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Tates Creek Current 
And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. 
Mark 13:10 
September 2014
Tates Creek Christian 
3150 Tates Creek Road 
Lexington, KY 40502 
(859) 266-1621 
Visit Online 
Traditional - 8:30 am 
Blended - 9:50 am 
The Vine - 11:10 am 
Sunday School - 
8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am 
Evening - 6:30 pm 
Oasis Meal - 5:45 pm 
Oasis Classes - 6:45 pm 
Tommy Simpson 
Nic Skinner 
Kim Beckwith 
Don Seevers 
Mike Allen 
Brad Haggard 
Matt Lee 
Lesley Tipton 
David Eversole 
Billy Bishop 
Office Staff 
Kim Jones 
Jenni Gregg 
Rhoda Rolfes 
Vicki Wesley 
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
Feature Article 
12-13 Mission Trip to Liberia ~ 
Keith Wertz 
In Every Issue 
3-7 Minister Articles 
8 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 
10-11 New Members 
15-17 Minister Articles 
18 June Statistics 
19 Critterland News 
20 Calendar 
Ministry News 
9 Fall Oasis Classes 
14 Mission Trip to Swaziland ~ 
Peggy Park 
Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win 
people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers 
in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), 
to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up 
for Christian values in the community (witness).
Tidbits from Tommy 
Wow! With school starting, summer is fading and fall is 
quickly approaching. Our Fall Oasis will begin September 10. 
Various classes will be offered. The Men’s Ministry has asked me 
to lead a class for men. 
So, I will be offering the class entitled, 33 The Series. This 
study looks at the thirty-three years of Jesus’ life and gleans principles of 
manhood from Jesus’ life. The first part of the study, A Man and His Design, 
equips men to implement the principles of manhood from Jesus’ life into our 
own lives. The second part of the study, A Man and His Story, trains men to 
understand how the past has affected the present and then empowers men to 
reach out to take a hold of the future. 
This class is for ALL men, notice I wrote, “ALL men!” One of the blessings 
of being a part of a five-generation church is that younger 
fellows have many opportunities to learn from older 
fellows and for older fellows to come along side younger 
fellows to encourage. So, if you are an older gentleman, 
this is an opportunity to come along side our younger 
fellows and be willing to study, learn, and grow together. 
If you are a younger gentleman, this is a GREAT 
opportunity to learn from some older gentleman. 
Believe me, here at Tates Creek Christian we have some 
wonderful, godly, Christian older gentlemen from whom to learn. As I wrote 
before, this class is for ALL men!!! 
Throughout my life, our Lord has placed tremendous Christian men along 
my journey from whom to learn. Of course, right at the top of the list is my 
Dad. I learned many things from Dad ~ things I should do as well as things I 
ought not to do. One of the things I learned was that his relationship with the 
Lord was the most important thing in his life. Dad never missed church, and 
he was always involved in church. Dad loved to read the Scripture, especially 
the history in the Old Testament. Dad was a very generous giver to the Lord. 
Another Christian gentleman that our Lord placed in my life was Uncle 
Hank McAdams. He was married to Aunt Imogene, one of Mom’s older 
sisters. Uncle Hank loved the ministry, and I learned many things about 
ministry and life from Uncle Hank. 
The Lord has placed many other Christian gentlemen in my path. This 
class will afford awesome opportunities to learn, to grow, and to develop some 
awesome relationships with Christian men. 
Let’s learn and grow together! ~Tommy 
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry 
“God at Just the Right Time” 
How many times have we encountered a problem in 
our marriage, trouble with our finances, or difficulties 
with raising our children, and needed some voice 
in the immediate aftermath to offer us clear, Godly 
How many times have these issues popped up in our lives, but the church’s 
planned Bible study on the topic is weeks or months away? 
The fact is, life’s problems generally don’t follow the church’s calendar, 
do they? They pop up when we least expect it. Thus, as leaders in the 
church, we feel it is extremely important to equip every member of the 
congregation with the resources they need to persevere through the 
expected and unexpected events of life...resources we can utilize beyond 
just Sundays and Wednesdays. 
Often times, the resources or encouragement we need “in the moment” 
come as a trusted Christian friend, a phone call with a Sunday School 
teacher or Small Group leader, an appointment with a minister or Elder, 
or simply reading our Bible and praying. These conversations with others 
and with God are tremendous in our time of need. 
We also live in a time with unprecedented access to the Bible and 
other Christian resources online. That is why I am so excited about 
our trial period this fall with RightNow Media. It puts some of the best 
Christian resources where we need it, when we need it. It can be accessed 
via computer, mobile device, Smart TV, Roku, or Apple TV. And it is 
all provided to you by TCCC. If you have not yet received your email 
invitation from me to set up your free RightNow Media account, please 
contact me at to let me know. 
Regardless of which biblical tools you utilize to help you through life’s 
challenges, please know that these, and many others, are there to help you 
experience God at just the right time. 
In Christ, ~Nic
Senior Adults 
Debbie and I recently went to Alaska for a short vacation. 
As most of you know, Debbie worked for an airline for many 
years and that has provided us with the opportunity to see 
distant and exotic places all over the world. One place we 
have been trying to get to on vacation for years has been 
Alaska. It is a difficult place to get to in the summer time when you fly 
space available like we do, that being free if there are any seats left after the 
paying passengers are all on board. As you can imagine, the flights are 
usually full during the summer as few people really want to go there in the 
winter months. I have to admit that 
when we finally did get there recently, 
it was truly beautiful, I was just a little 
disappointed. Because of that, I had 
to wrestle with myself as to why that 
was. I came to the conclusion that it 
was because of all those years of trying 
to get there only to be disappointed by 
the flights being full. That caused me 
to build up expectations beyond what even Alaska could offer. Believe 
me, Alaska is beautiful, but I had desired it for so long that the reality 
of it fell short of what I had built it up to be in my mind. Have you ever 
experienced that? We shouldn’t be surprised. When we seek after the 
things of the world we always end up disappointed. We see that with the 
Christmas toys our children beg for only to be abandoned before the new 
year, or the new car we want so much only to have it become old once 
we’ve had it a few weeks or months. Perhaps you’ve seen that the new 
iPhone 6 is soon to come out and suddenly the old iPhone 5 is

well its 
There’s an old song that says, “Like the woman at the well, I was seeking 
for things that could not satisfy.” It speaks a truth that most of us who 
have lived any time at all have discovered, that being, the only things that 
really satisfy are the things we find in Christ Jesus. Like Peter who said, 
“To whom shall we go Lord? You have the words of eternal life.” Peter 
says that which truly satisfies is found only in Jesus Christ. That’s a lesson 
a trip to Alaska reminded me of and I thought it might be important for 
me to remind you of, too. 
In Him, ~Bro. Kim 
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
Don’s Dynamics 
Independence vs. Dependence 
I have been on quite a journey over the last several weeks as 
I had surgery to replace my right knee. I know my recovery 
and rehabilitation have been much better than many others 
have experienced, so much so that should I need to have the 
left knee replaced, the decision to do so will be much easier to make. I am 
grateful for that, because quite honestly it could have been much more 
difficult (or so I have heard!). 
But while I have been on this journey I have really had to learn to depend 
on others. Those of you who know me well are aware that I am quite 
independent, having lived on my own my entire 
adult life. I am used to (and quite comfortable) 
doing things for myself. I have seen that change a 
little in the last few years as I have had to depend on 
others to do physical jobs that I used to enjoy doing 
myself. I am sure that many of you will agree that 
it is somewhat frightening when we realize that we 
“can’t do it all anymore.” 
However, in recent weeks, I have leaned on friends, caregivers, and 
physical therapists to get me through the recovery period. Sometimes, I was 
frustrated and wanted to scream, “I don’t need all this help and I can do it 
on my own.” But, I was wrong. I learned that I couldn’t do it alone...I had 
to...I needed to...I must depend on others! If I had tried to do everything 
on my own, I would have messed up things and perhaps ruined my hopes 
for a complete recovery. I also learned that the caregivers gained real joy in 
helping me. Who am I to deny them that joy? 
I know that the happiest and most joy-filled Christians learn that they not 
only must depend upon God, but also upon His caregivers; other Christians 
who can minister to us. Being in a Sunday School class, participating in a 
small group, and serving on a ministry team brings us joy because we are 
giving of ourselves to others and learning to depend on them. I challenge 
you to not be so independent that you find yourself all alone in this world. It 
is easy to become independent and miss out on some of the best relationships 
we can know. God really designed us to live in this way. I am grateful to all 
who provided a meal, sat with me at home, visited me, sent cards, and offered 
prayers on my behalf! 
~ Don
Justin Miller Youth Intern 
Do You Follow the Rules? 
It’s funny to think about the rules and habits we make 
up for ourselves. “I have to wake up no later than 7:30,” “I 
need coffee to function in the morning,” “The kids need to 
be at practice on time”. I’ve been known, more than once, to have some 
kind of silly “law” I’ve made up for myself and if it is broken it’s like my 
whole world is turned upside down. That’s a little exaggeration, but it 
does seem like these rules we’ve established 
in our lives control us. “I have to get to 
Sunday School on time,” “I can’t listen to 
that music,” “I don’t drive through that part 
of town”. This isn’t to say that some rules 
we make up are bad, but I find it interesting 
how much we are committed to these things. 
In Colossians, Paul is writing to a group of believers that are really 
good at following “The Rules”. Colossians 2:23 “These rules seem wise 
because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily 
discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires”. 
Paul is not saying rules are bad, he is emphasizing that the motive 
behind the rule might be. We learn throughout Colossians that we did 
not gain salvation by our own human efforts, so keeping these rules we 
make up will not help in gaining salvation. Christ freely gave us the gift 
of salvation and all we can do, by our own effort, is accept it and believe 
it. I want to challenge you to take a look at these rules in your life and 
if they’re in place to help your walk with Christ or if they’re in place to 
make you look like a ‘good Christian’. I encourage you to read and study 
Colossians, and remember that we truly have everything we need in 
With Christ’s Love, ~ Justin Miller 
Lexington, KY 40502 
Communion Serving Schedule 
September 7 
Elders: Nathan Young, Ken Sharp 
Deacons: Charlie Byers, Bill Burke 
Ashland Terrace: Chris Lee 
Home Comm: Brian Hogston, Harold Butler, 
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
Ed Hall 
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Carol Rae Redding & 
Wilma Coomer 
(After Trad Srv) Robert McCray 
(After Blnd & Cont) Craig & Jenny Fowler 
September 14 
Elders: Bill Clem, Mike Mirre 
Deacons: Brian Hogston, Henry Evans 
Ashland Terrace: Greg Wheeler 
Home Comm: Chris Lee, David Martin, 
Terry Morrison 
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) David & Paula Rankin 
(After Trad Srv) Chris Dennison 
(After Blnd & Cont) Chris Dennison 
Senior Adult Events 
Better With Age Club 
Thursday, September 18 
10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall 
Senior Adult Day Trip 
Thursday, September 25 
Cumberland Falls 
Jeff & Sheri Easter 
in Concert 
September 21, 2014 ~ 6:30 pm 
No tickets required, 
a love offering will be received. 
September 21 
Elders: John Langley, Bill Clem 
Deacons: Bill Johnson, Greg Kasten 
Ashland Terrace: Ed Hall 
Home Comm: Greg Wheeler, Stuart Kearns, 
Bill Johnson 
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Boyd & Wanda Johnson 
(After Trad Srv) David & Sheila Waits 
(After Blnd & Cont) David & Sheila Waits 
September 28 
Elders: Larry Bugg, John Langley 
Deacons: David Straub, Keith Wertz 
Ashland Terrace: Bill Johnson 
Home Comm: David Straub, Craig Martin, 
Lucas Moore 
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Jack & Linda White 
(After Trad Srv) Michael & Dana McReynolds 
(After Blnd & Cont) John Combs 
September Oasis Meals: 
Sept 10: Roasted Turkey Breast, Cornbread 
Dressing, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, 
Dinner Rolls, Dessert 
Sept 17: Baked Ham, Macaroni & Cheese, 
Peas, Dinner Rolls, Dessert 
Sept 24: Hamburgers & Hot dogs, Potato 
Chips, Cole Slaw, Dessert 
Salad is available as an alternate meal when 
it is not a part of the meal being served.
Fall Oasis 2014 
September 10 - November 19 
Romans ~ Led by Ken Jurgens 
Romans may be the most important letter you will ever read. It is Paul’s 
masterpiece, the most clear and full explanation of the gospel in the Bible. 
But watch out! Those who study Romans are rarely the same afterward. 
The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships 
Right Outside Your Door ~ Led by Nic Skinner 
Through compelling scripture and true stories of lives impacted, we’ll 
discover how to create genuine friendships with the people who live in closest 
proximity to us. Book cost: $10 
Lexington, KY 40502 
Women’s Bible Studies: 
The Amazing Collection: 1 Chronicles-Esther ~ Led by Phyllis Eversole 
We will begin with the book of 1 Chronicles and continue through the book 
of Esther. This study will help participants discover the overview, key players, 
and timeless principles of each book. Book cost: $10 
The Frazzled Female ~ Led by Anne Branham and Vickie Cole 
This two-part study will help any worn out, burned out, and stressed out 
woman understand the Spirit God has given her. Book cost: $20 (Vol.1 & 2) 
Men’s Study: 
33 The Series: A Man and His Design ~ Led by Tommy Simpson 
This study is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue authentic manhood 
as modeled by Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth. It explores the basic 
foundations of authentic manhood and God’s clear design for men. 
Class Registration 
Register online at, 
follow the link on our website at, or 
mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card. 
Be sure to register early so materials are available!
Calina Wagie & 
Vala Wagie 
Baptized July 6 
Michael Bush 
Baptized July 13 
pictured with 
Mike & Lauren Allen 
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
New Members 
Vala has lived in Lexington about a 
year and has been attending here for 
about 5 months. She is retired and 
spends much of her time with her 
great-grandson. Calina is a stay at 
home mom to her young son, Caleb. 
Her decision to be baptized was greatly 
influenced by her grandmother, Vala. 
This family is involved with the Grace 
and Truth Class and Caleb loves 
going to Critterland and seeing Miss 
Maia each week. We want to warmly 
welcome Vala and her granddaughter, 
Calina, to Tates Creek. 
Michael is very active here at Tates 
Creek. He is currently leading a 
boys Middle School small group on 
Sunday mornings. After attending 
CIY with the high school youth group, 
Michael felt very convicted. He felt 
he needed to be baptized (again) to 
show his obedience to God and make 
a commitment to follow Jesus with his 
whole heart. Michael hopes to one 
day do youth ministry and he plans to 
attend BCTC this fall. Let’s be sure to 
give him the encouragement he needs. 
Angie Willoughby 
Baptized July 18 
pictured with husband Jack
Lexington, KY 40502 
New Members 
Kaleb has been in the Lexington area for four 
years and works in the landscaping business. 
He has been attending Tates Creek for about 
a year as a guest of Gulya Child. Kaleb stated 
that he “put off being baptized but wanted 
to be baptized before his wedding to get the 
marriage off on the right foot.” Kaleb and 
Gulya were married just a few days after his 
baptism in July. Please be sure to welcome 
him. This wonderful young couple attends 
The Vine service. 
Jonathan has been attending Tates Creek 
with his grandmother, Elaine Haggard, for 
about a year. After attending Blue Grass 
Christian Camp, Jonathan recognized his 
need for Christ. He made his decision 
to be baptized after a teaching call with 
Brad Haggard and encouragement from 
his grandmother. The day of Jonathan’s 
baptism was even more special because it 
was also his birthday! If you see Jonathan, 
be sure to encouge him in his new walk 
with Jesus, our Lord. 
Jonathan Ryan 
Baptized July 27 
Nathan Koebcke 
Transfer, July 27 
Picture not available: 
Kaleb Godwin 
Baptized July 23
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
Mission Trip to Liberia 
In mid-July, a team of 12 traveled to Liberia to the orphanage from 
which two of Matt and Terah Lee’s children were adopted several years ago. 
Members of this team from TCCC were Matt Lee, Grant Bolt, 
Yvonne Byers, Marlee Mirre, and 
Deena, Keith, and Nathan Wertz. 
The spiritual journey began before 
the trip. Each of the team members 
was aware of the Ebola outbreak 
prior to traveling, and each team 
member trusted in God’s protection and elected to go, believing that it was 
God’s will. However, as Gideon did (Judges 6), the team asked for a sign 
from God to prove that this was truly His will that we go at this particular 
time. We prayed that the CDC travel alert be raised to a “Level 3” if He 
wanted us to delay the trip. With the travel alert not being issued, we 
packed 31 totes of supplies and a generator, boarded a plane, and set-out for 
Our primary focus was to make personal connections 
with the children, with the intent of returning to the US 
and sharing their individual stories to generate ongoing 
support for the basic needs of the orphanage. Our 
motivating scripture was, and is Psalm 82:3 “Defend the 
weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and 
the oppressed.” Daily we held a VBS with the children, 
played with them, held them, read to them, and let 
them know beyond a doubt that they were loved. 
We brought dresses for the girls to wear and had 
a photo shoot for each of the children, where we 
made them the focus of attention. We gave each of 
them a backpack full of books, clothes, and toys. We 
had them paint their very own masterpieces, which led to them painting 
themselves and ultimately led to a super paint war that I am certain 
none of the kids (or the adults) will ever forget. Truly God blessed our 
efforts, because each of us drew close to at least one of the children in this 
orphanage, and will be forever changed because of that. 
I believe that most of us went with the hope that we would teach them 
about Jesus and the fact that our Father in Heaven deserves 
our honor and praise. But instead, we were humbled at 
what we witnessed. Every morning and every evening the 
children would sing praises to the Lord in unison, and by
Mission Trip to Liberia 
“sing praises,” I don’t mean timid child-like melodic murmuring. These 
kids were shouting praise to God, and it was awesome! After a few songs, 
each of the children would stand-up individually and recite a different 
memory verse. Then two or three of the children would take turns praying 
aloud. It was the perfect beginning and the perfect end to every day. 
Although our primary focus was the 
children, we also met some of the immediate 
needs within the orphanage, to include 
installing a water purification system, creating 
a library, making repairs, organizing a 
storage room, installing solar security lights, 
cultivating an area for a garden, building a chicken coop, and purchasing 
three chickens. 
Because it is impossible to condense what has truly been a life-changing 
event for all 12 team members into this article, I encourage you to talk with 
those who were on the team, and let them express to you how God used 
this mission to impact them personally. 
We ask that each of you lift up the orphanage and its children daily in 
prayer. We will make the needs of the orphanage and the children known 
so that you can pray specifically, and will make God’s blessings upon the 
orphanage known so that you can be encouraged by His answers to those 
prayers. To receive this information go to and click 
[Get Involved]. 
~ Keith Wertz 
Other Events 
Bluegrass Christian 
Men’s Fellowship 
September 8, 2014 
Bedford Acres Christian Church 
Meal ~ 5:45 pm 
Program ~ 6:45 pm 
Van leaves TCCC at 4:45 pm 
September 20 ~ 8:30 am 
Kicks off at Embrace Church: 
1015 N Limestone 
Signups for specific projects will 
begin later this month! 
Lexington, KY 40502 
On my recent mission trip to Swaziland, Africa, I saw the expression 
lived out, “They are not poor, they just don’t have money.” 
The women at the three day conference were rich in spirit. After the last 
session they put a basket at the front. Thinking it was an offering for the 
church, we dropped in money. Imagine our shock when they presented 
it to us – the equivalent of $17, not counting what we put in. We will 
sow it back through a fund at Lexington Leadership Foundation (the 
ministry leading the trip). It can go into funds to pay for bags of cement 
needed to complete a new church building ($9 per bag for 70 bags). We 
were overwhelmed when a handmade artificial flower arrangement was 
presented to each of us. 
It was a country with pot holes all over the dirt road leading to the 
church, chickens roaming the yard, and cows loose on the road. A huge 
black pot of rice simmered over a fire in the cooking shed. The outhouse 
loomed in the distance. 
Primitive? Yes, but the atmosphere was full of love. There was real 
community as various women 
helped care for the children 
who were with their mothers. 
My ministry partner and 
I each gave eight discipleship 
talks. The women were 
dancing in the aisles after the message on the blood as they celebrated 
their salvation. They were especially receptive to the talk on not taking 
offense and controlling your thoughts. Communication was only possible 
through an interpreter or the universal language - hugs and smiles. 
Several days were spent with a local AIDS ministry, teaching their 
team and going into villages to minister. 
They are the poorest of the poor, but they are rich in relationships 
and the love of the Lord shows on their shining, smiling faces. I treasure 
getting to make a spiritual deposit in them. Their happy faces will live on 
in my memory. They are not poor they just don’t have money. 
I am grateful to friends and the church mission team for financial help 
in this outreach to the people of Swaziland, Africa. 
~ Peggy Park 
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
Rich in Spirit
He must increase; I must decrease 
Well, we are coming up quick on fall, my absolute 
favorite season of the year! I love to be outside 
during the fall season. I love the weather and the 
beautiful colors that paint the outdoors. 
As each season does, autumn is a time that makes 
me reflect on my faith journey. In the spring, we often think of 
new life in Christ as we see new life sprouting up all around us. 
The fall however reminds me of what it means to die. I’m not 
talking about physical death, but death to self. 
Just as the trees and plants shed their leaves and 
are naturally pruned to make way for new life and 
growth, we experience the same type of thing. 
As we learn to die to ourselves, the Holy Spirit 
is allowed more space in our hearts and minds to 
make us new. Jesus calls us to die to ourselves in Mark 8:34-35 
“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, 
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up 
his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose 
it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save 
it.” Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2 “I appeal to you therefore, 
brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living 
sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual 
worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed 
by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what 
is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” 
So you see, as we continue to die to ourselves and offer 
ourselves as living sacrifices to the Lord, we are sanctified. That 
is, we become more holy, or in other words, becoming more 
and more like Jesus. Our perspective becomes more like His 
perspective. We don’t often talk about John the Baptist as being 
a math whiz, but he had the equation exactly right: He must 
increase; I must decrease. 
So the question for each of us is this: what things in my life do I 
need to sacrifice? What are the things in my life that I need to die 
to, so that I may decrease and He may increase? In my opinion, 
this is one of the most difficult parts of living the Christian life, 
but also the most rewarding and enlightening. I hope you are 
challenged with these thoughts. 
In His Service, ~Mike 
College Ministry Mike Allen 
Lexington, KY 40502
16 Student Ministry Brad Haggard 
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of 
all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in 
Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and 
establish you. 1 Peter 5:10 
There are a lot of reasons to emphasize evangelism as we are 
in the series “Tell the Story”, but one has particularly hit me in 
working with youth over the past few years. It is the healing 
that comes from a person accepting the Gospel, going through 
baptism, and finding healing for all sorts of deep hurts in their 
life. The Church, as a community of the redeemed and the 
healed, is a place to call people to healing. 
Students come into youth groups from a wide variety of life 
situations, but all of them deal with some form of hurt during 
their years in middle and high school. Unfortunately, parents 
can’t hide them away from everything that would hurt a child. 
But over time, as these students grow in the Gospel, I get to see 
those wounds heal. Not only that, but I also get to see them pick 
up other students who have been beaten down by life. There 
is perhaps no greater joy for a youth minister than to see the 
students ministering to each other. 
And that is why we want to call more and more people to hear 
about Jesus and join the Church! 
Our students have even looked 
outside this country to minister 
and offer healing to a girl in 
Cambodia named Brak Barang. She 
is connected to a ministry of the 
Rapha House called “Kid’s Club” 
which identifies children who are 
at risk for trafficking, and provides 
them with food, schooling, and a social environment. Our 
students have faithfully supported her for the past year, and she 
is hearing about Jesus’ story through their sponsorship. It’s not 
always quick, but we should be encouraged to share this healing 
message with whoever we can! 
In Christ ~ Brad 
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Teamwork makes a difference! 
Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one because they 
have a good return for their work” 
When I left for Liberia on July 11th our church body 
was in the process of collecting donations to cover 
the cost of 250 backpacks for children at Julius Marks 
Elementary. We chose to try a different method this year to get 
more individuals directly involved. This method included asking 
for donations of $10 for each backpack. At Impact VBS we had 
collected around $750. This was well short of the $2,500 needed. 
Nearly a week before departure, the Servants for Christ class had 
come up with some ideas and they were excited to lead the charge 
while I was gone. They shared with Sunday School classes and 
individuals about the need. To get to this many people directly 
could only be done with a team, as we are blessed with MANY 
classes at TCCC. To be honest, I was excited to see how God would 
provide through His people upon our return from Africa. 
The class worked together, shared the 
vision and the need with classes and 
individuals, and at some point the flood 
gates opened wide! Danny Branham and 
I would conference with each other about 
how God was meeting the needs through his 
people. It seemed that every call I received from him was of pure 
amazement. When the counting was finished more than $4,200 
had been given. WOW! When we finally placed the order for the 
supplies the price had changed to $13 per backpack, but the money 
was already there! In fact the basic needs were met through the 
faithfulness of his people, extra supplies (like science boards) were 
purchased, and a special devotional gift for each teacher was also 
purchased! Finally, on August 6th we gathered to pack the 250 
backpacks! At 6:05 PM nearly 75 people began packing, writing 
more notes, and loading the backpacks into the bus. The final 
backpack reached the bus at 6:23 PM! 18 minutes!!! 
This was the third year in a row our church body has united 
together to supply our partner school with backpacks. Each year 
a different method, but always the same goal. I guess it makes a 
dreamer wonder
 what would happen if we worked together like 
this all the time? 
~ Matt 
Children’s Ministry Matt Lee 
Lexington, KY 40502
Sunday School 
Average Attendance 
Funds Totals for July 
Deacons’ Fund $1,703. 
Growing to Serve $15,092. 
% of Dollars Given Online 
General Fund Report 
2014 Budgeted Need per week $29,407. 
2014 Average per week $27,973. 
July Total Income $110,265. 
July Total Expenses $112,184. 
Net Shortfall ($1,920.) 
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 
July 2014 
Infants 6 
Walkers 7 
2 - 5 Year Old 15 
Elementary 47 
Middle School 32 
High School 36 
Alpha/Omega 9 
Ashland Terrace 13 
Christians in Action 23 
Crusaders 52 
Early Bird 8:30 am 5 
Faith 14 
Fellowship of Believers 16 
Generations of Faith 25 
Good News 25 
Grace & Truth 65 
Grass Roots 12 
Heaven Bound 11 
In The Word 19 
Open Bible 67 
Psalm 34:3 6 
Seekers 6 
Servants for Christ 27 
Upper Room 14 
Willing Workers 37 
Young Families 4 
Miscellaneous 7 
Officers 13 
Total 631 
July Worship 
Attendance & Giving 
Total General Fund 
6th 758 $36,141. 
13th 817 $26,796. 
20th 733 $23,846. 
27th 671 $23,482. 
Mortgage Balance, July 31 $1,552,861. 
Monthly Payment (August) $13,888. 
Principal $8,540. 
Interest $4,348. 
Add’l Principal $1,000. 
To give online anytime or 
setup a recurring online gift, 
visit our website at www. and click on 
Critterland News 
Each year beginning in September the MOPS 
(Mothers of Preschoolers) group meets here at 
Tates Creek twice a month in the Fellowship Hall. 
Mothers who have children ages birth through 
Preschool are welcome. These ladies have a great time with 
fellowship, guest speakers, crafts, and more. 
The focus of this year is to encourage one another as moms 
to do things that will move us out of our comfort zone and into 
a place where we are enhanced in our personal, relational, and 
family decisions. 
The theme for the year is “Be You Bravely” (Isaiah 43:18-19). 
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing 
a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” 
Open House: August 26, 2014 at 9 am. 
Brunch and Childcare Provided! 
First Meeting: September 9th ~ 9 to 11 am. 
Childcare Provided 
~ Lesley 
Lexington, KY 40502 
Preschool Ministry Lesley Tipton
Tates Creek Current Tates Creek Christian Church Office: (859) 266-1621 
3150 Tates Creek Road Web: 
Lexington, KY 40502 Email: 
Calendar ~ September 2014 
2 Elders’ Meeting, 6pm, 200D 
4 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 
4 Deborah Circle, 7 pm 
6 & 20 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102 
7 Singles Potluck, 12:30 pm, FH 
7 Monthly Ministry Teams 
8 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Bedford Acres CC 
Van leaves TCCC at 4:45 pm 
8 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 
8 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 
9 & 23 MOPS, 9 am, FH 
9 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 
10 Fall Oasis Begins, 5:45 pm, MMC 
18 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 
18 Women’s Ministry Mtg, 7 pm, 302 
20 Serve the City, 8:30 am, 
Meet at Embrace Church 
21 Jeff & Sheri Easter in concert, 
6:30 pm, WC 
25 Senior Adult Day Trip, 
Cumberland Falls 
27 Women’s Prayer Breakfast, 
9 am, 200C-E 
Weekly Activities 
Sunday Evening: 
Rejoicing Ringers, 4:30 pm, CR 
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC 
Adult Small Groups, various times 
and locations 
Monday Evening: Begins Sept. 15 
Orchestra rehearsal, 6:15 pm, WC 
Tuesday Evening: 
Victory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH 
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200A 
Worship Team, 5:45 pm, WC 
Oasis activities begin September 10 
Meal, 5:45 pm, MMC 
Classes, 6:45 pm, various rooms 
High School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303 
Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303 
Elementary Truth Travelers Choir, 
6:45 pm, Uptown 
Worship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC 
Volume 2 No. 9 
CR - Choir Room / FH - Fellowship Hall / Fh - Friendship Hall / MMC - Multi Ministry Center / UP - Uptown / WC - Worship Center

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Tates Creek Christian Church monthly Current for September 2014

  • 1. Tates Creek Current And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. Mark 13:10 September 2014
  • 2. Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Meal - 5:45 pm Oasis Classes - 6:45 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Nic Skinner Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contents Feature Article 12-13 Mission Trip to Liberia ~ Keith Wertz In Every Issue 3-7 Minister Articles 8 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 10-11 New Members 15-17 Minister Articles 18 June Statistics 19 Critterland News 20 Calendar Ministry News 9 Fall Oasis Classes 14 Mission Trip to Swaziland ~ Peggy Park Events 8 13 Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. Tidbits from Tommy Wow! With school starting, summer is fading and fall is quickly approaching. Our Fall Oasis will begin September 10. Various classes will be offered. The Men’s Ministry has asked me to lead a class for men. So, I will be offering the class entitled, 33 The Series. This study looks at the thirty-three years of Jesus’ life and gleans principles of manhood from Jesus’ life. The first part of the study, A Man and His Design, equips men to implement the principles of manhood from Jesus’ life into our own lives. The second part of the study, A Man and His Story, trains men to understand how the past has affected the present and then empowers men to reach out to take a hold of the future. This class is for ALL men, notice I wrote, “ALL men!” One of the blessings of being a part of a five-generation church is that younger fellows have many opportunities to learn from older fellows and for older fellows to come along side younger fellows to encourage. So, if you are an older gentleman, this is an opportunity to come along side our younger fellows and be willing to study, learn, and grow together. If you are a younger gentleman, this is a GREAT opportunity to learn from some older gentleman. Believe me, here at Tates Creek Christian we have some wonderful, godly, Christian older gentlemen from whom to learn. As I wrote before, this class is for ALL men!!! Throughout my life, our Lord has placed tremendous Christian men along my journey from whom to learn. Of course, right at the top of the list is my Dad. I learned many things from Dad ~ things I should do as well as things I ought not to do. One of the things I learned was that his relationship with the Lord was the most important thing in his life. Dad never missed church, and he was always involved in church. Dad loved to read the Scripture, especially the history in the Old Testament. Dad was a very generous giver to the Lord. Another Christian gentleman that our Lord placed in my life was Uncle Hank McAdams. He was married to Aunt Imogene, one of Mom’s older sisters. Uncle Hank loved the ministry, and I learned many things about ministry and life from Uncle Hank. The Lord has placed many other Christian gentlemen in my path. This class will afford awesome opportunities to learn, to grow, and to develop some awesome relationships with Christian men. Let’s learn and grow together! ~Tommy 3 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry “God at Just the Right Time” How many times have we encountered a problem in our marriage, trouble with our finances, or difficulties with raising our children, and needed some voice in the immediate aftermath to offer us clear, Godly encouragement? How many times have these issues popped up in our lives, but the church’s planned Bible study on the topic is weeks or months away? The fact is, life’s problems generally don’t follow the church’s calendar, do they? They pop up when we least expect it. Thus, as leaders in the church, we feel it is extremely important to equip every member of the congregation with the resources they need to persevere through the expected and unexpected events of life...resources we can utilize beyond just Sundays and Wednesdays. Often times, the resources or encouragement we need “in the moment” come as a trusted Christian friend, a phone call with a Sunday School teacher or Small Group leader, an appointment with a minister or Elder, or simply reading our Bible and praying. These conversations with others and with God are tremendous in our time of need. We also live in a time with unprecedented access to the Bible and other Christian resources online. That is why I am so excited about our trial period this fall with RightNow Media. It puts some of the best Christian resources where we need it, when we need it. It can be accessed via computer, mobile device, Smart TV, Roku, or Apple TV. And it is all provided to you by TCCC. If you have not yet received your email invitation from me to set up your free RightNow Media account, please contact me at to let me know. Regardless of which biblical tools you utilize to help you through life’s challenges, please know that these, and many others, are there to help you experience God at just the right time. In Christ, ~Nic
  • 5. Senior Adults 5 Debbie and I recently went to Alaska for a short vacation. As most of you know, Debbie worked for an airline for many years and that has provided us with the opportunity to see distant and exotic places all over the world. One place we have been trying to get to on vacation for years has been Alaska. It is a difficult place to get to in the summer time when you fly space available like we do, that being free if there are any seats left after the paying passengers are all on board. As you can imagine, the flights are usually full during the summer as few people really want to go there in the winter months. I have to admit that when we finally did get there recently, it was truly beautiful, I was just a little disappointed. Because of that, I had to wrestle with myself as to why that was. I came to the conclusion that it was because of all those years of trying to get there only to be disappointed by the flights being full. That caused me to build up expectations beyond what even Alaska could offer. Believe me, Alaska is beautiful, but I had desired it for so long that the reality of it fell short of what I had built it up to be in my mind. Have you ever experienced that? We shouldn’t be surprised. When we seek after the things of the world we always end up disappointed. We see that with the Christmas toys our children beg for only to be abandoned before the new year, or the new car we want so much only to have it become old once we’ve had it a few weeks or months. Perhaps you’ve seen that the new iPhone 6 is soon to come out and suddenly the old iPhone 5 is

well its old. There’s an old song that says, “Like the woman at the well, I was seeking for things that could not satisfy.” It speaks a truth that most of us who have lived any time at all have discovered, that being, the only things that really satisfy are the things we find in Christ Jesus. Like Peter who said, “To whom shall we go Lord? You have the words of eternal life.” Peter says that which truly satisfies is found only in Jesus Christ. That’s a lesson a trip to Alaska reminded me of and I thought it might be important for me to remind you of, too. In Him, ~Bro. Kim Lexington, KY 40502
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 Don’s Dynamics Independence vs. Dependence I have been on quite a journey over the last several weeks as I had surgery to replace my right knee. I know my recovery and rehabilitation have been much better than many others have experienced, so much so that should I need to have the left knee replaced, the decision to do so will be much easier to make. I am grateful for that, because quite honestly it could have been much more difficult (or so I have heard!). But while I have been on this journey I have really had to learn to depend on others. Those of you who know me well are aware that I am quite independent, having lived on my own my entire adult life. I am used to (and quite comfortable) doing things for myself. I have seen that change a little in the last few years as I have had to depend on others to do physical jobs that I used to enjoy doing myself. I am sure that many of you will agree that it is somewhat frightening when we realize that we “can’t do it all anymore.” However, in recent weeks, I have leaned on friends, caregivers, and physical therapists to get me through the recovery period. Sometimes, I was frustrated and wanted to scream, “I don’t need all this help and I can do it on my own.” But, I was wrong. I learned that I couldn’t do it alone...I had to...I needed to...I must depend on others! If I had tried to do everything on my own, I would have messed up things and perhaps ruined my hopes for a complete recovery. I also learned that the caregivers gained real joy in helping me. Who am I to deny them that joy? I know that the happiest and most joy-filled Christians learn that they not only must depend upon God, but also upon His caregivers; other Christians who can minister to us. Being in a Sunday School class, participating in a small group, and serving on a ministry team brings us joy because we are giving of ourselves to others and learning to depend on them. I challenge you to not be so independent that you find yourself all alone in this world. It is easy to become independent and miss out on some of the best relationships we can know. God really designed us to live in this way. I am grateful to all who provided a meal, sat with me at home, visited me, sent cards, and offered prayers on my behalf! ~ Don
  • 7. Justin Miller Youth Intern Do You Follow the Rules? It’s funny to think about the rules and habits we make up for ourselves. “I have to wake up no later than 7:30,” “I need coffee to function in the morning,” “The kids need to be at practice on time”. I’ve been known, more than once, to have some kind of silly “law” I’ve made up for myself and if it is broken it’s like my whole world is turned upside down. That’s a little exaggeration, but it does seem like these rules we’ve established in our lives control us. “I have to get to Sunday School on time,” “I can’t listen to that music,” “I don’t drive through that part of town”. This isn’t to say that some rules we make up are bad, but I find it interesting how much we are committed to these things. In Colossians, Paul is writing to a group of believers that are really good at following “The Rules”. Colossians 2:23 “These rules seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires”. Paul is not saying rules are bad, he is emphasizing that the motive behind the rule might be. We learn throughout Colossians that we did not gain salvation by our own human efforts, so keeping these rules we make up will not help in gaining salvation. Christ freely gave us the gift of salvation and all we can do, by our own effort, is accept it and believe it. I want to challenge you to take a look at these rules in your life and if they’re in place to help your walk with Christ or if they’re in place to make you look like a ‘good Christian’. I encourage you to read and study Colossians, and remember that we truly have everything we need in Christ. With Christ’s Love, ~ Justin Miller Lexington, KY 40502 7
  • 8. Communion Serving Schedule September 7 Elders: Nathan Young, Ken Sharp Deacons: Charlie Byers, Bill Burke Ashland Terrace: Chris Lee Home Comm: Brian Hogston, Harold Butler, Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 Ed Hall Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Carol Rae Redding & Wilma Coomer (After Trad Srv) Robert McCray (After Blnd & Cont) Craig & Jenny Fowler September 14 Elders: Bill Clem, Mike Mirre Deacons: Brian Hogston, Henry Evans Ashland Terrace: Greg Wheeler Home Comm: Chris Lee, David Martin, Terry Morrison Comm. Prep: (Sat.) David & Paula Rankin (After Trad Srv) Chris Dennison (After Blnd & Cont) Chris Dennison Senior Adult Events Better With Age Club Thursday, September 18 10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall Senior Adult Day Trip Thursday, September 25 Cumberland Falls Jeff & Sheri Easter in Concert September 21, 2014 ~ 6:30 pm No tickets required, a love offering will be received. September 21 Elders: John Langley, Bill Clem Deacons: Bill Johnson, Greg Kasten Ashland Terrace: Ed Hall Home Comm: Greg Wheeler, Stuart Kearns, Bill Johnson Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Boyd & Wanda Johnson (After Trad Srv) David & Sheila Waits (After Blnd & Cont) David & Sheila Waits September 28 Elders: Larry Bugg, John Langley Deacons: David Straub, Keith Wertz Ashland Terrace: Bill Johnson Home Comm: David Straub, Craig Martin, Lucas Moore Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Jack & Linda White (After Trad Srv) Michael & Dana McReynolds (After Blnd & Cont) John Combs September Oasis Meals: Sept 10: Roasted Turkey Breast, Cornbread Dressing, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Dinner Rolls, Dessert Sept 17: Baked Ham, Macaroni & Cheese, Peas, Dinner Rolls, Dessert Sept 24: Hamburgers & Hot dogs, Potato Chips, Cole Slaw, Dessert Salad is available as an alternate meal when it is not a part of the meal being served.
  • 9. Fall Oasis 2014 September 10 - November 19 Romans ~ Led by Ken Jurgens Romans may be the most important letter you will ever read. It is Paul’s masterpiece, the most clear and full explanation of the gospel in the Bible. But watch out! Those who study Romans are rarely the same afterward. The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door ~ Led by Nic Skinner Through compelling scripture and true stories of lives impacted, we’ll discover how to create genuine friendships with the people who live in closest proximity to us. Book cost: $10 Lexington, KY 40502 9 Women’s Bible Studies: The Amazing Collection: 1 Chronicles-Esther ~ Led by Phyllis Eversole We will begin with the book of 1 Chronicles and continue through the book of Esther. This study will help participants discover the overview, key players, and timeless principles of each book. Book cost: $10 The Frazzled Female ~ Led by Anne Branham and Vickie Cole This two-part study will help any worn out, burned out, and stressed out woman understand the Spirit God has given her. Book cost: $20 (Vol.1 & 2) Men’s Study: 33 The Series: A Man and His Design ~ Led by Tommy Simpson This study is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth. It explores the basic foundations of authentic manhood and God’s clear design for men. Class Registration Register online at, follow the link on our website at, or mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card. Be sure to register early so materials are available!
  • 10. Calina Wagie & Vala Wagie Baptized July 6 Michael Bush Baptized July 13 pictured with Mike & Lauren Allen Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 New Members Vala has lived in Lexington about a year and has been attending here for about 5 months. She is retired and spends much of her time with her great-grandson. Calina is a stay at home mom to her young son, Caleb. Her decision to be baptized was greatly influenced by her grandmother, Vala. This family is involved with the Grace and Truth Class and Caleb loves going to Critterland and seeing Miss Maia each week. We want to warmly welcome Vala and her granddaughter, Calina, to Tates Creek. Michael is very active here at Tates Creek. He is currently leading a boys Middle School small group on Sunday mornings. After attending CIY with the high school youth group, Michael felt very convicted. He felt he needed to be baptized (again) to show his obedience to God and make a commitment to follow Jesus with his whole heart. Michael hopes to one day do youth ministry and he plans to attend BCTC this fall. Let’s be sure to give him the encouragement he needs. Angie Willoughby Baptized July 18 pictured with husband Jack
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 New Members Kaleb has been in the Lexington area for four years and works in the landscaping business. He has been attending Tates Creek for about a year as a guest of Gulya Child. Kaleb stated that he “put off being baptized but wanted to be baptized before his wedding to get the marriage off on the right foot.” Kaleb and Gulya were married just a few days after his baptism in July. Please be sure to welcome him. This wonderful young couple attends The Vine service. Jonathan has been attending Tates Creek with his grandmother, Elaine Haggard, for about a year. After attending Blue Grass Christian Camp, Jonathan recognized his need for Christ. He made his decision to be baptized after a teaching call with Brad Haggard and encouragement from his grandmother. The day of Jonathan’s baptism was even more special because it was also his birthday! If you see Jonathan, be sure to encouge him in his new walk with Jesus, our Lord. Jonathan Ryan Baptized July 27 Nathan Koebcke Transfer, July 27 Picture not available: Kaleb Godwin Baptized July 23
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 Mission Trip to Liberia In mid-July, a team of 12 traveled to Liberia to the orphanage from which two of Matt and Terah Lee’s children were adopted several years ago. Members of this team from TCCC were Matt Lee, Grant Bolt, Yvonne Byers, Marlee Mirre, and Deena, Keith, and Nathan Wertz. The spiritual journey began before the trip. Each of the team members was aware of the Ebola outbreak prior to traveling, and each team member trusted in God’s protection and elected to go, believing that it was God’s will. However, as Gideon did (Judges 6), the team asked for a sign from God to prove that this was truly His will that we go at this particular time. We prayed that the CDC travel alert be raised to a “Level 3” if He wanted us to delay the trip. With the travel alert not being issued, we packed 31 totes of supplies and a generator, boarded a plane, and set-out for Liberia. Our primary focus was to make personal connections with the children, with the intent of returning to the US and sharing their individual stories to generate ongoing support for the basic needs of the orphanage. Our motivating scripture was, and is Psalm 82:3 “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” Daily we held a VBS with the children, played with them, held them, read to them, and let them know beyond a doubt that they were loved. We brought dresses for the girls to wear and had a photo shoot for each of the children, where we made them the focus of attention. We gave each of them a backpack full of books, clothes, and toys. We had them paint their very own masterpieces, which led to them painting themselves and ultimately led to a super paint war that I am certain none of the kids (or the adults) will ever forget. Truly God blessed our efforts, because each of us drew close to at least one of the children in this orphanage, and will be forever changed because of that. I believe that most of us went with the hope that we would teach them about Jesus and the fact that our Father in Heaven deserves our honor and praise. But instead, we were humbled at what we witnessed. Every morning and every evening the children would sing praises to the Lord in unison, and by
  • 13. Mission Trip to Liberia “sing praises,” I don’t mean timid child-like melodic murmuring. These kids were shouting praise to God, and it was awesome! After a few songs, each of the children would stand-up individually and recite a different memory verse. Then two or three of the children would take turns praying aloud. It was the perfect beginning and the perfect end to every day. Although our primary focus was the children, we also met some of the immediate needs within the orphanage, to include installing a water purification system, creating a library, making repairs, organizing a storage room, installing solar security lights, cultivating an area for a garden, building a chicken coop, and purchasing three chickens. Because it is impossible to condense what has truly been a life-changing event for all 12 team members into this article, I encourage you to talk with those who were on the team, and let them express to you how God used this mission to impact them personally. We ask that each of you lift up the orphanage and its children daily in prayer. We will make the needs of the orphanage and the children known so that you can pray specifically, and will make God’s blessings upon the orphanage known so that you can be encouraged by His answers to those prayers. To receive this information go to and click [Get Involved]. ~ Keith Wertz Other Events Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship September 8, 2014 Bedford Acres Christian Church Meal ~ 5:45 pm Program ~ 6:45 pm Van leaves TCCC at 4:45 pm September 20 ~ 8:30 am Kicks off at Embrace Church: 1015 N Limestone Signups for specific projects will begin later this month! Lexington, KY 40502 13
  • 14. On my recent mission trip to Swaziland, Africa, I saw the expression lived out, “They are not poor, they just don’t have money.” The women at the three day conference were rich in spirit. After the last session they put a basket at the front. Thinking it was an offering for the church, we dropped in money. Imagine our shock when they presented it to us – the equivalent of $17, not counting what we put in. We will sow it back through a fund at Lexington Leadership Foundation (the ministry leading the trip). It can go into funds to pay for bags of cement needed to complete a new church building ($9 per bag for 70 bags). We were overwhelmed when a handmade artificial flower arrangement was presented to each of us. It was a country with pot holes all over the dirt road leading to the church, chickens roaming the yard, and cows loose on the road. A huge black pot of rice simmered over a fire in the cooking shed. The outhouse loomed in the distance. Primitive? Yes, but the atmosphere was full of love. There was real community as various women helped care for the children who were with their mothers. My ministry partner and I each gave eight discipleship talks. The women were dancing in the aisles after the message on the blood as they celebrated their salvation. They were especially receptive to the talk on not taking offense and controlling your thoughts. Communication was only possible through an interpreter or the universal language - hugs and smiles. Several days were spent with a local AIDS ministry, teaching their team and going into villages to minister. They are the poorest of the poor, but they are rich in relationships and the love of the Lord shows on their shining, smiling faces. I treasure getting to make a spiritual deposit in them. Their happy faces will live on in my memory. They are not poor they just don’t have money. I am grateful to friends and the church mission team for financial help in this outreach to the people of Swaziland, Africa. ~ Peggy Park Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 Rich in Spirit
  • 15. He must increase; I must decrease Well, we are coming up quick on fall, my absolute favorite season of the year! I love to be outside during the fall season. I love the weather and the beautiful colors that paint the outdoors. As each season does, autumn is a time that makes me reflect on my faith journey. In the spring, we often think of new life in Christ as we see new life sprouting up all around us. The fall however reminds me of what it means to die. I’m not talking about physical death, but death to self. Just as the trees and plants shed their leaves and are naturally pruned to make way for new life and growth, we experience the same type of thing. As we learn to die to ourselves, the Holy Spirit is allowed more space in our hearts and minds to make us new. Jesus calls us to die to ourselves in Mark 8:34-35 “And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” So you see, as we continue to die to ourselves and offer ourselves as living sacrifices to the Lord, we are sanctified. That is, we become more holy, or in other words, becoming more and more like Jesus. Our perspective becomes more like His perspective. We don’t often talk about John the Baptist as being a math whiz, but he had the equation exactly right: He must increase; I must decrease. So the question for each of us is this: what things in my life do I need to sacrifice? What are the things in my life that I need to die to, so that I may decrease and He may increase? In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult parts of living the Christian life, but also the most rewarding and enlightening. I hope you are challenged with these thoughts. In His Service, ~Mike College Ministry Mike Allen 15 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 16. 16 Student Ministry Brad Haggard Healing And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10 There are a lot of reasons to emphasize evangelism as we are in the series “Tell the Story”, but one has particularly hit me in working with youth over the past few years. It is the healing that comes from a person accepting the Gospel, going through baptism, and finding healing for all sorts of deep hurts in their life. The Church, as a community of the redeemed and the healed, is a place to call people to healing. Students come into youth groups from a wide variety of life situations, but all of them deal with some form of hurt during their years in middle and high school. Unfortunately, parents can’t hide them away from everything that would hurt a child. But over time, as these students grow in the Gospel, I get to see those wounds heal. Not only that, but I also get to see them pick up other students who have been beaten down by life. There is perhaps no greater joy for a youth minister than to see the students ministering to each other. And that is why we want to call more and more people to hear about Jesus and join the Church! Our students have even looked outside this country to minister and offer healing to a girl in Cambodia named Brak Barang. She is connected to a ministry of the Rapha House called “Kid’s Club” which identifies children who are at risk for trafficking, and provides them with food, schooling, and a social environment. Our students have faithfully supported her for the past year, and she is hearing about Jesus’ story through their sponsorship. It’s not always quick, but we should be encouraged to share this healing message with whoever we can! In Christ ~ Brad Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
  • 17. Teamwork makes a difference! Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work” When I left for Liberia on July 11th our church body was in the process of collecting donations to cover the cost of 250 backpacks for children at Julius Marks Elementary. We chose to try a different method this year to get more individuals directly involved. This method included asking for donations of $10 for each backpack. At Impact VBS we had collected around $750. This was well short of the $2,500 needed. Nearly a week before departure, the Servants for Christ class had come up with some ideas and they were excited to lead the charge while I was gone. They shared with Sunday School classes and individuals about the need. To get to this many people directly could only be done with a team, as we are blessed with MANY classes at TCCC. To be honest, I was excited to see how God would provide through His people upon our return from Africa. The class worked together, shared the vision and the need with classes and individuals, and at some point the flood gates opened wide! Danny Branham and I would conference with each other about how God was meeting the needs through his people. It seemed that every call I received from him was of pure amazement. When the counting was finished more than $4,200 had been given. WOW! When we finally placed the order for the supplies the price had changed to $13 per backpack, but the money was already there! In fact the basic needs were met through the faithfulness of his people, extra supplies (like science boards) were purchased, and a special devotional gift for each teacher was also purchased! Finally, on August 6th we gathered to pack the 250 backpacks! At 6:05 PM nearly 75 people began packing, writing more notes, and loading the backpacks into the bus. The final backpack reached the bus at 6:23 PM! 18 minutes!!! This was the third year in a row our church body has united together to supply our partner school with backpacks. Each year a different method, but always the same goal. I guess it makes a dreamer wonder
 what would happen if we worked together like this all the time? ~ Matt Children’s Ministry Matt Lee 17 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 18. Sunday School Average Attendance Funds Totals for July Deacons’ Fund $1,703. Growing to Serve $15,092. % of Dollars Given Online 14.5% General Fund Report 2014 Budgeted Need per week $29,407. 2014 Average per week $27,973. July Total Income $110,265. July Total Expenses $112,184. Net Shortfall ($1,920.) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 July 2014 Infants 6 Walkers 7 2 - 5 Year Old 15 Elementary 47 Middle School 32 High School 36 Alpha/Omega 9 Ashland Terrace 13 Christians in Action 23 Crusaders 52 Early Bird 8:30 am 5 Faith 14 Fellowship of Believers 16 FOCUS 19 Generations of Faith 25 Good News 25 Grace & Truth 65 Grass Roots 12 Heaven Bound 11 In The Word 19 Open Bible 67 Psalm 34:3 6 Seekers 6 Servants for Christ 27 Upper Room 14 Willing Workers 37 Young Families 4 Miscellaneous 7 Officers 13 Total 631 July Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 6th 758 $36,141. 13th 817 $26,796. 20th 733 $23,846. 27th 671 $23,482. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, July 31 $1,552,861. Monthly Payment (August) $13,888. Principal $8,540. Interest $4,348. Add’l Principal $1,000. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at www. and click on “Giving”.
  • 19. 19 Critterland News MOPS! Each year beginning in September the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group meets here at Tates Creek twice a month in the Fellowship Hall. Mothers who have children ages birth through Preschool are welcome. These ladies have a great time with fellowship, guest speakers, crafts, and more. The focus of this year is to encourage one another as moms to do things that will move us out of our comfort zone and into a place where we are enhanced in our personal, relational, and family decisions. The theme for the year is “Be You Bravely” (Isaiah 43:18-19). “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Open House: August 26, 2014 at 9 am. Brunch and Childcare Provided! First Meeting: September 9th ~ 9 to 11 am. Childcare Provided ~ Lesley Lexington, KY 40502 Preschool Ministry Lesley Tipton
  • 20. Tates Creek Current Tates Creek Christian Church Office: (859) 266-1621 3150 Tates Creek Road Web: Lexington, KY 40502 Email: Calendar ~ September 2014 2 Elders’ Meeting, 6pm, 200D 4 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 4 Deborah Circle, 7 pm 6 & 20 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102 7 Singles Potluck, 12:30 pm, FH 7 Monthly Ministry Teams 8 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Bedford Acres CC Van leaves TCCC at 4:45 pm 8 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 8 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 9 & 23 MOPS, 9 am, FH 9 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 10 Fall Oasis Begins, 5:45 pm, MMC 18 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 18 Women’s Ministry Mtg, 7 pm, 302 20 Serve the City, 8:30 am, Meet at Embrace Church 21 Jeff & Sheri Easter in concert, 6:30 pm, WC 25 Senior Adult Day Trip, Cumberland Falls 27 Women’s Prayer Breakfast, 9 am, 200C-E Weekly Activities Sunday Evening: Rejoicing Ringers, 4:30 pm, CR Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various times and locations Monday Evening: Begins Sept. 15 Orchestra rehearsal, 6:15 pm, WC Tuesday Evening: Victory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200A Worship Team, 5:45 pm, WC Oasis activities begin September 10 Meal, 5:45 pm, MMC Classes, 6:45 pm, various rooms High School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303 Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303 Elementary Truth Travelers Choir, 6:45 pm, Uptown Worship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC Volume 2 No. 9 CR - Choir Room / FH - Fellowship Hall / Fh - Friendship Hall / MMC - Multi Ministry Center / UP - Uptown / WC - Worship Center