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Technical Recruiting Rocket Fuel
Fall /Winter 2015
The modern internet allows us to create professional
profiles for every active person across web communities.
These implicit web resumes are more valuable than explicit resumes
More Candidates:
Does not require active candidates
(job seeking / career building)
Higher Quality Data:
More recent (daily updates) and
more complete (skill and fit)
“Talent Bits & footprints” can be aggregated and assessed across many sources
Career Builders
1995 2003
Job Seekers
2006 2008 & beyond
Web resumes (everyone)
Talent bits, everywhere.
People leave "Talent Bits" that tell us their interests and what skills they possess.
Candidate Data
Search & CRM
turns the entire professional web & public
databases into your recruiters’ sourcing database
Different candidate self promotion mindsets!
“I put *everything* on my LinkedIn profile!” “I last logged into LinkedIn 12 months ago!”
Sales, BizDev, Recruiting Staff Everyone Else….
Recruiters and sales people are on LinkedIn all day long. Software engineers? Not so much.
Different mindsets!
“I put *everything* on my LinkedIn profile!”
“You have no idea I’m a java, python
and javascript animal!”
And if those engineering profiles are missing their skills, they won’t show up in your searches.
On the hunt…for few results.
The more specific your searches get, the worse the results, as thin profiles drop out of your results.
Candidate overload
Bad: InMails are ignored / auto-filed.
Worse: InMails are turned off.
Worst: Candidate nukes his profile.
Recruiter Survey: Engineers get 15 InMails / week. < 5% response.
130k’s a Crowd: 20k+ LinkedIn corporate customers. 130k Recruiter seats.
The candidates who are discoverable are inundated with InMails, with undesirable outcomes.
Look where the candidates actually *are*!
Social Networks Software Engineering Specific
Design SpecificOther Professional Sources
Horizontal Professional Sources Vertical Discipline Sources
Patents Mailing Lists Journals
But these engineers are online, leaving professional information about themselves across the web.
TalentBin crawls the broadest set of general sites.
General Events
Facebook: Professional
interests and resume.
Twitter: Professional Bio,
Tweets, Lists, Followership.
Google Plus: Professional
interests and resume.
Quora: Q&A for
professional and
non-professional topics. Personal
bios and social profiles.
Slideshare: Professional
Lanyrd: Professional conference
attendance community.
Meetup: Professional and
non-professional meetup
and user group attendance.
Behance: Professional
community for designers, UI,
UX, art direction, etc.
MobyGames: Directory of
Credits for all video game
Dribbble: Professional
community for designers,
UI, UX, art direction.
PubMed: Directory of
scholarly bio papers
(biostats, bioinformatics,
biochem, etc.).
US Patent Database:
Patents and listed inventors
and companies.
Carbonmade: Professional
designers, UI, UX portfolios.
Coroflot: Professional
designers, UI, UX portfolios
Krop: Professional designers,
UI, UX portfolios
Forrst: Professional
designers, UI, UX portfolios.
And the most software engineering sites.
Mailing Lists
Github: Social
SourceForge: Open
source communities.
Bitbucket: Social
Kaggle: Data Science
Ohloh: Open source
contribution tracking.
Grokbase: Software email
list serve tracking.
Working With Rails:
Rails coder directory.
RubyGems: Ruby Gem
Contributor Tracker
TapFame: Mobile
developer directory.
Apache Foundation:
Open source list
serves. Email list
Stack Overflow: Q&A for
Software engineers.
Server Fault: Q&A for
Ask Ubuntu: Q&A for
Programmers: Theoretical
Q&A software engineers
Unix / Linux: Q&A for
Unix & Linux Users
Database Administrators:
Q&A for DBAs
InfoSec: Q&A for
information security
Software QA: Q&A
for QA people.
Code Review: Q&A
for Code Review.
Game Dev: Q&A for
Game Developers.
Django People:
Community for Python
And 100s of other software
engineering email list serves.
Mailing ListsPublicationsSocial
We convert these talent bits into profiles
1. Extract professional activity
2. Analyze and score activity
to surface skills and
3. Aggregate together all
available contact vectors
(email address, Twitter,
Full 360-degree view of candidate
Better data gives recruiters much better results
48K profiles
13K profiles
1.4K resumes
Example search:
“ Ruby on Rails ” – SF Bay Area
In high population centers.
12.9K profiles
3.3K profiles
Example search:
“ Ruby on Rails ” – US Metros
6K profiles
972 profiles
38K profiles
7.1K profiles
New York
And smaller population centers too.
1.9K profiles
381 profiles
Example search:
“ Ruby on Rails ” – US Second Cities
6.2K profiles
526 profiles
Detroit 6.3K profiles
1.7K profiles
•Agile Development
•Back End
•Big Data
•Build Tools
•Cloud Technologies
•Continuous Integration Software
•Event-driven Programming
•Front End
•Graph Databases
•Graphic Design
•Graphics Libraries
•Java Frameworks
•Mac OS X
•Object-Oriented Programming
•Release Tools
•Ruby on Rails
•SCM Tools
•Test Automation
•Version Control
TalentBin is awesome for anything software and creative related, but below are some particularly good examples!
Technologies where TalentBin is awesome!
• Adobe Creative Suite
• After Effects
• Animator
• Art Direction
• Art Director
• Brand Development
• Brand Identity
• Coreldraw
• Digital Art
• Digital Illustration
• Drawplus
• Final Cut
• Fireworks
• Graphic Art
• Graphic Artist
• Graphic Design
• Graphic Designer
• Identity Design
• Illustration
• Illustrator
• Indesign
• Lightroom
• Logo Design
• Photo Editing
• Photoshop
• Quarkxpress
• Retouching
• Typography
• User Interface Design
• User Experience Design
• Visual Design
• Visual Designer
• Web Design
TalentBin is awesome for anything software and creative related, but below are some particularly good examples!
Creative Talent, too!
And you’ll find their full professional web footprint…
TalentBin fill in the gaps that LinkedIn misses. And helps you find those engineers not on LinkedIn.
Their professional skills…
See a ranked list of a candidate’s technical skills, based on the intensity of that activity, all across the web.
And where those skills are demonstrated…
See the actual activity the candidate has engaged in, and where, that demonstrates a given skills.
TalentBin Interest Scoring
TalentBin assigns an interest intensity score to
each professional skill, based on the discovered
Each type of activity has its own weighting, based
on source and action context, with some being
weighted more heavily than others, accordingly.
And search across all those skills!
Portfolio and Publications too!
Other interests too…
Check out their other interests, as well. Music? Outdoors? Cooking? Help build instant rapport when engaging.
And even job and education history…
And all available contact methods…
5x the response rate of InMail using email,
Twitter, Facebook, and other contact methods.
Send as many messages you need, without limitation, and across a variety of methods.
1. Millions of personal email addresses
2. Social communication channels
where candidates actually hang out.
3. Research team to sniff out emails
not yet discovered. ~70% hit rate.
Request their email from our concierge
if one is not available on profile
Social Communication Vectors
Automating your recruiting process
Take advantage of the fully automated recruiting process that TalentBin helps generate and manage
Send Email
Email has Open / Click TrackingAutomated Follow-Up
Campaigns engage potential
candidates with no added effort
Stay on top of your full
pipeline while engaging
candidates and generating
Sent email lands directly on top of candidate inbox
(or see appendix slides for in-depth feature coverage)
Find candidates other recruiting organizations
can’t find.
Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and
start the conversation.
Reach out using all available communication
vectors, that candidates actually respond to.
Stay on top of the candidates you find with
pipeline management, tasks, and automation.
Hobbit: A robot that automatically runs searches
With, Hobbit / Job Req Translator, copy and paste the job description and we automatically run the search for you!
Copy and paste your job
description into the text
box and click “Create my
Hobbit: A robot that automatically runs searches
Hobbit reads your job
description and turns the
information into a quick
boolean search.
Results Count
With, Hobbit / Job Req Translator, copy and paste the job description and we automatically run the search for you!
Holistic overview in search results.
Preview profiles before you deeply qualify them.
Search Terms
Preview the candidate
before going in depth
Web Identities
Top Skills:
Results Count
Powerful advanced search functionality.
Be as specific as you need, and drill your search down to find the best of the best.
Tech term synonyms with
“Query Expansion”
Powerful Visual Boolean Search
“AND” Clauses are
listed Vertically and
“OR” clauses are
horizontal within a
single line
List of keywords and
terms associated with a
Powerful advanced search functionality.
Be as specific as you need, and drill your search down to find the best of the best.
Plus sign signifies “nice to have”
Minus sign signifies “AND NOT” – Allows
you to remove CEO’s/Founders and
Recruiters from your search
Narrow your search without losing results!
Even as you get very specific, skill-rich profiles mean you’re finding many more candidates than on LinkedIn.
Happier purple squirrel hunting…
Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find.
Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the
Reach out using all available communication
vectors, that candidates actually respond to.
Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline
management, tasks, and automation.
No more Codys
Bad: InMails are ignored / auto-filed.
Worse: InMails are turned off.
Worst: Candidate nukes his profile.
Recruiter Survey: Engineers get 15 InMails / week. < 5% response.
130k’s a Crowd: 20k+ LinkedIn corporate customers. 130k Recruiter seats.
Candidates inundated with irrelevant InMails, with undesirable outcomes.
Targeted Outreach Case Study
Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination.
Targeted Outreach Case Study
Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination.
Only custom
messaging in template.
All other text is fully templated
and mail-merged.
2 – 3 minutes of personalization per email
to drive high engagement.
Targeted Outreach Case Study
Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination.
Live candidate with resume. Live referral partner.
Example Customer Pipeline Analysis
100 Targeted Emails Sent
60 Opens
27 replies
10 phone screens
1 hire
Ecommerce Recruiting Organization
• ~ 20 hours of sourcing + outreach
• 60 engagements
• 27 replies = 15 positive. 12 “not
now” (but keep me posted)
• 10 phone screens > 1 hire
• 12 pipelined candidates
• 1 incremental tech hire
Targeted Outreach and Follow Up Puts Butts in Seats
Targeted Outreach Case Study
Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination.
60 minutes of work drove one in-process candidate, one future fee, a
referral partner, and one missed fee because of slow adoption.
Happier purple squirrel hunting…
Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find.
Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the
Reach out using all available communication
vectors, that candidates actually respond to.
Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline
management, tasks, and automation.
And all available contact methods…
5x the response rate of InMail using email,
Twitter, Facebook, and other contact methods.
Send as many messages you need, without limitation, and across a variety of methods.
1. Millions of personal email addresses
2. Social communication channels
where candidates actually hang out.
3. Research team to sniff out emails
not yet discovered. ~70% hit rate.
Request their email from our concierge
if one is not available on profile
Personal Emails
Social Communication Vectors
Fully Integrated Emailing System
Send your templated emails directly from TalentBin.
Your email of choice
Candidate Email
Fully Integrated “Mailbox”
Dedicated In-house Mailbox for response, follow up, and threaded communication with candidates, integrated with Profiles.
Messages sent and Candidates
contacted and much much more!!
Profile gets tagged with
outreach information.
Report on outreach activity. Log messages in profile history.
Metrics around Email outreach and activity
Automated Email Templates with Merging/Swapping Fields
Streamline your communications with integrated, reusable templates.
Select the desired Template
(some templates provided,
others can be quickly built)
TalentBin automatically
drafts a message for
you with key
information from the
candidate’s profile.
You have control over
editing the message
and tweaking each and
every template.
You can also created
an unlimited number of
Automated Email Templates with Personalization
Personalize your messages by citing candidate contributions across the web related to specific technologies.
Take advantage of
the in-depth
consumption of
web data.
See which web
source each
professional or
personal interest
is emanating from.
Use that data to
personalize your
Boost response
Automated Email Templates with Interest Swapping
Quickly and effectively swap out specific professional/personal interests for quick template personalization.
You can swap the
professional and
personal interest
variables to
personalize the
messages to your
This will help you
build rapport and
boost response
Allows you to
swap interest
Activity View within Mailbox
View open and link tracking events real time, as they happen.
Email Open and Click Tracking
Which candidates are opening your outreach? Clicking on your job links? Who is interested, but just hasnt responded?
Eyes signify
email “opens”
Hands signify
“clicks” on links
within an email
Email Open and Click Tracking
Which candidates are opening your outreach? Clicking on your job links? Who’s interested, but just hasn’t responded?
Mass Emailing
Send emails to up to 30 candidates at a time using TalentBin’s mass email functionality.
Automated Follow Up Campaigns
Candidate Drip Marketing sends automatic, pre-configured follow up messages to candidates, raising response rates.
Add a candidate to Automated Follow Up Campaign
with a single click.
Customize your automatic follow up templates to fit
your recruiting brand.
*Derived from a random sampling of TalenBin profiles on 12.10.14 which were then looked up on LinkedIn.
• Achieve 2x – 5x greater open, click,
& response rates by sending 2nd,
3rd, or 4th
outreach vs. a single
• Scheduled, automated follow up
outreach helps you achieve this
enhanced candidate engagement,
without the extra work.
Choose between multiple campaigns.
Drip Marketing Case Study
Drip marketing drives candidates to respond, and proceed down your funnel – with no extra effort on your part.
• Achieve 2x – 5x greater open, click,
& response rates by sending 2nd,
3rd, or 4th
outreach vs. a single
• The vast majority of responses
come from 2nd
, 3rd
, and 4th
messages! (Automated)
Persistence pays.
*Case study executed by TalentBin Customer Success using TalentBin to recruit passive candidates.
Wait, Is This SPAM? No, It’s Good Recruiting.
As long as your messages are quality and “candidate focused”, candidates don’t feel like they’re being
Wait, Is This SPAM? No, It’s Good Recruiting.
As long as your messages are quality and “candidate focused”, candidates don’t feel like they’re being
Candidate Engagement On the Go
TalentBin’s Mobile App lets recruiters receive and respond to candidate communications at the moment they happen.
Review TalentBin-centric
email on your phone.
Respond to candidates while still leveraging
TalentBin’s open and click-tracking features.
Mobile Candidate Analytics
See what’s happening with your candidate communications, and take action. Right from your phone.
See candidate opens and clicks while on the go. Then follow up on those implicit
signs of candidate interest.
Holistic Mobile Recruiting Feature Set
TalentBin’s mobile features let recruiters take action from their phone, and reach candidates on theirs.
• Review TalentBin email on your phone.
• Respond with open & click-tracked emails.
• See candidate opens & clicks, and act.
TalentBin Mobile
Personal Emails and Social Messaging
• Personal email addresses reach candidates on
their phone, where 70% of email is read first.
• TalentBin’s social messaging reaches candidates
via their social mobile apps.
Integrated Social Communication
Use Social Communication vectors like Twitter, Meetup, and others, directly from TalentBin!
Send social communication from directly within TalentBin.
Instrumented hyperlinks track candidate engagement, feeding
TalentBin’s Intelligent CRM.
Social Communication shows up where
candidates spend their time, driving engagement
Automated Twitter Templates with Merging Fields
Streamline your social communications with integrated, reusable templates.
Select Desired Twitter Template
Swap out profession and
personal interest variables
for Twitter outreach as well!
Templated Social Communication
Templates work with social communication vectors too! LinkedIn, Meetup, Quora and more!
Candidate Outreach That Makes an Impact
Social communication lands where candidates spend their time: phone, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
1. Social communication lands
where candidates spend time.
2. Mobile outreach elicits ease of
Reports on recruiter / team activity.
Easily see your team’s pipelines and activities, all in one place.
Happier purple squirrel hunting…
Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find.
Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the
Reach out using all available communication
vectors, that candidates actually respond to.
Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline
management, tasks, and automation.
Intelligent CRM to make you smarter.
What should you do next to maximize your hiring funnel? TalentBin will tell you.
Automated, streamlined CRM.
Less clicks. Less busywork. More time for high impact recruiting.
Send an email? Attempting to Contact. Candidate responds? In Discussion.
Push candidates down the
funnel through impactful
activity, not redundant
Tracking a lead’s stage and notes.
Fully customize your stages to fit your team’ workflow.
What other recruiters have viewed the profile?
Who else is interacting with the lead?
Is the candidate in progress against another req?
Who else is touching a candidate.
Collaborate with your team to recruit the best candidates, without stepping on each others’ toes.
Manage your pipeline
Manage each stage, for each open position. Stay on top of all parts of the funnel.
Requisition Folders Stage Changer
Hiring Manager “Reviewer” Seats
Allow hiring managers / “candidate reviewers” into the system to check out candidates, leave notes, etc.
Qualified leads, delivered weekly.
Each week, TalentBin sends your recruiters 10 new people they should recruit based on search behavior.
Recruiter Time Savings Analysis
Automation gets you a second full work week out of each recruiter.
Reduce manual outreach activity time by 95%
Let one recruiter work like two. Run circles around the competition.
Peak Customer Success
Dedicated Customer Success Teams!
From rigorous implementation and onboarding assistance to best-in-class ongoing
support, our customer success team is here to rocket you to success.
We’re here to help!
Train with our recruiting experts
Ongoing training and guidance
Phone and email support during business hours all week long. Our
customer success team is here to answer your questions and set you
up for success.
We’ll get you up to speed in your first month with best practices to
ensure your success.
We’ll monitor your progress every month and share ideas to
maximize your hiring efficiency.
Get TalentBin Certified
Show your peers you’re a recruiting pro
by becoming a TalentBin Certified Recruiter!
Amazing Self-Serve Support Resources
In addition to TalentBin’s excellent Customer Success team, we also have an
award-winning, rich Support Center with hundreds of articles and videos to help you
answer your question instantly.
Why TalentBin?
100s of top technical recruiting orgs rely on
gives Recruiters Wings
gives Recruiters Wings
gives Recruiters Wings
gives Recruiters Wings
“When we looked at talent search engine solutions, it
was clear that TalentBin by Monster provided
superior functionality and usability.
Whenever we can, we send emails through
TalentBin because we get tracking on email opens
and click-throughs, and that shows us who is
engaged with our outreach, and who we should
spend time on.”
Tiffany Hamilton, Operations Manager
gives Recruiters Wings
“TalentBin has been a huge help to my firm because it
has helped us discover experienced, high-quality
candidates who possess legitimate skills and expertise.
Technical recruiting is incredibly time intensive and
TalentBin has saved me many hours of work. At the end
of the day, it’s a great tool because it comes down to the
beauty and convenience of having everything you need
in one spot.
Plus, their support and customer success team are
Natalie Ledbetter, Talent Acquisition
gives Recruiters Wings
“Thanks to TalentBin by Monster, I have been able to discover
more candidates from a better pool of talent, boost my
outreach efforts, and see higher email open and response
And, while all of those things are obviously wonderful, the
most important metric I have seen as a direct result of using
TalentBin is an increase in the number of deals that I
close—and that is really what matters the most.
I am self-employed, which makes closing deals particularly
important to me. Making an investment in TalentBin by
Monster was a big decision for someone like me, but I’ve
been extremely pleased with the results.”
Lisa Rokusek, Recruiter
gives Recruiters Wings
“I love TalentBin by Monster’s tools and templates, and I use them all the time. I think an email is
always received better than a LinkedIn message, because it’s more personal, and TalentBin by
Monster quickly and easily provides me with the email addresses of the candidates I want to
I also don’t want to have to manage my messages on four different platforms, and TalentBin by
Monster solves that problem for me. Their tracking features are also extremely helpful. Metrics
are really important to us at XO Group.
We track everything—how many emails have been sent, who replied to messages, who opened
emails, who didn’t open them, and who clicked on the links we sent them. I love being able to see
all of that information because it helps me do my job better.
If I see that someone isn’t responding, I can try communicating with them via an alternate email
address or a different platform. TalentBin is one of our favorite vendors at XO Group—they’re just
so good.”
Bec Bliss, Technical Recruiter
gives Recruiters Wings
“TalentBin by Monster helps me stay on top of the pipeline because it’s
so efficient. It’s not that I spend less time doing my job, it’s that, now,
the time I spend looking for candidates is quicker and more effective,
thanks to the incredible organization of the TalentBin by Monster
I actually don’t want anyone else at my company using TalentBin by
Monster because it helps me so much. It’s keeps me very organized,
it’s easy to use and the search function is great. There is no doubt that
I have found people I wouldn’t have found otherwise, and I have
definitely placed quite a few people as a direct result of using
TalentBin by Monster.”
Tim Olesnavage, Recruiter
gives Recruiters Wings
“The LinkedIn profiles of engineers are often incomplete because the
best technical people have their heads buried in a current project and
are too occupied with that to bother updating their LinkedIn account.
TalentBin by Monster provides me with the kind of details that let me
know the engineer I am contacting is open to communicating with me,
so it’s automatically easier for me to start a dialogue with someone I’ve
identified as a potential candidate.
Knowing personal details about someone makes it easier to have a
conversation—I’ll spend more time with someone on the phone if I
know they liked kayaking in college, or if we have a Meetup group in
common, and TalentBin allows me to discover that kind of pertinent
Jim Asiano, Director of Network
gives Recruiters Wings
“Since becoming a TalentBin by Monster client, I and the other
recruiters at Pariveda have discovered more email addresses than we
ever have before, and we’ve been able to reach out to potential
candidates via email much more effectively. Because we are using
personal email addresses and sending tailored, individual messages,
people respond to us.
Not only have we seen a lot more candidate engagement as a direct
result of using the TalentBin by Monster platform, but there is no
question that it has helped us make more hires this year—which is
significant because we really only hire about 40 people annually.”
Jaclyne Hertzfield, Pariveda Solutions
gives Recruiters Wings
Engineers agree!
Universally Recognized Market Leader
Award Winning
Best Human Capital/Talent
Management Solution 2014
Representative Press
Analyst Coverage
HR Technology Conference 2012
“Awesome New Technology” Award
iHR 2012 “Game Changing Startup” Award
Uber, Square Groupon Workday, Salesforce.comTwitter, Yammer, Zendesk
Brandon Hall Excellence in
Technology: Best Sourcing Tech, 2014
American Staffing Association:
“Hottest Technology Upgrade” 2014
Happier purple squirrel hunting…
Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find.
Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the
Reach out using all available communication
vectors, that candidates actually respond to.
Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline
management, tasks, and automation.
Licensing Pricing:
Seat License $6,000 / seat annual contract
Job Req Folders Unlimited
Searches Unlimited
Email Outreach Unlimited
Customer Success Manager Included
Team Training Included
Saved Searches Unlimited
Candidate Alerts Unlimited
Support 5 x 8 email and phone

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Talentbin Sales Deck

  • 1. Technical Recruiting Rocket Fuel Fall /Winter 2015
  • 2. 2 The modern internet allows us to create professional profiles for every active person across web communities. These implicit web resumes are more valuable than explicit resumes More Candidates: Does not require active candidates (job seeking / career building) Higher Quality Data: More recent (daily updates) and more complete (skill and fit) “Talent Bits & footprints” can be aggregated and assessed across many sources Career Builders 1995 2003 Job Seekers 2006 2008 & beyond Web resumes (everyone)
  • 3. Talent bits, everywhere. 3 People leave "Talent Bits" that tell us their interests and what skills they possess.
  • 4. 4 Candidate Data Search & CRM turns the entire professional web & public databases into your recruiters’ sourcing database
  • 5. Different candidate self promotion mindsets! 5 “I put *everything* on my LinkedIn profile!” “I last logged into LinkedIn 12 months ago!” Sales, BizDev, Recruiting Staff Everyone Else…. Recruiters and sales people are on LinkedIn all day long. Software engineers? Not so much.
  • 6. Different mindsets! 6 “I put *everything* on my LinkedIn profile!” “You have no idea I’m a java, python and javascript animal!” And if those engineering profiles are missing their skills, they won’t show up in your searches.
  • 7. On the hunt…for few results. The more specific your searches get, the worse the results, as thin profiles drop out of your results.
  • 8. Candidate overload 8 Bad: InMails are ignored / auto-filed. Worse: InMails are turned off. Worst: Candidate nukes his profile. Recruiter Survey: Engineers get 15 InMails / week. < 5% response. 130k’s a Crowd: 20k+ LinkedIn corporate customers. 130k Recruiter seats. The candidates who are discoverable are inundated with InMails, with undesirable outcomes.
  • 9. Look where the candidates actually *are*! 9 Social Networks Software Engineering Specific Design SpecificOther Professional Sources Horizontal Professional Sources Vertical Discipline Sources Patents Mailing Lists Journals But these engineers are online, leaving professional information about themselves across the web.
  • 10. 10 TalentBin crawls the broadest set of general sites. Publications General Events Creative Facebook: Professional interests and resume. Twitter: Professional Bio, Tweets, Lists, Followership. Google Plus: Professional interests and resume. Quora: Q&A for professional and non-professional topics. Personal bios and social profiles. Slideshare: Professional presentations. Lanyrd: Professional conference attendance community. Meetup: Professional and non-professional meetup and user group attendance. Behance: Professional community for designers, UI, UX, art direction, etc. MobyGames: Directory of Credits for all video game contributors Dribbble: Professional community for designers, UI, UX, art direction. PubMed: Directory of scholarly bio papers (biostats, bioinformatics, biochem, etc.). US Patent Database: Patents and listed inventors and companies. Carbonmade: Professional designers, UI, UX portfolios. Coroflot: Professional designers, UI, UX portfolios Krop: Professional designers, UI, UX portfolios Forrst: Professional designers, UI, UX portfolios.
  • 11. 11 And the most software engineering sites. Mailing Lists Github: Social Coding. SourceForge: Open source communities. Bitbucket: Social Coding. Kaggle: Data Science competitions. Ohloh: Open source contribution tracking. Grokbase: Software email list serve tracking. Working With Rails: Rails coder directory. RubyGems: Ruby Gem Contributor Tracker TapFame: Mobile developer directory. Apache Foundation: Open source list serves. Email list serves. Stack Overflow: Q&A for Software engineers. Server Fault: Q&A for DevOps. Ask Ubuntu: Q&A for DevOps. Programmers: Theoretical Q&A software engineers Unix / Linux: Q&A for Unix & Linux Users Database Administrators: Q&A for DBAs InfoSec: Q&A for information security Software QA: Q&A for QA people. Code Review: Q&A for Code Review. Game Dev: Q&A for Game Developers. Django People: Community for Python Programmers. And 100s of other software engineering email list serves.
  • 12. 12 Mailing ListsPublicationsSocial We convert these talent bits into profiles 1. Extract professional activity 2. Analyze and score activity to surface skills and interests 3. Aggregate together all available contact vectors (email address, Twitter, etc.) Full 360-degree view of candidate EventsVertical
  • 13. 13 Better data gives recruiters much better results 48K profiles 13K profiles 1.4K resumes Example search: “ Ruby on Rails ” – SF Bay Area
  • 14. 14 In high population centers. 12.9K profiles 3.3K profiles Example search: “ Ruby on Rails ” – US Metros Seattle 6K profiles 972 profiles Dallas 38K profiles 7.1K profiles New York
  • 15. 15 And smaller population centers too. 1.9K profiles 381 profiles Example search: “ Ruby on Rails ” – US Second Cities Columbus 6.2K profiles 526 profiles Detroit 6.3K profiles 1.7K profiles Denver
  • 16. 16 •NET •Agile Development •Android •Back End •Big Data •Build Tools •C++ •Cloud Technologies •Clojure •Continuous Integration Software •Databases •Event-driven Programming •Flash •Front End •Gaming •Graph Databases •Graphic Design •Graphics Libraries •Groovy •HTML5 •iOS •Java •Java Frameworks •Javascript •Mac OS X •Mobile •MVC •MySQL •NoSQL •Object-Oriented Programming Languages •Objective-C •Perl •PHP •Python •Release Tools •Ruby •Ruby on Rails •Scala •SCM Tools •SQL •Swift •Test Automation •Version Control •Virtualization •Windows TalentBin is awesome for anything software and creative related, but below are some particularly good examples! Technologies where TalentBin is awesome!
  • 17. 17 • Adobe Creative Suite • After Effects • Animator • Art Direction • Art Director • Brand Development • Brand Identity • Coreldraw • Digital Art • Digital Illustration • Drawplus • Final Cut • Fireworks • Graphic Art • Graphic Artist • Graphic Design • Graphic Designer • Identity Design • Illustration • Illustrator • Indesign • Lightroom • Logo Design • Photo Editing • Photoshop • Quarkxpress • Retouching • Typography • User Interface Design • User Experience Design • Visual Design • Visual Designer • Web Design TalentBin is awesome for anything software and creative related, but below are some particularly good examples! Creative Talent, too!
  • 18. And you’ll find their full professional web footprint… 18 TalentBin fill in the gaps that LinkedIn misses. And helps you find those engineers not on LinkedIn.
  • 19. Their professional skills… 19 See a ranked list of a candidate’s technical skills, based on the intensity of that activity, all across the web.
  • 20. And where those skills are demonstrated… 20 See the actual activity the candidate has engaged in, and where, that demonstrates a given skills.
  • 21. 21 TalentBin Interest Scoring TalentBin assigns an interest intensity score to each professional skill, based on the discovered activity. Each type of activity has its own weighting, based on source and action context, with some being weighted more heavily than others, accordingly.
  • 22. And search across all those skills! 22
  • 24. Other interests too… 24 Check out their other interests, as well. Music? Outdoors? Cooking? Help build instant rapport when engaging.
  • 25. And even job and education history… 25
  • 26. And all available contact methods… 26 5x the response rate of InMail using email, Twitter, Facebook, and other contact methods. Send as many messages you need, without limitation, and across a variety of methods. 1. Millions of personal email addresses 2. Social communication channels where candidates actually hang out. 3. Research team to sniff out emails not yet discovered. ~70% hit rate. Request their email from our concierge if one is not available on profile Email Social Communication Vectors
  • 27. Automating your recruiting process 27 Take advantage of the fully automated recruiting process that TalentBin helps generate and manage Send Email Email has Open / Click TrackingAutomated Follow-Up Campaigns engage potential candidates with no added effort Stay on top of your full pipeline while engaging candidates and generating responses. Sent email lands directly on top of candidate inbox
  • 28. DEMO (or see appendix slides for in-depth feature coverage)
  • 30. Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find. Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the conversation. Reach out using all available communication vectors, that candidates actually respond to. Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline management, tasks, and automation.
  • 31. Hobbit: A robot that automatically runs searches 31 With, Hobbit / Job Req Translator, copy and paste the job description and we automatically run the search for you! Copy and paste your job description into the text box and click “Create my search!”
  • 32. Hobbit: A robot that automatically runs searches 32 Hobbit reads your job description and turns the information into a quick boolean search. Results Count With, Hobbit / Job Req Translator, copy and paste the job description and we automatically run the search for you!
  • 33. Holistic overview in search results. 33 Preview profiles before you deeply qualify them. Search Terms Preview the candidate before going in depth Web Identities Top Skills: Results Count
  • 34. Powerful advanced search functionality. 34 Be as specific as you need, and drill your search down to find the best of the best. Tech term synonyms with “Query Expansion” Powerful Visual Boolean Search AND “AND” Clauses are listed Vertically and “OR” clauses are horizontal within a single line List of keywords and terms associated with a technology
  • 35. Powerful advanced search functionality. 35 Be as specific as you need, and drill your search down to find the best of the best. Plus sign signifies “nice to have” qualifications. Minus sign signifies “AND NOT” – Allows you to remove CEO’s/Founders and Recruiters from your search
  • 36. Narrow your search without losing results! 36 Even as you get very specific, skill-rich profiles mean you’re finding many more candidates than on LinkedIn.
  • 37. Happier purple squirrel hunting… Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find. Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the conversation. Reach out using all available communication vectors, that candidates actually respond to. Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline management, tasks, and automation.
  • 38. No more Codys 38 Bad: InMails are ignored / auto-filed. Worse: InMails are turned off. Worst: Candidate nukes his profile. Recruiter Survey: Engineers get 15 InMails / week. < 5% response. 130k’s a Crowd: 20k+ LinkedIn corporate customers. 130k Recruiter seats. Candidates inundated with irrelevant InMails, with undesirable outcomes.
  • 39. Targeted Outreach Case Study 39 Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination.
  • 40. Targeted Outreach Case Study 40 Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination. Only custom messaging in template. All other text is fully templated and mail-merged. 2 – 3 minutes of personalization per email to drive high engagement.
  • 41. Targeted Outreach Case Study 41 Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination. Live candidate with resume. Live referral partner.
  • 42. Example Customer Pipeline Analysis 42 100 Targeted Emails Sent 60 Opens 27 replies 10 phone screens 1 hire Ecommerce Recruiting Organization • ~ 20 hours of sourcing + outreach • 60 engagements • 27 replies = 15 positive. 12 “not now” (but keep me posted) • 10 phone screens > 1 hire • 12 pipelined candidates • 1 incremental tech hire Targeted Outreach and Follow Up Puts Butts in Seats
  • 43. Targeted Outreach Case Study 43 Personal email addresses, professional activity, and personal interests make a profitable combination. 60 minutes of work drove one in-process candidate, one future fee, a referral partner, and one missed fee because of slow adoption.
  • 44. Happier purple squirrel hunting… Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find. Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the conversation. Reach out using all available communication vectors, that candidates actually respond to. Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline management, tasks, and automation.
  • 45. And all available contact methods… 45 5x the response rate of InMail using email, Twitter, Facebook, and other contact methods. Send as many messages you need, without limitation, and across a variety of methods. 1. Millions of personal email addresses 2. Social communication channels where candidates actually hang out. 3. Research team to sniff out emails not yet discovered. ~70% hit rate. Request their email from our concierge if one is not available on profile Personal Emails Social Communication Vectors
  • 46. Fully Integrated Emailing System 46 Send your templated emails directly from TalentBin. Your email of choice Candidate Email
  • 47. Fully Integrated “Mailbox” 47 Dedicated In-house Mailbox for response, follow up, and threaded communication with candidates, integrated with Profiles.
  • 48. 48 Messages sent and Candidates contacted and much much more!! Profile gets tagged with outreach information. Report on outreach activity. Log messages in profile history. Metrics around Email outreach and activity
  • 49. Automated Email Templates with Merging/Swapping Fields 49 Streamline your communications with integrated, reusable templates. Select the desired Template (some templates provided, others can be quickly built) TalentBin automatically drafts a message for you with key information from the candidate’s profile. You have control over editing the message and tweaking each and every template. You can also created an unlimited number of templates.
  • 50. Automated Email Templates with Personalization 50 Personalize your messages by citing candidate contributions across the web related to specific technologies. Take advantage of the in-depth consumption of web data. See which web source each contribution professional or personal interest is emanating from. Use that data to personalize your candidate outreach. Boost response rates!
  • 51. Automated Email Templates with Interest Swapping 51 Quickly and effectively swap out specific professional/personal interests for quick template personalization. You can swap the professional and personal interest variables to personalize the messages to your liking. This will help you build rapport and boost response rates. Allows you to swap interest variables
  • 52. Activity View within Mailbox 52 View open and link tracking events real time, as they happen.
  • 53. Email Open and Click Tracking 53 Which candidates are opening your outreach? Clicking on your job links? Who is interested, but just hasnt responded? Eyes signify email “opens” Hands signify “clicks” on links within an email
  • 54. Email Open and Click Tracking 54 Which candidates are opening your outreach? Clicking on your job links? Who’s interested, but just hasn’t responded?
  • 55. Mass Emailing 55 Send emails to up to 30 candidates at a time using TalentBin’s mass email functionality.
  • 56. Automated Follow Up Campaigns 56 Candidate Drip Marketing sends automatic, pre-configured follow up messages to candidates, raising response rates. Add a candidate to Automated Follow Up Campaign with a single click. Customize your automatic follow up templates to fit your recruiting brand. *Derived from a random sampling of TalenBin profiles on 12.10.14 which were then looked up on LinkedIn. • Achieve 2x – 5x greater open, click, & response rates by sending 2nd, 3rd, or 4th outreach vs. a single outreach. • Scheduled, automated follow up outreach helps you achieve this enhanced candidate engagement, without the extra work. Choose between multiple campaigns.
  • 57. Drip Marketing Case Study 57 Drip marketing drives candidates to respond, and proceed down your funnel – with no extra effort on your part. • Achieve 2x – 5x greater open, click, & response rates by sending 2nd, 3rd, or 4th outreach vs. a single outreach. • The vast majority of responses come from 2nd , 3rd , and 4th messages! (Automated) Persistence pays. *Case study executed by TalentBin Customer Success using TalentBin to recruit passive candidates.
  • 58. Wait, Is This SPAM? No, It’s Good Recruiting. 58 As long as your messages are quality and “candidate focused”, candidates don’t feel like they’re being spammed.
  • 59. Wait, Is This SPAM? No, It’s Good Recruiting. 59 As long as your messages are quality and “candidate focused”, candidates don’t feel like they’re being spammed.
  • 60. Candidate Engagement On the Go 60 TalentBin’s Mobile App lets recruiters receive and respond to candidate communications at the moment they happen. Review TalentBin-centric email on your phone. Respond to candidates while still leveraging TalentBin’s open and click-tracking features.
  • 61. Mobile Candidate Analytics 61 See what’s happening with your candidate communications, and take action. Right from your phone. See candidate opens and clicks while on the go. Then follow up on those implicit signs of candidate interest.
  • 62. Holistic Mobile Recruiting Feature Set 62 TalentBin’s mobile features let recruiters take action from their phone, and reach candidates on theirs. • Review TalentBin email on your phone. • Respond with open & click-tracked emails. • See candidate opens & clicks, and act. TalentBin Mobile App Personal Emails and Social Messaging • Personal email addresses reach candidates on their phone, where 70% of email is read first. • TalentBin’s social messaging reaches candidates via their social mobile apps.
  • 63. Integrated Social Communication 63 Use Social Communication vectors like Twitter, Meetup, and others, directly from TalentBin! Send social communication from directly within TalentBin. Instrumented hyperlinks track candidate engagement, feeding TalentBin’s Intelligent CRM. Social Communication shows up where candidates spend their time, driving engagement
  • 64. Automated Twitter Templates with Merging Fields 64 Streamline your social communications with integrated, reusable templates. Select Desired Twitter Template Swap out profession and personal interest variables for Twitter outreach as well!
  • 65. Templated Social Communication 65 Templates work with social communication vectors too! LinkedIn, Meetup, Quora and more!
  • 66. Candidate Outreach That Makes an Impact 66 Social communication lands where candidates spend their time: phone, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, etc. 1. Social communication lands where candidates spend time. 2. Mobile outreach elicits ease of response.
  • 67. Reports on recruiter / team activity. 67 Easily see your team’s pipelines and activities, all in one place.
  • 68. Happier purple squirrel hunting… Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find. Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the conversation. Reach out using all available communication vectors, that candidates actually respond to. Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline management, tasks, and automation.
  • 69. Intelligent CRM to make you smarter. 69 What should you do next to maximize your hiring funnel? TalentBin will tell you.
  • 70. Automated, streamlined CRM. 70 Less clicks. Less busywork. More time for high impact recruiting. Send an email? Attempting to Contact. Candidate responds? In Discussion. Push candidates down the funnel through impactful activity, not redundant bookkeeping.
  • 71. Tracking a lead’s stage and notes. 71 Fully customize your stages to fit your team’ workflow.
  • 72. 72 What other recruiters have viewed the profile? Who else is interacting with the lead? Is the candidate in progress against another req? Who else is touching a candidate. Collaborate with your team to recruit the best candidates, without stepping on each others’ toes.
  • 73. Manage your pipeline 73 Manage each stage, for each open position. Stay on top of all parts of the funnel. Requisition Folders Stage Changer Stages
  • 74. Hiring Manager “Reviewer” Seats 74 Allow hiring managers / “candidate reviewers” into the system to check out candidates, leave notes, etc.
  • 75. Qualified leads, delivered weekly. 75 Each week, TalentBin sends your recruiters 10 new people they should recruit based on search behavior.
  • 76. Recruiter Time Savings Analysis 76 Automation gets you a second full work week out of each recruiter.
  • 77. Reduce manual outreach activity time by 95% 77 Let one recruiter work like two. Run circles around the competition.
  • 79. Dedicated Customer Success Teams! 79 From rigorous implementation and onboarding assistance to best-in-class ongoing support, our customer success team is here to rocket you to success. We’re here to help! Train with our recruiting experts Ongoing training and guidance Phone and email support during business hours all week long. Our customer success team is here to answer your questions and set you up for success. We’ll get you up to speed in your first month with best practices to ensure your success. We’ll monitor your progress every month and share ideas to maximize your hiring efficiency. Get TalentBin Certified Show your peers you’re a recruiting pro by becoming a TalentBin Certified Recruiter!
  • 80. Amazing Self-Serve Support Resources 80 In addition to TalentBin’s excellent Customer Success team, we also have an award-winning, rich Support Center with hundreds of articles and videos to help you answer your question instantly.
  • 82. 82 100s of top technical recruiting orgs rely on
  • 87. 87 “When we looked at talent search engine solutions, it was clear that TalentBin by Monster provided superior functionality and usability. Whenever we can, we send emails through TalentBin because we get tracking on email opens and click-throughs, and that shows us who is engaged with our outreach, and who we should spend time on.” Tiffany Hamilton, Operations Manager gives Recruiters Wings
  • 88. 88 “TalentBin has been a huge help to my firm because it has helped us discover experienced, high-quality candidates who possess legitimate skills and expertise. Technical recruiting is incredibly time intensive and TalentBin has saved me many hours of work. At the end of the day, it’s a great tool because it comes down to the beauty and convenience of having everything you need in one spot. Plus, their support and customer success team are fantastic!” Natalie Ledbetter, Talent Acquisition Manager gives Recruiters Wings
  • 89. 89 “Thanks to TalentBin by Monster, I have been able to discover more candidates from a better pool of talent, boost my outreach efforts, and see higher email open and response rates. And, while all of those things are obviously wonderful, the most important metric I have seen as a direct result of using TalentBin is an increase in the number of deals that I close—and that is really what matters the most. I am self-employed, which makes closing deals particularly important to me. Making an investment in TalentBin by Monster was a big decision for someone like me, but I’ve been extremely pleased with the results.” Lisa Rokusek, Recruiter gives Recruiters Wings
  • 90. 90 “I love TalentBin by Monster’s tools and templates, and I use them all the time. I think an email is always received better than a LinkedIn message, because it’s more personal, and TalentBin by Monster quickly and easily provides me with the email addresses of the candidates I want to contact. I also don’t want to have to manage my messages on four different platforms, and TalentBin by Monster solves that problem for me. Their tracking features are also extremely helpful. Metrics are really important to us at XO Group. We track everything—how many emails have been sent, who replied to messages, who opened emails, who didn’t open them, and who clicked on the links we sent them. I love being able to see all of that information because it helps me do my job better. If I see that someone isn’t responding, I can try communicating with them via an alternate email address or a different platform. TalentBin is one of our favorite vendors at XO Group—they’re just so good.” Bec Bliss, Technical Recruiter gives Recruiters Wings
  • 91. 91 “TalentBin by Monster helps me stay on top of the pipeline because it’s so efficient. It’s not that I spend less time doing my job, it’s that, now, the time I spend looking for candidates is quicker and more effective, thanks to the incredible organization of the TalentBin by Monster platform. I actually don’t want anyone else at my company using TalentBin by Monster because it helps me so much. It’s keeps me very organized, it’s easy to use and the search function is great. There is no doubt that I have found people I wouldn’t have found otherwise, and I have definitely placed quite a few people as a direct result of using TalentBin by Monster.” Tim Olesnavage, Recruiter gives Recruiters Wings
  • 92. 92 “The LinkedIn profiles of engineers are often incomplete because the best technical people have their heads buried in a current project and are too occupied with that to bother updating their LinkedIn account. TalentBin by Monster provides me with the kind of details that let me know the engineer I am contacting is open to communicating with me, so it’s automatically easier for me to start a dialogue with someone I’ve identified as a potential candidate. Knowing personal details about someone makes it easier to have a conversation—I’ll spend more time with someone on the phone if I know they liked kayaking in college, or if we have a Meetup group in common, and TalentBin allows me to discover that kind of pertinent information.” Jim Asiano, Director of Network Programs gives Recruiters Wings
  • 93. 93 “Since becoming a TalentBin by Monster client, I and the other recruiters at Pariveda have discovered more email addresses than we ever have before, and we’ve been able to reach out to potential candidates via email much more effectively. Because we are using personal email addresses and sending tailored, individual messages, people respond to us. Not only have we seen a lot more candidate engagement as a direct result of using the TalentBin by Monster platform, but there is no question that it has helped us make more hires this year—which is significant because we really only hire about 40 people annually.” Jaclyne Hertzfield, Pariveda Solutions gives Recruiters Wings
  • 95. 95 Universally Recognized Market Leader Award Winning Backers Best Human Capital/Talent Management Solution 2014 Representative Press Analyst Coverage HR Technology Conference 2012 “Awesome New Technology” Award iHR 2012 “Game Changing Startup” Award Uber, Square Groupon Workday, Salesforce.comTwitter, Yammer, Zendesk Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology: Best Sourcing Tech, 2014 American Staffing Association: “Hottest Technology Upgrade” 2014
  • 96. Happier purple squirrel hunting… Find candidates other recruiting organizations can’t find. Get a full, 360 candidate view to qualify and start the conversation. Reach out using all available communication vectors, that candidates actually respond to. Stay on top of the candidates you find with pipeline management, tasks, and automation.
  • 97. 97 Licensing Pricing: Seat License $6,000 / seat annual contract Job Req Folders Unlimited Searches Unlimited Email Outreach Unlimited Customer Success Manager Included Team Training Included Saved Searches Unlimited Candidate Alerts Unlimited Support 5 x 8 email and phone