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Surveillance In 1984
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way individuals in a society communicate and
function. The twentieth century gave rise to the internet, radio communications, GPS technology,
and countless other ways of capturing, documenting, and recording our lives. Due to rapid
technological advancements, mass surveillance of populations is currently on the rise. Mass
surveillance is defined as the use of technology for the intricate monitoring of the general population
mainly by the government. Although mass surveillance has been used all throughout history, it is
evident that the technologies of it are becoming more prevalent in our society today. Recently, there
has been a growing concern over the implementation of mass surveillance ... Show more content on ...
In Oceania, the fictional dystopian superstate, every citizen knows that they could be watched at any
time. Surveillance is a prominent theme in the novel as there is no privacy amongst the residents of
Oceania. Technology especially is an extremely important tool that the Party uses to maintain
control over its citizens. For instance, in the novel there are two–way telescreens through which
higher ranking Party members watch and record the activities of the citizens in Oceania at all times.
Other common forms of surveillance in 1984 are the use microphones, thought crimes, and
community involvement. According to the Party, this surveillance is for the amelioration of Oceania
as a whole. Due to constant surveillance, every aspect of their lives are under control and scrutiny.
The slogan, "Big Brother is watching you" is a constant reminder that the people of Oceania are
being watched and that all their actions are potentially subject to disciplinary actions. Orwell's
concerns about privacy and freedom expressed in the novel have been manifested in the
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Surveillance and Privacy Issues
2) It is getting ever easier to record anything, or everything, that you see. This opens fascinating
possibilities–and alarming ones."
The Economist, Nov. 16, 2013
Discuss this statement in the light of the medias recent preoccupation with surveillance and privacy
issues. Include government surveillance and social media. For example the young woman who
accused Florida state quarterback jameis Winston of rape was identified by football fans on social
media and had ugly anonymous things posted about her.
Nearly every major international agreement on human rights protects the right of individuals to be
free from unwarranted surveillance. This guarantee has trickled down into national constitutional or
legal provisions, ... Show more content on ...
The NSA decided to take advantage of the smartphone boom when worldwide sales of smartphones
began. This is particularly advantageous because the smartphone combines a plethora of data that
would interest an intelligence agency, such as social contacts, user behavior, interests, location,
photos and credit card numbers and passwords, etc.
One of the leaked NSA reports from 2010 stated that the spread of the smartphone has been
occurring "extremely rapidly" and showed they have set up task forces assigned to several
smartphone manufacturers and operating systems, including Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iOS operating
system, as well as Google's Android mobile operating system, according to a German news weekly
Der Spiegel. The document notes that there are smaller NSA programs, known as "scripts," that can
perform surveillance on 38 different features of the iPhone 3 and iPhone 4 operating systems. These
include the mapping feature, voicemail and photos, as well as Google Earth, Facebook and Yahoo!
Although the government is secretly watching the public, the public isn't making it hard for them to
do so. Consumers and online extraverts, willingly and perhaps unknowingly, disclose sensitive
information about themselves daily thanks to the rapid pace of technological advancement. Look no
further than smartphones and social media. We live in an age
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Essay On Government Surveillance
"The United States government should have limited grounds to monitoring the American people.
With the continuing technological advances, it is impossible to not have government supervision: It
is important to this supervision for the safety of the nation.
The issue with our current system of government surveillance is the lack of transparency between
the citizens and the nation. While government surveillance has become more accepted, as seen with
the rise of memes that make fun of the topic, there is still the underlying paranoia. Hackers are able
to use the same technology as the government for identity theft, this helped normalize covering up
webcams. This phenomenon has become so common that Silicon Valley celebrities like Mark
Zuckerberg do this as well. (1)
This internal rebellion of the American people does not mean that there should be no surveillance.
Terroristic plots, domestic or not, have been foiled with the help of surveillance. Even if they are not
initially foiled, access to our information has helped piece together ... Show more content on ...
This is where limitations should be set. It is a waste of resources to collect the information of a
college student that searched “What causes a genocide” or “Fascism” for a research
paper. Or the collection of phone numbers of the American people. There should be more
limitations, checks and balances, for what can be monitored and for what amount of time. Along
with this, we should not be monitoring the affairs of other countries, for it is not our ground to do so.
We are not the “World’s police” and we should not be when we have internal problems in
our nation. If there is an interest in the supervision of an outside government, we should be able to
rely on our allied nations to decide the course of action. The mentality of “Us against the
world” is similar to the tensions of World War I and should be reversed as soon as
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Increasing Government Surveillance
Is increasing government surveillance ethical in regards to exchanging consumer privacy for public
This question popped up immediately when I heard the prompt, as I'm sure some others have said
too. Of course, it didn't come out right off the bat, but instead I asked myself what would be an easy
yet interesting topic to write about. Originally I was only going to focus on recent events such as the
FBI v. Apple case, but then I noticed I can delve deeper into the subject with past events such as
recent leaks from whistleblowers and the growing concern of one's personal privacy. You can talk
about the NSA and post–9/11 U.S security measures for government surveillance and various other
things, it doesn't solely revolve around leaks and ... Show more content on ...
Surveillance and the right to privacy have far reaching consequences and implications. In fact, both
involve even more topics such as encryption, hacking, and leaks of sensitive information. Sure it is
easy to conclude from the sources included in this piece that surveillance does diminish personal
privacy to a certain extent, but it's better to deduce that more people should understand and be aware
of how serious of an issue this really is. There are people who seek to promote and diminish
surveillance and consumer's control of their own information and that contributes to the complexity
of this growing problem. The research done so far only touches the surface of why it is important for
people to learn about protecting themselves from unwanted spying, yet it still needs to expand into
explaining more in depth the goals of the government agencies that encourage surveillance
programs. As of now, after reviewing all these sources, I think it is important to stress that this issue
is not simple. Moreover, is it worth it for an individual to sacrifice personal liberties such as privacy
for "safety" through increased surveillance? Consumer privacy should not be sacrificed to ensure
public safety since this would undermine the personal liberties of millions of
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Examples Of Intrusive Surveillance
Intrusive Surveillance Can be carried out by covertly following suspects in unmarked, normal
looking vehicles, or through infiltration whereby an undercover officer infiltrates the targeted
suspect group and covertly gathers evidence. Surveillance devices can also be used when
investigating suspects; these can be anything from tracking devices to phone bugging. Officers may
infiltrate a suspect's home or business and plant listening devices and bugs throughout the area;
these will then be monitored in an unmarked vehicle parked close by. These vehicles are often
disguised as moving vans or delivery vans. Another way officers may plant listening devices is to
pose as electricians, plumbers and gas men, etc. These are all more commonly used by
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Panopticism: Surveillance Or Privacy?
Safety and stability are important concepts in society. However, are they more important than
privacy? Privacy helps individuals preserve their sovereignty. People define themselves by
controlling the information about themselves. People are not forced to answer for the choices they
make about what information is shared and what is not. In the essay, "Panopticism," Michel
Foucault brings to attention some concerns on the use of surveillance. He says, in the past
surveillance has been enacted on individuals, causing their behavior to change. This has led to the
panoptic society of today. One aspect that has greatly been influenced is education. Overall, the
advantages of Panopticism outweigh the disadvantages.
In "Panopticism," Foucault observes ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, the positive parts of this theory do outweigh the negatives. For example, the security
cameras do prevent incidents from occurring. They allow the school to keep track of students
without having to devote more manpower. This saves them money, which can be used elsewhere.
However, as Pat Amos, Dr. Julia White and Barbara Trader have said in their scholarly article on
whether cameras should be used to monitor disabled students, there are drawbacks to implementing
camera surveillance. For instance, the students will feel that they are losing their rights. Students
will not be able to build trust with the teachers. Also, inappropriate behavior will find ways of
getting past the cameras. Case in point, there will be no surveillance in the bathrooms or the angle
from the cameras might not catch everything in a classroom. Bad behavior will just go underground
(Amos, White, Trader
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Persuasive Essay On Surveillance
Surveillance is always around us. There are so many reasons why it is needed. Without surveillance,
danger is always there. There are cameras and devices that are on watch everywhere, which is just
like in 1984. In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the citizens are always seen through the
telescreens under the government. In stores, streets, restaurants, prisons, schools, and other places,
there are surveillance cameras. For example, there have been many incidents where people got hurt
and injured lately, and these are proven to have happened because of the cameras everywhere.
Without the help of these cameras, the main cause of these awful events would not have been caught
by now and are still running around from place to place causing more trouble. However, it is not just
in places where there's surveillance, online also have people watching what you are doing. These
surveillance invading people's "privacy" are not that serious, and cameras watching them wherever
they go is for their own safety. Not everyone follows the laws that have been officially confirmed
and established by the government. There are citizens who go around breaking rules on the streets,
online, and in any type of events. On the streets, there are drivers who do not drive according to the
law. Since cars are very fast, "people are notoriously bad at observing and remembering exactly
what happened," says Eugene Volokh [the author of the article 'The Benefits of Surveillance'].
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Warrantless Surveillance
Warrantless Surveillance is a Necessity
Desperate times call for desperate measures, or at least measures that will sometimes go against the
norms. The idea of balancing security and individual liberty is a false one, in my opinion. I believe
this because we have no control over terrorism and terrorists, we can make sure everyone is
enjoying their individual privacy rights granted under the United States Constitution, but we cannot
assure security from terrorists and their attacks. It is difficult to balance two different issues when
we do not have control of both of them, to do this we must first win the fight against terrorism, and
then focus on balancing security and liberty.
The intelligence community has been dealing with the problem ... Show more content on ...
Terrorists around the world communicate via the internet, and plan their operations and even recruit
their followers by utilizing the same information systems that we try to keep so private. Telling our
intelligence agencies that surveillance of such communication without the proper bureaucratic
requirements being meet is unauthorized is counterproductive and it will do more harm than good
(Van Cleave, 2013, p 64). We must not play the song of the day just because it is playing
everywhere else. Americans need to think by themselves and understand that the threat we face is
greater than our internet and communications privacy. Privacy that is not so private after all if we
remember the hackings of Target, the Office of Personal Management, Ashley Madison, and other
internet based businesses and organizations that were hacked not by the NSA, but by private
individuals. We should allow our intelligence agencies do their job with the necessary oversight and
remember that if we are not doing anything wrong then we have nothing to fear. Regardless, it is
ridiculous to think that the NSA will care much for your love affair emails, or the pictures from your
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Essay On Government Surveillance
You are under surveillance right now. Everything that you search, and everywhere that you go is
being recorded and stored in a private corporation's warehouse, sitting and waiting for it to be
recalled and analyzed. In the past, information was much more difficult to come by. Files were only
made on individuals that have been identified as suspects. Now with the help of personal laptops,
cellphones and modern technology, being watched has become so much simpler. No one is exempt
from the surveillance state that we live in today, and our freedom is paying the price.
Why do we have it? That's a question that crosses everyone minds. The people who decided that
there needed to be a watchdog hidden in our devices say that we need this ... Show more content on ...
Governments want more power:
Government power is increasing on the Internet. There is more government surveillance than ever
before. There is more government censorship than ever before. There is more government
propaganda, and an increasing number of governments are controlling what their users can and
cannot do on the Internet. Totalitarian governments are embracing a growing "cyber sovereignty"
movement to further consolidate their power. And the cyberwar arms race is on, pumping an
enormous amount of money into cyber–weapons and consolidated cyber–defenses, further
increasing government power.
Protection against terrorism:
The argument used by governments and other organizations is that to protect us from terrorist they
must watch our habits on and offline. At a quick glance, it seems to make sense. Especially with the
"if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear," line that is thrown around so much. They
say that if we watch you, we can also watch those who are criminals, and that you will be safer this
way. Therefore, what the government uses security cameras in public spaces, when they use their
powers to enact warrantless wiretapping, with what they say is only minimal invasion of the privacy
of its citizen. However, that is only one side of the store, the side that has all the power and trust of
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Digital Surveillance
Government's Digital Surveillance:Invasion of Privacy Rights
Is the government's use of Big Brothers totalitarian ways for surveillance justified? No, the
government surveillance isn't justified, because it is an invasion to individual rights. Big Brother is
the totalitarian ruler in the book 1984 who always has a watch on the citizens of Oceania. Many
governments around the world are using surveillance as a way to obtain people's private
information. The United States has the Bill of Rights, which are the first ten amendments protecting
individual rights of the people. The National Security Agency of the United States (NSA) is in
charge of intelligence organization. In contradiction to the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights,
the United States uses NSA programs to unwarrantedly search people's records and monitor personal
lives. Many other countries also use the media to censor and repress individual freedom. The ...
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Digital surveillance creates a barrier from letting one think for themselves because of the constant
fear of being watched. As said in the book They Know Everything About You: How Data–
Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy, "Indeed,
the unique value of Internet data mining is this ability to fine–tune outreach and manipulation of
individual desire based on the most intimate mapping of personal taste, fears, and aspirations"
(Scheer,108). Having the power to control another's personality is an immense power, and it can be
used for the wrong reasons. Surveillance takes the independent rights away by restricting the first
and the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights. The continuous use of digital surveillance will
inevitably endanger freedom and censor every part of society. Big Brother is still currently winning,
and only the people can create a change by choosing standing
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Essay On Government Surveillance
Right now, in this very moment everyone is being watched. There is no escaping it; they're
everywhere. Who, people might ask, is behind the cameras? The government is who is watching.
The government believes it's necessary to watch over everyone's activities at all times. No matter
what it is that people are engaged in, it's never private. Government surveillance has come to a point
where privacy no longer exists. Even if people are doing nothing wrong, they're still under close
watch. People's individual liberties are being violated, and they do not trust the government, instead
they live in fear of it.
Is all this government supervision really worth taking the right of privacy away from the citizens?
As soon as someone steps out into ... Show more content on ...
About 14% of the country's total intelligence budget goes to the NSA. That's about $10 billion
contributing to the invasion of privacy of the people. The money being used to pay for these mass
surveillance programs are the taxpayers money. In reality people are paying to be spied on without
even knowing it. People have the right to know what the money they pay in taxes every single day is
being used for. Even if that means letting them know their privacy is currently being
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Against Surveillance
There are two values conflicting each other: national security and privacy of human rights. A
controversial issue with those two values has got a lot of attention from the world. We found a case
reflecting our topic; Snowden case. In that case indiscriminate surveillance were revealed by a man
from inside. Some criticize him, but some support him. Through debates we have been at against
indiscriminate surveillance. Surveillance by intelligence agencies violates human rights because of
over–controlling, intended fear by government, and privacy as noble value.
Nowadays we are against over–control violating the civil rights and becoming hidden from public
monitoring beyond the genuine purpose what it was created for: To protect the population from
terrorist attacks Greenwald (2015). US is one of the countries that more overcontrolling generates
over its citizens own and foreign people across the world. They started surveillance programs, with
the aims to gather tremendous amount of information and conduct surveillance ... Show more
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(Cyber–privacy? or cyber–surveillance? Legal responses to fear in cyberspace, 2014) There are two
kinds of surveillance, one military–security. It mindset leads to the perception of cyberspace as
militarised space and application of notions such as cyber–war. Another one is liberal–security;
mindset generates a more balance approach to the needs of national security, versus the privacy of
individual. Also, it illustrates an issue which is taking children's photography at school could cause
danger. Citizens have rights to protect their privacy, nobody wants their information lost.
Surveillance make citizens sleep with eyes open, they fear about governments steal their privacy.
This threat is not easy to deal with, either real world and
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Essay On Government Surveillance
United States government surveillance in its earliest form can be traced back to the countries roots.
During the American Revolution there were secret writings and codes being deciphered. During the
Civil War wiretapping was used to intercept telegraph lines. Afterwards, the telephone was a new
device that was tapped into in order to record calls of others. So through time and with each new
invention we see a new way we can be monitored. Today, the art of war and the tactics to supervise
the possible opposition is very different. Although we still have telephones that can be monitored
and snail mail that can be tracked, there are a few more items that enable others to keep us under
surveillance without our awareness. Today there are emails, ... Show more content on ...
Canine and everyone after that is a U.S. military commissioned officer, typically a 3–star officer.
The reason being is that the NSA is not a civilian agency and do not operate as one, they do collect
information from civilian agencies. The current director is General Keith B. Alexander. By their
definition the NSA does three things. The NSA prevents foreign adversaries from gaining access to
sensitive or classified national security information. The NSA collects, processes, and publishes
intelligence information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes while
supporting military operations. The NSA enables Network Warfare operations to defeat terrorist
where they exists under United States laws. However, their definition does not include the fact that
many of the surveillance programs they use do not rule out citizens as part of their operations. Their
mission statements and war on terrorism initiates never state the cost to its citizens or the reason for
the war on terrorism. Although the NSA is known to many for its surveillance tactics on the U.S.
citizens, it operates within the Department of defense as a military unit for communication
intelligence within United States
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Surveillance Technology In Australia
Surveillance technology
Assess the role of law reform in addressing emerging technological issues and enforcing rights?
Surveillance involves the monitoring of a person, place or object to obtain certain information or to
alter or control the behaviour of the subject of the surveillance. Surveillance can be covert or overt,
and can be conducted by a variety of individuals, agencies or organisations for different reasons.
However, it is known that as technology expands, sensitive issues expand alongside or perhaps
beyond certain limits. For surveillance, the Intrusive issues fall under covert surveillance off course,
the surveillance that is carried out in relation to anything taking place on residential premises or in
any private ... Show more content on ...
Additional restriction surrounds Covert surveillance, as this type of surveillance is more problem
attracting. Such acts are not prohibited through common laws, provided that the tapes must be valid
as legal evidence if under examinations to prove in court that public policy reasons for not allowing
filming of this type are not present.
Unless given appropriate authorisation, even employees are defended in opposition to prohibited
monitoring by employers through such methods of CCTV cameras or computer, internet and email
surveillance and are supported by legislations of such: Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW);
Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972 (SA); Listening Devices Act 1991 (Tas); Surveillance
Devices (Workplace Privacy) Act 2006 (Vic); Surveillance Devices Act 1998 (WA); Workplace
Privacy Act 2011
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Government Surveillance Report
The part of Dr. Christ's lecture that remained in my mind was his input on the topic of surveillance.
In fact when he mentioned that google is able to track us, I immediately opened my phone and shut
down the ability for google to track my location. My animation connects to Dr. Christ's lecture in the
sphere of "surveillance" while at first this doesn't seem to connect with my project I will show you
why. Notice when you were playing the game as you moved smug, the cat, the ball followed. This is
my way of showing government surveillance. The ball reacting to smug's movements serve as a
metaphor for the way that the government is able to track us via google, our phones and various
other mechanisms. Also notice that you can trick the ball into going away from smug. This trick is a
metaphor for how people can encrypt information and use the dark web to keep information away
from the government. Also the ability to trick the ball into going in the wrong direction serves as a
metaphor for how the government is a massive inept bureaucracy that struggles to complete even the
most simple tasks with easy and swiftness. ... Show more content on ...
Representing the people and their information. The ball represents the government, its ability to
track information and how it keeps surveillance on people. The most difficult part of the project was
trying to figure out how to make the cat reset if it came into contact with ball. Determining how to
do this took the most time of my entire project, about thirty minutes. For me the most fun part of the
project was actually playing the game. Specifically, I enjoyed tricking the ball into going into the
wrong direction thus making Smug's crossing much easier than it would have been without tricking
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Mass Surveillance Analysis
When Edward Snowden leaked a large cache of classified NSA documents to the press in 2012 he
fanned the flames of an already suspicious public by revealing an astonishing amount of information
about the United States government's mass surveillance operations in our country, and around the
globe. These revelations weren't quite as surprising to many experts in the field of cryptography and
internet security, especially in the post 9/11 era, as the unprecedented amount of power granted to
the federal government in the wake of those attacks, in the form of the Patriot Act, has given rise to
warrantless wiretapping and blanket surveillance tactics that are used in the fight against domestic
terrorism. However, government surveillance dates back ... Show more content on
These findings aim to better inform the reader of what constitutes true privacy in a surveillance, and
raise concerns about violations to our constitutional right to privacy and security in the digital age.
This work will also aim to identify the common methods that are used by Internet Service Providers
to protect their customers' personal information, and the lengths at which law enforcement and
government intelligence agencies will go through to compromise that protection and
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Public Surveillance
From a recent increase in crime rates surveillance in public entities have increased. Many
individuals argue that public surveillance is an invasion of privacy and feel uncomfortable with their
every move being watched. Others believe without public surveillance, crime rates would be
increased. In a country of over 300 million people surveillance is widely used to identify criminals.
Since public surveillance reduces crime by 20 percent and protects over 300 million lives, it is not
an abuse of power; in fact it balances the use of power. In the codebreaker, by Michael Petry, the
Puppet Master uses the schools "state of the art" surveillance against the FBI. The Puppet Master
used the schools cameras to show how surveillance is an abuse ... Show more content on ...
Surveillance is used to protect the daily lives of many animals and people. As a result surveillance
was not meant to be an invasion of privacy; it was meant to protect privacy. Surveillance is a use of
power needed to slow crime and protects many animals and people from harm. Public surveillance
is kept away from areas where privacy could be invaded. If something private needs to be done in
public, it should be done in a private environment. To ensure your privacy in public check for
cameras or other devices that could expose you. In conclusion ensure your privacy in public entities
and ensure everything is done privately. According to Eugene Volokh "camera systems can promote
both security and liberty". Surveillance protects many people without limiting their freedom. In a
public area you are exposed to many people. Volokh also states "cameras are in public places, where
people's faces and cars are visible to everyone. Cameras only catch what any passerby, and any
police officer who might be present, can lawfully see". From the information given, public
surveillance only records what any officer of person can
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Essay On Domestic Surveillance
Everyday, many people are unknowing victims of domestic surveillance, a controversial topic about
government watch over people. This type of surveillance is when the government keeps U.S.
citizens under great scrutiny through a variety of methods to protect the citizens. The supervision
causes dissent because the system may save some people, but also violates other's privacy. Either
way, domestic surveillance should still be ended because the usage of non–stop recording police
body cameras, hacked webcams and microphones in devices, and increase in biometric monitoring
for security. First of all, one reason why domestic surveillance should be stopped is because police
body cameras possibly recording at all times. One concern this brings up is trust between people and
officers, as stated ... Show more content on ...
In accordance to Joseph Lazzarotti, a more advance employee badge "captures sleep patterns,
analyzes voice, monitors body language and fitness, tracks location, and the levels of
communications with colleagues. This and other data is combined with the employee's email and
phone activity to produce insights into productivity levels and the employee's emotions, including
stress and coping levels,"(National Law Review). Furthermore, more issues arise related to how
Lauren Gilmore expresses how "data sold to marketers or gobbled up into an authoritarian database
isn't reversible. Research on biometric tech has amped up, leading to mobile apps that read various
unique–to–you body parts to help verify your identity, raising all kinds of security and privacy
concerns,"(The Next Web). Although you may believe the enhanced technology allows people to
understand and improve their work behavior, the facts clearly prove that without proper security,
these new machines could endanger multiple aspects such as confidentiality, accounts, and
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Government Surveillance In America
More than 2 billion people use the Internet worldwide; out of that 2 billion 78.6% of the users are in
North America. Now imagine 25,445,292 Americans living in a world where their every move is
being monitored. A dark world where there is no secret to who a person is, no secret to where they
have been, or whom they associate with. The word privacy just does not exist in this world. The
question people should be asking are who are watching them? Before September 11, Americans
were not comfortable with the thought of the government's surveillance of their Internet activities;
they saw this as an invasion of their privacy. After the attack and despite discomfort, the government
increased internet surveillance to monitor future threats. Is government ... Show more content on ...
Since technology is constantly evolving and progressing, this can make it hard to stay on top of
things. What is cybercrime or a cyber–criminal someone may ask? Hate crimes, Internet fraud,
identity theft, and credit card account thefts are considered cybercrimes and cyber criminals or cyber
terrorists commit these crimes. These crimes are so complex it can be hard to break down the
barriers that can be lead to solving this problem. Major problems are that there is a lack of
knowledge in reporting these crimes, and how to keep identity and data secure. At a TED
Conference, James Lyne a cybersecurity specialist addresses that cybercriminals are getting smarter
every day and their crimes are becoming more complex. Through simple things Americans do each
day, malicious viruses are contracted, and the culprit: cybercriminals. They post up what could be
called an advertisement on YouTube, selling their services to unsuspecting Americans to use their
hacking skills if needed. They are also making money off the viruses they put out. If someone were
on a particular site where the cybercriminal implanted the virus that person would then have the
virus; first it would pop up as antivirus protector, then pretending to scan the computer it would say
the user had all these so called viruses. It will then proceed to ask the user if they would like to
register to use said
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Mass Surveillance Controversy
Before the technological age, there were thousands of years in which the only way to record an
image was to painstakingly spend countless hours painting it onto a canvas. Now, we have the
ability to record video, in amazingly high definition, with a camera lense that is remarkably small.
With the boom that technology has had, we have not been able to keep up with the laws that
surround it. One such controversy, is the use of mass surveillance. We have been unable to decide if
it is ethical to breach everyone's right to privacy in the name of supposedly preventing crime. After a
careful analysis of the benefits and liabilities that mass surveillance brings, it was found that mass
surveillance is a breach of people's right to privacy, and is impractical in preventing crime. ... Show
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Those boxes allow you to see what others are up to, and others to see what you are up to. Brin seems
to forget that the government needs his accountability matrix as well, and is particularly fond of box
number two (tools that prevent [citizens] from seeing what [the government is] up to). Their access
to box number two is needed, lest we allow criminals access to sensitive information. He goes on to
say, "Two millennia ago Juvenal posed the riddle, 'Who shall watch the watchman?' There is just one
answer. We all will" (Brin 475) implying that we would be the ones to make sure the government is
just with it's usage of the mass surveillance systems. Much like we made sure it was just in it's
dealing with the segregation of African Americans, and made sure that everything was 'separate but
equal'. We are unable to trust the government, as well as its citizens, to make sure that mass
surveillance is used justly. We should prevent the pyromaniac form starting fires by not allowing
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Surveillance: The Right To Privacy
Surveillance is violating everyone's privacy in their daily lives, uncensoring very sensitive
information with the trackers called "electronic devices". Surveillance is being used constantly by
the biggest internet providing services and certain device producers to gather information and use it
for advertising and more. Usually, the information gathered is sold to advertising companies,
providing them information with what commercials to spam individuals with. This topic is highly
controversial as some may say it is intruding privacy but others say it can be used for a good cause.
Surveillance is not justifiable because it disturbs privacy and sells sensitive information to
First, constant surveillance intrudes privacy to such ... Show more content on ...
For example, electronic devices collect information in three ways,"One is through audience
measurement – showing what programs and commercials people watched, along with how and when
they viewed it. Another is from gauging the effectiveness of advertisements, including the ability to
"analyze a household's behavior across devices," using the IP address attached to all the internet–
enabled gadgets in a home. That could mean tracking whether someone visited a website on their
laptop after seeing a fast food commercial, or if an online ad motivated them to watch a TV show."
(New York Times). The evidence is saying that companies are collecting information through
watching history. After they collect people's viewing information, they will sell thousands of this
type data to certain advertisers. The advertisers then see what commercials were effective on certain
households and adjust the advertisements to the viewer's preferences. This means that any electronic
device is continuously stealing data without consent and selling it to advertisers which are
unacceptable. Another reason why surveillance is unacceptable is because "Vizio provided IP
addresses to data aggregators that would remove a person's name, but still match the TV viewing
habits to other personal information like "sex, age, income, marital status, household size, education,
homeownership and household value"(New York Times). The evidence is saying that along with
commercial effectiveness data, classified information such as sex, age, and income are also being
sold with it. This should be completely intolerable because the information that people would like to
keep very secret is being thrown out there utterly violating rights to privacy. On the other hand,
others may say, "this information can be used to catch people who are trying to hack a
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Controversy: Surveillance
Surveillance Essay
Some might say that surveillance is an arbitrary invasion of privacy and others might mention that it
is ¨big brother¨ watching over you with your best interest at hand. The controversial issues that
provoked controversy, is whether it is justifiable or not justifiable for people in positions of authority
to conduct surveillance of individuals. A textbook definition of surveillance is the continuous
observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity to gather information. Overall,
surveillance of the data and civilians phones can be favorable to their security and their community.
One reasons why monitoring an adolescent's phone can be beneficial is it can stop suicide attempts
as well as fatal actions. Another reason ... Show more content on ...
As the author explains how the Long Beach police uses cameras statewide, the author states,
"McDonnell has set up a system to tap into hundreds of privately owned cameras that are part of the
city's streetscape. The new program synchronizes law enforcement data with real–time video feeds
from parks, beaches, business corridors and even some retail centers," (Source 2). In other words,
Long Beach has installed cameras to record day and night throughout the city for the safety of the
community. The security system will show live feed of the community recording and storing data,
which can be accessed later to review any suspicious crime. For example, if an attack happened and
no one was caught, police have the technology to review the crime scene and track the suspects
afterward. Additionally, The Los Angeles Times credited journalist, Richard Winton disclosed, "The
cameras are connected to a city operations center with computer terminals that can access an array
of databases from the Justice Department, Department of Motor Vehicles and other agencies,
allowing staff to chase down the slimmest of clues, such as a partial license plate in a bank robbery
getaway," (Source 2). As shown above, the camera system automatically saves the video evidence
for police officers to access after a crime. The camera
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Summary: A Surveillance Society
Beware people , cameras are rolling. In the article "A Surveillance Society" by authors William E.
Thompson and Joseph V. Hickey, discusses its technology, government, safety, lack of privacy, and
the magnitude of being under surveillance. To bring to light, on a surveilled society Thompson and
Hickey, describe the surveillance systems and what they are equipped to do. Some of these devices
are able to scan and analyze , what they are surveilling and recording, also notify authorities of any
suspicious activity. Another example is advanced scanners, that can trace ink pattern and whats in
side of mail without even opening the envelope. The authors also explores on the possibilities of
tiny cameras that will able to flying and out doors and
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Fear Of Surveillance
In this way, every institution in society are almost like panopticon as in the way it works as a
disciplinary power to classify, define, regulate and control people. People will have the threat of
surveillance and this threat is celebrated by transforming it into regulatory and disciplinary tool for
institutions. It is the medium that government uses to discipline the bodies and tie them in its
principles. This regulatory mechanism works when people come under the knowledge of being
controlled without knowing when exactly they being observed, and it lead them to obey the norms.
It is the way power enforces on people. Behind every self–disciplinary acts, fear of surveillance is
visible. In this way, there is no 'natural' body or pre–discursive, essential human subject who is
"amputated, repressed, altered by our social order, it is rather that the individual is ... Show more
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Susan Bordo in her work, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body, points out
that "the human body is itself a politically inscribed entity, its physiology and morphology shaped
by histories and practices of containment and control." (1993, 21). That is, a pure body cannot be
found, it is already inscribed, defined and explained by its very origin. But it is significant to analyze
that body cannot be included and excluded in a fixed definition of society as in the way it's beyond
the fixity. Body is a social construction and its performance itself is a socially constructed notion.
Performance of body according to gender, race, class, cast, power, in this way the very body and its
performance are assigned, classified and conditioned by the society. Performance of a body in a
fixed notion rightly points towards the imitation of the constructed norms of society. It is the way
gender also
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Police Surveillance
What do people usually think of when they hear the word "surveillance"? Some think about privacy,
a common thought is security, and even some may just think about the pros or cons of the
technology at hand. The word surveillance is a common word and the proper definition is a close
observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. This surveillance we know about is very
common among those who are concerned with personal safety or safety of an entire country.
Although, not always does surveillance have to do with security or criminal activity. There are
several different types of surveillance and the more common one's being video cameras, computer
surveillance, telephones and even in recent years, drones are used as a surveillance. All ... Show
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The cameras often times are used for law enforcement, but in the court of law it shows fine details
of everything recorded. On this aspect the general population see this as a positive effect on society
and in a court of law prove someone's innocence. For example, some images captured on film are
disturbing to a degree such as police brutality or domestic violence, but these are on film and can be
useful to find those guilty or innocent. It seems important to a lot of people that there be justice in
the court of law where needed. Although, the other end of the spectrum people tend to want their
privacy and continue to question how far the NSA will go to invade an individual's private affairs.
Benefits of a surveillance society is adds more to the state and every individual wish to reside in
surveillance society. And the reason is that people love their freedom and always keep their privacy
at first. However, the data recorded by surveillance media will help to provide better justice.
Unfortunately, the idea that somehow we are safer or crime is deterred by more surveillance has not
been completely proven. Another pro that our surveillance technology provides is the advances for
the military. Cameras can now see, from a safe enough distance, the difference from civilian groups
to enemy targets. If the surveillance gives us an edge over our enemies be it in sea land air and
especially in cyberspace or to prevent terrorist attacks, the majority will agree with
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Persuasive Speech On Surveillance
ppose you're walking home one night, alone, and you decide to take a shortcut through a dark alley.
You make it halfway through, when suddenly you hear some drunks stumbling behind you. Some of
them are shouting curses. They look large and powerful, and there are several of them. Nonetheless,
you feel safe, because you know someone is watching.
You know this because you live in the future where surveillance is universal, ubiquitous and
unavoidable. Governments and large corporations have spread cameras, microphones and other
tracking devices all across the globe, and they also have the capacity to store and process oceans of
surveillance data in real time. Big Brother not only watches your sex life, he analyses it. It sounds
nightmarish – but it might be ... Show more content on ...
Instead of blanket bans in dangerous research areas, we could allow research to proceed and use
surveillance to catch bad actors and bad practices. We might even see an increase in academic
Surveillance could also be useful in smaller, more conventional disasters. Knowing where everyone
in a city was at the moment an earthquake struck would make rescue services much more effective,
and the more cameras around when hurricanes hit, the better. Over time, all of this footage would
increase our understanding of disasters, and help us to mitigate their effects.
Indeed, there are whole new bodies of research that could emerge from the data provided by mass
surveillance. Instead of formulating theories and laboriously recruiting a biased and sometimes
unwilling group for testing, social scientists, economists and epidemiologists could use surveillance
data to test their ideas. And they could do itFROM HOME , immediately, and have access to the
world's entire population. Many theories could be rapidly confirmed or discarded, with great benefit
to society. The panopticon would be a research
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Surveillance Pros And Cons
On the other hand, advocates justify the government's methods of mass surveillance by claiming that
mass surveillance will keep people safer through monitoring terrorists after the attacks of 9/11. It is
fair to say that surveillance tools may help the NSA find out some pieces of information related to
terrorism; however, the point is that it may be not a necessary mean to detect terrorists through
requiring Americans to give up privacy. The 9/11 attacks are a tragedy; the reason why the attacks
happened was not that the government lacked sufficient power to surveil millions of innocent
citizens, but that the security agencies failed to target suspected terrorists and enhance their abilities
to gather foreign intelligence. More specifically, instead of monitoring citizens' private lives, the
NSA should focus on paying effort to analyze how terrorists use ... Show more content on ...
When the surveillance tools are reliable, they will definitely increase work efficiency. However, in
some cases, the unreliability of the surveillance tools misguides intelligence agents to wrongfully
arrest innocent people. Rahul Sagar, the associate professor of political science at Yale–NUS
College, in "Against Moral Absolutism: Surveillance and Disclosure After Snowden," claims that
the efficacy of surveillance tools is questionable. For example, over the holidays, Edward Allen was
almost prevented from boarding flights from Houston to New York and back. It took his mother
some time to explain that her son could not possibly be a terrorist because he is only four years old
("Op Ed: Why Should We Care About Domestic Spying?"). It seems that sometimes the government
should not totally rely on mass surveillance tools as they are not reliable at all time. The unreliability
of the tools will decrease the NSA's efficiency through distracting agents' attention from the real
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Technological Surveillance
"The Surveillance Society," by Adam Penenburg explains the impact that the attacks on September
11th, 2001 had on usage of technological surveillance of the American people. Penenburg writes that
the assault on U.S. soil caused a great shift between privacy and policy causing a bill to be signed
into law granting the government easier access into our emails, web history, and even phone calls.
Even with all the surveillance, Penenburg claims that people could care less because in a time of
turmoil because they care deeply about safety. Surveillance can be used to convict criminals, stop
car thieves, and prevent terrorism. The constant surveillance increases the amount of information
available on every single person but is extremely difficult ... Show more content on
He begins the article by mentioning September 11th, a tragic time in America's history that every
citizen in the United States can relate to and uses this to allow a smooth transition into his main
topic about the evolution of the "surveillance society. " Here he follows a very subtle pattern making
the article an easy read for the audience. He first mentions a type of surveillance that is commonly
used, then explains how it is used or what it is used for, and then follows up with a relatable
example for the audience to consider and contemplate. For example, Penenburg writes about a
famous service developed by General Motors called OnStar. OnStar is service that offers GPS and
location services for their vehicles. He uses an example of how a man had his car stolen and
immediately called OnStar. "Within minutes, officers swooped in on the vehicle and arrested the
men" (Penenburg 472). This is a prime example of Penenburg's great organization of his article, not
only does he use this with GPS locating, but tracking metro cards, credit cards, cameras, and the
protection of the 4th amendment. His great organization gives the article a nice flow that the reader
feels comfortable with allowing them to be persuaded further into agreeing with him that a
"surveillance society" offers many benefits. Not only is Penenburg's article well organized
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Surveillance In The Workplace
As more and more advancements are made in the wide world of technology, workplace surveillance
seems like a logical step. However as with anything, there are pros and cons which should be
considered. I think finding a balance that best serves the interests of success for businesses using it
and the productivity of employees without creating an oppressive workplace is very important. This
article did a good job of pointing out the proven success of creating an environment which
encourages more interaction and teamwork among workers such as 15–minute coffee breaks and
cafe spaces where they can take a few minutes to unwind and interact with each other. This helps
them get to know their co–workers, feel less isolated and encourages better working relationships
and creates more of a team feeling. ... Show more content on ...
That requires the employer to have people skills as well as business skills. When a person feels like
part of a team effort that's appreciated and acknowledged, they are much more likely to put their
best effort into it. Of coarse, even taking this into account there will always be those employees who
may be dishonest or lazy. This is where the employer needs to pinpoint who they are for the sake of
their business investment. For many businesses employee theft is a growing problem. In a Business
News Weekly article "Employee Theft Rising; Expected to Get Worse", at the loss–prevention
consulting firm "Jack L. Hayes International" conducted a study of 23 large retail companies. It
found 71,095 dishonest employees were apprehended in 2012, up 5.5 percent from 2011, 7 percent
higher than the previous year. Any business has the right to protect itself from
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Electronic Surveillance Paper
One of the unique techniques used in investigations is electronic surveillance. Electronic
surveillance is a successful technique because it is keeping pace with advancing technology and
highly sophisticated offenders. More specifically a common form of this type of surveillance is
wiretapping. Wiretapping is the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone to secretly
monitor a conversation (Colbridge, 2000). First of all, wiretapping use among investigators is
increasing, but its difficulty in obtaining it shows a decline in use. The number of authorized
wiretaps in 2014 was 3,554, which demonstrates a decrease by one percent in 2013. The most
common crime investigated under wiretaps was drug offenses, they accounted for 89% ... Show
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These should be compared to other methods of investigative techniques if the level of invasion can
be avoided. It is important to examine the search warrant requirements to ensure it addresses and
hits all points of what is necessary to avoid loopholes or make obtaining a warrant possible. In 2014
the number of wiretaps placed dropped from the number in 2013 because judges made it harder for
prosecutors to obtain a warrant for wiretaps. In order to solve the wiretap controversy regarding the
recording of officials' public focus groups should be in place. This would be a solution because in
present society there are more cases of officials unlawfully using their power to detain citizens,
especially those of color. Therefore it would be beneficial to create wiretap laws that will allow
citizens to record their interaction if he/she believes they are being treated unfairly without being
detained in an attempt to protect
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Persuasive Essay On Surveillance
When people think of surveillance, people think that it consists of spies and hidden cameras.
Surveillance, however, consist of a much wider range of practices and technologies and real
surveillance is subtler as presented in the documentary "An Eye on You" by Alexandre Valenti.
Developments in modern technologies, administrative practices, commerce, and the government
have culminated in surveillance in its various manifestation becoming organizing practice of late
modern society. The film presents information that support the daily surveillance of citizens by the
governments as well as its opposing view. The legality of the non–stop surveillance of innocent
people, and the secretly information collected by the internet companies that passed it to the
business industries that uses this data to promote customized items to be specific for each customer.
No areas of our own lives escape surveillance anymore, the citizens of the world are the focus of
prying eyes, whether they agree to it or not. The government promotes the vigilance of its
constituents for the sake of public safety through a group of organization where mass data collection
and digital espionage programs, surveillance is becoming synonymous with personal and national
security. To watch without being seen is the spirit of surveillance, through the use of all electronic
devises when they connect to the internet, and how easy it is for the government and the internet
companies to access all the information
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How To Surveillance Shoppers
Imagine being stalked at your favorite store, your every move, every facial expression you make,
creepy right? Well, I think so too. This topic is very serious to talk about and address. People should
know that this is something that isn't okay to keep a secret from shoppers.
I chose this article because even though I can't change it by myself maybe I can convince people that
this is not okay.
Stores use these surveillance cameras to see what the shoppers look at, what they like, and how they
react to things, and all of those sort of reasons. You know those super cute jeans you wanted from
Aeropostale? Well they are so expensive and the camera's will see you put them back down and you
might get a 20% off coupon on your phone just like that. Bam now you can get those jeans for much
cheaper and you can look cute. Not only it saves you money, but the store might come out with
more clothes similar to the ones you bought, so now you can have more clothes for cheap! As you
can see it's a win–win situation for you, and you look stylish. That's a perfect way to save ... Show
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That is invading privacy and you don't want them seeing your private things whether it's something
in your purse or in your hand. If you are a girl with a purse or a guy with a man purse or a backpack
or something, you could have a feminine product in there or a credit card, etc. Think of that really
creepy employee going in the back room where the sign says "Employees only" and goes to watch
the surveillance camera, only to zoom in on YOU and hack YOUR phone to find where you live,
your phone number, etc. That is creepy and you don't want some guy you don't even know to come
up and stalk you or text you. Keep in mind, this store doesn't want to make you happy, they want to
make more money by giving you coupons and luring you back in, when in reality the coupons don't
really take much
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Surveillance In 1984
Surveillance as a New Reality
In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the main character Winston along with several others are under
constant surveillance by the government also known as Big Brother. The use of technology plays a
major role in the government's control of the citizens in the society. There should be a system put in
place in order to avoid a totalitarian government from having dominating control. In 1984 there are
parallels with the world we currently live in today when it comes to the government watching its
citizens and monitoring what they do and who they do it with.
The government in 1984 uses telescreens in order to keep an eye on their citizens. They do this to
keep the civilians from rising up against the party and
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NSA Surveillance Paper
The National Security Agency operates the most secretive surveillance in history; however,
disclosures have demonstrated the agency to be a rogue state that is out of control. Intelligence
leaders have openly lied to elected officials and the public about the nature and extent of the
agency's data collection. Policymakers and intelligence officials have supplied intensive surveillance
that secretly monitors everything it can get its claws onto. The illegal surveillance of Americans was
first discovered by the public in 2005. Since then, and before, many organizations were founded to
defend civil liberties in our digital war such as the EFF. "Secret government documents, published
by the media in 2013, confirm the NSA obtains full copies of everything that is carried along major
domestic fiber optic cable networks. The reports showed–and the government later admitted–that the
government is mass collecting phone metadata of all US customers under the guise of the Patriot
Act. Moreover, the media reports confirm that the government is collecting and analyzing the
content of communications of foreigners talking to persons inside the United States, as well as
collecting much more, without a probable cause warrant."(EFF) NSA surveillance tracks the
location of hundreds of millions of people, collects phone records of our entire nation, and taps into
the very backbone of the internet. "The US government, with assistance from major ... Show more
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The internet represents a medium for both liberty and control. However, it can be used a a tool of
control and dominance, increasing governmental power, enhancing government ability to monitor its
citizens and potentially control individuals. the NSA uses supercomputers to hack even encrypted
systems. This opens a wider door for hackers; it leaves us more vulnerable to being hacked by
others, and not just the
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Summary: A Surveillance Society
A Surveillance Society by William Thompson and Joseph Hickey is the critique of the increased
surveillance in nations across the world but more specifically the United States. This article
describes what new surveillance equipment is out there and how people use it. What is interesting
about this article is that it is important to everyone because the topic touches everyone's lives. It tells
how governments, and criminals can use surveillance equipment to affect your life, such as taking
personal info such as email and banking statements without the you ever knowing. This is do to the
patriot act which was created after the events of 9/11 which gives the government a right to "search
suspected terrorists" which by the government standard
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Surveillance On Privacy
This week's readings covered approaches to privacy through different disciplines, analyzed privacy
historically and conceptually, addressed negative views on technology's affect on privacy, and
explained what one should reasonable expect in terms of one's own privacy. Outside of these points
are also common themes. Philosophically, privacy has multiple functions, states, and approaches,
including communitarians who sometimes favor limiting privacy for the "greater good," or view
privacy as valuable to society as a whole. Economically, privacy has commercial and market value,
with financial tradeoffs. Sociologically, surveillance is viewed in terms of its affect on individuals
and society in a behavioral sense. Privacy does not have one definition,
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A World Of Complete Surveillance
Do we want to live in a world of complete surveillance? Well we don 't have a choice it seems. In a
world of cameras monitoring our every move in the streets and in every establishment, we are on
camera 99% of the time once we leave the house. With all our privacy being stripped away in the
name of €OUR€ safety, it seems that things will just continue to get worse. I 'm sure we all are
aware of drones and their capabilities, but do we realize what this means for a society we live in?
We would think that 99% of the population is against this kind of move forward in our surveillance
society. Here are some stats on the current drone status in America.
We like to think of the drone war as something far away, fought in the deserts of the middle east or
the mountains of Afghanistan. But we now know it is closer than we thought. There are 64 drone
bases on American soil. That includes 12 locations housing Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial
vehicles, which can be armed.
Public Intelligence, a non–profit that advocates for free access to information, released a map of
military UAV activities in the United States on Tuesday. Assembled from military sources €"
especially this little–known June 2011 Air Force presentation (.pdf) – it is arguably the most
comprehensive map so far of the spread of the Pentagon 's unmanned fleet. What exact missions are
performed at those locations, however, is not clear. Some bases might be used as remote cockpits to
control the robotic aircraft
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Electronic Surveillance Requirements
The Legal Requirements for Electronic Surveillance In order to understand the controversy
involving the warrantless surveillance of American citizens, foreign nationals, foreign governments
or terrorists, one must first understand the laws that pertain to the warrantless use of electronic
surveillance with regards to foreign governments, foreign powers and American citizens. The use of
electronic surveillance by the government of the United States (U.S.) has a long contentious history
due to Presidents of the United States abusing their executive powers by using federal law
enforcement and federal intelligence agencies to conduct domestic surveillance activities for
political purposes, personal reasons or international uses that were inappropriate ... Show more
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Intelligence Agencies and their intelligence gathering activities (Epic, n.d.). The FISC was initially
composed of seven Federal Judges, but it was expanded to eleven Federal Judges after the
enactment of the U.S. Patriot Act. The eleven Federal Judges are appointed to FISC by the United
States Supreme Court and three of them must reside within 20 miles of Washington, D.C. (Epic,
n.d.). Most FISC hearings and court orders are classified due to the sensitivity of the information
that they contain with regards to national security. Although the FISC is located at a secure facility
in Washington, D.C., FISC Judges can issue court orders and authorize searches or electronic
surveillance within the confines of the United States (Epic,
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NSA Surveillance Cons
The presence of national surveillance in the United States is a widely debated topic, and there are
many positives and negatives to both sides. Although it has been operating for such a lengthy time,
the true actions of the NSA were revealed recently in the Snowden Leaks of 2013. Many state that
the NSA is good and necessary because they "have nothing to hide" and because it will prevent
future terrorist attacks. However, others argue that the surveillance violates the Fourth Amendment
and is useless. Even though there appear to be many pros of having the NSA operate as they
currently do, they should be disregarded because such intrusive surveillance is unlawful, racist, and
The Fourth Amendment has been morphed from a rigid ... Show more content on ...
The arguments of those who support the NSA have been refuted in the above paragraphs as they are
illogical and unfounded. The NSA has twisted the Fourth Amendment so much that it is nearly
unrecognizable, and it has even created new laws in order for the government to deem its actions as
"legal". Surveillance is also convincing agents to incriminate innocent American citizens just based
on their religious affiliation. Agents are even willing to break laws in order to spy on certain
Muslim–Americans, despite having no evidence incriminating them. Also, data mining demands
FBI agents to focus on collecting data and chasing false leads instead of investigating actual cases.
This causes the government to lose credibility in their citizens' eyes, causing a large portion of the
public to withdraw their information from cloud computing companies, which will cost them up to
$35 million of revenue loss. Furthermore, the collection of data actually hinders the NSA's
counterrorism efforts because the NSA's analysts are unable to process the vast amount of
information that is being spewed at them. The mass amount of data that the NSA has acquired is also
a temptation to terrorists, thus making data collection even more useless. Ira Winkler, former NSA
analyst, concludes, "So, besides knowing that it's illegal,
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Surveillance In 1984

  • 1. Surveillance In 1984 Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way individuals in a society communicate and function. The twentieth century gave rise to the internet, radio communications, GPS technology, and countless other ways of capturing, documenting, and recording our lives. Due to rapid technological advancements, mass surveillance of populations is currently on the rise. Mass surveillance is defined as the use of technology for the intricate monitoring of the general population mainly by the government. Although mass surveillance has been used all throughout history, it is evident that the technologies of it are becoming more prevalent in our society today. Recently, there has been a growing concern over the implementation of mass surveillance ... Show more content on ... In Oceania, the fictional dystopian superstate, every citizen knows that they could be watched at any time. Surveillance is a prominent theme in the novel as there is no privacy amongst the residents of Oceania. Technology especially is an extremely important tool that the Party uses to maintain control over its citizens. For instance, in the novel there are two–way telescreens through which higher ranking Party members watch and record the activities of the citizens in Oceania at all times. Other common forms of surveillance in 1984 are the use microphones, thought crimes, and community involvement. According to the Party, this surveillance is for the amelioration of Oceania as a whole. Due to constant surveillance, every aspect of their lives are under control and scrutiny. The slogan, "Big Brother is watching you" is a constant reminder that the people of Oceania are being watched and that all their actions are potentially subject to disciplinary actions. Orwell's concerns about privacy and freedom expressed in the novel have been manifested in the contemporary ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Surveillance and Privacy Issues 2) It is getting ever easier to record anything, or everything, that you see. This opens fascinating possibilities–and alarming ones." The Economist, Nov. 16, 2013 Discuss this statement in the light of the medias recent preoccupation with surveillance and privacy issues. Include government surveillance and social media. For example the young woman who accused Florida state quarterback jameis Winston of rape was identified by football fans on social media and had ugly anonymous things posted about her. Nearly every major international agreement on human rights protects the right of individuals to be free from unwarranted surveillance. This guarantee has trickled down into national constitutional or legal provisions, ... Show more content on ... The NSA decided to take advantage of the smartphone boom when worldwide sales of smartphones began. This is particularly advantageous because the smartphone combines a plethora of data that would interest an intelligence agency, such as social contacts, user behavior, interests, location, photos and credit card numbers and passwords, etc. One of the leaked NSA reports from 2010 stated that the spread of the smartphone has been occurring "extremely rapidly" and showed they have set up task forces assigned to several smartphone manufacturers and operating systems, including Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iOS operating system, as well as Google's Android mobile operating system, according to a German news weekly Der Spiegel. The document notes that there are smaller NSA programs, known as "scripts," that can perform surveillance on 38 different features of the iPhone 3 and iPhone 4 operating systems. These include the mapping feature, voicemail and photos, as well as Google Earth, Facebook and Yahoo! Messenger. Although the government is secretly watching the public, the public isn't making it hard for them to do so. Consumers and online extraverts, willingly and perhaps unknowingly, disclose sensitive information about themselves daily thanks to the rapid pace of technological advancement. Look no further than smartphones and social media. We live in an age ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay On Government Surveillance "The United States government should have limited grounds to monitoring the American people. With the continuing technological advances, it is impossible to not have government supervision: It is important to this supervision for the safety of the nation. The issue with our current system of government surveillance is the lack of transparency between the citizens and the nation. While government surveillance has become more accepted, as seen with the rise of memes that make fun of the topic, there is still the underlying paranoia. Hackers are able to use the same technology as the government for identity theft, this helped normalize covering up webcams. This phenomenon has become so common that Silicon Valley celebrities like Mark Zuckerberg do this as well. (1) This internal rebellion of the American people does not mean that there should be no surveillance. Terroristic plots, domestic or not, have been foiled with the help of surveillance. Even if they are not initially foiled, access to our information has helped piece together ... Show more content on ... This is where limitations should be set. It is a waste of resources to collect the information of a college student that searched ‚ÄúWhat causes a genocide‚Äù or ‚ÄúFascism‚Äù for a research paper. Or the collection of phone numbers of the American people. There should be more limitations, checks and balances, for what can be monitored and for what amount of time. Along with this, we should not be monitoring the affairs of other countries, for it is not our ground to do so. We are not the ‚ÄúWorld‚Äôs police‚Äù and we should not be when we have internal problems in our nation. If there is an interest in the supervision of an outside government, we should be able to rely on our allied nations to decide the course of action. The mentality of ‚ÄúUs against the world‚Äù is similar to the tensions of World War I and should be reversed as soon as ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Increasing Government Surveillance Is increasing government surveillance ethical in regards to exchanging consumer privacy for public safety? This question popped up immediately when I heard the prompt, as I'm sure some others have said too. Of course, it didn't come out right off the bat, but instead I asked myself what would be an easy yet interesting topic to write about. Originally I was only going to focus on recent events such as the FBI v. Apple case, but then I noticed I can delve deeper into the subject with past events such as recent leaks from whistleblowers and the growing concern of one's personal privacy. You can talk about the NSA and post–9/11 U.S security measures for government surveillance and various other things, it doesn't solely revolve around leaks and ... Show more content on ... Surveillance and the right to privacy have far reaching consequences and implications. In fact, both involve even more topics such as encryption, hacking, and leaks of sensitive information. Sure it is easy to conclude from the sources included in this piece that surveillance does diminish personal privacy to a certain extent, but it's better to deduce that more people should understand and be aware of how serious of an issue this really is. There are people who seek to promote and diminish surveillance and consumer's control of their own information and that contributes to the complexity of this growing problem. The research done so far only touches the surface of why it is important for people to learn about protecting themselves from unwanted spying, yet it still needs to expand into explaining more in depth the goals of the government agencies that encourage surveillance programs. As of now, after reviewing all these sources, I think it is important to stress that this issue is not simple. Moreover, is it worth it for an individual to sacrifice personal liberties such as privacy for "safety" through increased surveillance? Consumer privacy should not be sacrificed to ensure public safety since this would undermine the personal liberties of millions of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Examples Of Intrusive Surveillance Intrusive Surveillance Can be carried out by covertly following suspects in unmarked, normal looking vehicles, or through infiltration whereby an undercover officer infiltrates the targeted suspect group and covertly gathers evidence. Surveillance devices can also be used when investigating suspects; these can be anything from tracking devices to phone bugging. Officers may infiltrate a suspect's home or business and plant listening devices and bugs throughout the area; these will then be monitored in an unmarked vehicle parked close by. These vehicles are often disguised as moving vans or delivery vans. Another way officers may plant listening devices is to pose as electricians, plumbers and gas men, etc. These are all more commonly used by ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Panopticism: Surveillance Or Privacy? Safety and stability are important concepts in society. However, are they more important than privacy? Privacy helps individuals preserve their sovereignty. People define themselves by controlling the information about themselves. People are not forced to answer for the choices they make about what information is shared and what is not. In the essay, "Panopticism," Michel Foucault brings to attention some concerns on the use of surveillance. He says, in the past surveillance has been enacted on individuals, causing their behavior to change. This has led to the panoptic society of today. One aspect that has greatly been influenced is education. Overall, the advantages of Panopticism outweigh the disadvantages. In "Panopticism," Foucault observes ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, the positive parts of this theory do outweigh the negatives. For example, the security cameras do prevent incidents from occurring. They allow the school to keep track of students without having to devote more manpower. This saves them money, which can be used elsewhere. However, as Pat Amos, Dr. Julia White and Barbara Trader have said in their scholarly article on whether cameras should be used to monitor disabled students, there are drawbacks to implementing camera surveillance. For instance, the students will feel that they are losing their rights. Students will not be able to build trust with the teachers. Also, inappropriate behavior will find ways of getting past the cameras. Case in point, there will be no surveillance in the bathrooms or the angle from the cameras might not catch everything in a classroom. Bad behavior will just go underground (Amos, White, Trader ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Surveillance Surveillance is always around us. There are so many reasons why it is needed. Without surveillance, danger is always there. There are cameras and devices that are on watch everywhere, which is just like in 1984. In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the citizens are always seen through the telescreens under the government. In stores, streets, restaurants, prisons, schools, and other places, there are surveillance cameras. For example, there have been many incidents where people got hurt and injured lately, and these are proven to have happened because of the cameras everywhere. Without the help of these cameras, the main cause of these awful events would not have been caught by now and are still running around from place to place causing more trouble. However, it is not just in places where there's surveillance, online also have people watching what you are doing. These surveillance invading people's "privacy" are not that serious, and cameras watching them wherever they go is for their own safety. Not everyone follows the laws that have been officially confirmed and established by the government. There are citizens who go around breaking rules on the streets, online, and in any type of events. On the streets, there are drivers who do not drive according to the law. Since cars are very fast, "people are notoriously bad at observing and remembering exactly what happened," says Eugene Volokh [the author of the article 'The Benefits of Surveillance']. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Warrantless Surveillance Warrantless Surveillance is a Necessity Desperate times call for desperate measures, or at least measures that will sometimes go against the norms. The idea of balancing security and individual liberty is a false one, in my opinion. I believe this because we have no control over terrorism and terrorists, we can make sure everyone is enjoying their individual privacy rights granted under the United States Constitution, but we cannot assure security from terrorists and their attacks. It is difficult to balance two different issues when we do not have control of both of them, to do this we must first win the fight against terrorism, and then focus on balancing security and liberty. The intelligence community has been dealing with the problem ... Show more content on ... Terrorists around the world communicate via the internet, and plan their operations and even recruit their followers by utilizing the same information systems that we try to keep so private. Telling our intelligence agencies that surveillance of such communication without the proper bureaucratic requirements being meet is unauthorized is counterproductive and it will do more harm than good (Van Cleave, 2013, p 64). We must not play the song of the day just because it is playing everywhere else. Americans need to think by themselves and understand that the threat we face is greater than our internet and communications privacy. Privacy that is not so private after all if we remember the hackings of Target, the Office of Personal Management, Ashley Madison, and other internet based businesses and organizations that were hacked not by the NSA, but by private individuals. We should allow our intelligence agencies do their job with the necessary oversight and remember that if we are not doing anything wrong then we have nothing to fear. Regardless, it is ridiculous to think that the NSA will care much for your love affair emails, or the pictures from your bachelor ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Essay On Government Surveillance Abstract You are under surveillance right now. Everything that you search, and everywhere that you go is being recorded and stored in a private corporation's warehouse, sitting and waiting for it to be recalled and analyzed. In the past, information was much more difficult to come by. Files were only made on individuals that have been identified as suspects. Now with the help of personal laptops, cellphones and modern technology, being watched has become so much simpler. No one is exempt from the surveillance state that we live in today, and our freedom is paying the price. Why do we have it? That's a question that crosses everyone minds. The people who decided that there needed to be a watchdog hidden in our devices say that we need this ... Show more content on ... Governments want more power: Government power is increasing on the Internet. There is more government surveillance than ever before. There is more government censorship than ever before. There is more government propaganda, and an increasing number of governments are controlling what their users can and cannot do on the Internet. Totalitarian governments are embracing a growing "cyber sovereignty" movement to further consolidate their power. And the cyberwar arms race is on, pumping an enormous amount of money into cyber–weapons and consolidated cyber–defenses, further increasing government power. Protection against terrorism: The argument used by governments and other organizations is that to protect us from terrorist they must watch our habits on and offline. At a quick glance, it seems to make sense. Especially with the "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear," line that is thrown around so much. They say that if we watch you, we can also watch those who are criminals, and that you will be safer this way. Therefore, what the government uses security cameras in public spaces, when they use their powers to enact warrantless wiretapping, with what they say is only minimal invasion of the privacy of its citizen. However, that is only one side of the store, the side that has all the power and trust of its ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Digital Surveillance Government's Digital Surveillance:Invasion of Privacy Rights Is the government's use of Big Brothers totalitarian ways for surveillance justified? No, the government surveillance isn't justified, because it is an invasion to individual rights. Big Brother is the totalitarian ruler in the book 1984 who always has a watch on the citizens of Oceania. Many governments around the world are using surveillance as a way to obtain people's private information. The United States has the Bill of Rights, which are the first ten amendments protecting individual rights of the people. The National Security Agency of the United States (NSA) is in charge of intelligence organization. In contradiction to the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights, the United States uses NSA programs to unwarrantedly search people's records and monitor personal lives. Many other countries also use the media to censor and repress individual freedom. The ... Show more content on ... Digital surveillance creates a barrier from letting one think for themselves because of the constant fear of being watched. As said in the book They Know Everything About You: How Data– Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy, "Indeed, the unique value of Internet data mining is this ability to fine–tune outreach and manipulation of individual desire based on the most intimate mapping of personal taste, fears, and aspirations" (Scheer,108). Having the power to control another's personality is an immense power, and it can be used for the wrong reasons. Surveillance takes the independent rights away by restricting the first and the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights. The continuous use of digital surveillance will inevitably endanger freedom and censor every part of society. Big Brother is still currently winning, and only the people can create a change by choosing standing ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Essay On Government Surveillance Right now, in this very moment everyone is being watched. There is no escaping it; they're everywhere. Who, people might ask, is behind the cameras? The government is who is watching. The government believes it's necessary to watch over everyone's activities at all times. No matter what it is that people are engaged in, it's never private. Government surveillance has come to a point where privacy no longer exists. Even if people are doing nothing wrong, they're still under close watch. People's individual liberties are being violated, and they do not trust the government, instead they live in fear of it. Is all this government supervision really worth taking the right of privacy away from the citizens? As soon as someone steps out into ... Show more content on ... About 14% of the country's total intelligence budget goes to the NSA. That's about $10 billion contributing to the invasion of privacy of the people. The money being used to pay for these mass surveillance programs are the taxpayers money. In reality people are paying to be spied on without even knowing it. People have the right to know what the money they pay in taxes every single day is being used for. Even if that means letting them know their privacy is currently being ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Against Surveillance There are two values conflicting each other: national security and privacy of human rights. A controversial issue with those two values has got a lot of attention from the world. We found a case reflecting our topic; Snowden case. In that case indiscriminate surveillance were revealed by a man from inside. Some criticize him, but some support him. Through debates we have been at against indiscriminate surveillance. Surveillance by intelligence agencies violates human rights because of over–controlling, intended fear by government, and privacy as noble value. Nowadays we are against over–control violating the civil rights and becoming hidden from public monitoring beyond the genuine purpose what it was created for: To protect the population from terrorist attacks Greenwald (2015). US is one of the countries that more overcontrolling generates over its citizens own and foreign people across the world. They started surveillance programs, with the aims to gather tremendous amount of information and conduct surveillance ... Show more content on ... (Cyber–privacy? or cyber–surveillance? Legal responses to fear in cyberspace, 2014) There are two kinds of surveillance, one military–security. It mindset leads to the perception of cyberspace as militarised space and application of notions such as cyber–war. Another one is liberal–security; mindset generates a more balance approach to the needs of national security, versus the privacy of individual. Also, it illustrates an issue which is taking children's photography at school could cause danger. Citizens have rights to protect their privacy, nobody wants their information lost. Surveillance make citizens sleep with eyes open, they fear about governments steal their privacy. This threat is not easy to deal with, either real world and ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Essay On Government Surveillance United States government surveillance in its earliest form can be traced back to the countries roots. During the American Revolution there were secret writings and codes being deciphered. During the Civil War wiretapping was used to intercept telegraph lines. Afterwards, the telephone was a new device that was tapped into in order to record calls of others. So through time and with each new invention we see a new way we can be monitored. Today, the art of war and the tactics to supervise the possible opposition is very different. Although we still have telephones that can be monitored and snail mail that can be tracked, there are a few more items that enable others to keep us under surveillance without our awareness. Today there are emails, ... Show more content on ... Canine and everyone after that is a U.S. military commissioned officer, typically a 3–star officer. The reason being is that the NSA is not a civilian agency and do not operate as one, they do collect information from civilian agencies. The current director is General Keith B. Alexander. By their definition the NSA does three things. The NSA prevents foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information. The NSA collects, processes, and publishes intelligence information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes while supporting military operations. The NSA enables Network Warfare operations to defeat terrorist where they exists under United States laws. However, their definition does not include the fact that many of the surveillance programs they use do not rule out citizens as part of their operations. Their mission statements and war on terrorism initiates never state the cost to its citizens or the reason for the war on terrorism. Although the NSA is known to many for its surveillance tactics on the U.S. citizens, it operates within the Department of defense as a military unit for communication intelligence within United States ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Surveillance Technology In Australia Surveillance technology Assess the role of law reform in addressing emerging technological issues and enforcing rights? Introduction Surveillance involves the monitoring of a person, place or object to obtain certain information or to alter or control the behaviour of the subject of the surveillance. Surveillance can be covert or overt, and can be conducted by a variety of individuals, agencies or organisations for different reasons. However, it is known that as technology expands, sensitive issues expand alongside or perhaps beyond certain limits. For surveillance, the Intrusive issues fall under covert surveillance off course, the surveillance that is carried out in relation to anything taking place on residential premises or in any private ... Show more content on ... Additional restriction surrounds Covert surveillance, as this type of surveillance is more problem attracting. Such acts are not prohibited through common laws, provided that the tapes must be valid as legal evidence if under examinations to prove in court that public policy reasons for not allowing filming of this type are not present. Unless given appropriate authorisation, even employees are defended in opposition to prohibited monitoring by employers through such methods of CCTV cameras or computer, internet and email surveillance and are supported by legislations of such: Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW); Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972 (SA); Listening Devices Act 1991 (Tas); Surveillance Devices (Workplace Privacy) Act 2006 (Vic); Surveillance Devices Act 1998 (WA); Workplace Privacy Act 2011 ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Government Surveillance Report The part of Dr. Christ's lecture that remained in my mind was his input on the topic of surveillance. In fact when he mentioned that google is able to track us, I immediately opened my phone and shut down the ability for google to track my location. My animation connects to Dr. Christ's lecture in the sphere of "surveillance" while at first this doesn't seem to connect with my project I will show you why. Notice when you were playing the game as you moved smug, the cat, the ball followed. This is my way of showing government surveillance. The ball reacting to smug's movements serve as a metaphor for the way that the government is able to track us via google, our phones and various other mechanisms. Also notice that you can trick the ball into going away from smug. This trick is a metaphor for how people can encrypt information and use the dark web to keep information away from the government. Also the ability to trick the ball into going in the wrong direction serves as a metaphor for how the government is a massive inept bureaucracy that struggles to complete even the most simple tasks with easy and swiftness. ... Show more content on ... Representing the people and their information. The ball represents the government, its ability to track information and how it keeps surveillance on people. The most difficult part of the project was trying to figure out how to make the cat reset if it came into contact with ball. Determining how to do this took the most time of my entire project, about thirty minutes. For me the most fun part of the project was actually playing the game. Specifically, I enjoyed tricking the ball into going into the wrong direction thus making Smug's crossing much easier than it would have been without tricking the ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Mass Surveillance Analysis When Edward Snowden leaked a large cache of classified NSA documents to the press in 2012 he fanned the flames of an already suspicious public by revealing an astonishing amount of information about the United States government's mass surveillance operations in our country, and around the globe. These revelations weren't quite as surprising to many experts in the field of cryptography and internet security, especially in the post 9/11 era, as the unprecedented amount of power granted to the federal government in the wake of those attacks, in the form of the Patriot Act, has given rise to warrantless wiretapping and blanket surveillance tactics that are used in the fight against domestic terrorism. However, government surveillance dates back ... Show more content on ... These findings aim to better inform the reader of what constitutes true privacy in a surveillance, and raise concerns about violations to our constitutional right to privacy and security in the digital age. This work will also aim to identify the common methods that are used by Internet Service Providers to protect their customers' personal information, and the lengths at which law enforcement and government intelligence agencies will go through to compromise that protection and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Public Surveillance From a recent increase in crime rates surveillance in public entities have increased. Many individuals argue that public surveillance is an invasion of privacy and feel uncomfortable with their every move being watched. Others believe without public surveillance, crime rates would be increased. In a country of over 300 million people surveillance is widely used to identify criminals. Since public surveillance reduces crime by 20 percent and protects over 300 million lives, it is not an abuse of power; in fact it balances the use of power. In the codebreaker, by Michael Petry, the Puppet Master uses the schools "state of the art" surveillance against the FBI. The Puppet Master used the schools cameras to show how surveillance is an abuse ... Show more content on ... Surveillance is used to protect the daily lives of many animals and people. As a result surveillance was not meant to be an invasion of privacy; it was meant to protect privacy. Surveillance is a use of power needed to slow crime and protects many animals and people from harm. Public surveillance is kept away from areas where privacy could be invaded. If something private needs to be done in public, it should be done in a private environment. To ensure your privacy in public check for cameras or other devices that could expose you. In conclusion ensure your privacy in public entities and ensure everything is done privately. According to Eugene Volokh "camera systems can promote both security and liberty". Surveillance protects many people without limiting their freedom. In a public area you are exposed to many people. Volokh also states "cameras are in public places, where people's faces and cars are visible to everyone. Cameras only catch what any passerby, and any police officer who might be present, can lawfully see". From the information given, public surveillance only records what any officer of person can ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Essay On Domestic Surveillance Everyday, many people are unknowing victims of domestic surveillance, a controversial topic about government watch over people. This type of surveillance is when the government keeps U.S. citizens under great scrutiny through a variety of methods to protect the citizens. The supervision causes dissent because the system may save some people, but also violates other's privacy. Either way, domestic surveillance should still be ended because the usage of non–stop recording police body cameras, hacked webcams and microphones in devices, and increase in biometric monitoring for security. First of all, one reason why domestic surveillance should be stopped is because police body cameras possibly recording at all times. One concern this brings up is trust between people and officers, as stated ... Show more content on ... In accordance to Joseph Lazzarotti, a more advance employee badge "captures sleep patterns, analyzes voice, monitors body language and fitness, tracks location, and the levels of communications with colleagues. This and other data is combined with the employee's email and phone activity to produce insights into productivity levels and the employee's emotions, including stress and coping levels,"(National Law Review). Furthermore, more issues arise related to how Lauren Gilmore expresses how "data sold to marketers or gobbled up into an authoritarian database isn't reversible. Research on biometric tech has amped up, leading to mobile apps that read various unique–to–you body parts to help verify your identity, raising all kinds of security and privacy concerns,"(The Next Web). Although you may believe the enhanced technology allows people to understand and improve their work behavior, the facts clearly prove that without proper security, these new machines could endanger multiple aspects such as confidentiality, accounts, and admission ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Government Surveillance In America More than 2 billion people use the Internet worldwide; out of that 2 billion 78.6% of the users are in North America. Now imagine 25,445,292 Americans living in a world where their every move is being monitored. A dark world where there is no secret to who a person is, no secret to where they have been, or whom they associate with. The word privacy just does not exist in this world. The question people should be asking are who are watching them? Before September 11, Americans were not comfortable with the thought of the government's surveillance of their Internet activities; they saw this as an invasion of their privacy. After the attack and despite discomfort, the government increased internet surveillance to monitor future threats. Is government ... Show more content on ... Since technology is constantly evolving and progressing, this can make it hard to stay on top of things. What is cybercrime or a cyber–criminal someone may ask? Hate crimes, Internet fraud, identity theft, and credit card account thefts are considered cybercrimes and cyber criminals or cyber terrorists commit these crimes. These crimes are so complex it can be hard to break down the barriers that can be lead to solving this problem. Major problems are that there is a lack of knowledge in reporting these crimes, and how to keep identity and data secure. At a TED Conference, James Lyne a cybersecurity specialist addresses that cybercriminals are getting smarter every day and their crimes are becoming more complex. Through simple things Americans do each day, malicious viruses are contracted, and the culprit: cybercriminals. They post up what could be called an advertisement on YouTube, selling their services to unsuspecting Americans to use their hacking skills if needed. They are also making money off the viruses they put out. If someone were on a particular site where the cybercriminal implanted the virus that person would then have the virus; first it would pop up as antivirus protector, then pretending to scan the computer it would say the user had all these so called viruses. It will then proceed to ask the user if they would like to register to use said ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Mass Surveillance Controversy Before the technological age, there were thousands of years in which the only way to record an image was to painstakingly spend countless hours painting it onto a canvas. Now, we have the ability to record video, in amazingly high definition, with a camera lense that is remarkably small. With the boom that technology has had, we have not been able to keep up with the laws that surround it. One such controversy, is the use of mass surveillance. We have been unable to decide if it is ethical to breach everyone's right to privacy in the name of supposedly preventing crime. After a careful analysis of the benefits and liabilities that mass surveillance brings, it was found that mass surveillance is a breach of people's right to privacy, and is impractical in preventing crime. ... Show more content on ... Those boxes allow you to see what others are up to, and others to see what you are up to. Brin seems to forget that the government needs his accountability matrix as well, and is particularly fond of box number two (tools that prevent [citizens] from seeing what [the government is] up to). Their access to box number two is needed, lest we allow criminals access to sensitive information. He goes on to say, "Two millennia ago Juvenal posed the riddle, 'Who shall watch the watchman?' There is just one answer. We all will" (Brin 475) implying that we would be the ones to make sure the government is just with it's usage of the mass surveillance systems. Much like we made sure it was just in it's dealing with the segregation of African Americans, and made sure that everything was 'separate but equal'. We are unable to trust the government, as well as its citizens, to make sure that mass surveillance is used justly. We should prevent the pyromaniac form starting fires by not allowing them ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Surveillance: The Right To Privacy Surveillance is violating everyone's privacy in their daily lives, uncensoring very sensitive information with the trackers called "electronic devices". Surveillance is being used constantly by the biggest internet providing services and certain device producers to gather information and use it for advertising and more. Usually, the information gathered is sold to advertising companies, providing them information with what commercials to spam individuals with. This topic is highly controversial as some may say it is intruding privacy but others say it can be used for a good cause. Surveillance is not justifiable because it disturbs privacy and sells sensitive information to advertisers First, constant surveillance intrudes privacy to such ... Show more content on ... For example, electronic devices collect information in three ways,"One is through audience measurement – showing what programs and commercials people watched, along with how and when they viewed it. Another is from gauging the effectiveness of advertisements, including the ability to "analyze a household's behavior across devices," using the IP address attached to all the internet– enabled gadgets in a home. That could mean tracking whether someone visited a website on their laptop after seeing a fast food commercial, or if an online ad motivated them to watch a TV show." (New York Times). The evidence is saying that companies are collecting information through watching history. After they collect people's viewing information, they will sell thousands of this type data to certain advertisers. The advertisers then see what commercials were effective on certain households and adjust the advertisements to the viewer's preferences. This means that any electronic device is continuously stealing data without consent and selling it to advertisers which are unacceptable. Another reason why surveillance is unacceptable is because "Vizio provided IP addresses to data aggregators that would remove a person's name, but still match the TV viewing habits to other personal information like "sex, age, income, marital status, household size, education, homeownership and household value"(New York Times). The evidence is saying that along with commercial effectiveness data, classified information such as sex, age, and income are also being sold with it. This should be completely intolerable because the information that people would like to keep very secret is being thrown out there utterly violating rights to privacy. On the other hand, others may say, "this information can be used to catch people who are trying to hack a ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Controversy: Surveillance Surveillance Essay Some might say that surveillance is an arbitrary invasion of privacy and others might mention that it is ¨big brother¨ watching over you with your best interest at hand. The controversial issues that provoked controversy, is whether it is justifiable or not justifiable for people in positions of authority to conduct surveillance of individuals. A textbook definition of surveillance is the continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity to gather information. Overall, surveillance of the data and civilians phones can be favorable to their security and their community. One reasons why monitoring an adolescent's phone can be beneficial is it can stop suicide attempts as well as fatal actions. Another reason ... Show more content on ... As the author explains how the Long Beach police uses cameras statewide, the author states, "McDonnell has set up a system to tap into hundreds of privately owned cameras that are part of the city's streetscape. The new program synchronizes law enforcement data with real–time video feeds from parks, beaches, business corridors and even some retail centers," (Source 2). In other words, Long Beach has installed cameras to record day and night throughout the city for the safety of the community. The security system will show live feed of the community recording and storing data, which can be accessed later to review any suspicious crime. For example, if an attack happened and no one was caught, police have the technology to review the crime scene and track the suspects afterward. Additionally, The Los Angeles Times credited journalist, Richard Winton disclosed, "The cameras are connected to a city operations center with computer terminals that can access an array of databases from the Justice Department, Department of Motor Vehicles and other agencies, allowing staff to chase down the slimmest of clues, such as a partial license plate in a bank robbery getaway," (Source 2). As shown above, the camera system automatically saves the video evidence for police officers to access after a crime. The camera ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Summary: A Surveillance Society Beware people , cameras are rolling. In the article "A Surveillance Society" by authors William E. Thompson and Joseph V. Hickey, discusses its technology, government, safety, lack of privacy, and the magnitude of being under surveillance. To bring to light, on a surveilled society Thompson and Hickey, describe the surveillance systems and what they are equipped to do. Some of these devices are able to scan and analyze , what they are surveilling and recording, also notify authorities of any suspicious activity. Another example is advanced scanners, that can trace ink pattern and whats in side of mail without even opening the envelope. The authors also explores on the possibilities of tiny cameras that will able to flying and out doors and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Fear Of Surveillance In this way, every institution in society are almost like panopticon as in the way it works as a disciplinary power to classify, define, regulate and control people. People will have the threat of surveillance and this threat is celebrated by transforming it into regulatory and disciplinary tool for institutions. It is the medium that government uses to discipline the bodies and tie them in its principles. This regulatory mechanism works when people come under the knowledge of being controlled without knowing when exactly they being observed, and it lead them to obey the norms. It is the way power enforces on people. Behind every self–disciplinary acts, fear of surveillance is visible. In this way, there is no 'natural' body or pre–discursive, essential human subject who is "amputated, repressed, altered by our social order, it is rather that the individual is ... Show more content on ... Susan Bordo in her work, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body, points out that "the human body is itself a politically inscribed entity, its physiology and morphology shaped by histories and practices of containment and control." (1993, 21). That is, a pure body cannot be found, it is already inscribed, defined and explained by its very origin. But it is significant to analyze that body cannot be included and excluded in a fixed definition of society as in the way it's beyond the fixity. Body is a social construction and its performance itself is a socially constructed notion. Performance of body according to gender, race, class, cast, power, in this way the very body and its performance are assigned, classified and conditioned by the society. Performance of a body in a fixed notion rightly points towards the imitation of the constructed norms of society. It is the way gender also ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Police Surveillance What do people usually think of when they hear the word "surveillance"? Some think about privacy, a common thought is security, and even some may just think about the pros or cons of the technology at hand. The word surveillance is a common word and the proper definition is a close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. This surveillance we know about is very common among those who are concerned with personal safety or safety of an entire country. Although, not always does surveillance have to do with security or criminal activity. There are several different types of surveillance and the more common one's being video cameras, computer surveillance, telephones and even in recent years, drones are used as a surveillance. All ... Show more content on ... The cameras often times are used for law enforcement, but in the court of law it shows fine details of everything recorded. On this aspect the general population see this as a positive effect on society and in a court of law prove someone's innocence. For example, some images captured on film are disturbing to a degree such as police brutality or domestic violence, but these are on film and can be useful to find those guilty or innocent. It seems important to a lot of people that there be justice in the court of law where needed. Although, the other end of the spectrum people tend to want their privacy and continue to question how far the NSA will go to invade an individual's private affairs. Benefits of a surveillance society is adds more to the state and every individual wish to reside in surveillance society. And the reason is that people love their freedom and always keep their privacy at first. However, the data recorded by surveillance media will help to provide better justice. Unfortunately, the idea that somehow we are safer or crime is deterred by more surveillance has not been completely proven. Another pro that our surveillance technology provides is the advances for the military. Cameras can now see, from a safe enough distance, the difference from civilian groups to enemy targets. If the surveillance gives us an edge over our enemies be it in sea land air and especially in cyberspace or to prevent terrorist attacks, the majority will agree with ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Persuasive Speech On Surveillance ppose you're walking home one night, alone, and you decide to take a shortcut through a dark alley. You make it halfway through, when suddenly you hear some drunks stumbling behind you. Some of them are shouting curses. They look large and powerful, and there are several of them. Nonetheless, you feel safe, because you know someone is watching. You know this because you live in the future where surveillance is universal, ubiquitous and unavoidable. Governments and large corporations have spread cameras, microphones and other tracking devices all across the globe, and they also have the capacity to store and process oceans of surveillance data in real time. Big Brother not only watches your sex life, he analyses it. It sounds nightmarish – but it might be ... Show more content on ... Instead of blanket bans in dangerous research areas, we could allow research to proceed and use surveillance to catch bad actors and bad practices. We might even see an increase in academic freedom. Surveillance could also be useful in smaller, more conventional disasters. Knowing where everyone in a city was at the moment an earthquake struck would make rescue services much more effective, and the more cameras around when hurricanes hit, the better. Over time, all of this footage would increase our understanding of disasters, and help us to mitigate their effects. Indeed, there are whole new bodies of research that could emerge from the data provided by mass surveillance. Instead of formulating theories and laboriously recruiting a biased and sometimes unwilling group for testing, social scientists, economists and epidemiologists could use surveillance data to test their ideas. And they could do itFROM HOME , immediately, and have access to the world's entire population. Many theories could be rapidly confirmed or discarded, with great benefit to society. The panopticon would be a research ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Surveillance Pros And Cons On the other hand, advocates justify the government's methods of mass surveillance by claiming that mass surveillance will keep people safer through monitoring terrorists after the attacks of 9/11. It is fair to say that surveillance tools may help the NSA find out some pieces of information related to terrorism; however, the point is that it may be not a necessary mean to detect terrorists through requiring Americans to give up privacy. The 9/11 attacks are a tragedy; the reason why the attacks happened was not that the government lacked sufficient power to surveil millions of innocent citizens, but that the security agencies failed to target suspected terrorists and enhance their abilities to gather foreign intelligence. More specifically, instead of monitoring citizens' private lives, the NSA should focus on paying effort to analyze how terrorists use ... Show more content on ... When the surveillance tools are reliable, they will definitely increase work efficiency. However, in some cases, the unreliability of the surveillance tools misguides intelligence agents to wrongfully arrest innocent people. Rahul Sagar, the associate professor of political science at Yale–NUS College, in "Against Moral Absolutism: Surveillance and Disclosure After Snowden," claims that the efficacy of surveillance tools is questionable. For example, over the holidays, Edward Allen was almost prevented from boarding flights from Houston to New York and back. It took his mother some time to explain that her son could not possibly be a terrorist because he is only four years old ("Op Ed: Why Should We Care About Domestic Spying?"). It seems that sometimes the government should not totally rely on mass surveillance tools as they are not reliable at all time. The unreliability of the tools will decrease the NSA's efficiency through distracting agents' attention from the real ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Technological Surveillance "The Surveillance Society," by Adam Penenburg explains the impact that the attacks on September 11th, 2001 had on usage of technological surveillance of the American people. Penenburg writes that the assault on U.S. soil caused a great shift between privacy and policy causing a bill to be signed into law granting the government easier access into our emails, web history, and even phone calls. Even with all the surveillance, Penenburg claims that people could care less because in a time of turmoil because they care deeply about safety. Surveillance can be used to convict criminals, stop car thieves, and prevent terrorism. The constant surveillance increases the amount of information available on every single person but is extremely difficult ... Show more content on ... He begins the article by mentioning September 11th, a tragic time in America's history that every citizen in the United States can relate to and uses this to allow a smooth transition into his main topic about the evolution of the "surveillance society. " Here he follows a very subtle pattern making the article an easy read for the audience. He first mentions a type of surveillance that is commonly used, then explains how it is used or what it is used for, and then follows up with a relatable example for the audience to consider and contemplate. For example, Penenburg writes about a famous service developed by General Motors called OnStar. OnStar is service that offers GPS and location services for their vehicles. He uses an example of how a man had his car stolen and immediately called OnStar. "Within minutes, officers swooped in on the vehicle and arrested the men" (Penenburg 472). This is a prime example of Penenburg's great organization of his article, not only does he use this with GPS locating, but tracking metro cards, credit cards, cameras, and the protection of the 4th amendment. His great organization gives the article a nice flow that the reader feels comfortable with allowing them to be persuaded further into agreeing with him that a "surveillance society" offers many benefits. Not only is Penenburg's article well organized ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Surveillance In The Workplace As more and more advancements are made in the wide world of technology, workplace surveillance seems like a logical step. However as with anything, there are pros and cons which should be considered. I think finding a balance that best serves the interests of success for businesses using it and the productivity of employees without creating an oppressive workplace is very important. This article did a good job of pointing out the proven success of creating an environment which encourages more interaction and teamwork among workers such as 15–minute coffee breaks and cafe spaces where they can take a few minutes to unwind and interact with each other. This helps them get to know their co–workers, feel less isolated and encourages better working relationships and creates more of a team feeling. ... Show more content on ... That requires the employer to have people skills as well as business skills. When a person feels like part of a team effort that's appreciated and acknowledged, they are much more likely to put their best effort into it. Of coarse, even taking this into account there will always be those employees who may be dishonest or lazy. This is where the employer needs to pinpoint who they are for the sake of their business investment. For many businesses employee theft is a growing problem. In a Business News Weekly article "Employee Theft Rising; Expected to Get Worse", at the loss–prevention consulting firm "Jack L. Hayes International" conducted a study of 23 large retail companies. It found 71,095 dishonest employees were apprehended in 2012, up 5.5 percent from 2011, 7 percent higher than the previous year. Any business has the right to protect itself from ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Electronic Surveillance Paper One of the unique techniques used in investigations is electronic surveillance. Electronic surveillance is a successful technique because it is keeping pace with advancing technology and highly sophisticated offenders. More specifically a common form of this type of surveillance is wiretapping. Wiretapping is the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone to secretly monitor a conversation (Colbridge, 2000). First of all, wiretapping use among investigators is increasing, but its difficulty in obtaining it shows a decline in use. The number of authorized wiretaps in 2014 was 3,554, which demonstrates a decrease by one percent in 2013. The most common crime investigated under wiretaps was drug offenses, they accounted for 89% ... Show more content on ... These should be compared to other methods of investigative techniques if the level of invasion can be avoided. It is important to examine the search warrant requirements to ensure it addresses and hits all points of what is necessary to avoid loopholes or make obtaining a warrant possible. In 2014 the number of wiretaps placed dropped from the number in 2013 because judges made it harder for prosecutors to obtain a warrant for wiretaps. In order to solve the wiretap controversy regarding the recording of officials' public focus groups should be in place. This would be a solution because in present society there are more cases of officials unlawfully using their power to detain citizens, especially those of color. Therefore it would be beneficial to create wiretap laws that will allow citizens to record their interaction if he/she believes they are being treated unfairly without being detained in an attempt to protect ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Persuasive Essay On Surveillance When people think of surveillance, people think that it consists of spies and hidden cameras. Surveillance, however, consist of a much wider range of practices and technologies and real surveillance is subtler as presented in the documentary "An Eye on You" by Alexandre Valenti. Developments in modern technologies, administrative practices, commerce, and the government have culminated in surveillance in its various manifestation becoming organizing practice of late modern society. The film presents information that support the daily surveillance of citizens by the governments as well as its opposing view. The legality of the non–stop surveillance of innocent people, and the secretly information collected by the internet companies that passed it to the business industries that uses this data to promote customized items to be specific for each customer. No areas of our own lives escape surveillance anymore, the citizens of the world are the focus of prying eyes, whether they agree to it or not. The government promotes the vigilance of its constituents for the sake of public safety through a group of organization where mass data collection and digital espionage programs, surveillance is becoming synonymous with personal and national security. To watch without being seen is the spirit of surveillance, through the use of all electronic devises when they connect to the internet, and how easy it is for the government and the internet companies to access all the information ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. How To Surveillance Shoppers Imagine being stalked at your favorite store, your every move, every facial expression you make, creepy right? Well, I think so too. This topic is very serious to talk about and address. People should know that this is something that isn't okay to keep a secret from shoppers. I chose this article because even though I can't change it by myself maybe I can convince people that this is not okay. Stores use these surveillance cameras to see what the shoppers look at, what they like, and how they react to things, and all of those sort of reasons. You know those super cute jeans you wanted from Aeropostale? Well they are so expensive and the camera's will see you put them back down and you might get a 20% off coupon on your phone just like that. Bam now you can get those jeans for much cheaper and you can look cute. Not only it saves you money, but the store might come out with more clothes similar to the ones you bought, so now you can have more clothes for cheap! As you can see it's a win–win situation for you, and you look stylish. That's a perfect way to save ... Show more content on ... That is invading privacy and you don't want them seeing your private things whether it's something in your purse or in your hand. If you are a girl with a purse or a guy with a man purse or a backpack or something, you could have a feminine product in there or a credit card, etc. Think of that really creepy employee going in the back room where the sign says "Employees only" and goes to watch the surveillance camera, only to zoom in on YOU and hack YOUR phone to find where you live, your phone number, etc. That is creepy and you don't want some guy you don't even know to come up and stalk you or text you. Keep in mind, this store doesn't want to make you happy, they want to make more money by giving you coupons and luring you back in, when in reality the coupons don't really take much ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Surveillance In 1984 Surveillance as a New Reality In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the main character Winston along with several others are under constant surveillance by the government also known as Big Brother. The use of technology plays a major role in the government's control of the citizens in the society. There should be a system put in place in order to avoid a totalitarian government from having dominating control. In 1984 there are parallels with the world we currently live in today when it comes to the government watching its citizens and monitoring what they do and who they do it with. The government in 1984 uses telescreens in order to keep an eye on their citizens. They do this to keep the civilians from rising up against the party and ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. NSA Surveillance Paper The National Security Agency operates the most secretive surveillance in history; however, disclosures have demonstrated the agency to be a rogue state that is out of control. Intelligence leaders have openly lied to elected officials and the public about the nature and extent of the agency's data collection. Policymakers and intelligence officials have supplied intensive surveillance that secretly monitors everything it can get its claws onto. The illegal surveillance of Americans was first discovered by the public in 2005. Since then, and before, many organizations were founded to defend civil liberties in our digital war such as the EFF. "Secret government documents, published by the media in 2013, confirm the NSA obtains full copies of everything that is carried along major domestic fiber optic cable networks. The reports showed–and the government later admitted–that the government is mass collecting phone metadata of all US customers under the guise of the Patriot Act. Moreover, the media reports confirm that the government is collecting and analyzing the content of communications of foreigners talking to persons inside the United States, as well as collecting much more, without a probable cause warrant."(EFF) NSA surveillance tracks the location of hundreds of millions of people, collects phone records of our entire nation, and taps into the very backbone of the internet. "The US government, with assistance from major ... Show more content on ... The internet represents a medium for both liberty and control. However, it can be used a a tool of control and dominance, increasing governmental power, enhancing government ability to monitor its citizens and potentially control individuals. the NSA uses supercomputers to hack even encrypted systems. This opens a wider door for hackers; it leaves us more vulnerable to being hacked by others, and not just the ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. Summary: A Surveillance Society A Surveillance Society by William Thompson and Joseph Hickey is the critique of the increased surveillance in nations across the world but more specifically the United States. This article describes what new surveillance equipment is out there and how people use it. What is interesting about this article is that it is important to everyone because the topic touches everyone's lives. It tells how governments, and criminals can use surveillance equipment to affect your life, such as taking personal info such as email and banking statements without the you ever knowing. This is do to the patriot act which was created after the events of 9/11 which gives the government a right to "search suspected terrorists" which by the government standard ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Surveillance On Privacy This week's readings covered approaches to privacy through different disciplines, analyzed privacy historically and conceptually, addressed negative views on technology's affect on privacy, and explained what one should reasonable expect in terms of one's own privacy. Outside of these points are also common themes. Philosophically, privacy has multiple functions, states, and approaches, including communitarians who sometimes favor limiting privacy for the "greater good," or view privacy as valuable to society as a whole. Economically, privacy has commercial and market value, with financial tradeoffs. Sociologically, surveillance is viewed in terms of its affect on individuals and society in a behavioral sense. Privacy does not have one definition, ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. A World Of Complete Surveillance Do we want to live in a world of complete surveillance? Well we don 't have a choice it seems. In a world of cameras monitoring our every move in the streets and in every establishment, we are on camera 99% of the time once we leave the house. With all our privacy being stripped away in the name of €OUR€ safety, it seems that things will just continue to get worse. I 'm sure we all are aware of drones and their capabilities, but do we realize what this means for a society we live in? We would think that 99% of the population is against this kind of move forward in our surveillance society. Here are some stats on the current drone status in America. We like to think of the drone war as something far away, fought in the deserts of the middle east or the mountains of Afghanistan. But we now know it is closer than we thought. There are 64 drone bases on American soil. That includes 12 locations housing Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles, which can be armed. Public Intelligence, a non–profit that advocates for free access to information, released a map of military UAV activities in the United States on Tuesday. Assembled from military sources €" especially this little–known June 2011 Air Force presentation (.pdf) – it is arguably the most comprehensive map so far of the spread of the Pentagon 's unmanned fleet. What exact missions are performed at those locations, however, is not clear. Some bases might be used as remote cockpits to control the robotic aircraft ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Electronic Surveillance Requirements The Legal Requirements for Electronic Surveillance In order to understand the controversy involving the warrantless surveillance of American citizens, foreign nationals, foreign governments or terrorists, one must first understand the laws that pertain to the warrantless use of electronic surveillance with regards to foreign governments, foreign powers and American citizens. The use of electronic surveillance by the government of the United States (U.S.) has a long contentious history due to Presidents of the United States abusing their executive powers by using federal law enforcement and federal intelligence agencies to conduct domestic surveillance activities for political purposes, personal reasons or international uses that were inappropriate ... Show more content on ... Intelligence Agencies and their intelligence gathering activities (Epic, n.d.). The FISC was initially composed of seven Federal Judges, but it was expanded to eleven Federal Judges after the enactment of the U.S. Patriot Act. The eleven Federal Judges are appointed to FISC by the United States Supreme Court and three of them must reside within 20 miles of Washington, D.C. (Epic, n.d.). Most FISC hearings and court orders are classified due to the sensitivity of the information that they contain with regards to national security. Although the FISC is located at a secure facility in Washington, D.C., FISC Judges can issue court orders and authorize searches or electronic surveillance within the confines of the United States (Epic, ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. NSA Surveillance Cons The presence of national surveillance in the United States is a widely debated topic, and there are many positives and negatives to both sides. Although it has been operating for such a lengthy time, the true actions of the NSA were revealed recently in the Snowden Leaks of 2013. Many state that the NSA is good and necessary because they "have nothing to hide" and because it will prevent future terrorist attacks. However, others argue that the surveillance violates the Fourth Amendment and is useless. Even though there appear to be many pros of having the NSA operate as they currently do, they should be disregarded because such intrusive surveillance is unlawful, racist, and ineffective. The Fourth Amendment has been morphed from a rigid ... Show more content on ... The arguments of those who support the NSA have been refuted in the above paragraphs as they are illogical and unfounded. The NSA has twisted the Fourth Amendment so much that it is nearly unrecognizable, and it has even created new laws in order for the government to deem its actions as "legal". Surveillance is also convincing agents to incriminate innocent American citizens just based on their religious affiliation. Agents are even willing to break laws in order to spy on certain Muslim–Americans, despite having no evidence incriminating them. Also, data mining demands FBI agents to focus on collecting data and chasing false leads instead of investigating actual cases. This causes the government to lose credibility in their citizens' eyes, causing a large portion of the public to withdraw their information from cloud computing companies, which will cost them up to $35 million of revenue loss. Furthermore, the collection of data actually hinders the NSA's counterrorism efforts because the NSA's analysts are unable to process the vast amount of information that is being spewed at them. The mass amount of data that the NSA has acquired is also a temptation to terrorists, thus making data collection even more useless. Ira Winkler, former NSA analyst, concludes, "So, besides knowing that it's illegal, ... Get more on ...