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Task 1
• You will critically evaluate the qualities necessary for effective 
factual communication in print products with supporting arguments 
and elucidated examples, and consistently using subject 
terminology correctly. 
• You will look at a wide range of different factual products and pieces 
of writing and show how and why the techniques have been used. 
• You should critically evaluate the use of supporting illustrations and 
diagrams as well as typography choices. 
• You should discuss in detail the need for clarity, conciseness, 
accuracy, avoidance of ambiguity, bias, register, evidencing of 
argument, referencing sources, legal constraints and codes of 
How to guide 
A how to guide is a piece of factual copywriting which tells you how to go about doing something. This can include a large variety 
of things such as how to bake a cake, how to compose yourself in an interview and how to play an instrument. These guides 
will usually be clear and simple, step by step guides, giving information on the basics of this task. They will usually include 
illustrations or diagrams, making it easier for people to understand. The language and register these how to guides can vary, 
but usually they are very laid back, yet the information is still written with simple and clear words that everyone can 
understand and make sense of. How to guides have to be clear in their typography, they have bold headings and will usually 
have diagrams or pictures, informing the reader in a different way, which compliments the text along with it. Because these 
are telling people what to do they must be clear but also accurate or the producer could run into trouble is the information 
on this is false. 
In this how to guide, it is telling you how to take photos which look 
professional and help the reader improve their photography skills. The first 
thing I am going to evaluate is the factual communication this how to guide 
has with its reader, and how it creates this relationship with them. The way 
the how to guide uses it register is in a semi-formal way. The text is formal, 
but also friendly. It does this by using formal words with a friendly tone, 
such as how the text is using formal words which are quite technical, like 
“diverging, wide-angle view, and over warm colour balance”, but then the 
piece is made more personal by referring to someone else's name, in this 
instance the persons name is Paul. This makes the reader feel more at ease 
and less intimidated by the guide and the technical aspects of it. The 
information in the how to guide is very clear in its words but not as concise 
as it could be, the information could use less technical, long words to help 
prevent confusion. But the accuracy of this how to guide is good and 
detailed this means there is no ambiguously about this how to guide. 
The colours in the typography have been kept very simple, all the text is white, 
apart from the page number, which is in yellow. This is to make the page 
number stand out against the rest of the text, so it doesn’t blend in with the 
rest of the text, so this is not so confusing, even though the difference is subtle, 
the guide is trying to look sophisticated and sleek. The text is mostly in a classic, 
serif font. The headings for the text doesn’t change apart from the size, where 
it enlarges a couple of sizes to make it stand out and look like it is a heading of a 
paragraph and a new piece of information. I think that the headings should be 
made more obvious and clear, by making them underlined or bolder. The text is 
small, and I would argue that for a how to guide that it is too small for this kind 
of information, to be able to pick out small areas of information quickly, the 
text is too small to read quickly.
How to guide 
Here in the how to guide there is pictures to accompany the 
text. The pictures are an outcome of the information that has 
been given in the how to guide, an example of what your 
photos could be like if you follow this guide. These photo 
outcomes are made more believable because of the names 
the guide has given to the photos, so they had an identity, 
that a normal, inexperienced person can take these photos, 
like Sarah Arnold took the top photo, and there is a quote 
from her to back up how easy it is to learn how to take photos 
like this. The photos are also accompanied by the kind of 
camera and settings that were used on this photo, things like 
aperture setting, shutter speed. The setout of the photos is 
showing one main photo, which is made obvious by the size 
and largeness of it, then 2 other smaller alternative photos.
Leaflets are a piece of factual text that inform the reader on a certain subject. 
These are usually very informative but also one sided and bias, so even though 
the facts may be accurate, both sides of the argument of the subject are not 
being put forward. These leaflets are usually very clear in their text and in the 
way they are set out, making sure they are easy to read. Leaflets also have 
concise information, so it is straight to the point, usually listed and bullet 
pointed, with main facts highlighted in some way, making sure there is no 
ambiguities. Leaflets will usually use photos or illustrations to break up the text, 
so it is more interesting to read. The leaflets usually stick to a theme, with a 
certain font and colour, which is clear and easy to read, and gives off a friendly 
feeling. In this leaflet it gives you information about the Green Party policies on 
animals. The register in which this leaflet comes across to the reader is semi-formal, 
it doesn’t use any heavy, long, inappropriate language, but instead uses 
simple language that everyone would be able to understand. The way it also 
addresses the reader is in an almost desperate way, desperate for the justice of 
animal suffering. They also make the leaflet more personal by putting a face to 
the words and facts, they include a picture of Caroline Lucas who is an MP for 
the Green Party, which talks to the reader and makes them feel like they know 
who is behind this leaflet. Because this is a factual leaflet there are facts and 
numbers about animal slaughter, a fact is ‘850 million animals are slaughtered 
for food every year’. Even though this is a detailed fact which doesn’t have any 
ambiguities, it still may not be accurate are there are no references to sources 
to where this fact was figured out, the same goes for a lot of the number facts 
on here, which makes it questionable whether it is a fact, and that it could not 
be accurate. With this leaflet it is very bias and The Green Party is a left wing 
political party, so they are going to push all their side opinions and blank any 
other opinion, so this leaflet doesn’t include any other opinion for any other 
political party. The leaflet is essentially an argument about what they think is 
right and correct, and their argument had evidence and is backed up by morals 
and shocking facts and numbers, for example 1.6 million animals were used in 
experiments and 92% of these experiments fail human tests. To make this 
argument stronger the leaflet should reference where the information was 
collected from.
The typography in this leaflet is very simple and clear. The font is a thick, easy to 
read, san-serif font. The san serif font makes it look more modern and up-to-date. 
The fonts are broken up into headings, important text and normal text. 
The headings are either green or white with a green background, these are 
also a larger sized and are in bold, the green squares around the white 
headings make for a underline type of style, so these break up the different 
sections and create some structure. Some parts of the text has been made into 
bold, which makes it stand out and easier to pick out against the other text, 
this also tells the reader that this piece of information is important and can be 
read without the rest of the context around it and it will make sense. The 
colours used are green, white and then black for the font. These simple colours 
look clean and fresh and not overbearing. The green reflects the leaflet and 
what it is about, it being about animals and the environment, which the colour 
is related to organic products and nature. The leaflet is made to look clean, 
sharp and straight to the point. I think that a change of font throughout the 
leaflet like changing the headings to a different font that has a more natural 
and organic feeling about it. 
To illustrate this leaflet picture have been used to accompany the text and subject 
body. The pictures used have been put in certain places to get a certain point 
across, having different kind of subject matters in the pictures depending on 
the text. So on the front of the leaflet, there are pictures of happy and healthy 
animals, these are surrounding the green party logo, so the read associates the 
green party with happy animals. Then in the leaflet the pictures are more 
graphic and disturbing, showing pictures of animals in distress. These pictures 
are put in the leaflet to support the point they’re making, showing that there is 
evidence of their facts.
Instruction Manual 
An instruction manual is a piece of factual writing, it is usually in a booklet. An instruction manual is something that contains 
information on how to build something, working something or take something down, for example, how to build a wardrobe, 
how to work your new phone or how to keep your car working. Instruction manuals can have information about a product 
like a car, like where certain parts are like the oil compartment or how to build a wardrobe from a flat pack. Manuals will 
usually contain some sort of illustrations to accompany the information, making the information easier to understand. The 
information is usually detailed and long with some specific words associated with the subject of the manuals. The 
typography in instruction manuals is usually very plain and very simple, black small, simple font on a white background, with 
underlined bits of text breaking up the sections. Because of the amount of detailed information being given, where the 
information is very important, it has to be very simple and clear, where it has to be accurate and have no ambiguity. Also the 
register in these are usually formal to make it feel more important and it would also be easy to understand for everyone. 
This is a instruction manual for how to fit a baby seat into a car. With this piece of factual 
text the way the register the reader is in a very formal, sharp way, to give the reader the 
understanding that is is imperative that this is how the baby seat is fitted. Formal words 
are used like do not instead of don’t. The register is also quite broken up and short in its 
sentences. This makes it easier for the reader to follow each step of the manual at a time, 
this makes this manual concise and straight to the point, which is important because the 
reader doesn’t want to waste time and get bored, so they will be less likely to follow the 
instructions which could potentially be dangerous. This also accurate which is also 
important, as for this car seat they make it clear this can only be done one way which is 
the only safe way. To avoid ambiguity even more the text is paired with numbers, which 
then match up to the different illustrations to make sure the reader knows exactly what 
to do. This manuals writing has to be accurate up to a point where it passes codes of 
practice like the the motor industry codes of practice and the DVLA codes of practice, 
strict ones that deal with children’s safety when in a car. If these are not followed and the 
information on the child’s seat is wrong or not following codes of practice this means the 
company who is responsible for it could face legal actions.
Instruction manual 
In this instruction manual the layout is very simple and clear to understand. 
The font is a san serif which is small for it to all be able to fit in the 
same area on the page, which is important when the manual is being 
used and being read the reader doesn’t want to have to keep swapping 
pages. Some of typography is highlighted in bold, this sticks out of the 
page and against the other texting, making it obvious that this 
information is very important. The headings for the different sections 
of the manual look different from the actual informational text. It is a 
larger size font and also more spread across the page rather than the 
letters being more squished together. The simple layout of the black 
and white look professional, it also looks like the information is being 
taken seriously and like the reader can trust it. 
The illustrations on this manual are drawn and they are very detailed. They 
are showing how to perform each step of the written instructions. This 
is made even more obvious by the numbers that are floating above 
each picture, the number 1, 2, 3 etc relates to step 1, 2, 3 which is 
written next to it, these numbers act like a key where they are matched 
up. On the illustrations there is a second colour from black, pink is also 
used as a highlighting colour, used for arrows and important parts of 
the removal of a seat pad, for example in picture 7 the seat cover is 
pink, making it more clear where the seat cover is rather than having 
confusing black lines everywhere. The pictures are there as a 
supporting aid to the writing, just incase the reader can not understand 
how to change the seat just with the writing.
Newspapers are a compilation of different articles written by different journalists. The standard thing for a newspaper to deliver is a non-bias, accurate story. 
Some newspapers focus on different things, for example a local newspaper like the Selby Times will have articles about things that people have 
achieved in the local area, like school students, events that have happened and maybe some local crime stories. Then bigger newspaper companies like 
the independent and the daily mail focus on issues that are going on around the world, the most relevant news that is trending. Even though 
newspapers are supposed to be accurate and non-bias usually that’s the way they are not. For example the Daily Mail has shown a very bias leaning 
towards the right wing politics parties, and are very against immigrants and migrants. Other newspapers also twist stories making them not accurate in 
some cases newspapers have been taken to court because of the false and harmful information that they release. The set out for newspapers has a 
basic standard, on the front page there is a giant heading which will be something that is worded in a way to catch people’s attention. The front page 
heading is Usually the largest size and the font it is in is a serif font, because this is a traditional style that has always been used in the newspaper 
industry, then the set out will be there is the article underneath the large heading. The story if it is the most important or relevant will be accompanied 
by a photo to help illustrate the story or put a face to the people in the story. 
This newspaper is a front page of the the Daily Mail. The register in this newspaper 
would be expected to be formal, but actually it isn’t and you can tell this straight away 
by the use of a contraction in the heading, straight away there is an informality of using 
‘can’t’ instead of can not. Then underneath the title there is a subheading that adds 
some attitude to this paper, this line is ‘and yes, you can blame human rights again’ 
which almost seems to want to create some atmosphere of tension and like the writer 
wants to get the reader on one side, to blame someone and create an argument, so 
straight away you can see that this newspaper is controversial and this isn’t always a 
good thing. The way they have also worded their heading shows that they are bias, bias 
against foreign people in Britain as they make a deal and seem more disgusted at the 
fact that the murderers and rapists are from a different country rather than their 
crimes. The accuracy of this paper is questionable after the bias shown, as they are only 
going to mention information that backs up their article, leaving other important 
information out, and no mention of any sources in the article just a vague stab at 
‘human rights’ whoever that is being directed at. The newspaper is also written in an 
ambiguous way, so the reader will read it in a way which will work in the papers favor. 
This article is all to rile up the reader and to create an argument, the most prominent 
evidence of this argument would be the sub-heading, blaming someone, which is the 
basis for an argument. This newspaper must follow codes of practice . Here you can see that this paper may be 
breaking codes of practice, which means legal actions can take place, legal actions 
would be taken through the press complaints commission.
The layout of this newspaper is very standard to every other newspaper out 
there. There is a large heading on the front page, this is worded in a way to make 
it seem interesting, controversial and so that it grabs people’s attention. The font 
for the heading is very large and in a serif font, it nearly takes up the whole page, 
then underneath the actual story/article is in a lot smaller text, this is in a san 
serif font. The first paragraph of this article is in caps and a serif font, because 
this is traditional and the standard format for a newspaper and it would be 
unusual for a newspaper to do anything different. All the text of the article is in 
one place so its easy for the reader to read and not lose their place. The page is 
broken up by an underline underneath the heading and subheading, this gives 
the page more structure and order, so the reader has more idea where 
everything is and knows which story is matching to which heading and picture. 
The name of the newspaper is right at the top, this layout structure is a visual 
hierarchy, where the most important thing is at the top, then the least important 
thing is at the bottom, and everything going in the middle going down in order of 
Most important 
Least important 
In this newspaper front page there is a picture of two people. The picture is a 
photograph, the subject matter of the photo is actually not relating to anything on 
the front page, but actually being used to advertise a story and entice readers, as 
they could be fans or just interested in the picture that is being shown. Also on the 
page there is an advertisement at the top advertising a family holiday for £15, and 
there is also a picture on this advertising the deal or offer, the photo is a stock 
photo of a family playing in the sea. The photos that journalists accompany stories 
with are always in a certain style, if a story is about a celebrity, the photo will be 
one that has been taken with a large flash, where a celeb has attended an event of 
some sort, and there is no difference here in the photo shown on the newspaper. 
The photo accompanies the story which is assumingly on the next page.

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Task 1 factual copywriting

  • 2. • You will critically evaluate the qualities necessary for effective factual communication in print products with supporting arguments and elucidated examples, and consistently using subject terminology correctly. • You will look at a wide range of different factual products and pieces of writing and show how and why the techniques have been used. • You should critically evaluate the use of supporting illustrations and diagrams as well as typography choices. • You should discuss in detail the need for clarity, conciseness, accuracy, avoidance of ambiguity, bias, register, evidencing of argument, referencing sources, legal constraints and codes of practice.
  • 3. How to guide A how to guide is a piece of factual copywriting which tells you how to go about doing something. This can include a large variety of things such as how to bake a cake, how to compose yourself in an interview and how to play an instrument. These guides will usually be clear and simple, step by step guides, giving information on the basics of this task. They will usually include illustrations or diagrams, making it easier for people to understand. The language and register these how to guides can vary, but usually they are very laid back, yet the information is still written with simple and clear words that everyone can understand and make sense of. How to guides have to be clear in their typography, they have bold headings and will usually have diagrams or pictures, informing the reader in a different way, which compliments the text along with it. Because these are telling people what to do they must be clear but also accurate or the producer could run into trouble is the information on this is false. In this how to guide, it is telling you how to take photos which look professional and help the reader improve their photography skills. The first thing I am going to evaluate is the factual communication this how to guide has with its reader, and how it creates this relationship with them. The way the how to guide uses it register is in a semi-formal way. The text is formal, but also friendly. It does this by using formal words with a friendly tone, such as how the text is using formal words which are quite technical, like “diverging, wide-angle view, and over warm colour balance”, but then the piece is made more personal by referring to someone else's name, in this instance the persons name is Paul. This makes the reader feel more at ease and less intimidated by the guide and the technical aspects of it. The information in the how to guide is very clear in its words but not as concise as it could be, the information could use less technical, long words to help prevent confusion. But the accuracy of this how to guide is good and detailed this means there is no ambiguously about this how to guide. The colours in the typography have been kept very simple, all the text is white, apart from the page number, which is in yellow. This is to make the page number stand out against the rest of the text, so it doesn’t blend in with the rest of the text, so this is not so confusing, even though the difference is subtle, the guide is trying to look sophisticated and sleek. The text is mostly in a classic, serif font. The headings for the text doesn’t change apart from the size, where it enlarges a couple of sizes to make it stand out and look like it is a heading of a paragraph and a new piece of information. I think that the headings should be made more obvious and clear, by making them underlined or bolder. The text is small, and I would argue that for a how to guide that it is too small for this kind of information, to be able to pick out small areas of information quickly, the text is too small to read quickly.
  • 4. How to guide Here in the how to guide there is pictures to accompany the text. The pictures are an outcome of the information that has been given in the how to guide, an example of what your photos could be like if you follow this guide. These photo outcomes are made more believable because of the names the guide has given to the photos, so they had an identity, that a normal, inexperienced person can take these photos, like Sarah Arnold took the top photo, and there is a quote from her to back up how easy it is to learn how to take photos like this. The photos are also accompanied by the kind of camera and settings that were used on this photo, things like aperture setting, shutter speed. The setout of the photos is showing one main photo, which is made obvious by the size and largeness of it, then 2 other smaller alternative photos.
  • 5. Leaflets Leaflets are a piece of factual text that inform the reader on a certain subject. These are usually very informative but also one sided and bias, so even though the facts may be accurate, both sides of the argument of the subject are not being put forward. These leaflets are usually very clear in their text and in the way they are set out, making sure they are easy to read. Leaflets also have concise information, so it is straight to the point, usually listed and bullet pointed, with main facts highlighted in some way, making sure there is no ambiguities. Leaflets will usually use photos or illustrations to break up the text, so it is more interesting to read. The leaflets usually stick to a theme, with a certain font and colour, which is clear and easy to read, and gives off a friendly feeling. In this leaflet it gives you information about the Green Party policies on animals. The register in which this leaflet comes across to the reader is semi-formal, it doesn’t use any heavy, long, inappropriate language, but instead uses simple language that everyone would be able to understand. The way it also addresses the reader is in an almost desperate way, desperate for the justice of animal suffering. They also make the leaflet more personal by putting a face to the words and facts, they include a picture of Caroline Lucas who is an MP for the Green Party, which talks to the reader and makes them feel like they know who is behind this leaflet. Because this is a factual leaflet there are facts and numbers about animal slaughter, a fact is ‘850 million animals are slaughtered for food every year’. Even though this is a detailed fact which doesn’t have any ambiguities, it still may not be accurate are there are no references to sources to where this fact was figured out, the same goes for a lot of the number facts on here, which makes it questionable whether it is a fact, and that it could not be accurate. With this leaflet it is very bias and The Green Party is a left wing political party, so they are going to push all their side opinions and blank any other opinion, so this leaflet doesn’t include any other opinion for any other political party. The leaflet is essentially an argument about what they think is right and correct, and their argument had evidence and is backed up by morals and shocking facts and numbers, for example 1.6 million animals were used in experiments and 92% of these experiments fail human tests. To make this argument stronger the leaflet should reference where the information was collected from.
  • 6. Leaflets The typography in this leaflet is very simple and clear. The font is a thick, easy to read, san-serif font. The san serif font makes it look more modern and up-to-date. The fonts are broken up into headings, important text and normal text. The headings are either green or white with a green background, these are also a larger sized and are in bold, the green squares around the white headings make for a underline type of style, so these break up the different sections and create some structure. Some parts of the text has been made into bold, which makes it stand out and easier to pick out against the other text, this also tells the reader that this piece of information is important and can be read without the rest of the context around it and it will make sense. The colours used are green, white and then black for the font. These simple colours look clean and fresh and not overbearing. The green reflects the leaflet and what it is about, it being about animals and the environment, which the colour is related to organic products and nature. The leaflet is made to look clean, sharp and straight to the point. I think that a change of font throughout the leaflet like changing the headings to a different font that has a more natural and organic feeling about it. To illustrate this leaflet picture have been used to accompany the text and subject body. The pictures used have been put in certain places to get a certain point across, having different kind of subject matters in the pictures depending on the text. So on the front of the leaflet, there are pictures of happy and healthy animals, these are surrounding the green party logo, so the read associates the green party with happy animals. Then in the leaflet the pictures are more graphic and disturbing, showing pictures of animals in distress. These pictures are put in the leaflet to support the point they’re making, showing that there is evidence of their facts.
  • 7. Instruction Manual An instruction manual is a piece of factual writing, it is usually in a booklet. An instruction manual is something that contains information on how to build something, working something or take something down, for example, how to build a wardrobe, how to work your new phone or how to keep your car working. Instruction manuals can have information about a product like a car, like where certain parts are like the oil compartment or how to build a wardrobe from a flat pack. Manuals will usually contain some sort of illustrations to accompany the information, making the information easier to understand. The information is usually detailed and long with some specific words associated with the subject of the manuals. The typography in instruction manuals is usually very plain and very simple, black small, simple font on a white background, with underlined bits of text breaking up the sections. Because of the amount of detailed information being given, where the information is very important, it has to be very simple and clear, where it has to be accurate and have no ambiguity. Also the register in these are usually formal to make it feel more important and it would also be easy to understand for everyone. This is a instruction manual for how to fit a baby seat into a car. With this piece of factual text the way the register the reader is in a very formal, sharp way, to give the reader the understanding that is is imperative that this is how the baby seat is fitted. Formal words are used like do not instead of don’t. The register is also quite broken up and short in its sentences. This makes it easier for the reader to follow each step of the manual at a time, this makes this manual concise and straight to the point, which is important because the reader doesn’t want to waste time and get bored, so they will be less likely to follow the instructions which could potentially be dangerous. This also accurate which is also important, as for this car seat they make it clear this can only be done one way which is the only safe way. To avoid ambiguity even more the text is paired with numbers, which then match up to the different illustrations to make sure the reader knows exactly what to do. This manuals writing has to be accurate up to a point where it passes codes of practice like the the motor industry codes of practice and the DVLA codes of practice, strict ones that deal with children’s safety when in a car. If these are not followed and the information on the child’s seat is wrong or not following codes of practice this means the company who is responsible for it could face legal actions.
  • 8. Instruction manual In this instruction manual the layout is very simple and clear to understand. The font is a san serif which is small for it to all be able to fit in the same area on the page, which is important when the manual is being used and being read the reader doesn’t want to have to keep swapping pages. Some of typography is highlighted in bold, this sticks out of the page and against the other texting, making it obvious that this information is very important. The headings for the different sections of the manual look different from the actual informational text. It is a larger size font and also more spread across the page rather than the letters being more squished together. The simple layout of the black and white look professional, it also looks like the information is being taken seriously and like the reader can trust it. The illustrations on this manual are drawn and they are very detailed. They are showing how to perform each step of the written instructions. This is made even more obvious by the numbers that are floating above each picture, the number 1, 2, 3 etc relates to step 1, 2, 3 which is written next to it, these numbers act like a key where they are matched up. On the illustrations there is a second colour from black, pink is also used as a highlighting colour, used for arrows and important parts of the removal of a seat pad, for example in picture 7 the seat cover is pink, making it more clear where the seat cover is rather than having confusing black lines everywhere. The pictures are there as a supporting aid to the writing, just incase the reader can not understand how to change the seat just with the writing.
  • 9. Newspaper Newspapers are a compilation of different articles written by different journalists. The standard thing for a newspaper to deliver is a non-bias, accurate story. Some newspapers focus on different things, for example a local newspaper like the Selby Times will have articles about things that people have achieved in the local area, like school students, events that have happened and maybe some local crime stories. Then bigger newspaper companies like the independent and the daily mail focus on issues that are going on around the world, the most relevant news that is trending. Even though newspapers are supposed to be accurate and non-bias usually that’s the way they are not. For example the Daily Mail has shown a very bias leaning towards the right wing politics parties, and are very against immigrants and migrants. Other newspapers also twist stories making them not accurate in some cases newspapers have been taken to court because of the false and harmful information that they release. The set out for newspapers has a basic standard, on the front page there is a giant heading which will be something that is worded in a way to catch people’s attention. The front page heading is Usually the largest size and the font it is in is a serif font, because this is a traditional style that has always been used in the newspaper industry, then the set out will be there is the article underneath the large heading. The story if it is the most important or relevant will be accompanied by a photo to help illustrate the story or put a face to the people in the story. This newspaper is a front page of the the Daily Mail. The register in this newspaper would be expected to be formal, but actually it isn’t and you can tell this straight away by the use of a contraction in the heading, straight away there is an informality of using ‘can’t’ instead of can not. Then underneath the title there is a subheading that adds some attitude to this paper, this line is ‘and yes, you can blame human rights again’ which almost seems to want to create some atmosphere of tension and like the writer wants to get the reader on one side, to blame someone and create an argument, so straight away you can see that this newspaper is controversial and this isn’t always a good thing. The way they have also worded their heading shows that they are bias, bias against foreign people in Britain as they make a deal and seem more disgusted at the fact that the murderers and rapists are from a different country rather than their crimes. The accuracy of this paper is questionable after the bias shown, as they are only going to mention information that backs up their article, leaving other important information out, and no mention of any sources in the article just a vague stab at ‘human rights’ whoever that is being directed at. The newspaper is also written in an ambiguous way, so the reader will read it in a way which will work in the papers favor. This article is all to rile up the reader and to create an argument, the most prominent evidence of this argument would be the sub-heading, blaming someone, which is the basis for an argument. This newspaper must follow codes of practice . Here you can see that this paper may be breaking codes of practice, which means legal actions can take place, legal actions would be taken through the press complaints commission.
  • 10. Newspaper The layout of this newspaper is very standard to every other newspaper out there. There is a large heading on the front page, this is worded in a way to make it seem interesting, controversial and so that it grabs people’s attention. The font for the heading is very large and in a serif font, it nearly takes up the whole page, then underneath the actual story/article is in a lot smaller text, this is in a san serif font. The first paragraph of this article is in caps and a serif font, because this is traditional and the standard format for a newspaper and it would be unusual for a newspaper to do anything different. All the text of the article is in one place so its easy for the reader to read and not lose their place. The page is broken up by an underline underneath the heading and subheading, this gives the page more structure and order, so the reader has more idea where everything is and knows which story is matching to which heading and picture. The name of the newspaper is right at the top, this layout structure is a visual hierarchy, where the most important thing is at the top, then the least important thing is at the bottom, and everything going in the middle going down in order of importance. Most important Middle importance Least important In this newspaper front page there is a picture of two people. The picture is a photograph, the subject matter of the photo is actually not relating to anything on the front page, but actually being used to advertise a story and entice readers, as they could be fans or just interested in the picture that is being shown. Also on the page there is an advertisement at the top advertising a family holiday for £15, and there is also a picture on this advertising the deal or offer, the photo is a stock photo of a family playing in the sea. The photos that journalists accompany stories with are always in a certain style, if a story is about a celebrity, the photo will be one that has been taken with a large flash, where a celeb has attended an event of some sort, and there is no difference here in the photo shown on the newspaper. The photo accompanies the story which is assumingly on the next page.