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Design for Advertising 
Developing, Producing and Evaluating
Initial ideas 
1) qWake Up- 
Using the idea of both waking up and the natural disaster of an earthquake. (That being the theme of something bad happening if this is not purchased. 
Include an image of a bike in the air, jumping over the cracks in the ground from the earthquake. 
Have the ‘Up’ in the title raised to imply that the drink gives you that lift. 
(The Natural disaster aspect of the Drink may cause offense or be harmful viewing so there may have to be adjustments to the design) 
‘Breaking the bounds of Energy’ is an idea for a slogan as it can reflect both the bike’s parts (For the extreme sport aspect) and the cracks appearing in the ground. 
The idea of using a bike in the promotion side would be to appeal to males who are into extreme sports and need that extra boost of energy to see them improve their level and try to 
be at their best. 
2) Improvise- 
This second idea is based upon a healthier alternative to the energy drinks and is targeting the nutritious, health conscious audience. 
The name is part of the idea that the drink is not the usual drink and it offers a slight alternative to what else is there in the market and is not pre planned that contains all the 
unhealthy sugars and content that one ‘normal’ energy drink contains, Something that is made through natural produce. 
The design of the can would be clean and slick with the colour Green featured to help enhance the natural aspect of the drink. The use of symbols on the can will also help bring this 
idea forward, such as a leaf of sorts. 
The name can help interact with the audience due it being fun, unordinary and peculiar. This therefore means that the demographic aimed towards would be females of a young age. 
3) Limitless- 
This idea is based upon the idea of an energy drink designed towards top athletes and those who take part in very hard sports. 
The title can help bring the audience in from the start, the idea of consuming a product that gives you an endless supply of energy and your limits are whatever you want them to be. 
Therefore you being in control, which the energy drinks, are designed to be. Giving you that feeling that you for some reason have an edge by drinking that particular can. The design 
of the can will be bright and colourful to interact with the audience. The demographic will be those of both genders who aim to play sports to the best of their ability. This however 
will be of a younger age group to Idea 1. 
The promotion of this will be using people drinking the can and somehow it having a better affect than the other alternatives. 
4) Limbo- 
The idea of this name is that people who do not purchase it are to forever stay in the same place or not move on whereas people that drink the Can will then move to the afterlife or 
to a better place. 
This drink will be targeting the dark, hardcore music fans that are seen as aggressive and passionate towards their interests. It will be aimed more towards males but of a wide age 
Ages between 18 and 30 as the drink does not rule out certain generations. 
The can will be designed in a black shade with silver text written in a custom manner. 
5) Life Line 
The idea behind this is that after consuming the product you are handed that extra boost you did not have and needed to perform your activity. 
This is aimed towards the sports community and similar to that of Lucazade. 
It will not be gender specific however will be in relation to a younger audience. 
Having images of other athletes picking you up and offering you the beverage will promote the can.
Mind Maps 
Here is a basic mind map on all the ideas surrounding the design 
for my can. It includes Names, Theme’s, target audiences, 
colours, the composition and aesthetical features on the designs 
and the purpose for the energy drinks in the idea process. 
This looks to merge many of the ideas together and bring forth 
more inspiration to a final piece. Using this mind map can help 
me understand what the theme is and more importantly who the 
people it is aimed towards are and if they will purchase it. 
Going into more depth 
helps me further 
understand the audience. 
Linking two ideas together 
of Natural disasters and 
extreme sports can help 
raise awareness and 
provide energy 
Here above is a more detailed mind map into just one of the ideas I had come up 
with. This has many of the aspects in the more general mind map, however goes 
into more depth to the target market and explores the theme of the name and 
brand that has been designed. 
After considering all the ideas and theme’s I felt that this particular name was the 
one without any major flaws. 
This was a unique idea that used both the idea of an earthquake and waking up. 
The mind explores what extreme sports the audience view or take part in, to give 
me an idea where I can advertise the product.
Copy/Script development- qWake UP 
Possible Slogan or Sub-headings 
Ground breaking content 
Off Balance training methods 
Time to fly 
Need a lift? 
Shaky footing 
Mind the Gap 
That perfectly timed boost! 
Extra Energy for those Extreme Moments 
A can a day keeps the boredom away 
Bring on the excitement 
Wake up properly with a drink to cure the slow 
Energy when you just can’t see a way out 
Can you imagine the consequences of not 
drinking it? 
We cure that Shattered feeling 
You will definitely see the affects to it 
Using a slogan that relates to the theme is a great 
way to bring the point across. 
Not over complicating the text underneath the name 
is important as it could put the audience off. 
Mentioning both the Energy you receive as well as 
natural disaster that could or will happen if you 
don’t purchase the drink is a great way of 
Making the Audience think that not drinking the 
product will lead to something disturbing happening 
almost makes them obliged to buy the drink. 
The use of the word ‘Boredom’ is a good way of 
reflecting the theme and imagery used on the 
packaging. Also the way the slogans are used make 
the earthquake theme exciting and this ultimately 
has a positive impression on the drink itself. 
Using the so called ‘natural disaster’ as a positive is 
somewhat controversial, however for this audience 
it is exactly what is needed to grab their attention. 
These are young Males, who the majority are 
rebellious and have a strong interest on dangerous 
sports, these will feel that they can take on the 
challenge of the drink and jump over the obstacles. 
This will be represented by a bike hopping over the 
cracks in the earth surface on the promotional 
A person will be failing at sporting activity and on the floor catching their breath. Then an 
alarm starts to ring, the camera starts to shake and a ‘qWake UP’ can falls from the sky. 
They then take a drink and suddenly get a huge boost of energy which they then say 
‘Perfect Timing’ 
With a voice over saying.. ‘qWake Up provides you with that extra boost of energy when 
you need it most. Having a can a day will defiantly keep the boredom away. 
The person then sprints past the camera man and shouts.. ‘Bring on the Excitement’ 
Another idea would be of someone falling off their bike, having a hard time then a person 
giving them ‘life Line’ and they suddenly get back on the bike, starting going really fast 
then later skipping to a clip of them winning a race which is when they say.. ‘Life Line! I 
Needed that’ 
For ‘Limitless’ the script could involve a person climbing a building and then believing 
that they do not have the will power to carry on. Until a Limitless can falls from a window 
and they catch it. Which the voice over then says.. ‘Your Limits are the ones you set now’ 
Then the actor climbing has a extra feel of life and starts climbing right to the top. 
The Actor will then get on top of the building and say.. ‘For Endless Energy doing those 
Extreme stunts you love, why not try ‘Limitless’.
Ideas for possible product names could be of shortening it to qWake or using 
the ‘q’ as a trademark or house style. It could even be used on advertising such 
as ‘q up for the drink now’ or along them lines. Using it as a symbol can a great 
way to get the brand across. 
Names of drinks under the brand could be that of a set of natural disasters. 
With ‘Volcano’ being a red styled can that uses strawberries for example. Or 
Using a Tsunami to express that refreshing effect or relate it to the surfing 
extreme sport activity. 
For Life Line, they could have an alterative ‘Life Line Light’ which can be very 
catchy if used in promotional stunts or Television ads. 
This would be a less sugary type product that is an alterative for the less 
extreme sport lovers. 
For Limitless there could be a set of different names under each product with 
still keeping the Limitless branding somewhere on the product. For example 
having ‘Believer’ as one name of a product by the brand. Then this would 
include a different flavour to others however still keeping the font and style 
the same even if the colour is altered.
Font/Colour Scheme development 
Created through Photoshop, using the style and adjustment tools I created the two colour merge affect. 
I first grabbed the ‘T’ tool to make the text, I later changed the font to ‘Silom’ to reflect the theme of Extremeness. 
This also relates to the targeted demographic of Young Males due to its bold nature. 
The next stage of development was to use puppet warp and create my own custom font. This was so it would relate to 
the target audience and be much more unique. 
Having a more exciting font can reflect the theme and who it is trying to get it across to. 
Having the ‘UP’ raised higher is implying that the drink brings you from the depths of despair and gives you that lift which 
you desired. 
Using a custom font can also help tie in with a slogan that both match the theme in hand of an extreme and aggressive 
way of advertising to correspond with the audience who are believed to play in such dangerous sports or activities. 
For all the high sporting energy drinks I will need to use a clear and bold approach for the font. This is so the audience 
will understand what the drink is trying to get across, using a loud style helps interact with their interests, of extreme 
sports and unusual types of music. 
The colours used for the sports drinks will be of dark shades. Keeping the drink in relation to the audience is important. 
As the target audience are Males, they are less interested in look and more into the content of the drink and what it can 
do to their performance in sports. 
The colour of the fonts will be having two colours merged to show some individuality in the brand. This as well as the 
unique styled custom font that will be made will help entice the potential buyer.
This colour will be suitable to the 
target audience as it is not too loud, 
however will bring the title name out 
Having a pattern or mix of 
colours on the branding of 
the packaging can be a 
great way to use a house 
style without the need for 
unnecessary shapes. 
Using a custom font for 
qWake UP will help get 
the theme across to the 
Having dark packaging 
may prevent the 
name from being seen 
as clearly. With the 
use of a flame or 
something in relation 
to danger it can help 
bring the idea through 
to the audience. 
The 3rd Font here is the better 
out of the set due to its relation 
to the sporting theme and that of 
runners. It has a much softer yet 
polished look to it.
qWake (Silom) 
qWake (Thonburi) 
qWake (Impact) 
qWake (Lithos pro regular) 
Out of all the many fonts I experimented 
with I found these four to be ones I will 
consider using in the design process of 
the unit. 
They are all different, however share 
many similarities such has who they can 
be aimed towards. 
I like the third font called impact as it 
does exactly what it is called, and for a 
target market of young males I believe 
that could work well, as it is bold, in 
your face and aggressive. 
The first font has similar aspects from 
impact, however it has a more polished 
look to it and could make the name 
stand out among some very large 
The last font explored here is all 
in capital letters. This can be a 
good way to express the drink as 
it is loud, very clear and has a 
dangerous feel to it. 
However, this does not let me use 
the ‘q’ which is considered as my 
house style so it may not be the 
right font to use.
Possible Imagery and colours 
Images I will consider using are that of 
natural disasters or those which are 
related to danger so they relate to the 
theme and target demographic of young 
males from the age of 18 to 23. 
Possible colours that could be used are 
that of which are associated with danger. 
Colours such as Red, Yellow or orange so 
they can reflect the ideas that are 
explored with in the imagery on he cover. 
The use of a flame or some natural 
disaster such as an earthquake can make 
the buyer feel as if they are almost forced 
to purchase the drink as they do not want 
anything stopping them from fulfilling the 
best of their ability in a sporting activity. 
The font colour will have to match 
the shade of the can so if I was to 
choose a black and orange styled 
design, the font would have to be 
orange or red to suggest the same 
theme and that of danger. 
The idea of extreme sports can 
relate a drink such as this.
Product packaging development 
Here is the original idea concerning the design 
of the can and more particularly the 
compositional features of the name and 
imagery used. 
I have taken one of my initial ideas and 
experimented by placing the name on a basic 
can template. 
However, I decided that the Name ‘qWake UP’ 
was too long for a can and may put customers 
off. I found that the name could be shortened 
and still keep the same identity. 
Using the ‘q’ in such a large size can help 
provide that idea of waking you up and also, 
giving you a lift.
Here I have developed further on the can 
design and decided to import a sourced 
The idea behind this was to try go back to the 
idea of giving you a lift and this can imply 
that it is fueling you up when you need it 
Due to the audience being that of a young 
male demographic, this idea of danger and a 
quick source of energy will relate to them and 
they will be more likely to purchase it. 
Having the Image warped helps enhance the 
idea further. The top left of the image being 
curved higher gives the impression of 
something unusual and again, a lift. All 
psychologically telling you that buying this 
drink will make you feel energised.
On this design I decided to focus on the ‘q’ in 
much more detail. Dropping it down was the 
first idea to make it look as if the letter itself 
was creating that hole, therefore implying it is 
waking you up by using extreme ways. 
Extreme advertising to reflect the extreme 
sports the target market take part in. 
The change in shape on the ‘q’ was created by 
going through the Edit tool bar on the top of a 
Photoshop document, going into transform and 
I then chose the ‘Squeeze’ option on the 
letter. This is so it creates the impression that 
the drink is taking giving you every last drop of 
I have also used the ‘Levels’ tool to help bring 
the colour out of the image more. This is to 
entice the audience as they are seeing more 
shades and it looks more aseptically pleasing
In this design I wanted to try and portray a 
more sporty can. 
Using the wave type style of the image at 
the top can help give the audience the 
impression that it is indeed what they are 
looking for. 
The sporting aspect is shown in the name as 
well with the use of the wave type tool 
which is found under the warp and free 
transform tools. 
Having all the text and imagery moving gives 
the audience and potential buyer the 
impression that it could get them moving 
and give them that energy needed for their 
sporting activity. 
Raising ‘Wake’ up higher is important so it 
stays in line with the ‘q’ and is it vital the 
audience reads the drink in one word to 
gather the same understanding. 
Having the image higher up helps 
remove unwanted white space 
that appeared before.
In this design I wanted to incorporate two 
aspects of danger and what is associated 
with the natural side of the world. 
This can help relate to the audience due 
to the fear factor which they face in the 
sports they take part in. 
The use of the fire not only helps fill in 
the white space that was there, but it 
also gives more detail to the can as well 
as making the name stand out more. 
In relation to the name, the colour code 
has been changed to match its 
surroundings. If this was to be part of a 
final design the other cans that would be 
made as part of the theme will change 
and vary in colour, however the 
positioning will remain the same as will 
the font of ‘Silom’
Here I have started to explore different orientation. 
I have attempted to use the name on a landscape 
Using an unusual style text position can help relate 
to the surreal themes. 
I Have also experimented by moving the elements of 
imagery. Swapping the Flame to the left and 
covering the letter ‘q’ can be a good way to show 
the shades together. 
However, I believe that having a portrait can styled 
text will work better due to the name being much 
more clear and does not make the young audience 
think too much about the energy drink. 
I do feel that the angle adds something different to 
the design, however I feel that there is too much 
colour at one side of the design and there needs to 
be an equal amount on each side, therefore the text 
should be going from left to right.
*Not to Size* 
The idea of this 
basic flat plan is 
to show what 
exactly the can 
will contain on 
The size will be 
of a small 
nature, similar 
size to a regular 
Coke can. 
The collar and 
rear of the can 
will both be 
black. This is to 
keep in relation 
to the dark 
shades the 
design already 
The front will contain the image that has a slight tilt to it, 
rising higher at one side of the can. 
The Nutritional Information aspect will have the required 
numbers, however will try to keep it clear and concise to 
keep it relating to the target audience. The back of the can 
will be similar to the front, using the title and fonts in the 
same position. A slogan will also be used. (In the same font)
I have decided to go for a more simplistic yet 
more relevant to the theme I want to get across 
to the audience. 
Using a stylised can such as that can be very 
visually pleasing to the buyer. 
This was created by selecting an image, 
importing it and then warping it over the 
template of the can. 
The warping tool was used again from the last 
design, however using it all over the can rather 
than a small section and the actual plain texture 
rather than an image. 
This look much more like an energy can you 
could see as it keeps to one style. 
The text to go the can will be of a similar colour 
to it but still keeping the same font as what will 
be in the advert.
On the previous slide I used a slogan that I came up with in the idea generation 
stage for the script and text that could feature on the product. 
I believe that due to its simplicity it will interact more with the target 
audience, rather than something witty. 
The ‘Lift’ aspect is a theme running throughout the design and unit. The ‘Lift’ 
of energy you will receive. 
The previous slide is a flat plan of a possible design I could make during the 
design process. 
The use of the two colours, Orange and Black only go further to explain who the 
drink is aimed at. The orange as well as the fire help enhance the idea of 
danger, with the earthquake representing the name as well as implying that sort 
of disaster will happen if you do not purchase the drink. 
The slogan relate to this image and that of, if you consume the energy drink, 
you will ‘qWake Up’ and be given a lift, out of the natural disaster and given 
that extra sense of power and achievement ahead of others.
Task 6: Advert Development 
Here I have taken a sourced image, I imported it 
into Photoshop through the Place tool found in 
I have used this image as it best explains what I 
want to get across to the audience and how I want 
the energy drink to be portrayed. 
Here I have taken a small screen Shot of the adding 
text process. 
I used the ‘T’ to first get the tool on the image. 
I then started typing the slogan I came up with in 
the pre production process, and then later changed 
the font to the same house style as the can (Silom) 
Later I then decided where to position it. After the 
text was chosen I wanted to incorporate the can 
itself. Using it underneath the the man jumping 
implies that this can is here to give you that extra 
push should you need it in order to reach your goal
Here I have taken further screen shots of 
the post production techniques I am doing 
during this part of the unit. 
I used both the Levels and Saturation 
adjustment tools in order to manipulate the 
colour and shade of the image. 
After importing the image, it was not 
bringing the best colour out of the piece and 
in specific parts as well. 
For example, the added artificial light 
located near the can is important as it is 
drawing attention to it. 
Even though it has been altered to a low 
opacity, it is still a main part of the advert. 
The Levels are controlled by pressing The 
shift key and ‘L’ whereas the Saturation can 
be accessed by the shift key and ‘U’
Here I have used the Warp tool to change the size of the image. This tool is 
created by selecting the main layer (Shift and T) then using the first tool on the 
left where the arrow is. 
This helped me enhance the energy drink underneath. 
Moving the cliff downwards gives more room for the drink 
to be seen. 
After the Warping has finished and you have stopped 
dragging the corners then you select the ‘Tick’ tool 
just to the right of the warp one. 
The purpose of 
the effect on this 
piece is that it 
helps give the 
impression that 
the person is now 
getting the 
required speed to 
make the jump 
This as well as the 
Slogan helps make 
the point clear.
I feel this design is thinking too much of he theme for the design of the 
background and after ding more research I feel having a more simplistic 
background image can bring the energy drink out better. 
I feel that having an image of a person jumping and the slogan as well suggesting 
the same it may be very forceful to the audience and ultimately out them off. 
I liked the idea of warping the images to make them more surreal and unique, 
however finding an image that is in more relation to the theme can be better, 
something that is associated with both Earthquakes and giving you a lift but in a 
more subtle manner so it is psychologically inserted to the viewer. 
I feel as the target audience prefer a much darker shade, the colours used may 
not have been appropriate to who the product as aimed at. 
Looking though many Extreme sport adverts, I found out that all the drinks 
focused on the colour rather than the content itself. 
Having a simplistic font and background may be seen as a boring and less 
exciting but perhaps the target audience is more interested in what it can give 
Another idea for the Advert is that of 
using a background which relates to the 
theme and audience who is is aimed 
As it is the first idea of the 
development stage it does not have the 
full content such as web links or social 
media sites. 
The font is the same on the packaging, 
however it has been made slightly 
lighter to blend in with the low opacity 
on the can template. 
I prefer this background as there is less 
happening and makes the can stand out 
more due to its sheer size and 
To bring the colour out of the can I wanted 
to use some natural aspect to relate to the 
brand name. 
Also, instead of having a slogan that suggests 
the lift you receive I feel having the 
background image in outer space can provide 
that in a more subtle way. 
The use of the new slogan is to suggest that 
the drink gives you a feeling that you can 
jump as high as you want and there is no 
limit to how far you set yourself.
To create the extra brightness 
on the can I used the contrast 
tool found on the right hand 
side of the Photoshop 
This was found just above the 
layer sections. The idea behind 
this was to just enhance the 
product even more. 
As it this is just a first draft it 
is just the imagery and slogan I 
wanted to focuses on and later 
developing upon it. 
I like how the background of 
the advert shares the same 
theme as the product and that 
of an extreme style. 
The target audience will be enticed by this 
due to the loud manner, this is an exciting 
advert that makes you want to buy the drink. 
To develop this advert rather than the other 
design I would add some text to the bottom 
right including both Twitter and Facebook due 
to the age range targeted being of that 
Here I have developed further 
to the idea, I have decided on 
the background now, however I 
felt that alterations were 
needed for both the slogan and 
how it was portrayed. 
I wanted to include the name in 
the advert but through the 
slogan rather than take up more 
space on A3 promotional sheet. 
Incorporating it into the slogan 
now gives the reader the name 
of the brand as well as what it 
can offer you. 
Using the ‘twist’ tool after 
selecting the text was a good 
way to show the slogan off 
more than what is was doing. 
The advert was trying to get an exciting and 
vibrant brand across and plain orderly text was 
not showing that off enough, so tilting the text 
makes the drink look very intriguing now. 
The audience is that of young males who play 
extreme sports and I feel that this ad does 
target those, if not by the slogan then the 
imagery used.
The use of the social networking sites 
being added to the bottom right now 
starts to put the advert in place and is 
shaping into a good way of promoting 
the energy drink. 
The image itself was chosen well 
because the light is spread out in one 
section of the piece so I was able to 
place place the energy drink and name 
of the can under the bright shade. 
Using the name in the title helps me 
place it over the product so it can be 
easily acknowledged. 
The can will be developed upon for 
later designs. I feel that the 
composition of the can was good due 
to being large enough to notice as well 
as not taking the attention away from 
the slogan. 
The use of the opacity tool helps bring 
the light through the can better and will 
be considered when the final product is 
placed in at a later time. 
The font colour was chosen to stay along 
the lines of the theme and shades chosen 
on the can itself. 
Having lighter tones again helps keep the 
piece together with the colour overlay 
supporting it to make sure it is still 
I have changed to font to Comic Sans MS. This 
is because I felt that it suits the tone of the 
piece better and blends in well. 
I also kept a slight tilt to the text but decided 
to alter it slightly as it needs to be read still. 
I also imported the image again to make it 
better without any poor resolution. 
I then help the shift key whilst enlarging to 
retain the correct proportions.
Here I have been adding the 
finishing touches to the 
design, that of using the ruler 
lines provided which can be 
found at the top and side of a 
Photoshop document. 
This helps me adjust the text 
so that it is of a professional 
In relation to adjusting, I split 
the slogan up into two 
This as so it can be easier to 
identify the product, having 
it in a different font and size. 
And also so it helps fill the 
white space on the right hand 
side of the image. 
Using similar colours for all the text but having 
a hierarchy in the size can help the viewer 
understand which parts are the main and most 
important and which are less so.
This swerve at the bottom from Coke is what inspired me to add something a 
little more creative to the advert, especially working with darker backgrounds. 
I also liked the minimal text and the idea that less is more applies here. The 
required content is included but the lack of any additional text is what I want to 
reflect in the product and hopefully the target audience will relate to. 
The buyer wants a drink that will give them the required energy to see them 
complete a sporting activity at a high standard. 
Having just enough energy in the drink can be 
seen with having just enough text in the 
advert, or just enough in the product itself. 
They are designed to let the audience know 
that no added preservatives are included. 
The use of the orange text on the dark 
background was something I felt worked to 
help show the product.
Task 6: Final Advert
Task 6: Advert Evaluation (Monday) 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 7: Product Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your product packaging. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 7: Final Packaging
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 8: Final Web Banner
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Storyboard development 
Use this space to document your storyboard development. 
There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, 
the better your final piece of work.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.

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  • 1. Design for Advertising Developing, Producing and Evaluating
  • 2. Initial ideas 1) qWake Up- Using the idea of both waking up and the natural disaster of an earthquake. (That being the theme of something bad happening if this is not purchased. Include an image of a bike in the air, jumping over the cracks in the ground from the earthquake. Have the ‘Up’ in the title raised to imply that the drink gives you that lift. (The Natural disaster aspect of the Drink may cause offense or be harmful viewing so there may have to be adjustments to the design) ‘Breaking the bounds of Energy’ is an idea for a slogan as it can reflect both the bike’s parts (For the extreme sport aspect) and the cracks appearing in the ground. The idea of using a bike in the promotion side would be to appeal to males who are into extreme sports and need that extra boost of energy to see them improve their level and try to be at their best. 2) Improvise- This second idea is based upon a healthier alternative to the energy drinks and is targeting the nutritious, health conscious audience. The name is part of the idea that the drink is not the usual drink and it offers a slight alternative to what else is there in the market and is not pre planned that contains all the unhealthy sugars and content that one ‘normal’ energy drink contains, Something that is made through natural produce. The design of the can would be clean and slick with the colour Green featured to help enhance the natural aspect of the drink. The use of symbols on the can will also help bring this idea forward, such as a leaf of sorts. The name can help interact with the audience due it being fun, unordinary and peculiar. This therefore means that the demographic aimed towards would be females of a young age. 3) Limitless- This idea is based upon the idea of an energy drink designed towards top athletes and those who take part in very hard sports. The title can help bring the audience in from the start, the idea of consuming a product that gives you an endless supply of energy and your limits are whatever you want them to be. Therefore you being in control, which the energy drinks, are designed to be. Giving you that feeling that you for some reason have an edge by drinking that particular can. The design of the can will be bright and colourful to interact with the audience. The demographic will be those of both genders who aim to play sports to the best of their ability. This however will be of a younger age group to Idea 1. The promotion of this will be using people drinking the can and somehow it having a better affect than the other alternatives. 4) Limbo- The idea of this name is that people who do not purchase it are to forever stay in the same place or not move on whereas people that drink the Can will then move to the afterlife or to a better place. This drink will be targeting the dark, hardcore music fans that are seen as aggressive and passionate towards their interests. It will be aimed more towards males but of a wide age range. Ages between 18 and 30 as the drink does not rule out certain generations. The can will be designed in a black shade with silver text written in a custom manner. 5) Life Line The idea behind this is that after consuming the product you are handed that extra boost you did not have and needed to perform your activity. This is aimed towards the sports community and similar to that of Lucazade. It will not be gender specific however will be in relation to a younger audience. Having images of other athletes picking you up and offering you the beverage will promote the can.
  • 3. Mind Maps Here is a basic mind map on all the ideas surrounding the design for my can. It includes Names, Theme’s, target audiences, colours, the composition and aesthetical features on the designs and the purpose for the energy drinks in the idea process. This looks to merge many of the ideas together and bring forth more inspiration to a final piece. Using this mind map can help me understand what the theme is and more importantly who the people it is aimed towards are and if they will purchase it. Going into more depth helps me further understand the audience. Linking two ideas together of Natural disasters and extreme sports can help raise awareness and provide energy Here above is a more detailed mind map into just one of the ideas I had come up with. This has many of the aspects in the more general mind map, however goes into more depth to the target market and explores the theme of the name and brand that has been designed. After considering all the ideas and theme’s I felt that this particular name was the one without any major flaws. This was a unique idea that used both the idea of an earthquake and waking up. The mind explores what extreme sports the audience view or take part in, to give me an idea where I can advertise the product.
  • 4.
  • 5. Copy/Script development- qWake UP Possible Slogan or Sub-headings Ground breaking content Off Balance training methods Time to fly Need a lift? Shaky footing Mind the Gap That perfectly timed boost! Extra Energy for those Extreme Moments A can a day keeps the boredom away Bring on the excitement Wake up properly with a drink to cure the slow Energy when you just can’t see a way out Can you imagine the consequences of not drinking it? We cure that Shattered feeling You will definitely see the affects to it Using a slogan that relates to the theme is a great way to bring the point across. Not over complicating the text underneath the name is important as it could put the audience off. Mentioning both the Energy you receive as well as natural disaster that could or will happen if you don’t purchase the drink is a great way of promotion. Making the Audience think that not drinking the product will lead to something disturbing happening almost makes them obliged to buy the drink. The use of the word ‘Boredom’ is a good way of reflecting the theme and imagery used on the packaging. Also the way the slogans are used make the earthquake theme exciting and this ultimately has a positive impression on the drink itself. Using the so called ‘natural disaster’ as a positive is somewhat controversial, however for this audience it is exactly what is needed to grab their attention. These are young Males, who the majority are rebellious and have a strong interest on dangerous sports, these will feel that they can take on the challenge of the drink and jump over the obstacles. This will be represented by a bike hopping over the cracks in the earth surface on the promotional piece.
  • 6. A person will be failing at sporting activity and on the floor catching their breath. Then an alarm starts to ring, the camera starts to shake and a ‘qWake UP’ can falls from the sky. They then take a drink and suddenly get a huge boost of energy which they then say ‘Perfect Timing’ With a voice over saying.. ‘qWake Up provides you with that extra boost of energy when you need it most. Having a can a day will defiantly keep the boredom away. The person then sprints past the camera man and shouts.. ‘Bring on the Excitement’ Another idea would be of someone falling off their bike, having a hard time then a person giving them ‘life Line’ and they suddenly get back on the bike, starting going really fast then later skipping to a clip of them winning a race which is when they say.. ‘Life Line! I Needed that’ For ‘Limitless’ the script could involve a person climbing a building and then believing that they do not have the will power to carry on. Until a Limitless can falls from a window and they catch it. Which the voice over then says.. ‘Your Limits are the ones you set now’ Then the actor climbing has a extra feel of life and starts climbing right to the top. The Actor will then get on top of the building and say.. ‘For Endless Energy doing those Extreme stunts you love, why not try ‘Limitless’.
  • 7. Ideas for possible product names could be of shortening it to qWake or using the ‘q’ as a trademark or house style. It could even be used on advertising such as ‘q up for the drink now’ or along them lines. Using it as a symbol can a great way to get the brand across. Names of drinks under the brand could be that of a set of natural disasters. With ‘Volcano’ being a red styled can that uses strawberries for example. Or Using a Tsunami to express that refreshing effect or relate it to the surfing extreme sport activity. For Life Line, they could have an alterative ‘Life Line Light’ which can be very catchy if used in promotional stunts or Television ads. This would be a less sugary type product that is an alterative for the less extreme sport lovers. For Limitless there could be a set of different names under each product with still keeping the Limitless branding somewhere on the product. For example having ‘Believer’ as one name of a product by the brand. Then this would include a different flavour to others however still keeping the font and style the same even if the colour is altered.
  • 8. Font/Colour Scheme development Created through Photoshop, using the style and adjustment tools I created the two colour merge affect. I first grabbed the ‘T’ tool to make the text, I later changed the font to ‘Silom’ to reflect the theme of Extremeness. This also relates to the targeted demographic of Young Males due to its bold nature. The next stage of development was to use puppet warp and create my own custom font. This was so it would relate to the target audience and be much more unique. Having a more exciting font can reflect the theme and who it is trying to get it across to. Having the ‘UP’ raised higher is implying that the drink brings you from the depths of despair and gives you that lift which you desired. Using a custom font can also help tie in with a slogan that both match the theme in hand of an extreme and aggressive way of advertising to correspond with the audience who are believed to play in such dangerous sports or activities. For all the high sporting energy drinks I will need to use a clear and bold approach for the font. This is so the audience will understand what the drink is trying to get across, using a loud style helps interact with their interests, of extreme sports and unusual types of music. The colours used for the sports drinks will be of dark shades. Keeping the drink in relation to the audience is important. As the target audience are Males, they are less interested in look and more into the content of the drink and what it can do to their performance in sports. The colour of the fonts will be having two colours merged to show some individuality in the brand. This as well as the unique styled custom font that will be made will help entice the potential buyer.
  • 9. Limitless Limitless Limitless Limitless This colour will be suitable to the target audience as it is not too loud, however will bring the title name out more. Having a pattern or mix of colours on the branding of the packaging can be a great way to use a house style without the need for unnecessary shapes. Using a custom font for qWake UP will help get the theme across to the audience. Having dark packaging may prevent the name from being seen as clearly. With the use of a flame or something in relation to danger it can help bring the idea through to the audience. The 3rd Font here is the better out of the set due to its relation to the sporting theme and that of runners. It has a much softer yet polished look to it.
  • 10. qWake (Silom) qWake (Thonburi) qWake (Impact) qWake (Lithos pro regular) Out of all the many fonts I experimented with I found these four to be ones I will consider using in the design process of the unit. They are all different, however share many similarities such has who they can be aimed towards. I like the third font called impact as it does exactly what it is called, and for a target market of young males I believe that could work well, as it is bold, in your face and aggressive. The first font has similar aspects from impact, however it has a more polished look to it and could make the name stand out among some very large imagery. The last font explored here is all in capital letters. This can be a good way to express the drink as it is loud, very clear and has a dangerous feel to it. However, this does not let me use the ‘q’ which is considered as my house style so it may not be the right font to use.
  • 11. Possible Imagery and colours Images I will consider using are that of natural disasters or those which are related to danger so they relate to the theme and target demographic of young males from the age of 18 to 23. Possible colours that could be used are that of which are associated with danger. Colours such as Red, Yellow or orange so they can reflect the ideas that are explored with in the imagery on he cover. The use of a flame or some natural disaster such as an earthquake can make the buyer feel as if they are almost forced to purchase the drink as they do not want anything stopping them from fulfilling the best of their ability in a sporting activity. The font colour will have to match the shade of the can so if I was to choose a black and orange styled design, the font would have to be orange or red to suggest the same theme and that of danger. The idea of extreme sports can relate a drink such as this.
  • 12. Product packaging development Here is the original idea concerning the design of the can and more particularly the compositional features of the name and imagery used. I have taken one of my initial ideas and experimented by placing the name on a basic can template. However, I decided that the Name ‘qWake UP’ was too long for a can and may put customers off. I found that the name could be shortened and still keep the same identity. Using the ‘q’ in such a large size can help provide that idea of waking you up and also, giving you a lift.
  • 13. Here I have developed further on the can design and decided to import a sourced image. The idea behind this was to try go back to the idea of giving you a lift and this can imply that it is fueling you up when you need it most. Due to the audience being that of a young male demographic, this idea of danger and a quick source of energy will relate to them and they will be more likely to purchase it. Having the Image warped helps enhance the idea further. The top left of the image being curved higher gives the impression of something unusual and again, a lift. All psychologically telling you that buying this drink will make you feel energised.
  • 14. On this design I decided to focus on the ‘q’ in much more detail. Dropping it down was the first idea to make it look as if the letter itself was creating that hole, therefore implying it is waking you up by using extreme ways. Extreme advertising to reflect the extreme sports the target market take part in. The change in shape on the ‘q’ was created by going through the Edit tool bar on the top of a Photoshop document, going into transform and warp. I then chose the ‘Squeeze’ option on the letter. This is so it creates the impression that the drink is taking giving you every last drop of energy. I have also used the ‘Levels’ tool to help bring the colour out of the image more. This is to entice the audience as they are seeing more shades and it looks more aseptically pleasing
  • 15. In this design I wanted to try and portray a more sporty can. Using the wave type style of the image at the top can help give the audience the impression that it is indeed what they are looking for. The sporting aspect is shown in the name as well with the use of the wave type tool which is found under the warp and free transform tools. Having all the text and imagery moving gives the audience and potential buyer the impression that it could get them moving and give them that energy needed for their sporting activity. Raising ‘Wake’ up higher is important so it stays in line with the ‘q’ and is it vital the audience reads the drink in one word to gather the same understanding. Having the image higher up helps remove unwanted white space that appeared before.
  • 16. In this design I wanted to incorporate two aspects of danger and what is associated with the natural side of the world. This can help relate to the audience due to the fear factor which they face in the sports they take part in. The use of the fire not only helps fill in the white space that was there, but it also gives more detail to the can as well as making the name stand out more. In relation to the name, the colour code has been changed to match its surroundings. If this was to be part of a final design the other cans that would be made as part of the theme will change and vary in colour, however the positioning will remain the same as will the font of ‘Silom’
  • 17. Here I have started to explore different orientation. I have attempted to use the name on a landscape angle. Using an unusual style text position can help relate to the surreal themes. I Have also experimented by moving the elements of imagery. Swapping the Flame to the left and covering the letter ‘q’ can be a good way to show the shades together. However, I believe that having a portrait can styled text will work better due to the name being much more clear and does not make the young audience think too much about the energy drink. I do feel that the angle adds something different to the design, however I feel that there is too much colour at one side of the design and there needs to be an equal amount on each side, therefore the text should be going from left to right.
  • 18. *Not to Size* The idea of this basic flat plan is to show what exactly the can will contain on it. The size will be of a small nature, similar size to a regular Coke can. The collar and rear of the can will both be black. This is to keep in relation to the dark shades the design already has. The front will contain the image that has a slight tilt to it, rising higher at one side of the can. The Nutritional Information aspect will have the required numbers, however will try to keep it clear and concise to keep it relating to the target audience. The back of the can will be similar to the front, using the title and fonts in the same position. A slogan will also be used. (In the same font)
  • 19.
  • 20. I have decided to go for a more simplistic yet more relevant to the theme I want to get across to the audience. Using a stylised can such as that can be very visually pleasing to the buyer. This was created by selecting an image, importing it and then warping it over the template of the can. The warping tool was used again from the last design, however using it all over the can rather than a small section and the actual plain texture rather than an image. This look much more like an energy can you could see as it keeps to one style. The text to go the can will be of a similar colour to it but still keeping the same font as what will be in the advert.
  • 21. On the previous slide I used a slogan that I came up with in the idea generation stage for the script and text that could feature on the product. I believe that due to its simplicity it will interact more with the target audience, rather than something witty. The ‘Lift’ aspect is a theme running throughout the design and unit. The ‘Lift’ of energy you will receive. The previous slide is a flat plan of a possible design I could make during the design process. The use of the two colours, Orange and Black only go further to explain who the drink is aimed at. The orange as well as the fire help enhance the idea of danger, with the earthquake representing the name as well as implying that sort of disaster will happen if you do not purchase the drink. The slogan relate to this image and that of, if you consume the energy drink, you will ‘qWake Up’ and be given a lift, out of the natural disaster and given that extra sense of power and achievement ahead of others.
  • 22. Task 6: Advert Development Here I have taken a sourced image, I imported it into Photoshop through the Place tool found in ‘File’. I have used this image as it best explains what I want to get across to the audience and how I want the energy drink to be portrayed. Here I have taken a small screen Shot of the adding text process. I used the ‘T’ to first get the tool on the image. I then started typing the slogan I came up with in the pre production process, and then later changed the font to the same house style as the can (Silom) Later I then decided where to position it. After the text was chosen I wanted to incorporate the can itself. Using it underneath the the man jumping implies that this can is here to give you that extra push should you need it in order to reach your goal
  • 23. Here I have taken further screen shots of the post production techniques I am doing during this part of the unit. I used both the Levels and Saturation adjustment tools in order to manipulate the colour and shade of the image. After importing the image, it was not bringing the best colour out of the piece and in specific parts as well. For example, the added artificial light located near the can is important as it is drawing attention to it. Even though it has been altered to a low opacity, it is still a main part of the advert. The Levels are controlled by pressing The shift key and ‘L’ whereas the Saturation can be accessed by the shift key and ‘U’
  • 24. Here I have used the Warp tool to change the size of the image. This tool is created by selecting the main layer (Shift and T) then using the first tool on the left where the arrow is. This helped me enhance the energy drink underneath. Moving the cliff downwards gives more room for the drink to be seen. After the Warping has finished and you have stopped dragging the corners then you select the ‘Tick’ tool just to the right of the warp one. The purpose of the effect on this piece is that it helps give the impression that the person is now getting the required speed to make the jump over. This as well as the Slogan helps make the point clear.
  • 25. I feel this design is thinking too much of he theme for the design of the background and after ding more research I feel having a more simplistic background image can bring the energy drink out better. I feel that having an image of a person jumping and the slogan as well suggesting the same it may be very forceful to the audience and ultimately out them off. I liked the idea of warping the images to make them more surreal and unique, however finding an image that is in more relation to the theme can be better, something that is associated with both Earthquakes and giving you a lift but in a more subtle manner so it is psychologically inserted to the viewer. I feel as the target audience prefer a much darker shade, the colours used may not have been appropriate to who the product as aimed at. Looking though many Extreme sport adverts, I found out that all the drinks focused on the colour rather than the content itself. Having a simplistic font and background may be seen as a boring and less exciting but perhaps the target audience is more interested in what it can give them.
  • 26. Another idea for the Advert is that of using a background which relates to the theme and audience who is is aimed towards. As it is the first idea of the development stage it does not have the full content such as web links or social media sites. The font is the same on the packaging, however it has been made slightly lighter to blend in with the low opacity on the can template. I prefer this background as there is less happening and makes the can stand out more due to its sheer size and positioning. To bring the colour out of the can I wanted to use some natural aspect to relate to the brand name. Also, instead of having a slogan that suggests the lift you receive I feel having the background image in outer space can provide that in a more subtle way. The use of the new slogan is to suggest that the drink gives you a feeling that you can jump as high as you want and there is no limit to how far you set yourself.
  • 27. To create the extra brightness on the can I used the contrast tool found on the right hand side of the Photoshop document. This was found just above the layer sections. The idea behind this was to just enhance the product even more. As it this is just a first draft it is just the imagery and slogan I wanted to focuses on and later developing upon it. I like how the background of the advert shares the same theme as the product and that of an extreme style. The target audience will be enticed by this due to the loud manner, this is an exciting advert that makes you want to buy the drink. To develop this advert rather than the other design I would add some text to the bottom right including both Twitter and Facebook due to the age range targeted being of that demographic.
  • 28. Here I have developed further to the idea, I have decided on the background now, however I felt that alterations were needed for both the slogan and how it was portrayed. I wanted to include the name in the advert but through the slogan rather than take up more space on A3 promotional sheet. Incorporating it into the slogan now gives the reader the name of the brand as well as what it can offer you. Using the ‘twist’ tool after selecting the text was a good way to show the slogan off more than what is was doing. The advert was trying to get an exciting and vibrant brand across and plain orderly text was not showing that off enough, so tilting the text makes the drink look very intriguing now. The audience is that of young males who play extreme sports and I feel that this ad does target those, if not by the slogan then the imagery used.
  • 29. The use of the social networking sites being added to the bottom right now starts to put the advert in place and is shaping into a good way of promoting the energy drink. The image itself was chosen well because the light is spread out in one section of the piece so I was able to place place the energy drink and name of the can under the bright shade. Using the name in the title helps me place it over the product so it can be easily acknowledged. The can will be developed upon for later designs. I feel that the composition of the can was good due to being large enough to notice as well as not taking the attention away from the slogan. The use of the opacity tool helps bring the light through the can better and will be considered when the final product is placed in at a later time. The font colour was chosen to stay along the lines of the theme and shades chosen on the can itself. Having lighter tones again helps keep the piece together with the colour overlay supporting it to make sure it is still readable.
  • 30. I have changed to font to Comic Sans MS. This is because I felt that it suits the tone of the piece better and blends in well. I also kept a slight tilt to the text but decided to alter it slightly as it needs to be read still. I also imported the image again to make it better without any poor resolution. I then help the shift key whilst enlarging to retain the correct proportions.
  • 31. Here I have been adding the finishing touches to the design, that of using the ruler lines provided which can be found at the top and side of a Photoshop document. This helps me adjust the text so that it is of a professional standard. In relation to adjusting, I split the slogan up into two sections. This as so it can be easier to identify the product, having it in a different font and size. And also so it helps fill the white space on the right hand side of the image. Using similar colours for all the text but having a hierarchy in the size can help the viewer understand which parts are the main and most important and which are less so.
  • 32. Inspiration This swerve at the bottom from Coke is what inspired me to add something a little more creative to the advert, especially working with darker backgrounds. I also liked the minimal text and the idea that less is more applies here. The required content is included but the lack of any additional text is what I want to reflect in the product and hopefully the target audience will relate to. The buyer wants a drink that will give them the required energy to see them complete a sporting activity at a high standard. Having just enough energy in the drink can be seen with having just enough text in the advert, or just enough in the product itself. They are designed to let the audience know that no added preservatives are included. The use of the orange text on the dark background was something I felt worked to help show the product.
  • 33. Task 6: Final Advert
  • 34. Task 6: Advert Evaluation (Monday) You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 35. Task 7: Product Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your product packaging. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 36. Task 7: Final Packaging
  • 37. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 38. Task 8: Web Banner Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 39. Task 8: Final Web Banner
  • 40. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 41. Storyboard development Use this space to document your storyboard development. There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, the better your final piece of work.
  • 42. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 43. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.