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Energy Drink 
Name: Haris Shaikh
Overview of Product: Monster Energy 
The target audience for monster energy is Males ages 16-28. this is due to the fact that this is the most likely age range of 
people who would be interested in energy drinks or would have use for them. One of the reasons for this is the fact that 
monster energy gear towards extreme sports, and the majority of people who are interested or involved in extreme 
sports fall within this age range. 
The logo features the letter M which appears to be presented as if it was torn by a monsters claws. This carries 
connotations of energy and power in the way that it is depicted as being ripped or torn. 
The predominant colours are black and green. The green fits in with the whole ‘monster’ idea as when you think of 
monsters green is generally the first colour which you would associate with this. The green featured is a very bight, 
vibrant green adding to the overall ‘high-energy’ appearance of the product. The contrasting black is present because the 
drink is aimed at males and also because it makes the green appear to be even more vibrant. You would be hard pushed 
to find a drink which is presented in black if it were being aimed at a female audience. 
the appearance of the drink is extremely masculine. The text is presented in a rugged font and the primary colour of the 
can is black. Note the lack of detailing or pattern, this is done to reinforce the ideology that males are less interested in 
intricate designing which could be interpreted as more feminine. 
The website is made up of the two house colours associated with monster energy; green and black. The first thing which 
catches your eye is a large banner featuring photographs which alternate every few seconds. They include images of 
extreme sports such as motocross, rally racing, mountain biking etc. and also include seductive images of women posing 
with the words ‘Monster girls’ in large and ‘meet the models’ in a smaller font at the bottom 
Monster Energy is owned by the Monster Beverage Corporation (formerly known as Hansens Beverage Company). 
Shareholders agreed to change the name from Hansens Beverage Corporation to Monster Beverage Corporation on 5th of 
January 2012.
Analysis of advert 
The intended audience for the Monster Energy advertisements are definitely young males (ages 16-28). They mainly 
advertise through the use of sponsorships. The main category in which they sponsor would be extreme sports including 
skateboarding, motorsports, BMX, snowboarding etc. another way in which they advertise would be through music. They 
endorse many musicians such as asking alexandria, escape the fate, yelawolf, slash etc. 
The medium in which they do this in generally through the use of paying athletes to wear clothing which features the 
Monster logo and colours, or wrapping vehicles with the logo and painting them using the two primary colours which are 
used by Monster. 
The adverts generally consist of a large picture with very little text. This is due to the stereotype that the target audience 
would be pushed away by large blocks of writing and would be more drawn to the pictures themselves. The fonts are 
almost always presented in white or monsters house colour - green. The layout often includes a close-up of some sort of 
motorsport or extreme sport in action accompanied by a small amount of text. 
They then use still images from these sports which are often depicted in a way which suggests excitement and action. For 
example they often use still images taken of a car which is painted with the monster colours and has the monster logo 
presented on the car itself. Many of these images will depict the car ‘drifting’ round a corner with dirt flying out behind it 
or some other similar action packed activity. 
Some of the factors of persuasion which are present in monsters advertisement campaign include the use of star or 
expert endorsement. For example they will sponsor professional sports people which the viewer may admire or aspire to 
be like. Another way in which they may try to persuade the viewer is through the use of reward. They will claim or 
suggest that if you drink their energy drink you will be able to achieve things that otherwise you would not be able to do. 
This links in directly with the endorsement which they do with sports people. Subconsciously it suggests that you will be 
able to achieve what they can if you drink monster because they do, whereas in reality it is not due to this at all but 
because they are generally good at what they do, even before they drank monster.
Overview of Product: Powerade 
Powerade is aimed at quite a specific market. The market which it targets is the sport drink industry. The drink itself is 
designed for use with sports and contains many minerals and electrolytes which are lost in sweat. 
In 2009 they renamed it Powerade ION4. this new version contains a formulation of four key electrolytes in the same 
ratio which you typically lose in sweat. 
In 2002 they even modified the bottles which Powerade came in to a ‘sport-grip’ bottle, which allowed athletes to handle 
the product more easily. This reinforces the idea that it is a sport drink. 
Also the name ‘Powerade’ helps suggest that it gives you power as it is common for drinks to end with ‘ade’ (lemonade, 
cherryade and even rival sports drink Gatorade) and it usually follows the type/flavour of drink it is. They have made use 
of this and created the name Powerade which suggests that the drink gives you power. 
Additionally the colour of the actual drink itself is often very bright and vivid which suggests high energy. 
The Powerade logo is not hugely significant in itself. the logo varies throughout different countries but it generally focuses 
on the word ’Powerade’. Often the logo suggest movement, sometimes it appears as a wavey letter P suggesting 
movement, sometimes it is just the word Powerade atop an arrow. Everything about this drink is aimed at sport. 
The word itself is featured in capitals and a bold, block font, it is quite formal and has an almost medical appearance. It is 
simple and to the point and carries connotations of the medical/technological sort of industry. 
The corporate colours are black and blue. The blue is a very bright electric blue which coincides with the most popular 
flavour, which is the same colour. Often the word Powerade is surrounded by the blue colour which radiates from the 
edge of the letters to give a glowing appearance. 
The overall appearance of the product if very direct and to the point. It features basic block colours and writing and has 
an almost medical feel to it. It does this by saying things such as ‘advanced electrolyte system’ and lists which vitamins it 
includes. The label design is very simple and is not as busy as a lot of other drinks. 
The website carries the same connotations as the product itself. It features the same house colours and basic design with 
the radiating blue throughout. The blue colour is made up of a honeycomb sort of pattern which adds to the whole high-tech, 
scientific feel of the brand. The first thing that you notice when visiting the website is a large banner which features 
well-known athletes. This is a type of celebrity endorsement but features experts as opposed to celebrities due to the 
nature of the product. 
The brand is owned by the Coca-cola company. Their main rival is PepsiCo, which also produce their main rival in the 
sports drink industry; Gatorade.
Analysis of advert 
The intended audience for the advert I have chosen is male football fans. The reason I say this is 
because the advert features a famous footballer playing football. They insinuate that if you drink 
Powerade you will perform better than you would as opposed to drinking water. 
The medium for this advert is moving image. It is an advert which is likely to be featured on TV as well 
as on websites such as YouTube. 
The colours featured in the advert are quite dark and gloomy, providing a mysterious overall feel to the 
advert. The background is very misty further adding to this. Note that the overall colour of the advert 
has a blue hue to it, which is done to associate it with the drink (which has a blue house colour). The 
imagery includes the footballer taking shots at a goal and scoring, this carries connotations of power. 
The content of the advert is essentially a famous footballer who is depicted as playing a version of 
himself in a 1v1 match, but one drinks Powerade and the other drinks water. The one which drinks 
Powerade wins the first challenge and scores, which is followed by the one which drinks water 
managing to score a goal. Immediately after this the one which drinks Powerade manages to win a 
challenge from his opponent by using an element of skill to kick the ball behind him over his head 
where he then meets the ball with a volley, resulting in another goal for the one which consumed 
The one which consumed Powerade then helps the other up and hands him a bottle of the product in a 
patronising way. 
The advert ends with a close up of a sports bag which it zooms into to reveal a bottle of Powerade, and 
the quote ‘sports kit for your insides’ 
The factors of persuasion which are included in this advert is the fact that it insinuates that you will fail 
if you choose not to drink Powerade. It also helps persuade you due to the fact that it features Wayne 
Rooney who is a well-known successful footballer which might make the reader want to consume as 
they may aspire to be like him or they may think that he is successful because he drinks Powerade.
Overview of Product: Red Bull 
The target audience for red bull is mostly young males (ages 16-29). The way in which they target their audience is largely 
through the use of extreme sports. They are involved in a huge range of sports from skateboarding, to racing and even 
mountain climbing. 
They sponsor teams and events that are associated with the type of people they target, for example, they have a Red Bull 
Racing team, and they sponsor the world Rally Car Championships. This costs Red Bull $30 million each year, as they 
devote $100 million to it but only receive a revenue of $70 million as a result. 
They have also bought a football team in Austria (the country from which the brand originates) and another in New 
They also have a secondary target audience that is slightly different. It is older people, aged 30-45 who come from all 
walks of life, be it a businessman needing something to wake him up in a morning or a delivery man who needs that extra 
The logo features two bulls which appear to be charging at one another with a yellow circle in the background. The colour 
of the bull is red which obviously relates to the name of the product. The reason the bulls are challenging one another is 
to connote power. 
Red Bull’s corporate colours are red, yellow and blue. When they sponsor something such as racing it is most common to 
have the charging bull and then the yellow circle near the head. Note they do not use the two bulls charging at each 
other but instead use just one. 
The website is very professional and well laid out. The first thing that you notice is a large banner across the top of the 
screen which features an image, usually of some kind of sport. They have a band at the top which contains hyperlinks to 
other sections of the website. It contains links to bike, motorsport, music, games, esports, discover, snow and then a type 
entitled more, which has a drop down menu of even more. 
As you scroll down they have information on upcoming and recent events as well as other important information. The 
website is very easy to navigate and find what you are looking for, and if you’re just browsing there is surely something 
which may interest you. 
Red Bull is owned by an Austrian company named Red Bull GmbH. Dietrich Mateschitz funded the company after visiting 
Thailand in 1984. he found that a drink named Krating Daeng help him recover from jet lag. He then developed it to suite 
westerners tastes and red bull was born.
Analysis of advert: 
The intended audience for the advert which I analysed is young males, ages 16-28. the reason I say this 
is that the advert is very energetic and many of the people which are included in the advert fit this 
target audience. 
The medium of the advert is moving image. You would expect to see this kind of advert on TV or to 
appear before a video on a site like YouTube. This is due to the fact that this sort of area is the type of 
place where the intended audience may come into contact with the advert. 
the clips are very short and blend into each other to create the overall effect seen. The colours are 
generally very bright and the clips contain a lot of movement and emotion. They make use of imagery to 
provoke an emotional response in the reader. The use a short clip of a cityscape to appeal to the 
younger ‘urban’ target audience and this combined with the idealistic clips from concerts and extreme 
sporting events appeal to their target audience in a very clever way 
It contains lots of short clips which feature a lot of extreme sports and clips which involve music. The 
advert contains virtually no text apart from ad the end where it says ‘Welcome to the world of Red Bull’ 
which zooms out and then shows a can of Red Bull along with the quote ‘gives you wings’. 
The factors of persuasion involved are the use of icons or celebrities in the advert. This makes the 
viewer think that they have achieved what they have through the use and consumption of Red Bull.
Overview of Product: scheckters organic energy 
The target market for this product is a more health conscious, upmarket, older person. It is also more feminine than the 
vast majority of other energy drinks. It features many different stamps from from organisations such as fair trade, organic 
soil association, the vegetarian society etc. 
The can itself is a lot more minimalistic and simple than many others, and the fonts are not overly complicated. It 
features quotes such as ‘powered by nature’. 
One of their main design points is a sort of checklist which has ticks for it positive aspects and crosses for the negative 
aspects which it has combated and doesn’t contain. For example it has ticks for; stay sharp, raise your game and ultimate 
exercise partner. It has crosses where it states no taurine, no refined sugars and no artificial ingredients. 
The logo features the words ‘Scheckter’s Organic Energy’ with is followed by their motto ‘powered by nature’. To the left 
of the word ‘scheckter’s’ is a leaf, which makes the reader associate the product with nature and wellbeing. 
The corporate colours are white, which suggests innocence. Green which suggests nature. And red which carries 
connotations of energy. The majority of the can is white with the word organic being green and the work energy being 
red. This goes perfectly with the associated feeling and emotions which the colours represent. 
The look of the actual product is very innocent and not as hectic as many other energy drink brands (think rockstar and 
monster) the can itself is presented in a slender can which has a matte sort of texture, which is unusual compared to the 
glossy feel of most canned drinks. You can tell the product is more upmarket as it is not cheaply made (both the can and 
the product which the can contains) the actual drink itself is manufactured to FairTrade standards and they have done 
many things which they could have done cheaper but instead they have decided not to due to them targeting a niche in 
the market 
The website correlates directly to their innocent and natural approach. The background shows green grass and a blue sky, 
with a multicultural group of males and females jumping in the air with their hands raised, all looking happy. One of the 
main aspects of the website is a chart-like feature. On the left under a header saying 100% in a large bold font it states 
that the product is; all natural, all organic, 100% vegetarian, FairTrade certified, certified energy drink, informed choice 
and informed sports approved. On the right under the same sort of header but instead saying 0% is; no synthetic caffeine, 
no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colourants, no artificial flavourings, no preservatives and no toxic chemicals 
Toby Scheckter is the person who owns and founded the company. He was raised on an organic farm run by his family in 
England. He states that it was involvement in day-to-day activities on this farm that provided him with a deep 
understanding and appreciation for the process involved in organic produce.
Analysis of advert: 
The intended audience for the promotional video which I am analysing is definitely aimed at an upper-class 
market. The target audience is both male and female. The reason I say this is because the video 
features attractive women holding the product, which obviously will catch a male viewers attention, but 
it is not strictly aimed a males. The fact that they feature women in the video also means that it appeals 
to a female audience as they may aspire to be like the women in the video. 
The medium of this advert is moving image and is likely to be distributed via social media and is 
featured on the popular video sharing site YouTube. 
The video itself is well presented and features clips of obviously wealthy and attractive young people 
drinking the drink at a beach party of some sort, as well as picturesque clips of yachts and things such as 
the sun setting. It also connotes wealth through the use of things such as jet ski’s, speed boats etc. the 
video has been very well shot and edited to create an executive feel. It shows many people pouring and 
consuming the drink as well as bars with the drink stocked. Its very sunny and appears as if it’s a holiday 
or something out of a movie. 
The factors of persuasion which are included involve the use of showing attractive and wealthy people 
consuming the drink and generally having a good time at a luxury beach party. This makes the viewer 
aspire to be involved with such events and the way the video is portrayed suggests that you can achieve 
this by getting involved with the brand.

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task 1

  • 1. Energy Drink Research Name: Haris Shaikh
  • 2. Overview of Product: Monster Energy The target audience for monster energy is Males ages 16-28. this is due to the fact that this is the most likely age range of people who would be interested in energy drinks or would have use for them. One of the reasons for this is the fact that monster energy gear towards extreme sports, and the majority of people who are interested or involved in extreme sports fall within this age range. The logo features the letter M which appears to be presented as if it was torn by a monsters claws. This carries connotations of energy and power in the way that it is depicted as being ripped or torn. The predominant colours are black and green. The green fits in with the whole ‘monster’ idea as when you think of monsters green is generally the first colour which you would associate with this. The green featured is a very bight, vibrant green adding to the overall ‘high-energy’ appearance of the product. The contrasting black is present because the drink is aimed at males and also because it makes the green appear to be even more vibrant. You would be hard pushed to find a drink which is presented in black if it were being aimed at a female audience. the appearance of the drink is extremely masculine. The text is presented in a rugged font and the primary colour of the can is black. Note the lack of detailing or pattern, this is done to reinforce the ideology that males are less interested in intricate designing which could be interpreted as more feminine. The website is made up of the two house colours associated with monster energy; green and black. The first thing which catches your eye is a large banner featuring photographs which alternate every few seconds. They include images of extreme sports such as motocross, rally racing, mountain biking etc. and also include seductive images of women posing with the words ‘Monster girls’ in large and ‘meet the models’ in a smaller font at the bottom Monster Energy is owned by the Monster Beverage Corporation (formerly known as Hansens Beverage Company). Shareholders agreed to change the name from Hansens Beverage Corporation to Monster Beverage Corporation on 5th of January 2012.
  • 3. Analysis of advert The intended audience for the Monster Energy advertisements are definitely young males (ages 16-28). They mainly advertise through the use of sponsorships. The main category in which they sponsor would be extreme sports including skateboarding, motorsports, BMX, snowboarding etc. another way in which they advertise would be through music. They endorse many musicians such as asking alexandria, escape the fate, yelawolf, slash etc. The medium in which they do this in generally through the use of paying athletes to wear clothing which features the Monster logo and colours, or wrapping vehicles with the logo and painting them using the two primary colours which are used by Monster. The adverts generally consist of a large picture with very little text. This is due to the stereotype that the target audience would be pushed away by large blocks of writing and would be more drawn to the pictures themselves. The fonts are almost always presented in white or monsters house colour - green. The layout often includes a close-up of some sort of motorsport or extreme sport in action accompanied by a small amount of text. They then use still images from these sports which are often depicted in a way which suggests excitement and action. For example they often use still images taken of a car which is painted with the monster colours and has the monster logo presented on the car itself. Many of these images will depict the car ‘drifting’ round a corner with dirt flying out behind it or some other similar action packed activity. Some of the factors of persuasion which are present in monsters advertisement campaign include the use of star or expert endorsement. For example they will sponsor professional sports people which the viewer may admire or aspire to be like. Another way in which they may try to persuade the viewer is through the use of reward. They will claim or suggest that if you drink their energy drink you will be able to achieve things that otherwise you would not be able to do. This links in directly with the endorsement which they do with sports people. Subconsciously it suggests that you will be able to achieve what they can if you drink monster because they do, whereas in reality it is not due to this at all but because they are generally good at what they do, even before they drank monster.
  • 4. Overview of Product: Powerade Powerade is aimed at quite a specific market. The market which it targets is the sport drink industry. The drink itself is designed for use with sports and contains many minerals and electrolytes which are lost in sweat. In 2009 they renamed it Powerade ION4. this new version contains a formulation of four key electrolytes in the same ratio which you typically lose in sweat. In 2002 they even modified the bottles which Powerade came in to a ‘sport-grip’ bottle, which allowed athletes to handle the product more easily. This reinforces the idea that it is a sport drink. Also the name ‘Powerade’ helps suggest that it gives you power as it is common for drinks to end with ‘ade’ (lemonade, cherryade and even rival sports drink Gatorade) and it usually follows the type/flavour of drink it is. They have made use of this and created the name Powerade which suggests that the drink gives you power. Additionally the colour of the actual drink itself is often very bright and vivid which suggests high energy. The Powerade logo is not hugely significant in itself. the logo varies throughout different countries but it generally focuses on the word ’Powerade’. Often the logo suggest movement, sometimes it appears as a wavey letter P suggesting movement, sometimes it is just the word Powerade atop an arrow. Everything about this drink is aimed at sport. The word itself is featured in capitals and a bold, block font, it is quite formal and has an almost medical appearance. It is simple and to the point and carries connotations of the medical/technological sort of industry. The corporate colours are black and blue. The blue is a very bright electric blue which coincides with the most popular flavour, which is the same colour. Often the word Powerade is surrounded by the blue colour which radiates from the edge of the letters to give a glowing appearance. The overall appearance of the product if very direct and to the point. It features basic block colours and writing and has an almost medical feel to it. It does this by saying things such as ‘advanced electrolyte system’ and lists which vitamins it includes. The label design is very simple and is not as busy as a lot of other drinks. The website carries the same connotations as the product itself. It features the same house colours and basic design with the radiating blue throughout. The blue colour is made up of a honeycomb sort of pattern which adds to the whole high-tech, scientific feel of the brand. The first thing that you notice when visiting the website is a large banner which features well-known athletes. This is a type of celebrity endorsement but features experts as opposed to celebrities due to the nature of the product. The brand is owned by the Coca-cola company. Their main rival is PepsiCo, which also produce their main rival in the sports drink industry; Gatorade.
  • 5.
  • 6. Analysis of advert The intended audience for the advert I have chosen is male football fans. The reason I say this is because the advert features a famous footballer playing football. They insinuate that if you drink Powerade you will perform better than you would as opposed to drinking water. The medium for this advert is moving image. It is an advert which is likely to be featured on TV as well as on websites such as YouTube. The colours featured in the advert are quite dark and gloomy, providing a mysterious overall feel to the advert. The background is very misty further adding to this. Note that the overall colour of the advert has a blue hue to it, which is done to associate it with the drink (which has a blue house colour). The imagery includes the footballer taking shots at a goal and scoring, this carries connotations of power. The content of the advert is essentially a famous footballer who is depicted as playing a version of himself in a 1v1 match, but one drinks Powerade and the other drinks water. The one which drinks Powerade wins the first challenge and scores, which is followed by the one which drinks water managing to score a goal. Immediately after this the one which drinks Powerade manages to win a challenge from his opponent by using an element of skill to kick the ball behind him over his head where he then meets the ball with a volley, resulting in another goal for the one which consumed Powerade. The one which consumed Powerade then helps the other up and hands him a bottle of the product in a patronising way. The advert ends with a close up of a sports bag which it zooms into to reveal a bottle of Powerade, and the quote ‘sports kit for your insides’ The factors of persuasion which are included in this advert is the fact that it insinuates that you will fail if you choose not to drink Powerade. It also helps persuade you due to the fact that it features Wayne Rooney who is a well-known successful footballer which might make the reader want to consume as they may aspire to be like him or they may think that he is successful because he drinks Powerade.
  • 7. Overview of Product: Red Bull The target audience for red bull is mostly young males (ages 16-29). The way in which they target their audience is largely through the use of extreme sports. They are involved in a huge range of sports from skateboarding, to racing and even mountain climbing. They sponsor teams and events that are associated with the type of people they target, for example, they have a Red Bull Racing team, and they sponsor the world Rally Car Championships. This costs Red Bull $30 million each year, as they devote $100 million to it but only receive a revenue of $70 million as a result. They have also bought a football team in Austria (the country from which the brand originates) and another in New Jersey. They also have a secondary target audience that is slightly different. It is older people, aged 30-45 who come from all walks of life, be it a businessman needing something to wake him up in a morning or a delivery man who needs that extra boost. The logo features two bulls which appear to be charging at one another with a yellow circle in the background. The colour of the bull is red which obviously relates to the name of the product. The reason the bulls are challenging one another is to connote power. Red Bull’s corporate colours are red, yellow and blue. When they sponsor something such as racing it is most common to have the charging bull and then the yellow circle near the head. Note they do not use the two bulls charging at each other but instead use just one. The website is very professional and well laid out. The first thing that you notice is a large banner across the top of the screen which features an image, usually of some kind of sport. They have a band at the top which contains hyperlinks to other sections of the website. It contains links to bike, motorsport, music, games, esports, discover, snow and then a type entitled more, which has a drop down menu of even more. As you scroll down they have information on upcoming and recent events as well as other important information. The website is very easy to navigate and find what you are looking for, and if you’re just browsing there is surely something which may interest you. Red Bull is owned by an Austrian company named Red Bull GmbH. Dietrich Mateschitz funded the company after visiting Thailand in 1984. he found that a drink named Krating Daeng help him recover from jet lag. He then developed it to suite westerners tastes and red bull was born.
  • 8. Analysis of advert: The intended audience for the advert which I analysed is young males, ages 16-28. the reason I say this is that the advert is very energetic and many of the people which are included in the advert fit this target audience. The medium of the advert is moving image. You would expect to see this kind of advert on TV or to appear before a video on a site like YouTube. This is due to the fact that this sort of area is the type of place where the intended audience may come into contact with the advert. the clips are very short and blend into each other to create the overall effect seen. The colours are generally very bright and the clips contain a lot of movement and emotion. They make use of imagery to provoke an emotional response in the reader. The use a short clip of a cityscape to appeal to the younger ‘urban’ target audience and this combined with the idealistic clips from concerts and extreme sporting events appeal to their target audience in a very clever way It contains lots of short clips which feature a lot of extreme sports and clips which involve music. The advert contains virtually no text apart from ad the end where it says ‘Welcome to the world of Red Bull’ which zooms out and then shows a can of Red Bull along with the quote ‘gives you wings’. The factors of persuasion involved are the use of icons or celebrities in the advert. This makes the viewer think that they have achieved what they have through the use and consumption of Red Bull.
  • 9. Overview of Product: scheckters organic energy The target market for this product is a more health conscious, upmarket, older person. It is also more feminine than the vast majority of other energy drinks. It features many different stamps from from organisations such as fair trade, organic soil association, the vegetarian society etc. The can itself is a lot more minimalistic and simple than many others, and the fonts are not overly complicated. It features quotes such as ‘powered by nature’. One of their main design points is a sort of checklist which has ticks for it positive aspects and crosses for the negative aspects which it has combated and doesn’t contain. For example it has ticks for; stay sharp, raise your game and ultimate exercise partner. It has crosses where it states no taurine, no refined sugars and no artificial ingredients. The logo features the words ‘Scheckter’s Organic Energy’ with is followed by their motto ‘powered by nature’. To the left of the word ‘scheckter’s’ is a leaf, which makes the reader associate the product with nature and wellbeing. The corporate colours are white, which suggests innocence. Green which suggests nature. And red which carries connotations of energy. The majority of the can is white with the word organic being green and the work energy being red. This goes perfectly with the associated feeling and emotions which the colours represent. The look of the actual product is very innocent and not as hectic as many other energy drink brands (think rockstar and monster) the can itself is presented in a slender can which has a matte sort of texture, which is unusual compared to the glossy feel of most canned drinks. You can tell the product is more upmarket as it is not cheaply made (both the can and the product which the can contains) the actual drink itself is manufactured to FairTrade standards and they have done many things which they could have done cheaper but instead they have decided not to due to them targeting a niche in the market The website correlates directly to their innocent and natural approach. The background shows green grass and a blue sky, with a multicultural group of males and females jumping in the air with their hands raised, all looking happy. One of the main aspects of the website is a chart-like feature. On the left under a header saying 100% in a large bold font it states that the product is; all natural, all organic, 100% vegetarian, FairTrade certified, certified energy drink, informed choice and informed sports approved. On the right under the same sort of header but instead saying 0% is; no synthetic caffeine, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colourants, no artificial flavourings, no preservatives and no toxic chemicals Toby Scheckter is the person who owns and founded the company. He was raised on an organic farm run by his family in England. He states that it was involvement in day-to-day activities on this farm that provided him with a deep understanding and appreciation for the process involved in organic produce.
  • 10. Analysis of advert: The intended audience for the promotional video which I am analysing is definitely aimed at an upper-class market. The target audience is both male and female. The reason I say this is because the video features attractive women holding the product, which obviously will catch a male viewers attention, but it is not strictly aimed a males. The fact that they feature women in the video also means that it appeals to a female audience as they may aspire to be like the women in the video. The medium of this advert is moving image and is likely to be distributed via social media and is featured on the popular video sharing site YouTube. The video itself is well presented and features clips of obviously wealthy and attractive young people drinking the drink at a beach party of some sort, as well as picturesque clips of yachts and things such as the sun setting. It also connotes wealth through the use of things such as jet ski’s, speed boats etc. the video has been very well shot and edited to create an executive feel. It shows many people pouring and consuming the drink as well as bars with the drink stocked. Its very sunny and appears as if it’s a holiday or something out of a movie. The factors of persuasion which are included involve the use of showing attractive and wealthy people consuming the drink and generally having a good time at a luxury beach party. This makes the viewer aspire to be involved with such events and the way the video is portrayed suggests that you can achieve this by getting involved with the brand.