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Tates Creek
Merry Christmas
December 2015
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 8:30 am
Blended - 9:50 am
The Vine - 11:10 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am
Evening - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Kim Beckwith
Don Seevers
Mike Allen
Brad Haggard
Matt Lee
Lesley Tipton
David Eversole
Billy Bishop
Conor Doyle
Office Staff
Kim Jones
Jenni Gregg
Rhoda Rolfes
Vicki Wesley
Feature Article
	10-11	 “30 Ways to Keep Christ in
In Every Issue
	 3-9	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
	 14	 Intern Article
	 18	 October Statistics
	 19	 New Members
	20	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 15	 Missions Moment
16-17	 December Events	
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in need
(benevolence), and to stand up for Christian
values in the community (witness).
Often times, change comes into our personal lives whether
we like it or not; whether we had a choice about the change
or not. The type of change often affects our anticipation
of Christmas! When the change is positive, we really look
forward to Christmas. If the change is negative, then we may
be dreading Christmas. Since Dad passed away, every holiday
has been very different; especially Christmas! Dad was always a lot of fun
to watch opening gifts. He never took the time to remove the wrapping
paper from the box. He always, always tore into the box ~ to the point that
Mom could never recycle the gift boxes he opened. Precious memories
that bring a mixture of smiles and tears! Now, since Zella & I have three
small grandchildren, every holiday is becoming very different; especially
Christmas! Needless to say, we are looking forward to seeing their reactions
this Christmas! Yet, whether the change in our personal lives was positive
or negative, there is a very strong constant in Christmas that provides joy
beyond our understanding.
We find that constant in the message the angels
announced to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for
behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be
for all the people; for today in the city of David there has
been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke
2:10-11). For some of us, our hearts have been broken
by change this year. We may have lost a loved one or a
very dear friend. Maybe we have contracted an illness
that is greatly affecting our health. Maybe our marital
status changed this year ~ a change we did not want and tried very hard
to stop. Maybe we are without a job, and we are feeling stressed about
providing for our family with Christmas approaching. Christmas will be
very different. It may seem that the goal for Christmas is just to get through
it. However, the Savior of Christmas brings forgiveness, and He also brings
healing, even healing for a broken, sad heart. Jesus always provides a new
beginning, a new tomorrow, a new future.
Hopefully, when there has been positive change in our personal lives, we
will not allow that positive change to shadow the real reason of celebrating
Jesus throughout Christmas! For this truth, we rejoice every day and every
Christmas, in spite of the change that walked into our lives!
Glory to God in the Highest!	 	 ~ Tommy
Tidbits from Tommy
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Senior Adults
The story is told of a salesman who was bragging about his skill
in making the most extraordinary sales. He said he once sold
two milking machines to a farmer with only one cow. “That’s not
so silly,” one of his fellow salesmen said, “Maybe he bought the
other one in case the first one broke down.” “Maybe,” said the
first salesman, “But he gave me the cow as a down payment.”
I thought to myself as I considered that story….How much like that farmer
much of our society is at Christmas. With their removing of the traditional
religious songs from schools. With their tearing down nativity scenes
from public places. I’ve often thought: what’s the point of those people
celebrating? What’s the sense of buying all those gifts?
The world, often times, calls us fools for
believing God’s son was born of a virgin in
a cattle stall….all while they buy milking
machines without owning a cow. They have
a shiny, joyous holiday with no real reason
to celebrate it. Think about this for a moment: These people say,“We are
offended by the religious overtones of the holiday.” Yet, they are right there
participating in the joy brought by the holiday.
When doing my master’s work many years ago, I took a counseling class
at the graduate school at Wichita State University. The class was on a
particular theory of counseling which championed employing empathy as
its major tenant. I wrote my final paper on how those very principles and
practices were first practiced by Jesus. In essence, they took the best of
Jesus and put another name on it. That’s the same thing the world does
today. They take all the warm and fuzzy feelings of Christmas, package
it in their own package, and call it theirs. But, friends, is Christmas really
Christmas without Jesus? Let’s make every effort to not get so caught up
in the lights, the smells, the gaiety, and the excitement of the season, but
rather in the person it is all about. If we don’t, we’re just like that farmer, all
machine and no cow.
			 		 ~ Bro. Kim
Christmas for most people is a time of great joy and
celebration. I say‘most people’because I know firsthand
that it is not universally true. Having worked in nursing
homes for many years, I saw many people in our care who
suffered much from loneliness, all through the year but
especially during the Christmas season.
God knew from the very beginning that it was not good for us to be
alone, thus he made a helpmate for Adam. Together, Adam and Eve
worked and helped each other, even if they did get into a little trouble.
God used that trouble to set His plan in motion. The plan where He,
Himself, would come through His Son, to forever
cure man’s‘trouble’with sin and his suffering from
loneliness. God would be able to fulfill man’s
deep desire for connection by offering an eternal
relationship with Him.
This plan was announced hundreds of years
before through God’s faithful prophets. The faithful
Israelites heard these promises and began to figuratively sing the words
of my favorite Christmas song,“O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom
captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.”
Not only would they be rescued, but God would be with them! That calls
for rejoicing!
This is the coming of God that we remember and celebrate at Christmas.
We also can rejoice because we have been rescued by Jesus and Jesus is
with us, even today.
God is always faithful to His word. While Jesus was here he told us of
another time when He would come – the end of time as we know it. At
that time, He will establish the true and complete reign of God over all of
creation and the new dwelling place of men will be without suffering of
any kind because we will be with God.
Do we say today, like the faithful Israelites of old and the Apostle John at
the end of Revelation,“Come, Lord Jesus”?
					~ David
Lexington, KY 40502
O Come, Emmanuel
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
As Christmas draws ever closer, many of us grow excited
with anticipation. Especially children. Remember when
Christmas used to be a magical time of the year? I have great
memories of Christmas as a child. My parents spoiled me at
Christmas. As I’ve gotten older, I really enjoy Christmas with
my own children. I love going to church on Christmas Eve and being with
them on Christmas morning, just spending time as a family. But it can also
bring financial stress, busyness, and other distractions that can take away
from the true meaning. In a way, I dread Christmas in a worldly sense, but
what remains constant is the reason we celebrate in the first place. I have to
stop and remind myself of that often during this season.
Many of us have other stresses beyond just finances. Some of us,
throughout the year, have lost loved ones, or things have changed in our
relationships and there is going to be the stinging reminder of an empty seat
at the table. I am praying for you. Really, I am
praying that you will be able to focus on Jesus
throughout this season. I pray that you will be
reminded constantly that he is our source of
hope. I pray that our Lord provides you with
blessings that take your attention away from
the hurt, the pain, and the loss. I’m going to
need your prayers for the very same thing.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas
season filled with joy that comes from the
promise of the person of Jesus Christ. I hope
you are blessed by time with family and
friends. Focus on Jesus and he will bring joy
and peace. He is, in fact, the Prince of Peace.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be
upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
			In His Service, 	 ~ Mike
Young Adult Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Student Ministry
Home for Christmas
Our high school fall retreat this year was a joint retreat with
three other churches. Typically we only go with our group,
but I have become convicted that unity means we need to
share space and energy with other people and churches. So,
we went along with Southside Church of Christ, Southern Acres Christian
Church, and Centerpointe Christian Church. The most amazing thing was
that, rather than being a time where groups clashed and competed with
each other for territory, the students quickly gelled. In fact, our students on
the trip said that it was the best retreat they had attended precisely because
they got to meet students from other groups!
One of the main draws for Christmas is the time we get to spend with
family. Going home, settling in, and feeling whole with the people that have
formed us, is the joy that we have during the Christmas season. This is what
is offered to the world in Jesus’birth. Through Jesus we all have a brother
who is not ashamed to call us family (Hebrews 2:11-12). So in a real sense,
every church service is a homecoming for us, and we await the ultimate
fulfillment of the present offered to us.
This family also extends across racial and ethnic lines (Galatians 3:26-29).
One of the other great joys our students get, is working with Russell Cave
Church of Christ to put together Thanksgiving boxes for families in need
in the Winburn community. The feeling that comes with encountering
someone who is different, and then finding joy in that difference is what
really changes our hearts.
So this Christmas, let’s not just find“home”and“comfort”with those who
are close to us, but let’s extend that hospitality to someone who isn’t like us.
That is precisely what God did for us in giving us Jesus.
	 Let’s lift Him up together! 	 	 ~ Brad
Christmas Traditions– Can they change with time?
I love the Spring! I love the new life around the world from baby
horses being born to new flowers and green grass. I love the
summer! The heat, the sweat, the swimming pools, camps, and
so much more. I love the fall and the reminder to slow down and
see God’s beauty in everything. Winter and I get along ok. The kids and I enjoy
the snow together, but the shorter days aren’t my favorite. That’s one reason
that I REALLY LOVE CHRISTMAS!! It’s this moment tucked in the middle of a long
season. Christmas is a time wrapped in traditions from growing up and making
new traditions with our young children. When I was growing up, Christmas
meant making gifts for my siblings like IOU booklets to serve them for the next
year. It meant traveling from grandparents to grandparents after we opened
presents at our house on Christmas morning. For a few years, through college
and before children, Christmas was a time of craziness for Terah and me to get
everywhere we could to keep people happy in our family. Then, when Colten
was born, the traditions started to become our traditions. We always woke up at
our house on Christmas morning. We always read the Christmas story before we
opened presents. For the past few years in Lexington though, our Christmas has
looked a little different. We love to cut down a tree together and fill our house
with its fresh smell. The kids love to decorate the tree. One night each year we
take a Christmas light tour around Lexington. Each year we have the honor of
delivering Christmas presents and food to families in need through Julius Marks
Elementary. The Christmas musical is always a highlight for us, but we probably
get a little more excited about the after party. It’s after the musical that we
(along with all of the family that came for the program) load into a van and travel
to see the Southern Lights. It fills my heart with so much joy to watch our kids
pointing at lights, laughing, singing songs, dancing, petting strange animals, and
waiting to sit on Santa’s lap.
All of these stories bring back special memories, and special emotions are
attached to each one. Each year I hope for the same thing, but it makes me
wonder… is it ok if traditions change? To me, from the lessons I have learned,
from the life God has allowed me to experience thus far… the answer is YES!
Every Christmas still has one main thing in common… Jesus!
I love Christmas, because the focus isn’t around what I want or don’t want. It’s
not on traditions and things that have to be… Christmas is about Jesus. The
birth of my savior. A time to celebrate God’s love for ALL of us. Jesus brings us
together and He is really what we need at Christmas. In fact He is ALL we need
every second of every day. I REALLY LOVE CHRISTMAS!
					~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Childrens Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Preschool Ministry
Critterland News
My mother and father were divorced when I was two
years old, so much of my family is spread throughout the
states. Throughout my childhood, Christmas was always
a bit different than most of my friends. Being that my
mother was a flight attendant, she and I celebrated on Christmas Eve
with presents and usually a dinner out. Then, on Christmas morning, we
were driving to the airport to both catch flights, me to visit my father
or grandparents, and her to catch some extra overtime for working the
holiday. I would end up with my stepmother’s extended family, and had
the typical big dinner, presents, crazy family antics, you name it. It was
a lot of fun. What I never really thought about, until I became a parent,
was that my mother made a very large sacrifice for me every year so that
I could spend time with the rest of my family. She could have kept me
to herself, or we could have gone and visited her family, who lived in
Minnesota. But she didn’t. She was selfless, and because of that, I was
able to make memories with all of my family members. I am so thankful
for this because now that I have children, I truly see the importance of
being with those you love around the holiday season. This Christmas,
will you be selfless? Will you sacrifice your wants for others?
						 ~ Lesley
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Our world makes it challenging to keep Christ in Christmas. Anyone
else notice that? Don’t get me wrong: I love this season. The lights and
festivities. I’m a Christmas baby and I find this time of year magical. I love
experiencing it with my kids…the excuse to wear Christmas pajamas days
on end, reading holiday books, sipping hot chocolate and eating cookies
for lunch… But more than anything, I want to make it meaningful. I want
Jesus to be the focus. I want my kids to know what the day and all the
celebrating is really about. They won’t hear it at school or see it in the sales
advertisements. They will know because we will show them.
Here are some ways we make Christmas meaningful (and a few ideas we
plan to implement):
•	 Set up a Nativity and make it a focus in your home. [We put ours front
and center on the entry table in our home].
•	 Hide baby Jesus and“seek”Him Christmas morning before opening
gifts. [I did this first thing last year. Here’s how I found it half an hour
later. Turns out Mary had a little Snowman. I love little kids]
•	 (or) Gift wrap baby Jesus in your nativity and let this be your first
unwrapped gift Christmas morning.
•	 Take a cue from the Magi and limit
the gifts, reminding kids it’s not their
birthday, it’s His.
•	 Have a daily family devotion that
unwraps Christmas, here’s ours for this
year; ”Advent Tabletop Devotional”. [This
is perfect for families. It offers a verse for
each day and a question or two that will hopefully lead to a meaningful
•	 Participate in Advent. Last year, we did the“Jesse Tree Advent”. And I
love this 25 day free printable Advent idea.
•	 Light an Advent wreath each day leading up to Christmas.
•	 Have a birthday cake for Jesus or go all out and make it a birthday party!
•	 Watch DVDs like Why Do We Call It Christmas? That help you tell the real
story of Christmas.
•	 Give your kids the gift of giving: Have them shop with purpose. This
year we are giving our kids money to shop from the Compassion gift
•	 Or buy something that blesses twice and changes lives (Mercy
•	 Don’t stress about things that really don’t matter this
Season. I have been a Christmas hoarder in the past. Last
30 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas
Lexington, KY 40502
30 Ways to Keep Christ . . . continued
year, I had two newlywed couples come and dig thru my decorations.
I saved two boxes of things I value most and gave the rest away. It’s
simple this year and I like it.
•	 Make the Nativity interactive with tools like What God Wants for
Christmas. It’s from the creators of Resurrection Eggs.
•	 Do something for someone else on Christmas Day. This will be our fifth
year to visit the NICU (with treats) that saved our daughter’s life five
Christmases ago.
•	 Talk with your kids about giving God a gift. What does He want from us?
•	 Hang a stocking for Christ. Fill it with notes just for Him.
•	 Invite someone to share Christmas dinner with your family.
•	 Shop for single mom. This year play secret santa and drop off gifts for a
single mom!
•	 Don’t participate in the excessive commercialism. Enough said.
•	 Watch The Nativity Story together as a family. We started this tradition
two years ago. I think this PG movie tells the greatest story ever told
very well.
•	 Help your kids shop for their siblings.
•	 Talk about the symbols of Christmas.
•	 Be generous as a family at Christmas-baking, giving, doing.
•	 Hold a Yule log party: it’s an old European custom to bring in an
enormous log on Christmas Eve and burn it in the fireplace (or fire pit)
and say prayers. Today, Yule log cakes and eggnog are served. You can
sing carols, read Scripture, tell stories, pray for the new year, and have
good fellowship.
•	 Bake, make, or buy a special gift for your Pastor. We did Pioneer
Woman’s Cinnamon Rolls year before last. What a gift!
•	 Cherish traditions with your family. Start a new one! Like the next one:
•	 When preparing your Christmas meal, set a literal place for Jesus, your
honored guest.
•	 Attend church on Christmas Eve.
•	 Read Luke 2 together on Christmas Eve or morning. We’ve been doing
this since before we had kids.
•	 Leave a Nativity out all year long. I did this last year and it was really
					~ Kristen Welch; reprinted with permission
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Prayer means so much to me. It’s my time
alone with God. I always know that He is there,
just waiting for me to give Him my full attention.
Our Lord wants us to talk to Him one to One.
Sometimes I don’t even ask Him for anything, I just
spend time telling Him how great and wonderful
He is and thanking Him for His merciful love and
Many times in my life, I’ve just cried out,“Lord,
help me!”. God knows what is on my heart, even
when I cannot put it into words. Some of the best
times are when I say nothing, but listen for God
speaking to me. More often than not, God asks
me to“wait and just trust Him”.
I am so blessed to have experienced over and
over again how God“fixes things”when I truly
“turn it over to Him”. “His Will”is a far greater
solution than I could ever ask or imagine! I don’t
always understand God’s answers, but I try to trust
in His wisdom and power to accomplish what
is best. As Jesus asked our Heavenly Father, (as
recorded in Matthew 26:39), “Yet not as I will, but
as You will”.
			~ Beth Kessler
PrayerDaily Guided
Prayer Topics
1	 First responder families
2	 Christmas Angel Tree
3	 Those undergoing
4	 Isaiah 53:3-6
5	 Judy Fish
6	 Psalm 82:3 mission
7	 Conor Doyle
8	 Shop with a cop program
9	 Military family members
	 away at Christmas
10	 Those without a close
	 walk with Christ	
11	 Luke 1:31-33
12	 Greg & Vicki Syverson
13	 Room in the Inn
14	 Kim Jones
15	 Room in the Inn
16	 Sharing the Joy of the
	 Christ Child
17	 Those alone at Christmas
18	 Luke 2:6-7
19	 Sergio & Holly Alvarado
20	 Victory for Life
21	 Jenni Gregg
22	 Salvation Army & Hope
23	 Children’s first Christmas
24	 Those living in fear
25	 Luke 2:10-14
26	 Jonathan & Jubi Williams
27	 United vision for 2016
28	 Rhoda Rolfes
29	 Newly elected officials
30	Strengthen families in
31	 Those with no hope
The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to
pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our
Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.
If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage
others, please contact Peggy Crawford at
Senior Adult Events
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am
Better With Age Club
December 17 ~ 10:30 am
Bring side dishes, salad, or
dessert to share.
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
December 6
Elders: George Heaton, Danny Branham
Deacons: Ed Hall, Ken Banks
Ashland Terrace: Bill Johnson
Home Comm: Henry Evans, Bill Burke,
		Greg Wheeler
Sat Comm Prep: David Rankin
Prep after 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Prep after 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Prayer Room: Ken Baker, Larry Bugg
December 13
Elders: Larry Hitchner, George Heaton
Deacons: David Martin, Chris Lee
Ashland Terrace: David Straub
Home Comm: Chris Lee, Charlie Byers,
		Russell Brown
Sat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle Fields
Prep after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Prep after 2nd Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Prayer Room: Judy Clark, Carolyn Ball
Ushers: S.Stack, D.Moore, B.Burke, D.Feltner
December 20
Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry Hitchner
Deacons: Terry Morrison, Greg Wheeler
Ashland Terrace: Russell Brown
Home Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison,
		Ken Banks
Sat Comm Prep: Teresa Pendleton
Prep after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Peggy S./Bette C.
Prep after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Peggy S./Bette C.
Prayer Room: Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy
Ushers:J.White, D.Pettry, L.Miller, S.Kearns
December 27
Elders: Mike Mirre, Ken Sharp
Deacons: Steven Clem, Bill Burke
Ashland Terrace: Harold Butler
Home Comm: Ed Hall, Harold Butler
Sat Comm Prep: Kathy Hicks
Prep after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Prep after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler
Prayer Room: Peggy Crawford, Beth Kessler
Ushers:B.Poor, D.Martin, D.Smith, J.Martin
New Sermon Series
“His Glorious Appearing”
December 6 - The Coming King
Matthew 25:31-33
December 13 - The Servant King
Matthew 2:1-12
December 20 - The King of Kings
Revelation 19:11-16
Generational gifts
I love the story of David,“A man after God’s own heart.” I love
reading about the life of David. He truly was a“Man after God’s
own heart.” However, like all of us today, David fell short. He messed up
and ended up paying the price for his mess. God said to David in 2 Samuel
12:10-11, “The sword shall never depart from your house, because you have
despised Me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.
Behold, I will raise up evil against you from your own household.” These verses
were the punishment brought to David by God because of his adulterous
affair with Bathsheba.
In the next couple chapters of 2 Samuel, we can
see this punishment from God begin to unfold.
Amnon, David’s son, falls in love with Tamar, his
sister and David’s daughter. The result was a major
feud and bloodshed within the family. Absalom,
David’s oldest son, avenges Tamar and was
banished (of the sorts) from Jerusalem. The mess
continues… All of this because David choose to
disobey God rather than walk in the commands
that God set before him in the law of Moses. If
David had obeyed God, more than likely none of
the family mess would have happened.
Christmas is a time of giving. We give big gifts, small gifts, expensive,
thoughtful, and loving gifts that bless our families. Physical gifts are great!
They are beneficial and show our loved ones that we do love them. But
what if there was an even greater gift? Something better and longer lasting
than a physical gift… David set his family down a destructive path that tore
his family apart for generations. David didn’t leave his family with the gift
of blessings from the Lord. But we can. Unlike David, we can set a path for
the generations to come to have the blessings of the Lord on our families.
What a great gift that would be!
					~ Conor Doyle
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Conor Doyle - Preaching Intern
Lexington, KY 40502
A Note from Bob and Kathy Drane, Hopeful Hearts
We have always been grateful for TCCC’s participation in the“Hopeful
Hearts Blessings Bags”at Christmas time for orphans in our orphanages in
Ukraine. But as you know the 5 orphanages are now closed in Ukraine as
that area, Crimea, is now a part of the Russian Federation. As the Ukraine
door closed, God opened another door.
God has enabled
Hopeful Hearts to
purchase ten acres of land
in Myanmar with funds
from selling property in
Crimea for the purpose
of building a Hopeful Hearts Children’s Village. This village is much
needed after the cyclone left thousands of children orphaned. The village
will include 10 cottages that will provide homes for 20 children each in a
Christian family setting, a church, and five acres for agriculture projects and
a dairy operation. The village will provide homes for a total of 200 children.
We praise God that TCCC has joined with Hopeful Hearts to build one of the
10 cottages in Myanmar.
At Christmas each of us spends a lot of time, effort, and financial resources
looking for the ultimate gift for those we love. The definition of ultimate
is“the best achievable or imaginable of its kind.” For approximately 200
orphaned children in Myanmar, Tates Creek Christian Church has joined with
Hopeful Hearts Foundation in providing the“Ultimate”gift. This gift is not
anything wrapped in beautiful paper and ribbons but this is a gift of hope, a
gift for a future, a gift that will make a lasting impact for a lifetime. . . .it is the
gift of a home. The house that Tates Creek will build will be a safe haven and
a place for these children to grow and blossom into all their potential. It
will be a place where the Good News of Jesus will be proclaimed. On behalf
of approximately 200 children who will call this village home I want to say
a big Thank You and Merry Christmas to Tates Creek Christian Church. Your
generosity and heart for orphans will be a blessing to children in Myanmar
for years to come. I am reminded of 1 Peter 4:10.
“God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts.
Manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you.”
Thank you Tates Creek for managing well what God has given you
and for being willing to share it with“the least of these.”
Missions Moment
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
December Events
Angel Tree Ministry
The Angel Tree names are now available in the
Main Foyer. The names of the children on the tree
come from Russell Cave Church of Christ and the area
that Russell Cave Church of Christ serves. If you would
like to sponsor a child, select an angel and PLEASE SIGN
UP on the sheet provided, giving your name and phone
number. All gifts will need to be wrapped, labeled,
and returned to the tree by December 13. If you need
assistance with shopping we have people available
to do that for you, just let us know when you are
choosing your child. Contact Mary Furnish at
219-9111 or Jenni Gregg at 273-2932
if you have any questions.
Room in the Inn
It is time for our
ministry with the
homeless in Lexington
to begin again. We will
be providing a meal
and a place to sleep
every other Thursday evening
beginning December 17. Please
look for volunteer sign-up sheets in
the foyer.
Contact Chris Lee for more
information at 859-885-9012.
Christmas Eve
Candlelight Services
December 24
4:30 & 6:30 pm
Join us as we celebrate the
birth of Jesus our Savior!
“Simply Christmas”
Children’s Christmas Program - December 20 - 6:30 pm
Sing along to traditional Christmas Carols and hear the message of Jesus
in a simple way!
Lexington, KY 40502
December Events
Women’s Christmas Tea
December 5, 2015
12 - 2 pm in MMC
“Giving the Gift of
Speaker: Eva Self
Ticket cost $10.
Contact Becky Child at 312-0078.
Service Project:
Please bring a non-perishable food
item for the Christmas food baskets
going to Julius Marks Elementary
Middle School Party
Wednesday, December 16
6-8 pm - Middle School Room
Children’s Party
Friday, December 18
6:30-8:30 pm - Fellowship Hall
High School Party
Sunday, December 13
6-8 pm - Youth Room
Holiday Concert
December 5 ~ 3 pm
TCCC Worship Center
Christmas Collage 2015
December 13 - 4:30 pm
Featuring the Metrognomes, the
Worship Choir
T3CPO, Rejoicing Ringers
And…a few surprises, too!
Bring friends & family for this exciting
celebration of Christ’s Birth. One
performance only this year! An
offering will be received for worship
ministry needs.
Sunday School
Average Attendance
October 2015
Infants	7
Walkers	9
2 - 5 Year Old	 14
Elementary	44
Middle & High School	 45
Christians in Action	 19
Crusaders	49
Early Bird 	 5
Faith	15
Fellowship of Believers	 11
Generations of Faith	 22
Good News	 26
Grace & Truth	 57
Grass Roots	 14
Heaven Bound	 13
In The Word	 21
Open Bible	 62
Reach	10
Seekers	 11
Servants for Christ	 17
Upper Room	 11
Willing Workers	 31
Young Adult Class	 7
Ashland Terrace	 6
Miscellaneous	6
Officers	 3
Total	 539
October Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
4th	 654	 $35,248.
11th	 659	 $24,362.
18th	 638	 $23,135.
25th	 694	 $27,218.
Mortgage Balance, October 31 $772,420.
Monthly Payment (Nov. 1)	 $22,888.
Principal	 $10,702.
Interest	 $2,186.
Add’l Principal	 $10,000.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2015 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2015 Average per week	 $28,782.
Oct. Total Income	 $109,963.
Oct. Total Expenses	 $117,195.
Moved to Savings	 $10,129.
Net Shortfall	 ($17,361.)
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for Oct.
Deacons’Fund 	 $1,854.
“What If...” 	 $21,225.
Victory for Life	 $398.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Ashton Glasscock
Baptized November 8
pictured with his family,
his girlfriend, Kaitlyn, and her
Lee Family
Piper, Samuel,
Savannah & Rodney
Transfer November 15
Melody Walters
November 15
Kim Holt
November 15
Juan Mesa
November 11
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ December 2015
3	 Deborah Circle, 6 pm
4	 Crusaders Fellowship, 6 pm, FH
5&19	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102
5 	 Christmas Tea, 12 pm, MMC
5	 OLLI Holiday concert, 3 pm, WC
6	 Grace & Truth Social, 4 pm, MMC
6	 Monthly Ministry meetings
7	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200D
8	 Tabitha Circle, 6:30 pm
13	 FOB Class Social, 11:15 am, FH
13	 Worship Choir Christmas Collage,
	 4:30 pm, WC
13	 HS Christmas Party, 6 pm, 303
14	 Rachel Circle, 6 pm
14	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
14	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
16	 MS Christmas Party, 6 pm, MS Rm
17	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
17& 31	 Room In The Inn, 5 pm, FH
17	 Women’s Ministry, 7 pm, 302
18	 Children’s Christmas Party,
	 6:30 pm, FH
20	 Pick up Christmas Cards
20	 Children’s Christmas concert,
	 6:30 pm, WC
24	 Christmas Eve Service, 4:30 pm
24	 Christmas Eve Service, 6:30 pm
25	 Christmas, office closed
Weekly Activities
We Care Store open for members,
	 9:30 - 9:50 am & 10:50 - 11:10 am
Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC
Adult Small Groups, various locations
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AB
Worship Team, 5:45 pm, WC
Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 pm, closed on
Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve

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Vertical Church Kyiv Report 2022-2023: Church at war

Tates Creek Christian Church Current for December 2015

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Conor Doyle Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley Contents Feature Article 10-11 “30 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas” In Every Issue 3-9 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 14 Intern Article 18 October Statistics 19 New Members 20 Calendar Ministry News 15 Missions Moment Events 16-17 December Events Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. Often times, change comes into our personal lives whether we like it or not; whether we had a choice about the change or not. The type of change often affects our anticipation of Christmas! When the change is positive, we really look forward to Christmas. If the change is negative, then we may be dreading Christmas. Since Dad passed away, every holiday has been very different; especially Christmas! Dad was always a lot of fun to watch opening gifts. He never took the time to remove the wrapping paper from the box. He always, always tore into the box ~ to the point that Mom could never recycle the gift boxes he opened. Precious memories that bring a mixture of smiles and tears! Now, since Zella & I have three small grandchildren, every holiday is becoming very different; especially Christmas! Needless to say, we are looking forward to seeing their reactions this Christmas! Yet, whether the change in our personal lives was positive or negative, there is a very strong constant in Christmas that provides joy beyond our understanding. We find that constant in the message the angels announced to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). For some of us, our hearts have been broken by change this year. We may have lost a loved one or a very dear friend. Maybe we have contracted an illness that is greatly affecting our health. Maybe our marital status changed this year ~ a change we did not want and tried very hard to stop. Maybe we are without a job, and we are feeling stressed about providing for our family with Christmas approaching. Christmas will be very different. It may seem that the goal for Christmas is just to get through it. However, the Savior of Christmas brings forgiveness, and He also brings healing, even healing for a broken, sad heart. Jesus always provides a new beginning, a new tomorrow, a new future. Hopefully, when there has been positive change in our personal lives, we will not allow that positive change to shadow the real reason of celebrating Jesus throughout Christmas! For this truth, we rejoice every day and every Christmas, in spite of the change that walked into our lives! Glory to God in the Highest! ~ Tommy Tidbits from Tommy 3 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Senior Adults The story is told of a salesman who was bragging about his skill in making the most extraordinary sales. He said he once sold two milking machines to a farmer with only one cow. “That’s not so silly,” one of his fellow salesmen said, “Maybe he bought the other one in case the first one broke down.” “Maybe,” said the first salesman, “But he gave me the cow as a down payment.” I thought to myself as I considered that story….How much like that farmer much of our society is at Christmas. With their removing of the traditional religious songs from schools. With their tearing down nativity scenes from public places. I’ve often thought: what’s the point of those people celebrating? What’s the sense of buying all those gifts? IF NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBSERVING THE GIFTS THE WISEMEN BROUGHT TO THE CHRIST CHILD… IF NOT TO OBSERVE THE GIFT THE HEAVENLY FATHER BROUGHT TO THE WORLD? The world, often times, calls us fools for believing God’s son was born of a virgin in a cattle stall….all while they buy milking machines without owning a cow. They have a shiny, joyous holiday with no real reason to celebrate it. Think about this for a moment: These people say,“We are offended by the religious overtones of the holiday.” Yet, they are right there participating in the joy brought by the holiday. When doing my master’s work many years ago, I took a counseling class at the graduate school at Wichita State University. The class was on a particular theory of counseling which championed employing empathy as its major tenant. I wrote my final paper on how those very principles and practices were first practiced by Jesus. In essence, they took the best of Jesus and put another name on it. That’s the same thing the world does today. They take all the warm and fuzzy feelings of Christmas, package it in their own package, and call it theirs. But, friends, is Christmas really Christmas without Jesus? Let’s make every effort to not get so caught up in the lights, the smells, the gaiety, and the excitement of the season, but rather in the person it is all about. If we don’t, we’re just like that farmer, all machine and no cow. ~ Bro. Kim
  • 5. Christmas for most people is a time of great joy and celebration. I say‘most people’because I know firsthand that it is not universally true. Having worked in nursing homes for many years, I saw many people in our care who suffered much from loneliness, all through the year but especially during the Christmas season. God knew from the very beginning that it was not good for us to be alone, thus he made a helpmate for Adam. Together, Adam and Eve worked and helped each other, even if they did get into a little trouble. God used that trouble to set His plan in motion. The plan where He, Himself, would come through His Son, to forever cure man’s‘trouble’with sin and his suffering from loneliness. God would be able to fulfill man’s deep desire for connection by offering an eternal relationship with Him. This plan was announced hundreds of years before through God’s faithful prophets. The faithful Israelites heard these promises and began to figuratively sing the words of my favorite Christmas song,“O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.” Not only would they be rescued, but God would be with them! That calls for rejoicing! This is the coming of God that we remember and celebrate at Christmas. We also can rejoice because we have been rescued by Jesus and Jesus is with us, even today. God is always faithful to His word. While Jesus was here he told us of another time when He would come – the end of time as we know it. At that time, He will establish the true and complete reign of God over all of creation and the new dwelling place of men will be without suffering of any kind because we will be with God. Do we say today, like the faithful Israelites of old and the Apostle John at the end of Revelation,“Come, Lord Jesus”? ~ David 5 Lexington, KY 40502 O Come, Emmanuel
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 As Christmas draws ever closer, many of us grow excited with anticipation. Especially children. Remember when Christmas used to be a magical time of the year? I have great memories of Christmas as a child. My parents spoiled me at Christmas. As I’ve gotten older, I really enjoy Christmas with my own children. I love going to church on Christmas Eve and being with them on Christmas morning, just spending time as a family. But it can also bring financial stress, busyness, and other distractions that can take away from the true meaning. In a way, I dread Christmas in a worldly sense, but what remains constant is the reason we celebrate in the first place. I have to stop and remind myself of that often during this season. Many of us have other stresses beyond just finances. Some of us, throughout the year, have lost loved ones, or things have changed in our relationships and there is going to be the stinging reminder of an empty seat at the table. I am praying for you. Really, I am praying that you will be able to focus on Jesus throughout this season. I pray that you will be reminded constantly that he is our source of hope. I pray that our Lord provides you with blessings that take your attention away from the hurt, the pain, and the loss. I’m going to need your prayers for the very same thing. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season filled with joy that comes from the promise of the person of Jesus Christ. I hope you are blessed by time with family and friends. Focus on Jesus and he will bring joy and peace. He is, in fact, the Prince of Peace. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 In His Service, ~ Mike Young Adult Ministry
  • 7. Lexington, KY 40502 7 Student Ministry Home for Christmas Our high school fall retreat this year was a joint retreat with three other churches. Typically we only go with our group, but I have become convicted that unity means we need to share space and energy with other people and churches. So, we went along with Southside Church of Christ, Southern Acres Christian Church, and Centerpointe Christian Church. The most amazing thing was that, rather than being a time where groups clashed and competed with each other for territory, the students quickly gelled. In fact, our students on the trip said that it was the best retreat they had attended precisely because they got to meet students from other groups! One of the main draws for Christmas is the time we get to spend with family. Going home, settling in, and feeling whole with the people that have formed us, is the joy that we have during the Christmas season. This is what is offered to the world in Jesus’birth. Through Jesus we all have a brother who is not ashamed to call us family (Hebrews 2:11-12). So in a real sense, every church service is a homecoming for us, and we await the ultimate fulfillment of the present offered to us. This family also extends across racial and ethnic lines (Galatians 3:26-29). One of the other great joys our students get, is working with Russell Cave Church of Christ to put together Thanksgiving boxes for families in need in the Winburn community. The feeling that comes with encountering someone who is different, and then finding joy in that difference is what really changes our hearts. So this Christmas, let’s not just find“home”and“comfort”with those who are close to us, but let’s extend that hospitality to someone who isn’t like us. That is precisely what God did for us in giving us Jesus. Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad
  • 8. Christmas Traditions– Can they change with time? I love the Spring! I love the new life around the world from baby horses being born to new flowers and green grass. I love the summer! The heat, the sweat, the swimming pools, camps, and so much more. I love the fall and the reminder to slow down and see God’s beauty in everything. Winter and I get along ok. The kids and I enjoy the snow together, but the shorter days aren’t my favorite. That’s one reason that I REALLY LOVE CHRISTMAS!! It’s this moment tucked in the middle of a long season. Christmas is a time wrapped in traditions from growing up and making new traditions with our young children. When I was growing up, Christmas meant making gifts for my siblings like IOU booklets to serve them for the next year. It meant traveling from grandparents to grandparents after we opened presents at our house on Christmas morning. For a few years, through college and before children, Christmas was a time of craziness for Terah and me to get everywhere we could to keep people happy in our family. Then, when Colten was born, the traditions started to become our traditions. We always woke up at our house on Christmas morning. We always read the Christmas story before we opened presents. For the past few years in Lexington though, our Christmas has looked a little different. We love to cut down a tree together and fill our house with its fresh smell. The kids love to decorate the tree. One night each year we take a Christmas light tour around Lexington. Each year we have the honor of delivering Christmas presents and food to families in need through Julius Marks Elementary. The Christmas musical is always a highlight for us, but we probably get a little more excited about the after party. It’s after the musical that we (along with all of the family that came for the program) load into a van and travel to see the Southern Lights. It fills my heart with so much joy to watch our kids pointing at lights, laughing, singing songs, dancing, petting strange animals, and waiting to sit on Santa’s lap. All of these stories bring back special memories, and special emotions are attached to each one. Each year I hope for the same thing, but it makes me wonder… is it ok if traditions change? To me, from the lessons I have learned, from the life God has allowed me to experience thus far… the answer is YES! Every Christmas still has one main thing in common… Jesus! I love Christmas, because the focus isn’t around what I want or don’t want. It’s not on traditions and things that have to be… Christmas is about Jesus. The birth of my savior. A time to celebrate God’s love for ALL of us. Jesus brings us together and He is really what we need at Christmas. In fact He is ALL we need every second of every day. I REALLY LOVE CHRISTMAS! ~ Matt Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 Childrens Ministry
  • 9. 9 Lexington, KY 40502 Preschool Ministry Critterland News My mother and father were divorced when I was two years old, so much of my family is spread throughout the states. Throughout my childhood, Christmas was always a bit different than most of my friends. Being that my mother was a flight attendant, she and I celebrated on Christmas Eve with presents and usually a dinner out. Then, on Christmas morning, we were driving to the airport to both catch flights, me to visit my father or grandparents, and her to catch some extra overtime for working the holiday. I would end up with my stepmother’s extended family, and had the typical big dinner, presents, crazy family antics, you name it. It was a lot of fun. What I never really thought about, until I became a parent, was that my mother made a very large sacrifice for me every year so that I could spend time with the rest of my family. She could have kept me to herself, or we could have gone and visited her family, who lived in Minnesota. But she didn’t. She was selfless, and because of that, I was able to make memories with all of my family members. I am so thankful for this because now that I have children, I truly see the importance of being with those you love around the holiday season. This Christmas, will you be selfless? Will you sacrifice your wants for others? ~ Lesley
  • 10. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 Our world makes it challenging to keep Christ in Christmas. Anyone else notice that? Don’t get me wrong: I love this season. The lights and festivities. I’m a Christmas baby and I find this time of year magical. I love experiencing it with my kids…the excuse to wear Christmas pajamas days on end, reading holiday books, sipping hot chocolate and eating cookies for lunch… But more than anything, I want to make it meaningful. I want Jesus to be the focus. I want my kids to know what the day and all the celebrating is really about. They won’t hear it at school or see it in the sales advertisements. They will know because we will show them. Here are some ways we make Christmas meaningful (and a few ideas we plan to implement): • Set up a Nativity and make it a focus in your home. [We put ours front and center on the entry table in our home]. • Hide baby Jesus and“seek”Him Christmas morning before opening gifts. [I did this first thing last year. Here’s how I found it half an hour later. Turns out Mary had a little Snowman. I love little kids] • (or) Gift wrap baby Jesus in your nativity and let this be your first unwrapped gift Christmas morning. • Take a cue from the Magi and limit the gifts, reminding kids it’s not their birthday, it’s His. • Have a daily family devotion that unwraps Christmas, here’s ours for this year; ”Advent Tabletop Devotional”. [This is perfect for families. It offers a verse for each day and a question or two that will hopefully lead to a meaningful discussion.] • Participate in Advent. Last year, we did the“Jesse Tree Advent”. And I love this 25 day free printable Advent idea. • Light an Advent wreath each day leading up to Christmas. • Have a birthday cake for Jesus or go all out and make it a birthday party! • Watch DVDs like Why Do We Call It Christmas? That help you tell the real story of Christmas. • Give your kids the gift of giving: Have them shop with purpose. This year we are giving our kids money to shop from the Compassion gift catalog. • Or buy something that blesses twice and changes lives (Mercy Shop). • Don’t stress about things that really don’t matter this Season. I have been a Christmas hoarder in the past. Last 30 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 30 Ways to Keep Christ . . . continued year, I had two newlywed couples come and dig thru my decorations. I saved two boxes of things I value most and gave the rest away. It’s simple this year and I like it. • Make the Nativity interactive with tools like What God Wants for Christmas. It’s from the creators of Resurrection Eggs. • Do something for someone else on Christmas Day. This will be our fifth year to visit the NICU (with treats) that saved our daughter’s life five Christmases ago. • Talk with your kids about giving God a gift. What does He want from us? • Hang a stocking for Christ. Fill it with notes just for Him. • Invite someone to share Christmas dinner with your family. • Shop for single mom. This year play secret santa and drop off gifts for a single mom! • Don’t participate in the excessive commercialism. Enough said. • Watch The Nativity Story together as a family. We started this tradition two years ago. I think this PG movie tells the greatest story ever told very well. • Help your kids shop for their siblings. • Talk about the symbols of Christmas. • Be generous as a family at Christmas-baking, giving, doing. • Hold a Yule log party: it’s an old European custom to bring in an enormous log on Christmas Eve and burn it in the fireplace (or fire pit) and say prayers. Today, Yule log cakes and eggnog are served. You can sing carols, read Scripture, tell stories, pray for the new year, and have good fellowship. • Bake, make, or buy a special gift for your Pastor. We did Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Rolls year before last. What a gift! • Cherish traditions with your family. Start a new one! Like the next one: • When preparing your Christmas meal, set a literal place for Jesus, your honored guest. • Attend church on Christmas Eve. • Read Luke 2 together on Christmas Eve or morning. We’ve been doing this since before we had kids. • Leave a Nativity out all year long. I did this last year and it was really special. ~ Kristen Welch; reprinted with permission
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 Prayer means so much to me. It’s my time alone with God. I always know that He is there, just waiting for me to give Him my full attention. Our Lord wants us to talk to Him one to One. Sometimes I don’t even ask Him for anything, I just spend time telling Him how great and wonderful He is and thanking Him for His merciful love and goodness. Many times in my life, I’ve just cried out,“Lord, help me!”. God knows what is on my heart, even when I cannot put it into words. Some of the best times are when I say nothing, but listen for God speaking to me. More often than not, God asks me to“wait and just trust Him”. I am so blessed to have experienced over and over again how God“fixes things”when I truly “turn it over to Him”. “His Will”is a far greater solution than I could ever ask or imagine! I don’t always understand God’s answers, but I try to trust in His wisdom and power to accomplish what is best. As Jesus asked our Heavenly Father, (as recorded in Matthew 26:39), “Yet not as I will, but as You will”. ~ Beth Kessler PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics December 1 First responder families 2 Christmas Angel Tree 3 Those undergoing chemotherapy 4 Isaiah 53:3-6 5 Judy Fish 6 Psalm 82:3 mission 7 Conor Doyle 8 Shop with a cop program 9 Military family members away at Christmas 10 Those without a close walk with Christ 11 Luke 1:31-33 12 Greg & Vicki Syverson 13 Room in the Inn 14 Kim Jones 15 Room in the Inn 16 Sharing the Joy of the Christ Child 17 Those alone at Christmas 18 Luke 2:6-7 19 Sergio & Holly Alvarado 20 Victory for Life 21 Jenni Gregg 22 Salvation Army & Hope Centers 23 Children’s first Christmas 24 Those living in fear 25 Luke 2:10-14 26 Jonathan & Jubi Williams 27 United vision for 2016 28 Rhoda Rolfes 29 Newly elected officials 30 Strengthen families in 2016 31 Those with no hope The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently. If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage others, please contact Peggy Crawford at
  • 13. Senior Adult Events Adult Bible Study Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Better With Age Club December 17 ~ 10:30 am Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share. 13 Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule December 6 Elders: George Heaton, Danny Branham Deacons: Ed Hall, Ken Banks Ashland Terrace: Bill Johnson Home Comm: Henry Evans, Bill Burke, Greg Wheeler Sat Comm Prep: David Rankin Prep after 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Clean-up after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Prep after 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Prayer Room: Ken Baker, Larry Bugg Ushers:D.Ison,B.Johnson,D.Smith,G.Coleman December 13 Elders: Larry Hitchner, George Heaton Deacons: David Martin, Chris Lee Ashland Terrace: David Straub Home Comm: Chris Lee, Charlie Byers, Russell Brown Sat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle Fields Prep after 1st Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum Clean-up after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton Prep after 2nd Srv: Peggy Sharp/Bette Corum Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton Prayer Room: Judy Clark, Carolyn Ball Ushers: S.Stack, D.Moore, B.Burke, D.Feltner December 20 Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry Hitchner Deacons: Terry Morrison, Greg Wheeler Ashland Terrace: Russell Brown Home Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison, Ken Banks Sat Comm Prep: Teresa Pendleton Prep after 1st Srv: Teresa Pendleton Clean-up after 1st Srv: Peggy S./Bette C. Prep after 2nd Srv: Teresa Pendleton Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Peggy S./Bette C. Prayer Room: Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy Ushers:J.White, D.Pettry, L.Miller, S.Kearns December 27 Elders: Mike Mirre, Ken Sharp Deacons: Steven Clem, Bill Burke Ashland Terrace: Harold Butler Home Comm: Ed Hall, Harold Butler Sat Comm Prep: Kathy Hicks Prep after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Prep after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie Kistler Prayer Room: Peggy Crawford, Beth Kessler Ushers:B.Poor, D.Martin, D.Smith, J.Martin New Sermon Series “His Glorious Appearing” December 6 - The Coming King Matthew 25:31-33 December 13 - The Servant King Matthew 2:1-12 December 20 - The King of Kings Revelation 19:11-16
  • 14. Generational gifts I love the story of David,“A man after God’s own heart.” I love reading about the life of David. He truly was a“Man after God’s own heart.” However, like all of us today, David fell short. He messed up and ended up paying the price for his mess. God said to David in 2 Samuel 12:10-11, “The sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife. Behold, I will raise up evil against you from your own household.” These verses were the punishment brought to David by God because of his adulterous affair with Bathsheba. In the next couple chapters of 2 Samuel, we can see this punishment from God begin to unfold. Amnon, David’s son, falls in love with Tamar, his sister and David’s daughter. The result was a major feud and bloodshed within the family. Absalom, David’s oldest son, avenges Tamar and was banished (of the sorts) from Jerusalem. The mess continues… All of this because David choose to disobey God rather than walk in the commands that God set before him in the law of Moses. If David had obeyed God, more than likely none of the family mess would have happened. Christmas is a time of giving. We give big gifts, small gifts, expensive, thoughtful, and loving gifts that bless our families. Physical gifts are great! They are beneficial and show our loved ones that we do love them. But what if there was an even greater gift? Something better and longer lasting than a physical gift… David set his family down a destructive path that tore his family apart for generations. David didn’t leave his family with the gift of blessings from the Lord. But we can. Unlike David, we can set a path for the generations to come to have the blessings of the Lord on our families. What a great gift that would be! ~ Conor Doyle Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 Conor Doyle - Preaching Intern
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 A Note from Bob and Kathy Drane, Hopeful Hearts We have always been grateful for TCCC’s participation in the“Hopeful Hearts Blessings Bags”at Christmas time for orphans in our orphanages in Ukraine. But as you know the 5 orphanages are now closed in Ukraine as that area, Crimea, is now a part of the Russian Federation. As the Ukraine door closed, God opened another door. God has enabled Hopeful Hearts to purchase ten acres of land in Myanmar with funds from selling property in Crimea for the purpose of building a Hopeful Hearts Children’s Village. This village is much needed after the cyclone left thousands of children orphaned. The village will include 10 cottages that will provide homes for 20 children each in a Christian family setting, a church, and five acres for agriculture projects and a dairy operation. The village will provide homes for a total of 200 children. We praise God that TCCC has joined with Hopeful Hearts to build one of the 10 cottages in Myanmar. At Christmas each of us spends a lot of time, effort, and financial resources looking for the ultimate gift for those we love. The definition of ultimate is“the best achievable or imaginable of its kind.” For approximately 200 orphaned children in Myanmar, Tates Creek Christian Church has joined with Hopeful Hearts Foundation in providing the“Ultimate”gift. This gift is not anything wrapped in beautiful paper and ribbons but this is a gift of hope, a gift for a future, a gift that will make a lasting impact for a lifetime. . . .it is the gift of a home. The house that Tates Creek will build will be a safe haven and a place for these children to grow and blossom into all their potential. It will be a place where the Good News of Jesus will be proclaimed. On behalf of approximately 200 children who will call this village home I want to say a big Thank You and Merry Christmas to Tates Creek Christian Church. Your generosity and heart for orphans will be a blessing to children in Myanmar for years to come. I am reminded of 1 Peter 4:10. “God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you.” Thank you Tates Creek for managing well what God has given you and for being willing to share it with“the least of these.” Missions Moment
  • 16. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road December Events Angel Tree Ministry The Angel Tree names are now available in the Main Foyer. The names of the children on the tree come from Russell Cave Church of Christ and the area that Russell Cave Church of Christ serves. If you would like to sponsor a child, select an angel and PLEASE SIGN UP on the sheet provided, giving your name and phone number. All gifts will need to be wrapped, labeled, and returned to the tree by December 13. If you need assistance with shopping we have people available to do that for you, just let us know when you are choosing your child. Contact Mary Furnish at 219-9111 or Jenni Gregg at 273-2932 if you have any questions. Room in the Inn It is time for our ministry with the homeless in Lexington to begin again. We will be providing a meal and a place to sleep every other Thursday evening beginning December 17. Please look for volunteer sign-up sheets in the foyer. Contact Chris Lee for more information at 859-885-9012. Christmas Eve Candlelight Services December 24 4:30 & 6:30 pm Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus our Savior! “Simply Christmas” Children’s Christmas Program - December 20 - 6:30 pm Sing along to traditional Christmas Carols and hear the message of Jesus in a simple way!
  • 17. Lexington, KY 40502 December Events Women’s Christmas Tea December 5, 2015 12 - 2 pm in MMC “Giving the Gift of Encouragement” Speaker: Eva Self Ticket cost $10. Contact Becky Child at 312-0078. Service Project: Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Christmas food baskets going to Julius Marks Elementary families. Middle School Party Wednesday, December 16 6-8 pm - Middle School Room Children’s Party Friday, December 18 6:30-8:30 pm - Fellowship Hall High School Party Sunday, December 13 6-8 pm - Youth Room OLLI at UK Holiday Concert December 5 ~ 3 pm TCCC Worship Center Christmas Collage 2015 December 13 - 4:30 pm Featuring the Metrognomes, the Worship Choir T3CPO, Rejoicing Ringers And…a few surprises, too! Bring friends & family for this exciting celebration of Christ’s Birth. One performance only this year! An offering will be received for worship ministry needs.
  • 18. Sunday School Average Attendance October 2015 Youth Infants 7 Walkers 9 2 - 5 Year Old 14 Elementary 44 Middle & High School 45 Adult Christians in Action 19 Crusaders 49 Early Bird 5 Faith 15 Fellowship of Believers 11 FOCUS 14 Generations of Faith 22 Good News 26 Grace & Truth 57 Grass Roots 14 Heaven Bound 13 In The Word 21 Open Bible 62 Reach 10 Seekers 11 Servants for Christ 17 Upper Room 11 Willing Workers 31 Young Adult Class 7 Ashland Terrace 6 Miscellaneous 6 Officers 3 Total 539 October Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 4th 654 $35,248. 11th 659 $24,362. 18th 638 $23,135. 25th 694 $27,218. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, October 31 $772,420. Monthly Payment (Nov. 1) $22,888. Principal $10,702. Interest $2,186. Add’l Principal $10,000. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 17% General Fund Report 2015 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2015 Average per week $28,782. Oct. Total Income $109,963. Oct. Total Expenses $117,195. Moved to Savings $10,129. Net Shortfall ($17,361.) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Funds Totals for Oct. Deacons’Fund $1,854. “What If...” $21,225. Victory for Life $398.
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Ashton Glasscock Baptized November 8 pictured with his family, his girlfriend, Kaitlyn, and her family. Lee Family Piper, Samuel, Savannah & Rodney Transfer November 15 Melody Walters Baptized November 15 Kim Holt Transfer November 15 Juan Mesa Baptized November 11
  • 20. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ December 2015 3 Deborah Circle, 6 pm 4 Crusaders Fellowship, 6 pm, FH 5&19 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102 5 Christmas Tea, 12 pm, MMC 5 OLLI Holiday concert, 3 pm, WC 6 Grace & Truth Social, 4 pm, MMC 6 Monthly Ministry meetings 7 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200D 8 Tabitha Circle, 6:30 pm 13 FOB Class Social, 11:15 am, FH 13 Worship Choir Christmas Collage, 4:30 pm, WC 13 HS Christmas Party, 6 pm, 303 14 Rachel Circle, 6 pm 14 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 14 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 16 MS Christmas Party, 6 pm, MS Rm 17 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 17& 31 Room In The Inn, 5 pm, FH 17 Women’s Ministry, 7 pm, 302 18 Children’s Christmas Party, 6:30 pm, FH 20 Pick up Christmas Cards 20 Children’s Christmas concert, 6:30 pm, WC 24 Christmas Eve Service, 4:30 pm 24 Christmas Eve Service, 6:30 pm 25 Christmas, office closed Weekly Activities Sunday: We Care Store open for members, 9:30 - 9:50 am & 10:50 - 11:10 am Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various locations Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AB Worship Team, 5:45 pm, WC Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm, closed on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve Volume3No.12 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter