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Taste And Vision By Ackerman
Ackerman's writing on taste and vision is a very entertaining essay. The writing was easy to follow and was written on an interesting topic, which
everyone can relate to. The most entertaining and informative parts were food and vision. I learned a great deal in that section and was
entertaining to learn how food and vision are so closely related. For example all the different types of foods that are considered aphrodisiacs.
Another entertaining section was the part about food and its history. How the Egyptians thought very highly of the onion and swore upon it as we do
the bible. Overall this was a good essay it flowed nicely and was really easy to follow along. The following are the topics I chose to discuss concerning
taste and vision
Losing ... Show more content on ...
Reading Ackerman has certainly influenced my writing style. By witnessing her vivid descriptions and scrupulous attention to detail, she has shown
me a better way to write more concisely and accurately. Ackerman has also shown me that writing through experience is an effective way to tell stories
about historical events. Also, her tone throughout the novel keeps things light and interesting, and when added to her dramatic portrayals of the five
senses makes for a very entertaining
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The For Bitter And Umami Stimuli
A belief that different areas of the tongue are responsible for our different tastes (bitter, sweet etc.) has been commonly known as true by society. Is this
belief true, is there such a thing as a tongue map? Does FP (fungiform papillae, structures on the front upper part of the tongue that contain taste buds)
density affect how strong a certain taste is perceived? This topic has been studies for years by psychologists and if proved true could lead to new
exiting way to experience taste in a way never examined before. This essay will go through two empirical research articles to see what the conclusion
will be on this belief. When locating my two sources I started with the Auraria online library. I found a lot of sources but none of the... Show more
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They were mostly caucasian and they ranged from age 18 to 45 years. Feeney and Hayes (2014) also made sure to note that all participants did not
have any nasal or oral defects. It is unclear how the participants were asked to be a part of this study. Participants were given blue dye on their
tongue and their tongue photographed so the FP's on different regions on the tongue could be counted. In addition the participants went for one hour
once a week for 4 weeks to get different areas of the tongue tested on various tasting samples on small cotton swabs. The results of the study showed
that FP density had little relation to the intensity of taste. Most FP is in the front of the tongue and less in the back yet, bitter and umami (a meaty
type of flavor) was more intense in the back of the tongue on both sides. All other tastes (sweet, sour, salty) were similar around all parts of the tongue.
A surprising find was that women in this study had more FP's than men. The strengths of this study were that the participants were studied over a longer
period of time, instead of just doing one session with each participant. I think a limitation of this study was that participants were not separated by age,
when it is show some taste is less intense as we age (such as salt). Another limitation mentioned by the authors was they did not get any information on
current medications taken by participants or any alcohol consumption which can both
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Global Now.
Marketing is a vital component for each business–large and small alike. But, when it comes to advertising on a day most of America tunes in to
television, its can become costly; maybe $7.5 million dollars worth. This year's 2013 Super Bowl was the host of a few major television ads.
GoDaddy– an online e–commerce for domains, hosting, and emailing–were one of few aired on game–night. Did the 2–round investment of an
astounding $3.75 million dollars each tweak their sales or was it a complete miss? Sources have mentioned the 'Perfect Match' as one of the most
disgusting Super Bowl ads ever produced. Yet, their rhetoric was spot on. They've taken what they seem to stand for, complete sexy with Ivy League
results, and combined it into a... Show more content on ...
Looking back on the commercial, I did notice something oddly unromantic. Just before and after the kiss, someone was not enjoying their part. A
veteran in showcasing as Super Bowl ad aficionado since 2007, track star Bar Refaeli seemed to be very uncomfortable in front of the camera.
Jesse Heiman, on the other hand, claimed to feel like he had won the "...championship of men" with the many takes he had to do. Well, what I did
find that was a challenge for this ad is the white wording toward the end of the kiss. The kiss seemed to be so powerful, that the wording was not
even noticed. It took until after my third viewing of the ad to even notice there was wording there; not to mention, I did not read it because it was so
out of place. Television advertisements are vital tools for companies. So, going the extra yard and producing such creativity just to present for one
night of the year is crucial for these companies involved. They reach audiences much faster than any other source. It's shown that the viewership this
night was 108.41 million. When all else fails, details are important: ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) are all parts of what makes
an advertisement an influential marketing tool. 'Perfect Match' has touched each and every aspect with ease. It's clear that GoDaddy has presented
emotion. Even one week after the Super Bowl, YouTube views on this ad alone have
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The Super Bowl Advertisement For 2015
With better than 100 million people tuning in, the Super Bowl is the prevalent sporting event in America every year. This game decides the winning
NFL team of the season and dedicated sports fans treat this championship game like a holiday; however, greater amounts of people are watching the
Super Bowl for the advertisements, not the actual game. The advertisements, which used to be the bathroom break time, are currently what people
wait anxiously to see and these commercials have become so prominent that during the 2015 game the advertisements reportedly received virtually 5
times more airtime than actual game play. Running these commercials during this particular game time costs a small fortune; depending on the
network and airing television show, a typical commercial can be priced between $20,000 and $350,000 . A Super Bowl advertisement for 2015 was
priced at $4.5 million, over 12 times the cost of a high–end every–day commercial. Super Bowl commercials have always been expensive compared to
ads running on a typical broadcasting network; the last time a Super Bowl commercial ran for the median price of an advertisement today – say, about
$185,000 – was in 1979, over 35 years ago. 2015– $4,500,0002014 – $4,000,0002013– $3,800,0002012 – $3,500,000 2011 – $3,100,000
2010–$2,900,000 2009 – $2,800,0002008 – $2,700,000 2007 – $2,600,0002006 – $2,500,0002005 – $2,400,0002004 – $2,300,000 2003 –
$2,100,0002002 – $1,900,0002001 – $2,100,0002000 –
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Super Bowl Argumentative Essay
Over the years advertising methods have become more and more complex. Not only have they become extravagant in general but there is a significant
amount of attention on Super Bowl commercials in particular. These commercials have become insane, unrealistic, and hilarious situations who's goals
are to make an impression on the minds of the intended audience. An example of one of these nonsensical commercials is a Doritos chips Super Bowl
advertisement, where a pregnant woman is having an ultrasound and the husband is holding a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos as the appointment
unfolds. The baby all of a sudden begins to move on the ultrasound toward the bag of chips and ultimately ends up jumping out of the mother's womb
in order to get to the Doritos. The hilarity of this commercial makes it almost unforgettable to the viewer which... Show more content on
Both of these authors would seem to agree in the sense that the underlying messages and emotional and rational appeals present in commercial
advertisements are the key to what make them memorable to the viewers. Although both authors focus on different aspects of the psychological
perspective they both make it clear that there are various factors to take into consideration when analyzing the influence that advertisements can have
on consumers. In order to influence the public the way that they do, advertisements use emotional appeals along with various arousal tactics in order
to make the commercial as persuasive as possible. They attempt to stimulate not only our 5 main senses but they also appeal to our minds, moods, and
feelings by making their situations either hilarious, sad, or informative in some way so that we, as the viewers, can relate on a deeper
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J.b. Johnson : His Instrument, The Trombone
J.J. Johnson transformed the way his instrument, the trombone, was played. He was born on January 22, 1924, in Indianapolis, IN and died in
February 4, 2001, Indianapolis, IN. J.J. Johnson, with his new execution and imagination, was the musician who brought bebop into the trombone.
However, after battling cancer and a muscular–skeletal disorder, J.J. Johnson passed away, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking work that he
had done accomplished with the trombone. When J.J. Johnson was 11 years old, his mother, Nina, sent him to piano lessons, and he briefly
played the baritone saxophone at school. At the age of 14, J.J. Johnson's classmates wanted to be in a band and needed a trombone player, so he
took the opportunity and never looked back. Johnson and his friends were really enjoying the concept melody solos from the tenor saxophonist,
Lester Young, and he was also drawn to the Trombone work of Dickie Wells. Therefore, around 1941 and 1942, J.J Johnson joined two bands called
Clarence Love's Regional Touring Band and Snookum Russell's Band. Johnson then received a suggestion to join the band of Saxophonist Benny
Carter for an extended tour, so the spring of 1945, Johnson worked with Carter's band as a trombonist and a staff manager. On July 2, 1944, J.J.
Johnson engaged in producer Norman Granz's first JATP concerts in Los Angeles and was able to be heard on Etaoin Shrdlu's Blues. His association
with Granz and the JAPT sustained through his career. However, not all
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Essay on Goal and Targeted Marking in Super Bowl Budweiser Ad
For me among all the Super Bowl Ads, 2014, the most memorable and effective one was the Budweiser's, "Puppy love" ad. It was a heartwarming
story to see an adorable puppy's determination to hang out and be friends with his favorite famous Budweiser Clydesdale horse.
This commercial tells us a remarkable story of love/bond between Labrador retriever puppy and a Clydesdale horse. First there were the majestic
beautiful horses on a horse ranch, and then there was this adorable playful Labrador retriever puppy on a puppy adoption center, who daily escaped
and made his way to the horse ranch to play and be friends with his favorite famous Budweiser Clydesdale horse. The horse trainer/caretaker religious
picks up the puppy and hands him or ... Show more content on ...
Good job Budweiser!
Least effective Super Bowl Ad – GoDaddy–Bodybuilder
This was my least favorite as well as effective commercial for me from this year's Super Bowl ads. It starts off with a bunch of body builders running
led by Danica Patrick, the race car driver who's wearing a black and neon green top and shorts muscle suit running towards a spray tan salon. She
knocks on the window of the salon and the ad ends with the punch line, "it's go time."
First of all the commercial was too short, I thought it was teaser and it felt like an incomplete ad. Didn't really understand the ad and had to watch it
repeatedly to understand what the advertiser were trying to say. Basically, the ad ends with owner of the spray salon saying, " it s go time," while
spraying a little orange puff of tanning solution. This commercial is targeting smart small–business owners and the goal of this ad is to increase
awareness for GoDaddy's web hosting services.
I hosted the Super Bowl party this year and most my friends thought it was the lamest ad they have seen in years. This ad was the least effective
because it wasn't entertaining, I personally don't like seeing women with bulked muscles (gross) even though it was the famous racecar driver Danica
Patrick, and more importantly it wasn't noteworthy. It was too depressing, even with the celebrity filled commercial it couldn't do it. I think for the
amount ($$) paid, GoDaddy, could
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Essay about How Steroids and HGH Destroyed Baseball
Close your eyes for a moment. Picture you are a little kid on a baseball field playing the sport you love. Now picture twenty years beyond that
point: you are in the major leagues and you are the best. It is a tight race to achieve the Most Valuable Player award and you lose by just a few
votes. Come to find out the person you lost to is taking an illegal banned substance connected with HGH. You had the award you had been working
for and dreaming of receiving stolen away from you. Steroids and HGH have ruined how many see the game today and not only that but they are
causing serious harm to the athletes who take them. Therefore, these substances should be banned and made illegal in all baseball leagues for good.
HGH... Show more content on ...
That statement is wrong because in reality all this drug does is hurt them. The article clearly states that HGH does not increase muscle, it just
increases the bulk of the muscle. Hurting people isn't what the game should be about. The game should simply be about players' cleanly showing
off the talents they have practiced their whole life to acquire. HGH should be banned from the sport for good simply because it does no good for
the game or the players. Steroids are evil. They do much more harm than good, but can they kill you? Yes, they can and that is one of the risks you
run into and need to be made aware of before taking the drug. Steroids turn people completely crazy and make them into a person they weren't
before they started taking the drugs. Taylor Hooton is a perfect example of this. Hooton was a high school baseball stand out in Plano, Texas.
Hooton was loved by many and most people in his high school considered him to be a very likeable and popular guy. On the pitching mound he
could always be counted upon him to throw strikes ("An Athletes Dangerous...", par.2). On July 15, 2011, Hooton hung himself and committed
suicide. Dr. Larry W. Gibbons, president and medical director of the Cooper Aerobics Center stated "It's a pretty strong case that he was withdrawing
from steroids and his suicide was directly related to that, this is a kid who was well liked, had a lot good
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Bring Instant Replay to Major League Baseball Essay
Major League Baseball (MLB) has been losing fans for several years. The average attendance for a MLB game has been decreasing for a number
of years. If Major League Baseball would like to compete with popularity of professional sports such as Professional football (NFL) and
Professional basketball (NBA), they need to embrace some of technologies that have made those sports so successful in recent years. Right now,
MLB has a replay system used for determining home runs that are either fair or foul, whether the ball actually left the playing field or whether the
ball was interfered with by a spectator. MLB should have an instant replay system that can be used for all judgment calls excluding ball and strike
calls. MLB could adopt a... Show more content on ...
MLB owners are paying too much for players, stadiums, amenities, etc. to put fans in seats and I cannot imagine they appreciate going to that level of
effort so that the outcome of a game may get decided on a blown call by an umpire.
If speed of the game is the major sticking point against implementing a fully executable instant replay system, then why can't other steps be taken to
make sure the game doesn't last too long? Why can't MLB games last 8 innings, or extra inning rules be tweaked so that games don't last too long. The
NFL has taken steps to improve their product and some of those steps including shortening games and the NFL remain extremely successful.
Admittedly, implementing instant replay for all levels of baseball would be economically challenging. However, at the very least, instant replay should
be implemented on the professional level where the athletes are being paid and millions of fans are paying to watch a good game.
A very recent and well known incident that occurred during the 2010 MLB season cost Armando Galarraga, a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers, a
perfect game. The umpire, Jim Joyce who by all standards was considered a very good umpire, blew a call late in the game that he later admittedly
blew. Had instant replay been a tool that would have been at his disposal, he could have gotten the call correct and sacrificed that incredible moment
for Armando that has forever been lost.
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Ram Trucks Super Bowl Argument Analysis
In the article "Ram Trucks Super Bowl" commercial discusses the issue if Martin Luther King Jr. voice was the right decision to make on the
voiceover. The author's main idea is that KIng's speech had no relations to the whole concept of the commercial. According to the author King's
family wasn't notified before his voice was placed in the commercial. Which is a sign of disrespect. The Ram Truck Super Bowl commercial was
made to advertise why people should buy cars specifically a Ram Truck. The commercial brand decided to use a Martin Luther King voiceover as
their way to persuade the viewers. Doing this seemed to cause several issues for the audience. People seemed to be confused on the overall message of
the commercial and why King's voice
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Great Performances Of Media Do Not Always Have On Involve...
Great performances in media do not always have to involve theatrical acrobatics. An actor's range or displays of genuine, emotional depth are necessary
to build a character that is alive and multi–faceted. But, an actor's ability to encapsulate a narrative within one's own character is what is truly a
display of an artist. Poetry has a phrase to describe the use of as few words as possible to encompass vast terrain of depth called the economy of
language. Actors may not know it, but they operate on very similar guidelines. The small choices in an actor's repertoire to move the body at a certain
angle, to speak at a certain octave, the confidence by which one conveys a piece of dialogue. This "economy" of persona l expression builds a
narrative of whom this character really is. The choice of a certain actor can change the implications of a character as well. For example, the
well–known George Clooney's educated and liberal personal background influences many movie goers in multi–dimensional ways. The crucial choice
can change what a certain audience will see the person's actions are relatable or even moral. Basically, sometimes great performances come down to
the right people being put in the right scenarios and given the right tools. Enter Bud Corts and Kyle Maclachan.
Bud and Kyle's characters both come from very similar backgrounds. They are Caucasian, affluent, young adult male. On the verge of maturity, these
two men overcome the two typical hurdles of adulthood seen in
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Rhetorical Analysis Of A Budweiser Commercial
Rhetorical Analysis of a Budweiser Commercial Muhammad Ali has said: "Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something
you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything" (Edberg). Friends are the ones who
accompany the longest time with us throughout our whole lives, except our families. Budweiser, as one of the best–selling beer company in the United
States, is famous for its Super Bowl commercial each year. In 2015, they created a commercial called "Lost Dog". The development of the story
interacted with friendship. This rhetorical analysis essay will analyze how the visual scenes are revealed to connect the friendship to the theory of the
brand as well ... Show more content on ...
Both Ethos and Pathos occupy the majority of the plot. It seems to be a large city. Thus, it is logical to use advertisement papers to seek for his
puppy. Moreover, by doing this, the owner is showing his responsibility to his pets, which fit the Ethos. The advertiser implies as a reputable
company, Budweiser will take full responsibility for both the quality of beers and customer services. In the meantime, on the next screen, his little
puppy is hiding inside a box as a shelter in a heavily rainy day. After escaping successfully, the puppy may have experienced a lot to survive in a
strange world without love and protection from his owner and horse friend, which satisfies the need to achieve. Virtually, it hints at the fact that
Budweiser Beers may be the best companion in our lives when real friends are not
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Tide Ads Essay
"Wait, is this a Tide ad?" This is the question viewers were left asking during a majority of the Super Bowl commercials this year. Tide's latest
campaign targeted the game's massive audience, most of whom are familiar with the extremely popular advertisements that run during the breaks.
Kicking off their clever ad–series during the first quarter, Tide used David Harbour and a few Super Bowl commercial tropes to make the audience
question whether the ad they were watching was actually what they thought they were watching. Because, as it turns out, if there are clean clothes in
the commercial, it may actually be a Tide commercial. The campaign followed up their original spot with three additional shorter ads, tricking
viewers into thinking they were watching other classics, like Old Spice and Mr. Clean, before Harbour appears and alerts them that once again, "It's a
Tide ad". The advertisement blew up on social media, with viewers tweeting about how they were now questioning all the ads they were watching, and
expecting Harbour to appear. I think it was an effective PR program because the commercial comments on the stereotypicalSuper Bowl advertising ...
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We've all seen big brands get called out for advertisements and campaigns that, regardless of intention, were cited as offensive or distasteful. At
times, it seems as though it is impossible to create a campaign that doesn't offend at least one person, so the challenge posed to our industry is to do
better. We need to do more research and be more aware of current societal issues so that could be considered more harmful than beneficial to a brand.
Campaigns, like that viral video ad with Pepsi and Kendall Jenner, attempt to simplify social issues to the point that they receive extreme backlash
from large groups of their
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The things that have changed the super bowl are very significant. Everything is important. The first factor that changed the Super bowl is mobile
devices, laptops, and tablets. Secondly, with the devices comes what they do for the companies, many people tweet, use Instagram, and have
Facebook to talk about adds which get the companies name in minds. Spreading the company names to people which then they pass on to their
friends, and so on and so forth. "The point is that now, more than ever, advertising during the Super bowl isn't just about gaining huge exposure by
running a single ad or group of ads in a television event with a huge audience. Instead viewers watch, buzz, share, click, stream, and respond to Super
bowl ads before, during,... Show more content on ...
Everyone wants and needs to make money. The companies must carefully access to see if they will turn a profit in their investment into the
commercial in the Super bowl. For one their company would get famous faster, because of the giant audience at the Super bowl. With as much
social media as there is today if the companies' ad is good everyone will talk about it, spreading the company as well. Although it is very expensive
there is still room for profit, maybe not immediately, but like I said earlier they are getting their brand onto everyone's minds, if the customers think
about the product. Then they will buy the product if they hear good things and positively liked the commercial. But if the audience takes the ad the
wrong way then the company would become less liked by the whole of the viewers, then lose sales from people who bought their product but wasn't a
loyal consumer. My choice is Hollister. First I'm going to start with making the commercial to the consumer making them feel as if they are close with
the company like if they need to buy one of the products of Hollister. I would run the commercial right before the game, during halftime when all the
consumers are watchiong and right after, that way Hollister can have the most viewers that it can get. Then I would focus on
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Essay on Steroids in Baseball
Hall of Shame Baseball has always been known as "America's Favorite Pastime". Over the past decade, the game America knows and loves has been
exposed as a game full of cheaters. Major League Baseball(MLB) has had over one hundred players test positive for performance–enhancing substances
over the past fifteen years. Performance–enhancing substances increase a player's ability to produce better stats to help his salary. The past fifteen
years of baseball have contained dirty play by some of the best players to ever play the sport. Kids all over America look at these athletes as role
models. The money hungry players proceed to send a terrible message to fans of the game by taking drugs to succeed. After commissioner Bud Selig
cracked down ... Show more content on ...
Because steroids were not deemed illegal in baseball until 2005, players like Clemens and Bonds felt like they were not breaking any rules or
regulations. Although they may not have broken MLB rules, they broke the spirits of baseball fans all over the country. Over the past fifteen
years, the players have thrown their morals away at the first sight of a $. Without thinking about the kids who one day want to slug seventy
homers in a season, major league players have set an example by saying "Well, I guess it's ok to cheat to be rich and famous." Millions of little
leaguers all over the world look up to these athletes. Look at the message that is being sent to the kids when their role model is injecting steroids
just to be good at a game, how far must it go? Steroids are not only unfair to the fans of the game, but also the other players in the league. It is not
fair to the players who play the game fair currently or to the retired players whose reputations are comparable to those of the players who took
shortcuts to succeed. The fair players should not be referred to as "Pretty good for not taking steroids" to label their caliber. Steroids have ruined the
credibility of many great talents in the game of baseball and need to be eliminated. Over the past decade, Major League Baseball has seen a dark period
now known as "The Steroids Era". From 1994 to 2006, 115 MLB players were linked to steroids or other performance
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Verizon Commercial Analysis
Some of the super bowl commercials this year were hilarious. Some jokes however, you had to have an understanding of the inside internet jokes about
them. The T–mobile commercial with Steve Harvey starts off with Steve making fun of the Verizon commercial by interrupting it and explaining
how he "has to apologize, again". A few months ago Steve hosted the Miss Universe beauty pageant, and said the wrong person in front of hundreds
of thousands of people. He then had to remove the crown from the lady and give it to the real winner. He has been a laughing stock for the past few
months about it, and there are thousands of jokes about him. Steve then talks about how Verizon showed last year's charts, and that T–mobile has better
coverage. Then he says that he's "not taking responsibility for this one", again referring to the Miss Universe reference. He then rejoices that he didn't
get it wrong, and that Verizon did. The T–mobile commercial is simply about getting more people to switch to T–mobile. After the Verizon commercial
showed that T–mobile had one of the worst connections, they had to get them back somehow. They wanted to make a funny commercial, that would
clearly explain their meaning. They decided to include a joke commercial, that almost everyone could understand and relate to. Their tactic was... Show
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The commercial entertained a lot of people, and provided information in a joking way. They succeed with one of the best commercials that has aired
in a while, not directly mentioning the joke, but including references to another joke with their joke. They quite simply did a great job reclaiming
viewer's attention away form Verizon, and pointing it towards their own company. Verizon will continue to replay this commercial over, and over until
it doesn't work anymore. The company had a huge success, and because they aired it for the first time during the super bowl, it was even
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Bebop Research Papaer Essay
Bebop music was the next evolutionary change of Jazz music that succeeded swing music. This paper's aim is look at musicians who impacted
this era, exploring more in depth Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker. In the early 1940's, the swing bands began to all sound the same as well as
work along predictable chord changes.1 The music was now not used for dancing. Some people believed that this would let the music go away from
the elite social groups, and now be for everybody. Also just because a musician could play swing music well, there was no guarantee that the same
musician would be able to perform Bebop. This new style of music was defined through adventurous soloists such as Dizzy Gillespie. Although swing
music did have some ... Show more content on ...
He was known for the unpredictable nature in which he would play the trumpet and act outside of performing. When he arrived in New York City, he
was hired by the Teddy Hill Orchestra for a European tour.11
Before being hired, Dizzy was playing around town and making a name for himself.
There he lived with his brother in an apartment in New York City. He went out all night so that his brother could come home form working all day
and go to sleep.12 Dizzy
6 Encyclopedia of World Biography
7 Shipton, 11
8 Shipton, 13
9 Shipton, 21
10 Encyclopedia of World Biography
11 Encyclopedia of World Biography
12 Shipton, 33
Gillespie's first recordings were with the Teddy Hill Orchestra Band. After being with
Hill for a few years, Gillespie joined Cab Calloway in the summer of 1939. 13 They played at the Cotton Club but Calloway was touring a lot. This
gave Dizzy the opportunity to develop his musicianship through style and knowledge through playing at all night jam sessions. Then, in 1942,
Gillespie joined Earl "Fatha" Hines band.
Unfortunately, in 1943, lots of band members left, including Dizzy Gillespie. He began to form his own bands that started by opening at Onyx Club
on 52nd St in New York
City.14 Dizzy had begun to play "bebop" in 1940, and was now able to do it full time. The venue became a hot spot for this new evolutional sound in
Jazz. In 1956 Gillespie and
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Advertising In The Super Bowl
Advertising in the Super Bowl has many shades of meaning. It does what you intend to do, the most effective publicity for both an individual as well
as from a societal viewpoint. Super Bowl is the most frequently watched American television broadcast. Posted by TV By The Numbers, on February
7, 2011, Super Bowl XLV had developed111 million viewers to turn into the most
–watched TV program yet, breaking the previous record of 106.5
million. (Seidman, Robert 2011–02–07, "Super Bowl XLV Breaks Viewing Record, Averages 111 Million Viewers") and FOX became the first TV
network to exceed 100.9 million viewers for a night in prime time, according to the report of fast–national ratings released by Nielsen Media Research.
It seems a little better audience... Show more content on ...
It is the annual championship game of the (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the world. The game was created as part of a
merger agreement between the National Football League (NFL) and its then–rival league, the American Football League (AFL). The day of the game
is considered by some as an unofficial American national holiday, and called "Super Bowl Sunday. (Super Bowl Sunday: An Unofficial Holiday for
Millions". U.S. Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP). January 29, 2015. Retrieved June 28, 2015.)
Indeed, in some domestic family circles, Super Bowl Sunday has come to signify the cultural divide that splits one generation from the next. (Belkin,
Douglas (January 29, 2004). "Super Bowl underscores cultural divide". Boston Globe. June 28, 2015.) In Lawrence, Luisa Santiago teaches English to
new immigrants; "It's just another new craze, similar to one of those American things I really do not understand even a bit." The game does not make
any sense to Lawrence, who says, "But my children enjoy the game. What is the point watching them jumping on each other turning into the piles of
people most of the
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Tasters And Children Case Study
Agnes Simons
February 26, 2018
1.What kind of evidence would indicate that the ability to taste PTC is inherited?
That number, or rather percentage, of children that can or can not taste PTC correlates with their parent's results. In case where both parents can taste–
most of the kids also can taste, percentage of kids which can taste is lower in a combination where one parent can taste and other cannot and if parents
cannot taste it then there is no way that children can taste it.
2.Why was it important for Snyder to verify that males and females had similar proportions of tasters and non– tasters?
So he can prove that genes responsible for this phenotype is located on autosomal chromosomes and not x or y chromosome. Location of loci
responsible for this ability is important and there is a difference between loci being located on sex and autosomal chromosomes. If loci was to be
located, for example, on X chromosome, patterns in which this ability is inherited would be different. In that case, females are more likely to have the
ability to taste PTC since they have two X chromosome and chances are twice bigger that dominant allele is present. If no female children had this
ability, that would mean that it is located on Y chromosome.
3. ... Show more content on ...
Why do couples who can taste PTC have children who cannot?
Because this phenotype is inherited by completely dominant allele, so for this allele to be expressed it is enough that there is only one copy. This
also makes it possible for recessive allele to be inherited without being expressed. If a child has parents who both have heterozygote genotype than it
is possible that childe inherits two recessive alleles, so kids whose parents could taste PTC do not have this
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Marketing Plan For Coca Cola
There has been a recent shift in American product demands. As health concerns such as obesity and diabetes have become more apparent in
American society, consumers have been demanding healthier options. This trend has led to a rise in sales for water and wellness beverages and a
decline in sales of sugary beverages such as soda. Last year, for the first time in history,bottled water sales surpassed pop sales. Beverage companies in
response are expanding and changing their options.
The world's most popular beverage companies are PepsiCo and Coca–Cola Company are working to meet customer demands. Both companies have
regular bottled water options now; Coca–Cola owns Dasani, and PepsiCo owns Aquafina. Yet, there has been a push... Show more content on ...
The block of time is estimated to cost five million dollars. Alongside the commercial for LIFEWTR, PepsiCo's Pepsi Zero Sugar will be featured
during the Super Bowl's coveted half–time show. Although there is no way to know what the advertisement will be like, the preview advertisement,
"Inspiration Drops", has given customers a little taste of the premium water product coming their way this year.
Implications of Practice
The introduction of a new competitor in any market is sure to make sales more difficult for previous players. Coca–Cola company is currently the
leader in the premium water industry with smartwater, but this may be affected by PespsiCo's new LIFEWTR. Although the implications of this new
product are unknown, PepsiCo has strong brand recognition and the resources to make LIFEWTR a major player in the premium water market.
LIFEWTR's potential success is a very negative possibility for Coca–Cola Company's sales. For this reason, Coca–Cola Company and smartwater are
the losers here. Only time will tell if LIFEWTR or another product will take smartwater out of the game as the leader in premium water or if
smartwater will continue to be a winner in the industry.
It is a long and complicated process to take an idea, such as LIFEWTR, through research and development and have it result in a new product on the
market. PepsiCo is a winner in this regard. It should also be recognized that
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First Date Commercial
Lady Gaga's rendition of the National Anthem lasted approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds at this year's Super Bowl 50. Many people placed bets
on this. This is just one example of how the Super Bowl is about more than just football. People attend parties, place bets on all kinds of things, and
watch pre–game stories hours before the game even begins. Even the non–football fans are drawn to the event because of the amusing commercials.
Because the Super Bowl has such a large audience, companies spend billions of dollars on thirty seconds of airtime and bring out their best advertising
gimmicks to reach viewers. This year's commercials had some strange creatures and plenty of celebrities. Hyundai's "First Date" commercial amused
audiences with humor and celebrity Kevin Hart. ... Show more content on ...
The father greets the date at the door and generously offers the keys to his car for their date. As the young couple leaves, the father turns the "car
tracker" on his cell phone, allowing him to know where his car and daughter are at all times. The date continues and her father appears throughout the
night in amusing places where only the girl's date can see him. Toward the end of the night, when the young couple is sitting in the car at a scenic
lookout, realistically up to no good, the father appears on the bottom of a helicopter ladder hovering over where the kids are parked. The date spots
him and gets worried that he will be in trouble; then, he cuts the date short and takes the girl home. When the young couple arrives home, the dad
answers the door triumphantly because he has protected his little
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It Worked For Me : Life And Leadership Review And Analysis
It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership Review and Analysis
Colin Luther Powell was born on April 5th 1937, In New York City. Powell's was raised by his parents Luther Theophilus Powell and Maud Arial
in the South Bronx. He attended Morris High School where he graduated in 1954. In 1958, he earned his Bachelor's degree in geology from the
City College in New York. While attending college Powell joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) in the military which he really
liked. Upon graduation from college Powell was commissioned into the US Army as a second lieutenant. This is where it he began his fruitful
and long career being a part of the US Army as well as a civil servant in the US government. In April 1989, Powell while serving in the US Army was
advanced up to the level of four star general. Powell retired from the US Army in September 1993 after a successful career. Powell then served as the
secretary of state as well as the national security adviser. Being a part of the US Military is what interested me in the decision to read his book.
The 13 Rules
In his book "It Worked for Me: In Life andLeadership," Powell talks about his 13 rules he developed and continues to live by to this day. The rules
range from checking you ego and staying optimistic. He gives different examples of his 13 rules with stories and tips that are both thought provoking
and value focused regardless if the audience is military or civilian. In my review and analysis I will cover some of
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When the Senses Fail You Essay
Colorblindness is usually a genetic condition you are born with. You can contract colorblindness by Alztimers, Glaucoma, Leukemia, liver diseases,
chronic alcoholism, macular degeneration, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, retnis pimentosa, and sickle cell anemia. In the eye there are cells
called cones. All colorblind people are missing cones, some people only missing a certain color cones, the ones termed red blue or green to make
almost any color. Colorblindness affects only about thirteen percent of all Caucasians. There are three kind of colorblind, there is red/green
colorblind, these people can't see any shade of red or green colors. There is also blue colorblind, these people cannot distinguish... Show more content
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Neurons with taste are the only stem cells that are replenished as they die. When the receptors go back to your brain, it then tells said person what he
or she tastes. Even though people think that there are different taste buds for every sense of taste, every taste bud can taste all kinds of favors, not just
the tasting region they are in. people regenerate new taste buds every three to ten days. Physiologists believe that without taste and smell, any
patient can easily fall into a deep spiral of depression. By having a Zink deficiency, brain damage, having no sense of smell and smoking can
permanently ruin sense of taste. With sinus problems and head colds can also drain the sense of taste until you get better or recover. Most of the
time, sinus disease and taste diseases go hand in hand with Each other, that sometimes the doctors cannot diagnose wither it is one or the other. Since
it takes smell to taste there is often something wrong with both your nose and your mouth. In conclusion, the sense of smell end the sense of sight
tends to affect a person's taste. If a person were to see a ripe apple and a rotten apple they would choose the ripe one because of the way that it looks
and the way that it smells. The mouth has many parts, the soft palate, hard palate, tongue, and sinuses. The mouth merges with the nose; they often
affect each other when one becomes infected. The science of medicine sometimes cannot tell the difference
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A Reflection On My Personal Experience
ISS Reflection Paper I would never aspire to be king because it is much more interesting to be the king–maker. This is my informed judgment based on
the sufficiency of my experience and the intrinsic value I derive from analytical and creative problem solving processes. I opine Strategic Advisor and
Communicator are synonymous with my definition of "king–maker," both roles I have experience and some success with. Nevertheless, I am fortunate
to have many years of experience to reflect on and guide this self–assessment. Accordingly, I begin this self–assessment by reflecting on a seemingly
random event that shaped my attitudes, values, and ethics, and led to important changes in my personal life. Once armed with these insights, I will...
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He emphasized these eight competencies were "outcomes" of our war college learning experience combined with our attitudes, values, and ethics. I
interpreted this to mean that it is unreasonable to expect that all eight competencies would be resident in my professional toolbox at this time, emphasis
is mine. This begs the question, what competencies do I have? As originally stated, I have experience and some success executing the mission–specific
competencies of a Strategic Advisor and Communicator while serving in the U.S. European Command and the U.S. Special Operations Command.
Gavlin explains this mission–specific competency as "Professional judgment in matters of advice and communication stem from a full understanding of
the environment through scanning, cultural awareness, ethical reasoning, and understanding the implications of the advice given." While in Europe, I
was a member of an interagency team responsible for drafting U.S. Embassy–Berlin's diplomatic position, i.e. Note Verbale, with the government of
Germany on how U.S. Army Europe would conduct oversight of Support to Intelligence Operations related contracts. Heretofore, these negotiations
were routine and resolved at the lowest levels without issue. However, public disclosures about
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Promotional Speech : Super Bowl Commercials
Super Bowl commercials have become extremely risky. Recently, many commercials have focused on just entertainment, and some have even included
inappropriate language, scenes or gestures. Keeping the cost of producing and airing a commercial in mind, some companies should definitely
reconsider how they create their advertisements for the Super Bowl. Large corporations who use advertisements during the Super Bowl seem to make
their commercials too entertaining and corporations lose the importance behind the ad. Yes, the ad needs to provide some entertainment and needs to
have a catchy theme, but if people who are watching cannot understand it, or think that the ad contains risky topics, then what is the point? The ad may
not really provide... Show more content on ...
If enough people do not watch the commercial or buy the product, then that particular business will have to reconsider their marketing strategies, so
making the advertisement appropriate for all ages can boost the audience and revenues also. Commercials have grown to become more and more
entertaining in the past few years, especially those played during the Super Bowl. The game has become known for its humorous, action– packed ads,
which feature hot celebrities and new technologies. These ads seem extremely popular and get known for their creativeness, mainly since so many
people watch the Super Bowl. Some people even watch the Super Bowl merely for the advertisements, and could honestly care less about the actual
game. Due to the fact that companies have focused so much on attracting people to their company by putting out funny and creative advertisements
that stick in people's heads. This sometimes works as a good thing; however at the same time, this can also work against them. Many times, businesses
try too hard to add the humor in, and they lose sight of what the ultimate goal actually is. These commercials can become confusing or strange to a
number of potential customers if they don't understand, causing them to turn away from that specific business. According to Professor Thales Teixeira
in "Creating the Perfect Super Bowl Ad", he says "TV viewers lose
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Hall Of Fame Analysis
"Baseball's Doping Cheats – Hall of Fame, or Infamy?" was an editorial by the Chicago Tribune. In this article, the authors tried to convince the
audience that Major League Baseball players who have taken Performance Enhancing Drugs, or PEDS, should not be allowed into the Hall of Fame.
Mentioning some of the most elite players like Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds are on the list of potential players to get inducted into
the Hall of Fame, the authors state, "It's up to the baseball writers whether Bonds, Clemens or Sosa makes it to Cooperstown (common name for the
hall of fame), though we hope they make the right call." The editorial does not let the audience know enough about the Hall of Fame and the process to
get inducted and the ... Show more content on ...
Steroids saved baseball. When Ben Walker, a journalist in Association Press, was asked about this idea he answered, "Steroids saved baseball. . .
When it came to making baseball popular again and turning it into a booming business, nothing did the job like home runs. Particularly 500–foot home
runs"(qtd. in Bevevino) This point has a big impact on many people's view on the use of steroids, even mine. Even though PEDS are illegal and
immoral, they did bring back the popularity in America's pastime. The MLB just recovered from a players strike in 1994, ending the season
prematurely. The attendance the next year at MLB games was 12 percent lower and was plummeting. Then PEDS became a fad within the league, in
fact the National Baseball Hall of Fame said "In 1996, a whopping 17 players hit 40 or more home runs. The 1993 season saw only five players hit that
many long balls. The span from 1996–2001 saw at least a dozen players per season smack 40 or more homers.". This blasted the popularity driving it up
44 percent. This shows that steroids in fact did save baseball no matter if they are moral or legal.
The editorial board takes a stance that the players who have taken PEDS in baseball should be banned from the Hall of Fame. This debate is mostly
on the "steroid era", which is a period of time from the late 80's to the early 2000's, when performance enhancing drugs became a big presence in Major
League Baseball,
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The Media Of The Super Bowl
When most people think of Super Bowl commercials, they think of funny skits about Budweiser, Cool Ranch Doritos, or big Chevy trucks; all up
beat, innocent, and funny commercials, right? Well not all ads aired during the Super Bowl have been known to be as up beat and sensible. In 2011,
the Super Bowl aired a commercial made by an online coupon site many of you are probably familiar with called Groupon. This controversial ad is
titled "Save the Money– Tibet" and was meant for their buyers to do just that, save money. Although Groupon is all about saving people money,
that's not the only message the ad was supposed to convey to its viewers. Although controversial, this ad has a bigger story behind it that Groupon
later shared after getting a large amount of hate due to the lack of misunderstanding from their viewers. To sum up the commercial, it starts off with
different clips of people in Tibet with a sort of chilling music playing in the background. A male voice then comes in and says, "one of the most
beautiful places in the world. This is timothy Hutton. The people of Tibet are in trouble, their very culture in jeopardy". The whole dynamic of the
commercial then changes when Timothy Hutton says, "but they still whip up an amazing fish curry" as a Tibet male proceeds to serve him a fish
curry dish in a Chicago restaurant all thanks to his purchase of an online coupon from Groupon. While the purpose of this three–million–dollar ad
seemed to be to promote saving money by
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Cult Hit Films : Harold And Maude
Abinav Teja Chilukuri
Professor Allan Havis
12 November 2016
Cult Hit Films
Harold and Maude, a movie directed by Hal Ashby and released in the 1970's, did not receive much attention and popularity when first released. Since
the movie depicted obsession with suicide through a 20–year–old character Harold, the movie received backlash because during the 1970's there were
high rates of suicides among teenagers and college students. However, over time college students found the movie very entertaining, therefore bringing
the movie into the lights and making it a cult hit. In Blue Velvet, a neo–noir mystery film directed by David Lynch and released in 1986, received a
variety of critical responses from a wide range of audience, but this movie's unique style earned Lynch his second nomination for Best Director. The
idea of innocent getting caught in a web of evil is portrayed through the character Jeffrey Beaumont, who first encounter's a severed ear in a grassy
abandoned field. In this paper I will compare and contrast these two movies that include key actors Bud Cort, played as Harold, and Kyle MacLachlan,
played as Jeffrey and include a few key points that have made these movies enjoyable to watch.
In Ashby's film, the December– May relationship underlines the main theme of the movie. Maude is known to be very expressive and aggressive in
the way she presents herself to Harold. But on the other hand Harold is very blank and he shows no emotion what so ever. When they
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Baseball Is An American Pastime
Trey Deitrick
Mr. Hubert
English language and Composition
23 February 2015
Steroids in Baseball The game of Baseball is an American pastime. During the late 19th century and early 20th century it was the most widely
played sport in the country. Baseball back then was what video games and televisions is to us now. Throughout the years baseball has changed in
some good ways and in some bad ways. The integrity of the game has been changed in a bad way by steroids. Steroids is what makes the game today
so much different than it was back then. Of course steroids have been a controversy in this game for a long time but not to the extent it is right now in
the late 90s , and 2000s. The punishments that they give right now for steroid use is ... Show more content on ...
Not only are these players, who use steroids and get caught , not able to play the game they love, but will lose out on a lot of money that they could be
making during the games that they miss. Alex Rodriguez is a great example of financial punishment for steroid use. "The suspension would be the
longest non–lifetime ban in Major league history and would cost Mr. Rodriguez more than 31 million in loss salary" (Costa,Brian). The MLB has
announced that it is going to enhance its testing policy and its punishments for using steroids or any other performance enhancing drugs. The enhanced
testing procedure will include a lot more random in season tests. The number of urine tests will more than double. In the enhanced punishments there
are at most three violations. "A first time violation at the joint drug program will now result in an unpaid 80 game suspension, increased from 50
games."(Calcaterra,Craig). The second violation will result in an unpaid 162 game suspension rather than a 100 game. The third and final violation
will result in a permanent suspension from baseball. Players want a fair and clean game, that is why they pushed for better testing and a lot more
testing. The MLB commissioner, Bud Selig, was very pleased when the players pushed for stricter policies. Baseball has had its fair share of scandals.
For example, baseballs first commissioner, Kennesaw Landis, was brought on to deal with the Black Sox scandal.
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Rhetorical Analysis Of ' Air Bud '
The first word is pathos, this is an emotional appeal used to persuade and convince audience by their emotional feelings. In this movie, this appeal has
been used widely. When Josh loses his father, he is saddened and depressed to the extent that he assimilates himself during Basketball training sessions.
The situation is worsened when the owner of the dog, Norm, repossesses it. Although the dog was rightfully Norm's, the audience would be persuaded
to side with Josh when he sneaks into Norm's residence and steals the dog (Ebert). This is further backed by the fact that the audience is already
aware of the cruelty of Norm. To the audience's expectations, Buddy further chooses Josh as it owner. I do believe this is the best end.
The second word is the ethos. This is an appeal that is used to convince the audience of the credibility of a character or movie. It entails choosing of
proper vocabulary, topic or theme to be featured in such contexts. In this movie, "Air bud", the audience is presented with a dog that perfectly plays
Basketball. In fact, "Buddy" makes twelve shots without missing a single one in the entire movie. Honestly, this is a skill that even the professional
players would envy. This skill by the dog therefore creates its worthiness in the school basketball team, something the audience would agree with. It is
important to note that in the absence of the dog, the school team is losing terribly. It's not a wonder therefore that "Buddy" leads the team to win
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What Makes A Super Bowl?
There is no question, companies are willing to pay an arm and a leg to get their top product or products on to mainstream through using the Super
Bowl as an advantageous way to promote what that company is selling. With just a thirty second spot the, already enormously expensive, price
skyrocketed to a hefty price of nearly four and a half billion dollars per each thirty seconds ("Yes, A Super Bowl Ad..."). Throughout the years, Super
Bowl commercials have made the masses laugh, cry, and basically every emotion in between. Corporations such as Doritos and Budweiser have
seemed to master the tricky slope that is producing a successful advertisement, year in and year out. Many corporations have been waiting for that one
commercial that hits home and really sticks to the viewers ' minds as they go throughout their lives. McDonalds seemed to do just that with their recent
advertisement, aired on arguably the biggest day in sports, with their "Pay with Love" campaign. Throughout Valentines Day, February fourteenth, of
2015, the prestigious fast–food corporation will be offering the ability to, at random, allow for their customers to pay for their purchase with simple
acts of kindness such as calling a family member and letting them know that they are loved, dancing, and or singing just to lighten up the store.
McDonalds is just one of the many corporations that have taken advantage of the Super Bowl festivities; however, they have struck gold with their
ability to increase their
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The Reaction of Colin Powell's Speech at Howard University...
The Reaction of Colin Powell's Speech at Howard University General Colin Powell did the Commencement speech at Howard University on May
25, 1994. He did the speech after a cloud of controversy had happen at the university. A racist Black Muslim made a speech at Howard University.
Howard policy is that anybody can express his or her freedom of speech on there campus. As you can figure out, the white community did not think of
that very well. Connie Chung did a report saying that Howard University was a racist institution. All of this pressure was coming down at once.
Howard said that they did not agree with the Black Muslims beliefs but will let them speak and express their opinions. Colin Powell is a man of high
power. In the ... Show more content on ...
Colin Powell had some funny parts in his speech to keep the audience awoke. He made jokes on mostly everything he said. A joke was made about
every five minutes. The joke he made was when he said that he wouldn't go to long. All of the graduates of Howard just laughed. I think jokes are
an essential part of your speech. If you don't have jokes than your speech will always be on the boring side. I think a joke should be made about two
to three minutes of every speech that you make to the public. President Clinton's State of the Union even have jokes in it. I hate it when a public
speaker make a speech that last about an hour an never have a single joke. I not saying to try to be a funnyman but just let some semi–funny jokes
come at your mouth. Colin Powell didn't have any hilarious jokes but it was enough to grab the audience attention. I remember at my high school
graduation when the valor victorian made her speech. I t was the most boring speech in George Washington High School history. She didn't even
mention a word about the people who was killed. That speech made me so sick to my stomach. Colin Powell on the other hand made points about the
situation that Howard University was going through. He even made a joke about where was Connie Chung (making reference on the news anchor
getting fired for making false reports about Howard University).
Distractions are a thing that
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Detailed Questions and Answers on Bud Not Buddy by...
Title: Bud, Not Buddy Author: Christopher Paul Curtis Detailed Description of Setting: This story takes place in Flint and Grand Rapids, Michigan,
during the middle of the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a really bad worldwide economic recession throughout the 1930's, which caused
high unemployment for adults and homelessness for many children. Bud "not Buddy" Caldwell is the main character and is a ten–year–old
African–American boy who lives in Flint, Michigan. Bud has been staying in orphanages and several foster homes since his mother died four years
earlier when he was six. Bud never knew his father. The few items Bud has left to remember his mother are a bag of rocks, a photograph of his
mother as a child and fliers that show Herman E. Calloway and his jazz band, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression. He keeps them in an old
suitcase. Bud thinks that Herman Callaway is his father and goes "on the lam" to try to find him. He meets many people and gets into many
adventures along the way. Eventually, his journey leads him to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the jazz clubs where Herman and his band play.
Questions: 1.What is the central theme of the book? How was it developed? Response: I think the central theme of the book is the importance of
family. Bud's mother died when he was only six, and his life had been very tough. He said one time that "my eyes don't cry no more." It would have
been very easy for Bud just to give up
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The Pros And Cons Of Super Bowl Commercials
On Sunday, Feb. 4, fans and viewers alike watch Super Bowl commercials on TV screens because they are creative and entertaining; not to
mention, they bring a lot of money. The Super Bowl is known for the football game itself as it will ultimately lead to the new NFL champion of the
year; however, it is also known for its humor driven commercials. It can now be said that these commercials have become a big part in Super Bowls
as each and everyone of them compete for the viewer's attention. Viewers vote for their favorite and least favorite commercials and advertisers make
an effort to make successful ads, giving considerable large amounts of money to make this possible. Out of the multitude of commercials, viewers were
able to choose their favorites ads, based on their uniqueness and creativity. The number one place, according... Show more content on ...
While Amazon's commercial grabbed the viewers attention positively and with much humor, RAM's was received unfavorably. Pete Blackburn, a
CBS Sports writer articulated, "Ram Trucks' ad featuring a Martin Luther King voiceover about the value of service was the most criticized spot of the
night. Many people felt that it was a blatant commercial exploitation of the Civil Rights icon and –– given the current political and social climates in
America –– that it was in poor taste." This particular commercial gained much controversy, due to how they used Martin Luther King's words from
the speech "The Drum Major Instinct," to sell RAM trucks. People viewed it as a sign of disrespect to the American activist and declared the
commercial was of poor taste. RAM was authorized and licensed by Martin Luther King Jr.'s estate yet, it is believed that King would not have
supported the idea. Next time Super Bowl ads decide to use quotes from a respected figure, they should remember the controversy caused by Ram's
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Propagation Techniques That Could Be Used During Asexual...
a)Describe THREE propagation techniques that could be used in Asexual plant propagation.
Technique One: Budding
Name of plant chosen: Citrus
1.The first step in Budding is to choose the rootstock and budwood for the citrus plant budding. When selecting the rootstock make sure it is healthy
and strong and less than 7 years old but at least as tall as 30cm. Make sure bud is not a flower bud.
2.The next step is to prepare the rootstock for the budwood. The best way to do this is to cut a T–shape about 20cm above the ground. Vertical cut
should be 40–50mm and horizontal cut should be 25mm. This will allow room for budwood. If the rootstock is not being used right away cover the
cut with damp towel.
3.The next step is cutting the budwood off your desired citrus plant. When doing this makes sure you use a clean and sharp knife. When cutting the
bud off make sure you cut a 3cm sliver of bark with the bud in the centre of it. The same with the rootstock if the budwood isn't being used straight
away cover in a damp towel.
4.The next step is actually putting the budwood in the t–shape incision made in the rootstock. You need to fold back the flaps made by the incision in
the rootstock and place the budwood inside. Make sure the bud is facing in the correct position, so when it grows it grows upward. You then fold the
flaps back over the budwood, but leaving the bud exposed.
5.Now you either use budding tape or something that can fasten the bud to the rootstock but also
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Harold And Maude Themes
Fahad Alanzai
Pr. jonathon Quam
Mcom 2213
April, 10, 2016
Harold and Maude To begin with, the film Harold and Maude is about two people of different age groups trying to fit in the society. The main
characters, Harold and Maude, meet under different circumstances and they are determined to face life regardless of how cruel it might be. The movie
discusses the issue of romance and life in general. Harold and Maude find companionship and love in each other, and although Harold is troubled and
wishes to die, his love to Maude makes him stronger, and he is not discouraged by the age difference between them. The two protagonists find pleasure
in attending other people's funerals, and especially Harold who is longing to die. Nevertheless, when ... Show more content on ...
Characters development is well represented in the film, and this was reached with a help of language and clothes used by actors. For example, as
each character wears clothes that suit his life. The director also differentiates the lives of people by using various screenshots and camera rolls, and
this is to make a viewer understand the different themes presented (Beach 124). It can be stated that any young person should watch the movie,
because the storyline may reflect what the individual may be going through. The movie is an implementation of encouragement for an individual.
There are many young people who try to commit suicide, who may not see the essence of living, just like Harold. Adults very often have a problem
with judging young generation, and they may try to interfere with their life decisions. Harold faced this problem when every person close to him
wanted to advise on how he should live his life, and this shows the major problem with community members. The film supports the idea that people
should not complicate their lives, because they are themselves creators of their own
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Essay about Media & Sports: How did Baseball get Affected...
The media affects society in positive and negative ways. This can be seen in America's national pastime baseball. Baseball is a sport that became the
national sport in the United States in the late 19th century. From the beginning of the sport they tried to keep the highest standards to each player and
ball club. There were times of scandal, but of all the things that happen to baseball substance abuse has been portrayed as one of the worst thing a
player could do. To defame the baseball was to ruin everything the sport stood for. This research paper will look at one of the worst blotches in
baseballs history, the steroid era. The steroid era as many know now started roughly 2003, but there was a time in which many forget. In... Show more
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Baseball traditionalists got wind of this after a while though and charged the mound in essence to prove doping was wrong. That doing steroids
undercuts baseball as a whole and its records left behind by legends. The medical community as a whole would later back this up and told of the
serious side effects that ranged from male breast development to mood swings that would be later known as 'roid rage. This would not be good for
the public because the fans emulate what their idols do and if that's what they believe needed to be done to be more like them they would. Eventually in
almost every high school in the country, young athletes are told about these health risks associated with using Performance–enhancing drugs. This was
only the beginning, soon the media would start to look down more upon what is going on in baseball and they would pursue it. In 2002 the Major
League Baseball Players Association executive director was asked a question by Senator Byron Dorgan, "Is there a problem?" The Senator know
there was a problem because a recent National League Most Valuable Player admitted to using steroids in a Sports Illustrated cover story. The MVP
Ken Caminiti even admitted to no regrets for steroid use because of the prevalence in the major league (Steroid Era). The media helped baseball
lovers push for more testing. In 2002 the major league players and managers both agreed for
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A Commercial Airing Then At The Super Bowl
What better time to have a commercial airing then at the Super Bowl? About 7 out of 10 households that were watching TV tuned into the Super
Bowl in 2015, according to Nielsen at the television ratings service. With at least 114.4 million viewers in 2015 the Super Bowl is the most watched
television broadcast in the United States. In 2015 Toyota made a very impactful and memorable commercial advertising their new Camry. Toyota uses
this opportunity to not only advertise their new Camry, but to also recognize the impact dads have on their children's lives.
There are no specific standard formats for successful advertisements. Just like the formula for winning a Super Bowl does not exist. If the game was
predictable, people would not want to watch the game. If all companies used one way to design their advertisements, the audience would get bored.
This advertisement uses emotion and relatability to connect with their audience. In this advertisement, the father and daughter relationship is really
touching. The images the advertisement conveys resonate with people's experiences. As a result, the viewer will connect their positive impression of
the dad in the advertisement with the Toyota Camry. This sense of connection is beneficial for the company to improve their reputation.
As the commercial begins it is nearly impossible to guess what the commercial is about. It 's not till the end of the commercial that it is reveled to the
audience that the commercial is advertising the
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Pete Rose Psychology Personality
Publisher: Rodale Books
Copyright: 2004
Pete Rose was born on April 14, 1941 and grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with his parents Harry and LaVerne Rose. His father Harry could be described
as hard–working, tough, and hard–nosed, especially when it came to sports. Harry played semi–pro football and always pushed Pete to give 110% at
all times. This attitude and effort that Pete was exposed to growing up with a man like Harry stuck with Pete his entire life and as a result he earned
the nickname "Charlie Hustle", although it was not originally meant to be a compliment. In spring training of Pete's rookie year, he got walked by
Yankee legend Whitey Ford. Instead of jogging to first base like everybody else in baseball, Rose sprinted to first... Show more content on ...
This need for superiority was not only prevalent in his playing days but also as he transitioned out of his playing days. In 1986, Rose was
player–manager of the Reds and the last player–manager in professional baseball, a feat that is unlikely to occur again. Pete Rose will always be most
remembered for betting on baseball while playing/managing the Reds. Rose denied these allegations for 14 years, even in the face of substantial
evidence including an independent investigative report by Jon Dowd (better known as the Dowd Report). The defense mechanism most often used by
Rose during this time period was flat–out denial. While denying the accusations, Rose likely received negative reinforcement due to the escape of the
emotions involved in admitting such a terrible act in the eyes of baseball. A potentially big initial factor behind this is that shortly after the Dowd
Report; Rose voluntarily placed himself on baseball's ineligible list in August 1989 with the agreement from then–commissioner Bart Giamatti that after
a one–year banishment from baseball, Rose could apply for reinstatement. Tragedy struck when Giamatti unexpectedly died from a heart attack before
Rose's year–long banishment had concluded. Fay Vincent took over as commissioner after Giamatti's death and was unwilling to reinstate Rose, as
many would have seen the move as disrespectful to
... Get more on ...

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Taste And Vision By Ackerman

  • 1. Taste And Vision By Ackerman Ackerman's writing on taste and vision is a very entertaining essay. The writing was easy to follow and was written on an interesting topic, which everyone can relate to. The most entertaining and informative parts were food and vision. I learned a great deal in that section and was entertaining to learn how food and vision are so closely related. For example all the different types of foods that are considered aphrodisiacs. Another entertaining section was the part about food and its history. How the Egyptians thought very highly of the onion and swore upon it as we do the bible. Overall this was a good essay it flowed nicely and was really easy to follow along. The following are the topics I chose to discuss concerning taste and vision Losing ... Show more content on ... Reading Ackerman has certainly influenced my writing style. By witnessing her vivid descriptions and scrupulous attention to detail, she has shown me a better way to write more concisely and accurately. Ackerman has also shown me that writing through experience is an effective way to tell stories about historical events. Also, her tone throughout the novel keeps things light and interesting, and when added to her dramatic portrayals of the five senses makes for a very entertaining ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The For Bitter And Umami Stimuli A belief that different areas of the tongue are responsible for our different tastes (bitter, sweet etc.) has been commonly known as true by society. Is this belief true, is there such a thing as a tongue map? Does FP (fungiform papillae, structures on the front upper part of the tongue that contain taste buds) density affect how strong a certain taste is perceived? This topic has been studies for years by psychologists and if proved true could lead to new exiting way to experience taste in a way never examined before. This essay will go through two empirical research articles to see what the conclusion will be on this belief. When locating my two sources I started with the Auraria online library. I found a lot of sources but none of the... Show more content on ... They were mostly caucasian and they ranged from age 18 to 45 years. Feeney and Hayes (2014) also made sure to note that all participants did not have any nasal or oral defects. It is unclear how the participants were asked to be a part of this study. Participants were given blue dye on their tongue and their tongue photographed so the FP's on different regions on the tongue could be counted. In addition the participants went for one hour once a week for 4 weeks to get different areas of the tongue tested on various tasting samples on small cotton swabs. The results of the study showed that FP density had little relation to the intensity of taste. Most FP is in the front of the tongue and less in the back yet, bitter and umami (a meaty type of flavor) was more intense in the back of the tongue on both sides. All other tastes (sweet, sour, salty) were similar around all parts of the tongue. A surprising find was that women in this study had more FP's than men. The strengths of this study were that the participants were studied over a longer period of time, instead of just doing one session with each participant. I think a limitation of this study was that participants were not separated by age, when it is show some taste is less intense as we age (such as salt). Another limitation mentioned by the authors was they did not get any information on current medications taken by participants or any alcohol consumption which can both ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Global Now. Marketing is a vital component for each business–large and small alike. But, when it comes to advertising on a day most of America tunes in to television, its can become costly; maybe $7.5 million dollars worth. This year's 2013 Super Bowl was the host of a few major television ads. GoDaddy– an online e–commerce for domains, hosting, and emailing–were one of few aired on game–night. Did the 2–round investment of an astounding $3.75 million dollars each tweak their sales or was it a complete miss? Sources have mentioned the 'Perfect Match' as one of the most disgusting Super Bowl ads ever produced. Yet, their rhetoric was spot on. They've taken what they seem to stand for, complete sexy with Ivy League results, and combined it into a... Show more content on ... Looking back on the commercial, I did notice something oddly unromantic. Just before and after the kiss, someone was not enjoying their part. A veteran in showcasing as Super Bowl ad aficionado since 2007, track star Bar Refaeli seemed to be very uncomfortable in front of the camera. Jesse Heiman, on the other hand, claimed to feel like he had won the "...championship of men" with the many takes he had to do. Well, what I did find that was a challenge for this ad is the white wording toward the end of the kiss. The kiss seemed to be so powerful, that the wording was not even noticed. It took until after my third viewing of the ad to even notice there was wording there; not to mention, I did not read it because it was so out of place. Television advertisements are vital tools for companies. So, going the extra yard and producing such creativity just to present for one night of the year is crucial for these companies involved. They reach audiences much faster than any other source. It's shown that the viewership this night was 108.41 million. When all else fails, details are important: ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) are all parts of what makes an advertisement an influential marketing tool. 'Perfect Match' has touched each and every aspect with ease. It's clear that GoDaddy has presented emotion. Even one week after the Super Bowl, YouTube views on this ad alone have ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Super Bowl Advertisement For 2015 With better than 100 million people tuning in, the Super Bowl is the prevalent sporting event in America every year. This game decides the winning NFL team of the season and dedicated sports fans treat this championship game like a holiday; however, greater amounts of people are watching the Super Bowl for the advertisements, not the actual game. The advertisements, which used to be the bathroom break time, are currently what people wait anxiously to see and these commercials have become so prominent that during the 2015 game the advertisements reportedly received virtually 5 times more airtime than actual game play. Running these commercials during this particular game time costs a small fortune; depending on the network and airing television show, a typical commercial can be priced between $20,000 and $350,000 . A Super Bowl advertisement for 2015 was priced at $4.5 million, over 12 times the cost of a high–end every–day commercial. Super Bowl commercials have always been expensive compared to ads running on a typical broadcasting network; the last time a Super Bowl commercial ran for the median price of an advertisement today – say, about $185,000 – was in 1979, over 35 years ago. 2015– $4,500,0002014 – $4,000,0002013– $3,800,0002012 – $3,500,000 2011 – $3,100,000 2010–$2,900,000 2009 – $2,800,0002008 – $2,700,000 2007 – $2,600,0002006 – $2,500,0002005 – $2,400,0002004 – $2,300,000 2003 – $2,100,0002002 – $1,900,0002001 – $2,100,0002000 – ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Super Bowl Argumentative Essay Over the years advertising methods have become more and more complex. Not only have they become extravagant in general but there is a significant amount of attention on Super Bowl commercials in particular. These commercials have become insane, unrealistic, and hilarious situations who's goals are to make an impression on the minds of the intended audience. An example of one of these nonsensical commercials is a Doritos chips Super Bowl advertisement, where a pregnant woman is having an ultrasound and the husband is holding a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos as the appointment unfolds. The baby all of a sudden begins to move on the ultrasound toward the bag of chips and ultimately ends up jumping out of the mother's womb in order to get to the Doritos. The hilarity of this commercial makes it almost unforgettable to the viewer which... Show more content on ... Both of these authors would seem to agree in the sense that the underlying messages and emotional and rational appeals present in commercial advertisements are the key to what make them memorable to the viewers. Although both authors focus on different aspects of the psychological perspective they both make it clear that there are various factors to take into consideration when analyzing the influence that advertisements can have on consumers. In order to influence the public the way that they do, advertisements use emotional appeals along with various arousal tactics in order to make the commercial as persuasive as possible. They attempt to stimulate not only our 5 main senses but they also appeal to our minds, moods, and feelings by making their situations either hilarious, sad, or informative in some way so that we, as the viewers, can relate on a deeper ... Get more on ...
  • 6. J.b. Johnson : His Instrument, The Trombone J.J. Johnson transformed the way his instrument, the trombone, was played. He was born on January 22, 1924, in Indianapolis, IN and died in February 4, 2001, Indianapolis, IN. J.J. Johnson, with his new execution and imagination, was the musician who brought bebop into the trombone. However, after battling cancer and a muscular–skeletal disorder, J.J. Johnson passed away, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking work that he had done accomplished with the trombone. When J.J. Johnson was 11 years old, his mother, Nina, sent him to piano lessons, and he briefly played the baritone saxophone at school. At the age of 14, J.J. Johnson's classmates wanted to be in a band and needed a trombone player, so he took the opportunity and never looked back. Johnson and his friends were really enjoying the concept melody solos from the tenor saxophonist, Lester Young, and he was also drawn to the Trombone work of Dickie Wells. Therefore, around 1941 and 1942, J.J Johnson joined two bands called Clarence Love's Regional Touring Band and Snookum Russell's Band. Johnson then received a suggestion to join the band of Saxophonist Benny Carter for an extended tour, so the spring of 1945, Johnson worked with Carter's band as a trombonist and a staff manager. On July 2, 1944, J.J. Johnson engaged in producer Norman Granz's first JATP concerts in Los Angeles and was able to be heard on Etaoin Shrdlu's Blues. His association with Granz and the JAPT sustained through his career. However, not all ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay on Goal and Targeted Marking in Super Bowl Budweiser Ad For me among all the Super Bowl Ads, 2014, the most memorable and effective one was the Budweiser's, "Puppy love" ad. It was a heartwarming story to see an adorable puppy's determination to hang out and be friends with his favorite famous Budweiser Clydesdale horse. This commercial tells us a remarkable story of love/bond between Labrador retriever puppy and a Clydesdale horse. First there were the majestic beautiful horses on a horse ranch, and then there was this adorable playful Labrador retriever puppy on a puppy adoption center, who daily escaped and made his way to the horse ranch to play and be friends with his favorite famous Budweiser Clydesdale horse. The horse trainer/caretaker religious picks up the puppy and hands him or ... Show more content on ... Good job Budweiser! Least effective Super Bowl Ad – GoDaddy–Bodybuilder This was my least favorite as well as effective commercial for me from this year's Super Bowl ads. It starts off with a bunch of body builders running led by Danica Patrick, the race car driver who's wearing a black and neon green top and shorts muscle suit running towards a spray tan salon. She knocks on the window of the salon and the ad ends with the punch line, "it's go time." First of all the commercial was too short, I thought it was teaser and it felt like an incomplete ad. Didn't really understand the ad and had to watch it repeatedly to understand what the advertiser were trying to say. Basically, the ad ends with owner of the spray salon saying, " it s go time," while spraying a little orange puff of tanning solution. This commercial is targeting smart small–business owners and the goal of this ad is to increase awareness for GoDaddy's web hosting services. I hosted the Super Bowl party this year and most my friends thought it was the lamest ad they have seen in years. This ad was the least effective because it wasn't entertaining, I personally don't like seeing women with bulked muscles (gross) even though it was the famous racecar driver Danica Patrick, and more importantly it wasn't noteworthy. It was too depressing, even with the celebrity filled commercial it couldn't do it. I think for the amount ($$) paid, GoDaddy, could ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay about How Steroids and HGH Destroyed Baseball Close your eyes for a moment. Picture you are a little kid on a baseball field playing the sport you love. Now picture twenty years beyond that point: you are in the major leagues and you are the best. It is a tight race to achieve the Most Valuable Player award and you lose by just a few votes. Come to find out the person you lost to is taking an illegal banned substance connected with HGH. You had the award you had been working for and dreaming of receiving stolen away from you. Steroids and HGH have ruined how many see the game today and not only that but they are causing serious harm to the athletes who take them. Therefore, these substances should be banned and made illegal in all baseball leagues for good. HGH... Show more content on ... That statement is wrong because in reality all this drug does is hurt them. The article clearly states that HGH does not increase muscle, it just increases the bulk of the muscle. Hurting people isn't what the game should be about. The game should simply be about players' cleanly showing off the talents they have practiced their whole life to acquire. HGH should be banned from the sport for good simply because it does no good for the game or the players. Steroids are evil. They do much more harm than good, but can they kill you? Yes, they can and that is one of the risks you run into and need to be made aware of before taking the drug. Steroids turn people completely crazy and make them into a person they weren't before they started taking the drugs. Taylor Hooton is a perfect example of this. Hooton was a high school baseball stand out in Plano, Texas. Hooton was loved by many and most people in his high school considered him to be a very likeable and popular guy. On the pitching mound he could always be counted upon him to throw strikes ("An Athletes Dangerous...", par.2). On July 15, 2011, Hooton hung himself and committed suicide. Dr. Larry W. Gibbons, president and medical director of the Cooper Aerobics Center stated "It's a pretty strong case that he was withdrawing from steroids and his suicide was directly related to that, this is a kid who was well liked, had a lot good ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Bring Instant Replay to Major League Baseball Essay Major League Baseball (MLB) has been losing fans for several years. The average attendance for a MLB game has been decreasing for a number of years. If Major League Baseball would like to compete with popularity of professional sports such as Professional football (NFL) and Professional basketball (NBA), they need to embrace some of technologies that have made those sports so successful in recent years. Right now, MLB has a replay system used for determining home runs that are either fair or foul, whether the ball actually left the playing field or whether the ball was interfered with by a spectator. MLB should have an instant replay system that can be used for all judgment calls excluding ball and strike calls. MLB could adopt a... Show more content on ... MLB owners are paying too much for players, stadiums, amenities, etc. to put fans in seats and I cannot imagine they appreciate going to that level of effort so that the outcome of a game may get decided on a blown call by an umpire. If speed of the game is the major sticking point against implementing a fully executable instant replay system, then why can't other steps be taken to make sure the game doesn't last too long? Why can't MLB games last 8 innings, or extra inning rules be tweaked so that games don't last too long. The NFL has taken steps to improve their product and some of those steps including shortening games and the NFL remain extremely successful. Admittedly, implementing instant replay for all levels of baseball would be economically challenging. However, at the very least, instant replay should be implemented on the professional level where the athletes are being paid and millions of fans are paying to watch a good game. A very recent and well known incident that occurred during the 2010 MLB season cost Armando Galarraga, a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers, a perfect game. The umpire, Jim Joyce who by all standards was considered a very good umpire, blew a call late in the game that he later admittedly blew. Had instant replay been a tool that would have been at his disposal, he could have gotten the call correct and sacrificed that incredible moment for Armando that has forever been lost. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Ram Trucks Super Bowl Argument Analysis In the article "Ram Trucks Super Bowl" commercial discusses the issue if Martin Luther King Jr. voice was the right decision to make on the voiceover. The author's main idea is that KIng's speech had no relations to the whole concept of the commercial. According to the author King's family wasn't notified before his voice was placed in the commercial. Which is a sign of disrespect. The Ram Truck Super Bowl commercial was made to advertise why people should buy cars specifically a Ram Truck. The commercial brand decided to use a Martin Luther King voiceover as their way to persuade the viewers. Doing this seemed to cause several issues for the audience. People seemed to be confused on the overall message of the commercial and why King's voice ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Great Performances Of Media Do Not Always Have On Involve... Great performances in media do not always have to involve theatrical acrobatics. An actor's range or displays of genuine, emotional depth are necessary to build a character that is alive and multi–faceted. But, an actor's ability to encapsulate a narrative within one's own character is what is truly a display of an artist. Poetry has a phrase to describe the use of as few words as possible to encompass vast terrain of depth called the economy of language. Actors may not know it, but they operate on very similar guidelines. The small choices in an actor's repertoire to move the body at a certain angle, to speak at a certain octave, the confidence by which one conveys a piece of dialogue. This "economy" of persona l expression builds a narrative of whom this character really is. The choice of a certain actor can change the implications of a character as well. For example, the well–known George Clooney's educated and liberal personal background influences many movie goers in multi–dimensional ways. The crucial choice can change what a certain audience will see the person's actions are relatable or even moral. Basically, sometimes great performances come down to the right people being put in the right scenarios and given the right tools. Enter Bud Corts and Kyle Maclachan. Bud and Kyle's characters both come from very similar backgrounds. They are Caucasian, affluent, young adult male. On the verge of maturity, these two men overcome the two typical hurdles of adulthood seen in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Rhetorical Analysis Of A Budweiser Commercial Rhetorical Analysis of a Budweiser Commercial Muhammad Ali has said: "Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything" (Edberg). Friends are the ones who accompany the longest time with us throughout our whole lives, except our families. Budweiser, as one of the best–selling beer company in the United States, is famous for its Super Bowl commercial each year. In 2015, they created a commercial called "Lost Dog". The development of the story interacted with friendship. This rhetorical analysis essay will analyze how the visual scenes are revealed to connect the friendship to the theory of the brand as well ... Show more content on ... Both Ethos and Pathos occupy the majority of the plot. It seems to be a large city. Thus, it is logical to use advertisement papers to seek for his puppy. Moreover, by doing this, the owner is showing his responsibility to his pets, which fit the Ethos. The advertiser implies as a reputable company, Budweiser will take full responsibility for both the quality of beers and customer services. In the meantime, on the next screen, his little puppy is hiding inside a box as a shelter in a heavily rainy day. After escaping successfully, the puppy may have experienced a lot to survive in a strange world without love and protection from his owner and horse friend, which satisfies the need to achieve. Virtually, it hints at the fact that Budweiser Beers may be the best companion in our lives when real friends are not ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Tide Ads Essay "Wait, is this a Tide ad?" This is the question viewers were left asking during a majority of the Super Bowl commercials this year. Tide's latest campaign targeted the game's massive audience, most of whom are familiar with the extremely popular advertisements that run during the breaks. Kicking off their clever ad–series during the first quarter, Tide used David Harbour and a few Super Bowl commercial tropes to make the audience question whether the ad they were watching was actually what they thought they were watching. Because, as it turns out, if there are clean clothes in the commercial, it may actually be a Tide commercial. The campaign followed up their original spot with three additional shorter ads, tricking viewers into thinking they were watching other classics, like Old Spice and Mr. Clean, before Harbour appears and alerts them that once again, "It's a Tide ad". The advertisement blew up on social media, with viewers tweeting about how they were now questioning all the ads they were watching, and expecting Harbour to appear. I think it was an effective PR program because the commercial comments on the stereotypicalSuper Bowl advertising ... Show more content on ... We've all seen big brands get called out for advertisements and campaigns that, regardless of intention, were cited as offensive or distasteful. At times, it seems as though it is impossible to create a campaign that doesn't offend at least one person, so the challenge posed to our industry is to do better. We need to do more research and be more aware of current societal issues so that could be considered more harmful than beneficial to a brand. Campaigns, like that viral video ad with Pepsi and Kendall Jenner, attempt to simplify social issues to the point that they receive extreme backlash from large groups of their ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Marketing The things that have changed the super bowl are very significant. Everything is important. The first factor that changed the Super bowl is mobile devices, laptops, and tablets. Secondly, with the devices comes what they do for the companies, many people tweet, use Instagram, and have Facebook to talk about adds which get the companies name in minds. Spreading the company names to people which then they pass on to their friends, and so on and so forth. "The point is that now, more than ever, advertising during the Super bowl isn't just about gaining huge exposure by running a single ad or group of ads in a television event with a huge audience. Instead viewers watch, buzz, share, click, stream, and respond to Super bowl ads before, during,... Show more content on ... Everyone wants and needs to make money. The companies must carefully access to see if they will turn a profit in their investment into the commercial in the Super bowl. For one their company would get famous faster, because of the giant audience at the Super bowl. With as much social media as there is today if the companies' ad is good everyone will talk about it, spreading the company as well. Although it is very expensive there is still room for profit, maybe not immediately, but like I said earlier they are getting their brand onto everyone's minds, if the customers think about the product. Then they will buy the product if they hear good things and positively liked the commercial. But if the audience takes the ad the wrong way then the company would become less liked by the whole of the viewers, then lose sales from people who bought their product but wasn't a loyal consumer. My choice is Hollister. First I'm going to start with making the commercial to the consumer making them feel as if they are close with the company like if they need to buy one of the products of Hollister. I would run the commercial right before the game, during halftime when all the consumers are watchiong and right after, that way Hollister can have the most viewers that it can get. Then I would focus on ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay on Steroids in Baseball Hall of Shame Baseball has always been known as "America's Favorite Pastime". Over the past decade, the game America knows and loves has been exposed as a game full of cheaters. Major League Baseball(MLB) has had over one hundred players test positive for performance–enhancing substances over the past fifteen years. Performance–enhancing substances increase a player's ability to produce better stats to help his salary. The past fifteen years of baseball have contained dirty play by some of the best players to ever play the sport. Kids all over America look at these athletes as role models. The money hungry players proceed to send a terrible message to fans of the game by taking drugs to succeed. After commissioner Bud Selig cracked down ... Show more content on ... Because steroids were not deemed illegal in baseball until 2005, players like Clemens and Bonds felt like they were not breaking any rules or regulations. Although they may not have broken MLB rules, they broke the spirits of baseball fans all over the country. Over the past fifteen years, the players have thrown their morals away at the first sight of a $. Without thinking about the kids who one day want to slug seventy homers in a season, major league players have set an example by saying "Well, I guess it's ok to cheat to be rich and famous." Millions of little leaguers all over the world look up to these athletes. Look at the message that is being sent to the kids when their role model is injecting steroids just to be good at a game, how far must it go? Steroids are not only unfair to the fans of the game, but also the other players in the league. It is not fair to the players who play the game fair currently or to the retired players whose reputations are comparable to those of the players who took shortcuts to succeed. The fair players should not be referred to as "Pretty good for not taking steroids" to label their caliber. Steroids have ruined the credibility of many great talents in the game of baseball and need to be eliminated. Over the past decade, Major League Baseball has seen a dark period now known as "The Steroids Era". From 1994 to 2006, 115 MLB players were linked to steroids or other performance ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Verizon Commercial Analysis Some of the super bowl commercials this year were hilarious. Some jokes however, you had to have an understanding of the inside internet jokes about them. The T–mobile commercial with Steve Harvey starts off with Steve making fun of the Verizon commercial by interrupting it and explaining how he "has to apologize, again". A few months ago Steve hosted the Miss Universe beauty pageant, and said the wrong person in front of hundreds of thousands of people. He then had to remove the crown from the lady and give it to the real winner. He has been a laughing stock for the past few months about it, and there are thousands of jokes about him. Steve then talks about how Verizon showed last year's charts, and that T–mobile has better coverage. Then he says that he's "not taking responsibility for this one", again referring to the Miss Universe reference. He then rejoices that he didn't get it wrong, and that Verizon did. The T–mobile commercial is simply about getting more people to switch to T–mobile. After the Verizon commercial showed that T–mobile had one of the worst connections, they had to get them back somehow. They wanted to make a funny commercial, that would clearly explain their meaning. They decided to include a joke commercial, that almost everyone could understand and relate to. Their tactic was... Show more content on ... The commercial entertained a lot of people, and provided information in a joking way. They succeed with one of the best commercials that has aired in a while, not directly mentioning the joke, but including references to another joke with their joke. They quite simply did a great job reclaiming viewer's attention away form Verizon, and pointing it towards their own company. Verizon will continue to replay this commercial over, and over until it doesn't work anymore. The company had a huge success, and because they aired it for the first time during the super bowl, it was even ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Bebop Research Papaer Essay Bebop music was the next evolutionary change of Jazz music that succeeded swing music. This paper's aim is look at musicians who impacted this era, exploring more in depth Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker. In the early 1940's, the swing bands began to all sound the same as well as work along predictable chord changes.1 The music was now not used for dancing. Some people believed that this would let the music go away from the elite social groups, and now be for everybody. Also just because a musician could play swing music well, there was no guarantee that the same musician would be able to perform Bebop. This new style of music was defined through adventurous soloists such as Dizzy Gillespie. Although swing music did have some ... Show more content on ... He was known for the unpredictable nature in which he would play the trumpet and act outside of performing. When he arrived in New York City, he was hired by the Teddy Hill Orchestra for a European tour.11 Before being hired, Dizzy was playing around town and making a name for himself. There he lived with his brother in an apartment in New York City. He went out all night so that his brother could come home form working all day and go to sleep.12 Dizzy 6 Encyclopedia of World Biography 7 Shipton, 11 8 Shipton, 13 9 Shipton, 21 10 Encyclopedia of World Biography 11 Encyclopedia of World Biography 12 Shipton, 33 3 Gillespie's first recordings were with the Teddy Hill Orchestra Band. After being with Hill for a few years, Gillespie joined Cab Calloway in the summer of 1939. 13 They played at the Cotton Club but Calloway was touring a lot. This gave Dizzy the opportunity to develop his musicianship through style and knowledge through playing at all night jam sessions. Then, in 1942, Gillespie joined Earl "Fatha" Hines band. Unfortunately, in 1943, lots of band members left, including Dizzy Gillespie. He began to form his own bands that started by opening at Onyx Club on 52nd St in New York City.14 Dizzy had begun to play "bebop" in 1940, and was now able to do it full time. The venue became a hot spot for this new evolutional sound in
  • 18. Jazz. In 1956 Gillespie and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Advertising In The Super Bowl Advertising in the Super Bowl has many shades of meaning. It does what you intend to do, the most effective publicity for both an individual as well as from a societal viewpoint. Super Bowl is the most frequently watched American television broadcast. Posted by TV By The Numbers, on February 7, 2011, Super Bowl XLV had developed111 million viewers to turn into the most –watched TV program yet, breaking the previous record of 106.5 million. (Seidman, Robert 2011–02–07, "Super Bowl XLV Breaks Viewing Record, Averages 111 Million Viewers") and FOX became the first TV network to exceed 100.9 million viewers for a night in prime time, according to the report of fast–national ratings released by Nielsen Media Research. It seems a little better audience... Show more content on ... It is the annual championship game of the (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the world. The game was created as part of a merger agreement between the National Football League (NFL) and its then–rival league, the American Football League (AFL). The day of the game is considered by some as an unofficial American national holiday, and called "Super Bowl Sunday. (Super Bowl Sunday: An Unofficial Holiday for Millions". U.S. Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP). January 29, 2015. Retrieved June 28, 2015.) Indeed, in some domestic family circles, Super Bowl Sunday has come to signify the cultural divide that splits one generation from the next. (Belkin, Douglas (January 29, 2004). "Super Bowl underscores cultural divide". Boston Globe. June 28, 2015.) In Lawrence, Luisa Santiago teaches English to new immigrants; "It's just another new craze, similar to one of those American things I really do not understand even a bit." The game does not make any sense to Lawrence, who says, "But my children enjoy the game. What is the point watching them jumping on each other turning into the piles of people most of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Tasters And Children Case Study Agnes Simons PCB3063L February 26, 2018 Questions 1.What kind of evidence would indicate that the ability to taste PTC is inherited? That number, or rather percentage, of children that can or can not taste PTC correlates with their parent's results. In case where both parents can taste– most of the kids also can taste, percentage of kids which can taste is lower in a combination where one parent can taste and other cannot and if parents cannot taste it then there is no way that children can taste it. 2.Why was it important for Snyder to verify that males and females had similar proportions of tasters and non– tasters? So he can prove that genes responsible for this phenotype is located on autosomal chromosomes and not x or y chromosome. Location of loci responsible for this ability is important and there is a difference between loci being located on sex and autosomal chromosomes. If loci was to be located, for example, on X chromosome, patterns in which this ability is inherited would be different. In that case, females are more likely to have the ability to taste PTC since they have two X chromosome and chances are twice bigger that dominant allele is present. If no female children had this ability, that would mean that it is located on Y chromosome. 3. ... Show more content on ... Why do couples who can taste PTC have children who cannot? Because this phenotype is inherited by completely dominant allele, so for this allele to be expressed it is enough that there is only one copy. This also makes it possible for recessive allele to be inherited without being expressed. If a child has parents who both have heterozygote genotype than it is possible that childe inherits two recessive alleles, so kids whose parents could taste PTC do not have this ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Marketing Plan For Coca Cola Summary There has been a recent shift in American product demands. As health concerns such as obesity and diabetes have become more apparent in American society, consumers have been demanding healthier options. This trend has led to a rise in sales for water and wellness beverages and a decline in sales of sugary beverages such as soda. Last year, for the first time in history,bottled water sales surpassed pop sales. Beverage companies in response are expanding and changing their options. The world's most popular beverage companies are PepsiCo and Coca–Cola Company are working to meet customer demands. Both companies have regular bottled water options now; Coca–Cola owns Dasani, and PepsiCo owns Aquafina. Yet, there has been a push... Show more content on ... The block of time is estimated to cost five million dollars. Alongside the commercial for LIFEWTR, PepsiCo's Pepsi Zero Sugar will be featured during the Super Bowl's coveted half–time show. Although there is no way to know what the advertisement will be like, the preview advertisement, "Inspiration Drops", has given customers a little taste of the premium water product coming their way this year. Implications of Practice The introduction of a new competitor in any market is sure to make sales more difficult for previous players. Coca–Cola company is currently the leader in the premium water industry with smartwater, but this may be affected by PespsiCo's new LIFEWTR. Although the implications of this new product are unknown, PepsiCo has strong brand recognition and the resources to make LIFEWTR a major player in the premium water market. LIFEWTR's potential success is a very negative possibility for Coca–Cola Company's sales. For this reason, Coca–Cola Company and smartwater are the losers here. Only time will tell if LIFEWTR or another product will take smartwater out of the game as the leader in premium water or if smartwater will continue to be a winner in the industry. It is a long and complicated process to take an idea, such as LIFEWTR, through research and development and have it result in a new product on the market. PepsiCo is a winner in this regard. It should also be recognized that
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. First Date Commercial Lady Gaga's rendition of the National Anthem lasted approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds at this year's Super Bowl 50. Many people placed bets on this. This is just one example of how the Super Bowl is about more than just football. People attend parties, place bets on all kinds of things, and watch pre–game stories hours before the game even begins. Even the non–football fans are drawn to the event because of the amusing commercials. Because the Super Bowl has such a large audience, companies spend billions of dollars on thirty seconds of airtime and bring out their best advertising gimmicks to reach viewers. This year's commercials had some strange creatures and plenty of celebrities. Hyundai's "First Date" commercial amused audiences with humor and celebrity Kevin Hart. ... Show more content on ... The father greets the date at the door and generously offers the keys to his car for their date. As the young couple leaves, the father turns the "car tracker" on his cell phone, allowing him to know where his car and daughter are at all times. The date continues and her father appears throughout the night in amusing places where only the girl's date can see him. Toward the end of the night, when the young couple is sitting in the car at a scenic lookout, realistically up to no good, the father appears on the bottom of a helicopter ladder hovering over where the kids are parked. The date spots him and gets worried that he will be in trouble; then, he cuts the date short and takes the girl home. When the young couple arrives home, the dad answers the door triumphantly because he has protected his little ... Get more on ...
  • 24. It Worked For Me : Life And Leadership Review And Analysis It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership Review and Analysis Colin Luther Powell was born on April 5th 1937, In New York City. Powell's was raised by his parents Luther Theophilus Powell and Maud Arial in the South Bronx. He attended Morris High School where he graduated in 1954. In 1958, he earned his Bachelor's degree in geology from the City College in New York. While attending college Powell joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) in the military which he really liked. Upon graduation from college Powell was commissioned into the US Army as a second lieutenant. This is where it he began his fruitful and long career being a part of the US Army as well as a civil servant in the US government. In April 1989, Powell while serving in the US Army was advanced up to the level of four star general. Powell retired from the US Army in September 1993 after a successful career. Powell then served as the secretary of state as well as the national security adviser. Being a part of the US Military is what interested me in the decision to read his book. The 13 Rules In his book "It Worked for Me: In Life andLeadership," Powell talks about his 13 rules he developed and continues to live by to this day. The rules range from checking you ego and staying optimistic. He gives different examples of his 13 rules with stories and tips that are both thought provoking and value focused regardless if the audience is military or civilian. In my review and analysis I will cover some of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. When the Senses Fail You Essay Colorblindness is usually a genetic condition you are born with. You can contract colorblindness by Alztimers, Glaucoma, Leukemia, liver diseases, chronic alcoholism, macular degeneration, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, retnis pimentosa, and sickle cell anemia. In the eye there are cells called cones. All colorblind people are missing cones, some people only missing a certain color cones, the ones termed red blue or green to make almost any color. Colorblindness affects only about thirteen percent of all Caucasians. There are three kind of colorblind, there is red/green colorblind, these people can't see any shade of red or green colors. There is also blue colorblind, these people cannot distinguish... Show more content on ... Neurons with taste are the only stem cells that are replenished as they die. When the receptors go back to your brain, it then tells said person what he or she tastes. Even though people think that there are different taste buds for every sense of taste, every taste bud can taste all kinds of favors, not just the tasting region they are in. people regenerate new taste buds every three to ten days. Physiologists believe that without taste and smell, any patient can easily fall into a deep spiral of depression. By having a Zink deficiency, brain damage, having no sense of smell and smoking can permanently ruin sense of taste. With sinus problems and head colds can also drain the sense of taste until you get better or recover. Most of the time, sinus disease and taste diseases go hand in hand with Each other, that sometimes the doctors cannot diagnose wither it is one or the other. Since it takes smell to taste there is often something wrong with both your nose and your mouth. In conclusion, the sense of smell end the sense of sight tends to affect a person's taste. If a person were to see a ripe apple and a rotten apple they would choose the ripe one because of the way that it looks and the way that it smells. The mouth has many parts, the soft palate, hard palate, tongue, and sinuses. The mouth merges with the nose; they often affect each other when one becomes infected. The science of medicine sometimes cannot tell the difference ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Reflection On My Personal Experience ISS Reflection Paper I would never aspire to be king because it is much more interesting to be the king–maker. This is my informed judgment based on the sufficiency of my experience and the intrinsic value I derive from analytical and creative problem solving processes. I opine Strategic Advisor and Communicator are synonymous with my definition of "king–maker," both roles I have experience and some success with. Nevertheless, I am fortunate to have many years of experience to reflect on and guide this self–assessment. Accordingly, I begin this self–assessment by reflecting on a seemingly random event that shaped my attitudes, values, and ethics, and led to important changes in my personal life. Once armed with these insights, I will... Show more content on ... He emphasized these eight competencies were "outcomes" of our war college learning experience combined with our attitudes, values, and ethics. I interpreted this to mean that it is unreasonable to expect that all eight competencies would be resident in my professional toolbox at this time, emphasis is mine. This begs the question, what competencies do I have? As originally stated, I have experience and some success executing the mission–specific competencies of a Strategic Advisor and Communicator while serving in the U.S. European Command and the U.S. Special Operations Command. Gavlin explains this mission–specific competency as "Professional judgment in matters of advice and communication stem from a full understanding of the environment through scanning, cultural awareness, ethical reasoning, and understanding the implications of the advice given." While in Europe, I was a member of an interagency team responsible for drafting U.S. Embassy–Berlin's diplomatic position, i.e. Note Verbale, with the government of Germany on how U.S. Army Europe would conduct oversight of Support to Intelligence Operations related contracts. Heretofore, these negotiations were routine and resolved at the lowest levels without issue. However, public disclosures about ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Promotional Speech : Super Bowl Commercials Super Bowl commercials have become extremely risky. Recently, many commercials have focused on just entertainment, and some have even included inappropriate language, scenes or gestures. Keeping the cost of producing and airing a commercial in mind, some companies should definitely reconsider how they create their advertisements for the Super Bowl. Large corporations who use advertisements during the Super Bowl seem to make their commercials too entertaining and corporations lose the importance behind the ad. Yes, the ad needs to provide some entertainment and needs to have a catchy theme, but if people who are watching cannot understand it, or think that the ad contains risky topics, then what is the point? The ad may not really provide... Show more content on ... If enough people do not watch the commercial or buy the product, then that particular business will have to reconsider their marketing strategies, so making the advertisement appropriate for all ages can boost the audience and revenues also. Commercials have grown to become more and more entertaining in the past few years, especially those played during the Super Bowl. The game has become known for its humorous, action– packed ads, which feature hot celebrities and new technologies. These ads seem extremely popular and get known for their creativeness, mainly since so many people watch the Super Bowl. Some people even watch the Super Bowl merely for the advertisements, and could honestly care less about the actual game. Due to the fact that companies have focused so much on attracting people to their company by putting out funny and creative advertisements that stick in people's heads. This sometimes works as a good thing; however at the same time, this can also work against them. Many times, businesses try too hard to add the humor in, and they lose sight of what the ultimate goal actually is. These commercials can become confusing or strange to a number of potential customers if they don't understand, causing them to turn away from that specific business. According to Professor Thales Teixeira in "Creating the Perfect Super Bowl Ad", he says "TV viewers lose ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Hall Of Fame Analysis "Baseball's Doping Cheats – Hall of Fame, or Infamy?" was an editorial by the Chicago Tribune. In this article, the authors tried to convince the audience that Major League Baseball players who have taken Performance Enhancing Drugs, or PEDS, should not be allowed into the Hall of Fame. Mentioning some of the most elite players like Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds are on the list of potential players to get inducted into the Hall of Fame, the authors state, "It's up to the baseball writers whether Bonds, Clemens or Sosa makes it to Cooperstown (common name for the hall of fame), though we hope they make the right call." The editorial does not let the audience know enough about the Hall of Fame and the process to get inducted and the ... Show more content on ... Steroids saved baseball. When Ben Walker, a journalist in Association Press, was asked about this idea he answered, "Steroids saved baseball. . . When it came to making baseball popular again and turning it into a booming business, nothing did the job like home runs. Particularly 500–foot home runs"(qtd. in Bevevino) This point has a big impact on many people's view on the use of steroids, even mine. Even though PEDS are illegal and immoral, they did bring back the popularity in America's pastime. The MLB just recovered from a players strike in 1994, ending the season prematurely. The attendance the next year at MLB games was 12 percent lower and was plummeting. Then PEDS became a fad within the league, in fact the National Baseball Hall of Fame said "In 1996, a whopping 17 players hit 40 or more home runs. The 1993 season saw only five players hit that many long balls. The span from 1996–2001 saw at least a dozen players per season smack 40 or more homers.". This blasted the popularity driving it up 44 percent. This shows that steroids in fact did save baseball no matter if they are moral or legal. The editorial board takes a stance that the players who have taken PEDS in baseball should be banned from the Hall of Fame. This debate is mostly on the "steroid era", which is a period of time from the late 80's to the early 2000's, when performance enhancing drugs became a big presence in Major League Baseball, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Media Of The Super Bowl When most people think of Super Bowl commercials, they think of funny skits about Budweiser, Cool Ranch Doritos, or big Chevy trucks; all up beat, innocent, and funny commercials, right? Well not all ads aired during the Super Bowl have been known to be as up beat and sensible. In 2011, the Super Bowl aired a commercial made by an online coupon site many of you are probably familiar with called Groupon. This controversial ad is titled "Save the Money– Tibet" and was meant for their buyers to do just that, save money. Although Groupon is all about saving people money, that's not the only message the ad was supposed to convey to its viewers. Although controversial, this ad has a bigger story behind it that Groupon later shared after getting a large amount of hate due to the lack of misunderstanding from their viewers. To sum up the commercial, it starts off with different clips of people in Tibet with a sort of chilling music playing in the background. A male voice then comes in and says, "one of the most beautiful places in the world. This is timothy Hutton. The people of Tibet are in trouble, their very culture in jeopardy". The whole dynamic of the commercial then changes when Timothy Hutton says, "but they still whip up an amazing fish curry" as a Tibet male proceeds to serve him a fish curry dish in a Chicago restaurant all thanks to his purchase of an online coupon from Groupon. While the purpose of this three–million–dollar ad seemed to be to promote saving money by ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Cult Hit Films : Harold And Maude Abinav Teja Chilukuri Professor Allan Havis TDGE 11 12 November 2016 Cult Hit Films Harold and Maude, a movie directed by Hal Ashby and released in the 1970's, did not receive much attention and popularity when first released. Since the movie depicted obsession with suicide through a 20–year–old character Harold, the movie received backlash because during the 1970's there were high rates of suicides among teenagers and college students. However, over time college students found the movie very entertaining, therefore bringing the movie into the lights and making it a cult hit. In Blue Velvet, a neo–noir mystery film directed by David Lynch and released in 1986, received a variety of critical responses from a wide range of audience, but this movie's unique style earned Lynch his second nomination for Best Director. The idea of innocent getting caught in a web of evil is portrayed through the character Jeffrey Beaumont, who first encounter's a severed ear in a grassy abandoned field. In this paper I will compare and contrast these two movies that include key actors Bud Cort, played as Harold, and Kyle MacLachlan, played as Jeffrey and include a few key points that have made these movies enjoyable to watch. In Ashby's film, the December– May relationship underlines the main theme of the movie. Maude is known to be very expressive and aggressive in the way she presents herself to Harold. But on the other hand Harold is very blank and he shows no emotion what so ever. When they ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Baseball Is An American Pastime Trey Deitrick Mr. Hubert English language and Composition 23 February 2015 Steroids in Baseball The game of Baseball is an American pastime. During the late 19th century and early 20th century it was the most widely played sport in the country. Baseball back then was what video games and televisions is to us now. Throughout the years baseball has changed in some good ways and in some bad ways. The integrity of the game has been changed in a bad way by steroids. Steroids is what makes the game today so much different than it was back then. Of course steroids have been a controversy in this game for a long time but not to the extent it is right now in the late 90s , and 2000s. The punishments that they give right now for steroid use is ... Show more content on ... Not only are these players, who use steroids and get caught , not able to play the game they love, but will lose out on a lot of money that they could be making during the games that they miss. Alex Rodriguez is a great example of financial punishment for steroid use. "The suspension would be the longest non–lifetime ban in Major league history and would cost Mr. Rodriguez more than 31 million in loss salary" (Costa,Brian). The MLB has announced that it is going to enhance its testing policy and its punishments for using steroids or any other performance enhancing drugs. The enhanced testing procedure will include a lot more random in season tests. The number of urine tests will more than double. In the enhanced punishments there are at most three violations. "A first time violation at the joint drug program will now result in an unpaid 80 game suspension, increased from 50 games."(Calcaterra,Craig). The second violation will result in an unpaid 162 game suspension rather than a 100 game. The third and final violation will result in a permanent suspension from baseball. Players want a fair and clean game, that is why they pushed for better testing and a lot more testing. The MLB commissioner, Bud Selig, was very pleased when the players pushed for stricter policies. Baseball has had its fair share of scandals. For example, baseballs first commissioner, Kennesaw Landis, was brought on to deal with the Black Sox scandal. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Rhetorical Analysis Of ' Air Bud ' The first word is pathos, this is an emotional appeal used to persuade and convince audience by their emotional feelings. In this movie, this appeal has been used widely. When Josh loses his father, he is saddened and depressed to the extent that he assimilates himself during Basketball training sessions. The situation is worsened when the owner of the dog, Norm, repossesses it. Although the dog was rightfully Norm's, the audience would be persuaded to side with Josh when he sneaks into Norm's residence and steals the dog (Ebert). This is further backed by the fact that the audience is already aware of the cruelty of Norm. To the audience's expectations, Buddy further chooses Josh as it owner. I do believe this is the best end. The second word is the ethos. This is an appeal that is used to convince the audience of the credibility of a character or movie. It entails choosing of proper vocabulary, topic or theme to be featured in such contexts. In this movie, "Air bud", the audience is presented with a dog that perfectly plays Basketball. In fact, "Buddy" makes twelve shots without missing a single one in the entire movie. Honestly, this is a skill that even the professional players would envy. This skill by the dog therefore creates its worthiness in the school basketball team, something the audience would agree with. It is important to note that in the absence of the dog, the school team is losing terribly. It's not a wonder therefore that "Buddy" leads the team to win ... Get more on ...
  • 33. What Makes A Super Bowl? There is no question, companies are willing to pay an arm and a leg to get their top product or products on to mainstream through using the Super Bowl as an advantageous way to promote what that company is selling. With just a thirty second spot the, already enormously expensive, price skyrocketed to a hefty price of nearly four and a half billion dollars per each thirty seconds ("Yes, A Super Bowl Ad..."). Throughout the years, Super Bowl commercials have made the masses laugh, cry, and basically every emotion in between. Corporations such as Doritos and Budweiser have seemed to master the tricky slope that is producing a successful advertisement, year in and year out. Many corporations have been waiting for that one commercial that hits home and really sticks to the viewers ' minds as they go throughout their lives. McDonalds seemed to do just that with their recent advertisement, aired on arguably the biggest day in sports, with their "Pay with Love" campaign. Throughout Valentines Day, February fourteenth, of 2015, the prestigious fast–food corporation will be offering the ability to, at random, allow for their customers to pay for their purchase with simple acts of kindness such as calling a family member and letting them know that they are loved, dancing, and or singing just to lighten up the store. McDonalds is just one of the many corporations that have taken advantage of the Super Bowl festivities; however, they have struck gold with their ability to increase their ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Reaction of Colin Powell's Speech at Howard University... The Reaction of Colin Powell's Speech at Howard University General Colin Powell did the Commencement speech at Howard University on May 25, 1994. He did the speech after a cloud of controversy had happen at the university. A racist Black Muslim made a speech at Howard University. Howard policy is that anybody can express his or her freedom of speech on there campus. As you can figure out, the white community did not think of that very well. Connie Chung did a report saying that Howard University was a racist institution. All of this pressure was coming down at once. Howard said that they did not agree with the Black Muslims beliefs but will let them speak and express their opinions. Colin Powell is a man of high power. In the ... Show more content on ... Colin Powell had some funny parts in his speech to keep the audience awoke. He made jokes on mostly everything he said. A joke was made about every five minutes. The joke he made was when he said that he wouldn't go to long. All of the graduates of Howard just laughed. I think jokes are an essential part of your speech. If you don't have jokes than your speech will always be on the boring side. I think a joke should be made about two to three minutes of every speech that you make to the public. President Clinton's State of the Union even have jokes in it. I hate it when a public speaker make a speech that last about an hour an never have a single joke. I not saying to try to be a funnyman but just let some semi–funny jokes come at your mouth. Colin Powell didn't have any hilarious jokes but it was enough to grab the audience attention. I remember at my high school graduation when the valor victorian made her speech. I t was the most boring speech in George Washington High School history. She didn't even mention a word about the people who was killed. That speech made me so sick to my stomach. Colin Powell on the other hand made points about the situation that Howard University was going through. He even made a joke about where was Connie Chung (making reference on the news anchor getting fired for making false reports about Howard University). Distractions are a thing that ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Detailed Questions and Answers on Bud Not Buddy by... Title: Bud, Not Buddy Author: Christopher Paul Curtis Detailed Description of Setting: This story takes place in Flint and Grand Rapids, Michigan, during the middle of the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a really bad worldwide economic recession throughout the 1930's, which caused high unemployment for adults and homelessness for many children. Bud "not Buddy" Caldwell is the main character and is a ten–year–old African–American boy who lives in Flint, Michigan. Bud has been staying in orphanages and several foster homes since his mother died four years earlier when he was six. Bud never knew his father. The few items Bud has left to remember his mother are a bag of rocks, a photograph of his mother as a child and fliers that show Herman E. Calloway and his jazz band, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression. He keeps them in an old suitcase. Bud thinks that Herman Callaway is his father and goes "on the lam" to try to find him. He meets many people and gets into many adventures along the way. Eventually, his journey leads him to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the jazz clubs where Herman and his band play. Questions: 1.What is the central theme of the book? How was it developed? Response: I think the central theme of the book is the importance of family. Bud's mother died when he was only six, and his life had been very tough. He said one time that "my eyes don't cry no more." It would have been very easy for Bud just to give up ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Pros And Cons Of Super Bowl Commercials On Sunday, Feb. 4, fans and viewers alike watch Super Bowl commercials on TV screens because they are creative and entertaining; not to mention, they bring a lot of money. The Super Bowl is known for the football game itself as it will ultimately lead to the new NFL champion of the year; however, it is also known for its humor driven commercials. It can now be said that these commercials have become a big part in Super Bowls as each and everyone of them compete for the viewer's attention. Viewers vote for their favorite and least favorite commercials and advertisers make an effort to make successful ads, giving considerable large amounts of money to make this possible. Out of the multitude of commercials, viewers were able to choose their favorites ads, based on their uniqueness and creativity. The number one place, according... Show more content on ... While Amazon's commercial grabbed the viewers attention positively and with much humor, RAM's was received unfavorably. Pete Blackburn, a CBS Sports writer articulated, "Ram Trucks' ad featuring a Martin Luther King voiceover about the value of service was the most criticized spot of the night. Many people felt that it was a blatant commercial exploitation of the Civil Rights icon and –– given the current political and social climates in America –– that it was in poor taste." This particular commercial gained much controversy, due to how they used Martin Luther King's words from the speech "The Drum Major Instinct," to sell RAM trucks. People viewed it as a sign of disrespect to the American activist and declared the commercial was of poor taste. RAM was authorized and licensed by Martin Luther King Jr.'s estate yet, it is believed that King would not have supported the idea. Next time Super Bowl ads decide to use quotes from a respected figure, they should remember the controversy caused by Ram's ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Propagation Techniques That Could Be Used During Asexual... a)Describe THREE propagation techniques that could be used in Asexual plant propagation. Technique One: Budding Name of plant chosen: Citrus 1.The first step in Budding is to choose the rootstock and budwood for the citrus plant budding. When selecting the rootstock make sure it is healthy and strong and less than 7 years old but at least as tall as 30cm. Make sure bud is not a flower bud. 2.The next step is to prepare the rootstock for the budwood. The best way to do this is to cut a T–shape about 20cm above the ground. Vertical cut should be 40–50mm and horizontal cut should be 25mm. This will allow room for budwood. If the rootstock is not being used right away cover the cut with damp towel. 3.The next step is cutting the budwood off your desired citrus plant. When doing this makes sure you use a clean and sharp knife. When cutting the bud off make sure you cut a 3cm sliver of bark with the bud in the centre of it. The same with the rootstock if the budwood isn't being used straight away cover in a damp towel. 4.The next step is actually putting the budwood in the t–shape incision made in the rootstock. You need to fold back the flaps made by the incision in the rootstock and place the budwood inside. Make sure the bud is facing in the correct position, so when it grows it grows upward. You then fold the flaps back over the budwood, but leaving the bud exposed. 5.Now you either use budding tape or something that can fasten the bud to the rootstock but also ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Harold And Maude Themes Fahad Alanzai Pr. jonathon Quam Mcom 2213 April, 10, 2016 Harold and Maude To begin with, the film Harold and Maude is about two people of different age groups trying to fit in the society. The main characters, Harold and Maude, meet under different circumstances and they are determined to face life regardless of how cruel it might be. The movie discusses the issue of romance and life in general. Harold and Maude find companionship and love in each other, and although Harold is troubled and wishes to die, his love to Maude makes him stronger, and he is not discouraged by the age difference between them. The two protagonists find pleasure in attending other people's funerals, and especially Harold who is longing to die. Nevertheless, when ... Show more content on ... Characters development is well represented in the film, and this was reached with a help of language and clothes used by actors. For example, as each character wears clothes that suit his life. The director also differentiates the lives of people by using various screenshots and camera rolls, and this is to make a viewer understand the different themes presented (Beach 124). It can be stated that any young person should watch the movie, because the storyline may reflect what the individual may be going through. The movie is an implementation of encouragement for an individual. There are many young people who try to commit suicide, who may not see the essence of living, just like Harold. Adults very often have a problem with judging young generation, and they may try to interfere with their life decisions. Harold faced this problem when every person close to him wanted to advise on how he should live his life, and this shows the major problem with community members. The film supports the idea that people should not complicate their lives, because they are themselves creators of their own ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay about Media & Sports: How did Baseball get Affected... The media affects society in positive and negative ways. This can be seen in America's national pastime baseball. Baseball is a sport that became the national sport in the United States in the late 19th century. From the beginning of the sport they tried to keep the highest standards to each player and ball club. There were times of scandal, but of all the things that happen to baseball substance abuse has been portrayed as one of the worst thing a player could do. To defame the baseball was to ruin everything the sport stood for. This research paper will look at one of the worst blotches in baseballs history, the steroid era. The steroid era as many know now started roughly 2003, but there was a time in which many forget. In... Show more content on ... Baseball traditionalists got wind of this after a while though and charged the mound in essence to prove doping was wrong. That doing steroids undercuts baseball as a whole and its records left behind by legends. The medical community as a whole would later back this up and told of the serious side effects that ranged from male breast development to mood swings that would be later known as 'roid rage. This would not be good for the public because the fans emulate what their idols do and if that's what they believe needed to be done to be more like them they would. Eventually in almost every high school in the country, young athletes are told about these health risks associated with using Performance–enhancing drugs. This was only the beginning, soon the media would start to look down more upon what is going on in baseball and they would pursue it. In 2002 the Major League Baseball Players Association executive director was asked a question by Senator Byron Dorgan, "Is there a problem?" The Senator know there was a problem because a recent National League Most Valuable Player admitted to using steroids in a Sports Illustrated cover story. The MVP Ken Caminiti even admitted to no regrets for steroid use because of the prevalence in the major league (Steroid Era). The media helped baseball lovers push for more testing. In 2002 the major league players and managers both agreed for ... Get more on ...
  • 40. A Commercial Airing Then At The Super Bowl What better time to have a commercial airing then at the Super Bowl? About 7 out of 10 households that were watching TV tuned into the Super Bowl in 2015, according to Nielsen at the television ratings service. With at least 114.4 million viewers in 2015 the Super Bowl is the most watched television broadcast in the United States. In 2015 Toyota made a very impactful and memorable commercial advertising their new Camry. Toyota uses this opportunity to not only advertise their new Camry, but to also recognize the impact dads have on their children's lives. There are no specific standard formats for successful advertisements. Just like the formula for winning a Super Bowl does not exist. If the game was predictable, people would not want to watch the game. If all companies used one way to design their advertisements, the audience would get bored. This advertisement uses emotion and relatability to connect with their audience. In this advertisement, the father and daughter relationship is really touching. The images the advertisement conveys resonate with people's experiences. As a result, the viewer will connect their positive impression of the dad in the advertisement with the Toyota Camry. This sense of connection is beneficial for the company to improve their reputation. As the commercial begins it is nearly impossible to guess what the commercial is about. It 's not till the end of the commercial that it is reveled to the audience that the commercial is advertising the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Pete Rose Psychology Personality Publisher: Rodale Books Copyright: 2004 Pete Rose was born on April 14, 1941 and grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with his parents Harry and LaVerne Rose. His father Harry could be described as hard–working, tough, and hard–nosed, especially when it came to sports. Harry played semi–pro football and always pushed Pete to give 110% at all times. This attitude and effort that Pete was exposed to growing up with a man like Harry stuck with Pete his entire life and as a result he earned the nickname "Charlie Hustle", although it was not originally meant to be a compliment. In spring training of Pete's rookie year, he got walked by Yankee legend Whitey Ford. Instead of jogging to first base like everybody else in baseball, Rose sprinted to first... Show more content on ... This need for superiority was not only prevalent in his playing days but also as he transitioned out of his playing days. In 1986, Rose was player–manager of the Reds and the last player–manager in professional baseball, a feat that is unlikely to occur again. Pete Rose will always be most remembered for betting on baseball while playing/managing the Reds. Rose denied these allegations for 14 years, even in the face of substantial evidence including an independent investigative report by Jon Dowd (better known as the Dowd Report). The defense mechanism most often used by Rose during this time period was flat–out denial. While denying the accusations, Rose likely received negative reinforcement due to the escape of the emotions involved in admitting such a terrible act in the eyes of baseball. A potentially big initial factor behind this is that shortly after the Dowd Report; Rose voluntarily placed himself on baseball's ineligible list in August 1989 with the agreement from then–commissioner Bart Giamatti that after a one–year banishment from baseball, Rose could apply for reinstatement. Tragedy struck when Giamatti unexpectedly died from a heart attack before Rose's year–long banishment had concluded. Fay Vincent took over as commissioner after Giamatti's death and was unwilling to reinstate Rose, as many would have seen the move as disrespectful to ... Get more on ...