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PlantationOlfflff1 haw cut .townan rnonnow """*'of
Wt' uw otllt'f Vt't'bt v.1thdoltYI to me•n dnt,w OI
A f,w MM dl)M'I afomr
nw*'nd bloin down a tiff_
• Whichof thfsf disasters could be proYOkedby
• M•,k.the d1s.uters 1-7you heard In Transcript 4.1.
1 forest fire
2 e.;irtl'lqu.ike
3 drougtt
4 hurrk.lM
s tam ne
6 llood
7 uun1ml
Mitchdlsa.strrs 1...7 todtftnihons.,,...,. UH I
dKtionary to Mlp you.
a wten eere b too much nun .ind water covers
la.nd that i:S usuallydry
b when movemef't n the floor causes
very latlf'waves
c whtn tfere -sn't tn0ugh rJin 1nd wJttr ltvtls
¥e d1natrOUS1ylow
d wlen ee eann rN)l/tS
e wten eee Knot enoo&hfOOd
I wt'tn ~' Ii •n un<Of'IUolltd ire• of fire In a
i wN:"n eee a,e very stton1 w,nds al'ld VSUlll)'
B Natural disasters & extreme
ror, d .,,. t dun, tir fi~lcs
IOtt'l gr•u h,11s rnour,ta,n
o.ilm uees ~th p ,110 plJnt.ition
ranch res.ort sand
• Put thewo,ds in the box In the co,re<t cotumn
use a dlctlonit)I to help you
Landscapes & natural disasters
A Man·made & natural landscapes
pRWide some shade
4 ... the ipecially planted
for thegolfers.
b which of the words in A can be used to describe the
landscipe in the photo? Whkh can be used to cltseribe
l1ndsc1pe1 In your country,
HWlf or, torsofr,sonJond gqlj,cum, on rt,, coou in my
cou1tfl)',but ntl4 l1tJo11d
3 a Look at the photo on Pi&C 41. What does h show?
Whi.t do you think. It In common with the photo In 17
2 a CompleteAintheKlYVO A8ULAR'( ,>ANU••
8 '.itwork in pairs. HJve •ny of the disaste,s in a bttn
in the news re<entty7
lllf!t 110~bH't ft<tOdsOS O tt'fi.llf ofh~ fa•.'I
4 a Listen a.gain and 1.nswer the Qutstlons.
1 Why Ns man changtd tht I.Jn<IKipe In boeh c;asts?
2 Wh,1t are tht consequtnees of these ch,1n,e-s7
b 'mtcomp.reyour answerswith a p.rtner's.
5 Compltte the eic.tta<ts from Transcript•.1 w•lh words
f,omA Inthel(f'I' vo...,.. l •v PAl,ifL ••
1 The bfst way to see m.1n'sd~lluctlon
ol the Am.uon
r.1ln Isfromthe •lr
f'lrfflffl •nd owntrs have cut down 1n
enormous number ot uets
fhls is pan of tht Bab Al Shams Resort built In tht
middle of the in Oubu.
6 ~ WOfk In sm;all aroups. OIKuss thequ~tJons
• Wtlkh ,!tuitiondo you think I~ the WOf~l t)Wltlple of
m1n's dcilN<tlon of n1turt7 Why1
lh,nk. ;about wnere yov bve A1e 1ny C.hilf'l&n to the
landstipes rte~t' Doyou thmk. they a,c posit.,~ or
7 'iit Work in pairs. Complete Bin the v v ABU •q.,.
b ,..,,,, Listen to 1n envlronmtntallst taltdna about
the photos and check your answt1s to 1.
1 'iitwo,k In ~mall aroups. Look at tne photo. Answer
the que~tlons.
• What don the photo ~how?
Whtie do you think the pl'IOto wu u1.k.ent
What docs it ihOw about the rdationJhipbetween min
1 _. OIKuss 1ht qutS1t0ns In sm1Uaroups
• llH you, ••,.. eYff t>ttn lfff!<1t0by l N1UIIM Of
1nJ.a·n t1dt dh..i)tt'f 04' by ,).u,n" wt,ill~?
, w1,e1e WlS ,l? Doyou kf.Ow hOw it swttdt
'fts, •cutwi11ttrin my "~own ... there lilC5 on fflOt:"IOUS
.1,wrin a,id o to,nodOlWl"Pl' t"'w".lilht 1uwn II did• Wof
damog, rothtbe«l1.
C.oodewni119,this1s !ht !ito'tied IIN1.. V..'t 'law ntws°"""'"'9
b 'if Read your sto,y out toud to tM ctass as 1f you
wtte a,~<110 or TV news anchor.
Tl!ttl' ltCio't' Ii11oody tx't''I L't•rt Ol(fi( b t'11l ~·
luc1ut1w ll<'IW'rl°thad o,yottocls on rtusbtdrtt )'ft
we (ii.fl us,eotfNIJ/ tlllCI )"I In ~lottS ~·s.t dt'ftt""e
1n the n,e,,n1n111.
Quesoons with )'t( 110·.rf ~ ft,,,vi#d )lttf (• , eXDKt"°"
h.11ve, I'm Just cl'liec.ling.)
Quesoons wtthc:•re0t:tr Howwuo•'f!CICl')l{'ri.srtfd,/1~
you ft"li'ihtd nfff'Odyf (= I'm ~rrprisPd, you did thal W'f"f
Stt P<IQt 36 forq,omm<ir tritrtrtet and mort p,act,ct
at thP f'nd of thf' SHltfflf,..
PR(SrNT PrRrrcr SIMPlr
Wf! canUSf! lhf! pr~I perfKI  mplt 10~ I: 1boul I
completed action or 01 .idiom tlat ha.ppenfd
dunng a periOG cf line that C1'hasfinished I con!.r.:tAeS
UjJ to lhtpm,ent.
Thfr,,how twen fllll'f' short attcd:s 1n tbt kllt monl'J.
(• lhe past month up to and indiJdirg today)
we often use the ad•erbs aJwoys, twt andMWr "'it.Joi
tt-e presenl fM!rlKI s mple.
HOVf .)'OIJ'<ll__ kffl a shaltouoct1llf (• ....,
o shorta1 rac.t. (• In my wholeI1te u,p 10 todi)')
·~·~ <•1 bttvl obr,to ...amPfOPJt.., t1o'nt <· ln
my C)il>tlit-"C.t uo to l0d1y)
A/Jeody &ytl
Weu~ the prtlte'l'lPl'flct.l wi:ti O:,~i.W yd co ~1~'61«
ttiatan a.coonllas/hWl1 hat«'l'IN bt'lorenow v.~usually
use<s) n a.ffirm.1t1Ye il'IO
'"--- in"" st"ltence:s.wt useen _
between the auxiliary (has/haw).1ndthe
b Look 11 the tKl)ft:1s.ion1
1n 31 IP'"- ¥r'hl<n (t'P(WU
do they c:om. from,l Re&d Tr&nteript • 2 on PIP •l
and thttt your 1MwN'i.
I '*l"N'
t> (ur-tnt
, .....
d IJOUnd
I di1atiof'I
I 1tt.Kt
2 h gher
3 cletp
-1 lC(Ft'lll.taJ
5 watt,
6 ~lions
7 nash
4 a Complttt lhit stftttncts with all'N<ty, always, tvtt.
An'ff .vld )'ft.Mon! tha.n one answer ii po:»ible.
1 l'lc sttn srow.
2 r've wanted to vis t AU:stra.Jia.
J H.weyou see<'l a shark.!
, r.e been to Brazi three timff th,.s year.
s we haven"t been 10 Thai and -tl'at's tiw
nen onour tnp.
6 ~~yc..,flt'<htdthttlll'('(i~
7 Yes. I've fini,hitd It and check~ 1t!
b 'it wrhe teklrSttittncH about yoorseU u!ln& Mr,
MVff, awady.)'fC' and tne pmenl perfect. compare
your aMwen with a p.a11ner's
3 a Loolc ,at ttw words in bold in sentence 1 in 1 i ag,1in,
Answer tht quesbons.
wt11ch 15_
.1) f"TIPha.~1u,gd-_at an action ha,n,d bf'forPna,;,t
b) ~z. ng dl.1t an .icvon t asrot happenedbefore
V.1'1ich k be ng .Nd in...
ii) :.n .1t'irn,'l'1'stnttnce?
b) a. l'lf'IJ.t.w stnttnce1
b (~e S 8 In Lhe GltAN.MAR PAhll. with
b .. 11)•.1Listtn to a ridio pro,rr1.mI.bout d.&naff"I.
ChN"k you, ~nswtr1to 1 i ,1nd ~tcht:tw, four <tpOns
tosigns a-d
l Listen i,1.ln Are the ttnten«s vu,e o, fW?
The Outblct •us1~1111
,1) Loral~olltW'fYmuch••·¥tofthf di~
b) ftltrt NYe bttn no 10fffl flrtS Y't1 l;h s Y".af
Couu. areas. Thoi and
a) There wasan enormo..istsUTW.c"'Df n 2009.
b) Preparat.onst; ave been rr..ade for funn tst;NmG.
N:>r4C k.. UK
l) R~cs o'ten l'IOOCI InUHS .trtl.
b) Motori~b oe myc..1eful .,_. don1 aoooc il'l lnt'lf
cars11 ltitre·s I flood wMnin.g.
4 Rtcife, SIIJil
I) Thtrt NW ~ 1WO flt.tia1ad.J Ch•I~
b) Clik:.rtn lr'ld tCKAHU.,. moA M l'ISka
3 ~ Match 1-1 to a-h to fOfm t:IQ)(tsMOftS from
TranS<ript "4.2
' <*ID•P-
cgareue eeec wa.:et t&.u!Mei flood rtg
fore-st bear c;+-ic-1r~ -ee-e '*.aw<.
world collocations
1 " Wholl k lhf conn«ttOn l>N*fffl IM words ,n
box Mid Stgm 1-df use 1 dtCtlONIJ to hdP )'OU
CJiorttro arr connte18to,.,,, btt:G.J.tttv,can C1aMfo,,ts,t
1 a loe>'t at tl'lct p.,i,rs of kftlfflttS, Which 1tpotUdo they
ton"<' from? Whith report i,s not inctudNI?
1 a 'ftc'VI!;1lre;idy tad tfutt ma.Jor fires this year. and it's
only f•b<Uat).
b ~ have lost the1r homes, their b1.tSinesscs, but
lud:ily no one'skm tt~irlife-ye-t!
2 a we baven't seen anythmg like rt .
b Wf!•wbuih nc.>w ,v.1.cuat1on "i If' .
J a H1veYQUtvtrsttn1stukatti<kT
b NO.. I Nw"'f l'lot w, "ih.;1,r'l ln lht WJtf'N,. ~nd thty
(omt uo f'tltfy CIOSe to tl'lt S.hOrt Out Wfot IIWIVS
bttn •t,t,,,, to w~rr pfOO f' !ri t Wf'. l'vf' ntvtf;ict11ally
Wffl OM Mutk a p,,r,on
b LOolt at tht senteocesagil!n.UndCt"llnc the verbs In
lht prtsent pttftcL Mitch lhe p,111s of sentences m I a
to times a c arid answer the questions.
a Sif'Ke oeeeeeer
b dur nc lht' Id two rt1011lh!>
( du( oa the S(>t~k."''s lift
1 Are these pHiods of time_
~ flntshed' b) concinuingup to the presen:1
'] Ar• ttw actlo"1._
a)ftn.Wd"> b) con1,nu,n1 ,n the: prNCnll
2 (omptftf' 1*4 In l'ht C,t1Mt,MAM ,ANf I
1 ~ work.,n e:10...p._ L* al M&ns. .l·d .V.S drt<uU UN!
What da.ngcrsMCthey w•n Ill ol?
wh ch of :h'5oe dar,gm. .re natur-.i and wtjch add be
man made?
What countries are pan.K.l.ila.rty p-one ao tMSf'
What un wf' do to aoO d 1hHttr
••o~HU,.11:( "IT 11:Mil'II
• f,j .... 1 ...
b Tiell cath other &boutthe homes. Would )'OU still
p,te(e1 to Uvt In tht ume ont?
1 Loo at the houses In tht photos. Theyboth ust' .a.
mixtureof tradition.a.I and modem m.lttnals and Ideas.
Whichwould you pnefe1to Ii~ in7Why?
2 a ~ Wo1k in pairs. Stude,nt A, turn to p,q.e-40.
Studenta. wrn 41.
we~ the p1e!>C'nt perfect contin.,ous to LIA .iboul.
~ctions lhat sWlcd 1'1__ ,u'ld cont11,ue '°-- .
The ;,roplecf Ku11t1 VG.11ey haw Ott<t~~/ot
ffl, w•.bg,Mf btfn <i.j)f!l',..,,,...t lllQ l'1 llk"CIIIWtfWuflIOWIW'II
wietorm 1hfprtHttperftc:1continYOulMlh"1
/hos .. tt> .. Wib • ;,.,
A Presentperfect <ontmvou,or s.wnple,
we don't use 1te pltW!ntperfect cont1rium,s.,:h
stateverbs(verbs that <lesaibe feeli~ Mid thought
,wa.lWCJISlittd .. NOr rwaJwoysOfffl Qinf
f"1tnoi&•nmy bo,J; fot "" Y'fO"' NOT l'w tlftft inoMtlf
tr!Yb@/Otftf'I )'t(lts
No,~:we un oftcmuse cou, tht pt1"MtllPlft«t
continu01Jsand lht l)(t"Strtpcrftct $1mok•AA ¥tfY
htltc Chf!tftO(t wht,-1 .,,.., .a1t t.lllunt .-,.l .aA .a<.lJOI'
th;,thJ,; cont nutd o~ •Iona PN'iod d ~ 10 ~
r.¥: h~d l1t•,e (JI/ my l,fe
rw bten 1w!n9 htt't a.•Imylift.
a Time tiprtsslons with to,& s,ntf'
Weun use timeexprcssiont...,,thJoto,._,'° tMk
.&bout .aptflO<Iot time th.&l st.vtt<I,n lM~ W
continue$In thepr~t:
WC'~('#l[or /s.inct • the poirt n time~ ltleKlion
we~ <~1/or/ sJnct , tht ~lodof bMt
s,, poQt J6/of 9(,:lfflMal~,and_...pllll(ICt
S • Complcto the 1entenct1 with thit JMC'WM pe,1t«1
contlnuou1 form of the wrt>sIn ~tMhHU.
1 Howtong ()Wist:.d),)£.,.1
2 Howlong ()w/M) in )OM pn:,,tnl i""omc>
Do you koow when it was t,.1it:?
3 Howlong {peopw/t.W)in )Q.lrhometown?
Do you know ...
.,hen it wu first foLndecP. A....S'*,o
fovndtd i1r
b 'it WO<k In P•lri. Alk lnd .,,,_ Int QUffl- In
s,i with time e1tpreulon1whh /of0t sinct
b complete the time t)lprtS5k>n5
whh/Of o, IW'Kt
I-A11 Yt•r
ttn Yt.lrt
, alonP. tlmt
S 2010
4 a Write stnttncesa.bOut yourSdf or )'OU'" ~.,.
u!iing the time ~.14>ressionsin lb.
b ~ Compareyou, senttncn with •'f..
3 ~ Look at the~ondhalf oftM:wntences In 1.11.,id
complete o in theGRAMIJ.A.lil P.itNU •.
2 a Read A in the GRAM.MAit PANIL •• Choose lhf'
correct form to completethe sentences.Sometimes
both form$ are c.orrect.
1 I'vebH"n ~no,...;~ / lrlo...nmy fnst'ISh text« few~)"!ii.
1 l'lf t>Hn11v.110 / 1,wo In rh , ~own .al ,,.,,,•t•.
) I've ilWIVS tirffl, wanl•(lf I ..ath'ftl IOvtl. I Motoc:co.
b CitwcwkIn pahi. Cl,ngetht k'fttfflCfS so they ,,e
true for you. Compart your ~wen...
b Look at the underlinedverbs in la again. Mark the
cotrect options to <omp•ete-the explarubm. Complete
1-•in the GRAMMAR PAN(l
lhe let~ 11e talkln1•~t
1 111 1etlon that w1s co~ltltd ,n tht prtit
b ,n 1etion th:u suNd In d'e p;ut
< ,n action that contirues in the pres.en"..
a Match the two p,arts orthe wntmcft. CMCt your
answers against the texts in A.t.AOING 2..
1 Fam1I cshave been lim.& h ths Monxu., sctt,c,-ncn:
2 The lillage has bee-n makin1 "IOf'lf'Y fro-n toonsm
J Thc11Hagcrs~in1ht:JZ1
, the 11H1a~rs , 1rpy,1Q1<RIP'
, s.lnct the c ghtccnt,. ctnt1.ry
b )ill(.Cthe 1990)
C fOI thou~n<ls 01 )'C,IS.
d 101 gene:1c1.tions<lnd g~nnc1.tiom.
3 Ko Ponyi
Ko Ponyi i1 o fi~Wlo YiHCJ9' ia fhorlg
~ Boy in ~lhcm Tho.lord Th.
'lllloge wo1 '°'-""drtd A!ht.....,.
ctM.11yby MO lrdone~ ft.,_,119
ro-n .... ond "'• dttctndonit of ...
two 'omilios ~ boon f,1'1"'9 ,n lho
boy eve, i1noe 'Ntiot nd,e9 lievlcgie:
IAIUSUOI .s lhot ir'$ o floalingYlogit,
buillOt'I sl!..b. Thisl'l beo:lu!oe, d the
lil'fle, f'IOO.Thoi noeior,ol:s ........-. no,
cdlo......d lo O'W"I bnd. so !ht &she,"*'
buibllielrhoMMon .....alW R:tanlif1M
'll~Ogt11 hcrvf bwi J~ ......
lncom. li,on1 f '"'"" by itW '"'8 ,0....,fl
IOvi..i lhe-Mlogt "'*•en "°hoath.
bul plet!lyol ,e"°"1on1,~""O ~
local 5e0food
2 KulluVolley
Kolk, Volloy. "' tho "-J., ol ... Goo.. ;,,...
footull, c.J lh• H ..-dcym , • one of•• fflOII
Indio i,, peopt d ,:;;. ¥1:iity ""°""o.!'
growing<IOP• onIll *'OCtd t:11
loost3.000yoor, Ir rllCClf'IIJ'OCI"• ac:ipc._,
Ol"ld <lhr"l"Ulb ho... be. toblG004f nore
•od ·...-ol aopo. ""MO .-..... ~ ...
•fN,t b<,,lef' ol the Hi,,,alup h ... -
we con see lradi~ KiA, hcMin bul: d
locolwoodc:wid tlQolll o,d w+t_,.., ...
roofs NII' N)o'Mt GQOfll h CIOld
IOfl'f*O"-"• d ....,;,,., ._....WIW ~ h
,lop,, ...... -l>r ~- n..,. .... """'
i-1•·-~·"9*"'-_ ...._ ..
ti..bod,."°'• ol ... K... ,,..,.., <blyd,..
1 Ail Benhoddou
,.... ~ bN,n building lhtit
hor1el°"'of ... ,-.J wrfi of
--"" lhou,ond,
,; )'90'1, ,,.,, hModdoJ ,. Ol'IIof
,,...._. ~ ,oom 'O grow CUI
d fie dtief1 M ,.,rf'OUl"ldi IN!fr
No.,...- ••<lly how'°'1g
pecpehow, been ~w,g ,n 11,,,
ail.otr l,SOO~oldn..-.1;1,.
11111 b.ioti ltwtng tt>.-etod<iy, ond
;. .... a,,cf WO"I ol fhtlillOgt
Old .... '°"'.,.OWC1'fi""Olht.M
~ airlOlll,""'Q ~ti.
3 nnd words/phr.'1~ Intht ttxtsth.llmtML..
1 1or,m,,1ge
2 a placewherepeo~ live PtJmMlff!Uy
3 to destroyt,Ule by little
4 lO rt"l)fa.ce
~ u-esidt ofa hill o, ,,,ounYin
6 1curvedareact coast
7 tnClfM!)')'QIHMtn
4 it Wo,k In small 1roups. Discusstht
What arc homes l,k.r in )'Ol,lr
cot..nuy?Doyou knoww11ythey were
built that way!
• Are there any unusual settlements in~
country/ Do p,oplf' ,1iU liw thHf'I tf ~
how do lhev make a llvu,11
Wh,ch nf lhf 11,,.,. c.,.n~n In ,n,
•ma,es WOUid '(OU mOSt I k.e to VIS 11 '1'1111)1
b Read LhC' texts again.Malehvillagl
..... 1-3 lo statements a-d.
I Thfv,lllgm arelool•'l& fornewwaystoeama lMng..
b Tk hou~ need c.on!.lant malntenance __
< llle houws arewarm In winter.
d Wt don t'll)'how old the-), n
• lOOlt It tht hfA&f"'i Wh:11 ,~n you SHl M.11mlntJ!N a-c 10 OM
ot tht words or tXJ)reuions in each gr®p,
1 f!ltenals.. mud roct state wood
l loc~t, c,.ave~ in a desert onsti ts on a ttrrac::ed hiMit
b fiitiWoR in piirs. Discuss the Questions.
• Whett oovouthHk thev1111ges~re?
• ~W11~ doyoulhlnk le; lhtOdt"'il?wt-y7
• W'N.OOyoutlW'lkWOul<I be theacivairt~t'S a.iooUld'wil1~0I
Wlfll n t.Xh of tht< 1h,~ pl,1u~,
2 • Rt:ld texts 1-1about tr1dltlonalvllla.,esuounel UWWOtldInd
nwlth lhcm to i11wg~ e-c.
• il'U(I t NUtt,, H•l&e.1<Ohllt,. JU$
•t41.•..,_,...,., n ..1,vP1r,f1 IV"
b Look at your list and discuss thequt'SltOnS.
• Whichol ,~ Ob1KtS01'1you, I SIcould you
iUblUlUtt with ,nobjta ttl4t is l'IOt ffi»t olPQSlJC}
Can yov think of WIY1 you t<Nld rt'Clutt lhe .wnourt of
plastic1n your li"e-t
• lmagire that you have to live w thout p.ast c.
changesor sac,ifi(es "''OU d you h.iYt- to!1
2 ~ R.cpon back to th• on your discuss.ion
Who would find h euiest to ~w a p&ulJC frN httl
1 a (.f wo,lt In 1»1lrs. Mat~, l•nof al tht ptasuc
objN"1Syou haw u1eod ~ far 1od.ay
A I wot, UP 11.'tdwm« :och,Oo.:/ltw, nwI illWIII
wa) p.•,cr
Yt<lh, o.,dl"I)'a,'armdock 1s obsoL
b Compare your s~ntenciH How ~ of the
"xpresslons did you user RetX>Jt NCk to the
. i:.-,,._
2 a Look again at the exp,essJons•n VOCMULMY1-l.
Ma.1kthe ly11<1.ble wilh lhl' mo11n stre».
[OS$1i f,JJ!$
b 4ll)ullsltn and clltck
3 ~ work In p,,lrs. write 1hrtt stt1ttnc:ts .,~
thetopic of the tcssonusm1~ rrt:ll'ff ~ from ll
as you Giii,
4 a 'it Change partne,s. Oi<U.te yow sentences
to.., PMtner. Maltt surt you uw the corrttt strf'Ss
i,.,uern on the txprHs,ons 11'11.l.
b Which ol expressions 1·7 rtftt 10
.l) the nJtu•~J wO'"kJ1
b) waste di$pcmS1
<.) indusllt>
a rhink about the la,t time you u5of'd• ~ic ~
Answer the questions.
Where cid you get itr
If V()U&0111 Jt ii 'ilO,f. d cl you 11 OIWM, cl frtt1
• WhH did you U$t It fOfl
• AltPl u~lr& It, ll'h.ll did Y<l'f dO wki'! U1
b ~ workIn pairs. Discuss you,.,.,_.w,th •
partntf. were they simll.1r? Rtp0tt ~ to the dlss.
c conta._ner
d Cump
t fuel~
f llft
, ,...
J trash
4 manne
5 prod,xtion
6 fecytlira
7 garba,.t
The environment
a fiiiitWork in pairs. .Y..akh l-1 to a-g to mate
expressions from the texu in RIADUriGlb .1nd
fonir I can,
2 humful b <htrt11(.U
3 a ~ WOfk In p•ll>. lte>d 11odftcripbon ,pn Ol.t
ChOOsetht best summary of U'liemlln tn1iW1f of dlt
1 weneed tos~ us ngplastK ~
2 weneed to retthk how we usepustJC.
3 l"hPrP' nothing wron,••th ttw ~, _., uw p&wk.
b Answtf the qufltloni
Accotdi,a to lht Wl'lttt, wNI d.l,~ 00.S ptag:IC doP
Why r10f" lhP Whff'f '.lY'Wf' h.l·,'f'rNCfwd ,l ~('fft
3 What 00 t~ elgtit obJfflS r~l
4 Wouldyou likt to read ttws bOOk1 wtrdWtr, nou
b Read a description of the: boot.. Ch«k your answers
2 a Lut.>k :al the bUe of U.. book. wtwt do ,o, lh1t1k U,c
bOC>k. Is a.bout!
2 a ~ WO<k In p;ilrs. loot •I Ill< plost,c Ng5 "' lilt
images. Where are they in t~h onel PUl thtm .n the
O(~ @'. 1 ::tr'itfl('§[' a.rJl'.(jfl
b )JJ<Utbten to• rt"pOrl .tlout pL6lic.~~ Ch«.k
your answers In h. Answer the qucslions.
, Wl'latltCl<WCtt:ffltt'lJtty nctodOl
2 Which p,.1rtic11l,1r~r~ p-otiltm dorl
report dcscribcl
3 ,. Listen agiin. What~ thtriepone< sq &
• wltre p1~1t•c.btltS c.,om,efrom'
• how wt ~l~pc,w, of pl.l(lk' b.1rl
• Whil h.lPPft"S 10 plJSCK 'W~t II l"t oceM'?
b 4-f wcwk In p.11lrs. Comp.Me you, noles ~ wt,te a
short summ,1ry of the ftp(N't. u~ uound so WOids..
4 ~ 00)'OU knew of >t"f c•mp;ilgnsto r<du« !ht use of
plia' Do you thlt1k they ~-, t'ftc<ll Yihy/Wtty nol?
NOTICE 1-'1..A'l.tlC
'Yr:' ra1 uw tne wordpfaslX to~ IO tr'fttll c..t'I..
Ii,~ d,dyou pey torif) ~'ff"i<'"11 ot""'1"1
(,111 you do Itw, Mn'W' InYo"''
Plastic built the modem world
rryto lmJa•nt thf~ldw tflOII• p.w~,., ... po~tN.
computtrs.<tll pfonof1. fflfatfl or<,_....'--"--1cum (~11<
In P,um? Y('p1) It '#OVICI bt ..._,.l(llel NC: ... t~
Plastic has been pa.rt of our day-l.0-dMy lilf• kif wer a
hundred, bot me-r a cem-sy of Mng Ntt~pwtic..
wf''rf' <;1,,nins:to rf'.lfiu- •' noa 0 hf>~t.,.'"" uw fOt;I
futts to M,lk(' l)4lUi( Tht P,-O<f'i.SrttelSf'S N"'fl"fUI
(htmiUl'l Into ttlf' tn,w1roM"ffl(.
~ •nN °"'land~~
with pl.1,II(. w.i'>lf'.•l'l<J It k lo.t,0'11JOYifte m.lll!lfl I fr
And yclc.1<."Yf'.i.t v.c u,cN<.onw~fflOlc ll'ld mo.i:
We've P«>du<:ed jS l'T'lu<h~be ,n the PUleeceeeas we
dtd 1n the enure twentieth cer,ti..-}'. WI?unl we •·Ith 1t,
we can't liw without 1L we·ve reached• UM poirt.
In h"I l>Oolt. Frt1nk'°' t.lll!"S us ttw'Ot.:Jhtht t...-ory .Ind
soence of pl.1t<. Sh(t•o6ufn ttw-R>t" of ~bt in lh·
RIOb.ll«onomy ~ iUC'S)C'Sthe ttli lfnC)Kt of pl~U( In
our l1vts. !.l'lt ti' It Mr story UWoul" ..,SMf.vrlllll' ~Jc
objecu: the <.omb. dtnLII bs. fnsbft. fV bq or dup.
disposablel1ghte-r big. ,...a:e,,r bott.e-mdcrtd ~care.Each
object shows us ad ffe-re-nt~ of our synthetic world.
;1.nd 1ogethtr 1h,ey 11,e,lp us uQ' • rww ktok ,11 a S1,ibs:tan«
tMt hJS btcomt ,ue1t .1n ltt'liOOn»I &Nn.ot our Att
And wh,11 ;s frtll'lk~·, (Of'l(:fuS.iOn, w, ,11v1ot conti,
l1k1 this. And we oon t ~· to. •11 "cblc. Frtinltt o'fm
a sofut,on, a new and cre.itrve '*lrt of mnc w t, tlw
m.1tPrl,1IWP k,,t to h~IP DOI. c.1n·t W'ffll lO M w.-ttiout
Plastic: A Toxic Love Story ,, ,~'" ,,~""
b Loot around
Name all tne
many or tht'm
da ity basis? Ho1;1
manv of them do YoUttiint Mt tsstntiil? How m,ny
roulf'I you livt, without/
a ~Work
in poilrs,.Look
at the,
on th•cover
of this book.
Can you identJ
;111 the obie<t?
Wl'li<h do you
think lstht
most useful?
WhklldO )'OU
use mostl
•Ctotollr .....wll UNl4 pjj 11
9 a '.it Work in pairs. Show your rcv1,wto your p.attner•
Ask each othef mo<e qutstlons abOut the plac,.
b Ten the class about the placesyou have described.
Vot,e on the placewh<'r,e you would prefer to stay,
8 Look at yournoi..s In Si. Oeclde what lnlounation you
are 1olna to Include and In what 0tdcr you are 10tn1lo
pieitnl it. Then w11tt • ,hort ,,v~w.
b Think about the proplt your review is a1mtcl at.
How best can you write to appeal to these propl~?
Considerboth style and content.
b Thinkof some photosto accompany your review. Which
onf''>would give the most poutive image of the place!
6 Con-.idH which posifivf' adj&"ctM"'i yno an: going to UY to
describe your place. Whitmikes It sucha 1,peciil pl:Ke?
11 has(I w1/qut a1mospllm
7 a In whit contell.t would youwrite• revie:wol thli
S a 'it WOfkIn pairs.lh nkof a plK.e to suy In your attl you both know weil.It could bC! • campsite, a .student
residenc• or a hotel. Prepar• notes about 1-5 in 1.a.
Wf' Q/1 USd" monornanjusr to conu~.,_tt'o'O 01tte1ent ,dt",l'>
In ,an rmph.l(1c to:IY
El Cosnuco rs matt than JUS1 aplat~to iPE'fld rht n,ghL
Wf' uw nor onl)- b&it ati.o in .Ji 11mll.u 'MJ)
3 a Mitchcattpif11-1 to p:.r.,gr.)pt'KA-D.
l 1hf &'Uf'S11
1 thfOW'"'lfft
1 thfoloratlort
4 the l;>JIIOina.s
s lhtf.telitl~
6 the~k concept of the' Pl~t
1 future plans
8 f!Vl"llls
b What other lnform.atlon Is given? What other
lnformitlon would you Ike to know?
4 Rodtht review l&iln and undt1llne
1 pl))!ll'lt &ftdvivid,.....,e
2 two vtrbs thatmean9,W.
2 Rrad the review of the lodge on the website and
checltYQuranswers to 1. Oid it ma.Iceyou moreor leS$
Pnfh1KlA°Ui(.tboutc;r.aying thH..7 Why?
Look at ht- ,main of the fJCos.,rucolodge.Wheredo
you thmlt i1 isr Wh111ypeof lodging and fadiiti~s ara
shownl What kind of person do you think would lik• to
stay theff!~ would you like 10 st.aythere?
A flV (OIIIUII' ~·~ illll'IM.al1.a whtre~uc,,111,1
'!• 1, 'P ,11 .c111',<1y »11,11'0tvo,11 IW<"fll'-.1 ~•
':Jliltt, lfl bffl.tlh. tlst31tod 1"10 tlfb.lfl lt;JYII, VII~
Pl•"9tr•lots.11'11,l'll>llf t'>II-Yl•lt •• ;I Ml "'ll'tt hi .. lhl
CIW"ll'l "'""°'btod,r,. towtla.tl1&l'e1. p,:rts•nd
;llr"IS,l"d .. tO" $'(»• n,ghlOf ln,;s 7"h• 01,lllbo1WUhirg
•a:.trtin tlellde pom, ~rs.a1eal 111)..JfY.
B Bu CJ eo.n.,011 ffl01ether'IJ..- • piace to s::ie'ldlle
<'11Gftl0t•1lu1nah1"'11rock1 div hsw1i,111rt1m:,n
,1111..,. IOl•I JOt .,,d l..-(om, 111p11,J •••fYfto,1111"11•11
t Thi o,,.,.r,o,9eno1tc,,fl l'Orlutlop,tnid• ,r Jt1c
luiiu• W ,1, •• ,u 11o,idly
( ~ILil laft bw btl WOfktdth,....,.v;, h I (Ill' !111 ltd
.unt of 1<111t1, b11,l0trt 11 d 1.lldem1 t:11t-11.1p11.lllqi,e
tO"N'lll'llty II tflc Wu1 Tt1tHd61M1rt Ir I (.fUtf'8 •nd
ti1Sf8 rt1ble- t;pace
O D Ch11co oflerswood-(,,et, 01,11c1, hot I.Ubl, 1111dcro,;11:1,N1lfr
I l1rge pool l'ld p11,..,lioo will be b11 hat tlie "lean oi the
.,,. 1;1-;iclie! l)'OYldear 01,1sforgoomiJlld lot~ ,1lice
b c;ipWork in pairs. Listen to eac.h oth«'s news
and~pond Wna <IPP'OPfl.M.eKho qUC'$1ions..
8 Cit Do you <110Wol 1ny .....,..,. survivll
Moots? Sh,,r IMffl *•lh IM class.
b fWIOn&<-
7 a Write down three Pl('CeSolecabr1gOf surpmillng
Ii caukl be p,nmal, lcxalor international).
6 a -, 'Mlrt inpiirs. Studtm A. reid one olthe
pitoces of infomui1ion. Student 8, respond with
OM Of two tcho QUfStions
• My 50((ff •t,iffi ~ , WCW'I IN~
ft'lf-rt~bH'ft J lff ~ lM <tW'I
• Ttitrt•slO'II, t;l'lffl!~ Mtht ftJIOPltl"'I
• w,·,,Wlli"t JI d.l,' otl ho,11wo, IOfflOrl'N'
'' Responding to new,,,
, U Ln.limto t~ qun,tio,,1, '" S.. "*1tM.r how
tf'IC sptilet'$ YOICtton JO on l1IC ll$l WOtd tsthe
C>l'.... f". kllpt•W'd> .. ~6'Cf)
lnlM rel l'C'PNI. PIYl"C ICJC(Wll ltlrnl.aonto L"lt
• ll:IICD•fl-
... 1.,..,.,. ,oc u~JOb. '°"~..,..
1 1n,.c·,arua.rmsohappr
A Yci. !lie, st.utrc -.cA.: ""~
A Myt:irolher ~ myb*t on
• ,ttowdidtiedolfW>
A. HttoMW'fO,t.trff
A Yn• ngh: Tht bllffY
Wt oftffl .... Kho- b)ched(
,n1ormwon. Hff, • thrtt common l)PCS.
,....-...0..........-.,..uom ln>m4
I ~t0t•1 the otltt(I ot lhckUOn
A"""""._. 8 1
l USC,t. kltlf«l o,onoun and M ~ 'ltfb
A Row/ell ISJlllbff 8 >
) Use-I. sub)«l pronoun, M ~ Wfb ...S JI
qwstion word
A Thqa:t' If /OW. 8: ----
S a Mite echo queuions to c:hKk the
• Iht'N' tNft bR)t.f' NO Ow :t.PN')' lftt
n st><
A f..Mt fal"'lihH thoUChtfhfy Wf'ff cjf:'td-lhf'lt''d alf&".l(fy
htld I mtmor,a strvl<t to,u,.e bO•,-s
A towardthe end Ulcy'deven started dr nki,g sca,.a~.
• ----1Th.l:"s~~eel tobe reallybac foryou, v't
A lt-f'Y Atf' ,aw flh too t w,m, but flw ti'li' 1,l,ppoi.,d
to l>t H Jnd you th "'Y
1 M, yes.I sup~ so, from the sca11u.ttJ
A Yc.lh. .lPPtuentlythey ~u·-v .,cd by d·111<H"ir.:i,t•·.a.1,·Mid
th,ey ,e~,gt<l tocatcti a s,e~IL
• ?Howdid1heydotha:!
4 a Listen aaaln and write lhe qutstion~
I A H:tvt Vol.Ihfo.1rd tl'lf UOr)' abOl.1 11f, 1t, 'H DO)' whO Wflf
ltSCUtdlfttr 50 It IN?
No I
b Listenagain ~d check.
_. Wo1k ,n p,IJrs.. Look. at IIM
lmaaes. whichdo you think.
is lht most dangerous to gtt
lost in: roogh seas. a desert or
a snowstorm? Why? What
2 4W4s Listen to the story of three tttn.a,reboY5 and answer
the questions.
1 Where wtrt they lost7
2 uow IOtt& wtre thty lo~c too
3 Wh,lldid lhty do 10 '«rvlvt7
3 a what did the: pe:optc s1y ibovt U'le
• ra,Jnwater • seawater • a w.1gutl • riw ftstl
• .;i lun,:1 bool • .;, mt"n()li.;il sei.,,ct
A,.,+d rM~ 10 ,top .,otll'wt' h"o,,1 dcMnl 10mt1htn1
I aiMl<Hdgomo rnm e«•uw o/uwcl'O!Wdl
If v.~wanl lo ,tap~ ffW holn docnR
sometfong, 1,1,·~ u~ ,PfftftW
I Pft,'{'rtf'd lum from fO"l9 thffl'
B verbs that refer to preventing
1osrop,p,e.'ff'lt,dtrr,, Noc* SOlllfOfW frOtJt doln,
to av<>Jd folk.Ing obout ,om,,th"'f
toput up barnftl/WOlb
IA> d11dt/StpdfO.(tM~
act 1., touch with
• Whichof me 'ltfbs t<iln<~le..,,ththe no,rn)7
use• d ,ctlonvytohdp you.
Connections & prevention
A Verbs that refer to connccting
b What otherimportant barrifrs and bordersexist in
the work! tocl,y?
b Loolc at B in the , ABU .1.•v ,..._ • and
complete 1-A with thewrbs.
I SOmt-fn>m
,.._,. "'Y '><-l>'lt
Many nit1on twfllNJ ,o 1ht11
peoplt ffOITI mttt na
Som,llm~ l,1rg1.J.I("<.ain l)f'OPIP, lhll.l'swNl'1
called al.anRW$1t bMr t1
~ Yooh.1vetodo~h"Cto ~from'IR a:I t"'dtUil5 ef YolJf Pf'l"toite .,,
6 a Ci.p Work In pa,,s. How do we uw dtfff'fent krnds ot
tNtrltrson tM lntttnet to itoo pcoolc trom1tcmin1
Information? Wh;at kind of WOfflltion b block.rd and
in what contelll?
'!'00 tan u<.-,11:,,,, M GOOrg#',opi..,.. ,. btll/r ,., ll)Ol,i,g nt
some seesrres.
S a Read Tran.script S.I on p.aat ,1. UndN11M ftw ve,bs
and e11.prtssionsthl.t me.w,4l'StOM«t
b Which could you use to tilt ibout tht WOftd1
SOmtspotting tvPIH.S,J1,:~t!l~01)'mp,,o.
• a Which of the exp,euions tn A could you use to
sentences aboutyour hfe?
3 Complete A in the Kt Y Vo • •• Can rtXJ
1hink of any other types of connectinc? Add tMffl t0
2 a. listen igi.ln. Match stilffrents 1-) lO pt,OtOS a-c
1 Yeah, for example, you ca.n 'ind someone youtre lost
1ouch w11h,,.11 prolfldes that hn-<_
1 J()onlfR t11nds refers co tsU.blrstln,: AN ll!'lcs.. th
Pl"()f)lti 1n<1 how, wt Ci!n do ltliU.
)'s l b,11r1e1 u well ot courst. ~ t ~t
dlvldts nation~ .1nd ptople
b What do the undertined words refer to?
b .f1,lh, listen to two PtQPte answffll"II Che QUtStions
In 1,.Chtck your3M'IWff,. InWh.'Uordff do th,y Iii(
1bout the photo$?
a _.. WCN"k In small aroups. look 11 tM photos.
An):Wef tbe qunl1oru,
1 What cen you see?
2 W'ha.tis the connectior between thepllo(os ~,o oe
title of the unit?
1 'it WorkIn groups.lmigino tlll1 you11• pllnnill topost•
page lor your c:l.u on• MKWInctwort Uwl b,popul.uin your
country. Discuss the q~t.Jons.
Whichrrtv."Orkare you gong tomc' Wtty?
What bndof in•or-naticJrt•eyou P'C IOshow on your~?
Neyou going'° .ad lints? If ,o,wtw:bnd of iftu>
• What information •·e you not aons: 10 inc.ude in the prolilest
2 'it Present youride:uto lhe dns.. Oo you know of any pa,ses
like this th~t share infortNtion ~""""'"or organiz•tions
in your local areal
PRONUNCIATION: Reduction on auxiliary verbs
1 a ~'QM i..1,u;11 ,.., u11~ "'""°"""''t!~ V't"fSion you M;1,r,
What do )'OU noocc about tht pronuncu.uon ot the auxilJary
1 ;1 Aie you OOln& iltt'lr._,.,~t.l lhtS'l#ffltnc.11
b Ale you 10.n1 to do ...,.U.rc SOl'CilllM wttkcnd?
a Wh.a.t ••c )'OU &:oi'"I& lodo .rr <..~,
b What•1eyoudolrc.rterdm?
a Whenare yc,.J dooncyo,..n "IOIMWOl'tl
b When•re yc,.J gomc codo'°"'homrwoft?
b lis1en again•nd ~·1 t~ q~1iom..
2 ~ Work in pairs. Ask Mld if'IWff thr questions in l•.
A Prewnt Mmpi.
we un .st lhf prt!wfflt ~ 10 Ui ir; iOOUt •-- In lht
futuft, Wt otttn 1.1st 11 to 1a le 1bOut S<htdi.l'fi 0t to tilk ibOut
what tlmt t,llO'w) ~l.W ,,c, a"'1,h, ti ,a,11V, ottlW ll'l(Wlrf'), ttc;
f'1tqo:nt starts at , w
8 Prtstnt cont nuous
We can lie the !)resentcon~ cot.llk olbOuC1.11 _
In the futu•t Wt oflen UM• fuu..11 tlffll OJ)ltt.siotl. ,.,.,
IOfl)O(IOIII, nm WH't,fortr todc"f
rm p,'oyJng ren.,,s 1ri1:, a{trrnoon w _
c Going ro
we un .se t10'11g ,o to Y l. ~ hll"'t s,bis .AlldI
Wt USUilf'y Ust Q0r10 IO and not tht ~l<Ot'bl'IIJOU,Wl'ltn no
dc(11'1ilc ,;.1r.lntcmc-nbl'WYt bttcinWldt
l'mnOfgOi'l'Q ro~oonyS:"4'r.119,_., •-- (11'1.,it~n
intCf'llOf but no in1t(tner.UNvt bttrl tn*)
O W/1/
We ottcn uloe wit!to oPtt""UN°'--- and k.vs ,bOut tl'lt
J hope ,rie .t.<talhtr'lt bt bttttrnat M"fl.11 ~ it 9'0tt't rc11n for
ti;(' WfC<t•norCI,)
>ttpage JTforg111mmor ~and fflOfl'fJfO(fJU
_,... _..., NIMdlloc ,ou'Npine to,.....?
Betam11 .....,at~....-u lbcJUt .,...._ 'b,fflllk Itri ,t's pmate
a'ld that Of+,yovr fne,ids n P'W to ,e,e Lblllll thlc.s *X.....,
true Tliere - II famous cue II llw pun.,~ II tllKher
1n d.e USA wrow a meswce to her .._.~.tio.ic:
tiernidtm, andi.r ldiool n. p,ncflll al dw 1d.d - the
me5Ml(lt.Thtteathef loMherjeb.So ...... ....-MJdw'CJOU''t:
Are "'" ,..... , - ....... -.. - .,..... friends!
EYery dme you pm1 CM' 1t.e· tiuaon on a .,...._,"l'W' UdC*
11'XI yoJr proi'en:nc:cs are be"'C ltOl"at co be...,...,~
dtpttvnenu to wiec: .. u: )Oil..,....•...., be IMflJ.but
It ch~n lcgds to ~m. Mwybo J'O'I don't ~bit:f pou,_... M"f
fne1ds lit d"f:U,Mt t.lMe:.then JOU'l'f:~ ... ~ :W..,.
too Wiii (M)' be ha?Py atw:u dw-"nw.lbciwl: c ncoa G"l'4 )"OU hn:
the< lib. buuo'l
The Dongen ol - Ne.__,
k lll just• little blc of fir. np.! ~"' ~ * titndl, photos .id iot--1 ~ ~ pallpl,l,sbwt'
better now.and Itet a CNAC*D<-~ ...,....... on d'ltlr
Jood luck and cOl"l'ffftonit.0 ......ct- a-- """""ct.,. fO "'f'O"IJI bvo
~ In and Sffl'I&,one ~,..,..out.....C11pl
1h$'f"ve been vn«:hirc,. tht!NI< lhtr'.,.bw1l&wq to.N dv,.s
d1"'f"Y1!beef'I doifl.
But the~ • dartlw .... co tot-. ~ too.1hre ... ~·
lll1cmg bchll1d ~ry suiun updMil nl '1'41'1 lnl Here¥9 lft~o
chlrgs to thlllAi: about when )'OIJ ..._ ,o.- Miil ..-.. upclltt
Ne you l<Wltlnc .......... to - ...... ?
Does your prof-.einfomauon ~ '°"tone addnm' Irso.
n.....- wnte aboull d'4 oaa ~ d "fOU' '4Ql,o,, 0t Oii people yo.ff' house,sJOl"C to be e,i,np:y b,...... <-~to .1.
nany wrprlse!
b wnte I R.lM--your 005lOOITI,
H,Vldhtnl il"I SO~ ~Qn fNd ttltl'lout
loodlndhM1he<la ...... ----·
2 a. Wrrtesi.tus UIMU,te for yourself aibout,.
• so~tr.,,.,you'redolr,«
b • plMl YOI.I h.wP fa, th,, ~• f.rtur,
< • story n I.henf'WS
d il1 l~N~li'tl Id. leastone a, hMlftbms in Yeh '4)dale.
b 'it CompM? your upd•ln with,1 p.1rtnt(s.
Give more infonn•tion ,f nKtsYry
3 a. 4iiPWofk in small Y04J vse a to(i,11
nf'twcwt. <an you ff'1'1'lffflbN' your ,l'it
upd•te wu.1 Did I indl.,dt 1l'r'f fut1.1rtforms7
W,lS It In (ft8Ush7 If not. how woutd )'OU S'1)' It
in cnglish1
b Compltlt 1-1 ,n lht GttA# ....AII ,AHll.
withthf UW inI.I arCItumpl,N from the
$lllUS upd.atts In A.u.oo,G Y.
b Read the artic~•bout the dincers of 50<'.lil
network.inP, Ch«kyour illliwef'Sto 1,1 ind milchC'ileh
danger to status upd•tN A-C.
2 '-Pwork In Sffl,jll iTOIPS.D&USS tht ques,t,ons.
• Oo '/011know of .>nyOlhe'fpos.s,tMf ~ ol u~
o,, thie whole'.~'°"w, Uut ""'-worb,tr,
c lrn.....,.~••Clf,_.
Jin eent me Ille........,,.tow..,_
8 ..... '-8"0 ttw1 mycompeny ..... .., fn 150
emplOJNL 1 ~ n N GN ot IIMl. rm ..c,cor
1 a Look ipln at the thrtt sutus updatts ,n
R.l'.AiOING ,.. ~t(h lM vtrb$'" bold to Ute
li kIll •bcMA
, hopes
2 ,nttrllOl"i
A LIIR di;)'OI WOl'lt ... hoo..,•1 The ....
,..~..,a.m ~-.·,.90i'9away
for'"'" wtolt ............... tq)f .... ""'*
l •
1 a Read Uutt: ,t1tu, upd,l.tH. In tMh upcS.,it.t the w"ter
Is ,unnlna a nsk by Shln(ll lhtit into,mahCM"l, What risk
do you think they Me run~1
., .. o,u,v '", ..
• "'."'" ' ,..-,~ ... 11 , .....
b fiiitOiscuu the ~ion v.,lh
• Which penon'sUW! of SOtiM networb ii mml :wmd.v to
yours? In wh.t w1y1
l,11111!v pholi» f, ~ JOdc.... ~ f!Jbs
mw,te """"'' ""°'~ IOft.l ~ :,c:,m...n•
2 ~tentop~~ .....
howthty uw 50fiailnf'4wort.Oo lhfy rfff'lbOnany ot
the usesyoud1KUSsed in 11
3 • Listen ii•in •nd m.atch SOtlktB ,O,d1 (J), JY.nN (K)
andThom(l) to the too,o in lhebo•
1 _. wo,k in &rouPI,. O.scuu Int qutSltOM.
• w,,,u ).l«.ialnetworli,a, ...,..._. ctoOfOPle: l,i)1,1,i.ll)',ne
iOtlalnccwork.,nas.Jtn fofl
oo you uH • ..od~ networ~ Mt«.,et,.n.wl'IICh one/
How Iona hl'/9 y0u bfffl .are ll1 "'°"*dO 'fO'J uic it
tort If nOI wh f
b Prese11t )'OUr pl~ns to theclass. WhKh pro;ect
• R'ake tile biggest impact~
• be tte easiest to buik!?
1 • ~ work In pal,s, Think of a n,c,w PfOjf(t that
could imp,ovt' tht quo11ity of lite 1n yow eea and ft11
in the cl'la,t.
2 a Comoletc the senteeces with short·term pj•ns you
1 This evl'!, I iiitend to _
2 lomorrow I hope to _
3 Next l,"f!elt, 1 to _
4 Nt)(tt"IO"l1h1al'flto _
b 'if Work In ~·rs. Show your pl1m: to ,.our C>Mtntf.
Glvt mo,, lnform;u1onIfnt<~Qry Ind U~nrt,pOtt
backon yourpa,rtn«'sol~s 10the ml of the CWs.
3 'i} Vork:in,s. Th nk of three long-tefm plans or
lnttntlons you nave.ltll the-mto 'J(N( p.irtntf, but
Include one plan th.t is not true. can your p.irtntt
Identify whkh sto,y is ut1t1utl
~I )ft.',J pf4n to lf!JWI fl) Nftlf l«Jiaftd.
we sometimn use • noun 1mte.ct of IM werb
Wt'ff' plannmq to "1,w {tnt. tlunq Ht t#w MOtllfllO • Out
plolt11 to lftlw (IN tf:lnOin l"WIIIOnWIO
1rt,,J ·,. dlnt.1"'1 to9Pt ,.,,,. by tft'I • nwu a,m 1, 1off1f ,.,.,,,
VOCABULARY:Future plans & intentions
1 a loot at statements 1-c about the projects in
ltSTtNING 2a. What do thewords in bold hillve in
1 rwy lntffld to open it to tM 1enefill pobfi< in 1017
2 This N!W netwatk ahM to 1mpt01,e flra."Kt. ~1111c and
p(CftuM)0.11 ~l(ff
l 1'1W p,ojtctp1M1:0 bOOSttht COMttuctlOOW'ldwry
,,oj«t ~tocutdr1.,.1na t1fl'lit
b Look at the Neuce box. Rewrite the seeteeces in 1 a
uslne nouns lnsttM:1 of veebs,
1 a This is one of the longest
bridges in the world. Do you know
which two countries it joins? Read
about it on page 40 and answer
the qutstlons.
I What •I sc:,ec.l1l 1bou'l 1t1 l'IJl'IC?
J What don the projfct eon,111 of/
3 Whit dotS h symbol1z!1
b ~ Vortin p.)irs. 00 you
know other well·known bridges
or tunoels7 What do they join?
Which is the 100.gest bridge °'
tunnel in your cou,n,y?
l'Otm of 1nns;pon,11ion
Completion date
New travel time
3 R.,ad Tran~ript S.4 on pa,ge 4l illnd find words or
phr,ses thJt mean...
1 solutions u1n t>t fOUl,C to tf'liesf: P,Oblfffls
, tOIN'r<> an momtnr In Its dtvt Ol')mtn,
) h.H (,1USf!d ~ IOC ot41SC.n1on
.t havt8 vtn thtlr l)Nmin,on
4 Which of the two PfOjects do you think w II be
completed first? Why?What are the advantages and
df<1advan1agP'I of carrying out the'IP p(OjPct'li'
S W(M;dd ynu ptPfH ro travet in lhP 'iwi'l'I runnrl Qr on thP-
Chlne,. bridge projtctl W!lyl
Open to the pt..blK
New uavel time
b Usttn a,a,n and complttt tht inforlNtlon in tht chM1,
lookI'!if:WTIU%Mi181&? *I?
2 a .,JjsAlisten to a news report about two
engineerine Pfojects and match the,n to ttw millps.
Why is each one in the news?
• U'-1 l"'JIIIJ U.ATIQT(,IIVl1111 ....Al't~&IHHl 'I)
• ,~,11,._.,-.., ..r ..r,1,.11t•Nr .. , r"
b work in p~irs, Answer 1h~ question,,
Which of 1"4! prtd ctk>n, hive 1lrtady com,
• Which dO you lhlnk will pon1t,ty come uut ,i 50IM
point In y~,r llfttimtt
• Whl<h ooyou 1hlnk will M'trcome 11ue? wt'ly7
2 a ~ work in smlll groups.. wntt thrtt prt"Chctlons
fo1 theyt,u 2050.
b exchange your hst with another group. C>tc.ldt if )'OU
think th.el, predictions will eve, come trut.
3 -, Vhen you have tinishtd, exchange lists again and
discuss your 1eactioos.
DP1•:11fawl',11,IVtH<.•JwiT h-.llvhl1 d1Nul'8'U IKr11nl
tv , 1111,n lo I 1..t,t:,r,'" l i , "h' cc,r,ntlll• , '11;)1
E HotOf ec,lj ul1 w I I.~h.irrW71 trgn1 U'OI Ir,,; IYil,.J..lle'hi
k,1t~¥IUN IJII luJUIN • W flUW t1,1r11 !.'' hul UJ cull
wllkw 10 rogulatt th9 W!'nf)(l'l1ure ol lht Nth
EJ E"'gl&h wll bemore ex~wt~ apo,,.entha"I 8l1'w ot..""«"
larqnge Flll"t!ii.'l'l.,.,1 rank eecond
E Phntogr:i,nh<i'Miitie t~mfn'd lrr.m<1n1· eis~;)"IOP.II
ther't" fl a l)ar:le InCtina In-ages wP bE' ~1blllJ'led n ~
M,,....po~~ an hour :ll!'f'.
l;J Tu(lf'( wil p-OO.'!hly ~ a ':"r1()h'l lnlM¥lhC'.W~I owr r,r,,
1 a (if work in pairs, Read the list of predictions ind
dt<l<le which wert made in,_
ii lhf' yp;u 1q00 t:ilklna ,1i!)c)11I thf' yPJr J()l)O,
b the year 2000 talklnR atiout the ~xt ten totwentY
Wt Con use b<>th wif1 o1)d 90ing to to P,tdl(bOl'IS
i.nd talk about behcls about the future There is ittle
ditfer,nc, in meaning between w,11 and ¢ng to.
Vlorfd popuiouon wl.11/fs golflf to lncr,ow srtcd,ly i., rhr
f'lt'KI{tW'Yfttr~ 111
We often use wl1I with the p,1ssivc voice totalk •bout
t thmk tngllsh wlffbf spcktn by o lot mort l)tOOlt In Utt
Jutuff vi
:itt pof>e 11/Of9mmma1 rrfmncc and mOfl' pra<tJet
3 a Wrlu1 lh1te p1tdiction, about you and your friends
and family.
b ~ Sha.,e your predictions with the class. Were any
of lhNn 1hE> "ame?
2 a Writt 5N'ltneH uina 'MJI, WOl'l't or QOlng ro (and thP
Pf'OfflPl.l) to make Pftdkt•ons.
l Ch na/ IIT'll)CM'llnt I tCOroOmlcforc.t
) IOot ~you/ Ml 1K'V'OIOP, / f''f'l')'WhN, I OOl'I
I hOpfI pp bHWHr1 OCh awpoo, I D«Ol"l-t b1Q,t,1'
4 '°°",11,no,U~/C~tf'r
s tht Mth r,te I p,-OGibl)' RO up 1n cuiope I nN' tutwe
6 lhi,.t / toQMlltybttwttn """n1nd "''omen/ 'A•orki,tac,I
b .... Compiir, yow answers w,lh a partnff's. Do you
q.rtt? Yn'lkh ot thesep<tdictionsdo you stt as bting
b ~· 1-2 in11'1f' G1tAMlolAa PAN FL
• LOokll tttSc i<k'ti from the 1.Jtklies In R!!AOING 2.
UndtfMnt the future 1CMn,s.. A1e they dnc.ribln1
I) orcdoctlon•I b) l)l&n•I
1 8Y lOSOO'lt'I 70"ot the' 'A'Of1d""'11 Uvc: Ii Cltlt1
2 aoincto lff U'IC work1'3, ulln iraac:lo 101111
e,ormous urt,.,,, "mcgMcgiom.M
3 The: cd ~ -.·ii brt.~ "I.he iro~t p1ohlit a"ld
des.ira.bk consuncr device on the plarci.."
, anAtria, eel deviceswill be used in all aspects of ife.
s s'"' of peopte ro,, have ceHphone access and
number isgoirg to hcrease ra.pidty.
b Rewritt tht words in itollain the sentenc.H usin&
tN txcw-tsStOl'ls fr0ff'l l1..
t Thf ~ d p,,opi,, t,,omri,r1l 10 u<han ,1rf,,
1 TM rura1 J>OPl..,._!OfI'S ~•nt VNIU'f 11r1d J.11V,l!n
3 The u,N 1 ~lion w II >11t1Nbt lo 70" by 20~0.
• The nurnb(ir" ot uitMi, ~IMt'i ons 1, f'Kftlllll'l9
s trtt~,~ M ••• ~100 n'IOlc:>kiwtr.
6 The (di phOtt WII II.tad ly trons:Jor,;i r!wff n10 lhe MOSt
~<lbw p,odurt.
2 .t Look .gain a.t the origina.l sentences in 1b. Add mo,c
verbs. adwfbsand adjectiYestothe chan in 1 a.
b '.JWort in smal groups. Discuss thequestion.
• wtlich of the uendsin lb are noticeable ifl youscoontry?
n.i • ii a ,.....o "'11'.rMW u, th.- nUMbft d, tmN1pM.,1M
!""')Cnt nczsant!'
.t took._, ee WOrd!I in bold in the ar'lide!I in
tttAoo,G 2. U~ them to complete thecharL
VOCABULARY: Describing trends
lndc:,·c:loping natior.s, S79t. ol people now ~cdl
pnoneaccess.illld trus numbtr,, 1ou'tglO l11t,e.liot'
n1pidly wnne lnU!rnt't use ts I.ho incrusing. UM
1t'11u1t:s u.)' ll v.on'1 so upwqukklybt-..1UM"uf
h1,l'lerCO'i:1<1. Thiettarecurrenll) bl hon~l«ll
phone Uhr1p1""1.<i.1.omp,a~•11h .abou~ I btllklft
In 200l. 11 ~Ill 1r.kiu.1Hy tlrn Into 'CM '*"'Pu1b1k
,i"WIdc:111rabltcon,uTnefdrvkt on tht pbl'l(1'" lf'IC'
dlf'ft1f'nN"1<1tl'>,1tinAfnc.1,cf'lldr rM•dlbfouwd In
allHl)fctlofhft.notJu.,c rocl'l.llt with fnC'nck TbC'r
~•Ubtut<"ll (uf<".lfflPTt(Oftbtl'nc1'C'mtl'Mofmoatt
for fl nJ, ng jobs •r.d ewn for tilbng coUt~ coutwS.
Urbal drift is"°"''m$'IOUld)lt. • fie :liieclo, ol l.Wt:Jbi'ol.Am:I
t tioll,6:a S'Otes so:it, ·the n.,olpof)I.I01on h decreotlnQ ll$f ,.1
li'l8!llOll"l8tll,ILlllcwt" ~I IN WYl:l l;111s1ncilies.&r 2050 ll'OJ
fiilUICWll rise ti 7~ •
v...o,epig 10 M 'Wlt"'°'d's clliesm,,gelo brr 01 incf'tOl,ng
l'U'l'lb&rd Ul'!Xln "r!ltQOAig.(11'11.• ~ Ol ll'tff'l•11$1f6fd' f'Ct
iU'l:lledl el tlor'lfll11ono OC10HmorelhOn ontCOJ~IIVlh•
l)IO'.ltlt , o~ hc.lwe'lo;i 11'1 Ol,.a r1-..,l~·U IJ ho•
blh0tl'IIIOCIOOll 120'1'11k,n ~tb'12030 ~'«IIC:1.• o,,...
CfedltmD!t jobs, btJI t'lfJ oop 001.cen ,1en onll proi ¥.ill 9io. cs
~ m;,,,eflcfn flt IU'31 orvo,n seorthol ~ 'W how rtlN
ct!i0$o,o g:ii'IQ IQbO,~~;11. tfVwr•H noooICb'IO•fl'crNio
ll'dJ:itthe!it niqJGIIIIM. • 1:11:I lhe
"P)lt t COOU'l'IOIEct»IOONo,e110
The Endless City
3 Read the arbdes a.gain and answtr the ~aons.
Artkle 1 e,c.i.::Uy.Vte "mq.aregions""~
What is theonly advant.a:c of ttese rq;o.'lS..acmrdi..,c
to the UN report?
Wh ch cities wiNbe rbemost succnst-.,1w'Wfl thJS
Artkte l
" what does ee an,cle say about ee 11:.1tus ot an
s Why 1, ctll l)tlont 1.w l~ttll!"f mort rll)idty than
CCf"ll)llltr ust'
6 In wn.arways w,11 ctfl P"c)l'ltl MMd in
4 'it Work in aroups. Whichof t~ trends in t do )'OU
th nk tS the most importlnt7 Why7 WhKh ifff'CUyou
and yourcountty tht mostl
1 Lookat the Images. What four gklbal ttends do you
lhink lhey ,ould 1tl)lt"Stnt? cncese Irom lt~ topics.
One image can match to more than one global trend.
b1(tl'I rate u•ban dnu'
"'~4...fthdil,lfibulioo women iu the wo1kpl,.Le
cl mate change rise of Asia
multihncuall~m m leamlng
•urbandtljl moi,wnentof pt'Op/tJr1n11u1ul tou1b,m Utftl>
2 Reid two artlde:s from two different sources on a obal
IJtnd~.Whkh of lht loplu from tht lh,t lri 1 II.ft
mcnttoncd? Which article l'lu a more posltlvci view of
the futu,e?
HELLO/ ClAO/ H<:l.f.J
np~se,.,HEl ~~lU)1
0/ HE/
•""'u t•utv•11 ""
•r~ ... inr
.. ~ ........ a.~1.,u
9 a 4;t DhaouUiequt>llOM,
• l,'*h l'CIUPdo )'OU think 111ued b~t? Whyl
• 1Ao1'ld'I JrtlUPdo you think had the most valid
b for~ showof h.lf'lds to see whether th,e
suttmtM is &ecf'l)(ed « rtjected.
8 a Alter you hiVC pcHetted ,nd exp1,tntc1 allyour
rruons. W1U I M'IOftsummary or your opponents'
b q Pta,:l'llt your summanes to the class.
6 4ifwo,k In two giouPS, G•oup A, turn to page 40.
Groupe. twn to PlaC 41.
7 ~ Wott In new groupswith two or threes-tudents
from each ot Groups A md B. rne turns p,cse,ning
y«.r reascn:s lor or ag~nsttht stattment.
4 LOOK ill the SN'ltffltn.. UndHline the f'1tprM.sions uc;ed
co introduce the 5Pt&ken' opinions. Tht first has bHn
dono ,., you.
1 A1,.. ti rmcqnms:d these are da.n1erous tifflf!$ .Ind
w. need el'ioenl. s.urve1ll.ancf!,whe,ever,whenever.
2 n wowd.ippf'ar to ITM" Ihat preriouc; moo,y ic; being
thrown•~ on expensrvt equipment thal does
nod'ina to 1acl:lrP thf' rPal rPa-.onc; for rrimP.
1 ~ Nt its tnt only pqctluil wav to concrol
4 I cton l MOW,bOut ,OU,bul I OOn'tWint lo lttl
S YOt.>rNJdd.itartt but wh~l I Ul1nk. wcntt<I is mo1e
pol (cmtn n the COnMun,ty,OOl ITIOIC' UmC'f"tl!>.
S ~ad the sentences in 4 again. Which oue fOf using
mon- survrilance Cilmcras and which are against?
b Find two upressions in ~ text that the author uses
to introduce his opinion.
3 a Rt~ tPM! ltA1 11.ain. Whal re.uoru. d~i tht author
g ve lor UibdlJl'lls..rvt1Uancc?
'it Wolk in MNI croups. Look.1t the photo and
dt.S(:UU the (IUOtiOnS..
• ~docs,tshow>
• '#NI is the COW"«lior with the u-iit topic?
• W'.il is the Qt'lffadoingl
• Do you see m,:,y dosed circuit cameras where you live,
2 llf>H lft "1'4'.. lbout CC1V (CkJwd•drc-uil tf-ltvklon),
~ lhrt qutSt.ions.
1 ~IP att the caimens~
J Whal do you thtnk a "dummy(.lmP1:i" ls1
3 ts~ surw1 II.nee~ totil'Y ~ tn!nst1 How Clo
4 ~ doN: tht 1Utho1 "-Y s n,on peol)'e's ftspoo~ to
s Wh.dti tQ OOlf'loOl'I•bout C!«.IOfltC ~UIVC'i lil'CC, How
5 'it ~ill the dwoguein front oft~ class. nedde
which immiaril"tion ofke-r w~ i) the friendfiest,b) the
1east frfffldty.
4 a fit Studtnt A. you won: at a borffl control or an
airpcwt JN.UPOrt corruol hrpr¥e questions tor 8 about
his/her future pbns. Ne you to adopt a tr.endly
or unfri1mdty mannNl
Student a. you Mr entfflng the country. Prepare to
explain what you are l11tt'ftdin, to do in the counlry,
who you 11t P110 wt Md how Iona you are golnst
to StJ)'
''.Soundingfrif'ndly/unfrirndly ,,
~ I), WliMmIIMIIQ tlow ~ahvf II~ <.onmwliut1s
rnclfn la. 'A', tht Hfttf'ff in lht:WI) tM
petlOll yY ~!
L~len and,..._PIP'Sspeci.ill attentionto I.he
pitch ¥14 intor.ation wt.en saying good.t,ye
Scmetimn we m questions~ ,n,cn;ng thr erdcr
of ti.t wrM.. we un do lhll t,y USlf'C question intonation
Ot Ulint: a chtcli: ... Pllffl1IOI.••. ts(W riQht1 IS frlOf
Afl you ~ WI lffl drl)'S' i,awf -
Vou'rt llfO·MtQ lff ffft ...,.,.. flffllp> ,,,.
Vou'ff'lfa".«19iin rw; dcl)1"bmf .-. rst'Jet ri¢17,,.
Find anottw!r o.vnpk in the second con'o'Crw.tion.
Passport Control
---- -
•b -~ '
b LiStffl and Chttt.
(Slot)""'" h.m?
(IINrW)w, left Qys' u-ne. Is that tight?
· m•11-
FOCUS ON I ANr., .. ,r.~
3 a 441u Listrn and writr IM questions asked by the
immian:tion olfl,(.e,usinc the verbsin parenthestt.
1 V.'here (RC)') 111 n-a l1t1d?
2 And how ~ (in1fffd)10 SHI)' htrel
l 4nd 'lll·l°ltft Cl o,ft) f!"0"1?
.t 4rfl you (,pb,) to v,s I ot,,...., parts o' tl'wo
5 Alt'YoU
6 And
b Listen again and answtt the qUf'Stions.
1 Who i5 tMpenonff"tf'flttg tie c.oun1ry1
2 v.'h.ltdo tney do'
3 Wh,111Ut'CQpowofV'W'aJ1rpf
I tow toflJ k 111
It !hf flllChl...., frlf'l'dyor unhMdfy1 HOWcan yout('lll
• IDOD•t•-
1 a 'iif Look it irNgts a ¥ldb Mid discuss t™!
• V.'h&t cfl"tdof bore« ct0if'$ do thf')' "t<N/?
Whit <OUfntS dOH yc,ur <CkJtltrY~n.1ei? IJ there l
ctwoctc.f)Olnc on 1two botor«1
• YoU aossfd """°'lhtMOOl'Offlrecenuv, If so,
how ~fl )OU,,....,...,.,, Oid ,0.. h,1W'10 101) ~· lht'
b lim.gint you ~e .np.assport cootrol. What k,nds of
questions~ )10U be asted? Look at image c. What
else do you somrtimcs hnl" to do when you aoss a
2 a '4tiJ,.t'!l:Kl'.nlU lWV ,un¥CJMUU11>
~f jil,lort
conuo&.Do tht ofl'an Mk anyof lN' questionsyou
thought of in 1b?Whldt oftlCe'r would you prefe. to talk
cosplay is an event in which p,nicipantsw('at
costumes that 1ep1estnl 'Sptt.tfi(chuactttS from
popul.;ir J1pan~ rolrurt"
TM Cherry Btossom fHtiv.ltorigi~t~ injapin as a way
to (drb, ..te the n.utol spnnc. hoplt:Otl',ntzr p.1r,dH
.1nd prtp.,r, ,~l,11 d1,hd.
Chtl.stm,, i., .t <:hr M1onholid.a)ond lrnohn&1nn1
F1.1u1n ,1.1th
'"S.nt.1 O,us tw,'t'bttunte
~)·mbol, of rht> C't"lebraoon
• Rtad rr1nscrlpc 6.2 on Pi11f43, find fOUfYfflK rhit Mt
synony,,,s of """IO' r11n.,,. _ ..,.h "'°"-"'·
rne illstletttt lslNffl.
1 Our "~.t>t·i NYt, 111,c 11'1r«fl'II~
2 lr'c h~c m °"'"tJdwvior
3 Wt a IOCMtJldtUOtlS IOmodCf'n ll(flft
<4 Sul l'IOC dt,,1nain worl t Uw ...., ~ do
things. <hangC' "lcrc tS ~
c Talking about change
:Z Types .-ts bttf IOC» fflUSIC n.ll!()t11
Pd!:411 Ki,g!OlA roe.I: ~ .. {eg_ il)'if'g)
l!.-J, ,Ull,d, )«A.UI
1 Fcstlv~I, &. holkb.)"I c, 'n .II
th "4 ~I',-. * 't « 0 I t ~Pf
fd 1•b, ,ljh F t I fll. 1.i F,tr
11111(11,('('n lM"t- ct·tw:-o,e,act
H.114".,I OUvberlOI V.,,11(.~8t!Cf1'1oi.lC
B words connectedwith festivals
• How many wordS ,n 2 can you matm wtth me
ff!liv.ds in 11
co,,.,...:.1- t.1.. ),'( wmonar tlldl.Ol'P
LQll(C1l (. lit: l t- tur C rtt t v,1
n,~i ti,,I ti lv ,ll.l'Sk p.&r.t0.. ..,.. y
µ·e.,, r1t ,,ue,r "
A Nouns
• Whkh words ln the bOJt are synonyms otcdebfaUOtisr
Whkh .1,~ th,ng'S ~ti c~bOn could oouc:se,
Celebrations & restivals
b COfflp ete c In the l(fy VOCAllilJ ...._,.
4 A Complete 8 in the kr'fVOCAIJl,LAF!
••,."' , can you add any other festivik
lO the fist7
Od uM"ttr t1 i11hrtt--d.aiy Mulim ttlcbr,tlion lh,11 m,uk1
lht: i:nd of 11.lm,1d.,11 • mo11Lb of l.uAin,ll (not t',Hiui)
dunnglhf'd.>) 1gh1 hour,;
~ is a p,1yn festival he-Id beforeAll Saint~ Day.
In seeeeocatnes they celebrate the Da)'er the Otad at
ttus uese,
beforeLent. sneer panics
1nduderoncttt, ..nd dilnl1ng, contests tor me bt~t
f'lN,s. to5tumn., m,ukJ ,1nd p.u.idN uowever,
d1flt:1"1I ''°"''"'.ll• 'llfllh thlli 11in1C' OI.C.UI In OlhC'l l>ll11.,ci.
2 a Look at the WO(d1 In bold lti tht MW pt,ons,n 1 b. ~e A
In the Y Vo , .tMv" t •
b -, Vort in pairs. Makeas manyconM<tJonsu ,ou un
between the festivals. Use the words from A.
(Otp(ay,Ha.'1Q..'tt11 ond Com·.'Of ail,~ ct:ff)••'1Q..,"" eu·"'"""
3 a 4~,, Us1en 10 uie Sl.1fl of .1 r.id10 ~"" AnSWN the
1 Whichce-lebr1tiondot1 the s~Mtf ta_kUot.(>
2 Whe1e i!> t~ fe!> in the ,m• t•ki,. pl,K.e?
) Why wouid this event hitlvt bttn U'llutty t.e-, )'It.VS~
b Read the descriptions ot I~ cl!'~brahonson~ 23md nvt<.h
them to the imaan.
5 '-t Work In pairs.. OrStUss the questions.
• In )ICM# country, "A'Nil ty,e ol 1tStivalS and hohda)'!
do )'OU ctttbratc >
• W'liichc~iticYs do )'Oll least/l'T'IOst c,joy? Why?
• Haw thew teolrbBt.ioos thanged !,i"Ke your parents were youna?
b 4W-.z Listen to the rest of the progr~. notes on two rnore festivals ;,nd
holidays. complete tM chart,
1 a '-t wor1tln L_a,.,,.1,,,...._wi,,,dOu..yh>veln
tommon? Whal arc the pcopl,e cclebralirc in t"ach ~?
• i:DOD•11-
'lft~ "" 1.1<,lttilly U'IO'>il' with ,M1'1(t', In IFI<'
:~•lctd1~uplht1 gt,00!> •11
n theew, ,inJ Pl'OPlt irlt up to~e the
~nd thcrt''sI n !hf' maikf'Isquarr omc
lou.l pc,ople ire womed th.ill t~ old tr1d,Uoni w II
1 1
Thf' ftsUvJil i Jt 1n,, end or I
b listen J&lin tnd complete the summary.
LISTEN'SS t §FfO'flS?..ifi
1 a 4;))u Ostento Eva talk.Ing abouta fcs1!'val
holiday. What i.s it? How h.a.s rt dlanged?
3 ~ Work1n pillts.Choosethe conectoc>tlontocomplete
c1eh sentence.
1 II youfJ holf I havt ,ome tin aofo, 1
4. k iMOUl'ld tht t.1ty b wt!!
2 Youton/ 'I!dren up I youw1.nt to, tl'ltfe's no
Obi &•tlO'.
3 0011'ttomt I Comt tome c1rr.lva.1,tyouwant to h1vc a
JOOd timt:,
• Vou'I for&tt all your p,oblrtM if you'IJli'O / ,o to lh(I
5 If you don': I wo.i'r ~ember the time of the pa,ade,
you ran rhf'rk lhf' on4in,, schf'd.ilf'.
4 • Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1 II I like l v1uitlonlhrs Vtif, I
1. If I h.lVt ti~", I
3 111 hive ~me ext•• monty,I ---·
b '-t Readyoursentences toa partner.Were your
partnn's kle.n similar to your!>?
WeUSCif+ ::i«:SCfit ~ + prcscrn. simp,e to talk.
about~ that a,eOI _
Notitt in~ wnlenc~you un ·~ate if with
ut withnod'.fflg:.cinmunirg..
Ifffif' Rill~ 1<• Al" wn ,g'l,,"IIM-
- use t/ , l)ftsitf"lwnptt • t ..·ure to tllk &bout
WWl«&ttwt~ l;e,fytoNl):lftlinthew _
t/>'Oll"""""°"'robnnfWwrft)'Oto ,11f~r·mt
NotiC.t lNt wedo NOTus.e a1vtu(t IOi11'!1~1lN ""'
ltlcs,e 5nltrnc:C'S
1/thrMO'll!ff" kfOOd. W"ff;awd pi<'UC...
~OTfU.r illlla •lk~ffllfutl"tCIPl(,,k
weun ~ 1..w• modal wrb or ilt'I tmpetati...eta.min
Ifr:iu.,...IO• th >*A 11 ~ ,.,,.,,. (MOd,-0
l!l!r,.,..,,....,.....,if,o,.u,._ f•_i
Ifon comt • tht ~.," nt cl t"lf wm.tnef
OI W'lttWModcfttdlhf~:tnCt:
'it-"' Pl"'- ... W, H IOH IO mokt ""''°'"
1 d~un<hOOM~ 1 f trans
1oao. b fyouun.
l ~~- c '""~r..otwet1,wa1t,
Uwtt d.l)'lo o m..kt wit )'0,.11>lan i
) d10"1fffi'tt.,lt. tl:>hJUl'lt
4 • )'OU br•'C I>'* ll't )'O',. t t m &hl W'o't lt'lt'
s Thetunoocwnstoo t ttsbY~ IOC'IS s.1>1,y
6 Wtltft t'WW!'I iihu"lti.. eikh ot.htt.,.·,ti'! ••ltt,
2 ~ Loe*: at the~~ in 1 .qJlll W NISWf!r lhe
1 ~Wf'l'f"'l(fS
~ rt'ft'I to J lf"ltf.ill '«l1,
I>)~ toaPQSSI~f..turt Sl~.J.IU01'17JON
2 Wt111.1'1 W'1'1'cot1(.1r OOon't 1.011W1 t Ult' wuid 1'
3 l'l~~tne:C"<ICNAdycN.1rC11QC.elf"-'lt>tw;"it1t
•otJlCMA<JwosirlC ~ nc,,111•111-
b Loot againat JOl.w- answers in 2a .nd complete
1~ in the'GIAliUII..M •A..1otEL••
1111jOU"'-"""110UR- Ind
__ ,... .... _
eomo.... ,..._
...... t:nt ... __ l .....
,au.l..ic,,t.,._ Goodul!
B l'lllenytAJge,10hCe,,...,,,j0U
~nI know #In IOltar1 lt'I IO
roc:~c.1 i1<e11t-clly
~1n ce1e11r,tr>g ...
wor""1Ul lhtng,-• IOQOllff
tn 010 ito ltttel l*I)'.ClanClng ano
OOy ThOlIV.NI °"'1MI ll'OIAIIbe
mJt. Stay for• '1reell.ljs W IOU
"4ust c11n MSO be a l'IOIXI ~ 1.IW a .,,.,st IO rntM'I SOffif1tw'I
t~ 1s ftSoffltul1n .l p,ulnW' sdu.ihon
,f,a.t~Plfloaull.'" lJWtOWIII):
2 a Listen .)8:;lln .n:t compliett tht t?ltr.lC.ts..
1 1rsorl';' d;,ys~~--,·s1ut1lqi.,t htft'
It's• ,:rt11ttime to be ,n &ef,t'II
1 lt'S an interestin1 way t:> ~ cut ~t
3 I !Junk Bertin i$ tM worst pla,c~to be~ __ uee.
A htryl1'ing is so -- l's. ,ood idH IO'Sta:, ~
b Look at the e-xpressions in bold in 2.a. Whal wrb form G
used after these express.ens, ro +~or verb+ WJ? What
other adjectives can you use in l!ach expression~
3 'it WOt1c: in pa·rs. WNt recommendations would you
Rive a vtSitorwhoWilted to visit yc,ur tQMJn/<.1,;y1 uw the
expressions rn 21andlb.
VOCABULARY: Recommendations
41,1., (J..,••'°"'Ol)Omo,;;£i IF. Carnival.Ar< they
pos•trYe or "'8ative7
..,.,.,<ltY....11119' _
"'s. -'bl.,........... r..i.,apw 451,.DCD
donothMr.rm1r~ ................
dlnlc IIIC,v,:,Jld~ C9'Mla ,._.. leaAt'II
ABe,., I• very muchapartylownwt" 1tusyyear
roondmlencwd cancens.streetpa!Wls,sponlng
...n1,,..,. 8h0Ylll1d..,ti..-And h "'"
lime•••.,, cl(y'I """ can ctooee wnen IDii,.
~kt11n youl)l!lnI lrlpInJI/le ftf 1hllwntwtl
d!dcle10comeforlhe cw.,,-.-•agcoc1 1,i,, ID
,-,cI l'°"'le...,.11,oy '"' Qot IOiil'fPIICl<ed!Ar<I
rememberIDbr~ga'""""'lTi...tvnoce,n t lll)I)ff
• ,oms! And~"" 111e 11.1n ihf'ICI u-.oMstivat goors
sp,ay each ocher wlltl water tocOOI off
b Ott1dewtncn text is
1 giving instructions to partic.ipan1
2 describing the atmospllcrc
3 giving advice to viiiton..
3 RHd thlt text<;again. Fina ad;ti:t•~ t~,
1 fulofauvty 2 veryfJII l v~ryexcitng
4 't W()(k In sm;ill aroups. Discuss tht <1~s1t0ns.
• Arf' thPre .;1ny c11 Pi In yc>ur c<M.1n1ry Wdh 11 "ilrn,IJr
ethnic miK to 0«11n1 00 mtv "old I si" ''' festlva''
• 00 you th n~thls t~ of I bf'nelc1JI to .i
COONryor l c1tv1Why/Whynot1
tr,welP,u,se writer
I HtntO!'g.tnlZer
3 aC.uoival fdf
2 a MatchtextsA-Ctothepeoplel-Jwhowrote
Look at (he images of the Carnival of Cultures in
Berlin. What are the people doing? Would you like
togo to it't why/Whynot?Think or thr~ adi«tives
todescribe the atmosphere.
.,u,c, ,,, ..M,ISl,U'
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Libro Intermedio 6

  • 2. NOTICR PHR.ASAlVfRBS WIT~!OOWN PlantationOlfflff1 haw cut .townan rnonnow """*'of - Wt' uw otllt'f Vt't'bt v.1thdoltYI to me•n dnt,w OI ..... A f,w MM dl)M'I afomr nw*'nd bloin down a tiff_ • Whichof thfsf disasters could be proYOkedby man? • M•,k.the d1s.uters 1-7you heard In Transcript 4.1. 1 forest fire 2 e.;irtl'lqu.ike 3 drougtt 4 hurrk.lM s tam ne 6 llood 7 uun1ml Mitchdlsa.strrs 1...7 todtftnihons.,,...,. UH I dKtionary to Mlp you. a wten eere b too much nun .ind water covers la.nd that i:S usuallydry b when movemef't n the floor causes very latlf'waves c whtn tfere -sn't tn0ugh rJin 1nd wJttr ltvtls ¥e d1natrOUS1ylow d wlen ee eann rN)l/tS e wten eee Knot enoo&hfOOd I wt'tn ~' Ii •n un<Of'IUolltd ire• of fire In a lo1est i wN:"n eee a,e very stton1 w,nds al'ld VSUlll)' ram B Natural disasters & extreme weather '""" Nd.tura.l i,fr'ti,:!i·i ror, d .,,. t dun, tir fi~lcs IOtt'l gr•u h,11s rnour,ta,n o.ilm uees ~th p ,110 plJnt.ition ranch res.ort sand • Put thewo,ds in the box In the co,re<t cotumn use a dlctlonit)I to help you • KEY VOCABULARY Landscapes & natural disasters A Man·made & natural landscapes II • pRWide some shade 4 ... the ipecially planted for thegolfers. b which of the words in A can be used to describe the landscipe in the photo? Whkh can be used to cltseribe l1ndsc1pe1 In your country, HWlf or, torsofr,sonJond gqlj,cum, on rt,, coou in my cou1tfl)',but ntl4 l1tJo11d 3 a Look at the photo on Pi&C 41. What does h show? Whi.t do you think. It In common with the photo In 17 2 a CompleteAintheKlYVO A8ULAR'( ,>ANU•• 8 '.itwork in pairs. HJve •ny of the disaste,s in a bttn in the news re<entty7 lllf!t 110~bH't ft<tOdsOS O tt'fi.llf ofh~ fa•.'I 4 a Listen a.gain and 1.nswer the Qutstlons. 1 Why Ns man changtd tht I.Jn<IKipe In boeh c;asts? 2 Wh,1t are tht consequtnees of these ch,1n,e-s7 b 'mtcomp.reyour answerswith a p.rtner's. 5 Compltte the eic.tta<ts from Transcript•.1 w•lh words f,omA Inthel(f'I' vo...,.. l •v PAl,ifL •• 1 The bfst way to see m.1n'sd~lluctlon ol the Am.uon r.1ln Isfromthe •lr f'lrfflffl •nd owntrs have cut down 1n enormous number ot uets fhls is pan of tht Bab Al Shams Resort built In tht middle of the in Oubu. 6 ~ WOfk In sm;all aroups. OIKuss thequ~tJons • Wtlkh ,!tuitiondo you think I~ the WOf~l t)Wltlple of m1n's dcilN<tlon of n1turt7 Why1 lh,nk. ;about wnere yov bve A1e 1ny C.hilf'l&n to the landstipes rte~t' Doyou thmk. they a,c posit.,~ or negatiw1 7 'iit Work in pairs. Complete Bin the v v ABU •q.,. PANE b ,..,,,, Listen to 1n envlronmtntallst taltdna about the photos and check your answt1s to 1. 1 'iitwo,k In ~mall aroups. Look at tne photo. Answer the que~tlons. • What don the photo ~how? Whtie do you think the pl'IOto wu u1.k.ent What docs it ihOw about the rdationJhipbetween min andnatu,e? MAN AND NATURE 4
  • 3. .. SPEAKING & WRITING 1 _. OIKuss 1ht qutS1t0ns In sm1Uaroups • llH you, ••,.. eYff t>ttn lfff!<1t0by l N1UIIM Of 1nJ.a·n t1dt dh..i)tt'f 04' by ,).u,n" wt,ill~? , w1,e1e WlS ,l? Doyou kf.Ow hOw it swttdt 'fts, •cutwi11ttrin my "~own ... there lilC5 on fflOt:"IOUS .1,wrin a,id o to,nodOlWl"Pl' t"'w".lilht 1uwn II did• Wof damog, rothtbe«l1. C.oodewni119,this1s !ht !ito'tied IIN1.. V..'t 'law ntws°"""'"'9 1110{ b 'if Read your sto,y out toud to tM ctass as 1f you wtte a,~<110 or TV news anchor. Tl!ttl' ltCio't' Ii11oody tx't''I L't•rt Ol(fi( b t'11l ~· luc1ut1w ll<'IW'rl°thad o,yottocls on rtusbtdrtt )'ft we (ii.fl us,eotfNIJ/ tlllCI )"I In ~lottS ~·s.t dt'ftt""e 1n the n,e,,n1n111. Quesoons with )'t( 110·.rf ~ ft,,,vi#d )lttf (• , eXDKt"°" h.11ve, I'm Just cl'liec.ling.) Quesoons wtthc:•re0t:tr Howwuo•'f!CICl')l{'ri.srtfd,/1~ you ft"li'ihtd nfff'Odyf (= I'm ~rrprisPd, you did thal W'f"f quid:ly!) Stt P<IQt 36 forq,omm<ir tritrtrtet and mort p,act,ct at thP f'nd of thf' SHltfflf,.. PR(SrNT PrRrrcr SIMPlr Wf! canUSf! lhf! pr~I perfKI mplt 10~ I: 1boul I completed action or 01 .idiom tlat ha.ppenfd dunng a periOG cf line that C1'hasfinished I con!.r.:tAeS UjJ to lhtpm,ent. Thfr,,how twen fllll'f' short attcd:s 1n tbt kllt monl'J. (• lhe past month up to and indiJdirg today) we often use the ad•erbs aJwoys, twt andMWr "'it.Joi tt-e presenl fM!rlKI s mple. HOVf .)'OIJ'<ll__ kffl a shaltouoct1llf (• ...., o shorta1 rac.t. (• In my wholeI1te u,p 10 todi)') ·~·~ <•1 bttvl obr,to ...amPfOPJt.., t1o'nt <· ln my C)il>tlit-"C.t uo to l0d1y) A/Jeody &ytl Weu~ the prtlte'l'lPl'flct.l wi:ti O:,~i.W yd co ~1~'61« ttiatan a.coonllas/hWl1 hat«'l'IN bt'lorenow v.~usually use<s) n a.ffirm.1t1Ye il'IO '"--- in"" st"ltence:s.wt useen _ between the auxiliary (has/haw).1ndthe b Look 11 the tKl)ft:1s.ion1 1n 31 IP'"- ¥r'hl<n (t'P(WU do they c:om. from,l Re&d Tr&nteript • 2 on PIP •l and thttt your 1MwN'i. I '*l"N' t> (ur-tnt , ..... d IJOUnd .,... I di1atiof'I I 1tt.Kt ·- wind 2 h gher 3 cletp -1 lC(Ft'lll.taJ 5 watt, 6 ~lions 7 nash 8 4 a Complttt lhit stftttncts with all'N<ty, always, tvtt. An'ff .vld )'ft.Mon! tha.n one answer ii po:»ible. 1 l'lc sttn srow. 2 r've wanted to vis t AU:stra.Jia. J H.weyou see<'l a shark.! , r.e been to Brazi three timff th,.s year. s we haven"t been 10 Thai and -tl'at's tiw nen onour tnp. 6 ~~yc..,flt'<htdthttlll'('(i~ 7 Yes. I've fini,hitd It and check~ 1t! b 'it wrhe teklrSttittncH about yoorseU u!ln& Mr, MVff, awady.)'fC' and tne pmenl perfect. compare your aMwen with a p.a11ner's 3 a Loolc ,at ttw words in bold in sentence 1 in 1 i ag,1in, Answer tht quesbons. wt11ch 15_ .1) f"TIPha.~1u,gd-_at an action ha,n,d bf'forPna,;,t b) ~z. ng dl.1t an .icvon t asrot happenedbefore ,_, V.1'1ich k be ng .Nd in... ii) :.n .1t'irn,'l'1'stnttnce? b) a. l'lf'IJ.t.w stnttnce1 b (~e S 8 In Lhe GltAN.MAR PAhll. with -~Of)lft. b .. 11)•.1Listtn to a ridio pro,rr1.mI.bout d.&naff"I. ChN"k you, ~nswtr1to 1 i ,1nd ~tcht:tw, four <tpOns tosigns a-d l Listen i,1.ln Are the ttnten«s vu,e o, fW? The Outblct •us1~1111 ,1) Loral~olltW'fYmuch••·¥tofthf di~ b) ftltrt NYe bttn no 10fffl flrtS Y't1 l;h s Y".af Couu. areas. Thoi and a) There wasan enormo..istsUTW.c"'Df n 2009. b) Preparat.onst; ave been rr..ade for funn tst;NmG. N:>r4C k.. UK l) R~cs o'ten l'IOOCI InUHS .trtl. b) Motori~b oe myc..1eful .,_. don1 aoooc il'l lnt'lf cars11 ltitre·s I flood wMnin.g. 4 Rtcife, SIIJil I) Thtrt NW ~ 1WO flt.tia1ad.J Ch•I~ b) Clik:.rtn lr'ld tCKAHU.,. moA M l'ISka 3 ~ Match 1-1 to a-h to fOfm t:IQ)(tsMOftS from TranS<ript "4.2 ' <*ID•P- cgareue eeec wa.:et t&.u!Mei flood rtg fore-st bear c;+-ic-1r~ -ee-e '*.aw<. LISTENING & VOCABULARY: Natural world collocations 1 " Wholl k lhf conn«ttOn l>N*fffl IM words ,n box Mid Stgm 1-df use 1 dtCtlONIJ to hdP )'OU CJiorttro arr connte18to,.,,, btt:G.J.tttv,can C1aMfo,,ts,t f"' GRAMMAR 1 a loe>'t at tl'lct p.,i,rs of kftlfflttS, Which 1tpotUdo they ton"<' from? Whith report i,s not inctudNI? 1 a 'ftc'VI!;1lre;idy tad tfutt ma.Jor fires this year. and it's only f•b<Uat). b ~ have lost the1r homes, their b1.tSinesscs, but lud:ily no one'skm tt~irlife-ye-t! 2 a we baven't seen anythmg like rt . b Wf!•wbuih nc.>w ,v.1.cuat1on "i If' . J a H1veYQUtvtrsttn1stukatti<kT b NO.. I Nw"'f l'lot w, "ih.;1,r'l ln lht WJtf'N,. ~nd thty (omt uo f'tltfy CIOSe to tl'lt S.hOrt Out Wfot IIWIVS bttn •t,t,,,, to w~rr pfOO f' !ri t Wf'. l'vf' ntvtf;ict11ally Wffl OM Mutk a p,,r,on b LOolt at tht senteocesagil!n.UndCt"llnc the verbs In lht prtsent pttftcL Mitch lhe p,111s of sentences m I a to times a c arid answer the questions. a Sif'Ke oeeeeeer b dur nc lht' Id two rt1011lh!> ( du( oa the S(>t~k."''s lift 1 Are these pHiods of time_ ~ flntshed' b) concinuingup to the presen:1 '] Ar• ttw actlo"1._ a)ftn.Wd"> b) con1,nu,n1 ,n the: prNCnll 2 (omptftf' 1*4 In l'ht C,t1Mt,MAM ,ANf I SPEAKING 1 ~ work.,n e:10...p._ L* al M&ns. .l·d .V.S drt<uU UN! questions. What da.ngcrsMCthey w•n Ill ol? wh ch of :h'5oe dar,gm. .re natur-.i and wtjch add be man made? What countries are pan.K.l.ila.rty p-one ao tMSf' problems' What un wf' do to aoO d 1hHttr ••o~HU,.11:( "IT 11:Mil'II • f,j .... 1 ... .. AT RISK
  • 4. b Tiell cath other &boutthe homes. Would )'OU still p,te(e1 to Uvt In tht ume ont? 1 Loo at the houses In tht photos. Theyboth ust' .a. mixtureof tradition.a.I and modem m.lttnals and Ideas. Whichwould you pnefe1to Ii~ in7Why? 2 a ~ Wo1k in pairs. Stude,nt A, turn to p,q.e-40. Studenta. wrn 41. SPEAKING we~ the p1e!>C'nt perfect contin.,ous to LIA .iboul. ~ctions lhat sWlcd 1'1__ ,u'ld cont11,ue '°-- . The ;,roplecf Ku11t1 VG.11ey haw Ott<t~~/ot 3,000)'NfS. ffl, w•.bg,Mf btfn <i.j)f!l',..,,,...t lllQ l'1 llk"CIIIWtfWuflIOWIW'II wietorm 1hfprtHttperftc:1continYOulMlh"1 __ /hos .. tt> .. Wib • ;,., A Presentperfect <ontmvou,or s.wnple, we don't use 1te pltW!ntperfect cont1rium,s.,:h stateverbs(verbs that <lesaibe feeli~ Mid thought processes). ,wa.lWCJISlittd .. NOr rwaJwoysOfffl Qinf f"1tnoi&•nmy bo,J; fot "" Y'fO"' NOT l'w tlftft inoMtlf tr!Yb@/Otftf'I )'t(lts No,~:we un oftcmuse cou, tht pt1"MtllPlft«t continu01Jsand lht l)(t"Strtpcrftct $1mok•AA ¥tfY htltc Chf!tftO(t wht,-1 .,,.., .a1t t.lllunt .-,.l .aA .a<.lJOI' th;,thJ,; cont nutd o~ •Iona PN'iod d ~ 10 ~ p<~nt. r.¥: h~d l1t•,e (JI/ my l,fe rw bten 1w!n9 htt't a.•Imylift. a Time tiprtsslons with to,& s,ntf' Weun use timeexprcssiont...,,thJoto,._,'° tMk .&bout .aptflO<Iot time th.&l st.vtt<I,n lM~ W continue$In thepr~t: WC'~('#l[or /s.inct • the poirt n time~ ltleKlion IWt<d. we~ <~1/or/ sJnct , tht ~lodof bMt s,, poQt J6/of 9(,:lfflMal~,and_...pllll(ICt PRE)ENT P£Rf-ECT CONTINUOUS> - S • Complcto the 1entenct1 with thit JMC'WM pe,1t«1 contlnuou1 form of the wrt>sIn ~tMhHU. 1 Howtong ()Wist:.d),)£.,.1 2 Howlong ()w/M) in )OM pn:,,tnl i""omc> Do you koow when it was t,.1it:? 3 Howlong {peopw/t.W)in )Q.lrhometown? Do you know ... .,hen it wu first foLndecP. A....S'*,o fovndtd i1r b 'it WO<k In P•lri. Alk lnd .,,,_ Int QUffl- In s,i with time e1tpreulon1whh /of0t sinct b complete the time t)lprtS5k>n5 whh/Of o, IW'Kt IWJC..l(hild I-A11 Yt•r ttn Yt.lrt , alonP. tlmt S 2010 4 a Write stnttncesa.bOut yourSdf or )'OU'" ~.,. u!iing the time ~.14>ressionsin lb. b ~ Compareyou, senttncn with •'f.. 3 ~ Look at the~ondhalf oftM:wntences In 1.11.,id complete o in theGRAMIJ.A.lil P.itNU •. 2 a Read A in the GRAM.MAit PANIL •• Choose lhf' correct form to completethe sentences.Sometimes both form$ are c.orrect. 1 I'vebH"n ~no,...;~ / lrlo...nmy fnst'ISh text« few~)"!ii. 1 l'lf t>Hn11v.110 / 1,wo In rh , ~own .al ,,.,,,•t•. ) I've ilWIVS tirffl, wanl•(lf I ..ath'ftl IOvtl. I Motoc:co. b CitwcwkIn pahi. Cl,ngetht k'fttfflCfS so they ,,e true for you. Compart your ~wen... b Look at the underlinedverbs in la again. Mark the cotrect options to <omp•ete-the explarubm. Complete 1-•in the GRAMMAR PAN(l lhe let~ 11e talkln1•~t 1 111 1etlon that w1s co~ltltd ,n tht prtit b ,n 1etion th:u suNd In d'e p;ut < ,n action that contirues in the pres.en".. a Match the two p,arts orthe wntmcft. CMCt your answers against the texts in A.t.AOING 2.. 1 Fam1I cshave been lim.& h ths Monxu., sctt,c,-ncn: 2 The lillage has bee-n makin1 "IOf'lf'Y fro-n toonsm J Thc11Hagcrs~in1ht:JZ1 , the 11H1a~rs , 1rpy,1Q1<RIP' , s.lnct the c ghtccnt,. ctnt1.ry b )ill(.Cthe 1990) C fOI thou~n<ls 01 )'C,IS. d 101 gene:1c1.tions<lnd g~nnc1.tiom. GRAMMAR 3 Ko Ponyi Ko Ponyi i1 o fi~Wlo YiHCJ9' ia fhorlg ~ Boy in ~lhcm Tho.lord Th. 'lllloge wo1 '°'-""drtd A!ht.....,. ctM.11yby MO lrdone~ ft.,_,119 ro-n .... ond "'• dttctndonit of ... two 'omilios ~ boon f,1'1"'9 ,n lho boy eve, i1noe 'Ntiot nd,e9 lievlcgie: IAIUSUOI .s lhot ir'$ o floalingYlogit, buillOt'I sl!..b. Thisl'l beo:lu!oe, d the lil'fle, f'IOO.Thoi noeior,ol:s ........-. no, cdlo......d lo O'W"I bnd. so !ht &she,"*' buibllielrhoMMon .....alW R:tanlif1M 'll~Ogt11 hcrvf bwi J~ ...... lncom. li,on1 f '"'"" by itW '"'8 ,0....,fl IOvi..i lhe-Mlogt "'*•en "°hoath. bul plet!lyol ,e"°"1on1,~""O ~ local 5e0food 2 KulluVolley Kolk, Volloy. "' tho "-J., ol ... Goo.. ;,,... footull, c.J lh• H ..-dcym , • one of•• fflOII t.,11,ogric:ut..lfOl,-g,c.ln,...~d Indio i,, peopt d ,:;;. ¥1:iity ""°""o.!' growing<IOP• onIll *'OCtd t:11 loost3.000yoor, Ir rllCClf'IIJ'OCI"• ac:ipc._, Ol"ld <lhr"l"Ulb ho... be. toblG004f nore •od ·...-ol aopo. ""MO .-..... ~ ... •fN,t b<,,lef' ol the Hi,,,alup h ... - we con see lradi~ KiA, hcMin bul: d locolwoodc:wid tlQolll o,d w+t_,.., ... roofs NII' N)o'Mt GQOfll h CIOld IOfl'f*O"-"• d ....,;,,., ._....WIW ~ h ,lop,, ...... -l>r ~- n..,. .... """' i-1•·-~·"9*"'-_ ...._ .. ti..bod,."°'• ol ... K... ,,..,.., <blyd,.. II II 1 Ail Benhoddou ,.... ~ bN,n building lhtit hor1el°"'of ... ,-.J wrfi of --"" lhou,ond, ,; )'90'1, ,,.,, hModdoJ ,. Ol'IIof Nbw..->fdol.,_odobt ,,...._. ~ ,oom 'O grow CUI d fie dtief1 M ,.,rf'OUl"ldi IN!fr No.,...- ••<lly how'°'1g pecpehow, been ~w,g ,n 11,,, ~....._..,bolflmu~be ail.otr l,SOO~oldn..-.1;1,. 11111 b.ioti ltwtng tt>.-etod<iy, ond ;. .... a,,cf WO"I ol fhtlillOgt ftNd°"""'°"'ClOleOl~Wlnd Old .... '°"'.,.OWC1'fi""Olht.M ~ airlOlll,""'Q ~ti. 3 nnd words/phr.'1~ Intht ttxtsth.llmtML.. 1 1or,m,,1ge 2 a placewherepeo~ live PtJmMlff!Uy 3 to destroyt,Ule by little 4 lO rt"l)fa.ce ~ u-esidt ofa hill o, ,,,ounYin 6 1curvedareact coast 7 tnClfM!)')'QIHMtn 4 it Wo,k In small 1roups. Discusstht Qut"ltions. What arc homes l,k.r in )'Ol,lr cot..nuy?Doyou knoww11ythey were built that way! • Are there any unusual settlements in~ country/ Do p,oplf' ,1iU liw thHf'I tf ~ how do lhev make a llvu,11 Wh,ch nf lhf 11,,.,. c.,.n~n In ,n, •ma,es WOUid '(OU mOSt I k.e to VIS 11 '1'1111)1 b Read LhC' texts again.Malehvillagl ..... 1-3 lo statements a-d. I Thfv,lllgm arelool•'l& fornewwaystoeama lMng.. b Tk hou~ need c.on!.lant malntenance __ < llle houws arewarm In winter. d Wt don t'll)'how old the-), n • lOOlt It tht hfA&f"'i Wh:11 ,~n you SHl M.11mlntJ!N a-c 10 OM ot tht words or tXJ)reuions in each gr®p, 1 f!ltenals.. mud roct state wood l loc~t, c,.ave~ in a desert onsti ts on a ttrrac::ed hiMit b fiitiWoR in piirs. Discuss the Questions. • Whett oovouthHk thev1111ges~re? • ~W11~ doyoulhlnk le; lhtOdt"'il?wt-y7 • W'N.OOyoutlW'lkWOul<I be theacivairt~t'S a.iooUld'wil1~0I Wlfll n t.Xh of tht< 1h,~ pl,1u~, 2 • Rt:ld texts 1-1about tr1dltlonalvllla.,esuounel UWWOtldInd nwlth lhcm to i11wg~ e-c. READING • il'U(I t NUtt,, H•l&e.1<Ohllt,. JU$ •t41.•..,_,...,., n ..1,vP1r,f1 IV" - BLENDING IN
  • 5. a b Look at your list and discuss thequt'SltOnS. • Whichol ,~ Ob1KtS01'1you, I SIcould you iUblUlUtt with ,nobjta ttl4t is l'IOt ffi»t olPQSlJC} Can yov think of WIY1 you t<Nld rt'Clutt lhe .wnourt of plastic1n your li"e-t • lmagire that you have to live w thout p.ast c. changesor sac,ifi(es "''OU d you h.iYt- to!1 2 ~ R.cpon back to th• on your discuss.ion Who would find h euiest to ~w a p&ulJC frN httl SPEAKING 1 a (.f wo,lt In 1»1lrs. Mat~, l•nof al tht ptasuc objN"1Syou haw u1eod ~ far 1od.ay A I wot, UP 11.'tdwm« :och,Oo.:/ltw, nwI illWIII wa) p.•,cr Yt<lh, o.,dl"I)'a,'armdock 1s obsoL b Compare your s~ntenciH How ~ of the "xpresslons did you user RetX>Jt NCk to the . i:.-,,._ 2 a Look again at the exp,essJons•n VOCMULMY1-l. Ma.1kthe ly11<1.ble wilh lhl' mo11n stre». [OS$1i f,JJ!$ b 4ll)ullsltn and clltck 3 ~ work In p,,lrs. write 1hrtt stt1ttnc:ts .,~ thetopic of the tcssonusm1~ rrt:ll'ff ~ from ll as you Giii, 4 a 'it Change partne,s. Oi<U.te yow sentences to.., PMtner. Maltt surt you uw the corrttt strf'Ss i,.,uern on the txprHs,ons 11'11.l. b Which ol expressions 1·7 rtftt 10 .l) the nJtu•~J wO'"kJ1 b) waste di$pcmS1 <.) indusllt> a rhink about the la,t time you u5of'd• ~ic ~ Answer the questions. Where cid you get itr If V()U&0111 Jt ii 'ilO,f. d cl you 11 OIWM, cl frtt1 • WhH did you U$t It fOfl • AltPl u~lr& It, ll'h.ll did Y<l'f dO wki'! U1 b ~ workIn pairs. Discuss you,.,.,_.w,th • partntf. were they simll.1r? Rtp0tt ~ to the dlss. c conta._ner d Cump t fuel~ f llft , ,... J trash 4 manne 5 prod,xtion 6 fecytlira 7 garba,.t LISTENING VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION: The environment a fiiiitWork in pairs. .Y..akh l-1 to a-g to mate expressions from the texu in RIADUriGlb .1nd LISU:NING lb, fonir I can, 2 humful b <htrt11(.U 3 a ~ WOfk In p•ll>. lte>d 11odftcripbon ,pn Ol.t ChOOsetht best summary of U'liemlln tn1iW1f of dlt book. 1 weneed tos~ us ngplastK ~ 2 weneed to retthk how we usepustJC. 3 l"hPrP' nothing wron,••th ttw ~, _., uw p&wk. b Answtf the qufltloni Accotdi,a to lht Wl'lttt, wNI d.l,~ 00.S ptag:IC doP Why r10f" lhP Whff'f '.lY'Wf' h.l·,'f'rNCfwd ,l ~('fft polrt"r 3 What 00 t~ elgtit obJfflS r~l 4 Wouldyou likt to read ttws bOOk1 wtrdWtr, nou b Read a description of the: boot.. Ch«k your answers inla.. 2 a Lut.>k :al the bUe of U.. book. wtwt do ,o, lh1t1k U,c bOC>k. Is a.bout! 2 a ~ WO<k In p;ilrs. loot •I Ill< plost,c Ng5 "' lilt images. Where are they in t~h onel PUl thtm .n the O(~ @'. 1 ::tr'itfl('§[' a.rJl'.(jfl b )JJ<Utbten to• rt"pOrl .tlout pL6lic.~~ Ch«.k your answers In h. Answer the qucslions. , Wl'latltCl<WCtt:ffltt'lJtty nctodOl 2 Which p,.1rtic11l,1r~r~ p-otiltm dorl report dcscribcl 3 ,. Listen agiin. What~ thtriepone< sq & • wltre p1~1t•c.btltS c.,om,efrom' • how wt ~l~pc,w, of pl.l(lk' b.1rl • Whil h.lPPft"S 10 plJSCK 'W~t II l"t oceM'? b 4-f wcwk In p.11lrs. Comp.Me you, noles ~ wt,te a short summ,1ry of the ftp(N't. u~ uound so WOids.. 4 ~ 00)'OU knew of >t"f c•mp;ilgnsto r<du« !ht use of plia' Do you thlt1k they ~-, t'ftc<ll Yihy/Wtty nol? NOTICE 1-'1..A'l.tlC 'Yr:' ra1 uw tne wordpfaslX to~ IO tr'fttll c..t'I.. Ii,~ d,dyou pey torif) ~'ff"i<'"11 ot""'1"1 (,111 you do Itw, Mn'W' InYo"'' II Plastic built the modem world rryto lmJa•nt thf~ldw tflOII• p.w~,., ... po~tN. computtrs.<tll pfonof1. fflfatfl or<,_....'--"--1cum (~11< In P,um? Y('p1) It '#OVICI bt ..._,.l(llel NC: ... t~ Plastic has been pa.rt of our day-l.0-dMy lilf• kif wer a hundred, bot me-r a cem-sy of Mng Ntt~pwtic.. wf''rf' <;1,,nins:to rf'.lfiu- •' noa 0 hf>~t.,.'"" uw fOt;I futts to M,lk(' l)4lUi( Tht P,-O<f'i.SrttelSf'S N"'fl"fUI (htmiUl'l Into ttlf' tn,w1roM"ffl(. ~ •nN °"'land~~ with pl.1,II(. w.i'>lf'.•l'l<J It k lo.t,0'11JOYifte m.lll!lfl I fr And yclc.1<."Yf'.i.t v.c u,cN<.onw~fflOlc ll'ld mo.i: We've P«>du<:ed jS l'T'lu<h~be ,n the PUleeceeeas we dtd 1n the enure twentieth cer,ti..-}'. WI?unl we •·Ith 1t, we can't liw without 1L we·ve reached• UM poirt. In h"I l>Oolt. Frt1nk'°' t.lll!"S us ttw'Ot.:Jhtht t...-ory .Ind soence of pl.1t<. Sh(t•o6ufn ttw-R>t" of ~bt in lh· RIOb.ll«onomy ~ iUC'S)C'Sthe ttli lfnC)Kt of pl~U( In our l1vts. !.l'lt ti' It Mr story UWoul" ..,SMf.vrlllll' ~Jc objecu: the <.omb. dtnLII bs. fnsbft. fV bq or dup. disposablel1ghte-r big. ,...a:e,,r bott.e-mdcrtd ~care.Each object shows us ad ffe-re-nt~ of our synthetic world. ;1.nd 1ogethtr 1h,ey 11,e,lp us uQ' • rww ktok ,11 a S1,ibs:tan« tMt hJS btcomt ,ue1t .1n ltt'liOOn»I &Nn.ot our Att And wh,11 ;s frtll'lk~·, (Of'l(:fuS.iOn, w, ,11v1ot conti, l1k1 this. And we oon t ~· to. •11 "cblc. Frtinltt o'fm a sofut,on, a new and cre.itrve '*lrt of mnc w t, tlw m.1tPrl,1IWP k,,t to h~IP DOI. c.1n·t W'ffll lO M w.-ttiout Plastic: A Toxic Love Story ,, ,~'" ,,~"" b Loot around you. Name all tne plasticobJects youcansN.Ho SUSAN FREINKEL many or tht'm doyouuseonaaJ,.!!:::....:::=::::::::._~~~~~.J da ity basis? Ho1;1 manv of them do YoUttiint Mt tsstntiil? How m,ny roulf'I you livt, without/ A -= A LIFE LESS PLASTIC READING a ~Work in poilrs,.Look at the, on th•cover of this book. Can you identJ ;111 the obie<t? Wl'li<h do you think lstht most useful? WhklldO )'OU use mostl
  • 6. •Ctotollr .....wll UNl4 pjj 11 REPORT BACK 9 a '.it Work in pairs. Show your rcv1,wto your p.attner• Ask each othef mo<e qutstlons abOut the plac,. b Ten the class about the placesyou have described. Vot,e on the placewh<'r,e you would prefer to stay, TASK 8 Look at yournoi..s In Si. Oeclde what lnlounation you are 1olna to Include and In what 0tdcr you are 10tn1lo pieitnl it. Then w11tt • ,hort ,,v~w. b Think about the proplt your review is a1mtcl at. How best can you write to appeal to these propl~? Considerboth style and content. b Thinkof some photosto accompany your review. Which onf''>would give the most poutive image of the place! 6 Con-.idH which posifivf' adj&"ctM"'i yno an: going to UY to describe your place. Whitmikes It sucha 1,peciil pl:Ke? 11 has(I w1/qut a1mospllm 7 a In whit contell.t would youwrite• revie:wol thli plact? PREPARE FOR TASK S a 'it WOfkIn pairs.lh nkof a plK.e to suy In your attl you both know weil.It could bC! • campsite, a .student residenc• or a hotel. Prepar• notes about 1-5 in 1.a. NOTICE MAKING CONTR.A'iTS Wf' Q/1 USd" monornanjusr to conu~.,_tt'o'O 01tte1ent ,dt",l'> In ,an rmph.l(1c to:IY El Cosnuco rs matt than JUS1 aplat~to iPE'fld rht n,ghL Wf' uw nor onl)- b&it ati.o in .Ji 11mll.u 'MJ) 3 a Mitchcattpif11-1 to p:.r.,gr.)pt'KA-D. l 1hf &'Uf'S11 1 thfOW'"'lfft 1 thfoloratlort 4 the l;>JIIOina.s s lhtf.telitl~ 6 the~k concept of the' Pl~t 1 future plans 8 f!Vl"llls b What other lnform.atlon Is given? What other lnformitlon would you Ike to know? 4 Rodtht review l&iln and undt1llne 1 pl))!ll'lt &ftdvivid,.....,e 2 two vtrbs thatmean9,W. 2 Rrad the review of the lodge on the website and checltYQuranswers to 1. Oid it ma.Iceyou moreor leS$ Pnfh1KlA°Ui(.tboutc;r.aying thH..7 Why? Look at ht- ,main of the fJCos.,rucolodge.Wheredo you thmlt i1 isr Wh111ypeof lodging and fadiiti~s ara shownl What kind of person do you think would lik• to stay theff!~ would you like 10 st.aythere? TUNE IN A flV (OIIIUII' ~·~ illll'IM.al1.a whtre~uc,,111,1 '!• 1, 'P ,11 .c111',<1y »11,11'0tvo,11 IW<"fll'-.1 ~• ':Jliltt, lfl bffl.tlh. tlst31tod 1"10 tlfb.lfl lt;JYII, VII~ Pl•"9tr•lots.11'11,l'll>llf t'>II-Yl•lt •• ;I Ml "'ll'tt hi .. lhl CIW"ll'l "'""°'btod,r,. towtla.tl1&l'e1. p,:rts•nd ;llr"IS,l"d .. tO" $'(»• n,ghlOf ln,;s 7"h• 01,lllbo1WUhirg •a:.trtin tlellde pom, ~rs.a1eal 111)..JfY. B Bu CJ eo.n.,011 ffl01ether'IJ..- • piace to s::ie'ldlle <'11Gftl0t•1lu1nah1"'11rock1 div hsw1i,111rt1m:,n ,1111..,. IOl•I JOt .,,d l..-(om, 111p11,J •••fYfto,1111"11•11 t Thi o,,.,.r,o,9eno1tc,,fl l'Orlutlop,tnid• ,r Jt1c luiiu• W ,1, •• ,u 11o,idly ( ~ILil laft bw btl WOfktdth,....,.v;, h I (Ill' !111 ltd .unt of 1<111t1, b11,l0trt 11 d 1.lldem1 t:11t-11.1p11.lllqi,e tO"N'lll'llty II tflc Wu1 Tt1tHd61M1rt Ir I (.fUtf'8 •nd ti1Sf8 rt1ble- t;pace O D Ch11co oflerswood-(,,et, 01,11c1, hot I.Ubl, 1111dcro,;11:1,N1lfr I l1rge pool l'ld p11,..,lioo will be b11 hat tlie "lean oi the .,,. 1;1-;iclie! l)'OYldear 01,1sforgoomiJlld lot~ ,1lice b c;ipWork in pairs. Listen to eac.h oth«'s news and~pond Wna <IPP'OPfl.M.eKho qUC'$1ions.. 8 Cit Do you <110Wol 1ny .....,..,. survivll Moots? Sh,,r IMffl *•lh IM class. b fWIOn&<- 7 a Write down three Pl('CeSolecabr1gOf surpmillng .....,. Ii caukl be p,nmal, lcxalor international). OVER TO YOU 6 a -, 'Mlrt inpiirs. Studtm A. reid one olthe pitoces of infomui1ion. Student 8, respond with OM Of two tcho QUfStions • My 50((ff •t,iffi ~ , WCW'I IN~ ft'lf-rt~bH'ft J lff ~ lM <tW'I • Ttitrt•slO'II, t;l'lffl!~ Mtht ftJIOPltl"'I • w,·,,Wlli"t JI d.l,' otl ho,11wo, IOfflOrl'N' '' Responding to new,,, 0 , U Ln.limto t~ qun,tio,,1, '" S.. "*1tM.r how tf'IC sptilet'$ YOICtton JO on l1IC ll$l WOtd tsthe C>l'.... f". kllpt•W'd> .. ~6'Cf) lnlM rel l'C'PNI. PIYl"C ICJC(Wll ltlrnl.aonto L"lt ............ • ll:IICD•fl- ... 1.,..,.,. ,oc u~JOb. '°"~..,.. 1 1n,.c·,arua.rmsohappr """"' A Yci. !lie, st.utrc -.cA.: ""~ A Myt:irolher ~ myb*t on S.hll'd,i,y • ,ttowdidtiedolfW> A. HttoMW'fO,t.trff ""(.Of'Wf> A Yn• ngh: Tht bllffY • b Wt oftffl .... Kho- b)ched( ,n1ormwon. Hff, • thrtt common l)PCS. ,....-...0..........-.,..uom ln>m4 I ~t0t•1 the otltt(I ot lhckUOn A"""""._. 8 1 l USC,t. kltlf«l o,onoun and M ~ 'ltfb A Row/ell ISJlllbff 8 > ) Use-I. sub)«l pronoun, M ~ Wfb ...S JI qwstion word A Thqa:t' If /OW. 8: ---- S a Mite echo queuions to c:hKk the infcwmition. • Iht'N' tNft bR)t.f' NO Ow :t.PN')' lftt n st>< m A f..Mt fal"'lihH thoUChtfhfy Wf'ff cjf:'td-lhf'lt''d alf&".l(fy htld I mtmor,a strvl<t to,u,.e bO•,-s A towardthe end Ulcy'deven started dr nki,g sca,.a~. • ----1Th.l:"s~~eel tobe reallybac foryou, v't 111 A lt-f'Y Atf' ,aw flh too t w,m, but flw ti'li' 1,l,ppoi.,d to l>t H Jnd you th "'Y 1 M, yes.I sup~ so, from the sca11u.ttJ A Yc.lh. .lPPtuentlythey ~u·-v .,cd by d·111<H"ir.:i,t•·.a.1,·Mid th,ey ,e~,gt<l tocatcti a s,e~IL • ?Howdid1heydotha:! 4 a Listen aaaln and write lhe qutstion~ I A H:tvt Vol.Ihfo.1rd tl'lf UOr)' abOl.1 11f, 1t, 'H DO)' whO Wflf ltSCUtdlfttr 50 It IN? No I Focus ON LANGUAGE b Listenagain ~d check. _. Wo1k ,n p,IJrs.. Look. at IIM lmaaes. whichdo you think. is lht most dangerous to gtt lost in: roogh seas. a desert or a snowstorm? Why? What woonrm:rsIPerIPrtx.w 2 4W4s Listen to the story of three tttn.a,reboY5 and answer the questions. 1 Where wtrt they lost7 2 uow IOtt& wtre thty lo~c too 3 Wh,lldid lhty do 10 '«rvlvt7 3 a what did the: pe:optc s1y ibovt U'le • ra,Jnwater • seawater • a w.1gutl • riw ftstl • .;i lun,:1 bool • .;, mt"n()li.;il sei.,,ct
  • 7. NOTICE AVOrO/l"RfVfNr A,.,+d rM~ 10 ,top .,otll'wt' h"o,,1 dcMnl 10mt1htn1 I aiMl<Hdgomo rnm e«•uw o/uwcl'O!Wdl If v.~wanl lo ,tap~ ffW holn docnR sometfong, 1,1,·~ u~ ,PfftftW I Pft,'{'rtf'd lum from fO"l9 thffl' B verbs that refer to preventing 1osrop,p,e.'ff'lt,dtrr,, Noc* SOlllfOfW frOtJt doln, iom.-1rifn9 to av<>Jd folk.Ing obout ,om,,th"'f toput up barnftl/WOlb IA> d11dt/StpdfO.(tM~ reachacron cnlte lirlt C>realt.40~·n C>ndge build conWlt act 1., touch with Jon • Whichof me 'ltfbs t<iln<~le..,,ththe no,rn)7 use• d ,ctlonvytohdp you. Connections & prevention A Verbs that refer to connccting KEY VOCABULARY b What otherimportant barrifrs and bordersexist in the work! tocl,y? b Loolc at B in the , ABU .1.•v ,..._ • and complete 1-A with thewrbs. I SOmt-fn>m ,.._,. "'Y '><-l>'lt Many nit1on twfllNJ ,o 1ht11 peoplt ffOITI mttt na Som,llm~ l,1rg1.J.I("<.ain l)f'OPIP, lhll.l'swNl'1 called al.anRW$1t bMr t1 ~ Yooh.1vetodo~h"Cto ~from'IR a:I t"'dtUil5 ef YolJf Pf'l"toite .,, 6 a Ci.p Work In pa,,s. How do we uw dtfff'fent krnds ot tNtrltrson tM lntttnet to itoo pcoolc trom1tcmin1 Information? Wh;at kind of WOfflltion b block.rd and in what contelll? '!'00 tan u<.-,11:,,,, M GOOrg#',opi..,.. ,. btll/r ,., ll)Ol,i,g nt some seesrres. S a Read Tran.script S.I on p.aat ,1. UndN11M ftw ve,bs and e11.prtssionsthl.t me.w,4l'StOM«t m IZI b Which could you use to tilt ibout tht WOftd1 SOmtspotting tvPIH.S,J1,:~t!l~01)'mp,,o. CM~'lr~CIJlr1r:¥'S • a Which of the exp,euions tn A could you use to sentences aboutyour hfe? 3 Complete A in the Kt Y Vo • •• Can rtXJ 1hink of any other types of connectinc? Add tMffl t0 thtllst 2 a. listen igi.ln. Match stilffrents 1-) lO pt,OtOS a-c 1 Yeah, for example, you ca.n 'ind someone youtre lost 1ouch w11h,,.11 prolfldes that hn-<_ 1 J()onlfR t11nds refers co tsU.blrstln,: AN ll!'lcs.. th Pl"()f)lti 1n<1 how, wt Ci!n do ltliU. )'s l b,11r1e1 u well ot courst. ~ t ~t dlvldts nation~ .1nd ptople b What do the undertined words refer to? b .f1,lh, listen to two PtQPte answffll"II Che QUtStions In 1,.Chtck your3M'IWff,. InWh.'Uordff do th,y Iii( 1bout the photo$? a _.. WCN"k In small aroups. look 11 tM photos. An):Wef tbe qunl1oru, 1 What cen you see? 2 W'ha.tis the connectior between thepllo(os ~,o oe title of the unit? -- - BRIDGES, BORDERS AND BARRIERS 5
  • 8. Ill SPEAKING 1 'it WorkIn groups.lmigino tlll1 you11• pllnnill topost• page lor your c:l.u on• MKWInctwort Uwl b,popul.uin your country. Discuss the q~t.Jons. Whichrrtv."Orkare you gong tomc' Wtty? What bndof in•or-naticJrt•eyou P'C IOshow on your~? Neyou going'° .ad lints? If ,o,wtw:bnd of iftu> • What information •·e you not aons: 10 inc.ude in the prolilest 2 'it Present youride:uto lhe dns.. Oo you know of any pa,ses like this th~t share infortNtion ~""""'"or organiz•tions in your local areal PRONUNCIATION: Reduction on auxiliary verbs 1 a ~'QM i..1,u;11 ,.., u11~ "'""°"""''t!~ V't"fSion you M;1,r, What do )'OU noocc about tht pronuncu.uon ot the auxilJary vetb),? 1 ;1 Aie you OOln& iltt'lr._,.,~t.l lhtS'l#ffltnc.11 b Ale you 10.n1 to do ...,.U.rc SOl'CilllM wttkcnd? a Wh.a.t ••c )'OU &:oi'"I& lodo .rr <..~, b What•1eyoudolrc.rterdm? a Whenare yc,.J dooncyo,..n "IOIMWOl'tl b When•re yc,.J gomc codo'°"'homrwoft? b lis1en again•nd ~·1 t~ q~1iom.. 2 ~ Work in pairs. Ask Mld if'IWff thr questions in l•. A Prewnt Mmpi. we un .st lhf prt!wfflt ~ 10 Ui ir; iOOUt •-- In lht futuft, Wt otttn 1.1st 11 to 1a le 1bOut S<htdi.l'fi 0t to tilk ibOut what tlmt t,llO'w) ~l.W ,,c, a"'1,h, ti ,a,11V, ottlW ll'l(Wlrf'), ttc; f'1tqo:nt starts at , w 8 Prtstnt cont nuous We can lie the !)resentcon~ cot.llk olbOuC1.11 _ In the futu•t Wt oflen UM• fuu..11 tlffll OJ)ltt.siotl. ,.,., IOfl)O(IOIII, nm WH't,fortr todc"f rm p,'oyJng ren.,,s 1ri1:, a{trrnoon w _ c Going ro we un .se t10'11g ,o to Y l. ~ hll"'t s,bis .AlldI Wt USUilf'y Ust Q0r10 IO and not tht ~l<Ot'bl'IIJOU,Wl'ltn no dc(11'1ilc ,;.1r.lntcmc-nbl'WYt bttcinWldt l'mnOfgOi'l'Q ro~oonyS:"4'r.119,_., •-- (11'1.,it~n intCf'llOf but no in1t(tner.UNvt bttrl tn*) O W/1/ We ottcn uloe wit!to oPtt""UN°'--- and k.vs ,bOut tl'lt ruture. J hope ,rie .t.<talhtr'lt bt bttttrnat M"fl.11 ~ it 9'0tt't rc11n for ti;(' WfC<t•norCI,) >ttpage JTforg111mmor ~and fflOfl'fJfO(fJU PLANS, INT(NTfONS, _,... _..., NIMdlloc ,ou'Npine to,.....? Betam11 .....,at~....-u lbcJUt .,...._ 'b,fflllk Itri ,t's pmate a'ld that Of+,yovr fne,ids n P'W to ,e,e Lblllll thlc.s *X....., true Tliere - II famous cue II llw pun.,~ II tllKher 1n d.e USA wrow a meswce to her .._.~.tio.ic: tiernidtm, andi.r ldiool n. p,ncflll al dw 1d.d - the me5Ml(lt.Thtteathef loMherjeb.So ...... ....-MJdw'CJOU''t: r,Qtwlllgfor~':o.-! Are "'" ,..... , - ....... -.. - .,..... friends! EYery dme you pm1 CM' 1t.e· tiuaon on a .,...._,"l'W' UdC* 11'XI yoJr proi'en:nc:cs are be"'C ltOl"at co be...,...,~ dtpttvnenu to wiec: .. u: )Oil..,....•...., be IMflJ.but It ch~n lcgds to ~m. Mwybo J'O'I don't ~bit:f pou,_... M"f fne1ds lit d"f:U,Mt t.lMe:.then JOU'l'f:~ ... ~ :W..,. too Wiii (M)' be ha?Py atw:u dw-"nw.lbciwl: c ncoa G"l'4 )"OU hn: the< lib. buuo'l m The Dongen ol - Ne.__, k lll just• little blc of fir. np.! ~"' ~ * titndl, photos .id iot--1 ~ ~ pallpl,l,sbwt' better now.and Itet a CNAC*D<-~ ...,....... on d'ltlr Jood luck and cOl"l'ffftonit.0 ......ct- a-- """""ct.,. fO "'f'O"IJI bvo ~ In and Sffl'I&,one ~,..,..out.....C11pl 1h$'f"ve been vn«:hirc,. tht!NI< lhtr'.,.bw1l&wq to.N dv,.s d1"'f"Y1!beef'I doifl. But the~ • dartlw .... co tot-. ~ too.1hre ... ~· lll1cmg bchll1d ~ry suiun updMil nl '1'41'1 lnl Here¥9 lft~o chlrgs to thlllAi: about when )'OIJ ..._ ,o.- Miil ..-.. upclltt Ne you l<Wltlnc .......... to - ...... ? Does your prof-.einfomauon ~ '°"tone addnm' Irso. n.....- wnte aboull d'4 oaa ~ d "fOU' '4Ql,o,, 0t Oii people yo.ff' house,sJOl"C to be e,i,np:y b,...... <-~to .1. nany wrprlse! b wnte I R.lM--your 005lOOITI, H,Vldhtnl il"I SO~ ~Qn fNd ttltl'lout loodlndhM1he<la ...... ----· 2 a. Wrrtesi.tus UIMU,te for yourself aibout,. • so~tr.,,.,you'redolr,« b • plMl YOI.I h.wP fa, th,, ~• f.rtur, < • story n I.henf'WS d il1 l~N~li'tl Id. leastone a, hMlftbms in Yeh '4)dale. b 'it CompM? your upd•ln with,1 p.1rtnt(s. Give more infonn•tion ,f nKtsYry 3 a. 4iiPWofk in small Y04J vse a to(i,11 nf'twcwt. <an you ff'1'1'lffflbN' your ,l'it upd•te wu.1 Did I indl.,dt 1l'r'f fut1.1rtforms7 W,lS It In (ft8Ush7 If not. how woutd )'OU S'1)' It in cnglish1 b Compltlt 1-1 ,n lht GttA# ....AII ,AHll. withthf UW inI.I arCItumpl,N from the $lllUS upd.atts In A.u.oo,G Y. b Read the artic~•bout the dincers of 50<'.lil network.inP, Ch«kyour illliwef'Sto 1,1 ind milchC'ileh danger to status upd•tN A-C. 2 '-Pwork In Sffl,jll iTOIPS.D&USS tht ques,t,ons. • Oo '/011know of .>nyOlhe'fpos.s,tMf ~ ol u~ SO(!a.lf!fl.-Ofks1 o,, thie whole'.~'°"w, Uut ""'-worb,tr, 800<Iorba<P c lrn.....,.~••Clf,_. .,,.....,,w,...,....,c:2n~ Jin eent me Ille........,,.tow..,_ blWld! 8 ..... '-8"0 ttw1 mycompeny ..... .., fn 150 emplOJNL 1 ~ n N GN ot IIMl. rm ..c,cor ~ol(l(klmp! 1 a Look ipln at the thrtt sutus updatts ,n R.l'.AiOING ,.. ~t(h lM vtrb$'" bold to Ute ustsbtlow. li kIll •bcMA , hopes 2 ,nttrllOl"i GRAMMAR A LIIR di;)'OI WOl'lt ... hoo..,•1 The .... ,..~..,a.m ~-.·,.90i'9away for'"'" wtolt ............... tq)f .... ""'* ~~l'OONIW'lit~IO--dWn l • 1 a Read Uutt: ,t1tu, upd,l.tH. In tMh upcS.,it.t the w"ter Is ,unnlna a nsk by Shln(ll lhtit into,mahCM"l, What risk do you think they Me run~1 READING ., .. o,u,v '", .. • "'."'" ' ,..-,~ ... 11 , ..... b fiiitOiscuu the ~ion v.,lh • Which penon'sUW! of SOtiM networb ii mml :wmd.v to yours? In wh.t w1y1 l,11111!v pholi» f, ~ JOdc.... ~ f!Jbs mw,te """"'' ""°'~ IOft.l ~ :,c:,m...n• 2 ~tentop~~ ..... ir>1.c.out howthty uw 50fiailnf'4wort.Oo lhfy rfff'lbOnany ot the usesyoud1KUSsed in 11 3 • Listen ii•in •nd m.atch SOtlktB ,O,d1 (J), JY.nN (K) andThom(l) to the too,o in lhebo• - NETWORKING SPEAKING & LISTENING 1 _. wo,k in &rouPI,. O.scuu Int qutSltOM. • w,,,u ).l«.ialnetworli,a, ...,..._. ctoOfOPle: l,i)1,1,i.ll)',ne iOtlalnccwork.,nas.Jtn fofl oo you uH • ..od~ networ~ Mt«.,et,.n.wl'IICh one/ How Iona hl'/9 y0u bfffl .are ll1 "'°"*dO 'fO'J uic it tort If nOI wh f
  • 9. Ill b Prese11t )'OUr pl~ns to theclass. WhKh pro;ect woukL. • R'ake tile biggest impact~ • be tte easiest to buik!? SJ>EAKING 1 • ~ work In pal,s, Think of a n,c,w PfOjf(t that could imp,ovt' tht quo11ity of lite 1n yow eea and ft11 in the cl'la,t. 2 a Comoletc the senteeces with short·term pj•ns you havemade. 1 This evl'!, I iiitend to _ 2 lomorrow I hope to _ 3 Next l,"f!elt, 1 to _ 4 Nt)(tt"IO"l1h1al'flto _ b 'if Work In ~·rs. Show your pl1m: to ,.our C>Mtntf. Glvt mo,, lnform;u1onIfnt<~Qry Ind U~nrt,pOtt backon yourpa,rtn«'sol~s 10the ml of the CWs. 3 'i} Vork:in,s. Th nk of three long-tefm plans or lnttntlons you nave.ltll the-mto 'J(N( p.irtntf, but Include one plan th.t is not true. can your p.irtntt Identify whkh sto,y is ut1t1utl ~I )ft.',J pf4n to lf!JWI fl) Nftlf l«Jiaftd. NOTICE NOUN~ & YlRB~ we sometimn use • noun 1mte.ct of IM werb Wt'ff' plannmq to "1,w {tnt. tlunq Ht t#w MOtllfllO • Out plolt11 to lftlw (IN tf:lnOin l"WIIIOnWIO 1rt,,J ·,. dlnt.1"'1 to9Pt ,.,,,. by tft'I • nwu a,m 1, 1off1f ,.,.,,, Dylm VOCABULARY:Future plans & intentions 1 a loot at statements 1-c about the projects in ltSTtNING 2a. What do thewords in bold hillve in common? 1 rwy lntffld to open it to tM 1enefill pobfi< in 1017 2 This N!W netwatk ahM to 1mpt01,e flra."Kt. ~1111c and p(CftuM)0.11 ~l(ff l 1'1W p,ojtctp1M1:0 bOOSttht COMttuctlOOW'ldwry ,,oj«t ~tocutdr1.,.1na t1fl'lit b Look at the Neuce box. Rewrite the seeteeces in 1 a uslne nouns lnsttM:1 of veebs, m 1 a This is one of the longest bridges in the world. Do you know which two countries it joins? Read about it on page 40 and answer the qutstlons. I What •I sc:,ec.l1l 1bou'l 1t1 l'IJl'IC? J What don the projfct eon,111 of/ 3 Whit dotS h symbol1z!1 b ~ Vortin p.)irs. 00 you know other well·known bridges or tunoels7 What do they join? Which is the 100.gest bridge °' tunnel in your cou,n,y? SJ>EAKING & READING l'Otm of 1nns;pon,11ion ltttord Completion date New travel time Ptoblerns 3 R.,ad Tran~ript S.4 on pa,ge 4l illnd find words or phr,ses thJt mean... 1 solutions u1n t>t fOUl,C to tf'liesf: P,Oblfffls , tOIN'r<> an momtnr In Its dtvt Ol')mtn, ) h.H (,1USf!d ~ IOC ot41SC.n1on .t havt8 vtn thtlr l)Nmin,on 4 Which of the two PfOjects do you think w II be completed first? Why?What are the advantages and df<1advan1agP'I of carrying out the'IP p(OjPct'li' S W(M;dd ynu ptPfH ro travet in lhP 'iwi'l'I runnrl Qr on thP- Chlne,. bridge projtctl W!lyl Distance Open to the pt..blK New uavel time Ptoblf'TI'I b Usttn a,a,n and complttt tht inforlNtlon in tht chM1, LISTENING 1 lookI'!if:WTIU%Mi181&? *I? 2 a .,JjsAlisten to a news report about two engineerine Pfojects and match the,n to ttw millps. Why is each one in the news? • U'-1 l"'JIIIJ U.ATIQT(,IIVl1111 ....Al't~&IHHl 'I) • ,~,11,._.,-.., ..r ..r,1,.11t•Nr .. , r"
  • 10. m b work in p~irs, Answer 1h~ question,, Which of 1"4! prtd ctk>n, hive 1lrtady com, • Which dO you lhlnk will pon1t,ty come uut ,i 50IM point In y~,r llfttimtt • Whl<h ooyou 1hlnk will M'trcome 11ue? wt'ly7 2 a ~ work in smlll groups.. wntt thrtt prt"Chctlons fo1 theyt,u 2050. b exchange your hst with another group. C>tc.ldt if )'OU think th.el, predictions will eve, come trut. 3 -, Vhen you have tinishtd, exchange lists again and discuss your 1eactioos. DP1•:11fawl',11,IVtH<.•JwiT h-.llvhl1 d1Nul'8'U IKr11nl tv , 1111,n lo I 1..t,t:,r,'" l i , "h' cc,r,ntlll• , '11;)1 E HotOf ec,lj ul1 w I I.~h.irrW71 trgn1 U'OI Ir,,; IYil,.J..lle'hi k,1t~¥IUN IJII luJUIN • W flUW t1,1r11 !.'' hul UJ cull wllkw 10 rogulatt th9 W!'nf)(l'l1ure ol lht Nth EJ E"'gl&h wll bemore ex~wt~ apo,,.entha"I 8l1'w ot..""«" larqnge Flll"t!ii.'l'l.,.,1 rank eecond E Phntogr:i,nh<i'Miitie t~mfn'd lrr.m<1n1· eis~;)"IOP.II ther't" fl a l)ar:le InCtina In-ages wP bE' ~1blllJ'led n ~ M,,....po~~ an hour :ll!'f'. l;J Tu(lf'( wil p-OO.'!hly ~ a ':"r1()h'l lnlM¥lhC'.W~I owr r,r,, SPEAKING 1 a (if work in pairs, Read the list of predictions ind dt<l<le which wert made in,_ ii lhf' yp;u 1q00 t:ilklna ,1i!)c)11I thf' yPJr J()l)O, b the year 2000 talklnR atiout the ~xt ten totwentY yt.:us fUTURt FORMS (2): PREDICTIONS Wt Con use b<>th wif1 o1)d 90ing to to P,tdl(bOl'IS i.nd talk about behcls about the future There is ittle ditfer,nc, in meaning between w,11 and ¢ng to. Vlorfd popuiouon wl.11/fs golflf to lncr,ow srtcd,ly i., rhr f'lt'KI{tW'Yfttr~ 111 We often use wl1I with the p,1ssivc voice totalk •bout prc<llttlons t thmk tngllsh wlffbf spcktn by o lot mort l)tOOlt In Utt Jutuff vi :itt pof>e 11/Of9mmma1 rrfmncc and mOfl' pra<tJet - 3 a Wrlu1 lh1te p1tdiction, about you and your friends and family. b ~ Sha.,e your predictions with the class. Were any of lhNn 1hE> "ame? 2 a Writt 5N'ltneH uina 'MJI, WOl'l't or QOlng ro (and thP Pf'OfflPl.l) to make Pftdkt•ons. l Ch na/ IIT'll)CM'llnt I tCOroOmlcforc.t ) IOot ~you/ Ml 1K'V'OIOP, / f''f'l')'WhN, I OOl'I I hOpfI pp bHWHr1 OCh awpoo, I D«Ol"l-t b1Q,t,1' 4 '°°",11,no,U~/C~tf'r s tht Mth r,te I p,-OGibl)' RO up 1n cuiope I nN' tutwe 6 lhi,.t / toQMlltybttwttn """n1nd "''omen/ 'A•orki,tac,I -- b .... Compiir, yow answers w,lh a partnff's. Do you q.rtt? Yn'lkh ot thesep<tdictionsdo you stt as bting positi¥t? b ~· 1-2 in11'1f' G1tAMlolAa PAN FL GRAMMAR • LOokll tttSc i<k'ti from the 1.Jtklies In R!!AOING 2. UndtfMnt the future 1CMn,s.. A1e they dnc.ribln1 I) orcdoctlon•I b) l)l&n•I 1 8Y lOSOO'lt'I 70"ot the' 'A'Of1d""'11 Uvc: Ii Cltlt1 2 aoincto lff U'IC work1'3, ulln iraac:lo 101111 e,ormous urt,.,,, "mcgMcgiom.M 3 The: cd ~ -.·ii brt.~ "I.he iro~t p1ohlit a"ld des.ira.bk consuncr device on the plarci.." , anAtria, eel deviceswill be used in all aspects of ife. s s'"' of peopte ro,, have ceHphone access and number isgoirg to hcrease ra.pidty. b Rewritt tht words in itollain the sentenc.H usin& tN txcw-tsStOl'ls fr0ff'l l1.. t Thf ~ d p,,opi,, t,,omri,r1l 10 u<han ,1rf,, (QIIM(I#~··~ 1 TM rura1 J>OPl..,._!OfI'S ~•nt VNIU'f 11r1d J.11V,l!n 3 The u,N 1 ~lion w II >11t1Nbt lo 70" by 20~0. • The nurnb(ir" ot uitMi, ~IMt'i ons 1, f'Kftlllll'l9 s trtt~,~ M ••• ~100 n'IOlc:>kiwtr. 6 The (di phOtt WII II.tad ly trons:Jor,;i r!wff n10 lhe MOSt ~<lbw p,odurt. 2 .t Look .gain a.t the origina.l sentences in 1b. Add mo,c verbs. adwfbsand adjectiYestothe chan in 1 a. b '.JWort in smal groups. Discuss thequestion. • wtlich of the uendsin lb are noticeable ifl youscoontry? n.i • ii a ,.....o "'11'.rMW u, th.- nUMbft d, tmN1pM.,1M !""')Cnt nczsant!' a .t took._, ee WOrd!I in bold in the ar'lide!I in tttAoo,G 2. U~ them to complete thecharL ·i·IMiijM1h1r VOCABULARY: Describing trends lndc:,·c:loping natior.s, S79t. ol people now ~cdl pnoneaccess.illld trus numbtr,, 1ou'tglO l11t,e.liot' n1pidly wnne lnU!rnt't use ts I.ho incrusing. UM 1t'11u1t:s u.)' ll v.on'1 so upwqukklybt-..1UM"uf h1,l'lerCO'i:1<1. Thiettarecurrenll) bl hon~l«ll phone Uhr1p1""1.<i.1.omp,a~•11h .abou~ I btllklft In 200l. 11 ~Ill 1r.kiu.1Hy tlrn Into 'CM '*"'Pu1b1k ,i"WIdc:111rabltcon,uTnefdrvkt on tht pbl'l(1'" lf'IC' dlf'ft1f'nN"1<1tl'>,1tinAfnc.1,cf'lldr rM•dlbfouwd In allHl)fctlofhft.notJu.,c rocl'l.llt with fnC'nck TbC'r ~•Ubtut<"ll (uf<".lfflPTt(Oftbtl'nc1'C'mtl'Mofmoatt for fl nJ, ng jobs •r.d ewn for tilbng coUt~ coutwS. Urbal drift is"°"''m$'IOUld)lt. • fie :liieclo, ol l.Wt:Jbi'ol.Am:I t tioll,6:a S'Otes so:it, ·the n.,olpof)I.I01on h decreotlnQ ll$f ,.1 li'l8!llOll"l8tll,ILlllcwt" ~I IN WYl:l l;111s1ncilies.&r 2050 ll'OJ fiilUICWll rise ti 7~ • v...o,epig 10 M 'Wlt"'°'d's clliesm,,gelo brr 01 incf'tOl,ng l'U'l'lb&rd Ul'!Xln "r!ltQOAig.(11'11.• ~ Ol ll'tff'l•11$1f6fd' f'Ct iU'l:lledl el tlor'lfll11ono OC10HmorelhOn ontCOJ~IIVlh• l)IO'.ltlt , o~ hc.lwe'lo;i 11'1 Ol,.a r1-..,l~·U IJ ho• ~..-1111Hlll'9¥qStwu:~d..:..,1t~II blh0tl'IIIOCIOOll 120'1'11k,n ~tb'12030 ~'«IIC:1.• o,,... CfedltmD!t jobs, btJI t'lfJ oop 001.cen ,1en onll proi ¥.ill 9io. cs ~ m;,,,eflcfn flt IU'31 orvo,n seorthol ~ 'W how rtlN ct!i0$o,o g:ii'IQ IQbO,~~;11. tfVwr•H noooICb'IO•fl'crNio ll'dJ:itthe!it niqJGIIIIM. • 1:11:I lhe "P)lt t COOU'l'IOIEct»IOONo,e110 The Endless City 3 Read the arbdes a.gain and answtr the ~aons. Artkle 1 e,c.i.::Uy.Vte "mq.aregions""~ What is theonly advant.a:c of ttese rq;o.'lS..acmrdi..,c to the UN report? Wh ch cities wiNbe rbemost succnst-.,1w'Wfl thJS CN.,..comes' Artkte l " what does ee an,cle say about ee 11:.1tus ot an PilontS? s Why 1, ctll l)tlont 1.w l~ttll!"f mort rll)idty than CCf"ll)llltr ust' 6 In wn.arways w,11 ctfl P"c)l'ltl MMd in 4 'it Work in aroups. Whichof t~ trends in t do )'OU th nk tS the most importlnt7 Why7 WhKh ifff'CUyou and yourcountty tht mostl READING 1 Lookat the Images. What four gklbal ttends do you lhink lhey ,ould 1tl)lt"Stnt? cncese Irom lt~ topics. One image can match to more than one global trend. b1(tl'I rate u•ban dnu' "'~4...fthdil,lfibulioo women iu the wo1kpl,.Le cl mate change rise of Asia multihncuall~m m leamlng •urbandtljl moi,wnentof pt'Op/tJr1n11u1ul tou1b,m Utftl> 2 Reid two artlde:s from two different sources on a obal IJtnd~.Whkh of lht loplu from tht lh,t lri 1 II.ft mcnttoncd? Which article l'lu a more posltlvci view of the futu,e? HELLO/ ClAO/ H<:l.f.J BONJOUR/~~/~~ np~se,.,HEl ~~lU)1 0/ HE/ •""'u t•utv•11 "" •r~ ... inr
  • 11. .. ~ ........ a.~1.,u REPORT BACK 9 a 4;t DhaouUiequt>llOM, • l,'*h l'CIUPdo )'OU think 111ued b~t? Whyl • 1Ao1'ld'I JrtlUPdo you think had the most valid a"S-Lfflffib? Why? b for~ showof h.lf'lds to see whether th,e suttmtM is &ecf'l)(ed « rtjected. 8 a Alter you hiVC pcHetted ,nd exp1,tntc1 allyour rruons. W1U I M'IOftsummary or your opponents' lfJUfflfflb. b q Pta,:l'llt your summanes to the class. TASK 6 4ifwo,k In two giouPS, G•oup A, turn to page 40. Groupe. twn to PlaC 41. 7 ~ Wott In new groupswith two or threes-tudents from each ot Groups A md B. rne turns p,cse,ning y«.r reascn:s lor or ag~nsttht stattment. 4 LOOK ill the SN'ltffltn.. UndHline the f'1tprM.sions uc;ed co introduce the 5Pt&ken' opinions. Tht first has bHn dono ,., you. 1 A1,.. ti rmcqnms:d these are da.n1erous tifflf!$ .Ind w. need el'ioenl. s.urve1ll.ancf!,whe,ever,whenever. 2 n wowd.ippf'ar to ITM" Ihat preriouc; moo,y ic; being thrown•~ on expensrvt equipment thal does nod'ina to 1acl:lrP thf' rPal rPa-.onc; for rrimP. 1 ~ Nt its tnt only pqctluil wav to concrol UIW""""'° 4 I cton l MOW,bOut ,OU,bul I OOn'tWint lo lttl ~4'1ttlf-ltnt S YOt.>rNJdd.itartt but wh~l I Ul1nk. wcntt<I is mo1e pol (cmtn n the COnMun,ty,OOl ITIOIC' UmC'f"tl!>. S ~ad the sentences in 4 again. Which oue fOf using mon- survrilance Cilmcras and which are against? b Find two upressions in ~ text that the author uses to introduce his opinion. PREPARE FOR TASK 3 a Rt~ tPM! ltA1 11.ain. Whal re.uoru. d~i tht author g ve lor UibdlJl'lls..rvt1Uancc? TUNE IN 'it Wolk in MNI croups. Look.1t the photo and dt.S(:UU the (IUOtiOnS.. • ~docs,tshow> • '#NI is the COW"«lior with the u-iit topic? • W'.il is the Qt'lffadoingl • Do you see m,:,y dosed circuit cameras where you live, -·· 2 llf>H lft "1'4'.. lbout CC1V (CkJwd•drc-uil tf-ltvklon), ~ lhrt qutSt.ions. 1 ~IP att the caimens~ J Whal do you thtnk a "dummy(.lmP1:i" ls1 3 ts~ surw1 II.nee~ totil'Y ~ tn!nst1 How Clo '°"l:l'l(ft..•1 4 ~ doN: tht 1Utho1 "-Y s n,on peol)'e's ftspoo~ to tt.1h.wt? s Wh.dti tQ OOlf'loOl'I•bout C!«.IOfltC ~UIVC'i lil'CC, How CIO)OUt"ltOW, 5 'it ~ill the dwoguein front oft~ class. nedde which immiaril"tion ofke-r w~ i) the friendfiest,b) the 1east frfffldty. OVER TO YOU 4 a fit Studtnt A. you won: at a borffl control or an airpcwt JN.UPOrt corruol hrpr¥e questions tor 8 about his/her future pbns. Ne you to adopt a tr.endly or unfri1mdty mannNl Student a. you Mr entfflng the country. Prepare to explain what you are l11tt'ftdin, to do in the counlry, who you 11t P110 wt Md how Iona you are golnst to StJ)' mo1,1, ''.Soundingfrif'ndly/unfrirndly ,, ~ I), WliMmIIMIIQ tlow ~ahvf II~ <.onmwliut1s rnclfn la. 'A', tht Hfttf'ff in lht:WI) tM petlOll yY ~! L~len and,..._PIP'Sspeci.ill attentionto I.he pitch ¥14 intor.ation wt.en saying good.t,ye NOTICE -5.IAllMlNI~ ~ C.,VL~IION~ Scmetimn we m questions~ ,n,cn;ng thr erdcr of ti.t wrM.. we un do lhll t,y USlf'C question intonation Ot Ulint: a chtcli: ... Pllffl1IOI.••. ts(W riQht1 IS frlOf (fltmtl Afl you ~ WI lffl drl)'S' i,awf - Vou'rt llfO·MtQ lff ffft ...,.,.. flffllp> ,,,. Vou'ff'lfa".«19iin rw; dcl)1"bmf .-. rst'Jet ri¢17,,. Find anottw!r o.vnpk in the second con'o'Crw.tion. unfilluuillL.i,m,u Passport Control ---- - •b -~ ' m b LiStffl and Chttt. (Slot)""'" h.m? (IINrW)w, left Qys' u-ne. Is that tight? · m•11- FOCUS ON I ANr., .. ,r.~ 3 a 441u Listrn and writr IM questions asked by the immian:tion olfl,(.e,usinc the verbsin parenthestt. 1 V.'here (RC)') 111 n-a l1t1d? 2 And how ~ (in1fffd)10 SHI)' htrel l 4nd 'lll·l°ltft Cl o,ft) f!"0"1? .t 4rfl you (,pb,) to v,s I ot,,...., parts o' tl'wo country' 5 Alt'YoU 6 And b Listen again and answtt the qUf'Stions. 1 Who i5 tMpenonff"tf'flttg tie c.oun1ry1 2 v.'h.ltdo tney do' 3 Wh,111Ut'CQpowofV'W'aJ1rpf I tow toflJ k 111 It !hf flllChl...., frlf'l'dyor unhMdfy1 HOWcan yout('lll • IDOD•t•- TUNE IN 1 a 'iif Look it irNgts a ¥ldb Mid discuss t™! que">tioo. • V.'h&t cfl"tdof bore« ct0if'$ do thf')' "t<N/? Whit <OUfntS dOH yc,ur <CkJtltrY~n.1ei? IJ there l ctwoctc.f)Olnc on 1two botor«1 • YoU aossfd """°'lhtMOOl'Offlrecenuv, If so, how ~fl )OU,,....,...,.,, Oid ,0.. h,1W'10 101) ~· lht' bO(dt'- b lim.gint you ~e .np.assport cootrol. What k,nds of questions~ )10U be asted? Look at image c. What else do you somrtimcs hnl" to do when you aoss a bonier? 2 a '4tiJ,.t'!l:Kl'.nlU lWV ,un¥CJMUU11> ~f jil,lort conuo&.Do tht ofl'an Mk anyof lN' questionsyou thought of in 1b?Whldt oftlCe'r would you prefe. to talk to,Why! a 5.4 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: AT PASSPORT CONTROL
  • 12. m cosplay is an event in which p,nicipantsw('at costumes that 1ep1estnl 'Sptt.tfi(chuactttS from popul.;ir J1pan~ rolrurt" TM Cherry Btossom fHtiv.ltorigi~t~ injapin as a way to (drb, ..te the n.utol spnnc. hoplt:Otl',ntzr p.1r,dH .1nd prtp.,r, ,~l,11 d1,hd. Chtl.stm,, i., .t <:hr M1onholid.a)ond lrnohn&1nn1 prC'!IC'nb F1.1u1n ,1.1th '"S.nt.1 O,us tw,'t'bttunte ~)·mbol, of rht> C't"lebraoon • Rtad rr1nscrlpc 6.2 on Pi11f43, find fOUfYfflK rhit Mt synony,,,s of """IO' r11n.,,. _ ..,.h "'°"-"'· rne illstletttt lslNffl. 1 Our "~.t>t·i NYt, 111,c 11'1r«fl'II~ 2 lr'c h~c m °"'"tJdwvior 3 Wt a IOCMtJldtUOtlS IOmodCf'n ll(flft <4 Sul l'IOC dt,,1nain worl t Uw ...., ~ do things. <hangC' "lcrc tS ~ c Talking about change :Z Types .-ts bttf IOC» fflUSIC n.ll!()t11 Pd!:411 Ki,g!OlA roe.I: ~ .. {eg_ il)'if'g) l!.-J, ,Ull,d, )«A.UI 1 Fcstlv~I, &. holkb.)"I c, 'n .II th "4 ~I',-. * 't « 0 I t ~Pf fd 1•b, ,ljh F t I fll. 1.i F,tr 11111(11,('('n lM"t- ct·tw:-o,e,act H.114".,I OUvberlOI V.,,11(.~8t!Cf1'1oi.lC B words connectedwith festivals • How many wordS ,n 2 can you matm wtth me ff!liv.ds in 11 co,,.,...:.1- t.1.. ),'( wmonar tlldl.Ol'P LQll(C1l (. lit: l t- tur C rtt t v,1 n,~i ti,,I ti lv ,ll.l'Sk p.&r.t0.. ..,.. y µ·e.,, r1t ,,ue,r " A Nouns • Whkh words ln the bOJt are synonyms otcdebfaUOtisr Whkh .1,~ th,ng'S ~ti c~bOn could oouc:se, KEY VOCABULARY Celebrations & restivals m b COfflp ete c In the l(fy VOCAllilJ ...._,. .... 4 A Complete 8 in the kr'fVOCAIJl,LAF! ••,."' , can you add any other festivik lO the fist7 Od uM"ttr t1 i11hrtt--d.aiy Mulim ttlcbr,tlion lh,11 m,uk1 lht: i:nd of 11.lm,1d.,11 • mo11Lb of l.uAin,ll (not t',Hiui) dunnglhf'd.>) 1gh1 hour,; ~ is a p,1yn festival he-Id beforeAll Saint~ Day. In seeeeocatnes they celebrate the Da)'er the Otad at ttus uese, CMl'linltsu~U}·ttlebratNI beforeLent. sneer panics 1nduderoncttt, ..nd dilnl1ng, contests tor me bt~t f'lN,s. to5tumn., m,ukJ ,1nd p.u.idN uowever, d1flt:1"1I ''°"''"'.ll• 'llfllh thlli 11in1C' OI.C.UI In OlhC'l l>ll11.,ci. tJnoOM"r(btn 2 a Look at the WO(d1 In bold lti tht MW pt,ons,n 1 b. ~e A In the Y Vo , .tMv" t • b -, Vort in pairs. Makeas manyconM<tJonsu ,ou un between the festivals. Use the words from A. (Otp(ay,Ha.'1Q..'tt11 ond Com·.'Of ail,~ ct:ff)••'1Q..,"" eu·"'""" 3 a 4~,, Us1en 10 uie Sl.1fl of .1 r.id10 ~"" AnSWN the questions. 1 Whichce-lebr1tiondot1 the s~Mtf ta_kUot.(> 2 Whe1e i!> t~ fe!> in the ,m• t•ki,. pl,K.e? ) Why wouid this event hitlvt bttn U'llutty t.e-, )'It.VS~ t b Read the descriptions ot I~ cl!'~brahonson~ 23md nvt<.h them to the imaan. 5 '-t Work In pairs.. OrStUss the questions. • In )ICM# country, "A'Nil ty,e ol 1tStivalS and hohda)'! do )'OU ctttbratc > • W'liichc~iticYs do )'Oll least/l'T'IOst c,joy? Why? • Haw thew teolrbBt.ioos thanged !,i"Ke your parents were youna? b 4W-.z Listen to the rest of the progr~. notes on two rnore festivals ;,nd holidays. complete tM chart, 1 a '-t wor1tln L_a,.,,.1,,,...._wi,,,dOu..yh>veln tommon? Whal arc the pcopl,e cclebralirc in t"ach ~? • i:DOD•11- GLOBAL AND LOCAL 6
  • 13. 'lft~ "" 1.1<,lttilly U'IO'>il' with ,M1'1(t', In IFI<' :~•lctd1~uplht1 gt,00!> •11 n theew, ,inJ Pl'OPlt irlt up to~e the ~nd thcrt''sI n !hf' maikf'Isquarr omc lou.l pc,ople ire womed th.ill t~ old tr1d,Uoni w II 1 1 Thf' ftsUvJil i Jt 1n,, end or I b listen J&lin tnd complete the summary. LISTEN'SS t §FfO'flS?..ifi 1 a 4;))u Ostento Eva talk.Ing abouta fcs1!'val or holiday. What i.s it? How h.a.s rt dlanged? 3 ~ Work1n pillts.Choosethe conectoc>tlontocomplete c1eh sentence. 1 II youfJ holf I havt ,ome tin aofo, 1 4. k iMOUl'ld tht t.1ty b wt!! 2 Youton/ 'I!dren up I youw1.nt to, tl'ltfe's no Obi &•tlO'. 3 0011'ttomt I Comt tome c1rr.lva.1,tyouwant to h1vc a JOOd timt:, • Vou'I for&tt all your p,oblrtM if you'IJli'O / ,o to lh(I CamivJI. 5 If you don': I wo.i'r ~ember the time of the pa,ade, you ran rhf'rk lhf' on4in,, schf'd.ilf'. 4 • Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 II I like l v1uitlonlhrs Vtif, I 1. If I h.lVt ti~", I 3 111 hive ~me ext•• monty,I ---· b '-t Readyoursentences toa partner.Were your partnn's kle.n similar to your!>? -,- SENTENCES WITH IF. REAL SITUATIONS WeUSCif+ ::i«:SCfit ~ + prcscrn. simp,e to talk. about~ that a,eOI _ 11'w1'M.~4>t,atJ Notitt in~ wnlenc~you un ·~ate if with ut withnod'.fflg:.cinmunirg.. Ifffif' Rill~ 1<• Al" wn ,g'l,,"IIM- - use t/ , l)ftsitf"lwnptt • t ..·ure to tllk &bout WWl«&ttwt~ l;e,fytoNl):lftlinthew _ t/>'Oll"""""°"'robnnfWwrft)'Oto ,11f~r·mt NotiC.t lNt wedo NOTus.e a1vtu(t IOi11'!1~1lN ""' ltlcs,e 5nltrnc:C'S 1/thrMO'll!ff" kfOOd. W"ff;awd pi<'UC... ~OTfU.r illlla •lk~ffllfutl"tCIPl(,,k weun ~ 1..w• modal wrb or ilt'I tmpetati...eta.min Nnu;ndiuw. Ifr:iu.,...IO• th >*A 11 ~ ,.,,.,,. (MOd,-0 l!l!r,.,..,,....,.....,if,o,.u,._ f•_i Ifon comt • tht ~.," nt cl t"lf wm.tnef ,,._11..,........,_ OI W'lttWModcfttdlhf~:tnCt: JJw"""doftnr~,,rllltfti GRAMMAR 'it-"' Pl"'- ... W, H IOH IO mokt ""''°'" 1 d~un<hOOM~ 1 f trans 1oao. b fyouun. l ~~- c '""~r..otwet1,wa1t, Uwtt d.l)'lo o m..kt wit )'0,.11>lan i ) d10"1fffi'tt.,lt. tl:>hJUl'lt 4 • )'OU br•'C I>'* ll't )'O',. t t m &hl W'o't lt'lt' s Thetunoocwnstoo t ttsbY~ IOC'IS s.1>1,y 6 Wtltft t'WW!'I iihu"lti.. eikh ot.htt.,.·,ti'! ••ltt, 2 ~ Loe*: at the~~ in 1 .qJlll W NISWf!r lhe -- 1 ~Wf'l'f"'l(fS ~ rt'ft'I to J lf"ltf.ill '«l1, I>)~ toaPQSSI~f..turt Sl~.J.IU01'17JON 2 Wt111.1'1 W'1'1'cot1(.1r OOon't 1.011W1 t Ult' wuid 1' 3 l'l~~tne:C"<ICNAdycN.1rC11QC.elf"-'lt>tw;"it1t •otJlCMA<JwosirlC ~ nc,,111•111- b Loot againat JOl.w- answers in 2a .nd complete 1~ in the'GIAliUII..M •A..1otEL•• m C-OjOUgol10111t-- 1111jOU"'-"""110UR- Ind __ ,... .... _ -..-- eomo.... ,..._ --tlelnd -Y'h"lltloo!W-l)'OU ...... t:nt ... __ l ..... Mdly<>1r-1Dbrin91)- ,au.l..ic,,t.,._ Goodul! lnd_..c....... B l'lllenytAJge,10hCe,,...,,,j0U ~nI know #In IOltar1 lt'I IO dynomk.hwllOlt-ettlo roc:~c.1 i1<e11t-clly ~1n ce1e11r,tr>g ... wor""1Ul lhtng,-• IOQOllff tn 010 ito ltttel l*I)'.ClanClng ano forg,t.lrg:helr-l>'n OOy ThOlIV.NI °"'1MI ll'OIAIIbe mJt. Stay for• '1reell.ljs W IOU CM.lll~CIOJ NOTICE A MU~I "4ust c11n MSO be a l'IOIXI ~ 1.IW a .,,.,st IO rntM'I SOffif1tw'I t~ 1s ftSoffltul1n .l p,ulnW' sdu.ihon Co,n,'ortm,ilrrJlk:inmR"•in.:AI ,f,a.t~Plfloaull.'" lJWtOWIII): 2 a Listen .)8:;lln .n:t compliett tht t?ltr.lC.ts.. 1 1rsorl';' d;,ys~~--,·s1ut1lqi.,t htft' It's• ,:rt11ttime to be ,n &ef,t'II 1 lt'S an interestin1 way t:> ~ cut ~t 3 I !Junk Bertin i$ tM worst pla,c~to be~ __ uee. A htryl1'ing is so -- l's. ,ood idH IO'Sta:, ~ b Look at the e-xpressions in bold in 2.a. Whal wrb form G used after these express.ens, ro +~or verb+ WJ? What other adjectives can you use in l!ach expression~ 3 'it WOt1c: in pa·rs. WNt recommendations would you Rive a vtSitorwhoWilted to visit yc,ur tQMJn/<.1,;y1 uw the expressions rn 21andlb. VOCABULARY: Recommendations 41,1., (J..,••'°"'Ol)Omo,;;£i IF. Carnival.Ar< they pos•trYe or "'8ative7 ..,.,.,<ltY....11119' _ "'s. -'bl.,........... r..i.,apw 451,.DCD donothMr.rm1r~ ................ dlnlc IIIC,v,:,Jld~ C9'Mla ,._.. leaAt'II an:1911:rit~"Wa ABe,., I• very muchapartylownwt" 1tusyyear roondmlencwd cancens.streetpa!Wls,sponlng ...n1,,..,. 8h0Ylll1d..,ti..-And h "'" lime•••.,, cl(y'I """ can ctooee wnen IDii,. ~kt11n youl)l!lnI lrlpInJI/le ftf 1hllwntwtl W-.0.l'OU•""'lbed~IOd liOIJ d!dcle10comeforlhe cw.,,-.-•agcoc1 1,i,, ID ,-,cI l'°"'le...,.11,oy '"' Qot IOiil'fPIICl<ed!Ar<I rememberIDbr~ga'""""'lTi...tvnoce,n t lll)I)ff • ,oms! And~"" 111e 11.1n ihf'ICI u-.oMstivat goors sp,ay each ocher wlltl water tocOOI off b Ott1dewtncn text is 1 giving instructions to partic.ipan1 2 describing the atmospllcrc 3 giving advice to viiiton.. 3 RHd thlt text<;again. Fina ad;ti:t•~ t~, 1 fulofauvty 2 veryfJII l v~ryexcitng 4 't W()(k In sm;ill aroups. Discuss tht <1~s1t0ns. • Arf' thPre .;1ny c11 Pi In yc>ur c<M.1n1ry Wdh 11 "ilrn,IJr ethnic miK to 0«11n1 00 mtv "old I si" ''' festlva'' • 00 you th n~thls t~ of I bf'nelc1JI to .i COONryor l c1tv1Why/Whynot1 tr,welP,u,se writer I HtntO!'g.tnlZer 3 aC.uoival fdf 2 a MatchtextsA-Ctothepeoplel-Jwhowrote them. Look at (he images of the Carnival of Cultures in Berlin. What are the people doing? Would you like togo to it't why/Whynot?Think or thr~ adi«tives todescribe the atmosphere. SPEAKING & READING .,u,c, ,,, ..M,ISl,U' • - CARNIVAL OF CULTURES