit acids and pectin present in rose hip has diuretic and laxative properties. It is used to improve and relieve the symptoms of kidney disorders and helps to cure constipation. The astringent qualities of Rosehip oil make it a valuable addition in the cosmetic industry. It has the ability to regenerate skin cells. This can be used to treat scars, acne and burns. It does not dry out the skin and keeps the skin hydrated and well moisturised. Drinking rose hip tea also benefits the skin. It has a high vitamin A content which is considered beneficial for the skin. It keeps the skin elastic and prevents wrinkles and minimises the flaws of the skin. Vitamin C in Rosehip is responsible for collagen production in the body which is an important element in the structure of bones and body. Iron in rosehips produces red blood cells which oxygenates the body that is lost during menstruation. Vitamin C makes iron absorption easy making it a helpful ally for the overall health.
  • 10. Rose hips contain a variety of antioxidants like carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols and so on. These antioxidants help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. Rose hip is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or ”cellular rust” that can lead to a host of severe medical conditions. Diabetic patients can also benefit from Rose hip as it helps to regulate sugar levels to reduce the risk of getting diabetes and improves the symptoms of existing cases. Supplementing rose hip powders forces glucose in the body cells where it protects against many complications of diabetes. The fruit acids and pectin present in rose hip has diuretic and laxative properties. It is used to improve and relieve the symptoms of kidney disorders and helps to cure constipation. The astringent qualities of Rosehip oil make it a valuable addition in the cosmetic industry. It has the ability to regenerate skin cells. This can be used to treat scars, acne and burns. It does not dry out the skin and keeps the skin hydrated and well moisturised. Drinking rose hip tea also benefits the skin. It has a high vitamin A content which is considered beneficial for the skin. It keeps the skin elastic and prevents wrinkles and minimises the flaws of the skin. Vitamin C in Rosehip is responsible for collagen production in the body which is an important element in the structure of bones and body. Iron in rosehips produces red blood cells which oxygenates the body that is lost during menstruation. Vitamin C makes iron absorption easy making it a helpful ally for the overall health.
  • 11. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Peppermint Health Benefits
  • 12. Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Peppermint oil has been described as "the drug of first choice" in IBS patients, as it safely helps alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Research has shown that it is effective in children and adults alike, with one study showing a 50 percent reduction in "total irritable bowel syndrome score" among 75 percent of patients who tried it. Colonic Spasm and Gas - Peppermint oil is an effective alternative to drugs like Buscopan for reducing colonic spasms. It may also relax the muscles of your intestines, allowing gas to pass and easing abdominal pain. Try peppermint oil or leaves added to tea for gas relief. Gastric Emptying Disorders - In people with functional gastrointestinal disorders, peppermint may be useful to enhance gastric emptying. Functional Dyspepsia (Upset Stomach and Indigestion) - Supplementing with 90 milligrams (mg) of peppermint oil, along with caraway oil, "much or very much improved" symptoms of functional dyspepsia in 67 percent of patients. If you have an upset stomach, try drinking a small glass of water with a few drops of peppermint essential oil added. Infantile Colic - Peppermint is at least as effective as simethicone in the treatment of colic in infants. Breastfeeding-Associated Nipple Pain and Damage - Peppermint water helped to prevent nipple cracks and pain in breastfeeding mothers. Tuberculosis - Inhaled essential oil of peppermint helped to rapidly regress tuberculosis inflammation,
  • 13. Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) - Extracts from peppermint leaves may inhibit histamine release, which suggests it may help alleviate hay fever symptoms. Shingles-Associated Pain - A topical treatment of peppermint oil resulted in near-immediate improvement in shingles-associated pain, with the results lasting for two months of follow-up treatment. Memory Problems - The aroma of peppermint has been shown to enhance memory and increase alertness. Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea - Peppermint oil effectively reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea, and at a reduced cost compared to standard drug-based treatments. Prostate Cancer - Peppermint contains menthol, which may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. Radiation Damage - Peppermint may protect against DNA damage and cell death caused by radiation exposure. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 - Peppermint has been shown to help inhibit drug-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1.17 Dental Cavities and Bad Breath - Peppermint oil extract has been shown to be superior to the mouthwash chemical chlorhexidine in inhibiting the formation of biofilm formations linked to dental cavities. Powdered peppermint leaves have also been used historically to freshen breath and whiten teeth; you can even add a drop or two directly to your toothpaste.
  • 14. Respiratory Benefits - Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant and decongestant, and may help clear your respiratory tract. Use peppermint essential oil as a cold rub on your chest or inhale it through a vaporizer to help clear nasal congestion and relieve cough and cold symptoms. Headaches -Peppermint oil may help relieve tension headache pain. For headache pain, try dabbing a few drops on your wrist or sprinkling a few drops on a cloth, then inhaling the aroma. You can also massage the oil directly onto your temples and forehead. Stress - Peppermint oil is cooling and energizing. Add a few drops to your bath, or dap a few drops directly on your body then get into the tub, for near-instant stress relief. You can also put the oil into a burner for a stress-relieving aroma. Hair and Skin - Try blending peppermint oil into your massage oil, shampoo, bodywash or body lotion. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help cool your skin and remove dandruff (and lice) from your scalp. Asthma - Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid (also found in rosemary), which may help to reduce inflammation-causing chemicals in people with asthma. Muscle Pain - Peppermint may help to relieve muscle spasms and pain. Try massaging its essential oil onto sore muscles or adding it to your bath water for muscle pain relief.
  • 15. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Apple Health Benefits
  • 16. Get whiter, healthier teeth - An apple won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. Avoid Alzheimer’s - A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Mice in the study that were fed an apple- enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet. Protect against Parkinson’s - Research has shown that people who eat fruits and other high-fibre foods gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson’s, a disease characterized by a breakdown of the brain’s dopamine-producing nerve cells. Scientists have linked this to the free radical-fighting power of the antioxidants contained therein. Curb all sorts of cancers - Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research, among others, agree that the consumption of flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23 per cent. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds—triterpenoids—in apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast. Their earlier research found that extracts from whole apples can reduce the number and size of mammary tumours in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. has recommended a high fibre intake to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Decrease your risk of diabetes - Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don’t eat apples. Apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key
  • 17. Reduce cholesterol - The soluble fibre found in apples binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels and a healthier you. Get a healthier heart - An extensive body of research has linked high soluble fibre intake with a slower buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. The phenolic compound found in apple skins also prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from solidifying on your artery walls. When plaque builds inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary artery disease. Prevent gallstones - Gallstones form when there’s too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it solidifies. They are particularly prevalent in the obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels. Beat diarrhea and constipation - Whether you can’t go to the bathroom or you just can’t stop, fibre found in apples can help. Fibre can either pull water out of your colon to keep things moving along when you’re backed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow your bowels down. Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome - Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors recommend staying away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fibre in your diet. Avert hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids are a swollen vein in the anal canal and while not life threatening, these veins can be very painful. They are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas. Part and parcel with controlling constipation, fibre can prevent you from straining too much when going to the bathroom and thereby help alleviate hemorrhoids.
  • 18. Control your weight - Many health problems are associated with being overweight, among them heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. To manage your weight and improve your overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fibre. Foods high in fibre will fill you up without costing you too many calories. Detoxify your liver - We’re constantly consuming toxins, whether it is from drinks or food, and your liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. Many doctors are skeptical of fad detox diets, saying they have the potential to do more harm than good. Luckily, one of the best—and easiest —things you can eat to help detoxify your liver is fruits—like apples. Boost your immune system - Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you're stressed out. Prevent cataracts - Though past studies have been divided on the issue, recent long-term studies suggest that people who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidants—like apples—are 10 to 15 per cent less likely to develop cataracts.
  • 19. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Rooibos Tea Health Benefits
  • 20. Caffeine free – The rooibos plant grows naturally without any caffeine. This is important, as it means it does not need to undergo a chemical process to remove the caffeine. It also means that anyone can drink it, including those who do not want to drink caffeine such as children & pregnant women. The other key benefit of no caffeine is that rooibos tea can be consumed in unrestricted amounts. Some South African’s will consume 5-6 cups per day. Contains powerful antioxidants – Rooibos tea contains a wide array of antioxidants, which help to protect the body in a number of ways. Two polyphenol antioxidants called aspalathin and nothofagin are found in high concentrations in rooibos tea. These antioxidants protect the body by fighting free radicals. These are unstable cells, which attack healthy cells in order to stabilize themselves. The polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory properties and can safeguard against heart disease. Prevents against some cancers – Some studies have demonstrated a link between consumption of rooibos tea and a reduction of cancer-causing chemicals. This is because of the high level of dominant antioxidants, some of which have anti-mutagenic (anti-cancer) properties. This means that they defend cells & DNA against damage and inhibit them from developing into cancer. High mineral content – One of the key health benefits of rooibos tea is that it contains several minerals that are vital to health. These include: magnesium (essential for the nervous system), calcium & manganese (essential for strong teeth and bones), zinc (important for metabolism) and iron (critical for helping blood & muscles distribute oxygen). Improves circulation – One of the many potent antioxidants in rooibos tea is called Chysoeriol. It can improve circulation by preventing the activity of the enzyme that triggers cardiovascular disease. Drinking rooibos tea also has been known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • 21. Relieves stomach complaints – As rooibos tea contains high levels of flavonoids, especially one called quercetin. It has the ability to relieve numerous abdominal ailments such as cramps, diahorrea and indigestion. Flavonoids are known help to reduce spasm, inflammation and allergies. It has also been widely stated that the health benefits of rooibos tea extend to alleviating colic in babies. s it is totally caffeine free, it is perfectly safe for them to drink rooibos tea. Aids absorption of iron – Unlike most black teas, which prevent the body from absorbing iron effectively because of the tannins they contain, rooibos tea supports the body in absorbing iron. Rooibos tea contains less than half the tannins of black tea. Can relieve skin conditions – A recent found that rooibos tea can help you to look more beautiful! Rooibos tea contains phenylpyretic acid, which can help to improve acne, psoriasis and eczema. You can apply a freshly brewed and cooled tea bag to the affected areas and it will soothe and heal any inflammation. Can protect against Parkinsons/Alzheimers disease – Drinking rooibos tea regularly can protect against a process known as lipid peridoxation. This occurs when free radicals damage brain cells and nerve tissue. If this is prolonged, it can lead eventually to progressive and deteriorating brain disease, such as Alzheimer’s. Encourages restful sleep – Rooibos is unique in that it can be consumed as often as you wish and at any time of day. Many people choose to drink it before bedtime as it can help with insomnia. Due to its high mineral content and lack of caffeine, it’s known to help people to feel calm and relaxed.
  • 22. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Blackberry Tea Health Benefits
  • 23. Supports Cardiovascular Health - The main benefit you can expect to gain from drinking blackberry tea is similar to what you would receive from a glass of red wine. For years doctors have recommended a small amount of wine to boost heart health due to the tannins found in it, tannins that are also found in abundance in blackberry leaves and roots. You will also find relief from sore throat and diarrhea, and some evidence claims that it can help in the fight against cancer and heart disease, two leading killers in this country. For those suffering from dehydration, the tea can replenish the nutrients that they may be lacking. Anti-Inflammatory - Many people have also discovered that they can use blackberry tea to relieve inflammations, helping to soothe mild discomforts entailed by inflammation. Vitamins A and C are found in this tea and in the berries themselves, helping to strengthen your body's immune system and keep you healthy. Blackberry tea is often mixed with other herbal teas to create a potent blend filled with numerous health benefits, especially when drank in conjunction with a good exercise regime and a healthy overall diet. Other Benefits - There are quite a few other benefits that people have found to be useful in a cup of blackberry tea. Evidence suggests that drinking blackberry tea may be able to help support the digestive system and the many antioxidants present in this tea also make it good for preventing free- radicals from damaging healthy cells. Regular consumption of blackberry tea has been noted to help support focus and memory. Additionally, this tea can be used as a mouthwash due to its antiseptic and astringent properties which can improve oral hygiene. These antiseptic properties also make this a good tea for external uses as well. Cooled blackberry tea can be applied topically to minor cuts, scrapes, and burns to help prevent infection and encourage healing.
  • 24. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Hibiscus Tea Health Benefits
  • 25. High blood pressure (BP), which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease, is becoming more and more prevalent in our modern-day, stressful world. We know that dietary changes are an effective way to help manage high BP, and hibiscus tea, which is well known for its ability to lower high blood pressure, is a natural, risk-free, and tasty way to put these changes in motion. Studies have shown that drinking as little as 2 to 3 cups of hibiscus tea from the Hibiscus sabdariffa flower each day can lower your BP levels, working as effectively as some anti-hypertensive prescription medications (without the potential side effects). Potential anti-cancer effects: Research has shown that polyphenol-rich extracts of hibiscus induced cell death in human gastric carcinoma cells. Hibiscus extract has also induced cell death in human leukemia cells. Antioxidant benefits: Research revealed that consumption of hibiscus extract enhanced systemic antioxidant potential and reduced oxidative stress in study participants.6 The study also found a "high biotransformation" of the ingested HSE polyphenols, which suggests the compounds are in a highly bioavailable form. Kidney stones and liver protection: One study found that hibiscus extract has anti-urolithiatic activity, which means it may help reduce the formation of kidney stones. It's also been shown to help protect the liver against chemically induced damage in fish.
  • 26. Teatoxy's Organic Health Tea Marigold Flower Health Benefits
  • 27. The marigold is known for its bright orange colored flowers as well as its numerous medicinal properties. Marigold is grown mainly in March and April and is known to grow rapidly. There are different varieties of the plant and they are divided into four basic species. These include African Marigold, French Marigold, Triploids, and single Marigold. There are also sub-types with all of these major varieties. With regards to the nutritional information pertaining to marigolds, they are known to be a rich source of flavonoids and vitamin C. They have no fat content and therefore aid weight loss. Other uses have included treatment for colds, fevers, coughs, wounds, infections, rashes, and wasp and bee stings. Marigolds/Calendula can affect the menstrual cycle and should not be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Marigolds are also known to have plenty of health benefits on account of their high content of antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to be effective in combating the damage that may b caused by free radicals which are typically the by-products of environmental factors such as pollution or cigarette smoke or even normal body functions. The lycopene present in marigold is also known to lower the risk of heart disease and prostrate cancer. The antioxidants present in marigolds are also known to protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts. Marigold tea is also known to be effective against painful mouth and stomach ulcers as well as colitis. Marigolds are effective in this aspect because they tend to stimulate the lymphatic system and thereby minimize the swelling as well as cleanse the body of toxins which may be contributing to the ulcers.