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':I<>!,;;z.~ .ojo<>I",       Topic.-Di5C<lSSiC>"l T-tbodc Sotios ..                    t tf&Ic:!'"
                              ':Jf.    ~~~.i.J#-ei        4 i!J-t -jotf. ~ ~ 3ll4ot" 1
" I'lljot ~~~ It'''!t2t .oiL .£- R.."I-t "7t1'!
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 " I'lljot ttt"lto TeolkTeo!k Teolk m I alto L·? ·;;!..:a- l!..f '..i -G- I'I-j-t.fl ~ ,;;z.~"J~q.

   I. 1t~     11"   .;t~ ~ ~ .!!.'"      11" L.asson .£'. 11".,1 q! .t.      .,.!!. ...   .;t~~'"   '!loQ-"''-I-.
   2. 11 L.asson ~ ..."'"01 Exampr. '"
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   ,. foal Book III 1'1 PM I, ) "L..t's p,,",,",;.,., Maki"l a.-I;QN" ~ 'If 11 "'£~ t- §."f
                                                                   41'1 >'I-'l.iJ • • 0J"'~.
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R'"""m.... ndatlon . . .. . . 2

Lessons                                                  li)fiji
     lilMll!I hatooulO k?
            W D Y Th' .
      31. What Do You Want to SIIy? .... .. B. 94
           32. Whllt Should H. Do? ...... 10. 96
            33. "'s'" 0. DI"'8 .....? .... .. 12. 100
               34. Do You a. li.".? .... .. 14. 102
                           3S. itin ...... 16. 104
      36. Whllt    "' 18 tK"U,n? ..... lB, 106
                     3"1. P.os " Cons ...... 20. rOB
          3B. Whllt Wou ld You Do? ...... 22. 110
                  39. Mllk in8 Chol ..., .... . 24.      112
       40. Whllt "' •• th. R.uons? ...... 28. 114
             4 1. Risht 0. W.ona? .... .. 30. 116
          42. Whot Would Hllpp.. n? . . ... 32.          rra

                                      43. Quinn ...... 36. 120
                                 44. Who's Who ? ...... 3B. 122
      .S. Whllt Sub-Cot-so. ln          "'.a Til•••? ...... 40. 124
                                  46. Whllt Is It? . . .. . . 44. 126
                   4"/. W"'+'. t h. Oiff•••"",,? ...... 50. 130
                   4B. Difftl.nt P. lsonlll it i. s ...... 52. 132
c o                       T E                         T       s

                         What Does It Mean'~LiIl!IIIIL_ _ _~
              49. WhOof 00•• Thi, ""....1 (t) .•.•.. ~. I~
              ;0. What Do.. Th i. /11..,"1 (l l ...... ;6. r:}6
              ;1. Wh"t Does Th is "'..,.n1 (3) ...... ;8.   1;8
                                  ;2. P'ove.b, ..... . 62. 140
                                    53. Idiom • ...... 64. 144
                                 ;4. " ..,o"ym, ...... 66. 146
                           55. l.ifnty l. Quips ...... 68. 148
       ;6. l."u8h<l., I.    ti,. ant JoI.dici""l ...... 10. 1;0

                     Make Your pOin"ti1lmL-----~
             51,   "".k. You. Point m ...... 14. 1;2
            ;8. Mal{. Ve...., Poi nt (2) ...... 80. 1;6
              59. SCle;al Ph",.,omane. ...... 82. 1;8

                           Reading Comprehensio,ftlilmL1ll___
                                                n'                   ~
60. R..,d   iI,. passas" and An....... tt,. Quntion....... 84. 160
Let's Warm UP with Some Riddles!

1. What kind of room has no windo_ or door'tl7

2. They are dark. and alwaye on the run. WIthout eun, would I>e none,

3. What haa hande but I", not; fleeh, bone Or 1>100.:17

4. I have hola" on the t.op and I have holeo on my left and On my
   right. And I h... ve hal". In the middle. y.n; I "till hok:lwater. What am"

5 . I look at yOIl. you look at rna. I raiN my rig ht, you rare<! your left. What
    am 11

6. What 6048 around the world and         "~ylO   In   ill   GOmer?

7. The   "'",II   who Invented It, do",sn't want It. The man who pought It.
  doesn't need 11:.. Th" rna" who need. It, doeen't know It.

&. Lig ht alii ill feather. there Ie nothing In It; the eotrons"et man Ga"'t
   hold It for much rna..., than. minute.

9. What aate rocke. level" mOUMUlI"",. ru&tllt m~l, pueh"e the .::Ioude
   acroes the sky, and maha a young mil" oldr

10. Yellow and white Hard outelda St.ola" from 11f". Wh .. t 111m 17

11. What .:an fill .. room but tlIitee up no epau?

12. If you throw It off th .. hlgh.. &t l>ulldlng It will not break. If you plae .. It
    in the oc .. an it will. What Ie It?

1:3. No SOOner epok.. n than broken. What Ie It?

14. The rich men want It, the wi".. men know It. the poot' all nHd It, and
    the kind m .. n "how It.

15. You tlee a knife to ellu my head. and weep bee Ide me when I am dead.

What Do You Want to Say?

      Many people Ihln k lec h nology brings about ha p piness
      and Iha l lime-savIng mach ines give us eKlra lime.
      How would you lell Ihem that modem tec hnologIes
      and ~ convenlenees ~ ' are really a maIn SOu rce o f
      s lress?

i     "t'"1" very
                      lime I lose something on the computer after
              working on II for hours, I regret that I didn't jus! write
              it or type il on paper, because Ihen I IWOI.IId have
      somethIng concrele' to show foe all my effort. Whenever I
      eal ramyun because it is fast and che<lp 10 fix, ' I get hungry
      for Ihe real food that my mom used 10 make with such
      lender, loving CIIre. And I have a watch that can tell me what
         time it is any place in lhe wortd, and it's guaranteed to
            keep time accurately 10 within a few mierosoconds a
              year, and wiU work even under 30 meters of water.
                Bul il <:051 me almost half a week's salary to get it: I
                didn't i»Y for il aU al once, of course , [charged ' il:
                  but I'm still paying for it, and the high inter~ is
                  really mounting up .' And what's worse, J can't
                 really go on IRlcalion In some foreign country or
                even go diving someplace, since I don't hrlIve the
                 money or the lime.
Til lk, T.llk, T.llk 2 I I'm1 I

    t>   V,..t do ItO" _Itt to _111
           1. Apologize to your ~ for being lot e 10. work d ue 10' a
              trofflo: 10m.'
           1. Tell your boss you wont Ihe doy off beatuse you have a
              bod O:Old .
           3. Tell a friend why he shou ld sove money for a rainy day. '
           II. Cheer up ' your friend who foiled Ihe o:ollege exam a n d
               advise her to try another so:hool.
           5 . Counsel your friend to stop sm oking.

            6. Advise your porent to exerdse more.
            1. Tell you r boyfriend (or girlfriend) 10 be sure 1 curry 0
                good $un5Cre'en ' on his or her summer voo:ollon .
            lJ. Tell your (Io»mate!l '101 10 give up on [ngllsh.
            9. Advise your brother nOi to choose a job bostd o n solory
           JO. Tell your f"end to get 0 medl(OI checkup ' ~ery yeo r.

           11. [xplol n to you r Ch ildren why II Is Important to siudy
           11. Inform ' your employees that 1 1 nec:essory to wt thei r
               poy and 10. loy some af them aff. ·
           U. Let your besl friend know thol you WOn'l be oble 10 poy
              bock his loon ' on lime.
           1 ... Tell you r porents that you ore In love and wont to get
           15. Tell your girl or boy ("end that you hove a new lovtr.

   __ . _
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 What Should He Do?

     Hfl 1 very fo rge lful.

l f>.••_,
     r<t f he forgets IIppointmerlts. he
          needs to get in the habit of
     writing them down      lind checking
     hl$ calendar ' regularly. If he
     forgets names. he should try to
     create   II   memory link between       II

     person"s appearance or position
     and the name-the more absurd' or
     exotic,' the easier It Is to remember. II he forgets
     Information on tests. he should slop trying to memorize
     everything and try to understand basic processes and
     relbtionships. We can aU remember between 3 and 8 things
     III once. 50 we need to learn how to organlu bigger and
     bigger thoughts into a small number 01 tllregorles:
     remembering becomes very easy then. Ifs               Just   /I   maner of
     training. not intelligence .

._ -'1'-.. . ... -
.- :-..-,-_-
•_       ... " ' _ .... _      .. """90 .. be _   . _ _ _ ........
T,lIk. T,llk. T.:llk 2     I'" .. I

     .. V,,"'t -"-,'" ,,_ <101
                  1. He found oul his young $On ho.I "orted s.moldng.
                  2.     He ho.I hod his pockel picked ' on Ihe bus.
                  J.     He ho.I (1 not lire' on the expressway .
                  ...    He $Ce$ $Omeone drowning.'
                  5.     He sees $Omeone trying 10 commll sUldde. '
                  6.  His friend Is about 10 drive home drunk.
                  7.  I-lis friend 05ks him to lend him $Ome money.
                  IJ. His wife Is spen dIng 100 mUCh wllh Ihe credit cord.
                  9.  His son says he Isn'l Inlfresled In gelling a co llege
                  10. HIs wife wonts a fur"' coal faT her birthday.

                  11 . His bo$:s wants 10. dole his .lisler, bul $M doesn'lllke him.
                  12. He hos a chance for 0 big promotion. bUI If he occepts
                       he will have to move to another country for a long time,
                       wilhoul his family.
                  H. His Wife wants to get a divorce.
                  14. His doughIer wonts to move In with her boyfriend.
                  I S. He n ~s a n~ Car and a new opartmenl. bul he Co.n'l
                       afford ' bolh.

                  16. He has no. money bul has 10. fHd his child.
                  17. His brolher has com mlned a serious cr1me and need5 on
                       alibi. '
                  11J. HIs father Ihrealens 10 CUI o ff' his Inheritance ' If he
                       monies the only woman he has t"Ver loved.
                  19. He wonts 10 eol anolher helpIng ' 01 his fovorile food on
                       hIs birthday. bul his doctor has worned him he muSI
                       106e $Orne more weight.
                  20. Ht can ellMr ovoid on orgumenl wllh his mother.ln.low,

                                                      ._,._- ...... ---_ .
                       Or he can leLl her why her advice 10 his wife Is wrong.


  _--_ _-

.1.- _
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. _ , ... 0<1 ..... _ - - . ; _

            . ..... _ _ _ ""-"'" _ _ " ' .

     ....-.ouot> •• ,_._."''''''
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                                                         --.-_.--"' ..
                                                               - __-
                                                          .... .,...-
                                                      .cuto!f , _ t .... _ - . . . . . , . . . · . _

                                                      .".."... :. _             ....
Agree or Disagree?

Ii> 'E'.ampl.
     Men are selfish by mlilu re.

                     en." of course. is synony mou s ' with
                    "Mllnkind." So. by nature.        ~   (lind women)
     are sellish and generous. sell"Cemered and altruistic.' all at
     once. ' But. in terms 01 ' gender. rTl(!n are also selfish. They
     Wilnl to be like the lion. who lolls' about aU day In the hot
     sun lA'aiting for his mate to catch the lood and bring il 10
     him 1he lioness also lakes care of the cubs' and
     makes herself available sexually to
      "the king of the beasts" III lilly lirTl(!.
     Unfortunlliely. human femllies are
     less willing to put up wilh ' this
     behllvlor from their husbands. so
     men are not nea rly         iIS   5':!lfish as
     they would like to be.

   ,-_ _...
'''_oI __
..,..'_,.,....01... . .......,.,- _ ._ ........
. . . . ongo . - - - - . . . . _ -

                _ _ ..........
Talk, T,llk, T,llk 2 ! Putt 1

   ..   ~ OJtOM a9.... ordl$a9.... 1
          J. Wo m e n are ready to do anything to look more
          2. He $OYS li fe 15 worth living for 100 years o r longer.
          J . Marriage Is the best part of 0 human being·, life.
          II. The more children you hove, the hopple. you are.
          S. A maxim ' says Ihe worst wife Is better than a dutiful

           6. Money mokes you happy.
           7. DyIng is bener Ihon living with disgra~.
           Il. Animol$ a nd pla nts can think and feel like us.
           , . There Is na such place as heaven or hell.
          10. Love and morriage are nal the $Ome_and should nol
               be treali'd alike.

          l l. Good looks do not go wllh good brains.
          11. The end justifles the means.
          H. If we have the courage of our con victions, anyt h ing we
               do Is objectively' all right .
          1'1. The meek ' shallinheril the earth.
          I S. Honesty Is always the best policy.

          16. All politlctoru are crooks.'
          1 7. You have to be crazy 10 be a great artist.
          Ill. Women ore the weaker sex.
          19. After 40, II's all downhill.

__ :_ _--_ -
          ZOo Boy babies ore better thon girl babIes.

·"""""" 0_ _ "'.-"_:.-
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             ..... _ _ _ _ ....
Do You Believe?                                 )

     'I."'. ampl.
           Do you believe In love a l firSI s igh t?

             It            bsolu tely not. Jf you think you a re in love but you
           .[')- don 't know the object ' of your affection very well.
          it's not really love. It"s just infatuation ' o r lust. ' Love must
          grow with time and understanding. It requires patience and
          responsibility . Infa tua t ion is a desire fo r an immediate
          relationship (usually sexual              i nte rcour~)   with li tt le or no
          thought about what the other person is really like .

• oa,.cl , J>U'll'OM' Q<>OI _
. ln l all... lIotI , 1_ .,.,.
·lual ' ... _        ... .... - . .
Tollk, Talk, T,llk 2 I I'"n   t

         ..      ~_ .. th . . . " ... .tlo ... :
                     1. Do you believe thO[ t:nglLsh ablllLy can help you get
                         through this ever-chaUE>nglng world? How?
                     Z. 00 you believe what polm reoders' say?
                     3. 00 you believe what the newspopers say?
                     of. Do you believe what your porents say?
                     S. Do you belieVE> what politldans say?

                     6. Do you believe that sponklng ' schoolboys ha5 a good
                         educollonal purpose?
                      7. 00 you believe In God?
                     I. Do you believe In UFOs? '
                     ,. Do you believe what ods say?
                     10. Do you believe in any supersllllon? '

                     JJ. Do you believe In ghOSts?
                     J1. Do you believe thot your destiny ' Is predl'tE>nnlned?
                     J3. 00 you believe that money con buy anything?
                     J ... Do you believe that your Love toward your swet>thear1
                           won't fade away' as years go by?
                     IS. 00 you believe II if your spouse says that he Or She will
                           not marry ogoln after you die?

                     16. Do you believe In Ufe after dooth?
                     II. Do you believe that 0 while III" Is nece5S0ry In some
                     II. Do you believe the beautiful die young?

   ---"'...-_................-_..... -."'---... _---- ..

                         Do you believe what sa.1~people say?

                     ZOo Do you believe whot religious leaders sa.y?

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           Buying a car

            n          f course,
           U           the     first
           priority is price, I'd
           like to boy a cheap
           model with cash, so I
           wouldn ' t        have
           borrow        any     money,     if
           possible, I'm willing to buy an old
           car to get the best bargain, Design and make ' are also
           important factors ' to me, And you know gas is gelling
           expensive these days, so everybody is concerned about
           mileage,' I like compact' cars be<ause they are economical
           in terms of' taxes, gas, insurance, etc. Another oovantage is
           that thieves are NEVER interested in small cars.

  ·"-"-''''''_. __ COtI_on. __ c<"""
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          ..."...-IIaO . _....,. _ _
  .CQmlNOC'l ' ...
                                       . 18C"" '." ....... "'~

  ....   t_"' , ~ , _
Talk atooort fI'Of4' prio,ltlcs:
            I . when you   ch~   Ihe plo«, 10 go for your honeymoon.
            Z. when you look for Q girlfriend or boyfriend.
            J. when you ch~ a plo«' 10 live .
            ... when you decide your major In college.
            S. whe n you choose 0 resloumnt for lunch.

            6. when you look for Q job.
             T. when you choose wherE' 10 spend your vOCQllon .
            I. when you choose 0 school for your children.
            ,. when you pkk your church.
            10. wh.m you subscribe' 10 a newspoper.

            11. when you go shopping for dothes.
            II. wh en you go drinking with your friends.
            I J. when you wonl 0 dOClor.
            14. wh en you chonge your cunenl job.
            IS. when you Off! going to fly 5OmewheTe.

            16. when you hove two Importont events to allend 01 the
                same lime.
            1 7. when you choose a hobby.
            I I. when you are shopping for a pel.
            I'. when you want to get somf!One a gift.
            10. when you emigrate .

    .......,...,-..-""_ ..   - ....,.,-_....---
What Are Their Excuses?

" 1 ~."'dM., 1
      We hear a 1 of excuses In the COUrtie of our personal
    and socia l lives. Let ', talk about the kinds of
    T1Idonal~tkms '      people often make. What    lIrt!   their most
    common exCUse5?

r   'E'.",,"pl.
      Drivers who speed

       "r   0    was in a huny.·
                 "' didn·t roily
      notice how fast I was going. "
      " I was IlIte. "

      "[ was JUSt keeping up with the flow of traffic,"
      "[ was in oomplete control of my car. lind it is always weU·
       maintained. There was no danger alllll. "
      "I didn't think there would be a policeman there."
      "People who drive too slow lire more dangerOlJS Ihan IhO§e

       who go too fasl ."
T'llk. Tollk Tollk 2 / ,',u1 I

     .. V    hat ar. th./r ."c wscs1
            J. Tax evaders
            1. Drunken drivers
            3. Ohrordng couples
            4. Pa ren ts who spank their chILdren
            5. Those who roll to quLl smoking

            6. who are unable 10 quit drinking
            1. St udents who do poorly In $(hOOI
            &. PoILlldans who don" keep their promises
            " Men or women who ha ve 1000e affaIrs '
           10. An ex-convIct' who commIts another crtme

           J1. HubbIes who forgellhelr wedding onnlvel'$(lry
           J1. Employees who are lOll' for work
           J J. tmployers who just cut their company's wages
           14. Studenls who gave up trylng to loom EngILsh
           15. Singles who do nOI wont to marry

           16, Girls who smoke
           11. Kids who want to stay out very late 01 night
           1&. Spouse (or child) obusers
           1'. PoILce who kill a suspected ' aimlno l
           10, Doctors who do nOl tell their pallents the truth .

.   _.", _--""'----_........ .,_... _-
      ... .
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Pros Be Cons
                                   --.I                     •


      Yo u are e lected president .

      ....: . ;a hy would any honest man wan!                10    be presidenl?
       ""              No president is able to live his own life anymore.
      He is o!ways being targeted by his poIilic.!ll rivals. And he
      must always decide Important mailers correctly whi le, a t the
      same lime, maintaining high moral standards. In short . his
      life has 10 be unexciting and beyond reproach' if he is going
      to COfItinue to hokI public esteem. ' But somet imes he must
      also make deals' with friends and foes ' alike In order to
      &CComplish anything .
          But if       ill   man has some inlelleclual ability aod wants 10
      serve his coun try. he should try to Improve socie ty if he
      can, Such an acllon deserves the respecl of his fellows. And
      such a person could use Ihe poYJeT of the presidency' to
      make things beuer for everyone. This person would be far
      beUeT" than just a power-hungry politician who cares more
      about the benefits of office than the national welfare.

'' ' ' ._:_''_''''''''IJ'I_                                        Of_
• beyond _ _       :   _I0~_

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T.,lk, T.,lk T.llk:l   1''''1 I

III>   r   al" about" t"fr. ad_ .. t"agcs a ..d dl_d"a .. t"apes of t"fr.
           foII_I ..g :

           I . Bei n g a woman
           1. Being a ma n
           3 . Watching TV
           4. Hovi n g a coll~ degree
           5. Re ma ining s in gie

           6. livin g with yOUT pan- n bi ofter you get man1e'<i
           7. Living with yOUT pare n tli-i n .law
           If. Being a full·llme hou5ewlfe
           9. You r w ife h aving a job outside t h e home
           10. Wi n ning the lottery

           11. Being the oldest 50n
           11.    Hovi n g d a u ghters only
           1 3.   Being he n .pecked
           1 4.   Being a bl111on alno
           15.    Hoving no children

           16. OWning a car
           1 7. You r daugh teT in h havi n g a boyfTlend
           l lf. College stu dents having part-ti m e jobo>
           1 9. Helng 0 nu n
           10 . Living In the big dty

What Would You Do?

... 'E'.ampl.
       What wo uld yo u d o If yo ur wife re fu sed to li ve w llh
       your pare n ts?

        ~ irs t I would give he r many reasons why living
         -r      togethe r ImIkes sense.' For example, I would tell her
       they a re ge tt ing older and weake r. and more lonely. We also
       have a moral responsibility to support them. Bul if she still
       didn"1 accept my reasons. I would let he r llve with our
       children and I would live with my parents by myself. I can',
       let my parents live alone. because they need someone to
       take care of them, They sacrificed everything to bring me
       up. and now it's my turn ' to support them .

..urn :._ . . _
• " " " ' . _ : belc>gotc.t
T,llk, r,lIk, Talk 2 I I'" n 1

        to ~ _ _ r         t,,_ "....eion'"
                1. What would you do Jf your hu~bond come home drunk
                    every night?
                Z. What would you do if your chlld",n were behind In their
                J. What would you do If your IN'nager slOrted smoking
                    and drtnldng?
                of. Who! would you do If you saw $Omeone with a not II",
                    on the I'O(Id?
                5. Whot would you do If you heard $Omeone $hout. "Slap.
                 6. WhO! would you do If yo u law m oney foil from
                     $Omeon e'$ bog?
                 7. What would you do If your child gol 0 blao. eye ' from 0
                 II. Whot would you do If you got too mUCh chonge bock 01
                     a 5tore1
                 ,. What would you do If 0 vending machine dldn', return
                     your money?
                10. WhOI would you do If you foiled 10 gel promoled-
                11. Who! would you do If your $w(!('theort WQnted to break
                     up ' wllh you?
                11. WhQt would you do If you were In line ond Qn old
                     womon cut In? '
                13. WhQl would you do If you .row 0 noked person Qt Ihe
                14. WhQt would you do If you won the lottery?
                15. Whot would you do If you and your best (rtend both
                    loved the same person?
                16. Whot would you do If you were In Q fo",lgn country
                     with no money?
                17. What would you do !fyou saw (I UfO?
                111. What would you do If you hod to choose belWN'n your
                     job and you r morrlage?
                J,. Whal would you do If the doctor told you hod on

                     Incurab]e dlsea$e?
                ZOo What would you do If you were the lost person In the

· blKk eye _

• CUI ... ' _
                   .... _ _ ...        ~_

                                           .... .....
                ......... " ' _ ............. "' ......
Making Choices

.. 'E'.Gllftpl.
      S uppose yo ur c hild we re spa nk e d In sc h ool. Wou ld
      yo u protest to the s chool a uth orities ' or prete nd
      nothing happened?

      cY panking is an act o f violence regardless o f'   who does
       C2)     it. Teachen shoukl no longer be allowed to engage In
      such behavior. We all know violence rn.s no educational
      value. Violence just begets' more ""olence.

' ___      :   _~_IOIeooI_'o         __ -",_""
. ' _ _ of : - - . . o - . v _ .... _ _ _ .....
' 1M9M : ~~._.'-'
T,ll k. Ta lk T.ll k 1         I',,,, I

   .. ~.k• • d,oIe• • ltd t . 1I wit""

         1. wl1I you 9t't mamed o r remain si ngle?
         2. If you were stopped for a traffic vlololion. would you
            accept the ticket ' or Iry 10 make excuses?'
         J. Vour hubby ' Is unable to su pport your family. Will you
             gel a job yourself or simply seek a divorce?
         ... Will you lake your next vacation by the sea Or In the
         5. Vau a ..... going to moke a trip to Susan. Wlil you take the
            expres$ bus, the troln, or 0 plone? Or will you drive?

         6. would you give your s.eal 10                 Q   young child sionding on
              the bus Or   k~p   It yourself?
         7. Would you .other live In an apartment or a                    hou~?

         8.      you use the f'$COlator or the elevotor If you have 0
         9. Which do you like belter.               Q   dog Or a cat?
        JO. Who Is more Importon •. your parent or your Spouse?

        11 . Which do you like belter, pop songs o r classical music?
        11. Which do you like belter. an analog watch or a digital
            ane? A botery·operated one or one you must wind
        U. Which foreign languoge do you want 10 siudy after you
              master English?
        I ... ()c) you prefer going to Ihe movie theoler or watching
              movies on TV?

      __ _---..-
        15. Do you like black coffee or                      caff~   wLlh milk ondlor

          ... _

._:. ....--.-..
                               ~       ...
16. Will you try to quit smoking or cont inue?
1 7. Do you want a son or 0 daughter as your first child?
1 8. Would you remarry o r remain single If your spouse
1 9. What do you like 10 drive more. a compaci car o r a
     luxury model?
20. Which do you prefer. an imported car or one made In

21. 00 you llke to read magazines. or newspopers?
22. Where do you usually meet your friends? A coffee shop.
    a bookstore. a fast-food restaurant, a park? Why?
23. Do you smoke domestic cigarettes or foreign o n es?
24. Do you like beef or pork better?
25. Which do you like better -         mokkotl. soju, beer. or

26. Whot would you like for breakfast -     cereal with milk or
    a traditional Korean dish?
27. Would you rather subscribe to a morning newspaper or
    an evening paper? An economics paper or a spor ts
28. Are you going to buy a desktop computer or a
29. Do you wa nt your baby to be breast-fed' o r bottle-fed?'
30. Which do you like be tt er - baseball or football?
    Amateur or pro sports?
T.11k , T.11k, T •• lk 2 I 1'''r1 I
What Are the Reason ..?

II> "E'.",mp/c
     We s tud y hi s tory In sc hool. Why?

      ~ he most popular reason is that             101(':   can learn from
       1     our past mistakes. But any serious study of history
     show!; that   101(':   don't learn much -we keep doing the same
     dumb ' things lime and time again. 1hc real reasons we take '
     history is to gain a deeper understanding of human activity
     at large. ' and to give ou rselves som e sorl o f nalional
     Identity. '

·- : ~.-
. __ ' ~_"'Ihe_cf"~
· ·IerJIe ' ''~ . _ ........... .
. -'Oity : _ ... _
Tdlk, T"lk, Talk 2 , 1'"" I

         J. People   o~   getting faner. W h y?
         Z. People   o~   s(II;ng mo~. Why?
        3. People o~ getting married younger. Why?
        ... We requl~ good morals from our leaders, Why?
        S. [very coun try hos lows. Why?

         6. We study philosophy. Why?
         7. We exercise. Why?
         &. We n~ re<:reotton. Why?

         9. We try to find extraterNStrio!s." Why?
        10. Mony people hove 0     ~llgion . Why?

        II . One mon: one wOTTlOn. Why?
        J Z. People wont totroyel. Why?
        U . People wont to wotch the some movies other people         o~
             wotchlng. Why?
        14. Some people lust wont to be seen on television or hove
            their nome$ In the papers. Why?
        IS. The older people OTt!. the more reluctont to dlyulge '
            thillr true oge. Why?

        16. College degrees hove lost some o( their oppeo1. Why?
        J7. They s.oy sire» can      ~   the means for accomplishing
            something. Why?
        J&. Voriety is the spice ' of life. oocordlng to some. Why?
        19. Democracy is the best fonn of government devised by
            monklnd . Why?
        10. Love usuolly fodes owoy' os time goes by. Why?

.-...· .-,... ...... . ._ _-10_
        . ,_ ___.-
 """'-- .--.. ......
      "'    .........     "'_
hAi,.. " .
Right or Wrong?                          )

I r .•
[     _pl.
    Mo ney makes people happy.

     CXI could never understand what people "!!ave against

    r    money. ' "Money can'l buy you love." for example. Of
    course it can't! But it allows you to get        1IoO   edllCbllon thaI
    lets you gel   ill   good;oo. so you can afford to take a desirable
    womlIn on an interesting dale. It Jets you buy
    good clothes and           II   nice car and home,
    which will help Impress her. And you can
    give her expensive presents. None of
    Ihe5e activit ies cons tilule ' "love," bu t
    they all represent ' important steps In
    the procen . It's better to halle
    money in order to win the hean
    of lhe one you love than to Jose
    your true oYe for Ibck of re<Vly'
    wh .

.-~-~- : -----­
.ooon.bIuI' ·"' _ _
         ;_"' _IM>I",(otPi in .~_
. -'!r : _
T.1Ik. Talk, T.11k 2 / 1'",1 I

        t.'t right    or tIW'Oftg?   f9/-, "'''St? 91_t, ..,hSt .... t ?}
           I. lustlce olwoys triumphs.
           2. The more we know about the world. the more we have
              to suffer from ~1reSS.
           3. PIQtonlc friendship Is ponlble between men Qnd
              women .
           ... Children should be free from homework.
           5. Porenl$love u.s ·uncondltionally."

           6, Men wUh a religion are hoppler Ihan men wllhaut one.
            7. A call"9l' dlplamo helps a mon get 0 lob.
           6. Environmenta l problems can be solved by technology.
            9. Harsher punishments dbcauroge aimes.
           10. A love motch guoronl~~ hopplness beller thQn on
               orronged mon1oge.

           II. We get whot we deserve.
           1 2. It Is beneT to have laved and t hon never to have
                laved at all .
           13. All men are created equol.
           14. Divorce b better than unhappiness.
           15. A. friend In need b a friend Indeed.

           16. Lo'Hls 011 you need.
           1 7. The squeaky' wheel gets olllhe gre<l$t'."
           16. A. fool and hIs money ore soon ported.
           1 9. Patriotism Is the lasl refuge of the scoundrel. '

- ...-- . ---,.-
           20. The first casuolty' of war Is truth .

.........-,._ .................. _
· .......... ' ..... _                   •• _01 ......... 0 _
What Would Happen?

~   "E'.alftplc
           Many people are c alling for the abolit io n ' of t he death
           pe n all y. T h ey 5a y capital punlshme nf ' 15n' t he lping
           bring down ' crime ratel>. What would happen If their
           d e mand we re IIccepted?


            ii;!)   n faci. many countries have done lIv.'ay with' capital
           I        punishment. The odd' thing is that it does not
           make any difference al all. The various kinds o f crimes
                                                                                  ~m       to

           committed in any given sociely remain hllrly' constant.' If
           murders were common before the death penalty was
           removed. they continue to occur al II similar rate. If
           kidnappings ' hardly ever happened. they don"t suddenly
           Increase JUSI because of the removal of Ihe alleged '
           deterrence' Ihat the dealh penalty represents. Laws need 10
           be fairly and effectively enforced ' to avert ' rising crime
           rates. but the actUllI nature of the punishment doesn 'l seem
           10 make much difference .
.__ ,_El"'_."' ........ _ _. ....,.. _ _
.capII'" puni_ ,__ '*""'Y""          "'~(UI1J

. 1)<Ing <IOwn : _ _ 100>1 '" (. 11110 ,all ... _ _

• <10 _ay .... " : gel rid '"
· odd : .....-.......-:_

. ltoIrty : ' 0 _ . ."""""''''''""
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.--,.....:_eocf ....-. .......,.-..-... . .
.~ ,  ctwn_ ...... _"' _ _
. dw . .
                                                       poa<>I 11'''- ................... ' ' ' -

._ :_ /OOfi ...... ' - _
T"lk, T"lk, T.:lIk 1     ,'"rt '

        Tobocco ond alo:ohol problem' Ore to blame ' for many
        dl~ses ond aimes, Their bad effKU ore sometimes even
        c:ompared wllh drog' problems. So what do YOll think Obaul
        doubling t he p ri ce o f liquor' and o:Igarettes7 Whot would
        hoppen tf the govemment suddenly did 50?

        Ma n y people sOli like to have a baby boy for their fin;t
        o:hUd. Whot would happen If this trend went unabated?'

                                     If people, upeclolly the young,
                                         rontlnue to enloy Junk food ' (or
                                            Instant food). wha t will

                                                      Many ~ple don't like
                                                       polltlo:lans. most of
                                                       whom are men. Who'
                                                       do you t hink about
                                                       electing a     female
                                                       prestden{1 Would It lead
                                                      to higher trust for
                                                     govemment orrlctals1

.__-----.-.- ....-_--"'--
·'0-... ' _,.,. ___ .....
.""", ....
.....- ... - - . .....
. ~- , --.-           . .... ..
                                        .....    ......
If there were no mandatory ' retirement age In the
workplace, what would happen? Who would benefit and
who lose?

What would happen If the gloOOI computer sySIli'm broke
down, ' Including Ihe internet?

What would happen If English b«orne on o rtl do] language
In Ihb country ? Would it couse on Improvement In most
people's English obillty?

All workers seem tired and under heovy Sire" these days.
What do you think about giving them m o re leisure time?
What would happen If they worked o nly four days 0 w~k?
Do you think II would help lmpm ...... productivity?

Current lows are sold 10 be much too permissive.' Whot do
you think 0001,11 moking thl'm stricter? For Instance, whot
obout sending drunk drivers 10 1011 for long periods of lime?
Would there be any bad side e ffects?'

( 10)
What would happen If adulterers ' did not hove 10 worry
about going 10 prbon?

.-- ......
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                                           IO"' _ ........
• _ _ :: ... ...-....::-Iod_oI .......'_o<_oI_ ... _ _
.~ ~-: -
T.:llk. T.:alk. T.llk 2 ! I'"rt ,

1                             =

... [q ..d.Md l
       An swer lhe followlng quesllo ns IlIld .... 1 Y addltkmal

       Whal IS lhe dlslance belwee n Seoul "nd S usan?

         l» 1 is more than 400 un and It takes about 5 hours by
              car. If you take a lraln. you could get !kere In 4 hours.
       But flying Iillkes     ~       than   &l   hour

· _ I I I o ' y : ... ......,. ...   _oI..-.....,--. ...._
Talk. T.llk, Talk 2          I'"" II

    ~   "A.-n ,
             ._    tlr. . . .,.....flo ... '

          1, Where Is the Statue of Liberty?
          2, Whot Is the highest mounta in In the world? Wheni' 1$ 111
          J, What three things Is raris famous for?
          If, What Is the biggest lake In the world ? Where Is It?
          5, Name the counUles that are known to have mode
             atomic bombs.

          6. What Is the hlstol1collmpoct of Apollo II?
          7. Who are the top S automokers In the world?
          6. Which countries have the strongest populotlon control
          9. Nome 10 countries that produce petroleum.
         10. What are the th ree events that comprise ' a triathlon?

         11. What WIlS the lorgest empire In history?
         12. Who Is the world', rkhest person?
         H . What 3 cou ntri es have the largest populations?
         n. Whot ore the .5 large st cities In the world, by
         15. Whot Is the world's tallest building?

.   __-      ...
iii;; 1.41
Who's Who?               -)

    Martin Luther King. Jr.


        A    l~g. was an AFrican-American minister who led the

    l   . ~ cIVIl rights movement in the United States in the
    1950s and 1960s. H e used the tactics of nonviolent civil
    disobedience {or. deliberately' and publicly. but peacefully,
    disobeying unjust, immoral laws) to achieve his goals .
    Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, he was assassinated ' in
    1968. He is the only American whose birthday is a national
T,Jlk, T.lIk, T.. lk 2 I   [>...1 II

• V ,.hat did the" a c co,"pll$ h ]

I        Alben Einstein
    2. H elen keller
    ,.   king Sejong

         Wolfgang Amadeus M ozon
         Abrohom lincoln

    ,.   Nell Armstrong
    7. Alfred Nobel
    8. C horles Donvin

    •• Thomos Alva Edison
    10. Sigmu nd Freud

..iii   i.C.,.,
     What Sub-Categories Are There? )

            Ql) What kinds of crimes are there?
            Q2) What do you think is the most he inous ' c rime?

            AI) There are many. For e xa mple. mugging. ' fraud, '
            vandalism ' and murder.

            A2) The worst crime is torture.' I think. It destroys victims·
            minds as well as their bodies. It makes people confess to
            things they are innocent of and forces them to abandon '
            their most deeply cherished principles. Even if people
            survive to rture. its effects stay with them their entire lives.
            Rape ' is another heinous c rime we often overlook. ' It
            demolishes ' a woman·s (and sometimes. also, a man 's) self-
            respect. But society o ften blames the victims of rape, rather
            than the rapists themselves.

~F~=c: -..ywd<ed
  __                         Of _   : -.-

     -muv: _<..,)_ .......
     .1rloI,ool: _ _ .,.'Omal<e ........ Of ............ g.oltIo

     - , , _ : ........ _      -.-'0 Of
     _10m.-.: _ ..,.oIc....-q_ pMl.
                                            _1tUCI_ 01
                                                          p.lbIK: Of
                                                                       priva'. <><OP6rty
                                                                 ~.I<>< ~ a oonteoalon     Of
                _ " " ' . Of   I<>< ""*'Y.' _ .
     _-.don: !1M" ,"",I ""comp1eIeII
     - _ : ' .... _oIl<>ft:on!I _ _ _ _           IOOUmr1IO_..,.        •
     • . . . . . - : .... ' 0-.00' _ _
     _-.-r. : -'InI_comp1eIeII: _ C .... jcomp1elell
T.l lk. T,llk. T.1lk 2 • ], II

Q l ) What kinds o f movies a.., there?
Q21 which do you like the m ost?

Qil Whal kinds of fntlts are there?
Q21 Which do you like       ~t?

Q I) Whol kinds of mU$ic are there?
(2) Which do you enjoy the m O$H

Q I ) Ust the klndsofweother.
Q21 What kinds of weather do you like the m ost?

Qil How ca n we classify personality?
               Q2) Define your own personality type.

                              ••Qil Whol kinds or professional
                                sporU are played throughout the
                              Q21 Whal'$ the dlfferen«, between
                            amateur and profrsslanal sport?
Ql) list the trofflc rules drivers break most oflen.
Q2) Which of these are the most dangerous to break?

QI)    Whot kinds of coreers are there?
Q2) What Is the world's best profession?

Qll What kinds of cars ore there?
Q2) What kind of cor do you want? Why?

Ql) Ust    (I   few common diseoses,
Q2) Whot disease ore you most afraid of?

ll .
Q I ) What kinds of books are there?
Q2) Which kind of book do you prefer to read?

QI) How mony colors are there?
Q2) Which color is your favorite? Why?
T.lIk, T.llk, T.llk 2 ' I',, II

    B .
    QI) Name M''ero l      ~Igner     brond$,
    Q2) W h ot 1 m O$t Important In c h ()()$lng a brond nome-
        cO$t, q u ollty, o r rome?

    Q I ) U$t 10 counuies you would like 10 vis it.
    Q2) Which one wouLd you like to spcnd th e lo ngli!stllme In ?

    QI) Whal ore severol popular TV $how$?
    Q2) which night has Ihe bli!sl leLevlslon Sh0W3? What are

    QI) Th ere are m a n y kinds or newspaper articles. Name as
        m any as you can .
    (2) Whot l$l h e m OSI enjoyabl e part o f th e n ews paper?

    Q I ) Make a list of composers or songwrilers.
    Q2) W h ich o n e Is you r favorite?

    QI) Who are th e world's greol.'St $Ingers1
    Q2) Which one do you spc nd the m ost lime Ii$te nlng to?

What Is It?

        The gradual Increase In Ihe wa rmth of Ihe nlr afound
        the eanh because lhe heal can, leave 1he Illmosphere.'
        This can a lready be seen In the     exlTt'nIe '   tempen.lures
        o f rec.:enl yelUs. Even ftre as with modera te climates
I       repOrt much houer s u mmers and colder win ters .

II- Questions
        I . What Is II?
        2 . What are the cuses of this phenomenon?

        1. Greenhouse Effe;t.
        2 . Aimosl certainly. Ihe majo r reason Is the Increased
          amoun t of carbon being burned by fllctories and
          automobiles. As II     lIoCcumu~les '   in the atmosphere. it
          (!liPS ' more s.mllght .

.--...... _---
...... ,._._- . -
' - ' -'-'-
T.llk. T.llk T.llk 2   I' 11

         Someone who 15 responsible for prolec1lng one or more
         specific penons ogolnst possible ollack.

         QI) Who Is thi s perwn?
         Q2) Who e mploys thll; person?

         A contest In which ticket:!; are JQld , The winning ticket ar
         number Is picked randomly. '

         QI) What Is 1t7
         (2) What Is the main purpose of th is ocllvlty?

         Inability 10 sleep

         Q I) Whalls Ihls disease called?
         Q2) Who usually suffers from II?

         A plea of equlpmenl worn around Ihe upper body 0 keep     Q

         penon 00001 ' In Ihe water.

         QI) Whal 15 It?
         Q2) Who needs II?

._, :-......
 _:-.          _-'-
              ..... '_.
A su dden violen t movement of the eart h 's surface, caused
by volcanic action or by the re loose of buill-up' stress olo ng
geologic fa ul ts. '

Q I ) What is it?
Q2) What happens when It occurs?

An Im agi n ary machine In wh ich people ca n t rave l
backwards o r forwa rds I n lime.

Q l ) What Is it?
Q2) Do you think we ca n change the past or future?

A croom or lotion used to. protect the skin from the sun.

Q l ) What is it?
Q2) W h o. needs it ?

A containe r tho t Is filled with objects tyPloo ' of 0. particular
time and place.

QI) What Is It?
Q2) Why would people bury one of these?
Tdl k. Tdlk, T.11k 2   1'.1 II

     The right to remain In another couny If you cannot live
     sofely In your own because of the polltlcal sI tuation t he re.

     QI) Whotls II?
     Q2) Who seeks II?

      A branch of computer science that explores and develops
      the abmty of computers to Imitate human reosonlng. '

     Q I) What Is It?
     Q2) Would you «-Icome hu m an_like roboU?

      Permission to tmv..1 In Or conduct      ~rtaln   klnd$ of octlvltles
      In a foreig n country.

      QI) What Is It1
      Q2) Should countries restrict the activities of foreigners?

      A document ~rtlfylng thaI one has completed the number
      and kinds of courses required for gmduatlon.

      Q I) What is It?
      Q2) W hat b lu us..fu lne5$7

-- . g - _ .. _ _ ... _ - - - -
A place whl'll' books, periodicals,' films and o ther types of
Infonnorton media OT stored.

QI) Whol is It?
Q2) Why is It nec6SQry1

A source of government revenues' levied' upon a person's
Income, purchases, or possessions.

QI) Whol is il?
Q2) Is It fair, proper, or neessary?

A method of choosing government leaders by meons of
popular co nsent. '

Ql) What is it?
Q2) Wha t Is its biggest foul t as a way of providing good

Private donations of money or services to the needy,
QI) What is it?
Q2) Wou ld gover nmen t programs be morl' effec ti ve In
    dealing with the problems?


          .-__ .__
        ' _._100 _ _ ,_
            A. means of providing for the noUon', dtfen:lfl by n!qu1rin9
            military $C'rvla from certain ptople.

            Q1) What 1$ It?
            02) Is II fair, proper, Or   n~ry?

            The notion tha t everyo ne within a give n society should
            have exactly the Slme opporlunltles ond f'e5pon 5l bllities
            rtgOrd less o f gl:' nd@r,' .... li9;on, stotus, elc.

            QI) Whot Is II?
            Q2) Should Ihe!'' be exCO!p!lon5?

            One means of persuoding ptople 10 buy certoln products or
            5ervkn. eSIX'Clolly vlo ' the medlo.

            Q1) Whotls II?
            Q2) How do we know If 115 claim s are true?

            Agree m en t bel ween nall ons regulollng their relallans
            toward f!O,h o ther.

            Q I ) WhotlS It?

            02) Why Is this neceiiMlry?

.~ :     ..,....
· _ : .... _ 0 0
  What's the Difference?

      S tude nts a re some times confused b y s imila r wo rds .
   Let 's ta lk about how their real mea nings diffe r.

   '£'.a m pl.
      Pub lic Re lal km s (PR) and a d w rtisl ng

      tC'l R is often called   ~spin. ~   It is an attempt to promote a
      w~ good public Image for a person or company. Ads
      are, quite simply, designed to sell goods or services. ra ther
      than create an Image.

Talk, T.1Ik, T.11k 2 I I'urt II

1. POllution and c:ontamlnatlon
2. Com m erdab and ods
J . Fiction and nonfiction
'I. Weather and dlmOle
5. Biography ond autobiography

6. Sports a nd exerdse
1. Translation a nd   In terp~taUan

8. Hospital and cli nic:
9. rlred and laid off
10. 00ct0l$ and physidans

11. learn and memorize
11. Aptitude o nd ability
lJ. Quolity ond quontlty
1'1. tsplonage' and   I ntelUge n~

15. Infer and Imply

16. College a nd university
1 7. Custom and habit
18. Reponer and journalist
19. Statesmon and poli l idon
20. Thrifty and sU ngy
Different Personalities

.. I'.Z.,d M.! 1
     People h llve diffe rent p erso nalities. lind hen ce
   differe nt attitudes towlIrd the sa m e thing. Talk abo ut
   these d ifferences In the following cases .

.. 'E'.ampl.
     Those who live In thE! c ity and those who live In the

      ~ any people live in lhe city becuse lhey have 10. for
       ~   -   school o r employmenl. Bul some would rather live
      in a rural ' a rea. . City life is
      hectic. ' impersonll!. ' noisy.
     and expensive. Country
      lile is more relaxed. and
      people kn ow ellch
      Olher    beller.     BUI
      Ihe re   is nOI liS
      much 10 do Ihere .

_.i __' ...    _-'
....... ,-...;,,,,
_Ic ' ... :__            .... ..,...,....,.
           aI _ _ . - . ..... . -
~    Kow do tett d iffer ]
                1.    Buye~   and   n o n.buye~   of lottery ti;kelS
               1. Those who drive wfely ond lhose who drive recklessly
               3. Those who moke money In the stock market a nd those
                    who lose
                ... ~ who ore wcce:ssful In Ihelr job and those who are not
                5. Those who lead a happy Ufe ond those who do nOl

               6. Rich peop le ond poor
                7. OptImists ond pesslmlslS
               . leoders ond followe~
                ,. Those who quI! smoking ond those who co nnOl
               10. Crimlnols and low-obldlng prople

               ll. llors ond h o n est fo lks
               12. Playboys (and bullerflles ' ) and Ihe monogamous'
               U . Hard workers ond goldbrickers '
               H . Good studcnlS and poor sludents
               15. The physlcolly octIw ond the couch poiOtOl'll '

               16. Tourists ond 5lay-o t·homes
               17. Readers and televiSio n walchers
               1. lovers of fasl food ond lovers of gourmel ' reSlaumnts
               1'. Fans of pop music and o f dosslcal music
               10. Writers ond rMders

              11. Cot· lovers ond dog-Iovers
              21. 8oskelboll fans ond wre5IJJng fons
              13. Those who wOlCh soop operos and those who just watch
                  the news
              1. Concert goers ond lhose who only lislen to CDs

._....,._-....... .__- . ---
              15. Skiers and scubo dlwrs

                ._-_ _-
·:OuCh ....... o:
                    ... - ..
      _ _ _ _ _ .'    .......
.~ , --'--- ..... oonng ..... --.g_ ......  _ _ ....cto

                     _-w.OUI' ..__ ... _..... _
.fIOU'O'I : . _ _ _ _ .....            _ ,_
.. W·j·ft·
 What Does this Mean? (1) 

     Backseat drive r

      It.    passenger who constantly gives the drlw:r unwanted
      l'l- advice, warnings. and criticism. Backseat drivers
     often make the driver irritated ' and   neTP'OU5.   making it more
     likely tnal he will gel into a traffIC eccIdenl.     So. when you
     are riding in a ear with someone else. you ', e belle, off'
     remaining silent and letting him do the actual driving. even
     if you think he isn't doing a very good,lob,

. - , afI OIOng
. be beft .. ......,....'~ Do .... _ _ ....... _ _
                 ~         ,
... 1::' _pi...,,,, wlt...t t1f _   _   rd.. '_

         ,. Defen s Ive drlve r                 2J. Dutch treat
         z.   Su nday drlver                    22. BIg Brother
         z.   reer pressure                     23. Anlfldallntelllgence

         ••   Cheapska te
         S. BIg m out h
                                                21f. C ulture shock
                                                25. Henpec;ked hUSbond

         6. C lock watcher                      26. Yes-man
         7. lunk food                           27. Black sheep

         ••   Skin chaser
         9. Nine·to-flve lob
                                                28. Social drtnker
                                                29. Know·lt-oli
        '0.   BrainwashIng                      30. Junk mall

        U . Bralnslonnlng                       3J. Back stabber
        J 2. Pre nuptiologreement               32. Back slopper
        J3. Vending maCh i ne                   33. Gold digger
        J -9. l.1amo's boy                     31f. Gold bncker
        J 5. O n e· night ·stand                35. Golden years

        J6. Eutha nasia                         3 6. Mr. (or Ms.) Right
        J7. White Ill.'                         37. Crying wolf
        18. Sh o plifter                        38. Wolf In sheep's clothing
        J 9. Unan imous deis lo n              39. Yuppi e
        20. Ufe expectancy                      1f0. Spin doctor
What Does This Mean? (2)

   The bo ttom li ne Is thai I a m pa id to wi n ga m es, nOI to
   prom o te good will.

   ......,.s he bot tom line- is the sum of a column of figures,
      1 such as an accountant might make. So it is the Final.
   most imponant. result.
to   'E'_pltII/tt tilt the unde,.lItted - a s ...-tt:
             J. My wife ond I 0' mired ond living on 0 fixed Incomc
             2 . Thf:)' how.' two (hild,n ond 0' fol rly ~
             3. Ttll him , In no uncena!n lenns thol he mUSI gel 0         Job.
             4. My wife ond [ have          0   typlcol morliogt, wllh the usuol
                yps gnd dOwns,
             s.   lone occepted her divorce matter-pf-factly.

             6 . My personal recipe ' for success Is: do whot you love o nd
                 don't look QI Ihe dock
             T. 11 IS (tnainly 0 strong orgument ogolnst euthonlzlng
                  pets until gil possible a!Jema tiya haye bun explored
             8. Never ngag In a shouting motch with your daughter.
                If sh $CJMm5, bite yoyr tongyc, lowr your voke ond
                .$Oy onythlng you fee] (Ompelled to Kly In a volce only
                slightly 000 0 whisper. If you (Qn't monogt thOl, tell
                her quie t ly Iho! you will di$(u$5 the subll'(t wllh her
                when you 0' colmer. Then do it.
             9. Mom hos mode II plain t hat under no clrcymstan(es
                will she ever live In a rell,m ent home.
            10. IImmy Is 100 selfish. He has nO notion of olvecQnd-tgke
                wi th olher children.

-todpoo ; - - - -    ........ -   ...   '-'1-' _'_'_~'II_
4,,·,i ,.
What Does This Mean? (3)                                )

[ '£'••mp,.
      h 's a kind of spiritual snobbery' thai makes people
      think they can be happy wilhoul money,

,. '-5_,.
      ~ his means thaI some people are proud 10 claim they
         1       don' t need money 10 be MpPY. But lhey are nol
      really happy, lhey are only lTying 10 pretend that they are.
      Actually, they have no ab!!ity 1 make money themselves
      and lire 100 poor to        recognl~e   how money helps make
      people happy.

'.....-v ' .... _ _ _ _ Of _ _ _ _ _
                                        ''*' - * to _ _
' _

      , nO _   -'I' _ _ _ ......
       _   .; .... _   ........... 0_ Of
                                                cIoaM .... _
                                                                no _for _
                                                               0uI1O   ~
                                                                             ' 1/'10
Tal k, T,l lk, T,l lk 2 1 1'rt II I

    ,. I:' _pial          .t t,,__ ...t_ca
                        ....                         ... _ ..:
          1. Nobody co n glye y:Iu wiser odvtce tho n y:Iunelf.
          2. Glye. ond you ma y keep your friend eytn If you lose
             your m o ney; lend, a nd t he ( h onCfl' o~ Ihm you will
               lOS(' you r friend even If you gel you r m o ney back .
          .J. Blessed ' Is he who expects nolhlng, for he shall never be
              dlsa p polnled.
          4 . Never truSI t he advice of a ma n In dlfflC.l lt y.
          S. A leon ' com prom ise 15 beller Ihon a fo l lawsuit. '

          is. W e ask advice, but we m eon opproballon .'
          T. Your sionding In Ihe comm u n ity is U labllshe-d by whm
               people soy behind you r back.
          . The borrower Is serva nl 10 the lender.
          ,. A        woma n 's beau ly Is not a gift   10   m a n _only a bribe.
          10. II tokes 0 loose rein '     10   kec-p a morr1age IIgh l.

          11. So m t pta p ie se ld o m repe al gassl p ' - the woy t h ey
               heord II .
          1 2. A marriage wi thout contllet Is a lm ost a s Inco ncelyo ble '
               0$ a nation wit hout crbb.
          1.J. You ca n mak e m a re frien d s In a monlh by bei n g
               Interested In t he m than In le n yeo rs by trying to gel
               t he m interested in you.
          14. Children hove more need o f models Ihon o f crlllcs.
          1.5. II is on error to suppose thol courage means brovery in
               everythi ng .

 -_.- --'- ................... --- . . . .' . . _
 --.,__ '_ -_:.... _10

 --- _ ....
 -,,-- ,-
         ...            - : .-'--'~
 -poooiP ' -''--.;.....-.'_ .... ---_ ......
16. Some people are always grumbling' because roses have
    thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses.
17. Adolescence ' Is like a house on moving doy-
    a temporory meu.
lB. Much of good mo nners consists In knowi ng when to
    pretend that what Is happeni ng Isn't.
19. The opposite of love is not hate, It's apathy.'
20. When a man says money oon do anything, that settles'
    It; he doesn't have any.

21. Love Is the whole hIstory of a woman's life, but jusl on
    episode In a man's.
U . I find television Vf!ry educational. [very time same-txxIy
    turns on the !let I go into another room and read a book.
23. The first half of our life Is ruined by our parents, the
    second half by our children.
24. How little we would enjoy life if we never flattered '
25. We must be greater than God, for we have to undo' His

26. There are two kinds of failures : those who thought and
    neVf!r did, and those who dId and never thought.
27. There 15 no failure except In no longer trying.
28. Some people merely ask ·whyr and others de ma nd to
    know why not.
T.llk, T.llk, T.llk 2   I       III

     19, A ~ure route 10 humlliotlon 1$ 10 admit that you paid
         what the car dealer was aSking.
     30. The tlme 10 stop talking Is when the ot he r   pe~n   nods
         afflrmatlvely· but soy$ nothing.

._   :..     .                .......
Proverbs                             )

l   l:.mpl.
      Beauty Is only s kin-d eep

      cY omething that 15 skin deep is shanow' and SllpeTficlaJ '
      --e')   It doesn t e)(tend very far To say Beauty is only
      skin-deep - Implies that something has a pretty exterior ' but
      that s about all. What you don t see i$ hidden unde r the skin
      and it may be more important than physical beauty


'_ '~_Of_
'' ' - '0.-=_ ... _ - ~__Of__
Talk Tlk. Tllk 2       l'Otl   III

        E' xpla/tt whGt eh __ $A!t/ttgs _ t t:
           J. wsy come, eruy go.
           1. Don't gel mad. gel even.
           1. Man dOt$ not live by brood alone.
           4. Money lol u.
           5. Actions speak louder than words.
           6. A mon Is known by Ihe company he kei:ps.
           7. Money begels money.
           Il. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
           ,. A roiling   ~Ione   gothers no moss.
          10. The shoemaker's kids alwaY' go borefO(I. '
          JJ. Thot's life.
          11. TIme will tell .
          H. You con't teach an o ld dog n_tricks,
          14. You con'tplea~ everybody.
          J5. One mon's trosh Is another mon's t~sun!'.
          16. It Is better to die on you r feet than   ll~   on your knees,
          J7. Jt Is easier for 0 comet to go through the ~ of a nttd.le
              thon It Is for 0 rich man 10 enter the kingdom of
               heaven ,
          Ill, It Is better to light one ca ndl e than to curse the
          J'. Everybody's bU5lne:s Is nobody'. busIness.
          20, If you don't make mIstakes you don't make anything.
          lJ. Guns don't kill people. People do.
          11. The g055 Is always greener on the other side of the
          11, Money dOt$n't grow O n trees.
          14. lovt' Is blind.
          15. Do os I say, not as I do.
          16. Then!' Is no such thing as 0 free ride.

          27. A penny saved Iso pennyeamt!d.
          11l, Business before pleasure.
          1', Behind every successful man there Is 0 womon who
              ~n't have a thing to wear.
          10. Every man Is hIs own worst enemy,
' - ' - ' - -  ' - -   - -=                                           ~~~,qp

II tXlllmplc
     The company ha s bee n In the red for e ig h t Y'lars .

     .....-s his means
       1    company         h..
     been in debt o r losing
     money for a lo n g
     time. A profitable
     concern ' is in the
     black. T he colors
     refer to' the ink accountants use
     to make the situation obvious.
.. r .p'.' what tlr_ ld lo....t lc ••Pl'nMo..• ..._     ....
       1. It serves you right
       2. Walk a mlle In my shoes/Put yourself In my    pla~.
       J. I don't buy that eplanotlon.
       . [yery man has his price.
       S. You're the boss.

       6. lott's make up_
        T. I mean it.
        a. I quit smoking cold turkey.
        9. Two of the flye candidates' who hod thrown their hou
           In the ring hoye now thrown In Ihe towel.
       10. Two malor credit card firms have gone belly up.

       ll. All the condldoleS look to hoye a strong position, but
           lone has the Inside trock because she's single.
       12. We will toke a chance on the wealher and hoye the
           party outdoon.
       H . People fighting for their freedom often do not draw the
           llne at murder.
       1. He thought the soup 100 hot and mode a scene about It.
       15. Don't do It! You are playing with fire.

       16, When he 50W the slu of the bill, he hIt the ceiling,
       1 T. After yean of ftnondol struggle, the company now sees
           light 01 the end of the tunnel.
       la, It moy toke two to lango, but I still Ihlnk It was more
           her fault,
       19, It's a deal.
       20. The book mode a big splash a couple of years ago .

.- :.----~.- ...                  -.-.' ...-
Acronym s
        = =-_ __

E'••     Mpl.

r    AI
     Ql) What does It mean?
     Q2) What benefits may thi s technology bri ng abo ut?

.. ft..nswer

    A I ) Artificial Intelligence
    A2) If machines can learn to think. they can make accurate.
          objective' decisions almost immediately. People take
                              longer and are prone ' to both error
                                            and bIas . '   So. AI
                                               could take much of
                                                the guesswork '
                                                 out of ordinary
T,llk , T.tlk, T,llk 2   1''''1 ttl

   QI) What don It mean1
   Q2) What does II 001
2. IMf
    QI) What does II mean?
    Q2) Whal does II 001
3. CEO
    QI) Whal does II mean?
    Q2) Name 3 famous CEOs.
of. GMfs (genetically mooltil'! foods)
    QI) Whal does II mean?
    Q2) Are they sofe? Why do people worry aboullhem?
S. urOs
    QIJ Whal does It mean?
    Q2) Why are _ exdted obout them?

   QI) What does It mean?
   Q2) Whal makes uS exdled about It?
   QI) Whal does II mean?
   Q2) Why Is II o ne o f the most fearful diseases?
6. FDA
   QI) What does II mean?
   Q2) How does this InsUtute affect ather countries'
    Ql) Whot does It mean?
    Q2) Where ort' they~?
10. CPU
    QI) What does II mean?
    Q2) Whot kind of machine needs a CPU to Opo!Mte?
Lifestyle Quips ~

to   I:'.Q,P'.
       Even waler laSles bad when taken o n doctors orders.

       ~ his means Ihat being forced 10 do something takes
         1    the pleasure away from that activity.
Talk. Ta lk. T,llk Z   ,, ,,, III

     .. r   IIplal,. what th . . . .,..,,,. mea,. :
            1. A m lstoke Is proof thot $Om eone WQ$ lit loo~t trying to
                occomplbh $Ometh lng.
            1. Hoving m oney ond friends Is eosy. HOving friends and
                no money Is on accomplishment.
            ~. Ability will enable a mlln to get to the top, but It tokes
                choracter to keep him there.
            'I. Man blames m ost accidentS' on fate-but feels 0 m ore
                personol responsibility when he makes a hole-tn-one.
            5. Every accomplishment, great or smnll, ~ torts with the
                right dectslon,  J'II try.
            6. AdviCe 15 never nppredo ted. ' If 11 leads to 0 good result.
               the recipient thin ks It W05 hIs own Idea; ond If It turns
                 out bodly. he eternally ' biomes the gIver.
              Ambition wlthout delermlnntlon h05 no destination. '
             II. A wealthy oochelor' 15 wmeone whll :;aved money 10
                 get married. and then changed his mind.
             9. The le05t experienced flshermon always cotches the
                 blQ9Ht flsh.
            10. Whenever your teom trades away ' a useles.s no-nome.
                 he Immedlotely ri5l'S to stardom .'
            ll . A 10umey of 0 t hou$Ond mlles begins w1th 0 si ngle step.
            11. Knowi ng when 10 hold Or to fOld_lt's the $Ome In cords
                OS In love.
            11. You should make hay while the sun shines.
            H. Moybe money con't buy love. but It con rent It.
            15. Wisdom meon s knowing the difference between
                determination to transform those condit ions which can
                be changed. and acceptance of thO$e which connOI.
            16. It's never too late to put your past behind you.
            1 1. She W05 a woman w1lh II past - but Ihot dldn 'l stop her

._ - , oy. . - .
                from looking for a man with a future!

.- -,-.--.... -.o...... _._ ....-. .
._-,--'-   ,-.-.
        . _ _ . . _ _ ..... odO .• _ _
Laughter Is the Best Medicine! )

 1 ~.Q'dM./ 1
      laugh your way to better health! A lot of medical
   research Indicates that laughter produces significant
  changes In Immune system' functionality, beginning on
   the cellu lar leve l. We ha ve long been aware that
   negative factors, s uch as depression ' and stress, can
   compromise' the Immune system, But now scientists
   have clear evidence that laughter can Improve It, And
   the best part about this discovery Is that you don't have
   to walt until you're III to experience the medical benefits
   of laughter. Even If you don't laugh much now. you can
   begin to prac tice right away,

.. 'E'.ampl.
      They 've been married five years and she still hasn ' t
   to ld him ho w muc h money he 's earning,

·Immune syat..,, : _~_tem tho, ~
.depr-..Ion : _  oe!'!, 01 ~ ...,  -.owtuI
· cornpnmIH : .. _,o--=~
                                                    '_'0, _   '''''''_....,
Talk, T.1Ik, Talk 2 I I' III

            -rs his means his wife regards her husband as                ~ money-
             1.          making nw:hlne,   ~nd   he seems 10 accept his destiny'
           as   ~      henpecked hubby, ' giving her all the money he makes
           without quest10n or (ompioint. 1 II Irllgedy thllt most
           husbands hand 0YVr'         .n the money lhey make to their wives
           ~nd         then have to beg for' an   IIlIow~nce .'   Do you think this
                                 Is a good kiell' Or do you think husbands
                                         should handle all financial matters

. . . . . .'_.. . . '_ . ._ot_
..... , _._ .. _-_
.--- '--' ..
.--- ...
.~ . od...-y

                ....                  _-- _-
                  • _ _ _ • _ _ .. _ _ .... _

                                                                   ....... _ .. _ _
~ 't' .pla/n whm th.- gap mean And con.,n.llt About
       1. He doe~n't carT)' life insurance, only fi~ insurance-
          he knows where he's going.
       1. My mother-in-Iow W kidnop ped lost week. The
          kidnapper saId If we didn't send $25,000 q uick, we
          would hove to lake her bock.
       3. He married his secretory. think ing he'd continue to
          didO!e' 10 her.
       II. He's marrying ot 70 ond stllllooklng for   Q   home near
          a school.
       5. When he buys anything. he sees on ly the initial

       6. They took the for better or worse ' vow, but they
          didn't say for how long,
       7. The only time he opens his mouth is to ask her for
          the apron and the vacuum cleaner.
       B. She threatened 10 divorce him o nce, and he could n't
          help shedding' a few cheers.
       9. He never knew what hoppine$S was until he married
          her-then it was 100 lote.
      10. fudge 0 dere ndant: ' I n ote that in a dd itio n to
          stealing cash, you took watches, ri ngs and pearls.
          Yes, your honor: replied the mon In the dock. ' I
          wos laug h t that money alone doesn't brIng

      11. Joe is the man for me: sold a starry-eyed ' young
          woman to her mother. He's nice. He's handsome.
          He's sma rt. He's hard·working. He's runny. He's
          strong. He's kin d.
Tdlk, T'llk. T.. lk 2   1''''1 111

               ~He'5 malTled. inlerrupted her mather.
               ~So? Nobody's perfectl~
        12.    He told his children SonIa Claus is 100 old to gel around
               ony mare.
        1$.    Father, I want to gel monied,
               NO, my $On, you'.., not wise enough.
               Whe n will I b@wise.noug h ?
               When you rid ' yourself of the ideo that you wont to b@
        14.    When he', in. she's out. Wh,m she's In. he's out. They
               can't find eoch other to discuss a dIvorce,
        1 5.   He could convince his wIfe that she looks fat In 0 fur

        16. She swore she wouldn't tolk to him tor 0 month ond he's
             unhappy oboutlt~the monih 1$ olm()$t over.
        I T. He's very sympathetic. He con'l beor _Ing on old lody
             standing up in the subwoy, $0 he always buries his heod
             in a newspaper.
        18. As soon as she stans giving her side ' of the argument,
             he shuts off' his heorlng Old.
        19.  I've had bod luck with both my wives.
             How comer
             The flnt ron off with another man .
             And (he s«ondr
        20. My uncle hod on automobile aeddent, but the doctor
             told him he would have him walking In 0 month .-
             And did her
              Yes. When the doctor sent his bill, my uncle had to sell
               his car 10 pay It.

...........  .... -'-' .... -'-~­
Make Your Point (1)

         Bas.ed o n the a lven outline, g ive u. your opin ion in
    detail ,


r   o Helll lh Is lhe moll ImpOrUml thing In life .
    o O no.:e II Is 10$1 you can 'l gel II Mo.:k o.:om p le le ly.
    o Be .... re 10 elll we ll , sleep e nough li nd IllI'Old $Ires.s If
        p05Slble .
    o   Exe rcise also helps you remai n fit ' .
    o Regula r checkups ' are
        Indis pensa ble ' 100.

./10 .. _
              ........... _
.oftp_, _ ,  _              -      -
                                  .. _ -
tel eopIe         air   recoup' their laMes on the Ioo:k market,
                  ~~ 'eg.!ILn 1I Iowr s ffect1ons (or find 1I new lover). or
                 reform their cha racter. but they may nol ever be able 10
                 recover Ihe,r 1os1 health. However. laking eliTe o f ourselves
                 Is lIc l UlIlIy eas ier thlln we may think . If we have lin
                 adequ.eile. bIIlanc:ed diet. if we gel enough rest. and if we
                 PK8 ourselves lind keep everything in proper pl!lSpectiw'
                 to   mlnlmi~e     stress. most of US aIIn mbinlllin our physical
                 activity Oller     II   long period      (ll   lifetlme'l comfortably nd
                 en)oyllbly The other really Important aspect of si llying
                 healthy Involves regular exercise. BUI you don ', hlIve 10
                 work out ' In lin eKpensiYe gym for many hours a week. A
                 brisk ' wlIlk lo r 30 minute$ II lUay Is all most people need.
                 though they may want to suppl emen t ' Ih ls wilh a few
                 minutes 01 stretching. Last. but nol eMt. gel II thorough
                 medical     examl~lion        every yell •. Within dIoys, you will either
                 know that you must take some necessary steps to keep
                  from geUing sick. c. you wiH nave complete peace of mind
                  knowing thai nothing is wrong with you'

::::r.,r.,~ :.:..:..
·_ovt ,...... __ .... __ . _
--'- --                      ---
                      :!:'..: -:-. ... _ _ _
• .. r! .... ,' _ _ 10 ........ . . . -  ' ........... ' . . . . . . _ _ •
• Gas prices are skyra;kcting. '
• Y want 10 ge l rid of you r ca r soon.
• Too mony cars arc on the road.
• The subway lakes you onywhcn'! in the city Oil lime.

• You wanlla stQrt laking       Q   lunch box to work.
• You're sick o f eating out.
o   Restaurants are too expensive.
• Too mo n y people fill th e restaurant, ma king it noisy and

• You think TV con never be educational.
• It rots a child's brain.
• Commercials encourage overspending_
• Child re n are gett ing fat from watching TV.

(4 )
• It's amazing how few people seem 10 be really worried
    about A IDS.
Ta lk. Talk. Talk 2 / 1'.1 

       o AIDS kills you, (lnd it'~ spreodlng '(lst.
       o YOl oon get It from ... n9Oglng In lnso'e sex or even getting
         a blood transfusion. '
       • MOSI Impo rtantly. o n e musl get adequate In form ation
         aboult he disease before It b too late.
       • By ta kIng preve n tive' measures. onyone oon be sa f....

       • People o~ prejudiced a golnst rot people.
       • ObesIty' Is a
       • Fa t people do not just ea t whatever they p!('l$f.
       • They hove difficulty burning up· colorll!$ In theIr everykly
       o Even exerdse doesn't help same fat people.

       • We shOu ld make tObacco Ill egol.
       • It Is fatal to smo kers a nd nonsmokers a li ke a nd poses
         great rlsks to people's health.
       • Il ls among the addictive ' of all subslances.
       • Stcond·hond smoke can ruIn the health even of Innocent

~J .... ~ ~~~~                                             _
 ._JWIO,..-:    _ o r _ _ _ _ _ _ or a _  . ... .........
· _ _ : *-IO' _ _ '''' _ _
:=:::.'=':=_ ...... -._ ..
                                        _ t o )'OU' _n
                                                           -       - --
• It is true that politicians disgust ' us with their low moral
• People are becoming indifferent to politics.
• They often neg lect to vote.
• The easiest way for evil to triumph Is for the good to sl!
 bock Gnd do nothing.
• We can only stop the vicious circle' of corrupt ' politics by
  voting Intelligently.

• Stress is unavoidable in modern society.
• We must learn how to cope with' it. If not, we will all be
 destroyed by it.
• But we can also moke It our life's locomotive. '
• If well managed, It stlmulates our creative power Gnd
 leads us to better lives.

• Crime rates ore on the rise.
• Laws are 100 permissive.
• Strict punishment is sold to discourage criminal acts.
• Singapore is the outstanding' example of this theory.
• But the death penalty should be the exception, not the
 rule. '
Talk, Tl lk, T.- k 2 / 1',1 1

    • Co pitol punbhmenl is 100 eXlreme, given Ih e uncenolnrles
        of th e law and police practices.
    • No o n e sh ou ld be ollowed 10 take      (I   human Ufe-not even
        11   ju dge.

    ( 10)
    • Som e peop le say life Is predetermined before ou r birt h .
    •   ~511ny         co nn o t be chang ed.
    • But we shou ldn ', be di scouraged. T here 15 $O m e lh lng even
      stron ger thon fotc.
    • Good hoblls and bad habits ore Our reo l destiny.
    • If you choose good hobits. your life Is full of IIghl, but bod
        o nes lead you to dorknes5.

l                                     =~
 Make Your po,n@D

   W hy Is a co llege ed uca tion Importa n'

    ~     college education expands ou r knowledge of Ihe
   Il.. world. II deepens our interests. II widens our
   abi lities. it makes us more broadmioded' and less ignoran!. '
   it provides us with useful human contacts, it forces us to
   work hard to ach ieve something wort hwhile. and. perhaps
   most importantly. it gives us a certificate (called a diploma' )
   for success.
Ta lk, Talk, Talk 2 / I'u n 1

 ..   ~ alee fIOUl' po/ott; Oot t;he follow/ltg is.....:
         1. Why a~ friendS Importa nl to us?
         2. Why do we hav 10 be o n lim fOT appointm en ts?
         1 . Why Is It m os t difficul t to k ee p our pr omises to
         4. Why 1$ II don9rou~ 0 driVio' drunk?
         S. What does having a lob moon fOT you?
         6. What Is the Importance of family?
         1. Why Is low necessary?
         8. Why ore morals necessary?
         9. Are you afraid of dying? Why or wh y no?
        10. Tell us why WI' shou ld 100m English .
        11. Wha t l'neflts' doos money provld(?
        1 2. Ho w does m o n ey spoil us?
        11. Argue that me n (Ire more In telligent Ihon women (or
             vice versa). '
        1'1. Refute' Ihe argument lust mode.
        lS. Why do many lrople gel mmTled?
        16. [x p lain why be Ing s ingle Is b e lleT Ihon having a
        1 7. Illustrate' why swdylng Is imponant.
        18. !'rove Ihat swd ylng Isn't everyt hing In life .
        19. Think of all t h reasons why peop le can', qull drinking
             and s m oki ng.
        20. Co nvin ce uS Ihol all t he reasons give n In 19 a re lust
             lame' excuses.
        21. Capitalism ' Is I'lter Ihon soda lism ' _ or Is It1
        22. ~ I wo uld rather be 10vOi!d Iha n be rich .
        21. Dtspite ilS inl'/fidency. democracy Is Ihe best form of
        2 4. Such Is the war of Ihe world: th e big fish always feed
             upon ' the smal fish .
        2S. Why Is loornlng English a n ecl'5S0ry evil?

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Social Phenomena )

 F xample
  J uve nil e crimes a re beco m ing m ore prevale nt. '

     '( US! a gilnce at any population' chart will show that
   e....J wherever there are a lot of young men (between thei r
  early teens and late 20s). crime rates will go up. These are a
  veIY act ive force in SOCiety. they have lots 01 ene rgy and
  probably too much free time. but they also lack matu rity.
  So. unless they have jobs. they are usually on the prowl ' for
  something exciting to do. especially something that may
  make them some money. But they don't usually understand
  the consequences '       of their
  actions. they are focused
  only on shortterm
  thrills' or needs.
Tol lk, T.llk, Tollk 2 / I',., 1

    •   ~ cdl.    flOUt'   poit 0 tit. /OlI04Nl..g . -/AI plt ......... .. A:
             1. People are getting more impatient.
             1. Divorce rotes are going up.
             1. The gop between rlch and poor Is wldfnlng.
             4. The number o f wOmen who smoke Is Increasing.
             $. The number of childless couples Is on the rise. '

             6. Many young people are choosi n g to remain slngl~
                 lo nger or not getting mamed at all.
              7. A two-Income fomlly Is becoming the nonn. ·
             I. People are almost always busy.
              9. Almost everybody invests In stock.
             10. Among young people. physical Iltness' Is getti ng worse.

             11. Ufe~xpectoncy' 13 expanding.
             12. More people are driving than ever before.
             /1. As women become more like m e n . men are gell[ng
                  mall! feminized. '
             l'I. Children show less respect to t heir elders than they used
             1$. Many emigrants are returntng home.

             16. No o ne reads as much as his grandparents did.
             17. Dis h onest, unsc r upulous people are more likely to
                 succeed thon the morolly uprlght.
             II. The old ways are d[soppearlng.
             19. Mall! alcohol Is being consumed tho n ot ony other time
                 in history.

      ,,... _ ......'...__. _10...
             10. family size is much smaller than even 40 years ago .

.,.,_ ....
.m-',::;:::,:'_ ..10_1010_01._
·'-- -   ' _ _ _ _ ... ____ .... _ .... _

· _''-'v_ .....           '''''-_IO._
Read the passage and Answer the Questions )

        A t Oba cco ·co mpany executive ' traveled th e co untry
        lookIng for long·time smokers In good he-o.lth. He found
        one man who admItted ' to smokIng for 70 YWTS.
         If yo u do a commercIal ' for u s .  th e executlve
        explaIned, we'll pay you $10,000,
         It'$ 0 de-o.l,  sold the smoker, When do I 5Iort?
        How a bout IOa.m, tomorrowr
        Con ', do II the n, son - I newr quit «!ughlng till noon !

.. !2fttloJ1.
        (I ) Why did the     executi~   lrovel sa far?
        (2) Whot did he offer 10 do for the smokel?

.••   ..:W...   :   ~='   _ _ _ .... _ , _ _ . _  ' _
.- : ~-
T,llk, Ta lk, Talk 2 / I'url'

                                    Diane Ro bb, a 37·year-old copywrit,..
                                        and mo the r o f two, oomllo res her
                                           IIf to riding a wa ve: lump ing
                                           o n your slIrfboord ' a t six in th
                                          m o rning , a nd w(uhlng liP' o n
                                          Ih be a c h a t t en thai nigh!. 
                                         Sh e d oes n ' t kn o w how s he'd
                                       cop,, ' without a mi cro wave Oven
                                     and takeout food .' Vet her mother -
          a sc h o o lt co c h e r who ownd far fewe r convenlen ce~ _
       a lwa ys swm ed to have free ti me . S h e even hod ti m e to
       hong d o thes On the line and hoke p ies. says Robb. Whm ·s
       going o n? I:n 'l modem techno logy $Uppoo»ed 10 provide less
       work a nd m a re leisure? JUSI the o pposite m ay be true. O n e
       tech nological innova tion after ano ther has me t o ur demand
       for a fa sler tempo, then speeded II li p som e m are. labor.
       sovl ng deviCft eosed the drudge ry ' of o ur Uves bUI a dded to
       Ih l' I'x~ ns e . So we have becom e tw o_ paycheck' fam ilies,
       b ut s UII h a ve  0 w o rk overtime a nd ev en th e n mu s t
       m oonlight ' In o rde r to keep up.

Ii   Que.tlo.
       ( I) What does Diane think about her life?
       (2) What does sh think a bout m lcl(lwaW! ovens?
       (3) What does ta keout food  m oo n?
       (4 ) Old her mot her lood a bwy life, too?
       (5) Why d oesn ' t the new techn o logy bri ng Us m o re leisure
       (6 ) Sum u p the story In your own     word~.

Recent ly I was invited to lecture on anxiety ' to several
  hund red mental-health professionals. My toIle. was
  scheduled to follow those of a n u mber o f promine n t'
  psychiatrists. ' When my turn carne, [ was especially
  nervous, because the before me hod been
  part icula rly impressive and charming. As [ approached
  the podium,' my heart pounded ' and my mouth went
  completely dry. What am [ doing herer I asked myself.
  Making mailers worse, my p resentation ' dealt partly with
  the fear of public speaking. To calm myself, I tried an
  unconventiona l' tacHc. ' [ asked the audie nce,  How
  many of you feel nervous when you give a
  speech? Nearly every hand went up.
  Well, that's exactly how [ feel
  right now! T he audience
  responded with laugh ter. I
  relaxed and was ab le to
  move easily Into my

  (1) Where was the writer invited?
  (2) Why was he nervous before he gave his lecture?
  (3) What was h is lecture about?
  (4) How did he relax himself?
  (5) Sum up the story in your own words.
Talk. Ta lk, Ta lk 2 / 1' 

       A teen-oger wQS lounging ' on the nClOr watching TV when
                       the phone rang.
                            - Hello, so n , ~ sold the voice. ·Where Is
                               your motherr-
                                  ·She's out working In t h e
                                    go rden.·
                                      MWhot? barked ' the fo t he r.
                                       Your mother 15n', oS young
                                         and strong 0$ she used to
                                          be . Why are n ' t you
                                         helping her1 
                                          Con ' I ,~ wa s Ihe reply.
                                       · Crandma's using Ihe other

     a,...••t~   ...

   r   (I) What was the teen-ager doing?
       (2) Who coiled him?
       (3) Whol wos his mom doing?
       (4) What was his grandma doing?
       (5) Why couldn't he help his mom?
       (6) Sum up the story In your own words .

·-,·-... ·. . . _. . . __. . . ..G_ . . _ _
.~~      .
         ;-; -'-

.-: -- ' ~
Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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Talk talk talk 2
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  • 1.
  • 2. ':I<>!,;;z.~ .ojo<>I", Topic.-Di5C<lSSiC>"l T-tbodc Sotios .. t tf&Ic:!'" ':Jf. ~~~.i.J#-ei 4 i!J-t -jotf. ~ ~ 3ll4ot" 1 " I'lljot ~~~ It'''!t2t .oiL .£- R.."I-t "7t1'! . ,;;z.~ Teolk Teolk Teolk (I) ICZl.f 1oI~1I ~<j-G-~~. ::l t ;;!..:a- ".J-G-1'l"--(. .fI'! 1I"1 ~~c:! -i<>J1'J i!1~ 3Iill,* .:t.ot~oj ~J. " I'lljot ttt"lto TeolkTeo!k Teolk m I alto L·? ·;;!..:a- l!..f '..i -G- I'I-j-t.fl ~ ,;;z.~"J~q. I. 1t~ 11" .;t~ ~ ~ .!!.'" 11" L.asson .£'. 11".,1 q! .t. .,.!!. ... .;t~~'" '!loQ-"''-I-. 2. 11 L.asson ~ ..."'"01 Exampr. '" ol aUt"ll~ o!!;aI~~","'. Ans_. t >'I", . 1o! ~(r"ttol 1t l_son HI ~l';j f ~J .!!..i..'" ~'" ~'G-"tt21 .....1 • • -t '-1-"'"1 aJ"J t~ .. £. ,. foal Book III 1'1 PM I, ) "L..t's p,,",,",;.,., Maki"l a.-I;QN" ~ 'If 11 "'£~ t- §."f 41'1 >'I-'l.iJ • • 0J"'~. :t -i0JoI !j.f. IJ~~ -j·ot ~1'<1t.!'J "J-¥01".1 ~"J'It- .f·~4 e!:~~!.lQ. ~i!t"" ~J ~"'l.f 0I~ "n·t -.lll,,·oIt ~.f, "';alit ~"'.f~.l"'. ct~~ 'lI0/ 4(~"'t"''''t tt'. n '0..,1 '!I~oJ.l"'. 4. ':1"".1901 '!I"'.-.t "l"hl ~ !!'..,ff. a.j'i 21 t -j'j.f. ~"' J. 11t' ljI. ~o! .i. .I..1!!~Jtt- "lj oJ.l .... 01 1':01~~ 01",",'" ':J.f 4"!"Jf.lf'" ':I"'t ':IotJ. 1 ~'It- t ·i!!-¥· ~"* '!lJ<." ~.f 'OU...."' ,..",,101.f."t! ~ * '!l£. 8J'~.l"'. 5. 1t lusc" 01'-1 t.ll.'J /l-i.{ ' .,1"ljI. 0; .. 108'"'0 t "!-t'" Pod (6) t ~~'Iot '';i-t.l .... 21 ...J'" ':I"'tll!-·P!!ot £",01 ~ £ .. 8J' 6. lE'!"'~f' ~", ol ~ ".to!'" "'~.-.t~ "!t4"'''' ':Iotj.»'J "')'1'.1 ,,;!':It lI i-ot £ i oi .iI£.f 8J~ .l"'. 01 1-I1l ill ~ :ilillot ,!! I'J I'J.eJ k.i!!l 21 "'J.ioJ '" Tlalk Teolk Teo'k m I 1210 ~ ~. l<{<>I2I.f21 ':1<>1'.,1(;'" " J.f. If";!", "l tl'J~c.I. ol l'~ ol ~'£" 1 1It1'1 "J~oI of'-!4'"d ill~ jJillot '!!"J"!-!-. ::lill..:!. I'J 'l°J1i*7It"r J'J4 ... 0..-.. Vo.toeoJs ..1 ,! <>111 <!H· 1f4+ ~'iI'-I~ . .Ii t¥ "'jt}~ .:t iJI~ "'"J -.J!lIOJ ..1. ::l il/2 ~""J -"Jf 1tlIe!! <>3""'~"'J 01 ~",;"1 <>I7I£ y.o.t-f ~~'-I~.
  • 3. R'"""m.... ndatlon . . .. . . 2 30 Lessons li)fiji lilMll!I hatooulO k? W D Y Th' . 31. What Do You Want to SIIy? .... .. B. 94 32. Whllt Should H. Do? ...... 10. 96 33. "'s'" 0. DI"'8 .....? .... .. 12. 100 34. Do You a. li.".? .... .. 14. 102 3S. itin ...... 16. 104 36. Whllt "' 18 tK"U,n? ..... lB, 106 3"1. P.os " Cons ...... 20. rOB 3B. Whllt Wou ld You Do? ...... 22. 110 39. Mllk in8 Chol ..., .... . 24. 112 40. Whllt "' •• th. R.uons? ...... 28. 114 4 1. Risht 0. W.ona? .... .. 30. 116 42. Whot Would Hllpp.. n? . . ... 32. rra 'ilMlI~uilles 43. Quinn ...... 36. 120 44. Who's Who ? ...... 3B. 122 .S. Whllt Sub-Cot-so. ln "'.a Til•••? ...... 40. 124 46. Whllt Is It? . . .. . . 44. 126 4"/. W"'+'. t h. Oiff•••"",,? ...... 50. 130 4B. Difftl.nt P. lsonlll it i. s ...... 52. 132
  • 4. c o T E T s What Does It Mean'~LiIl!IIIIL_ _ _~ , 49. WhOof 00•• Thi, ""....1 (t) .•.•.. ~. I~ ;0. What Do.. Th i. /11..,"1 (l l ...... ;6. r:}6 ;1. Wh"t Does Th is "'..,.n1 (3) ...... ;8. 1;8 ;2. P'ove.b, ..... . 62. 140 53. Idiom • ...... 64. 144 ;4. " ..,o"ym, ...... 66. 146 55. l.ifnty l. Quips ...... 68. 148 ;6. l."u8h<l., I. ti,. ant JoI.dici""l ...... 10. 1;0 Make Your pOin"ti1lmL-----~ 51, "".k. You. Point m ...... 14. 1;2 ;8. Mal{. Ve...., Poi nt (2) ...... 80. 1;6 59. SCle;al Ph",.,omane. ...... 82. 1;8 Reading Comprehensio,ftlilmL1ll___ n' ~ 60. R..,d iI,. passas" and An....... tt,. Quntion....... 84. 160
  • 5. Let's Warm UP with Some Riddles! 1. What kind of room has no windo_ or door'tl7 2. They are dark. and alwaye on the run. WIthout eun, would I>e none, 3. What haa hande but I", not; fleeh, bone Or 1>100.:17 4. I have hola" on the t.op and I have holeo on my left and On my right. And I h... ve hal". In the middle. y.n; I "till hok:lwater. What am" 5 . I look at yOIl. you look at rna. I raiN my rig ht, you rare<! your left. What am 11 6. What 6048 around the world and "~ylO In ill GOmer? 7. The "'",II who Invented It, do",sn't want It. The man who pought It. doesn't need 11:.. Th" rna" who need. It, doeen't know It. &. Lig ht alii ill feather. there Ie nothing In It; the eotrons"et man Ga"'t hold It for much rna..., than. minute. 9. What aate rocke. level" mOUMUlI"",. ru&tllt m~l, pueh"e the .::Ioude acroes the sky, and maha a young mil" oldr 10. Yellow and white Hard outelda St.ola" from 11f". Wh .. t 111m 17 11. What .:an fill .. room but tlIitee up no epau? 12. If you throw It off th .. hlgh.. &t l>ulldlng It will not break. If you plae .. It in the oc .. an it will. What Ie It? 1:3. No SOOner epok.. n than broken. What Ie It? 14. The rich men want It, the wi".. men know It. the poot' all nHd It, and the kind m .. n "how It. 15. You tlee a knife to ellu my head. and weep bee Ide me when I am dead.
  • 7. "W,IIW What Do You Want to Say? I:'",amplc Many people Ihln k lec h nology brings about ha p piness and Iha l lime-savIng mach ines give us eKlra lime. How would you lell Ihem that modem tec hnologIes and ~ convenlenees ~ ' are really a maIn SOu rce o f s lress? i "t'"1" very L lime I lose something on the computer after working on II for hours, I regret that I didn't jus! write it or type il on paper, because Ihen I IWOI.IId have somethIng concrele' to show foe all my effort. Whenever I eal ramyun because it is fast and che<lp 10 fix, ' I get hungry for Ihe real food that my mom used 10 make with such lender, loving CIIre. And I have a watch that can tell me what time it is any place in lhe wortd, and it's guaranteed to keep time accurately 10 within a few mierosoconds a year, and wiU work even under 30 meters of water. Bul il <:051 me almost half a week's salary to get it: I didn't i»Y for il aU al once, of course , [charged ' il: but I'm still paying for it, and the high inter~ is really mounting up .' And what's worse, J can't really go on IRlcalion In some foreign country or even go diving someplace, since I don't hrlIve the money or the lime.
  • 8. Til lk, T.llk, T.llk 2 I I'm1 I t> V,..t do ItO" _Itt to _111 1. Apologize to your ~ for being lot e 10. work d ue 10' a trofflo: 10m.' 1. Tell your boss you wont Ihe doy off beatuse you have a bod O:Old . 3. Tell a friend why he shou ld sove money for a rainy day. ' II. Cheer up ' your friend who foiled Ihe o:ollege exam a n d advise her to try another so:hool. 5 . Counsel your friend to stop sm oking. 6. Advise your porent to exerdse more. 1. Tell you r boyfriend (or girlfriend) 10 be sure 1 curry 0 0 good $un5Cre'en ' on his or her summer voo:ollon . lJ. Tell your (Io»mate!l '101 10 give up on [ngllsh. 9. Advise your brother nOi to choose a job bostd o n solory alone. JO. Tell your f"end to get 0 medl(OI checkup ' ~ery yeo r. 11. [xplol n to you r Ch ildren why II Is Important to siudy hard. 11. Inform ' your employees that 1 1 nec:essory to wt thei r $ poy and 10. loy some af them aff. · U. Let your besl friend know thol you WOn'l be oble 10 poy bock his loon ' on lime. 1 ... Tell you r porents that you ore In love and wont to get married. 15. Tell your girl or boy ("end that you hove a new lovtr. __ . _ __ _----._"''''''.... ' - " ':. .-~ . . -"'-'" 'rwnyd8y - _ _ "' _ _ ' _ .... on _ _ "' _ _ _ ."'" - ~ "" • .____ ................... .....:v..._....... _"'''''"a-fuI ' ''''_ . _ " " : ....... ........... ...... : ........ "' _ _ .. _ !It>!, _ _
  • 9. IU;4,;.', What Should He Do? Hfl 1 very fo rge lful. $ l f>.••_, r<t f he forgets IIppointmerlts. he needs to get in the habit of writing them down lind checking hl$ calendar ' regularly. If he forgets names. he should try to create II memory link between II person"s appearance or position and the name-the more absurd' or exotic,' the easier It Is to remember. II he forgets Information on tests. he should slop trying to memorize everything and try to understand basic processes and relbtionships. We can aU remember between 3 and 8 things III once. 50 we need to learn how to organlu bigger and bigger thoughts into a small number 01 tllregorles: remembering becomes very easy then. Ifs Just /I maner of training. not intelligence . ._ -'1'-.. . ... - .- :-..-,-_- •_ ... " ' _ .... _ .. """90 .. be _ . _ _ _ ........
  • 10. T,lIk. T,llk. T.:llk 2 I'" .. I .. V,,"'t -"-,'" ,,_ <101 1. He found oul his young $On ho.I "orted s.moldng. 2. He ho.I hod his pockel picked ' on Ihe bus. J. He ho.I (1 not lire' on the expressway . ... He $Ce$ $Omeone drowning.' 5. He sees $Omeone trying 10 commll sUldde. ' 6. His friend Is about 10 drive home drunk. 7. I-lis friend 05ks him to lend him $Ome money. IJ. His wife Is spen dIng 100 mUCh wllh Ihe credit cord. 9. His son says he Isn'l Inlfresled In gelling a co llege education. 10. HIs wife wonts a fur"' coal faT her birthday. 11 . His bo$:s wants 10. dole his .lisler, bul $M doesn'lllke him. 12. He hos a chance for 0 big promotion. bUI If he occepts he will have to move to another country for a long time, wilhoul his family. H. His Wife wants to get a divorce. 14. His doughIer wonts to move In with her boyfriend. I S. He n ~s a n~ Car and a new opartmenl. bul he Co.n'l afford ' bolh. 16. He has no. money bul has 10. fHd his child. 17. His brolher has com mlned a serious cr1me and need5 on alibi. ' 11J. HIs father Ihrealens 10 CUI o ff' his Inheritance ' If he monies the only woman he has t"Ver loved. 19. He wonts 10 eol anolher helpIng ' 01 his fovorile food on hIs birthday. bul his doctor has worned him he muSI 106e $Orne more weight. 20. Ht can ellMr ovoid on orgumenl wllh his mother.ln.low, ._,._- ...... ---_ . ---_.- Or he can leLl her why her advice 10 his wife Is wrong. ,pid<.... ,_ ,_ _--_ _- , ·Il00 - .1.- _ ... _ ...... .. - .... _ G.. ~ _ _ ... _ "...... , ... '" . _ , ... 0<1 ..... _ - - . ; _ .. . ..... _ _ _ ""-"'" _ _ " ' . ....-.ouot> •• ,_._."'''''' ... .... --.-_.--"' .. ._:"'-"'-'.- - __- .... .,...- .cuto!f , _ t .... _ - . . . . . , . . . · . _ .".."... :. _ .... .,
  • 11. hiis.t.i.. Agree or Disagree? Ii> 'E'.ampl. Men are selfish by mlilu re. en." of course. is synony mou s ' with "Mllnkind." So. by nature. ~ (lind women) are sellish and generous. sell"Cemered and altruistic.' all at once. ' But. in terms 01 ' gender. rTl(!n are also selfish. They Wilnl to be like the lion. who lolls' about aU day In the hot sun lA'aiting for his mate to catch the lood and bring il 10 him 1he lioness also lakes care of the cubs' and makes herself available sexually to u "the king of the beasts" III lilly lirTl(!. Unfortunlliely. human femllies are less willing to put up wilh ' this behllvlor from their husbands. so men are not nea rly iIS 5':!lfish as they would like to be. ,-_ _... :~:.,.~::::::;=~ '''_oI __ ..,..'_,.,....01... . .......,.,- _ ._ ........ . . . . ongo . - - - - . . . . _ - ..... ·1IUI""_:_Ioa't IO;~ _ _ .......... _~
  • 12. Talk, T,llk, T,llk 2 ! Putt 1 .. ~ OJtOM a9.... ordl$a9.... 1 J. Wo m e n are ready to do anything to look more beautiful. 2. He $OYS li fe 15 worth living for 100 years o r longer. J . Marriage Is the best part of 0 human being·, life. II. The more children you hove, the hopple. you are. S. A maxim ' says Ihe worst wife Is better than a dutiful child. 6. Money mokes you happy. 7. DyIng is bener Ihon living with disgra~. Il. Animol$ a nd pla nts can think and feel like us. , . There Is na such place as heaven or hell. 10. Love and morriage are nal the $Ome_and should nol be treali'd alike. l l. Good looks do not go wllh good brains. 11. The end justifles the means. H. If we have the courage of our con victions, anyt h ing we do Is objectively' all right . 1'1. The meek ' shallinheril the earth. I S. Honesty Is always the best policy. 16. All politlctoru are crooks.' 1 7. You have to be crazy 10 be a great artist. Ill. Women ore the weaker sex. 19. After 40, II's all downhill. __ :_ _--_ - ZOo Boy babies ore better thon girl babIes. ·"""""" 0_ _ "'.-"_:.- .~ . ..... ...-k :. _: ""'-"'-~"'. -- ..... _ _ _ _ ....
  • 13. iitti,u.a Do You Believe? ) 'I."'. ampl. Do you believe In love a l firSI s igh t? It bsolu tely not. Jf you think you a re in love but you .[')- don 't know the object ' of your affection very well. it's not really love. It"s just infatuation ' o r lust. ' Love must grow with time and understanding. It requires patience and responsibility . Infa tua t ion is a desire fo r an immediate relationship (usually sexual i nte rcour~) with li tt le or no thought about what the other person is really like . • oa,.cl , J>U'll'OM' Q<>OI _ . ln l all... lIotI , 1_ .,.,. ·lual ' ... _ ... .... - . .
  • 14. Tollk, Talk, T,llk 2 I I'"n t .. ~_ .. th . . . " ... .tlo ... : 1. Do you believe thO[ t:nglLsh ablllLy can help you get through this ever-chaUE>nglng world? How? Z. 00 you believe what polm reoders' say? 3. 00 you believe what the newspopers say? of. Do you believe what your porents say? S. Do you belieVE> what politldans say? 6. Do you believe that sponklng ' schoolboys ha5 a good educollonal purpose? 7. 00 you believe In God? I. Do you believe In UFOs? ' ,. Do you believe what ods say? 10. Do you believe in any supersllllon? ' JJ. Do you believe In ghOSts? J1. Do you believe thot your destiny ' Is predl'tE>nnlned? J3. 00 you believe that money con buy anything? J ... Do you believe that your Love toward your swet>thear1 won't fade away' as years go by? IS. 00 you believe II if your spouse says that he Or She will not marry ogoln after you die? 16. Do you believe In Ufe after dooth? II. Do you believe that 0 while III" Is nece5S0ry In some 00=1 II. Do you believe the beautiful die young? ---"'...-_................-_..... -."'---... _---- .. 1'. _ Do you believe what sa.1~people say? ........._.....,------_ ZOo Do you believe whot religious leaders sa.y? .-.. ,--""-"._"'Iiw.. .>g.- -",- "" . .-_to_._·.--.go_-.o""" . " ._. _._ ·- - - --ay, . U FO ... _ ~ _ .-~ .... _ " ' . - - ....... _ " " _ .. mogiC",- .- 'iny
  • 15. "#%UI Priorities E".ampl. Buying a car n f course, U the first priority is price, I'd like to boy a cheap model with cash, so I wouldn ' t have borrow any money, if possible, I'm willing to buy an old car to get the best bargain, Design and make ' are also important factors ' to me, And you know gas is gelling expensive these days, so everybody is concerned about mileage,' I like compact' cars be<ause they are economical in terms of' taxes, gas, insurance, etc. Another oovantage is that thieves are NEVER interested in small cars. ~~~~~~~~~ ·"-"-''''''_. __ COtI_on. __ c<""" ........ : ....... ..."...-IIaO . _....,. _ _ .CQmlNOC'l ' ... . 18C"" '." ....... "'~ .... t_"' , ~ , _
  • 16. Talk atooort fI'Of4' prio,ltlcs: I . when you ch~ Ihe plo«, 10 go for your honeymoon. Z. when you look for Q girlfriend or boyfriend. J. when you ch~ a plo«' 10 live . ... when you decide your major In college. S. whe n you choose 0 resloumnt for lunch. 6. when you look for Q job. T. when you choose wherE' 10 spend your vOCQllon . I. when you choose 0 school for your children. ,. when you pkk your church. 10. wh.m you subscribe' 10 a newspoper. 11. when you go shopping for dothes. II. wh en you go drinking with your friends. I J. when you wonl 0 dOClor. 14. wh en you chonge your cunenl job. IS. when you Off! going to fly 5OmewheTe. 16. when you hove two Importont events to allend 01 the same lime. 1 7. when you choose a hobby. I I. when you are shopping for a pel. I'. when you want to get somf!One a gift. 10. when you emigrate . . 1 .......,...,-..-""_ .. - ....,.,-_....--- .
  • 17. 'UU'icg What Are Their Excuses? " 1 ~."'dM., 1 We hear a 1 of excuses In the COUrtie of our personal 01 and socia l lives. Let ', talk about the kinds of T1Idonal~tkms ' people often make. What lIrt! their most common exCUse5? r 'E'.",,"pl. Drivers who speed "r 0 was in a huny.· "' didn·t roily notice how fast I was going. " " I was IlIte. " "[ was JUSt keeping up with the flow of traffic," "[ was in oomplete control of my car. lind it is always weU· maintained. There was no danger alllll. " "I didn't think there would be a policeman there." "People who drive too slow lire more dangerOlJS Ihan IhO§e J who go too fasl ."
  • 18. T'llk. Tollk Tollk 2 / ,',u1 I .. V hat ar. th./r ."c wscs1 J. Tax evaders 1. Drunken drivers 3. Ohrordng couples 4. Pa ren ts who spank their chILdren 5. Those who roll to quLl smoking 6. who are unable 10 quit drinking 1. St udents who do poorly In $(hOOI &. PoILlldans who don" keep their promises " Men or women who ha ve 1000e affaIrs ' 10. An ex-convIct' who commIts another crtme J1. HubbIes who forgellhelr wedding onnlvel'$(lry J1. Employees who are lOll' for work J J. tmployers who just cut their company's wages 14. Studenls who gave up trylng to loom EngILsh 15. Singles who do nOI wont to marry 16, Girls who smoke 11. Kids who want to stay out very late 01 night 1&. Spouse (or child) obusers 1'. PoILce who kill a suspected ' aimlno l 10, Doctors who do nOl tell their pallents the truth . . _.", _--""'----_........ .,_... _- ._- ... . ·......,.a , _IOtII ..... _ - _ " " ........ •• • _ I0I>l _ _ " " " _
  • 19. iiUi,;'WU Pros Be Cons --, --.I • • ~ E'••Mpl. Yo u are e lected president . A."SWflI' ....: . ;a hy would any honest man wan! 10 be presidenl? "" No president is able to live his own life anymore. He is o!ways being targeted by his poIilic.!ll rivals. And he must always decide Important mailers correctly whi le, a t the same lime, maintaining high moral standards. In short . his life has 10 be unexciting and beyond reproach' if he is going to COfItinue to hokI public esteem. ' But somet imes he must also make deals' with friends and foes ' alike In order to &CComplish anything . But if ill man has some inlelleclual ability aod wants 10 serve his coun try. he should try to Improve socie ty if he can, Such an acllon deserves the respecl of his fellows. And such a person could use Ihe poYJeT of the presidency' to make things beuer for everyone. This person would be far beUeT" than just a power-hungry politician who cares more about the benefits of office than the national welfare. '' ' ' ._:_''_''''''''IJ'I_ Of_ • beyond _ _ : _I0~_ .-- : -~: ­ ._ ...........- . ... _ -pr..,....' :......
  • 20. T.,lk, T.,lk T.llk:l 1''''1 I III> r al" about" t"fr. ad_ .. t"agcs a ..d dl_d"a .. t"apes of t"fr. foII_I ..g : I . Bei n g a woman 1. Being a ma n 3 . Watching TV 4. Hovi n g a coll~ degree 5. Re ma ining s in gie 6. livin g with yOUT pan- n bi ofter you get man1e'<i 7. Living with yOUT pare n tli-i n .law If. Being a full·llme hou5ewlfe 9. You r w ife h aving a job outside t h e home 10. Wi n ning the lottery 11. Being the oldest 50n 11. Hovi n g d a u ghters only 1 3. Being he n .pecked 1 4. Being a bl111on alno 15. Hoving no children 16. OWning a car 1 7. You r daugh teT in h havi n g a boyfTlend l lf. College stu dents having part-ti m e jobo> 1 9. Helng 0 nu n 10 . Living In the big dty L
  • 21. d£ii·,,·':J What Would You Do? ,------=----=--, ... 'E'.ampl. What wo uld yo u d o If yo ur wife re fu sed to li ve w llh your pare n ts? ~ irs t I would give he r many reasons why living -r togethe r ImIkes sense.' For example, I would tell her they a re ge tt ing older and weake r. and more lonely. We also have a moral responsibility to support them. Bul if she still didn"1 accept my reasons. I would let he r llve with our children and I would live with my parents by myself. I can', let my parents live alone. because they need someone to take care of them, They sacrificed everything to bring me up. and now it's my turn ' to support them . ..urn :._ . . _ • " " " ' . _ : belc>gotc.t
  • 22. T,llk, r,lIk, Talk 2 I I'" n 1 to ~ _ _ r t,,_ "....eion'" 1. What would you do Jf your hu~bond come home drunk every night? Z. What would you do if your chlld",n were behind In their $ChOOIWOTk1 J. What would you do If your IN'nager slOrted smoking and drtnldng? of. Who! would you do If you saw $Omeone with a not II", on the I'O(Id? 5. Whot would you do If you heard $Omeone $hout. "Slap. thief"] 6. WhO! would you do If yo u law m oney foil from $Omeon e'$ bog? 7. What would you do If your child gol 0 blao. eye ' from 0 clo.$$mole1 II. Whot would you do If you got too mUCh chonge bock 01 a 5tore1 ,. What would you do If 0 vending machine dldn', return your money? 10. WhOI would you do If you foiled 10 gel promoled- Iwice? 11. Who! would you do If your $w(!('theort WQnted to break up ' wllh you? 11. WhQt would you do If you were In line ond Qn old womon cut In? ' 13. WhQl would you do If you .row 0 noked person Qt Ihe beach? 14. WhQt would you do If you won the lottery? 15. Whot would you do If you and your best (rtend both loved the same person? 16. Whot would you do If you were In Q fo",lgn country with no money? 17. What would you do !fyou saw (I UfO? 111. What would you do If you hod to choose belWN'n your job and you r morrlage? J,. Whal would you do If the doctor told you hod on __ Incurab]e dlsea$e? ZOo What would you do If you were the lost person In the world? ._"",_. · blKk eye _ • CUI ... ' _ .... _ _ ... ~_ .... ..... ......... " ' _ ............. "' ...... ..
  • 23. IISq.;,4#' Making Choices .. 'E'.Gllftpl. S uppose yo ur c hild we re spa nk e d In sc h ool. Wou ld yo u protest to the s chool a uth orities ' or prete nd nothing happened? cY panking is an act o f violence regardless o f' who does C2) it. Teachen shoukl no longer be allowed to engage In such behavior. We all know violence rn.s no educational value. Violence just begets' more ""olence. ' ___ : _~_IOIeooI_'o __ -",_"" . ' _ _ of : - - . . o - . v _ .... _ _ _ ..... ' 1M9M : ~~._.'-'
  • 24. T,ll k. Ta lk T.ll k 1 I',,,, I .. ~.k• • d,oIe• • ltd t . 1I wit"" 1. wl1I you 9t't mamed o r remain si ngle? 2. If you were stopped for a traffic vlololion. would you accept the ticket ' or Iry 10 make excuses?' J. Vour hubby ' Is unable to su pport your family. Will you gel a job yourself or simply seek a divorce? ... Will you lake your next vacation by the sea Or In the mountains? 5. Vau a ..... going to moke a trip to Susan. Wlil you take the expres$ bus, the troln, or 0 plone? Or will you drive? 6. would you give your s.eal 10 Q young child sionding on the bus Or k~p It yourself? 7. Would you .other live In an apartment or a hou~? 8. you use the f'$COlator or the elevotor If you have 0 ()c) chola? 9. Which do you like belter. Q dog Or a cat? JO. Who Is more Importon •. your parent or your Spouse? 11 . Which do you like belter, pop songs o r classical music? 11. Which do you like belter. an analog watch or a digital ane? A botery·operated one or one you must wind you.,...lf? U. Which foreign languoge do you want 10 siudy after you master English? I ... ()c) you prefer going to Ihe movie theoler or watching movies on TV? __ _---..- 15. Do you like black coffee or caff~ wLlh milk ondlor ... _ -- sugar? ._:. ....--.-.. .~ ...... ~ ...
  • 25. 16. Will you try to quit smoking or cont inue? 1 7. Do you want a son or 0 daughter as your first child? 1 8. Would you remarry o r remain single If your spouse died? 1 9. What do you like 10 drive more. a compaci car o r a luxury model? 20. Which do you prefer. an imported car or one made In Korea? 21. 00 you llke to read magazines. or newspopers? 22. Where do you usually meet your friends? A coffee shop. a bookstore. a fast-food restaurant, a park? Why? 23. Do you smoke domestic cigarettes or foreign o n es? Why? 24. Do you like beef or pork better? 25. Which do you like better - mokkotl. soju, beer. or whiskey? 26. Whot would you like for breakfast - cereal with milk or a traditional Korean dish? 27. Would you rather subscribe to a morning newspaper or an evening paper? An economics paper or a spor ts paper? 28. Are you going to buy a desktop computer or a notebook? 29. Do you wa nt your baby to be breast-fed' o r bottle-fed?' 30. Which do you like be tt er - baseball or football? Amateur or pro sports?
  • 26. T.11k , T.11k, T •• lk 2 I 1'''r1 I
  • 27. "mulp., What Are the Reason ..? II> "E'.",mp/c We s tud y hi s tory In sc hool. Why? ~ he most popular reason is that 101(': can learn from 1 our past mistakes. But any serious study of history show!; that 101(': don't learn much -we keep doing the same dumb ' things lime and time again. 1hc real reasons we take ' history is to gain a deeper understanding of human activity at large. ' and to give ou rselves som e sorl o f nalional Identity. ' ·- : ~.- . __ ' ~_"'Ihe_cf"~ · ·IerJIe ' ''~ . _ ........... . . -'Oity : _ ... _
  • 28. Tdlk, T"lk, Talk 2 , 1'"" I J. People o~ getting faner. W h y? Z. People o~ s(II;ng mo~. Why? 3. People o~ getting married younger. Why? ... We requl~ good morals from our leaders, Why? S. [very coun try hos lows. Why? 6. We study philosophy. Why? 7. We exercise. Why? &. We n~ re<:reotton. Why? 9. We try to find extraterNStrio!s." Why? 10. Mony people hove 0 ~llgion . Why? II . One mon: one wOTTlOn. Why? J Z. People wont totroyel. Why? U . People wont to wotch the some movies other people o~ wotchlng. Why? 14. Some people lust wont to be seen on television or hove their nome$ In the papers. Why? IS. The older people OTt!. the more reluctont to dlyulge ' thillr true oge. Why? 16. College degrees hove lost some o( their oppeo1. Why? J7. They s.oy sire» can ~ the means for accomplishing something. Why? J&. Voriety is the spice ' of life. oocordlng to some. Why? 19. Democracy is the best fonn of government devised by monklnd . Why? 10. Love usuolly fodes owoy' os time goes by. Why? .-...· .-,... ...... . ._ _-10_ . ,_ ___.- """'-- .--.. ...... "' ......... "'_
  • 29. hAi,.. " . Right or Wrong? ) I r .• [ _pl. Mo ney makes people happy. A.n_,. CXI could never understand what people "!!ave against r money. ' "Money can'l buy you love." for example. Of course it can't! But it allows you to get 1IoO edllCbllon thaI lets you gel ill good;oo. so you can afford to take a desirable womlIn on an interesting dale. It Jets you buy good clothes and II nice car and home, which will help Impress her. And you can give her expensive presents. None of Ihe5e activit ies cons tilule ' "love," bu t they all represent ' important steps In the procen . It's better to halle money in order to win the hean of lhe one you love than to Jose your true oYe for Ibck of re<Vly' wh . .-~-~- : -----­ .ooon.bIuI' ·"' _ _ ·__ "'_"'~:_ ;_"' _IM>I",(otPi in .~_ . -'!r : _
  • 30. T.1Ik. Talk, T.11k 2 / 1'",1 I t.'t right or tIW'Oftg? f9/-, "'''St? 91_t, ..,hSt .... t ?} I. lustlce olwoys triumphs. 2. The more we know about the world. the more we have to suffer from ~1reSS. 3. PIQtonlc friendship Is ponlble between men Qnd women . ... Children should be free from homework. 5. Porenl$love u.s ·uncondltionally." 6, Men wUh a religion are hoppler Ihan men wllhaut one. 7. A call"9l' dlplamo helps a mon get 0 lob. 6. Environmenta l problems can be solved by technology. 9. Harsher punishments dbcauroge aimes. 10. A love motch guoronl~~ hopplness beller thQn on orronged mon1oge. II. We get whot we deserve. 1 2. It Is beneT to have laved and t hon never to have laved at all . 13. All men are created equol. 14. Divorce b better than unhappiness. 15. A. friend In need b a friend Indeed. 16. Lo'Hls 011 you need. 1 7. The squeaky' wheel gets olllhe gre<l$t'." 16. A. fool and hIs money ore soon ported. 1 9. Patriotism Is the lasl refuge of the scoundrel. ' - ...-- . ---,.- _ 20. The first casuolty' of war Is truth . .......... ..-..;"-- .........-,._ .................. _ · .......... ' ..... _ •• _01 ......... 0 _
  • 31. "AUH' What Would Happen? ~ "E'.alftplc Many people are c alling for the abolit io n ' of t he death pe n all y. T h ey 5a y capital punlshme nf ' 15n' t he lping bring down ' crime ratel>. What would happen If their d e mand we re IIccepted? Answer ii;!) n faci. many countries have done lIv.'ay with' capital I punishment. The odd' thing is that it does not make any difference al all. The various kinds o f crimes ~m to committed in any given sociely remain hllrly' constant.' If murders were common before the death penalty was removed. they continue to occur al II similar rate. If kidnappings ' hardly ever happened. they don"t suddenly Increase JUSI because of the removal of Ihe alleged ' deterrence' Ihat the dealh penalty represents. Laws need 10 be fairly and effectively enforced ' to avert ' rising crime rates. but the actUllI nature of the punishment doesn 'l seem 10 make much difference . .__ ,_El"'_."' ........ _ _. ....,.. _ _ .capII'" puni_ ,__ '*""'Y"" "'~(UI1J . 1)<Ing <IOwn : _ _ 100>1 '" (. 11110 ,all ... _ _ - • <10 _ay .... " : gel rid '" · odd : .....-.......-:_ ._:_--,...."'- . ltoIrty : ' 0 _ . ."""""''''''"" . -- : -~. - ....' ' ' ' ' '".... _ .--,.....:_eocf ....-. .......,.-..-... . . _-,...,.--"1' .~ , ctwn_ ...... _"' _ _ '.ICA . dw . . poa<>I 11'''- ................... ' ' ' - ._ :_ /OOfi ...... ' - _
  • 32. T"lk, T"lk, T.:lIk 1 ,'"rt ' '" Tobocco ond alo:ohol problem' Ore to blame ' for many dl~ses ond aimes, Their bad effKU ore sometimes even c:ompared wllh drog' problems. So what do YOll think Obaul doubling t he p ri ce o f liquor' and o:Igarettes7 Whot would hoppen tf the govemment suddenly did 50? (lJ Ma n y people sOli like to have a baby boy for their fin;t o:hUd. Whot would happen If this trend went unabated?' If people, upeclolly the young, rontlnue to enloy Junk food ' (or Instant food). wha t will hoppt'n? 1" Many ~ple don't like polltlo:lans. most of whom are men. Who' do you t hink about electing a female prestden{1 Would It lead to higher trust for govemment orrlctals1 .__-----.-.- ....-_--"'-- :_------ ·'0-... ' _,.,. ___ ..... -_-"' .""", .... .....- ... - - . ..... . ~- , --.- . .... .. ..... ...... ...
  • 33. (5) If there were no mandatory ' retirement age In the workplace, what would happen? Who would benefit and who lose? (6) What would happen If the gloOOI computer sySIli'm broke down, ' Including Ihe internet? In What would happen If English b«orne on o rtl do] language In Ihb country ? Would it couse on Improvement In most people's English obillty? '" All workers seem tired and under heovy Sire" these days. What do you think about giving them m o re leisure time? What would happen If they worked o nly four days 0 w~k? Do you think II would help lmpm ...... productivity? (9) Current lows are sold 10 be much too permissive.' Whot do you think 0001,11 moking thl'm stricter? For Instance, whot obout sending drunk drivers 10 1011 for long periods of lime? Would there be any bad side e ffects?' ( 10) What would happen If adulterers ' did not hove 10 worry about going 10 prbon? .-- ...... .--.wy, -,*""""",, ~ ·_.-y' -..-...N..... _ _ _ ......... _ _ _ _"""_ _ IO"' _ ........ • _ _ :: ... ...-....::-Iod_oI .......'_o<_oI_ ... _ _ .~ ~-: -
  • 34. T.:llk. T.:alk. T.llk 2 ! I'"rt , 1 =
  • 35. nW,lIi!Ij Quizzes ... [q ..d.Md l An swer lhe followlng quesllo ns IlIld .... 1 Y addltkmal 'P1 commenlary.' 'E' Whal IS lhe dlslance belwee n Seoul "nd S usan? r l» 1 is more than 400 un and It takes about 5 hours by car. If you take a lraln. you could get !kere In 4 hours. But flying Iillkes ~ than &l hour · _ I I I o ' y : ... ......,. ... _oI..-.....,--. ...._
  • 36. Talk. T.llk, Talk 2 I'"" II ~ "A.-n , ._ tlr. . . .,.....flo ... ' 1, Where Is the Statue of Liberty? 2, Whot Is the highest mounta in In the world? Wheni' 1$ 111 J, What three things Is raris famous for? If, What Is the biggest lake In the world ? Where Is It? 5, Name the counUles that are known to have mode atomic bombs. 6. What Is the hlstol1collmpoct of Apollo II? 7. Who are the top S automokers In the world? 6. Which countries have the strongest populotlon control poUdes? 9. Nome 10 countries that produce petroleum. 10. What are the th ree events that comprise ' a triathlon? 11. What WIlS the lorgest empire In history? 12. Who Is the world', rkhest person? H . What 3 cou ntri es have the largest populations? n. Whot ore the .5 large st cities In the world, by population? 15. Whot Is the world's tallest building? . __- ...
  • 37. iii;; 1.41 Who's Who? -) Martin Luther King. Jr. Answer A l~g. was an AFrican-American minister who led the l . ~ cIVIl rights movement in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. H e used the tactics of nonviolent civil disobedience {or. deliberately' and publicly. but peacefully, disobeying unjust, immoral laws) to achieve his goals . Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, he was assassinated ' in 1968. He is the only American whose birthday is a national holiday.
  • 38. T,Jlk, T.lIk, T.. lk 2 I [>...1 II • V ,.hat did the" a c co,"pll$ h ] I Alben Einstein 2. H elen keller ,. king Sejong •• s. Wolfgang Amadeus M ozon Abrohom lincoln ,. Nell Armstrong 7. Alfred Nobel 8. C horles Donvin •• Thomos Alva Edison 10. Sigmu nd Freud L
  • 39. ..iii i.C.,., What Sub-Categories Are There? ) I Ql) What kinds of crimes are there? Q2) What do you think is the most he inous ' c rime? AI) There are many. For e xa mple. mugging. ' fraud, ' vandalism ' and murder. A2) The worst crime is torture.' I think. It destroys victims· minds as well as their bodies. It makes people confess to things they are innocent of and forces them to abandon ' their most deeply cherished principles. Even if people survive to rture. its effects stay with them their entire lives. Rape ' is another heinous c rime we often overlook. ' It demolishes ' a woman·s (and sometimes. also, a man 's) self- respect. But society o ften blames the victims of rape, rather than the rapists themselves. ~F~=c: -..ywd<ed __ Of _ : -.- -muv: _<..,)_ ....... .1rloI,ool: _ _ .,.'Omal<e ........ Of ............ g.oltIo ....,01~ - , , _ : ........ _ -.-'0 Of _10m.-.: _ ..,.oIc....-q_ pMl. _1tUCI_ 01 _~ p.lbIK: Of Of priva'. <><OP6rty ~.I<>< ~ a oonteoalon Of _ " " ' . Of I<>< ""*'Y.' _ . _-.don: !1M" ,"",I ""comp1eIeII - _ : ' .... _oIl<>ft:on!I _ _ _ _ IOOUmr1IO_..,. • • . . . . . - : .... ' 0-.00' _ _ _-.-r. : -'InI_comp1eIeII: _ C .... jcomp1elell
  • 40. T.l lk. T,llk. T.1lk 2 • ], II ,. Q l ) What kinds o f movies a.., there? Q21 which do you like the m ost? ,. Qil Whal kinds of fntlts are there? Q21 Which do you like ~t? J. Q I) Whol kinds of mU$ic are there? (2) Which do you enjoy the m O$H •• Q I ) Ust the klndsofweother. Q21 What kinds of weather do you like the m ost? s. Qil How ca n we classify personality? Q2) Define your own personality type. ••Qil Whol kinds or professional sporU are played throughout the world? Q21 Whal'$ the dlfferen«, between amateur and profrsslanal sport?
  • 41. 7. Ql) list the trofflc rules drivers break most oflen. Q2) Which of these are the most dangerous to break? 8. QI) Whot kinds of coreers are there? Q2) What Is the world's best profession? •• Qll What kinds of cars ore there? Q2) What kind of cor do you want? Why? 10. Ql) Ust (I few common diseoses, Q2) Whot disease ore you most afraid of? ll . Q I ) What kinds of books are there? Q2) Which kind of book do you prefer to read? 12. QI) How mony colors are there? Q2) Which color is your favorite? Why?
  • 42. T.lIk, T.llk, T.llk 2 ' I',, II B . QI) Name M''ero l ~Igner brond$, Q2) W h ot 1 m O$t Important In c h ()()$lng a brond nome- $ cO$t, q u ollty, o r rome? . Q I ) U$t 10 counuies you would like 10 vis it. Q2) Which one wouLd you like to spcnd th e lo ngli!stllme In ? H. QI) Whal ore severol popular TV $how$? Q2) which night has Ihe bli!sl leLevlslon Sh0W3? What are Ihey? . QI) Th ere are m a n y kinds or newspaper articles. Name as m any as you can . (2) Whot l$l h e m OSI enjoyabl e part o f th e n ews paper? - Q I ) Make a list of composers or songwrilers. Q2) W h ich o n e Is you r favorite? ,.. QI) Who are th e world's greol.'St $Ingers1 Q2) Which one do you spc nd the m ost lime Ii$te nlng to? J
  • 43. What Is It? II- The gradual Increase In Ihe wa rmth of Ihe nlr afound the eanh because lhe heal can, leave 1he Illmosphere.' This can a lready be seen In the exlTt'nIe ' tempen.lures o f rec.:enl yelUs. Even ftre as with modera te climates I repOrt much houer s u mmers and colder win ters . II- Questions I . What Is II? 2 . What are the cuses of this phenomenon? 1. Greenhouse Effe;t. 2 . Aimosl certainly. Ihe majo r reason Is the Increased amoun t of carbon being burned by fllctories and automobiles. As II lIoCcumu~les ' in the atmosphere. it (!liPS ' more s.mllght . .--...... _--- ...... ,._._- . - - ----~'---botI' ' - ' -'-'- ................
  • 44. T.llk. T.llk T.llk 2 I' 11 J. Someone who 15 responsible for prolec1lng one or more specific penons ogolnst possible ollack. QI) Who Is thi s perwn? Q2) Who e mploys thll; person? A contest In which ticket:!; are JQld , The winning ticket ar number Is picked randomly. ' QI) What Is 1t7 (2) What Is the main purpose of th is ocllvlty? 3. Inability 10 sleep Q I) Whalls Ihls disease called? Q2) Who usually suffers from II? •• A plea of equlpmenl worn around Ihe upper body 0 keep Q penon 00001 ' In Ihe water. QI) Whal 15 It? Q2) Who needs II? .. ._, :-...... _:-. _-'- ..... '_.
  • 45. 5. A su dden violen t movement of the eart h 's surface, caused by volcanic action or by the re loose of buill-up' stress olo ng geologic fa ul ts. ' Q I ) What is it? Q2) What happens when It occurs? 6. An Im agi n ary machine In wh ich people ca n t rave l backwards o r forwa rds I n lime. Q l ) What Is it? Q2) Do you think we ca n change the past or future? 1. A croom or lotion used to. protect the skin from the sun. Q l ) What is it? Q2) W h o. needs it ? 8. A containe r tho t Is filled with objects tyPloo ' of 0. particular time and place. QI) What Is It? Q2) Why would people bury one of these?
  • 46. Tdl k. Tdlk, T.11k 2 1'.1 II •• The right to remain In another couny If you cannot live sofely In your own because of the polltlcal sI tuation t he re. QI) Whotls II? Q2) Who seeks II? w. A branch of computer science that explores and develops the abmty of computers to Imitate human reosonlng. ' Q I) What Is It? Q2) Would you «-Icome hu m an_like roboU? Permission to tmv..1 In Or conduct ~rtaln klnd$ of octlvltles In a foreig n country. QI) What Is It1 Q2) Should countries restrict the activities of foreigners? lZ. A document ~rtlfylng thaI one has completed the number and kinds of courses required for gmduatlon. Q I) What is It? Q2) W hat b lu us..fu lne5$7 -- . g - _ .. _ _ ... _ - - - -
  • 47. 13. A place whl'll' books, periodicals,' films and o ther types of Infonnorton media OT stored. t' QI) Whol is It? Q2) Why is It nec6SQry1 l4. A source of government revenues' levied' upon a person's Income, purchases, or possessions. QI) Whol is il? Q2) Is It fair, proper, or neessary? H. A method of choosing government leaders by meons of popular co nsent. ' Ql) What is it? Q2) Wha t Is its biggest foul t as a way of providing good government? 16. Private donations of money or services to the needy, QI) What is it? Q2) Wou ld gover nmen t programs be morl' effec ti ve In dealing with the problems? '_ .~ -Iwy .-__ .__ ' _._100 _ _ ,_ _'-'IoIa4 .~-'_.-r_'_
  • 48. - A. means of providing for the noUon', dtfen:lfl by n!qu1rin9 military $C'rvla from certain ptople. Q1) What 1$ It? 02) Is II fair, proper, Or n~ry? . The notion tha t everyo ne within a give n society should have exactly the Slme opporlunltles ond f'e5pon 5l bllities rtgOrd less o f gl:' nd@r,' .... li9;on, stotus, elc. QI) Whot Is II? Q2) Should Ihe!'' be exCO!p!lon5? J9. One means of persuoding ptople 10 buy certoln products or 5ervkn. eSIX'Clolly vlo ' the medlo. Q1) Whotls II? Q2) How do we know If 115 claim s are true? 20. Agree m en t bel ween nall ons regulollng their relallans toward f!O,h o ther. Q I ) WhotlS It? - 02) Why Is this neceiiMlry? .~ : ..,.... · _ : .... _ 0 0
  • 49. Ii£i§.!¥il What's the Difference? S tude nts a re some times confused b y s imila r wo rds . Let 's ta lk about how their real mea nings diffe r. '£'.a m pl. Pub lic Re lal km s (PR) and a d w rtisl ng tC'l R is often called ~spin. ~ It is an attempt to promote a w~ good public Image for a person or company. Ads are, quite simply, designed to sell goods or services. ra ther than create an Image. ~'=====~
  • 50. Talk, T.1Ik, T.11k 2 I I'urt II 1. POllution and c:ontamlnatlon 2. Com m erdab and ods J . Fiction and nonfiction 'I. Weather and dlmOle 5. Biography ond autobiography 6. Sports a nd exerdse 1. Translation a nd In terp~taUan 8. Hospital and cli nic: 9. rlred and laid off 10. 00ct0l$ and physidans 11. learn and memorize 11. Aptitude o nd ability lJ. Quolity ond quontlty 1'1. tsplonage' and I ntelUge n~ 15. Infer and Imply 16. College a nd university 1 7. Custom and habit 18. Reponer and journalist 19. Statesmon and poli l idon 20. Thrifty and sU ngy
  • 51. W··.£1;1 Different Personalities .. I'.Z.,d M.! 1 People h llve diffe rent p erso nalities. lind hen ce differe nt attitudes towlIrd the sa m e thing. Talk abo ut these d ifferences In the following cases . .. 'E'.ampl. Those who live In thE! c ity and those who live In the CQuntry ~ any people live in lhe city becuse lhey have 10. for ~ - school o r employmenl. Bul some would rather live in a rural ' a rea. . City life is hectic. ' impersonll!. ' noisy. and expensive. Country lile is more relaxed. and people kn ow ellch Olher beller. BUI Ihe re is nOI liS much 10 do Ihere . _.i __' ... _-' ....... ,-...;,,,, _Ic ' ... :__ .... ..,...,....,. aI _ _ . - . ..... . - no~_
  • 52. ~ Kow do tett d iffer ] 1. Buye~ and n o n.buye~ of lottery ti;kelS 1. Those who drive wfely ond lhose who drive recklessly 3. Those who moke money In the stock market a nd those who lose ... ~ who ore wcce:ssful In Ihelr job and those who are not 5. Those who lead a happy Ufe ond those who do nOl 6. Rich peop le ond poor 7. OptImists ond pesslmlslS . leoders ond followe~ ,. Those who quI! smoking ond those who co nnOl 10. Crimlnols and low-obldlng prople ll. llors ond h o n est fo lks 12. Playboys (and bullerflles ' ) and Ihe monogamous' U . Hard workers ond goldbrickers ' H . Good studcnlS and poor sludents 15. The physlcolly octIw ond the couch poiOtOl'll ' 16. Tourists ond 5lay-o t·homes 17. Readers and televiSio n walchers 1. lovers of fasl food ond lovers of gourmel ' reSlaumnts 1'. Fans of pop music and o f dosslcal music 10. Writers ond rMders 11. Cot· lovers ond dog-Iovers 21. 8oskelboll fans ond wre5IJJng fons 13. Those who wOlCh soop operos and those who just watch the news 1. Concert goers ond lhose who only lislen to CDs ._....,._-....... .__- . --- 15. Skiers and scubo dlwrs ._-_ _- ·:OuCh ....... o: ... - .. _ _ _ _ _ .' ....... .~ , --'--- ..... oonng ..... --.g_ ...... _ _ ....cto .~ _-w.OUI' ..__ ... _..... _ .fIOU'O'I : . _ _ _ _ ..... _ ,_
  • 53. .. W·j·ft· What Does this Mean? (1) E••Ple Backseat drive r It. passenger who constantly gives the drlw:r unwanted l'l- advice, warnings. and criticism. Backseat drivers often make the driver irritated ' and neTP'OU5. making it more likely tnal he will gel into a traffIC eccIdenl. So. when you are riding in a ear with someone else. you ', e belle, off' remaining silent and letting him do the actual driving. even if you think he isn't doing a very good,lob, . - , afI OIOng . be beft .. ......,....'~ Do .... _ _ ....... _ _ ~ ,
  • 54. ... 1::' _pi...,,,, wlt...t t1f _ _ rd.. '_ ,. Defen s Ive drlve r 2J. Dutch treat z. Su nday drlver 22. BIg Brother z. reer pressure 23. Anlfldallntelllgence •• Cheapska te S. BIg m out h 21f. C ulture shock 25. Henpec;ked hUSbond 6. C lock watcher 26. Yes-man 7. lunk food 27. Black sheep •• Skin chaser 9. Nine·to-flve lob 28. Social drtnker 29. Know·lt-oli '0. BrainwashIng 30. Junk mall U . Bralnslonnlng 3J. Back stabber J 2. Pre nuptiologreement 32. Back slopper J3. Vending maCh i ne 33. Gold digger J -9. l.1amo's boy 31f. Gold bncker J 5. O n e· night ·stand 35. Golden years J6. Eutha nasia 3 6. Mr. (or Ms.) Right J7. White Ill.' 37. Crying wolf 18. Sh o plifter 38. Wolf In sheep's clothing J 9. Unan imous deis lo n 39. Yuppi e 20. Ufe expectancy 1f0. Spin doctor
  • 55. What Does This Mean? (2) 'E'.mpl. The bo ttom li ne Is thai I a m pa id to wi n ga m es, nOI to prom o te good will. ].SWC, ......,.s he bot tom line- is the sum of a column of figures, 1 such as an accountant might make. So it is the Final. most imponant. result.
  • 56. to 'E'_pltII/tt tilt the unde,.lItted - a s ...-tt: J. My wife ond I 0' mired ond living on 0 fixed Incomc 2 . Thf:)' how.' two (hild,n ond 0' fol rly ~ 3. Ttll him , In no uncena!n lenns thol he mUSI gel 0 Job. 4. My wife ond [ have 0 typlcol morliogt, wllh the usuol yps gnd dOwns, s. lone occepted her divorce matter-pf-factly. 6 . My personal recipe ' for success Is: do whot you love o nd don't look QI Ihe dock T. 11 IS (tnainly 0 strong orgument ogolnst euthonlzlng pets until gil possible a!Jema tiya haye bun explored 8. Never ngag In a shouting motch with your daughter. If sh $CJMm5, bite yoyr tongyc, lowr your voke ond .$Oy onythlng you fee] (Ompelled to Kly In a volce only slightly 000 0 whisper. If you (Qn't monogt thOl, tell her quie t ly Iho! you will di$(u$5 the subll'(t wllh her when you 0' colmer. Then do it. 9. Mom hos mode II plain t hat under no clrcymstan(es will she ever live In a rell,m ent home. 10. IImmy Is 100 selfish. He has nO notion of olvecQnd-tgke wi th olher children. -todpoo ; - - - - ........ - ... '-'1-' _'_'_~'II_
  • 57. 4,,·,i ,. What Does This Mean? (3) ) [ '£'••mp,. h 's a kind of spiritual snobbery' thai makes people think they can be happy wilhoul money, ,. '-5_,. ~ his means thaI some people are proud 10 claim they 1 don' t need money 10 be MpPY. But lhey are nol really happy, lhey are only lTying 10 pretend that they are. Actually, they have no ab!!ity 1 make money themselves 0 and lire 100 poor to recognl~e how money helps make people happy. '.....-v ' .... _ _ _ _ Of _ _ _ _ _ ''*' - * to _ _ ' _ - , nO _ -'I' _ _ _ ...... _ .; .... _ ........... 0_ Of cIoaM .... _ -.g,-- no _for _ 0uI1O ~ ' 1/'10 or_
  • 58. Tal k, T,l lk, T,l lk 2 1 1'rt II I ,. I:' _pial .t t,,__ ...t_ca .... ... _ ..: 1. Nobody co n glye y:Iu wiser odvtce tho n y:Iunelf. 2. Glye. ond you ma y keep your friend eytn If you lose your m o ney; lend, a nd t he ( h onCfl' o~ Ihm you will lOS(' you r friend even If you gel you r m o ney back . .J. Blessed ' Is he who expects nolhlng, for he shall never be dlsa p polnled. 4 . Never truSI t he advice of a ma n In dlfflC.l lt y. S. A leon ' com prom ise 15 beller Ihon a fo l lawsuit. ' is. W e ask advice, but we m eon opproballon .' T. Your sionding In Ihe comm u n ity is U labllshe-d by whm people soy behind you r back. . The borrower Is serva nl 10 the lender. ,. A woma n 's beau ly Is not a gift 10 m a n _only a bribe. 10. II tokes 0 loose rein ' 10 kec-p a morr1age IIgh l. 11. So m t pta p ie se ld o m repe al gassl p ' - the woy t h ey heord II . 1 2. A marriage wi thout contllet Is a lm ost a s Inco ncelyo ble ' 0$ a nation wit hout crbb. 1.J. You ca n mak e m a re frien d s In a monlh by bei n g Interested In t he m than In le n yeo rs by trying to gel t he m interested in you. 14. Children hove more need o f models Ihon o f crlllcs. 1.5. II is on error to suppose thol courage means brovery in everythi ng . -_.- --'- ................... --- . . . .' . . _ --'---- --.,__ '_ -_:.... _10 --.-J --- _ .... -,,-- ,- ... - : .-'--'~ -poooiP ' -''--.;.....-.'_ .... ---_ ...... ......
  • 59. 16. Some people are always grumbling' because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses. 17. Adolescence ' Is like a house on moving doy- a temporory meu. lB. Much of good mo nners consists In knowi ng when to pretend that what Is happeni ng Isn't. 19. The opposite of love is not hate, It's apathy.' 20. When a man says money oon do anything, that settles' It; he doesn't have any. 21. Love Is the whole hIstory of a woman's life, but jusl on episode In a man's. U . I find television Vf!ry educational. [very time same-txxIy turns on the !let I go into another room and read a book. 23. The first half of our life Is ruined by our parents, the second half by our children. 24. How little we would enjoy life if we never flattered ' ourselves. 25. We must be greater than God, for we have to undo' His Injustice. 26. There are two kinds of failures : those who thought and neVf!r did, and those who dId and never thought. 27. There 15 no failure except In no longer trying. 28. Some people merely ask ·whyr and others de ma nd to know why not.
  • 60. T.llk, T.llk, T.llk 2 I III 19, A ~ure route 10 humlliotlon 1$ 10 admit that you paid what the car dealer was aSking. 30. The tlme 10 stop talking Is when the ot he r pe~n nods afflrmatlvely· but soy$ nothing. 1__-_ ._ :.. . .......
  • 61. Proverbs ) l l:.mpl. Beauty Is only s kin-d eep cY omething that 15 skin deep is shanow' and SllpeTficlaJ ' --e') It doesn t e)(tend very far To say Beauty is only skin-deep - Implies that something has a pretty exterior ' but that s about all. What you don t see i$ hidden unde r the skin and it may be more important than physical beauty , l .__ '_ '~_Of_ __ '' ' - '0.-=_ ... _ - ~__Of__ ~_Of
  • 62. Talk Tlk. Tllk 2 l'Otl III E' xpla/tt whGt eh __ $A!t/ttgs _ t t: J. wsy come, eruy go. 1. Don't gel mad. gel even. 1. Man dOt$ not live by brood alone. 4. Money lol u. 5. Actions speak louder than words. 6. A mon Is known by Ihe company he kei:ps. 7. Money begels money. Il. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. ,. A roiling ~Ione gothers no moss. 10. The shoemaker's kids alwaY' go borefO(I. ' JJ. Thot's life. 11. TIme will tell . H. You con't teach an o ld dog n_tricks, 14. You con'tplea~ everybody. J5. One mon's trosh Is another mon's t~sun!'. 16. It Is better to die on you r feet than ll~ on your knees, J7. Jt Is easier for 0 comet to go through the ~ of a nttd.le thon It Is for 0 rich man 10 enter the kingdom of heaven , Ill, It Is better to light one ca ndl e than to curse the darkness. J'. Everybody's bU5lne:s Is nobody'. busIness. 20, If you don't make mIstakes you don't make anything. lJ. Guns don't kill people. People do. 11. The g055 Is always greener on the other side of the ren«, 11, Money dOt$n't grow O n trees. 14. lovt' Is blind. 15. Do os I say, not as I do. 16. Then!' Is no such thing as 0 free ride. l 27. A penny saved Iso pennyeamt!d. 11l, Business before pleasure. 1', Behind every successful man there Is 0 womon who ~n't have a thing to wear. 10. Every man Is hIs own worst enemy, _ ' - ' - ' - - ' - - - -= ~~~,qp
  • 63. #',4 Idioms II tXlllmplc The company ha s bee n In the red for e ig h t Y'lars . .....-s his means 1 company h.. been in debt o r losing money for a lo n g time. A profitable concern ' is in the black. T he colors refer to' the ink accountants use to make the situation obvious.
  • 64. .. r .p'.' what tlr_ ld lo....t lc ••Pl'nMo..• ..._ .... 1. It serves you right 2. Walk a mlle In my shoes/Put yourself In my pla~. J. I don't buy that eplanotlon. . [yery man has his price. S. You're the boss. 6. lott's make up_ T. I mean it. a. I quit smoking cold turkey. 9. Two of the flye candidates' who hod thrown their hou In the ring hoye now thrown In Ihe towel. 10. Two malor credit card firms have gone belly up. ll. All the condldoleS look to hoye a strong position, but lone has the Inside trock because she's single. 12. We will toke a chance on the wealher and hoye the party outdoon. H . People fighting for their freedom often do not draw the llne at murder. 1. He thought the soup 100 hot and mode a scene about It. 15. Don't do It! You are playing with fire. 16, When he 50W the slu of the bill, he hIt the ceiling, 1 T. After yean of ftnondol struggle, the company now sees light 01 the end of the tunnel. la, It moy toke two to lango, but I still Ihlnk It was more her fault, 19, It's a deal. 20. The book mode a big splash a couple of years ago . .- :.----~.- ... -.-.' ...-
  • 65. in!,;: Acronym s = =-_ __ ~ E'•• Mpl. r AI Ql) What does It mean? Q2) What benefits may thi s technology bri ng abo ut? .. ft..nswer A I ) Artificial Intelligence A2) If machines can learn to think. they can make accurate. objective' decisions almost immediately. People take longer and are prone ' to both error and bIas . ' So. AI could take much of the guesswork ' out of ordinary life.
  • 66. T,llk , T.tlk, T,llk 2 1''''1 ttl 1. UNICEf QI) What don It mean1 Q2) What does II 001 2. IMf QI) What does II mean? Q2) Whal does II 001 3. CEO QI) Whal does II mean? Q2) Name 3 famous CEOs. of. GMfs (genetically mooltil'! foods) QI) Whal does II mean? Q2) Are they sofe? Why do people worry aboullhem? S. urOs QIJ Whal does It mean? Q2) Why are _ exdted obout them? 6, HDTV QI) What does It mean? Q2) Whal makes uS exdled about It? T. AIDS QI) Whal does II mean? Q2) Why Is II o ne o f the most fearful diseases? 6. FDA QI) What does II mean? Q2) How does this InsUtute affect ather countries' Indwuies1 9. CCTV Ql) Whot does It mean? Q2) Where ort' they~? 10. CPU QI) What does II mean? Q2) Whot kind of machine needs a CPU to Opo!Mte?
  • 67. £(i,I,JI Lifestyle Quips ~ to I:'.Q,P'. Even waler laSles bad when taken o n doctors orders. ~ his means Ihat being forced 10 do something takes 1 the pleasure away from that activity.
  • 68. Talk. Ta lk. T,llk Z ,, ,,, III .. r IIplal,. what th . . . .,..,,,. mea,. : 1. A m lstoke Is proof thot $Om eone WQ$ lit loo~t trying to occomplbh $Ometh lng. 1. Hoving m oney ond friends Is eosy. HOving friends and no money Is on accomplishment. ~. Ability will enable a mlln to get to the top, but It tokes choracter to keep him there. 'I. Man blames m ost accidentS' on fate-but feels 0 m ore personol responsibility when he makes a hole-tn-one. 5. Every accomplishment, great or smnll, ~ torts with the right dectslon, J'II try. 6. AdviCe 15 never nppredo ted. ' If 11 leads to 0 good result. the recipient thin ks It W05 hIs own Idea; ond If It turns out bodly. he eternally ' biomes the gIver. Ambition wlthout delermlnntlon h05 no destination. ' II. A wealthy oochelor' 15 wmeone whll :;aved money 10 get married. and then changed his mind. 9. The le05t experienced flshermon always cotches the blQ9Ht flsh. 10. Whenever your teom trades away ' a useles.s no-nome. he Immedlotely ri5l'S to stardom .' ll . A 10umey of 0 t hou$Ond mlles begins w1th 0 si ngle step. 11. Knowi ng when 10 hold Or to fOld_lt's the $Ome In cords OS In love. 11. You should make hay while the sun shines. H. Moybe money con't buy love. but It con rent It. 15. Wisdom meon s knowing the difference between determination to transform those condit ions which can be changed. and acceptance of thO$e which connOI. 16. It's never too late to put your past behind you. 1 1. She W05 a woman w1lh II past - but Ihot dldn 'l stop her ._ - , oy. . - . ..._. from looking for a man with a future! .- -,-.--.... -.o...... _._ ....-. . ._ ._ ,._---- ._-,--'- ,-.-. . _ _ . . _ _ ..... odO .• _ _ ---~
  • 69. #9,ii41#1 Laughter Is the Best Medicine! ) 1 ~.Q'dM./ 1 laugh your way to better health! A lot of medical research Indicates that laughter produces significant changes In Immune system' functionality, beginning on the cellu lar leve l. We ha ve long been aware that negative factors, s uch as depression ' and stress, can compromise' the Immune system, But now scientists have clear evidence that laughter can Improve It, And the best part about this discovery Is that you don't have to walt until you're III to experience the medical benefits of laughter. Even If you don't laugh much now. you can begin to prac tice right away, .. 'E'.ampl. They 've been married five years and she still hasn ' t to ld him ho w muc h money he 's earning, - ·Immune syat..,, : _~_tem tho, ~ .depr-..Ion : _ oe!'!, 01 ~ ..., -.owtuI · cornpnmIH : .. _,o--=~ '_'0, _ '''''''_....,
  • 70. Talk, T.1Ik, Talk 2 I I' III -rs his means his wife regards her husband as ~ money- 1. making nw:hlne, ~nd he seems 10 accept his destiny' as ~ henpecked hubby, ' giving her all the money he makes without quest10n or (ompioint. 1 II Irllgedy thllt most 1'$ husbands hand 0YVr' .n the money lhey make to their wives ~nd then have to beg for' an IIlIow~nce .' Do you think this Is a good kiell' Or do you think husbands should handle all financial matters themselves? . . . . . .'_.. . . '_ . ._ot_ ..... , _._ .. _-_ .--- '--' .. .--- ... .~ . od...-y ...- .... _-- _- • _ _ _ • _ _ .. _ _ .... _ ....... ....... _ .. _ _
  • 71. I ~ 't' .pla/n whm th.- gap mean And con.,n.llt About the,: 1. He doe~n't carT)' life insurance, only fi~ insurance- he knows where he's going. 1. My mother-in-Iow W kidnop ped lost week. The QS kidnapper saId If we didn't send $25,000 q uick, we would hove to lake her bock. 3. He married his secretory. think ing he'd continue to didO!e' 10 her. II. He's marrying ot 70 ond stllllooklng for Q home near a school. 5. When he buys anything. he sees on ly the initial payment. 6. They took the for better or worse ' vow, but they didn't say for how long, 7. The only time he opens his mouth is to ask her for the apron and the vacuum cleaner. B. She threatened 10 divorce him o nce, and he could n't help shedding' a few cheers. 9. He never knew what hoppine$S was until he married her-then it was 100 lote. 10. fudge 0 dere ndant: ' I n ote that in a dd itio n to stealing cash, you took watches, ri ngs and pearls. Yes, your honor: replied the mon In the dock. ' I wos laug h t that money alone doesn't brIng happiness.~ 11. Joe is the man for me: sold a starry-eyed ' young woman to her mother. He's nice. He's handsome. He's sma rt. He's hard·working. He's runny. He's strong. He's kin d.
  • 72. Tdlk, T'llk. T.. lk 2 1''''1 111 ~He'5 malTled. inlerrupted her mather. ~So? Nobody's perfectl~ 12. He told his children SonIa Claus is 100 old to gel around ony mare. 1$. Father, I want to gel monied, NO, my $On, you'.., not wise enough. Whe n will I b@wise.noug h ? When you rid ' yourself of the ideo that you wont to b@ monied. 14. When he', in. she's out. Wh,m she's In. he's out. They can't find eoch other to discuss a dIvorce, 1 5. He could convince his wIfe that she looks fat In 0 fur ~,. 16. She swore she wouldn't tolk to him tor 0 month ond he's unhappy oboutlt~the monih 1$ olm()$t over. I T. He's very sympathetic. He con'l beor _Ing on old lody standing up in the subwoy, $0 he always buries his heod in a newspaper. 18. As soon as she stans giving her side ' of the argument, he shuts off' his heorlng Old. 19. I've had bod luck with both my wives. How comer The flnt ron off with another man . And (he s«ondr Oidn'I. 20. My uncle hod on automobile aeddent, but the doctor told him he would have him walking In 0 month .- And did her Yes. When the doctor sent his bill, my uncle had to sell his car 10 pay It. .-:-...--- ''''':--'''1'''''1'''_- ........... .... -'-' .... -'-~­ :
  • 73. IIN,1I4U Make Your Point (1) 1 Bas.ed o n the a lven outline, g ive u. your opin ion in detail , E'••mp'. r o Helll lh Is lhe moll ImpOrUml thing In life . o O no.:e II Is 10$1 you can 'l gel II Mo.:k o.:om p le le ly. o Be .... re 10 elll we ll , sleep e nough li nd IllI'Old $Ires.s If p05Slble . o Exe rcise also helps you remai n fit ' . o Regula r checkups ' are Indis pensa ble ' 100. ._ ./10 .. _ .... ........... _ ............. .oftp_, _ , _ - - .. _ - 1
  • 74. tel eopIe air recoup' their laMes on the Ioo:k market, ~~ 'eg.!ILn 1I Iowr s ffect1ons (or find 1I new lover). or reform their cha racter. but they may nol ever be able 10 recover Ihe,r 1os1 health. However. laking eliTe o f ourselves Is lIc l UlIlIy eas ier thlln we may think . If we have lin adequ.eile. bIIlanc:ed diet. if we gel enough rest. and if we PK8 ourselves lind keep everything in proper pl!lSpectiw' to mlnlmi~e stress. most of US aIIn mbinlllin our physical activity Oller II long period (ll lifetlme'l comfortably nd en)oyllbly The other really Important aspect of si llying healthy Involves regular exercise. BUI you don ', hlIve 10 work out ' In lin eKpensiYe gym for many hours a week. A brisk ' wlIlk lo r 30 minute$ II lUay Is all most people need. though they may want to suppl emen t ' Ih ls wilh a few minutes 01 stretching. Last. but nol eMt. gel II thorough medical examl~lion every yell •. Within dIoys, you will either know that you must take some necessary steps to keep from geUing sick. c. you wiH nave complete peace of mind knowing thai nothing is wrong with you' ::::r.,r.,~ :.:..:.. ·_ovt ,...... __ .... __ . _ --'- -- --- :!:'..: -:-. ... _ _ _ • .. r! .... ,' _ _ 10 ........ . . . - ' ........... ' . . . . . . _ _ •
  • 75. (I) • Gas prices are skyra;kcting. ' • Y want 10 ge l rid of you r ca r soon. ou • Too mony cars arc on the road. • The subway lakes you onywhcn'! in the city Oil lime. (2) • You wanlla stQrt laking Q lunch box to work. • You're sick o f eating out. o Restaurants are too expensive. • Too mo n y people fill th e restaurant, ma king it noisy and uncomfortoble. (3) • You think TV con never be educational. • It rots a child's brain. • Commercials encourage overspending_ • Child re n are gett ing fat from watching TV. (4 ) • It's amazing how few people seem 10 be really worried about A IDS.
  • 76. Ta lk. Talk. Talk 2 / 1'.1 o AIDS kills you, (lnd it'~ spreodlng '(lst. o YOl oon get It from ... n9Oglng In lnso'e sex or even getting a blood transfusion. ' • MOSI Impo rtantly. o n e musl get adequate In form ation aboult he disease before It b too late. • By ta kIng preve n tive' measures. onyone oon be sa f.... (S) • People o~ prejudiced a golnst rot people. • ObesIty' Is a • Fa t people do not just ea t whatever they p!('l$f. • They hove difficulty burning up· colorll!$ In theIr everykly activity. o Even exerdse doesn't help same fat people. (6) • We shOu ld make tObacco Ill egol. • It Is fatal to smo kers a nd nonsmokers a li ke a nd poses great rlsks to people's health. • Il ls among the addictive ' of all subslances. • Stcond·hond smoke can ruIn the health even of Innocent non4mokers. ~J .... ~ ~~~~ _ ._:_ ._JWIO,..-: _ o r _ _ _ _ _ _ or a _ . ... ......... · _ _ : *-IO' _ _ '''' _ _ :=:::.'=':=_ ...... -._ .. ............. ,~ - __ _ t o )'OU' _n ~ - - --
  • 77. (7) • It is true that politicians disgust ' us with their low moral standards. • People are becoming indifferent to politics. • They often neg lect to vote. • The easiest way for evil to triumph Is for the good to sl! bock Gnd do nothing. • We can only stop the vicious circle' of corrupt ' politics by voting Intelligently. (8) • Stress is unavoidable in modern society. • We must learn how to cope with' it. If not, we will all be destroyed by it. • But we can also moke It our life's locomotive. ' • If well managed, It stlmulates our creative power Gnd leads us to better lives. (9) • Crime rates ore on the rise. • Laws are 100 permissive. • Strict punishment is sold to discourage criminal acts. • Singapore is the outstanding' example of this theory. • But the death penalty should be the exception, not the rule. '
  • 78. Talk, Tl lk, T.- k 2 / 1',1 1 lI 1 • Co pitol punbhmenl is 100 eXlreme, given Ih e uncenolnrles of th e law and police practices. • No o n e sh ou ld be ollowed 10 take (I human Ufe-not even 11 ju dge. ( 10) • Som e peop le say life Is predetermined before ou r birt h . • ~511ny co nn o t be chang ed. • But we shou ldn ', be di scouraged. T here 15 $O m e lh lng even stron ger thon fotc. • Good hoblls and bad habits ore Our reo l destiny. • If you choose good hobits. your life Is full of IIghl, but bod o nes lead you to dorknes5. l =~
  • 79. XU'];I Make Your po,n@D l7.alttpl. W hy Is a co llege ed uca tion Importa n' ~ college education expands ou r knowledge of Ihe Il.. world. II deepens our interests. II widens our abi lities. it makes us more broadmioded' and less ignoran!. ' it provides us with useful human contacts, it forces us to work hard to ach ieve something wort hwhile. and. perhaps most importantly. it gives us a certificate (called a diploma' ) for success.
  • 80. Ta lk, Talk, Talk 2 / I'u n 1 .. ~ alee fIOUl' po/ott; Oot t;he follow/ltg is.....: 1. Why a~ friendS Importa nl to us? 2. Why do we hav 10 be o n lim fOT appointm en ts? 1 . Why Is It m os t difficul t to k ee p our pr omises to ourselves? 4. Why 1$ II don9rou~ 0 driVio' drunk? S. What does having a lob moon fOT you? 6. What Is the Importance of family? 1. Why Is low necessary? 8. Why ore morals necessary? 9. Are you afraid of dying? Why or wh y no? 10. Tell us why WI' shou ld 100m English . 11. Wha t l'neflts' doos money provld(? 1 2. Ho w does m o n ey spoil us? 11. Argue that me n (Ire more In telligent Ihon women (or vice versa). ' 1'1. Refute' Ihe argument lust mode. lS. Why do many lrople gel mmTled? 16. [x p lain why be Ing s ingle Is b e lleT Ihon having a sPOUSE. 1 7. Illustrate' why swdylng Is imponant. 18. !'rove Ihat swd ylng Isn't everyt hing In life . 19. Think of all t h reasons why peop le can', qull drinking and s m oki ng. 20. Co nvin ce uS Ihol all t he reasons give n In 19 a re lust lame' excuses. 21. Capitalism ' Is I'lter Ihon soda lism ' _ or Is It1 22. ~ I wo uld rather be 10vOi!d Iha n be rich . 21. Dtspite ilS inl'/fidency. democracy Is Ihe best form of goVl!rnment. 2 4. Such Is the war of Ihe world: th e big fish always feed upon ' the smal fish . 2S. Why Is loornlng English a n ecl'5S0ry evil? --'- ._.'..:------_00 - __ --- __ ~ : .,_ _oIc._:__ . . . :.===,C . _ = -_:__. _-_ - ___ · :=., =~_'__ 0-. . ..,.... -~ , .. =::.=---_ . . ----.. . .....' .... ... ..... ,=-=::..-.:;--- - ~--oo---
  • 81. Social Phenomena ) F xample J uve nil e crimes a re beco m ing m ore prevale nt. ' '( US! a gilnce at any population' chart will show that e....J wherever there are a lot of young men (between thei r early teens and late 20s). crime rates will go up. These are a veIY act ive force in SOCiety. they have lots 01 ene rgy and probably too much free time. but they also lack matu rity. So. unless they have jobs. they are usually on the prowl ' for something exciting to do. especially something that may make them some money. But they don't usually understand the consequences ' of their actions. they are focused only on shortterm thrills' or needs.
  • 82. Tol lk, T.llk, Tollk 2 / I',., 1 • ~ cdl. flOUt' poit 0 tit. /OlI04Nl..g . -/AI plt ......... .. A: 1. People are getting more impatient. 1. Divorce rotes are going up. 1. The gop between rlch and poor Is wldfnlng. 4. The number o f wOmen who smoke Is Increasing. $. The number of childless couples Is on the rise. ' 6. Many young people are choosi n g to remain slngl~ lo nger or not getting mamed at all. 7. A two-Income fomlly Is becoming the nonn. · I. People are almost always busy. 9. Almost everybody invests In stock. 10. Among young people. physical Iltness' Is getti ng worse. 11. Ufe~xpectoncy' 13 expanding. 12. More people are driving than ever before. /1. As women become more like m e n . men are gell[ng mall! feminized. ' l'I. Children show less respect to t heir elders than they used '0. 1$. Many emigrants are returntng home. 16. No o ne reads as much as his grandparents did. 17. Dis h onest, unsc r upulous people are more likely to succeed thon the morolly uprlght. II. The old ways are d[soppearlng. 19. Mall! alcohol Is being consumed tho n ot ony other time in history. ,,... _ ......'...__. _10... - 10. family size is much smaller than even 40 years ago . .,.,_ .... . .m-',::;:::,:'_ ..10_1010_01._ ·'-- - ' _ _ _ _ ... ____ .... _ .... _ ·_··_ · _''-'v_ ..... '''''-_IO._
  • 83. iiU'@ Read the passage and Answer the Questions ) lot r A t Oba cco ·co mpany executive ' traveled th e co untry lookIng for long·time smokers In good he-o.lth. He found one man who admItted ' to smokIng for 70 YWTS. If yo u do a commercIal ' for u s . th e executlve explaIned, we'll pay you $10,000, It'$ 0 de-o.l, sold the smoker, When do I 5Iort? How a bout IOa.m, tomorrowr Con ', do II the n, son - I newr quit «!ughlng till noon ! .. !2fttloJ1. (I ) Why did the executi~ lrovel sa far? (2) Whot did he offer 10 do for the smokel? .•• ..:W... : ~=' _ _ _ .... _ , _ _ . _ ' _ .- : ~-
  • 84. T,llk, Ta lk, Talk 2 / I'url' Diane Ro bb, a 37·year-old copywrit,.. and mo the r o f two, oomllo res her IIf to riding a wa ve: lump ing o n your slIrfboord ' a t six in th m o rning , a nd w(uhlng liP' o n Ih be a c h a t t en thai nigh!. Sh e d oes n ' t kn o w how s he'd cop,, ' without a mi cro wave Oven and takeout food .' Vet her mother - a sc h o o lt co c h e r who ownd far fewe r convenlen ce~ _ a lwa ys swm ed to have free ti me . S h e even hod ti m e to hong d o thes On the line and hoke p ies. says Robb. Whm ·s going o n? I:n 'l modem techno logy $Uppoo»ed 10 provide less work a nd m a re leisure? JUSI the o pposite m ay be true. O n e tech nological innova tion after ano ther has me t o ur demand for a fa sler tempo, then speeded II li p som e m are. labor. sovl ng deviCft eosed the drudge ry ' of o ur Uves bUI a dded to Ih l' I'x~ ns e . So we have becom e tw o_ paycheck' fam ilies, b ut s UII h a ve 0 w o rk overtime a nd ev en th e n mu s t m oonlight ' In o rde r to keep up. Ii Que.tlo. ( I) What does Diane think about her life? (2) What does sh think a bout m lcl(lwaW! ovens? (3) What does ta keout food m oo n? (4 ) Old her mot her lood a bwy life, too? (5) Why d oesn ' t the new techn o logy bri ng Us m o re leisure lime? (6 ) Sum u p the story In your own word~. .-
  • 85. Recent ly I was invited to lecture on anxiety ' to several hund red mental-health professionals. My toIle. was scheduled to follow those of a n u mber o f promine n t' psychiatrists. ' When my turn carne, [ was especially nervous, because the before me hod been part icula rly impressive and charming. As [ approached the podium,' my heart pounded ' and my mouth went completely dry. What am [ doing herer I asked myself. Making mailers worse, my p resentation ' dealt partly with the fear of public speaking. To calm myself, I tried an unconventiona l' tacHc. ' [ asked the audie nce, How many of you feel nervous when you give a speech? Nearly every hand went up. Well, that's exactly how [ feel right now! T he audience responded with laugh ter. I relaxed and was ab le to move easily Into my presentation. C2WffStlon5 (1) Where was the writer invited? (2) Why was he nervous before he gave his lecture? (3) What was h is lecture about? (4) How did he relax himself? (5) Sum up the story in your own words.
  • 86. Talk. Ta lk, Ta lk 2 / 1' A teen-oger wQS lounging ' on the nClOr watching TV when the phone rang. - Hello, so n , ~ sold the voice. ·Where Is your motherr- ·She's out working In t h e go rden.· MWhot? barked ' the fo t he r. Your mother 15n', oS young and strong 0$ she used to be . Why are n ' t you helping her1 Con ' I ,~ wa s Ihe reply. · Crandma's using Ihe other hoe.' a,...••t~ ... r (I) What was the teen-ager doing? (2) Who coiled him? (3) Whol wos his mom doing? (4) What was his grandma doing? (5) Why couldn't he help his mom? (6) Sum up the story In your own words . ·-,·-... ·. . . _. . . __. . . ..G_ . . _ _ .~~ . ;-; -'- .-: -- ' ~ ~~~~~~~ ___