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Tates Creek
May 2016
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 9:30 am
The Vine - 11:00 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am
Swahili Service - 4:00 pm
Evening - 6:30 pm
Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Kim Beckwith
Don Seevers
Mike Allen
Brad Haggard
Matt Lee
Lesley Tipton
David Eversole
Billy Bishop
Office Staff
Kim Jones
Jenni Gregg
Rhoda Rolfes (Monday)
Vicki Wesley (Friday)
Feature Article
	10-11	 “Greater Faith ”
In Every Issue
	 3-7	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
18-21	 Devotional thoughts each week
	 22	 March Statistics
	 23	 New Members
	24	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 14	 High School Mission Trip
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 8-9	 May Events	
	16-17	 May Events
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in
need (benevolence), and to stand up for
Christian values in the community (witness).
I vividly remember the morning I received a phone call from
my cousin. She urgently said,“Tommy, you need to get to
Zella, and you need to get to Zella quick!” I asked what was
wrong. Then, my cousin said,“Your mother-in-law and your
sister-in-law have just been killed in an automobile accident!”
As soon as I hung up the phone, my father-in-law, Mr. Butler called. He
shared the same news. I remember driving to the place where Zella worked.
Zella was in a meeting. I remember walking into the room sharing that I
needed to speak with Zella immediately. I remember our drive back to her
Mom & Dad’s house. What a loss ~ mother and sister in one accident! The
only one left to care for her Dad was Zella. I remember Zella making the
decision to leave her place of work so that she could
provide care for her Dad. However, when she resigned,
her place of employment offered her part time work.
During the next five years, Zella would travel to her
Dad’s home at least once a week and sometimes
twice a week to cook and clean for him and do his grocery shopping. Our
children, Elizabeth and Joel, were very small at the time. Five years later, we
moved Zella’s father into our home to care for him. He was a kind Christian
gentleman. After taking care of him for three years and three months, he
passed away from heart disease. During all of this and even now, Zella’s
strong faith has never wavered or faltered once.
When it comes to the month of May, we think of our mothers and reflect
on their hearts and the impact they greatly made in our lives. However, this
time, I want to share with you the impact and blessing that Zella is to me
and to our children.
Another attribute of Zella that I must share is her persistent selflessness.
She is always thinking of others. I remember when our children were small
that Zella would not purchase clothes for herself, even though she needed
them, because she said the children needed clothes and that I needed
clothes for ministry. I remember one time when our finances were tight,
she continued wearing glasses because we did not have the finances to
purchase contacts. She always puts herself out there to meet the needs
of others. Multiple times, Zella asks me about our church people. She is
always reaching out to encourage and to express love. Proverbs 31:10-11
describes Zella well, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is
far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her.”
One very blessed husband!		 ~ Tommy
Lexington, KY 40502
A Mother’s Faith
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Faith in God’s Plan
The second day that I was in the hospital with my son,
Conner, the nurse came in and informed my husband and me
that he had failed his hearing test. Shaken, a few days later
we were with our pediatrician and were assured that 95% of
children who fail their first test will pass their second. We tried
to have faith that things would come back normal. Conner failed his second
test, and we were given the diagnosis of almost profound hearing loss. I
tried to stay positive, but on the way home I lost it in the car. My husband
Lucas called and reiterated that even though we had been given this
diagnosis, it would in no way slow us down. He told me to have faith in God
and his plan for our son. There were so many options to make our son hear
as normal as possible.
As the months went on, we became more at peace with the idea that he
was essentially deaf, and began researching cochlear implants and hearing
aids. For his next test, we were given the better
news that he was moderately hard of hearing
and that only hearing aids were needed to
correct the problem. We had to find the $3,000
for the hearing aids, but we had faith that it
would be provided. It was, and Conner began
hearing sounds and responding more often.
Unfortunately, he got a double ear infection and
due to the hearing loss the ENT decided that
tubes would be necessary to alleviate the risk for
more loss.
In July of 2014 we went for Conner’s next hearing test. Lucas and I had
prayed that his hearing loss would be made better by the surgery and
we continued to have faith in God. The results were in, and our son was
hearing at a completely normal level. To this day, we are unable to believe
that he was ever in the profound loss range, as he is extremely verbal and
communicative. The situation made our faith in God’s plan much stronger
and throughout the process we knew, no matter what, our son’s path was
going to be alright.
					~ Lesley
Like many of you, I receive emails from a retired friend who
has a lot of time on his hands and sends me lots of emails that
he thinks I would enjoy. I try to read them, if I can find the
time. I recently received this one from him and I am so glad I
read it. I hope you enjoy it too.
“‘If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open
at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner.
The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the
ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as
is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a
prisoner for life in a small jail, with no top.’
‘The ordinary bat flies around at night,
a remarkable, nimble creature in the air,
cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on
the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about
helplessly and, no doubt, painfully until it reaches some
slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it
takes off like a flash.’
‘A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there
until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of
escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out
through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where
none exists, until it completely destroys itself.’
‘In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the
bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations,
never realizing that all we have to do is look up! That’s the answer, the
escape route and the solution to any problem. Just look up!’
‘Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up! Live simply,
love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and trust in our Creator who
loves us.’”
Responding to the disciples who could not drive the demon out of the
boy, Jesus replied: “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you
have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move
from here to there and it will move. Nothing is impossible for you.”
							Matthew 17:20
					~ Don		
Lexington, KY 40502
The Buzzard, The Bat, and The Bumblebee
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
The Power of Faith
“Just stay positive!” Students today are bombarded with this
message as they struggle through life to find meaning and
significance. In a time when typical supports have been lifted,
such as family, community, and even faith, many students
do not know where to turn to find the emotional strength to
excel. Positive thinking, merely imagining success in life, is the only resource
many students have left. Most students see this as the false hope that it is,
But we, in the Church, are guilty of this as well. It is too easy to comfort
someone hurting by telling them to“just believe”and things will work out
for the best. Popular Christian thought seems to treat belief as some sort of
magic that has the power to make our fantasies of health and wealth reality.
My faith crashes into reality almost immediately upon visiting someone
sick in the hospital. How can you pray for someone
when there is so much uncertainty, even from doctors
trying to diagnose the problem? This is the situation that
the father of the demon-possessed boy encountered in
Mark 9:14-29. Jesus’own disciples couldn’t help him, and
the father knew it was only a matter of time before the
boy’s fits would eventually take his life.
When Jesus comes down from the mountain into the scrum between
his disciples and official scribes, the father had seen all of his options fail.
Neither side had a ritual to perform, an incantation to chant, or even an
answer. His petition to Jesus comes from his despair, “If you are able, have
compassion on us and help us.” (Mark 9:22) Jesus is frustrated by the lack of
trust that the entire crowd has in him and corrects the father “What do you
mean, ‘If you are able’? Everything is possible for the one who believes.”
(Mark 9:23)
Jesus claims this for good reason. Just before this He had revealed his
glory to Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop (9:2-8). Jesus knew that
He had the power to heal, so the only barrier to action was the trust that
the father put in him. When the father cried out in distress for mercy, Jesus
showed it and healed the boy, even in the face of lingering doubts.
It isn’t that our faith has any power in itself to change, which would be
worse than magic. Rather, in the face of all our difficulties we put our faith
in Jesus, who suffered death (9:30-32), and is now glorified. We don’t have
powerful faith, we have a powerful Savior and Lord!
					~ Brad
Lexington, KY 40502
I want to remind you
that we have several
things coming up
on our schedule of
events for the senior
adult populace here at Tates Creek.
One I would like to let you know
about will be a discussion on seniors
and technology. This will be at an
upcoming BWAC meeting where I
will be demonstrating some of the
current technological advances.
Often times these intimidate older
adults but also offer advantages to
many. One of those is what’s known
as“Cutting the Cable,”or getting rid
of high cost cable or satellite but
still having access to many of your
favorite TV shows. I would invite all
our seniors to join us for this monthly
meeting, particularly for this program.
Also coming up in the very near
future is our annual trek down to
Senior Saints in the Smokies. June
6-10 is the date and its not too late to
register and sign on for this great time
of fellowship and encouragement.
Be watching also for our late summer
trip to see the Noah’s Ark replica. If
anyone has any questions about
these or any other opportunities for
our seniors, please contact me here
at the church. We have a great group
and a rich fellowship. It would be
even richer to have you join us!
~ Bro. Kim	
Ministry News
Each year we hope to
engage, love, challenge,
and draw in more kids than
the year before. We hope to
serve more people locally
and globally through the kind and generous
hearts of the children. This is what’s happening
this summer in the Children’s Ministry!
Technically we will kick off the summer with
our graduations from pre-K and 5th grade on
May 22nd. Graduating from elementary will
be 15 incredible kids, many of whom are ready
to share Jesus with their neighbors. At the
same time, Critterland will be celebrating their
graduates as well. Uptown will welcome 15
new, soon to be, Kindergartners on May 29th.
This will also be a FUN family Sunday! Then,
later in June is our annual young elementary
adventure at Power Kids Day Camp at BGCC.
Next will beVBS,“Deep Sea Discovery,”June
11-14, 9 am-Noon! Sign up now at tatescreek.
org to register your child AND/OR to sign up as
one of our elite team members!
FollowingVBS we will have a week off before
heading to BGCC again for an awesome week
of 7-11 camp. Then we will end with packing
backpacks, and PARTY INTHE PARK!
For some people this might make you
exhausted just reading, but for me I get excited
to experience all the things God has in store for
yourTCCC kids this summer and beyond!
If you are reading this and wondering how
you can serve, send me an email or text
859-537-2634 and I will be happy to get
you plugged in to a special event OR into our
Sunday morning SummerTeam!	
	 ~ Matt
Vacation Bible School
July 11-14, 9 am - 12 pm
Registration for our Deep Sea Discovery is
now open. You can register on our website at Just click VBS 2016 under the “What’s
happening” page.
While you are there, please consider volunteering to help our VBS run
smoothly. There are a variety of areas that can use your help!
On May 15 at 12:30 pm, we will have a volunteer luncheon. You will receive
more details about VBS and the area in which you will be serving.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
May Events
Senior Saints in the Smokies
June 6-10 - Johnson University
It is time for our annual fun-filled week
in the Smokies. See Kim Beckwith for
more information and a registration
Parent/Child Dedication - May 8
On Mother’s Day, we will be setting aside a time of dedication for parents
who would like to commit to raising their children to know God and His
Son, Jesus Christ. If you have children newborn to age 5 and would like
to participate in this service, please contact the church office at 266-1621
or Let us know your name, child’s name, and which
service you will be attending by Wednesday, May 4.
Baby Bottle Blessings
Help support Assurance for Life by picking
up a baby bottle Sunday, May 8. Fill it with
your spare change, cash, or check and return
it by Father’s Day, June 19.
Lexington, KY 40502
May Events
Mission House Needs
This summer is going to again be busy at the mission house. The Kern family
returned to the mission field in March. We now anticipate the arrival of the
Limiero family for a weekend in June and the Alvarado
family in July for most of the rest of 2016. Since the mission
house will be full this summer, we would like to provide a
grill for these families to use. If you have a gently used grill
that is still in good condition and you would be willing to
donate it to the mission house, please contact David Eversole
at 266-1621 or
Prayer Team
Prayer Rally
featuring Franklin Graham
May 4, 12 pm
Frankfort, KY
A van will be leaving from TCCC
at 10:15 am. Please sign-up at the
registration table in the foyer.
TCCC Prayer Time
Wednesday, May 4
7:30 pm, Room 200CD
National Day of Prayer
Thursday, May 5
Join us in praying for our nation
throughout the day.
There are a couple of stories in the new testament that talk
about people who have great faith. The one we are going to
look at together is in Matthew 8:5-13 (NIV):
The Faith of the Centurion
“When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him,
asking for help. “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering
terribly.” Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?” The centurion replied,
“Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word,
and my servant will be healed. For I myself
am a man under authority, with soldiers
under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes;
and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to
my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When
Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said
to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I
have not found anyone in Israel with such
great faith. I say to you that many will
come from the east and the west, and will
take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom
of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the
darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus
said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his
servant was healed at that moment.”
What can we learn from this story about what it means to have“great
faith”? Lets try and identify a few things.
First off, the Centurion recognizes the authority of Jesus. He calls Jesus
“Lord”. This man is a Gentile. He has a lot of authority himself. He is
looked up to and respected. He has been entrusted as a leader. But he
still has humility. The Centurion realizes that healing his servant is beyond
his capacity. It is beyond his authority. He recognizes that he must appeal
to an authority much higher than his own. Great faith makes decisions
based on what God is capable of, not what man is capable of! Is this how
we make our decisions? Do we trust in God’s authority? Do we trust in the
authority of His Word?
Secondly, the Centurion was bold in his faith. He came to
Jesus. Is Jesus the first person we come to when we have
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Greater Faith
a problem? The Centurion came to Jesus and asked for help. He didn’t
allow his own fears,“what if’s,”or doubts to hinder him from coming to
Jesus. He just came because he trusted that Jesus was capable of healing
his servant. He had great faith! Boldness is a characteristic of Great Faith!
Do we allow our fears and doubts to stifle our faith?
Thirdly, the Centurion exhibited humility. We see that he sought out
help, which in and of itself is an act of humility. He is also seeking that
help on behalf of another person which tells us that he puts others before
himself. Also, in verse 8 he says to Jesus, “Lord I do not deserve to have you
come under my roof”, which implies his humble spirit as well. In James 4:6,
James quotes Proverbs 3:34 saying, “God opposes the proud but gives grace
to the humble”. This is a theme that comes up over and
over again in the New Testament. Great Faith consists of
There are many great examples of great faith in the
Bible. Hebrews 11 outlines many characters throughout
the Bible who exhibited great faith. Many, if not all, of
these people were faced with tremendous trials in their
relationship with God and each one overcame by having
great faith in God and his authority.
My encouragement to you is to make sure that you are
focused on God and what He can do. He has authority
over all things. Too often we get bogged down in our
fear and doubts, thinking about all the obstacles that
stand in our way. We must think beyond the physical and material. We
must think beyond what we can control and what we have authority over
ourselves. We must humble ourselves, and boldly trust in the authority
and power of Jesus and what He is capable of! He can do what He says He
can do, and He will do what He says He will do!
						~ Mike
Lexington, KY 40502
Greater Faith continued
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
One of the benefits of Sunday school
is getting to know other like-minded
individuals. Through the Servants for
Christ class, I met my prayer partner,
Sarah Hines. Sarah and I have been
praying with each other for about two
years. We set aside Wednesday morning
at 8 am to pray together. During this time
we share prayer requests, read scripture,
and pray. Recently, I asked Sarah to pray
about something I was feeling led to do.
I was uncertain about the situation and
needed discernment on how to handle
it. It was a very specific request that I
needed to act on quickly. The next week I
received a confirmation to this prayer but
in a very different way than I had prayed!
I knew right away this was the answer to
my prayer.
Ephesians 6:18 says, “And pray in the
Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of
prayers and requests.”
		~ Carol Ann Martin
Being a Prayer
Daily Guided
Prayer Topics
The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to
pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our
Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.
If you would like to share your prayer testimony to
encourage others, please contact Peggy Crawford at
Non-believers with illnesses
Oasis and Small Group leaders
More prayer groups at TCCC
Franklin Graham Prayer Rally
National Day of Prayer
More teaching on Prayer
Prayer call in morning service
Showing Jesus’ love to our
Vision and effectiveness for
our ministry teams
Opportunities to share Christ
with others
Those who prepare meals for
the sick and shut-ins.
Our Elders to see God’s vision
for Tates Creek and its
Mothers & Fathers lost in
Sunday school teachers
Sunday greeters & bus drivers
Be a beacon to the community
Julius Marks staff
Children’s worship services
Sensitivity to the needs of
Be living examples of Jesus
Show agape love
TCCC Ministers
Children from broken homes
Have an attitude of gratitude
Separated or divorced parents
Elem. school teachers & staff
Local ministries/missions
Be bold in our witness
Invite neighbors to TCCC
Teach about Jesus in our
Assist seniors with home
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
May 1
Elders: Larry Bugg, Kent Mason
Deacons: Dave Straub, Russell Brown
Ashland Terrace: Steve Clem
Home Comm: Greg Kasten, Brian Hogston,
		Cory Wilson
Sat Comm Prep: Arlene A. / Meredith B.
Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam White
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Brittany D/Lauren B/Olivia B
Prayer Room: Nathan Young, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Doug Ison, Boyd Johnson,
	 David Smith
May 8
Elders: Kent Mason, Nick Wallen
Deacons: Bill Poor, Steven Clem
Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten
Home Comm: Henry Evans, Brad Byington,
		Allan Faber	
Sat Comm Prep: Jim Everman
Clean-up 1st Srv: Mary Robey
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Greg/Kim Finkbonner
Prayer Room: Jerry/Jo Brooking, Gina Runyon
Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore,
	 Gary Coleman
May 15
Elders: Nick Wallen, Stan Stack
Deacons: Charles Byers, Henry Evans
Ashland Terrace: Dave Straub
Home Comm: Dave Straub, Keith Wertz,
		Stuart Kearns
Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston
Clean-up 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni Gregg
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Michelle M/April R
Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Jack White, David Martin,
	 Stuart Kearns
May 22
Elders: Stan Stack, Craig Martin
Deacons: Ray Albensi, Allan Faber
Ashland Terrace: Ray Albensi
Home Comm: Bill Johnson, Ken Banks,
		Jonathan Clifton	
Sat Comm Prep: David Rankin
Clean-up 1st Srv: Randall Young
Clean-up 2nd Srv: David/Joanne Shuman
Prayer Room: Caroline Lewis, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Bill Poor, Boyd Johnson,
	 David Feltner
May 29
Elders: Craig Martin, George Heaton
Deacons: Greg Kasten, Steve Mullins
Ashland Terrace: Keith Wertz
Home Comm: Ed Hall, Steve Mullins,
		Russell Brown	
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson
Clean-up 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Prayer Room: Garnett Langley, Larry Bugg
Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore,
	 Cory & Sarah Wilson
My First Mission Trip
I had no idea what I was in for while our bus drove through Larned,
Kansas. I was starting to think this trip would be boring as I looked at the
view of the same landscape for nearly two hours. I had been a part of the
youth group for 6 years and it was the first chance I had to leave Kentucky
for mission work. I was excited for the new experience but also nervous
that the trip would be a bust.
When we finally arrived in Dodge City, Kansas, we started to set up
everything we needed inside a local church. Our mission sounded like
a very simple one, host a VBS for the children who lived in the area. Our
youth group made it more of a success than I thought it would be. We
split up jobs, some doing crafts or playing games with the kids, some were
team leaders who would lead a group to their next activity, and I would
tell the children stories of the Bible. Each day became more fun than the
last, the group loved the kids and we couldn’t get enough time with them.
The people of Dodge City were quickly changing from strangers to great
friends. The trip taught me what compassion really was, as I watched my
friends Darius and Brittany crying as they hugged children goodbye. I
could see how much they cared for these kids and how much these kids
cared for us after only a week together. We love Dodge City, Kansas,
and while it may only be a tiny speck on the map to others, to us, it is an
amazing memory.
				~ Adam Johnson
			Senior at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
High School Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Missions Moment
Greetings from the Fehl family
Dear Friends at Tates Creek,
Twenty years ago we began our journey in
Ethiopia. In June 1996, we flew to Ethiopia on
our one-year wedding anniversary to spend
the summer on a CMF REACH internship. That
summer changed our lives and set us on a course of mission work through
today. Ethiopia has changed a lot in the last twenty years….and so have
For the past few years we have been sensing God telling us that our time
in Ethiopia is coming to a close. In prayer, we have been hearing“move”
and“trust”a lot! After many discussions and much prayer, we decided in
February that the time for us to leave is soon—this summer.
On June 19th, we’ll leave Ethiopia and transition to life in America.
We don’t know what God has in store for us, but we are trusting Him to
show us when the time is right. Through the rest of this year, we’ll be on
furlough in Indiana with CMF. Adrian will continue to be available to the
Ethiopia team to help with leadership transition, questions, issues, etc.
He’ll also be helping with some projects through the CMF home office.
During the fall of 2016, we hope to visit with you to express our
appreciation for your partnership with us in ministry. By that time, we
also hope to have some idea of what God has next for us (possibly a
continuation of ministry with CMF in some capacity). You have been so
faithful, and we could not have done our work in Ethiopia without you.
We are confident that God will continue His work through the great team
that we leave behind.
Thank you for your partnership, prayers, and encouragement. Many of
you have come to be like family to us over the years. We look forward to
seeing you in the fall.
					~ Adrian and Jennifer
May 15, 3-5 pm
Lexington Courthouse Plaza
Restoration 200 is about reviving
the core values of the Restoration Movement: Unity, Liberty,
and Love. We gather for the purpose of uniting and championing the work
of the church and glorifying the name of Jesus Christ. Speakers will
be: Jon Weece, Barrett Coffman, and David Shirley.
May Events
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
2016 Graduate Sunday
May 22, 2016
On May 22 we would like to recognize our high school
and college graduates. If you are graduating this year,
please let us know where you will be attending college or
what college degree you have earned.
Contact the church office at 266-1621 or, so that we can have a
complete list.
Cantabile Vocal Ensemble
Sunday, June 5, 2016, 6:30 pm
Cantabile Vocal Ensemble is 15-voice
ensemble led by Music Director, Donna
Bonner. Formed in February 2012,
Cantabile values the life-long journey of
music learning.
The Nelons
May 15, 6:30 pm
Come and enjoy some Southern
Gospel Music with the Nelons.
No tickets required.
A love offering will be received.
Upcoming Concerts
Lexington, KY 40502
The Red Poppy
International Symbol of Remembrance
The seed of the poppy can lie dormant for years in the ground. It is 1915
around the battlefields of Belgium, France, and Gallipoli. The World War
and digging of graves had disturbed the ground so that seed had risen
to the surface. A Canadian doctor, Lt. Col. John McCrae, is called to act as
chaplain for a friend’s burial. He immedialy writes a poem and the first lines
become the most famous of that time.
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row.”
Near the Armistice, Moina Belle Micheal read that poem in Ladies Home
Journal. She went out and bought 25 red silk poppies to hand out. She
saw this as a spiritual symbol for those that had not returned home after
the war, much like the rainbow after the Great Flood. The American Legion
adopted the symbol in 1920 and it has since been adopted around the
Our own Jim Regan, Sergeant Major ret., has purchased red poppies for
our congregation. These will be handed out to as many as we have on
Memorial Day Sunday. Sunday School classes will be approached for a
donation to the Disabled American Veterans for which Jim is the chaplain in
our area. 						~ Kent Mason
Embassy Suites on Newtown Pike
Featured Speaker: Bob Russell
This year there will be 2 inductees to
the 2016 Hall of Honored Servants:
Ann Ham & Sherwood Evans
If you would like to attend,
contact Alice Greene at
859-514-0045 or
Tickets are $50/person or $500/table.
Prayer Breakfast
May 21, 9-10 am
Room 200DE
“God’s Joy”
Benefit Banquet
May 12, 6:30 pm
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
As Christians, we must know and teach Godly doctrine. We must strive
to know the Word of God. God’s standard, His Word, should be the basis
of our behavior.
Christians often encounter confrontations. Our principles get
compromised. We don’t want to offend someone, be obtrusive, or speak
what we believe. Having a spirit of compromise becomes obvious when
we are in a conversation where we know we should proclaim Christ, but
we remain silent. This kind of philosophy and practice of compromise
can become a way of life for Christians. Some of us have compromised
with the world so often we don’t understand what the compromises are
Scripture calls us to the opposite of compromise. All through the
Bible, God commands us to live apart from the world. He has called us
to be separate from the world. We need to remind ourselves that God
is an uncompromising God. He never compromises His absolute truths
and principles for the purpose of expediency. He always lives according
to His Word. Psalm 138:2 says God has exalted His Word above all
things. He has made His nature submissive to His Word! And His Word
is the basis for Christian’s integrity.
In II Corinthians 6:17,18, God instructs us (His people) that if we truly
want to show we belong to Him, we must be seperated (holy) and
uncompromising in our lives. Read II Timothy 2:19-23. If we really
want to“Stand for Jesus”, we must purge ourselves from dishonorable
vessels (false teachers), false standards of living, and turn away from
wickedness. We must flee youthful lusts and “foolish and unlearned
questions . . . knowing that they breed strifes.” Only then can we be a
vessel unto honor, sanctified, and fit for the Master’s use.
God calls us to be separate. We must live seperated and
uncompromising lives, or else we destroy our service to Him. You want
to stand for Jesus? Do not compromise the Lord Jesus, His Word, His
Name, or His principles.
					~ Dallous Reed
					In The Word Class Teacher
Devotional Thought Week 1
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional Thought Week 2
Have you heard about the enormous sale? A large warehouse displayed the
bargains. Satan downsized shedding his unneeded inventory. He sold excess
devices no longer needed to block the the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.
One entire wall displayed various weapons: bombs, guns, poisons, knives of
all sorts. He filled endless cabinets with addictive substances: medications,
illegal hallucinogenic drugs, and the ever popular intoxicants in stylish bottles.
In the center stood enticing cabinets to allure the vulnerable: pornographic
magazines, books, videos, etc. He offered furniture and appliances: easy
chairs, couches, and beds for the slothful; freezers, refrigerators, etc. for the
gluttonous. He sold vaults for the greedy.
Opening day brought a flood of bargain hunters. One customer spied
a strange object in the back. “What’s that?” Satan answered, “That is not
for sale.” “But what is it?” “Never mind, I’m keeping that.” “Fine,”said the
customer:“But at least tell me what it is.” “That, sir, is my wedge. I use it to
separate these pesky Christians. I drive it between them. Sometimes they
turn on each other; sometimes they simply back away, keeping distance. As
long as I can keep the church divided, I need no other weapon to keep people
from the Christ.”
Conflicts between believers bring scandal to the message of the Christ.
Fracturing the body of Christ renders the message ineffective. We deserve to
be ignored. Division is a luxury today’s church cannot afford.
Of course, we must stand up for sound doctrine. However, who chooses
what is sound and what is optional? Light cannot have fellowship with
darkness. How can two walk together unless they are agreed? Is it possible
that someone else could be just as intelligent and sincere (or more so) as I am,
yet, hold a different understanding?
Shortly before Calvary, Jesus prayed for future generations. He did not pray
that we would be successful, talented, happy, or even healthy. He prayed
that we would all be one, united in perfect unity. The result is that others will
be won.... drawn to the Christ. “That they all be one so that the world will be
won.” Unity is a doctrine, too.
The movement resulting in Christian Churches, such
as ours, began over 200 years ago in Kentucky. Our
movement began as a unity movement. Since then,
our witness has gone to 199 nations with about 10
million believers. Check out the cornerstone of this
church building.
					~ Brad Walden
					Former TCCC Minister
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
I learned a new word the other day. Actually a preacher taught it to
me as a part of his sermon and I want to share it with you today. The
word is‘peripety’. If you are an English or literature scholar you may
know that peripety is defined as“a sudden and unexpected change of
fortune or reverse of circumstances.”
While the sermon I heard did not use Esther as an example, I think
it could have. Esther experienced a peripety when she was taken
from her life in Mordecai’s house to the palace of the King. She also
experienced a peripety when she was called from this seeming life of
peace and luxury to put her life on the line by
speaking up for her people, the Jews.
So, do you believe in‘chance’? Was it a simple
coincidence that Esther was in this position at
this precise time so that she could participate
in God’s salvation for the Jews? Mordecai
didn’t think so. The latter half of verse 14
records him saying to Esther, “And who knows
but that you have come to your royal position for
such a time as this?” Clearly Mordecai believed
that these events had been orchestrated and used by God.
What about you? When something happens that you don’t
understand, do you tend to try to explain it as‘chance’or
‘coincidence’? Or, do you recognize God’s sovereignty and love for
us by acknowledging that He can, and often does, make and set in
motion plans for us. Sometimes He even uses our mistakes, failures,
and weaknesses to accomplish wonderful things for His glory and His
Kingdom. This causes us to agree with what God says as recorded by
Isaiah, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)
Devotional thought Week 3
Lexington, KY 40502
At the beginning of Esther chapter five, we find Queen Esther
standing in the inner court of the palace. She is fully aware that she is
risking her life by being in view of the king on his throne, without an
invitation. What was behind her decision to break the rules and take
such a risk? Was it the faith and influence of her uncle, the intercession
of the Jewish people that were fasting and praying for her, or her own
obedience in fasting and prayer before God? It was God’s willingness
to work through her and her willingness to be open to His call.
Recently, I mentioned to a friend how I really hate taking risks. Her
response was to laugh and say,“No kidding?” Anyone that knows me,
knows that fear is a major struggle for me. There have been times that
I have been successful over fear and other times when I have hung my
head in frustration, wishing I were stronger.
Many Bible passages can offer encouragement when we are faced
with fear. Matthew 28:16-20 says, “But the eleven disciples proceeded
to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. When they saw
Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. And Jesus came up
and spoke to them, saying, “All authority
has been given to me in heaven and on
earth. Go therefore and make disciples of
all the nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit, teaching them to observe all that
I commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age.”
What I notice here is that even though some of the disciples were
doubtful, Jesus gave them all the command to go and make disciples.
He also said to all of them that He would be with them. That gives me
hope knowing that He knows there are many times when I am fearful
and doubting yet He still wants to use me and He will be with me. He is
greater than our fear!
					~ Phyllis Eversole
				 Women’s Oasis Class Teacher
Devotional thought Week 4
Sunday School
Average Attendance
March 2016
Infants	5
Walkers	6
3 - 5 Year Old	 14
Elementary	45
Middle School 	 19
High School	 31
Christians in Action	 21
Crusaders	56
Faith	14
Fellowship of Believers	 10
Generations of Faith	 19
Good News	 29
Grace & Truth	 80
Grass Roots	 20
Heaven Bound	 13
In The Word	 16
Open Bible	 53
Reach	12
Seekers	 7
Servants for Christ	 22
Upper Room	 11
Willing Workers	 27
Young Adult Class	 7
Ashland Terrace	 5
Miscellaneous	2
Officers	 4
Total	 568
March Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
6th		 784		 $46,681.
13th	 685	 $25,194.
20th	 792	 $24,729.
27th	 1029	 $25,988.
Mortgage Balance, March 31	 $625,765.
Monthly Payment (April 1)	 $36,876.
Principal	 $10,181.
Interest	 $1,695.
Add’l Principal	 $25,000.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2016 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2016 Average per week	 $30,647.
March Total Income	 $122,591.
March Total Expenses	 $136,273.
Moved to Savings	 $10,244.
Net Shortfall	 ($23,926.)
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for March
Deacons’Fund 	 $3,632.
“What If...” 	 $55,069.
Victory for Life	 $1,399.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
We celebrate with Nina as she was baptized on
Easter Sunday. She is eleven years old and in
fifth grade. Nina enjoys horseback riding and
volleyball. She is the daughter of Scott and
Candy Aubuchon and granddaughter of Billy and
Cindy Bishop. Help us to encourage Nina as she
grows in her faith!
Nina Aubuchon
March 27
Emilee Baker
March 27
James Littral
March 20
Cecilia Furnish
March 22
Alyson Henson
April 3
We celebrate with Emilee as she was also
baptized on Easter Sunday. She is eight
years old and in third grade. Emilee enjoys
gymnastics and cheerleading. She is the
daughter of Kelly Russell and granddaughter
of Billy and Cindy Bishop.
Both girls were very excited to be baptized
especially since their grandfather, Billy, was
able to baptize them.
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
1	 Connection Point, 12:30 pm, HR
1	 Monthly Ministry meetings	
2	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E
4	 Prayer Rally, 12 pm, Frankfort
4	 TCCC Prayer Time, 7:30 pm, 200CD
5	 National Day of Prayer
5	 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh
5	 Widow/Widowers Luncheon,
	 12 pm, FH
5	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
7&21	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
7	 Willing Workers Ladies Brunch,
	 11:30 am, FH
8	 Parent/Child Dedication, WC
8	 Baby Bottle Blessings, Foyer
9	 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Hill-N-Dale CC
9	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
9	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
10	 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm
13	 MS Lock-in, 8 pm, MS Room
15	 VBS Volunteer Lunch, 12:30pm,FH
15	 Restoration 200, 3 pm, Courthouse
15	 Women’s Team/Circle Chairs,
	 4 pm, Room 200E
15	 Nelons in Concert, 6:30 pm, WC
19	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
21	 Women’s Prayer Breakfast,
	 9 am, Room 200DE
21	 Children’s Ministry volunteer
	 training, 9 am, UP
22	 HS graduates meal, 12 pm, FH
26	 BWAC Day Trip
30	 Memorial Day, Office Closed
Weekly Activities
High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC
Adult Small Groups, various times 	
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD
Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC
Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm
Youth Activities, 6:30 pm
We Care Store, 1:30 pm
May 2016
Congratulations to our 2016
Good and Faithful Servant Award
recipient, Darrell McCarty.
Thank you for all your work with the
youth group!

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Tates Creek Christian Church Current for May 2016

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 9:30 am The Vine - 11:00 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Swahili Service - 4:00 pm Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes (Monday) Vicki Wesley (Friday) Contents Feature Article 10-11 “Greater Faith ” In Every Issue 3-7 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 18-21 Devotional thoughts each week 22 March Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar Ministry News 14 High School Mission Trip 15 Missions Moment Events 8-9 May Events 16-17 May Events Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. I vividly remember the morning I received a phone call from my cousin. She urgently said,“Tommy, you need to get to Zella, and you need to get to Zella quick!” I asked what was wrong. Then, my cousin said,“Your mother-in-law and your sister-in-law have just been killed in an automobile accident!” As soon as I hung up the phone, my father-in-law, Mr. Butler called. He shared the same news. I remember driving to the place where Zella worked. Zella was in a meeting. I remember walking into the room sharing that I needed to speak with Zella immediately. I remember our drive back to her Mom & Dad’s house. What a loss ~ mother and sister in one accident! The only one left to care for her Dad was Zella. I remember Zella making the decision to leave her place of work so that she could provide care for her Dad. However, when she resigned, her place of employment offered her part time work. During the next five years, Zella would travel to her Dad’s home at least once a week and sometimes twice a week to cook and clean for him and do his grocery shopping. Our children, Elizabeth and Joel, were very small at the time. Five years later, we moved Zella’s father into our home to care for him. He was a kind Christian gentleman. After taking care of him for three years and three months, he passed away from heart disease. During all of this and even now, Zella’s strong faith has never wavered or faltered once. When it comes to the month of May, we think of our mothers and reflect on their hearts and the impact they greatly made in our lives. However, this time, I want to share with you the impact and blessing that Zella is to me and to our children. Another attribute of Zella that I must share is her persistent selflessness. She is always thinking of others. I remember when our children were small that Zella would not purchase clothes for herself, even though she needed them, because she said the children needed clothes and that I needed clothes for ministry. I remember one time when our finances were tight, she continued wearing glasses because we did not have the finances to purchase contacts. She always puts herself out there to meet the needs of others. Multiple times, Zella asks me about our church people. She is always reaching out to encourage and to express love. Proverbs 31:10-11 describes Zella well, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her.” One very blessed husband! ~ Tommy 3 Lexington, KY 40502 A Mother’s Faith
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Faith in God’s Plan The second day that I was in the hospital with my son, Conner, the nurse came in and informed my husband and me that he had failed his hearing test. Shaken, a few days later we were with our pediatrician and were assured that 95% of children who fail their first test will pass their second. We tried to have faith that things would come back normal. Conner failed his second test, and we were given the diagnosis of almost profound hearing loss. I tried to stay positive, but on the way home I lost it in the car. My husband Lucas called and reiterated that even though we had been given this diagnosis, it would in no way slow us down. He told me to have faith in God and his plan for our son. There were so many options to make our son hear as normal as possible. As the months went on, we became more at peace with the idea that he was essentially deaf, and began researching cochlear implants and hearing aids. For his next test, we were given the better news that he was moderately hard of hearing and that only hearing aids were needed to correct the problem. We had to find the $3,000 for the hearing aids, but we had faith that it would be provided. It was, and Conner began hearing sounds and responding more often. Unfortunately, he got a double ear infection and due to the hearing loss the ENT decided that tubes would be necessary to alleviate the risk for more loss. In July of 2014 we went for Conner’s next hearing test. Lucas and I had prayed that his hearing loss would be made better by the surgery and we continued to have faith in God. The results were in, and our son was hearing at a completely normal level. To this day, we are unable to believe that he was ever in the profound loss range, as he is extremely verbal and communicative. The situation made our faith in God’s plan much stronger and throughout the process we knew, no matter what, our son’s path was going to be alright. ~ Lesley
  • 5. Like many of you, I receive emails from a retired friend who has a lot of time on his hands and sends me lots of emails that he thinks I would enjoy. I try to read them, if I can find the time. I recently received this one from him and I am so glad I read it. I hope you enjoy it too. “‘If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail, with no top.’ ‘The ordinary bat flies around at night, a remarkable, nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.’ ‘A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.’ ‘In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look up! That’s the answer, the escape route and the solution to any problem. Just look up!’ ‘Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and trust in our Creator who loves us.’” Responding to the disciples who could not drive the demon out of the boy, Jesus replied: “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. Nothing is impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20 ~ Don 5 Lexington, KY 40502 The Buzzard, The Bat, and The Bumblebee
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 The Power of Faith “Just stay positive!” Students today are bombarded with this message as they struggle through life to find meaning and significance. In a time when typical supports have been lifted, such as family, community, and even faith, many students do not know where to turn to find the emotional strength to excel. Positive thinking, merely imagining success in life, is the only resource many students have left. Most students see this as the false hope that it is, however. But we, in the Church, are guilty of this as well. It is too easy to comfort someone hurting by telling them to“just believe”and things will work out for the best. Popular Christian thought seems to treat belief as some sort of magic that has the power to make our fantasies of health and wealth reality. My faith crashes into reality almost immediately upon visiting someone sick in the hospital. How can you pray for someone when there is so much uncertainty, even from doctors trying to diagnose the problem? This is the situation that the father of the demon-possessed boy encountered in Mark 9:14-29. Jesus’own disciples couldn’t help him, and the father knew it was only a matter of time before the boy’s fits would eventually take his life. When Jesus comes down from the mountain into the scrum between his disciples and official scribes, the father had seen all of his options fail. Neither side had a ritual to perform, an incantation to chant, or even an answer. His petition to Jesus comes from his despair, “If you are able, have compassion on us and help us.” (Mark 9:22) Jesus is frustrated by the lack of trust that the entire crowd has in him and corrects the father “What do you mean, ‘If you are able’? Everything is possible for the one who believes.” (Mark 9:23) Jesus claims this for good reason. Just before this He had revealed his glory to Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop (9:2-8). Jesus knew that He had the power to heal, so the only barrier to action was the trust that the father put in him. When the father cried out in distress for mercy, Jesus showed it and healed the boy, even in the face of lingering doubts. It isn’t that our faith has any power in itself to change, which would be worse than magic. Rather, in the face of all our difficulties we put our faith in Jesus, who suffered death (9:30-32), and is now glorified. We don’t have powerful faith, we have a powerful Savior and Lord! ~ Brad
  • 7. Lexington, KY 40502 7 I want to remind you that we have several things coming up on our schedule of events for the senior adult populace here at Tates Creek. One I would like to let you know about will be a discussion on seniors and technology. This will be at an upcoming BWAC meeting where I will be demonstrating some of the current technological advances. Often times these intimidate older adults but also offer advantages to many. One of those is what’s known as“Cutting the Cable,”or getting rid of high cost cable or satellite but still having access to many of your favorite TV shows. I would invite all our seniors to join us for this monthly meeting, particularly for this program. Also coming up in the very near future is our annual trek down to Senior Saints in the Smokies. June 6-10 is the date and its not too late to register and sign on for this great time of fellowship and encouragement. Be watching also for our late summer trip to see the Noah’s Ark replica. If anyone has any questions about these or any other opportunities for our seniors, please contact me here at the church. We have a great group and a rich fellowship. It would be even richer to have you join us! ~ Bro. Kim Ministry News Each year we hope to engage, love, challenge, and draw in more kids than the year before. We hope to serve more people locally and globally through the kind and generous hearts of the children. This is what’s happening this summer in the Children’s Ministry! Technically we will kick off the summer with our graduations from pre-K and 5th grade on May 22nd. Graduating from elementary will be 15 incredible kids, many of whom are ready to share Jesus with their neighbors. At the same time, Critterland will be celebrating their graduates as well. Uptown will welcome 15 new, soon to be, Kindergartners on May 29th. This will also be a FUN family Sunday! Then, later in June is our annual young elementary adventure at Power Kids Day Camp at BGCC. Next will beVBS,“Deep Sea Discovery,”June 11-14, 9 am-Noon! Sign up now at tatescreek. org to register your child AND/OR to sign up as one of our elite team members! FollowingVBS we will have a week off before heading to BGCC again for an awesome week of 7-11 camp. Then we will end with packing backpacks, and PARTY INTHE PARK! For some people this might make you exhausted just reading, but for me I get excited to experience all the things God has in store for yourTCCC kids this summer and beyond! If you are reading this and wondering how you can serve, send me an email or text 859-537-2634 and I will be happy to get you plugged in to a special event OR into our Sunday morning SummerTeam! ~ Matt
  • 8. Vacation Bible School July 11-14, 9 am - 12 pm Registration for our Deep Sea Discovery is now open. You can register on our website at Just click VBS 2016 under the “What’s happening” page. While you are there, please consider volunteering to help our VBS run smoothly. There are a variety of areas that can use your help! On May 15 at 12:30 pm, we will have a volunteer luncheon. You will receive more details about VBS and the area in which you will be serving. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road May Events 8 Senior Saints in the Smokies June 6-10 - Johnson University It is time for our annual fun-filled week in the Smokies. See Kim Beckwith for more information and a registration form. Teaching Reaching Parent/Child Dedication - May 8 On Mother’s Day, we will be setting aside a time of dedication for parents who would like to commit to raising their children to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ. If you have children newborn to age 5 and would like to participate in this service, please contact the church office at 266-1621 or Let us know your name, child’s name, and which service you will be attending by Wednesday, May 4. Baby Bottle Blessings Help support Assurance for Life by picking up a baby bottle Sunday, May 8. Fill it with your spare change, cash, or check and return it by Father’s Day, June 19. Teaching Helping
  • 9. Lexington, KY 40502 May Events 9 Standing Mission House Needs This summer is going to again be busy at the mission house. The Kern family returned to the mission field in March. We now anticipate the arrival of the Limiero family for a weekend in June and the Alvarado family in July for most of the rest of 2016. Since the mission house will be full this summer, we would like to provide a grill for these families to use. If you have a gently used grill that is still in good condition and you would be willing to donate it to the mission house, please contact David Eversole at 266-1621 or Upcoming Prayer Team Events Prayer Rally featuring Franklin Graham May 4, 12 pm Frankfort, KY A van will be leaving from TCCC at 10:15 am. Please sign-up at the registration table in the foyer. TCCC Prayer Time Wednesday, May 4 7:30 pm, Room 200CD National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 5 Join us in praying for our nation throughout the day.
  • 10. There are a couple of stories in the new testament that talk about people who have great faith. The one we are going to look at together is in Matthew 8:5-13 (NIV): The Faith of the Centurion “When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.” Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?” The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.” What can we learn from this story about what it means to have“great faith”? Lets try and identify a few things. First off, the Centurion recognizes the authority of Jesus. He calls Jesus “Lord”. This man is a Gentile. He has a lot of authority himself. He is looked up to and respected. He has been entrusted as a leader. But he still has humility. The Centurion realizes that healing his servant is beyond his capacity. It is beyond his authority. He recognizes that he must appeal to an authority much higher than his own. Great faith makes decisions based on what God is capable of, not what man is capable of! Is this how we make our decisions? Do we trust in God’s authority? Do we trust in the authority of His Word? Secondly, the Centurion was bold in his faith. He came to Jesus. Is Jesus the first person we come to when we have Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 Greater Faith
  • 11. a problem? The Centurion came to Jesus and asked for help. He didn’t allow his own fears,“what if’s,”or doubts to hinder him from coming to Jesus. He just came because he trusted that Jesus was capable of healing his servant. He had great faith! Boldness is a characteristic of Great Faith! Do we allow our fears and doubts to stifle our faith? Thirdly, the Centurion exhibited humility. We see that he sought out help, which in and of itself is an act of humility. He is also seeking that help on behalf of another person which tells us that he puts others before himself. Also, in verse 8 he says to Jesus, “Lord I do not deserve to have you come under my roof”, which implies his humble spirit as well. In James 4:6, James quotes Proverbs 3:34 saying, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”. This is a theme that comes up over and over again in the New Testament. Great Faith consists of Humility! There are many great examples of great faith in the Bible. Hebrews 11 outlines many characters throughout the Bible who exhibited great faith. Many, if not all, of these people were faced with tremendous trials in their relationship with God and each one overcame by having great faith in God and his authority. My encouragement to you is to make sure that you are focused on God and what He can do. He has authority over all things. Too often we get bogged down in our fear and doubts, thinking about all the obstacles that stand in our way. We must think beyond the physical and material. We must think beyond what we can control and what we have authority over ourselves. We must humble ourselves, and boldly trust in the authority and power of Jesus and what He is capable of! He can do what He says He can do, and He will do what He says He will do! ~ Mike Lexington, KY 40502 11 Greater Faith continued
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 One of the benefits of Sunday school is getting to know other like-minded individuals. Through the Servants for Christ class, I met my prayer partner, Sarah Hines. Sarah and I have been praying with each other for about two years. We set aside Wednesday morning at 8 am to pray together. During this time we share prayer requests, read scripture, and pray. Recently, I asked Sarah to pray about something I was feeling led to do. I was uncertain about the situation and needed discernment on how to handle it. It was a very specific request that I needed to act on quickly. The next week I received a confirmation to this prayer but in a very different way than I had prayed! I knew right away this was the answer to my prayer. Ephesians 6:18 says, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” ~ Carol Ann Martin Being a Prayer Partner Daily Guided Prayer Topics May The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently. If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage others, please contact Peggy Crawford at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Non-believers with illnesses Oasis and Small Group leaders More prayer groups at TCCC Franklin Graham Prayer Rally National Day of Prayer More teaching on Prayer Prayer call in morning service Showing Jesus’ love to our mothers Vision and effectiveness for our ministry teams Opportunities to share Christ with others Those who prepare meals for the sick and shut-ins. Our Elders to see God’s vision for Tates Creek and its implementation Mothers & Fathers lost in addiction Sunday school teachers Sunday greeters & bus drivers Be a beacon to the community Julius Marks staff Children’s worship services Sensitivity to the needs of others Be living examples of Jesus Show agape love TCCC Ministers Children from broken homes Have an attitude of gratitude Separated or divorced parents Elem. school teachers & staff Local ministries/missions Be bold in our witness Invite neighbors to TCCC Teach about Jesus in our homes Assist seniors with home maintenance
  • 13. Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule May 1 Elders: Larry Bugg, Kent Mason Deacons: Dave Straub, Russell Brown Ashland Terrace: Steve Clem Home Comm: Greg Kasten, Brian Hogston, Cory Wilson Sat Comm Prep: Arlene A. / Meredith B. Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam White Clean-up 2nd Srv: Brittany D/Lauren B/Olivia B Prayer Room: Nathan Young, Laura Mullins Ushers: Doug Ison, Boyd Johnson, David Smith May 8 Elders: Kent Mason, Nick Wallen Deacons: Bill Poor, Steven Clem Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten Home Comm: Henry Evans, Brad Byington, Allan Faber Sat Comm Prep: Jim Everman Clean-up 1st Srv: Mary Robey Clean-up 2nd Srv: Greg/Kim Finkbonner Prayer Room: Jerry/Jo Brooking, Gina Runyon Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore, Gary Coleman May 15 Elders: Nick Wallen, Stan Stack Deacons: Charles Byers, Henry Evans Ashland Terrace: Dave Straub Home Comm: Dave Straub, Keith Wertz, Stuart Kearns Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston Clean-up 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni Gregg Clean-up 2nd Srv: Michelle M/April R Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Jack White, David Martin, Stuart Kearns May 22 Elders: Stan Stack, Craig Martin Deacons: Ray Albensi, Allan Faber Ashland Terrace: Ray Albensi Home Comm: Bill Johnson, Ken Banks, Jonathan Clifton Sat Comm Prep: David Rankin Clean-up 1st Srv: Randall Young Clean-up 2nd Srv: David/Joanne Shuman Prayer Room: Caroline Lewis, Laura Mullins Ushers: Bill Poor, Boyd Johnson, David Feltner May 29 Elders: Craig Martin, George Heaton Deacons: Greg Kasten, Steve Mullins Ashland Terrace: Keith Wertz Home Comm: Ed Hall, Steve Mullins, Russell Brown Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson Clean-up 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Prayer Room: Garnett Langley, Larry Bugg Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore, Cory & Sarah Wilson 13
  • 14. My First Mission Trip I had no idea what I was in for while our bus drove through Larned, Kansas. I was starting to think this trip would be boring as I looked at the view of the same landscape for nearly two hours. I had been a part of the youth group for 6 years and it was the first chance I had to leave Kentucky for mission work. I was excited for the new experience but also nervous that the trip would be a bust. When we finally arrived in Dodge City, Kansas, we started to set up everything we needed inside a local church. Our mission sounded like a very simple one, host a VBS for the children who lived in the area. Our youth group made it more of a success than I thought it would be. We split up jobs, some doing crafts or playing games with the kids, some were team leaders who would lead a group to their next activity, and I would tell the children stories of the Bible. Each day became more fun than the last, the group loved the kids and we couldn’t get enough time with them. The people of Dodge City were quickly changing from strangers to great friends. The trip taught me what compassion really was, as I watched my friends Darius and Brittany crying as they hugged children goodbye. I could see how much they cared for these kids and how much these kids cared for us after only a week together. We love Dodge City, Kansas, and while it may only be a tiny speck on the map to others, to us, it is an amazing memory. ~ Adam Johnson Senior at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 High School Ministry
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 Missions Moment Greetings from the Fehl family Dear Friends at Tates Creek, Twenty years ago we began our journey in Ethiopia. In June 1996, we flew to Ethiopia on our one-year wedding anniversary to spend the summer on a CMF REACH internship. That summer changed our lives and set us on a course of mission work through today. Ethiopia has changed a lot in the last twenty years….and so have we. For the past few years we have been sensing God telling us that our time in Ethiopia is coming to a close. In prayer, we have been hearing“move” and“trust”a lot! After many discussions and much prayer, we decided in February that the time for us to leave is soon—this summer. On June 19th, we’ll leave Ethiopia and transition to life in America. We don’t know what God has in store for us, but we are trusting Him to show us when the time is right. Through the rest of this year, we’ll be on furlough in Indiana with CMF. Adrian will continue to be available to the Ethiopia team to help with leadership transition, questions, issues, etc. He’ll also be helping with some projects through the CMF home office. During the fall of 2016, we hope to visit with you to express our appreciation for your partnership with us in ministry. By that time, we also hope to have some idea of what God has next for us (possibly a continuation of ministry with CMF in some capacity). You have been so faithful, and we could not have done our work in Ethiopia without you. We are confident that God will continue His work through the great team that we leave behind. Thank you for your partnership, prayers, and encouragement. Many of you have come to be like family to us over the years. We look forward to seeing you in the fall. ~ Adrian and Jennifer
  • 16. THE REVIVAL OF UNITY, LIBERTY & LOVE May 15, 3-5 pm Lexington Courthouse Plaza Restoration 200 is about reviving the core values of the Restoration Movement: Unity, Liberty, and Love. We gather for the purpose of uniting and championing the work of the church and glorifying the name of Jesus Christ. Speakers will be: Jon Weece, Barrett Coffman, and David Shirley. May Events Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 16 2016 Graduate Sunday May 22, 2016 On May 22 we would like to recognize our high school and college graduates. If you are graduating this year, please let us know where you will be attending college or what college degree you have earned. Contact the church office at 266-1621 or, so that we can have a complete list. Cantabile Vocal Ensemble Presents “SING ME TO HEAVEN” Sunday, June 5, 2016, 6:30 pm Cantabile Vocal Ensemble is 15-voice ensemble led by Music Director, Donna Bonner. Formed in February 2012, Cantabile values the life-long journey of music learning. The Nelons May 15, 6:30 pm Come and enjoy some Southern Gospel Music with the Nelons. No tickets required. A love offering will be received. Upcoming Concerts Standing
  • 17. Lexington, KY 40502 The Red Poppy 17 International Symbol of Remembrance The seed of the poppy can lie dormant for years in the ground. It is 1915 around the battlefields of Belgium, France, and Gallipoli. The World War and digging of graves had disturbed the ground so that seed had risen to the surface. A Canadian doctor, Lt. Col. John McCrae, is called to act as chaplain for a friend’s burial. He immedialy writes a poem and the first lines become the most famous of that time. “In Flanders fields the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row.” Near the Armistice, Moina Belle Micheal read that poem in Ladies Home Journal. She went out and bought 25 red silk poppies to hand out. She saw this as a spiritual symbol for those that had not returned home after the war, much like the rainbow after the Great Flood. The American Legion adopted the symbol in 1920 and it has since been adopted around the world! Our own Jim Regan, Sergeant Major ret., has purchased red poppies for our congregation. These will be handed out to as many as we have on Memorial Day Sunday. Sunday School classes will be approached for a donation to the Disabled American Veterans for which Jim is the chaplain in our area. ~ Kent Mason Embassy Suites on Newtown Pike Featured Speaker: Bob Russell This year there will be 2 inductees to the 2016 Hall of Honored Servants: Ann Ham & Sherwood Evans If you would like to attend, contact Alice Greene at 859-514-0045 or Tickets are $50/person or $500/table. Women’s Prayer Breakfast May 21, 9-10 am Room 200DE “God’s Joy” Standing 2016 Benefit Banquet May 12, 6:30 pm
  • 18. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 STANDING FOR JESUS As Christians, we must know and teach Godly doctrine. We must strive to know the Word of God. God’s standard, His Word, should be the basis of our behavior. Christians often encounter confrontations. Our principles get compromised. We don’t want to offend someone, be obtrusive, or speak what we believe. Having a spirit of compromise becomes obvious when we are in a conversation where we know we should proclaim Christ, but we remain silent. This kind of philosophy and practice of compromise can become a way of life for Christians. Some of us have compromised with the world so often we don’t understand what the compromises are anymore. Scripture calls us to the opposite of compromise. All through the Bible, God commands us to live apart from the world. He has called us to be separate from the world. We need to remind ourselves that God is an uncompromising God. He never compromises His absolute truths and principles for the purpose of expediency. He always lives according to His Word. Psalm 138:2 says God has exalted His Word above all things. He has made His nature submissive to His Word! And His Word is the basis for Christian’s integrity. In II Corinthians 6:17,18, God instructs us (His people) that if we truly want to show we belong to Him, we must be seperated (holy) and uncompromising in our lives. Read II Timothy 2:19-23. If we really want to“Stand for Jesus”, we must purge ourselves from dishonorable vessels (false teachers), false standards of living, and turn away from wickedness. We must flee youthful lusts and “foolish and unlearned questions . . . knowing that they breed strifes.” Only then can we be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and fit for the Master’s use. God calls us to be separate. We must live seperated and uncompromising lives, or else we destroy our service to Him. You want to stand for Jesus? Do not compromise the Lord Jesus, His Word, His Name, or His principles. ~ Dallous Reed In The Word Class Teacher Devotional Thought Week 1
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional Thought Week 2 RESTORATION 200 Have you heard about the enormous sale? A large warehouse displayed the bargains. Satan downsized shedding his unneeded inventory. He sold excess devices no longer needed to block the the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. One entire wall displayed various weapons: bombs, guns, poisons, knives of all sorts. He filled endless cabinets with addictive substances: medications, illegal hallucinogenic drugs, and the ever popular intoxicants in stylish bottles. In the center stood enticing cabinets to allure the vulnerable: pornographic magazines, books, videos, etc. He offered furniture and appliances: easy chairs, couches, and beds for the slothful; freezers, refrigerators, etc. for the gluttonous. He sold vaults for the greedy. Opening day brought a flood of bargain hunters. One customer spied a strange object in the back. “What’s that?” Satan answered, “That is not for sale.” “But what is it?” “Never mind, I’m keeping that.” “Fine,”said the customer:“But at least tell me what it is.” “That, sir, is my wedge. I use it to separate these pesky Christians. I drive it between them. Sometimes they turn on each other; sometimes they simply back away, keeping distance. As long as I can keep the church divided, I need no other weapon to keep people from the Christ.” Conflicts between believers bring scandal to the message of the Christ. Fracturing the body of Christ renders the message ineffective. We deserve to be ignored. Division is a luxury today’s church cannot afford. Of course, we must stand up for sound doctrine. However, who chooses what is sound and what is optional? Light cannot have fellowship with darkness. How can two walk together unless they are agreed? Is it possible that someone else could be just as intelligent and sincere (or more so) as I am, yet, hold a different understanding? Shortly before Calvary, Jesus prayed for future generations. He did not pray that we would be successful, talented, happy, or even healthy. He prayed that we would all be one, united in perfect unity. The result is that others will be won.... drawn to the Christ. “That they all be one so that the world will be won.” Unity is a doctrine, too. The movement resulting in Christian Churches, such as ours, began over 200 years ago in Kentucky. Our movement began as a unity movement. Since then, our witness has gone to 199 nations with about 10 million believers. Check out the cornerstone of this church building. ~ Brad Walden Former TCCC Minister
  • 20. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 20 JESUS IS GREATER THAN CHANCE - ESTHER 4 I learned a new word the other day. Actually a preacher taught it to me as a part of his sermon and I want to share it with you today. The word is‘peripety’. If you are an English or literature scholar you may know that peripety is defined as“a sudden and unexpected change of fortune or reverse of circumstances.” While the sermon I heard did not use Esther as an example, I think it could have. Esther experienced a peripety when she was taken from her life in Mordecai’s house to the palace of the King. She also experienced a peripety when she was called from this seeming life of peace and luxury to put her life on the line by speaking up for her people, the Jews. So, do you believe in‘chance’? Was it a simple coincidence that Esther was in this position at this precise time so that she could participate in God’s salvation for the Jews? Mordecai didn’t think so. The latter half of verse 14 records him saying to Esther, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Clearly Mordecai believed that these events had been orchestrated and used by God. What about you? When something happens that you don’t understand, do you tend to try to explain it as‘chance’or ‘coincidence’? Or, do you recognize God’s sovereignty and love for us by acknowledging that He can, and often does, make and set in motion plans for us. Sometimes He even uses our mistakes, failures, and weaknesses to accomplish wonderful things for His glory and His Kingdom. This causes us to agree with what God says as recorded by Isaiah, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) Devotional thought Week 3
  • 21. 21 Lexington, KY 40502 JESUS IS GREATER THAN FEAR - ESTHER 5 At the beginning of Esther chapter five, we find Queen Esther standing in the inner court of the palace. She is fully aware that she is risking her life by being in view of the king on his throne, without an invitation. What was behind her decision to break the rules and take such a risk? Was it the faith and influence of her uncle, the intercession of the Jewish people that were fasting and praying for her, or her own obedience in fasting and prayer before God? It was God’s willingness to work through her and her willingness to be open to His call. Recently, I mentioned to a friend how I really hate taking risks. Her response was to laugh and say,“No kidding?” Anyone that knows me, knows that fear is a major struggle for me. There have been times that I have been successful over fear and other times when I have hung my head in frustration, wishing I were stronger. Many Bible passages can offer encouragement when we are faced with fear. Matthew 28:16-20 says, “But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” What I notice here is that even though some of the disciples were doubtful, Jesus gave them all the command to go and make disciples. He also said to all of them that He would be with them. That gives me hope knowing that He knows there are many times when I am fearful and doubting yet He still wants to use me and He will be with me. He is greater than our fear! ~ Phyllis Eversole Women’s Oasis Class Teacher Devotional thought Week 4
  • 22. Sunday School Average Attendance March 2016 Youth Infants 5 Walkers 6 3 - 5 Year Old 14 Elementary 45 Middle School 19 High School 31 Adult Christians in Action 21 Crusaders 56 Faith 14 Fellowship of Believers 10 FOCUS 20 Generations of Faith 19 Good News 29 Grace & Truth 80 Grass Roots 20 Heaven Bound 13 In The Word 16 Open Bible 53 Reach 12 Seekers 7 Servants for Christ 22 Upper Room 11 Willing Workers 27 Young Adult Class 7 Ashland Terrace 5 Miscellaneous 2 Officers 4 Total 568 March Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 6th 784 $46,681. 13th 685 $25,194. 20th 792 $24,729. 27th 1029 $25,988. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, March 31 $625,765. Monthly Payment (April 1) $36,876. Principal $10,181. Interest $1,695. Add’l Principal $25,000. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 17% General Fund Report 2016 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2016 Average per week $30,647. March Total Income $122,591. March Total Expenses $136,273. Moved to Savings $10,244. Net Shortfall ($23,926.) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22 Funds Totals for March Deacons’Fund $3,632. “What If...” $55,069. Victory for Life $1,399.
  • 23. 23 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members We celebrate with Nina as she was baptized on Easter Sunday. She is eleven years old and in fifth grade. Nina enjoys horseback riding and volleyball. She is the daughter of Scott and Candy Aubuchon and granddaughter of Billy and Cindy Bishop. Help us to encourage Nina as she grows in her faith! Nina Aubuchon Baptized March 27 Emilee Baker Baptized March 27 James Littral Baptized March 20 Cecilia Furnish Baptized March 22 Alyson Henson Baptized April 3 We celebrate with Emilee as she was also baptized on Easter Sunday. She is eight years old and in third grade. Emilee enjoys gymnastics and cheerleading. She is the daughter of Kelly Russell and granddaughter of Billy and Cindy Bishop. Both girls were very excited to be baptized especially since their grandfather, Billy, was able to baptize them.
  • 24. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 1 Connection Point, 12:30 pm, HR 1 Monthly Ministry meetings 2 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E 4 Prayer Rally, 12 pm, Frankfort 4 TCCC Prayer Time, 7:30 pm, 200CD 5 National Day of Prayer 5 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 5 Widow/Widowers Luncheon, 12 pm, FH 5 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 7&21 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 7 Willing Workers Ladies Brunch, 11:30 am, FH 8 Parent/Child Dedication, WC 8 Baby Bottle Blessings, Foyer 9 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Hill-N-Dale CC 9 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 9 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 10 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 13 MS Lock-in, 8 pm, MS Room 15 VBS Volunteer Lunch, 12:30pm,FH 15 Restoration 200, 3 pm, Courthouse 15 Women’s Team/Circle Chairs, 4 pm, Room 200E 15 Nelons in Concert, 6:30 pm, WC 19 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 21 Women’s Prayer Breakfast, 9 am, Room 200DE 21 Children’s Ministry volunteer training, 9 am, UP 22 HS graduates meal, 12 pm, FH 26 BWAC Day Trip 30 Memorial Day, Office Closed Weekly Activities Sunday: High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303 Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various times Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm Youth Activities, 6:30 pm Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm Volume4No.5 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/HR-HearthRoom/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter May 2016 Congratulations to our 2016 Good and Faithful Servant Award recipient, Darrell McCarty. Thank you for all your work with the youth group!